#in my defense. this happened One or Two In-Game Days after the shadows chasing you nightmare. smth like one or two real-time hours pbb.
wetpapert0wel · 8 months
waaaah i wanna play more voices of the void but its scary scary scary
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liitlesunshiine · 3 years
Villainous Taste
(Detective reader x Villain Bakugo)
Warnings: NSFW, smut, mentions of death, degradation, manipulation, very bad bad stuff, dubcon, noncon, assault, sub/dom themes, don’t read if sensitive to violent themes
You sighed in frustration at your desk that was fully covered with a mountain of papers. It’s been over year now since you’ve been assigned to the notorious Bakugo, Katsuki case; and you’ve made little to no progress on catching the pesky fucking villain. You were losing your patience by the day. Especially since it felt like a personal attack on your ego that you still haven’t managed to pin this guy down. The great detective Y/N, Y/LN getting played and taken a fool by the villain himself. It’s not like you’ve made no progress though. There were times, many instances in fact, when you managed to pin the villain down. The constant face to face encounters only ending with the villain toying with you and taunting you. It’s honesty a surprise that you’re still alive considering all the chances he has had to kill you. Condescending dick, you were sure he was getting off by the chase. This all seemed to be a game to him and it infuriated you even more since you were practically entertaining it. He was thriving off the little interactions with the quirkless detective.
The way he would cockily stride his way to you with that big smirk smeared across his face. Eyes devouring your body that left an unsteady chill run down your spine. His presence held such power and intimidation that you couldn’t help but take steps back with every step he took forward. You always felt like a deer in headlights whenever he swaggered towards you. No amount of experience or expertise will ever get you accustomed to his predatory gaze.
“Go figure they’d send a quirkless bitch my way. They must really hate’ya.” He said with a rather amusing look, never breaking his eye contact with you. He grabbed a piece of your hair twisting it softly between his fingers, as if he were inspecting it. You could’ve sworn he was sniffing it too.
Yea, you were quirkless but you managed to hold your own ground. Having to work ten times as hard, having to prove yourself among your peers and having to earn the respect and position you have worked so tirelessly for years. While being quirkless was a hinderance or handicap as some would say, it was a mountain that you decided needed to be climbed. You reached its peak and planted your flag years ago. This title wasn’t given to you mindlessly. You dedicated tears, sweat, and blood to get to where you are now. Gained recognition from higher up heroes themselves and even managed to get assigned to Bakugo’s case; the most wanted and powerful villain in Japan. Now, you weren’t in denial either, you were well aware you stood no chance against the hero toe to toe. Hell, even the top tier heroes themselves barely made it out alive. You were simply here to pinpoint his locations and set up an area for his arrest. What seemed to be a simple task ended up as a wide scale massacre with Bakugo skimping through all the heroes nonchalantly. It was a complete blood bath. All the pro heroes who were posted for defense that day were to be blown up to pieces; the graphic scene till this day haunts you in your sleep. Sleepless nights and paranoia became a norm, with the image of him dripping with blood casually stalking towards you was something that you have not been able to shake out of your head for months now.
He had forced you into an alley that day. You were trying your best to steady your breathing and figure out an attempt to get the fuck out of this predicament. Your eyes skimmed for any opening, avoiding his intense gaze, looking anywhere but his blooded face.
You felt your back hit against the wall. He was now sickly close to you, you placed your head down in shame looking at his shoes rather than his face. Knowing damn well there was no way out of this situation. Beads of sweat ran down your back and colored your forehead. He slammed both his hands against the wall, causing you to jump, your head now trapped in between his forearms. His body hovered over, the smell of blood forcing its way into your nose. The intense body heat radiating off of him, had your head spinning. You felt frozen in place, every worst case scenario rushing through your mind, trying to stay steady while silently sobbing to yourself.
“My eyes are up here slut.” He gripped your chin roughly forcing your eyes to meet his. You took in the rough image of the villain in front of you. You saw the spiky unruly hair sticking out in every direction, some parts drenched in the blood of his victims. His sharp facial features looked even more intimidating under this light, little scars freckled his skin here and there scattered throughout; and his 5 o'clock shadow appearing in patches. It was his eyes that took you by surprise most. None of the pictures posted online, none of the documents you saw ever matched what appeared in front of you. The dark ruby colored eyes stared curiously back at you, analyzing your every move. The stare felt strangely intimate, and it probably would’ve been considering the circumstance. Y/N wasn’t sure if she was really fully conscious of what was happening, but having him so close was making her feel unnerved. Hell, even as a villain there are many people who admire and drool over the criminal. But seeing him this up close drenched in the blood of your peers was when the fear and guilt washed over you and you quickly snapped out of his trance. You were brought back to your senses and reminded of your current predicament. The images of the heroes fighting and dying at the hands of this animal quickly flooded in. Anger now overwhelming your sense. You reminded yourself that you were quirkless, not helpless. And with that thought, you broke your intense gaze away from him, slapping his hand off your chin and quickly spitting in his face. The action caught him rather off guard and you took this delayed response to knee him in the balls and bolt for it “FUCKING BITCH!” He roared.
Ever since then your encounters with Bakugo have been rather odd to say the least. You didn’t really know how else to describe it. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking. There were instances where he would get rather “touchy” and others where he would straight up just physically hurt you. It was a wind whirl of emotions and odd behavior whenever you encountered him. You didn’t know what to make of it either. He could’ve killed you months ago and the fact that he hasn’t, has left you feeling uncomfortable and confused. You felt yourself wanting to avoid him now, you haven’t been prioritizing his case anymore and you’ve lost all the spunk and passion you had in the beginning. Continuously failing to catch him and having countless of pro heroes dying at the hands of his explosions was something you no longer had the heart to bare.
Especially now that whenever you found him he’d just toy with you. It was beginning to seem as if he's looking forward to these little encounters, like he’s waiting for you. You began to notice the issue when he was becoming purposefully sloppy in hiding his tracks, it was if he was screaming to be caught. And after working his case for over a year Y/N knew his actions, how careful and precise he could be when he wanted to. A perfectionist in his own right but now, now he was practically waving a flag yelling at you where he is and to come and get him. This was a total 180 from his usual behavior and tactic and with each encounter becoming more unseemly; Y/N thought it was best to take a break from the scandalous villain. You decided on no longer participating on the missions. You couldn’t shake off the eerie feeling of this situation and where you were once so headstrong stepping into the battlefield, your courage and pride was stripped from you. Now the only thing you prioritize was staying the hell away from him. So with whatever information you did find on the villain was quickly handed over to the hero agency without any hesitation.
After a few months of you steering clear from the villain, his crime scenes were becoming more brutal and graphic by the week. His killing sprees drastically increasing and the victims were piling up. Y/N couldn’t help but to let guilt consume her. Thoughts of Bakugo infiltrated Y/N’s mind. From the moment she woke up, to while she’d desperately attempt to sleep. You felt yourself slowly going insane. As if your movements were being watched at all times. Your mental state began taking a toll on you and was affecting your work. You could no longer focus on anything for a span of time without the mere image of a bloodied Bakugo appearing in your head.
His case was one you guiltily found compassion in. One of the top students in UA Academy showing nothing but absolute potential to become a top ranking hero crumbled and fell to villainy after his long time friend Izuku Midoriya, was killed trying to save him. It appeared the guilt ate him up inside and as a result, Bakugo quickly blamed the heroes for being weak and unable and decided on taking matters to his own hands by killing everyone involved that day in Midoriya’s death. This paired on with him living in an abusive household led to what he is now, at least that’s what Y/N assumed. Y/N’s heart felt torn in two feeling somewhat sympathetic towards him due to his rough upbringing and traumatic past but either way it did not excuse the atrocities he was committing now. You felt yourself falling deeper into the rabbit hole because of this man. You finally decided this couldn’t continue on any longer. You requested a transfer, figure you cut your losses with Bakugo’s case and move on with your life.
It had been two weeks since you’ve transferred departments and moved into the inner city of Tokyo. It was new, it was adventurous, and it was a step forward. A perfect way to start fresh and move on. You felt the withdrawals from Bakugo’s case every now and then, mainly the guilt consuming you at night or whenever you saw the news appear on TV with a new crime he had committed. You did your best to avoid those emotions though. He was no longer your problem and you did everything you could anyways. Regardless, your attempts at catching him always resulted with blood on your hands.
It was a particular long day at work. You decided on staying later than usual setting up the finishing touches in your new office. You figured you’d also catch up on some cases to avoid getting swamped on Monday. By the end of it you came to realize it was a quarter past midnight. “Oh shit, I gotta get the hell outta here,’ you mumbled to yourself while you quickly got your personal things and organized the remaining loose ends in the office. You locked up everything and exited out the building, deciding on taking the metro home since you felt exhausted and couldn’t commit to the 2 mile walk.
You weren’t used to the metro being so empty and silent, but it was rather peaceful you thought. While the doors open you took no notice in the looming figure behind you. Exhausted and empty minded you walked in, to the doors behind you closing. You were instantly snapped out of your daze when you got shoved against the pole and a hand quickly covering your mouth to silence your scream.
“I’m real upset quirkless.” You immediately recognized the voice and a chill ran down your spine. You looked up to see the reflection of Bakugo off the window, he was staring at you dead in the eye. His signature scowl heavily evident on his face.
“Are you trying to hide from me? Made me follow your ass all the way to Tokyo now? Come on quirkless, you know I hate being teased.” He positioned himself to have his crotch lined up with your ass. You felt the pressure only getting bigger with each word he spoke. Your heart was racing by this point, you tried to wiggle your way out of his grasp but he only gripped you harder as a result. He pulled your hair forcing you to look at him once again through the reflection.
“What happened slut, got bored of me? Am I not important enough anymore to catch? I’ve killed hundreds of people ya know, why did you stop trying to arrest me? Don’t tell me another villain got your attention. I don’t mind killing off the competition babe.” He gripped your hair even harder to the point where your skull was becoming numb, your cheeks already salted with tears.
“Fucking slut, I should seriously punish you. You’ve been making me work overtime.”
The train did a gradual stop and the doors open once again with two individuals walking in. Y/N felt a bit of hope wash over her until Bakugo moved to sit down on the opposite direction, forcing you on top and both your backs facing the two people who just walked in. Since he was wearing a hoodie no one would be able to recognize him from this angle. Right now the situation looked like two people who are just foundling on the train. You now sat directly on top of the villain’s lap. His hand still covering your mouth harshly. When you felt the bulge in his pants fully erect is when you began to whimper.
“Awe, did my slut miss me? Don’t worry detective, I’ll give you some nice warranted attention.” His free hand began to stroke your exposed thigh. The action immediately had you squish your thighs together and attempt to get away. But he simply responded with gripping you tighter.
“Try anything and I’ll fucking take you right here, right now. I’ll blow up everyone in this fucking train. Try me bitch.”
He placed a testing hand on your thigh and tapped it softly as if waiting for your reaction. You stayed still not daring to move. “Come on baby, open up for your favorite villain.”
You silently nodded your head no, more tears springing out. He gripped your thigh roughly.
“Y/N, I won’t ask again. Fucking open.” The authority and venom that came from that demand left you having goosebumps. The fear reached you and before you knew it, you had your legs opened and spread for him.
"Atta girl.” He hummed satisfied and began stroking your inner thigh. Absolute shame and guilt overtaking your senses, you felt completely out of control and held prisoner. Your mind trying to disassociate itself with the current reality you’re in right now. But only to being brought back with his rough hands violating you and his threatening tone looming over you. “Now, I’m gonna release my hand from your mouth. If you make any fucking noise, I’ll kill everyone in this metro and make you watch while they beg for their lives, m’kay.” You nodded rather quickly, you wouldn’t be dumb enough to even dare to do such a thing. Too many people have already fallen victim to this animal, you refuse to take part in anymore blame for it. You’d figure you just let him use you and quickly get over the situation and forget it ever happen. Maybe you’ll set up an attempt to try and kill him yourself. Either way, the sooner this is over the sooner you get to go home and ball your eyes out and come up with a plan. He hummed again with your response.
“Good girl.” His hand slowly and hesitantly left your mouth and snaked its way to your thighs. He gripped both of them and forced your legs to open wider.
"Really liking the skirt baby. Makes accessing you so much easier.” He chuckled in your ear, mocking you. Ironic considering this is the first time you’ve worn a skirt in over a year. Your fucking luck. This whole thing was just entertainment for him, bastard.
His hands slowly made themselves lower reaching the inner most part of your thighs. He pulled the skirt up, completely showcasing your thong and pantyhose. You practically heard him salivating behind you. You tried to close your legs feeling painfully embarrassed.
“Tsk. What did I say Y/N” he forced your legs apart once again but with more aggression and speed, that lead you to buckle your hips onto him. You instantly became flushed, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks at the realization of what you just did. You heard him groan.
“Such a fucking tease.” He ripped your pantyhose apart, giving him full entrance to your underwear. The cold air had a cooling sensation on your inner thighs and you felt yourself softy throb. You let out a silent whine and he quickly shoved two of his fingers in your mouth while the other started doing soft circles on your clit.
“Fuck quirkless. You’re so wet, always knew you were a fucking whore for me.”
Even to your surprise you didn’t expect yourself to be this hot and ready for him. You felt completely betrayed by your body but you couldn’t help in relishing in the sensation. It felt so good to finally be touched by someone even if it was someone as vile as him. Is this what it feels like to have the most dangerous man about finger fuck you on the metro train? Maybe you can just pretend you’re getting touched by Jim- the cute and quirky coworker of yours, but with every flick even that was seeming to be difficult already. You were sucking and licking his fingers shamelessly and subconsciously grinding down on his erection. You were definitely disgusted from yourself. But you’d be lying if the thought of fucking this villain hasn’t crossed your mind. Especially with the constant harassment you faced whenever you crossed paths, how he’d violate you but never to this extent. Always leaving you in an array of emotions. Even now you’re having a hard time understanding what exactly is happening.
Your eyes snapped right open when the fingers in your mouth left to slap your pussy. You glared at him with a concerning look. He only smiled in response, the sadistic kind.
“You seemed distracted baby. Got me doing all this work and you’re not even paying attention.”
His wet fingers hooked your underwear and causally pulled them off. You were now completely exposed and the reality of the situation was settling on you. “Bakugo please don’t.”
“After you were sucking and grinding on me? Don’t act so innocent now bitch, you’re fucking soaked. Pussy is practically begging for my cock.”
He slipped one finger inside slowly, as if he was exploring the inside of your pussy. His fingers were thick and scarred due to years of using his quirk. The sensation alone was enough for you to throw your head back on his shoulder, opening your legs wider for him. You couldn’t grasp the reason for your actions. Here you were shamelessly opening yourself up and enjoying the fingers of a villain who has caused so much destruction and brought about so much pain in your life. How is it that you’re enjoying this? You really are a terrible person.
“Fuck baby, this is quite the sight.”
Any attempt in trying to hide what you and Bakugo were doing was completely thrown out the window by the sloppy and lewd noises from the villain fingering you. You began to bite your bottom lip in attempt to hold back the moans trying to escape you when he added a second finger.
“Don’t hold them noises back, let these people know how good you feel from just by my fingers slut.” By this point you couldn’t control the soft noises coming out of you even though you were trying. He was fingering you with such expertise, you were feeling yourself beginning to melt under him. When was the last time someone had touched you liked this? Are you so touch starved that you’re about to cum from out of all people- Bakugou Katisuki? Your mind was spinning.
The train reached its second stop. You tried to close your legs and compose yourself before the doors had open but Bakugo didn’t stop his assault. “Bakug-“
“Keep them open baby. We’ll put on a show for whoever sees. I don’t give a fuck.”
The only two passengers who were on the train walked out rather quickly and with no one else entering, it was just you and this villain inside. You couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or bad but at least the risk of him hurting someone else isn’t looming over your head. Instead of taking this moment to escape you threw your arms up gripping Bakugo by the neck. Might as well and try to get this over with. Sooner this ends, the sooner you get go home and bleach your skin clean and pray for forgiveness to whichever god decides to listen. This action did indeed catch him slightly by surprise but he stopped fingering you momentarily and ripped your shirt off revealing your bra to him. He quickly gripped both of your breasts massaging them in his hand.
“Turn around.” He huskily said into your ear. Already lost in the sensation of how good he was making you feel, you quickly got off him to then get back on straggling him. You were now back on him facing him with your cunt completely exposed, skirt crumbled up to your waist, and your breasts directly in his face. He was smirking down on you. He gripped the center of your bra and activated his quirk leaving the bra in shreds.
“Any idea how long I’ve been wanting to fuck this pretty little body of yours?” He gripped your neck, choking you slightly while his mouth made his way to your nipple. “Way too fucking long. Gonna devour your little cunt. Gonna make you pay for all the trouble you’ve been causing me.” His hand left your throat and began squeezing and pinching your nipple. The action causing a moan to rip out of you. “Fucking bitch, you’ve been such a distraction.” You were gripping and pulling his hair now while grinding furiously against his crouch in a desperate attempt to feel some type of friction. “Bakugo-“
“Katsuki,” he corrected, “we’ve been past the formalities for a while now”
You blushed, you rarely call anyone by their first name but Bakugo could be the exception. Besides it’s not like he wasn’t fingering your pussy like a jackhammer on a public train 5 minutes ago, not like you were grinding on him like a desperate dog in heat right now...
“Suki,” you said hoping the cute pet name would be enough to grab his attention, you attempted to sound as desperate and needy as possible, “please make me cum already.” You pleaded while placing your hands on his shoulders. Makeup smudged from the tears and sweat, lipstick smeared on your chin from him covering it, clothes all ruined and your hair a mess, you already looked so fucked out, Bakugo just ate the sight up. He had his hands gripping the side of your hips caressing them. You leaned in wanting a kiss until he quickly gripped your face squeezing your cheeks together preventing it so. “On your knees baby.”
While still squeezing your face you slowly get off his lap on your knees in between his legs.
“Open your mouth and show me your tongue.” He released his tight grip but kept his hand in place, you opened your mouth and slowly stuck out your tongue. He gave a devious smirk, in which you saw something enlighten in his eyes. The bright red color seeming more mahogany now. He leans in lining his mouth above yours and spits on your tongue. He nods his head allowing you to swallow, which you complied easily to. You now waited patiently for his next orders, your full submissive side completely taking over, not like you have much of a choice anyways. Regardless, the desire to please him and the desperation from under is consuming your every thought and sensation.
“Go on slut, suck daddy’s cock.” He leans into the seat with his legs fully spread to you. You slowly unzip his pants with shaking hands allowing his dick to spring free. You nearly drooled at the sight wanting to taste him badly. He was completely erect, a huge vain running down the base of his cock, the tip already covered in precum looking swollen and red. You lean in his dick using your hands to pump him, you slowly bought the tip towards your mouth giving it small kitten like licks. As you began sucking the villain in front of you, he lets out small grunts and groans throughout. He eventually pulls your hair and shoves his dick entirely in your mouth forcing itself to hit the back of your throat. 10 seconds pass by and he hasn’t removed his hand, 11, 12… your eyes begin watering and you’re desperately attempting to get fresh air. You begin pulling away only for Katsuki to laugh and hold you down tighter. “Aha’ha choking on my dick detective? Such a cock hungry whore… this outa teach you a lesson, maybe I’ll get some hand cuffs late-later on and treat you like you really deserve, yea-yeah. That sounds soo good.”
While Bakugo goes back and forth with himself, you begin getting red faced and losing consciousness he pulls your hair up forcing you off and you while you take this opportunity to weed in gaps of air desperately and choking, he quickly shoves himself back inside your mouth. This time he moved your head in up/down motions, you attempted your best to slurp and suck with minimal oxygen entering your system, but it was proven to be very difficult, luckily enough you notice the villain becoming slower and sloppier with his movements. You brought yourself to deep throat his cock once more until the warm liquid has finally entered your mouth. The taste sour and sticky inside, this is what sin must taste like you thought.
As on cue, the metro did a halt and you instantly recognized the location. You gave a side eye to the villain next to you who also knew this was the stop to your neighborhood. He self confidently got up and immediately zipped his pants. He took off the hoodie he wore only leaving the black tank top underneath and shoved it over your head. The hoodie was long enough to cover your whole body and you were thankful since your current garments were in shreds across the floor. It also smelled strangely sweet, odd, like burnt caramel? Maybe the lack of oxygen is making you slightly delusional? You assumed, well hoped- this is where you would go separate ways with the villain. Have this memory go to the grave with you and forget it ever happened. But to your lovely surprise he picks you up bridal style and carries you out the metro. You looked at him questioningly, the feeling of dread looming over and suddenly becoming overwhelming just waiting for his response. He simply smirked.
“You’re clocking in overtime tonight detective.”
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chibinekochan · 3 years
My biggest treasure - Ft. Mammon
Mammon is a Goblin in this au.
This is part of the Monster tales au Series
You have been on the hunt for this treasure for a while now.
Having all the information about its whereabouts, defenses, and most importantly feeling morally right.
Its owner is a scummy guy after all.
This gem will not only bring you some nice cash, and bringing it back to its rightful owner will surely feel good too.
With well-planned moves, you make your way towards the big mansion.
Now you have to climb the wall. You have studied the moves of the guards.
They won't be around for a while.
With quiet steps, you move in the darkness. Only a few moves are needed to scale the wall and carefully jump on a neighboring tree.
Swiftly scan the area.
It seems the dogs haven't noticed you yet.
You want to keep it that way and continue your way on top of the trees. Carefully navigating through the shadows, practically becoming one of them.
Slowly, the lights of the mansion come into view.
The carefully kept garden is now in front of you.
The shrubs will offer you a little cover and the dogs might sense your presence. You smirk. Time for the real challenge to begin.
You take a deep breath to strengthen your nerves.
With ease, you jump from the tree and run at high speed through the garden, occasionally jumping over hedges.
By the time you hear dogs barking, you have already climbed the balcony and wait for clear air.
The guards check the hedges, but of course find nothing.
You smirk when they shrug and go back to their posts.
You wait a bit longer and then carefully and quietly open the door.
Your body is moving low and fast, knowing exactly where your target is. Lucky for you, the scumbag has a huge ego and displays what you are looking for right in his living room.
You sneak in the shadows, listening to every sound. It's quiet. You can only hear your own heart and breathing.
Then you see it slightly shimmering, illuminated by the moon. The gem you are looking for.
You calm your nerves and steady your hands.
Then suddenly you hear a commotion, loud barking from the outside. Some lights in the mansion turning on and glass shattering.
Unsure what just happened, your instinct kicks in and all you can do is run.
Light starts to shine into the room, causing the gem to sparkle as if to mock you.
You run towards the nearest window, ready to jump out.
When suddenly something passes you at high speed. For a moment you pause until you notice it's a person.
This must be whoever interrupted you.
You have no time to stay, you hear the guards closing in.
With little choice, you run and jump after the stranger.
The guards behind you yell, and the dogs chase you.
There is no time for anything else but running. You run in a straight line towards the wall. Following close behind the other person.
Once you jump the wall, you have to make sure that nobody is following you. You can still keep an eye on the other person.
Only catching a quick glance at them. White hair and blue eyes. You take a mental note of it.
Your pursuers are still behind you, and you decide to go deeper into the forest to shake them off or at least to hide.
You can smack the guy another time.
By the next day, you are back in your home. The loss of income is a hard blow to your family,, but it can't be helped. It's better to be poor but free.
Your siblings were disappointed,, but you can make money more honestly until another opportunity arises.
Hopefully, the medicine for your smallest sibling will last long enough. Worryingly, you eye the half-empty bottle.
"It's okay, we will work hard and buy more." Ian, the 2nd oldest, Ian, has seen your worries.
You ruffle their hair. "Don't worry about it. I will trade some herbs with the pharmacist and in the bar tonight again." You smile to ease their worries.
"You work too much." The 2nd youngest, Eva, looks worried.
"We have to get food, so we can cook a good meal. I will catch fish for us." Ian is suddenly super motivated.
"Yeah, I will get some veggies from our garden. Rest so you can work hard for us later." Eva has taken care of the garden and grown some stuff.
Your heart is filled with pride, and you hug them both. "You guys are the best, just don't forget to play with your friends too." You feel bad about being so poor,, but it can't be helped. After losing both parents, you are left as the oldest to take care of them.
And you do everything for them, even if it means stealing.
You go and rest for a while until sunset.
Then you cook the fish and vegetables that your siblings got for tonight. They are very good kids. You are very proud of them. You make soup for your youngest sibling, Owen.
"Dinner is ready." You dish everyone up, making sure your siblings get more than you.
"Looks great." Eve beams at the food.
"I worked hard for this fish, so you better eat it all." Ian looks at both of you sternly.
"Thank you both for the food." You are truly grateful to them.
"Will you have to go again soon?" Ian knows well that I have to leave them alone sometimes due to my 'nightwork'.
