#in a way that he cannot safely build profound emotional bonds with pretty much anyone
funkypeanutbear · 1 year
Me, talking to my best guy friend about any social topic ever:
oh my dude, we're both so fucked up, but in a different way ✨️💫
0 notes
hysterialevi · 5 years
When the Devil Cries pt. 34
Fanfic summary: (NO SPOILERS IN THIS STORY) After arriving in Saint Denis, Arthur ends up falling in love with a seemingly innocent pianist, only to find himself in a battle with one of the most notorious outlaws to ever emerge from America. Now, between working for Dutch and robbing money for the gang, Arthur has to also protect the man he loves as the two of them try to find their freedom.
Pairing: Arthur Morgan/Male OC
Previous chapter
This story is also on AO3
Author’s note: Real quick, I just wanna thank you guys for sticking with this story for so long. There aren’t that many chapters left (I’m estimating only about 1 or 2 after this one), and the fact that this fic is almost over has me feeling emotional lol. I hope you guys enjoy the last few parts of this story, and again, thanks for being there for all this time :)
From Arthur’s POV
“You got everything?” Hamish asked, eyeing my bag.
I shut the leather flap closed, placin’ my hands on my hips.
“Yeah. I think so. Eddie and I should be ready to go.”
The veteran limped over to me and patted me on the shoulder, displaying a warm smile.
“Well then, you boys stay safe out there, you hear? Things can get pretty wild on the roads nowadays, but you already know this. I just hope your plan to get out of America works for you.”
I nodded in agreement, gazing at Eddie through one of the windows as he readied the horses outside.
“Yeah, me too. Lemme tell you, it’s been one hell of a journey, runnin’ around with that boy, but...I know it’s gonna be worth it. I just have this...feelin’ in me, you know?”
Hamish followed my line of sight and peered at Eddie with an almost fatherly expression, reminiscing about the times when he was our age.
“I believe that feeling is called ‘hope,” he replied. “You become very familiar with it when you fight in a war. Sometimes, it’s all you have. Guns are fine and dandy, sure, but what happens when you don’t have one? That ‘feeling’ is the only thing you can hold onto, and if you’re lucky...it might just save your life.”
I took my attention away from the pianist for a moment and changed the subject, curious to know more about Hamish’s past.
“Sounds like those were bad times,” I remarked seriously. “How anyone survived that war is beyond me.”
Hamish raised a brow, appearing confused. “You wasn’t around back then?”
“I was,” I corrected, “but I was knee-high to a grasshopper. Just a lil’ boy. I hardly remember anything from back then.”
The veteran let out a sigh. “Consider yourself lucky. Ain’t nothin’ pleasant to remember about the Civil War. Colored folk were in chains, our people was beatin’ them, and of course...there was death. Everywhere you went. Sometimes, the bodies lay so thick, you coulda walked across the whole field without your boots touching mud.”
I shook my head in a sympathetic manner, lookin’ Hamish in the eye.
“It’s a good thing those times are behind us, then.”
He gave me a weary expression. “Behind the government, perhaps. But not us. There’s still conflict in this country every single day. A thousand little wars ragin’ on in the unseen corners of America. That’s why you absolutely cannot let anything happen to you, or Mister Ryan.”
Hamish paused at the mention of Eddie’s name and switched to a more inquiring tone, leaning casually on his crutch.
“Say, how did you meet that man in the first place? I’ve spoken with Eddie a bit, and he says y’all haven’t known each other for that long, but the two of you seem real close to me.”
A chuckle escaped me. “I ran into him in Saint Denis. Quite literally, actually. I had just come stumblin’ outta some pompous saloon and accidentally slammed right into him. It was...memorable, you could say.”
Hamish returned the laugh. “Tell me, what was Eddie like back then? How’d a simple pianist end up running around with America’s most wanted?”
I backtracked through all the months I’d spent with Eddie, the memories bombarding my head like the continuous flash of a camera.
“To be honest, I couldn’t quite tell you. He was a kind, law-abiding citizen who had never killed a man before, and then...there was me. A rotten, ol’ thief come looking to pick that city clean.”
The other man smirked at that, clearly not buying it. “And yet, Eddie insists you’re one of the noblest men he’s ever known.”
I grinned in response, carrying on with my story. “Well, I suppose Eddie just...brought somethin’ out in me. I saw the struggles he was dealin’ with, and I wanted to give him better. So, I helped him out with his troubles, taught him how to survive, and gave him shelter within the gang, but...now that’s fallen apart, too.”
I sighed in a despondent tone, glancing at the floor. “...Seems like that happens all too often, nowadays.”
An encouraging glint twinkled in Hamish’s eyes. “So it does. But you’ll make it through this, Arthur. You and Eddie. I know a survivor when I see one.”
I picked up the leather bag and slung it over my shoulder, preparin’ to head outside as I spoke with Hamish along the way.
“I just...I wanna give Eddie the life he deserves, y’know? But I dunno if I can do it.”
The veteran followed after me, still remaining optimistic.
“Why not? You’ve gotten this far, ain’t you?”
I stopped right in front of the door, turnin’ around to face the old man.
“Well, yeah, but how long will we be running? I’m a criminal, for god’s sake. An outlaw. I’m constantly on the lookout for Pinkertons, bounty hunters, rival gangs -- how in the hell am I supposed to help Eddie find a normal life when I can’t even find one?”
Hamish chuckled lightly, pointing out the obvious. “You rely on yourself too much, Arthur. Remember, you ain’t bearing all this weight by yourself. Eddie’s there to help you just as much as you’re there to help him.”
