#in a domestic slice-of-lifey way
pvffinsdaisies · 2 years
scotnor tries each others traditional clothing. Dont know how fond of bunads scot would be
I could totally imagine scotland feeling a bit awkward wearing a bunad, but he loves it. It’s part of Norway and he just loves Norway. 😌
I can see Norway feeling a bit shy wearing a kilt and Scotland softly kisses his cheek to make him feel more confident! 😭😭😭
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zuureleena · 1 year
profiles of the main characters of the adult roommates total drama au i'm working on!! where every1 is around their 30s and the story focuses on heather, noah, and cody :D [this is subject to change btw!! depending on what i think'll work better for the plot]
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soo quick premise of the story (w/o spoiling too much):
noah recently broke off a 10-year relationship with emma after a fight that resulted in him being kicked out of their shared house all together — for reasons neither of them are ready to disclose, not even to themselves.
thus, after a series of unfortunate events, our failure of a fantasy novelist ends up rooming with cody, now a lanky man who not-so-gracefully fell from stardom, and heather, a cat mom doing her PhD in psychology and is displeased with having to share a space with noah and cody of all people.
with both men broke and heather barely having enough time or energy to carry their collective finances on her own, the three are forced to get their shit together and navigate through the turbulence of living in a bustling city, deal with domesticity, and face the complexities of their respective minds as they make their way up in life (again).
[courtney does play a role but i won't spoil!!]
there'll be more characters involved but i'm thinking that these are, at the very least, the main cast: the trio being the protagonists while emma and courtney are secondary characters
BUT!! i'm struggling between making this into a comic or a fanfic 🥲 bcs obvs the former will take much longer than the latter, but i can immerse ppl sm more with the comic ihwkebwksb idk we'll have to see where this story goes because i am still structuring it!
it's supposed to be slice-of-lifey, sooo a good amount of fluff and angst cuz i rlly wanna make it realistic and relatable to the majority :D since so many older aus are rlly intense and trauma-heavy 😭😭🙏??! LIKE yes my story will obvs explore the trio's personal problems but i'm really trying not to make it be smth off-the-rails and batshit insane 💀 ykwim??
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fbfh · 4 years
poly! jason x reader x percy hcs
Oh baby get ready
Hot buff tol golden boy sammich with y/n filling
Jason is absolutely the brain cell
He is such hubby material
Like he’ll have coffee with you in the morning and talk about current events and generally be a nice domestic boyf
If you have any amount of maturity it’s nice 
Y’all are like newlyweds
Protect him
Percy however
Way more of a college sweetheart boyf with a little bit of bad boy sprinkles
Like I feel like mornings with yall will be really cute
You and Jason have coffee and catch up 
It’s all quiet and nice 
Then Percy (who wakes up a little later) comes in all groggy
He hugs you from behind and sleepily kisses your neck
While fist bumping jason
You talk to percy a little while he grabs a granola bar and some juice and heads out for swim practice 
You catch him right before he leaves and toss him his goggles (which he always forgets)
He pulls you in for a quick open mouthed kiss and tells you he couldn't live without you
Then he points to jason over your shoulder and threatens to kick his ass at air hockey later 
Jason says he's so sure and percy heads off to swim 
On your way back to Jason you grab his glasses that he misplaced again
Jason, who didn’t realize he lost them again, kisses you on the forehead and thanks you
Percy @ jason: bro
Jason @ percy: bro
y/n: exists
Jason and percy @ y/n: b a b e
y/n @ jason and percy: b a b e s
That’s it that’s the dynamic
It’s like three jake peraltas dating but two of them hate each other
When you come home after work or class or whatever 
And they’re both there before you
They will literally sandwich you with kisses and cuddles
Pampering you is their favorite hobby besides fistfighting at the vending machines at 5am when percy wakes up and jason goes to bed
Have you seen that one video
This one
It’s that
They just smother you in kisses and hickeys and ask how your day was and tell you how much they love you
It’s so much that you genuinely don’t remember anything stressful that happened that day
They just fuckin boyfriend roleplay soft kisses asmr your stress away
After that y’all usually get some cocoa or something and watch netflix in a cuddle puddle
Finding shows all three of you can watch can be challenging
Surprisingly enough they both really like New Girl
They also like a lot of edgy slice of life teen dramas like never have I ever and outer banks
it always seems to give them that “damn we didn’t make regionals I can’t believe my bff and ex won prom queen and king” contemporary sense of normalcy 