It can take days to get the treasure and to get my money. Not even mentioning the time I have to spend hiding. Still, the pay is so high that I can't afford not doing it.
"I will have to see,, but currently I have nothing lined up." I know it's hard for them when I'm not here,, but there is no other way for me to afford the medicine.
Ian seems troubled.
"Don't frown, Ian, we can handle everything just fine." Eve pats his back.
"Well, of course, but I'm worried about you." Ian becomes confident, but then frowns at you.
"Haha, I can watch out for myself. I'm plenty strong." I giggle. Sometimes he acts like the dad. It's sad that they all have to grow up so fast.
"Yeah, like the time you beat that bear. That was so cool!" Eve's eyes sparkle.
Ian shakes his head. "That was scary."
"I gotta agree with you. I will go and check on Owen. He needs to eat." You worry about the amount of food he eats. It's definitely not enough.
The others keep bickering, and you walk into the room. You open the windows, fill the pitcher with water, and check on Owen. He looks at you with tired eyes,, but he is smiling weakly.
"Hey there, sleepy head. Time for food." You smile, trying to hide your worries.
"I'm not really hungry." He says with a weak voice.
"It's very tasty. So why not try a bit?" His state breaks your heart,, but you fight through it.
Owen nods and you help him sit.
You feed him slowly. He seems to like it. This is relieving.
At some point, he can't eat anymore. "You ate half a bowl today. Great work." You encourage him.
Then you change his bedding and shake his pillows before giving him his medicine.
He frowns.
"I know it's bitter, but it helps, right? I have an apple for dessert if you take it all." You bribe him with a sliced apple.
"Pudding would be better." Owen smiles sheepishly.
"Pudding makes everything better. I will see what I can do." Sadly, even pudding is a luxury for us. I wonder if I can get a portion for everyone?
"It's alright, I like apples." Owen knows more about your situation than he lets on.
Owen bravely takes his medicine and eats a few slices of the apple.
You bring the rest to your other siblings.
Then you do a few chores before heading to work.
It's going to be a long night, you can already tell.
The bar you work at is a bit rowdy, the patrons are ruff, but overall good people. It's usually fun to work at the place.
The gruff owner is a nice guy, who often gives you 'leftovers' or stuff his wife made that he apparently really doesn't like. You know that neither is true,, but you are also not one to just take handouts, and he is also a bit awkward,, so this is how you two handle things.
"Hey, I'm in." I say hi to the owner, who grunts at me.
I start to clean the floor and prepare everything for opening time.
"Hey, the wife made some strange stuff again. Please take it off my hands' kiddo?" The owner shoves a box towards you.
It's definitely food that smells great. "Are you sure? It sure smells nice."
"Get it off me, before I toss it out." The owner frowns.
I take the box. "Alright, thank the wife for me." I smile at him and put the box in the back.
"You're gonna make her believe her food is any good." He grumbles.
"Don't let her hear that,, or she might believe you." I grin at him, knowing that he loves her food.
He shrugs. "We've got game night tonight so if it gets rowdy, feel free to kick them."
With game night, he means gambling. It's not really legal, but it brings good business but of course also some strange people.
"Sure thing. I hope we get some big spenders tonight." Usually, the drunken winners give nice tips.
"You just keep dreaming big kiddo, as long as we make money I'm happy." He keeps cleaning glasses while talking.
You clean the last few tables and get the gaming stuff ready, it's just a box of dice, cards and such things.
Slowly the guests are pouring in. Most of which you know on a first-name. They order their usual. These guests aren't only here for gambling, they are here on most nights anyway.
Then when night breaks a different clientele is pouring in and filling the tables.
They all know the game. Trading money for snacks or coasters. Some use their means of hiding the money in play.
The owner keeps a close eye on everything from a distance. While you keep filling glasses.
Nothing strikes you as odd until you see a Goblin on one of the tables. This by itself isn't all that unusual, all kinds of folk come here after all. This goblin somehow strikes you as odd.
Then suddenly you realize, his hair color is white. That is certainly unusual, sadly you can't see his eyes since he wears yellow-tinted glasses.
This might be the guy that screwed you over. You feel anger rising at this realization. Even if he probably didn't mean to, he still cost you a nice paycheck.
For a while, you try to keep a close eye on him but the other customers keep you busy.
Especially when a guy wins big and throws around for everyone. Of course, this is a cause for celebration for everyone.
Now with the alcohol level raised you have to use your kicking abilities a few times. Nothing out of the ordinary.
You handle yourself well and the owner kicks a few rowdy guests out.
Finally, it calms down a bit in the early hours of the morning.
You sigh deeply, but it was pretty successful. You got a big tip from one guy.
The goblin is forgotten by now.
"I don't need you for the rest of the night." This is the owner's way of telling you to go home and rest.
"Thanks. Don't make too long." You glance around at the few leftover guests.
"No worries, I will kick em out soon." He grumbles.
You take the food and head out the backdoor.
The cool night air feels good on your skin, you take a deep breath and start walking.
Once, you pass by a tight ally, and you notice a group of guys harassing someone.
Under your watch! It seems to be three guys, all rather drunk. You can take them.
You walk towards the guys. "Hey, I think that's enough."
"Huh, what's that? Are you kiddn me?" One of the drunks looks towards me.
"Whatever that guy did, he had enough. You all don't want to go to jail for killing a guy, do you?" You huff at them, trying to look bigger than you are.
"Aw, come on, he has it comin. This guy is a cheat." The other man kicks the poor victim.
You shake your head. "Come on guys, just go home, he learned his lesson."
The guy on the floor groans. "I'll be good, I swear." He doesn't sound super convincing, to be honest.
The drunks shuffle around. Seemingly unhappy to leave.
"Guys go home. You got your money back, so your wife won't be mad,, but they might be if you are in jail for murder." You try to convince them.
The guys seem to freeze up. "Ah, well, it's late anyway. You better not show your face here again." With that, they shuffle off.
You sigh with relief when they walk away. You then go to check on the man on the floor.
Now you notice it's the Goblin you saw earlier. His glasses are shattered on the floor, revealing his blue eyes. So it might be that thief from the other night after all.
"Ugh… that hurt. Thanks for that." He staggers while trying to get up.
"You might want to go to a doctor for these injuries." You glare at him.
"What's with that look? Do I know you? D-don't tell me I owe you money?!" Suddenly he seems to be much better and gets up. Seemingly trying to get some distance between you.
"I don't even know you." You glare at him. "Though I'd say you owe me for saving your butt." You feel like he is pretty ungrateful.
"Well, thanks then… Umm, I got no cash, but here I got this necklace." He rummages through his pockets and pulls out a necklace from somewhere.
He dangles it in front of you.
You can only frown at it. "Gee, thanks."
"Hey, it ain't any day that I give stuff like that. So be grateful." He huffs at you.
"I'd be more grateful if it wasn't gaudy or fake." You take the clearly fake jewelry. Maybe Eve will like it.
"Fake? You can tell with just one glance?" He seems impressed.
You feel like he has just seen right through you. "It's a special talent." You shrug and play it cool.
"Well, in that case. I could use your special skills for a job. I need someone to tell me what the valuables are." He changes right into business mode.
"Are you offering illegal work to me?" You act all offended.
"Come on, the job in that dingy bar doesn't pay well. I'd split 90:10." He smiles at you.
"I gladly take that 90 percent, very generous." You know that's not his offer,, but he somehow irritates you.
"It'll be 10 for you,, obviously." He shakes his head.
"No, thanks. I don't trust you anyway." You glare at him.
"Fine, how about 30 percent?" He throws his hand up as if he is being generous.
"More like 70 for me if you can't even tell what's fake." You can't believe that you are still talking to this guy.
He sighs. "Alright, I get it, same risk same reward right? So 50:50. My last offer."
"You seem quite desperate. What kind of stuff are we talking about here, anyway?" Now you are getting curious.
"It's an old mansion. Real old money. Real old scum, too. I just want to grab some of their valuables. It's not like they're gonna miss it anyway." He is vague,, but you somehow feel like you know what place he is talking about.
"Does that happen to be the raven mansion?" The place where your heist was interrupted.
His eyes go wide. "How'd you know?"
"Let's just say that I got interrupted in my own business by some amateur." You glare at him.
"Wait… t-that was you? Oh man, you were ama… umm I mean you were okay." The tips of his ears glow dark.
"You should grovel for what you have done. Screwed me right out of a job." Finally, you can let your anger out.
"I had no idea you were there. I'm sorry." He seems at least half earnest. "So that only means you already know the place, and you can finish the other job there too. I'd take no cut of that either. See, I'm very generous."
"Says the guy that offered me ten percent." You huff at him.
"That was just testing the waters, I'd given you at least 30." He puffs his cheeks. "So it's all settled then?"
"No, I still don't trust you." You eye him carefully.
"What would it take for you to take the job?" He asks, also looking for a sign of weakness in me.
"Well, first of all your name." This is an important first step, at least.
"Ah, could've said you were interested. I mean, you were eyeing me in the bar the whole time. I'm down if you are." He calmly shrugs.
You take a step towards him. "You wish." You look him right in the eyes, glaring at him.
He awkwardly looks away. "J-just saying I'm a handsome goblin…"
"I have seen better. Besides, it means that you checked me out, doesn't it?" You grin at him.
His cheeks turn dark. "N-no, I just felt a burning gaze on me the entire time."
"That was disdain and nothing else." You cross your arms.
"Call it whatever you want." He huffs and turns his head awkwardly. "Anyway, how am I supposed to show that you can trust me?"
"How about telling me your name?" You eye him with suspicion.
"I'm the great Mammon. Better not forget it." He puffs his chest in a display of pride.
You don't acknowledge his presentation whatsoever. "What are you planning to do with that treasure?"
"I'm gonna sell it for cash to pay some debts. I might keep a thing or two for my collection too." Mammon seems pretty honest about it, at least.
"With that, you mean you pawn it and gamble." You only can guess,, but his behavior at the bar speaks volumes.
He seems to feel called out. "Hey, I'm good at gambling, just some people think I'm too good ya know?"
"Nobody is good at it, it's just luck and in your case cheating. You should know better than to gamble all your cash." You start to lecture him.
"I get it, I get it." He sighs. "You sound like my big bro." He sighs deeply. "So, this is all you want to know?"
You think for a moment. "I don't know,, but I guess it's enough for now. I'd wish I had some security at least.” You sigh. "I know it can't be helped."
"I get ya, you've got a life you can't just go or whatever." Mammon seems to agree with you. "Alright, I don't like doing this,, but I got something that might convince you." He then starts to rummage through his vest, he obviously has some hidden pockets in there.
He then produces a gold coin. "Here ya go. I want it back after the job is done. So better not lose it." Mammon seems a bit reluctant to let the coin go.
"This coin seems important to you." You carefully inspect it, it's real, but there seems to be some story here.
"Goldie is my personal good luck charm." He looks almost fondly at the coin.
You smile, somehow this is cute. When you realize your smile, you make your face freeze once more.
"Alright, I acknowledge you as my partner." You reach your hand out to him.
"So that's what it took,, huh?" He seems a bit confused but also relieved.
You shake hands and the deal is sealed.
Mammon suggests a meeting point in a few days' time. He needs to heal and prepare after all.
You also have to make sure your siblings are taken care of. So this works for you.
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fantastic-rambles · 4 years
The Snakes’ Deception
Fandom: Haikyuu!! (@aikk00's Racing AU)
Characters (in order of appearance): Kozume Kenma, Kuroo Tetsurou, Yaku Morisuke, Sakishima Isumi, Daishou Suguru, Fukunaga Shouhei, Yamamoto Taketora, Haiba Lev, other Nekoma members (not mentioned by name)
Warnings: Physical Violence, Language
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: When the Snakes, led by Daishou Suguru, come to challenge Kuroo for the title of Drift King, the Nekoma Crew isn’t going to take that lying down. But when the Snakes start to play nasty, the stakes are raised even further, and Kuroo has to fight to stay calm and prove that he’s the undisputed champion.
[A/N: RIP my dozen other drafts for other stories. I actually was planning to write this a few days before the Daishou art (also by aikk00), except I knew practically nothing about drift racing so I needed to do research, lul. I watched Tokyo Drift, some Initial D, some Grand Tour, and did a lot of reading online on drift racing and drifting in general, but tbh, I still don’t quite understand the mechanics (I don’t drive stick and I can’t go out and learn how to drift), so I apologize if this is horribly inaccurate. :P]
"The road condition looks good today, but it's still a little wet from earlier. Watch yourself going into the turns so you don't end up spinning out. The Snakes will probably do something though, especially since they asked you to race with Sakishima before Daishou. It should be okay when you're in the lead, but be ready to take defensive measures when you're chasing. My guess is that they'll try to take advantage of your skill at closing the gap and your power-over drift to orchestrate some sort of accident," Kenma commented quietly without looking up from his laptop, his fingers tapping away as he inputted a continuous stream of data. He seemed oblivious to the roar of the crowd outside the car, and Kuroo reached over to tousle his black-and-gold hair affectionately.
"Got it, Kenma. Anything else?"
"I know you won't listen, but you should just go all-out from the start. Not your usual way of racing. But if you do end up chasing, just do a normal drift and keep space between you and Sakishima. If they are aiming for an accident, it's more likely to happen when you're on the outside, so it'll slam into your side and Sakishima will be safe. But your numbers look good. I'm just going to tell Yaku-san to put a little more air into your rear tires," Kenma replied, closing the lid on his laptop and pushing open the passenger-side door, letting the sound of cheering and taunts into the vehicle. After he'd left and closed the door, Kuroo rolled down his window to light a cigarette, letting the smoke drift out into the night sky. Kenma hadn't said anything that he hadn't expected--especially with regard to the Snakes--but it was always reassuring to get their analyst's perspective before a race. Kenma wasn't the type to get fired up like the rest of the crew, but that cool-headed analysis was part of the reason they were able to climb so high in the rankings despite not always having the best cars or the best drivers. The ridiculous title of "Drift King" that he'd somehow ended up with was the result of Kenma's work as much as his own.
Still, Kenma was right. Even if it meant getting into an accident, Kuroo didn't intend to change the way he drifted. Part of the thrill of these races was the pure adrenaline high from going fast, especially when there was the risk of injury or even death. It was the reason why he'd mastered the power-over drift so that he could keep accelerating through the turn, and swung close enough to his opponents during his chases to make them panic. Even against the Snakes and their underhanded dealings, he'd show them that his way of fighting was still better, no matter what they threw at him.
He looked up when a shadow fell over him as Yaku leaned over his open window, the electric pump in his hand.
"You're good to go, Kuroo. Go ahead and show off," Yaku shouted over the din. Kuroo nodded, flicking his cigarette out the window and rolling up the glass. Yaku stepped back as he revved the engine, pulling up to the starting line where Sakishima was already waiting. Unlike most racers, Kuroo preferred chasing from the start to throw his opponent off his game. Before he'd inherited the title of Drift King, he'd been known as the Comeback Kid for his knack for overcoming what was traditionally seen as an unfavorable position. But the psychological benefit of overtaking the opponent and the pressure it put on the other racer, in addition to his skill with his clean lines and sharp angles that allowed him to do so consistently, had eventually shot him to the top of the Tokyo drifting world.
At the signal, Sakishima peeled past the starting line, and Kuroo quickly shot after him, staying close to his tail as they sped down the course. Even though his heart was racing, his head was completely clear, every sense focused on the view just beyond his windshield. Both he and Kenma were confident that Sakishima wouldn't try anything until the turn, but that was no reason to relax, especially at the speeds that they were going. Still, nothing happened when they reached the first clipping point, and Kuroo's eyes narrowed as he quickly estimated the distances and speeds between their cars, making his calculations swiftly and throwing himself into a drift just a heartbeat after Sakishima.
And it was perfect. His hand rested casually on the wheel as his tires squealed, sending up plumes of smoke as the tail of his car whipped around the curve, flying nearly parallel to Sakishima. The Snake seemed rattled as he spun into the next turn, turning slightly wide as Kuroo effortlessly stuck to him, their cars nearly touching as Kuroo grinned. It was pretty clear already which of them was the better drifter, not that it had ever been a question.
He let the car carry itself into the third point with just a few adjustments on his side, almost laughing as Sakishima had to drag on his own wheel to make the turn. The perfect chance presented itself almost immediately, and he aimed for the gap in Sakishima's barely controlled swing. But then, suddenly, the other car was spinning out as the Snake overcompensated, an out-of-control, two-ton wrecking ball flying toward him.
Kuroo jerked his wheel, pulling himself out of the drift and spinning out himself, the two cars making donuts on the road until he couldn't tell left from right. But the ominous crunch of metal never came, and when his car finally screeched to a stop, Kuroo slapped himself out of the harness and kicked his door open, stepping out onto the asphalt and casting his glare out at the spectators, looking for one specific slit-eyed face in particular.
"Daishou!" he bellowed, stomping toward the crowd and seizing the Snake by the collar, dragging him over the barrier. "What the fuck was that?"
But the other man just stared at him, all wide-eyed innocence. "'What the fuck' was what, Kuroo-san? Isumi made a mistake. Everyone saw that. He's not used to wet roads, but that's why I asked you to run with him so he could get some practice, because you're the only one good enough to not get hurt if he really fucks up. Like he did."
"Don't give me that bullshit!" Kuroo spun and slammed Daishou onto the ground, making the Snake wince as his back made contact with the asphalt. "That trick had your slime smeared all over it. You wanted to use Sakishima to take me out so you'd win the next run by default. If I hadn't been expecting something like that from you, I'd probably be in an ambulance on my way to the hospital right now."
Sakishima had caught up to them and was now clinging to Kuroo's arm, trying to pull him off while babbling insincere apologies. Kuroo shrugged him off impatiently as Daishou's hands landed on his wrist, trying to make him let go, but Kuroo shook him like a terrier with a rat, the adrenaline and testosterone giving him an incredible high.
"Really, Kuroo-san. Ask anyone. They would all say that it's a normal accident," Daishou protested. "You know these kinds of things happen all the time. But you're okay, Isumi's okay. No harm, no foul, right?"
The crowd was murmuring in the background, but Kuroo couldn't hear what they were saying through the blood pounding in his ears. He was just drawing his fist back to punch that smarmy smile off the Snake's face when a deluge of water crashed over both of them. Sputtering, he looked up to see Shouhei holding an empty bucket, Kenma standing beside him.
"Cooled off, Kuro?" Kenma asked in his deadpan voice as he approached them. "Or should I ask Fukunaga to get another bucket?"
Kuroo grimaced, shaking the water out of his eyes and hair as he leaned back slightly, still not letting Daishou go. Kenma crouched beside him, speaking softly, so that the crowd couldn't hear.
"You know that the Snakes are just like this. To everyone else, this does look like a normal accident. If you go any further, you're the one that's going to get a bad reputation. Right now, we can still pass it off as the heat of the moment. Let him go, Kuro."
"Yeah, listen to your girlfriend, Kuro," Daishou taunted. Kuroo's expression shut down, and he drew back his arm again. But this time, Kenma clung to it, still hissing in his ear.
"Stop it, Kuro. You know that everyone says that. They've been saying it for years. It doesn't mean anything. Stop letting him get to you!"
Kuroo grimaced again, but he listened to Kenma, letting his friend quietly talk him down until he was calm enough to shove Daishou away and get up. Accepting a towel from Shouhei, he tousled his hair dry while glaring at Daishou, who got back to his feet with as much dignity as he could muster.
"Sakishima-san forfeited the run," Kenma continued, still talking in his flat, measured tone. "So you'll be up against Daishou later. Are you up to it?"
"Fuck yeah, I'm ready to beat his ass," Kuroo snarled, and Kenma nodded at Shouhei, who ran across the asphalt to retrieve Kuroo's car. They'd probably replace the rear wheels to be safe, and then Kenma would have to run his checks again, but when they were done, his car would be better than new and more than ready to run the cheating bastard into the ground.
He reached into his pocket to pull out his pack of cigarettes, bending over to accept Kenma's offer of a light, and took a deep drag to steady his nerves. Being emotional during a race was the fastest way to get a ride to the morgue, so he needed to re-center himself. By then, the rest of his team had caught up to him, and Tora's particularly heated spiel about Daishou and his team helped bleed away most of the anger as they walked back to the starting line. Kenma had slipped away at some point, and Yaku was nowhere to be seen, so they were probably working on the car while he settled down. Really, he didn't deserve his friends.
By the time they arrived back at the beginning, the cool night air had washed away the rest of his irritation, which was probably Kenma's intention in making him walk back with the others. Shouhei and Yaku had just finished installing new tires, and Kenma was hunched over his laptop again on the curb, only looking up briefly when Kuroo sat down next to him.
Kenma shrugged, his face bleached by the light from his screen. "I'm just doing my job."
"I mean earlier."
Kenma shrugged again, and a comfortable silence settled between them, broken only by the clicking of the keyboard. The rest of the team was huddled around the car, making checks and occasionally bringing Kenma more numbers, gradually shifting to sit around their captain and his brain, filling the silence with their chatter as other drifters made their runs.
"Hey, wait! You're playing a game, Kenma!" Lev protested, peering over Kenma's shoulder. "What about the race?"
"Kuroo will be fine," Kenma replied calmly as Kuroo looked over at his screen too, which seemed to be displaying the view through a sniper's scope. "His car's fine, and Daishou wants to beat Kuroo. If he tries the same thing, it'll be suspicious, and even if he did, if Kuroo doesn't spin out again, then Daishou will lose. And Kuroo is better than him, so if he does try anything else, it'd be more likely that he'd mess up and Kuroo would still win. His best chance at this point is a fair fight, and that means Kuroo could drive laps around him all day."
Kuroo grinned, standing up and stretching. "Well then, I guess that's my cue to get ready. I'll see you all at the finish line."
He walked over to his car, standing by the driver's door and just running a hand over the shining, red exterior for a moment. Then, taking a deep breath, he got inside, strapping himself down. The familiar feeling of exhilaration that he got just before a run made him smile as he pulled into place behind the next pair of cars, watching out of the corner of his eye as Daishou pulled up next to him.
And then, soon enough, they were flying down the road, Kuroo chasing again, keeping the pressure on his opponent. As Kenma had said, there was no way for Daishou to beat him, and he proved that as he took the lead at the very first bend, hitting the edge perfectly while gunning his engine through the whole course, making the best run that he'd probably ever done and leaving Daishou in his dust. If it was possible, he was even sharper on the turns than he had been against Sakishima, pushing himself and his car to the utmost limit. And there was no better feeling than watching the Snake come up to him to shake his hand after his loss, smiling like it hurt his teeth.
"As expected of the Drift King. But it won't last forever. Someday, someone will knock you off that throne."
And Kuroo had smiled back, the smirk that he knew infuriated Daishou more than anything else.
"Come at me whenever you want. I'll beat you down every time."
[A/N2: This isn't KuroKen. They're just really good childhood friends, so Kenma knows how to calm Kuroo down because they've been part of each other's lives for so long, and Kenma in particular is good at paying attention to people. Kuroo gets pissed at Daishou for calling Kenma his "girlfriend" not because of the implication that he's "whipped" (because Kuroo is perfectly secure in his masculinity), but rather because I have a headcanon that Kenma got teased a lot for being "girly" (weak, thin, kinda androgenous, etc.) growing up, so Kuroo still gets upset when that's used to insult his best friend (even though Kenma honestly doesn't give a fuck). But they're not in a romantic relationship; they just spend a lot of time together.
Of course, if you wanna interpret it as KuroKen, that's your prerogative, but that wasn't my intention in writing this.]
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lethargicsunlight · 3 years
'Demon' Chapter 3 : For The Mission Bakugou x Fem!Reader (book 1)
First of all, Thank you for reading!
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You can also read this chapter and the previous ones here on my AO3.
Or, you can find the previous chapter here.
I will come up with a better linking system soon, but I gotta get back to work real quick :(
WARNINGS: Injury, bodily fluids, angst, SFW
Please enjoy!
You knew running was a losing game, as speedy as you could be. He was saving his energy by using his mutation quirk for movement.
You pull loose a throwing knife from the holster on your side, keeping the blade bared outward to defend yourself as you take in your blurring surroundings. You make a turn, decidedly veering away from the direction of the bar you'd just left; the last thing you needed was for your pursuer to call in reinforcements that could teleport.
Despite sliding through sharp turns, you couldn't manage to get far enough ahead to fake him out. With the tough exoskeleton they possessed, he was easily driving his extra limbs into the walls and using them as leverage to fling himself forward--closing in on you much faster than you wanted.
"What is it little Demon?" He screeches, mandibles scratching and gnawing together as his mouth stretches open. "I thought you would be a much more riveting opponent than this!"
...Sometimes, you gotta give them what they want.
