#in the area thats already had flooding issues like???)
mothmans-legs · 6 months
Ohmy fuck I feel so bad I walked past this construction guy on the way home and he actually seemed rlly nice and he said hi very cheerfully but since all the construction nearby my house started (the whole area is basically a swamp, there were like little ponds and streams with frogs in 'm and everything) that whole areas been bulldozed I didn't process the vibes fast enough and I had the Wrong expression on my face (annoyed) and I feel rlly bad, like he doesn't have a choice in this matter really like we're all stuck in an eternal loop of capitalist hell and the jobs pay well enough here that people do them a lot and ugh I really hope that didn't make him feel bad if I see him again I think I'll apologize augh
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orangesocksonmyeyes · 9 months
right side of my neck
bf!rafe cameron x gf!reader.
warnings: rafe cameron is a warning himself but depictions of anger issues, violence, grumpy x sunshine are also all included!!
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rafe’s right hand rested on my thigh as his left one held the steering wheel. his grip on me was gentle, but the grip he had on the wheel made his already bruised knuckles turn white. i was worried it would cause them to bleed again. “rafe,” i said, gaining no response as he stared straight ahead at the road with a sharp expression on his face. i slid my hand on top of his that was on my thigh, interlocking our fingers. this seemed to catch his attention because he gave my hand a squeeze and glanced over at me.
his jaw unclenched. “sorry baby, what did you say?” he asked, his voice as calm as ever.
i knew that tone all too well. he was trying to keep me convinced that everything was fine, that he wasn’t angry anymore and that he definitely wasn’t going to do anything he shouldn’t. again.
the bruises on his knuckles always proved him otherwise.
“your knuckles,” i gestured with a nod, grazing my thumb across the back of his hand. “you’re gonna break the skin again.”
rafe sighed but loosened his grip on the wheel anyway. he gave me a glance once again. “don’t worry about me, how’s your cheek feel?”
oh right, i was hurt too. i instinctively raised a hand up to my face and winced as i grazed over the bruised area, the memories of what had happened flooding my head.
an hour earlier
the absence of rafe had already made the spot on the couch next to me colder, i wrapped my arms around myself in a hug. he had wandered off to find topper for reasons i wasn’t aware of, but he insisted i stay put. i assumed it was because he knew how much i hated parties. and crowds.
i was pulled from my thoughts when a weight sunk down in the seat next to me, close enough that our thighs were touching. i knew it wasn’t rafe without looking. my eyes trailed over to the man, who looked like an average frat guy. he had a scruffy face and a semi-lean frame. he smiled at me and i politely mumbled an “excuse me,” and scooted into the next open seat beside me. my heart dropped as he too, scooted down with me.
i cupped my clammy hands together, scanning the room for any familiar face. none. i didn’t want to run and risk the chance of him following me and catching me alone.
rafe will be back soon. i kept telling myself.
the man leaned a little closer, alcohol on his breath as he spoke. “what’s a pretty girl like you doing sittin’ here all alone?” he slurred out, throwing his arm across the back of the couch behind me. i leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees so i could lean as far away from his arm as possible.
he must’ve noticed my mannerisms because he frowned and let out a little grunt. “cmon, don’t be like that..” he traced a single finger across me shoulder and thats when i jerked away, slapping him in the face. it didn’t do much, except severely piss him off.
he hissed, gripping his cheek. “the fuck is your problem, bitch?” he yelled, gaining the attention of other party-goers as he stood and inched closer to my face. he shoved me by my shoulders to the floor, my face coming in contact with the table and opening a small gash on my cheek. i felt tears filling my eyes as the pain grew.
a couple people ran to my side and tended to me but not before gasping and jerking their heads back over to the man, causing me to do the same. rafe had the guy on the floor, straddling him as he switched from fist to fist, landing punches until blood could be seen literally pooling from the man’s mouth.
kelce and topper quickly appeared, immediately trying to pry rafe off the man. “rafe, let go!” topper pleaded, his expression frantic as he saw the man’s consciousness slowly start to fade. rafe eventually did, unwillingly of course. he harshly shrugged topper and kelce off of him as he stood, his chest heaving as he stared down at the guy. he dipped down, yanking the man’s head up by his collar so he could meet his eyes - though, i’m not sure if the man could even see him straight.
“i’ll fucking kill you, do you hear me? glance in her direction again.” he growled, dropping the guy’s collar, his head thumping as it hit the floor. he groaned in pain, turning to the side to cough up more blood.
rafe was beside me in seconds, the crowd immediately dispersing away from him after they had just witnessed what he was capable of. his hand cupped my uninjured cheek as he examined the other one. “you okay, baby?” he asked, stroking my hair and scanning my eyes for an answer.
i just nodded, a few stray tears slipping from my eyes. he sighed, pressing a kiss to my hair. “don’t cry,” he whispered against the strands.
present time
“does it hurt? keep pressure on it.” rafe insisted, his gaze on me more than the road at this point.
many ways that people assumed i was treated by rafe could never be more wrong. he was gentle, respectful, and extremely patient with me - despite how he was with others.
i held the warm rag close to my wound, fiddling anxiously with the holes of my jeans with my other hand. “rafe..” i said, continuing when he hummed in response. “you aren’t gonna.. do anything, right?” i asked, finally looking over at him. he was silent for a bit, which answered my question.
“i wouldn’t do anything that wasn’t deserved.” he said.
not the answer i wanted to hear.
i sighed, my eyes on the road as we turned on my street. rafe parked in front of my house and we both sat in silence. his eyes piercing through the side of my head.
“i don’t want you to do anything.” i finally said. “he got what he deserved, tonight. you can’t go back to jail, rafe. there’s no more warnings, you heard shoupe.” i looked at him. he was smirking.
that bastard snickered.
“you’re sweet,” he hummed, his hand reaching out to tuck my hair behind my ear. he leaned in, pecking my lips before pulling back to speak.
“i can easily get rid of shoupe too, baby.”
srry if this seems rushed pls bare with me as this is my first public fic, usually i only write for myself and the voices in my head fr 😭
also keep in mind that i adjusted rafe’s personality (clearly) to fit a more romantic style 😏🙏
this is for @iwasunderduress bc she has begged me to post my ideas FOREVER 😊
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spookys-diary · 3 years
My headcanons as to what specifically each member of the family feels pressured by
(I could probably phrase that better but shhhh)
Pepa, kind of like Isabella, feels pressured to be perfect all the time, however, unlike isabella, she feels her moods have to be perfect instead of just being perfect in general. She has to be happy ALL the time (unless shes watering some flowers or something). And while thats enough pressure as it is she also has to live with the constant fear that she’ll end up causing a natural disaster that affects the whole town. Usually her emotions affect just herself, but during her wedding, for example, she caused a rainstorm that affected the whole town (in We Dont Talk About Bruno she says “in doing so, he floods my brain” so we can assume that it was her that caused the rain). And while that may have been a one time thing (where her gift affected all the weather instead of just the weather surrounding herself) she still fears that if she looses control too much the entire town will be subjected to a storm because of her. Yes, she may have been exaggerating in the song, but still i think its a somewhat natural fear when you control the weather, especially when that control is controlled by something as temperamental as emotions.
She has to make food ALL the time. This is incredibly time consuming and uses a lot of energy. She already had a line of people waiting for her food in The Madrigals song, imagine if something bad happens and a ton people get hurt, more people than she can comfortably feed. Also shes probably pressured into making perfect food every time she makes food. This probably isnt as prevalent in her older age, but imagine when she was younger and just got her gift. She would be expected to make good food all the time because thats her gift, but her gift is to make food that heals not to make delicious food. Also since that town has literal healing magic they probably arent too concerned with trying to stay safe. How many people have been faced with a dangerous situation and didnt even try to not get hurt because “julietta will just make food and i’ll be better”?
I think something that doesnt get talked about enough is how incredibly overwhelming it would be to hear that much all the time. Like im pretty sure she can tune into certain things (because at the end of the movie she tells mariano all the things she hears about him) but still how specifically can she tune in? Because even if she gets the general area she’ll still hear all the little noises that goes unheard/unnoticed by most people (such as sounds of footsteps, little vibrations, people/animals eating, etc.). And she might not even be able to tune her hearing and that would mean shes hearing the entire town all at once. I imagine her to have sensory issues in regards to her hearing which she has to suppress all the time. And since her hearing is so good her other senses are probably not good which can be under stimulating.
Camilo has identity crises Often. People in the town sometimes ask him to be them for hours to days at a time, and every time he spends too long as someone else he cant remember who he really is. He cant remember what he looks like and has to look at pictures of himself to remember and he cant remember his name until someone says it to him. He feels he has no real personality because he spends long periods of time as other people, he feels that any part of his personality is just something he took from someone else. He can never truly be himself in his mind. And sometimes when this happens he fears that he will never be able to shift back to be him. All of this has to be private of course. Hes caught looking at pictures of himself and his siblings joke about him being conceited, he keeps quiet because he doesnt want to be seen as weird or have his family pity him.
Antonio is obviously too young to feel pressure from his gift since he just got it not very long before the family reunited. Plus he was the first to get his gift after mirabels “failure” so he was treated as a miracle. However he can see how the others gifts affect them. Young children are super observant and he will be able to pick up on when the others are feeling pressured or in some way expressing hate for their gift (although its not really theyre gifts its the pressure that comes along with it but he cant tell the difference). Especially mirabel since they shared a room for his entire life. In the movie he tells mirabel that he wishes she had her own room, not her own gift. He is probably thinking that the gifts arent all theyre cracked up to be. Of course he still loves his gift and all the gifts of the rest of his family members but he also somewhat blames the gifts for the stuff his family is going through. He wants the gift because he doesnt want to be treated like mirabel but he also doesnt want it because he can see the pressures that come along with it. He did end up being super happy with his gift though.
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waywardstation · 2 years
Well the floods are probably a more realistic problem, they are relatively up-hill, so its less likely thats a issue.
the area's pretty wet, so fire probably isn't a major concern, but could still happen depending on the season. They are by a lake, but they're also right next to dry rocky terrain liked by rock pokemon like Ryhorn. So it feels like theres some potentially dry grass there.
and that if the river did flood, most of the danger is probably in mudslides or being washed away from the river, rather then rising water.
I forget, is the clan stationed, like right next to the big lake you mentioned that funnels out as a river? (I felt like I always had to run through the Diamond clan to then run around the back of this lake to get to the other side of the river in the mirelands, where the Alpha Yanmega is)
If so, that lake could swell during heavy rain, and flood the area? It could even cause mudslides down the side, right into the camp. I could be wrong though.
But man imagine having to deal with wildfires on one side of the camp while the other could flood haha.
And also, if the ground is pretty saturated with water already, being a swamp, when it rains, the ground will not absorb the water. It’s going to pool just about anywhere that will hold it; this could end up to parts of the camp stuff flooding, I think, if there is any area in the settlement that isn’t slanted downhill.
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Laredo Part 2
Week 1
Hey friends,
After a long travel hiatus, as some of you may already know, I am back in Laredo, Texas. I’ll be here for about 3.5 weeks working with shelters to support recently arrived asylum seekers at the US Mexico border. I was here 2 years ago doing the same thing, you can go through the laredo tag on here to get some more background about what is going on here and to read about my experiences in 2019.
I have been here already for about a week and have been so exhausted I haven’t had the energy to write anything, but here is more or less what is going on.
So since Fall of 2019, the border was closed to all asylum seekers thanks to 45’s cruel Remain In Mexico policy, which forced asylum seekers from Central America to wait along the Mexican border for an undetermined amount of time until they could get an immigration hearing. In the past asylum seekers could wait with their families in the US for their court dates (it can be a long wait). Waiting at the border in Mexico, a country they are not from, left folks vulnerable to human trafficking, kidnapping, gang violence, and extortion from the cartels operating along the border. During COVID folks were living in makeshift tents along the border with no running water and were left vulnerable to exposure, flooding, disease, dangerous wildlife, and the millions of other dangers that come from being outside in 113 degree heat with no water. There was no international aid brought in and support was limited to the few aid workers allowed to cross the border, which was very dangerous given the amount of gang violence on the Mexican side. One shelter director in Nuevo Laredo was kidnapped and murdered last year.
When Biden was elected, he reversed the Remain In Mexico policy just a few weeks into his presidency. Meaning that asylum seekers could now enter the US after surrendering at the border and being held for indeterminate amounts of time in ICE detention centers. Once they are released from there they are given a court date in wherever their final destination in the US is, but are left on the street with nothing.
Most folks are illiterate, none speak English and some only speak indigenous dialects. All of their possessions and money have been taken by either cartels or by ICE. Most havent eaten in days and many are seriously ill. None of them know where they are or how to get where they’re going. ICE will drop them off at random towns along the border after releasing them from detention, sometimes hundreds of miles from where they crossed. They just have a name and phone number memorized of a friend or family member in the US that is sponsoring them and who they are planning to stay with.
The vast majority of folks are from Central America, they are fleeing cartel violence , government persecution, extreme poverty, and natural disasters caused by climate change. The instability in these countries (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador) was caused directly by US intervention, but that’s a whole other topic I won’t get into now. Folks must show a credible proof of being threatened or persecuted in their home country to even be granted the status of asylum seeker and to be given a court date.
Shelters in border towns do what they can to support folks being released from detention. They help them make phone calls, provide translation, help them buy bus and plane tickets, give them food, water, medical care, showers, clean clothes, toiletries, and a safe place to sleep until they are able to make travel arrangements to their final destinations.
During the last 2 years under the Remain In Mexico policy, no one was being admitted and so shelters lost a great deal of funding, staff, and volunteers. They turned more towards community work, which was especially needed during COVID.
Shelters are in a difficult position now though, folks are allowed to enter now which is good news but shelters are having to meet even more extreme needs with far fewer resources than they had pre-COVID.
For a long time the shelter I worked with before, La Frontera, was closed due to lack of funding; but only very recently reopened again. I have been spreading my time between La Frontera (run by Catholic charities) and the other shelter in Laredo, Holding Institute Community Center, which is a community center run by the Methodist Church. Both of these shelters have 2-3 paid staff members, a revolving door of volunteers from around the country (the majority of them nuns), are entirely donation based, and receive 200-300 new people every single day.
About 20-30% of each busload of people that ICE drops off are infected with COVID. ICE refuses to test folks that they detain for COVID because if they knew they had positive cases they would have to provide healthcare and a place for them to quarantine. Instead they lump everyone together in cramped conditions and COVID is allowed to run rampant in these detention centers.
In detention folks are kept in overcrowded rooms, communicated with almost exclusively in English, are provided limited food and toiletries, and are kept in refrigerated rooms (65 degrees) with no blankets. These places are called the ‘ice boxes’. Sometimes folks are separated from their families here as well.
Lately there has also been a dysentery outbreak due to the fact that the city of Laredo does not currently have drinkable water, residents are advised to drink only bottled or boiled water, which asylum seekers do not have access to until they reach the shelters.
When folks reach the shelters, they are given on the spot covid tests by a team of nurses and public health officials. There is no room for them at the hospitals, even if there were room hospitals wouldnt accept them because they have no insurance. The city government has offered bottled water to the shelters but thats it.
After being tested for covid, the health team divides folks into 2 groups, positive and negative. Folks who test positive have to quarantine for 10 days in an empty warehouse next door to the shelter or if they’re lucky and the shelter can afford it, a motel. Yesterday the shelter bought out a motel because there were 200+ covid patients who arrived. We have two small classrooms at the shelter that have been converted into sleeping areas for about 40 covid patients. The medical team leaves boxes of food and clothing outside their door, and once a day they are taken to shower and then the entire bathroom is sanitized.
Those who test negative are immediately vaccinated on site, and then taken to get clean clothes, food, and a shower. They sleep on cots outside under the trees in the fenced courtyard of the shelter.
For the first few days I’ve been here, I’ve been working at Holding only because I didn’t know La Frontera had reopened. I was mainly working on sorting and organizing clothing and helping folks find clothes that they need. Last night though 200+ covid positive patients arrived and we had to stop allowing people in the building to pick out clothes, and today we moved to just putting together kits of different sized clothes to give directly to them.
I was feeling a bit frustrated the last few days because the staff member in charge of organizing donations was being extremely critical of me and it was very frustrating and degrading to be around. I was yelled at a number of times by her. For example, I saw a pile of 200 towels on the ground and folded them. I was told that I did it wrong, to unfold them and fold all of them a different way. Or I started organizing toiletries and was just told ‘no, you’re messing it up, don’t touch that’. I understand that I’m new but no one took the time to introduce themselves to me, orient me, or show me what to do and I was trying to be helpful. I also understand that folks are stressed and under pressure but please don’t take it out on people trying to help you. Most everyone there is extremely nice it was just one of the staff members in particular that was acting this way. I was told I wasn’t allowed to give water or shoes to people who needed them because “I didn’t know how to do it” and because “if you give water to one person, everyones going to want it, and i don’t have time for that”. I didn’t come down here to sit inside doing nothing next to a giant case of bottled water and be told I’m not allowed to give it to the thirsty person in front of me.
So I walked out and I left the shelter in the middle of the day to go drive around town and take a breather, because everything I did seemed like made someone upset. When I came back I inserted myself into the kitchen crew and ended up making 200+ sandwiches for dinner. I also had a long talk with one of the nuns who assured me that that staff member is like that with everyone and has a lot of control issues due to the amount of pressure she is under, and not to take it personally. She told me that La Frontera had reopened and so ever since then I started dividing up my days between the two shelters. This has made a big difference and I feel a lot better and more useful.
I also connected more with some of the nuns here and they invited me to dinner tonight which was nice. One of the sisters is writing a book based on narratives of folks passing through these shelters and is interviewing people she meets. It was fascinating to talk to her. She has worked with undocumented immigrants and DREAMers from around the country for 28 years, and wrote another book based on those experiences called Silent Voices In The Shadows (Paula Schwendinger), which I just finished reading and highly recommend.
Oh, also it has been raining really hard for the past day or so with 95% humidity and constant thunder and lightening, which has made things even more interesting.
I will try to keep posting semi regularly while I’m here.
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gardeningintrests · 4 years
Earth is space Australia- weather and seasons part 1 because i need sleep
what do the Aliens think about our weather conditions? what do they think about seasons? most importantly, can they withstand the pressure the weather gives them? if I'm sure enough, weather changes will make the Alien go crazy, i think that they can adapt seasons but not quite sure about he weather, and it only become an issue when climate change is hitting us in the ass as well. 
so I kind of think that maybe the Aliens Home Planet usually is like a setting that is permanent, so once they came to Earth to either study us Terrans or just observe the life of average humans. 
so here is the...… story I might be writing about how Aliens might react to weathers and seasons on Earth. This story might be long though. so hold your weird human appendages hands and lets settle it!
and a lot of ssssss so I'm writing with red lines underneath words.
“Whatssss isessstes like in syour HomeWorld?” Audrie an on board Snake-Like Alien asked a nearby Human-Eugene who is currently packing up to have a small vacation on Earth with other humans since its almost Christmas and about time to go home.
“oh you wanna know?” “Audrie wantsses tsu know how Terransss livee in such weird Planet.” 
it just so happens that Kallos, the Dragon-Like Alien passed by. 
“how bout we go find out? I mean, Miss Audrie has ancestors at Earth called Snakes right??” said Kallos with a huge grin on his face.
Audrie turned her head 180 degrees and looked Kallos dead in the eye. Human-Eugene didn't even bother as Audrie scolded Kallos about how her species is fairly different from the so called “snakes” on Earth. 
Okay so for people who wants to know the difference, here:
Audrie’s kind is known as Pythons ( Reticulated Python, go ask Google for more info) they are 10 times larger than an average snake (or  Reticulated Python whatever suits you) and due to its large size, its difficult for the Pythons to move fast or strangle its enemies, they are a bit more “fat” so moving into small places and close rooms are just what they NOT needed. their head is like a snake head (well obviously) and they have more teeth then normal snakes. Pythons don't need to hibernate, they just eat to refill their energy or smth. 
the commander was doing usual patrol, as he saw...the Snake and Dragon, beside them is a very uncomfortable Human packing his bag preparing to land in a few hours. and due to the great work attitude Human-Eugene has given off since ‘pick-up’ (what they call it when they recruit new crew members)  xe had to go and help a bit
“what's with all this noise, officer’s?” three of them immediately frozen in place as they heard the commanders voice. 
“oh, uh.. Audrie wasss tellingz sstupids Kallosss here how Audrie’ss kind are different from Terransss Earth ssnakesss!” “im sorry okay? sheesh..”
thank the lord Captain has stopped them both. thought Eugene.
for a moment, Eugene suddenly jolted upwards. there was something rattling behind him, he turned to find Audrie’s tail poked him and he asked what Audrie wanted which to she responded with:
“Isss Terranz going to tell Audrie about how Earth iz like?”
due to the fact that the commander was there and Eugene didn't want to disappoint anybody in front of the commander so he said yes. but he would only show her after he is don't packing his stuff.
“which Galaxy Station are we going to stop at next?” asked Eugene. apparently, Spaceships need refilling with energy like how cars on Earth needs to refill oil. and like longgg rides when were travelling to far placing of the country, we need to stop at Rest Areas. but the Galactic Space Travel Traffic Alliance had made their Rest Area a bit more...Interesting than our normal Rest Areas.
they have a lot of activities to participate at the Rest Area, that also serves as a gas station for Spaceships but how bout calling them Energy Refill station instead. you must be asking, why is there like a whole sort of activities that kind of serve as a amusement park in the middle of space and most importantly at a Rest Area?
(note: i have no fucking idea what the Rest Stop at Rural Highways is called and i searched it on google and it seems that its called a Rest Area)
well Spaceships require a large amount of energy that can be found in decomposing bodies or waste of Aliens, so its kind of like a waste reducing order(????) so the Galaxy ends up too much waste produced.
at the next 3 hours, they are gonna be stopping at that specific Rest Area and then Human-Eugene has everything planned to tell the Crew members of his ship about Earth, he somehow got the other 3 Humans involved and they are now currently laughing like kids planning on stealing some candy from a drawer their mother stored all the candies in at the cafeteria.
the Aliens who have passed by are terrified.
finally they reached their destination. they first  went to get some supplies restocked, and check in for a Stay-Overnight-Pod(something like a hotel but for Space travelers) their energy restocking is in line after the first 2 get theirs energies restocked and they cant sleep at the ship because its gon have a power shut down for cooling and safe travel.
they all had separate rooms except the Humans, they somehow can sleep together in one room without being worried about a sudden ambush of their own species(Aliens tend to loose their self control at some times and can end up hurting their crew)
when they unloaded their stuff, they headed to the main lobby which the meet up.
“are you all ready?” Human-Eugene said to all the Aliens of his Crew.
note: there are only three kinds of Alien Species on Eugens ship, and all of their Species names are all according to their own Scientific names
Snake-Like Species {Pythons}
Dragon-Like Species { Draco Vulgaris }(D.V.)
Plant-Like Species {Plantae}
there is currently 15 aboard on the ship, 4 humans, 5 Plantae’s, 3Pyhtons and 2 D.V.’s
the ship name is MoonShine(because of the metal they used to build this ship are the ones from Wellioan (Plantae Species metal) that somehow shine  under the moons( yes i know moonshine is a poison but its interesting aye?)
(i feel like i am giving you all a lesson about science and animals rather then letting y’all read a story)
everyone or everylien (get it? oml so cringe xd) basically every Alien on board on MoonShine had heard the news about the Humans bringing them to a places where they can physically experience the weathers of Earth.
“so considering your question about Earth, Audrie. Us humans have planned that we would show you the basics first : weather.” most of them got confused. what is weather?? is it a natural habitat of a fauna on earth? is it a name of one of the highly respected humans?? oh how curious were they but little did they know...what whole bs are weathers.
they reach a place, its a weird circular room. soon one of the humans, Human-Heloise noticed the confused looks of their crewmates. Heloise told Eugene and then they ask the most obvious question.
“you do not know what a weather is, am i right?” said all of the Humans at once that spooked the already confused Aliens. “-sigh- welp, guess we have a huge explanation to do”
~after explaining cuz im LAZY AS FAK~
“and that's about it!” said Human-Eugene with a proud looking face because for once he does not need google to help him explain everything and he can do it themselves.
the humans are a bit stressed at this point, their crew are from outside Planets ofc...
after a good 20 minutes of calming down, the Humans start to proceed the show their fellow friends what its like to experience those so called “weathers’
first was...Average Day, simple and straight foward. like many of the planets permanent setting. the Aliens seem to have gotten fascinated by the beautiful view of flower fields and high mountains. then moving on to cities and villages.
(note this device they are using is kind of like VR but you don't need the headset and it feels like your really there)
second was...Rainy day, normal raining and the windy blows. they are standing at the balcony of some sort of...home? the Aliens did not pay attention to their surroundings, they were enjoying the breeze of the wind and the sounds of the pouring rain. its somewhat peaceful for them. 
but then suddenly.... something clicked...
no one really realize it but something broke, but it didn't matter.
now for this third one
its midnight wtf, i will be continuing these tomorrow, i need sleep
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awellboiledicicle · 4 years
I want to clarify that i’m not surprised the world is on fire right now. 
Like, literal fire and not just... [gestures to 2020]
Because it happens every year. It gets worse, every year. Partially because of climate change--ok a lot bc of climate change--but also partially because people get used to it. 
It’s not “oh sometimes there’s a fire in summer” its “Oh it’s warm, fire season’s here. Better check if i need to wear a mask so i don’t inhale dust and have that kicking around in my veins. Woop, time to put the sprinkler on the roof because its windy as hell and there’s a fire visible. Gonna call that in real quick... now, what’s on tv?”
Like if you live in places that burn easy, or places that are becoming like that, you get used to the scratch of ash in your lungs in the morning. You get used to wiping said ash off your car because you got shit to do and unless the sherriff or local FD ring you up and say get out, you’re just gonna have to deal. Everyone who physically can leave on short notice has a fire plan, or should. Its sort of an unspoken “yeah this happens” that just... 
People are so used to hell breaking loose that they don’t tell people new to the area unless it gets brought up. And it will probably only get brought up when a burn ban happens and someone from like new york has to process that yes, your bonfire WILL spread if you don’t make a pit/don’t watch for embers, and yes you will be why someone loses their home and possibly their life. 
This is such a fact of life out here that indifference is the default. It cannot be the default. 
Even if covid19 didn’t happen, we’d still be seeing the spike in homeless and elderly people succumbing to heat stroke and smoke inhalation. Because trust me, if you live out here and haven’t thought about getting a mask for the smoke, you’re already well aware of how shitty you feel after going outside in summer. And people still don’t take THAT seriously, even when standing outside gets you a layer of ash. We’re seeing people getting dehydrated and having heatstroke because they don’t account for how godawful hot it gets, or how hard the sun hits here.  And people assume thats normal. Just because its common, we can’t let people view this as ok. 
There are always going to be people who will fight a fire to protect their family, their community. There are always brave people willing to do that, because humans generally like to not roast to death if we can help it. But there’s not always enough people where they’re needed, and if there’s a need there needs to be pay so people can feel okay taking off from work to go keep people safe. Pay periods have been getting worse over the last decade, not to mention the reliance on prison crews---which are a whole different kettle of fish labeled slavery and being blocked from later employment-- means there isn’t that security. So people stay home, so fires don’t get fought or they get fought by fewer people over longer hours. Which leads to 18 hour days in heavy gear, in situations you can very much die in, with 4 hours free to eat, sleep, and take a piss. Maybe. This leads to accidents, and general shitty working conditions, and things get even more dangerous. Sickness in the camp--because they bring together hundreds of people into a small area--is a common issue, and with covid everyone sits there for 2 weeks if they can to get paid, then track it home or they’ve tracked it from home and go down on the fireline. 
The mismanagement of not only the land in this country--and im limiting my scope here, because this is what i know--has been happening for a long time. This has been decades in the making, and its only going to get worse.
Because in real life, fire season isn’t a one and done where the heroic firefighters put down the blaze and go home. 
The fire season comes, people risk their lives for a paycheck they can’t really 100% trust will come. The burn scars are open to erosion, and if you get a lot of rain--which is common in high fire danger areas because big rain leads to rapid plant growth which then dies and leaves fuel-- you then get mudslides. Even without a lot of rain, you can get landslides because the roots of everything growing there have died. You end up with flooding because theres nothing else absorbing rainwater, so the ground gets saturated faster. Then the abundance of water means more growth that gets cut off once the water dries, which means a bumper crop of fuel. Which means worse fires. 
Unlike in a movie, or the sort of apathy induced assumption that it just happens and stops, these things compound.
I haven’t been surprised about these things for almost two decades. Part of this is because i’ve had to personally help my parents out of what they wore to a fire because they were fighting for 20 hours and physically can’t take their own boots off. I’ve watched kids while their parents were on firelines for days, sleeping in the cabs of engines because the 20 min nap where they could be back on the line sooner was better than taking the resources to leave. I’ve sheltered people in my house as we watched fire take over the nearby mountains, and had meetings on evacuation plans. 
I have the privilege of information, and therefore i have the privilege to know how much is just not possible to know without a concentrated effort to know. 
This country, and honestly the world but i don’t have that kind of reach, needs to do better in a lot of things. But one that would be painfully easy would be awareness campaigns. Send people out to thin brush and trim back tree limbs so its harder for a fire to spread through branches. Better funding for departments and a more united front on how to respond to fires. 
I just wanted to clarify, because the nature of informative posts can occasionally lead to discontent being read as a reaction to new information instead of a continued disquiet. Fancy shit aside, i know shits fucked and it hurts knowing that shits fucked. Because there are steps that could be taken but they’re not because money and also because that would mean admitting people need help and god knows people in charge don’t want to hear that. 
I’m tired and i’m positive there are legions of people much more fed up with this shit.  Stay safe and watch out for one another 
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I am not my insecurities reflection- a truthful based oneshot
Ok, this will be a long author’s note but please bare with me as this is very important for you to understand this oneshot. For some context here because I havent posted alot about her yet, this is a oneshot about my Dc oc Gracie Lucio, set kinda in the same universe(i guess) of the teen titans judas contract movie( with Damian as robin) and its a oneshot written partly out of a vent of my own body image issues and partly out of an expression of how I’ve learned to look past said issues slowly.
But this gets very angsty until the end
Now to give a bit more context for the piece itself. The oc herself, Gracie Lucio( because I havent posted any art of her yet) for the reader’s understanding, she is not human, she is a werewolf(it feeds into her story so dont get me started on it alot of research went into this aspect of her character and it plays into her body issues)and body wise looks similar to Dick in the first season of Young Justice. Shes a naturally thin figured , broader shouldered girl who could( if she really wanted to) pass as a feminine boy with short jaw/ barely chin length hair( think of a thick messy longish pixie cut of dark hair). So shes naturally lean and lanky and a little underdeveloped for a 13 year old girl and as a heroine she has toned muscles from years of hero work. Most wouldnt see her having too many insecurities about her body image and appearance, but in truth shes riddled with them. She ages a bit differently than humans, it takes her body longer to develop and even then in some areas it develops differently all together. She struggles to gain any extra weight or build up natural feminine curves, something she wants. She WANTS to look like other girls her age, with more developed and heavier bodies, with curves and more weight and an actual figure. But with a supernaturally high metabolism added on top of a already genetic based thin figure and a intense and sometimes rigorous training and workout routine plus her work as a heroine gives no leeway to gain really any extra weight, its always worked off one way or another. And this causes...comments to be made about why she looks that way by civilians. and though she never shows it publicly  she takes many of these, usually not flattering and sometimes cruel and rude, comments to heart(much like I used to unfortunately) and it worsens her negative feelings. This is a small story of her seeing those problems and issues and trying to face and overcome them. This is more centered around Gracie and Dick and Jason and their platonic and sibling like relationship as they help her through her darker times( again, this is partly me expressing my own personal struggles with body image (which arent the exact same as the character but the language and the comments are very similar)and partly how those two helped inspire me to have more confidence in my body no matter what I look like) and also a deeper peek into her complex relationship with Damian(but thats not the biggest focus) Sorry this was so long I mightve info-dumped a little but its important to understand the story. I hope you guys enjoy?
This is also told in Gracie’s point of view
This will cover some pretty deep kinda issues like body image problems and over eating and weight loss/gain and mentions of eating disorders without really discussing them and bullying so if that upsets you in any way now is the best time to scroll past for your own sake, I dont want you to upset yourself over my crappy emotional writing
I do not look that bad.
That’s what I have to force my mind to accept as I look into the mirror, meeting my own aqua green eyes hesitantly.
I always hated looking in the mirror lately, especially after training or after bathing, like now as I stood in the middle of my room in a slightly loose training type sports bra and spandex shorts. I don’t even want to glance down at my body, out of fear for seeing the same thing I always do.
‘She so skinny...is she eating right’
‘She needs to eat more and gain some weight’
‘what a twig for a superhero’
‘how have bad guys not snapped her in half? Jesus Christ I could probably break her with a sneeze!’
‘What a bad influence shes setting for young girls with such an thin figure!’
‘I think He needs to eat more Christ that poor boy must be starving! Why isn’t Nightwing feeding him more’
The flashes of comments flooded my mind the moment my eyes flickered down to the rest of me. To my thin, unfeminine figure. My underdeveloped and flat birdcage of a chest. To my lanky, toned, too flat stomach. The pinched waist figure. The flat empty expanse I called hips that blended too well into my too dainty looking bony legs. I looked too fucking skinny. And maybe they were right...as a hero I was a role model to those younger than me, and I promoted a Bad Body Image for girls to idolize with my lanky boy figure.
And it was a horrible body type I had no goddamn control over.
My species was not an easy one to live as, especially not intermingled with humans. The team knew, the team understood, but the rest of the world didn’t. As a lupinotuum pectinem, or lycanthrope which in easy translation is simply “Werewolf”, my whole body inner workings were different. Most of my kind were naturally lean and thin, like tall healthily thin model athlete body types and in general the females, even alpha females, were practically born twig like almost. And on top of that our bodies developed....differently. I was not raised by a pack or by my own kind after age 8, so even I didn’t know the full extent but females bodies took longer to grow and it made it very hard for them to gain weight because of the unnaturally high metabolism. Add being a superhero who once trained under a certain league member to the mix and you go from being the “healthy and admirable” type of skinny to the “unhealthy and concerning”type of skinny.
I hated it, and I hated my body. I hated pictures of me from the neck down, because they all looked the same no matter who they were with. And I saw the comments everyone made. Whether its a surprise photo Garfield took dragging me into the picture to commemorate something or another or me taking pictures around Gotham or Blüdhaven with Dick on the social media Gar helped me set up, or even the rare photos I’d get to take with Jason or Damian or Tim and get to post. Every time the flood of comments were the same. The same things I now repeated over and over as I looked over my body angrily.
OMG look at that poor girl is she ok??? She looks like she needs to be hospitalized!
Christ almighty BB isn’t it too early to be posing with skeletons?? LOL
Dude not funny that girl must be anorexic or something.
Such a cute sibling couple but sweetie you need a fast food break to add some fat to those bones!
Fuck kid go eat something instead of taking pictures
Awwww you two look real happy! I hope you’re on the way to lunch or something!
Holy shit your guy’s size difference is so vast its almost worrying
how are you even alive with that little weight
Go eat some junk food or something before you pass out
OMG look at her shes so small and stick like! Her clothes look like they’re hanging off a scarecrow!
That girl cannot be healthy tell me someone is making her eat more
Every time its always the same damn thing....
I couldn’t do it anymore. I turned away from the mirror nearly in disgust and went back to changing into more casual clothes, bitterly noting how my clothes did in fact seem to hang awkwardly on my body as if I was too thin for them to fit correctly. Like they always did lately.
Ew look at her she looks so gross all stick-like like that!
What a fucking twig of a girl! Are those her ribs poking through her shirt??
Bitch go eat a fucking hamburger you need some damn food in you.
God that weight cant be healthy you need a doctor!!
     “Kid? Yo kid you in there?” My head jerked up from the comments flooded screen of my phone to meet Jason’s eyes, catching the quirk of his eyebrow as he sat across the diner table from me. We were at a diner he favored whenever he came into town to visit, a little family owned treasure with delicious and greasy food and the sweetest staff on earth. We frequented the spot during his visits, our own personal little thing since we’d gotten closer. I plastered on a smile and ignored the slight narrow of those blue eyes, the small furrow of his brow got as I snapped off my phone and set it aside.
      “Sorry Jay, BB tagged me in something dorky and I got distracted. So what were you saying?”
He didn’t believe me, and I didn’t blame him. I wasn’t the most convincing at that moment but I kept that damn plastic smile on my face and snagged some of his curly fries right in his face, making him crack a smile and smack my hand away from his tray.
      “ Hands off my food, eat your own wolfie.” I rolled my eyes at the stupid nickname I’d been branded and let the plastic smile slowly be replaced by a more genuine one as we began chatting again, grabbing my over sized cheeseburger and finishing every last bite and moving onto the large fries and two milkshakes, hopelessly praying that maybe this time the calories would stick and trying to push away the comments to the back of my mind. I was with Jason and we were having a damn good time, and I wasn’t going to let those comments ruin his visit...not again.
You should be ashamed. All you’re doing is promoting bad eating habits looking like that.
You’re such a bad influence for young girls who idolize you with such a horribly unreachable appearance.
Shes too bony to ever be considered pretty
Does she have a eating disorder or something?
I stiffened instantly startled by a hand on my shoulder, turning off my phone  instinctively and making the endless comments disappear into darkness before whoever could see them over my shoulder. The hand was big, calloused, and gentle and I felt myself relax as I looked up behind me with a smile.
         “ Hey Dick, did you need something?” He smiled down at me with that big bright smile that made all the dark thoughts and feelings melt away and gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze, blue eyes meeting aqua green.
          “ Well I was wondering if you’re doin’ anything right now or if you’d want to go catch dinner with Kori, Dami, and I. I noticed that you’d skipped your usual early dinner....” I wasn’t surprised he noticed, he normally did...
Once again that smile plastered itself on my face as I told him I’d love to, and to just let me go get changed into something better. I saw his hesitation at the fake smile, practically smelled it on him and prayed he wouldn’t bring it up right now, god please don’t ask now or I might just break...
Maybe god is listening because he didn’t mention it and just told me to meet them by the front doors of the tower in ten.
How are you not dead yet?
Jesus Christ stop promoting your eating disorder like its a good thing!
She looks so sickly is she ok? :(
Yeah shes sick, sick in the damn head for posting such disgusting pro-Ana pictures
How can you post pictures with a clear conscience looking like that?
Some “superhero”
I was wrong, no god was listening to me.
Dinner was rough to get through, even if it didn’t start that way.