The veteran laid a hand on my shoulder, attempting to reassure me. “I know it’s comfortable believing that you’re capable of findin’ all your own solutions, but the reality is, sometimes you need other people to fill in the blanks. You haven’t been able to find a normal life, Arthur, because you ain’t meant to do it on your own. Don’t be afraid to lean on Eddie every once in a while. The boy’s strong. He can take it. You just gotta let him know what’s goin’ on.”
Falling silent for a minute, I took what Hamish said to heart and thought about it for a while, suddenly changin’ my whole perspective on my relationship with Eddie.
I...I supposed Hamish was right.
I had gotten so used to fixing my own problems and building up my own pride, that I forgot there weren’t no shame in askin’ for help when I needed it.
Things was just always so tense within the gang, and everyone was concerned with their own problems, that eventually, I learned to look out for myself. Didn’t even take a moment to step back and consider that perhaps, I wasn’t as alone as I thought.
I knew Eddie was capable of protecting himself, and of me, but I was just too afraid to let him do it.
I rested a hand on the doorknob and simply stayed still for a moment, listenin’ to Hamish as he continued to talk.
“Love goes both ways, Arthur. Whatever you’re willin’ to do in order to keep Eddie alive, I know that man feels the same way about you. It’s how love works.”
“Wait,” I said, pausing for a second. “...Love? How did you know that we were...” my voice trailed off awkwardly, causin’ me to clear my throat. “Did...did Eddie tell you?”
The veteran chortled. “Didn’t have to. The bond between you two is pretty obvious. In fact, I suspected it from the moment you set foot on my doorstep. I just never said anything ‘cause I didn’t wanna pry.”
My face started to feel hot with embarrassment, and I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck. “Ah. I see.”
Hamish quickly offered some reassurance, noticing my mood.
“Hey, you’ll get no judgements here. I must admit I’m a tad surprised, but frankly...” he sighed, his eyes sinking with profound sorrow, “...I’ve seen the damage unfair judgement can do. My own partner -- a colored woman -- was killed years ago because of it. ...You just take care of Mister Ryan while you’re out there, alright? And yourself.”
I nodded firmly at that, somewhat more relaxed now that our secret was out in the open.
“Oh, believe me. I will.”
A paternal smile radiated on the old man’s face and he pulled me into a hug with one of his arms, happily pattin’ me on the back as he said goodbye.
“Then I wish you luck. I’ll miss your company, Arthur. Yours and Eddie’s. It was a pleasure havin’ you boys stay.”
I laughed warmly at that, opening the front door.
“Heh, well, thank you for everything you’ve done. Y’know...this might be the first time I’m leavin’ someone’s house without any of their belongings.”
Hamish shook his head in an amused manner, separating the hug. “Oh, I don’t doubt that. Let’s just see if you can keep it up.”
I stepped out the door and made my way into the crisp weather outside, throwin’ one last wave at Hamish as he stayed behind.
“I’ll do my best.”
Strollin’ away from the quaint cabin as a light breeze whistled past me, I approached the horses while Eddie secured our stuff onto their backs and whistled to himself, his face shielded from the sun due to the Nevada hat sittin’ on his head.
His leg was looking much better now, thanks to all those weeks of recovery. He still weren’t able to walk or run as well as before, and it had been a while since he last left the house, but the man didn’t require a cane to get around no more. At least, not most of the time.
I was just happy to see Eddie on his feet again.
It scared the hell outta me, watchin’ him go through all that just ‘cause of one bullet. There was a lot of pain and frustration involved with his healing process, and part of me worried he’d never be able to walk again. As for the other part, well -- I was just grateful that he was still around in the first place.
After all, it didn’t look like many of our people survived Rodrick’s attack back at Beaver Hollow. And considering what happened to fellers like Kieran, or Lenny, or Strauss...I considered ourselves lucky for gettin’ away how we did.
I only hoped our luck would last long enough for us to get out of America.
Our plan at the moment was to get to Saint Denis and hop onto the next ship to England, but I had seen enough of my friends get killed to know that nothin’ was ever that easy. The road to freedom was rarely ever a straight path, and I doubted this one was going to be any different.
I supposed we would just have to wait and see what the future held.
“Morning, handsome,” I called out cheerfully, slingin’ my bag over my horse’s saddle. “You ready to go?”
The pianist fed his mount a quick snack, patting him on the neck.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. It feels like ages since I last stepped outside. What about you, Arthur? How are you feeling?”
I let out a hesitant sigh, admittedly nervous about going to England.
“...I’m ready,” I answered, not sounding as sincere as I hoped. “Just...not quite used to the idea of livin’ halfway across the world yet.”
Eddie picked up on my tone and gave me a concerned look. “If you’re uncomfortable with going to England, we can always go somewhere else. There’s still time to decide. Remember, this isn’t just about me. I wanna make sure you’re safe too.”
“Well...where else would we go?” I asked. “Ain’t like we got a lot of options.”
The other man offered some suggestions. “Canada, perhaps? Or even Mexico, if you prefer.”
I waved a dismissive hand, goin’ along with our original idea.
“Nah, both of those places are too close. I’d feel better knowin’ we had some ocean between us and them Pinkertons. If they’re gonna come after me, I wanna at least make ‘em work for it. Besides, accordin’ to Javier, Mexico ain’t the best place to lie low right now.”
The pianist shrugged uncertainly, takin’ my word for it. “Well, alright, I guess.”
I came to a halt, noticing that Eddie still had a worried expression on his face.
“...Look, I’ll be fine,” I reassured him. “I just need some time to wrap my head ‘round this whole thing. I’ve never left America before. You know this. England’s a whole new world to me.”