Mid-run, you locate a window going into an abandoned office building. Throwing your knife, it punctures the glass and leaves hair-line fractures across the surface--you can see the reflection of Sting's eyes within the shards as you thrust your weight into the opening.
In a circular motion, you manage to unsheathe one of the longer blades at your back and parry  his limbs in the air before you're tumbling over the broken glass. It hurts, but you don't allow yourself to slow down. You roll back up, unsheathing the second blade with your free-hand as you crouch, ready to strike.
Now you at least had one advantage over him. More cover.
"Heh," he seems to hesitate, finally setting his body back upon solid ground as he evaluates you. His gaze is filled with confidence after watching you run away from him. Like prey.  In his pause, you have a few seconds to analyze his structure. The exoskeleton would to be too hard to cut, so your focus had to be the areas you could see flesh exposed. You were aware the legs could retreat into his back, which guaranteed a lack of access there. All you could see was his face and his hands--though peaking out from beneath a tucked scarf, was the smooth skin of a throat.
You had made an oath long ago that you would never kill again. But in defense of your mission... you could manage an exception. It would all be over soon anyway.
Instead of coming at you straight on, he throws another knife at you to get everything back into motion. It has you leaping backwards unto a filing cabinet--and he's charging at you finally with the ferocity of essentially four swords. Due to his extra limbs' reach, you realize you won't get a hit on him this way.
It becomes a tangle of blades as you parry and block and twist around his advances, kicking up papers and folders to distract him as you move up and down over obstacles. The venom in your arm begins to dance through your veins, tingling beneath the skin--you are running out of time.
You can see his face twist into a smile; he's sure he's going to win.
As he makes the mistake you were waiting for, drawing one of his limbs back for a final attack; his mouth is open to announce his triumph. As the air begins to leave his lungs and form syllables in his mouth, time slows down for you. Your blade held up to parry drops from your hand, sending his stinger forward to scrap across your shoulder; close but not too close to your neck. You grab the knife on his belt that you had been eyeing since his first advance in the alleyway, and slice through the joint.
It brings him to a halt, howling as he moves backwards. Green ichor sprays across your face and drips from his new amputation, his other three limbs curling around his body while his hands grope his shoulders.
You pocket his knife and retrieve your blade from the floor.
"Noo! Nonono..!" He's wailing--it sounds grief-stricken now. While there were questionable 'doctors' among villain society; no one has the ability to bring back a limb. Especially one like that. You had mired him, for the rest of his life.
You prepare for a death blow--but the flash of skin beneath the fabric of his shirt causes your hesitation.
You don't have to kill him. It's relief that floods through your tense and calculating mind; briefly before being replaced with pain. As you had expected, a minute in and his neurotoxic venom has seeped into the muscles of your arm. It feels like a chemical burn--acid turning flesh to sizzling nothing. The arm goes limp, but you force your grip on the blade--you had to appear stable.
"I'm going--I'm going to kill you!" He screeches, and there's a squeal behind it like the voice of the insect part of him was a separate entity.
"...You can't kill me." You say slowly, approaching with your good arm raised. You swallow, then let your voice drop an octave as fear seeps into his eyes. There's a button you managed to press a moment ago, that makes the eyes glow from your mask. A cerulean color--a color that was a remnant of your past. "I'm not human."
From the look on his face--he believes you. Your charade is working. You grit your teeth, forcing your shaking and screaming arm to lift and move to the back of your head. It's a movement that suggests you'll remove your mask.
"N-No, no!" He shifts back again, and unaware of his surroundings he trips and lands among the broken glass. His remaining extra limbs curl in close to his face, leaving his abdomen bare. "You're lying! You can't steal people's souls, you're just--you're like us!"
"Then why are you hiding your face?"
"Wh--" With the distraction of speech, he doesn't block when you throw the hidden blade from your hood down into his abdomen. It's a solemn thwack, and then the harsher crack of his skull when you flip the blade in your good hand and swing it between his stinging limbs to ram into his bare temple.
He's out. He's internally bleeding, and he'll never be the same... but he'll live. Maybe when he wakes, he'll have a different outlook on life. Or, most likely, he'll want to hunt you down.
You suppose that should scare you. But given the note you had received from the hero agency you worked with, your time was going to end anyway. He wouldn't have a chance.
"Hrk--" You crumple to the ground, clutching the arm that felt like it should be bare bone rather than flesh. It's like the nerves are exposed; the grip from your clothed hand sending shockwaves down your spine.
You couldn't help but brood--seeing as how moving was so difficult--at how opposite this situation had been compared to what it seemed.
While you had delivered a blow based on skill--you won the fight by lying. Like an illusion, you'd expertly hidden behind the smoke and mirrors to make him believe you were bigger than you actually were. Like you had won easily, rather than by the skin of your teeth.
You wheeze, tears pricking at your eyes while you force yourself to rise. You needed to get back to base. Especially before he did, and preferably before anyone decides to investigate the noises of your chase earlier.
You stumble out of the building through the window you had broken, and slowly creep through the alleys of Yokohama once again.
Every television in the base was alight with the bright colors of the Sports Festival.
You were pretty sure that H.H. kept cameras within those screens, ever watching the faces of his lackeys and agents--judging their actions and expressions. Another advantage to always wearing a mask.
You stood, back pressed to a wall in the shadow of a corner as you side-eye the screen. Watching the students filter out unto the field causes a bitter-sweet fluttering in your stomach.
You remembered the first time you had watched the event. You were much younger, sitting with your knees pressing into the floor and palms crushing a few stray sheets of paper. Really, you had never been all that interested in television, mostly because the other kids at the foster-care center were rambunctious when they sat in front of it.
But this time, the only two souls whose eyes were glued to the flat surface were yours and your new foster brother's, who had been the one to convince you to watch it in the first place.
"You gotta watch it--I'm gunna be on it one day!" He says, arm extending to offer his hand. You stare at it, bug-eyed.
"Oh," you meagerly utter, taking his hand and letting him lead you. He laughs and pulls you along until your both sitting in the living-room floor.
"Don't worry," he leans in towards you, "I'll keep the volume low. Trust me though, kay? You gotta watch it, it's really fun!"
You don't believe him, but before long you're both cheering with the crowd and talking avidly about your favorite contestants. He--
You draw yourself out of the memory as large letters appear in your peripheral. The first game had been announced. A race.
There was a sinking feeling in your chest to know that he should have been there amongst them, maybe a year ago. There wasn't a doubt in your mind that he would have won. Maybe even every challenge.
Even at that young of an age, he had always been so full of righteous fire.
He could have been a hero of heroes...
If not for you.
You catch pieces of the Sports festival as you move through the base in search of an old 'escape plan' map. Head Honcho had certainly made modifications since the water-treatment plant had been adopted as his new lair, but you could draw them out if only you had a layout of the place.
Chemical spills did happen, so you could only hope that the escape plans had been forgotten when everything was moving in. In a storage closet somewhere, on the door of an outlet box, above the water control panel--somewhere.
Moving through an old lounge, large screens portrayed the ongoing of the race that had long-since started above the heads of a few agents. They were newer, but they noticed you when you walked in.
The looks in the eyes of those whose faces were exposed was that of mixed admiration and loathing. But, fortunately for you--Head Honcho had made it very clear that you were to be left alone. Treated as exalted, as though separate from everyone else on a holy level. Not that they worshipped you--but that he wanted you to be considered the entity you played as. A demon.
The rumor was as much to his advantage as it was yours.
Their eyes follow you in the dark as you move around them, but something suddenly has their eyes whipping back to the screen as the closer viewers make noises of surprise. You decide to look too, selfishly; and you're rewarded with something familiar.
A freckled green-haired boy. He's flying through the air after a massive explosion, rivaling the two that had been effortlessly charging towards the finish from the beginning. The three of them are suddenly close together, faces etched in the effort to win--and you find yourself openly admiring them.
Beneath your mask, you're smiling. Your heart is pounding and you want to cheer like old times, throwing popcorn in the air and rejoicing--no matter who won. You could practically feel your foster brother's spirit next to you, tugging on your heart. You should be there, enjoying this. You hear him say.
Your breath catches in your throat as there's another explosion--Midoriya had managed to throw the bit of metal he'd carried with him all this way and use another surge of momentum to carry him forward. Everything stills as you wait, holding that breath until finally--finally--it is him that enters the arena in first place.
Adrenaline explodes and rockets around your ribs and your heart--but you're still. You mouth the word 'yes', but didn't dare utter a syllable. Controlling yourself, you make for the exit of the room, intent now more than ever to carry out your mission. To help ensure the safety of those three boys that fought so hard to be recognized as heroes.
For those three boys that reminded you so much of him.
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Protect, Chapter 3
Billy Russo x Powered!Reader (fem, she/her pronouns)
Word count: 2.8k
Chapter warnings: mild violence, brief mention of torture, language
To my readers: I have a question for you guys, so be sure to check out the notes at the end of this too :)
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You stayed busy over the next few weeks. In a way, you were grateful for it because you still hadn’t decided how to handle your situation with Billy, so you spent your time buried in work instead. First, you were sent on a protection detail with Maxwell and a few others, which went smoothly with no incident. Once you got back, you immediately went on your first solo job to watch a high ranking official’s family. There was one minor blip, but you easily took care of it.
“You came highly recommended from Billy Russo himself, so I expected nothing less,” your client told you before you left. You kept your composure on the surface as you thanked him, but inside you felt your heart flutter.
It wasn’t long until the next big assignment and you found yourself in rural upstate New York with Billy and a group of his best to watch a man in witness protection. As you all packed up the vans, Billy strolled up to you.
“You’re riding with me,” he leaned close to you to speak so no one else could hear.
You froze in your tracks, and you weren’t sure what to say back, “Ok…” you stuttered. 
The drive was about five hours, and the team was set up to stay at a nearby hotel during the trip. You sat in the passenger seat of Billy’s car in silence for the first hour before he asked, “Have you been avoiding me on purpose?”
You turned to face him, “N-No…”
“I didn’t think that kiss was too bad,” he glanced over at you and winked before he looked back at the road.
“It wasn’t,” you replied too quickly, which made him laugh, “It’s just…” you drifted off, unsure of what to say.
“Did I make you uncomfortable?”
“No,” this time you were more sure in your tone, “I just have to figure myself out I guess,” you sighed, “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Russo,” you added in an uneasy tone.
Oh the irony, he thought.
Billy was quiet again after that, but it wasn’t completely uncomfortable. It was your turn to break the silence, and you tried to steer the conversation into a lighter topic. He seemed ok with dropping the subject for the time, and the rest of the drive was filled with idle chatter.
After you lost yourself in thought for a moment, you changed the topic to a more serious one again, “Thanks for recommending me for that job by the way,” you raised an eyebrow before you added in a more lighthearted tone, “But flattery isn’t the way to win me over.”
“I know,” Billy answered in an equally playful tone, but you could sense a hint of seriousness underneath, “The way to win your heart is through trust,” he glanced over at you, “Am I right?”
“How did you guess?” you asked breathlessly.
His only answer came with a wink, and you decided not to pursue the subject anymore. Especially since the look he gave you made your cheeks heat up, and you were not about to let him see how much he affected you. There was an attraction there between the two of you for sure; and even more, there was a connection. But you weren’t sure if you were ready to fully pursue it just yet.
Just before he pulled up at the hotel, Billy leaned over to you and said mischievously, “You still have my jacket, by the way.”
It was midday when everyone was stationed around an old abandoned warehouse after word came that the witness had a severe threat against him. You were partnered with Maxwell again as the pair of you watched the front entrance.
It was quiet throughout the day, but things changed once the sun set. The first warning was when you heard yells though the comms from those stationed on the perimeter, followed by a rattling explosion in the distance. Everyone quickly leapt into action, and the three men that stood by the witness quickly rushed him out the hidden back way and got him off site.
The attackers didn’t know that, however, and they rushed up toward the warehouse. These guys were very heavily armed, and you and the others found yourself on the defensive before too long. You and Maxwell were forced inside, followed by the attackers right on your tail. The once calm warehouse suddenly turned into an explosion of gunfire and knife fights as the Anvil crew fought them all off.
Billy was able to pinpoint the leader and focused his fire on him. You were focused on keeping yourself alive, but you could see Billy out of the corner of your eye. If you could freely use your powers, you could handle the invasion single-handedly, but you couldn’t risk it. Slowly, you and the others were able to take down the attackers one by one until there were only a few men left.
That was when you watched Billy chase the leader up the stairs to the roof. Something told you to follow him, so you did. The rest of the team could handle the last few guys on their own. Maxwell watched with narrow eyes as you shot down the enemy in front of you before you turned and rushed up the stairs.
When you reached the roof, Billy was already engaged in a knife fight with the leader. You lingered in the shadows by the stairwell door for a moment, ready to jump in if needed. The roof was a large, mostly empty space with a few pillars and ducts. From your vantage point, you caught movement in the shadows behind Billy.
He must have scaled the side of the building, because there was no way anyone got past you in the stairs, but a man had climbed on top of one of the ducts and was in the process of setting up a heavy duty machine gun aimed right at Billy.
Billy was about to stab the leader, successfully defeating him, but then he would be a sitting duck in the middle of the vast space. There was nowhere he could get behind to shield himself before the machine gun started to fire on him. Your heart leapt into your throat and you used a small zap of energy to fry the lock of the door so no one could get through before you ran as fast as you could towards him. 
“Billy!” you shouted as you sprinted toward him.
He turned around with a look of shock on his face, and everything seemed to happen in slow motion. You made it in front of Billy just in time, and that was when he saw the man with the machine gun point down at the two of you. He wrapped his arm around you in an attempt to shield you, but you held your ground. Once you were in front of him, you raised your hands crossed in front of you and brought up your energy shield. 
Waves of silver and blue pulsed around you and Billy just as the guy started to fire on you. The shield held, and the bullets ricocheted off your shield. Billy stood behind you, his mouth wide open in shock. He kept one hand on your hip as he glanced at your face for a moment. With your focus and the amount of energy you summoned, your hands glowed a soft blue as you kept the both of you protected.
You faintly heard him whisper, “What the fuck?” under his breath.
Billy shook off his shock and raised his gun, his arm brushed against yours as he held it right at your side. He was about to fire when you told him not to.
“My shields work both ways. Nothing gets in or out. I’ll have to drop it in order for you to fire back. But you’ll only get a second between his rounds,” you explained with your voice raised so he could hear you.
He gave your hip a squeeze before he spoke in your ear, “Don’t worry, I’m an excellent shot.”
You could feel his smile against your face, but you didn’t dare turn your head. If you lost your focus too soon, you were both done for. It was a waiting game until the guy ran out of his rounds, and it felt like forever. Billy’s hand stayed on your side as he held onto you, and you weren’t sure if it was an attempt to offer you protection or support, or because of his own fear.
“Ready, Russo?” you shouted as you saw the machine gun was about to run out of rounds.
He steadied his arm against your body and aimed, “Ready.”
You took in a breath and held it. The moment the firing stopped, you pulled your energy shield in, “Now!”
True to his word, Billy hit the guy with a single shot. The enemy fell off his perch and his body hit the ground, followed by his gun. It wasn’t until you were sure he wouldn’t get back up that you let yourself exhale, and you were suddenly overwhelmed with dizziness. You stumbled back, but Billy easily caught you and held you up as he said your name with a worry-laced voice.
“You ok?” he asked.
“M’ fine,” you mumbled with a heavy gasp, “I just haven’t used that much energy in a long time.” It felt strange to actually talk about your powers out loud, and you had to hope that Billy wouldn’t say anything to anyone. But, if the choice was him learning your secret or him dying, the risk was worth it without a shadow of a doubt. 
Billy hummed in response before he wrapped an arm around your back to help you stand, “Let’s get you back,” he said quietly. It wasn’t often he was at a loss for words, but this was something he did not see coming.
You hardly had the energy to reply, and you barely remember the debrief and what happened after that. The next thing you remembered was that you were in a car next to Billy and then you completely passed out from exhaustion. 
When you woke up, you were on a couch and it was still dark out. With a gasp, you shot up and looked around. You appeared to be in a hotel room, but not yours. It was far more spacious and luxurious than the one you were in. Just as you were about to stand, a door opened and Billy stepped out of the bathroom in a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants.
He froze when he noticed you had sat up but quickly recovered, “Hey sleeping beauty,” he quipped, “How you feeling?”
You stretched your sore muscles as you slowly stood, “Better,” you paused before you added, “Thanks,” you looked down, not sure what to do next.
“Why don’t you take a hot shower? Your duffle is by the door there,” he offered, his tone turning more serious, “Then we can talk.”
That made your heart race, even though you knew it was coming. Without a word, you nodded and grabbed your bag before you closed yourself in the bathroom. Figures Billy Russo would stay in a luxury suite even when on a mission, but at the moment, you were grateful for the extravagant bathroom as you soaked your achy muscles.
Once you got out and dried off, you put on a tank top and sweatpants before you went back into the main space. Billy sat on the couch that you had laid on and looked lost in a book. You lingered in the doorway for a moment and just studied his profile. There really were multiple sides to him, but you liked him in his quiet moments like this.
You cleared your throat to get his attention, and Billy jumped to his feet as your name escaped his lips, “Hey there,” he said with a smile.
“Hey yourself,” you replied as you fiddled with your hands and suddenly felt more nervous than when you were at the bar with him that one night.
“Sit,” he gestured to the couch next to him, and you crossed the room to join him. An awkward silence fell over you two as neither of you knew how to start the conversation, as much as it needed to happen. “So…” Billy started, “You glow and shit.”
You gave him a look before you let out a sharp laugh, “Yeah, I glow and shit,” you felt more at ease, as he shared your laughter.
“How…” he cleared his throat, “How long have you been all badass like this?” he asked with a dry chuckle.
There it was, “You really want the whole sob story, Russo?” you looked at him with melancholy in your eyes.
Billy was silent for a moment. When he opened his mouth to reply, you cut him off.
“I guess I owe you an explanation,” you shrugged.
“You don’t owe me anything,” he said softly, and you were surprised at the genuine tenderness in his dark eyes.
“Well, you know about this now, so I might as well tell you the whole story,” you let out a humorless laugh. When Billy stayed quiet, you continued, “What I told you before was true: I joined the military as soon as I was old enough. I grew up poor, and we had no opportunities, especially after my parents died in a car crash, so I saw that as my way out. I wasn’t anything special during my training, but I was good enough to pass. That actually ended up being part of the reason I was chosen for the program…” your voice drifted off.
Billy leaned in and placed a hand on your knee, but kept quiet.
You continued, “They told me it was the opportunity of a lifetime, and I was lucky to have been chosen. Now that I look back on it, they were looking for people who wouldn’t be missed. They couldn’t pick the top of the line because that would be suspicious, so they picked the average and the bottom of the barrel,” you paused before you added, “And the ones with no family. I honestly didn’t believe them at first when they told me that this was a top secret program designed to unlock superpowers in people.”
Billy furrowed his brows. He knew all about secret sects, but he had no idea about anything like this. And he didn’t miss the weight of your words when you mentioned that you had no family left. 
“It was the most pain I had ever gone through in my life,” your voice was soft, just above a whisper, “I watched so many around me die, but I survived. That’s how I can do this now,” you gestured to your hands as you sighed heavily, “I guess at some point, someone must have found out about the program, because they suddenly blew up the building one day. I can only guess that it wasn’t exactly legal to begin with,” you scoffed, “I only survived because of my energy shields.”
“I’m so sorry,” he finally broke his silence. 
You glanced at him before you continued, “I was able to keep my powers a secret, and they deemed the explosion an accident. But I was too injured, so I was discharged, and I’ve been on my own ever since.”
Billy let your words sink in for a moment before he asked, “Am I the only one who knows?”
You nodded as you looked down. You felt more nervous now than when you told your whole story.
“So you risked me knowing to save my life?”
“Yes,” your voice was meek as you bunched your hands in your lap. Billy’s hands covered yours tenderly, which made you look up at him with wide eyes. When you met his gaze, he wore a wide smile, which confused you, “What?”
“You like me,” he teased. You rolled your eyes but you couldn’t help but smile and you let your shoulders relax a bit. Billy’s tone changed to a more serious one and he spoke in a soft voice, “I suppose a ‘thank you’ is in order,” he said before he placed his lips on yours in a light kiss. You froze at first, but leaned into the kiss and let him wrap his arms around you to pull you closer to his body. When Billy broke away, he leaned in and whispered in your ear, “Your secret is safe with me.”
You closed your eyes and smiled against his skin, “Thank you,” you placed a kiss on his cheek before he grabbed you and kissed you more feverishly. You responded right away this time, and deepened the kiss. It was easy to find yourself lost in Billy Russo, but once you broke apart for air, you came to your senses for a moment, “You’re just doing this to show your gratitude aren’t you?”
Billy grinned, “Not just to show my gratitude. I’ve wanted this for a while now,” he said before he kissed you again and gently pushed you down onto your back.
Notes: This was a monster of a chapter, but I really didn’t want to break it up at all. And obviously the next chapter is going to be pure smut ;)
I do have a question/poll for you guys! What superhero name would you give this character based on her powers? I’m having trouble thinking of a good name, so I’m going to let you guys give some input here since you all have been so awesome with your response to this fic so far!
Billy Russo taglist:   @witchygagirl @runawayolives @morriganwarrior @fictionwillneverdie @thanossexual @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat
Everything taglist: @thirsty-flygirl​ 
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let-the-dream-begin · 4 years
A Place to Belong Chapter 24: Shadows
Chapter 23
Read on AO3
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August 24th, 1747
The fields were just about ready to be harvested with September just around the corner. The barley stalks were nearly golden, the green gradually disappearing with each passing day. So, too, was Brianna changing gradually with each passing day. Her gaze grew sharper every day; sometimes Claire thought that her infant daughter could see right through her with those piercing blue eyes. Even though they were set inside chubby little cheeks, she could swear sometimes that it was Jamie looking right at her and not her daughter.
She was smiling all the time now, and laughing. God, that sound. Claire would never get enough of it. She often went far out of her way to do something that she knew would make her laugh, though she really didn’t have to whenever Kitty was around. At two-and-a-half, the little lass was cheeky as ever, learning more words to drive her parents mad every day. She was growing quite limber on her little legs, and was quite the troublemaker. Claire dreaded the day that Brianna became just as mobile and could join Katherine in her wee escapades.
Already they were getting into trouble together, with Kitty leading the way on foot and Brianna trailing behind on her hands and knees. Kitty hardly ever went anywhere without Brianna following, and Claire and Jenny had taken to calling Brianna “the little shadow,” or sgàil.
Today was one of those rare, gloriously sunny days, a perfect day for a picnic by the mill. Wee Jamie had become more and more insistent on helping in the fields, but seeing Maggie with the hoop and stick, ready to play, had made him rethink asking to help today. Jenny had admonished him, insisted that he had to finish the job he started, but Ian had waved her off.
“No need fer the lad to grow up so fast, aye?”
She’d relented, and now he and Maggie were running like little heathens with the hoop and their sticks, Kitty helplessly chasing them. Claire and Jenny were chatting over their mending, Brianna babbling to herself between them on the blanket with Lambert clutched in one of her fists. It wasn’t long before Kitty grew tired of being left out of Maggie and Jamie’s game, and she toddled over to the blanket.
“Banna!” she called as she got closer. “Come play, Banna!”
Claire looked down to see Brianna was looking at Kitty with rapt attention, Lambert hanging limply at her side.
“Go on, darling, go play with Kitty.” Claire set her mending aside and lifted Brianna from her middle, then set her on her hands and knees. “Go on, lovie.”
Brianna let out a little cooing noise and gave a wide, lopsided grin before crawling with impressive speed toward Kitty, who squealed with excitement at seeing her little shadow joining her in the field.
Claire chuckled to herself and shook her head. “You were right. We’re in for it with those two.”
Jenny smirked and glanced up from her mending. “Aye. Fer all we know Brianna could ha’ been a perfect wee angel, but now she’s met Kitty we’ll never know.”
Claire laughed. “I seem to recall you were nearly as much of a little devil as she is?”
“Och, no’ nearly so bad,” Jenny said defensively.
“Really? I suppose only a perfect angel would put insects in her brothers’ supper?”
“You try growin’ up wi’ two brothers, yer scale will shift dramatically,” Jenny said, laughing. Claire joined in the laughter as well. “Ye’ve told me ye never had a sister. Did ye ever have brothers?”
“Oh, no. I was an only child. I was five when I became an orphan.”
“Oh,” Jenny said thoughtfully. “That uncle ye speak of, he…”
“Raised me, yes,” Claire said. “I’ll forever be grateful to him. He treated me like his own daughter. But I can’t say I wasn’t ever lonely. For a companion my age.”
Jenny nodded in understanding. “Canna imagine my childhood wi’out Jamie and Willie.”
“That’s why I’m so glad that we’re here, with all of you.” Claire looked up at the squealing group of little ones before her. “Brianna deserves to have all that I never could.”