No matter what crazy shit the writers throw in it’s never crazier than what they’ve experienced
I feel like that’s the case for most demigods too though
Some other classic crowd favorites are friends, brooklyn 99, crazy ex girlfriend, the unbreakable kimmy schmidt, glee, even like fuckin
Miraculous ladybug
Any relatively slice of lifey, sitcomey, probably has teens as their target demographic feel good contemporary show on netflix usually goes over pretty well
It’s like two irritable cats
If they’re both sleeping or cuddling with you then everything’s fine
But all it takes is one stupid comment from one of them and they start bickering
Sometimes it’s a roast sesh sometimes it’s a full blown pillow fight
Most of the time they end up wrestling until they’re giggling disasters
One time there was a literal slap fight
Like it’s truly a trip with them
When you can actually get them to get along it’s weirdly nice
They are bros and you are their babe and they fuckin love youuuuuu
They can get pretty competitive
Especially in the bedroom
So things can get pretty spicy
They never get so caught up in competition that they forget about you though
You’re their top priority
And it shows
They somehow know which hickeys that they gave you are theirs
Once there was one on the back of your neck that neither of them gave you 
You were all really confused
Then it started to itch
One quick google search later, you found out sometimes mosquito bites can bruise
You sometimes joke after that that this hickey is from jason, this one’s from percy, and this one’s from my mosquito lover
A lot of people get jealous that you’re dating percy and jason
Like a weird amount of people
Any college classmates that you guys end up telling, some of your friends, strangers at the grocery store
Like a weirdly large number of people’s first reaction is “wtf you can’t have both of them”
They’re like um yes they can???? Excuse you????
Other than that you don’t get a lot of shit
Maybe it’s bc you’re constantly surrounded by two six foot hot sexy powerful demigods who would kill for you and probably have before
But like that’s just a guess
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Thirty-One: Boiling Water ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Another day...another away basketball game. Which means a pretty empty classroom for the Home Ec group.
And Sasuke still has a lot on his mind regarding the class.
It’s true that he’s really enjoyed this semester. He had his doubts in the beginning. It has a bit of a reputation for being...well, girly. Of course, now he knows better. Sewing, cooking, cleaning...it’s not a girl thing, it’s a person thing.
While most of his classmates are underclassmen girls, they’ve subtly - in their own way - help impress just such a fact upon him. Doesn’t matter what you are. Got a hole in your shirt? You can fix it, just gotta know how. Need to make a dessert for a friend’s potluck? You can make one, just gotta know how! And literally everyone needs to know how to clean. Otherwise...you’re just gross.
In short, he went from one of those senior guys to a better equipped soon-to-be-adult. And also from someone rather intimidating in the class to the girls’ favorite person to fill in on gossip and ask opinions for. From scary upperclassman to adopted older brother of the class, really.
Well...for everyone except one person.
Hinata’s been...different. Mostly because she’s a senior, like he is. But also because she’s pretty much teacher number two. A copilot for the class, but especially for Sasuke. She helped him catch up in a variety of the class’s aspects, but especially cooking. Which his mother has been ecstatic about.
And over time, it’s become less about him learning from her, and more just...hanging out with her. They use free days to just...sit and cook things and talk. He hasn’t ever really had a friend like her before. Mostly he’s only ever just been commandeered into friendships like that with Naruto, or Shikamaru, or any of the other guys in their year. Any girls he’s met have generally been obnoxious and only wanted one thing from him.
...ironic then that the one he’s been able to tolerate and actually befriend...he’s been trying very hard not to feel more than that for.
He didn’t even mean for it to happen! It just...did! She’s so kind, and soft-spoken, and sweet...and she’s never treated him like the other girls have treated him. Like some kind of prey to be stalked and hunted down. It drives him up the wall...no, Hinata just treats him like anyone else. Like a friend.
And...and that’s what he wants.
It just so happens, too, that this entire conundrum is coming up as the semester is about to end. Technically Sasuke only needs one semester of this class to meet his requirements for graduation. And at the beginning of the year, he had assumed he’d be thankful once it was over. But now...he’s not so sure. And not just because of Hinata. He genuinely enjoys the class, and wants to stay.
There’s just one problem: his dad has been hounding him about taking as many “attractive” classes to colleges as he can. And needless to say that a Home Ec course doesn’t really do much for him in that regard.
