#in my vp brainrot today
asliceofoceanmist · 2 years
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how about you pete? how do you like it? 
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yujeong · 2 months
Vegas not knowing about Pete's boxing past is nothing but sloppy writing if you ask me. Paranoia is family trait of the Theerapanyakul clan and no one can convince me Vegas hasn't made background check on every single bodyguard, staff member and associate of the main family. It's also interesting to point out that Vegas knows about Pete's grandma so he must've read something about Pete beforehand. Which is why Vegas not knowing about Pete being a former boxer and victim of domestic abuse is weird. (My God Vegas would've been a dick if he'd had held the latter against Pete.)
But since we're talking Vegas here his paranoia turns into obsession and he makes a file of Pete thick as the Bible post canon. Needles to say, this stirs some drama between the two because even saint like Pete has his limits with Vega's BS.
Hmm, honestly, I'm at this point in my brainrot with kpts/vp that I'd be able to rationalize any plot point, no matter how absurd, while still acknowledging that it's most likely a plot hole (though tbh, BOC could only do so much with the horrid source material they had to deal with, so hats off to them regardless).
For example, one argument I'd use for Vegas not knowing about Pete's backstory, is that Vegas seems surprised Pete has been through similar experiences that he himself has with his own father, not about him doing boxing. I rewatched the scene for the millionth time and as Pete is narrating his story, Vegas' face remains neutral until Pete tells him winning didn't change anything - he was still being beaten up by his bitter father who never became the boxer he wanted to be.
All I'm trying to say here is that Vegas could very well have known about the boxing, but not about the abuse. Maybe nobody from the family knew about the abuse, though I can't claim with confidence that Korn wouldn't know.
To Korn (and to Gun), what Pete's father was doing to his son wasn't abuse. It was discipline. It was him showing Pete he loves him. So, maybe Korn knew about it and thought it was good. Or maybe he compared him to Gun and thought Pete's father was a coward and bad at being a father.
Who knows?
I'm not trying to prove you wrong in any way, btw. As I said, if Vegas didn't actually know about Pete doing boxing, then that'd be super weird for someone like him. I just find it fascinating for Vegas to have known about everything in regards to Pete EXCEPT the most important thing that basically makes them connect from that point onwards in the story.
Though, I do have to disagree with you on one thing - or more precisely, express my doubts: I don't believe Vegas would have had the guts to use the abuse Pete suffered by his father against him. ESPECIALLY after Pete sees what happens at the basement between Vegas and Gun.
Vegas is a hypocrite and a coward when it comes to Pete. He'd be facing a mirror - and Vegas really hates himself and what the reflection would show back. We see it throughout their arc plenty of times and with the abuse element added in, it'd go to astronomical levels imo.
Did Vegas cross the line with Pete a million times? Yes. Would he cross it on this subject? Hmm, idk. I'm willing to believe so, but I'd never write it myself.
Now, about post-canon, many people in the fandom have said the same thing as you and I believe the same. He'd want to know e v e r y t h i n g about Pete, down to the last detail, and on the days he'd feel especially shitty, which would be most days, he'd want to drag Pete down with him.
We were talking just today with @wretchedamaranth about Pete snapping after everything that happened in ep14 + hospital era, and tbh we can add this one in it, too: Vegas' need to pry Pete open would push him to his limit.
And Pete isn't like Vegas. He wouldn't snap like Vegas does, and I'm trembling just thinking about what that would entail.
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imaginarycyberpunk2023 · 11 months
Tag appreciation 6/?
I am having a bad time in real life so I decided to remind myself of the awesomeness of the tumblr CP VP community and make another one of these, which is long overdue.
In this series I shine a light back on the community and all the fun, love and sass going on in my notes.
@braindancer you show up in my activity feed a lot and always have something nice to say; I love your tags! This -> I have no idea what you're referencing here, I wanna know what you imagine Vinnie to dress up as! So if you can shoot me a message!
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@peaches-n-screem omg yes, this is exactly what I was going for! Vinnie can be messy but he is efficient. Not every fixer appreciates this but Muy tries!!! Because! That's his BOY!
