#in a constant loop of killing myself atp
obrother1976 · 1 year
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tippertot · 1 day
"i don't have any real plans to continue the story myself at the moment, so i love hearing what you and others think could happen next!" Okay great, because I got more lmao. I'm incapable of shutting up May I present to you: the Cave Shard Trap! Somehow-- maybe by enlisting Erio's help, Gabbro lures Cordie to the Lakebed Cave by Gabbro and traps them in one of the isolated areas the shard travels to. This would require multiple, constant observers; Gabbro would have to either convince Chert over long-range comms that Cordie needs to be kept there, in an area they've never heard of, and of how quantum physics really does work, or that their "newbie" astronaut was last heard going into that cave and hasn't responded, so Gabbro needs them to watch it like a hawk for an hour at least until they come back. Maybe they could get Gossan or Reibeck on this too so the one of the other caves they might try demolishing (explosions) is unreachable, effectively locking Cordie in that one cave deep on Ember Twin for the rest of the loop! (Because I think you can leave most of them on foot.) And, hopefully, they wouldn't have blown up the ATP entrance beforehand. (I'll admit, I wanna play tag or hide and seek in the OW solar system now >> )
ooh, the hard part would be convincing Cordie to go in the caves. they're really cautious especially when Gabbro was involved, it would take some pretty intense deception to get them in there.
ANOTHER tough spot would be getting Chert to keep them in there. their morality toward death and killing hasn't degraded like the others have, and Cordie would take advantage of that. assuming Gabbro is communicating with them over radio, i can see Cordie joining the channel and doing their best hatchling act to beg for their life, crying and screaming that they are going to get crushed by the sand and trying to convince Chert that Gabbro is the one who has lost their mind and is trying to murder them for no good reason.
it's one big, delicious game of psychological chess
(there is a multiplayer mod, if you can scrounge up a few friends then hide and seek is definitely something that can happen)
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