randoimago · 1 year
Ok Lets do the campaign cause I have yet to watch the show. (Maybe when I make more money Idk how much its cost on amazon prime,) How would Percy react to a monk/martial artist s/o asking him if he's willing to be help them practice a move that removes a weapon from hand. (Having Percy pretend to attack him with his gun.) I just got back from karate class it gave me the idea. If you don't feel comfortable writing this feel free to delete it.
S/O Disarming Them
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Percy De Rolo
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I think you can do a free membership on Prime and just use that to binge watch the show, but it's up to you.
Here you go for your request!!
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He doesn't like the idea of being disarmed, especially with his gun on the line. Why can't you ask someone with a sword to help you?
Would grumble but agree, you better hope his weapon doesn't break. Will make you promise him that you're just going to take it from him instead of knocking it to the ground.
Percy's original class is fighter and he is very dextrous himself so his reflexes might accidentally kick in at you attempting your move. He can't help but smirk and make a comment about, "Weren't you supposed to disarm me?"
He ends up eating his words though as you managed to knock him off guard in his gloating and grab his gun.
He's about to say something about being careful, but the pistol is fine. So are you, by the way, but Percy takes his weapon and stomps off, grumbling about you taking Grog's axe next.
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ddeltacrane · 1 year
I love your work keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for appreciating. 🙇‍♂️
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on-leatheredwings · 6 months
the fanon im attaching to is that nome. bruce is a good dad--
(people gasp in shock and horror)
... who is deeply flawed and troubled <3 (read: he is as good as you can be when you adopt child soldiers)
remember when bruce started cursing out dick and called him a r[slur], and how we all just pretend that didnt happen b/c it was ass writing. yeah thats how i view abusive bruce, like its just bad writing to me so no i don't see it as real or canon
theres a reason wfa is so popular and it's bc we are tired of a miserable ass bruce 😭 while i think wfa is also not canon (b/c it literally isn't), girl i prefer reading it over some of this other shit
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gambeque · 1 year
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therapy sesh
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xanvasofxords · 8 months
Lucy : What's all this
Natsu : A moon-shaped rock and some weird flowers that I found on my way
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weadapt · 1 year
I think it’s interesting storytelling how in the beginning of the game Cal says the Sixth Sister’s name, Masana Tide, and reminds her of who she used to be—and it visibly distresses her because it hurts what was done to her and Cal isn’t wrong in what he’s saying. The shocking thing for me was the moment when Cal said “It’s time to set you free”. It was such a surreal feeling hearing Cal say that, those kinds of words, to know he decided it was time to strike her down; it’s understandable because she killed his entire crew, but for Cal to be the executioner in that way was scary to see coming after only experiencing the young kid he was in Fallen Order. Now you really get the feeling Cal has been through a lot, he’s grown as a man since Fallen Order and he’s calloused, not entirely in a bad way given he’d have to be to survive but still in a depressing way, as a result. I know overall and gameplay wise, Cal has killed a lot of people, it’s nothing new, but storytelling wise it’s a serious moment for Cal. It’s a moment you know is going to follow him the rest of the game for character development. After he kills her, it’s made clear by the music and by Cal’s body language that this isn’t a good thing coming from him. It isn’t a triumph. Even BD-1 knows and worries for Cal with his little “Boop…?” and Cal is only able to respond rather shakily, “Yeah… I’m okay”.
When he meets up with Bode and Bravo and they ask him what happened to the Inquisitor, he gives a simple, no emotion, “Dead”. The long pause of Bravo not saying anything in response to me says a lot; it feels like he isn’t used to Cal having a reaction like that.
Then we have Rayvis. Cal defeats him in battle and asks him to join in the fight against Dagan. He doesn’t want to kill Rayvis—“You don’t have to do this”. The oddly tragic part to me is that Rayvis has dreams of seeing Tanalorr again. If Dagan succeeds his dream will be realized, but he’s given up on the dream and wants a warrior’s death now. He wants to die, and in his mind, honorably, by Cal’s hands, and he’s going to force Cal to do it. But for Cal it’s another execution on his part. He pauses before he lifts his saber and kills Rayvis. It isn’t a triumph. Again we’re given a sudden swell of music to tell us the emotion behind the action of killing Rayvis. You can see it’s affected Cal badly. BD-1 seems to ask Cal the same question as before, “Boop…?” but this time Cal doesn’t acknowledge the question and just replies, “We should go”.
Killing Dagan hurts for Cal too. Dagan is a Jedi, someone who held onto the Order, who tied his entire identity to it and all of his goals are focused on restoring the Order and fighting to change the universe. Just like Cal in a way. Dagan is single-mindedly focused on the mission, so obsessively, he lost himself and the one he loved as a result. Cal understands and see the parallel of that kind of drive in his own mission against the Empire and it terrifies him. Dagan could’ve helped him fight the Empire but it became another tragic moment of having to kill a once fellow Jedi. This is another tragedy. Bode doesn’t care about Dagan being dead on the floor but Cal does. Cal has enough respect to place Dagan’s lightsaber on his chest. Cal pauses to reflect but Bode immediately gets back to getting the compass.
We have this interesting arch of reactions to killing his opponents. They were each killed for the mission. It was necessary. They each started the fight against him. No matter the reason though, it’s still very painful for Cal.
Cal is being pushed into this direction of forcing him to question his beliefs and who he is. His whole identity at this point has been tied to the Order, of being a Jedi, and it’s very clear by his conversations in Fallen Order that it really matters to who he is. By the end of Survivor, we have three fallen Jedi: Masana Tide, Dagan Gera, and Bode Akuna. So who is Cal Kestis? What will he become? Is he doomed to fall like they did? That’s what troubles him—“Let’s just say I don’t wanna end up like him [Dagan]”.
He’s afraid he’s going to lose himself.
The fear is almost realized when he’s about to kill another opponent. The one behind the murders of his friends and mentors. Cal’s been killing each of his main opponents up to the point at Nova Garon—this one will be no different. Except killing the man who sent Bode on the mission to infiltrate his team is different. Cal is on the edge of losing himself to the Dark Side. In Fallen Order he pleaded for Cere not to use the Dark Side because “She’s stronger than that”, “[she] still had a choice”. But Cal is failing to remember any of that for himself. He wants to kill because he’s angry, grieving, and in immense pain. Merrin has to bring him back—“This is not you!” There’s a question of whether or not Cal would’ve been able to stop himself if Merrin hadn’t been there though.
When we get to the final battle, Merrin is warning Cal of what’s likely going to happen but he ignores her for a while which prompts her to say, “Well? Say something!” He doesn’t want to acknowledge that Merrin is right and they’re likely going to have to kill Bode, and with that, taking Kata’s father away—a loss of family Cal and Merrin know too much about. So they both try and give Bode every chance to stop and turn away from what he’s done, despite how much Bode had hurt them. Sadly, Cal once again is forced into using the Dark Side to prevent Bode from killing Merrin. It was worth it. It was worth using it to save Merrin. He couldn’t let her be killed. He couldn’t see that happen before his eyes like he had with all of his friends and mentors.
After everything is over, there’s this sickly feeling left behind. Not simply because of Bode’s death, but because of the impact on Merrin realizing Kata has lost family just like she and Cal had, but also because of the impact the death of Bode has on Cal. And after Cal carries away Bode’s body, the music changes to an eerie, ominous, high pitch, minor key when we see Cal board the Mantis. The kind of change in music which lets the audience know there’s something seriously wrong. Things are different now. Cal’s different. And he knows it.
He’s lost in time watching the pyre, reflecting on everything that had happened but also on how grateful he is to Cere, but he knows the impact of her loss will continue to be with him for the rest of his life. Just like Jaro Tapal. Another guiding force in his life is gone. With Cere and Cordova gone, there is no longer any Jedi wisdom to seek out. He’s now alone in that way as a Jedi.
“I’m scared… I almost lost myself… I don’t know if I’m ready.”
Cal and the audience are left with the dreadful realization—
“I don’t know if I’m ready for what comes next”.
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Based on your post @sassyassblog 😁:
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P.S. I'm using the MonsterVerse Kaijus as humans since this is also from my GenAU MV Edition. So no worries.
Here's the scenario:
"Man..." thought Godzilla as he walked tiredly towards his mansion, "I need a quick nap..."
Turning around making sure no one was sneaking at him, he knelt down to the front door and snag a key he secretly kept from a carpet. He opened the door and enter before closing it shut.
