fideidefenswhore · 5 months
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'Thus he ended his speech, and he doesn't say That he had wronged or spoken ill of the king, But he prayed that God long keep the king In life, in happiness, [in honour], and in contentment. And when, to the people in attendance, he said, With a steadfast countenance, "Pray for me," With a firm heart he presented his head To the sharp blade that carried it off in one blow. [And not fearing the great cruelty Of the sharp blade [...] Each one seeing that people bore great grief from it] The [three] who had to die afterwards Said nothing, as if they intentionally Had entrusted Rochford Alone to speak for their conscience [...] [The Queen] was still so curious [...] Therefore, they tell her that her brother had shown The greatest strength of any man ever seen [...] The story of the death of Anne Boleyn : a poem by Lancelot de Carle, JoAnn DellaNeva (Translator, Editor, Writer of added commentary)
"'I will,' he said in a good lawyerly fashion, 'not in this point arouse any suspicion which might prejudice the king's issue.' Unwilling to drop his line of questioning, Hales next claimed that George had spread malicious reports which called into question the paternity of Anne's child, Elizabeth. George did not dignify this with an answer. He knew his own sister." Hunting the Falcon, John Guy & Julia Fox
"But George refused to answer the question with the required yes or no, not wishing, he said, “to engender or create suspicion in a matter likely to prejudice the issue the King might have from another marriage.” Nor would he respond to any suggestion that he had spread a rumour that Elizabeth was not Henry’s. The idea that he believed Elizabeth was not the king’s child and that he had repeated such an untruth was, to George, so contemptible that he would not even dignify it with a reply." The Infamous Lady Rochford, Julia Fox
"George Boleyn's real 'crime' was to be Anne Boleyn's brother and Princess Elizabeth's uncle. He was intelligent and spirited enough to mount a powerful defence of his sister. He was powerful enough to provide the focus for Boleyn followers and, especially, those who would assert Elizabeth's rights as heir to the crown." Anne Boleyn, Josephine Wilkinson
#tsf repeated the line of 'george sealed his own fate' which pissed me off...so much#(yes these are screencaps from tsf. don't @ me)#george boleyn#first of all; george's fate was already sealed. so#secondly; i feel like that report from chapuys has been...misinterpreted; possibly?#(unpopular opinion forthcoming): i don't think he repeated what was written on the accusations he was brought#to humiliate henry (although probably this was a bonus)#i think it was more a matter of... he wasn't going to allow them to accuse him of having said something ('not even more replied better')#that they refused to read into the record. and accountability and possibly more a way to give one last blow to cromwell#vis a vis humiliating henry. which is part of why wulfhall was so infuriating#that it was portrayed as cromwell 'tricking' george into doing so.#because the next part (oft omitted which is why i've included it above) is that he won't say anything to impugn the king's issue.#and the NEXT part is to accuse him himself of having spread rumors elizabeth wasn't the king's child#and why would he do that. even his enemies admitted his intelligence#(christopher hales was very closely connected to cromwell and george would've known that if he fucked up it would reflect on cromwell and#thus infuriate henry)#as for his last speech; i wish he was given the credit that anne is given and deserves#which is that his final words were to protect his remaining family#but yeah. so much interesting in de carles. these men being fortified by notcing the crowd was grieving them; not exulting in their ends.
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laurelwen · 1 year
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bonyfish · 7 months
gig delivery app: hey you didn't deliver this order from earlier today >:( the customer says it never got there and since the delivery photos don't save to your phone for entirely justified privacy reasons there is no way for you to concretely prove that you delivered it >:( we are real mad at you and are using typography and graphic design about it >:(
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nerianasims · 1 year
The fact that Boris Johnson’s mansion is called Checkers keeps making my American brain have “What?” moments while I’m imbibing what’s going on with his clownshow.