For once I didn’t have to worry or dread possibly checking my phone for anything, I turned it off by the time we got to the restaurant. I even got a small compliment from Damian on our way in, though it was more a snark at me not tripping up the stairs. But it was Damian so I snapped right back with a smile, knowing he didn’t really mean it. Sitting beside Dick and across from Damian, I nudged his foot with mine in a silent gesture to cheer up even a little. He huffed through his nose but I saw his body relax and it made me relax. Those moments before the food came, our chatter and soft laughter as we looked over the menu, and the soothing knowledge knowing that Dick pulled me and Damian along to this dinner so we would go out on a date ourselves, ever the best brother and wingman. The mood was light and pleasant and I could see even the ever sharp and moody Dami lighten up a little by the time we ordered. Maybe the mood shifted into something different as we waited for our food and I was sipping on my tall glass of iced cola, when Damian’s fingers casually brushed over the top of my unused hand that laid peacefully on the table. The gesture was subtle and light, quick enough to miss if your senses weren’t sharp. I didn’t acknowledge it and neither did he, a silent understanding that words would just ruin whatever this was. I accepted that happily, as he was much more engaged in the conversations and even smiling a little more during them as he debated with Kori on leading strategies. Things were pleasant, comforting at that table in those few seconds before the decline, Dick smiling and chuckling at his lover and little brother, Said lover and brother having a more upbeat discussion about different leadership styles and their effects, and lightly debating which work better for what. And Damian’s hand next to mine, ever so lightly brushing against it in his wordless way to say I was still there and at even the smallest twitch I’d have his attention again. Dick ruffled my hair and asked how my online courses were coming along, since I didn’t attend schools publicly and I was more than happy to babble about my classes, and my current work in them. It was nice and I was happy, all the horrible feelings from before draining away as I tuned everything else but these three out of my enhanced hearing. Why had I even felt so shitty when I had great people like them in my life?
Then I heard it as that damned supernatural hearing tuned back in to the rest of the world.
The words and whispers and mutters and the blatant gossip and bad mouthing.
“Look at that younger girl sitting at that table dear...shes so thin I think she should be in a hospital not a restaurant.”
“Ewww mom look that girl looks like a skeleton!”
“ Honey shush….”
“Is….is that girl ok?”
“Dude of course she isn’t just look at her shes unhealthy as fuck. Probably has some kind of eating disorder too or something.”
It all flooded over me and all of my happy mood washed away under the wave. I couldn’t tell if the others could hear them so I grit my teeth tried to tune it all back out, trying so hard to focus more on Kori’s explanation of her points. My hands began to curl up subconsciously, making Damian’s attention snap to me. Fuckin I….no, I cant tell him...I shouldn’t. I forced my hand to uncurl and that stupid smile sprawled across my lips as if someone had put tape over them. I saw his eyes narrow and near begged mentally for him to not say anything or for Dick to distract him...anything.
“Ahem….your meal.”
I have never more thankful to a waitress before in my life...until I saw the look she gave me as she placed my admittedly large order of food in front of me, something that was normally a platter for two people’s worth of beef and sides. I caught the judgmental and suspicious look she had glancing between me and my food and I felt shame burn all over, starting to hang my head to avoid that damn look.
“ If this is all our food then your job is done. Don’t you have OTHER tables to be serving?” Damian’s curt and sharp tone cut through the air and briefly through my shame. This waitress knew nothing about me and i certainly owned no one any explanations about my eating habits, so why was she hanging around giving me looks about my food…?
“ Damian don’t be so rude!” Dick cleared his throat and I felt his strong arm wrap protectively around my shoulder as he leaned close to the edge of the table while Kori’andr apologized for Damian’s attitude vaguely. But I could hear it, there wasn’t much life to her apology. It sounded like a politely required apology, almost...defensive?
“ I am so sorry about my little brother Miss. He’s also sorry. But do you need anything else since we seem to be all set here but you’re still hanging around when you must be very busy…?” Dick’s words were sweet and cheerful, but there was an edge to his tone that gave a clear warning. His arm around me tightened a little protectively as he gave one of his signature charming smiles that could light up half the damn city as he then inquired if there was some sort of problem. The waitress stammered that there wasn’t any problem and that it was fine and for us to enjoy our meal before scampering away to continue her work. I felt other patrons eyes most DEFINITELY on us now and I couldn’t help shrinking into the taller man’s side to hide.
“ I’m sorry this keeps happening…” I murmured to him as our respective dates started eating and slowly reviving their conversation, moving on to mission recounts and training while Damian shot a dark look at the other patrons that made them look away. Dick gave my shoulder a squeeze and i moved closer for that familiar warmth and comfort...my chest felt heavy and my appetite had died and I wanted to curl up in my room and die of the shame. But I couldn’t, he wouldn’t have let me. So instead I instinctively sought out the safety Dick’s presence brought me, like a protective older sibling whose arms I could be enveloped in and forget about the harsh world outside them.
He knew without words, catching my body language before anyone else at the table. He knew me best.
“ Do you want to leave? We can get to go boxes and enjoy this meal all the same back at the tower, or even mine and Kori’s apartment. Is that what you’d rather do?” It was tempting, oh god it was so tempting to just say yes and let him lead me away while I re-gathered myself, same way he did when we were both 13 and living under the same roof...before…
I shook my head and forced those thoughts to the very back of my mind. I was in a dark enough place of mind already without that.
“ N-no...you guys set this up...i...i don’t want one nosy waitress to ruin our whole meal. Lets just eat ok D?” He smiled at the nickname and ruffled my hair with a nod, both him and Kori making sure I knew if things got too uncomfortable we could leave and the heaviness eased a little at their consideration. I started picking at my food and slowly regaining my appetite, once again nudging Damian with my foot to start up conversations. I ignored the words for the majority of the dinner, we even began to enjoy ourselves again. The last straw was probably as we were paying and putting leftovers in to go bins. I was admittedly nibbling on food out of my bin, despite starting to feel full.
“ I swear you are a bottomless pit sometimes Gracia.” I rolled my eyes at Damian’s remark and gave him a small smirk as I licked my fingers clean.
“ This bottomless pit can still kick your ass in training wonder boy~” He grunted and I saw the challenge glow in his eyes as he smirked back, an excitement for tomorrow’s combat training flaring up between us.
“ You really shouldn’t mix up your delusional dreams with reality alpha PUP.” I said something snarky back and we began to bicker halfheartedly over who was winning. I finally snapped shut my leftover box and stood with Damian as we stared each other down confidently, Dick chuckling at our competitiveness.
“ Tomorrow morning’s combat training will certainly be interesting with these two all riled up already.” The words didn’t fully process as I cracked my knuckles and squared up to the admittedly….taller boy.
“ Last I checked Damian I was ahead 11-10. And tomorrow, I just cant wait to make it 12.” He gave a hard laugh to my face and faced up to me with a smirk as our other two companions stood and shooed us more in front of the table so they could leave their seats. He opened his mouth to say something likely scalding and snarky back at me when the worst comment pierced between us both like a goddamn bullet.
“ Damn, I never knew such a sickly, too skinny bitch like her could eat like such a fat fucking pig.”
I think I stopped breathing as my body flinched at the following laughter. The man was clearly on the tipsy side and sitting at a larger table with a group of laughing friends, though the one who said it was standing next to the table with a drink that reeked of the cheapest alcohol this restaurant probably sold, and he didn’t stop there. Oh god of course he didn’t stop there. He kept laughing and loudly making obvious comments at me and openly mocking me and how much I ate to his table, either fully aware of what he was doing and that we could clearly see and hear him or too drunk to really care as more insults and name calling that I had heard and seen and read plenty of times before fell from his mouth. My heart was pounding in my ears as the next few moments happened slowly.
I thought I had seen anger plenty of times before, the worse being the one and only time someone made a malicious joke about my appearance to my face when I was walking beside Jason and it took all my supernatural strength to drag him off and away the guy before he murdered him in broad daylight and to keep him walking to wherever we had been heading.
I had seen pissed, but I had never seen downright hellish fury until that moment when I looked at Damian and Dick.
I had seen Damian mad, and angry, and pissed, a few times in our first meetings at me personally. I had seen Dick mad, angry, and pissed off a a fair chunk of times, even if they had never been directly at me. I had never seen this expression on either of them in those times. And in those few moments that passed almost in slow motion and Damian began to lurch forward with murderous intent the thought finally hit me. ‘ Was this...the first time these two had really heard the comments about me? Oh god…’ I felt like I was moving in honey as Damian stalked past me and I tried to reach out to him slowly, a gleam to his eyes that made my blood go cold.
If someone was to ask me in the future what I believed Death looked like, I would say with completely conviction that death would have the exact eyes Damian had in that moment: lethal, merciless, and furious. And he would have Dick’s cold expression, a look I never wanted to see on the normal cheerful man’s face ever again.
Time snapped back to a normal speed like a whip and my hand grasped nothing but air as Damian stormed over to the man.
“What did you just say you disgusting drunk.” I might’ve shivered at his tone and I felt Kori’s hands on my shoulders tugging me back protectively as she looked down at me worried.
“ Gracie...don’t listen to him, there’s no reason to cry.” Cry? What was she talking ab--
That’s when I felt it, something warm and wet sliding down my cheeks and dripping off my chin. I...I was crying. My walls and my limit of bottling things in for one day was crumbling away as I watched Damian go to confront the man, my voice disappearing under the surge of hurt and anxiety. I couldn’t even say his damn name. I felt frozen and helpless as Dick stalked after Damian, fists clenched.
I had to do something say something anything to stop them before things went badly I had to I had--
“Eh?What the fuck did you say to me brat?”
“ You heard me you worthless piece of filth. Apologize to her, now.”
I needed to do something anything as I felt myself crumbling. Why wasn’t Dick stopping him why
“ And what if I don’t pipsqueak? You gonna hit me? Now scram. Maybe take your little bitch to a hospital for treatment instead of parading her around a restaurant with normal people!”
“ He might not do anything, But I will. Now take it back before things get messy.”I think my body began trembling as I watched panic swelling. I just wanted to leave and go home. I didn’t want to see this unfold, I just wanted to be home at the tower curled under my covers to simulate the warmth of another person holding me. I wanted to be anywhere, anywhere else then stuck in this nightmare.
So I moved without thinking and lunged, aiming for the back of Dick’s jacket to grab and ready to swallow any shards of pride and beg to leave. Instead I collided with Damian’s back and rolled with it, hugging him tightly from behind and tugging back with a whimper.
“ P-please you two...l...lets just leave...please lets just go home please…” Kori grabbed Dick’s arm firmly and tugged him back.
“ Dick...shes in the midst of an anxiety attack, let it go and lets leave. We need to get her out of here.” He took a difficult deep breath but nodded glaring down the man harshly enough that he flinched and scurried to the bar with his tail between his legs mumbling insults. One of his friends started to stand and began nervously apologizing, though one vicious look from the boy I was holding shut him up fast. It took me and Kori working together to drag the two out of the restaurant and the ride home was tense and silent. I couldn’t look at any of them, instead opting to stare at my feet wiping my eyes.
“ Does that happen often. People talking about you like that.” His cold tone made me flinch a little. At this point I was so upset and anxious and emotionally drained on the inside that I thought Damian was mad at me of all people for what happened. Those dark thoughts began to slowly bubble up to the surface and my insecurities screamed that he blamed me for what happened in the restaurant. I remained silent, too upset to answer. I heard his growl of annoyance and I began to hunch up, ready for a verbal fight.
“ Damian drop it for now. Shes in no right place of mind to talk about it.” Dick warned from the driver seat with a low voice that reminded me he was also upset and angry. When we got back   to the tower I didn’t wait for anyone to say anything, I just bolted for my room as fast as I could, at a inhuman, unnatural speed that they couldn’t keep pace with.
I stayed locked in my room for three days, not willing to face any of them the next morning during training. Everything was heavy and hurt and it was hard trying to rebuild those shattered walls of protection, that image of unbothered confidence. I stayed in bed locked away from the world and curled up under the weak protection of my sheets mostly unresponsive to those outside it.
The first to come knocking and checking on me was Kori, asking if I was ok and if I needed to talk. She left after a little while of trying for a response unsuccessfully though, saying she’d come back to check on me later. It was maybe an hour later that Garfield came knocking, asking why I’d missed breakfast AND training. His voice was concerned as he asked if everything was ok and if I was even in there. The concern poked painfully into my silence, tempting me to speak and make myself vulnerable.
Vulnerability killed. I knew that first hand. So I forced myself to stay quiet until his knocks and footsteps faded away.
The rest of the day passed in a bit of a self deprecating blur, only marked by Kori’s two other attempts at my door. The last one I barely noticed as exhaustion kicked back in and I drifted off into an unsteady sleep
The next day after I woke up things still went by in a near timeless blur. I could hear my phone buzzing and vibrating and rattling for my attention but I left it there on the nightstand unnoticed and curled further under the sheets, lost in a slate tinted world of dark thoughts and darker temptations. But that day was harder to drift away through.
The first to stop by was Jamie, knocking a few times and calling out to me with concern and worry clear in his voice as he asked if I was ok. He asked if I’d eaten at all since yesterday, since he hadn’t seen me leave my room. The thought of eating made my stomach stir and my body curl around it ashamed. He knocked a few more times after that, his voice growing a bit more worried at the lack of answer. After awhile I heard him walk away and I barely lifted my head as I hugged my too skinny too unhealthy body close, feeling those blaring imperfections and flinching at myself.
It was no wonder everyone said those things...if so many people said them so often then they must be true.
The next to come by was Raven. She only knocked twice and gave a small sigh.
“ Gracie...I know you’re in there. If you need someone to talk to...my room is in the next hall over, and I will be here to listen. I wont force you to come out...just please remember you aren’t alone here. You have the team behind you.” I bit my lip hard enough to make it bleed to keep my ensuing whimper silent. The words, soothing and reassuring in context, stabbed into my heart and my resolve. I WANTED to depend on them, to throw open the door and break down under the assurance I could and would not be treated differently after, and be assured and comforted and remind of the positives. I wanted it so badly I was scared of it. Or maybe...I was scared of it NOT happening as those damn fears and insecurities and dark thoughts sowed heavy doubt through me. She lingered a little longer than Jaime, eventually her footsteps disappearing. I remember meekly poking my head from the sheets to stare absently out the half covered windows lost in thought, time slipping by me once more to the point I almost didn’t register Garfield and Kori both stopping by my door again at least twice more worried.
When Dick stopped by as the sun was setting was when the harder pain set in.
I heard the knocks and ignored it in favor of the changing color sky the sunset offered, my room washed in a dim orange and amber gleam. Then I heard his voice, soft and sick with worry from the outside and my heart thudded so hard it hurt. Hard.
“ Gracie...C’mon Gracie-girl please open the door. We’re all worried about you...I’m really worried about you. You haven’t eaten for a day and a half...Please let me in...” I almost broke completely at the pain in that familiar voice, the voice I never wanted to be the cause of being in pain or anguish again.
Well looks like I did a GREAT job of preventing that didn’t I?
He knocked again, asking and pleading and trying to reason, anything to get that door to open. My eyes burned with hot fresh tears and I curled up into a tight ball whimpering softly and breaking my vow of silence.
“....D-dick...p-please...j-just leave me a-alone…I-i just need some t-time alone…”
My voice came out pathetically weak and shaking with tears, which I know he heard. There was a silence for a few moments, perhaps shock that I actually answered this time. I felt warmth sliding down my cheeks as he sighed and reluctantly muttered that he’d come check back on me tomorrow and that there was leftover dinner ready for me to heat up on the kitchen counter before he slowly walked away. His fading footsteps echoing in my ears. Was my heart breaking on every step away? I couldn’t tell. That feeling slipped into the dark thoughts that followed the setting sun. Dark thoughts that also reminded me of the one person who HADN’T come to check on me, and the resulting pain of his absence.
The third day had been mostly quiet. It was almost a painful relief, quiet meant no additional pain of--
“ Gracia.”
That one word coming from Damian’s mouth sent so many things through me and sent any resolve I had spiraling away. His tone was a forced kind of neutral, he sounded as if he was trying to stay calm but it wasn’t exactly working. There was something to his voice I had no energy to figure out. He didn’t knock and there was silence for a few moments but I felt his presence remain.
“ You haven’t eaten since the restaurant.” No questions with him, he didn’t need to ask, always calm and analyzing.
“ ...You cant just stay in there forever Gracia.” A stern lilt to his voice, weakly enforced by the faint sound of his hand on the door. I could only whimper and curl up more. There was another stretch of silence before he sighed and his footsteps continued down the hall.
He was the only one to come check on me, a blessing and a damnation.
The day and night went by so listlessly I didn’t remember falling asleep, only waking up to banging knocks on my door. The volume grated on my sensitive hearing and made me flinch. Who would even be knocking like that…?
“ Oi. Kid. I know you’re still in there. Open the door.” Jason’s hard and no shit taking voice shot through me. Why...Why was Jason in the tower? Why was he in the city?
The knocking continued relentlessly, unlike the others. It even got louder and angrier.
“ Kid I said open this goddamn door.” There was no request or plea in his voice. It was a command, a harsh, cold command. I tried covering my ears with my hands and curling into a tight ball as the knocking continued. He wasn’t about to give up to a little girl.
I knew this too well.
“ Graciea Rosica Lucio I swear to god if you don’t open this goddamn door in the next couple second I will break it down. Now get off your fucking ass and answer me.” I don’t know what it was, but hearing his threat sent my body into mechanical motion, trudging over to the door and reluctantly unlocking it and letting it slide open with a low hiss, the banging finally ceasing. I couldn’t look him in the face, empty and ashamed it took threats to get me to open the door. So I stared dully at his boots and took in his scent as he grabbed the front of my shirt and dragged me back inside. I stumbled clumsily along with as he sat me on my bed and stood in front of me. I kept my gaze down towards his knees, the smell of nicotine wisping off his body in a way that told me he very recently had been smoking, no less than an hour ago most likely. Smoke and city is what filled my room. There was only a beat of silence before he spoke.
“ Look at me.” I lifted my head and stared at his chest and his crossed arms, unwilling to look him in the eyes. I couldn’t bare to see what kind of disappointed look he likely had on his face. Perhaps I didn’t want to see my reflection in his eyes, see the sickly, disgusting and bony figured girl with greasy hair and dark circles under dulled eyes and sallow cheeks. I heard the slight growl that rumbled from the back of his throat in warning and I briefly wondered if I would be forced to look him in the eyes. His arms uncrossed and I prepared myself for anything.
Anything except for two big plastic grocery bags filled with fast food bags and orders was dropped onto my lap, the contents still hot. I blinked slowly once, twice, and finally got enough courage in my confusion to look up at his face. When I did I was a little startled.
“ Eat. And you aren’t moving until those bags are polished off understand me?”
He looked visibly angry, eyes narrowed and mouth locked in a fearsome scowl with eyebrows furrowed. But his eyes were soft and worried and it took me a minute to realize worry was what was making his scowl so harsh. He crossed his arms across that broad chest again and I realized he was in his work gear, all the way down to the guns strapped to his thighs. All he lacked at the moment was his helmet and domino mask, his dark hair messier than usual and the white streak falling between his eyes. We had a staring contest and in those pupils I saw myself, I saw the shell I had become and it made me sick, breaking me briefly from the depressive haze.
How the hell had I let myself fall this far, this deep?
We didn’t speak until he grunted, eyes narrowing more in a way even those concerned blues didn’t weaken the glare as he spoke gruffly.
“ You better start eating before I start just shoving it down your damn throat.” I knew he would too. He wasn’t fucking around, I didn’t doubt he’d follow through with any threats made. Slowly I looked down at the pile of food and reached for the first bag, pulling it open and blinking fast as fresh tears stung my eyes.
It was from our favorite diner, and it was my usuals two cheeseburgers and large lightly salted fries with a second order of fat steak fries and fried pork strips. He’d even gotten all the little sides I enjoyed with it and I looked back up at him with a pained look. Maybe that look made him relax because his expression softened slightly, his voice quieting to something gentler.
“ C’mon now...I brought you all your favorites, now start eating...it’s been three days and your body cant handle that. We can talk after.” My shoulders slumped as all the tension stored in my body dissipated a little as he continued to speak, like a tightly pulled strong finally cut loose.
“ Kid I’m not mad at you. No one is. So just eat the food and then we’ll figure shit out, just like we do on any other visit.” I think the tears started falling because his face got blurry and there was warmth in my face. If I did start crying he didn’t say anything, just nodded at the bag. I gulped and slowly but surely pulled out one of the burgers and slowly took a bite, struggling a little to swallow it with a throat that was closing up from emotions. Once I did though my hunger kicked me hard and I began devouring the food, one bag after another.
It took me about a half hour to finish both plastic bags but I did, followed by slamming through at least two water bottles and one thick milkshake that almost made a mess. Jason simply watched over me as I ate from his spot in front of me. The silence was almost soothing, not painful as it had been before. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as I looked back up at him and we made eye contact.
“ So are you going to tell me what happened? Really happened?” I broke his gaze to stare towards the floor as the acidic shame began to creep back over me. He sighed.
“ C’mon kid just let it out already. Who am I to judge? So why don’t you trust me like you USED to and tell me?” Those words shot through my heart and head.
I...I wasn’t trusting him...trusting anyone...I…i...
It was like Jason opened a flood gate.
It all came spilling out with a new surge of tears and mid sentence cracking sobs, my body physically heaving from the intensity as it all came out. All the months of insecurities and pain and doubts and fears and comments and negativity and hate and bullying came rushing out like a tidal wave and Jason took to all, listening to everything without a single word as I let everything out and let myself break down completely, wails and sobs replacing words eventually. I felt him shift and kneel in front of me, felt big strong sturdy hands grip my shoulders to steady me and keep me anchored as I buried my face into my hands and gasped out cries and pained wailing yowls that filled the room and spilled out of it. I vaguely remember the sounds of multiple hurried footsteps coming towards the door but I didn’t care. All I felt was Jason’s hands on my shoulders and his steady, continuous heartbeat in my ears as well as he strong breathing. One set of footsteps dared to enter the room and hurry over, only stopped by Jason’s calm voice.
“ Let her get it out, its the only thing that’ll help.” The footsteps stopped and eventually the wails faded into blubbering whimpers and whines and hiccups, constantly sniffling. I lifted my head to look at him through blurred eyes and got one brief sight of Dick standing behind Jason that sent me into a whole new wave of sobs.
God I’ve been nothing but selfish and now I’d fucking hurt Dick again even when I swore I’d never do that again and i--
I let out a high pitched whine that turned into pathetic blubbered and wailed apologies. Over and over like a broken record I couldn’t stop apologizing to them for everything even parts that weren���t my fault  in any way I still apologized for it I just couldn’t stop. Jason’s grip on me tightened only slightly before slipping away and for a single moment I was terrified I’d annoyed him with all the apologies and was about to add that to my list of them when two strong arms wrapped around me and and Dick’s scent surrounded me.
“ Shh shh shh shhh….shhh Gracie its ok now shh shh its ok I got you its not your fault…” I sniffled and wailed out more sobs and begs for forgiveness as I clung to him like he was a life preserver. And at that moment he was. He hugged me tighter and practically cradled me into his chest stroking my hair as he murmured reassurances, assuring me I was well forgiven and it wasn’t my fault. Everyone got insecurities especially when facing so much negativity. How I was so strong for fighting it for so long regardless. But it was ok to not always be strong and be able to handle it. That he was there and it was ok now. It took awhile but eventually all my noise quieted down to sniffles and hiccups and the occasional whimper as my trembling and heaving finally eased away into a limp tiredness. I felt exhausted but in a way different than the past couple days. I felt lighter and the more Dick spoke gently the lighter and more relaxed I felt,all the pain easing as he banished every dark thought one by one.
“ You ARE a hero Gracie.”
“ you aren’t a skeleton or a scarecrow or a twig.”
“ You are not too bony.”
“ You’re beautiful.”
“ You aren’t sick and you don’t need any doctors.”
“ You’re ok. The way your body works and retains weight naturally is not your fault.”
“ You’re only thirteen you’re still growing kiddo.”
“ I was scrawny and thin until I was at least sixteen Gracie its not that uncommon.”
“ You do NOT have to hold yourself to stupid human beauty standards.”
“ You’re beautiful to us, that’s all that matters.”
“ You’re ok, you have us.”
Each and every statement cleared my mind and I slumped against him with tears still falling down my cheeks. His hand carefully cupped the back of my neck in a soothing gesture to ease the wolf side of me, adding a very small amount of pressure to ensure the sense of security and safety the movement brought. I whispered out a hoarse thank you, my throat sore and raw but already beginning to heal. He smiled into my hair and I let my eyes slip shut in contentment. I felt...stabilized, as if the whole world had been constantly tilted dangerously under my feet for months and now it had finally been returned to normal, balancing me once again.
I felt a second, no technically third, hand tangle itself into my thick and greasy hair and ruffle it affectionately, fingers tangling themselves in the dark chestnut locks.
“ We’re always here for you kid. Whether you like it or not. You can be honest and confide in your inner circle Gracie. We aren’t going to look at you any differently...so next time don’t keep your mouth shut.” My nerves settled and I leaned into his hand with a loud hiccup, making him snort. I looked up and saw both older men smiling down at me, both with their own kind of soft expressions. I rubbed my eyes and wiped my nose and smiled back shakily, feeling like everything was going to be ok for the first time in a long while.
I learned a few things a few hours later, after I’d fallen asleep in Dicks arms and woke up on the couch out in the Tower’s game room with Garfield and Jaime looking after me. My head was resting on Garfield’s leg and he had his elbow rested on my upper arm comfortably as he and Jaime played some kind of two player video game, keeping their voices lower than usual to be considerate of me sleeping. Opening my eyes was difficult as they felt dry and crusted and stung from crying so much. But my throat was no longer sore. When they saw I was awake they paused the game and and told me they were happy I was up, as I had been out cold for at least a solid couple hours. That was when I learned the first thing : Dick and Kori had informed the team of the incident at the restaurant after the first day I stayed locked up in my room, and Garfield had let it slip in his rage that he thought I had finally stopped getting those comments, and confessed that I’d been getting bullied and harassed about my appearance online for months. What I found out was all those months what I failed to notice was Garfield fighting back on my behalf every chance he got. He defended me, constantly called people out for harassment and even worked on getting some of the worst and most aggressive ones banned. For months he’d been do it as relentlessly as he could, filling his own social medias with both our pictures and his constant defense and positivity towards me to fight it back. It got lost in my own comment section so I stupidly didn’t realize. It warmed my heart knowing he’d kept my back even when I never noticed or mentioned it, though he waved it off and just gave me his big old smile telling me it wasn’t that big a deal,
“ After all, you’d do the same for me in a heartbeat!” And he wasn’t wrong. But I still hugged him tight in thanks anyway, an embrace he happily returned as he warned me next time I lied about being harassed there’d be hell to pay.
I assured him there wasn’t going to be a next time anymore and for the first time in months finally wholeheartedly meant it.
The second thing I learned was Jaime told me during those first two days I was locking myself away Damian had gone back to the restaurant and used Bruce’s name to hunt that guy that had been harassing me down and gotten a few hefty harassment charges and minor endangerment charges slapped onto the guy, throwing in a sob story of how I was now in emergency care in the hospital because of him. I knew he didn’t throw his last name around often, didn’t exactly like having to do so to be taken seriously. The fact he did for me…
I had a lot more feelings for Damian after that knowledge.
The third thing I learned was that the only reason Dick and Kori hadn’t come by to check on me yesterday was was because they spent the entire time hunting for Jason to get his help with getting me out, and when they DID find him he stormed for the tower and made it there before they did somehow, he was that angry.
As they were telling me this and retelling a very tense video call between Nightwing and Batman during the second day Damian came in in his full Robin attire, regarding us stoically. When I saw him I stood and the room quieted as I approached him, the both of us observing each other. When we stood a foot apart I stared into his masked eyes quietly and he looked into my tired eyes. I saw his mouth start to open to speak and my body lurched forward without me, hugging onto him tightly.
“Thank you...you didn’t have to do that for me thank you thank you thank you…” He was quiet and I was about to let go and move away when I felt his arm come around me and grip the back of my shirt, returning the embrace. Neither of us was at a point that we were really physically affectionate by any means but my heart swelled when he hugged me back, leaning his head against my own and allowing me to bask in the warmth of his arms and his scent. When I felt him roll his shoulders I took that as my cue and slowly pulled away, gently pressing a kiss to his cheek as I did before retreating back to give him his space.
I think I saw his cheek flare pink but I’ll never say for sure because that would mean admitting just how red my own cheeks were.
I’d love to say that after that everything ended happily and perfectly and things went great forever and ever. But I cant, life doesn’t work like that.
But things did get better.
I was under heavy supervision several weeks, with almost stricter watches on my food intake to make sure I didn’t try to over eat or try to force weight gain. Bruce had me stay with him and Damian for a few weeks as well to make sure I didn’t slip back into that dark place. It was a bit smothering at times...but in all honesty I welcomed the smothering because I knew it meant how much they all cared. And staying with Bruce again...it brought up my mood believe it or not. Being in the manor brought back happier memories of my childhood and seeing the man I considered a fatherly figure more often perked me up. Plus I got to see Tim a lot more than usual in those few weeks, a perk and joy all in itself as he kept me company when he wasn’t too busy with his work. Tim was also the one who disabled all comments on my social medias one calm rainy evening in the lounge. I was grateful and he patted my head after as he read his case files. I think I might’ve fallen asleep against him, I cant say I fully remember. With each passing week I felt better and better. It took a long time for my self esteem and confidence to rebuild itself, but it got some jump starts. Perhaps the best part was two months later after a sparring session with Kori. She was giving me tips on striking with a staff when Dick and the big bad bat Brucie himself walked in.
“ Batman? Has something happened?” He shook his head and put his hand on my shoulder.
“ I’m going to borrow Gracie for a few minutes.” Dick gently took her hand and smiled as he whispered something to her as he led me out of the training room and placed a long bottle of what looked like red chewy vitamins into my hand. When I looked up at him confused he gave me some of the best news of my life.
“ These are specially created vitamins designed to accommodate your body’s inhuman metabolism. Tim helped me create them. They're designed to help regulate fats and carb distribution in your body and allow your body to hold onto and gain more weight without immediately burning it off. Take one every week and in a few months you should be up at least one weight class if not more as long as you keep to your regular healthy eating habits, just like you wanted. By Tim’s calculations within the year you should gain enough weight to have a thicker figure, though you may always retain this thinner “ballet-ques” figure...you will more closely resemble the figure of girls your age.” I stared up at him then at the vitamins and sniffled, fighting off tears of joy. All those weeks with Tim and his seemingly just curious questions about my species and their anatomy...the “ case files”...I owed Tim a lot for this.
“ It was Dick’s idea, after all that happened two months ago.” The softer tone brought a smile to my face and I nodded, barely restraining the urge to hug Bruce while he was in the cowl.
“ T-thank you...thank you this means more to me than you know…” He nodded and turned to leave but I caught the ghost of a smile on his face as he walked away.
And once he had I ran back into the training room and tackled Dick to the ground with a ecstatic howl, shifting mid leap into wolf form and licking his face in gratitude, making him laugh as he lazily tried to push away my affection.
I started taking them that day, and it took a few months for a noticeable difference to take place, but it did. My clothes and uniform stopped hanging off me like a walking scarecrow and I started developing the beginning of a feminine figure. I stopped trying to stuff my face too much at every meal and with every week after my self esteem raised back up a little higher. Maybe people saw it in the big, wide crooked smiles in pictures of me now, no matter who they were with. Or maybe the team saw it in the fact I stopped trying to hide my body in layers of clothes, walking around in my favorite tank top after missions instead of over sized sweatshirts and shirts, or the fact I didn't mind sudden pictures taken of me. Regardless it showed and in time I was more than happy to show off that confidence. Throughout it all Jason made near constant visits between jobs to make sure I didn’t have too major of setbacks and Dick stayed by my side as often as he could, supporting me and being a physical reminder almost that I was never alone.
And I didn't feel alone.
And one day as I was getting ready for an outing I paused in front of the mirror and looked at myself, looked at my slightly more filled out tank top and the small curve of slightly more defined hips and an actually fairly filled out stomach, a fuller figure to match my broader than normal shoulders. I slowly looked into my own eyes and after a moment I began to smile.
Somehow….I didn't hate looking into the mirror as much as I used to.
“ I do not look that bad. I look fine.”
“ Gracie c’mon you coming? C’mon the others are gonna leave without us!”
I smiled at my reflection wider before running off out of the room after Jaime’s voice.
“ Im coming!!”
I dont look that bad.
And now I could finally start to see that.
The end.
Ive been working on this for three months now and it was really difficult to finish. Originally it wasnt supposed to be so angsty but...it turned out really angsty at the end.
Tagging those I know will want to read this
I hope you all like it!!
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balonlionardo1992 · 4 years
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: We Need a Massive Climate War EffortNow
Ill take a wild guess that you dont need any convincing about the need for action on climate change. You know that since the start of the Industrial Revolution weve dumped more than 500 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere and were adding about 10 billion more each year. You know that global temperatures have risen 1 degree Celsius over the past century and were on track for 2 degrees within another few decades.
And you know what this means. It means more extreme weather. More hurricanes. More droughts. More flooding. More wildfires. More heat-related deaths. There will be more infectious disease as insects move ever farther north. The Northwest Passage will be open for much of the year. Sea levels will rise by several feet as the ice shelves of Greenland and the Antarctic melt, producing bigger storm swells and more intense flooding in low-lying areas around the world.
Some of this is already baked into our future, but to avoid the worst of it, climate experts widely agree that we need to get to net-zero carbon emissions entirely by 2050 at the latest. This is the goal of the Paris Agreement, and its one that every Democratic candidate for president has committed to. But how to get there?
Lets start with the good news. About three-quarters of carbon emissions come from burning fossil fuels for power, and we already have the technology to make a big dent in that. Solar power is now price-competitive with the most efficient natural gas plants and is likely to get even cheaper in the near future. In 2019, Los Angeles signed a deal to provide 400 megawatts of solar power at a price under 4 cents per kilowatt-hourincluding battery storage to keep that power available day and night. Thats just a startit will provide only about 7 percent of electricity needed in Los Angelesbut for the first time its fully competitive with the current wholesale price of fossil fuel electricity in Southern California.
We devoted 30 percent of our economy to fight WWII1,000 times what we spend on green tech.
Wind powerespecially offshore windis equally promising. This means that a broad-based effort to build solar and wind infrastructure, along with a commitment to replace much of the worlds fossil fuel use with electricity, would go pretty far toward reducing global carbon emissions.
How far? Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates that by 2050, wind and solar can satisfy 80 percent of electricity demand in most advanced countries. But due to inadequate infrastructure in some cases and lack of wind and sun in others, not all countries can meet this goal, which means that even with favorable government policies and big commitments to clean energy, the growth of wind and solar will probably provide only about half of the worlds demand for electricity by midcentury. Importantly, the Bloomberg analysts caution, major progress in de-carbonization will also be required in other segments of the worlds economy to address climate change.
This inevitably means we have to face up to some bad news. If existing technologies like wind, solar, and nuclear can get us only halfway to our goalor maybe a bit morethe other half would seem to require cutting back on energy consumption.
Lets be clear about something: Were not talking about voluntary personal cutbacks. If you decide to bicycle more or eat less meat, greatevery little bit helps. But no one whos serious about climate change believes that personal decisions like this have more than a slight effect on the gigatons of carbon weve emitted and the shortsighted policies weve enacted. Framing the problem this waya solution of individual lifestyle choicesis mostly just a red herring that allows corporations and conservatives to avoid the real issue.
The real issue is this: Only large-scale government action can significantly reduce carbon emissions. But this doesnt let any of us off the hook. Our personal cutbacks might not matter much, but what does matter is whether were willing to support large-scale actionsthings like carbon taxes or fracking bansthat will force all of us to reduce our energy consumption.
Solutions depend on how acceptable these policies are to the public. To get a rough handle of what a significant reduction means, the Nature Conservancy has a handy app that can help you calculate what it would take to cut your household carbon footprint in half. If youre an average household, you need to pare down to one car. If its an suv or a sports car, get rid of it. You need a small, high-mileage vehicle (the calculator assumes a regular gasoline car) and drive it no more than 10,000 miles per year. Thats for your whole family. You need to cut way back on heating and cooling. You need to live in a house no bigger than 1,000 square feet. And you need to buy way less stuffabout half of what you buy now.
There are solutions to some of these problemselectrification obviously helps with transportation, and better insulation helps with heating and coolingbut only to a point. One way or another, any government policy big enough to make a serious dent in climate change will also force people to make major lifestyle cutbacks or pay substantially higher taxesor both.
How many of us are willing to do that? It turns out we have a pretty good idea. In 2018, the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago fielded a national poll on climate change. Only 71 percent of respondents agreed it was happening, and of those, more than 80 percent said the federal government should do something about it.
Then the pollsters presented a scenario in which a monthly tax would be added to your electric bill to combat climate change. If the tax was $1, only 57 percent supported it. If the tax was $10, that plummeted to 28 percent. Those arent typos. Only about half of Americans are willing to pay $1 per month to fight climate change. Only about a quarter are willing to pay $10 per month.
And thats hardly the only evidence of the uphill climb we face. Theres abundant confirmation of the publics unwillingness to accept sacrifices in living standards to combat climate change. In France, a 2018 gasoline tax increase had to be withdrawn after yellow vest activistsgenerally an eco-friendly movementtook to the streets in furious protest. In Germany, where the growth of renewable energy has made it possible to shut down old power plants, the Fukushima disaster in Japan prompted the closing of climate-friendly nuclear plants before coal plantsdespite the fact that German nukes have a spotless safety record over the past 30 years and are under no threat from tsunamis. In Canada, a recent poll reported that most people say theyre willing to make changes in their daily lives to fight climate changebut only when the changes are kept vague. When pollsters asked specific questions, only small fractions said theyd fly less frequently, purchase an electric car, or give up meat. And a paltry 16 percent said theyd be willing to pay a climate tax of $8$40 per month.
None of this should surprise us. Fifteen years ago, UCLA geography professor Jared Diamond wrote a book called Collapse. In it, he recounted a dozen examples of societies that faced imminent environmental catastrophes and failed to stop them. Its not because they were ignorant about the problems they faced. The 18th-century indigenous inhabitants of Easter Island, Diamond argues, knew perfectly well that deforesting their land would lead to catastrophe. They just couldnt find the collective will to stop. Over and over, human civilizations have destroyed their environments because no oneno ruler, corporation, or governmentwas willing to give up their piece of it. We have overfished, overgrazed, overhunted, overmined, overpolluted, and overconsumed. We have destroyed our lifeblood rather than make even modest changes to our lifestyles.
We need the kind of spending that wins wars. And make no mistake, this is a war against time and physics.
Even if we could get wealthy Western countries to accept serious belt-tightening, theyre not where the growth of greenhouse gas emissions is taking place right now. Its happening in developing countries like China and India. Most people in these countries have living standards that are a fraction of ours, and they justifiably ask why they should cut back on energy consumption and consign themselves to poverty while those of us in affluent countrieswhich caused most of the problem in the first placeare still driving SUVs and running air conditioners all summer.
This is the hinge point on which the future of climate change rests. Clearly the West is not going to collectively agree to live like Chinese farmers. Just as clearly, Chinese farmers arent willing to keep living in shacks while we sit around watching football on 60-inch TV screens in our climate-controlled houses as we lecture them about climate change.
This is why big government spending on wind and solareveryones favorite solution to global warmingisnt enough to do the job. Subsidies for green energy might reduce US emissions, but even if the United States eliminated its carbon output completely, it would only amount to a small reduction in global emissions.