Which leaves Sasuke in a bit of a bind. Does he ignore his father’s very obvious hinting and risk making him mad? Or does he abandon one of his favorite classes to please him (and whatever university ends up accepting him), making himself all the more miserable?
It’s been bugging him for a few weeks now...and he really isn’t sure what to do.
So...he decides to ask the one person he thinks he should.
“Another quiet day,” Hinata muses, letting her bag rest near the table she always sits at. “Well...want to cook something?”
Sasuke doesn’t reply at first, and her head tilts curiously.
“Could we maybe do something...else first?”
“Um...sure! What...what were you thinking?”
“I’d like some advice.”
Pale eyes blink in surprise. “...okay! Um...would you like some tea for while we...talk?”
“...yeah, that’d be nice.”
Nodding, Hinata fetches one of the Home Ec room’s kettles, filling it with water and letting it sit on the stovetop. “Is...everything okay?”
“Y’know how I mentioned changing classes the other day?”
“Oh...yeah. Still haven’t m-made a decision yet?”
His head shakes.
“Well, I...I don’t know if I’m really the person to ask, Sasuke.”
“I already asked my mom. She said I should stay.”
“...I take it you, um...you haven’t asked your dad?”
“No. I already know what he’d say. And...I didn’t want to risk bringing it up and having him make up my mind for me, y’know?”
“Yeah...I get that.” Going quiet for a moment, she seems to mull that over. “...what do you want to do?”
“...I want to stay.”
“But...I don’t want my dad to get angry. I don’t want to risk screwing up my college apps.”
“Will half a credit really make or break you…?”
“No. I don’t think so? I don’t know!”
Holding up a hand for a pause, Hinata lets the kettle build to a steady whistle before pouring two mugs of tea. “...here.”
“Let’s sit.”
Sasuke follows, holding his cup and not yet drinking. It’s almost more soothing just to hold it.
“...before, when we talked...you said you liked this class, right?”
“And that you...you already know your major, and...what kind of job you want?”
“I guess. It’s not really that I...want it? More just I guess it’s what I’ll do.”
Hinata’s eyes lower to the table, clearly thinking. “...do you...enjoy the things we do in class? Like...would you consider them hobbies, now?”
“...some of it? Cooking, yeah. I was kinda meh about it before, but...now I really like it. The rest is just useful.”
“...then I would stay, if I were you. Your dad can’t throw much of a fit about half a credit, right…?”
Sasuke sighs, a hand running back through his hair. “...I guess not. I just…” There’s a beat of hesitation. “...my dad’s pretty strict with my brother and I. Itachi’s already getting his undergrad in business this year, and he’s going on for a master’s. I don’t even think he wants to, he just feels like he has to because Dad pushed him into it. And then he started doing the same to me when Itachi started college.”
Hinata’s expression sobers. “...I know how that goes. My father and I, we...we had a big f-falling out when I was younger about what I wanted to do. When I told him I was going to take a year off...he told me he was cutting all support once I graduate.”
A nod. “He doesn’t think it’s proper. So I’ll be on my own. But I don’t have a plan...nothing’s ever felt that c-clear to me. I wanted the year to take and just...discover myself. See if...there was something I wanted to pursue.”
Sasuke’s brows furrow with a frown. “...I still say you do culinary stuff. You’re so good at it, Hinata! And you clearly enjoy it! Screw your dad and his snotty standards. Take a year, explore, and then go to culinary school. Look...I know there’s a pretty good program with the local community college. I bet you’d do great, and it wouldn’t be very expensive. Hell, I’d help you if I could.”
At that, her face slackens in surprise. “You...you really…?”
“You’re like...the nicest person I know. If your dad’s gonna treat you like that, it’s his loss, not yours. It’s your life, ‘nata. Do what you want with it.” Sasuke takes a gulp of tea in a spike of temper, feeling it burn down his throat. “...and if you open that baker you talked about? I’ll come work for you - do your books and stuff. Doesn’t matter what I’m doing otherwise. I’d do it.”
“Cuz you’re my friend. And I want to support you. Look...I know it’s only been a semester, but...you’re one of my best friends. Maybe even my best friend. So what kinda friend would I be back if I didn’t do that much, huh?”
To his own surprise, her jaw trembles, tears beading along her lids. “No one’s...n-no one’s ever...told me that before. Just...said I should do it.”
“Then you need to find better people to be around,” he mutters stubbornly.