“She’ll never be lonely, that’s fer sure,” Jenny said wryly. “I’d wager she’ll be begging Kitty to leave her alone in two years time.”
Claire chuckled. “We’ll see about that.”
“Claire!” Jenny suddenly dropped her mending and began swatting at her shoulder.
“What on Earth?”
Claire looked up at the field and immediately dropped her own mending at the sight: 
“Banna stand-in’!”
“Dinna touch her, Kitty!” Jenny called, scrambling to her feet and helping Claire get up. They quickly and gingerly approached where Brianna was standing. Jenny lifted Kitty under her arms and deposited her out of the way despite her protests.
“Brianna!” Claire called. “Hello, darling! Come here! Walk to Mummy!”
Brianna’s face broke out into another adorable, crooked grin, and she flapped her hands a little, giggling incessantly at her mother.
“Don't you laugh at me,” Claire said, laughing out loud herself. “Come on, darling! Come here!”
The wee devil just laughed again, tossing her head back and causing her to land square on her little bum.
“Uh-oh! Banna fell down!”
Banna seemed completely unphased, however; she was still laughing her head off.
“You silly little thing…” Claire shook her head, quickly approaching where Brianna fell. “It’s alright, lovie, get back up, come on…” She took hold of Brianna’s little fists and got her back to her feet.
“That’s it, mo ghraidh!” Jenny said. “Come on, now!”
“Ready, baby? Ready to walk?” Claire kept a tight hold on her hands, crouching over her, and took a step. Brianna mimicked, taking a step with her. “Yes! That’s it! Good girl!”
Claire took a step with her other foot, and so did Brianna.
“That’s it, a sgàil! Keep going!”
Step after step they took together, until finally, Brianna wrenched her hands from Claire’s grip and closed the distance to her Auntie all by herself. Jenny laughed out loud as Brianna launched herself into her arms, and Claire cried out joyously.
“Banna walk-in’! Banna walk-in’!”
Claire rushed to Jenny’s side and took her baby in her arms, her cheeks sore from smiling. “That’s right, little girl! Brianna is walking!” She held her over her head, eliciting shrieking giggles from her, before returning her to her hip and planting a huge, wet kiss on her cheek. “Mummy is so proud of you, baby. Such a big girl!”
Did you see, Jamie? Did you see what your daughter just did...?
November 23rd, 1747
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…”
Claire sang softly in Brianna’s ear, bouncing her gently in her lap. Jenny put down the little cake Mrs. Crook had concocted on the table in front of them.
“Happy birthday dear Brianna, happy birthday to you.”
The candle stuck in the middle was certainly no birthday candle, but it would do.
“Alright, darling! Ready to blow?” Brianna simply looked around aimlessly, causing chuckles all around the room. Claire blew out the candle herself.
“Yay!” she crooned, clapping her hands. Brianna giggled and copied her, clumsily clapping her little hands. Light applause from the whole family filled the room, and Claire kissed Brianna’s cheek.
Claire had declared that Brianna was going to get as close to a twentieth-century first-birthday as she could, and she’d gotten a kick out of Jenny and Ian’s reactions when she’d explained it all to them, the cake, the candle, the song. Jenny had rolled her eyes and begrudgingly agreed, and Ian had seemed completely fascinated, eyes lit up like a little boy as he asked to hear more. They’d explained it all to Mrs. Crook by saying it was some tradition from the East that she and her uncle had adopted along their travels. 
The candle was removed, and Claire pulled the dish closer to Brianna. “Go on darling, have some.”
As Claire expected, Brianna dove her hands clumsily into the cake. For a moment she just played with it, apparently unaware that she was supposed to eat it. Claire laughed and brought a bit of it into her mouth, and Brianna immediately perked up and took the hint. She began shoving fistfuls of it into her own mouth, causing everyone to laugh.
“She likes yer cooking, Mrs. Crook!” wee Jamie exclaimed.
“Good thing!” Mrs. Crook said. She began setting out dishes of other little cakes, having made one for each member of the family.
One year old. It was unfathomable to Claire.
In one year, her little girl had grown from a helpless little bundle into a feisty wee girl. She was walking regularly now; she hadn’t used crawling to get around in almost a month. She was regularly eating bannocks and soft, cut-up fruits. Claire was hopeful she’d be weaned in the next couple of months.
In one year, she’d also had six seizures.
None had been as bad as that first one, and after the second one, everyone had been much more prepared. Claire was confident now that they hadn’t had any lasting effect on her development, that she’d be a perfectly normal little girl aside from the occasional seizure. She’d stopped living in complete fear and guilt, but it was always in the back of her mind, waiting to pounce and claw at her throat at any given moment.
As terrible as it sounded, with more practice, Claire handled each seizure better. She’d of course prefer if they stopped happening altogether, but if they were going to happen, she may as well learn how to handle them. A routine had been established, and it was the lifeline she clung to to keep her grounded while her baby was spasming and vomiting on the ground. She had no choice but to get used to it; at this point, it seemed they were looking at full blown epilepsy rather than neonatal seizures that stopped after a certain age.
And yet, through it all, Brianna thrived. She smiled, she laughed, she played with her cousins and the dogs, she learned, she grew. She belonged here, in this place, in this time. Watching her daughter flourish here for an entire year made Claire all the more certain of that fact.
And she looks more like him every day.
January 3rd, 1748
Another Hogmanay came and went, and Claire was doing her fair share of treating tenants with various stages of hangover or borderline alcohol poisoning.
“However many farming accidents I treated during harvest season is insignificant to the alcohol related incidents from Hogmanay,” she said wryly to Jenny as she plopped onto the sofa in the parlor. The girls were sitting in front of the fireplace with Luke and Bran, rubbing bellies and flapping ears. She’d just finished giving a man stitches after he’d fallen face first onto the floor, apparently still drunk. According to his wife, he hadn’t stopped drinking since the party.
Jenny didn’t answer, and Claire looked at her, worried. “Are you alright, Jenny?”
“Oh, aye, just fine,” she said, forcing a smile.
“Are you sure? You look a little peaked.” Claire felt her forehead for any fever.
“Och, perhaps I’m no better than all those drunks ye’ve been healing, aye?” She chuckled softly, and Claire smiled. “Ye’re enjoying all yer healing, aye?”
“Oh, of course,” Claire said quickly. “It’s an honor to help your tenants. And it’s wonderful to see how much they trust me.”
“They can tell ye’re a good woman underneath all that Englishness.” Jenny gave her a pat on the thigh, and Claire rolled her eyes.
Brianna’s giggle sounded just then, followed by an unmistakable sound.
Jenny and Claire both whipped their heads up.
“That wasn’t -- ”
“No’ mine -- ”
“Did she just -- ”
“Aye, I think she did!”
Claire immediately jumped to her feet and fell to her knees on the rug in front of the fireplace. “What did you say, Brianna? Dog? Did you say dog?”
“Dog!” she cried again, burying her hands in Luke’s fur and beaming at Claire.
“Yes! That’s a dog!” Claire laughed joyously. “Clever girl, Brianna!”
Before any more celebration could take place, Jenny’s smile disappeared and she abruptly dashed from the room.
“Mam?” Maggie said.
“Stay here, Maggie, it’s alright.” Claire quickly got to her feet and followed Jenny out of the parlor. She followed the sound of retching, and found her bent over the back porch.
“Jenny…” Claire quickly ran to her, putting a soothing hand on her back. “Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling ill?”
She breathed deeply for several seconds, spitting the bitter flavor from her mouth. “Didna want to worry ye over something I wasna sure of.”
“What do you mean?”
Jenny looked up at her, face flushed with sickness and the bitter cold, smiling sheepishly. “I think I’m wi’ child, Claire.”
September 28th, 1748
Claire had had Fergus help her whittle some wood into something resembling the earliest stethoscope, which wouldn’t actually be invented for another hundred years. After several trials and errors, they finally figured it out, and Claire had been using it to monitor Jenny’s most recent pregnancy. It had been great fun to share this little scientific discovery with Fergus. For all he knew, they were inventing something brand new together. His genuine excitement was quite endearing. Even at his fourteen years of age, Claire could still see glimpses of that little boy that she’d fallen in love with.
Claire and Jenny were in the Laird’s room together for one of Jenny’s check-ups. She had the stethoscope pressed to her ear against Jenny’s swollen middle, listening carefully.
“The heartbeat is very strong,” Claire said, smiling. She put the wooden tube down and began to feel around, making sure of the position. Claire frowned slightly, feeling its head up top.
“Is it another breech baby?” Jenny said fretfully.
“I’m afraid it seems that way…though there is still time for it to move. I can see if palpating will help this time since your waters haven’t broken yet.” Claire felt around to get a grip on the baby, but she paused. If she wasn’t mistaken, she could feel its head at the bottom, in the correct position. Her brow furrowed. It could not have possibly moved that quickly. She felt up again, keeping one hand on the head.
Her eyes suddenly widened in astonishment. She immediately snatched the stethoscope again and pressed it into Jenny’s belly.
“What?” Jenny said worriedly.
“Shh!” Claire hushed her, listening very carefully through the wooden tube. Yes, certainly that was a heartbeat, right there. She then slid it around on Jenny’s large belly, keeping her ear firmly pressed into it, until she heard it again. Only it was not in the same place. Certainly the baby was not moving. There was only one other explanation.
“Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ,” Claire breathed in amazement.
“What, Claire?” Jenny demanded.
“I think I hear two heartbeats, Jenny,” Claire said, her brows knitting in apprehension.
“Two?” Jenny looked bewildered. “How can the bairn possibly — ”
Claire bit her lip as she watched a wide range of emotions make their way across Jenny’s face. Bewilderment, realization, shock, terror.
“A Dhiah!” she exclaimed. “Two? Ye mean…”
“Twins,” Claire confirmed, nodding. “You’re going to give birth to twins, Jenny.”
Jenny’s mouth flapped uselessly, blinking repeatedly.
“Do you need some water?” Claire said.
Jenny nodded wordlessly, her mouth still hanging open. Claire quickly retrieved a glass and placed it in Jenny’s hands.
“Are you alright?”
“I…I dinna ken how I should feel,” Jenny said. “It’s…joyful, no doubt, but we…we could barely afford to feed one more mouth…and now wi’ two…”
“I can’t imagine how frightening that must be, with everything so uncertain…but you’ll manage. We’ll manage. We have for this long, haven’t we?” Claire took one of Jenny’s hands in both of hers.
Jenny nodded hesitantly. “Christ…will I be in labor for twice the normal amount of time?”
Claire laughed softly. “No, it doesn’t work quite like that, thank God.”
Jenny breathed a sigh of relief, crossing herself. “Dinna think I’d survive if it did.”
“Labor is the normal amount of time, whatever that is for you, and then you just have to push two separate babies. There’s usually a bit of a wait in between.”
Jenny nodded. “And ye’ll be there? Ye’ll help the midwife? God willing she shows up.”
“Of course I’ll be there.” Jenny squeezed her hand. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Not only because you’re my sister, but I’ve never seen the delivery of twins before. This will be quite educational for me.” Her eyes sparkled teasingly.
“Glad that my extra pains will be exciting fer ye.” Jenny rolled her eyes, but Claire could see the smile she was trying to suppress.
“You’ll be alright. I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Claire pulled Jenny’s shift back down. “I’ll pull the second one out if I have to. Again.”
“Father help us.” Jenny threw a glance upward, crossing herself.
“Like I said, there’s still time for them to move around. So we can hope it doesn’t come to that.”
“I trust ye, Claire,” Jenny said firmly. “I trust ye wi’ my life and the lives of my bairns. So if ye say all will be well then I believe ye.”
Claire smiled warmly and gave Jenny’s hand a final squeeze. “Good."
On October ninth, Claire found herself tearing through the potato fields to find Ian, her face flushed with adrenaline and the autumn chill.
“Ian!” she called, running toward him. “The babies are here!”
He threw down his tools and rushed to meet her in the middle.
“Well?” he said, breathless and impatient. “Tell me!”
“Janet Claire Fraser Murray,” she said, the name that he and Jenny had decided for another lass.
“Ah, Janet Claire. Another wee daughter.” He beamed proudly.
“And…” she bit her lip, leading him to believe for just a moment that she’d say the second girl name they’d picked out. “Michael Brian Fraser Murray.”
Ian’s face immediately changed from quiet pride to explosive joy. He laughed, louder than Claire had ever seen him laugh. Claire squealed as he crushed her to him in a bear-hug, lifting her off the ground and spinning her.
“A Dhiah! Another son!” He placed her back down and kissed both of her cheeks. “Ye’ve made me mad wi’ joy, Claire!”
Claire laughed, steadying herself on Ian’s shoulders.
“Dinna mistake me, Claire. I love my lasses wi’ all my heart, and I’ll love Janet just as fiercely. But another son…!”
“Well, go on! Go meet them!”
Ian laughed again, sprinting toward the house.
That night, Claire cried.
At first, she had no idea why. She simply sat down on her bed and wept bitterly. She should have been happy. She had helped deliver two healthy, beautiful babies today, one of which was named after her. 
But the more she thought about it, the clearer it became.
Her mind kept returning to that moment she shared with Ian in the fields, the senseless joy on his face.
A proud father.
And then her mind would wander to the scene she’d walked into shortly after, Ian sitting on the bed beside Jenny, each of them cradling a baby, delirious with baby-fever induced happiness.
A mother sharing her children with their father for the first time.
In the moment, it was tender, beautiful, heartwarming.
Now it seemed cruel and unfair.
Why were we denied that, twice…?
Claire shed her bitter tears, clamping a hand over her mouth to stifle the screams that were demanding to be released from her throat.
Why did you take that away from me?
Claire gasped softly and hurriedly wiped her face clean of tears. Brianna had recently mastered crawling up the stairs and sliding down on her bum, and she was now pawing at the bedroom door. Claire had tried to get it in everyone’s head that she should not be on the stairs unsupervised lest she have a seizure and fall all the way down, but she’d evidently managed to avoid detection.
“Coming, darling.” She took one more brief moment to compose herself before rushing to the door. When she opened it, she immediately scooped the squealing toddler into her arms and kissed her all over her little face.
God, that laughter.
No matter the pain Claire was in, nothing mattered more than seeing to it that Brianna was safe and happy; seeing to it that she never saw the depth of her mother’s despair, that she was never touched by that darkness that threatened Claire at every turn.
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Eye for an Eye: 6 [Finale]
Warnings: non/dub con sex (intercourse), violence, blood and alluded death.
This is dark!Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: It all comes to an end.
Note: So we’ve come to the end and we’ll see what happens to our reader and our mob boss. Hope you guys enjoy. Feels good to tick another fic off the list. <3 Let me know what you think with a like, reply, or reblog!
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You crossed your arms as Steve stood with his back to you. His shoulders were tense, his hands planted on the table. It was just the three of you; Steve, Bucky, and you. It wasn’t long ago the room was full of men in suits as they gathered around their leader on the eve of a vital operation. And now they had gone to prepare.
“For the last time, you can’t.” He shook his head as he pushed himself away from the table. “How exactly do you expect to get through this on that?”
You looked to your ankle as he turned and pointed to it. The swelling had gone down and while you kept it wrapped, it was better than it was. You didn’t need the crutches anymore though you tried to keep the weight off of it. You huffed and looked up at him defiantly.
“Do you really think you can just leave me behind?” You hissed. “Christ, Steve, we’ve come this far; I’m not letting it end without me.”
“You’ll get yourself killed.” He tossed his hands up. “A week ago you’d never even shot a man.”
“And now I have. And if I hadn’t, you wouldn’t still have your best man,” You nodded at Bucky who yawned at the argument without concern. “My ankle’s fine. It’s healing and I can aim a goddamn gun.”
“Oh, yay, you can walk and hold a pistol, exactly what I look for.” He spat.
“You think I’ve done all this work to sit here and wait for word?”
“I think you talk a big game but I dunno if you’re ready to really see Charlie dead. You hesitate, even for a second, and it’s life or death.”
“I won’t. Trust me. He put a hit out on me. I got more integrity than that. If I wanna see him dead, I’ll see to it myself.” You insisted as you stood. “He turned his back on me a long time ago, that I could handle, but then he tried to shoot me in the back and that’s something I won’t put up with.”
“I know how ya feel, sweetheart,” He sighed. “But you let those feelings get in the way and… it all goes south.”
“I’m going. You can strap me down but I’ll find a way out,” You sneered. “I don’t need your permission.”
Steve scowled and shook his head. He rubbed his neck as he turned and paced back and forth. He stopped and looked back to you as he hooked his thumbs in his pockets. “Fine. But you stay with Bucky. Close. No running ahead, no falling behind. You stay with him.”
“Great, the girl who can’t walk and the man with one arm,” Bucky mused as he leaned back, “Very intimidating.” You both glared at him and he raised his hand defensively. “Sorry, I’ll shut up.”
“Thanks,” Steve rolled his eyes. “You keep an eye on her. We don’t want a bloodbath, we just need Charlie.”
“I’ll do my best, boss,” Bucky shrugged. “But me and you both know how this one is. She’s not one for listening.”
“I’m done taking orders,” You said. “I spent years listening to Charlie and what good did that do me? If it gets us Charlie, I have no problem listening; but if I get the chance, I’ll do the job myself and no one’s gonna stop me.”
“Goddamn it,” Steve swore as he ran his hand over his hair. “You’re stubborn as a horse, you know that? But I just can’t decide if that’s your greatest asset or flaw.”
“Depends on the day,” You grinned. “So, it’s late. We should rest. We got a long day tomorrow.”
Your boot was tight around your injured ankle. It wasn’t as obvious as before but a pang would jolt you every now and then. Steve was right, you knew it; you shouldn’t be running around on it, but what was a sprain to the possibility of the day. It could be the final battle or the beginning of an even bigger war.
You stood in the large archway of the dining room as you watched the flurry in the lobby. Steve would go ahead with his men and sneak onto the dock. Strange’s men would arrive shortly after to unload the first container as others waited in the second. Charlie’s men would see the usual haul but not the ambush that awaited them. You would be without along with Bucky and Stark, watching for the arrival of the fourth boss; your target.
You looked down at the holster on your belt; empty. You toyed with it and turned back to the high-ceilinged dining room. Steve approached as you did; the same anxious grimace shadowed beneath his beard. He chewed the inside of his lip as he held out a pistol, hand-grip first.
“Don’t hurt yourself,” He warned. “And only aim at what you mean to shoot.”
“I know, I know,” You took it and weighed in your hand.
“Safety’s on. Right here.” He pointed to the gun. “Ammo.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cartridge. “You stay outside. You shouldn’t need more than that.”
“I’ll do whatever I need to,” You countered as you tucked the gun into your holster and took the cartridge. “I’ll have Bucky.”
“He can’t babysit you with bullets flying.” Steve shook his head.
“Babysit me?” You frowned.
“I don’t mean it like that, I… can you blame me for being worried?”
“I’ve made it this far. I shoulda been dead in that kitchen, then back in that bar… Let’s hope that luck holds.” You slipped the cartridge into your pocket and zipped up your leather jacket. “You got your bases covered.”
He sighed and scratched his jaw. “I don’t think you realize…” He paused and looked away.
“What?” You touched his arm softly and stepped closer. “Realize what?”
“I can’t lose you.” He lowered his voice as he looked back to you. “I… Well, sweetheart, I think I just might love you.”
“Love?” You scoffed. “It’s been a week.”
“Yeah? This life is fast and I don’t like to drag my ass.” He brought his hand up to touch your cheek. “I don’t think, I know. I love you.”
“Don’t… it’s the nerves.”
“You don’t have to say it; you don’t even have to feel but I do,” He rubbed his thumb along your cheekbone. “So, yeah, I don’t wanna see that pretty little head hurt, or worse, so please, stick by Buck and don’t go chasing Charlie like the mad woman you are.”
You smiled wryly and rolled your eyes. “I’ll do my best.” You said. “But get back to me about the whole love thing when this is all over.”
“Oh, I will,” He leaned in and kissed you. A lingering kiss which lasted a bit too long. “I definitely will.” He pulled his hand back and checked his watch. “Go on, find Buck. We gotta head out.”
It was painfully quiet. The tinted windows added to your sense of blindness. Steve was inside with his men, Stark’s, and Strange’s. Charlie’s had crept in the back ten minutes ago. Their boss was no where to be found.
You were sat low in your seat along the street. Just another car in the line of parked vehicles. Bucky was in the driver seat, his gun resting against his thigh as he watched lazily. Stark was a few cars back watching with his protege, Peter. You wiggled your foot anxiously as you awaited any sign of conflict within.
“It’s not our job to worry about what’s goin’ on in there. It’s our job to watch for Charlie and give ‘em the heads up.” He reached over and grabbed your knee to still your leg. “We got surprise on our side. Timing. Foresight. They knock off Charlie’s men, use his phone to lure the weasel in himself, and that’s it.”
“Too much can happen. If we see him, we should just finish it ourselves.”
“Out here in the street in the middle of the morning, yeah?” He grumbled. “I see why Steve likes you; you’re just as hotheated.”
“Tell me you don’t wanna pay him back for that,” You gestured to his arm. “You barely seem the forgiving type.”
“Don’t claim to be, but I’m patient and smart,” He adjusted his gun against his leg. “You take one step out of this car, I swear…”
“Look, I already learned that lesson,” You kidded. “And it still hasn’t healed.”
He chuckled and turned back to his vigil. You watched quietly, your fingers tapping on the vinyl of the door. Your stomach fluttered as you tried to imagine what was going on within. And then the sleek black car appeared; not far from your own. Bucky nudged you and you slid down lower in your seat as he peered over his shoulder.
“That him?” He nodded to the car and you confirmed it wordlessly. 
He held his gun close as he kept his eye behind you. You heard a car door and then another. Bucky had his finger ready as he tracked the two figures past your car and you looked up just as Charlie headed for the station. You reached for your gun and Bucky stilled you with an elbow.
“Wait.” He hissed. “Get your phone out. Let him know Charlie’s not alone. And keep an eye on that caddy that just pulled up on the other side.”
You glanced at the side mirror and found the car he alluded to. You reached to your holster and this time he didn’t stop you. 
“I just gave Stark a heads up,” He said. “We don’t move first; we wait for them.”
“More waiting?” You huffed.
“Better than running face on into a bullet,” He returned. “Now, Steve can handle Charlie. They got his men taken care of, they’re expecting him… it’s good.”
“It’s not fair,” You said. “I should be there. I should get to watch him grovel.”
“You let your emotions get into it, and you get hurt so settle down and keep a watch on that blue monstrosity.” He growled.
“So he did ask you to babysit me?” You muttered. 
“As much as he kept me out here so I didn’t get in his way. I’m useless without both arms, really. Only do so much with a gun, ya know?”
“Shhhh,” You hushed him and wiped your palm before slipping your gun free. “They’re on the move.”
He looked back and tightened his grip on his own weapon. He pressed himself to the seat as three men closed their doors and strode down the street, their hands readied just above their belts. Bucky tapped your knee.
“They get to the curb, get out, get your gun up,” He whispered. “Keep on the other side of the car and I’ll be on them. Follow, don’t get ahead of yourself kid.”
He reached to his phone and quickly typed off another message. He looked into the mirror and nodded. “Stark and the kid are ready.”
He opened his door first and you did the same. You rounded to his side as he crept along the walk. You limped as you struggled to keep up with him and glanced across the street as you sensed movement. Stark and his boy mirrored your movement up the pavement.
Bucky stopped at the last car and tucked away his gun. “Keep that pistol pointed at them. Even if you think you’ll hit me, you fire if it goes south.”
You gulped and he turned back. He tiptoed out from behind the car and Stark did the same, Peter not far behind. The three men edged toward the dock building with their hands on their hips as they neared the door. There were surprised grunts as all three were grabbed seized from behind.
Bucky brought his thick arm around the first while Stark knocked the second in the skull with the butt of his gun, and the third cried out as Peter kicked his knee and proceeded to strangle in a perfect mimic of the first. There was a brief struggle, the sound of metal on pavement, and finally the dull thud of bodies. You looked down as your hand shook, your pistol held up without thought.
“Get over here,” Bucky hissed as he turned back to you and the other two dragged the bodies away and hid them around the corner. “Keep watch out here,” Bucky ordered as they returned and you neared. “Get your men to start searching every car on the block.”
Stark raised two fingers and several car doors opened and closed as several figures emerged from them. He pointed up and down the street and they swiftly. Began to walk the line of vehicles. Bucky nudged you and waved you inside.
“Keep that handy,” He nodded to your pistol. “We gotta find Steve but we don’t know if Charlie’s caught on yet.”
You followed the henchman. He slowly shifted open the large metal door as he looked both ways before waving you in. You kept close behind him, his shoulders broad enough to keep you hidden. He paused at the first corner and listened before he turned to look at you. 