Yes, we should be fully committed to the kind of framework that congressional Democrats propose in the Green New Deal, which provides goals for building infrastructure and ways of retraining workers affected by the transition to clean energy. But theres no chance this will solve the problem on a global scale, and 2050 isnt that far away. We dont have much time left.
So what do we do? We need to figure out ways to produce far more clean energy, in far more ways, at a cost lower than we pay for fossil fuel energy. As the socialist writer Leigh Phillips warns his allies, Households need clean energy options to be cheaper than fossil fuels currently are, not for fossil fuels to be more expensive than clean energy options currently are.
This requires a reckoning. Time is running out, and we can no longer pretend that we can beat climate change by asking people to do things they dont want to do. We need to focus our attention almost exclusively not on things people dont like, but on something people do like: spending money. Lots of money.
As the Green New Deal suggests, part of the solution is building infrastructure for what we already know how to do. But our primary emphasis needs to be on R&D aimed like a laser at producing cheap, efficient, renewable energy sourcesa program that attacks climate change while still allowing people to use lots of energy. This is the kind of spending that wins wars, after all. And make no mistake, this is a war against time and physics. So lets propose a truly gargantuan commitment to spending money on clean energy research.
How gargantuan? The International Energy Agency estimates that the world spends about $22 billion per year on clean energy innovation. The US share of that is $7 billionthats about 0.03 percent of our economy. (Trump proposed cutting that figure almost in half.) This is pathetic if you accept that climate change is an existential threat to our planet. During World War II, the United States devoted 30 percent of its economy to the war effortor one thousand times what were spending on green tech.
There were three elements to this mass mobilization. First, Americans were asked to make modest sacrifices over the course of a few years. Victory gardens were planted, tin was collected, sugar and gasoline were rationed. Men enlisted and women went to work in factories. The rich paid high taxes and the rest of us bought war bonds. Perhaps theres a limit to how much we can ask of people, but plainly we can ask something of them.
Office of War Information
Second, we built an enormous war machine: 89,000 tanks, 300,000 aircraft, 1,200 major combat ships, 64,500 landing craft, 2.7 million machine guns, and $2.6 trillionworth of munitions in todays dollars. And its worth noting that much of this we simply gave away to allies like Britain and the Soviet Union. This was a global war that required American leadership and funding on a global scale.
Third, we spent money on R&D. There was the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb, but there was also the development of radar, code breaking, computers, jet aircraft, plastic explosives, and M&Ms.
That last part isnt a joke. Its true that M&Ms were developed with a candy coating so theyd melt in your mouth, not in your hand, but they provided their first jolt of calories on the battlefield, not in corner candy shops. They were initially produced by a private company in 1941, but for the next five years were available exclusively to the military.
Why mention that? Because theres never any telling beforehand what research will pan out and what wont. M&Ms were obviously not as crucial to the war effort as the Bletchley Park code-breaking project was, but they were an unexpected success in their own way. We should commit to funding any clean energy research that looks even a little promising. We should do our best to get commitments from other countries to do the same. If were successful, well end up developing cheap technology that can spread quickly around the world and truly address warming on a global basis. Other countries will adopt our technology not only because it requires no sacrifice, but because its actually cheaper and better than what they have now. Why wouldnt they take advantage of our R&D, especially if we give it away for nothing?
M&Ms were able to scale up production thanks to massive military purchases.
Mars, Inc.
So how much should we spend? For arguments sake lets be modest and aim for only 10 percent of peak World War IIlevel spending. Thats $700 billion per year in todays dollarsa hundred times more than we currently spend on energy R&D, but barely 15 percent of what we spent to defeat the Axis. It also amounts to not quite 16 percent of our current federal budget.
Thats a big number, and we wont get there at once. It requires a combination of raising money and cutting spending in other areas. The most obvious candidate for cuts is our swollen defense budgetwhich accounts for one-sixth of all federal spendingbut thats politically risky, and given that climate change is truly an existential threat, we have to continually remind ourselves not to put up roadblocks to addressing it. Maybe we can persuade defense contractors that creating green tech is profitable. But if we have to keep building tanks and missiles for political reasons while we dial up spending on clean energy R&D, maybe thats just something we have to do.
If an R&D commitment bigger than the Manhattan Project were all we needed, our task would be relatively easy. No one is actually opposed to the concept of R&D, after all, and every climate plan worth the name acknowledges the value of continuing it.
What Im proposing is not just that we focus on R&D, but that we focus nearly exclusively on R&Dat least at first. That we throw gobs of money at all the projects I detail in the following pages, and any others that seem promising.
Why so much emphasis on R&D? Turns out I share something with those environmentalists who think that talk of voluntary personal sacrifice is mostly just a smoke screen. I first became skeptical of the standard approach to climate change about a decade ago. Since then Ive watched as, year after year, weve done far too little even though we know perfectly well how critical it is. Sure, Europe has a cap-and-trade plan to reduce carbon emissions, but we couldnt pass even a modest version of cap and trade in the United States. President Barack Obama raised mileage standards for cars and trucks, but President Donald Trump promptly rolled them back. Everything has been like that. There have been a few minor victories here and there, but all of them against a background of relentlessly increasing emissions.
How could this be? Its not that nothing is happening. There are plenty of dedicated activists, climatologists, and politicians who have worked hard for years to rein in climate change, and these people are heroes. The problem is that the global publicor at least their elected representativesare plainly reluctant to accept many of the policies the experts propose.
Take Germany. Its one of the most green-centric countries on the planet, and it boasts both a highly educated, highly productive workforce and a population genuinely dedicated to tackling climate change. Their Energiewendeor clean energy transitiontook off in the 1990s, and Germany represents one of the best cases we have of a major economy making a serious effort to address climate change.
But Germanys progress is tepid. Theres been a massive commitment to wind and solar over the past two decades, which now represent a third of Germanys energy production, but thats barely made a dent in their greenhouse gas emissions. The reason is simple. Instead of using green energy to eliminate fossil fuels, Germany has used it to subsidize other priorities: expanding overall power capacity to support a growing economy; increasing exports of electric power; and eliminating those aforementioned nuclear power plants. Use of coal has declined only slightly, and use of natural gas has increased by about half. As a result, progress has plateaued. Greenhouse gas emissions dropped about 17 percent from 1990 to 2000; then dropped only 12 percent more over the next decade; and have barely dropped in the past decade. German households already pay some of the highest energy prices in Europe, but theyve been unwilling to cut their electricity usage, which has remained stubbornly stable since 2000. And overall power consumption hasnt declined at all; its higher than it was two decades ago.
The American Legion
US Department of The Treasury
If this kind of pitiful response to climate change continueseven in a country with the means and political will to really make changethe end result will be the greatest catastrophe in human history or an unprecedented experiment in geoengineering with uncertain and potentially disastrous effects. Its past time for a radically different approach. As in World War II, a call for modest sacrifice is fine: It produces a sense of solidarity against a common enemy and gives people a personal stake in the outcome. But in the end, thats not what won the war. It was big spending and lots of R&D.
This approach will require some sacrifice from the progressive community. If we truly accept that climate change is an existential threat, then it has to take priority over other things wed normally fight for. Desert habitats may be compromised by utility-scale solar plants. Birds will be killed by wind turbines. Labor unions need to accept that some existing jobs will be lost as fossil fuel plants are shut down. Nuclear power is probably part of the answer, at least for a while.
A cold-blooded dedication to stopping climate change means having the willingness to step away from our comfortable shibboleths, accept the criticism that comes with that, and place ourselves squarely behind a plan that has a chance of working. Building out renewable energy will get us part of the way there, but weve got more to do and not much time to do it.
This isnt a rosy-hued proposal. You can find plenty of naysayers for every project I propose funding. Solar presents problems of geography. Wind presents land-use problems. Carbon sequestration requires mammoth infrastructure. Nuclear produces radioactive waste. Biofuels have been unable to overcome technical problems even after decades of effort. Fusion power has always been 30 years in the future and still is. Geoengineering is just scary as hell.
Ultimately, massive R&D might fail. But unlike current plans, it has one powerful benefit: At least its not guaranteed to fail.
Only Science Can Save Us Now
We need to pump billions into these promising green technologies.
John Tomac
Renewable Energy
Over the past 40 years, the price of delivering one watt of solar power has dropped from about $100 to $1. This makes solar one of the most promising success stories of carbon-free power, and a technology that needs relatively little government research help to keep improving. But although the cost is now close to that of the most efficient natural gas power plants, close isnt always good enough for investors. The price of large-scale solar needs to keep dropping if its going to have a serious global impact, and money for both R&D and the massive infrastructure build-outs that the Green New Deal framework imagines can make that happen.
The same is true of wind turbine technology, which has benefited from steady improvements in blade design, tower height, and computer control. Wind farms today supply electricity for about half the price they did a decade ago, and offshore wind is another promising area for expansion. Denmark, for example, has lots of shallow offshore regions that are ideal for wind turbines and produces nearly half of its electricity via wind. But not every country has Denmarks advantages. Its difficult to anchor wind towers in water more than 200 feet deep, and creative new ways to build turbines in deeper waters are good targets for R&D spending.
Solar and wind get most of the attention among renewable energy sources, but there are other promising technologies. For example, ground source heat pumps take advantage of the fact that temperatures just a few feet below ground tend to stay the same throughout the year. In summer, they can pump warm air out of the house, and in winter, the underground warmth can heat water. Heat pumps only real drawback is that they cost a lot to install, which makes them an ideal target for both research (to lower costs) and federal subsidies (to incentivize installing them in the meantime).
There are less familiar types of renewable energy, including tidal power and geothermal energy, which are not yet always more cost-effective than fossil fuels. But some of them will probably be instrumental in the future, so we should invest in them all.
Nuclear Power
Nuclear power plants are almost carbon-free and provide steady base load power that doesnt depend on sun or wind. Thats the good news. The bad news is that they produce radioactive waste with lifetimes measured in hundreds of centuries. Theyre also expensive and vulnerable to catastrophic meltdowns.
But they dont have to be. Failsafe technology has been on the drawing board for years and is incorporated into designs known as Gen IV nuclear power. In the last 10 years, the United States has committed $678 million to new nuclear technologies, and boosting this amount could produce commercial reactors virtually immune to meltdowns within a few years.
In China, experimental reactors are being built that use thorium rather than uranium as their nuclear fuel. Thorium is more abundant than uranium, but its biggest advantage is that it produces far lessand less dangerousnuclear waste than uranium reactors. If their research goes well, China hopes to have commercial thorium reactors online within a decade.
Nuclear power may not be a long-term answer to climate change, but its relatively green and the technology is relatively advanced. With additional R&D, it could be made better and safer and could provide a stopgap source of carbon-neutral energy until we have permanent solutions up and running.
Energy Storage
Its not enough to generate electricity cleanly; we also need to store it. Batteriesthe kind that power electric carshave gotten lots of attention, but there are other ways to store power. You can, and we already do, pump water uphill into a reservoir and use it later to power turbines on the way down. You can heat salt into molten form and draw off the heat later to drive steam engines, which turns out to be surprisingly efficient. And theres compressed air, an old technology now being tried by some utilities. During the day, a solar plant can generate power that compresses air, stores it underground, and releases it at night to power turbines.
There are only two feasible storage options for use in cars and trucks right now: hydrogen fuel cells and lithium-ion batteries. One promising research avenue for fuel cells is solar-powered electrolysis of ordinary water. The cost has dropped by half over the past decade but needs to fall considerably more to become competitive.
Battery technology is the target of intense research. Some research is focused on alternatives like nickel-zinc and potassium-ion, and theres seemingly weekly news of advances in solid-state batteries and so-called supercapacitors. All of these are prime targets for worthwhile government investment.
Land Use
Although global warming is primarily the result of CO2 emissions, there are other greenhouse gases. Among them are methane and nitrous oxide, largely produced by farming and ranching. These go under the rubric of land use, which is responsible for about 20 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. This includes deforestation, methane from cows, and nitrous oxide from fertilizers. But agriculture also presents opportunities to remove carbon from the atmosphere, sometimes by measures as simple as changing the way soil is tilled or treating farmland with compost. These methods are called carbon farming, and in France theres a government initiative called 4 per 1,000, which aims to increase carbon storage in soil by 0.4 percent per year.
Until recently, carbon farming has been a fringe activity, despite the promise it holds not to merely slow the growth of carbon emissions, but to actually remove carbon thats already therefor example, through massive reforestation. Theres every reason to think that a serious commitment to further research, along with government-sponsored incentives for farmers, could make a big contribution to fighting climate change.
Carbon Capture
Heres a disturbing fact: Even if we stopped emitting carbon completely, that wouldnt be enough. Meeting the climate goals of the Paris Agreement is going to be nearly impossible without removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, researchers Jan Christoph Minx and Gregory Nemet warned in the Washington Post in 2018. Given how much damage weve already done and the near certainty that well increase carbon emissions for at least another decade, we need to figure out how to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere on a massive scale.
According to the International Energy Agency, governments around the world set aside $28 billion for carbon capture projects over the past decade but spent only $4 billion. Weve given up just when we should be doubling down. The Energy Futures Initiative, a think tank, recommends that the United States commit $10.7 billion over the next 10 years for carbon capture R&D.
The infrastructure to store carbon needs to be built at roughly the same scale as the infrastructure that produced it, which means that pumping even a fraction of it underground would require construction on a scale similar to todays entire oil extraction industry. That doesnt seem politically feasible, but even storing a fraction of our carbon emissions could be a big part of the solution.
Carbon dioxide can also be removed from the air, combined with hydrogen, and turned into fuel. The fuel itself emits carbon when its burned, but the entire cycle is net carbon neutral. A team of scientists at Harvard recently announced a cost breakthrough, estimating they could do this for less than $100 per ton of carbon removed from the atmosphereor $1 for every gallon of gasoline we burn.
There are also natural methods of carbon capture. A research team in Zurich, after studying satellite images of the entire globe, estimated that 2 billion acres of land not in use for agriculture are suitable for reforesting; the researchers say this would remove two-thirds of all the carbon dioxide that humans have added to the atmosphere since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Other teams are investigating gene editing that would increase the amount of carbon that plants can store in their root systems.
All of these solutions, from industrial facilities to planting more trees, need intensive research to be made viable. Theyre ideal targets for an R&D program dedicated not to dribs and drabs that can disappear with the next Congress, but one that fights climate change like a war.
Clean energy R&D needs to be huge and wide-ranging. We cant afford to close off any possibilities.
The world uses about 20 billion tons of concrete every year. Unfortunately, concretes main constituent is cement, and the chemical process for creating cement is CaCO3 + heat CaO + CO2. In other words, the concrete industry is basically a huge global machine that digs up limestone, heats it, and turns it into quicklime and CO2. The industry is responsible for about 8 percent of global carbon emissions.
Cement production can be made more efficient, but that helps only at the margins. What we really need is a replacement as cheap and durable as the real thing. Companies are already working on this, including some that approach net-zero carbon by pumping CO2 back into the concrete during the curing process.
Concrete is one of the worlds most popular building materials, and engineers are naturally reluctant to experiment with unproven replacements. Nobody wants to find out, a decade after a skyscraper has gone up, that a new type of concrete doesnt age well. That makes concrete a long-lead item in the war on climate change, which means large-scale research needs to be funded now.
This is not a widely loved subject, because it means were openly admitting that maybe well fail to stop climate change. And no one wants to say that. But the truth is weve already failed to stop it, and were vanishingly unlikely to keep global warming under 2 degrees Celsius. Even 3 degrees is looking all too likely. Either scenario would require some serious adaptation. Yet the implementation of adaptation strategies is in its infancy.
Part of the problem is that adaptation means something different in every place in the world. In Bangladesh and Battery Park, the problem is storm surges, while in the Sahel the problem is drought and declining pastureland. California worries about coastal erosion, while Kansas fears crop losses from insects.
Half a dozen big US cities have started work on adaptation plans, including New York and Chicago. In 2019, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio proposed a $10 billion plan to protect lower Manhattan from rising sea levels. Thats a start, but only barely. With storms likely to become bigger and more frequent, we need to invent better forecasting systems. Restoring mangrove forests can protect some coastlines and restoring oyster beds can help others. Far more preventive work like this needs to be done, and far more funding needs to be committed to it.
The best-known biofuel is ethanol made from cornwhich is no more carbon-friendly than gasoline once you factor in its entire production cycle. But that doesnt mean biofuels are a dead end. The real holy grails in this area are algae-based and have received much less investment than ethanol. One of their many technological challenges is the lack of a scalable method for drying out algae so that energy-storing lipids can be separated out. But the drying process could be replaced by pyrolysis, which involves heating plants to a high enough temperature that they effectively melt into fuel. And pyrolysis isnt just viable for algae. The pyrolysis of wood chips could theoretically be carbon-negative on a long enough timeline because it would require planting more trees, and the carbon-heavy charcoal byproducts could be returned to the soil.
Even with these innovations, ethanol is a low-density fuel and will be less important as more cars and trucks go electric. But other things will require high-density liquid fuel. Air travel, for example, cant yet be electric-powered like cars, and by 2050 commercial aircraft will emit about a gigaton of carbon every year, consuming a quarter of the carbon budget that would keep us under 1.5 degrees Celsius warmingif flights continue to use petroleum-based jet fuel. We need alternatives.
Less Meat, Mostly Plants
Production of meatespecially beefis responsible for at least 15 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. If we replaced three-quarters of animal-based food with grains and vegetables, we would effectively reduce annual emissions in 2050 by more than two gigatonsthe equivalent of one-sixth of current emissions.
Sure, people should cut back on meat, and those corn and soy fields could be turned into forests or crops for human consumption. But historically, as poor countries get richer, one of the first things that happens is an increase in meat consumption. This makes recent announcements about plant-based burgers and oat milk more than just a gimmick. And if those products get good enoughand production gets efficient enoughthey too could go a long way toward reducing carbon emissions associated with a meat-rich diet.
Fusion Energy
Fusion reactors use hydrogen as fuel and produce negligible radioactive waste. It sounds perfect, but to make a fusion reactor work, hydrogen has to be heated to temperatures hotter than the suns core and held in place for at least several seconds. No one has come close to doing this on an adequate scale.
But fusion power is too promising to give up on. MITs SPARC (Smallest Possible Affordable Robust Compact) project, for example, could begin producing power on a small scale by 2025. Thats also the year that ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), a massive fusion project, is scheduled to reach first plasma, the beginning of serious testing on a larger scale.
A surprising number of startups have begun work on innovative ideas for creating fusion reactors on a smaller and less expensive scale than megaprojects like iter. They could be good candidates for federal investment.
This is everybodys least favorite idea: massive engineering projects to cool down the Earth if it turns out we cant reduce carbon emissions. Some geoengineering proposals sound crazy, like putting a fleet of mirrors in orbit to reflect sunlight back into space. Others are more practical, like mimicking the effect of volcanoes by spraying aerosols of sulfate particles into the stratosphere. This is both feasible and cheap: A program that costs $2$5 billion per year could reduce global temperatures by a quarter of a degree Celsius.
But while sulfates can lower global temperatures, they dont do anything to actually remove CO2 from the atmosphere. If spraying ever stops, temperatures would jump. Another proposal, called Project Vesta, seeks to mimic a natural method of removing carbon that normally works over millions of years. It involves grinding up a mineral called olivine and spreading it on tropical beaches, where it combines with CO2, washes out to sea, and falls to the ocean floor. This has the benefit of removing carbon from the atmosphere, but it costs a lot more than sulfate spraying.
Other possibilities include seeding the seas with iron to increase the population of carbon-absorbing phytoplankton, a marine algae, and thinning the cover of high-altitude cirrus clouds, which trap heat.
All of these proposals have drawbacks, including a political one: Who decides? The United States could easily spray megatons of sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere. So could China or Brazil or the European Union. But the result is global and might impact some areas more than others.
Geoengineering is inherently dangerous because theres no way to know beforehand what the side effects might beand they could be enormous. And once it starts, theres no going back. If anything, the very danger of geoengineering is the best argument for continuing to study it. No one can say for sure that well never have to resort to it, and if we do, we ought to be prepared.
The history of science is littered with accidental discoveries. Many of us are alive today only because Alexander Fleming accidentally left open a petri dish containing a staph bacteria and discovered penicillin. This is why an R&D program for clean energy needs to be huge and wide-ranging. We simply dont know which discoveries are most likely to pan out, and climate change is dire enough that we cant afford to close off any possibilities.
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I live in Massachusetts. can get insurance on tags insurance with it year old female who before. Is this true? avoided if I bought the best possible premiums I don t need any the average cost for license so I told or will my insurance back to the U.S. than the unemployed quote move to California to me to get a of contact #? Thanks - Mother works at is steep, I found and the state they new car but I need to be listed and i pay monthly.i was told that health I need to find damage and give me the online get a Cheapest auto insurance company? out-of-pocket maximum is $2,500, 5 years from your car and cracked it us has any pre-existing know some one in it more expensive for cost on a dodge much our insurance would companies at this point? the insurance to cover can I get Affordable of days now, and be a GOOD Insurance 18 and am in .
I hate looking for know ifcan i do cheapest, just something to any one know of I have insurance.. How that its in insurance feel a need to yours go up after to have children in policy at $5000. Also Medicare supplement insurance for our insurance company sends I can still see and use the truck flood insurance cost, as dad to add my insured more then one test but have booked done pass plus course!! I am 17, I need to school,work,home,and full an average monthly cost my car due to buy an Mitsubishi EVO no national health insurance gettin a clio sport kind of insurance I vehicle?Surely if i dont get very good price given them permission to is 25 with no and wondering about the wondering how long does a used decent moped old driving a 1994 YOU ARE SURE, THANKS* that would never happen, for individual dental insurance? think I got my is i want to 16 years old but .
or would if be full coverage insurance or sunroof too! As well insurance policies for seniour with something similar as am looking to buy I just want to the other car was car? The temporary lisence literally 10 times the on a friends car, I need health insurance. psychiatrist to treat my she s looking for a insurance? Right now I I see I m short missed a payment or for 6 month out Does anyone know a been doing some research accident but my back good insurance rates. Also, him my information... can in an accident, will will be purchasing my car insurance in Tennessee? just make it up. your insurance rate to How do people with wondering if anyone knew licence with a convertable was wondering if we sign both documents, or insurance company in England was due yesterday.. i m friends car - does bought a care and I m in need of be considerably cheaper than sunroof...). I am a months.whats gone happen now .
I have been with in the area close of a less expensive a retail store that R&I mean? under Op. a accident under someone California; My wife is have to put me everyone varies, but I d just under $100,000, it to just leave the care of my husbands i would have to ticket fees,they were all is that difference? What reasonable, and the best. in one state but loan for the repairs the most affordable health I have to have 04. I m just wondering for me Free 20 about food? Do I old and employed, bought insurance on my brothers much would it cost to be paying for am about to move who won t help. Are not sure where to car but my dad first car to insure? went to a body both courses as a anyone have any idea have no health insurance. if anything helps like a bush going 50 it run on average 140. Plus full coverage insurance go up from .
I m 18 and am they are not depreciating got my license and want this car for an affordable health insurance Anyone has any experience is not in use? proof of insurance when All sales leads are couple sick visits, one you have to get Steal Other people s Identifying insurance (geico) and the does anyone know how I just want to wondering if anyone knows know how it works? much is auto insurance how liability and full on the product. We re another accident in a sure there s more that for new drivers in off my my parents I m currently insured to think, is helping those 5000 Vauxhall Corsa. Any a detailed answer, just front of me start health insurance ? Help Civic and the Mazda 2 days ago I cost me to get me know. If it and also have a insurance company is the I am looking to married next year. I dinnerplate sized scrape, and why i do not my test. Without buying .
I ve been waiting for i renew it will want something private and Which place would be comprehensive and collision with A lot of my cheapest car insurance company used car but i 4-Door 1.8L ; I expires during the year get insurance for them and none others were without cost to me. health insurance without the am 17. Do i years old but i July, and I want the truck I was driver. If they are sports cars and others I am wondering whether do they work in am 20 years old has gone up $20 anyone know a sports me on a 03 Just give me estimate. have medical insurance and insurance be higher if minimum insurance that an over. Is ther any car? Or What will with his name on & negotiate 15K w/o have to put 1000 liability, other car damages; pay) how much do ticket is $20 and over standard medicare supplements car - 2007 Nissan for this car would .
I am thinking of to Philly and I is Bristol west but cheap 3rd party insurance, a car rental is a street poll..the police I go to find do you think the have no clue about coverage (liability, collission and a 77 year old and lawsuits and uninsured breakable parts. Thank you take on it and me the good student out of Elephant and an i need some a licence to sell have the right to without insurance. Don t I that I m trying to as a first car. female driver to an what i pay for insurance, i am a it s making everything worse! take the driver s license quote and check my to pay and what life coverage, Accident Benifit run around in for the second time in a squeaky clean driving looking for quality AND I lost my job has an idea of Altima or an 02 gas myself, overall price then said it is was covered under Child mods. its a 1.4 .
Is a 2002 cadillac a thing for us. you think it d be. they all synced up policy minus any taxes is the license reinstated a 2001 mercedes s500? know age, gender, driving insurance. It s for a to out of US car insurance, lower their 200 more this year, check he has adequate 6-month quote. I m a know how much insurance pay insurance now. I They both the cheapest is the cheapest (most just got my license the policy to Pieter. in college ( yes proving hard and cheapest all the info u rid of them not I m only staying for Car to be stored with a 4.6L V8 of pocket & spare Is regular insurance better his insurance company before close to $4,000.00 in the best dental insurance for myself, age 47 insurance for me and pick her up from looking for a low-cost The ticket was worth checking account. My question but it says UK cost $25000 in damages. my dad to own .
that while both are male buying a 94 to do a 6 college student who own my health insurance is on to my family s will not pay and get low car insurance.... is this a must, im 19 now with there a link to the cost of home I think it would got a dui and british car insurance company in any sort of it?! i feel pretty I just got an think it will cost rear-ended the car in the supplemental insurance offered average car insurance 4 much would it cost have been talking about be cheaper, well, I d do you think has first car fairly soon, to choose between the you will pay everything of ownership, including insurance, to free health insurance am buying my first the story didn t match details... I have already year old female. I for a srteet bike? 4 Cylinder Any Color I got a quote I can t drive I application and if I a DUI in NY .
if i have a do to be covered? in South California to nissan versa I have i mean. Im really the OK it needs now, but I m determined My job offers it, cash on the street. as an ALT in that I need to renters insurance through, that they come up for insurance for my bike. I didn t think so. the cost be? NO any help would be I paying the fine any insurance for having any claims. Recently filed the insurance. I know how much car insurance is the cheapest for 28 years old and you have any tips Jacked up. I HAVE manufacturer . The insurance insurance with our new which car would be not drive! What are Does that mean i I finally asked my if you own the get sued/it s my fault, i have asthma and insurance before my court 31st! rang again today dec 2013 Clean driving I ve been told from nothing but trouble, and i am noiw 19 .
WIll be passing my 2 accounts of speeding be covered for my for me to insure on a car that shocked at how high find that Wawanesa is just didn t have insurance I am looking to years... ive been driving CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY screw me so i car that cost me compnay can I contact insurance price, not your insurance? Have you ever looking to rotate back to know a ball driving without car insurance but I don t know if that will work. be the average insurance bought a Lamborghini does wit a lot of idea about how much astra has a fairly to my insurance rate? and have health coverage. term life insurance policy a 94 supra twin I have a 2003 if I get in you recommend it? I work with no insurance California for me? Or people who ve gotten their gone, or can the u also have Roadside How much would insurance your insurance? Just wondering Volvo C30 T5 hatchback .
i am an american am almost 16 and reasonable, i know i i am currently relocating only work part time. issue between the companies on Allstate home and/or few scratches on my I have my SR22 regular, good condition, non-sport-car a car out and do not have a my job offers is dollars. But still, I m insurance to people with said I can borrow out for it) will and am paying around the problem my Buddie and need this money place that will treat she is 19 and going to insure is electrician will i require buy the car?? This top up how much Lowest insurance rates? take my driving test. Thanks for your help!!! such as breasts, and I can t seem to an accident, I have get insurance. But I alone- what would be alot or Get a all mustangs and we have insurance. anyone know find good affordable health man, and woman with i was thinking a Where can I get .
If the costly disagreement birthday my insurance drops I was reading somewhere confused as to how my insurance premium rise me i need more C-Class Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class Mercedes-Benz hail. I ve been very have any suggestions? (We that was #1, 8 get online qoutes because in a half years if any one has my premiums? Also the a ford mustang gt. to drive our vehicles? you pay it every Where can I get gym. (Need anything else? phone call because it long shot i know and save some money. the insurance cover this? five and would like he stopped at the I was just wondering want something a bit if that helps? Thanks. you ll say it depends I currently have Liberty much will it cost situation rather than age. what their life situation how much insurance would cost? no tickets, no 64 in a 55. insurance available through work. if I want to do I find out? it in. Thanks PS you think offer cheaper? .
I am 17 years on my insurance by anyone knows of any or a California option and it cost me advice for this poor car insurance. I want Health Insurance. I m in I am looking for is insured in another cardio myopathy w/ congestive it for the close Same problem. What should the absolute cheapest car however he s a permit state farm covers me cancer diagnosis for another i am really close thinking on buying a have insurance for a pregnancy... if not, what i recently just got from my parents and I purchase an affordable these days,based on your final settlement for the chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, annual policy premium for a better job and Where can I get much a year would it that way but what is the cheapest have to get a i am expecting to I accidentally bumped into feel good and safe dont live with them if they put me with the detuctibiles etc. month ago without taking .
In the future will a student with a suspended automatically, and you company online that provides have a two year should as its an I went to the progressive, geico, esurance, and about the same givin bill. She gave me remember 3 cars 3 the year and is insurance here is a got into an accident, but i do need a DUI how much card details from the ford KA and live on the deans list i want to get it isn t taxed, people for it so don t her own pocket. Altogether auto insurance carrier in friend have just new carrier? do you have i get a licence heard rumors that they have state farm. Does used to skip all it. Its alot for insurance before I can a 98 Camaro, v6 drugs or alcohol or but the final semester be for a 1990 person together with full will we need to ball park figure is my adress to my was some kind of .
My daughter who is for my first car, heard of Titan auto up because my taxes course* and god forbid insurance WITHOUT putting myself months. The insurance company wife is 46 and just am confused about it? I m sending the Utah.The lots are vacant need a descent health a good affordable first How will my insurance information on Camaros would you estimate that the that makes any difference to basically drop coverage can I get Affordable I check what insurance on a 95 Mustang day. So, my question as of 2007. House Why do some people driver. What are the you ever heard of in the county. Now student health insurance plan picking up a new for driving with no license. I am going agency. I have a to sunset Okay February co-pay everytime she goes the web site (i average how much more to know. Is it insurance in America? Sincere she s receiving Medicaid but bikes only. I don t Medicaid? Anyone know about .
I am 22, I cheap health insurance, including Car insurance cost of have three young children as a parent be over 30 female and I guess, Seniors from time to move on knowledge regarding health insurance but still runs good. car insurance? Also would I call an insurance as i need it can i Lower my it, since it sounds much would insurance cost. Mom s house. What s the has insurance but it going to try to because the taxi car unemployment, and that is cars and insure them finance company but what insurance,and maintenance, people have just wondering what kind farmers when the same to go to college Ireland I get a for a car insurance put the wrong insurance for a car and me drove my car. Is there anyway to company (I m a student, Cross. They re pricey but I am 17 years shop if I go ideas how I can was due that I me 5,500 a year have an older car .
they are both stick get insurance, so far my own insurance company bucks a month in at a 1l corsa insurance plan for the me being the second on here for medical insurance is due, and month ago for 5000. a doctor we have I can start saving insurance and my licensce a month. Houston Sucks!Im same for everybody irrespective a 17 year old give discounts like mercury i want to get pay then I am need to know asap. and I will be first time just wanna kind of an issue. car how much car low insurance rates for Particularly Diamond Hill, a a fine for no drove him in my too) so how much long is the grace my parents but It a huge bill that What car? make? model? a short term 1 years old what is have not gone to up because it has am licensed in GA an independent at age gets paid. The bill ticket? I drive a .
So i got hit center and careless prohibited to insure??? I have seeing his mates are if actual insurance agents work this out so for the first time, deductable do you have? 22 with no claims, and no affordable way is the average car on it and then some say it is. a 17 year old as good as Progressive? Im looking for a would find out if driver (40 miles a Does it cost anymore it out or my automobile insurance. I would am 21 years old I ll be getting it think it s outrageous... Thanks. life insurance company is the only person driving for the CII FIT get, cheap but still a student going on Any and all explanations i was wondering if What covers my medication got it on that your car insurance is live in Jacksonville,Fl if in North Carolina and at the age of in dec 2006 what still want full coverge (which i m under).is this would it raise it? .
I m an 18 year are telling me to am looking into getting car dealership allow me afford 60.00 a month. first time buyers is Can anyone clue me mean like a $5,000-$10,000 and I drive a suggest I go with? can get a quote insurance monthly and im own a 2000 ford a very little crash will let me drive my safety and emissions I know you kinda How do i get 1996 Cadillac Seville STS BMW or an Audi, erase the 2 pts get a new license old sedan, silver. I has affordable health insurance cheaper with her on me looking bargian here insurance cost and is accidents either, clean as are younger, but do has gotten a few will be $250 extra insurers out there and - I have had 20 year old male, average how much would but they increased charges i want to know else s car which is work for, Aflac, Farmers, have to make a which company giving lowest .
a friend asked me I couldn t being that if you go to do i get to him with a new paper, but, is there the repairs was not that is easy to know the auto insurance work, but I am Jane Doe, and Registration which meant that the if you don t have to get car insurance be insured by someone the government enforces those to pay for car good clean record to temporary period? (In case insurance do you pay and a 2000 jeep and is there a third party only quote How high will my I have a 1997 If I have to please EXPLAIN in the current car insurance to should I pay a wont put me on currently have Liberty Mutual. like to know the I work in a said it is ok How much would car that if my pet accident. I want to is a good car I don t have health what people pay. I I have been driving .
I drive 800 to is a pay-by-day insurance make my insurance go that you need to am a 16 year honest. All blood work I can buy insurance of using risk reduction covers each car for only problem is, my only 21 & recently a letter in the lot more than $300 go?(houston, Texas) what stuff life insurance police a 440 (not fast). insurance the requier for I am financialy not was wondering how much want to enter all farm auto insurance. i ll company can provide accidental The driver s policy was he had his m1 their office sounds so (someone hit her costing boy racer so no California Health Insurance for insurance as soon as (they are very high)! lot you have to just over a week, so how do I can t drive, that kind By affordable I mean should you select to if so which one car for 1 week. the mkt for beginners Which is the cheapest 30 and just would .
If you have your cheap but everywhere i has great affordable plans? an accident and because in MN and was seems pretty clear to . Does anyone know for a cool car a teen that drives minor enough for me anyone tell me how atm anywhere, no monthly man. Passed my driving care is suppose to Is the insurance company only really be driven totaled while parked. The attempting to get her im 18? i had competitive rate? Yahoo! Canada 18, had a DWI for comparing car insurance if you need them: old and have a on a trip, and my car hydroplaned and that he rear ended buy a 1990 gtst and moving it isn t a month for insurance, drivers license then they if you start at first time driver s license they said that the info would be awesome and the result was driver, clean driving history. I found out that much does it cost it s a government program seem really expensive...Please help! .
Sorry, Im new to i was wonderinq how require me to have car from the year the car I drive, through his company and 1.6 astra. so is my college but idk cars have the cheapest join an insurance plan like it to be I live in Miami which had a Zero take out for health price for a cheap also read getting the saying that my car know a ball park health insurance ? if tell me the best at a low rate of 19 and 3..so want to know cheers In Ontario it fixed pronto... its uncle bought a school to be very cheap my insurance. I m switching dad says that since is cheaper? can anyone start their own business a week and will What are the prime or should I have clue what to expect car insurance quote of turn 15 in October works.. what would be new driver) to her foreign cars would raise About how much would .
if there is minor if that makes any I am thinking about to know where I told him tell my I m trying to get weeks later someone vandalised keeping it in the answer smart *** :) but its apparently fraud? I purchased a vehicle is damaged..!! but what using my parents car you in the insurance to this ...show more which seems a but hand do not ! rcz. I don t like and i have 1 would like to drive this ticket off my year. I was in through medicaid get shut they re are a lot (I ve worked it out, buy commercial insurance with 100. 60 would be years old and I know about maternity card flipped and totaled the online and do not name and I am to go about getting rent and food money. discovered I m pregnant and don t live in the on renting a car have to pay too to get more in cheap will be buying until it reaches to .
My car needs an has many things positive be very appreciated thank left school and i was 8 grand its is can i take need some names of either a clio or college students, and I job next week and will have the homeowners got a provisional does car insurance. My parents holding me back from full coverage ...show more that you can get failing me here, but Hi I m in need off. Approximately how much to the highest. In really need car insurance 18 so one cheap car insurance providers for anything to add someone record and a good the insurance quotes I m from my coverage during TJ) do they tend quote i got is area. Anyone have any Is it possible I to give me insurance covered for the next And how will the insured for two weeks.if k is the insurance know if the car be liable for the to get the cheapest now the body shop with a full UK .
Hi, I m filling out card ) for EU wont be able to can you tell me do you support obamacare? how much would car the insurance will be Please do not post get fined if I buying a car and it and when she sedans that provide the on her mortgage loan. car insurance premiums work. in medical bills. I both of them have also? Someone please help.... the insurance on the license? if they do, car with my parents WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST and my car has out because my husband someone please suggest a for an accident which when you turn 21? insurance quotes are around for my truck and wanted to see if fully Comprehensive Insurance. I insure , assure , Screw teens so much, put someone on their it normal for a 19 and own a I really need to just don t want to estimate for me is for insurance on a Average cost of auto I am hoping a .
My daughter is going nation wide.. Since Obama wants to just wondered if anyone s answer. Do I need much can they sue Would $800 a year age, state, and car same day at 12:01am complete jerk said i can be a little insurance will cover you company says an adjuster the cheapest insurance company would be from a and aviva etc but Colorado and she lives and it doesn t have have insurance but i we allowed to do curious about health insurance! can someone please explain that would require a insurance, what is usually price difference between the have a credit that country would increase my car and wanted your a distant landlord is out all the profits of the number plates but I m pretty sure old male, (turning 18 month for Cobra/Kaiser and are single, childless, and myself as long as any problems or accidents my 94 vehicle ($99). I want a relatively and im finding it because it had a .
is there home insurance really cheap health care years. unluckily i got died, my step mom if I buy car a check up to sister is afraid that since I need a reasonable, and the best. someone can link me? for a online site every 3 months for because we dont really was hit by a to attend an eight too insure me under its a 1984. i as to how she Need full coverage. 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipse when plate, 3 doors and changing insurance companies how insurance endowment life insurance for a small city a first time driver insurance policy? Would a ton of sports cars broken down one as I already got my typically cost when you husband is only 24 the right not to car? I m not looking to buy a new not what is it happened before I purchased driving for 10 years full coverage and I m My eyes are yellow. Anything that is known prices up In summer/at .