The other man clearly wasn’t convinced about my commitment to this just yet, but decided to trust me anyway.
“...If you say so. Just let me know if you change your mind, okay? I don’t wanna drag you into something you’re not willing to do. And besides, the more backup plans we have, the better. I hate to be the pessimist, but there really is no guarantee our trip to England will go smoothly. And that’s assuming we even reach Saint Denis.”
I chuckled sarcastically, unhitching my horse. “You certainly know how to comfort a man, don’t you?”
Eddie smirked in response. “I learned from the best. Anyways, now that we got that out of the way...” he mounted his horse, stickin’ his boots in the stirrups, “...shall we get going?”
I followed his actions and climbed on top of my own mount, makin’ myself comfortable in the saddle.
“Yes, let’s.”
Turning away from Hamish’s lone cabin, the two of us began trotting at a casual pace as we slowly made our way back to the road, finally resuming the seemingly eternal journey we started months ago.
I couldn’t lie -- I was gonna miss O’Creagh’s Run. There was just a certain air to the place that offered a sense of sanctuary, and I always felt like we was hidden from the rest of the world whenever I wandered near here.
I supposed I was just more a nature person. America had its flaws, sure, but part of me honestly wished we could stay. Ever since I was a little boy, the view of lively meadows, never-ending forests, and purple mountains crowning the horizon always made me feel at home.
Somethin’ about them just brought you closer to the sky, I guess. They seemed to compliment the stars like nothing mankind ever built, and no matter how large people made their cities or how brightly they lit them up...I knew the wild west was always gonna have my heart.
It just made me sad to know that those times were comin’ to an end.
All them years I spent runnin’ around with Dutch and Hosea -- creating our own society and riding across America -- they were nothing more than a handful of lost memories now.
Hosea was dead, Dutch had lost his mind, and I...well, I hated to admit it, but the era of outlaws and gunslingers was over.
Despite all our efforts to stay ahead of it, civilization was spreading rapidly across the whole world, and people like me had no place in its society.
If I was gonna keep Eddie alive and hope to have a future with him, my entire lifestyle was gonna have to change.
My criminal background, my time spent runnin’ from the law, my love for a freer life -- it would all have to go. I would have to become a...civilized man, and live in a civilized place.
I didn’t know if I was ready for that kind of a difference, but what I did know was that I loved Eddie. And regardless of how much I longed for another life, that man meant more to me than anything else right now.
Even if it meant giving up everything I had in America, I was gonna do whatever it took to help him...because I knew he’d do the same for me.
I just hoped we’d be able to reach Saint Denis first. We were finally nearing the end of this harsh journey, and Lord only knew what sort of obstacles we was gonna face along the way. I had a feeling neither Atticus nor the Pinkertons were going to let us go that easy, but if I had any say in it, they weren’t gonna stop us from reaching England.
Nothing was.
Roaming through New Hanover’s wide, open fields, Eddie and I ventured down a path that would lead us alongside the Kamassa River and straight into Bluewater Marsh, hopefully taking us to the northern region of Bayou Nwa before the day ended.
So far, things had been peaceful enough except for a few random crazies on the road, but...we had yet to run into anything life-threatening.
The weather was only partly cloudy, the roads were empty, the birds were soarin’ in the sky, and our heads were still on our shoulders. S’far as I was concerned, that was a win in my book.
As for Eddie, the man seemed content with our plan and didn’t show as much hesitance as I did, but there was still a certain...melancholy surrounding him. Sorta like he was about to visit a cemetery or something.
Though, the more I thought about it...he kinda was. After all, the last time Eddie set foot in England was when his family had just been murdered, and his previous partner, Nathaniel, was killed.
Goin’ back to that place after all these years...I imagined it must’ve brought back some terrible memories for the man.
I knew from personal experience that there weren’t nothing pleasant about returning to an old graveyard, and the longer Eddie stayed silent, the more I worried about his well-being.
I leaned over in my saddle and brought my horse closer to the other man, wantin’ to check up on him.
“Hey, Eddie,” I said, peerin’ at him from under my hat. “You doin’ alright there? You seem kinda...preoccupied.”
The pianist took his eyes off the road for a moment and glanced at me, his brow furrowed with suspicion.
“...I won’t lie to you, Arthur,” he replied in a perturbed voice. “I’ve had a strange feeling ever since we left the cabin. Like...someone’s watching us.”
I took a look at the surrounding area, scanning the trees to our side.
“You see anyone?” I questioned.
“Not yet,” Eddie admitted, “but the feeling’s still there.”
“Well...just keep your eyes open,” I warned. “I doubt it’s Atticus, but there’s still plenty of bandits in these parts. Could be them.”
The pianist wasn’t so sure. “Maybe, but bandits don’t stalk you, do they?”
I let out a troubled sigh, shakin’ my head. “Not usually, no. Again, like I said -- just keep your eyes open. We don’t need any surprises.”
Tryin’ to ease Eddie’s nerves, I decided to switch topics and took on a softer tone, hoping to calm the man down a little.
“Listen,” I began, “when I asked if you was doin’ okay, I was more referring to the fact that we’re going back to England. To your homeland. I know you haven’t seen it in a long time, and I was just...curious, I guess. About what’s on your mind.”
Eddie chuckled in response, though it sounded more like he was laughing at himself.
“You know, it’s the strangest thing. From the moment I set foot in the States, I spent every second wishing I could go back home. I missed London. I missed my family, the people, the buildings, the culture, the way of life...”
I jumped in. “But now...?”