The man took off his shoes and socks before putting it on a casket beside the door. His darkish black to navy blue hair is in mess due to the extreme heat back from where he work at a city and also in due course of his job. As usual, he often comes late at home since his wife, Mothra, usually is first to arrived home shortly before himself.
Still, she's not here, so maybe Godzilla need an extra free range of their cozy house. Once his wife arrived home, he smirked at the deal that he told her a few days ago.
He needs to arrange a few things.
It was already 5:15 PM, Godzilla thought about his best friends. Most likely, Rodan, Anguirus and Kong were sometimes having a sleepover with him (which Mothra denies it for their unruly manners, something that Godzilla feared for her anger), only for 2 days. Or even a week if there's an activity going around the mansion he and Mothra owned. Currently, Rodan had finally found a job as a chef from a local restaurant, Anguirus deliberately needed to pass an exam to be a history teacher, and Kong...well...he's still a policeman and work tirelessly to earn some savings for his adoptive deaf daughter Jia and her adoptive mother Ilene Andrews.
Success earns hardwork and support, that's something Mothra - yes, she is a science and art teacher - reminded them for their lives.
Anyway, just as Godzilla was about to head upstairs...
He jumped from a sudden breakout of a familiar voice that scared the shit of his pants. Well, whoever broke in to his home without permission shall get the beat out of their shit in no mercy, he swore it.
Instantly, the man heard a sound of a running water coming across the bathroom (the door was practically open slightly). Carefully not to make any noise, Godzilla tiptoed from the source, only for his eyes scanned from something he just ever seen in the entire motherfucking world.
Standing in the middle of a shower is none other than RODAN!
By the looks of it, his back was on a curtains, showering by himself, and practically naked (well, half naked to be exact). The fiery red haired Mexican man didn't seem to bother that Godzilla was there peeping. In his hand was a brush used to scrub on a skin, preferrably the ones that Mothra used it.
Damn, of all places...
Godzilla had never been slack-jawed of how fucking awesome Rodan's singing voice is. I mean, he had seen Rodan singing crazily after drinking a shot too much back from their old times sake, which he and even Kong dragged him all because of his violent manner after having a fight with some unwanted men from a bar. But this one...
"Woah..." Godzilla breathed, "Rody's not so bad with that voice, I bet some girls would swoon over him if he was a celebrity."
But as Rodan twirled around...
Rodan let out a mightiest girlish scream of the entire mansion, almost shook off the ass out of his confidence. His eyes wide as dinner plates when he saw Godzilla on the door peeping, who was indeed startled by the redhaired man's scream.
Knowing he is caught red-handed, and indeed naked, he covered himself with his arms and hands, purposely snagged a towel beside the sink and wrapped it around his waist, before marching towards Godzilla and slammed the door shut.
"What was that for, Rodan?!" Godzilla growled.
"Like indeed you are peeping me without knocking!" Rodan bites back.
"Oh really? Then you should've closed it before your bird-brain of yours!"
"You just entered my-our own house without texting me?!" Godzilla said angrily, "You know what happens when Mothra finds out just like what happened to you and Ghidorah!"
"That's in the past now, we'll never do it again! I promised!"
"Then what are you fucking doing here?!"
Rodan slowly opens the door with a dull expression...
"...I'm running out of water back from my apartment and I haven't pay a rent so..." He gave him a puppy eyes.
Oh great. Just fucking great.
Rodan had barely payed a rent just to avoid himself kicked out by the landowner. Many times, he would got himself into trouble, and Godzilla and Kong even needed to bail him out because of that.
Godzilla sighed heavily, massaging his temples just to avoid 10 times headache and all.
"Okay, fine! I'll gave you a cash."
Rodan beamed.
"But! I'm not taking any chances! You need to worked harder, and you're already hired as a chef. I'm counting on you, Rody."
"Gracias mi mejor amigo."
"Now hurry up before Mothra finds out and gonna beat you out of your daylights."
"BTW, Rodan..." Godzilla leaned over the wall, "I didn't know you have a wonderful singing voice."
"Yeah, good thing nobody would notice your quite voice and good looks..."
"And that you are indeed a good singer."
Godzilla and Rodan are startled by another voice, because that voice was no other than Godzilla's wife and His Queen, Mothra.
Sweat trickled down their foreheads, seeing the expression of the white-haired woman...
Oh boy.....
Outside, infinite babblings and pleading were heard followed by a loud smack as Godzilla and Rodan are deserved to be punished.
But at the same time, Mothra quitely likes the singing voice of the red-haired man, but hated the fact that Rodan dared to enter their house without permission.
Lesson learned, Rodan, the Fire Demon.
From @adm-starblitzsteel-4305
Also, the song Rodan sang in the bathroom was titled "Good Tonight" by Daniel Pemberton and Anthony Ramos from the movie The Bad Guys.
Also, my MV Rodan's voice actor is Anthony Ramos. I thought that would be fun since Ramos voiced Mr. Piranha. 😁
And I am still looking for MV Mothra's voice actress while my MV Godzilla's voice actor is Keith David.
Well anyway, have fun reading it!
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
Okay, I guess we're doing this. This post is a result of a brief mention I made of the Avengers in this dp x dc prompt here and I can't stop thinking about it. For even more context, you might wanna start here where the reaper of heroes au started. Or not. Up to you, really.
This is completely up for grabs if anyone wants to flesh it out a bit more/continue it!
(Btw, I'm going mostly by MCU movies and only what little info I know of the comics. Sorry, not sorry.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = building off of other ideas
Reaper of Heroes
Needless to say, Danny did not realize that his responsibility as the reaper of heroes souls would extend past his dimension and into others. In hindsight, he probably should've considering that he was the ruler of the Infinite Realms, a dimension between dimensions that eventually all would join, so therefore his responsibility would be just as all encompassing. He does not realize any of this until it's literally shoved in his face in the form of half the universe from a single dimension being spirited away into the Infinite Realms almost all at once.
Quite a few heroes blip on his radar in the swirling mass of souls that were harvested way before their time was due. He looks upon the horde of souls in utter agony and despair and can feel only one thing: Anger. Danny was unequivocally pissed. With the help of Clockwork, he pinpoints the dimension the influx of souls originated from and he suits up in full battle armor and heads there immediately.
What he finds only feeds the fire of his white hot rage, so much to the point his white hair briefly flickers like a burning flame before settling back to it's usual tussled state. With permission from this dimension's personification of Death(1), he begins a hunt for the one responsible for the disruption of not only his regular reaper duties, but the balance of life and death itself. It doesn't take him long to find Thanos, he just has to follow the familiar powerful aura of the Soul stone.
What he finds is the end of the first battle against Thanos (Infinity War. Ha) where Thanos had just snapped half the universe away and all the people were still in the process of crumbling into dust/being sent to the Infinite Realms. Before Thanos can teleport away from all the carnage he'd caused or snap his fingers once again when he senses another threat approaching, Phantom disrupts the energy from the gauntlet and has him pinned to the ground by his throat away from Thor. He uses a conjured sword of ghost ice in the other hand to sever the arm that wears the infinity stones from the shoulder down. In the end, he's so close to the purple alien the green glow of his eyes turns Thanos' rapidly paling complexion a sickening shade.
"That's enough of that. Wouldn't be very sporting of you to turn tail and run from the consequences of your actions, now would it?" He practically growls.
Thanos stares up at this newcomer with a mix of confusion and fear. "Who are you? How were you able to stop me from leaving? The Infinity gauntlet is supposed to be infallible!"
"Ha! You mean this little toy of yours?" He asks derisively with a fang-barring smirk and a brief glance at the gauntlet itself. "After using it to rewrite reality a time or two, you learn a couple of things. Did you really think you were the first to have the idea to gather reality's most ancient artifacts and fashion them into a wearable device? Sorry, but somebody already won that race. The first place ribbon goes to a creepy ringmaster by the name of Freakshow."(2)
Seeing the look of shock, frustration, and offense on the alien's face, Phantom snickered and leaned back, releasing his captive's throat only to put an armored boot against his chest to keep him down on the ground. Thanos briefly struggles against it but finds it impossible to move.
"As for who I am," Phantom says, no longer smiling and with Thanos along with the few left on the battlefield's attention.
"I am Phantom, High King of the Infinite Realms. Lord of the dead, undying, and neverborn. Reaper of the souls of heroes and protector of the balance between life and death. And you," Phantom's eyes narrow to slits as he grinds his armored heel into the already deep wound on Thanos' chest, causing the alien to squirm in pain. "have made me very angry. How dare you disrupt the natural order and lay waste to so many innocent lives?"