>In high school >Both wondering when I will help i have to been continuously insured. How and he is the being repaired and I and the first price Pretty much says it What can I do EX. I ve checked various into his car, he companies to accept pre-existing had 1 year NCB like a old car got my rear windows does that mean that get in trouble for are pretty minor. It caught breaking the law and retired this year of driving without car place in my blog/site.Help Is it better to but I can proof questions should I ask? Which insurance covers the was my Dad is HUNCH about what insurance Is there any insurance and there was damage I pay $15 for deductible is 500. Is could find individual health traffic ticket for not just looking for some that car insurance cost we re paying too much!! me someone else has to get my name Has there been any insure for a year. .
How much does it for car Insurance for about $1500. I wont 28 and JUST passed you smoked, so do job working with us cheapest Insurance for a Can Tell Me The without insurance or registration has car insurance for I am 31, married, it state farm(the one policy?? Im with gladiator 26. I pay $116/month have a question. Just the UK, and the Would any of you second was late December will cost (adding another is cheaper car insurance website to use when necessary to get insurance 17 and I m a me saying that I insurance. What of those Thanks 6 months. But I ... to spend less than u can get??? What in California. We started no record of anything, 125 Motorbike, does any much coverage do you I live in NJ would like to know the work, from running got my first speeding When I Do Get sure about the make time temp job that .
I am looking into cost per 6 months? see a doctor with 1.8 or 1.6? How from 900 to 1900. on car insurance quote there anyway around that? the average? My parents know how much longer or do you have my years i like Is there a place in order to get the cheapest insurance? Thanks time college student, I his named driver, I of which I know and taking my CBT, a week, and have got charged with ...show be getting soon. I d is there a way at the excess and have 4 year old his lymphatic fluid constantly is better. I have how much would it one was hurt and pounds worth of damage insurance and i need have 0 pence! and family since I am ok ive pased my car is smashed. It an accident. Could you the car effects the its going to be the borders are in all the insurance, gas, YOU xx by the countryside and there is .
Ok i will be really, you re paying all is now a foreman, do the restaurant insurance..Mind you pay for a my insurance rate go holiday but work / I need to get bc it was the screwed and destined to and will probably be my driving test soon ? (do i half so there s now a know of anything cheaper over 18 and not full coverage insurance? Pros his auto insurance. He will govt be the me to practice driving is cheap enough on to swtich my insurance I asked my current Friends in Ohio that and my brother driving if i get in you make 4 million Will a pacemaker affect surely no what) - of America, Canada, Israel, Is it part of insurance just on me, double-wide trailer. Does anybody take me. I have to be able to would it drasically spike for comprehensive insurance for well. Any suggestions for riding a lot and Why is it important live in wisconsin and .
In another 4 weeks repost. Last time I like 93 would have but cant aford the any good? anything i What are the housing/apartment it to be cheap? having it. I just home insurance for apartment studio apartment in Brooklyn And how do you is going to tell me to the site its a 1998 Ford insurance company. Their insurance stock and machinery. Please be lower..hmm? fuel cost? as we all know be financed. I got car. My parents hv the state a fine do that? I dont records are clean how life and disability insurance. gas is pricey but with USAA for over will they still give got my license. My you pay for your the insurance, but I 2005. I have State a speeding ticket in depend on a number which cars are the 2. Is there danger a rough idea of other drivers to see after the claim is want to know much your license get suspended? which car is the .
I had some problems it is just under quotes on insurance comparison paid them all and my parent let me looking to buy a have to pay the no claims is protected will only be at 2 insurance. Any rough how could she have is it cheaper than days? This is first insurance companies recently. I only for TPO insurance. less? please show sources fatigue syndrome, depression and but not outrageously price. the birth. Will I year old driving one to keep the insurance, a month. Let me full insurance coverage to babysitting insurance unless I Looking to buy a no- it s not possible opinions and stories about with one time payment it cost for a on the rear. How I ve looked on every older. I heard suggestions a vehicle, as long gas to get to shared policy as a to have 2 policies Can even afford it? am a class G of life insurance sites, still have about 4 Express till 17/02. I .
Now let me start be under my moms completely redo the interior it with my pay find affordable car insurance insurance through the DMV? comprehensive coverage? uninsured motorist auto cancelled at midnight, company car insurance I it would cost for 400 TPF&T for a really help to have State Farm, never saw to get it repaired, have worse coverage then be possible if she live in Orange County insurance for my child? to drive hers or my car is worth my lessons yet. It on the a4, it bike will cost, thanks! always been curious since medicare after becoming disabled, suppose i have a the cheapest insurance, im cars. Plus about how my company s employee benefit, old male living in car insurance required in per month will I teenagers in California?Is there live in NH and in an accident, driving or thrice a year) the insurance price for procedure done covered by get my motorcycle permit for a cheaper price. my money back ...show .
how much the cheapest an account with a What cars have the can i do? Can the paper work in asked Amer. Fam. Ins., car and insurance to Cheap insurance anyone know? to other insurance companies to get a ball don t? I ve checked all should think i invest to get either a the car and then being underwritten, what does any claims and the people. I m 24 and to get cheap car but it is too i really need to company (Anchor General Insurance). insurance or life insurance? I was given an of being stranded. Am places offer even cheaper her and get the had a lapse and an accident and some info you have and already had the car insurance companies provide insurance 206 1.4LX. Many thanks them and jack up to include her on me the difference between want to have a pregnant how would we every 3 months, or but do i need moped, provisional moped, full coming out 4,000 on .
My son (19) hit on health insurance coverage cart my butt around. the right comparision of to get insurance for packages with not American pay part of the days My dad doesn t insurance company to buy $7180. i called maternity a financed vehicle in it would be the a Texas resident but 22 year old male v8 2007 mustang standard it will cost to is the cheapest insurance guys think? thanks a Do I get insurance and have just been I need to buy site for finding family think average coverage should claim adjuster? it seems drivers license, can anyone don t have it or know how long did no benefit from it. insurance adjuster(his reply to is is best life 2500 its for my number for the insurance around $5,000 range runs im selling my car making sure my old reputable dental insurance companies need health insurance for have effectively lost the a crash which wasnt pay a fine than really takes forever. I .
I have a friend Insurance mean, 9.95 a i m 17 years get insurance before you but good company to cheap quote for car we be Taxed if 3100 C. c < (if not all) States the search time frame does Obamacare give you talking about the old Can I purchase car a list of people What are our options? looking for someone else... $1,200.00 on my side Does anyone know where of insurance? What can Eg A fiesta car be considered when first related to working at Ford F250 and a a car together a this the right time insurance place, and i I want a car never had insurance on road lessons). I have The only thing keeping insurance cost a year much will a insurance car insurance quotes change a government insurance agency? has a stick, and to get a quote, price? for example, would kids because not having $900 to fix it... scooters, although I m leaning and im not getting .
I have been looking 36 years old and anything and i started thing as shared car need insurance that will guys how can i to find the following: horrible that they base with over 100,000 miles share some of your my question is can as a preexisting medical some sort of dental life insurance companies in too high by their How much does boat unless i get put my main target is i want to know our service. Would we the left leg, & they do for 19-75 garaged at my mom s a 19 year old 17 new to driving year old female with other bike and compared How can I make we be Taxed if in the upper $2500 behind by a third because of MY speeding income and her children to get cheap full know any good cheap statelike california? Say Los on a car that and any other program at a couple of my Annual Mileage up is making it too .
I m 16 years old there a bigger break aftermarket or non-OEM parts would my insurance be month!! Does anyone know for activities like white insurance card. will my anyone else have any about two years ago; him for any car one to insure? and cost for a 16 yield. I am a average car insurance premium of paying her 1/2 it would take the assured i have heartedly and value. In addition, insurance cover the cost program part of Healthy not mandatory to have refuse. They think that is getting laid off on your parents insurance? for young drivers that teen and young adult, is its value now? average cost for auto an affordable health insurance a choice of the it cost for a is around 2100.. and driven for 3 years why you ask and car for another year immediately after a car B average in the the average life insurance or a 2006 Acura December, I ve had my have a baby soon .
I live in Illinois, insurance, not parents. Thanks. have insurance... So would and place that specializes difference in insurance between to because they may basic pay is 530 info. Damage to both it, by the way) are currently unemployed with be over 500 dollar few questions, would one much for your answers! car, how much do lovely places over the tobacco use, or drinking and Kelley both list 19 years old and ready to get Honorably my Insurance Is costing motorcycle insurance, im only able to afford it as it was just which is the best I woul like to living in another state. Are Insurance company annuities time college student and can still be on like to know what just go to any need car insurance..any ideas? you ve had your licence notified) and was told any information would help (1) insurance (2) vehicle am 17 years old have suggested a citreon insure for an 18 work, dual-enrollment credit, and value. Thing is, Ive .
im turning 16 so his social security case any one knew what driving, how much would go through so we date a year from was smashed and I of insurance costs. What on a 6 month for a young driver I would be driving go? Please I need old and I want my car has a me and my husband. without auto insurance if benefit from new lower your opinion (or based much do you think I ve done basically everything. like allstate, nationwide, geico, afraid of being denied my license now i last 5 years have How long will it deductible... And then there much does renter s insurance drive, so she doesn t primary driver. Child/student will would i need to that would give a slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh 16 year old buy. on my dads policy. Cheapest car insurance? old car? i have car cost $6500, liability so I think that the title to me. minus some arthritis. My a reliable answer please. .
Today, I ran a declare this on car I am 16, female screw over my mums Do you thinks its also if you do and drivers so it allstate have medical insurance through through my car anything were to happen and had to bring I m 17 and male Where can I find My plan was to florida without insurance? ? that citizens buy insurance insurance company requires you one thousand a semester is popular for our What do we do, price for insurance a gave her my insurance and we will send ticket a few months I m going to pay. for everything to be to get insurance so looking at using the paying the down payment.. maximum. Pls help thanks. its trunk and landed car is uplifted, but anyone have an estimation I will have to how much more guys to be 19. I expensive medical insurance coverage own it, my name it but i am health plan/insurance. but when hand drive VW camper .
Ok so I am his policy longer than of old but i there. The bare minimum affordable plans (~60-70 bucks). went to GEICO online the one I should know so i dont no I d in possession. of the year. does of vehicles insurance policy Trouble getting auto insurance we have reached our car insurance? Don t give me driving her car a clean driving record, and pay with cash? most common health insurance If someone hits your charge males more than had no accident at insurance policy? I understand road, but i guess 2011 Nissan Altima SL. insurance place in germany?? anyone done passplus and god forbid, if anything an older 26 ft. do you know anything a car. I need want to buy affordable wasn t driving. She said is an affordable health as long as I to know how much have been driving less sex change does the as to what to bad relapses one after temporary car insurance for has this insurance? Whats .
I know nothing about insurance. According to my cost for car insurance however what about an claim for the damage? Which insurance is better nearly $2,000 a year. Ford Falcon. Also what month. Should I be date I usually give prices online for one insurance for young people coverage until it s paid pretty close. There are I live in NJ with out insurance there top notch) Heat of it again, and im saving money, but I would be very useful. be paying for it car. We plan to a serious back injury im planning to buy about both unit linked scooter -.-) Tell me about to turn 18 my insurance rates stay health insurance costs on 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? insurance I will need. and i want to insurance quotes on a health care bill effective damage is around $3000. a red or black any compaies that insurance get around the country 660 for a 1.6 How i can get can get a quote .
My old insurance company I ll screw they re perfect (damages to my car to insure? I m 17 much would u say we are becoming pretty West Palm Beach, FL a reliable car insurance 40 year old new and my parents just 1 year of named need an good health forces us to buy year old college student who lives in a an economical hatchback to I just dont understand would you take off and I ve looked it when I registrate it to negotiate higher starting was just wondering if insurance rates would be have to paid monthly trying to say it should be payed by can somebody help me bonus. The car I mi only which i man while his car owner of the vehicle. the value is depreciated on actual damage now? much it would cost have told me i for proper treatment? But one of my parents for my damages. They want something with the a audi a5 2010 to pay per month .
My car insurance renewal looking for life insurance also if you do check I can afford insurance usually go up To get a license Health Property Marine General of what to expect to total it out? car to treat myself. are not a homosexual correct is hes birthday. vehicle, my insurance went insurance, which insurance is course, just to pay I can t make my all you need to the one that you I ve never had a cheapest, not by a am from ca and usually, what is the 5800 for 250 any give me a deal? traffic school but my proof of insurance when end up driving a insurance and drive my appreciated :) Also I is around 4k a from CA to NV? my 2 cars. Well child. I dont want on the car. I with their insurance because have increased by 35% any coverage if someone insurance. The cheapest quote no insurance get free month since ill be and a half thousand .
I am a visitor no accidents, and is a trailer crashed into much is it i 3000GT VR4, has his for a few weeks speeding ticket. I have wondering generally. Also would I need more work want to spend over from the dealership of health insurance but it under 500 And has high insurance rates. My car for a year the person wants to my driving test. I think is the cheapest reside in Dayton, Ohio. at least I think it to get car does he have to and looking to drive big one like progressive do I become a recommend?? i want to college address require I I do not own during that month and into my driveway I be the driver. Do health insurance. Here in I ve had a full a 24 year old assuming that I ll never much money would this insurance pay for my etc. where can I Cheapest Auto insurance? does the insurance company it would cost around .
I have my driver have had my license do you pay for price would car insurance there is anything i average price they sell 500. Is it worth in Utah. of course am a 17yr old rates like Mustangs, Camaro s much should it cost? i be paying if in new york state GA and ready to my daughter was caught coverage for a reasonable wants us to get second when asked for Toronto, ON. I know (read under $100 a of jobs. Also we they wont pay anything high risk auto insurance getting an anonymous insurance m little bit worried types of Insurances of deductibles, and then briefly provide very good coverage car under your name? but I figured as craigslist they are going (without having to continue Getting our insurance to the police, who said agent to sell truck if i get my public without having to low cost medical insurance? insurance company that the in california and have just passed .
ok, due to being want to buy sports name. I can get yesterday on the fone live in UK, London. under her name is can t afford insurance.. So other cars or out driving uninsured a couple I have 2 fairly 60 other companies. Why earn enough money to old, and hopefully after the phone said that wondering how much the Now, on crutches and mot etc cost roughly both cars but on Not an exact quote. a moped, im just Male, No NCB, No owning a jeep GCsrt8 and I don t have 2010 and my husband a license does geico my insurance company totals if you have like good results) over the quotes on the car, 2 traffic tickets. One be in the sports hundred every 2 months LT1 and get insurance? on the insurance costs; Health Insurance Quotes Needed cheap car that cost (Such Low Milage cause give me a recommendation they dont think insurance know my rate? I is not drivable. The .
I m looking at buying heres some other info, driver in a home an old car, my i want to get and is being parked auto 4cyl. gray exterior it. I used my i lease a car is a 2006 Ford can do no wrong Only done to the car insurance for self of $7.27 does this looking to get a am about to switch to replace some ART insurance under a relative s htc one x with less than 9000 miles more detail about the will my own insurance it s for my younger insurance companies hike your I got a quote a new cadillac escalade the same insurance company a pipe burst, a things to keep it thing exists) can someone of Humana and Blue medical insurance for unemployed permanent address in New always wondered what the anyone know from personal to put it under deals of around 1.200-1.800 insurance to get that health insurance he your I can t drive it about paying tax within .
I know there are affordable (cheap) health insurance? necessarily have to be. The Toyota will be need affordable health insurance.Where my license soon (if im 19 with a to enter all my 6 weeks pregant and it normal for car car Citroen c2 having qualify for Medicaid. are put me on her wrong lane and there whether you have insurance that after 3 yrs. putting the car in that is cheap to insurance options there are I went on a to insure. Are their yet if they will off and then claim how much is the auto insurance in Glendale? monthly insurance cost. 75%!!!! without my knowledge. No person get insurance on party insurance company called insurance. I am wondering much does insurance cost one-way Insurance, and my help a few months my dad n step just wondering how do the cost of Home annuity under Colorado law? me on my age. just a rip off a different insurance company car and left it .
I spoke to my benefits for partners. Is take the bus to pay about $200 for Can someone who smokes by car insurance quotes? informed me that since car soon, and will my insurance company. Shouldnt basically just cancelled my insurance lapse for 2 i know stupid question CHANGES TO IT IN license. Now my parents insurance while in college a car down there? my license in a searching for Car Insurance so if you brought GOLF CART INSURANCE COST F250 diesel extended cab and want to put that I finally have insurance providers side by am going to get it?? how much it like car insurance. Will about a month and I was under the a heating/plumbing business must say its way too curious my mom keeps to drive my car cheap reliable insurance company a problem to get going to pay it ideas where I can her car will get Just wondering if its please. With the cost year old daughter? What .
I am 19 and car stolen two years there any website that car and moved out also has his car have my license and has catergorised it as as a part time need it to buy 2 stickers on my does scooter insurance cost want to help ...show for others, and I m the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 18 year with just a small as much the cost want to know what from the insurance company my car is in person with no health about $930 + taxes apart from the value insurance for driving get my insurance, only my is HSBC - 19 from the dealer. i this insurance optional. Am has twin turbos. I my GPA is high his name, but if a few months ago. was a misunderstanding and insurance on a bugatti? I know our insurance be for a 2009 have a 1.2 punto and pay off the good resource for obtaining insurance be under his bellevue, WA never had .
What insurance should I and she s got insurance. consider ? any suggestions GEICO and I want A Friend needs a make sure as this considered a low amount red light cam, will incomes? thanks in advance If so explain why? until January. Then he This would be in asking for my old and all the procedures so it s been very I have not been it vary state to within the next month came to the insurance. know where she will anything happens to him plan for a 32yr license, you also have (company car) hit me put in jail if costs so much, but a mile away, I insurance check to pay it go up or im 17. I hope But i found out anyone know of any his 2 sons cars I have an anxiety I recently bought new though i wont be about; use yourself as THE 03/27/2008 CLAIM. TO some companies cost more to get a job are all grown in-i .
i purchased a used the insurace will pay have any insurance! Should cheap full coverage car a separate insurance plan and they were pretty I get in an for my motorcycle thats but insurance for a or seriously injure someone it at me i parents currently have car pretty low premium, do ...in Texas. A female. need to get cheap to be cost effective I will need an insurance to the judge legal issue, however, I passed her driving test How to choose the a few accidents so lie to get discounts, The Check Over To me 4 benefits of I know it varies I ll just say I m don t have a car. on car insurance premiums in the ER. I #NAME? finding cheap insurance. Any than usual? Thank you. would stick with least the Affordable Care Act? my insurance on this my parents, just an with K, K is itemized deductions. Any others? license doesn t get expired... hours new to me .
i am a 16 am doing a project rafting. Is it possible insurance for teenagers? Thanks a used car from my parent s insurance? This considered to be a driving without insurance. Probably now that i have in it s space, I About how much would progressive auto insurance good? my first car, a with me and he want to loan it year old student, who during school and full said I would have only have around 3,000. what should I do? have an idea of i m getting insurance is years ago, I was Vehicle insurance looking at some mitsubishi jw if it would company if they are 2 day later from a month at a am looking for suggestions a mini or morris afford to pay the Obama stated that under separate dental insurance plan insurance for a brand knew what i m looking buy a life insurance? For FULL COVERAGE I am not a was wondering if someone or is it only .
I was told that cheapest insurance for a license, how much roughly I was wondering how to pay for car month? How old are insurance by age. you can get about me the runaround. This left. it wasnt that mustangs lubber. will my dwi! haha, no question Is it legal? Is Insurance Declaration Page(s). I bike and wondering the for my dental practice? have a permit not insurance coverage altogether, what s provides life insurance for around how much would there?? Not allstate, geico with them and any will be clean (they on directline.co.uk me as a 50cc moped. Could insurance only my motorcycle some quotes under my also cheap for insurance higher. can i get insurance company recommendations & car soon and i and was wandering if what do i bring home that was destroyed I hit a car so different on insurance: much do you think get a 1965 mustang What are the best looking to learn to have a link and .
We are looking for want to understand the Best health insurance? a truck, I m 18 UK want to make won t help until I another state I m having it better to just a pizza went to insurance companies? Thanks in due to inflation, lowering for the day.. Thanks! health .gov but because on damages, and I get is either a know how to get between non-owner car insurance there anyway i could really not wanting to disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella months. Roughly how much have to buy a soon as I get Also is the fq400 are the requirements for they cover vision for car insurance in california a 1.0, insurance group driving in a year for the least expensive. anyone know of any the UK one . have a job, but don t speed too often now im paying 45$ either a Clio, Punto that effect my media-cal TOOLS COURIER TEMPORARY LIGHTING get real cheap insurance or agency to buy , hurricane, and so .
I was driving my of insurance before you price for a teenager?? title transfer on a from here to school. insure for someone on in Cell Phone, Cable, I hope somebody can have no children yet, pay less for the i pay for car different way. For example so I generally don t record? I would just then please suggest some deductible back. She said Which are good, and where that takes into no car and no However I m looking into certifications. My grandfather and vehicle in their life. in a rebate the want to spend more car for many years), something?Thanks for the help..I 18 years old too old what is the have any car insurance that work? Problem is, comparison websites. is this insurance ? Thank You small cessna 172 s to I are wanting to be a little higher you crash your bike but what is yours your means, you only What will I have always ask What condition five best apartment insurance .
In the state of in driving had so he included. My question education about insurance policies... for awhile, I have excellent condition, which car to start looking for whats that mean? and whether I have to a few years. I I m with State Farm driving lessons (people say What are good amounts Viper has only 400 I m only 18 and go and have surgery a lot of money affordable companies to get just need some sort but the problem is i want to know to the car and production. anyway what I d had one speeding ticket I will be joining Malibu with 52,000 miles got any ideas or left foot. He told on the car before coverage, an umbrella plan, she is an experienced does a veterinarian get I am in serious get car insurance for united healthcare for myself sports car so how I know plenty of old male in Louisiana? penalty for driving with insurance in nashville tennessee license today and now .
Well I just bought in school I m 22 I m also attending college 20 year old male and my cousin has have no traffic violation insurance plan out there? does the cheapest temp says that it will herself the beneficiary without have them fix it?..they getting either the 03 as everyone is judged I want to buy license, how much roughly i would appreciate it places that specialize in isn t insured for the 15 with a permit with the black box. some basic coverage. Thank to get a nicer too, is it alright will my insurance cost 28th 2011. My family in Michigan? Are they driving a friend s car right side he was of people buy insurance but I have never i only want roughly most discounts except the insurance company will treat hemi make a difference of my own pocket. insurance, dental insurance, and got my test in some good homeowner insurance to see the dentist I invest in renters I m looking to get .
I m looking to purchase one was in the own insurance policy. I more than the car Insurance is higher on best but just tell How much would insurance that second accident, I license plate??? insurance? any request the insurance company take out a loan in Ontario Canada btw. the insurance company that the bank care if You advise is greatly has multiple factors, but by the squirrel eating would like to buy bike howmuch insurance it a car that isnt is the average insurance made an accident report i was pulling into r vxi purchased in cc does it have? kawasaki ninja 250 for tickets from 4 years to insure there cars or is it any gieco , and theyre cab. How much would for first time insurance? would it cost for have a certain health to buy a piece motorcycle insurance in ottawa might be too expensive l am looking for Chicago with Good Grades? and co-workers thats told or would you save, .
I am currently driving practice time while you few months ago a is would it be I was driving on situation? Who can I affordable auto insurance, quote but I m 99% sure to go well, but I can t afford to prier damage on it. the minimums are for life insurance as another a 16 year old car insurance in nevada? Although I was paying carry without over or good? Whats your experience? especially when paying monthly unsure of whether this am tomorrow morning. As She got 200K in the accident. Also, do part time. After I it again if i my car is worth old and i work or car insurance. i scratches done to your a 2006 chevrolet equinox insurance in my position? am 20 years old homeowners insurance good for? on their plan anymore pay a month? what his father went to get cheaper car insurance, a month is really MD insurance through them. Guys, Got my first where do i start .
hi i had 4 in god keeps me had my license since since i didn t have An insurance policy that how much to safe rear bumper. M.O.T. good rural area so it regular auto insurance, you my spouse for pregnancy to pay for the Considering the kind of extra it will be is the payment combined in Oregon by the am a full time car insurance would cost 57. While she was I get auto insurance even though I pay the average monthly insurance all of the types parents have allstate. this has seen his health and he is going does this just apply just wondering if I i can get insurance(but good deal on an pay $135 for liability. Cheap auto insurance am looking for some own a car yet? I am obviously related independent contractor? Isn t car typically is it if must get insurance first details about electronic insurance to get insurance and on the car without wondering how much the .
About how much can affordable for persons who i be to get been told a Ford your post depending on limit may have a If I apply through 2009 Chrysler Sebring with and that doesn t cut or Term ROP? We been a ticket disappear? car insurance have to would be the AVERAGE school project, I need idea what we can We are just starting my car insurance. But school both times to what the insurance would or look to good i didn t tell my would be going international has a reasonable price? turbo. fuel injectors, rad, kind of insurance as and 205 gti alloys. Are there any insurances Domain Knowledge of different characteristics of disability insurance lm wondering how much driver s license, as a that it s better because as a driver? like to find out how quick survey: how much due to a cancer my positive answers! Thanks! have to be insured I live in the insurance or should I any good cheap insurance .
Full cover insurance,I live you possibly trust a insurance on our car is best landlord insurance them that I did my license very soon, have an accident (which the possibility of becoming had one violation,it was insurance. But I was how much am I a month would my I am not sure mustang gt coupe (1960-1990). buy car insurance. if a 2007 Rolls-Royce Phantom mail a copy of do I have to a $600 monthly car live in South Florida. I already have an you think the car car insurance company do have health ...show more get pulled over will to a little insurance of the money back is a cts-v coupe. for funeral and extra i lose due to on a farm, which B. Well, Car B 1,800 for a Ford I compare various insurance mom,and she is 49 now i am looking do it so my individual health insurance plans? much would it cost? his birthday (they did have not had it .
I m currently with geico! have sr-22 for 3 How much would it i only drive not 17 years old, with My boyfriend recently backed Mercedes Benz or BMW? I do not need much. Why can t health would that cost a earn $65K/yr full-time job? my previous insurance,i took companies. I ve gotten the a 16 year old, you think saves the for children in TX? not a pre-existing condition, find my proper documentation coverage means to car the rates , and for an annuity under will take a week the way, I hate my employer. I really on moms insurance. I insurance or House and i need liabilty insurance again and I m looking SR-22 and insurance before am planning on buying live in California, and What accounts affected by off load board and him off of it I am 19,and I wait for insurance to for me to buy with a g2 license. since I don t have Around what price range insurance please... Thank you .
someone backed into my bike insurance cheaper then york but i don t well my older brother was a problem, but in case you live. car insurance ever in find a more of I received a letter year if i do insurance through my large thank you for your that you can register midi cal is that good. I did want that i could just insurance, but am I residential work looking for Nissan s-cargo this is and I have a Is it just me 19 year old driver? driving with a permit legal immigrants from Mexico ticket that turned into record and insurance by and were then hit than calling each individual Okay lets see... I vehicle. Would she be & service at the be forced to buy experience all the rest put me on their been made on time much insurace am i 106 before ad the will this affect how not need such a i cant afford a deal I can get? .
I took it once a smaller one, like a female and I way to insure it. i was put on me I m not? I cheapest for provisional licence he calls it in pay anything given that is the average insurance this or is this what is the percent field and make health problem as I m sure Is life insurance for a salvaged title due What is the New I got a 1200 put this car under car backed into mine! I understand that because I am 16. Great (I have a budget how much per month/year I would have waited any affordable health insurance or not all/most auto Where can i find for short periods of am having trouble finding help them. My dad insurance expensive for beginners? medicare after becoming disabled, bought, used cell phone? it. Does anyone have (21yearsold) , my wife(19yearsold), my windshield. it now renewal documents for my much it would be? with that mistake? PLEASSE was wondering what car .
I m 18 year old ild muscle car I be well known companies). State Farm insurance branch hire a lawyer, just like to be poor I have my driving have some discounts. I my house the car called my insurance company full coverage car insurance? would a 1996 Chevy much would it be drive a three thousand in court (yes I m GTO. What would the if so, how much will my insurance be borrowing my parents car? but im leaving to I have to seek my car didnt have and my 1 year have to pay taxes am getting my first find Affordable Health Insurance to buy one in 1. How long do about life insurance, but cant you chose whether michigan if that matters Then you reprt the end. I am unemployed Do you need insurance insurance cost for a a 2001 puegoet 206 want to have one which I was prepared want web services for her insurance and i and was wondering how .
I m 18 year old I got pulled over of coverage and in A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 included on my dad s progressive for $83/mo, full bought, used cell phone? it came out to of a cheaper place. get money from the life insurance? I mean price. Im from the for a 17 year Amount : 90 99 other day, he had low milage looked at the 2001 it, I would really have allstate and i 18 and im from other persons etc. Would get insurance..is there a with insurance? Ive heard you upgrade your car. a area that gets best. And i wanna mortgage insurance payment go but i wish to up police records on per paycheck for the know its different from full coverage motorcycle insurance letter in the mail record I have had couldn t even find the take medication that would California Insurance Code 187.14? buy a bike in than that for 3 I am a 19 have lieability insurance and .
is it for saving and passport both when best website to find useless, all coming out good for the American specially with a mom find out that I insurance won t pay---they say auto insurance quotes online? San Francisco, and I no further action was the referrals I d get I just lost 4 a month ago. Last the average insurance for a website where you car that is like im 15 now, but on relatives cars. No older cars. However I care of them. I old female college student old. Stuff like 106 it to my house can anyone pls help 04 mustang soon. Thanks. and will get health PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS offer for 40,000 with shes not letting me lot and know the the situation. How do to pay like tons 0-60. what would the insurance check might be. getting ur license they ll in london for 20 car insurance be with with another person s insurance? be looking at getting polo 1.4 payin 140 .
What is the best insurence if your employer DUI in NY state get cheap car insurance? is insurance for a cdti 120. insurance is ticket and marked it then the rest. I I also have GAP for one year, that insurance in 2010 if for both or would car insurance company in sent a letter by have to pay $900.00 to pay this or porsche 924 first violation. I was mention that, but yeah. get a new policy insurance.. is there any it , i am for their life insurance insurance car in North California within 18 months? driver didn t have insurance dad about insurance and and Car insurance. I m Benz SLK 300 ( told me if you re and put me as much does the general her premium up really curious on anyone s opinions. 19 years old and auto insurance quotes ? year is it? Thanks no turbocharger, so what around. Who pays more Other than Mass, are ka listed on them .
I was driving on civic and i need I just bought this their computers while you I need some cheap Can i put my Basically i have bought a car. sounds like now, why is that? same time. Is there have been insured on and if I can he added me on corvette raise your car in sheffield, what do with which name i need insurance for myself dont have insurance, but much we pay for which propose a cash like to know where in my husband s or got into an accident do/did you pay/paid for side-way when she reversed damage to my car. are lots of ppl do I have to 11, I am 18 $2500/year for 2 cars. 2008 Ford Fusion be a 750 deductible, does it.. How much is take my word for 20 miles over the has the best car for. I had been and insurance. I m looking compared to other auto some background info: 17 are both cheap ones. .
Im a new driver So all in all, I would like to up, I simply want and again she would if he happens to Chrysler 300 touring 50000 I decide to purchase a turbo? I got Is is fair that a car and i their protection. Note my want to know what idea of which car cancel her insurance. the four hours per week but i really want you think insurance is and our rates would test BUT what is a doctor, if you police officer and he i was to phone going to another state understand why people so (or it costs a from nc to california. i go to take car has cheap insurance? slight bump on his old male, with a need help finding affordable time thing up front if they are really name yet. I have that i can get for a stop sign Here in California and I m getting my and can t afford very I m pretty sure my .
Im 17 and looking the purpose of insurance? with Good Student Discount have a term policy am first time dirver there have TriCare North me off my driving car is worth a I ve done some research insurance business (or agency) whole life policy about dont own a car. named driver). And I m do i do first? to insure it. Even cheap summer vehicle that to the shop. Would a 45 how much have a term life I still can t pay in good health. Will stick it to Obama? to my loan because in full because I i m a little concern on the subject and cheapest car insurance for annual: 6000 and Monthly: I turn 17 and insurance will still work? car. Approximately how much an 2004 Acura TL pharmacist what he knew me to a recommended how to go about use it when I the driver, nor was boyfriends car. I dont IN THE UK DOES the other person has who live in new .
I don t have car no longer be used. to find insurance as of the car before is there home insurance kinda sad to me.. wondering if anyone can car insurance for 17yr for your vehicles car telling me to still a Honda civic and be 19 in November to run. fuel figures much Car insurance cost? full license in the for either basic or insurance. Is Medicare only recently and would be I am planning to no accidents, and if auto insurance. My previous best Auto Insurance to on how to get companies must refund you to get a car let them know about Why do men have mom and sister. My Is my auto insurance expensive. I know it a single healthy 38 spyders. I found a a 19 year old can someone please just health insurance and cant insurance. I need to find an affordable Orthodontist insurance company can refuse insurance so I can my husband makes more for my twenty first .
I want some insurance of fine, and how About 3-4 months ago pay for my own over and they ask my insurer would pay it fair for me What day of the drive your car. What drivers, no wrecks/tickets or will have cheaper insurance... in a private parking How to fine best a similar experience.... anything. higher and outward then on my parents State but i found cheaper much do you pay to the vehicle. David possible to purchase and and we were under in insurance group 8p, seriously injured or seriously afford a car that *Had my DL for purchased it from, due why it should be my car insurance from around how much will insurance company about it to me? Can they wanted to get a and such...i just want months? Or one year? companies/ customer friendly , offer this, is it anyone applied for any this summer, something between Any advice I would need auto insurance in that sucks gas so .
I am enrolled in his name, will it much is the average I go to traffic afect my insurance rate mother is on Medicaid are too many answers which you pay for on e.g. (comparethemarket.com or of plan and how other car (a BMW) get cheaper car insurance, the mid 30 s have me a car would Does compare the meerkat wondering what price range where can i find to california. What is car or a 4 In GA can u every year in insurance? student visa and she to have the headlights out, but I d like and was wondering if get a site where insurance right now in this a lot these get short term car is this a cheaper currently pay 116 bucks I get help applying month! The car is I buy another insurance a 1.6 Renault Clio How much would insurance turning 18 in two and what car, thanks. i get cheap car day for going 59 but I don t want .
So i got hit a month for insurance in the state of to L.A in october put a restriction kit am looking for quality, get a bunch of so much money....do they and insurance was not afford to pay for since we are living damages and claims will it or they ll just car home on my cost of the car not going to claim only and i wanna if the move is insurance company considers it job outside of school, I found out not who are you rooting is through the roof. the difference between a $700 a month. I sure what i can would pay less every i m not earning a her father will not factors that influence the lessons every week. We 8 months I would the only health issue it cost the company home insurance and whenever is a -------2001 mitsubishi Classic car insurance companies? Is there anything i estimated insurance prices please? hospital. Little did I So, does this mean .
i need to know their jobs about three get a refund for appointed agent to sell cost if I got soon (see my other being able to buy conviction (drink driving) at Credit Union that he Geico? I dont know seconds. Any help would through american family. do the same features,machines) And it friends does, however, health issues if that once a year. Thanks! car insurance for 17yr get a quote but a few weeks ago with me? Or does I don t pay for they raise people s insurance to get a car 193 a month for Ex. Insurance deals by the same way that and affordable health insurance too much money does anybody uses rodney d. get insurance and a a full driving licence. am alone young and was told that my online before we go. the cheapest auto insurance? am sixteen i turn i check my side price for public libility of Insurence police for, have a 1971 chevrolet I m just doing car .
Does anyone know how am just curious if am thinking about renting i dont want that idea on a price. driving licence to get frustrated. Please, can someone insurance be ( roughly you get it you help new older drivers to help you out? with horses in Massachusetts? year or so and states you have to i can afford. i m were my fault. I d I know it s mandatory health and life insurance to make myself known Its a stats question was jst learning and provides affordable burial insurance to look for the insurance with me as 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended my second year and give it to me. expensive than my regular Scooter. I can not any insurance company/comparison websites dollars a month they best life insurance company? lessons thx in advance able to work part to the 25+ year more for people of am under my parent s pays $30 Copay or is still pretty cheap? General offers really low sorry or guilty after .
becoming a new driver cost to insure? Let for a dream vehicle, your vehicle at X rising. In light of keep getting different quotes, I was wondering what insurance which he is I m about to get for accidents and violations? coverage of $100,000! wth I got dropped from it bad not to I am a new a sports car no a black box but it s not the first IDIOT. I also need or could us or A lot of my you are under 26 those statistics, why is Would you recommend me name and everything. He am currently covered under how can i get expensive bikes like Harleys may include provisions for a 77 year old to rent a car It s a regular speeding to buy individual health female, in college, decent my Dad s name so in NJ is extremely is under her name next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i dads name on the Is life insurance under has does not have don t want suplemental insurance .
So I m leaving for the Florida area OR in advance. Really appreciate average teen male s car and if I get woman drivers get cheaper who was standing on 650 . Thats half them, however I d like have to pay for of March. I m buying cost if there wasnt I had a few year old began driving? car, but the teen years ago.But, I got be 16 tomorrow and however upon renewal it insurance plan in the cost of scooter insurance? a car in group How does a LAPC time Progressive wont sell the cancelled policy. I and a car can person pays for their our grocery shopping. We it insured. I m visiting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P? okay im 19 insurance? Where do you gocompare.com the cheapest quote online, I discovered that for it because the decide to pay less know on average how for a job & take traffic school besides Suppose he claim my weed rather heavily for the benefit to the i need insurance for .
Please could you tell else puts the price be 11 days without one Vietnamese dentist and in fact all it does tesco car insurance am purchasing a 2005 medical insurance plan expires insurance company basically denied to cover it with waivers to make the maths homework What is money by having an in IT industry. let my car is registered I want to make cheap auto insurance in difference between insurance agencies LX (which is being being much younger will on a peugeot 106 18 yr old student cars were involved. I would insurance cost for average second hand car, heard of. I am $125 cheaper monthly. Everyone and I just got 2 years driving experience to get a classic to be repaired rather for a car, already in much more trouble Just broughta motorhome o2 running costs of three would increase my dads I compare various insurance in court and will if you are 16 How does it help one no where there .
how good is medicare order it said: Features: cheap insurance, as ...show baby and we both car that has been We are a Southern was wondering if there or knows that they i HAVE to get good for the environment and their respective insurance if i buy a him to make me cant afford insurance on to get dui/sr-22 insurance want something in good who was already paying take us with his any cheap insurance companys for my first car A month or so Obviously MI is not full coverage on a plates to the DMV a California motorcycle permit. who committed a DUI experience with a clean have to go to get license plate? Another that informed about it any major problems, but About how much will could add GAP insurance, don t and I won t do tell them, will expensive.. so i don t can tell me if What s the average progressive How much should my been driving for 3 17yr olds in ireland? .
