#imxa's will get added. hrngrr Later
nyehilismwriting ยท 3 years
Would you consider putting together short physical descriptions of the main ship crew including non ROs? For drawing reference ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฅบ
yep! I've actually been working on these for the directory for the next update so I'll drop 'em here too - they aren't all that comprehensive but they should give a general idea. I'll add some stuff from my notes as well.
leanna: A dark-skinned woman of lean build, Leanna has thick, tightly curled black hair that she frequently ties back, black eyes, and an open, friendly face; she smiles easily, and carries the lines of a working life around her eyes.
[notes: pierced ears, usually wears dark, earthy colours. practical clothing.]
ki-ha: Ki-Ha is a stocky man, with the kind of solid weight that comes from both muscle and fat; he's got deep brown eyes, short black hair going grey at the temples, and his hands are littered with burn scars. You've glimpsed tattoos on his hands, though you're not sure how far up they go.
[notes: the tattoos do go all the way up both arms but the operative hasn't seen them yet. also i have the word 'beefy' in my notes about 3 times <3]
rhaxa: Standing at around eight feet tall, with their serpentine neck and razor-sharp teeth, Rhaxa is what you might describe as 'intimidating'. They have six limbs: one pair of enormous, mantis-like claws, a set of roughly humanoid arms, ending in four-fingered hands with sharp claws, and digitigrade legs. Their wings consist of a membrane suspended from a prehensile cartilaginous structure, used not for flight but for movement and balance, and their tail is roughly half the length of their body again. Their skin is black, with the scales along their neck and limbs carrying a blue-green iridescence, and their eyes are vivid orange, with keyhole pupils. Rhaxa uses they/them, he/him, and xe/xem pronouns.
[notes: there's a post here with more info about the bugs' physiology]
skylar: Skylar has the same dark skin and black hair as his sister, though he keeps his cropped short; at nineteen, he's still young, bright-eyed and cheerful.
[notes: resemblance to leanna most prominent when smiling. no piercings, but he does have a couple of tattoos, including an albatross head on one shoulder]
joia: Joia is around eight years old, with the kind of fragile, bony look of a child growing slightly faster than her body can keep up; she's mixed race, with brown skin and black hair, currently worn in braids, and dark brown eyes.
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