“...thank you, Sasuke. Heh…” She dashes at her eyes with a sheepish smile. “...this was supposed to be advice for you...not me.”
“Hey, it’s a two-way street. I’ll stick to the class. That much we pretty much already knew anyway, right?”
Sasuke’s eyes flicker between her own, which stare a bit somberly at the table. “...it’ll be fine, Hinata. Besides, we’ve got a whole semester before we graduate. You can make some plans between now and then. Just...forget your dad and his attitude. It’s all gonna work out.”
“...I hope so.” Finally looking up, she gives him a rosy-cheeked smile. “...I’m glad you’re staying. It...it means a lot to me to have you to talk to, and just...y’know...hang out with. Is...is that lame?”
“...nah, it’s not lame at all.”
     (This is a sequel to days 98, 108, 139, 227, 284, and 301!)       Heyyy, guys - sorry for the unexpected two day break. But uh...I'll talk more about that below for anyone wondering. For now, about the drabble!      We're back in the Home Ec verse! I love this one, for a couple of reasons. Mostly cuz it's just so domestic and slice-of-lifey, y'know? It's relaxing, even when writing more stressful parts for them like this one. I dunno. It's just nice xD Not really a full 'story' per se since not much really...HAPPENS. But it's one of my favorite series.      Anyway, a lil behind-the-scenes for a second, which comes first with a little warning: the rest of the year is going to be VERY busy for me due to some irl changes happening this month. The next two weeks especially, but it'll probably drag on until at least the new year...I dunno. But in short, I've been missing so many days the last few weeks because life is REALLY stressful, and I've just been too tired. Add in that I have a chronic illness to deal with, and just...yeah. I get behind and have to take breaks.      And honestly I'm getting very burnt out by a whole year of writing an average of 1500 words A DAY. For reference's sake, this challenge JUST past 500,000 words. And I also did SHM, which was another 30,000, and ANOTHER ship month which was 75,000. That's over 600,000, and that's not counting other side projects I've done. So yes, I write other things too, but that makes this challenge all the more...well, challenging. For reference, today's prompt was for November 27. That's how far behind I've gotten. But there's just...really not much I can do about it, sadly. I don't have time to make them up, and likely will just have to drag the event out past December 31. Then on top of that there's organizing all the mini series for AO3, and just...yeah. I'm gonna need a LONG break once that's done before I even THINK of taking on all the projects I want to that will stem from this challenge.      SO, in short...just please be patient with me ;w; I'm doing my best, and in the end - as much as I love this - it IS just fanfiction. Real life has to come first. So I hope you'll bear with me for the last few weeks, and then the much-needed hiatus once it's over to recup before hopefully turn some of these into proper fics. We'll see how life goes.      But, that's enough rambling out of me! I just thought I'd elaborate a bit in case anyone was curious. I'm all right, just...very busy and stressed ^^; So I'll just have to take this challenge as I can. But thanks to everyone sticking with it. I appreciate it! On that note, though...I better go. Thanks for reading!
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kymkdd · 4 years
a few mangas i think you should read (pls)
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originally i wanted to write a review about fukakai na boku no subete wo
anyways enough introductions here is the list :
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fukakai na boku no subete wo
a really sweet story about a nonbinary amab protagonist getting introduced to an “otokonoko cafe” where they meet 3 other amabs that all work at the cafe for different reasons
it is obviously lgbt oriented but it has some really nice humour and doesnt shy too much from facing its characters with familial issues which i often see overlooked in the genre where most conflicts are more internal
to top it all it has some extremely sweet m/m and nb/m romance as well as a pretty conflicted lesbian character only 21 chapters so far so it is a pretty quick read but it is really worth it in my opinion
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shimeji simulation
a really funny and strange 4 koma by tsukumizu
as with his previous work on shoujo shuumatsu ryokou this manga can get pretty existential at times altho so far theres only 16 chapters but the dynamic between the two main protagonists is amazing imo
so far it seems like it is headed to get even better than SSR was and i hope it will
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nora to zassou (r-18)
a hard hitting manga about a girl who looks a lot like the deceased daughter of the other main protagonist, a jaded assistant inspector devastated by the loss of said daughter