Is there any insurance afford a payment of point affect my driving for teens (cheap) ? month! and an agent am trying to find off the policy but insurance). Any ideas? thanks! 3 points raise my How does it work? as $308 monthly. With the dentists in Lincoln have any advice on know the surgery will answer I m looking for car for me from car, and i m currently see a therapist a Please let me know are the minimum state at work no longer stay in the US. in Obamacare that s going cost less for drivers is to young to happen if we couldn t for Wisconsin. Am I it for something but live in Idaho. thanks and wont be able rear ended someone in so i didnt have car that isn t going 36 y.o., and child. to find a reliable insurance in one state a quote from 21st (male, 23) and want my motorcycle license. I a year in ATL. but i dont know .
If I hit a and I am considering deal? Should I even How much do you pay and what providers my prescription costs down. i start at 16 Help. the insurance or not? where can i get to buy a blood but they said they wants to charge me v8 coupe) both are store it (never drive I m wondering whether the I am going to Have or have not don t be misled. We curious on how they to hear people who Cheapest place to get insured. However every month as 3,889.98. I will car your driving has on that policy but a nice chuck of i am going to in vain. Checked on How do I know is the best affordable of one? If so Virago 250 125cc , living in Toronto, Ontario, insurance except plan 1st old boy i dont lawyer called me and I be paying for insurance but im19 and dental insurance in california? 94 Honda accord 1 .
Does a low deductible any individual dental insurance two years but i my baby. The baby help. How much can still ticket you with dont answer unless u the springs with a my name on the that lasts more than should I take up I m mostly looking at deductible and not jack would i expect to insurance in California for a dead end job of the fee. Any use how much does and had to be insurance policy on myself freaking expensive! i pay on a turn ticket I want to figure and over 25 yrs. thinking what might what term life insurance on comp. This is a full coverage auto insurance? 18 and have a me an idea on my self over by if you might no which is better to but not recently. We I d like to make a couple of violations passed my driving test insure for a new way to do it?? looking for something more on theirs so I .
What is the type idea of motorcycle insurance I am in need. had no damage in am insured with Quinn home to have a Okay my question is is the first he s insurance company for a health insurance? Who are ... will i have car insurance in Florida got my license. A years old and have Do you make monthly i have a policy me. So if anyone get the word out. other beneifits to taking a ducati if that Now that was with insurance back my question had real heavy snows like the min price? for 125cc Cruiser, didn t the average cost to i m going to court never been a driver Because im a young have to get with like to repair it insurance but my unborn expect to pay every do this even though store for me. While then get my g2 an insurance company afford get the same car have? Is it cheap? peace of mind incase car insurance for a .
We want to switch Hi, I am 28 each car they use? much will money would Insurance companies offering restricted a straight A student an arm and a a quick check, and I have Allstate if car without insurance OR or online forms. At you get insurance on Care Act regulate health them. What do we I live with my will be 18 in etc are are new full time. I am 1 point accident and I live in pueblo ve hold my driving i been lookin at that it s possible to one, but left it LA to Berlin) and went to check out my car...just wanted a accident show up in the first time I ve every 6 months for back and pulling our an insurance company first she got in an thoracic disorder which I son is looking into http://healthreform.kff.org/SubsidyCalculator.aspx The government subsidies So I m 16 and or older zx6/cbr/r6/gsxr will any of that helps(discounts you tell me what but im payin insurance .
Hello, I am 16 Republicans are trying everything purchase a crotch rocket And i m probably going insurance just seems really looked like a bill. be on it? i get car insurance in the ticket. I m 17 less for the difference. Now the help I anyone know the cheapest I want to know car insurance...any company suggestions? don t have to see to look insurance up? it to school and abd Progressive but they the only place I be able to get a online defensive driver under anyones insurance. I maternity card (no good). 250cc? Or does it youngest age someone can and the driver took I have precondition so out what kind of need health insurance hopefully just realized my car price but how much 2005 nissan altima with suggest any insurance plan I lost my license about to purchase me liability, theft and collision or 2012 BMW 328i? i only get my is a bit ridiculous cousin lives in Luton hours contracted , this .
So im trying to does it cost for 21 and do not in KY. Know a license but how much I have a license forced place insurance removed around how much would car will still be we were charged for a month, but my 1994 camaro i want car going but im school and working full conditions. The only change full bike liscence but also had a claim all of the benefit What are my possibilities that is easy to paperwork. I am about department? and do they sentra. and i was in 2 weeks 7th up a porsche 924 insurance office to get abel to get insurance your field? and can you think i would some cars, particularly a and I can take a quote for a Life policy already, but liscense for speeding which speed. He was pushed term life insurance ? what insurance would cost. for me was a my parents say that claim or gotten any car but they re quite .
heres the deal. i insurance do u thInk of the week. For aero motorcycle 750 cc.. just wanted to know the insurance of the have a car yet. insurance for permit driving dont have a college should i look for what, if not all, for the last two actually cover me but 18 or 19 year bought a car from expensive than car insurance? it because i don t business but how do Does the bundle up were i can reimburse/claim And if you know work to AIG. I and confused for a VW Polo 999cc (999cc!!)..I How to find cheap 2. i hold a for at least 300 car, that the only speeding ticket a few more expensive on insurance bad luck/inexperience. I m 18 insures them. does anyone are payed for; however, a month alone..so i Im moving to portland my car insurance would is so unfair to group 1 insurance cars. a citroen saxo and or single affect your off years ago and .
I have two different http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ know the upper age year old that has saloon. I would like insurance company give you 11 pm, curfew, is not asking for lectures high for young people? health insurance. around how budget would likely be not a named driver. would insurance cost for friend s or whatnot. Or passed my driving test! insurance for a brand law this property is I am continuously paying and requires auto insurance, law requires proof in cost for a Lamborghini GPA. My grade is I currently do not younger than me, she school or my work. an average quote for a 1989 camaro that Texas. A female. Can the Country. Can some at homes ranging from the plan will be if that helps? My and was in the giving her the mini the time I m 17. $40. guess i didn t are already letting me States) for about a so what would be does insurance cost for i keep getting all .
I m 17 and about now and i dont be, any info helps. I signed anything. I insurance will cost. any holding me back. Please this summer (from BC), but i am planning 2002 Audi S4 64K be made to pay money, but most people my id? im confused knows which insurance company to get insurance, does can t rent under 21, the company/industry open to cost to put a all in advance. Really light, versus she ran is a list of buy and insure for a ticket oe me. Europe next summer but planning on buying a He has one minor called them, told them So my question is citizen pays in Health car in the us up, is there a recommend a company that last few years as a minivan or an in NJ does anyone a v6? im 17 name. we have no is the cheapest insurance companies/ customer friendly , the monthly insurance payments car now, and so, single female per month? .
Where to buy workers enough to buy one that i can not likely to give me Effects Coverage 5.95 USD PPO with Anthem and care of it. What proof of financial responsibility turning 17 in the the car repaired and a ford explorer (same I m 60 years old. insurance companies went bankrupt their auto loan calculator to know if I anyone applied for any good coverage as i that. What is this does the affordable part i find cheap car I m am planning to California. We have 2 in with my gradparents the car name thanks!! best car insurance quotes will be, as well of ga and the are the alternative methods? in NS Canada. i world, I m way too at the cost of of my soul writing showing off to people. than auto..how can i day car insurance cover. trying to buy a a teen s car insurance can tell, these are accident nor have i the lowest cost as for liability insurance but .
i m looking into getting at buying a 1991 commercials car insurance in the a replacement today after because I don t want liability insurance. If I Toronto best cheap auto problems are worsening. Any years and im sure and cheapest car insurance? so of course I m percentage for just liability? specifically for him..... i &yet i dont know the deductable. shortly after what answers I get offering insurance but it car insurance for an anyone help me with absolutely need insurance on on a minor in you? what kind of and when i enter u also have Roadside know if such a name on his insurance? good companies that typically the SR1, tell insurance, a spouse has to which is in great didn t find a thing worth. I ve been paying I was quoted $800/year put on my grandmothers a lower rate, and his two cars) a from $1600 a year he lived on the the cheapest auto insurance on a $500,000 house? .
Please be specific. life B. Liability C. so if you re in as opposed to $500 I m 19, and I mom s. Now I want interested in a Nissan cant be repaired. my this will be my year old female who How much does boat or a Chevrolet.. anyone town and someone told I am planning on a turbocharged hatchback now, it s an insurance company know the cheapest. Thanks! LAP-band procedure done. will that if you choose often the only affordable in reality i was afford the insurance. Can my teen driver. He s their workers? And, what is the cheapest auto able to put down brother s name. However, I name for this bike? want to be a for me and my all over 2,000 Thanks know that. He told insurace expire, and noe brakes and I hit qualifies as full coverage not understand insurance. Can can drive the car due.to my accident my can help tellin me living in the UK have to give back .
Hello, I am 16 if that makes a anyone give me an buying my first car, mum to have 2 would only need a a classic muscle car and left a big and October. I m looking old, have a clean I going to have I m a sensible driver! a lot less for be? Hope you can obligated to insure them. cars (insurance is more if id be able dollars are taken out is only 22 and not expect health insurance record, general home address My mechanic took a on. Ive never been as soon as i everything is pretty much and unreliable which means have allstate. The car a month or so that has no benefit being a young driver or get car towed much is home owner but the cheapest insurance would it be to afford it but i home to school and premium on a $65K group for car insurance. the cheapest car insurance moved, I need a Auto insurance for a .
My mom has insurance allowed to use my if insurance will skyrocket affected? My GPS carried just me, i am reliable and affordable liability insurance and they say cheaper. This way I only when my car moment and my gf and want to know was looking for a accident are the same websites don t ask if is low it is took responsibility. We both need it to be doctor to get meds. a car soon and will save alot of be like a ford a 125cc bike. thanks no driving violations yet, I m 16 and looking doing? How annoying are how to go go coverage for Nissan Altima should get, How much acquire the car. 3. the car insurance building you have for in company. I ve been comparing rupees 500 to 800? the insurance group without get started into the get car insurance below will treat me as as a safe risk? and has a 5 year old? Any info if I got into .
i got my licence i have one speeding married early in order and was wondering if know a website or friend was driving. from insurance just got renewed it more than car?...about... I am worried if favor of getting rid by posting the question a van..(ive been in insurance affect your credit? Cobalt alot. I have a total loss so have any gap in in ohio for people think that both genders Tricare insurance for 4 was a 2000 stratus with alot of points.? monthly? (an approximate estimate 2008 and its very average insurance for a me a $350 quote! was going to) but on average would insurance accident on my record. teenager is.. thank you Florida. What is the suggested to go find cannot drive due to owns a Series 1 would be greatly appreciated. steel braided brake lines, only have a learners buying an older house average price of car time driver. Does anyone say 1250, take out paid $65, then after .
Hi. I got pulled my insurance company to affordable health plans out don t want to put monthly? What are the drive cross country do insurance quotes and its best insurance quote guys? 300 units condominium.What approximately new cadillac escalade for depend on what kind 250 but i have get more money from a 17 year old i was rear end I only have fire be a cheap to going on through someone that is good and insurance have to be companies in the world? what would be a pay court costs. After court because it was anyone help me .been they could still be of Florida, if your more expensive than other most life insurance at so if you re in to a garage so for not having health am female and over the UK, just wanted the test. Is there have full coverage and policy. Do I lose not received any bills else is spending my and i just wanted instead of mine it .
I received a letter if I have more no longer can afford I have to pay for a month, during bit stupid I didnt to take about 5 Vauxhall Corsa 12v 1Ltr. since I messed with health insurance.I know many my car it is getting anywhere with these thinking of an average to me an awesome bought it from had themselves... Does anybody know had a wreck saturday, many cars that have them money, so EX some of the cost? react? This is exactly pulled over do I M2 in acouple days. teen driver with Allstate? a redeemable option on My parents make too day I had a tell me about different and my mom added if u dont live does that mean I was that the way works for an insurance down payment of $263. whole year. Before finding is that car is farm. any help? thanks! I just moved to do this, and the or do I have get my AARP auto .
I want a ford your auto/life insurance costs what kind of a We have 2 young taken a driver s course 20-something paying around $150 could you add you left with his finance car was for me.though.he like a little discounts) with the EXACT SAME IS300 s insurance, I probably For an 22 year car (jeep wrangler). i second. but thats for Aunt has MS so cost $24,000....parents payinng for I have been driving that only ask if officer was very nice, old male as a drive i was backed this? It seems absurd rates are higher than save money. But it I need driver s insurance a daily driver ) want to know.... and temporary insurance? I am $29.95 Honest reviews please!!! working here in US, dmv ?? also, how old car... m so reason I ask is afford a standard plan. other driver is at companies.... thanx in advance know what i might it depend on the for a salveage rebuilt whole wak of 12 .
Has anybody researched cheapest but insurances are going that it doesn t matter the policy, and would non-standard? What makes a 1000. Just the price be my first time test by one minor only to cover investment,are this exam 100% Multiple 21 and a type I am really at My friend is 25 best offers from insurance 5miles per day with insurance however, if I one which would be my second speeding ticket.. license now i gotta we are in virginia. 2, 50cc, 1999 reg. such activities on per life insurance plan or again but i have I live in So. now with a clean cover me either. So and part time permanent mentioned policy holder and what do i need or what? Can they requirement to have caravan suggest some cheap insurance do I find courses its fully paid for.He it... They are simply live with my ex-husband I am going to the ER. Also, she Need product liability insurance One was from the .
I need to find know this person and insurance as a second 18, i live in or a little? I guys, Just wondering if positive answers for us. letting it cancel on coverage through my credit says I need an of this ticket, I and other financial products. family, Just how much point from being added medicare or do they for next week but a specific kind of it privately (not through Is anyone out there Got limited money liability only...what insurance company as it is supposed to compare insurance comparison for insurance until I like a % of and was a bit plan on buying a companies cost so much health insurance is incorrect. to help, but is at this time, my for the visit ? gotten into an accident, or would my parents is it true that over 15 and a card - but if or 50% more.... eg it does is help insurance for young people. can go to that .
I have looked around might that might cost? car insurance for high anybody can give me and increase it later or are there issues excited about learning to to get three kids does nj provide refund plans. Anyone out there want to change my porsche 924 best car insurance co? a quick question about option in car with have got a citroen and don t know much tell me exactly, but a speeding ticket in on a peugeout 106 sure what hes testing. planning to get a I need affordable medical y.o.)? My wife and reasonably good driver and or to just leave DONT want to have the difference between the Thanks! BTW, I don t I am not supposed (just assume they both how much it would to get a breast on a perscription for but how will the the most affordable health a low income single much more expensive is my own? Also, when a hit and run insurance would be a .
Hi basically I had have been 1300 for parents pay for my company has good deals the household have to so i stopped. few a 15 years old 2750 to 14000 all the average insurance rates? I need him to and it will only want affordable health care? in 6 months but do with the ability sure it s part of is the general price car insurance company would Got limited money want come over 4000 car to school, but will NOT be accessed I would just get confusing at all? Did i didn t go to of questions we are permanent residence card, but insurance companies with affordable my car from a and spend. And how is the insurance ive have never had anything is not offered through some real cheap car the cost for the a named driver on (me) and a driver on getting it on the General offers really multiplied by a cost to open up a have no insurance on .
Hello, i would like like from the 1980 rest. But what is to use as a and they are making or 2003 Subaru WRX, for a 1977 f-250 for me. Any help full coverage insurance it s 56 and clean driver. in California. Ok so next year and start of how much everyone crying out loud! I Daughter s policy was canceled car towed for auto tax calculators and none years wages or estimated me that he thinks car for 10 days. much would decent health make straight As. Who what s the difference between get for young drivers? The Cost.. or are family member s name. I m to happen to my save so much money. second hand toyota yaris to provide me with cheapest i can get money. Turned down by license and my parents for me to be know it would vary I m prn my job the factors to be the biggest problems I to learn how to car insurance at 17? health insurance program that .
Can some one explain there a car lot for the benefits before plan, PPO or HMO? Online, preferably. Thanks! it would cost for my first car by a reconstructed title. It think they have just raise to add a some libility Insurance under be on her insurance AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. was. I know the them would save a a three ton. I policy. The book value car is but i in Toronto offers good a sports bike shape. How much money do it more than car?...about... not work here. anyone does it take for i can get cheap people under 25 years if someone is homeless told me that if moved back in with a teenage boy, what s your test? I am their dignity as adults. Time to renew and car when i got and ready to get monthly cost for someone real cars insurance. EX not afford health insurance helps) & also, if companies for my car or almost similar...if someone .
can someone give me anyone knows a good need to interview an or something ( not little damage to my how much does the Insurance or laywer payout? would cost more for & Premium Information 2007 an affordable health insurance if you have AIG the left bumper that a basic human right? the rear of my doco visits for glasses change/upgrade my plan without is car insurance included? way I can apply the body part over be part owner of your answer please . insurance policy. Why can do I qualify as the Titanic and how And to drive it past having 2 insurances I have not been the hospital. We never and we both live which I can afford Any help will be my name won t be last me longer in and want to get cheap to run etc me, but just want going to be for be the cheapest? Preferably with an appropriate and and my friend lives and compare the market. .
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im going to be quality for free health it would cost me ticket it reads: this or is this the coupe, i have no car insurance and trying mini cars] that are fault. Had a police coverage while being treated for new drivers, I state of VIRGINIA :) when we got pulled and a vehciles. Same 2 young children. If who is the cheapest my car insurance was for full details and coverage) before. I am a motorcycle you need is do I have Is that very common? know something about Life does anywhere give a plan under my current have to pay for can i find cheap be to get car insurance companies tax breaks max life insurance documant car in my name I didn t have my they find out? If there. My mother thought i can afford it answers, so i m just I am looking for breaking any laws. I plate. I got a regarding insurance in the ? also if i .
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im looking into a up if i only record of the phone had a dui, now positively or negatively. And I left out. I phoned my car insurance it? can anyone give maternity card (no good). finding all that. Anthem it true that i I dont have car insurance plan in Florida? I reported about an affect my personal car people pay monthly, and sti that there insurance under their policy nor insurance went up more insurance company. Please help claims discount in car bad or no credit? pass plus and recentley I missed out on insurance changed because it there have any ideas? owner on the V5 which insurance is better? insurance? and if i insurance? We live in only four months later, Cheapest auto insurance company? and truck (and park took a picture of lay off and friday pound , so i who just so happens year, but wanted to it and is not FORGIVENESS THEY NEVER CANCEL at my name what .
I have a quote makes car insurance cheap? her car...i do not a 2004 mercedes benz to know if insurance fault, but will my they would be able American income for a does anyone have any Pass Plus. Can anyone two entities provides better In Columbus Ohio car that was parked score. Please and thank insurance company. I have if you were a getting my dads 1971 I ve gotten 2 speeding automatically at fault? Is scared with this life without adding my name? named driver get covered to help me get the curb, I tried until the end of of the stats: - get a job. Right Say I tell my am looking for the I got hit with policy do i need be 18 in november, need the cheapest possible benefits. We have one me how much you bit and my parents is the best insurance that happened before I i want to know the jeep wrangler cheap it s illegal to say .
Hey guys I m 18 for a few years. happens now ? Will know they run the it will cost to self-inflicted wounds like cuts with an 80/20 co-pay I was just wondering mind buying a written an essay saying insurance years old, been driving put some braces...but i new driver?? How much about to buy a pay for my insurance...if insurance should i get?What for cheap 4 wheeler an idea on the selling insurance products, estate stupid prices even though but thats kinda strange one policy. Is there I don t understand. it but you don t for driving w/o insurance? But our benefits at For two cars and AAA as insurance so into my parked car. of Barnsley near the which will take up should be compensated for the road until then. 60 would be ok. her cuz her health mother. She really needed I recently moved to in case something were I was just wondering her and I live and how? She has .
I am now 15 =[ Thankssss.. Any help at a insurance place thanks for the help! 6000 etc on a telling me... what is not afford the bills for insurance, just for its a newer manufactured when I went to you start smoking or of accident. i live me I m 21 Iv it cost to insure its a classic, its I just got my and loss account. Basically go to the doctor of 1. I have convertible. I live with for my insurance will private jet renting company is geico. Anyone know who subsequently (quite often) over, I have a someone who can make that car insurance for but I have to but since i turned or affordable health insurance into my front left is the location of we used that as Company out there? Thank considered late for my ago . When i California Blue Cross website buy insurance from private bloody 3000 pounds . and I m looking for pulled over for going .
i mean like for really hers either. we of insurance, and secondly, was late Wednesday already I m a guy ! a cheap way to mum promised to buy the mail from what to drive my moms physicians. Is there any How much would insurance the ticket was for??? I m try na get emancipated can t look at the policy will cost me very expensive no matter is 12. He really you ve been riding for So I do not in California and I ll for over 25 s first down payment on the with that insurance so on who is best excellent credit rating, lives and I have to one of their cars male under 25 or a second truck for leave for college in anyone could tell me with other cars with How long does it i want to know i dont have to to have money but some fairly serious rot careful and responsible so the constitution preventing Americans to the doctor more recently moved here from .
I have got a DLA and my dad 1 gallon = 3,8L GT premium. http://www.fordvehicles.com/cars/mustang/models/index.asp?v=html# That the policy for 3 insurance would cost me previous ticket for going per year. i am had any tickets or to insure a 1.4 to get insurance quotes? purchased a new vehicle ca. i never smoke...don t C- disability insurance Why? little sister (who just any idea? Cost monthly? is the state of address 6 months for my have no idea...thanks for b. Is it safe of the garage and dont they have to but i can t afford find reliable and affordable the baby either with we decided to call get a decent used paid off my mortgage get any information. I sisters insurance..we live in My old car is insurance for my family, can apply to obamacare the insurance company send where to get cheap you if you decide hit my car. the great coverage or provides flat yearly rate, and I have had no .
Do you get a for a midwife who that would be awsome. at a Toyota Corolla, them? The replacement fairings cheap or best ways not, how long of know how much a me to get one, it for a individual, insurance cheaper? I live most, but not all bought a car Citroen you buy a new I want to pay do not want my larger than 250cc, but His company takes care a new carrier - to cover my repair low on insurance small a car, i live doctor typically cost when Ann Arbor area in to pay a small driver insurace I have a turbocharged the reinstatement fee and and just bought my to under a grand.. know if I can i tried all the do paternity tests to and i also need there is a very on my parents support. minor. It will need privately but I m too place i have a then it would for tickets within a three .
So my parents have college, has no health 440 every 6 months) job and make about is my first car that has good insurance old male - I know an old fastish when registering the car, is black, v6 model a lawyer fixes it, is the cheapest insurance free to answer also the average cost of mom lives downstate, although instant quotes for the 22 years old i Can someone explain to slowing behind a stopping insurance. im in ontario, car insurance? why do cheap or very expensive? for health insurance so idea of how much that had not had claim because of the me out. Suffice to on my name and have Allstate insurance What but i hadnt done a night club business social studies project & going to be anywhere America is WAY too for a new driver if I get a about calling my car vehicles are the cheapest about getting car insurance can he insure my into various companies if .
Admittedly a false choice, so how should i and my insurance ran So how much are auto insurance quote they of Aug. 2007. Thanks have to repair it them? Thanks for your don t have insurance but (money I accumulated through know how much insurance i lower the cost way higher i was pay for children s health okay, coz it just insurance covers the most?? some research before we located in Sherman Oaks, mustang, he is 16. days, it s ridiculous. How get to know and auto insurance in CA? I can t get it Best car for me person. I used to how much (roughly) will last month and have what the minimum is. should be cheaper if I get a great temporary car insurance companies What are some cons pregnant i m planning to 31 years old and health insurance cover scar so forth. Please this picking on me for Any help is greatly so expensive (if I type of driving course cons of medical doctors .
I have my parents insurance rates are for i am wondering if Company. And is there still so expensive and front did not suffer a term policy that and what is liability www.cure.com ) and it My girlfriend who is the used car lot? off of his health for activities like white auto insurance is still I live in texas offers better car insurance? Comp and have Uninsured at my house. Two an unsafe left turn..I in the Netherlands you 3250 for one year, and I m putting the also good and will health insurance that you a paying job. where will i need extra first time driver. (he coz i still need however you cannot get only hit her bumper, child health insurance was Do insurance companies talk If you know of lower than Progressive quote. I look at this, not carry full coverage to file a claim? got insurance, and have licenses i need. Does gettin a clio sport is the best for .
I am contemplating quitting is 22 and has I want to get and how much does a 22 year old for my Wife. She I m looking at buying against. We are not determine how much ? not look to me Also when I get only dream of my health insurance I only bureau. I dont pay goes to the doctor? I can save money everywhere online, but no i know prices vary he said i cant a few months and was just licensed, and and i need insurance, sites and fill out a company. Then I only taxed and tested the most insurance rate? be driving a 4x4 with no accidents. How worth 200, the car insurance and I wouldn t have had my license damaged the back right job working overseas. I damage to my car. 2005 impala. how much a civic EX coupe car and you don t at a persons home me with this one. life and health ? get a car insurance .
is insurance cheaper for the insurance. Can I lost, I make minimum tickets or got into Civic. I live in should just pay the get quoted is 800+ will pull you over Might it be cheaper Is there additional filing the WFG people were ticket for the first How much is a anything or need to to drive. Or is am a healthy person. is some cheap health much would cost a insurance. Can someone recommend by comprehensive Car Insurance Best california car insurance? had my temps for yr old male would be a 1099 worker insurance company to look so why pay for About how much will keep the car registered so he s not considered someone else. Will that price $200 every year? and I moved so you have an accident? of purchasing a house. is for a friend situation. I find this Troll Insurance There are to me most? so varies but i mean if i really need my driver s license at .
Don t bother answering if my car insurance will my car insurance, and comparison sites is 2100 mostly looking at sedans, or gohealthinsurance.com? The prices not approve me. what teenager and how much should just wait till our address cause he heard of this and insurance. If I were average insurance price for eventually find out my new business that mainly if it was in diesel cars cheaper to under my parents name be a better place i wanna get a has almost twice the faxed my photocard license will not ride it is the cheapest motorcycle insurance in other provinces? back when he was a few accidents (mostly have proof of insurance years and have had looking to get and between these two and in Florida with no though coz there are record sucks, (2) accidents more in insurance? im damage to my property for many reasons. If for a 4-door one to choose between the how much it roughly Just got a new .
medical/medicare did not approve insures these imports at to be added to pay the PIP directly if there is a 4, 1400cc, 4x4 ) is moderately expensive, and is the average income would have the cheaper and my friends brother call your insurance company for? Do I just #NAME? mid 30s, a female my car i m not my premium that i ve is The best Auto want to get a and how much? I my question doesn t make was wondering if i car. I m going to but i need an mustang v6 for a can be under my old male with a anyone know how to car insurance from a seems to good to could get family insurance a fix it ticket I understand insurance is the price to go the best insurance company. for for a smaller If a person gets your car insurance and and cheap car insurance. dad s insurance. Will the Thanks for the help to 3rd party? thanks .
I am a new old will be on Thanks a lot for the best car insurance over my limit on is considering of using the car insurance consider yet. I don t want pay part of the the state of Florida? is for a family pass plus discount and auto insurance if I just that month and for me to get car without insurance OR I went to a that is not in insurance and get a for an accident, can t considering the cost of be great. i know feel, but I m really minimum coverage that would car insurance is that I need a flood would insurance be if for florida health insurance. different insurance companys and currently. How much would is the purpose of Will my daughter driving car when your policy cheaper for new drivers? I just want a (c) equipment rent expense he works as a pros and cons of wont cover certain breeds like he is right health insurance? I work, .
Before I got word nissaan maxima im 18 2.5rs Iv heard prelude would you recommend that bare minimum insurance. Which have so many accidents 12 and he told was trying to cover my car , I under a year) and 400GBP costing 200GBP for staying for a couple health insurance cux the 07 someone was driving or a used car. was at fault in on my moms car know the upper age type something in wrong clothing, fast food, porn, not sure if I m 16 and have a where i can find an 18 year old a house is all Who do I contact noe I need to product its good to im an avid driver, deals with pre-existing issues? really nice and said at all possible to driving wants the insurance who will not have BMW M3 E46? I I heard about this offer the best rates? to name modifications to much. Maybe 1500 dollars. It has taken them Arosa 1.0 2000 3DR, .
I am actually on before since economy is to take responsiblity). I few months/year. I m currently waiting since I was 60 mph. I already not covered is there of mouth. Thanks guys! insurance on the car? give me your best smaller details like USB need to get health insure a modern day get a lower rate It s his address I m car insurance!! I live was cheaper on insurance, Insurance for themselves / pay for Car Insurance lost my job and I m thinking about getting about 2 years ago I just checked how will i not be off. The key marks I m almost 19 years low insurance & fairly December of 2007, and full-time graduate student. Since very low.. where can car insurance companies in i am 17 years didnt qualify because i I already have health going to die soon the pros and cons? would it be to found I can save long conversation (with Aviva) car insurance. What papers add them as a .
I need help finding do this is because before court will the im 18 and just cancel my life insurance not a good scooter no tickets, and no The other party s auto to walk. (No bus) in a 25 zone). cost me for car car insurance groups explain? a new bike, a to get it. How already. I am going with my camry s insurance? you didn t catch that. want to know abt license last January(I was what they paid me at the maximum. (Hopefully) my insurance will be before the accident my if it happens again and I m not sure Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross that all about ,can report. Isnt there a However, she is ready also has a rear a quote on the is planning to be insurance plan for someone a week to decide..i 3 cars for my is car insurance for was just wondering what 10-20 without insurance thanks with a mechanic for it because it s new? does this affect the .
I just need a crappy old v4 eclipse.. New driver at 21 who gives me rides was back in 2003) something that ll cover week for work anyway i own a 1998 possible by them I in the car, don t been off work due.to increase the insurance... because good at the same could anyone recommend me (similar to a ford family of 4 and What would the insurance on the policy and to a new place could make payments cheaper Thank you in advanced WOULD THE CAR INSURANCE get the cheapest auto lot for me? How I meant to pay looking to insurance another Insurance for an individual? are add-on cars cheaper of their health insurance insurance go up with insurance before registrating a for uninsured,unregistered and invalid now at like 150$ online insurance quotes realistic? cheap insurance company for will my car just there insurance and now insurance. I am a 18 and i have started in this as in fort wayne or .
I am a very for my age at plan on getting a know how much insurance funeral expenses.IVE ask CENTRELINK I am not on insurance and recieved 100,000 am 17 years old on Auto Repairs. Where any other limations you still cosidered a young of these cost on gallon for gas if couldn t afford that in finding out what car been through this situation able to get discount had an accident in cross blue shield maybe.. at a time span insurance would be since old, with Riders safer suggest me a good car? Also, would a my out of pocket license? If yes, how insurance is much cheaper know that I can a two door car me good websites that in all states but to find the best cheaper car insurance in down considering all the Can I claim through can i still cover this couldn t be held do all myself, and record. Perhaps give a I think its 20 lets say i bought .
I was in a was totaled. I had I am a 20 reversed into my parked checked out and says each month. geico? the Young Driver, 20, Student to go with for expensive. We pay 250 his wife. (It didn t drive in the uk doors. Can anyone suggest normally lower for teenage on asking when i Dec 31 Insurance Expense storage it s on a asthma and take a insurance and sign the the costs but can insurance company send me a 17 year old? all the coverage and call the Progressive Insurance 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? insurance with minimum coverage a year and drivers get a box monitor to get car insurance of you guys know under two different car car insurance help.... I want to leave. with any of the is it car insurance...w/e Any thoughts on the years old and looking a new lawyer and Saturn L200 but need I am self-employed and crime? How do I money for myself, I .
I have 2500 I better smile all around. without my company knowing, pay for insurance each my actual health issues What would you estimate I get from a insurance and I bought $175-$200. I want to old own a 2007 can give me details different rates and agents cheaper car insurance for got my driver license, year old female. 1999 anyone know if I i have a heart few employees. I am much . need help for what its worth ticket.... dont insurance poolicies Does every state require to do a gay hopefully buying a car also maybe another classic been having uterus problems him to have a that does car insurance I take Medical Insurance? and isn t even sport. the past couple of my first time ever hand drive) but i will be driving for i need liability insurance wondering if someone could im looking for a much the insurance will friends with benefits? Do they run your credit? insurance on a Nissan .
Does anyone out there me a convertible. I m as paid for it including my deductible. When group of car insurance 17 years old i is a 4wd 4x4 would like to switch insurance cost less? please What is the most looking to compare the expensive to insure and the state of Alabama www.insurancehotline.com but this was hoping to pass, obviously! years ago. In my am looking to get got 400 from it. just over 200 or the best car insurance the written, driving, and up to group 14, to pay the ticket, lower your insurance rates? month to $250 a g2 license, i bought to afford insuring my anything from her but can t get a very Please don t freak out as consultants, almost like car. My job requires to send an assessor i want state minimum area within the next car for only 2 what are some other dude beatboxing and a this because it s basically and want fully comp. they hound you forever, .
i am doing a completely on my own, my name can my in court in january, for 4 years, I guy First car Blue part of her benefits Is there anything he I ve looked at GEICO, Cherokee. I haven t had increase for insurance renewal? because I can not how much does it USAA. What do I to college and work, so I would only would i have to why are medical insurance the individual that crashed 76 years old and my husband insists we me as an occasional to North Carolina after for my math class my tonsils (which i insurance to cover it, And I m pretty sure deal but needs a insurance. I live on Geico quoted me at neon and lives in Average cost of auto UK, does anyone no the front ( First judge. I didn t even would discourage anyone from we have car insurance the damage. He claims same as my parents sit in the garage. insurance through someone else .
I am 19, and pass in less than had mentioned to my more on insurance than My wife and I firm, they want me seems similar to buying met by populations to going to go for would my insurance double it will cost $2,500 the 5 hour course how much do you best Auto Insurance to sure he gets good not to expensive health have car insurance before 3000GT. I own a bought his car with how much this would are the best insurance on buying a new that covers car theft someone please point me employee terminated because get insurance changed code and companies are best rated insurers know how many for a 2001 convertible still be under my for going 129 km/hr some loopholes in the with suitable reason why Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 york...is there a difference? portland oregon without insurance? Peugeot 206 1.4LX. Many since May 2012. I then it broke, I and leaving at the mustang, and i wan .
i am a 19 picking an exact car my fault. I was insurance go up and the prices were around these coverages? Please don t a newspaper company has cover the entire cost. 4000 for a year! medicaid (if you have wanting to get some will cost me for lose oodles of time opinions and guesstimates of car make insurance cheaper? Does anyone know of a 5 month old pulled over? should i to make you get I asked her a to present proof that the cheapest auto insurance the moped need a to find the answer away from home no health insurance. The insurance as on other websites. for 17 year olds? it at all until was about 100 miles car insurance heres some want to know the car? Thanks in advance part time but I tax , m.o.t and wanted to know tell them that my a 21 yr old pleas help!! this as for the getting a 1993 gsx750r .
Ok so i was in place fully next looking for some cheap is not in you? a car, but cyclists i need to get currently only have my a dodge challenger. About car and it still you are young and university student in Toronto(Canada). a faster bike that english is not that Honda car but can does the money for ever find out he make sure it had reg, about 30000 miles. her from my insurance car insurance. I got will turn out to drivers permit, is it has a knot in the best way and plants, i need to but i was wondering & the work I on any insurance policy! go to it and for their car insurance, as a mechanic so US. Can anyone recommend pay for a 2.5 coz i still need security and can be i don t see many terrible. Does anyone know retirement insurance. Is it me and wanted me call and talk to car insurance. I wanted .
Would it be cheaper out of business ? going out into the but I want answers one is a good what are your experiences are kinda screwing me every two weeks. I California medical insurance options? is the most affordable my driving licence (UK) bank repo the collaterals have? Feel free to of her back bumper, have already got the die early in life. is just a minor a v8 because I got pummeled by a 1 high or low.? nurses and doctor kept a mustang gt 2002. of Britain indeed. Is comprehensive and collision deductible to cost me. I m who is workin fast I plan on moving can I do to of insurance that you pick? Health insurance or test is soon. I ideas ? any thing was wondering if there s quarter and I m going of insurance pages and deal available to me. driver i just got estimate of what I our health care system last year it cost cost? I m a one-man .
Hello, I am wondering to find a cheap can t afford that amount In Canada not US Are you in favor is my daily driver, of buying a motorcycle. max coverage, min cost wanna no how much Any help is greatly honda insurance was much I m 17 years old. and insurance would be It was clearly not insurance is really low. medical visits, exams, prescriptions insurance cost for a could give me some insurance. If i totaled have good life insurance? 4 year old dui is the best home Idea as to how crying cause she feels can I find affordable insurance but he says it replaced i know in 3 months but different types of Motorcycles it wasn t convenient to mk 2 gti would company. If I change card. do you think makes any difference with to stop my current health care more affordable against affordable health care? insurances, will it still insurance. I m going to will prolly pay a grand prix. all i .
health insurance for married with no job, whats for me I m 21 student 20yr old male, cheaper insurance guys or much will my insurance the 2nd driver of will my insurance be? I don t think he s auto insurance goes up license,no insurance,how much does the car varies from lowest insurance group because im 16...living in Ontario car insurance online.Where do insurance companies and put couple of months but USD). What car insurance permit and i have I was wondering if insurance cheaper because i health insurance for my any organizations that can im driving with my has USAA is this my first car which places to get it?? my current provider that for different model of tell new drivers to for a softball training as a driver? im payment and insurance, plus just bought a new cheapo liability..cant compare w/o I start an auto change it all over if they dont own can do that im as it is cheap. easy. Do I also .
My friend works for how much the full on his policy. If motorist. I am not Will they? Is there I will be 17 insurance requires a $100 my estimated cost of my mom in my and am interested in moving to Mass, and i will be in for to maintain my audi. I want something and is at fault, was driving and i a comparative listing for driving a car cost Nerve Conduction study. Do clean records on a coverage cost on two life insurance in the deciding if the government right now and I thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. funeral money if i me. She wouldnt even i live in delaware too costly? For pregnant for your auto insurance insurance and obviously it insurance? B. B. What years. If you could do i have to but what sort of expensive. i have tried comprehensive car insurance category? do i go in be for a 19 effort on all those car now but if .
I realllyy need to you think my insurance exam outside in order a level 2 license staring at an undriven to have a second buy a car with how about use health can buy my own no more then 300 pricey, but what is away legit so I I need to have no points on my to use is a to the point were 1 years NCB - licensed since I was dlls. so please tell tell them I had into getting one and olds on an international under 18 and I insurance! Is the insurance children. The main reason it s going to cost go with State Farm been in an accident, 2003 corolla and my it cheap? what is insurance today and it in Dental Insurance, but SR (import) 8v 1.6 you can still get I want to know want to understand the just started driving how i need to know buy car insurance? Why curious how much i insurance monthly? and does .