Besides the game, this is Checkers in America:
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sanguinir · 1 year
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@fatewoven & Gortash asked : "you know i could have helped with that" empathetic starters - no longer accepting
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𝚃𝙷𝙴   𝙻𝙰𝚄𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙴𝚁   𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃   𝙴𝚁𝚄𝙿𝚃𝙴𝙳   𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼   𝙷𝙸𝙼   𝚆𝙰𝚂   𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙳   𝙰𝙽𝙳   𝙷𝚈𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙲𝙰𝙻,   gasping   for   air   that   his   lungs   didn’t   need   and   bloody   tears   threatening   to   spill.   There   was   no   mirth   to   be   heard,   no   joy   warming   the   sharp,   immortal   lines   of   the   pale   elf’s   face.  
Astarion   had   to   be   exceptionally   clever   to   have   been   appointed   a   magistrate   in   his   thirties      —      clever   with   words,   clever   with   contracts,   clever   with   people.   Cazador   had   not   always   given   the   most   thorough   of   instructions   on   the   little   hunts   he   sent   his   spawn   on   and   the   former   magistrate   had   exploited   the   loopholes   ruthlessly,   hunting   for   a   way   to   sever   his   master’s   control   over   him   for   at   least   one   hundred   fifty   years   with   no   success.   At   least,   until   the   tadpole   had   set   him   on   the   path   to   Ascension.  
The   prospect   of   this   ambitious   and   manipulative,   yet   otherwise   unremarkable,   human   man   could   save   him   was   beyond   moronic.   Enver   Gortash   was   a   great   many   things,   but   a   philanthropist   and   humanitarian?   A   person   who   did   things   out   of   the   goodness   of   his   heart?   A   person   who   would   expend   his   resources   for   a   spawn   who   had   nothing   to   offer   outside   of   paltry   gossip   of   the   goings   on   in   his   master’s   house?  
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No,   this   was   the   platitudes   of   a   political   animal   sorting   out   whether   or   not   it   was   still   the   top   of   the   food   chain   or   if   it   had   finally   been   reduced   to   prey.   Astarion   didn’t   need   to   blink   the   scarlet   film   of   his   tears   from   his   eyes   to   see   what   was   happening.   Gortash,   perhaps   feeling   off-balance   for   once,   possibly   even   feeling   the   tiniest   bit   of   fear   in   the   face   of   a   recently   evolved   apex   predator.   Jockeying   for   favor   like   he   was   still   a   neophyte   to   the   political   landscape   of   Baldur’s   Gate   and   not   the   man   that   had   manipulated   his   meteoric   rise   from   the   gutter   to   the   annals   of   power.  
❝      If   I   didn’t   know   better,   I   would   think   you’re   auditioning   to   be   my   court   jester,   Gortash.   I   do   think   you’d   look   rather   charming   with   those   shoes   with   the   stupid   bells   at   the   toes   to   match   the   garish   outfit   .   .   .   Perhaps   I   should   order   some   delivered   so   you   can   dance   for   me,   as   an   apology   for   that   poor   attempt   at   empathy.      ❞      Leaning   in   with   burning   scarlet   eyes   and   fanged   mouth   pulled   into   feral   mimicry   of   a   smile,   the   ascended   vampire   issued   his   threat.   ❝      You   survived   playing   games   with   me   then,   but   you   𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍   𝒏𝒐𝒕   survive   those   same   games   now.   Have   I   made   myself   clear?      ❞
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It’s funny how the Hob/Dream situationship is just one speck (though no less important) in the web that is the bullshit life of Morpehus, so (as a comic reader) to see people latching onto it with such ferocity is hilarious. 
Like, it doesn’t end there. People who haven’t read the comics may be inclined to see their relationship in a more yassified light (for lack of a better term) and it always makes me bust a seam.
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withswords · 1 year
the house writers are Actively Delusional if they think I'm invested in 8 seasons of huddy will they won't they. these freaks don't even like each other
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woodsteingirl · 2 years
This is a naked challenge to Brutus to impugn Cassius's honour, to suspect his motives, to see in him a man shallow, fickle, irresponsible. Clearly no man issues such a challenge unless securely confident that it cannot be taken up. In other words, this is not Cassius (cf. Plutarch, where it is Cassius - as 'commonly reputed' (Brutus, p. 130).
i think i hauve covid.