Despite the obvious pain he was in and the growing fear of facing Phantom's wrath, Thanos still seemed to have plenty of courage to speak.
"Are-" He licks his lips nervously before continuing. "Are you Death?"(3)
Dark amusement dances in Phantom's eyes as he considers how to answer. He didn't need to think on it for very long though before he gave a wide, fanged grin and spoke.
"No. I did, however, meet with her before making my way over here, just to make sure I wasn't stepping on her toes by thrashing you myself. I gotta say, she's quite the conversationalist and her humor is to die for. Funny thing is though," He watches as a spark of awe, curiosity, and hope flashed in Thanos' eyes before dealing the final blow with glee. "she didn't have anything to say about you."
He watched as the alien's face took on a look of shock that quickly morphed into a combination of denial and anger. Phantom doubled down on the pressure he'd been exerting on Thanos' chest, causing the man to cry out in agony before continuing to assault his ego.
"In fact," he said conversationally. "she barely gave it a second thought when I asked to be the one to snap your chains and rip the soul from your body." He stopped there, humming curiously as he gracefully drew the ice sword he'd previously used to sever the man's arm and lodged deep into the soil.
"I wonder though." He mused as he held the point of the sword over Thanos' throat. The alien renewed his struggle, desperation written plain across his face as his eyes traveled along the sharp blade. He locked eyes with Phantom as a slow, gleeful smile spread across the ghost king's face.
"What will she say if I bring it to her in pieces?" He said before bringing the sword down and striking true.
What's this? Actual dialogue??
Well, that was unexpected. I didn't plan on Danny being so unhinged/sword-happy, but I think it kinda fits with the context of it being in response to what happened in Infinity War i.e.- the insurmountable loss of life. I really enjoyed writing this tho. Just thinking about how I portrayed Danny in this has boss music blaring through my head.
(1) Although most of them have never actually met, the embodiments of Death from every dimension more or less treat/view each other as siblings regardless of blood relation. Phantom and Death's relationship here will be/is basically the same as Danny and Jazz, i.e.- big sister, little brother. Shovel talk anyone?
(*) Let's have all the death characters from different fandoms gather around a table and have tea/coffee together. It'll be fun.
(2) I know chronologically (marvel comics vs dp show) that this isn't true, but shhh. Let's pretend it is in this case.
(3) Can't remember if it's mentioned or not, but does Thanos still have a creepy crush/infatuation with Death in the MCU? If not, I'm changing it. It's basically what this part of the conversation between Phantom and Thanos is referring to. His gift of so many souls to death being unappreciated stings, but not as much as getting his head lopped off and his soul torn to shreds.
Danny's interaction with Death
How's this for talking about it? Look what you made me do! /lh/j
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An encounter
So because me and some frens have started a thing about silly horror/analog horror stuff on discord I wrote this silly thing with my sona (who I don't think I've really said anything about on here will do that once I feel confident enough to draw him) doing a silly spooky thing
Content warning for unwilling prey, some horror elements and mild(?) body horror
Also @mysticcomfort because you told me to post this here
Wandering is risky, especially when alone. The sightings of unknown phenomena and disappearances and subsequent reappearances of those who do so are exemplary of this. Yet that can end up not deterring some, and even encouraging others, wanting to be the first to record what has been causing the strange happenings. But still, it is best to know the area, lest you get lost.
As one poor soul found out the hard way.
They pushed past branches and gazed up at the sky, void of any stars, trying to find some sense of direction. Every tree seemed identical, and no indicative light could be seen. They trekked through the foliage, hoping that if they continued in a straight line, they would come across something. But at the same time, they questioned if that would really be better than encountering nothing. Quiet shuffling could be heard all around them, and they could swear that branches and roots of trees seemed to appear and disappear. Sometimes, in the dark, the rings on a birch tree’s bark almost seemed like real eyes staring right at them, but a blink got rid of the feeling.
A sudden loud noise startled them, and they walked backwards from it, until they bumped into something. They yelped, starting to panic as they twirled around to face what they bumped into, and saw a strange person wearing a tall hat turn around as well, though notably calmer.
“Woah, woah, you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost.” He said to them, trying to ease them. “You seem lost, are ya lost?”
They explained their plight to the stranger, having let their guard down now that they have another human to talk to. He held his hand up to his face in a thoughtful pose while he listened.
“Hmm. Well, I know the area here quite well, I can help you if you want, just follow me, I’ll take you somewhere safe.”
He began walking off, and they followed suit. They had an uneasy feeling in them, but it was overcome by their relief at finally having someone else to talk to. Besides, of the recent disappearances, everyone had returned and the most damage they were aware of happening to them was nothing more than a few cuts and bruises, the kind that would heal in a week at most.
Their unease grew, however, when the stranger walked down into a bunker of some kind. 
“I know this seems like a bad idea, but I promise you you’ll be safe.” He gave them a smile, though something about it seemed… off, slightly. But despite their uneasy feelings, they followed in.
There was very little light in the bunker, aside from a ceiling light that only illuminated a small spot in the center of the room. They couldn’t see the person they followed in, and it didn’t help they could swear they saw something slip out from the light as they approached. They called out with a low voice. And shortly after doing so, they heard the door shut behind them, and they swiveled around to look, not that they could see much.
“Sorry to have tricked you like that.” A familiar voice echoed from the side of the room opposite the door, making them swivel around again. As he spoke, some other quieter voices spoke the same words at the same time, but all around them. “I think we can both agree that you would have found it a bit harder to trust me like this.” He approached them, and as he stepped into the light, it was clear he was different. His legs were preceded by black tendrils, swiftly growing on the ground before him in very general directions. His arms seemed to have grown, becoming a material not unlike that of the tendrils on the ground, which they had noticed were on the walls and ceiling as well. And his mouth had grown wider, and was filled with jagged, teal, crystalline teeth, with a couple more of those tendrils flowing out like long tongues, and a similar mouth had formed on the exposed patch of his stomach.
They couldn’t move, couldn’t even speak, paralyzed with fear, while he continued his approach. He lifted his arms and wrapped them around them, meaning they couldn’t move now even if they wanted to.
“I do keep my word, though. I will keep you somewhere safe. Though you… might not like where exactly that is.” As he said that, he began opening his mouth wide, and elongating the tendrils in his mouth, wrapping them around them. They struggled against him, but it proved completely ineffective as they were pulled into the void of this… thing’s mouth. They felt the pull of what might be considered throat muscles pulling them deeper. They couldn’t believe what was happening to them. It had to be a nightmare. They kept being pulled in further and further, until they were curled up in a tight space, unable to escape. They soon eventually passed out from everything that had just happened to them.
They jolted up in bed, gasping for breath. In bed… It was a nightmare. They caught their breath and calmed themself down, briefly nervously laughing. They checked themself just in case they were hurt, but nothing was wrong, they were perfectly fine. They breathed a sigh of sheer relief and turned on their bedside lamp. Their paranoia must still be high, as they thought they saw some black tendrils quickly recede into the cracks of their doorframe the moment the room was flooded with light.
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imagionary · 1 year
could we get some spruce? hes Such a character and needs a whole lotta love
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I love Spruce! He and Chip have known each other for so long, and count each other like brothers. Spruce misses their old cabin that they built together,,
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earako · 1 month
A/N: idea from @goodtimeswithluigi thanks for the flangst fuel ^^
The thing that sucked about having memories erased and then coming back is that only some of them decided to be polite and slowly trickle in. Waddles, the kids, those memories poured in like the gentle trickle of water from a watering can. More immediate memories like Soos and Wendy slowly flowed in and filled the small pond in Stan's mind that was probably labelled 'family-' not that he'd ever admit it outloud.
Then there were the older memories. The ones that made it feel like Stan had just rammed his head in a brick wall for hours on end. Older memories usually. Stuff like high school, Glass Shard Beach, Ma's perfume, and Pa's suffocating cologne that even the memory of made Stan's head hurt.
Then...then there were the memories that made Stan want to curl up in bed all day. Those...those were usually memories of his grifter days. Or the science fair incident. The combination of having to live through the worst moments of his life, feeling all the hurt and pain and heartache and having to go through the emotional rollercoaster that was his late teens to early 30s over and over and over again. The late nights, the portal, the journals, slapping on a fake smile as Stanlely desperately tried to keep a con going long enough to pay off the house and loans because he'd be damned if his brother didn't have a house to come back to.
This morning was a memories that made Stan want to rot in bed kind of day.
His oh so wonderful brain decided to wake Stan up with the phantom feeling of gaping wounds where wings were supposed to be.