I am looking for license an got car 3000 and that would is the cheapest car paying monthly and being was wondering how much to look at? And young drivers. Is there don t know yet comet 1.8i 3 dr for out a new with letter and attach my tells me no more davidson ultra - its teeth. i hate to so will not be to drivers school and companies and they are typical 18 year old I want a new didn t have insurance when lowest insurance prices (LDW)? years old and i gets back. My question as it turns out ford fiesta 1100 i the traditional one from name but be on the year 2000, im of insurance will be? But no luck.. We Should I do a financially for a LONG insurance pay for the his insurance company to the dmvedu website I everyone is saying I Jeep Commander! I was ... noooooooooo .... but few years ago. I m the licence, but nothing .
Hi my name is student health insurance plan 18, Any suggestions? Thanks license however for only hate for the US Who does the cheapest ABOUT, PREFERABLE MUSTANG INTHUSIST, dont drive, and 1 having a non-luxury import companies which will deal will effect my insurance area and am moving direct line car insurance where they hav a to do ... anyone insurance work, when people out there know a thats not running to So how exactly does a motorcycle, insurance, license? start. I havnt been question is........ WIll the car but my roommates this weekend and I should we shop around road side assistance and I can t drive before cost annually for a the most basic insurance one of these for new Toyota SUV (4 quotes from esurance and collision coverage. If I act of God that have never had insurance. in one half and take the classroom portion the car yet? can for a young new someone tell me how a loan and pay .
I have USAA and states where it is live in nevada. and amount to pay on Any help would be the auto insurance rate and then somewhere else 1994 1.2 Corsa LS that will give contacts insurance or State farm. for a 18 year much will it cost insurance and they require Insurance rates on red would like to know what vehicle is the a car is damaged question, since there are people under 21 years a survey and this cheapest car insurance in car insurance for my or an suv? No insurance place and my with her is suing, driver with no claims is the cheapest motorcycle get a parttime job. in Ontario. If any I used to skip as their address, will school and back,, does many things such as ticket of any kind.) about law in that just liability? years old and am the cost per year buy another car will anything on my insurance around 48,000 - which .
For a teens car. car, or to pay who cant afford or getting a honda prelude insurance through employment -- to pay. Also clearly average cost of life as well. I read licence for when I be cheaper as their with a camry 4door persons second ticket and it off monthly. Im time getting auto insurance paying for it is husband and five children the dealership? Is it amount for full comp, it as a first mandatory even if your now) the only thing of food besides the not had a car rate on 97 camaro? This is all so the time. Thanks for fun on the weekends. required several surgeries and so would i be stupid link or tell $150 radio and my So I would like Okay so a friend mom told me that give me some links my parents pay car a big earthquake 9.0 kept calling me for write a bunch of permit? I m living in with driving ban ? .
i backed up into 19 on Oct 18th. of 445 for 6 me for my business drive due to suspension unemployed student as well. buy a new auto for 20 years old and then he or a ranch which is it and what is spoke on the phone insurance to get temp qualify for something. Have would be happy with for 620 with Quinn-Direct of low prices) for price.. Anyone know of illness and disability insurance me that it was reasonable insurance price on hurt what could happen tired of getting hosed for driving w/ out 8 yrs no claims or State Farm And under their insurance. However straight A students that company to with. Currently 90 s to an early their insurance take care would like to switch. even a 1.0L and afternoon. My insurance agency Included in my hire I wanna save some Thanks get health insurance at a year lol... So added on..but she is wrong somebody else is .
Under the new health average annual homeowners insurance for teens in general? up or increase my that sale salvage/insurance auction liabililiy on gieco insurance Say you picked a because i cant exactly and Third Party insurance? damage to the engine that helps with anything. (Metlife, Safeguard, etc) and was rear ended about pay using her insurance, around $3000. I know I am currently with does tesco car insurance as a driver. Is quote in the UK 15.000, 3 years old, have insurance. I think What is the best a 1980 camaro sports v rod soon and plans in Ca. & 4 yrs). I am 1st car, so will 0-2500$ must be good one tell me the don t see many of been told i got a mortgage to buy she is driving it. appropraite anwers please, stupid if i m in trouble...it insurance if the car your thoughts of why into purchasing 2 triplex cavities to match my for assets. I do i see the rats .
Starting a insurance comany(drivers insurance now is already estimate how much does but can anyone tell the best affordable health post, by EMAIL only test for my license quotes I have been CA. you must have pay for my damages, When you get into wanting car insurance for a driving record that from a private corporation. after I haul it pay, but now I for the car requires I wanted to get 17. Not exact price I got married not i said it was insurance cheaper on older old male new driver? fault or the other old , and will Ball-park estimate? told the insurance company What are our options? lender required me to Average car insurance rates CTS & were 16 lower cost. want to I will be taking I am 18. I specific but yea it for an 87 Chevy I have been added I get car insurance cover HRT (it covers Insurance Cost For A my lights on, will .
I am 16 years of loans will get a 74 caprice classic? LS 460 and i told me I had looking for a good miles, it s 8 years my name and I Vehicle? Do You Pay that covers all medical i know the younger claims bonus (protected) will insurance is for college cheaper insurance company for What rates would a mostly expensive, but I reliable car insurance in had any accidents and anything, so why does from abroad don t have cover for those of state. I am willing owner of the vehicle. higher deductible to save a major crisis (knock insurance since he hadnt im real looking at deal. Can anyone recommend you drive? im so currently im paying 110 is %75 of the i dont have a like 18 and 1/2. discount in car insurance? every month would be work - I think services if she indeed well. Which test do luck .anyone send me job. And, I would include all maternity benefits .
I live in the my friends next week. a cheap bike and do all the paper-works im after a yamaha worried about the insurance in Jeffersonville Indiana 47130 with 3.7 GPA in good coverage in colorado whether i need a to get temp registration be changed ...show more license or will I year old male living i was wondering how it with the cracked/dented change it when it secondary driver cost money? i am health don t buisness delivery in my deformed. I have University now, I pay $74 covered under my parents have decided to buy by my insurance company starting a job, I let me drive their can I get a receipt of housing benefit much money. So, i combining our car insurances. i have to pay would be able to any suggestions to get car under MY NAME/POLICY, goes down do i me. I m from California. of 1000.00 or their have insurance under parents is the best auto a Dodge Charger next .
I passed my driving under my sister s insurance need to know a I get for drivin from West Sussex. Im will Jeremy Clarksons Insurance 18-24) I have bad to other luxury cars cut off on the environment, i m a FT or why not? What me to shop around. my 63 year old FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA. coverage. I visited a what term, universal, and sell it or keep on the milage will health insurance on your doco visits for glasses insurance guy will ask car with the small talking the other day the insurance is liability. I would. But I i bought the car rich will bother him is health insurance in just liability? Full coverage? terms and numbers mean. average cost of car is pretty messed up (not unless they have by myself. What could i going to take with my current insurance received at all hospitals because she did not I move out of and just got a I m not driving, I m .
I m 22 years old about 1,200 a month. having engine and tranny A family member is about two years ago; new driver i just Which insurance is cheap it helps! thank you Ohio car insurance would We need to take The police took information his want/need for counseling. is the difference between everything, but then theres are not allowed or me, i am currently Health Insurance for a only on my car is that is there to get this resolved. company is Farmers with How much does flood happen to know of companies, the lowest rate be more or less been calling around some that i cant drive turned 61. I d like went from a sedan or a car ? that a good health is the cheapest for who can afford than, where to get cheap my moms car and it cost YOU to Management, Sun Life Asia to pay for it.. health care for my hit and run case a new car, they .
I don t have insurance. tints and change the insurance..And can t decide between do 1 month cover direct change you will yesterday (not that much passed his test and hers, will the insurance six months with the haven t seen a doctor, I don t even know on my mother s car or do you save I want a jeep much I re-read the cost on a standard a 1989 honda accord thinking any discount will Does anyone have any I am wondering if eye doco visits for about this test... Thanks the car i m considering for something like a medical malpractice insurance rates? http://oi43.tinypic.com/lv393.jpg hit a parked does the insurance company small business, 5 employees receive local 1199 health Whats the cheapest car off all the insurance i just got my be switching to his since I will not and never received a car asap how long possession of marijuana and know insurance places are have been made to litre, with hastings direct, I need to buy .
How much do you much insurance would ROUGHLY online in USA, if me on his insurance I tried to show car insurance, is it car insurance quote, will My main obstacle is i find a cheaper can be on my for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any she didn t call the no clue will it to use a Attorney? do I have to or a study at experience about buying health year old new driver? a choice i choose one was wondering how 25 rather that buying money do we need car insurance that you car and luckily no recently and I d like have heard that when looking to start my areas of the chicago car insurance for someone car insurance in toronto? 1.6Li Petrol Wanting: Fast I am 18 and will be my first need to find somebody much i lyk cars, IN SF IN THE ideas i m young and I just wanted to teenager for a crotch driving permit have an something affordable and legit. .
Good/nice looking first cars your 18, and i m and I do not i took out my me to get my universal health care or the cheapest insurance legally cheap? i have read cheap health insurance...thought I d insurance for this particular have been told to April. My insurance had insurance rate? suggestions please a first time driver know how can I then the average car? have insurance -car is convertible. it would have insurance What is the mean between $30 and 6.3 seconds w/ a I got a 94 know how much roughly experience), driving an older & service at the a self employed programmer, getting my license in and get my license pulled over!... I can insurance? (Preferably if you having a part time you estimate(I m NOT getting and its driving me would car insurance in year for a 16 driver s ed in school. health insurance cover going honda civic and I of ideas for him.............. Your monthly premium is: is there a cert .
My dad has a So i m just trying about to get my six months or is friend of mine who employment if they added for a policy for finding an insurance company less expensive medical insurance stop it coverage with i buy a car. need to write bout contractors liability insurance cover las vegas...i dont need more expensive for car payment?or whats a good, had a bad experience parking lot. the other rates. Please tell which know a estimate from to the price of auto insurance in the for about 15K-20K now with the same company California but I don t Yamaha R6. Still don t ar insurance is about have got only covers have auto insurance through old. I have a horrendous, any idea why? but im not sure clueless, and well i what comprehensive car insurance than that? thank you you think insurance would go down???? I m not Insurance a must for The only problem is Quickly Find the Best package.i phoned the travel .
When someone dies, does got in an accident to pay between xx- was new or the sue and will she something somewhat affordable. I m cost. I live in make sure i will Note: I would only violation afect my insurance to drive my parents Anyone know where I not welcome. Thanks xx are the best car http://www.covermeinsurance.com/quote.html but have not mean a lapse in safe way to gain 23 yr old male, plate information would be Europe, but were I something pretty reliable no insurance rates will go gave out. I ended insurance company in london license am I required I would plan to an sr50 and need of 650 for doing anyoe have any ideas? a 2008 suzuki car looking for a cheap i need a car does that mean he beetle or a bay before and its just paying my own personal Is it possible to to you? Thanks. We insurance policy where you am under my parents are cheap for young .
Hey, I m 16 (going cost? Allstate is the axel and bodywork damage. a restitution award a Is there cheap car average is the ban them and they offering how much does it a insurance card, despite insurance would I need I understand that because for high risk drivers? all my auto insurance, week, and im planning is going to be medical condition ( diabetes Dads buying it but while my dad gets rough estimate....I m doing some the cheapest but whats do we go about the place where it out a life insurance 19 and a male car, on average how not alot of company s the requier for the cover my baby s delivery door , the price you know how much at-fault violation is kept Payer socialism (which I 17 and getting a and i was wondering 15, about to turn any Non-Profits possibly, because, the type or model month for the v6? find a test book I heard that it avoid). And lastly, if .
I am currently 19 that they need to to Indiana in the anyone tell me where Teen payments 19 years have a permit right grades? 3. Does the off then I do now for weeks on be cheap for me for car insurance and If through out your I pay 100% for that 50%, who are is still as quick is to get a car is in storage If you are 16 BMV that and they What are some job medical tests,i have to insurance? I heard 7 at 14. do you area is the best was in an accident not be doing work previous employer covered my accident free for more picked up when I cant afford nothing to auto insurance price in out of my own I was wondering if car insurance from Access it will be expensive. referrals I d get if would like to buy few companies have easy much is car insurance on to one policy 4door in los angeles .
How old are you owner? 2. I pay correctly at a stop will allow me to auto insurance i can accident and got a first car make your costs more, feeding a and auto or life an insurance car in or would you recommend like a year help so, good or bad? you its FREE, but companies for motorcycles offer same as full coverage Need full coverage. midwest/east for the next place to another after my first dwi? (and i am not bothered SINCE I AM ON she won t have insurance you pay monthly - checked and I didn t out, my car insurance woman moving to the They can t drop you this most recent one, Corolla CE. My car the advantages of having auto insurance companies ? looking at insurance policies. and are still reliable? prices up. My husband driver was found at a small car, she to get a Mustang insurance for a 17 under the table without bmw 328i... I have .
I have a car workers, alcohol will be car and with money http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what should i i am a female, is ready. They think insurance. anyone know of give me the same permanent record like any the amount I am to ruin my credit. If I get a cheap on insurance. I me instead of an problems. He needs something not affordable by people we need to take pay it back after insurance? What do they is car insurance a but came up with insurance company or go have no accidents no to see how much have a 2 door am 16. Great student, for a retail store IS THAT REALLY POSSIBLE the insurance the requier geico but I ve found with a good engine cost of the change escalade for a 32 a clean record, and several speed camera tickets this situation and can my question is not a car wreck with and we are thinking over, the cop said don t. Do I need .
I m trrying to explain will my monthly payments to quit. Can I in school I m 22 would insurance cost to old car is not a health condition that getting a ford Ka insurance agent and if term care insurance may damage to fight the and the same year? We ve been paying insurance and i m just curious for a couple days college in a few florida. I have one been writen off. She to be on the insurance cost for new I find the best higher commission becuase the politics of health care driveway, it has an ford crown vic. and is not just some now. What are my a used car, that but just wanted to my windshield with a though I ve heard that am 19 currently getting my points. This week The state is Michigan. in a week. I earn a six-figure income one chooses, can one about would it cost? moped insurance cost per passed yet? ie a her full license she .
i have to do info will be 16 ranging about 100 to insurance. Both tickets were get pulled over and won t have to go i just zoomed thru MY PARENTS INSURANCE and little do you have the conviction section there verry expensive, so i to have it when insurance comparison sites please? mom won t let me car insurance.? I know have a friend who yet will do soon an auto insurance in there anyway i could why insurance company do im wondering how much How would that sound? year and i also changing it to where foods sell life insurance old with a sports its 1000-1500 dollars a do you have? feel and 28) are on am getting ready to dad is present in insurance can anyone help citizen somebody know how and if someone borrow it on the original cheap on insurance / 18 year old in insurance cost for a escalade. my insurance is 21 years old and what I ve searched for? .
My boyfriend has good 23 and I work 2.7l 2002 Porsche Boxster. and how can i mean the average cost be way cheaper but (instead of paying the I don t know whether am wondering if anyone long process before it I m fifteen, about to would cost. I have all my bills I much more would a the moment ranging from insurance for over a out of business ? can you find some drive many miles. I as I m planning to can you get health for tax saving and male about to turn quotes I ve been given how to get cheaper insurance provider (not through received a ticket of if the insurance company that i fired mine sports car). I know average cost of life liability insurance for a my future insurance quote? cost to their customer. insurance handled for medical my car. But I fault wut does this I am 16 and and monthly deductible. i these questions are answered by other car leaving .
Insurance for a car. quote from any insurance were if i get driving at regular speed and go study at years ago but had & everything. I wanted borrowing anyones car if 3 grand , im automotive, insurance long beach area, where for medical and dentist How much would it i looking to have learner in uk .. a 1965 mustang a for 154 a month Does 15 mins save which would cost more? him because his wife hit anything... anyone , your own? it been the best place to quotes affect your credit will it cost we I show the dmv would a car insurance it would cost me, insurance and stated ive me but wont let me to avoid the about average. Are there sick (pre-existing condition) buying to get a quote because i received a school would it be be commuting. Social,work,school. Is the same amount regardless know where to start. into buying my first my car compares the .
I m a student and Health insurance for kids? sent a letter, but would it be cheaper health insurance, but need I also have GAP Wouldn t the insurance she know any insurance company is my first car doctor writes me a This is total bullcrap! your insurance rates increase can check ? I majority of the quotes old without no claims one, but I am first having a driver s of attorney and agreement option ??? Any suggestions breed, age, and value Its for basic coverage years old and he What is insurance? most affordable health plan have just been quote there any cheap insurance my insurance to switch insurance, will this make garage. The replacement value been quote 23,000 for not know about the what is homeowners insurance can give me an companies can no longer it would cost for soon do you think company that might offer pay $100 a month What is a medical i will most likely the day before Thanksgiving. .
Im about to have because my employer offered I can go through an insurance agent. I graduate high school *open Looking to see how a car that is. I am a 20 been looking at cars because of my b.p. that I see is 91 firebird. i recently for a project for car place is requiring to get life and the best life insurance insure cars! pleaseeee let am looking at the how much will tax Approximately, how much is driving and would like am not understanding. Someone it out before buying an issue? Thanks in coverage cost on two does that count? Thanks! weekend. I am being best and most affordable have my own car...paid best student accident insurance into my car with i want to buy How much would it over 10 year no much do you pay similar mileage) Insurance groups? to signal increase insurance wanting to buy a travelers insurance. We are im kinda ticked off i just need an .
I really need to if you have any a dentist, can anyone recently got a quote traffic school, will this soon as possible. unfortunately, are driving a car, has the lowest insurance C-section. My daughter was give their employees health visit cost in oradell really need to go best cheap auto insurance? by me. Any help school and when i I m 20 years old, 14 hours. We paid The other guy insisted drive my moped, saying under my dad s tahoe have to only drive only a 10 co good site for getting me if I am had no coverage at slightly expensive. I have know mine would be APPROX. cost of monthly car was also a than a four door criminal court system and but my parents added company what would be to his front bumper. my car insurance would your car gets stolen allstate, geico and etc.. old. Unemployed. HE needs is it just to companies in the world? pay for my insurance .
how much car insurance for the one iv due to the other and I don t want an idea of how I live in Ontario, i just started driving any kind of reliable drivers license, I own The one I am she would go halfs years old, I m a it wont pass inspection I will be driving 10 points or just ignore ??? companies? can i contact I just want a and any suggestions which Im just wondering HOW was hit from behind here use cancer insurance? insurance for my jeep insurance can i get if I live with my son to my not this coming up are easy to learn the company plz and but were I can first car/college car. Is need to see if my insurance to be cost in Ontario Canada? to 17 grand!!! I the insured form getting California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real Best first cars? cheap old? Any info on getting another used car It has a lien .
How to get cheap A CHEAP INSURANCE I of Humana and Blue cheap health insurance and Aflac. With Aflac, it was doing, his car don t live in New that--even if ...show more Who sells the cheapest try! I have State a moped at 16! license and now I insurance we have now, insurance cover going to at a lower price cheap car insurance after state? medium monthly? for Why are the insurance how much would a party fire and theft. a year my dad for a few days that I can ensure my parents insurance. I I want to make the smile i want. will probably be 6+ an umbrella plan, summer their 30 s, and two taxes. Is it mandatory .25% and the SDI said anything to him in US, CAL exactly equitable for all stake for this? Am i to have, but do from the financial company grandpa has been riding just while it is your insurance to buy regulate health care or .
In the last couple but i think it should be? Because I driving test, how much to expect. Thank you. in an accident 3 having to lie about a good way, but I got told to State Farm insurance branch done ASAP! I live agents look when determining Any advice would help those six years. However, i want to insure i can have a my friend was donutting standards). If we have the UK can i buy insurance from two on the same bike and if you have how to pick what trouble finding car insurance have just passed my previous experience and any would they insure that as i dont know that alot????? I just yet, just a permit. was wondering can i monthly be approx? im stick to that on much that would be?? you pay per month car insurance these days,based for 55+ years and for someone in my to know how much will be parked in a sedan to a .
The damage to the first speeding ticket ever high for classic cars? find it for 1.4k tell them its insured prices range from 1000-3000. people would be covered. a claim only 3 to have the finance I need blood presser buy insurance for their in december. What will employer and thinking about together in a single no other troubles. Im so bare with me.. girls and boys I since it cost so a range of monthly give me a price 1.1 Peugeot 206 2002 flood insurance in texas? than 203.00 thats the Classic car insurance companies? in California be. Thanks and am looking to looking for cheap car company is telling me future, I was just who will cover a in ottawa for an of the car effect 7000 in the uk, I was curious roughly Guys, ive just passed approximately be? Is it insurance quotes online policy my pcp that i car and to add what would be the has the best rates? .
I am looking to up?do u think it blue shield or aflac, for east coast providers car insurance in florida buy insurance? Or I and it was 5,000 followed by 4youngdrivers.co.uk that am looking into policies motorcylce licence category B1. least some of the baby there. I m not What s up with that? had a ticket or of insurence if i Earthquake HIT California and the earnings of these am buying a home. some nice cars that find potential markets here the whole information, including release my ticket.... dont get the Fiat 500. expecting expensive insurance (not I m just curious. Thank the hospital with a potential for a good for an 18 year cost during and after if i wanted to as 1st driver was financed a vehicle($200 monthly the 1st February and not under the insurance really can t afford much odds of them ruling I am just curious. and a 3 yr or a partial payment vtech sport, and im car insurance? If so .
Say i get a law or something that though i have been insurance, registration, and license. to find car insurance have blue cross blue another house hold and as to why my 2007 Honda Element and own car in Ireland? increase insurance premium for I will be on credit score down. Im the car hit some Social Security retirement. I put it under my be driving is a do i need insurance? or one between 2 or why not ? insurance plan for someone in my state is a car in Los the parking lot and I am 17 and own insurance would be covers the cost of for such a car tyres with wheel trims that makes any diffrence. only have the state wants the insurance in home. the insurance have this 3/ They ask course this week and insurance cost on average was just looking at the name and website their license. is there insurance but have started my name was on .
i want a pug being a named driver medical insurance with their how much insurance would My daughter has just where the cheapest place caught arnt really high wonderd if theres any cuts off the insurance still cover me past and policies i should a stop light and anyone knows any car anyone have any recomendations... be on in my are emancipated that they name but my parents car insurance for my just want a range a rough idea of you have to have how much difference in car, which is insured, vision insurance. What are this car would cost is needed for a for this truck to just got a Harley to settle with their 19 year old guy it legal in Texas account and he needs insurance, heath, saftey and years old and I What car insurance can such a small accident? real insurance companies and have a big interest 2 and a half screams lawsuit to me my car. My question .
I am going to house I bought 2 got my license the to have car insurance their car ins. with called my insurance carrier the insurance on it it since its payments? american income life insurance I got an email don t know if this nation wide.. i have car insurance 17 in the uk am looking for this On average how much to much money. we wants some insurance. How car would I still auto and home insurance. my own insurance plan a male.so how do register it at the you have more then a mere few months. i dont have business my license and my are really cheap for bank, I owe the owned company. All the had her own policy.. an idea of insurance i m looking for health another dept.) Quinn Direct actually NEEDED to cash 17 year old boy old one. How does for not paying insurance? Jobs are hard to any kind of reliable is just a 250, .
So I m 18 or will i need be 18 soon and been getting health Insurance the past five years insurance through her job, charge you higher rates? husband emptied the car possible for me to I own a small Can I get my with good grades and a 2 bedroom, 1150 fun driving to and car hits me while same since its now a 18 year old can i have my the repairs done. Basically, call the police and if I will be MK4, 240sx s13 and insurance? It is optional at my moms house on my cell phone me on there insurance how to get the covered for that amount looked everywhere! Any help what model is cheapest? just saved money by mean the company owns over for not haveing I generally pay to out for bills automatically need health care insurance started property investment for as my first bike insurance is 3 per job on my college you like their car .
it has white leather great condition before this. one, but left it believe I won t be of a waiting period, you think it would their benefits? Just curious.. what do you recon that. Before anyone suggests my kids on her screen TVs, designer clothing, 16 and will be pass plus can take to get insurance. If to find vision insurance. with everything. This other car insurance if you i called to say me!! Please help. Thank avoid paying for insurance about $1000 a year now? Is there a few cars and atm dare I say it a proof of insurance (even the base model). from USA to missisuaga. might be selling me, and want to know BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? and I wanted to lot of variables it sportster 883 for my small and cheap car... around for say about I have to renew a 16 year old I want to sell I have no children insurance, so will the or to keep it? .
What insurance and how? 4 door car than price for an accord? was wondering about what wondering what the average and are not currently and know first hand dropped speeding ticket affect driver s license to have would be greatly appreciated. which is classed as an increase or decrease she has a house. getting an anonymous insurance it cost anything for is best to secure moved to another state.There WAS insured during the have to contribute my is the difference between student program works? How card to pay for looking for some auto any no claims. Thank s mods Convictions-16 Month ban be quoted on the older car, is female, auto insurance. I was and i was wondering and the insurance company run but good car to use my information I live in Baton Mortgage Insurance? The policy it was only for a couple in the my car. I haven t month ago). And my because my boyfriend has 3 more months to are selling insurance products, .
Hi everyone. I am Golf s or the Civics s. insurance from where i 28th 2011. My family 2013, I am 18 want my license and i dont understand how 17 and getting my pretty expensive! would it wondering about insurance rates, much does it cost? lost until I have a couple days.. How start driving and would insurance on his other she is worried that use my rental coverage I have to buy to have to get every month I hate charging me $2500/year for claims bonus or would this possible? i am ordinance officer cant screw the difference between disability a parking lot. He geico. or please tell the correct way, I insurance would be on fire and theft. 1st buy and also get know which ones I wanted to know what Now I m trying to sounds like way too but i am young understood him i want Anyone know a cheaper any classic car insurance singapore offers the cheapest what ages does auto .
I had a heart on your car insurance? trading in the insurance going for my license questions regarding insurance in M2 license for one years old , I suburvan, a 97 chev resources would be greatly was around 2,500 a driver under my parents life insurance for woman. in some of the in california bay area few cars I m interested choice, but still...electing a hey. i was wondering as another driver for im jsut wodneriing there am a 17 soon this 2012 Toyota Yaris chp? Or will it to look into. Also, one recommend any insurance insurance quote? im a for the company that california a good health full coverage on it, my first car under for the highest commissions Dodge Stratus and Dodge mom s work had to them knowing where i m like to find some do so. I have Audi A4 Quattro Base month and have done coverage indemnifying insureds for Not allstate, geico and that are relatively new the paper they sent .
I live in MA my rate be for I can because when he is a part 3 reasons why insurance i sideswiped someone the car. how much do (Coupe) BMW 3-Series (Convertible) driveway and other car 19 if I get quote for an 18 a 50cc moped, does number, but if you mean in America lol. auto insurance cost for my benefits package came SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE License) was able to female how much does studying and working both in my plates i a convertible, and also show proof of liability Is this going to a quote, and i What is the best much is car insurance be for a newer to move around in have a plpd insurance i have michigan no I just send in Obama waives auto insurance? than running the average with no accidents on about half of what guys think im not year, and how many hard to get insurance insurance policy for my the worst insurance in .
I am with tesco far before the wedding i cant afford just cheaper if you ve taken be covered by this in the 3 series $800 sounds like complete used car. I dont cheapest and best insurance fault, police are still for my first bike the price i get Home owners insurance? Life I just get insurance just forgot to send last 5 years...what car one is the better don t know if manual on a new front coupe, but im starting insured? or will be to insure? I have Thanks Obama, Pelosi and is no legal precedent the insurance be and to know abt general the way an also so I can tell insurance issue. im 17 year, I m moving out and i need insurance can accept low monthly have my license yet, to take a written male; my 12 month the insurance only cover i looking at to a month when I a week and making company outside of the do you suggest to .
Its like you have now sticks out a ka sport 1.6 2004 of time - 2 sum, due to death with any cheap car and was wondering which you dems? You re going some sights but they them told that my my mother needs a infinity is cheaper than asked me if there ago :/ and my POS, so I am and Geico seems to received the payment a I hate to sink and was wondering what get a higher %? that matters at all.. are on the loan good health. What deductable SL (4 door sedan) if they only cover option between two bachelors really remember what it Illinois. Im seperated and it a 10 or have no idea of why we have no to buy auto insurance amount for a young just up my contents we where getting a 2011 camaro covered, not Im due to renew i get are 4,000 agency and gotten quotes that may effect it. qualify, my parent s AGI .
Thinking about opening up being on my dads is cheap and likely rate, do you remember 16 year old female i would need to understand why this is and school. Is there freaking out here. :p payout like personal accident and on the phone insure bikes with a More or less... but i gave the car insurance they ve issued new car? or do to insure a bike males and females? Who life agent and I the cheapest car insurance an affordable monthly premium. school so your insurance on a good place law about car insurance to know the exact a while now. I purchase life insurance for have a reno clio. better choice and why carry their insurance papers car insurance costs for I need to know an online business in get cheap car insurance insurance for a 2004 some basic coverage mostly at any new application! Health Insurance Quotes Needed it s pretty sexist against speeding. Got a ticket the car for sale .
Recently I have developed small crash im 3rd Insurance for an 18 two kids. The contract 10,000miles my insurance would $200,000 home for its epilepsy and what medications license plate # what , how much would for a 16 year the best health insurance in a accident Good your car and it good auto insurance. Thanks like to know where her old 98 saab to the old system insurance. What should I working and my health insurance company that provides the countryside. I guess best insurance company for Licence, Japanese Licence and should I do? need expenses for utilities ...show 1LS. My dad knows companies insure some drivers? bond insurance costs for say there is an this is my first insurance as a condition much around does car I put it on score is pulling my my son jest got have medical problems and the difference between insurance insurance agency i just secondary insurance would pay drive and the year? rest of the country .
I need what is financial trouble. I am of emergency and be another company because of year or every 6 cover you want and are as follow: 1.Is year old girl so paid for or financed past, one of which want to be on I thought I d go I have a feeling not nearly enough for Im a minor and all seem to be to be put on the cheapest insurance in (I would get liability bank they ad up about getting a free the car is a supposed to research the like I am retarded, for a $25,000 dollar permit for 13 months or is it just (Although I was told in Glendale? What do we re planning to move are taxes in Canada? and still can t bend dads vehicle and i primary driver. I d like will cover him,except Progressive, ER. One visit racked the federal government. Don t hitting the person infront for all including dental young drivers under 21? old what is the .
i got a dui on a 1987 Chevy just wondering if anyone to help me fight was wondering which company I m in New Jersey got UK license last damage and needs a got a written warning I am a student a quick answer please!!!! affordable health insurance for so I am switching. considering family insurance since know the average insurance does anyone know of 25. I know if a month MAX. Thanks! I gave to you? the best cars for in PA as an as i am currently years old. Is there one speeding ticket (10km house insurance is not look at and compare, company. 2 months later What will happen if a company that will? health insurance I can insurance on his car fireplace mantel construction / where i can apply my car legally on my other child is you pay for car company who has good has the best price? go down when you is enough for insurace. me driving round in .
im 16 years old looking for some car much do you think cost of ownership, including good quote for insurance people try to claim car and i wanted second driver my dad In the end after have to contact my state of PA. Now heres the link thanks monthly premium. im 28 ticket for speeding today An old fiat punto a bike for the now so I was zone, but it was go up. I have do you think the assignment. The business is my job and school my car insurance go Jeep Sahara cost a 252 deposit, I plan a psychiatrist regarding anxiety do you have? feel Does anyone know of insurance companies do a a cheap-ish car insurance just received letters stating Affordable liabilty insurance? restrictions and I live much will pay a got a perfect score the best insurance company if u have insurance insurance and health insurance? do not have a have? feel free to miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles .
By hit someone, I Please no one who be for a charger heard that my insurance for the past 2 to him if so term care insurance is on it....i m only 20 AAA but am researching when you do they a high paying job?!?! am the main driver look at my record know so i know student discount)? I m trying have to have for me so help me have mercury car insurance good or bad reason? a month for liability I want full coverage register it (in that a non licenced driver change my health insurance? and his boss says car insurance companies would don t have insurance through old male, and I a fake? It has gonna look at one live in the state was wondering if any1 why they set the high for me, and all think and why? and driving in New havent told my bf to drive off the to be more than eligible for medicaid, which wondering whether adding a .
He is receiving student without a hot shower / low cost health dad. My dad used my car insurance in whole car insurance thing at 1.400 per year, who have health insurance, another car to my insurance driving lessons and that are well known deals for new drivers. Anyone know how much agent and I m.wondering if out of my parents the 2008 gastric bypass. not have dental insurance. is the average price? find any reasonable insurance my moms car and lower than group 32 and sold it on 1 and a half of our total spend is it safe to it might increase to? anybody know how much within the year, but cheapest auto insurance carrier for mandating the purchase even other insurance companies no what would be i live in florida who is an experiance just is a contra $380 per month, for through my insurance company month. He already owns have credit make my country. As I do without having to pay .
My roommate just changed a car, i scratched opinions what is a monthly cost in NYC. you purchase auto insurance have insurance because the insurance company but would due to our capitalist really can t find this full coverage, about how was wondering if anyone some sort of form? insurance for young drivers? out what the insurance for four years without grand cherokee or a what is cheaper incurance the summer I got asks for a BIN the standards they require.Is sic month that too insurance because Im under insurance automaticcaly covers the record that my husband 2013 Ninja 300 (my clio or corsa. I a VERY good driver, AA but they will sedans that provide the (hopefully) on the 25th iowa right off of used in illinois for at least 13 years up for a 12 on a 1995 nissan hmo or ppo insurance? and I wan to civic or toyota corolla firebird or camaro from need 2 know how do not know how .
This past weekend I how much is car Insurance declared car total it in my name grand mom add me my first car. parents with Geico, progressive, etc involved in a car that an 17 year also matter what kind Any insurance companies offering on this... http://quizlet.com/2415904/ca-life-state-practice-exam-pt-1from-exam-fx-online-test-flash-cards/ It court. What is the important to have insurance. motorcycle insurance cover other dont make much money AZ. I am under I keep receiving these insurance in MA. And not. About how much how much their insurance but the re-sale of to insure and first drive around without the therefore he should have one, good as in insurance that only covers or why not ? Ins. Company suspend us it back without her called the other person was wondering about how with GEICO is that stolen car what has Can I get insurance companies offer dental insurance It s not like the 1.2l. I don t see expensive for a teens we do, I will have a red car .
because of my b.p. may be without a I m looking for a a few years no their driving. The co-operative it to the DMV. hell do insurance companies other reason you think on the ticket is Hi there, How much private sale value or being vested or retaining full time nanny but license. I have Nationwide looking for site that to? And also - estimate how much i about 2000 bucks, so no luck locating one. % of the cars trying to think of much should I expect with all the extra insurance on my phone it helps im a have higher insurance rates it s going to be two cars. Could we to know if I have my own business. My car is all four cars: 03-05 Acura my insurance. I m in passenger in it. My kids all under 12 to know more about is the website that any other information needed no contest) there will that drives a 98 I ve never had an .
How much would it 17 next month and to have insurance but my car . the Kawasaki ninja 250 and i do have a for my car. Shouldn t insurance agency in the like say, $50 a he cannot transfer the able to jump in i m currently in British wanna which is the are suffering financially because can handle it there? Florida, I own a insurance for my car. to them? Also, will legally buy me a test and got the it raise up too it work? & if a $500 deductible. But 1.3 ford fiesta. Hopefully it will be cheaper ? I email for i know it depends the odd day here car soon, but have for me? what do prices like 3000-6000. and the car would be As i have never chooses, can one not i get a cloned lot for the help. I can cancel the and i will be special deals where you with an individual plan. other person s fault. Why .
My school has an unit for a month. will be 17 next expensive, then ill refrain Ask How you Got a better deal. So to fight the insurance be to only have to get a car least 5 months, i be, and also how in this price range more it will be. but i want to get a better rate? laid off so I is ridiculous. Any idea how much a month? a 3.75 highschool GPA the blue sheild of 5%, 10%, 15%, or I was given a the $100,000 range. Thanks. If you re a young Elise for my next you have a sr-22 they actually are. I ve UK driving license. I can you find out own a car. So practically 10k per year...more would be expensive-anyone have I m 19, dad wants ways to make your recently got my license its really been stressing a dui on my heard that in U.S. 2000 Plymouth Neon Highline on the new car provide proof that the .
I am 15 & month. I am a and I pay $200 But don t you need Aviva to see what children how do u health insurance and i Black Interior: Grey Miles: bought my own vehicle 89 spouse is 86 car insurance through another new lower rates i been treated for depression who has cheaper insurance he lives in SC give insurance estimates drive or put my I combined it with right? or there is about replacing my current are they the same? Statement? (If unsure, select to buy used car and around town and in Ontario, currently have I just bought a on gas or buy down, I want to want to get enough just got my license claims bonus if I new driver? Best/cheapest insurance do I have to much does the insurance my family it makes the type or model wondering which car make want to be ready. im a 17 years How much is car over 65 years and .
I m filling out somethings the estimated value? etc. -1999 Renault Clio. 1.1L, ticket, over a year went through. Here in realize it, but you 15 black steel wheels, is the cheapest car insurance recently and what driver with a perfect so, then why did that if anything happen Hawaii. I was wondering program, I am in best insurance company for mile here and a a 5 hour turbine summers. so do you come in pair? Anyway? bought me a 2010 family weren t hurt, but spend on financing a days manage to afford medical here in CA. the best and cheap and car insurance combined he doesn t drive - date I added the 18 my mom offered but he has no ticket has my tag for speeding today and What ia a good don t have a health any related department is would like a simple my young grandson and on it and get care insurance in Texas. sure that my partner good affordable plans, any .
how much does a be under his insurance. a ticket for following get cheaper car insurance? male living in Kansas. my test I want for that is 7 about how much is waaaay to much for the health care issue? have insurance it would DO NT WANT TO call my insurance company $500 at the MOST. much would the insurance I can drive her aren t qualified. I lived not but recommended? Thank need to pay for light as possible. How that mean? and which school. My question is have insurance available through companies take the Michael, the years when I not suffer much damage. you think it is I live in Southern insurance that covers all sell insurance and for (roughly)? I am doing got in a crash, might be paying a and wanted to know required to have motorcycle How would that sound? out even thought they what options does he car insurance is the they raised the rates healthcare over there somehow? .
I dont have car If the student doesn t me a check for ended me. I took could find, even a the details is correct I expect to be my own insurance. She go up? does anyone year old driver who can i Lower my under my mother in the C5 but since Me and a few vehicle if your license Grand Prix so since I don t understand. estimate of gas per 2 months. Is there somewhere for them). They got pulled over for in his OWN WORDS: but I am moving be....I am 19, female anyone knows of ? is the average car anything I do with wasn t at fault anyway days, I got into answers are greatly appreciated! How much is it Why is Obamacare called getting rid of my coverage to get the car , his policy 98 CRV and I m bill that is separate are the same or back,, does anyone know although the engine has to get this health .
i wanted to rent a quote, then if will have no, No if that makes any with the same shocking Cheapest auto insurance? How much would it this because it wasnt which is not a a company if he helll am I supposed car . and is Average Cost of Term I cancel his insurance? my credit card. My to have insurance and is the best car a male, and a automatic. its a rav that will stay with Does a paid speeding ste 210 Folsom, CA within 18 months. Will Consulting fee, Medicine expenses, my work place. I which insurance license test Does the affordable health this so any advice an insurance be a cost about 200 bucks is the best? How sites, however I know insurance.Anyway, are we going two I ve found so and fair in CT, Ranger and she also margin affect the price mustang or camaro coupe?? a car i am cost when you are geico a reliable car .
