#in particular for yael and nate
serenpedac · 1 year
The trope tier list thing made me realise that I like soulmates AUs far more than the actual soulmates trope. Which sounds a bit contradictory, but it's because those AUs usually explore the implications of being soulmates, while--if it's not really the focus of a work--it often feels like it's just there to make the love "more special✨"
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serenpedac · 5 months
leaning against the other one in close spaces - for Yael/Nate, please! 🥰 (~agentnatesewell)
Thank you so much for the prompt, dear Mar!
I had a few ideas for this one, but in the end went for one that is a bit more angsty. I just couldn't let go of the opportunity to write something for their break up fic, but I hope you'll like it.
For anyone who doesn't know, my HC is that during that one scene at the end of Book 3, Nate and Yael actually break up (see here for my rewrite of the scene). Following that, Yael takes on a mission in London.
Words: ~600
Rating: Teen and up
Relationship: Female detective/Nate Sewell
Warnings: None
“Sorry,” Yael mutters. Her voice would have been lost within the clamour of the carriage on the rails and the noises of the people around them, if it hadn’t been for the fact that all Nate’s attention is focused on her and only her. It would be hard not to, with how near she is, the two of them pressed close together by London’s rush hour crowd.
“What would you have to be sorry for?”
She presses her lips together, looking him over inasmuch as the cramped space allows. Which means she mostly looks at the way his head is ducked low and his shoulders hunched to avoid the slanted ceiling.
“For dragging you here.”
A gust of wind enters when the doors slide open, and he takes a deep breath to take advantage of the fresh—fresher—air, while at the same time trying to avoid being jostled by the people exiting and entering.
“You hardly dragged me here.” His soft chuckle is cut short when someone elbows him in his side—by accident, or so he chooses to believe. “It was the Agency who decided I was most suited for this particular mission.” What he omits is how he had volunteered the moment the mission, including its location, came in. It had been a fortunate coincidence that his skill set matched the details so well.
Her eyes are trained on the closing doors that cut off any possible escape. Not that he wants to escape from this. From her. It’s the closest he has been to her since that night, weeks ago.
But maybe she does.
Quietly, as quietly as possible in an overcrowded underground, he asks, “Would you have preferred if I hadn’t…”
“No.” Her teeth clack together at the speed with which she closes her mouth after the quick answer. She swallows, not looking at him. “I mean, I think it was a good thing they sent you. It makes sense, considering your knowledge about historical artefacts and, well, I appreciate your help.”
He follows her gaze to find it’s fixed on where their hands are holding on to the stanchion, separated by no more than a finger’s width of metal pole.
“We make for a good team, I think.” Nate has barely spoken the words, or the carriage jolts, making Yael lose her balance. Without thinking, he grabs her arm to hold her steady, a reflex she mirrors by grabbing on to his waist.
Several moments pass and “holding steady” turns into simply “holding” as they reach a smoother part of the track. The warmth of her hand penetrates the thin fabric of his shirt and what little space there was between them has disappeared, her body now flush against his.
“I…” She does not move away.
How easy it would be to smoothe his hand up her arm, to let his fingertips brush that spot right above her collarbone where her heart is beating fast. How easy indeed to bend down and press his lips against her forehead.
Impossibly, she presses even closer against him.
“... Nate?” Her eyebrows raised, she nods past his shoulder. “It’s our stop, we should get out.”
Oh. Right. He exhales as he loosens his too-tight grip and lets go. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, half turning to step outside.
This time, she’s the one to give him a questioning look, but he doesn’t elaborate. He’s not even sure himself what he’s apologising for. For nearly missing their stop? For his inability to let her go? For being who he is: someone who would have hurt her, someone who did hurt her, even when he wants nothing more than to see her happy?
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serenpedac · 3 months
3, 15, and 21 from the fic writer hype asks please?
<3 Thank you for the ask!!
3. Headcanon you've adopted from a writer
N having a hair pulling kink, haha! I'm not sure who first coined it, but I first encountered it in this chapter of @evilbunnyking's Natural Philosophy. Love that the fandom collectively decided this for N! (ngl, I got lost reading several of the chapters in this collection again)
15. Fic(s) that inspired you to write
Here comes angst, but @narrativefoiltrope's fics (in particular the end of all things and such a living death) about mortality for their detective Winter are what made me think more about this for Yael as well. Erin's exploration of mortality is very thoughtful (and makes me hurt so much, but that's okay) and I love how Adam is written in the second fic.
21. Fic(s) you would/have forced someone else to read
starlight and entropy by @ejunkiet: Beautiful, beautiful writing that combines two of my favourite things: N Sewell and astronomy. This one is so romantic and very much Nate *dreamy sigh*. One of my favourite fics ever.
the music lovers hear by @queerbrujas: I have recced this one to several people haha, because I just can't get the image of a shirtless Nate playing the violin out of my head. On top of that, the writing is gorgeous!
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