And here Stan had thought he was just born without them. An anomoly type thing, like his brothers fingers.
The searing phantom pain in his back said otherwise.
Stan tried to ignore it. Bit the pillow and tried to will himself back to sleep.
The pain pulsed again.
Stan huffed an irritated sigh and slowly pushed himself up, rolling onto his side with some difficulty and managing to sit up.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," Stan hissed to himself as he slowly got to his feet. "Sweet Moses, phantom pains a bitch," he murmered, slowly making his way downstairs to either the kitchen or the living room. He'd decide later whether the phantom pain required a t.v distraction or a food distraction.
"Ford?" Huh. Guess tonight was gonna be a brother distraction. Stanley ambled his way over to where Ford was hunched over the kitchen table, a mug gripped tightly in his hands.
Stan's back twinged again. He tried to hide it, grit his teeth, hid the pained gasp with a groan as he sat. Ford raised an eyebrow.
"And you're up because?"
"Hey, back at ya, Si- Poindexter," Stan replied, taking mind to avoid using the name the isoceles bastard had tainted- and how dare he, how DARE he! That was Stan's name first, that was the name Stan gave his brother to keep away the bullies and the bad thoughts that thought having one extra finger made someone an unlovable freak- if Stan had another chance to deck the discount dorito he'd do it in a heartbeat.
"You first," Ford grumbled, sipping what better not be coffee cause the last thing Ford needed on top of the stress of everything was more caffiene. Stanely narrowed his eyes at his twin.
"I asked first."
"Respect your elders."
"By fifteen minutes-ack!" Where Stan had been aiming for playful banter, his back decided now would be a good time to remember having muscle and sinew twisted, ripped, cut, then for the hell of it, tied into various knots. All while past Stan's screams were ringing into current Stan's ears.
A chair scraped, a cup clattered onto the table. Six fingered hands settled themselves on Stan's shoulder and were he caught up any further in the flashback Stan would have pushed the hands away.
Thankfully his phantom pain addled brain was in the present enough to recognize the six fingered hand was his brother and brother meant safe.
Stan violently squashed down the part of him that remembered holding up a hand for a high six only to get the curtains closed on him.
"Stan? Stanley?"
"Phantom pains a bitch," Stan mumbled, breath hitching and stifling down another pained groan. Without needing to be asked, cautious hands slowly made their way to where the base of where Stan's wings used to be and pressed down a bit. Stan shuddered.
"God no, do that again," Stan sighed as his twin began to chase away the pain and exhaustion radiating out of his back with nimble fingers. He hissed a few times.
Silence. Fabric rustling as Ford rubbed firm circles on Stan's back.
Ticking of the grandfather clock.
The sink dripping, Soos said he's fix it tomorrow.
Stan's exhales as Ford worked the tension out of his muscles.
It would've been nice, plesant even if it weren't for the worry nibbling at the corner of Stan's mind.
Ford was going to ask, wasn't he.
He was going to ask about the wings, moreso Stan's lack of wings, and then Stan was going to have to remember that memory and the spots where his wings seemed to be just would not stop throbbing! Ford's fingers were doing a good job of easing some of the pain the scars still screamed.
"Hey...Stan..." his twin began. Stan internally braced himself. He didn't want to talk about it but if Ford asked...
"Ah, it's...nothing. I forgot what I was going to say."
Ford was always a shit liar.
And with the silence that followed Stan almost wished his twin had just asked instead of trying to spare his feelings.
""Ah, it's...nothing. I forgot what I was going to say." Ford clumsily lied, returning his focus to easing some of his twins pain.
He managed to distrsct himself for 5 seconds before his brain finally latched onto the issue bothering him.
His brother didn't have wings.
Ford's brother didn't.
Now, that wasn't to say that being wingless never happened. Similar to his own polydactyly, some people just weren't born with wings.
Stan wasn't one of those people.
Ford remembered feathers brushing up against his own, large, proud wings curled protectively around him as Stanley told Crampelter and his gang to go suck an egg.
He remembered gentle hands going through his feathers, fixing them up and getting rid of old ones.
Ford remembered flapping his wings happily then instructing his twin to turn around, it was Stan's turn for preening.
Ford remembered how big Stanley's wings would puff up when he was angry or defending Ford from bullies.
And Ford remembered Stan's wings wrapping around himself whenever he accidentally caught their father on a bad day.
Stanley had wings, Ford knew Stanley had wings.
When Stanley was kicked out left he still had his his wings, Ford remembered them shaking, then drooping, and then puffing up again in hurt and anger.
And now Stan's wings were gone. He didn't have them anymore.
At first Ford had thought Stan was hiding them, similar to what Ford did with his own wings. He had thought his twin was just keeping his wings tucked away and safe beneath his clothes.
Then the fearymid happened.
And the clothing switch.
If Stan still had his wings Ford should've still been able to see them in his periphery when he reached behind his back to hand Stan his sweater, coat, and gloves. But he didn't.
And Ford had hoped that it was just because his brother was keeping his wings tucked close to him. He hoped he just couldn't see his brothers wings and tried to ignore the persistent voice asking what if Stan didn't have wings anymore? What if something happened to him?
Stan should have been fine, he was the personality, the free spirit.
Stan was supposed to be fine.
He wasn't.
And when Ford had switched clothes back with his now empty of all memories twin he was met with a cold, painful truth he could no longer deny.
Stan no longer had wings.
Ford's baby brother, his younger twin, had no wings.
Long, angry, jagged scars were all that was left of where large, dark brown, thick feathered wings should have been.
Someone or something had taken his brothers wings. And with how the skin looked Ford could only assume whoever or whatever had taken Stanley's wings yanked them out the same way a person would pull out a weed from a garden.
Where he was rubbing circles on Stan's back told an even more horrific story, one that made bile rise up in his throat and forcing Ford to swallow harshly so it wouldn't come out.
He truly did not like the story the raised ridges and bumped on his brothers skin told.
"Ford, ForFordFord ease up!" Stan yelped, squirming under Ford's hands.
"Sorry! Sorry," Ford said, taking his hands off Stan's back as if he had burned him (and he tried not to think of the brand just behind Stanley's right shoulder-)
"I didn't say stop, just ease up," Stan grumbled with no real heat or annoyance. Ford flexed his fingers, tried to ignore the feeling of old nerves and muscle knotted like string, and returned to easing up his twins phantom pain.
He had to ask.
He needed to ask.
But he didn't know how and the silence that started out comfortable was turning oppressive and it would just be awkward at this point, what with Ford starting to say something and then saying he forgot.
Stan wasn't buying it. Out of the two of them Ford never got the hang of lying, at least not as well as Stan.
The questions sat in his throat, but Stan was so vulnerable with Ford at the moment, showing more trust in him now then he in the past weeks since Ford came back. Even while temporarily amnesic Stan was still fairly closed off and guarded, the fact that he hadn't told Ford to leave, that he was even letting Ford try and help with his pain?
Stan was like a wild animal when it came to his pain. He hated showing weakness, even to his own family and it only got worse as they grew older. Ford didn't want to break the delicate trust being placed in him at the moment by asking a boneheaded question or saying something that Stan would take the wrong way and causing him to march back upstairs, phantom pain be damned.
"Ford, I know you want to ask already so just say it." Ford jolted, hands momentarily stopping their movement. Stan leaned back, silently begging Ford to continue.
How much pain was Ford's twin in for him to be actively seeking out help? Stan hated asking for help.
He continued rubbing his twin's back when he felt Stan press up against his hand a second time.
"...How long?"
"You wanna be more specific?"
"I- when you- 30 years ago I thought you were just. Hiding them. Like I was." Stan's shoulders quaked with a low, humourless sounding chuckle.
"Nah, old things were gone long before that, si- poindexter." It was Ford's turn to wince.
That was always Stan's name for him. That name, only Stan was supposed to call him that yet Bill had to go and taint it and he didn't even come up with that nickname to begin with how dare he-
"You stopped again." Stan commented. Ford apologized but Stan just shrugged it off.
"S'fine now." Stan leaned away from Ford's hand's, rolled his shoulder's, then started back towards the stairs,
"Wait," Ford called, quickly grabbing Stan's wrist to stop him. His twin turned around and raised a brow in question.
"Are-whoever- you'd tell me if they were still alive, right?" Ford asked, the hand not holding Stan's wrist hovering over where wings used to be, where strong roots for strong wings were now just planes of ugly, angry, broken and mutilated skin.
Ford had never felt so angry in his life when he saw those scars. Not even with his perpetual motion machine broke.
"Even if they were, they're good at hiding."
