#important to keep in mind that im typing this from the perspective of a seventy year old main verse anatoliy who has had
rassvetiye · 1 year
How does your muse handle emotions? what does it take to get your muse to cry? what are they like when they’re angry?
emotions. anatoliy tries not to detach himself from his feelings because he doesn't like the idea of there being something inside himself that he cannot ultimately get a handle on, and he prefers to weather the discomfort than pull away from it. sometimes he will detach himself from the situation, but he is not detaching himself from the feelings it inspired. not being able to control the grief of losing vitaly ( which i should also mention how this springs from the loss of his sister and how her death kind of detached him from his parents and he really didn't have much of a relationship with them afterwards ) and also losing mariya as a result of that definitely helped shape how much more careful he is with his emotions and the reactions they cause from that point forward in life. but! again, he doesn't deny himself his feelings. his parents were like that, which turned him into a conduit for their emotional labor/processes while never really getting much back from them in return for it besides a lot of intellectualization in place of any genuine empathetic connection. this is also why anatoliy is very conscious of other peoples emotions as well, or at least his own perceptions of them. crying. i have no doubt that he's been seen to shed a tear over a particularly emotional story/song on occasion because he's just a very sentimental guy and i've said before he would absolutely cry when any of his kids leave the nest. he'll cry over loss for sure, but i think he tends to cry for other people more than he does for himself, and in private. anger. anatoliy more often than not perceives his own anger as a secondary emotion to something else and he is not very quick to respond in anger to people that are important to him. for the moments where it can't be helped his anger has a pretty humid presence of restraint that is clearly not for his benefit. he's immovable, stops hunching, hands on hips and deep breaths in his chest. he'll smile or laugh, but it's not nervous. he's not a yeller, won't raise his voice, it just gets deeper.
@d1c4af / meme.
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