He motioned forward and carried on down the next hall. Not far before you reach the back doors which were better described as gates; grated and rusty. They were slightly ajar and voice rose from without; familiar and not entirely welcoming. Bucky kept his gun ready as he led you onward and peeked out into the dockyard.
He sighed and lowered his gun as he gestured for you to do the same. He waved you outside into the sun; dozens of men gathered around one. Strange and Steve stood with pistols aimed at Charlie, a bullet already in his hip as he gripped it with a bloody hand. You brushed past Bucky and approached the center of the crowd.
You raised your gun as you approached Charlie’s back and an awe seemed to overcome the men. You aimed at the back of his skull as you emerged from the bodies and Steve looked up to catch your eye. He shook his head and Strange frowned at the sight of you.
“No, not like that,” Steve said. “He’ll die like a coward but he won’t be killed like one.”
Charlie turned his head slowly. His own gun was under Steve’s foot and Strange looked down his long nose at his nephew. He glanced between you and the blonde boss and nodded.
“If I might interject, I think blood takes precedence over whatever grudges you hold against him,” Strange said. “So I think that would be up to me.”
“He tried to lift a couple kilos from you, he tried to kill me,” You snapped. “I don’t see why I shouldn’t get to pay him back for those years he stole from me.”
Steve was quiet as he considered. He stared at Charlie who shook his head and groaned as he gripped his hip tighter.
“I always knew that bitch was too much trouble,” Charlie grumbled. “Let her do it. She’s right, it was fucking miserable and I’ll be more than happy to be done with her. Even like this.”
Steve turned his pistol in his hand and lunged forward to knock Charlies across the jaw. You stepped back as the dark-haired mobster fell over and spat blood onto the dirty pavement.
“Keep it up and maybe I’ll trade this…” Steve held up his gun, “For something sharper. More tedious.”
“Give her a while,” Charlie spoke thickly as his tongue sounded swollen. “She’ll wear on you too.”
You rounded him and stood beside Steve as you kept your gun aimed at the man you’d deluded yourself into loving; if it ever was that. “Like this?” You asked. “Look him right in the eye, huh?”
“No,” Strange interjected. “This wasn’t the deal, Rogers.”
“Deal was we get him,” Steve returned. “The end’s the same.”
“You promised me,” Strange insisted. “You let her pull that trigger and this ain’t just about two sides any more.”
Steve sighed and tucked away his pistol. He reached and touched the nuzzle of yours. He pushed softly until you lowered it. “Safety on,” He said. “He’s not yours anymore.”
“What--?” You let the gun fall to your side. “He was gonna kill me.”
“Blood’s blood,” He said. “Whatever you had, it’s over. Is it so bad that someone else sees to that?”
You grimaced and turned to him. He looked down at you and exhaled. He was pleading with you. In front of his men, in front of the man who was once his rival, in front of the one he had prevailed against. You could take the victory as it was or you could dive headfirst into another war. You closed your eyes; you were tired. You nodded slowly and holstered your gun.
You turned to Charlie as you opened your eyes. He was back on his knees, cradling his jaw as the wound at his hip wept. You gave a bittersweet smile. It didn’t feel so much like winning now; looking down at the man you had once laid beside. It felt like your own foolishness staring back at you. The blood of wasted years stained his clothes.
“Goodbye, Charlie,” You brushed your hand against Steve’s and peeked over at Strange. “He’s all yours. I’m done with him.”
You left with Steve. The ride was silent. You stared out the window as the buildings rushed by though you barely saw them. The adrenaline was gone. You were tired; deflated. It was truly over. Charlie was gone.
But were you free?
You didn’t look at Steve until he pulled up to the house. The palatial yard created by the curved driveway. The gates closed behind you and clicked in your head. It was nicer than Charlie’s; he was nicer than Charlie. 
Well, they were entirely different, weren’t they? So… what were you afraid of?
Steve was quiet too. He took your hand and led you inside. A few of his men would follow to secure the grounds but he had found a new hive in the city, until the bar was rebuilt. And there was no need left for a whirlwind; the skies had calmed.
You let go of him as you entered as your soles scuffed against the marble. You went to the kitchen and pulled a glass from the cabinet; and another which you tilted in his direction. He nodded and shrugged. You placed them both on the counter and searched around the liquor fridge hidden just beneath. A bottle of rye.
“You okay?” He neared as you poured. “Charlie, he…”
“I’m not sad,” You corked the bottle and pushed a tumbler in his direction. “I stopped being sad that day he left me in your bar in nothing but a sheet. I’m… listless; lost.”
He took the glass and drank. He wiped his lips and leaned on the counter beside you. “I don’t want you to be trapped here. Not like before so… if you wanna go, I won’t stop you.”
“Really?” You raised a brow and he bowed his head in acquiescence. You thought and took a swig. “And what about all that before?”
“All what?” He asked.
“Love?” You said quietly. “Is that how you really feel? Even now? After?”
“More than before.” He smiled and slid his glass away from him. You finished yours and he took it from you. “And whatever you decide, I’ll still feel it. I’ll still love you. You’re not some moll I found in a kitchen; you’re the most gorgeous woman on earth and you introduced yourself with the barrel of a gun.” 
He pressed himself to you, your body between him and the cool marble top. He brought his hand up to frame your face as he smiled. 
“So, you wanna go, then give me a kiss goodbye, and if you wanna stay, I’ll take the kiss anyways.” He bent to kiss you and you welcomed him. 
The ice that had formed over your skin cracked and you melted against him. You slipped your arms up around his neck as his hands crawled under your open jacket. He pulled the cotton hem of your shirt away from your jeans and his rough palms brushed over your sides. He felt around with one hand until he found your pistol. He freed it blindly and set aside with your glass, and then his own.
Between hungry kisses, he began to undress you. You lowered your arms for him to push the leather jacket down them and then raised them to untangle yourself from the cotton tee. You shoved his jacket back on his shoulders and he let it drop to the floor with a whisper. You nearly tore the buttons from his shirt and ripped his tie free with a growl. The floor was soon littered with your clothing and you were naked.
He lifted you in a single motion and your ass met the cold marble. You squeaked and pressed your lips to his again. You pulled him close and wrapped your leg around his hip to draw him close. He leaned in until his chest met yours. He dragged his lips across your cheek and down to your jaw sloppily. You pushed your head back and bared your throat to him. He nibbled at it and purred as you messed his golden hair.
He bent to kiss along your chest. The same flutter in your chest as that first night; stronger this time. Irresistible. You clung to him as he buried his head between your tits and his hand tickled along your thigh. As his fingers met your pussy you hummed and arched into him. He slipped inside and you gasped.
“Steve…” You breathed as you grabbed his hair and tugged his head back. “Don’t play with me…”
“Play?” He smirked as he stood straight and drew his hand away. “Isn’t it supposed to be fun?”
“Oh, very,” You pulled him to you and spread your legs wider. 
He slid you to the front of the counter and you felt his cock against you. He pressed his lips to yours. You drew him closer and tilted your hips. He pushed into you slowly as he lifted you from the marble. You wrapped your legs around him and sank onto him entirely.
You rocked slowly as he kneaded your ass. He shoved a hand between you and felt around and found your clit. He began to rub as you moved against him. You moaned and ripped your lips from his. He purred as he nuzzled your neck.
You clawed his shoulders as you rode him. The heat gathered inside of you and bloomed all at once. You tossed your head back and cried out as the waves curled around you. You squeezed him between your legs and sped up.
He snaked his arm around you as he guided you. He lifted you easily as he slid in and out of you. His groans swirled in the air with your moans and filled the airy kitchen. Your voices echoed on the high corners and lent to the flames that licked at you. You came again and hugged him tightly as your body twitched in delight.
He pushed you back against the counter as he slammed into you. You gripped the edge of the marble as you panted loudly. He didn’t relent; didn’t let up. And you felt it; that dream you called freedom. 
He grunted suddenly and spasmed as he rested you against the counter. He leaned on you as he slowed and caught his breath. His hot breath glossed over your cheek and he kissed you there. You shivered and ran your hand down his sweaty back.
“So…” He rasped as he pulled back to look you in the eye. “Was that goodbye?”
You brought your other hand to his beard and felt the soft hair. You smiled up at him and combed your fingers through his hair. You pulled him to you and hovered your lips just below his. “Hi.”
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 years
Legacy is a Lonely Color [a post 5x11 ficlet]
If there is one person Lena would least expect to see standing on her balcony, it's Winslow Schott.
She'd seen the news about the Toyman, and admittedly felt a pang of regret that the shift in reality had so ill-served such a bright personality. But the man on her balcony doesn't have the manic glee Lena glimpsed in the news footage. Instead, the smile that greets her with a small wave is calm, his gaze steady as he regards her through the glass.
Curiosity spurs Lena to open the door, though she can imagine what has brought a Legionnaire to her doorstep.
"Good to see you're not insane," she greets as Winn steps inside her office. "Or should I be worried about any cymbal-clapping monkeys rolling around here?"
"Har har," he retorts. He turns towards her as though reaching for a friendly hug, but stops short when Lena stiffens and turns away. He diverts his intention by sucking in a deep breath. "Nope, no murderous monkeys this time. But if you're interested, I know a guy."
He clicks his tongue with a wink and a pair of finger guns, and Lena fails to keep a smile from pulling at her lips. Mutual grins linger between them for a long moment, before Winn's fades and Lena remembers herself.
"What are you doing, Lena?"
Lena folds her arms stiffly across her chest, jaw clenching as she squares her shoulders against the accusation that falls softly in the evening shadows.
"Excuse me?"
"Non Nocere? J'onn showed me what almost happened, and Lena-- this is not the way."
Leveling her very best Luthor glare at the Legionnaire. "I'm curious, Agent Schott... do I miraculously survive into the 23rd century?"
Winn blinks, his features scrunching in confusion. "Um-- no...?"
"Then I'm curious as to when we became friends enough that you can presume to know anything about me."
To her surprise, Winn only smiles, even as he ducks his head as though to hide it. "No... I know. We're not friends. In fact it's really my only true regret about going with the Legion."
Lena doesn't understand. Despite the high-octane circumstances of thor previous encounters, they never became personal. Perhaps, over time, they could have been true friends, but Winn had been long gone before Lena was admitted so deep into Kara's circle.
Sensing her confusion, Winn continues.
"Yeah, turns out when people in the future know you used to hang with the OG Supergirl, they want to know everything. Including what you know about her brilliant and beautiful best friend Lena Luthor."
Lena scowls. "Your future has its details wrong. We're not friends."
Winn's lips pull into a grimace. "Yeah. I heard that too."
"If this is some kind of ploy for me to--"
"Kara doesn't know I'm here. She's not that kind of person."
Resentment coils in its nest, deep in her chest. Lena's fingers tighten painfully on her biceps. "Well, I'm sure you have reason to believe that."
Winn's lips pinch together, but he moves on. "Anyway, my point is that those guys knew more about you than I did. And the more I learned trying to catch up, the more  I wished I'd made more of an effort to know you when I had the chance. I mean, I always knew I liked you-- you're AWESOME-- but I didn't realize just how much."
Lena shakes her head. She's had enough lip service to last her a lifetime, anf she has no interest in empty words from Kara's closest friend--let alone one who doesn't look like he'll be abandoning the future to rectify the situation. "We're both intelligent people, Mr. Schott. We both know you're not here to learn my favorite color and braid my hair. And knowing your history with Supergirl and her friends, I'm going to cut to the chase: there's nothing you can say to me tonight or two hundred years from now that will convince me to trust her again." She is done giving second chances. She is done offering her heart to others and having it returned to her in pieces. But Winn regards Lena with a smile that rests on his features with a maturity she doesn't remember seeing before. "The only person you need to trust again is yourself." A jolt arcs clean through Lena's core. It takes all her control not to recoil from the soft accusation, but Winn must see the reflexive flinch, because the next thing she knows, warm hands take her by the shoulders. Somehow the soft touch lays her bare, slicing through the bubble that's surrounded her since the night she killed her brother. Tears spring unbidden to her eyes. "No one can survive as an island. Not even the great Lena Luthor." Winn's own smile turns damp, even as it broadens. "El mayarah." Just like that, Lena's defenses snap back up. She blinks away her sudden emotion, scoffing. "Another load of--" Winn interrupts her curse. "Stronger together isn't just Supergirl's motto," he tells her. "It's L-Corp's too." Lena freezes. L-Corp? That means-- she stares at Winn in question, but he doesn't elaborate. "Non Nocere is not your legacy." He says it with such certainty that Lena can't find any protest within her. "Trust yourself," Winn says, "and you will find your way. Whether or not that way lies with Supergirl is up to you. But if you abandon yourself... you'll be lost forever." She's already lost. Lena knows it, however much she tries to deny. Non Nocere was as much about DOING something as it was about fixing something. It's all the more clear now that her company is Lex's again and she has absolutely nothing to show for the last four years of her life. But maybe it's not gone for good. Maybe Lena has a future ahead of her after all. And now she has a direction in how to get there. "It was good to see you." Winn pulls away, and backs up towards the balcony. When he floats to step onto the rail of the balcony, Lena calls out. "Winn." He pauses, pivoting to face her recklessly enough to make Lena's heart lurch in alarm. She swallows it down, though, and focuses on him rather than the drop at his heels. "Are you really not going to ask why I have the interface cube from your ship?" He's got to have noticed it missing by now. But his eyebrows lift indiscernably. "Do you really think I wouldn't know a piece of 23rd century tech when I see it?" Winn affects an innocent shrug. "I don't know what you're talking about." Leaning against the doorframe, Lena folds her arms with a smirk of her own. "I think I would have liked to know you too, Mr. Schott." Her confession earns a grin, and another wink. "Catch you around, Miss Luthor." With that, Winn spreads his arms wide and simply tips himself backwards, plunging into empty space. Just as a cry catches in Lena's throat, his head pops back into view, gleeful and giggling. "I've always wanted to do that!" And there goes Earth's very own Legionnaire, zooming up towards the cloud covered sky. Lena watches him go, her thoughts racing as swiftly as he flies. In the days that follow, his words continue tumble about Lena's brain. She weighs them carefully, lets them lead down a multitude of potential paths until she settles on the one that suits her best. It's risky, with a high probabilty of failure, but alternatives leave her with more certain, but less favorable outcomes. And there is always one way she can up her odds. She bites the bullet late one evening and knocks loudly on a beige metal door on the rent-controlled side of down. The sound is almost lost in the laughter she can hear from within, but in just a few moments the knob turns and the door opens to reveal Kara Danvers gaping on the other side. "Lena!" she blurts, cheeks flushing. "You're here!" Lena shrugs. "Well, it is second-friday." Game night. Kara steps aside, and Lena deigns to step inside. As she does she, she casts a cursory glance across the stunned faces staring at her. Only Brainy seems to be missing, but his seat is filled neatly by Winn, whose eyes crinkle behind a disguise of glasses and nothing else. Her own seat has been comandeered by William Dey, who regards her with a stare that feels particularly loathsome. Reflexively, Lena does the math since his arrival in National City, and has to swallow the scoff that scrapes up her throat. Kara invites a coworker she hates in a third of the time it took Lena to earn her inclusion. It doesn't surprise Lena. Not now. "Don't worry," she delivers, half to Kara and half to the staring audience. "I'm not here to participate. Not that you're low on numbers." Kara comes even with her, eyes wide and unblinking, as though Lena might disappear in an instant. "Then... why are you here?" she asks. "Is everything okay?" "No," Lena clips shortly. She revels in the flinch she earns. Nothing is okay. Kara knows that. "H-how can we help?" Kara stammers. "You can't. I have a job for Supergirl." William Dey, of all people, is the first to react. "Supergirl doesn't answer to Luthors," he declares, rising to his feet. Before Lena rolls her own eyes, she notes a flash of irritation that travels across Kara's features. Perhaps she still has some spine after all. "The salary we issue to her direct deposit every month says otherwise," Lena drawls. "And I fail to recall where you were invited into the conversation, Mr. Dey." "I'd be happy to relay a message," Kara interjects before Dey could fire back. "What can I tell her?" Lena tilts her head towards Dey. "I'm afraid it's personal." Kara adjusts her glasses. "Oh, um-- I trust him." "That means nothing to me." Again, Lena revels in the way Kara jerks under the pointed barb, cheeks flushing. Lena almost hopes Kara will tell her to fuck off. Having Supergirl's assistance would make her work easier, but she doesn't exactly enjoy the thought of spending the time with her either. In the end, Kara turns to the rest of the room. "We're calling it an early night," she says. "Sorry, William." "You don't have to drop everything just because she--" "Welp, I'm pooped anyway," Nia announces, climbing her feet. "Next time I'm gonna have to take a nap before game night. Really takes it out of you, huh?" "Right," Winn nods. He claps Dey on the shoulder. "Come on, man. There's probably still time to catch a taxi." Nia feigns a bathroom break, giving her a reason to linger as Winn guides Dey out the door. Lena ignores the glare the reporter levels at her on his way out, focusing instead on the way Alex kisses Kelly goodbye and promises to be home as soon as she can. Soon it's only Alex and Kara left. Nia emerges as soon as Dey leaves, and a few minutes later Winn re-enters through Kara's open window. This time, when Lena turns her gaze back to Kara, she finds Supergirl gazing back at her. She's still in civilian clothing, her hair still twisted up like Kara Danvers', but it's the hero whose eyes lock on her, a large presence even as she regards Lena with a gaze that isn't anywhere near accusatory. Interesting. "What do you need?" Supergirl asks. Lena recenters herself with a silent, fortifying breath. "Lex. He's planning something, and I intend to stop him. And I will, with or without your help, but it would be faster with more bodies." She looks at the people who lied to her for years, held her at arm's length even as they made a show of embracing her. She doesn't need them, but to reclaim her legacy, Lena's willing to invite them in. If only enough to remove her brother from the field of play. "Who's interested?"
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amandagaelic · 4 years
Fanfic Tag (bc, Sunday)
I was tagged by @waitingforthestarstofall and @disappearinginq who are two of my favorite enablers over here. And according to at least one of them, there are no rules in this game, which means my replying many moons later is all good (right?). 
Ao3 Name: gaelicspirit (same on FF.net)
Fandoms: Supernatural, The Young Riders, White Collar, Hawaii Five-0, Sons of Anarchy (all only on FF.net), The Musketeers, Daredevil, Teen Wolf, Timeless, MacGyver, Magnum, P.I. (on both Ao3 and FF.net)
Number of fics: 75 (+ 1 WIP)
1. Fic you spent the most time on: From Yesterday
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Raincheck
3. Longest Fic:  From Yesterday   (286,050 words)
4. Shortest Fic: Sacrifice (2,315 words)
5. Most hits: Devil to Pay (on Ao3...no clue on FF.net)
6. Most kudos: Devil’s Own (huh, I’ve never compared these stats before...maybe I should write more Daredevil)
7. Most comment threads:  Devil’s Own (on Ao3), Ramble On (on FF.net)
8. Fave Fic you wrote: This is a toughie. I love them all when I’m writing them...I think maybe it’s a 3-way tie between War Scars, From Yesterday, and Conairt. The first two were as AU as I generally get (I’ve a tendency to be a bit canon-bound) and that was fun to explore possibilities with those characters, and the 3rd was basically the story I wanted to read but couldn’t find anywhere...so I wrote it myself. 
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: Hmmm. I don’t know that I’d actually rewrite any of them. They exist in my mind the moment they’re being created and then once out there in the world for all to see, that’s who they are, scars and all. I have occasionally thought about expanding on my White Collar story, Fortunate Son to explore what happened next. Though, now that the show has ended, it would be 100% AU. I guess anything I would really want to take further would be a new story in and of itself, so it wouldn’t really count as “expanding” on it. 
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
I started another MacGyver fic last weekend called “Hello to the Night.” I’m about 25K-ish words into it and still playing it out. It’s a bit of pandemic therapy for me, to be honest. It’s really hard to get out of my own head these days, it seems.  Premise: Set  around S4 episodes 9 and 10. Turns out emotional trauma + concussions + experimental drugs don’t mix quite as easily as one might think. Mac’s dark side does more than toss him a creepy grin from the other side of a window when getting “lost in his head” is taken up a notch.
Another streak of light cut like a white-hot tracer bullet across the darkest part of the sky.
“You out here making wishes on shooting stars?” Bozer asked, tapping the back of his fingers into the palm of his opposite hand.
It caught his attention then that Mac was clad only in a T-shirt and shorts; it almost looked like they were the clothes he’d gone to sleep in, not grabbed for a planned midnight run.
“These aren’t stars,” Mac corrected him, his voice sounding strangely detached from the moment. “That light is caused by dust and rock falling through the atmosphere and burning up—happens when the Earth passes through a trail of debris left by a comet as it orbits the Sun.”
Bozer felt his mouth tug up in a reflexive grin. “Is that right?”
“My dad gave me my first telescope when I was eight,” Mac continued in the same, oddly modulated tone, as if he were speaking in a dream. “Showed me how to find the constellations, track comets. I took it apart one day and he wouldn’t help me put it back together again. Said I obviously needed to know how it worked, so I should figure it out.”
Bozer remembered that telescope. He remembered James MacGyver’s stern face as Mac worked to rebuild it from the collection of parts scattered around them in piles organized by size and use. He remembered fearing that face.
“I did, too. Figure it out.”
“Yeah, I know, man,” Bozer smiled, watching Mac watch the starts. He frowned a little when he saw a hard shiver chase its way through Mac’s slim frame, though the blond man didn’t seem to notice.
“It’s like they were mine, y’know?”
Bozer’s frown deepened. “What—”
“And for a little bit there, it felt like he gave them to me,” Mac continued as though Bozer hadn’t spoken. “Like the whole universe was mine because he let me see it. But…,” Mac shook his head, his eyes distant as they tracked down from the sky and skimmed the horizon in front of them. “Then he took them away. He took them with him when he left. And I can’t figure out how to get them back. I keep trying, but…they’re just…,” he looked back up at the night sky, “they’re so far away.”
Bozer reached out and rested his fingertips on Mac’s bare arm, flinching back a little when he felt how chilled his friend’s skin was. He couldn’t see it before, but with that touch he realized Mac was shivering consistently now.
“Hey, Mac, you okay, man?”
Mac blinked, looking down at Bozer’s fingers on his arm, then frowned. He glanced around him slowly, tracking over to his left until their eyes met.
“What…what are you doing here?”
Bozer blinked, his eyebrows climbing his forehead. He tightened his grip on Mac, wrapping his fingers around his friend’s forearm until he felt the other man’s shivers through the bones of his hand.
“I was looking for you,” Bozer said truthfully, trying to keep the worry from his voice as he watched Mac look around him, over his shoulder to where the Griffith’s domed building loomed in the shadows, then back across the dark horizon to the lights of Los Angeles. “You decide to go for a midnight run or something?”
Mac swallowed hard, reaching up with a trembling hand to rub at his forehead. Bozer recalled his tired voice claiming his headache had a headache earlier that day—no, last night—in the lab. He dropped his hand and looked around again and Bozer realized what he was seeing was a growing awareness and recognition—and it frightened him.
“What the hell are we doing out here?” Mac asked, his voice sounding thin, baffled.
“Mac,” Bozer gripped his arm tighter. “I found you out here.”
Mac looked at him, blue eyes cloudy with confusion. “What?”
“I found you, man.”
Mac darted his tongue out, wetting dry lips, his shivering increasing until Bozer saw his teeth start to chatter.
“I don’t…I don’t remember…,” he shook his head. “I don’t remember leaving the house.”
Bozer folded his lower lip against his teeth, biting it to keep whatever noise that wanted to escape a prisoner. “Well, how ‘bout we head back there now?”
Mac nodded shakily and moved to slide off the fence. Bozer saw in a split second the ground was too far below him for Mac to land safely. He thrust out his arm and braced his friend, swinging his leg back over the fence to the paved walkway and pulling Mac backwards with him. Mac scrambled to find his footing, standing on trembling legs as he gripped Bozer’s shoulders.
“Holy shit,” Mac took a stuttering breath as if he’d forgotten that was what his lungs were supposed to do, straightening slowly. “How the hell did I…?”
Bozer shook his head. “How about we don’t worry about that right now, huh?”
Mac nodded, his eyes still on the drop-off on the other side of the fence.
“C’mon, man,” Bozer turned Mac toward the parking lot, keeping one hand on his friend’s arm, the other on his lower back. “It’s late and I’m cold.” He wasn’t, but it was always easier to get Mac to act if he was doing so on behalf of someone else.
“Yeah,” Mac nodded. “Yeah, sure, of course. Boze, I’m—”
“Don’t,” Bozer pushed him gently forward. “Don’t worry about it, man. Yesterday was weird for everybody.”
“Yesterday?” Mac asked, the word tripping out on a faltering breath as his shivers increased.