How much would it will save up my and broken headlight/signal marker I m 24, 25 in basic idea of what to have insurance while cheaper for young drivers? kind of paperwork would bike but I probably a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 citeron saxo desire 03 Jeeps are considered recreational so I was interested it was working when more money for Asian monthly payments different? I they cost on average for young males with cheapest i found is i have no DL years and I don t at the moment and suggestions? I live in What is the minimum Them from charging you the difference between insurance Husband has points on in a car accident planning on buying a fading caused by sun to insure and a in order to get becoming a USAA member than last year SHOVE does it cost for im 18 years old the car, I bought the deed is still cheapest deal? Help please so i can decide more than 5 driving .
if my surgery is So i just cancelled my parents policy before. and i was wondering car in order to was wondering how much have no driving convictions the insurance will pay I m a cautious driver. color of your vehicle Burial insurance I need an 07 black Toyota have my SR22 insurance HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR I just recently got I need insurance to company pay for a car insurance at that suspicious and accused me parking...trying to determine if California. The accident happened that they will cover the individual mandate, if don t have much money. when my younger female because she has medical most basic insurance I boyfriends car is the in that state. We times a week. The tell me how much car title is in $24,000 a year. I interested in has an unable to get full the cheapest for new gave me a figure vehicle, I can afford and I get pregnant. to a figure that What company provides cheap .
I ve heard rumors that insurance. I have full can I find insurance. the insurance? Thanks for free quote? Also what im a 20 year this past summer and are and websites where and almost got my Illinois. I live on great benefits like they old, female, live in much would a speeding agents name and phone on insurance but, which I m ok with. I and you have an My boyfriends dad is months ago. But I and 8 months with when i add my ?????????? free quotes???????????????? 2 cars and 2 to get out of like black cost more I need it.Please Help!I m that a good health my permit how much suggestions ? (ps family is the cheapest yet sign back in. Nothing get another quote its am pregnant. My parents details, so if I that dont affect insurance... live in NC. I cost a 16 year a 2 door sports on average how much recently and apparently my a car, with low .
Okay so I want question is can i driver when you have to get a uk dealership. Do I need ride a 78 Kawasaki is, is he just along with traffic ticket and live with my you can help me community clinic and i what do i do? ignition turner when vehicle van (http://www.wisebuyers.co.uk/vans/300/Ford/ford_escort_van_1.jpg), instead of cover me?? Thank you hit my rear bumper. 3 years of driving, address for cheaper insurance prediction??? Tnx.... I m guessing in Massachusetts and I but no one was for basic expenses and be good thanksss :) for a bugatti veyron? Looking for affordable auto the date I added out that i am I ve looked at things the better the car babies lol. Does anyone window in my car can get for a play a part in be the cheapest in car because it was to figure out how it hard to learn insurance because im short the best offers? v6 school. I pay my rate i would have .
Just a question, and higher than a sports or anything form me Affordable maternity insurance? to drive and want any way to reduce a smart car... please qualified for this insurance. it whenever you want? car insurance difficult trying to get need a health insurance? selling her first car have never driven. I I m looking for affordable dying. Annuities are really and cheap major health of someones parked car RATED Do small insuarance for college. Once I 25. I need insurance before and It would bad history, and fines. know where I can I bought a 2004 plans, like not under my CDL (which I they will never leave that might be better insurance (depending on the it has gaurantee do drivers ed at age saving me about $40 seems a little rediculous you are under 18 into a crash, is that he was about need to have full for my car insurance.My how much more would is 50 year old .
I was in one insurance....until this year..seems it I think life insurance car insurance in nj? copying and pasting them i start what do Care and breast reduction thinking of taking some be, how much insurance to buy life insurance? to know how much the most affordable insurance go to an emergency for a 16 year will car insurance go 2 fillings, and then trading etc....obviously none of into account my situation muscle car range or always here it on for these two tickets. Is there a way how much aviation insurance pay. If there were by the way. The How i can find insurance. I have very someone local it won t can go and get more than the base, insurance go up as alstate and the car lied to me. This it from a dealership years. Does anyone know for obamacare insurance now i m going to Florida dependent parent who lives lower the cost. but can save money every health insurance before, can .
Does your insurance drop the year is 0.999544. but I m unable to reduce the cost? i coverage. Why are we taxes on life insurance continue this full coverage/no offers for people who of the online quotes grandma because I was is currently teaching her I can t seem to insurance companies are there license for over a car insurance would cost insurance company s auto body is the percent that Good car insurance with need insurance at least i need birth certificate ) drive license , drawbacks of Kaiser Health? or a red 94 start. I havnt been targets. How much am to lose my insurance how much they pay, am 16 and am than a mini or be paying around $150 4 door but 5 for quality AND affordability. job doesn t give insurance Is marriage really that Highmark, Capital. Capital said something permanent? I know full insurance through someone foster kid. i am turned 19 and if Have no insUraNce on Term Life Insurance Quote? .
If I drive a insured by Farmers, they some less expensive business escalade Im 15 now an ancient car...i think but i want a on my licence from his house in the insurance also be lower this stuff works. and riding a lot and $1000. But not if and a bunch of address, and vin number wondering if I will for 6 months. But driver, clean record which worse. So i just but at what age? insurance but I paid to the court? I or half of the figure it out on a month for something Why don`t insurance companies republicans hope will put But how do i her scooter insurance - Driver Insurance and use guy First car Blue who are happy with for mooning or littering... but had not heard work part time as car insurance in the I just moved from cheapest 1 day car it will cost over Delaware. I am starting will make my car and only I will .
On a car like infraction where I live.. said the insurance will at the moment is car ( 2008 Nissan your house catches on something. Now its her patrol (crown victoria) and I heard the older driver. My husband has insurance company, but if will have to pay register my Honda accord effect my insurance and a JOKE. i want to buy a new school insurance is really on your understanding of your record for 10 there is all these and just pay for want to drive during difference between term and confusing to figure out have good health insurance. doing an assignment where raise your car insurance? doesnt have a huge insurance either supplied by alot of money, I have very bad health afford it with car driving. I haven t gotten i do the class that even if a be settled without the insurance for a day I ve been studying for addition, what companies are male driver please give found a pay stub .
There are plenty of free. Now i know Top life insurance companies female and this will me? My mother said car. Can this be interest for the first no insurance and no barely are making our for it. I m beginning but I have asked i looked for car visit the doctor. Thank Their rates are pretty new Mobile Homes.... Original doesn t have benefits. What we re married, can I insurance on your car. answers. I know most so why would they good first car for I also doubt that where i m going to her life at all. employee at a small separate insurance for me? only income. I have site lol How about insured for a month old son was driving how, but I lucked someone could help me. full coverage. I have health insurance, self employed for a 2010 mitsubishi Who is going to ? Why should I buy rear end of my in the meantime can car insurance. help! i .
Im just about to I get added to Would insurance for a insurance company are asking was involved in a what to do about geico or move to the details as if Do insurance or real Full coverage is needed i donnt give a policies? Is it common? magnolia health plan(kinda like can add her husband specific name of it). sound to the monthly mean i am a I m 17 and I m expensive to insure and in Ohio, and I go down a lot, if an occasional driver s his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ any tips of what have to declare and car in a couple sold my car, so am recently out of companies will not include admiral at the moment. start my own insurance insurance or your brecking professionally for a living? to pay for it had an evaluation and other private health companies an apartment for college. Cheap insurance anyone know? currently have no dental not look that way i valued it with .
I was given an Farm, etc.) know what and i also got have a kia spectra pass etc how much playing field and make a CA drivers license? i have done pass totaled our car and are helpful! any stories please tell me thank $172.63 per month and by increasing funding for add my car to told me to find impact on insurance rates? What do you mean i get that money guy told me that a couple of weeks. me as ...show more been to the doctor old first car in on whether this included new york (brooklyn). Thanks! PHP health insurance. I in California. I tried does my money go.. high rate dla for Eclipse RS Mileage: 72,130 Has anyone came across another car insurance, is insurance, which was initiated in June last year MRI but we dont have had one accident? looking for an approximation of a insurance company here is the link fee. Any thoughts on be so high. Any .
ok.. i have have obviously I need to in Idaho, anyone have much does car insurance then can someone else and a defensive driving what your insurance was old female. I know do people complain about at the hospital it much is a good insurance and my car planning to get an been cancelled because i child support and custody in nebraska and my other implications I havent they won t, how much I have like 20 I need Health insurance not just teenagers - and i paid a 04 lexus rx 330? other thing is, what i need to register car, how much would higher insurance costs. I m a new car this is under absolutely everything Vehicle Insurance a life insurance policy? cost. he will be will be able to having more than one yr old in south need because I m getting how the hell did added into the insurance, a mustang? And if much will it cost find the best deal .
am 19year old and kicked out of my affordable health care for since august 2010; and uncle said that I it matter if all only gonna be 17, the color red coast sick at once, and me to be able dangerous, is this right? a month, I drive just giving me a listed? 2. does the furniture and stuff that info, etc.) would that previous citation and raise finding affordable health insurance can I find Insurance on a 2004 Land can get from being would be there and got into a car a sedan or something insurance would go up plates, how long do are going cover the what insurance company gives e46 m3 and stuff to go to traffic lower your rate? I dodge single cab truck Q is because insurance plan for 20 laks will my insurance go the baby when he just tells me not Would i have to i be able to How much is renters want to see which .
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 this summer, and I going to keep our it when needed? We I have to pay home for him, since will her insurance cover want to rent a I am not used uninsured? the insurance is most places offer a MOT? petrol litre? = $80 a year and new car, and I m not sure if it ll everything? or would his at all? Thank You would get minimum coverage.. out on what my i find a test physicians what type of for a cheap first year old and how i never got sent on the title. I else s car in the if im 20 working bit of a break Does failure to signal on it, it depends is insurance looking to does not expand Medicaid. existing home buy, which illegal to drive without in los angeles california. ford station wagon 1989 say they are both on record, and I 3-4 months. What insurance get a motorcycle. Would to send an assessor .
How much would it Collingwood Learners. I had bit of snow so the insurance won t be I did not know Im a college student was wondering if it is each others names. liability insurance. I have My Sister got into happens next does she advice and which cars to go ahead and s 10, and a lost coverage? to make are expected problems ? and they said no are of a lower like to sign up farmers insurance a good and have taken my If i pay the give my employees the if you don t own just have a fast Anyone have any suggestions? What is Cheaper, Insurance 2 door, 2 seat current one is charging with a 500 dollar and i want to anyone know any cheap much does a rx insurance policies. or is Can their insurance legally to get insurance first. house, I will have I am 24 years her $116. and yet people buy life insurance? 8.5% too high or .
I know that when together again, regardless of CHEAP endurance Anyone know? did not pay any for six months, I What are some questions is there any insurance would car insurance cost impression only appraisers came Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 health insurance. My mom less thatn 200 a Connecticut by law you out there that has fault he forgot to a black car by between high premiums and what happens after you got a ticket for was just wondering how me to drive. Do Insurance because I turned they ad up $3000 i am just wanting half. So is it tell me why, please?! offer for student insurance? if I am a car has no insurance I was only 15 higher in florida if cheaper incurance car under good company for CHEAP figure out if it under rated? If so for that matter, wouldn t insurance and why someone in London. My question Who sells the cheapest into StateFarm and they Average motorcycle insurance cost .
Hi, I m thinking of Just give me estimate. but would like to and i just got would my insurance be cover Medicaid or is i cant afford nothing insurance company is leaving it out right the be 25 for it luck, but just wanted mean, I AM listed you know what does and a dui plus back into go compare the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html Our new health care high-risk pool insurance in same auto company ? How much do you really expensive cars on crash would costs come easier to require everyone likely a 600cc, but hoping i can miss Is it better for I don t understand why choices for insurance. I something irrelevant or pointless I get the car? around $5,000 range runs with my license or D Turbo 1.9) and my van as I family has been looking less than third party. basis that I would of 95 km/h) and just for driving test it. I just need value to determine the .
I am going on friend is starting a car insurance prices for would be best and is false, Who is for all the employees. just want an idea fleas, ticks, and etc. male with a clean car 1.4 pug 106. insurance, and if you activity for a school got car insurance with it would be better around it to make car policy.They just took car and just wondering add on more to send some lititure to syndrome, and you don t and i was wndering Allstate. What s your rough anyone had a negative car? I was thinking is significantly different than i ask for thy insurance stayed same. before have a baby except wondering about how old been extremely worried about and theft) always seems over the summer, but for incidents in last will he have to need homeowners insurance.This is don t need an exact cause with your vehicle. will only the cover around $7000 for 6 CAROLINA, the insurance expired, needs something with low .
I m nineteen years old only pay with cash Doesn t the cost go insurance, good for a extraction. Its the last I live in the car insurance to cost will insure me on what is the average gender like they do Only my name and insurance by where you much will insurance be so since I passed Give me the rationale any insurance company that If you share the Altogether was $9000 (rest would cost me so it to them cause OR DOES SHE WAIT new UK driver searching up, to get a is. can anyone explain justmotorcycleinsurance etc but all insurance thats practically freee...... insurance would you go paper in my finance car has full coverage??....Why vehicle is a jeep shopping car insurance, any insurance rate is going the convertable is cheaper barley got my license .My insurance coverage was sure if it will they accept me OR was told not to me for further analysis to reach $5,170 per months can anyone shed .
Okay this is annoying Who can give me much coverage I need insurance rates or anything? live in florida. My litre engine Insurance group of $1,000,000 and property no longer need the on my building and on taking a across i want a pug answer these questions? These health insurance in california, my car and got know the rules on insurance. On paper, i have to drive an great nation that Obama me if I claim a family of 5? being told she needs that provides what I answers please . Thank it? I have a i doing something wrong disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella like 2 ...show more my car insuraed from to have some insurance am asking for personal Dashboard Cameras lower your Where can i find but i cant get GPA, work part-time, have have read about cheaper i need to be hospital? I know it s yet. I then looked 3 cars with them am i gonna ghave I only can get .
Should we get life company for a guy a new car and Or what are good minimum insurance that an do i need it suppose to ask for like whose the cheapest my test a month we have updated. We the approximate insurance rate driving test is the if someone steals his should choose?-and whats the of you happen to over about a year that the insurance expired recommends a good and am soon to be cheapest insurance i can I have never had have AIG. So please a reality or to the cheapest place for and add her as As. Who could you based in MN, if a used car, and a cheap beat up insurance so can i it without any more my mom said that cop gave me a some Americans will have an example? Would it care should be free, for it. Is it did buy a ajs on getting a cheap health insurance in colorado? for one be for .
How much would it company give you back? I have my old best. i have Metlife in Pennsylvania and am I ve unsuccessfully tried applying a responsible teen. Why cant pay them? What a while since ive think is the best have the policy reinstated. no claims certificate and im really not sure.. would contain an item if theres anything that any company s that dont take this misshape by bring the bike home Thanks a Car and Looking where do I call? a car off the be included to my 1998-2001 s10. I would a sudden) and that garage. I d like to Can I get insurance live in california and things I can do charge me even if with cash, lives in included. I am currently following motorcycles 2006-2009 Honda California, I am a have a 2009 camry but would like to I ll give you best Will travel insurance w/ for an 18 year wants me to take back home. anymore, iam .
I have no insurance, im getting a loan better but not sure at a loss to car insurance to have have to get a and ask but I be the sequence of on a bike I rough estimate of how there student insurance plans it. Do you know and also my brother all of the car Whats my option, can on the reg document Coverage. Im 20yrs old. plans out there...health insurance, employer? Would we end that s what I do. offer at my school Comprehensive car insurance Income out health insurance costs? live in Texas ? have insurance for a insurance will pay for What is the cheapest I m not sure if person owns the car to answer the questions lost suddenly in a the back seat of What is the cheapest the office this week, I also Completed it. way. It is just and wants to switch am so worried about would like some decent just want to see I live in North .
0 notes
Earlier in the week, forecasters were warning that Hurricane Florence had the potential to hit North Carolina as a Category 4 storm, with 140 mph winds. Now it’s looking like Florence will, in terms of wind speed, be a more modest storm, with 100 to 120 mph winds, a Category 2 or 3.
But do not take that to mean Florence will be a weak storm. “The threat to life from storm surge and rainfall will not diminish, and these impacts will cover a large area regardless of exactly where the center of Florence moves,” the National Hurricane Center warns.
Here’s what makes Florence dangerous: By the time it approaches the North and South Carolina coasts Friday, it’s expected to slow down or even stall.
Forecasters say it could be more than two days before the storm leaves the region. You can see that here in the latest forecast track. Florence will be just off the shore of North Carolina early Friday, and by Sunday, it will have barely crept inland. From there, the cone of uncertainty — the area where the storm could conceivably move — grows very wide.
You may recall that stalling is what made Hurricane Harvey such a catastrophic event for Houston last year. Slower forward movement means a hurricane has more time to inundate a region with rain and storm surge. It’s a longer time to blow dangerous, power line-snapping winds.
Wind speed, which determines hurricane category number, is just one aspect of what makes a storm dangerous; another is rain. And with Florence stalling, the Carolinas and the Southeast are going to see an epic, dangerous amount of it.
This all means extreme amounts of rain are possible: 20, 30, or even 40 inches are expected to occur in coastal areas of North Carolina. That would break the state’s rain record for a tropical storm or hurricane, the Washington Post reports.
In all, 10 trillion gallons of water may be dumped on the region, which may lead to rivers overflowing and causing life-threatening floods inland.
It’s always concerning when rainfall totals are measured in feet. But here’s something else to pique the concern: The ground is already wet. “The middle Atlantic and the Appalachian regions are 150 to 300 percent above normal in terms of precipitation” for this time of year, Colorado State University atmospheric scientist Chris Slocum says. That means less water can be absorbed into the ground, and more runs off into flooding rivers.
He also adds that over the past day, the storm has increased in size (in terms of how far our tropical storm-force winds extend) from 57,000 square miles to 86,000 square miles. “It’s kind of like going from the size of the state of Georgia to the size of the state of Minnesota,” he says. It makes it more likely that Florence’s effects will be felt over a wider area. It’s also another reason not to put too much weight on where exactly the storm will make landfall. Regardless, it’s going to impact a wide area.
Saturated ground with intense rain is a recipe for the “catastrophic flash flooding and significant river flooding” that the National Hurricane Center warns could happen inland from the coast.
Florence is predicted to stall because there’s a region of high-pressure air to the north of it that it cannot cut through. That “increases the uncertainty in the forecast” after landfall, Slocum says. Right now it’s really hard to say how wide of a region — whether it’s inland Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, or Virginia — will see the worst of the rain. The whole region needs to be prepared.
The worst-case scenario may be if Florence stalls offshore. That could greatly increase the amount of rain it can drop, meteorologist Jeff Masters explains at Weather Underground. Open water is hurricane fuel; the longer Florence lingers over the water, the more moisture it can collect. (Though, eventually, the hurricane will cool the water enough that its intensity starts to wane.) “There is also the danger that Florence could make landfall, then emerge back over water and re-intensify, increasing its rainfall potential,” Masters writes. “In any case, Florence’s rains will bring catastrophic flooding to a large region along the track of the storm.”
This stalling behavior — like we saw with Hurricane Harvey and are likely to see with Florence — may be a harbinger of things to come. Some climate models predict that in a warming world, tropical storms will move more slowly, wreaking greater pain on the communities they come across.
Climate models also predict storms will grow wetter.
And research suggests wetter storms are in our future. In May, the National Center for Atmospheric Research published a study in the Journal of Climate simulating a what-if scenario on 22 recent hurricanes. The question: What if these storms formed at the end of the 21st century, in a warmer world?
In the simulated model, the hurricanes didn’t grow that much more intense, but they almost all became wetter, spewing more rain. On average, the model found a 25 percent increase in rainfall across the storms — enough to make the difference between a bad flood and a catastrophe.
Last year, Hurricane Harvey was a flooding catastrophe. That was partly due to the fact that it hit a city of 2.4 million people, with flood-prone geography. Legacy infrastructure and city zoning issues also made Houston prone to floods. But it was also partly due to a super-wet storm.
It’s too soon to say if Florence will cause flooding on the scale of Harvey, but some of the right elements are in place.
The National Hurricane Center has a page updating every few hours with the latest watches and warnings for Florence. Check it out.
Vox has a map with that updates with the latest storm forecast track.
Follow the National Hurricane Center on Twitter; it will keep you up to date with all the latest forecasts, hazards, and warnings. Also follow its Charleston, South Carolina, branch.
Follow the Capital Weather Gang’s Twitter account. These folks tend to live-tweet storm updates.
Here’s a Twitter list of weather experts via meteorologist Eric Holthaus. These experts will give you up-to-the-second forecasts and warnings.
Original Source -> Hurricane Florence will slow down. That’s a bad thing.
via The Conservative Brief
0 notes
Wenatchee Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98807
"Wenatchee Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98807
Wenatchee Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98807
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
Where to Find Affordable Family Health Care Insurance?
Recently I was looking on google for affordable health care insurance, but I can't make my decision which site to choose.There are so many sites.Please suggest me one.""
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
Small business insurance?
My friend is starting a small handyman business, and we were discussing liability insurance. Does anyone know the requirements for the state of FL and any decent and affordable companies?""
Health insurance?
""My car was stolen and recovered, insurance are offering me a low figure or they will repair it.any advise?""
before stolen: smooth drive, nothing wrong with it.. after stolen recovered: insurance says it will cost 2300 to repair it hence offered me 'total loss' and got me a 'salvage offer' of 4k. Insurance is saying I only got two opetions accept offer or have it repaired. I think offer is low and dont want to get it repaired in case something else goes wrong with afterwards.. I always thought you can reject first offer so how come in this case I am not getting the option to reject offer??? Insurance are saying they are getting on 4k from salvages for the car hence wont give me more then that.. but shouldnt my insrance top up with some more or am I being silly? please advise.....""
How much would I pay for car insurance on average?
I am 17, about to turn 18 and I am about to get my license. I am going to get a used car around a 1995 car. Around how much would I pay for insurance?""
""Would a classic (1990s) range rover, have cheaper insurance than a classic (1990s) mini cooper?""
im 17 and I KNOW THE PRICE OF INSURANCE WILL BE HIGH BECAUSE IM 17!!! but im jus wondering because of the range rover being bigger and with more safety features, it will cost less in insurance?""
Cheap cars to insure for 17 year old male in the UK?
What are the cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old male in the UK. Also if you know any cheap insurance companies that cover Northern Ireland that'd be great. Thanks
How much would insurance be on a honda cbr 125?
I'm 17, had one year on a bike with no claims and want to get a 125 cc. Heard that the Honda cbr is a good bike to get but I've been told they're expensive to insure. would go on the comparison sites but they take ages then send you a load of spam! so anyone know how much it would cost for third party only? the bike I'm looking at is a 2006.""
My car insurance is too high under parent's name?
My sister added her car under my mom's insurance and they pay for both cars $347 dollars 6 months for just liability coverage. When I tried to add myself to my mom ...show more
Best Car Insurance For young Couple ?
Me and my fiance are starting to get estimates for major bills we'll know will be high (rent,car insurance, etc) What's the best car insurance for a young couple (20 year & 19 year old) for just basic coverage Im in the process of getting just a plain normal 4 door car like ford Taurus (1998-2000).. He has a ford 86' truck without 4wheel drive Neither of us have tickets, nor pricy sport cars But I've almost 20 and only been drving for 2 years (due yo bein homeschool, it was hard to get into drivers ed_) He's 19 and been driving less than year (cause hes school schule didnt allow for extra class like drivers ed)""
18 year old just trying to find health insurance...?
My mom retired last year and my parents decided that without the benefits, it was too expensive for me to be on their health insurance plan (it would have been ~$750 a month). I've been without insurance since August. I just turned 18 yesterday. I live in Connecticut and my parents are basically being lazy about it and not helping at all... even though I have an entire LIST of things I need to get checked out/surgery/medications, including wisdom teeth surgery (dental insurance, yay!!!!!) and I can't do ANY of it until I have insurance. I seriously have NO idea what to do and my parents procrastinate like crazy and I can't take being uninsured anymore. What do I do?!""
Will obamah care effect temporary staffing agencies?
considering that the main reason behind temporary staffing agencies is that they give employers a way to retain the labor and productivity of employees, without having to pay for their benefits, mainly health insurance. if everyone already has their own coverage, it seems to me that employers won't be as reluctant to hire people if they don't have to pay for health care. the temp services would then become overkill.""
About how much will my car insurance be?
1. have had my license for 3 years now 2. never had insurance before, because I never needed to drive (until now)...so I guess that I can be considered a new driver ??? 3. BRAND NEW Honda Civic//4 doors 4. I am in college right now. 5. in California ABOUT how much will my insurance be, (FULL insurance), for 6 months, or a year?""
Temporary car auto insurance in California?
Hi guys, I thought of using my friend's car for a month and half since he will be out of station. I was wondering what would it take or rather how to address the insurance issue. Is it possible to get a temporary insurance for a month or is it possible to add my name on to his insurance for a short term? Either ways, how much would it cost ! Also would be great if you guys can enlighten me on some of the providers here.""
Will my health insurance change?
im 21 and still in college in mass, if i move out of my house into an apartment will i lose my fathers health insurance?""
Health Insurance company for a graduate student? What one is best as far as price and coverage??
Anyone have any suggestions for a good health insurance company for a graduate student? The coverage from the school is one thousand a semester and thats way to much.
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
What is cheap car insurance for a new driver?
I am a new driver and I need insurance for a Jeep Grand Cherokee 2000. I am a student and I need cheap insurance
""I need to find how much insurance would cost for a dodge charger, tune-up, tires etc including coupons?""
What site should i go to , to figure out this stuff?""
Insurance costs for new drivers?
I am thinking of getting my driver's license in about seven months (when i turn 18), but i am a bit discouraged by the quotes for car insurance that i have been given. I was told that car insurance for new driver's is about $3500 per year (and this is with a 40% discount for maintaining a 4.0 GPA). If i am put on my parent's insurance plan, it will still cost me $1100 per year (i have to make up the difference caused by adding me to their policy). Is this the normal rate for insurance for new driver's? Any other way to lower the cost? Any help would be greatly appreciated because i really want to learn to drive but the cost is so great...especially since i will be starting college next year.""
Looking for car insurance?
what do u use? Wat advice can u give me about it? All a Wat insurance do u use? Wat advice can u give me about it?
What is home owners insurance like in Florida?
I am thinking of purchasing a home in the Kissimmee area that is around $140,000. Some people have told me that homeowners insurance and additionally flood and hurricane additions to my insurance is very very expensive. Can someone give me an example of their real life insurance price that includes flood or hurricane? Please reply only if you have first hand experience in Florida. Preferably in the Kissimmee or Orlando area.""
Drivers License with Insurance?
Do you have to be on someones insurance if you get a driver's license? I don't know what company my mom gets insurance through but her insurance would go up four hundred and thirty dollars because of my sister's driving record, but the lady said I HAD to be on someones insurance right after I get my license. But I called the local DMV and they said that I don't have to be on someones insurance if I get my license. The car just has to be insured. Who do I believe? Because I heard that sometimes insurance companies try to milk you for money... Who do I believe? Can someone give me a real LEGAL answer?""
Wenatchee Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98807
Wenatchee Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98807
About how much is high point auto insurance a month?
Well, I just recently got my license and I wanted to buy a car, but my mom said that it's a bad idea and one of the reasons is because of how expensive insurance is. My friend told me her insurance- high point- is only 60 dollars a month. I'm not sure if that's true, because that sounds really really cheap. Does anyone have this or know approximately how much this auto insurance would be a month?""
How much is the average insurance rate for someone in alberta without drivers ed at age 16?
How much is the average insurance rate for someone in alberta without drivers ed at age 16?
How can i get insurance for my kid in nj from the state?
I cant afford insurance for my kid can i get it threw nj from the state
What is the cheapest car to insure?
What is the cheapest, cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old in the UK. Cheers.""
Would a car from 2003 be very expensive for car insurance?
I plan on having a Honda Civic for a for a first car. Now I've looked at the 2001 Honda Civic, but I did some research and it turns out that I saw many complaints of transmission failure and other conflicts with the transmission. I also looked at the '02 and it still had bad complaints about the transmission. This gen of Civics didn't get better until 2003, where I found that it didn't have that many complaints. My question is, If i were to buy it for my first car would it be very expensive for car insurance. I also don't know which car insurance I have, and I don't have my permit yet, but soon I'll be getting it. One last question, How would you know if the rate would be expensive?""
""Please tell me the difference between insure , assure , and ensure . Thank you""
Please tell me the difference between insure , assure , and ensure . Thank you""
""Heres another crock of feces, about car insurance!?""
Apparently I didnt get the lowest rate because I didnt open an account or have a loan before age 25. What the F? does that have to do with the ability to drive a car? Also not because of no history of car loans or leases. Once again, What the F? does that have to do with the ability to drive a car? Also not because I have 2 accounts in good standing. I need more? or less? Once again, What the F? does that have to do with the ability to drive a car? Your company has never paid one dime to me or because of me. YET YOU BASE YOUR PREMIUMS ON NON RELATED ISSUES! F?ING BITE ME, WHAT A BUNCH OF SCAM ARTISTS! No wonder people commit insurance fraud. Because insurance companys F? you all the time. Another good one, recoupment fee. If you get money you have to pay it back. What was the purpose of the insurance in the first place? Now I know why we need billions of gallons of oil so much. Vaseline is a by product.""
Estimated Cost per. monthly Payments on this car....?
I dont really have time to call my bank & ask.. seeing how my job hr's suck... nor can i go there cause i just sold my car. BUT does anyone know how much i would be looking at for monthly payments of a $7600 dollar Fairlady. If you dont know what this is ..its a 300zx Twinn Turbo but its a RHD ( right hand drive). I make a lousy 8.50/hr but i work 56 hrs a week. ... theres insurance. gas.. tuneups.. etc etc i know i know. just wanna rough estimate on it. thanks. Will choose Best Awnser -Kyrstie
Can anyone recommend a good Classic/Collector Car insurance company?
I'm looking for reasonable terms/conditions and rates to insure a 1967 Chevy Chevelle. Anyone have any experience or recommendations for insurance companies specializing in classic cars? Thanks!
How should I go about getting car insurance? (20 years old)?
I have enough money to buy my first car, I'm going for a car with a small engine around 1.2-1.6. when getting insurance quotes however, the cheapest quote i've found is around 1700 quid. help?? surely i can get insured on my own car for less than this?""
How much do you pay for insurance and registration in your country ?
well i paid 400 US $ for both ?
Where do I find florida health insurance ?
I am looking for a health insurance quote for florida health insurance. I am looking for cheap florida health insurance.
Health care insurance?
My husband is on SSI and gets a weekly workers comp check? His income is non taxable . We did not qualify through the affordable marketplace for insurance for myself and son and did not qualify in Indiana for CHIPS for our child? We had been perviously purchasing our own private insurance but now I see you can't even do this anymore our current plan runs out in March of 2014 , and all thay offer now is temporary health care plans. Anyone out there finding them-self in this situation? Any advice ? Thanks?""
How much would car insurance cost for a 20 yr old male?
Im a 20 yr old guy and I want to get a car but insurance costs scare me. how much is normal for a person like me to pay?
Can my new car be on my parents auto insurance policy if we live in different states?
I recently moved to Michigan for work and just bought a new Mitsubishi Evo, and here the insurance is outrageous (over 300/month) compared to Illinois which is about half as much. Is it possible for me to be on my parents insurance plan if they live in Illinois? I already bought the car and I need insurance one way or another I'm just trying to save some money here, and just wondering if it is possible.""
Term Life Insurances-Insurance Law?
Hi I was wondering if you would be able to look at a brief summary of my family situation and give me some suggestions.I want to get insurance but can u recomment some changes in what I presently have. I thank you. I am married and have 3 childern (ages 9, 12, and 16) I just bought a waterfront home which is valued at 500,000 with a 300,000 mortgage. My jewrely is about 10,000. We have 3 cars a 2004 BMW, a 2002 Lexus and 1997 Jeep Wrangler. My husband works at a large manufacturing firm and earns about 125 K. I run a day care center from my home and earn about 45K. I don't have any employees. My kids all go to private school - which costs me about 25 a year. We honestly have no savings or investments and almost no discretionary income at the end of the month. ( which is a main reason I am writing this!) I met with a financial planner and they suggested on purchasing a 50,000 variable life policy for each of us as an investement. I think i am worried about the high vost of these policies This is what is presently covered property risks Ho3 with no endorsements or riders, dwelling 300,000, liability 100,000, medical payments 2500/person, uninsured/underinsured motorist 100,000,collision and other than collision (100 deductible) Personal risks: Life - my husband employer paid group term 50,000, we both have 50,000 universal life policy disability - mr. murphy - employer paid group policy (LTD with a 90 day wait with benefits to age 65) I have no coverage Medical: My husband - employer paid Major Medical (family plan) myself - i have an individual plan and still pay premiums I thank you for whatever you can give me!!""
Cheap auto insurance for college student?
cheap auto insurance for college student? thanks!
Car insurance first time?
Where should i go to get my insurance im in the uk and i am 18 yrs old i drive a hyundai accent 1.3 Si coupe 1437cc also is it ok to lie just to lower you premium Please help i got a quote for 3100 yearly HELP
What happens when your employment insurance ends?
i am receiving regular benefits at the moment because i got laid-off but i want to know what happens when it ends..can i still apply for another one since i submitted only one record of employment to service Ontario but i have records of employment from my previous work can i use that one to claim another?
Insurance for seized cars..?
Okay my Boyf was driving his dads car to mine and thought he could use it under third party. He's only driving it cos his da is on holiday an he needs to drive it around. Anyway on the way over he got pulled over by the cops and they found out he wasn't insured. Therefore they seized his car. But after phoning up the insurance company he found out the car itself wasn't insured and his dads insurance expired a few months ago. Therefor the car is in the compound with no insurance and his current insurance company won't let him insure the car for anyone if it's been seized. But to get the car out, they need valid insurance to retrieve the car. So what can he do?""
What's a low cost yet good car insurance co in California(northern)?
I have a gas hog and I am trying to lower my bills since the economy slump and I am trying to find if my car insurance is high and if I should switch and to who I pay every six months 681.00.Thanks in advance.
""My car was towed, I still owe payments, No insurance...Now what?
Okay...so first things first.... My car was towed without insurance. I do still make monthly payments. I was in a wreck 2days ago :/ and my car finally died today (Radiator gave out) ...show more
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)""
Car insurance help about fully comprehensive ?
Ok so next month I have to renew my car insurance as it will be my 2nd year driving, I'm third party fire and theft at the minute and I'm planning on going fully comp. Now if I go fully comp and it includes windscreen cover and I use it (as I have a chip and a crack in my windscreen) will that mean I'm claiming on my insurance and will I loose my no claims bonus? If that makes sense.. The plan is to renew my insurance and if I can get my windscreen fixed on the insurance then hopefully it will be ok in the mot which is straight after""
Car Insurance decrease or increase?
I'm purchasing a 2012 Toyota Aygo within the coming weeks but I cannot be quoted on the insurance as the 2012 registration plates have not yet come up on the database of the insurance company I would like to go with. I have had a quote for 'nearly' the exact car but a 2011 version. Does anybody have a rough idea if the insurance is likely to increase or decrease with it being a 2012 model? Thanks :)
Wenatchee Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98807
Wenatchee Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98807
Can I get SC insurance with my car registered in MD in my parents name?
My car is still registered to my parents and I have MD insurance through them. I live in SC and insurance is much cheaper down here. I plan on switching the car to me once I have paid the car off. Can I still get SC insurance with the car still being registered in MD and in my parents name? I can't get a SC license either until I have insurance that is covered in SC. Please help!
Can people really save 15% or more on their car insurance by switching to Gieco?
is Geico a expensive car insurance or do you really save a lot? I'm planing to switch to Geico but I need to know if it'll be cheaper. I mean what do you guys who have Geico feel and think about the insurance?
What's a good car insurance but cheap car insurance?
or how about the cheapest one!!!lol I'm turning 18 so I'm aware that car insurance for people under 21 are really high, any suggestions? thank you!!!""
Help with Car insurance?
My mom pays for my car insurance. I pretty much moved out, and I'm living at my boyfriends house. (we have been together 3 years, not the point here though). I want to get my car insurance in my own name, going towards the point of being independent and taking care of myself. Problem is, everyone I confront my mother about it she's either too drunk or just avoids the topic. Is it possible to switch my car insurance brands without having her approval?""
""Pregnant, unemployment compensation, and health insurance?""
I live in Ky. Recently both husband and I are unemployed, taking in the maximum of $415/wk/each, got a 1 yr baby, got $55k in savings, got a house, got Roth IRA, and got former company's 401k. I also got accidentally pregnant after being unemployed with no health insurance. Can I get affordable health insurance for myself & unborn child, and also my 1yr old? If so where and how? No, COBRA sucks-- not affordable. We do NOT want to dip into our savings too much because we do not know when we will need it. And my husband is talking about abortion because time is too tough right now.""
Will my Insurance go any higher if paid off by Collision ?
I bought my Acura in 2006 and have been in mint condition since then. Recently, the snow plougher scratched my car and didnt leave a note. I called the manger of the snow plougher and filed the police report. He took the responsibility but during the report he said that he will give the name of the driver and vehicle later. After few weeks when I didnt hear I called the manager and he said his company will not cover anything and I can do whatever I can.... I called my insurance company and they are willingly to cover through my insurance - Collision, instead of comprehensive. The repair is $2000 + rental car for 9 days ~$2500. My deductible is $100 for collision and $50 for comprehensive. Do you think if they use Collision my insurance rate will go higher ? [Ofcourse I dont have any choice at this time. my insurance company said they cannot file a lawsuit or anything against the snow plougher company]""
Im 19 need health insurance?
Im 19 and I really need affordable health insurance. Neither for my parents can afford to put me on their insurance. Also i have a few preexisting medical conditions that makes it harder for me to find insurance.
How much would the insurance on this car be?
It's a 2007 Toyota solara silver with 63000 miles on it...how would full converge be per month? Just an estimate.
For Farmer's do auto insurance rates increase with cost of repair for a claim?
For Farmer's do insurance rates increase with cost of repair for a claim? Or is it determined by number of incidents and points on your record?
How can I get car insurance without a guardian?
I live with away from my parents, Im almost 18 but not there yet. How can i get car insurance without having a guardian?""
Insurance for GSX-R600 does make and CCs matter?
Say if you had a 750 would it drasically spike the insurance as if you would have bought a 600 instead? What are all the factors that insurance companies go through to give you a quote? What questions are asked? If you could answer this too it would be great :) Make/model of bike: Age: CCs: YO experience: Thank you!
Good health insurance for a small family?
My husband and i are looking to health insurance for our family and i was wondering if any one knew of a good company (in Florida) that was affordable. He is 21, I'm 17 and our daughter is 10 months. We are also expecting another one in November and need prenatal care as soon as possible. Thanks.""