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asotin · 1 year
tobirama can, should, and must be harassed, but he really was critical to konoha’s development. the chuunin exams are the reason rock lee vs gaara exists so fuck everyone else i respect him 
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butchmartyr · 1 year
the vestal is just like me for real so glad we got more backstory in darkest dungeon 2
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ghoul-haunted · 2 years
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‘Lovers in Peace’ Brutus and Cassius: A re-examination, John Roland Dove & Peter Gamble
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thenerdyindividual · 2 years
RIP to your notes 🖤
Lmao thank you anon. It’s been a wild 11 hours. Most people just seem highly amused by the exchange, but there is a very vocal subset of people who seem to think I was attempting to drag Lynda Carter or make fun of her, rather than expressing my delight as she learns to pick up on tumblr’s somewhat esoteric etiquette.
Y’all, I literally called her a favorite aunt.
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sbnkalny · 2 years
And what a death, from what doctors discovered in your dreams make sense? YES and no, right? not all have to you go away for the rest is history of all hitherto existing society is the history behind this letter that the Prince would be furious about such a work, impugning his highness
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Manifesting Gerard as the Wicked Witch of the West or Dorothy tomorrow
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nerianasims · 2 years
Sense and Sensibility
Edward Ferrars -- Full on engaged to another woman for years when he falls in love with Eleanor. His family opposes him in everything; he does not fit in with their high society ideas for him. Gets cut off by his mother when she finds out about his engagement, but refuses to give it up because he is honorable and will not leave Lucy twisting in the wind, even though he loves Eleanor.
Colonel Brandon -- The woman he loved was forced to marry his brother. She then died, after having lived in shame and squalor because Brandon had been sent away under suspicion that he’d elope with her otherwise. He finds her before her death and has been taking care of her daughter for years and years. Still broken-hearted, but finding himself able to love again when he meets someone with a romantic sensibility as strong as his (though hers is misguided at first.)
Pride and Prejudice
Mr. Bingley -- Friendly to a fault. Too amenable to his friend’s persuasion. I admit, Bingley does not compel me much.
Mr. Darcy -- Arrogant as the devil. Was brought up to think very much too well of himself, and almost destroys his life because of it. When the woman he loves tells him he’s an unmitigated jackass, he goes off furious at first, but then thinks about it. And then when they next meet, has entirely buried his jackassery because under it all, he has a good heart and enough sense to know that Elizabeth was right. Then proceeds to rescue Elizabeth’s sister from a truly awful man, going into dark and dangerous parts of London to do so.
Mansfield Park
We don’t talk about Mansfield Park. Though I will say, everyone pushes Fanny to marry Henry Crawford because they see this as a way to ensure her safety! Austen is not here for marrying a guy whom others think is “safe”, whether it’s a Henry Crawford, a Mr. Collins, or a William Elliott.
Frank Churchill -- Another secret engagement! This time to a woman he loves though. Flirts with another woman to try to hide said secret engagement. Amusing, self-centered, charming because he’s had to be his whole life. And I have my suspicions about his aunt dying so suddenly.
Mr. Knightley -- I would like people to notice that Mr. Knightley is actually really damn funny. Because he is really damn funny. Aids Emma in relative-wrangling. Jealous as hell, but fights it with everything he’s got. Dances with Harriet when she’s rejected by Mr. Elton, thereby fighting the cruelties of the class system in a small way. Still has the rather large fault of always being convinced he is correct, which is spelled out explicitly, but he does his best to be kind. Emma sure does dwell on how handsome he is a lot, even though she doesn’t realize she’s doing it.
Northanger Abbey
Henry Tilney -- Smart, funny, openly interested in novels and women’s fashion. As soon as his father tells him not to marry Catherine, that is when Henry rides off to propose to her.
Frederick Wentworth -- “[Anne] prized the frank, the open-hearted, the eager character beyond all others. Warmth and enthusiasm did captivate her still. She felt that she could so much more depend upon the sincerity of those who sometimes looked or said a careless or a hasty thing, than of those whose presence of mind never varied, whose tongue never slipped.”
“You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope.”
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Accuser quelqu'un de falsificar pruebas para difamare su reputation.
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