Bozer pressed his fingertips harder into Mac’s lower back, feeling the corded muscles there tighten against the pressure. “Yeah, y’know…crazy DARPA drug, Tesla weapon….”
“That was yesterday?” Mac asked, blinking owlishly at him.
“Time flies when you’re trippin’, man.”
Mac didn’t reply and didn’t resist as Bozer continued to guide him toward the parking lot. He stumbled over his own feet—any coltish grace that once guided him having vacated in the wake of whatever this was. Bozer steadied him, noting that while Mac didn’t quite lean into him, he needed the support.
“Easy, man,” Bozer wrapped an arm around Mac’s slim waist, pulling him flush against his side. “You’re moving like me after a night of whiskey.”
“That…doesn’t sound good,” Mac returned in the same spacey, confused tone. “You make some pretty bad choices ‘cause of whiskey.”
As they reached the car, Bozer shifted his hip to keep Mac propped up, pulling the passenger door open and maneuvering his friend into the seat.
“Yeah, well,” he reached across Mac’s shivering form to fasten his seat belt, “in whiskey’s defense, I’ve also made some pretty questionable choices completely sober.”
Mac huffed a semi-amused chuckle, his head dropping back against the seat. Bozer jogged around the back of the car to climb behind the wheel.
“Let’s crank that heat up, how ‘bout—” Bozer stopped as he glanced over and saw Mac had quite literally passed out, head tilted against the window.
His hands lay lax in his lap, fingers curled toward his palms, the left one twitching in what looked like an attempt to reach out, but not quite getting there.
“Jesus, Mac,” Bozer breathed, turning up the heat anyway as his friend shivered even in his sleep. He shrugged out of his hoodie, draping it over Mac’s bare arms and t-shirt covered torso.
Tagging: Okay, if you’ve already been tagged--or literally have no interest in this--feel free to ignore. This is a bit of a free-for-all here. @thethistlegirl @impossiblepluto @flowing-river24 @panchostokes @nativestarwrites @beamirang @21forestglades @blazeofobscurity @angus-mac-intosh @purplecolouredglasses @writtenbyblair @dashboardonfire @bands-space-and-monsters-oh-my @macgyverfever @thekristen999
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agrinsosardonic · 4 years
Unused CSB Chapter
Our third year attending Camp White Wolf in the Catskills. I was a shrimp approaching thirteen and my bones always hurt from growing. Sephiroth hit his first growth spurt and towered over me like one of the mountains that surround that camp. And no sooner did my parents pull away from us- not to be seen for six weeks- Sephiroth abandoned me for the older boys he made friends with last year. Leaving me alone. I expected it. I knew he would do this. A common thread, but it didn’t change the crushing rejection that I felt. That I carried on my shoulders as I grabbed my bag and found my cabin. 
My time there remains a blur. I remember the smell of the still lake later and wood wet with Summer. Bugs sang songs in whispering trees in between attacking my skin. The hot sun, humidity, that muffles the sounds of camp. The disturbed water from rowing. The shouts of competition. The mess hall and the static of conversations I could never find myself to become a part of. I sat alone. Strangled by my thoughts. My lack of self-esteem even though my braces had just come off. 
Your teeth look big now. 
Sephiroth had said. I ran my tongue over them instinctively every-time I remembered that comment. 
I never attempted to make friends in that place. All the boys just seemed so much more put together. And handsome. And I cringed every time that thought floated into my head. I wasn’t supposed to think that like; pinched my eyes shut and tried to think about anything else. Video games, or comic books. Horror movies were a great relief, because it’s fucking real hard to get a boner thinking about a girl getting sawed in half. Everything is ten times more difficult at thirteen. Body always tense with pain. My dick constantly tried to give me away. My brain just then started hearing that voice that whispers in the shadows- all the solutions to my problems. 
By the third day, I wanted to call my mom and beg her to pick me up. The boys in my cabin, often secretly led by Seph, decided I was an easy target and tortured me every morning. Traps I would step into like a fly to a web. And my best friend, the one my parents asked to watch me, nowhere to be found. Alone. The kind of alone that I can actually feel. Like I’m being crushed between two walls closing in- suffocating. No way out. 
Sat by the lake and thought about hurting myself for the first time. At the time, the thought seemed logical. Injure myself in a way that would get me sent home. Burn myself on a fire, or cut myself with a blade. In reflection, this was the first time I considered self-harm as an outlet. One I would end up returning to time and time again. But, then, twelve years and eleven months, pissed look etched upon my face while I thought about all the ways I could destroy myself, someone sat next to me with a loud hmph announcing his presence. 
Did the lake do something to piss you off?
I no longer can remember the sound of his voice.
But I had turned my head and saw him sitting next to me, knees up to his chest and arms listlessly draped over them. I recognized him from the previous years. His deep black hair wild like the forest at midnight. Blue eyes that glimmered like the moon. He wore the white camp shirt they gave us and black swim trunks. I knew his name. Zack Fair. But I had no idea why he decided to sit next to me.
I stuttered through my words, still not used to the absence of metal in my mouth. Uh, w-what?
You look like you’re about to fight the lake.
I brought my eyes back to the green and blue rocky body of water. Zack was two years older, just shy of his fifteenth birthday which would have him working at the camp as a Junior counselor, instead of a participant. We didn’t hang with the same group- well. I didn’t have a group. He did. And all I could think about was those friends lurking in the shadows waiting for my guard to drop so they could play a cruel prank on me.
You know, this lake sucks. He continued, it attacked me my first year here and I’m not over it!
He showed me his foot, by practically shoving it in my face so I could see the faded pink scar on the sole. Attacked by a rock! First week too. Never forgave it. So, if you’re trying to fight the lake, I got your back.
I cracked a smile. A small one but showed my teeth. And I remember the way he tilted his head. Like a puppy. You’re kinda cute when you smile. You should more often. You’ll have all the ladies chasing after you!
My stomach flipped.
Actually, that never happened before and I thought I was going to throw up and started getting nervous. But his smile, bright and comforting, kept me from fleeing to the coldness of my cabin. 
You’re Cloud, right? And I remember being shocked he knew my name. He revealed he was captain of the opposing Volleyball team in that afternoon’s game. Which saw my pathetic attempts at being useful in a sport rewarded with a ball to the face, the stomach, and somehow my legs much to the resentment of my teammates; who slung every vile slur they had learned in their young lives. 
I felt a wave of hot embarrassment. Tried to bury my face in my knees but he pressed on. Complimenting my attitude despite the failure. I shot pointed glares at my teammates and continued to play despite their displeasure with me. That takes balls, man he smiled. 
We sat together at the lake while the sun descended over the water casting a fiery glow against the water. He informed me he came from New Jersey, mocked me gently when I revealed I’m from Staten Island. We argued over which state has the better pizza. What life was like back home. He was entering Sophomore year of high school-and I always forget that fact when I reflect on our relationship...if I could even call it that. 
Zack became my friend first; guiding me during those dark weeks of camp. He invited me to sit at his table in the mess hall with his two other buddies. He taught me how to throw a football in a perfect spiral. Took me rowing on the lake during free time. Picked me first in every team sport, including capture the flag which saw Sephiroth on the opposing team. 
And we won. 
And I do sometimes remember the sensation when Zack threw his strong arms around me, cheering my success. How it felt like a million needles pricking my skin and my heart thundered to a halt. And I was so caught up in the fleeting moment of pure euphoria, I barely acknowledged the strange look Sephiroth shot threw his silver bangs as he cocked his head to the side and watched Zack and I be ushered off to revel in our victory. I recall it at times when he gives me that same look. The same look he gave when he asked about Reno the first time. And I get sick just thinking about how far back he planned everything. 
The night of the victory, after dinner with our team and sharing scary stories over the campfire, Zack walked me back to my cabin late. And pulled me into a hug I didn’t understand at the time. And another feeling pooled in the pit of my stomach when he ran his big hands down my back, stopping short of my buttocks before bringing them back up. Nerves. He felt so much bigger than me. Maybe at the time I felt safe in that embrace. But it’s tainted now but what happened after. And while he whispered Good Job, shorty in my ear like a supportive friend, I think I knew there was something else he wanted to say. Something he communicated with an extra squeeze before he released me into the damp darkness of my cabin. 
I laid in bed that night thinking only of Zack. 
Recalling the last few weeks of our budding friendship. Calculated every time he found an excuse to touch me, whether it be a playful push or messing up my hair or kicking me underneath the table. His defense of me to the few friends he had, who hated a tiny kid running around behind them like Peter Pan’s unwanted shadow. Counted on my fingers how many times he gave me this look, the same look Tifa would give me under the covers. 
And I realized between the obvious fucking tent in my pants and the rush of butterflies in my stomach- I was in pre-pubscent love with Zack. 
My friend. 
The older boy who took pity on me. 
And maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way. 
I laugh about it now, when I’m throwing back shots of vodka to numb myself from the trauma of it all. But then, I couldn’t help the smile that stretched across my face that remained there until one of my cabin mates discovered my issue and called me out in front of everyone. 
I forgot how easy rumors start. 
But I hadn’t considered that fact
And maybe history just repeats itself.
Zack became my first in almost everything..
My first real kiss under the moonlight after we snuck into the lake after hours. Jumped in with our clothes on- and despite the heat that hung in the air, the water felt like frost. But he was warm. When he ran his hands against my cheek. When our lips met. And I thought this was the most beautiful feeling I could ever experience. The height of human emotion.
And one night, after sneaking out successfully for almost a week, we went to where they stored the canoes- and I never found out how he accessed the shed. He whispered promises in my ear. Told me I was beautiful. 
I played a dangerous game; followed his lead. Accepted acts I offered in return without understanding the consequences. Curse of childhood is short sightedness. And I mistook his acceptance of me as loyalty. And I got myself wrapped up in him that I forgot the person I was before he engulfed me in his gaze. I wanted to be Zack as much as I wanted Zack to love me; like the love they show in movies. Artificial passion. 
Playing these memories back, only three and a half years later, it feels like a different life. And as soon as I feel those rough reminders, my brain shuts down. I’ve drank him away so many times, I find him to be more of a phantom than a tangible being of meat and bones. Who took my innocence away.
And then like a switch flipped-
I approached him at our usual spot in the mess hall. He ignored me. 
When I tried making strain conversation, he offered one word answers. 
The judgmental eyes of his friends drilled into me. And I left with my head low; wondering what I did wrong. Thinking he got tired of me just like Sephiroth did. 
Sephiroth, I found him in the cabin reading one of the comics I brought with me. Lounging in his bunk. Eyes darted to me. And all he said I heard a rumor. 
Apparently someone discovered our actions in the canoe. And that someone threatened Zack he would tell the whole camp. But that someone felt so inclined to tell Sephiroth what he saw. My stomach dropped out of my body. The hazel-eyed boy just stared at me as he vacantly recalled the information he received from his source. And followed with how disgusted he was to be associated with me. 
And I denied.
Denied. With increasing alarm. And with every crack of my voice, his lips curled. Twitched into a smile. 
And I denied until I started believing in my own words. 
And I blamed Zack-
But I don’t think I’m entirely wrong in that. Which adds another stone to my back that crushes me. One I should have started cracking when I went to therapy and maybe I wouldn’t be such a confused, chaotic, disaster of a person. Any self-confidence I had captured crumbled and turned to dust that year.
I tried to bury all those memories instead of actually addressing them- and now here I am. Presented with a similar situation. An enemy, under the guise of a friend, had weaponized a personal part of myself for his own selfish pleasure. And I stand alone. Bailed on by a person who claimed to care-
And maybe it’s time to change the narrative. 
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minijenn · 4 years
A Whole Mess of Unused Keys To The Kingdom Content
Because sometimes when I’m working on Keys, I get overzealous and write scenes that don’t contribute anything so I decide to cut them out or change them to make the flow better. So here’s a bunch of unfinished scenes from the first third of the fic (since we just passed the first third of it, I’m sure I’ll make a follow up to this once we get 2/3s done with it). Make of these what you will, I’ll try my best to explain why they were cut as we go along: 
From Chapter 7; I largely cut this bit when I remembered Kairi would actually know who Aerith is because of KH1, but of course I didn’t remember that until AFTER I wrote this scene out, either way its a pleasant interaction between the two, I think, even if I cut it because it makes no sense in terms of what actually happened in past games (I also had to straight up screencap this one bc its on word and my use of word expired so it won’t let me straight up copy stuff anymore lol): 
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From Ch. 17; I originally wanted the Moana chapters to sort of carry all of the same songs as the movie did? And for the most part they do, what with Your Welcome and Know Who You Are and stuff like that but when I got to Tamatoa, I realized that the Shiny scene just wasn’t working as a musical number, hence I rewrote the whole thing and cut all this out: 
“Because if you are… I will gladly do so. In song form!”
Sora and Moana only had the briefest chance to look to each other, absolutely confused before Tamatoa launched into said song, one that was filled with nothing but all the self-adulation the crab could possibly give. Which, of course, was quite a lot. 
“Well, Tamatoa hasn’t always been this glam. 
I was a drab little crab once. 
Now I know I can be happy as a clam,
Because I’m beautiful, baby!”
To show off said beauty, Tamatoa began to spin around his cavern, allowing the mass of treasure he’d collected to glisten off its walls as he continued to latch onto his captive pair all the while. 
“Did your granny say listen to your heart?
Be who you are on the inside?
I need three words to tear her argument apart:
Your granny LIED!
I’d rather be shiny!
Like a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck,
Scrub the deck, 
And make it look shiny! 
I will sparkle like a wealthy woman’s neck--
Just a sec-”
Tamatoa’ already wide grin grew as he glance up at the pool of water hanging above his head, one that was filled with a swarming school of fish just waiting to be devoured. 
“Dontcha know--
Fish are dumb, dumb, dumb,
They chase anything that glitters!
Oh, and here they come, come, come, 
To the brightest thing that glitters!”
The giant crab opened his maw wide as the fish swam down toward him, attracted by his glistening glow as they fell directly into his waiting mouth. 
“Mm, fish dinners!
I just love free food,
And you look like seafood…”
From Ch. 22; I’m surprised the longest chapter of Keys so far doesn’t have more cut content but I had started writing this bit before realizing that it would have been redundant. I wanted this information to be explained to Sora and the reader at the same time to give it more potency and emotional weight, hence why I cut this out (also cut it out to give more flow following the scene between Kairi and Axel near the beginning of the chapter that this would have immediately been after): 
Despite this reassuring thought, the mood the pair was met with upon venturing back into the house was anything but based on the first thing they heard upon entering. “What do you mean there’s nothing more you can do for him?!” Donald asked, both him and Goofy looking to Aerith for answers. 
For her part, Aerith still remained as calm as she had been before, though she did let out a small, sad sigh, stealing a glance back at Sora as he lay, still unconscious, on the makeshift cot behind her. “I’ve healed just about all of his wounds, but… to be honest, there weren’t even that many of them,” she began to explain. “The problem is that he was poisoned. Heavily poisoned at that.”
“So? Can’t ya just get rid of the poison using some sort of spell?” Yuffie asked. 
Aerith shook her head. “I tried that, several different spells in fact, but… none of them worked. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Whatever kind of magic Maleficent created it from must have been very powerful and very devastating, but… she definitely knew what she was doing when she cast it on him. It’s like she gave him just enough to incapacitate him completely. Any more than what’s already flowing through his blood stream would have-” She stopped short as she happened to glance over Kairi’s way, a brief spark of dread flashing through her expression before she put a hasty end to her explanation. “Um… n-never mind.”
From Ch. 26; the longest cut scene so far, pretty much a song-less version of I’ve Got a Dream (which I happen to be listening to while posting this, oh the irony); It’s a cute, fun little scene but it ultimately adds nothing to either the Tangled side of things or the original Keys side of things. In fact it kind of ruined the entire chapter’s pacing as a whole (I didn’t cut this out until the chapter was done as a matter of fact). Anyway here it is, because I still like it but again, it brought the chapter crawling to a huge grinding halt and I didn’t want that: 
“But more might show up,” Sora pointed out. “It’s hard to tell when they might-”
“Yep, exactly,” Flynn interjected hastily. “Which is why maybe we should get out of the woods for a bit. Just to wait ‘em out. Is anyone hungry? I know a great place for lunch.”
“Lunch?” Sora raised a curious eyebrow at this. “I thought you wanted to get to the kingdom as soon as possible.”
“Yeah, well, we can’t do that on an empty stomach,” Flynn urged the others to follow him. “Now come on. You’ll know the place when you smell it.”
The place Flynn led the group to was rather underwhelming compared to how he’d described it:  a squat, rather misshapen building that certainly looked its age based on the withering wood it was built from. It was practically propped up against the overgrown tree it stood in the shadows of, casting the entire restaurant in a rather shady light. 
“Aaaaand here we are!” Flynn grinned in satisfaction as he began making his way down the path that led to the diner. “The Snuggly Duckling. Don’t worry, very quaint place, perfect for you, blondie. Don’t want you scaring again and giving up on this whole endeavor now, do we?”
“Well… I do like ducklings,” Rapunzel shrugged with an oblivious smile. 
“Yay!” Flynn returned her bright grin almost mockingly. 
“So, what makes this place so ‘great’ anyway?” Sora asked, curiously. 
“Oh, you’ll see…” Flynn said, an air of mystery even as he threw the restaurant's door open. “Garcon! Your finest table, please!”
Rapunzel couldn’t hold back a terrified gasp upon getting her first glimpse at the other patrons of the restaurant. If there were any men who fit the description of “ruffians and thugs” perfectly, then they were all right at home in this restaurant, or tavern, to be more precise. The dingy dining room was packed with all manner of big, burly men, a vast majority of whom were scarred, unwashed, or weapon-wielding as they all turned their intimidating glares toward the group that had just stepped through the door. Rapunzel didn’t hesitate to lift her frying pan up in self defense and likewise, the trio was somewhat on edge as well, only barely hesitating to summon their weapons since none of the thugs had really made a move to attack them. Even so, they didn’t really rule out the option that they might based on the threatening manner they all mutually carried. 
“You smell that?” Flynn was still grinning as he began to guide Rapunzel onward into the tavern, despite the fact that she was clearly terrified by the frightening assemblage around her. “Take a deep breath through the nose. Really let that seep in. What are you guys getting? To me, it’s part man-smell, and the other part is really bad man-smell. I don’t know why, but overall it smells like the color brown. Your thoughts, sunshine?” he asked Rapunzel, who let out a horrified gasp as one of the thugs suddenly grabbed her hair. 
“That’s a lot of hair…” the thug noted, even as Rapunzel hastily pulled it away from him so she could flee. 
“She’s growing it out,” Flynn remarked. “Say, is that blood in your mustache? Blondie, look at all the blood in his mustache!”
“Hey, Flynn?” Sora interjected, his expression aptly suspicious in light of the circumstances. “What’s the big idea here?” 
“Why, I have no idea what you mean, kid,” Flynn rebuffed, feigning innocence. “I just wanted to give blondie a taste of a real five star establishment here.”
“This is what you call five-star?” Donald asked dubiously. 
“...More or less.”
“I dunno… Rapunzel looks awfully scared... “ Goofy frowned, glancing over at Rapunzel, who had essentially backed herself into a corner, her hair bundled up in her arms and her frying pan still held at the ready to attack. 
“Well, hey, you know, if that’s the case, then maybe we should just take her home and call it a day,” Flynn shrugged apathetically. “She’d probably be better off anyway. If she can’t handle this place, then maybe she should just go back to her tower.”
Despite his smooth, convincing grin, the trio only offered him a shared, disapproving glance at this, none of them on board with his plan to coax Rapunzel back into the sheltered, stifled life she’d known before. Still, Flynn didn’t get much of a chance to sway them otherwise as one of the larger thugs suddenly spun him around roughly to face him. 
“Is this you?” the thug asked, pointing to the wanted poster in his hand that sure enough, depicted Flynn Rider. 
“Uh… n-no?” Flynn shrugged, hoping the man would somehow believe him. 
“Oh, it’s him alright,” another thug, one with a hoof in the place of one of his hands, spoke up with a greedy grin. “You!” he pointed to another nearby ruffian. “Go get some guards. And as for you,” the thug used his hook to pull Flynn in by the collar of his shirt. “That reward is gonna buy me a new hook.”
“I could use the money,” another thug stepped in, grabbing Flynn roughly before another one did the same. 
“What about me? I’m broke!”
“No, that reward is mine!”
“But I want it!”
From there, an all out brawl began to break out between the thugs, with each of them clamoring to apprehend Flynn so they could claim the hefty prize that came along with his capture. Rapunzel and the trio were aptly startled by this sudden, violent shift, and even though they were greatly outnumbered, they all rushed in to try to put a stop to it. 
“R-ruffians! Please, stop!” Rapunzel cried anxiously. 
“Yeah! Leave him alone!” Sora shouted, finally calling upon his Keyblade. Donald and Goofy gaped at this, both of them realizing that Sora was more than likely to get himself into an unnecessary scuffle in doing so, but that hardly seemed to matter to him as he joined Rapunzel in trying to pick through the burly crowd Flynn was struggling to escape. 
The hook-handed thug was just about posed to land a heavy blow to Flynn’s jaw to cease that struggle when Rapunzel finally put a stark end to the aggressive outburst. All it took was using her hair as a whip to land a sharp, yet effective blow to said thug’s bald head, to get everyone to freeze in surprise at just how bold this unassuming girl seemed to be. 
“Put him down!” Rapunzel ordered fiercely, catching an ire-filled glare from the thug in the process. She gasped, afraid as the thug began to approach her, pulling out the axe hanging from his back as he did. Fortunately for her though, Sora hurried in to her defense just in time. 
“Back off!” he warned, brandishing his Keyblade against the much-larger thug’s weapon. 
“Tch, what are you gonna do with a key that fancy, kid?” the thug sneered. “Unlock the world’s biggest door?”
“Oh, believe me, you don’t wanna see what I can really do with it,” Sora retorted, more than ready to use it to keep both Rapunzel and Flynn safe. 
“Sora-” Donald and Goofy tried to mutually protest, though it didn’t really do much good as the thug inched his axe in closer. 
“Try me,” he growled coldly.
“W-wait!” Rapunzel interrupted from her spot behind Sora, not wanting to see any additional fighting break out. “L-listen, “ she pleaded with the hook-handed thug. “I don’t know where I am, and I need him,” she pointed her frying pan at Flynn, who was still being held aloft by the rest of the thugs. “To take me to see the lanterns because I’ve been dreaming about seeing them my entire life! Find your humanity! Haven’t any of you ever had a dream?!”
The thug said nothing to this at first, his expression still just as stoic as dense silence filled the bar. That is, until that stoicism finally wavered into a softer, wistful expression. “I… had a dream once…” With this, he tossed his axe aside, and as it struck one of the bar’s already weapon-ridden walls, he headed over to the piano on stage and began to play a surprisingly jaunty, upbeat tune. “I’ve always yearned to be a concert pianist!”
At this, the other thugs in the pub began to ease up a bit as well as a few of them started voicing their own hopes and dreams. “I really want to make a love connection!” a rather large-nosed ruffian proclaimed with a romantic gleam in his eyes. 
“I want to quit and be a florist!” another thug cried as he quickly began fashioning a surprisingly lovely floral arrangement. 
“Interior design!” a ruffian remarked with a flippant flair as he expertly rearranged a small corner of the pub. 
“Ulf here is into mine,” a thug pointed out his companion, who sure enough was playfully miming next to where Flynn was sullenly hanging as he watched this ridiculous display play out. Even so, Rapunzel was instantly charmed by it, and likewise, the trio eased up, confused yet curious to see where this bizarre and wholesome scene might be going. 
“You have to try Attila’s cupcakes, they’re sublime!” 
“I knit!”
“I sew!”
“I do little puppet shows!”
“And Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns!” 
“What about you?” the hook handed man asked Flynn with a suspicious glare. 
“I’m sorry, me?” Flynn scoffed, rolling his eyes. 
“What’s your dream?” the big-nosed thug pulled him down off the hook he was hanging from. 
“No, no, boys,” he rebuffed with a laugh. “I’m not into the whole sappy dream thing.” He quickly changed his tune however, as just about all of the thugs pointed their deadly weapons right at him threateningly. “Ah-ha… o-ok, well… I-I’d like to be filthy rich and live on my own private island faaaar away from anyone else. Does that work for you fellas, or what?”
The thugs let out a rowdy shout, catching Flynn off guard once more as they all threw him up into the air once more. At the same time, Rapunzel climbed up onto one of the tables, more than eager to voice her own life-long desire as well. “I’ve got a dream too!” she announced brightly, all of the thugs turning to her to hear it. “I want to see the floating lanterns! You know, today’s the first time I’ve ever left my tower, but I’m so glad I did after everything I’ve seen and all of the lovely people I’ve met like all of you!” The thugs all let out a solid cheer of support at this as Rapunzel grinned down at the trio standing on the ground next to her. “What about you guys?” she asked them curiously. “Do you have a dream too?”
