dragooniv-archived · 6 years
@imperialroseking​  ―  Starter call!
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     ‘ glad aren’t we? no other rivalries around to be found. ’ with endless conflict of war they got themselves into, for what actual purpose were they needed to participate in this ordeal?
     few days ago, the trial of this world appeared in all of a sudden, even with the summoned warriors attempting to sort out their confusion, preparation time were not given.       faction 1: Dragoon ( Kain ), Dark Knight ( Leon ) , White Mage, Black Mage.      faction 2 : Warrior, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage      faction 3 : Paladin, Red Mage, White Mage, Bowman ..... up to Faction 1000.      rewards: 100 bars of gold + 1 resurrection ( a person of your choice ) 
     being summoned without individuals’ consent, rage and shouts filled the sky, only to be silenced by the host of this 「 team battle royale 」 themselves. the game maker’s combat skill was far superior than any adventurers who attempted to deal with them. the punishment for rules breaker deemed severe, at the cost of violator’s life. they rebelled, he executed people in relations to the rebellion. forced participants knew compliance’s absolute, the fear of deaths engraved to their heart , upon the sinister act of the game maker in dealing with violators.. They must carry out this ‘ entertainment ’ until the last faction stood. it’s not long until a faction went down, finishing blow dealt by another faction within just the day 「 team battle royale 」happened..
     should they value their life, then they must act, survive, keen on their wits, factions will soon devouring their opponents.
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mistdragoned-blog · 9 years
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“Excuse me, Sir, I am missing a shop for whips around here. Could you possibly tell me where I can find one?“ The young Summoner approached a man she considered quite trustworthy, though she didn’t know why she thought so. Maybe it was his attire that made him seem so to her.
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divine-identite · 9 years
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❝Be more cautious of your surroundings.❞
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firixn · 9 years
🙊 [Not like Firion wants to remember that right now... XD]
//XDD Me and Firi would be up for it when he`s in the mood for cuddles and needs his older brother |D
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imperialrosenking was noticed
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Seth had been wandering for a while now, looking for a way to end the cycle of battle that everyone seemed to have gotten stuck in. During these wanderings, he saw what appeared to be an unconscious person in the middle of Castle Pandaemonium. Worried, he rushed over to see who it was.
Seth saw that it was Leon - a dark knight on Chaos’s side. Seth hated lopsided fights, and felt that killing Leon in this state would be cowardly. Besides, he had heard mutterings that Leon wanted to align himself with Cosmos instead. Knowing this, Seth made a fateful decision: he took a potion and doused Leon with it.
“You need to wake up,” he stated firmly. “Laying there only invites death.”
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tenketsai-blog · 9 years
@imperialrosenking liked for a starter!
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The man seemed out of place here, was he uncomfortable? Being near him, Ursula certainly was. She could tell, quite clearly, he was a Dark Knight. Last she was docile around one like that, That Dragoon stole Fabul’s Wind Crystal. Still, he didn’t seem bad just... lost.
Exhaling, calling up her courage she took a few quick steps towards the man. She was a Fabulian Monk, the Kingdom’s Princess no less. She needed to be there, and do what she could for anyone who she was to come across.
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“Greetings Sir! You appear lost, do you need assistance?” 
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reflectionmountain · 9 years
❝You--❞ despite puzzlement, Kain wasted no time in sending a snowball flying back at his attacker.
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able-lance · 9 years
"Kain....I've been meaning to ask you something."
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“What is it Leon?”
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dragooniv-archived · 9 years
Send me ➵ and I will bold all that applies to your muse
i would hurt you or use you. ( Usual O’ Kain ) | you unsettle me. ( from rp, this gonna be bolded x’D)  | i dislike you or you annoy me. (rp why) | i would like to get to know you better. ( hey let’s not forget Kain’s still keeping an eye on this Leon)  | i pity you.(?) | you confuse me. | i feel indifferent towards you. | i would be friends with you.(Until the visit of Deist?)  | i would fight by your side.(Having more allies for the visit would benefit)  | i would hug you or hold your hand. | i would kiss you. | i would sleep with you. | i would lie for you. | i would protect you.( Kain needs to know the truth ) | i would fall in love with you. | i would kill for you | i respect you. | you are my family. | i don’t know you. ( YEAH WHO IS LEON HE HAVEN’T REALLY INTRODUCE HIMSELF TO KAIN?!) 
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frxdbear · 9 years
Terrible Idea || Closed with Imperialrosenking
It was late at night in the pizzeria, Goldie remained in the backstage as usual. That’s where he’d stay, if Freddy causes trouble or anything bad happens, he’ll try his best and solve it properly. To forget that day. Freddy remained in the show stage with the 2 animatronics he’d avoid. By this point, he’d move around but it’s not 2AM. Still 11PM, or was it 12? Either way, it honestly doesn’t matter. He doesn’t want to be here, at all. The fox stayed behind the curtains, silent. The whole pizzeria was silent. It made Foxy felt uncomfortable. The music and day time was great  and all, once it’s night and silent, it somewhat scares him thanks to Freddy. That damn bear. Freddy wanted this night to be interesting, however Goldie is always there to stop him. And Freddy is here to ruin Fredbear even more for reminding him of that very day he bit that child.
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