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@chevvy-yates you know I sometimes run over to Discord to thank you for your always well-thought out tags and I just wanna emphasize here that it is not NECESSARY to leave a lot of or any tags on any post but I APPRECIATE it so much -> and I love silly tags as well, YES SHE WILL BONK YOU
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@punkraeman first of all, congrats on the new sideblog. Second of all, I agree 100% because this is such a DAD cap and not in a sexy way and I was like HOW THE HELL DOES HE MAKE THIS WORK? I am never sure at this point if it's just the amazing progress of my brainrot or if he is *actually* that sexy and I love affirmative sexy tags!
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@drunkchasind Whenever I shoot in this orange light I think of your gorgeous VP so I kinda figured you'd like it - it is heavily inspired by your work as well!
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@wraithsoutlaws I've said it before and I will probably say it again - the natural thing is what I am (usually) going for in my VP. I do like stylized, conceptualized VP as well, but my fav thing to do is making them come to life in a very naturalistic way, finding moments in between movements that make sense. In this set especially I loved the progression of their movement together and how flustered Vinnie is in the first pic which is a rare sight.
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@tafferling you apparently got the vibe I was going for with this. I tend to photograph Vinnie smiley and sexy and enticing but he can be an intimidating and dangerous presence. Just imagine this dude coming at you, very calmly, standing at 6"6 and tellling you to calm down. And you don't see any weapons (yet).
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@humberg I am so glad you're back and I love when I get tagged like this! EXCUSE YOU! hahahaha - another example of the tags on this post that were all so supportive of the edits -> I usually barely edit my pics because I never know, what to edit. I've talked to other VPers about this and we did edit exchanges at some points and it's interesting to see how others handle my material. I still gotta post some I got from @dustymagpie that turned out amazing and completely different from what I usually do!
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@juststayquiete I LOVE YOU FOR SCREAMING IN MY TAGS!!! and yes, I dare say myself that this was a really cool idea! And imaginary (her name will change) already might have met Macha and Vinnie. And old space movie vibes is what I was going for. I love the mechanical space ships (think "Aliens") -> I prefer them over the Space X clean look any day!
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That's it for today.
I will continue this series because it makes me see how much good happens in this space! And I love my community that I have gathered here!
Saying hi to my newest followers - welcome to the brainrot:
@ratsstick (ratsstick)
@water-dhavians (water-dhavians)
@sixty---six (sixty---six)
I have no idea why tumblr won't let me @ some of these blogs although they exist so adding their links and praying tumblr won't remove them because that is an annoying bug I have -> tumblr removing text links from my posts.
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yeetlegay · 2 years
not to be suffering from perpetual untreatable kinnporsche brainrot but interview with the vampire is just…..the vegaspete of it all
vegas’ lestats all-consuming, devout, worshipping love and obsession with pete louis
and in turn pete’s louis’ hypnotized, dooming, inevitable pull and desire towards vegas lestat
the abuse…the seduction…the codependency…knowing something is your doom but also your lifeline…the vegaspetemacau of lestat louis and claudia…
THIS whole part….
im 😳
I was in the Vegaspete (and Villaneve and Hannigram) tags trying to spread the good news about this show for this exact reason!!! The obsession, the temptation, eating the fruit from the tree even though you know you shouldn't, the "if I die today, can it be you who kills me?" vs "I'm happy it was you here with me, to the end", the fucking religiosity of Vegas/Lestat's love, the "his love is a small box he keeps you in"
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A Vegaspete IWTV au would EAT I'm just saying (did I mention I have a VP vampire au sequel sitting half-finished in my drafts)
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theviridianbunny · 2 years
Top 5 video games!