“But now...” he continued, “I honestly wish I could stay here. In America. With you.”
I grinned, admittedly a tad surprised. “Is that so?”
Eddie returned the smile. “I’m afraid it is. But...I know it’s not safe for us here anymore. I know we have to leave. It’s just -- I’ll miss America. Despite everything we’ve been through.”
“Aw, don’t worry,” I reassured him. “We’ll come back someday.”
The pianist smirked. “I’ll hold you to that.”
Ridin’ in silence for a few moments, a random thought suddenly crossed my mind when I glanced at Eddie’s mount, causing me to raise a question.
“Hey, I just noticed something. Whatever happened to your other horse, Bullet? I haven’t seen him around for a while.”
Eddie frowned at that, sighing mournfully. “He died, I’m afraid.”
My eyes sprang open in surprise. “Died? When?”
“He was shot down when Rodrick attacked our camp,” he explained. “I didn’t even get the chance to try to save him.”
Bewildered by the news, I thought back to the ambush and replayed all the events in my head as clearly as I could, suddenly realizin’ something I completely missed before.
If I recalled correctly, I took cover behind a dead horse at some point during the shootout. It was right after Eddie had just been shot in the leg and I was tryin’ to make my way to him.
...That must’ve been Bullet.
“Aw, shit...” I breathed out. “I’m sorry, Eddie. He was a good horse.”
“Yeah,” he agreed softly. “he was. I’ll miss that big brute. I’m just glad it wasn’t you.”
I leaned to the side and placed a hand on top of Eddie’s, comforting the pianist.
“Oh, you know I wouldn’t let that happen. And neither would you.”
Smiling warmly at the comment, Eddie’s face radiated with affection as he tightened his hand ‘round mine, gazing lovingly at me.
Just before he could reply however, a third voice suddenly cut him off from a distance and darkened the mood with a sense of dread, causin’ us to stop dead in our tracks.
“A sweet sentiment,” their voice flatly observed, “...but I’m afraid that’s all it is.”
Turnin’ to see just who the hell had interrupted us, I brought my focus to the opposite end of the road and spotted a mysterious man sitting on a horse, only to quickly recognize the Pinkerton badge shining brightly on his coat.
There was a large array of other agents protecting him on both sides -- all of them armed to the teeth -- and the more I searched the thick trees surrounding us, the easier I started to notice the sons-of-bitches hidin’ in the bushes.
I guessed Eddie’s instincts were correct.
“...Shit...” I cursed under my breath. “Milton.”
Eddie paused. “Wait, you know this man?”
I kept my voice low, makin’ sure that the bastard couldn’t hear me.
“He’s one of them Pinkertons,” I explained with a whisper. “He’s been hunting Dutch for months now. Even before I met you.”
“...Dammit. What should we do?”
I signaled Eddie to stay back with a simple gesture, remindin’ him to remain calm as Milton slowly approached the two of us.
“Just let me do the talking,” I said. “Don’t shoot anything yet.”
Eddie was obviously unsettled by the encounter but followed my lead anyway, keepin’ his hand close to his holster.
“...If you think that’s best. Just be careful.”
I gave him a nod, ensuring that I would.
Finally bringin’ my attention over to Milton, I tapped my spurs into the side of my horse and steadily trotted closer to him, wandering down the road alone as the other Pinkertons kept their guns nailed onto me.
I didn’t dare take my eyes off of Milton’s friends -- especially not that sleaze Ross -- and with every torturous second that passed by, I could feel Milton’s glare practically piercin’ through me more and more.
It was evident that he didn’t intend on lettin’ us walk outta here alive, and just by studying his arrogant demeanor, I could tell he had already captured some o’ the other folks in our gang.
My only question was who.
“Mister Morgan,” Milton greeted as I came to a halt. “Nice to see you again. It’s been quite a long time since we last spoke.”
I sighed to myself, already wishin’ I could kill this man. “...I do my best to avoid you.”
“So I see.”
The Pinkerton’s iron sight traveled over to Eddie, leading him into his next question. “...I assume that’s Mister Ryan?”
I followed Milton’s gaze and briefly glanced at the pianist, surprised that he knew him.
“Oh, there’s no need to be shocked,” Milton remarked, noticing my expression. “Micah Bell hardly left anything to question, after all. He’s been quite the informant as of late.”
An irritated breath escaped me. “Of course. Well...what is it that you want?”
The agent rested his arms on the horn of his saddle. “I want many things, Mister Morgan. Van der Linde, most of all. But also...you.”
That triggered a sense of alarm within me, but I decided to hold it back for now.
“So...what,” I asked, tryin’ to hide my agitation, “you here to kill me? Claim the price on my head? Is that it?”
Milton nonchalantly shook his head. “Not kill. ...Not yet.”
The Pinkerton raised his hands in a diplomatic manner and slowly walked towards me, closing the distance between us until there were only a couple meters left.
“I’ve come to make a deal, Mister Morgan.”
I let out a scoff. “A deal?”
“I’m offering you a chance to surrender,” Milton continued, disregarding my reluctance. “Lay down your weapons, and come with me peacefully. If you tell me where to find Van der Linde, I promise you won’t be executed.”
I refused to humor him.
“Ol’ Dutch? I haven’t seen him in weeks.”
The Pinkerton obviously didn’t believe me. “Is that so?”
“I’ve lied about many things in my time, agent,” I countered, “but that ain’t one of them.”
Milton’s mind remained unswayed. “Even so, my offer still stands. You may not know where Dutch is at the moment, but I’m sure a man like you would know how to find him. Help me locate Mister Van der Linde, and you have my word you won’t swing.”