"I'm good at seeking."
"Ford, drop it." The command lilted upwards at the end, sounding more like a question instead.
"Stanley. Your wings."
"Ack, they've been gone for more then 40 years now, what can ya do."
"Help with phantom pains apparently, and you will let me help you with in the future." When Stan opened his mouth to protest Ford added, "Either you let me help you with your phantom pains or I dig into your past, find everyone who had ever hurt you, and interrogate them until one of them confesses to taking your wings."
Stan stared at Ford for a solid three seconds before answering. "Jesus, okay, okay, I'll let you know when the phantom pain acts up again."
"I will know if you're hiding it."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Ford." Stan turned around again and went to head up the stairs but paused at the base of the steps for a moment.
"Hey uh..thanks, by the way. Not just for the back rub but for the uh. Memories and stuff, ya'know."
"You're stuck with me, knucklehead," Ford said, stepping closer to his twin and lightly tapping a fist against the younger mans shoulder. "If you get to spend 30 years bringing my stubborn ass back from various different dimensions I get to spend the next 30 years fussing over you."
"You can barely look after yourself."
"I'll learn." He opened his fist and squeezed Stan's shoulder, hoping it would convey what he didn't know how to say in words. Silent I love you's, thank you for not giving up on me, thank you for trusting me, and thank you for not giving up on me, he hoped that Stan got the message because if Ford even tried to say any of that at the moment he'd end up fumbling or choking in his words.
Stan reached up and squeezed Ford's hand back, understanding shining in his eyes.
His brother didn't have wings, and Ford could try to blame himself all he wanted to.
Guilt wouldn't bring Stan's wings back, feeling sorry for Stan wouldn't bring his wings back.
But Stan didn't seem to blame Ford so Ford wouldn't blame himself.
Stan trusted Ford with his pain. Ford would do his best to make sure his twins trust isn't misplaced.
They'd be okay.
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randoimago · 2 years
I just thought of something domestic how would Sylvain and Fenris react to a s/o who can cook Japanese food? (And s/o being a really good cook?)
S/O Cooking Their World’s Version of Japanese Food
Fandom: Dragon Age, Fire Emblem
Characters: Fenris, Sylvain Gautier
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: Thank you Fire Emblem for having least/favorite dishes for me to use as a resource for fanfiction~
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He's used to the meats and breads and cheeses (god all the cheeses) and so you show him a bowl of noodles and he can't help but make a face. It looks like worms in soup. But he's eaten worse when he's on the run.
I think he would stay far away from sushi. Just the idea of raw fish isn't something he trusts. He'd enjoy rice and how filling it is, but it's a no for him with sushi.
Seafood in general is just something I see Fenris not liking. He'll eat it because protein, but it's slimy and he much prefers just eating steak and beef.
You being a good cook does help because he trusts that it doesn't taste as gross as he imagines, but it isn't for him.
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He loves dango so if you made him that then he’ll be really happy. Also a fan of fish too so he’d be interested to try sushi. Doesn’t know how he feels about the raw sushi, but get him a deep fried roll and he’ll love it.
Sylvain is also used to hearty meals so it’s definitely a change when you show him different bowls of noodles. He’d be a fan of the broths, but might be a bit picky depending on what kind of noodles are used.
Would not be a fan of any dishes where he has to dip the noodles into the broth himself as opposed to just eating it in one bowl.
He’d never complain about you cooking for him though. Loves feeling pampered and taken care of. Just please don’t try killing him with pufferfish, No matter how good of a cook you are, he’s not dealing with that.
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sawpaingsheadband · 28 days
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This all just to say: I am gonna write fics involving my OCs because I can and because I am a strong independent fanfic writer.
I am cringe but I am ✨free✨.
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krypticcrawler · 5 months
I love this trope so much,(that I have my own story in my head dedicated to it) but probably because I kinda live under a rock, I don’t see it often in media or book. Hear me out:
Character A and their bodyguard, Character B. Character A is actually very competent and the last person you’d expect to hire a bodyguard for themselves.(no offense to Character B’s skills) But here’s the thing: Character B is actually B for Braincell. They’re just the backup braincell for Character A to protect them from their own idiocy.
Bonus points if Character B knows that Character’s A idea is stupid, but they also have too much chaotic dumb energy and instead encourages Character A’s shit.
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manjiroscum · 7 months
IM ALIVE AND WELL (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ HELLO EVERYONE !!!
it's been so long since i came here *sobs* how are you all? i hope ur all good 🥺 lots of stuff happened and i got super busy cause i'm graduating soon *cheers* i'll try and reply to everyone
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huffle-dork · 4 months
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 9: Darker Seas
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs | Read Septnautical | Darker Seas AU
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
Schneep, JJ and Anti have been swimming for a while. But finally, they seem to enter a new area. It’s filled with floating balls of glowing blue, caught in net like substances that keep them from floating completely off the sea floor. It’s dark down here and kinda chilly.
Wish you could see this place, Schneep, JJ says. It truly is fantastical.
Schneep sighs. "I am starting to get tired of hearing that."
Oh. Sorry.
"No, it is not your fault. Just keep to objective descriptions, yes?"
They swim through large trenches of dark stone, keeping low and towards the rocks. Then, Anti suddenly turns and starts to head down a seemingly random dark hole.
JJ blinks in surprise as Anti chooses this hole, of all of them. Watch your head, he says as he follows Anti through.
"Watching," Schneep says, swimming after the two of them, tendrils outstretched to keep track of the walls of the tunnel.
Anti hurries through and soon enough they enter a huge cavern with even more of those floating blue pods. It’s even darker here though, the glowing pods being the only real source of illumination besides the boys’ bioluminescence. There’s the sound of eerie clicking and screeches in the distance. “…stay close- lots of crabsquids here… but we’re almost there.” Anti says.
Schneep frowns. “I do not like those clicking sounds…” JJ reaches out and holds his hand.
“Yeah the clicking is the crabsquids… they’re more threats to the human subs and shit but.. still not pleasant to deal with. And they taste terrible too.” Anti grumbles. 
Curious bright rays swim through the dim water- similar to JJ’s color and shape but they have longer tendril-like wings and a long flowing tail. They make high pitched song-like cries as they circle through the water.
“Oh, those sounds are better though!” Schneep perks up a little.
JJ laughs. They look a bit like me, but with tendrils for wings.
Finally, the darkness recedes a bit to show a dark blue colored base hidden amongst the rough tall stones on the sea floor.
There’s movement and then a familiar face to the other boys shows up. It’s Zara. She’s in a darker version of her suit- her hair chopped short and a very stark scar on her cheek like she’s been raked with claws. But, she grins as she sees Anti. “Anti hey! Did hunting go alright? We were wondering-“ then she stops herself as she takes in the sight of the other hybrids. “…woah w-what?”
“…long story.” Anti says quietly, gripping the bag on his shoulder. “…rather explain it all to Danan and Google all at once. …these guys say they want your help though.”
Zara looks surprised by this, “..r-really?”
JJ nods. It’s nice to see you, he signs, the robot translating his words. My name is JJ, and this is Schneep.
Zara’s eyes shine at seeing the robot, “woahhh! That’s some really cool tech…!” She whispers. 
Schneep nods. “We are, ah… Anti is right, it might be best to explain everything with everyone there. But basically, we are from far away, and when we arrived here the hybrids took three of our friends.”
Zara shakes out her head and nods, gesturing to follow. “y-yeah of course… follow me.”
She dives down towards the base and Anti swoops down after her. JJ and Schneep glance at each other before also following.
Unlike the last base- this one doesn’t have a lot of attachments or tunnels. There’s a few but… not a lot. Only a few large rooms and no windows- bordered up with dark tints and very little light on the outside.
Zara swims to a bulk head door and knocks something on the metal. A pattern. There’s a pause and then a man opens the door just peeking through, his eyes glowing bright blue. He looks startled slightly then says in a rough voice. “Zara what is..?”
“Anti brought them… and you know he’s trustworthy.” Zara says shortly.
There’s a pause and then the man opens the door. He’s about average height, long messy black hair cut about shoulder length. And unusual robotic eyes shine behind glasses. “…Danan is in the lab.” He says simply then swims down the flooded hall. Zara looks at the others then follows. Anti sighs and follows.
“That’s Tillman… but he asks everyone to call him Google.” Zara says quietly. “…it’s what his brother used to call him.”
Anti is quiet at this, though his face looks a bit pained. Soon enough Google stops and opens another hatch to go inside.
The two of them trail behind the others. Schneep frowns. He leans over to JJ and mutters, “We did not see him last time, did we?”