“Oh, uh…” Sora hesitated, facing sudden scrutiny from both the thugs and from Donald, who was sending him the unspoken order to maintain the world order in his answer. “W-we… we want to find a special Key and use it and a bunch of others to help our friends!” he proclaimed, knowing that was a very simplified version of the whole story, but fortunately, it was enough to satisfy his companions and the pug thugs alike. 
“So you see?” Rapunzel turned back to the thugs, still maintaining her warm grin. “We’re all not so different after all! We all have dreams we want to see come true someday!”
The thugs and ruffians all let out another round of cheers at this, their excitement palpable in the aftermath of everyone sharing those dreams. The levity wasn’t able to last too long, however, as the tavern door burst open to reveal the thug that had been sent off just a while ago. “I’ve found the guards!” he announced, sending a startled ripple through the entire pub. 
Even so, Flynn wasted no time in grabbing Rapunzel and the trio alike at this, pulling them all out of sight as  a handful of armored soldiers stormed in. “Where’s Rider?!” the captain demanded. “Where is he?! I know he’s in here somewhere. Find him! Turn the place upside down if you have to!”
The captain only barely missed spotting the group hiding under the bar, not really having anywhere else to go, especially as even more guards filed in. Flynn narrowly peaked over the edge of the bar to see that they weren’t the only ones either, as he just so happened to spot them toting in his now-arrested former partners in crime: the Stabbington Brothers. Former, in the sense that he’d been the one to abandon them with the prize they’d stolen together, not only to escape the guards but that first round of marauding Heartless alike. 
Yet despite Flynn’s apt panic at such a daunting situation, the entire group was caught off guard by the hook handed thug. He said nothing as he joined them behind the bar, instead nodding for the group to silently follow him over to the far side of it. From there, with the flick of a single inconspicuous switch, a secret door opened up, revealing a passageway down into a cavern that led out of the pub completely. Just about the best means of escape they were going to get, all things considered. 
“Go,” the thug whispered with a warm smile. “Live your dreams.”
“I will,” Flynn replied, immensely relieved. 
“Your dream stinks,” the thug scowled. “I was talking to them,” he nodded to Rapunzel and the trio. Flynn simply carried an annoyed scowl as he began to crawl into the passageway. 
“Thanks for everything,” Rapunzel said, the trio offering the same grateful sentiments as they also began to make their way into the cavern. They did so just in time as the hook-handed thug closed the door to the passage way up, concealing it from sight right before the guards began to search behind the bar, only to find not a single sign of Flynn Rider, or anyone else for that matter, to speak of. 
From Ch. 27: aka the chapter I’m currently working on. Idk Tangled has a lot of scenes that went unused in KH3′s take on things and I figured this one would be necessary to explain why Rapunzel and Eugene got separated but I only ended up writing a paragraph or so of it last night before deciding I wanted to shift focus back over to the trio instead at that point. So here it is: 
“Ah! There you are!” Eugene greeted the Stabbington Brothers with a show of faux camaraderie, knowing he was just about the last person they probably wanted to see in light of his earlier betrayal. “I’ve been searching everywhere for you guys since we got separated. The sideburns are coming in nice, huh?” The brothers simply eyed him harshly at this, silently telling him to get the point already. “A-anyhow, I just wanted to say that I shouldn’t have split. The crown is all yours.” He tossed the satchel their way, the crown spilling out of it as it landed. “I’ll miss you, but I think it’s for the… best...” 
He trailed off as one of the brothers stood to approach him, hardly paying any mind to the crown as he did. “Holding out on us again, eh, Rider?”
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otome-writer51 · 4 years
A Ninja’s Kin Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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“I have a few issues with your request, little lady. One, I trained you; I know all of your moves. Two, with what weapons? There are no trading blades out here at the moment.” Giving me logical excuses to not spar with me, ha! I’d say he was just too big of a chicken.
Pressing my hand to his cheek, I leaned in. “I have two answers of my own. First off, I think you’ve been spending way too much time with Yogurt, because you seem too chicken to be bested by a lady. Secondly, with this one.” Swiftly moving my hand lower, I removed one of my husband’s swords from its resting place on his belt. Sliding gracefully away from him, I used his blade to tilt his chin in my direction. “Come on, Saizo, show me what you’ve got.”
Pushing the blade away from his chin he took a step back, unsheathing his other sword and pointing it at me. “Bring it on. And don’t expect me to go easy on you.”
“Deal! So… what are the rules, sensei?” I playfully quipped at him.
Eyeing me up, Saizo wasted no time setting his rules. “Best three out of five hits. Since we are using real weapons, when you find yourself compromised that shall be a victory for the other. Lastly, when I win, you will make me a mountain of dango every day for the next week.”
I scoffed, “Was that last bit really necessary?”
“Yes, yes it was.” Smirking at me, his gaze demanded my full attention.
“Alright then, when I win you will perform all of my duties for the next week, and with the utmost excellence, of course.” I smirked right back at him, challenging him to take my bet.
Giving me an incredulous look, Saizo began to circle around me. “Fine. I accept your bet, only because I know I won’t lose to you.”
“Bring. It. On,” I haughtily declared.
We both circled each other, daring the other to make the first move. After what was only a few moments, but seemed like forever, Saizo made his move.
Expertly diving forward, and ducking beneath my strike, snaking up my body with his blade underneath my chin. It sent chills up my spine, how fast he had me pinned.
He whispered in my ear, “One for me, little lady.” ‘Ugh, so unfair! He said that in that sexy voice on purpose.’
Moving away from him, I got ready for round two. “Is that really the best you’ve got?” I spat at him. I was just angry I lost so quickly.
“My little lady, we are just getting started.” Backing away from me, he shimmied up the nearest tree, hoping to catch me in a surprise attack.
Standing my guard, I looked all around me for when he could possibly pop out. It was a tall order, for any shadow could be him; any slight movement could be him. I couldn’t see much due to my only light coming from the full moon in the sky. Turning around in all different directions, I had my blade at the ready.
I thought of creeping over to the center of the yard, where I would have a better view of all my surroundings. That way, there would be no trees in a close enough proximity for him to pounce on from above. The issue with that was that I had to walk underneath a small canopy of trees to get there.
Having decided that it was my best option at the moment, I made my move while staying on high alert.
“Hoo. Hoo. Hoo.” It was so quiet, almost too quiet. I could hear the symphony of every owl in the bush, them singing their lovely chorus. Sadly, I was not in any situation to enjoy it.
“Huh,” I whipped myself around, hearing the rustling of leaves behind me. ‘There is no way that was just the wind. I’ve got you Saizo, time to come out and play.’
Walking backwards a few places, I came to the conclusion that he was gone. He must have known I was on to him. Turning around to continue forward, I didn’t get to take one step before…
FWOOSH! Saizo made his appearance, jumping down from the trees. He wrapped an arm around my torso, while the one holding his sword slid across my throat.
Having me completely at his mercy, Saizo chuckled darkly in my ear. “Well, little lady, maybe you should forfeit while you still have the chance.”
“Never!” I spat back at him, now seething because of how fast I lost again.
Unwinding himself from my body, he took off again. ‘Hey, don’t think you’re getting away so easily this time,’ I thought, chasing after him.
When he finally stopped, we were in the middle of the courtyard. Out in the open, with no trees for him to hide in, it was now a battle of pure skill.
“Sure you don’t want to quit?” He mocked me. Clearly, he did not see me as a threat. In his eyes, there was no way he was going to lose.
‘Ninety-nine percent of the time you will always win Saizo, but don’t count out the one percent that can surprise you.’
Raising my weapon, I pointed it at him; circling around him, “You seem to think you’ve already won. Don’t count me out just yet, I just might surprise you.”
Now we were both circling around, sizing each other up. I was ready to fight, a lustful need to win in my gaze. His eyes bore into mine, victory already present in them.
‘I should be offended that he doesn’t think there is even the slightest chance I could win, but if I prove him wrong, it will only make my win that much sweeter.’
“Do I, little lady?”
“The only one who knows the answer to that is you.” I took a step closer, daring him to attack. ’One more aloof response, and I’m going to strike first.’
“I do, little lady?” Saizo had a tiny smirk on his features.
‘That’s it,’ I took off, bounding towards him, ready to claim my victory. Dodging me with ease, Saizo jabbed at me but I blocked it. ‘I’m making progress, at least I finally stopped you.’
We gracefully locked blades in our passionate duet. I went down, he followed; he stuck high, and I denied him. Our dance was never ending. Saizo had me beat in skill, but my thirst to win enabled me to compete.
“Haaa!” The quiet night was filled with our grunts of passion, and the sound of metal striking metal. The sound enticed us both to push harder than we had before.
Blocking his advances, I spun around, and swung low, and then high, then low again. Every blow he dodged, never once relenting. I kept pushing, forcing him to step back. This game of ours continued, with me on offense and him on defense, blocking every one of my attempts.
I pushed harder, until his feet were backing up the stairs of the veranda. Now underneath the shelter, it was harder to make out his features but I could still very well see his silver blade glinting in what little light we had left.
More and more tries were met with metal, and the clangs seemed to get louder the more our adrenaline spiked. He swung high but was met with my blade, pushing him back all the way until his back hit the wall of the castle.
I had him cornered and his expression never once changed, but I knew that, on the inside, he had to be accepting defeat.
He pierced me with those eyes and while he should have been giving in to defeat, he looked more like a man who just got his second wind. ‘You still think you have a chance, I see.’
‘You’re mine now.’ I raised my sword high, bringing it down to restrain him, to show him I won this round. “I have you now, my dear.” ‘This is it. I can taste the sweetness of my victory on my tongue.’
‘Huh, what?’ The outcome I was anticipating never came to pass, instead his blade matched mine above his head, throwing it back with enough force that I fell on my butt. I dropped my sword; I was defenseless.
Groaning in pain, I began to sit up only to be met with the cool sting of metal at my throat. Up on my elbows, I opened my eyes in shock. There he was, Kirigakure Saizo, towering over me, his sword pinning me to the ground.
“That’s three, little lady. I win.” Saizo confidently declared, not a trace of surprise in his voice. ‘This whole time he never doubted he would lose.’
I was angry; he swept our competition while I didn’t win a single duel. What made me even more angry was that he let me think that I had the leverage in our last fight.
‘Who am I kidding, he was probably just letting me have some fun, so I wouldn’t be too angry with him when I lost.’
I angrily pushed his sword away, getting to my feet. “You made a fool of me, letting me think I was going to win. You are so unfair, there is no way you didn’t cheat in all three of those rounds.” I was furious, spitting nonsense at him just to try and cool my head. I was bitter that I stood no chance against him, and he knew it the whole time.
Did I care how foolish I sounded, yelling at him like a five year old? Nope. I was too mad to think with a clear head.
“There is absolutely no way, no way that that just happened. Saizo, you are a big old, lying ch--mmph!” I was cut off by warm lips, belonging to the man I practically hated right now, crashing on to my own. I couldn’t breathe. He kissed me so vigorously I couldn’t tell where he began and I ended.
‘No, stop it! I’m mad at you, and this is unfair; you kissing me like this. You know just what to do to shut me up, and while I don’t like that, I do love your kisses.’
I was internally at war with myself; one side was pissed at the man in front of me for how our little contest turned out, the other side was loving the cheeky way in which he decided to make it up to me.
Finally releasing my lips, the man looked me right in the eyes. “You talk too much, little lady.” I was already annoyed at the cheap trick he used to try and get me to calm down, but what added to my annoyance was that the said trick had worked.
“Saizo, that was cheating too!” I chided him in a voice that I wished sounded more sad than it actually did. After all, I couldn’t mask the joyful undertones his kiss brought me.
He gave me a sly smile, “Was it, my little wifey?” I paused for a moment, ‘Wifey? He’s really pulling out all the stops right now, huh?’
Giving him my best stink eye, I punched him on his arm. “That’s the only hit I’m getting on you tonight, so I hope you liked it.” Proud of the punch I landed on him, I smiled; the smile only he had the power to put on my face.
As he rubbed his arm, I giggled at him, enjoying my tiny little win. I knew it was more than likely that the hit hadn’t even hurt him, but I was grateful that he picked that moment to play along.
But, of course, he wouldn’t be Saizo if he didn’t get his revenge. Grabbing me by the waist, he pulled me to him, locking his lips with mine once more.
This kiss was more gentle than the first one; it was thoughtful and slow. He drew it out as long as he could, meshing with me at all different angles. His kisses were my favorite thing in the world. I wished that time would stop, letting me feel this moment forever.
Breaking apart, we stared at one another, and a peaceful silence stretched out between us for what seemed like forever but was really only a few seconds. Deciding to break the silence, I grabbed his hand and pulled him along with me. “Let’s go sit down, I need to rest after the long day I’ve had.”
He chuckled as I dragged him over to the steps of the veranda. Making him sit down, I took a seat next to him, and our shoulders rubbed against each other.
Enjoying the warmth his body gave me, I let out a contented sigh, “Huuhh.” ‘I have had one hell of a day, and just being in this man’s presence is doing me wonders.’
“That was a big sigh, little lady.” I could feel his gaze on me, so I turned mine to him.
“Today has been one of the craziest days in my life in a long, long time,” I vented to him, “First, my children wanted to kill each other, then someone almost did that for them, and then I had to deal with your cheating ass, and now I have to make you enough dango to last you a year, that too in a week's time.”
Snickering at my inability to righteously admit defeat, he put an arm around my shoulders and held me tight. “Prepare my dango well, because if you don’t, I will make you re-make it until it is up to my standards.”
It might seem like he said that in a joking manner, but I knew how serious about it he actually was. If I did do something to Saizo’s dango, he would know right away and would make me stay in the kitchen for hours, if I even so much as thought of messing with his dango.
‘It’s at times like these when I feel closest to him,’ I smiled at him, my expression one full of love. ‘When he let’s down his defenses, just enough for me to catch a glimpse of the silly man underneath that cold exterior.’
I put my hand on his cheek, “I already know it, you're going to abuse my cooking skills for your dango obsession this week, huh?” I leaned in, “You would probably complain about the dango anyway, just so I would have to make you more.”
“Victory is sweet, little lady,” He leaned in close, and we were just about to share our third kiss for the night, when...
“Cock-a-doodle-doo!!!” Yelled Yogurt, scaring the both of us.
Saizo and I jumped apart at his cry for attention. He was telling us that we weren’t giving him enough love, so I picked him up, put him on my lap and started stroking his feathers.
We both couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. I rested my head on Saizo’s shoulder, and he squeezed me tight. Petting my favorite chicken, and being embraced by the man I loved, I closed my eyes.
‘Life couldn’t possibly get any better than this.’
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voltrontranscript · 4 years
VForce E1: New School Defenders
Episode 1: New School Defenders
Transcript by @dragonofyang
Summary: We meet Daniel, a young Voltron fan after the Voltron Force is decommissioned, as he recounts the glory of Voltron and joins the Galaxy Alliance flight school, where he meets former pilots Lance, Pidge, and Hunk. But the Voltron Force doesn’t simply toe the line drawn by Sky Marshal Wade, and with Daniel and Vince’s help, they retrieve their lion keys.
[Google Doc]
Boy: Come on, Daniel, I dare you to do it.
Girl: Double dare you!
Boy: Do it!
Daniel: When are you guys gonna learn? It’s not a dare if I wanna do it.
[Cut between Daniel and Voltron as they chase the robeast, then return to Daniel.]
Daniel: You guys missed it! The lions just formed Voltron! Someday, that’s gonna be me. I’m gonna pilot the Black Lion.
Boy: Huh. You wish.
[Transition to Daniel’s bedroom, where Daniel narrates to the audience.]
Daniel: Yeah, I do wish. Unfortunately, it looks like that’s all it’ll ever be, now. Just a wish.
[Transition to a flashback of Planet Doom.]
Daniel: Not long after the Voltron Force wrecked shop on that robeast, they defeated Lotor and his Drule army. It was epic!
Lotor: What?
[Cut to a flash forward, where the Voltron Force celebrates their victory with the city.]
Daniel: I even got to go to the galaxy victory celebration. It was the greatest day of my life! Until… It was a disaster, but no one was hurt. That’s why I couldn’t believe how quickly everyone forgot all the good Voltron had done, as if they’d been brainwashed. The Defender of the Universe was declared a hazardous threat and decommissioned without even attempting to fix it. How shady is that? My dreams, gone. Now the only thing that excites me is going fast, really fast. So, I enrolled in the Galaxy Alliance flight academy, where things have turned out to be slow. Really slow. When’s life gonna pick up some speed? Of course, if all that wasn’t about to change, I wouldn’t be here telling you this story.
[Transition to opening sequence, with an electric guitar playing under the following lyrics.]
One, two, three four!
Voltron’s here, kicking down your door!
Five, six, get with it.
We blaze ‘em with the sword and they can’t get away.
Seven, eight.
We’re bringing down the hurt so we’re here to stay.
Nine, ten, we here to win.
Voltron’s here, let the games begin!
Oh! (Let’s Voltron!)
Oh! (Let’s Voltron!)
Oh! (Let’s Voltron!)
Form up, let’s go!
All night! Let’s go!
Alright, we gonna rock (rock!) and roll (roll!)
Now to rock (rock!) and roll (roll!)
[Transition to Daniel in class at the flight academy.]
Professor: ...and so the Galaxy Alliance Fractal Fighter has been Earth’s primary strike and defense weapon since… which battle, cadet Daniel?
Daniel: Huh? Um, the battle at Gemini Four?
Computer: Correct.
Professor: Commander Lance. To what do we owe the honor of a visit from the youngest head flight instructor in academy history?
Lance: I realized it was nearly the end of the first term, and I have yet to greet our first-year cadets. I wanted to get a look at the faces I’ll be seeing when they get into the cockpit in their third year.
Daniel: Ugh, third year.
Lance: So, do any of you potential pilots have any questions for me? Yes, cadet?
Daniel: Sir, with all due respect, why are you here teaching instead of defending the universe? What really happened with Voltron?
Professor: Daniel! You know mention of Voltron is forbidden by Sky Marshal Wade! There are severe consequences for violating this order. Commander Lance, I’m so sorry for--
Lance: It’s alright. I’ll speak of this once and only once. Yes, I used to be the pilot of the red Voltron lion, but after the incident, that’s something I’ve put in the past. Myself, along with tech sergeants Hunk and Pidge--formerly the yellow and green lions--are now loyal soldiers in the service of the Galaxy Alliance military. And Princess Allura, the former blue lion, is ruling on her home planet of Arus.
Daniel: What about the leader of Voltron? The black lion pilot, Commander Keith?
Lance: Ex-commander Keith is a wanted fugitive, and nobody knows his whereabouts.
[Scene change to Keith wearing shades on a beach.]
Manset: So, Commander Keith, I hear you are interested in the location of Wade’s secret base.
Keith: Your hearing is good.
Manset: Why are you seeking this base? Are you looking for trouble?
Keith: I’m looking for something Wade has that doesn’t belong to him, which may lead to trouble, but that doesn’t concern you. I paid you good money for that location, so--
Manset: Yes, well, unfortunately, some people are willing to pay more for your location. Please, do not make a big scene.
Keith: The size of the scene is up to you.
[Cut back to Daniel’s classroom.]
Daniel: How could you and the rest of the team just turn your backs on Commander Keith and Voltron?
Lance: Defending the universe is our top priority, and that’s exactly what the Galaxy Alliance is doing! Voltron was just a vehicle.
Daniel: Just a vehicle?
Lance: That’s enough. You, up. You’re coming with me. You, too.
Vince: Me? W-what’d I do?
Lance: Guilt by association.
[Cut back to Keith on the beach.]
Keith: So, this is how it’s gonna be.
Manset: At least I returned your money. You can count it. It’s all there.
Keith: Yeah, I’ll get right on that.
Masked Guard 1: Ah!
Masked Guard 2: Whoa.
Manset: A sword? Really?
Keith: It’s a weapon of honor. You wouldn’t understand.
[Cut to Lance, Vince, and Daniel entering an office.]
Wade: I assure you all, this supposed rising Drule threat is nothing but rumors to stir the masses.
Coran: But, Sky Marshal Wade, our sources have intercepted increased chatter about this mysterious commander Kala, specifically mentioning Lotor.
Wade: Lotor is dead! Furthermore, Ambassador Coran, if your sources happen to be “The Den”, you’d better think twice before quoting their intelligence to me considering they’re viewed as rebels against the Galaxy Alliance. You continually test my patience, honorable gentleman from Arus. Tread lightly. Good day. Commander Lance, these must be the cadets you called me about?
Lance: Yes, sir.
Wade: Normally I don’t like to concern myself with petty academy matters, but I take my “no Voltron” policy very seriously.
Daniel: Sir, I take full responsibility. He doesn’t belong here. I hardly know him, and he--
Wade: Do not speak, cadet, and don’t play that sickening nobility card, either. It’s a liability in combat. I need an army of obedient, ruthless, fighting machines, not some saps who are going to hesitate to consult their moral compass! Of course, this won’t be a problem for you if you violate my policy again, because a second offense would mean expulsion. However, this being your first, you are receiving the automatic sentence: latrine duty for the rest of the first term, and all of the second term, as well. I hope this teaches you to scrub Voltron from your lives completely.
Lance: I’m sure this experience will give them an entirely different perspective on Voltron, sir.
Daniel: It already has.
[Scene change to the latrines.]
Daniel: Man, I am so sorry I got you into this… mess.
Vince: Hey, you just said what I was thinking. I’m more of the non-confrontational type.
Daniel: Yeah, speaking of “type”, I’ve been meaning to thank you for helping me in class. How did you do, uh, that?
Vince: A tech-gician never reveals his tricks.
Daniel: Huh, you’re an interesting guy, um… I don’t even know your--
Vince: It’s Vince. Should I pretend I don’t know your name’s Daniel to make this less awkward for you?
Daniel: Probably. Well, I definitely owe you one, Vince.
Vince: Ah, don’t worry about it. You can just save my life sometime.
Daniel: So, Vince, what do you think of this place so far?
Vince: You mean, besides the life sentence of latrine duty, and the fact that one of our heroes turned out to be a total snart?
Daniel: Yeah, and then there’s this. I came here to fly jets, and all first-years do are stupid simulators.
Vince: Actually, I like the simulators. All the fun of flying, with none of the death.
Daniel: Unlocked?
Vince: You wanna…
Daniel: Totally.
Vince: Wait, I thought you didn’t like the simulators.
Daniel: I don’t, at least not when we’re supposed to be in them. But now, we’re like Commander Keith, rebel outlaws, operating in the shadows.
[Cut to space, where a single fighter cruises across the screen.]
Keith: I can’t believe Manset was a traitor. He was thoroughly vetted by the Den. And why’d he return my money? It just doesn’t make sense… Says the guy talking to a space mouse. Huh? The coordinates to Wade’s base? “It’s all there.” This is Stalker calling the Den. The watering hole has been located. I’m going hunting. Set course for the Tarvos moon of Saturn.
[Cut to the flight simulators in the Galaxy Alliance academy.]
Daniel: See? These simulators are way too easy. I’m ready to try this stuff pulling twelve G’s.
Vince: Alright, Whiny McGee. You want me to make this interesting for you?
Daniel: Whoa! I thought you were non-confrontational!
Vince: I am, in real life. Well, would you look here? It seems the simulator wants to feel more hurt.
Daniel: Easy pickings.
Lance: What? Can’t you boys keep up?
Daniel: Commander Lance?
Lance: You just want to get expelled, don’t you? Considering this is most likely your last act as GA cadets, let’s see what you’re made of. Hope your straps are on tight.
Daniel: Why? It’s not like these simulators are going to rocket off--woah! Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
Lance: You might want to pull your emergency brake right… now.
Vince: Y-your simulator almost killed me!
Lance: Huh, and Voltron contraband to boot. Wade would throw you in a secret holding cell to rot. Lucky for you, I’m not Wade. Boys, welcome to…
Pidge: The Den.
Lance: Cadets, I’d like you to meet--
Vince: You’re Pidge!
Daniel: The Green Lion pilot! That’s Hunk, the yellow lion!
Pidge: What are you doing? You’re not even welding anything.
Hunk: Yeah, but I wanted to make a cool entrance for these little dudes.
Lance: Mission accomplished.
Daniel: Is Keith here, too?
Lance: Always with the Keith.
[Transition to Keith breaking into a building, then back to the Den.]
Pidge: Why would you draw glasses on top of my glasses?
Daniel: Um, six eyes? I don’t know, I’m not an artist.
Hunk: Well, I’d better get back to duty, but I look forward to working with you clowns in the future.
Daniel: Huh?
Vince: Huh?