the plot deals with very serious themes such as child trafficking and prositution as well as domestic abuse however it never uses those themes for shock factor they are integral part of the plot and are key to understanding the psyche of the duo and how it affects them both deeply on a physical and emotional plane
this manga is probably the one i recommend the most out of those 3 but the r-18 isnt for show imo
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dead dead demon’s dededededestruction
a really good slice of life/seinen from asano inio (oyasumi punpun, solanin) that talks about the daily life of high school girls living in the middle of tokyo while theres an alien invasion going on (lol) however it isnt all cutesy as one would expect from the cover or the quirky name and you will soon remember that youre actually reading a seinen (if it wasnt obvious because of who the author is) because the story can and will get dark in unexpected ways a few chapters in
probably my favourite on this list and my favourite out of asanos catalogue but i could definitely see why someone would think it isnt as good as stuff like punpun but to me the interactions between the characters, their personalities, their opinions on things are all really amazing to me and the main cast is lovable af so ill still recommend this well over something like punpun, if you want something in the same “genre” (sol+aliens) you should check out dainana joshikai houkou even tho i personally havent read all of it yet it seems to be pretty similar but more slice of lifey and way less seinen
aaaaaand thats a wrap currently im working towards finishing hibike! euphonium and plan to write a review for it so please look forward to that additionally i still have to finish watching tonari no kyuuketsuki-san and eizouken ni wa te wo dasu na! and might write reviews for those two as well finally theres a bajillion mangas i plan to read in the upcoming days/weeks, im still waiting for the last chapter of ao no flag to release in english so that i can review it even if i already read it because i might need to make a spoil section for that review to explain more in depth etc.
all and all thank you very much if you took the time to read all the way down there
heres a nice screenshot for you as a gift
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(intense lesbian stare)
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anyakane · 6 years
(Possible spoilers for Yukimura's Act 2 Destiny end, I guess? I tried to make it non-spoilery tho)
It's two a.m. and I just finished Yukimuras Act 2 destiny end and I'm sad. The ending was sad but it wasn't depressing and idk if that better but I think it is. MC still lives and she has Momo with her and people taking care of her so I think she will be alright.
The first couple parts of the modern epilogue was really funny except that I was still sad from the ending so like. Mood whiplash there. And of course Yukimura and MC would meet the same way lol.
The modern epilogue was really sweet. I really liked it. The modern default music feels kinda bittersweet and I get really sad hearing it.
My thoughts on the route:
Yukimura's Act 2 has a similar vibe/energy as Mitsuhide's Act 2: kind of domestic and slice-of-lifey with war stuff happening in the background, except in Yukimura's case there was more focus on it.
In Mitsuhide's Act 2, it certainly seemed like everything was going to be fine, but considering I was aiming for the destiny end, I was just waiting for the point where tragedy hit. Whereas in Yukimura's there were a lot of big things going on what with Mikatagahara and Sekigahara so there was a more overt sense of something going to happen to break their little domesticity. Like if you just breathe wrong their little bubble was going to break. I think MC felt it too, and tried really hard not to let it happen. It didn't help that Yukimura was clearly still trying to accept his new lifestyle.
I was ready to get mad at Yukimura for going off to fight like that, but when I thought about it, it's really like him to have to want to finish things to the end with his own hands. He did it for MC and Momo to have a good life, even if he might not be in it, and while it's not ideal, I can't fault him for needing to do this. MC recognizes this, and thus let him go.
Ieyasu, here, became less of a villain in the latter half of the route. At first, I didn't really get why someone of Ieyasu's personality would go for divine rule (especially when he doesn't have his MC to jump start his character development) but if the corresponding diary is to be believed, I think he really started to change after that disastrous battle with Shingen and is taking the conquest for Divine Rule seriously, as evidenced by his promise to Yukimura near the end.
This was a good route.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Today is diamond and pearl season one episode 28 "Drifloon On The Wind!"
Huh this one had a cold open showing the climactic moment from the end of the episode before it actually happened. Thats the first time i recall the anime doing that? I thougjt initially it was a flashback and i missed the first of a two parter.