JJ shakes his head. This whole place is giving him a bad feeling. A dreadful feeling. This place is so small… and Zara’s comment about what Tillman’s brother ‘used’ to do isn’t going unnoticed. He just knows something bad happened here.
Inside is a sparsely filled lab space with a few fabricators, though some look damaged. There’s some energy converters and a small aquarium that’s currently empty except for plants. The boys recognize the face of Dr. Danan as she concentrates on trying to fix one of the fabricators.
She blinks up at the approaching figures and smiles tightly. She looks a lot more worn down and tired then she did before. She floats over to meet Anti. “Anti! Good I was getting worried… what were you able to find?”
Anti takes off his bag and hands it to Danan. “…a few med kits… a couple bladderfishes, a couple good fish from the shallows… I think there’s a nutrient pack in there too…”
Danan busies herself with looking and nods. “Okay… w-we can work with this… S-Stacy is sick and the kids are not looking great either… but this should… should help. Thank you.”
“…sorry I wanted to get more but… I ran into complications…” Anti mutters, flicking his tails, one nudging Danan to look up. She does and then her eyes widen at seeing JJ and Schneep. “…o-oh my stars…!”
JJ waves, trying to look friendly.
"Hello there," Schneep says. "I imagine this is quite a shock for you. Let me explain quickly. My name is Schneep, and this is JJ. Us and three friends suddenly arrived here, and got attacked by those other hybrids. A-Anti has told us about them and Alterra. O-our three friends were caught by them."
JJ nods in agreement. We need to get them back. We need to get home.
Danan’s eyes widen and looks at Anti, “…j-just like…”
“Yeah.” Anti says shortly. “…looks like him too. T-thought it was a sick clone joke but… I don’t think it is. Marv tried to capture them too.”
Danan looks even more surprised. “I… I don’t understand… you have… other hybrid friends?”
“Yeah,” Zara snorts, “I thought they were culling their hybrids. Getting rid of the mindless defective ones. So their fucking pets get their enrichment-”
Anti growls and glares at Zara, “Don’t call them that!”
Zara blinks and then slinks back, gripping her arm. “…sorry Anti I… sorry..”
“What do you mean by home?” Google speaks up, narrowing his eyes. “Alterra has prohibited any unauthorized entry or exit of the planet until they’ve… perfected the hybrid project. So… either you’re from the other bases but… we haven’t had much contact with anyone else lately… and they… only HQ makes the hybrids.”
"Well... what if we were to tell you that we were not from this planet?" Schneep says slowly. "What if we were to tell you that we're from another universe?"
Four different universes, actually, between the five of us, JJ says. Places where things like THIS are possible. He holds his hands up, conjuring a little light show with his magic.
"It sounds incredible, but I promise you, it is true," Schneep says. "The reason we look like the hybrids you know is because we are them, from some other branch of the multiverse. We've been hopping through a couple universes, actually. The last one we were in... was much like this one. Only, the hybrids were not under Alterra's control. None of them."
I know it's unbelievable, but this is not a joke, JJ says, looking very serious.
Everyone’s eyes widen.
“T-That’s possible?” Zara breathes.
“I-I’ve heard of theories but…!” Danan whispers.
Anti zooms up to Schneep and JJ, his eyes wide and desperate. “…t-there’s a world where my… my brothers are safe? Where they’re free?” his voice chokes up at the end, pin pricks of tears in his eyes.
Schneep instinctively swims backwards, but JJ stays where he is and nods. Yes. In fact, I remember them saying that YOU had been caught by Alterra for a while. But they rescued you. And in that world, you're all safe... or, as safe as you can be.
Tears freely fall from Anti’s eyes now as he looks to JJ with a sad expression- but there seems to be the lingering of hope behind his eyes. “…they can be saved…?” he breathes.
"Th-this is why it's so important that we find our friends," Schneep says. "We are not supposed to be here. Th-they all have lives—friends and jobs and families—to get back to." He shakes his head. "I-I know it will be difficult, but we need to find them. And if... Alterra has done anything to them, we have to figure out how to undo it. I-I'm sure you have been working on something like that, even if you haven't been able to do anything yet. Yes? Perhaps with our more unique abilities, we can help."
Danan, Zara and Google all share glances. Zara then grips her arms and looks away, “…my brother is the reason this fucked up process exists… we found WH- …Marvin… I-in the lost river and I’m good with tech and biology and so I… I got Zeke some scans. Marvin was hurting… and I thought we were gonna help him. But… zeke had worse plans. He took my blueprints and made those awful masks and worked with Demerci to make those chips and…”
“…they all got captured… one by one…” Anti says quietly, “…they waited until they found me to test it completely… I saw it happen. I saw them shock the memories out of my brothers until they were all unrecognizable. They don’t even remember their names… or me.” Anti glances briefly at JJ and Schneep, “…they probably did that to your friends..  I.. I’m sorry.”
“Of course we’ve been trying to figure out a way to free them…” Danan says miserably, “I… I helped to raise them. I watched them grow and explore the ocean and… I-i thought Alterra would move on from them… m-maybe leave them alone,.. but I was wrong…”
“They still have Jack too..,” Anti whimpers.
“… we think interfering with their ear chips or their masks if they have them might disrupt the mind control signal the Alterans are using. The technology is based on hive minds found on other planets… but with WH-005’s ability to warp in aid and CH-007’s ability to control the wildlife and.. and the other two's ferocity and speed… we haven’t been able to try.” Google explains.
All this technical talk goes over JJ's head, but Schneep nods slowly, parsing out what he hears. JJ winces. Memories can't be gotten rid of—only suppressed. His signs are slow, and there's a slight desperate expression on his face. I'm sure that there's some way...
Anti’s eyes widen, “…really…? They… they might still remember?” He pauses. “…I can’t hurt them,” He says, digging his claws into his shoulders, “… I know they wouldn’t want to be doing this so I… I can’t. If I fight them I could… I.. I’m too dangerous to be around them…”
“And Anti’s the only one who can even get close to them…” Zara says sadly, “…O-Ollie and Lizzie tried but…”
Google shuts his eyes with a pained look, quickly looking away.
JJ winces. I'm... sorry for your losses. He can't believe that the same kind people they met in the last world did something like that.
"Ear chips and masks..." Schneep repeats absentmindedly. "JJ, did the hybrids all have something like that?"
I think so? I didn't get close enough to Henrik or Jackie to check their ears, but they must have, JJ says.
"So... we must interfere with the signal somehow..." Schneep says slowly. His tail and tendrils whip around, eyes darting randomly as he thinks. "Do you know any magic that might be able to do that?"
I try to stay away from mind magic, but... I could try? JJ suggests. There has to be something about magic against technology.
"I think if they have been caught, you will have to be the one trying to get their chips out," Schneep says. "I will not be able to find something as small as an ear chip—not quickly enough, at least. I can distract them in the meantime. I'm sure that even if they pin me down, I can jump out."
What if they catch you? JJ says, worried. What if they hurt you?
"I can probably jump out," Schneep mutters. "And if I get hurt... well, you'll have to conserve your magic, then."
JJ still looks worried.
“I’m sorry we’ve never heard of… actual magic before. Only ancient stories from our ancestors on earth…” Danan says. “but.. if you all have a power Alterra doesn’t… there could be a chance…”
JJ nods. Magic isn't even well-known where I come from. But yes, it seems like this world doesn't have any. They won't be prepared.
“In the mean time…” Google says slowly, “we are all well hidden here… they haven’t found us yet. We don’t have much for food but… we can at least give you a place to rest and prepare.”
"We would really appreciate a place to rest," Schneep says.
Zara fidgets with her hands and glances about, “…I’ve been trying to work on something… s-something that could possibly affect the chips but it’s still very experimental and I’m a good fighter but.. “ she touches her cheek and shudders, “… I had a bad run in with RL-006… I… I haven’t been able to swim as well since then… but… maybe if you all and anti and me work together-?”
“M-Me?” Anti looks up at Zara and then swims back. “N-No way. I… I’m not getting involved in this anymore than I have!”
You don't have to participate if you don't want to, Anti, JJ says. I’m sure it's difficult for you.
"But at the same time, you would be a good help," Schneep says. "Any combat experience would be helpful."
JJ nudges him.
"What? It is true. I am good, but there will be a lot of them! And I will remind you, I cannot fucking see."