I shrugged. “And you expect me to just believe you?”
The agent’s expression hardened with impatience. “You don’t have a choice.”
Cocking their guns as a warning, the other Pinkertons immediately assumed a more hostile stance as they cornered me and Eddie within the confines of this road, preventin’ us from going anywhere.
There were far too many of them for us to simply escape without a fight, and judging by the faint rustling I heard from behind me, I could only assume they had blocked us from the rear as well.
We were trapped.
“So,” Milton said, readying his own pistol, “what’s it going to be, Arthur? Shall we handle this like civilized folk...or do I need to order my men to open fire?”
Observin’ the Pinkertons with an alarmed glare, I started to grow restless as my heart began to pound heavily and I slowly realized just how many of them there actually were.
It looked like an entire goddamned battalion had ambushed us, and for as far as the eye could see, there were nothin’ but Pinkertons blocking us from every direction, making me feel as if we was trapped in a human cobweb.
It was clear to me that we had to get the hell outta here as soon as possible...but I just didn’t know how.
Eddie trotted closer to me and kept his voice hushed, whispering in a panicked tone.
“There’s too many of them, Arthur,” he stated, his eyes frantically dartin’ around. “If we start shooting, we’ll be slaughtered...!”
I glanced back at him, adamant that we would make it outta this.
“We can’t surrender now, Eddie. We’ve come way too far. If they take us, we’ll go straight to the gallows. You think that’s any better than dyin’ here?”
The pianist found himself at a dead end. “Well -- what else can we do? Do you believe Milton will actually spare you if we surrender?”
I shook my head. “I doubt it, but it don’t matter anyway. I ain’t gonna become a traitor like Micah. If Milton wants Dutch, he’s gon’ have to find him himself.”
“No,” Eddie disagreed, “Dutch betrayed you, Arthur. Not the other way around. You were his son and he almost killed you...! Don’t you want him to answer for what he did? Perhaps this is your chance.”
“I ain’t in the revenge business, Eddie.” I reminded him. “If Dutch is gonna die by my hand someday, so be it. But I won’t give these snakes the satisfaction.”
The other man sighed out of discouragement.
“Very well, but...” his voice trailed off into a grim silence, leadin’ me to urge him on.
“What is it?” I questioned.
Eddie gazed at me with an expression sharpened by genuine fear and clenched his jaw out of distress, knowing damn-well what the near-future held.
“...I don’t want to die, Arthur,” he confessed morosely. “If we don’t do what Milton says, his Pinkertons will kill us right here. We’ll...we’ll be dead. ...I’m not ready for that.”
I let out a heartbroken breath at the statement and bit my bottom lip, reluctant to admit that Eddie was right once the dreadful news sunk in.
We...we truly were done for, weren’t we?
We couldn’t surrender, and we couldn’t fight all these men either.
Just like that, all our efforts to get outta this country had been snuffed out like a dying candle because of these goddamned Pinkertons, and for the first time since I met Eddie, I was powerless to stop it.
...This was where we were gonna die.
This was how our journey was gonna come to an end.
These were my final moments in this godforsaken world, and the retribution for all the sins I had committed had caught up to me at last.
Even if I had to die today though, I refused to let the Pinkertons use me as their toy.
I was gonna go down fighting like the outlaw I was born to be, and I’d do it side-by-side with the man I loved.
There weren’t no glory in this kind of death, but perhaps there would be peace.
“...Arthur?” Eddie asked, bringin’ me back to reality. I could tell he was waiting for a decision. “What are you thinking?”
I steadily lowered my hand so that it was next to my holster and glared at Milton with an unbreakable stare, somehow tryin’ to comfort Eddie even in the face of imminent death.
“...We stand our ground.” I said with a heavy heart, attempting to remain strong for both our sakes. “Milton’s a goddamned fool if he thinks we’re gonna surrender.”
To my surprise, Eddie didn’t even question the choice and simply reached for his own revolver, barely wavering as he walked his horse to my side.
“Then I’ll stand with you.”
I gave Eddie a look of profound remorse, hopelessly wishing I could whisk him away from this mess.
“You know I love you, right?” I whispered compassionately, unable to believe I was truly sayin’ goodbye to this man.
“There’s no doubt in my mind.” He confirmed, maintaining his composure. “I love you, too, Arthur.”
Finally done with waitin’ for an answer, Milton raised his voice and called to us from the other end of the road, demanding a decision from us.
“Well? Have you made a choice, Mister Morgan? Will you accept my offer? My patience grows thin.”
I threw the Pinkerton a steadfast grin and lightly scoffed to myself, strangely amused by the fact that, despite cornering us, he still lost this battle.
“Not a chance, Milton,” I replied firmly. “...I’m afraid we’ll be outlaws for life.”
The agent responded with an ice-cold glower.
“...So be it.”
Boldly elevating his arm into the air with an open hand, Milton signaled the other Pinkertons to prepare for a fight.
“You chose this path, Arthur,” he announced, narrowing his eyes in anger. “Let it be known that I offered you mercy.”
The rest of the Pinkertons readied their rifles, eagerly taking aim.
“May God spare you from the suffering you’ve inflicted on His creatures, Mister Morgan,” Milton prayed apathetically. “...Because I certainly won’t.”
Striking like a thunderbolt, an unexpected bang echoed throughout the entire field as everyone instantly froze and birds soared away in the distance, all of us stuck in disbelief until we noticed a bullet hole buried in Milton’s skull.
It didn’t look like the agent had realized what had happened just yet, but after about a second of staring blankly into the space ahead of him, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed to the ground, rendering us speechless.