Such a cool neat weird premise! A traditional pokemon centre out in the countryside! That adds so much worldbuilding to the setting! They never state it in the english dub but it seems to be a joke on a japanese onsen? (An inn built around hot springs) the archetecture just seems to be very similar, and from what i've seen in anime the "my mum and my mum's mum and my mum's mum's mum worked here" thing is a common trope. The nurse joy family is probably a joke to exaggerate it? Also i loved the scene where Brock is like "wait what the fuck this identical nurse joy is actually old enough to have a daughter ash's age and also OH NO A WEDDING RIIIIIING" And then he thankfully,blissfully GAVE UP and we had one nurse joy centric episode without him being a fuckboi. Seriously, the older you get the less funny you find brock, it sucks that the stuff that's meant to be over the top jokes is now barely more exaggerated than how some dudes act in real life. All you real life brocks, nobody finds you as charming as a fictional goofball! You're just rude! AND REAL BROCKS DONT HAVE A CROAGUNK TO STOP THEM
Anyway i LOVE the cute cottagey aesthetic pokemon center/hotel place! It seems the family mostly treats wild pokemon in the forest and they were actually so surprised to see customers that they thought they were burglars at first! And then daww ash and co help out doing chores to pay them back for the meal and bed even though the family is like 'no dude thats the duty of a pokemon centre'. I think that was a really mature moment for ash? He realized that this pokemon center gets less business than usual ones and figured he should give them a hand. And its so nice to see him being so super excited and wowed by the chores?? Like i mean its CHORES but for him its all so new cos its learning how to work in a pokemon center. Ash's best characrer trait is how his enthusiasm really has no limits, he'll go 100% be the best choremon master ever! Or maybe he was intentionalky being all THIS IS SO FUN because the joy daughters were fighting and he wanted to help cheer them up? In a lot of ways i prefer season 1's bratty egotistical sarcasm ash just cos he had more of a visible personality and you didnt have to sorta sleuth it out like this and always be left wondering whether they really meant to write nice-Ash this way or you're just imagining it. But when nice-Ash has monents like this he's way better and i just wish it hapoened more often and was 100% confirmed, yknow? Most of the time in sinnoh he feels less like nice-ash and more like nothing-ash or changes-every-day-into-whatever-the-plot-requires-him-to-be-ash. But in sun and moon season they have all those more slice of lifey and emltional plots and he's the more nicer ash that i always wanted, and i love it!
Anyway lol im going wildly off topic. Also fun fact i spell "the" wrong so much that "tge" is the first result in my autocorrect now...
Another thing i like is that these Joys seem to be a ghost type specialist family? The kids have a big pile of drifloon cuties and when the gang first arrived they saw a bunch of happy gastlys enjoying their stay at the inn. I like to think maybe all the ghosts they have are "drifty" types like that? I feel that the writers ppicked gastly cos the pokedex entry saying they blow away on the wind like drifloon. Cos this is actually the valley windworks adaptation episode! That was such a nice surprise when it turned out momma joy's husband was the windmill electrician guy!! He looks SO cute in the anime too! He's really chubby and has such a nice round face with a button nose and big anime eyes and a cute turquoise jacket electrician uniforn thing. And he's funny and goofy with his kids and very caribg and cautious about letting them ride home alone in the bad weather, and also he's a GIANT BADASS with an ampharos that thunderpunches the shit out of team rocket and defeats them before ash can even get there lol! Actually they never show what momma joy's main pokemon is? I like to think maybe its a gengar cos thats the most chansey-ish ghost type. And also itd mean the chubby guy has a tall and thin pokemon and his tall and thin wife has a chubby pokemon. Theyre such a cute couple so itd be even cuter!
Oh and i forgot to mention that everyone travels around via drifloon??? Thats so surreal when you consider their pokedex entries saying them carrying children is a bad thing that means theyre kidnapoing them. Like, they domesticated a very dangerous pokemon and now it uses its dangerousness for the powers of good instead! Maybe its just the anime censoring a scary thing or maybe it was intentional to show how badass this momma joy is that she could tame so many spoopy ghosts that everyone thinks are pure evil? Seriously i LOVE how they show this family working to protect and heal the local wild pokemon and them all being super friendly to humans because of it. And it makes sense theyd be ghost tyoe trainers cos if youre befriending all the pokemon in a forest youre bound to find a few lost souls. Mountains and forests are like the deadliest areas for travellers so mountain forests especially so! Everyone's lucky they have this badass family team watching over the area like guardian spirits~
I forgot to mention that the main conflict of the episode is that the joy sisters have a fight because the older sister is a bit overprotective and dismissive of her little sister, causing her to be reckless and get lost trying to "be grown up and help mommy". And in the end the big sister rescues her with the help of the guardian spirit of the hot springs and they reconcile their differences and have big cute hugs! Its all very well written and dramatic actually.i really felt for the older sister's determination to save her, and i felt it was a good case of a conflict where both of them were wrong and both made mistakes and it was just like they coulda avoided those mistakes if they talked it out better. And both of them had a point at the same time, yknow? So it didnt end with either of them losing the argument or anything, it was more like the lesson is just to appreciate your siblings while theyre there and also talk about your problems in clear language with younger kids instead of using excuses like "you just cant, cos im older and i said so".