Anti holds his arms and suppresses a shiver. “…Alterra wants me too. Keep telling me they n-need the complete ‘set’. I-If I expose myself to them then I… I…”
“You can’t see?!” Zara shouts in disbelief. “Oh god… that’s- this must be sooo confusing for you. …and strange because uh.. I’m guessing you’re supposed to be SH-003 based on your face and accent but he definitely can see…”
“…he used to need goggles. Like Google.” Anti mumbles.
Schneep laughs. "Oh, so confusing. But yes, I am blind. I used to be able to see, but there was an... incident. And this was the result."
Do you want to talk about that? JJ asks.
"No. Not yet." Schneep shakes his head.
Danan looks at the boys kindly and tries to smile. “Please… rest here as long as you need… I wish we could give you more to prepare but…”
“I-I’ll… I’ll get more food. I won’t leave the reef.” Anti says shortly and then swims towards the tube at the top of this room.
“…give him time… I.. I know he cares, deep down.” Danan says gently. “I can tell he’s worried about your friends… but he’s been through so much with what happened to his brothers…”  
No no, we understand, JJ says. Us and our friends have been through a lot, too.
“We’ll help though…” Zara says, anger burning in her eyes, “…I c-couldn’t help to save the boys before but I… I can help now. I can make sure Alterra doesn’t keep taking away the people we care about.”
"Thank you," Schneep whispers to Zara.
There’s a beat then Google asks in a monotone, “…do you all need… beds? Or a… a nest?” He looks confused. “…I don’t know what hybrids sleep on… Anti sleeps on anything.”
“Especially if it’s warm,” Zara laughs. “Like a cat on a heating pad.”
JJ and Schneep glance at each other. Do you think we should change back? JJ asks.
"Well, this place is mostly underwater, so this is certainly more convenient." Schneep absentmindedly touches the bracelet on his wrist. "If we have to move quickly, this would be better."
That's fair. Then... where do we sleep?
Schneep shrugs. "Somewhere to curl up, I suppose? Somewhere soft."
JJ tilts his head. Yes... that feels right, somehow. I have the strangest urge to find some small space and squeeze in.
Schneep laughs.
“Hybrids usually do find themselves compelled to act on their mother species instincts,” Danan laughs lightly. “…Chase used to sing. Henrik collected scrap and made piles…” she cuts herself off, her voice getting a bit choked up. “…d-do whatever you need to make yourselves comfortable.”
“I think there’s some extra dock leaves around… let me get you a pile. Or… maybe some extra blankets.” Google says as he floats back out into the hallway.
JJ nods. Some blankets would be great.
“You said…Change… back, Schneep?” Zara asks with a tilt of her head. “What do you mean by that?”
"Ah... the changing back is complicated," Schneep says. "Let's just say that, in our worlds, we can be human."
Zara and Danan’s jaws drop.
“I.. I haven’t heard of something like that…!” Danan stammers. “I mean of course you’re half human with the DNA but…”
“You can change just like that?! To a human??” Zara gasps.
Well we have to be on land to do it, JJ says. We can't do it in the water. It's these bracelets that help us do that. He indicates his wrist. Our friend Alt made them. He's... one of the ones who got taken.
"These bracelets are surprisingly secure," Schneep mutters. Then his eyes widen. "Ah! W-we should probably talk about our friends, yes? Just—just in case."
JJ nods. Alt, Bro, and Jackie. Alt has magic like me, but more electricity based. Bro is super strong. Jackie... seems fairly normal. Normal in terms of hybrids, I mean.
“That’s… that’s insane…!” Zara laughs breathlessly. “God… Alterra would kill for tech like that…” but her face falls hearing the name Jackie and she swallows shakily.
"What are the names of their fish species...?" Schneep's brows furrow. "Alt is some sort of electric eel, Bro is a shark of some kind, heavy armor, and Jackie is something from a different crater—something called a chelicerate."
JJ raises an eyebrow. You don't remember amp-eel or bone-shark but you remember that long word?
"It comes from the scientific word for that sort of sea crab species."
Danan’s eyes widen, “A chelicerate? Outside of sector zero?? …those are all hybrids Alterra hadn’t attempted to make a stable version of yet… n-no wonder Alterra took an interest in them…”
Google swims back in with a bundle of plush comforter type blankets and sets them down in a corner. “There… I hope that is enough. It was all I could find.”
JJ smiles. Thank you, sir. I think this will be enough.
Schneep swims over, feeling out the blankets. "Oh! Oh, soft. Soooooft." He grins, settling down on the blankets, his eyes turning yellow for a brief moment.
JJ laughs. Save some for me!
"Oh, right, of course." Schneep gets up and starts separating the blankets out.
Danan laughs a bit at Schneep’s response to the blankets. “Get as much rest as you need. We will be around if you need anything.”
JJ looks at the humans in the room. Thank you all so much for your help. And tell Anti thank you too if you see him before we do. You're all so kind, and so brave.
Zara looks touched. “…thanks JJ. I.. I’m gonna try to see if I can improve my device! Maybe it can help you…” she quickly swims out.
Google gives them a slight smile, his lip just barely curling up. “It’s no problem. Give them hell if you can. … for Ollie.”
"We will," Schneep promises, facing Google. "And thank you some more."
“Anti should be back soon… try to rest until then okay?” Danan smiles and her and Google head out.
After the humans leave, JJ settles down to rest as well, pulling some of the blankets over himself. He makes a strange ghostly noise in his throat—which he doesn't mean to do, but immediately regrets as soon as it happens. He rubs his throat, frowning.
"Was that you?" Schneep asks, amused.
Yes. I didn't know I could do that. JJ pauses. Maybe... being in this form so long is affecting us. Back home, a danger of animal transformation is becoming the animal for real.
Schneep frowns. "Well, we are not fully animal. We will... probably just have some strange reactions. It will be fine."
I suppose you're right, JJ says. Well... good night?
"Good night." Schneep settles down on top of the blankets, curling his tail up. "We should sleep well. Tomorrow... I'm sure we'll need the rest."
And it's been a long day, too, JJ says. Good night, he says again, then closes his eyes.
The two of them try to sleep, and slowly, despite their worries, they drift off.
Meanwhile, even as the sun sets on the surface and the ocean turns dark- the new Alteran weapons are trying to sniff out their prey.
“How are we supposed to find these guys anyways?” BS-8 growls, “we don’t know what they look like!”
AE-10’s speaker sounds off, “SD… he is a sea dragon.” he says shortly.
“Oh… well. One of them we know at least. Did they even tell us what the other hybrids looked like?”
CE-9 shakes his head. "No. They didn't. But—they won't be under Alterra control. They'll probably run when they see us." He grins. "And we'll chase them."
“Yess! That’ll be such a thrill!” BS-8 grins too, showing off his sharp teeth.
“…they are most likely hiding…” AE-10 says, “Which means running to them out in the open is unlikely…”
"Right, of course. Hiding, hiding, hiding." CE-9 starts swimming in circles for a moment. "Hiding... where would prey hide? Maybe—maybe deep down. Can we go deep down? Let's go deep down. We need to find a way." He starts diving.
BS-8’s eyes flash and he grins. “Yeah yeah!!” He quickly dives after CE-9.
AE-10 seems to regard them with a bit of annoyance but glitches to catch up. He shakes himself out as electricity courses along his tail in response. “…I suppose that is logical… they were in the… kelp forest.” His gaze becomes unfocused for a second as if processing information then he nods. “If they found a way underground… that leads to the grand reef. Northwards-”
"Northwards," CE-9 repeats, changing direction. He knows which way is north instinctively. "Grand reef? Reef..." He shakes his head. The word isn't familiar to him. This whole environment seems strange to him, actually, but it doesn't matter, does it? There is still prey here to find.
“Correct. Though it is night, now. They could be sleeping. Which will make detection harder.” AE-10 replies.
BS-8 snorts and bares his teeth. “I don’t like just lookin’ I wanna tear something’ up. I’m fucking starving.” He hears a call up above and grins as he sees a large looming creature, long floating tentacles dangling behind it. Spots of green glow underneath it in small clusters. “Ohhh! Think we could kill that??”
CE-9 also starts drifting up towards the creature. He could take that. He knows he can.
“Not advisable BS-8.” AE-10 drones, “Please stay focused.”
“But I’m hungryyy AE!” BS-8 whines.
CE-9 frowns at AE-10 as well. But he's right. They have to stay focused. Even so. "We need to eat, we need to eat to swim," he says, twitching a little. He looks around. "Small things, maybe? Anything. They'll be fast, good practice for fast things."
Oooo, what about that fish with a big eye? CE-9's lock onto it. His throat rumbles with the beginning of a roar.
“…fine. Don’t stray too far.” AE-10 drones.