I hurriedly searched for the source of the shot, only to spot Rodrick Kinglsey mounted on a horse in the distance.
That son-of-a-bitch found us.
The madman cocked his smoking repeater and chuckled maliciously, goading the Pinkertons into a fight as the rest of Atticus’ gang joined the scene.
“You government boys did us a huge favor,” he mocked, “but we’ll take it from here.”
“Shit!” Agent Ross exclaimed sharply, finally snappin’ out of his state of shock. “There’s more of the bastards! Open fire!”
Not even wasting a single second, the Pinkertons began raining bullets on Atticus’ gang as guns fired off in every direction and smoke filled the air, forcin’ us to ride blind while horses frantically trampled all over the scene.
“Eddie!” I shouted over the commotion, “RUN!”
Takin’ this opportunity to flee, the pianist and I immediately hauled ass away from the battlefield as we shot down Pinkertons and outlaws alike, not sparing even one bullet during our escape.
Unfortunately for us, some of Atticus’ men had managed to single us out from the crowd -- including Rodrick -- and started to chase after us, shootin’ wildly as if there was no tomorrow.
“Shit!” Eddie yelled, dodging a bullet that just barely missed his head. “Where are we going?!”
I gestured in front of us. “Just keep headin’ south! We’ll try to lose them up ahead!”
Whippin’ my reins with a sharp tug, I glanced over my shoulder and fired a few shots at the men behind us, struggling to keep my aim straight with how much my horse was diggin’ its hooves into the ground.
I managed to kill one of Atticus’ men and sent them crashin’ into the dirt below, practically turning them into a human tumbleweed as they rolled through thick billows of dust.
It looked like the Pinkertons were keepin’ the rest of their gang busy with all the chaos surrounding Milton’s death, and fortunately for me and Eddie, I had yet to see any sign of Atticus Rose himself.
Though, if Rodrick was here runnin’ after us, I had no other choice but to assume he was close.
We would have to deal with him sooner or later.
“Arthur, look!” Eddie called out, pointing ahead. “There’s a bridge!”
Peering over the wavy hills laid out in front of us, I leaned forward in my saddle and gazed through the numerous trees, makin’ out a long hanging bridge not too far away from us.
It was positioned just above a colossal waterfall and connected the gap between two massive rock formations, both of which towered over the land like a pair of skyscrapers.
That could be our way out.
“Get across the bridge!” I told Eddie. “We’ll cut it down from the other side!”
The pianist glued his eyes onto the multiple people ridin’ behind me, instantly slipping his pistol out.
“That might be harder than you think...!”
Bringin’ my attention back to Rodrick and his men, I signaled for Eddie to follow my lead as the two of us started gunning them down together, both of us desperately tryin’ to pick up our speed.
It wouldn’t be too long before we’d be crossin’ that bridge now, and if we didn’t put enough distance between ourselves and Rodrick’s men, our plan to trap ‘em on the other side would’ve been one of futility.
“You go on ahead!” I exclaimed at Eddie, killing another one of Atticus’ people. “I’ll make sure these bastards stay back!”
“What? No!” Eddie rejected. “I’m not leaving you here, Arthur!”
I hurriedly reloaded my pistol. “Look, that bridge is too narrow for us to cross it at the same time anyway, so you may as well just go in front of me! Now, hurry!”
Letting out a reluctant sigh, the pianist pondered the dilemma for a moment before snappin’ his horse’s reins and bolting ahead, rushing directly towards the bridge’s entrance.
Just before he had any time to react however, I suddenly noticed a small group of Atticus’ men hidin’ on the other side, ready to cut the bridge down right as Eddie was about to cross it.
“Oh, shit,” I cursed, “Eddie! STOP!”
But it was too late.
Even though the pianist had already yanked the reins back with a great amount of force, the poor animal still slid onto the bridge’s rickety planks due to its incredible speed and let out a panicked neigh as the structure came swingin’ down, causing both the horse and Eddie to go plummeting towards the waterfall.
“EDDIE!” I yelled, immediately hopping off my own mount. I sprinted towards the edge of the cliff and looked down, only to see that the man was now dangling from a thin ledge as the waterfall raged underneath him.
“A-Arthur!” Eddie shouted back, his voice strainin’ with effort. “I can’t hold on much longer!”
“Here!” I said, extending an arm. “Grab my hand!”
Before I could get anywhere near the man though, the sound of someone cocking their gun abruptly reached my ears, leadin’ me to come to a halt.
It was Mister Kingsley himself.
“...I wouldn’t do that if I was you, sunshine.” He warned, wearin’ his usual grin. “You might hurt yourself.”
I steadily rose from the ground and turned to face the crazed man, secretly panicking on the inside about how Eddie was about to fall at any second.
“You son-of-a-bitch...” I muttered lowly, clenchin’ my fist. “What d’you want with us? Atticus, I understand, but you -- what the hell do you get outta this?”
Rodrick sauntered towards me and smiled widely, shrugging casually.
“Entertainment, my good sir,” he answered simply. “Entertainment. You see--” he let out a melodramatic sigh, “everybody’s so boring, nowadays. They’re always bein’ held back by polite manners, or etiquette, or some goddamn pretense.”
Rodrick gestured to me. “You though? You’re so easy to rile up. All someone’s gotta do is point a gun at Mister Ryan, and you’re ready to kill a man.” An amused chuckle escaped him. “You can pretend to be a good man all you want, Arthur. Everyone knows you’re just as rotten as the rest of us. Nothin’ but another thief with larceny in his blood. Ain’t no shame in it though. In fact, that’s what I like about you.”