AAH WASH HIIII!! thank you for the ask!!
ok these are in no particual order! not sure how coherently I can word but I will try my best!! this will be a long post- so you can find it under the cut!!! I have a lot to say about my fave viddy games (and i am not sorry~) but I am sorry for spelling errors- my brain can not keep up with my thoughts and i want to get everything down and everything goes to mush :////
long before cp2077 was the main source of brainrot- metal gear solid was the main source. I picked up mgs as a series when I was at university in my second year and then would not stop talking about it to my friends (one of which played the games when they came out!!).
the art of yoji shinkawa (see his work below) becoming a source of inspo to my drawing / painting practice (it may not look like it at times -but- it's there- a lot of my old worl had very paintily lines- using a ink brush in procreate ect! maybe i will post some old art one day )
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(...there was also a point where I was doing weird perfomance art where I just stuck a cardboard box on my head and called it a day- hrrng.,.. just a box?!) oh.. how i miss being a student <3
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BUT ANYWAY!!! MGS2 is my fave in the series- this is due to the character design- the character design altered my brain chemisty in the best way-- the art design- colours/mood- the greens the blues- also the soundtrack- ugh it's so good. (i also had/still have the biggest crush on solid snake- husband time... also olga gurlukovich.. my dear wife ugh she she her)
OH MY GOD WAIT- WAIT- another thing about mgs 2 and it's character design- THEY GAVE OLGA BODY HAIR- yes, i know thats quite a random thing to say, but, I feel like for the time the game being released- it was progressive(?) like- in games even today- most women are like - super models ? idk how to word but- it was so empowering to see Olga like that- she is an icon and i feel empowered when i see her! <3
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2. MASS EFFECT 3 (2012)
The mass effect trilogy is a series thats so close to my heart- I picked the games up during the tranistion period between covid lockdowns and coming out of lockdown.graduating from uni- finding a job- screaming to the void- yknow- adulting- no more being a art student-UGH !!
a friend of mine from uni gave me the og ps3 box set at christmas 2020 (because i only had a ps3 at the time)... for me to play over christmas between term one and term two of my final year of uni... gaming got me thru a lot of hard times then-... actually skipped me1 because it was clunky and made me want to cry- went straight to me2 (after reading all the lore of me1) and then went into me3 blind.. god i was not ready - cried my heart out so much
Mass effect 3 is my fave in the trilogy because of the characters! also like with mgs 2- the soudtrack! also also! being able to create shepard to look how I wanted her to look- YES VERY GOOD-VERY NICE! I loved playing the whole trilogy- but ME3 has a place in my heart for real. - the build up to it- the feeling of impending doom - trying to get all your squad to trust shep- the citadel dlc!!! aaAHHHHH LOVE <33
EDI is my best girl- my best girl indeed!!! I see a lot of myself in her. How she grows and evolves over time0 how she learns and understands her worth. She brings me a lot of endless joy.
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I got to play the full trilogy when it came out as a remastered bundle. The trilogy got me through a rough few months- I had got me first "real job" and it was a hard few months- but coming home and playing mass effect brought me joy ! I do need to do a re run of the trilogy for the purposes of vp and gif making- I do miss my beloved Zachary Shepard! (some screenshots of her below! on the left- me1 vs me3!! she grows- evolves- cuts her hair and gets ready to kick reaper ass!!)
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fun fact: I have two mass effect art books! one of the books being a book that was only released with a game guide which came out in 2007.. the other being a big chunky book with SOOOO MUCH STUFF IN IT EE... both of which i paid for with money from my first "real job" (which i only lasted three months in- but dhdhdd it's ok-)
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DAI was THE GAME that got me into gaming/ made me realise I was a gamer. I picked up the game around the same time I picked up the mass effect trilogy- maybe a bit later.. was playing on the ps3 (and it ran like it was running on a toaster or a pottato) it froze every 20 mins and none of the character models looked any good... but i loved it still- yes I couldn't play any of the dlc at the time but it did not matter- i was having the time of my life.
In 2021 I got a pc built so I could finish parts of my degree from home (bc covid and having to stay home for my health)... my pc was powerful enough to run DAI so... yknow- I got it on pc and MY GOD- I COULD RUN IT PROPERLY AND PLAY THE DLCS !!!!! the joy of running the desent for the first time, jaws of hakkon and then big boi trespasser UGH MY HEART EXPLODED !! oh my god- playing the decent for the first time and hearing david hayters voice- i YELLED SO LOUDLY- (it was like my beloved snake was back fejhdhjdhjd) playing that dlc for the first time also felt so right- so natural- my canon inquisitor, wren having connections to dwarven heritage through her father
DAI was my first adult fandom- im not actively a part of the fandom anymore- but I met some really lovely people through it (psst @virginiabackroads and @elfishtales i am looking at you <3 ) I recently got back into Dragon age by making an AU for my best girl, Viridian (... in this au she is called Viri lavellan.. or just viri!) (psst @fereldanwench im still foreveer greatful you pointed me in the right direction for modding the game!!)