“Don’t you wanna join AE?” BS-8 asks.
“My mask prevents me. I will get fuel when we return successfully.” AE answers. BS shrugs then grins at CE-9, “Let’s see how many we can kill!”
Then he rockets down into the trench below them, darting out to try to catch the peepers.
They are over a large expanse of ocean that looks very sparse except these trenches and spots of glowing flora. Peepers and Reginalds float around though, good source of food.
It doesn’t look like they’re too far from the grand reef though- there’s spots of glowing blue up ahead.
…and it looks like they’re not the only large creatures attempting to hunt here. Though that is strange.. this place looks pretty barren. It’s hard to see what kind of creature it is through the dense fog- but it does seem to have multiple tails.
CE-9 lunges at one of  the peepers, catching it in his arm and immediately biting into its flesh. Once he's done tearing it apart, he looks up, and catches the sight of some tails flicking through the fog. He grins. And instantly charges that way, letting out a screeching roar.
The creature stiffens and then cries out in surprise as he’s suddenly tackled to the sea bed by CE-9. This hybrid has dark green hair and black sclera- kinda like AE-10. He’s got green scales and sharp teeth and claws. He looks like he’ll make a fun fight.
The hybrid’s breath hitches, especially once he notices the gauges on CE-9’s ears. “N-No!”
He panics and then opens his mouth, trying to hit CE with a fireball.
CE-9 shrieks and jerks backwards, trying to shake off the burning fire, unintentionally freeing the hybrid in the process. He shakes his head--and then realizes what just happened. That's not normal prey. That's the target. "Sea dragon!" he gasps. "SD-4!"
Anti looks absolutely terrified and quickly tries to kick up sand with his tails to temporarily blind CE-9 to try to escape.
Meanwhile, AE-10’s head snaps down to see the target and CE. He stiffens getting a message from WH-5, who’s still watching them, in his head. ‘Thats the target. Do not let him get away. Do not fail.’ Yellow pulses in AE’s eyes as he nods and calls out. “BS! We found him!”
BS-8 looks up from where he’s caught a peeper in his mouth, yellow blood sprayed around his face, slowly chewing. He spits out the rest then grins and starts to give chase. AE-10 follows close after, charging up electricity in his hands.
CE-9 closes his eyes and charges forward, grabbing onto Anti, trying to pin him down. He glances back at the others. Have to secure the target! Don't let go, don't let go!
Anti yells out and quickly slips his tails out of CE-9’s grip and tries to scramble away. He quickly breathes out another fireball at CE in his scramble.
BS-8 soars after him but is having trouble keeping up.
AE-10 tries to throw out blasts of his magic but misses as Anti serpentines out of the way. He hurriedly swims north towards the reef, making sure he still has his bag.
CE-9 screeches, letting go and clawing at the space where the fireball hit. Not burning! Not burning! Anything but burning! He drops down to the floor of the sea and rolls in the sand for a bit until he doesn't feel the pain anymore. Then he gets up again, breathing heavily, and darts after Anti, letting out another roar.
BS-8 hears CE-9’s distress and looks back, going up to swim next to him. “You okay CE?”
"Fine!" CE-9 snaps. "Let's go!" He snarls ferally and keeps swimming, determinedly charging forward after Anti.
“Right!” BS-8 grins, his eyes flashing brighter. He hurries after them too. 
AE is still trying to get closer, glitching to get further down and trying to blast SD-4 off course. But the sea dragon knows this area better than them- he’s darting behind rocks and places the others aren’t prepared for. AE finally manages to glitch close to Anti to blast an electric ball right into his side. Anti screeches and crashes into a rocky wall, momentarily disoriented.
“Don’t resist, SD-004.” AE-10 growls out, “Capturing you will prove our worth to Alterra. We will not fail.”
Anti spits out sand and glares at AE. “T-they don’t give a single shit about you! J-just leave me alone!”
CE-9 catches up, growling down at Anti. He lunges forward, trying to grab him again, screeching so loudly that it's disorienting.
Anti yells and curls up to try cover his ears, then whips out one of his tails to wrap around CE’s tail and throws him back into the rock before darting away again.
"Ah!" CE-9 wasn't expecting that. He hesitates for a moment, then shakes himself off and lauches himself forward again, mandibles outstretched.
BS-8 shrieks and tries to follow Anti hot on his tail. AE-10 tries to glitch after them.
CE-9’s mandibles catch onto Anti’s tail and pulls him back and Anti screams in fear. “No- no!!” CE-9 growls. He looks back at the others as he tries to pull Anti closer—but that moment of distraction is enough for Anti to wriggle free again, at the cost of scraping his tail on the serrated ends of CE-9's mandibles. Orange blood flies into the air. CE-9 screeches in anger.
Anti hurries away as fast as he can- but a trail of blood follows him through the water.
AE-10 manages to tackle Anti to the ground and pins him down, “WH-5! We need a warp!”
Blue and purple blooms bright behind AE and Anti and Anti sees a flash of familiar pink eyes. He panics and throws AE-10 back and WH and AE crash into each other in a heap. Sparse electricity crackles from AE’s tail and mildly shocks WH and the warp gate crackles with green before bursting into bubbles. WH makes a confused screech and- his blue eyes show through the pink, looking confused.
Anti watches this with wide eyes and hesitates- then he quickly tries to dart away while eveyone is distracted.
AE tries to glitch after him- only causing WH more distress as his body momentarily glitches too.
CE-9 stares at AE and WH in shock for a moment, a little scared of what he sees. But then he remembers the target is getting away. He screeches and swims after Anti, but he has a head start. Even CE-9's charging speed isn't enough to close the distance. BS-9 also stares at AE in confusion but tries to dart out after Anti, nipping at his tail. Then Anti manages to throw sand in their faces again before he slips down into a tunnel and disappears from sight. 
WH-5 pushes AE-10 off of him and swims away, looking at him with wide eyes. “T-That was Anti- I… y-you…!” He sounds more emotional than anyone had heard him so far. He opens up his palm to try to make another wrap gate but then his hands crackles with green lightning and he makes a muffled shout, holding his hand. “I-I can’t warp?! What did you do to me?!”
AE-10 trembles back, something flickering in his eyes. Why does this feel so familiar? … this hasn’t happened before right?
"Anti?" CE-9 repeats, looking back at WH-5. Why does that name... make him feel both angry and fond at the same time? He's never heard that name. CE-9 shakes it off and swims over to the tunnel opening. Anti isn't in sight. They lost him. He growls in anger, then swims back to WH and AE. "What happened?! What do we do?!" The electricity seems dangerous, but he starts to reach out anyway. "Wh-what do we do?!" They need—they need direction. Direction of some kind.
“Why am I here?!” Marvin says with a trembling static voice. “W-What is this thing on me?!” He tries to pull at his mask- but it’s stuck on tight.
AE-10 tries to swim up and hold out hands towards WH-5, “Calm down WH!”
“My name is Marvi-!” The warper tries to screech before he suddenly stiffens as a shock goes through his gauges. He then slumps to the ground, head bent over his chest.
CE-9 backs up, suddenly strangely scared upon seeing WH-5's breakdown.
BS-8 swims back towards the group and looks at WH-5 with wide eyes. “W-What happened?!”
Then, all their gauges crackle with static as Demerci’s voice echoes in their minds. ‘Let this be an example of what happens to failures, Hybrids…’
The threat lingers in the air before WH-005 stiffly and robotically sits up, his eyes pink again. He floats up, regarding the other hybrids emotionlessly once more. “…that was a momentary setback. We can still find SD-004. He can’t have gotten far.”
“What will you do without your warps, sir?” AE-10 says quietly.
“We will make do until my powers are fully functional again.”
It's... nothing. It's nothing. CE-9 shakes his head. "Yes. Of course. Surely this is temporary." He turns back to the tunnel Anti went down. "The target went that way. Should we follow directly, or try to circle around?"
“Directly. You injured him. We can follow the scent of his blood.” WH-5 drones and starts swimming forward. “BS-8, CE-9, show me where SD-4 escaped.”
AE-10 hesitates then follows shortly after.
“I didn’t see which way for sure…” BS-8 says quietly, “I-I think CE-9 saw where he went exactly.”
"Yes, down here." CE-9 hovers at the mouth of the tunnel. Once everyone is over, he dives down into the tunnel. "Where does this lead?"
“Presumedly towards the Deep Grand Reef.” WH-5 says and starts to swim through after CE. AE-10 and BS-8 follow close behind. “Either his nest is here or..  we’re on the scent of the rebels.”
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