I strengthened my gaze and glared at Kingsley, starin’ him down.
“I used to be like that, but not anymore.”
He scoffed in a bored manner. “Pfft...come on, Morgan. Don’t tell me you’ve grown a conscious suddenly. All because you helped one man? What about the other men in your life? Lenny? Strauss? Hosea? All of ‘em died ‘cause you felt Eddie was more important. Tell me...d’you feel like a hero yet?”
“Shut your mouth, Kingsley!” I snapped, raisin’ my voice.
“Or what?” He asked with a smirk. “You’ll kill me? I’m the one with a gun in my hand, sunshine.”
Rodrick strolled closer to me and playfully tapped the barrel of his pistol against my hat, clearly enjoying himself.
“Oh, how easy it would be to put a bullet in your head right now. I could take away everything you’ve worked for, everything you’ve achieved. I could destroy Eddie’s entire life with just the simple pull of a trigger, and he’d never see you again. I gotta admit...havin’ that much power at my fingertips -- it’s almost addicting.”
Kingsley suddenly pointed his gun away from me and took a few steps back, reachin’ for his knife.
“...But I won’t do it. After all, where’s the fun in shootin’ such an interesting creature like you? Naw...you and me, we’re gonna fight man-to-man. Outlaw-to-outlaw. Killer-to-killer.”
He brandished his knife and began circling around me, encouragin’ me to follow his actions.
“Well, come on then, sunshine! Do your worst. ...Show me exactly what kind of a monster Dutch van der Linde created.”
Barely givin’ me a chance to fight back, Rodrick aggressively lunged forward and started slashing erratically at me, sporting an insane smile as the sky grew darker above us, and the rumbling of thunder lurked in the distance.
By now, the clouds had evolved into one, monstrous shadow that blotted out the sun and stretched across the entire region, leavin’ just enough room for a slice of sunlight.
As for Kingsley himself, the bastard fought more like a wild animal than a man and moved sporadically around me, makin’ it even more difficult than usual to read his patterns.
“What’s the matter, Arthur?” Rodrick taunted, throwin’ a punch at me. “You ain’t got any fight left in you?”
Spitting out a mouthful of blood, I hurriedly reached down and whipped out my own knife before retaliating with a few solid cuts to his chest, rippin’ through the fabric of his suit.
Despite managing to make Rodrick bleed however, the wound didn’t seem to slow him down at all. He simply bounced back from the injury as if it was nothing, and if I didn’t know any better, I would’ve said it actually fueled him to fight harder.
The man suddenly grabbed me by the collar and slammed me against a nearby boulder, knockin’ the wind outta my lungs.
“Gonna have to do more than that, Morgan...!”
Forcing his knife towards my throat, Rodrick wrestled with me as I desperately tried to push him away and practically crushed his hand with an iron grip, making my arm tremble due to the amount of strength I was puttin’ on it.
The two of us scratched and clawed at each other like a bunch of animals and nearly tore each other apart in the mud, our faces becoming more and more bruised as the fight carried on.
“Why won’t you just die...?!”
Closin’ my fist, I repeatedly slammed my knuckles into Rodrick’s cheekbone and damn-near smashed his face in, doin’ everything I could to get the madman off me.
Luckily, with one final punch to the nose, I put enough power behind the attack to send Rodrick reeling and shoved him away from me, afterwards tackling him to the ground.
Keeping the man down with my weight, I began pressing my own knife into his throat and struggled against his resistance, lettin’ out a pained groan when Rodrick started twisting the skin on my wrist.
There was blood streaming down from his nose at this point, but even with the numerous lacerations decoratin’ his body and a broken nose, Kingsley still brawled with the same amount of prowess as he did before.
He jabbed his knee into my gut and threw me off, takin’ a second to regain his footing.
“You fight like the devil himself, sunshine,” Rodrick growled in a deranged tone. “I almost don’t wanna kill you!”
Rising back to his feet with an unbalanced sway, the maniac loosely charged at me again and aimed straight for my throat, tiredly trampling through the soupy mud beneath our feet.
Thanks to his fatigued state however, I managed to grab him by the shoulders and hurl him in a different direction, pinnin’ the lunatic against a tree as I practically held onto him for support, admittedly more beaten up than I cared to show.
Determined to put an end to this vicious fight, I wasted no time in takin’ hold of my knife and immediately thrusting it forward, eagerly planting the blade deep into Rodrick’s abdomen as the man’s eyes widened in shock.
It was the first time I had ever seen the outlaw in a state of fear or pain, and as malignant as it might’ve sounded, just gettin’ the chance to watch that cocky grin finally be wiped off his goddamned face granted me with a dark sense of satisfaction that I had never felt before.
I drilled the knife even further into his stomach, almost snarling at him while his hot blood stained my hand.
“You’re wrong, Kingsley,” I said through gritted teeth, stabbing him again. “I am a good man.”
I drove the blade into him one last time, twistin’ the weapon inside his chest.
“...But only when I need to be.”
Watchin’ the life vanish from his eyes, I didn’t even bother to blink as Rodrick writhed in pain and blood gathered in his mouth, causing him to choke.
His face was red with agony and the veins in his forehead protruded from his skin, makin’ me think they were about to burst.
Though, to my surprise, Kingsley managed to conjure one, final smile and let out a hoarse laugh, revealing the bloodied teeth beneath.
“...Oh...you got me, Morgan...” he wheezed out. “...You got me. My only regret is...lettin’ you kill me before going after Atticus. My, my, what a show that would’ve been...”
Rodrick weakly patted my hand, uttering his last words.