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4. FALLOUT 4 (2015)
now.. this is a game I have yet to finish- but- I am having SO much fun !! The post nucelar setting is interesting- i'm still trying to learn the game mechanics- but it's exciting and cosy (even if i do scream when a feral ghoul comes out of nowhere and bites me!)
100% loving nick valentine- ugh I wish he were romancable... he has so much charm, like an actor in the golden age of cinema <3 I don't have a lot more to say about fallout 4, but this game is bringing me a lot of joy!! looking forward to more adventures and more modding soon!
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5. CYBERPUNK 2077 (2020)
y'all knew this was coming >:) cp2077 my beloved!!!!!! yes, the game may still be broken and glitchy and there are so many things the game could do better in areas- BUT STILL- the joy this game has given me- the friends i've made though posting about the game-- everyone is so lovely!!
the oc's ive created (...viridian and rasmus- i am looking at you both) Viridian brings me confidence- (...rammbled about that here).. THE BLORBOS I'VE GOTTEN (JACKIE WELLES MY BABEEEEEEEEEEEE) - !!
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ugh buying cp2077 was one of the best things I did in 2022! also being brave and choosing to posting cp2077 vp on here last october/november was another best choice I did in 2022.
the words are going but- oh goodness this game and the world building- the soudtrack- the level of detail!!! cp2077 as a game changed my brain chemisty in ways- but in the good way. opening my eyes to the world of virtual photography- video game modding. it got me back into writing as well <3 Thank you all for all the love and support within the fandom space- I feel like im home <3
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prime-adeptus · 3 months
I wrote a little document summarising Valorant's main storyline for for my friend in a brainrot haze. I'll be maintaining it until I get bored basically LOL
Update today is I've added a section for the Reckoning cinematic and Omen lore to see how he's connected to the formation of the VP
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hozukitofu · 2 years
Enemies to lovers had not quite been able to make its intended meaning. What we have is at best haters/rivals to lovers (they are on the same side they just hate how the other is carrying on) so they bicker, with love. We mistake rivals for enemies, understandably bc rivalry is more palatable and arguably less problematic. The dynamic of 'they don't actually hate each other' gives me a high like no other. But enemies, people on OPPOSITE sides committing CRIMES against each other in an obsessive ritual, too dependent on their morals to ever consider another path, making their marks on each other in mutual destruction wounds then get struck with an epiphany mid-fight mid-stab face to face that this person is their worse half, their despicable unseen part, the pathway direct express to hell, but LIBERATION the likes which no other could ever enlighten them to, someone so fucked up but so fundamentally ALIKE, unhinged kindred spirits with the same coins same morals different sides ...
I FUCK with that
The suspense of not knowing whether feelings are reciprocated bc the stakes are LIFE ENDING and everything must fall to support this love make me FERAL over enemies-lovers. Rivalry has stakes too but it's more getting over initial distaste of someone who you've viewed as your competition aka forfeiting your pride; enemies make you reroute your entire life compass to be with the one you love bc that changes EVERYTHING yes crimes were committed and confessions were traded on deathbeds there are no villains or heroes in this story. Rivals make couples strive to be better by the other and for themselves, enemies make each other WORSE and I'm here for it
Who are enemies to lovers: eve/villainelle (MI6 agent hunting down an international killer); laurent/damen (two heirs of warring kingdoms); vegas/pete (two sides of a warring family in a torture chamber)
What ISN'T enemies to lovers: sereshaw/hangster (classic men on men rivalry they're just extra toxic); cherik (same mutant side they've been trying to divorce for so long that its everyone's problem now but the enemies are humans)
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