Oh also SUICUNE!
The super onsen spirit is suicune?? The little sister just casually mentions her biggest best friend in the forest is suicune and is surprised when ash says its a legendary! Wow thats actually a really cool idea? You wouldnt necessarily think of it cos you kinda think of hot springs for the hot part but theyre also a sort of super clean water like how suicune is meant to be able to purify polluted lakes. Maybe it came here to make its nest cos places that are already purified are comforting to someone who wanders the earth blasting stinky water with its powers every day. I like to think maybe this is the same suicune from Generations where they said the legendary beasts are roaming legendaries because humans treated them as demons when they first walked out of the ashes, and now theyre still scared of us even centuries later. Itd be sad if they literally kept running forever, so i like to think they all have a comforting spot to sleep in, somewhere. And for suicune its this little isolated lake in the sinnoh region which used to be super far away from human civilization. But then this family's ancestors built this hospital here and suicune was initially like "oh no my house is ruined" but then it saw that these humans were helping protect tge forest pokemon too. So its like "ah fellow coworkers" and theyre the only humans it trusts. And whenever theyre in trouble it sneakily helps them and dashes away before it can be seen, but one day it got unlucky and the kids saw it and now OH NO it is stuck havibg CUTE TINY FRIENDS! I bet the littlest joy just treats suicune like a big puppy, and this great noble beast of legend plays along because it loves her so much. But if anyone else sees it demeaning itself with a game of fetch, it would be Total Social Death In The Legendaries Club
Anyway there's some cute moments of Emotionally Wise Kind Ash The Best Of All Ashes where he finds the lost little-joy and he tries to cheer her up when she's scared by the storm and keep her dry from the rain. And he has absolute faith that his friends will come to save them both! The only thing i think coukd have maybe made it better is if the big sister joy didnt beleive in suicune? Cos it just ends with her going to ask suicune for help and then suicune helps. There's a lack of tension cos you know suicune could easily resolve all this and you already know suicune is real cos the lil sis says that big sis told her to keep it a secret cos its a Big Deal and Bad People Could Take Suicune Away and stuff. Like it might have worked better if the big sis thought that little sis was just making up rumours to be all boastful, or playing with an imaginary friend. Then her going to ask suicune for help would have symbolized something, yknow? And the audience might have been tense about whether it was real or not.
But even without that added suggestion it was still a great episode! Lots of cuteness, emotionalness, familyness and a few great jokes along the way! Also i just loved them giving unique character designs and a full backstory to these minor npcs from the game. Whenever i play it now i'm totally gonna headcanon this all as true! I mean all we know about the daughter character in the game is that she says "papa youre stinky but i still love you" and that feels very in character for the slightly mischievious little sis joy that we meet in this episode. Though you only see the one daughter and she acts like she hasnt caught a drifloon yet and dreams of seeing it if you can fix the windmill problems so it'll come back. So maybe the game version takes place a little before the anime? Like, that daughter is the engineer dad's daughter from a previous relationship and the older daughter is joy's daughter from a previous relationship. And i dunno maybe lil daughter's hair colour actually is the generic npc brown from the games but she begged her momma to dye it so she could match. Like she just loves her new momma and sister so much!! And now the struggling mountain poke-center is doing better because both parents work difderent jobs now and have enough money combined to be able to keep the family in a better quality of life. And maybe the team galactic incident at the valley windworks got it a bit of publicity as a tourist destination? and after the daughter caught that drifloon everyone who visited was like GOSH ITS SO CUTIE and the dad was like "yes our special windmill attracts these pokemon that are normally only found high up on the mountains, speaking of which my wife runs an inn up there and you can go on pokemon wildlife tours to see them in their natural habitat!" And just I LOVE THESE GUYS AND I WANT THEM TO HAVE ALL THE SUCCESS IN THEIR LIFE!! There is NOTHING better than "hey we're adapting this gane what should we do?" "Add MORE FAMBLY" Like oh my god whoever had that wonderful idea should be promoted!
Thus ends bunni's disjointed review of FAMBLY EPISODE
0 notes