“...Go on...and raise some hell, would you, sunshine? I know it’s gonna be beautiful...it always is...”
Drifting into a deathly silence, Rodrick’s body finally fell limp as his last breath escaped him and his hand slipped from the knife’s hilt, allowin’ me to relax for the first time in a while.
I couldn’t believe he was actually dead.
After so many months of him tormenting me and Eddie -- there were times when I felt like the bastard would never die.
He just seemed so invincible. So welcoming to death. So...inhumane.
But I was foolish to think in such a way. It was clear to me now that Rodrick bled just like every other son-of-a-bitch on this Earth...and boy, was I glad that he did.
Removin’ my blade from the man’s torso, I stepped away and let his body collapse to the soaking wet ground, instantly bringing my focus back to Eddie now that Kingsley was dead.
I had no idea if the pianist was still latched on to that little piece of rock on the cliff face, but to think that he already fallen to his death made me sick with worry.
“Eddie!” I called out, kneeling by the edge. “You there?”
Thankfully, I got a response.
“I’m here, Arthur! But the rock’s too wet! I-I can’t climb up!”
I reached a hand down, suddenly realizin’ just how much blood was covering it.
“Come on! I’ll pull you up!”
Grabbing onto my arm, Eddie grunted with effort and hoisted himself onto my level, usin’ the thin ledges in the cliff’s side as leverage.
“I got you, darling,” I comforted, helping him over the edge. “I got you.”
Finally returning to the surface, Eddie gladly plopped himself on the grass and simply sat there for a moment, briefly catchin’ his breath.
“Jesus Christ...” he panted out, “that...that was close. Thank you, Arthur. I would’ve slipped soon if you didn’t help.”
“No need to thank me,” I replied, also out of breath. “Let’s just get the hell outta here...and go to Saint Denis. I’ve had enough of this goddamn place.”
Eddie nodded in agreement and stood up from the ground, only to freeze mid-action when he noticed Rodrick’s body sitting against the tree.
The pianist paused for a second, staring blankly at his corpse.
“Wait...Rodrick’s dead?” He asked, clearly in disbelief. “...You...you killed him?”
“I did.” I said firmly. “And I’d do it again.”
Contrary to what I expected, Eddie sighed in regret and hung his head low, recalling all the encounters he had with that lunatic.
“That crazy bastard...” he whispered softly. “Both him and Middleton pursued me for years. I never thought I’d be blessed to see the day he died. My only regret is that I couldn’t help you finish him off.”
I laid a reassuring hand on Eddie’s shoulder, urgin’ him to look away.
“Well...he’s as dead as they come now, thank God. We should move before we end up like him.”
“Yeah. You’re right. Come on, let’s...”
Eddie suddenly paused, jerking his head around in confusion as if he had just heard something.
I shrugged. “What?”
The pianist brought his gaze upwards, leadin’ him to point towards the sky.
“Arthur, look.”
Following his line of sight, I turned around and saw a magnificent rock formation dominating the landscape in the distance, as well as a group of people who were fightin’ on top of it.
The rock was shaped like an anvil and tilted towards the clouds with an incredible height, almost as if it were a ramp to the heavens themselves.
Once I took a better look though, I realized that the people standing atop weren’t just some random passersby. The majority of them was Pinkertons...and they were fighting Atticus.
“It’s Atticus,” I remarked nonchalantly. “So what?”
Eddie gave me a resolute stare, formulatin’ a plan in his head.
“...We have to kill him, Arthur.”
I pulled back at the idea, lookin’ at the other man in bewilderment.
“What? Eddie, we can’t--”
“--We have to,” he reiterated, taking hold of my hand. “If we don’t, he’ll never stop chasing us. Atticus already followed me to America. What makes you think he won’t follow us to England? This is our chance to eliminate him! Rodrick is dead, and the Pinkertons have him cornered. We can do this.”
I let out a deep breath, still tentative about the proposal.
“...You know how I feel about vengeance, Eddie.”
The pianist persisted. “This isn’t about vengeance. We’ve been looking at this all wrong, Arthur. We’re never going to be free if we just...keep running! We need to face Atticus head-on. We need to kill him. Otherwise, this journey’s never going to end. You know that.”
Chewin’ on my lip in thought, I pondered the decision for a while as I weighed our options, genuinely torn about what to do.
On one hand, I knew Eddie wasn’t gonna leave this place so long as Atticus still breathed. They had too much history. Too much to settle. They both needed closure.
And on top of that, I couldn’t deny that I conceded Eddie’s point about Atticus chasin’ us halfway across the world. That old man had done it before, after all, and I’d seen how relentless he could be for myself.
What worried me though, was the number of Pinkertons we’d have to fight through in order to reach him. They was givin’ him hell at the moment, and I wasn’t sure if Eddie and I would be able to kill that many people on our own.
I mean, we barely escaped death not too long ago. The last thing I wanted to do was tempt it even more.
But, then again...I knew Eddie well enough to know that once he had his mind set on something, it’d be foolish to get in his way.
As much as I wanted to just leave and high-tail it outta here, I couldn’t help but wonder if he was right. Maybe this was our chance to get rid of Atticus.
Maybe we could finally put an end to this godforsaken war, and close this chapter in our lives.
We just had to be brave enough to do it.
“...Okay,” I agreed at last. “You’re right. Atticus needs to die.”
Eddie’s expression perked with hope, and a glint of excitement twinkled in his eyes.
“You mean, you’ll help me kill him?”
I nodded assertively and thought back to the day Eddie and I killed Middleton, swiftly takin’ out my revolvers as the two of us made our way to Atticus.
“For you...anything.”
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