Lance: We need to keep up appearances. We’ve been pretending to be the epitome of a good soldier and loyal to Sky Marshal Wade so that he never suspects our underground activities. Pidge and Hunk have built this secret network that has access to Wade’s GA resources.
Pidge: It’s been quite useful in helping Keith on his secret mission.
Daniel: What kind of secret mission?
Lance: The kind that’s a secret.
Daniel: Okay, fine, but you still haven’t explained why we’re here. What does any of this have to do with us?
Lance: Let’s just say your talents have been noticed, and we’d like to cultivate them. In fact, how would you like to take a very cultivating course right now, taught by yours truly?
Vince: Totally! What’s the course?
Lance: Toilet Scrubbing 101. Oh, you’re right, you already have a bit of experience. We’ll call it 102.
[Cut to Keith continuing to infiltrate the building.]
Keith: Great.
Guard: All clear.
[Cut back to the Den.]
Daniel: Okay, we can tell there’s something cool going on here, but if it involves cleaning more toilets…
Lance: Look, I’m going to be asking you to do a lot of things in the future that won’t seem to make sense, but there will always be a reason. The question is, after what you’ve seen, do you trust me?
Daniel: I think so, but why won’t you just give us a straight answer about anything?
Lance: Partially because you aren’t ready to know, but mostly because it’s way more fun for me this way. So I’ll ask again: do you trust me? Because if you don’t, I can have Pidge erase this from your memory.
Daniel: Okay. We’re in.
Lance: Phew! That’s a huge relief, because we do not have a memory-erasing device. That’s science fiction.
[Cut to Keith walking through a corridor.]
Keith: What are you making, Wade?
Guard 1: Hey, you. Have you seen anyone suspicious?
Keith: Probably another false alarm set off by space mice or something.
Guard 2: Yeah, but we gotta run through the motions anyway.
Keith: Decrypt security code. Come on, come on. Shh. Shoo!
[Cut back to the Den.]
Lance: School is in session. How much do you know about Sky Marshal Wade?
Vince: He’s the head of the Galaxy Alliance’s military division.
Daniel: And a snart who hates Voltron.
Pidge: True, but it’s more complicated than that. Wade’s been wanting control of the alliance military for years, always claiming that Voltron was dangerous because the power within the lions is an ancient technology that isn’t fully understood.
Lance: Though we can’t prove it, we know he sabotaged Voltron to turn the public against it.
Daniel: I knew it!
Lance: Wade used this as an excuse to convince the Galaxy Alliance that Voltron’s power isn’t to be trusted. He got them to regulate the lions back to their storage chambers on Arus.
Pidge: However, I believe that Wade actually just wanted to study their technology.
Lance: While I believe it’s time to start your first class project. Wade is a well-decorated general, but he’s particularly proud of his four-stripe pin. Pidge has made a replica of this pin, and you boys are gonna swap this out.
Daniel: Your master revenge plan is switch out his favorite pin for a fake?
Lance: Yes. Remember our earlier conversation about trust?
Daniel: Remember you don’t have a mind-erasing device?
Lance: Touche. Let’s continue anyway, shall we? Latrine duty happens to be the only hole in Wade’s security. The toilet-cleaning cadets have pretty much unfettered access. And like all disciplined army men, Wade does everything on an air-tight schedule, and I mean everything. Now, we already know you have a talent for sneaking around, so when Wade’s coat is off for his “0600”, that’s your chance to make the swap. Should be a piece of cake.
[Transition to Daniel and Vince in Wade’s bathroom.]
Daniel: Nice.
Vince: Sweet.
Vince: I think this time he’s finished. Like us. How did you… What were you thinking?
Daniel: I didn’t think at all. Guess you’re lucky I’m impulsive.
Vince: Yeah, well, consider the “saving my life” debt paid. I was hoping to hold that over your head, but--
Wade: Look at this mess, you insufferable beast! I swear, if you chase one more mouse...
[Scene change to Keith, sneaking through the vents.]
Keith: Found you.
[Scene change back to Lance, Daniel, and Vince.]
Lance: Ah, there it is. Nice job, boys. Piece of cake, right?
Vince: More like piece of meat.
Lance: Well, you did such a good job, that I’ve decided to expel you from the academy, after all. Unless you’d rather stay and finish out your two terms of latrine. You are showing great promise in that field of study. Go on and pack your bags, boys. We’re taking a road trip.
[Scene change to space.]
Vince: This is all happening so fast.
Daniel: I often find fast is the best way.
Lance: So, I think you boys have earned the right to know a bit more about Wade’s pin. More like “pins”. And more like “keys” than “pins”.
Daniel: The keys to the lions!
Allura: Welcome to Arus, and welcome to the Castle of Lions.
Daniel: Whoa. Where’s the black key?
Lance: I assure you, it’s in good wrists.
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zztophat · 4 years
「 The Purge 」
SUMMARY: Dean find Zatanna at the Masquerade after all hell breaks loose and asks her to perform a spell that casts a protective, no ghosts barrier around Lux. TRIGGERS: Gore, Violence Mentions, Death Mentions WRITTEN WITH: @ofwaywardsons
ZATANNA: She swung one of the emergency fire axes at a ghost. It was wrought iron and made the ghost in front of Zatanna disappear on contact. Unfortunately, she swung it too hard and it stuck to the wood pole of the photo booth. "Honestly," she muttered angrily to herself as she tried to pull the axe out. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned sharply, a defensive blast spell already dancing on her tongue, but then she saw it was Dean. "Jesus Christ," she lowered her defenses and took a moment to run a visual check on him. He was covered in blood and carrying around a mound of salt and a human heart. "Did you...get roped into a satanic ritual or something? Where is all of this blood coming from?”
DEAN: It was pretty easy to find Zatanna. Tiny as she was, she was fucking fierce. He caught sight of her down by the photo booth just as she swung an axe into a ghost like a fucking viking. It reminded him of why he tried to avoid getting on her bad side. To her misfortune, the axe stuck to a wooden post. He approached her as she tried to pull it out; Dean imagined he probably looked like shit. "Sorry, sweetheart." He pulled the axe out of the wooden post with his freehand. "Surprisingly the dumbass rituals weren't my doing this time. Imagine that." He saw a ghost approaching them from behind Zatanna. "On my count, you're gonna wanna duck." He handed her the heart and took the axe with both hands. "Now!" as she ducked out of the way, he took a swing at the ghost. The axe sliced right through it and it disappeared like mist. He turned to look at the magician. "If we're keeping score, that was like my tenth tonight."
ZATANNA: She made a face when he handed her the heart. Gross. "Aw, you really shouldn't have. Valentines day is still so far away," she replied weakly. This was the worst game of hot potato. She ducked when he ordered her to, watching as he swung the axe and cut through one of the ghosts. "Ah, ten, that's nice," she grinned. "I lost count somewhere at 30. Magic and all that." She was reserving her chaos for now in case a higher level magic was needed to resolve this. That's why she picked up the axe to begin with. "Trade you." Before he could protest, she took the axe from him and gave him the heart. "You got any idea what's going on?" she asked. She could make some educated guesses, but given the fact that hearts were required for a variety of magical spells and Dean had sought her out specifically, she gathered that he knew what happened. "Who's blood are you wearing?" she asked. "Don't tell me it belongs to the guy who owns the heart."
DEAN: "What can I say? A gentleman always plans ahead," he chuckled before frowning. Thirty. Of course she had 30. She had magic on her side. The playing ground was just unfair and the game was rigged. "Show off." He was just about to open his mouth to protest but she handed him the heart anyway. "Someone stole Death's Scythe," he explained. "Without it, the veil is falling apart and ghosts are leaking into this world." He said it as if this was par for the course in his life because it was. He'd gone through something like this before in his universe. "No, the blood is Charlie's. Reapers are tied to the veil and with it falling, she's dying again." Not just dying, she was relieving the exact way she died the first time. "She and Sam took Cupid and Belphegor to get the scythe. In the mean time, you and I have a spell to perform." He handed the heart back to her as he took the axe. "You're gonna need that," he grinned. Was he enjoying this? Okay, maybe a little. "When we went through something similar my universe, Belphegor - not this Belphegor but another - gave us a spell that created a parameter around the city the ghosts couldn't break through. Kind of like a massive salt circle. New York City's too big for the spell to encompass the whole city, but we can at least create a safe parameter around this club. You up for it, spirit fingers?"
ZATANNA: She rolled her eyes at him, but the grin remained. "Death's Scythe, now that's ballsy." Zatanna generally didn't play with necromancy. That kind of magic had serious consequences and repercussions. She frowned when he mentioned the blood was Charlie's. Zatanna tried to maintain a neutral face when he told her Sam had taken Belphegor with him. For Fucks Sake. Bells was a time bomb and she wasn't sure Sam was aware of that. Would Charlie have told him about the void? Clearly not if he opted to take Bells on this mission. Belphegor was likely at their most vunerable tonight with their friend's life on the line. They could very well lose it and New York would be turned into another Grand Canyon. Zatanna swallowed hard and focused her attention back to Dean. A spell. Right, a spell. She could do that.Focus, Zee. "I'm up for it, but call me spirit fingers again and you'll be joining the undead tonight," she warned good-naturedly. Up ahead she saw another ghosts coming their way. "You better get that axe ready again," she warned. But before either of them could take a swing at it, a black shadow in the shape of a dog side swept the ghost and began to tear into it. Hell hound. "Well, now that that ghost is occupied. What exactly does this spell need?"
DEAN: He was inclined to agree but then again, in his universe he killed Death so he really couldn't speak. He noticed Zatanna briefly freeze up at the mention of where Sam went. "What? What's with the face?" The concern in his voice was growing. He didn't like the idea of splitting up to begin with but now he was even more worried about it. "There something I need to know about, Zee?" Keeping secrets was a Winchester family trait so he wouldn't be surprised if Sam kept one or two that would've changed his mind about letting him go at this on his own. He nodded and eased into a smile when the magician told him she was up for this. "I'd rather you kill me than one of these ghosts." He nearly dropped the axe when some invisible force side swept the ghost and started gnawing into it. He could hear growling and barking enough to know what it was. Hell hounds. He felt his mouth go dry as he swallowed hard. "Right, uh," he focused back on Zatanna. "It's pretty simple. Mound of salt," he held it up. "A heart. And this spell." He handed her the journal where they'd written the spell down in case they needed it again. "Maybe you can backward magic it into being." He felt something breathing at his heel and tried not to look in that direction. As if it would matter, he couldn't see them anyway. He didn't need to to know what it was. "We better get to it before we, you know, end up dog food tonight."
ZATANNA: "Nothing, it's nothing," she tried to reassure him. "I'm just...I'm worried about him, that's all. He's gotten really close to Charlie and it looks like she's in rough shape. How's he holding up?" It was as close to an honest answer as she could give Dean right now without putting him at risk. Not to mention, she was sure if she told him about the void, he would go after Sam and then they would both end up dead. She eyed him curiously at his reaction to the hellhound. The dogs weren't likely to hurt either of them. They couldn't without having to answer to Michael. "If you can't see their form then you have nothing to worry about. You aren't dying tonight." She opened up the journal and read up on the spell. It was simple enough to perform. Either it worked and a safety barrier would be created or it didn't work and they would just go back to swinging axes and spells at as many ghosts as they could. Zatanna took the salt from Dean and poured it onto a concentrated spot on the ground before kneeling down beside it. "Do what you can to keep the ghosts out of the way. They aren't going to like this."
DEAN: He wasn't sure he believed her entirely, but the hell hound at his heels kept him from pressing further. If they got these ghosts out of the club, then these demons could take their hell hounds elsewhere for a good old fashion ghost chase. "I am too," he admitted. He was always worried about Sammy. "He's hanging on by a thread but if she dies..." he shook his head. "Look, we just can't let that happen, okay? You saw him tonight." He looked at his heels, feeling the heat of the hell hounds breath where Maze slapped his ass earlier. Was this her dog? Was she fucking with him still? "Yeah, call it bad life experience." He threw the axe over his shoulder and moved to stand behind Zatanna in order to guard her while she worked on the spell. "You got it. I should've opted for the flannel suit, really," he grinned lazily. "Might as well go full lumberjack."
ZATANNA: "Yeah, I saw him tonight," she smiled softly, remembering how Sam's entire face lit up when he was around Charlie. It hurt a little to think back on how warmly the night started and how quickly it all went to hell. "It won't happen," she assured Dean more firmly this time as she placed the heart atop the mound of salt. She looked up for a moment to see Maze periodically staring at her and Dean. It dawned on Zatanna that the hell hound keeping a parameter around them was likely Mazikeen's. Whether she was doing this for their safety or simply to put pressure on them, Zatanna didn't know. The magician placed her hands over the heart and began to recite the incantation backward. "Imina muronrefni sutirips issyba itcerrus ogifed sov artni ainifnoc inmaicniv!" She slammed her hands down on the ground with force and intent, causing a red energy to pulse from the heart and rush out in all directions. As the energy expanded, ghosts were forced out of Lux. Zatanna's own eyes began to glow a similar red color to the heart as she harnessed the spells powers and began to push the barrier further and further around the club, bringing it to encompass not only Lux but the surrounding areas. Maybe she would be able to include more of New York than they thought. As she pushed herself, she felt blood dripping from her nose onto her lips and chin. The spell was talking as much from her as she was giving, but if it meant potentially saving more lives she would take the risks. She knew (or at least thought she knew) how far she could push before she ended up one of the dead too.
DEAN: He wanted to believe that they'd be able to fix this before anyone got hurt, but she hadn't seen Sam the way he had in his universe. When the kid lost hope, it was game over. Right now, Charlie held most of his hope. Dean liked the girl, she was good for his brother. Her softness balanced out some of Sam's harsh lines. It didn't get rid of all the trauma, but it made it easier to swallow. He couldn't see the hell hound, but he no longer felt the dog at his heel. He figured it had taken a position in front of Zatanna, guarding her that way while he covered her back. Or maybe it went away entirely. Dean was okay with either option, to be honest. When the magician slammed her hand down on the ground, a title wave of red reverberated throughout the club. He could hear anguished screams as the ghosts were pushed out of the club. Dean turned to look at Zatanna when they were all gone and his face dropped. Her eyes were glowing red and blood was dropping down her nose as she pushed the spell forward. "Son of a bitch!" he dropped the axe and dropped to his knees in front of her. "Zatanna!" he cupped her face in his hands to try to break her concentration, but it was no use. She was going to get herself killed if she pushed any further. He dropped his hands over hers and the pure force of the magic expelling from her finger tips burned his hands like wild fire. He wasn't a natural conduit for these things like she was, but that didn't matter. His fingers wrapped around her hand and he pulled until he was able to physically break the connection between her hands and the earth. The magician collapsed into him and he held her for a moment as the barrier stopped and held a steady one mile ghost free parameter around Lux. "For fucks sake, Zatanna," he breathed. "I said set the parameter around Lux and only Lux. You trying to get yourself killed?"
ZATANNA: She could hear Dean calling for her but he sounded so far away. It wasn't until his hands pulled at her, breaking her connection to the earth that it all came flooding back. First came the overwhelming exhaustion and fatigue as she collapse into him. Then came the headache. It felt like her brain had its own pulse. To her surprise, the barrier held. The club was eerily quiet now as people cautiously made their way out of the woodwork. Zatanna became distinctly aware of Dean's breathing as he checked her. The tension in his shoulders seemed to ease when he found she still had a pulse. "Bold of you to assume we're not already dead and in hell," she laughed, but the effort only caused the throbbing in her head to intensify. She'd burned herself to the wick tonight, but she wasn't the only one. "Your hands..." she winced. Fuck. Grabbing her in the middle of a spell like that was like trying to hold onto a shooting star. "I'm sorry."
DEAN: He chuckled at her response. He was relieved to hear she still had enough energy left to talk. "If that's the case, this might be the swankiest version of hell I've ever been to." He picked her up, wincing sightly when pain shot through his arms, but he managed to carry her over to a table and some chairs that were still standing. "Don't sweat it, I've been through worse." He ripped apart one of the table cloths and wrapped his hands. It did nothing to contain the pain, but it would at least keep the wound clean for now. "You did good tonight, but I'm gonna have to bench you for the rest of this fight. Can you hang tight here?" He needed to leave the safety of the parameter and get as many people back here as he could. "I'll send someone back here to check on you." Maybe he could send Jack out this way. He preferred if the kid stayed in the parameter anyway.
ZATANNA: "Aw, come on, coach," she laughed but even the effort of that hurt. She knew he was right. It was best she say here and recover as much of herself as she could. When she regained enough strength, she would be able to help people get back to this side of the parameter. "I'll stay here," she agreed. "Oh, and Dean," she pulled him back as if she was about to say something serious. "Watch out for the hell hound. He's on your left." The hound never left them. Up until this point he just observed. It was in that moment that it growled to let Dean know it was still there. "Careful out there, yeah?"
DEAN: He stiffened and then straightened when the hell hound growled. "I hate this place." He turned his head to the left and the growling got closer. "Yep, definitely hate this place." He grabbed the axe off the ground. "I'm always careful. Try not to die while I'm gone. I'm the last one that saw you alive and I really don't wanna answer to your angel mafia," he shuddered but a cheesy sort of smile remained on his face to let her know he was kidding. After a beat, he threw the axe over his shoulder and made his way out of the club. Maybe it was his imagination, or maybe it was just his paranoia, but he was certain he could hear the hell hounds paws hitting the ground in time to his own footsteps. It was gonna be a long night.
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murasaki-murasame · 4 years
I honestly wasn’t planning to summon for Gala Thor at first, since I want to focus on saving for stuff like the end of year holiday banners, but he ended up looking really strong and also I want to make Tartarus less of a miserable slog to get through with my light units in any way possible, without resorting to ‘haha dark characters go brr :)’, so here we are, lol.
Results under the cut [plus some of my thoughts about the new Tartarus fight]
I started with about 260 summons saved up [which is part of why I wanted to skip it, since I prefer to have at least 300 summons before pulling on a banner], but in just 60 summons I got:
-Ramona dupe [one day I’ll get Gala Elly . . . ]
-Dupe Liger [now at either 1UB or 2UB, I can’t remember which]
-Dupe Pazuzu and Simurgh [they’re both now MUB so that’s nice, even though I don’t use them, lol]
-Ramiel x2 [I don’t really care much about him one way or another since I have other good shadow dragons but it’s nice to have him]
-Gala Thor
At first I was a bit disappointed by Gala Thor, since he gives a base 50% strength and an additional 45% bonus strength based on your energy stacks, which seemed kinda lame compared to Mars, but it turns out that having just one energy stack gives you a bonus 25% strength, with the other stacks giving an extra 5% each, so basically you almost always have 75% strength, which is really nice, and I think at least puts him at par with Daikokuten.
Also apparently his damage mods when shapeshifted, including his dragon skill, are super high, so he works really nicely with someone like Gala Euden, who I’ve basically ended up maining against Tartarus. 
It’ll be a while before the DPS sim updates, but I think Thor’s probably gonna have a pretty big impact on how strong the light roster is, so that’s neat.
Though tbh I think a lot of people are still gonna end up just using shadow units against Tartarus, even if Thor helps bridge the gap between light and shadow units a bit. Which is it’s own whole problem with the game’s balance, lol. I think if they just gave Tartarus poison immunity, that’d probably be enough to actually make everyone use light units in the fight, but I still feel like they need to give endgame bosses way higher off-element damage resistance.
I haven’t managed to get many clears of Tartarus yet, but I have a lot of mixed feelings about the fight. I’m happy to finally have a relevant piece of content to use my light units in, and I like most of the mechanics in the fight, but a lot of it doesn’t really work well in practice, and there’s some really annoying parts of the fight too. Mainly the fact that they decided to keep the enervation mechanic from Void Nidhogg, lol. I quit doing that fight as soon as the shadow Chimera came out specifically because it makes that fight such a goddamn slog, and it continues to be just as awful in Tartarus. And they somehow made it even worse by deciding to give it to you unavoidably at least once in the fight. At least in Void Nidhogg you could dodge everything and never get enervated, but you have to deal with it at least once in this fight.
Also, the whole portal mechanic is extremely cool, and I hope they experiment with more stuff like this in the future, but I feel like every time I go back to the main arena, I have like I have to immediately try and figure out which part of the fight I walked back in on, and usually I have like two seconds to react before one of the screen-wide attacks happens and kills me. It’s really disorienting, lol.
The prison mechanic in general is also kinda hard to wrap my head around, and I feel like it requires maybe a bit more team coordination than is reasonable to expect from a game like this, but really I think it’s just my punishment for never doing High Zodiark, since I think it’s one of the many parts of this fight that are really similar to that fight, and I have absolutely no experience with any of them.
Anyway, now that Tartarus is out it’s making me think back on the Agito bosses as a whole, before we move into the 2nd anniversary where we’ll probably at least get a hint at the next phase of endgame content, and in spite of the various issues I have with them, I think the Agito fights are a huge improvement over the High Dragon fights. You can really tell how Cygames [for better or worse] was trying to shake things up and figure out how to make engaging endgame fights, and for the most part I think it worked out.
The difficulty balance between all the fights [especially counting the Master fights] is kinda all of the place, like how eKai is extremely easy while eAO and eTart are kinda obnoxiously long and difficult if you do them in the intended ways, but I think that at least shows how they kept trying new things. mKai’s also apparently a lot harder than eKai [though I haven’t tried it], so they clearly learnt from the feedback they got from that.
I think Volk and Ciella are probably my favourite of the Agito fights at the moment, for different reasons. Volk feels really well-balanced for the current state of the flame roster, and has mechanics that require a degree of cooperation and coordination without being overly punishing like Tartarus kinda feels at the moment. And on the other hand, I really like Ciella’s fight because it feels like it’s just at the right level of difficulty for me to be able to reliably do by myself. At least on manual. I’ve never really managed to get auto solo to work, but I enjoy doing it manually. Either way, it’s nice to have endgame fights like this that can be comfortably soloed if you have a strong enough team, and I really like how for Ciella you have to build a really tanky, defense-oriented team in order to be able to solo it. I feel like 90% of the game basically punishes you for trying to do anything other than raw damage-dealing, so I really appreciate that Ciella is designed in a way that rewards you for making tanky team comps. It also lets Sylas be genuinely meta for something, which I’m grateful for, and it gave Templar Hope some redemption after he was initially deemed as being kinda worthless after he came out.
I also like how status effects are integrated into the fight mechanics, and [for the most part] both status resistances for each element feel like they have a purpose in their Agito fight. Compared to HDTs where it feels like every element roster is split between ‘units that are good for the fight’ and ‘units that are immediately handicapped’. This is actually one part where I think Tartarus works really well as a boss fight, since unless you can kill him before the poison portals happen, you really need a poison-res character to deal with them.
We still have three more of the Master fights to come out, but either way I really like the Agito fights, and I’m optimistic for whatever the next set of endgame content will be. Personally, I’m still hoping for them to build upon the Imperial Onslaught mode, since that feels like an almost obsolete part of the game, but that sort of wave-based content would be nice to have for endgame co-op.
Also, I still really hope that the Agito bosses end up being DL’s version of the Eternals/Evokers from GBF, where we can eventually get the ability to recruit them as playable characters by doing lots of grinding. They might just get released as gala units instead, but I’d prefer it if they were obtainable through grinding.
On the one hand they’re basically all villains, but on the other hand the recent story chapter made it pretty obvious that they’re probably all being warped and twisted by the masks Nedrick gave them, so it’d be pretty easy to explain how they could eventually be recruited. Also GBF has it’s own share of characters who probably shouldn’t be recruitable for moral reasons but they still are, lol.
Also when you fight them in-game it already looks like they have the same sorts of character model rigs as normal adventurers, and their attack animations all seem at least roughly based on regular weapon types [Volk being a lance unit, Kai Yan being an axe unit, Ciella being a bow unit, Ayaha/Otoha being dagger units, and Tartarus being a blade unit], so I feel like it wouldn’t be hard to make them playable. Ayaha/Otoha would probably be the hardest one to make work unless they get released as two separate characters, but it’s possible that they’d be a unique case where you use them both in combat at the same time, and switch between which one you’re actively controlling. 
It’s probably a bit too early for any of this to happen since the Agito have basically only just gotten introduced in the main story, so it probably won’t be touched upon for the 2nd anniversary, but I still think it’ll happen eventually.
Anyway, all that aside, at the moment I’m basically just gonna keep saving my summons for either a rerun of Gala Elly/Alex, or the holiday banners. In particular I really want to do lots of summons on the New Years banner. I know we’re gonna have Gala Zena or something next month for the anniversary, but if it’s anything like last year we’ll get lots of free summons during her banner, so I’ll at least wait and see how that works out before I spend any resources chasing her.
I also don’t really care much for Nevin and Pinon so even though I didn’t get them, I’m just gonna quit on this banner while I’m ahead, lol
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