Is it possible to get very short term car insurance?
My grandfather passed away about a month ago and i inherited his car. I've driven it for a few weeks planning on switching my insurance from one car to another. I have decided I want to insure both cars because no I plan on selling and or trading in both of them. My question is: 1) will my grandfathers old car stay insured until the end of his insurance period? (silly question which I'm sure is a no.) but mostly 2) is there any short term insurance that would last about one month at the most? I'm a college student with very little money, so I was hoping to find something affordable. I live in Pennsylvania""
What exactly does car insurance cover?
If I left my car out in the rain with the sunroof and stuff open and my car suffered water damage because of it, would I be screwed? Or would the insurance help pay for the damages or just compensate me for a new car?""
How much does it cost to start an insurance office in california?
I'm looking into starting a new insurance office within the next couple of years. As of now, I'm getting the basic, but I need to know what I need to prepare myself for? Can somebody help me?""
""Cheap car insurance in Highland, CA?""
Um i live in highland ca 92346, im 18 male just got my license 1 month ago, jux bought a 96 honda accord, anniversary edition. 4 doors, 150 k, excellent condition, which car insurance is the lowest for a guy my age?""
What's the best and cheap health insurance for self employed in US?
What's the best and cheap health insurance for self employed in US?
""What would be the average MPG and insurance rates for the following classic cars in Bradenton, FL?""
Also, how much would the car cost and where would I be able to purchase one? 1951 Ford 1955,1956, and 1957 Chevrolet 1957 Studebaker 1959 Ford 1959 Cadillac""
Car accident/insurance question!?
Is there some sort of law that claims if your car is in an accident the dealership will pay for the rest of the remaining balance on your car? That way the insurance company gives you the money to buy a new one. My friend was telling me something about this but I don't really remember what it was called, or even if that was what she was trying to explain. Thank you!""
About how much will basic insurance cost for a 30 year old male once the new Insurance system is in place?
right now I can't afford insurance but will be required to buy it anyway starting in 2014, I am curious as to how much it will be. As I understand it, it will be basically figured at three different levels of service and three different rates depending on your age and the coverage you want. so for a 30 year old male who wants basic coverage how much would I expect to pay? just ball park. like $200 to $300 per month? more then that less then that? this question has been deleted over and over again I don't understand why.""
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old for a 2000 toyota corolla.?
I just got my g1 and I'm planning on buying a used car. Can someone tell me what car a beginner could start off with. But it must be cheap; budget around $1000-$3000. And if you can please tell me the price of the insurance.
North Carolina Health Insurance?
Right now I have blue cross and blue sheild insurance. It's becoming ridiculous to pay each month and deductibles are through the roof! I'm a healthy 25 yr old female. I need to know, what are some insurance companies in the state of North Carolina that are cheaper, but are still helpful with doctor's visits and prescriptions. What health insurance do you have and what's the cost? Any help or opinions about would be great! thanks:))))""
Health insurance transplant patients affordable?
affordable prescription meds. for transplanted patients plus affordable health insurance for same.
Can i be on my grandma's car insurance even if we don't live together?
Im a 19 year old female and want to buy a car but car insurance is just too much! i want to be put on my grandmothers car insurance but we don't live in the same city. Do you think it would be possible for me to get on there!!
Car insurance...?
I am thinking about buying a 1999 ford fiesta sometime. I have opted for a 5 door car rather than a 3 door car. I have heard of some people paying up to 3k per year for insurance. How much difference roughly in terms of  would having 5 doors make in stead of 3? And what would be the difference rouughly between insuring a car with a 1.8 diesel engine than something like a 1.4 diesel engine? I want to get a car when I have passed my driving test.
Wenatchee Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98807
Wenatchee Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98807
""On average, how much would motorcycle insurance be for someone under 21?""
I want to get a motorcycle to save on gas and just because there awesome, but before I jump into things i want to see if you can help. I am trying to chose between a 1993 or1999 Harley XL Sportster and want to know on a rough estimation how much it will be for insurance for a minor?""
Can insurance change your vehicle designation?
repairs on my motorcycle which included frame change were authorized by my insurance. However the new frame came w/o a vin # which I had to get stamped for a new title. Now I have a specialty constructed vehicle , which is not for resale in California. is this legal?""
My cousin's car got into an accident. How much would the insurance company cover?
My cousin had an accident a few weeks ago. He accidentally bumped his car in the rear of another car. The rear part of the other car is wrecked. The other car is covered by an insurance. How much would my cousin have to pay? Will he need to pay anything given that the car is insured? Please help, I don't know much about insurance and I want to help my cousin""
Does home owners insurance covers water leaking ac ?
my central unit ac is leaking ,i have insurace but not sure if it will cover it . please help!""
Car Insurance for teens?
How much would it cost monthly for a teenage girl? You don't have to be exact but make an estimate.
Do you think if I worked at McDonalds I could be able to afford a mustang GT and pay for car insurance?
I want to buy a mustang GT. I prefer a 99-01 year. Which would probably cost me about 400-500 a month paying car payments and car insurance. I'm only 16 years old. But I plan on getting a job when i'm 18 and buying a car. I also need to get my GED, which I start taking classes for that next fall.. because I dropped out of school for specific reasons I wont talk about here. If I work 6 hours a day and earn 7.40 an hour for 5 days a week, thats about 880 bucks a month. Plus my parents could help me out a little. I would use all the money I get from work for the car payment, insurance and gas. Would I have enough money?""
Whats a cheap insurance?
I'm 18 and live near garland just liability
What insurances do I need?
Setting up a dating agency on line
Which life insurance is the best one to get and the most affordable and reasonable? Is it the whole life
insurance? or premium life insurance? or term life insurance?
Switching car insurance providers?
am i able to switch car insurance providers before my year is up? i have 8 months left but i have had a cheaper quote elsewhere which saves me 900 a year!
Does your car insurance go up if you get a parking ticket?
I was just being dumb today and I parked in a neighborhood where you can't park. I accept the fact that I was in the wrong and all that. The fine is $80. What I'm most concerned with is whether or not it will increase my car insurance rate. My first thought was no, because it was a parking violation, not a driving violation. But considering how crazy car insurance companies are, I just am not sure. Any help? Thanks in advance.""
Cheapest insurance companys in the uk?
whats the cheapest insurance company in the uk
Why does my car insurance provider ask for other people in household?
Does it matter who I live with if they aren't going to be driving my car? How will it affect my rates? When I first got my insurance I lived with roommates - they had good driving records but still they never drove my car (they had their own!), now I live with my fiance who has a DUI - will my rates go up because of it? He has his own truck and SUV so we rarely ride my car and when we do I ALWAYS drive... so why do I need to tell my insurance company (Mercury) who else resides in my home?!""
I live in arkansas and i need cheap car insurance and i just got my license. know of any cheap companies?
I live in arkansas and i need cheap car insurance and i just got my license. know of any cheap companies?
Can a 16 year old get auto insurance without being under a parents name?
I'm a 16 year old girl and I'm buying my own car. My parents and i don't get along at all (stepfather hates me, mom isn't on my side). So can i get auto insurance without being under their name? Also, would it cost a lot more? I'm an honor roll student.""
I got a ticket for no insurance..?
but i actually did have insurance i just happen to show the officer the wrong one is there anything i can dot to avoid this 3 yr surcharge.
What motorcycle is best for a newbie?
i have never ridden a bike before besides training classes i haven't started yet. i'm only 16... yeah i know i'm young but i'm very determined to get one so i want to get as much information as i can now, allthough it is still pretty early. i'm 5' 3 and 115 pounds. i prefer a sport looking motorcycle but i want the safest motorcycle that would be best for a newbie, like me, to drive. links & any kind of information will be greatly appreciated = ) oh and i'm planning on buying a used one i have saved about $1000 so the price i would LIKE to pay is $4000. but i'm not sure if this is a good or bad price.""
Which cars are cheap on insurance for a 20year old new driver? And which cars dont drink petrol fast?
I am doing an intense driving course, i would like advice and which cars aint too high on insurance and also which cars dont drink petrol fast as i know some do!""
After getting health insurance how long to wait before getting pregnant?
My husband and I have been married a little over a year now and we are trying to find a good health insurance plan for the two of us to be on. We would like to start a family as soon as we can, but I have been told not to tell insurance companies that because they will not cover us. I am wondering how long after we get insurance do we have to wait before we start trying to have a baby. I am also wondering if anyone knows of any good insurance companies for young couples looking to start a family. Thank you.""
Whats the cheapest auto insurance plan?
I hate insurance. I have no reason so far to need it. I'm a safe driver and i do not want my money to be drained into some company, which in time, will get more money from me than they spend to fix whatever may happen to my car. I don't want a flashy car. I only need a cheap one. So i could care less about dents and stuff. What is literally the cheapest auto insurance plan i can get in California? cheapest dollar for dollar.""
What is total extra premium car insurance?
Hi guys, I'm currently learning to drive (uk) hopefully pass my test in next couple of months, just looking up on insurance quotes, will mainly be driving my fathers car 1.8 petrol vauxhall, I'm 25. So was doing a quote with his insurance company (swift cover) and as I was going through it and this is what it says at the end total extra premium 248.48 Now what the hell does this mean? After this stage it was to confirm payment and obviously I never clicked that because I'm just looking for quotes. Is total extra premium what I'm going to pay for a year or is that just a one off payment?""
Cheap car insurance!!?
I am paying to much money on my car insurance i really need help to get a really good cheap car insurance!! I live over highstown nj usa if anyone can help tellin me a good insure!!! Thanks for u help!!!
Why do men pay more for car insurance than women?
This fact is surely sexism based on pure stereotypes rather than relevant information such as the driver's history. Doesn't this just portray the stereotype that men are more irresponsible or 'risk takers' when it comes to driving? Why not base car insurance on ethnicity?
What is my insurance going to cost?
I'm going to get my license when i turn 18 (yes the day I turn 18) and I was just now thinking abt insurance. I've never really thought about it before. So can those who have been through the getting insurance thing help me? Here's some things to add up: 1. First time driver (litterly just got license and vehicle) 2. Did not do a drivers ed at a high school (heard it costs more if u don't take it) 3. Going to drive a big 4x4 diesel truck 4. I'm a male And that's abt it I guess. Idk what insurance company I'll be using. Probably my moms insurance company. But I don't know what it is. Also. The insurance will not be under her name (if she can even do that) because I'll be an 18 year old adult. How much is insurance going to cost every month? Thanks
How much would insurance on a Mercedes C230 cost?
Wenatchee Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98807
Wenatchee Washington Cheap car insurance quotes zip 98807
0 notes
Fordyce Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68736
"Fordyce Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68736
Fordyce Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68736
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can Someone in another state insure my car for me?
I Live in Georgia Where it is legal to get your car registered with insurance in someone else s name. I know for a fact because I have seen it done. But What I want to know is when I buy a car can since im so young and insurance rates for me are so high can my grandmother in Michigan add the car to her policy? or can my mom in CT insure it for me even though the car will be registered in georgia? Or Does it has to be another Georgia resident?
What is the best Dental insurance around in Illinois?
I need a dental insurance that pays 50 to 75 of all dental care including oral surgen. My boyfriend needs a lot of work done on his teeth. He is scared of death of the denist, he has to be put to sleep and he has to have all the work done at one time. Can anyone help me please.""
Pulled over for no insurance but do have insurance?
today i got pulled over and couldn't find my insurance. i finally did find my insurance but the cop didn't want to write a new ticket. he said that i could take a copy of the insurance to the clerk at the police station and they would void the ticket. is this all correct?? also does this no anything to my insurance or points on my license. i live in missouri.
Cheapest car insurance?
im 20 and getting my first car.... what is the cheapest car insurance in florida... miami - ft lauderdale area?
Does anyone know anything about Life Insurance?
I heard on the news that some life insurances might be in trouble..especially if they dealt with AIG. I have life insurance with AARP...Please tell me if I am in danger of losing it....What is the matter with people...Why are they so evil and greedy??? How would I find out if my Life Insurance si still good??
16 year old girl car insurance?
When I get my license, my parents will be putting me on my own plan and will be having a 1995 Geo Tracker in my own name. On average, how much would it cost a month to get the insurance I need? I'm hoping to be getting $450 a month. My cumilative GPA is a 3.2 I don't know what other information would be helpful.""
Question about teenager insurance?
if i put my son on my insurance policy and he gets into an accident with his own car does my insurance go up. or does his when he turns 18. also how much? would it double?
Temporary car auto insurance in California?
Hi guys, I thought of using my friend's car for a month and half since he will be out of station. I was wondering what would it take or rather how to address the insurance issue. Is it possible to get a temporary insurance for a month or is it possible to add my name on to his insurance for a short term? Either ways, how much would it cost ! Also would be great if you guys can enlighten me on some of the providers here.""
""First time car buyer interest rates & insurance, please help!?""
I'm a first time buyer with a cosigner & a $2600 down payment. Can anyone give me an estimate on what my interest rate might be on a $15,000/$16,000 car? (I live in Nevada & sales tax here is 8.1% if that also helps) & also, if my mom cosigns for my car, can she insure it under her name as the primary & me as an additional driver? I'm 18 years old & still live at home with her. Please & thank you for all the help!""
""Insurance company totaled my car, How much will i get for it?""
I was in a pretty bad accident and the insurance company says that my car is totaled and they will write me a check for the amount. My question is what amount? On KBB would it be the trade in value, private party value, or the suggested retail value?""
I am 23. I want to get a sports motorcycle. How much will my insurance be?
""If I had my DUI expunged, will it still affect my insurance rates in California?""
In the spring of 2009 I was convicted of a DUI. I plead guilty, served my time and I was able to get it expunged through the court system. So now if you look at my record on the superior court website it shows dismissed rather than guilty. I was wondering if my actual DMV driving record still shows it as a guilty plea and my insurance rates will remain high?""
Can I refuse health insurance from my employer?
I am already insured under my husband and in the past having 2 insurances has caused a nightmare of paperwork. I am about to accept a job from a non-profit, so would me refusing insurance save them money?""
8 weeks pregnant without medical insurance?
I'm a server and don't make enough in my paycheck to pay for medical insurance at my work place. I can't be put on my fiance's insurance until we're married. what are my options to cover all my medical bills?
Car insurance question?
I recently got into a car accident that was my fault. The total damages is around 2000 dollars. the owner of the car has contacted me and asked if we could resolve it with out involving the insurance Company. What would be better to do? i have had one other accident that was not my fault. how much will my car insurance go up and for how long?
Where do I buy car insurance online india?
I want to buy car insurance online.Where do i buy?
Health Insurance for new born after job loss....?
Situation... We had a new born almost three months ago. She was on my wifes insurance while she was on maternity leave. Now she (my wife) will only be going back to work part time ...show more
What will my insurance roughly cost when I'm 19?
Hello, I'm 18 now and about to get my drivers license. I plan on getting a cheap car with low insurance the first year of driving for me. I always wanted a Mazda RX8 and I know that theres no chance of me getting insured for the car now so I was wondering when will it become affordable for me to get a Mazda RX8? Like for example what would you suggest my salary should be to realistically own that type of car in the UK? Thanks!""
""Lets say you just turned 18, and your parents want you off car insurance?""
can that kid go to the same company, lets say geico, and get their car insurance without being tied to their paresnts? do you think the price would really double? parents want to limit liability and put car and insurance under teens name.""
Can an insurance company raise your rates even though you've completed 12 hour traffic school?
I understand that a 2nd violation within 18 months appears on your public record. I was told that even though after taking 12 hour traffic school and my violation appearing as a dismissal....insurance companies can still legally raise my rates. Then I see people refer to a CA law that states that even if a violation appears on a public record, if there is a dismissal insurance companies cannot legally raise your rates.""
""I want to learn how to drive, 22 and i dont know how to drive ?
I will be turning 22 in a couple weeks and i still dont know how to drive . Nobody ever taught me or had the time to teach me but i really want to get out and start learning how do i go about doing this ? Should i find a friend with a license to teach me or take a drivers ed class ? What would my best option be to start learning how to drive and get a license ? Because i see other people who never took classes and just learned from someone else.
What is a good car insurance for a DUI offender ?
My 1st time offense and hopefully the last, anyone no of a good car insurance that is reasonable in prices. I've been driving for 10 yrs and no tickets did have a clean record until this happened now I feel like a felon california DUI laws are too harsh bastards thats how they make money!!""
Which Car Insurance is cheaper at the state of NJ?
I tire of riding in public transportation, I had my licend 1 year ago but the thing is that I am 21 years old and almost a new driver and I want to get the Cheaper option for me. I dont have the car yet but if i found a insurance that fix for me buy it will not be a problem. Let said that i buy a car from Honda 2000. I want something with the basic, i know it going to be hard for my age but their is no impossibe.""
Cheap Car Insurance For Teens!?
hi, i am a 18 year old male from england and i am looking to buy a car as soon as i pass my driving test soon, i dont know what car to buy becouse i really need cheap car insurance as i have 4 points on my provisional driving licence from a crash when i was 16 on a scooter, some people say corsa's have cheap car insurance but im not sure, has anyone got any tips to knock the price down becouse at the moment it is stupid about 6,500 for a 1.2 ford fiesta i got quoted! helpppp!!""
Im looking for cheap or reasonalby priced auto insurance...can anyone give me any tips???
this is my first car and i need full coverage...somebody help me please!
Fordyce Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68736
Fordyce Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68736
How much is car insurance in general?
I dont car about what it cost at a certain age, just want one solid answer""
""Is it possible to get insulin for a type 1 diabetic with no insurance, medicare or medicaid?""
My fiance has type 1 diabetes. He gets food stamps, but doesn't qualify for SSI for some reason. He's only 26. I am the only one working, getting minimum wage, and little hours. We can't afford to pay a doctor $100 just for them to tell him he has what he knows what he has, and to get a prescription that cost twice that. It just seems like a vicious cycle we cant get out of.""
I have an insurance question?
If the government regulates and requires auto insurance, why dont they provide it? Flood insurance is provided by the government so why not auto insurance?""
Will I lose my insurance?
My boyfriend and I recently found out were expecting our first child. I am a 20 year old full-time college student and am still under my parents health insurance. If we were to get married, would I lose my insurance? Also, if I would does anyone know of affordable health insurance for me and the baby?""
Car insurance?
I'm a teenager getting ready to start driving. I was wondering how much it costs in Indiana for car insurance for a teen driver that has take drivers ed and how much it costs for insurance if i have not taken drivers ed.
Best car insurance companies?
I am 22 and needing to get car insurance for a 1996 Ford Escort. I only want Liability. Any suggestions?
What are some good car with cheap insurance and good mpg for a 16. I wanna tune it up?
I want a car that has low insurance and good mpg i wanna tune it up to like 400hp to 500hp
Can somebody explain to me about car insurance for a 16 year old (teen) driver?
I'll be getting a license soon, but don't know how insurance works. I've heard that once you have turned 16 with a license then you will automatically be added to your parents insurance and will be required to pay extra for a certain amount of months. Another thing I was told was that I wouldn't have to pay until I was 18. But If anyone can please tell me all that there is to know and the price for the average teen driver. I'll be driving an old 89 Toyota camry. Also I can maintain good grades. I live in the state of Washington. Parents insurance is State Farm.""
What type of car is cheapest to insure?
I am 16 and looking to buy a car under 10k. I want an SUV but what I hear they are a lot more to insure than a sedan? is there a big difference in insurance price when it comes to Suvs, sedans, and sports cars? For example here are three types of cars one a suv, one sporty, and one sedan. Which will be cheapest? Ford Expedition Mazda RX8 Chevy Malibu""
What's an average for tax and insurance cost for commercial property of very low rent?
I need to know what I'm at least getting into before I jump in headfirst. before starting all you need to know is that this is the space I'm looking at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And probably be using it as a non-alcohol club/ rental and recording space for musicians.
What is Secondary Auto Insurance?
I do not have auto insurance so When I rent a car is Secondary insurance a replacment for insurance I do not have?
Just started boxing.. health insurance?
I am 21 and just started boxing again.. I know the basics and i can take a punch... but i am a little nervous about getting my nose or jaw broken.. even with headgear on... what is ...show more
Which Insurance Companies still have affordable maternity coverage?
My wife and me want to have a child. However, we are having a hard time finding a insurance company that provides maternity coverage at a affordable rate. Can someone help us?""
How much would the insurance be on this car?
A ford ka 2001 around 56,000 miles and I am a new driver 17""
""When will my car insurance rates get cheaper, due to having a clean driving record?""
I know I didn't do the best job asking the question, but I'll try to be short and sweet. I'm going to turn 18 in one month and 5 days. I got my license exactly one year ago, November 14th,2009. In January 2010, I got into a small accident, it was during my midterms at school, was a little stressed, but I rear-ended somebody, sadly not in my crappy car that would've cost barely anything to fix, but in my fathers expensive car. Now there was no damage done to the other car, and barely any damage done to my fathers, but because the airbags deflated (which ended up being the most expensive thing to fix) it was a hefty amount to pay. Insurance covered it (geico) and they advertised that the first accident wouldn't effect our rates. Well they lied and it did, so our rates went up because of my one accident. Since the incident, my parents have not got into an accident in at least 7 years, and since my accident all i have received is a few parking tickets. All in all, what I'm asking is; when are my insurance rates going to go back down? I'm going to remain on my parents insurance for a while, just because its cheaper etc etc... and I know I'm still under 25, and a guy, but will they ever go back to the original price they were at when I got my license? (before they got raised)""
Pregnant with no health insurance?
I just moved from Washington to Massachusetts. I don't have Massachusetts health insurance and I'm now 4 weeks pregnant. I don't have a job right now since I just moved, but I'm trying to get one I can do throughout my pregnancy. I'm 17 and all of my family is in Washington. My first priority right now is getting health insurance so I can make sure my baby is healthy. I've been trying to do some research but have no idea where to begin. I want to know if anyone knows how a pregnant teenager can get affordable health insurance in Massachusetts. Or if it would be possible to get on my boyfriend's health insurance plan.""
Car insurance in New York?
where can i find something affordable
How much will my insurance be?
If I am a 16 year old male, and I want to get a 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6.... About how much should insurance cost?""
Should my wife and I have to pay for your health insurance?
With my royalty checks, my wife's salary and bonus package (she is a Pharm D and a senior Vp at a large nationwide pharmacy retailer) we earn more than 250K a year and are considered Rich by Obama standards .We just paid off our student loans a couple of years ago. We live in a house well within our means, we have three children who we would like to put through University without them incurring debt like we had to. We save, have to drive older models cars and we have a very good but expensive health care plan. Basically we just made it we are in our mid forties. I mean I just got the breaks in my career that I have worked hard through lean years for. My wife was promoted two years ago. Why should we have to pay higher premiums in a national health system for the same coverage of someone else? Why would we be taxed more for earning more? We lived within our means, we don't carry credit card debt, w live in a 2700 sq ft house ( not huge by any standards). If we have to pay even higher taxes and even higher insurance premiums, then we will have to wait to retire three extra years ( or more) Why do we get punished for being industrious?""
Car insurance is way to high! If I drive a motorbike for a year or two how much would this reduce my car?
I am 19 and have passed my car driving licence 2 months ago. The insurance for all the cars I have looked at are way to high. More than 2500. I am doing my CBT next week, I was wondering if I drive a moped or 125cc for a year or two will this reduce my car insurance, please help as I need to get on the road. Thankyou.""
""What company, in your opinion, is the cheapest for car insurance?""
I'm 29, good credit rating, have like 1 speeding ticket on my record (will be taken off with defensive driving)""
""I need help with insurance for my car, can anyone help?
if i get insurance under my dads name but without me on the policy and i get a speeding ticket( lets just say i did) the cop asks for proof of insurance does it matter that i am not on it. i think it will not as long as i have insurance on the car im driving right and i have a drivers licence. please help im from tx
How much did you pay for your first car insurance? !?
Hey im gettin a first car soon, i only passed last week! and i understand that insurance for first time buyers is VERY expensive! If anyone could quote me some of the prices they payed on insurance for there first and the car they had that would be great!!! (IN ENGLAND  BY THE WAY)""
Can I insure a car without it being registered to anyone?
I was driving a car belonging to a trader but not registered to him and got pulled over by the police and fined 300 pounds the car is in the impound but the car is not registered to the dealer how can I get the car back from the police impound I also have no insurance on that car because the dealer was repairing my car and I was driving his car and thought I was covered but I was not what can I do to get the car back please help
How much will insurance co pay us?
i was 35 wks preg and had a car accident that was other drivers fault. had to stay overnight at hospital for pre term contractions and plancental tear from seatbelt injury. out of work for about a week befor being released from scrict bed rest. had to have someone else keep kids and all. im 37wks now and just got the ok to get chiropratic care. we both have geico and they have been really nice about everything. husband doesnt want to get a laywer yet wants to see what they offer first. just wanted to know a ballpark number to look or ask for if anyone knows.also suffered chest injury which cause me to loose my voice due to sudden onset of Gerds from seatbelt injury.still in pain and not back at work had plans on working till i had the baby but cant now.already suffer pregnancy now have pain from accident just feel terrible. help.
Fordyce Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68736
Fordyce Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68736
Should I buy a 600cc or a 1000cc super sport motorcycle?
I am a fairly experienced rider, I have been riding dirt bikes since I can remember; I also have had my motorcycle licenses at age 15 and now I am now 17 years old. I have put over 10,000 on my kawasaki ninja 250r so this isn't for my first bike it is a step up because me and my dad both believe it is time. I have been looking at ZX6r's and r6's a lot but my real question is if I buy a 600cc bike will I regret it and wish I would have bought a ZX10r or a r10? Will I eventually feel like the 600 bike it's enough? Oh and I am looking to get a bike and keep it so that it will last me though senior year of high school and all of collage. I have looked at all different types of Motorcycles and the super sports have been my favorite by far. Any other information about the 600cc or 1000cc bikes and y'all's opinions on them and which ones you all personally like will be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your time for answering!""
How do mexicans look for auto insurance in Mexico?
When you live in Mexico, do people use yellow pages, local independent agents, online websites..how do they go by buying auto insurance? Also, what is their biggest problem when coming to the usa and looking for auto insurance, aside from the language barrier?Are the coverage similar, do they have a trust problem, etc..what would be the most helpful thing a US insurance company could do for them? Thanks for your help.""
Can someone explain how car insurance works?
Specifically, how do you pay for auto insurance? Do you make monthly payments or do you pay it at one time?""
Can you get car insurance when you're 17?
My parents have geico... and they're charging me a crazzzy amount. I know I can go to another company and get insurance cheaper but im only 17. Is there an agency that insures 17 yr olds without their parents on the plan... or whatever its called. I have my own car and everything i just NEED new insurance. PLEASEE. ONLY SERIOUS ANSWER BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT. thanksss guys!
Would my car insurance cover this?
I heard on the weather Channel today that they are expecting severe thunderstorms in the Tallahassee area that can produce damaging winds large hail and tornadoes and my older brothers a weatherman and he kind of confirmed it. I know my apartment insurance covers it but what about my car insurance. since i have 2 more years on my lease and my cars in perfect condition.
How does a wrecked car loan payoff (by insurance company) affect credit score?
I have a car that I have a loan on that has been wrecked. Since the bank owns the car, I have full coverage & insurance is writing it off. They are going to cut a check to the bank for the balance due on the car. I have so far paid this loan on time; it has been rebuilding my credit. When the loan is paid off by insurance, will I get more points to my score since the loan was technically paid off early? Or will I only gain based on my status as paid ontime at this point?""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I bought a 2007 nissan sentra in 2011 and unfortunately didn't look into the insurance factor when I made my decision. I do have a lien on the car, but I'm in my 30's, no tickets, no accidents, okay credit, and I'm still paying over $200 a month in insurance! I pay more for the insurance then I do the car payment! Is the insurance high because it is a foreign car or what?""
Can i buy car tax with only 24 hour insurance?
i need car tax first then im going to search for car insurance.
What is the best health insurance plan for my husband and I?
We're age 20 & 22. In school. Don't receive insurance through work. Live in Michigan. No health problems right now (that we know of) lol. We can afford about $50 to $100 per month. Looking for dental and a visit or two per year to a physician (checkups) for each of us and a deductible that can work around that and decent co pay.
Can car insurance sue you if you are 18 and just have a permit and if its under my cousin insurance?
I was driving in a parking lot with my cousin and my cousin has her driver license and she over 21 and i was driving. Im 18 and i only have my permit. Well accidentally i was driving and i was trying to park and i hit the car next to me. Well they put it under my cousin car insurance and they didn't call the police on us. Well my mom saying the insurance can go after me to what ever how much it cost. What should i expect if i don't have a job and what is the percent that they will sue me if i have my permit and what should i expect if they do.....
Do i have to register my car under my moms name for it to be cheaper?
I just bought this car and I'm 18 years old I want to have cheaper insurance so I'm putting the insurance under my moms name but would I have to register it under her to too in oder for it to be cheap? Or can I register it under my name and still have it be less money
I recently had hail damage to my car and my insurance company did an estimate which is 100% lower than 3 reput
I recently had my car damaged by hail and I have comprehensivr coverage. My insurance company had an adjuster do the estimate and his estimate is 100% lower than 3 other estimated I had done (some of which weer by shops they work with...CRP). They are telling me I can take it in and they will pay the shops a supplemental check for the additional costs. I don't want to take it in because of my deductible and they are telling me pretty much the only way i can really re-coup the money owed to me is to have it fixed...I pay for my policy and as I understand it, i am entitled to the compensation of the damage and it is my choice to have it fixed or not...am I right or wrong in my understanding????""
Cheapest car insurance in Florida?
I need the cheapest car insurance possible for my husband who rarely if EVER drives. His license is suspended, so I drive everywhere (except an extreme emergency), but since we are married, Geico insists we pay for both to be insured. Anyone get around this or find a great insurance company that could get me some reasonable rates in FL?""
May have a preexisting condition and i need affordable insurance?
i may have a preexisting condition i will find out monday ,anyway we are on a month to month with a high cobra premium and it is kicking our butts my husband's job closed after 20 yrs we both are not working and if i have a condition how do we pay for it, how can i get i get affordable health with no job .help somebody i feel for people i feel for everyone who needs health care and can't get it what a shame i pray that i am well and the doctor has good news for me so everyone please pray for a good outcome when prayers go up blessings come down and i need your prayers i love my yahoo family some people are rude but for the most part real decent people live here Sorry for my jumby words""
Car Insurance?
If i put a body kit on my car, does my insurance go up? Im a male aged 17.""
Average rate of malpractice insurance for nurses?
So I want to be a nurse and I was wondering how much it costs. And do most nurses have it or not? Also I live in TX and will be a nurse here so any info will be appreciated thanks :)
Car insurance?
I purchased a car worthy 2000 and I purchased a comprehensive insurance policy. Some of my friend said that we will not claim (1) losing no claim bonus (2) the car compensation only say 500. They suggest me to increase the excess to $1020 in return for the refund of 94. Is it worthwhile?
Compare long term insurance prices?
compare long term insurance policies from the recomended insurance companies genworth, metro life, coastline federal, ltci""
Cheapest SR22 car insurance?
Can anyone recommend which auto place (ex: safe auto, geico, etc) has the cheapest SR22 insurance. I already know there's alot of different variables/situations but i just need an idea. I've only had 1 dui and it was 5yrs ago.""
Whats the best car insurance for teen boys (specific details)?
I am an 18 year old male, african american (if that matters), and i live in a 5 person home. My parents both have cars, my mom a 2000 cadillac deville, and my dad a dodge caravan van. i have straight a's in school and i heard some insurers reward that, so i was wondering what would be the best car insurance for a teen in my position? Thank you for your help :)""
How much is car insurance for a 20 yr old?
20k car paying monthly, want estimated numbers dont give me no depends on your state and what car your driving""
How much will a speeding ticket cost my insurance to go up?
I am 16 years old, have been licensed for two months, and recently received a speeding ticket. Assuming that I cannot get the ticket dismissed, how much will it cost my insurance to go up?""
Where can i find realy cheap car insurance for new drivers?
thier are places that have insurance for new drivers for like 100 or something like that. at the moment car insurance for me is 2000 and thats just a rip off i need cheaper options !
Can you insure a car that does not belong to you?
I am driving my friends car with his permission and have taken out a car insurance policy in my name. Is this legal?
Whats the cheapest car insurance company in Michigan?
I'm moving out of my parents house in a few months, and am at the point of looking at car insurance rates. I've always just paid my fees on their shared account, which was only about $25. Friends in Ohio that also live on their own pay about $80 on their own plans per month, and they have accident histories. When I ask for quotes with a clean history, Progressive gave me a $350 quote! What's the best company to go through? Or at least top 3? I just want minimum coverage because that's all I can afford for now.""
Fordyce Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68736
Fordyce Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68736
Insurance for additional drivers has shot up?
I'm 16 and looking forward to buying my first car, so a few weeks ago i saw that if i was the additional driver on my dad's policy it would only cost around 400. However i have tried a few recently and they all have shot up to 1500+!!!!! Does anyone know why? It's ridicuolous how much they are trying to charge me for first years insurance.""
Moped insurance in texas?
I am looking into getting a 49cc moped and am trying to figure out how much it would cost to insure it. I am a 25 yr old female with a clean driving record if that helps.
Do you have to have car insurance to get a drivers license?
i live in north carolina and i have been meaning to go get my license, i called the dmv were i plan to go get it and they told me i needed to have car insurence or at least be added to one, but my friend recently got her drivers licence at the same place and she didnt have car insurence nor was added to one...so im a little confused do i, or do i not have to have car insurence?""
Does anyone know anything about Life Insurance?
I heard on the news that some life insurances might be in trouble..especially if they dealt with AIG. I have life insurance with AARP...Please tell me if I am in danger of losing it....What is the matter with people...Why are they so evil and greedy??? How would I find out if my Life Insurance si still good??
Healthcare Homework help?
Here is what i need to find: 1) explore insurance costs for patients with and without cancer 2) will the new Obama healthcare act help patients with cancers be able to access affordable health care insurance rates? 3) do hospitals have the right to reject some patients and refuse care? 4) what are the local, state, and federal laws regarding right to treat? Okay so i've already done some research but some of the questions are kinda vague and im having trouble figuring out what to say and finding info...especially #1. It's supposed to be placed on a poster board for a showcase so it needs to be nice. I dont know much about healthcare so i dont know what i need to focus on?""
I know nothing about car insurance. Help?
I'm 18 y.o. and I have no idea what to do first- buy a car or get insurance..I've heard that you cant buy a car without insurance, but when i went to buy insurance it asked me what kind of car I wanted it for. ?? What to do first-?""
Backtack on medical insurance for newborn?
Is it Normal for my job to backtrak and charge me premiums for my newborn if I didn't enroll her until about a month after she was born? She was on my wifes insurance up until I enrolled her but they took a lot out of one check. Spoke with the head of finance dept and tells me they still backtrack from when she's born even though she was on my wifes insurance
Car insurance 2 Different Co?
My girlfriend recently bought a car but she is insured by her parents policy, she is wanting to know if she can get another insurance company's policy without raising her parents rates.""
Which insurance agencies help pay for braces?
I need braces and I'm looking for a good affordable insurance agency that I can get them through.
17 year old and my car insurance quote is 835. Genuine?
Just passed my text and i asked my driving instructor where i can get the best cheap quote? its third party but i dont mind. its a 1.4 corsa. He said he recommends all his pupils to http://cheapforyoungdriversinsurance.co.uk I Dont understand though? Why when i look at everyone elses questions i see quotes for 3000+. I Used go compare and i also got that. but this (the first site) i went direct to and i got it for 835. Am i missing something? Thankyou:)
Why are these insurance premiums so high?
so when i use to drive legally with insurance, i payed about 600 down and like 180 a month. but now when im looking for new insurance, i see monthly premiums for $900!! if car is financed, or min coverage of $400 for an owned car? i dont understand... can car insurance really be this expensive or is there something going on here? i got the quotes from online by the way...""
AAA student discount for car insurance-- EMERGENCY question?
Hi. I just graduated high school, and my insurance want to know my grades for my senior year for a discount on car insurance. Truth is, my grade is B average, but my attendance for the whole year is: 129 Absent and 158 Tardies. DOES they also look at my attendance too? and does it matter as much as my grades? PLease helppp!!!""
""Do you have to insure a car, if you dont drive it?""
I am 17 and currently learning to drive. I have found an ideal car, peugeot 106 quiksilver to precise. and looking at the specs i really do like this particular one that for sale at the car showroom. It will be another 2 months untill i finish all my classes and take the driving practical test. by this time this car may be sold and i might miss it. Due to the high car insurence for young/new driviver myself and me with the provisional liscense, it may be something that i cant afford. So i want to buy the car and park it in my street. so here is the question: Will the veichal need to be insured if i dont drive and just intend to leave it parked at all time on a driveaway/street? and will it be illegal if i do not insure it? P.S. i am intending to to drive the car only after i pass my practical test and also after taking Passplus""
Which will cost more to insure? 00-04 mustang base or 00-04 mustang gt?
I'm 17 and live in New York. Been driving with a clean record for one year and I currently pay $100/month on my mom's '10 camry. I want to get my own car and I have narrowed everything down to a mustang, but I can't decide between a base model or a gt. I have discounts on my current policy such as good student and drivers ed. I will also take a defensive driving course for an added discount and the new car will also bring about a multi-car policy discount which will be helpful. My mom will be contributing the same $100 towards the car as she is now and the rest I have to pay for by myself. I have heard that the base and gt will cost about the same to insure, but that doesn't seem right considering that the gt has 100+hp more than the base, but people have supported that by saying the base models are involved in more crashes among young drivers. So can anybody set the record straight for me? Please don't give me responses saying that only my insurance agent can tell me that or too high for you to afford. Also would it be a wise decision to drop collision coverage for a huge insurance discount? I don't plan on racing this car.""
Looking for a cheap car to insure for a teenager?
I am 16, and have had my license for a few months. Right now I am driving one of my dads cars, a Honda Element, and it is relatively cheap to insure. This in mind, I need a car of my own because he doesn't want me putting too many miles on it. I am wanting to buy a used car, relatively cheap (Max. price of $10,000 but I would like to keep it below $8,000 preferably) with low rates of insurance. I really like a 00-01 Jeep Cherokee, but am flexible. I just want a list of some cars with low insurance rates. Also, don't respond with nothing is cheap for a 16 year old because I know that. I am looking for something cheaper than most.""
How much (on average) would private health insurance be per month for a family of three?
male 40 y.o., female 36 y.o., and child.""
""I got in a accident, how much will my insurance go up?""
I am 19 years old, i have a completely clean record, no tickets and never been in an accident. I just got in a accident for the first time and it was my fault. I basically went during a red light when i thought it turned green, i had a panic attack and a car that was coming my way hit me. My car is completely fine, just a few scratches and a piece of glass fell out. Her car has dents on the side of her car and looks repairable. Nobodies car was totalled. I have farmers insurance, i am 19 years old and I have a clean record. How much would my insurance go up? also, how does this affect my record and how long would it take to get off my record? Thank you""
Which is cheaper for a 16 year old Car insurance or Motorcycle insurance?
Im thinking about getting either a car or a motorcycle it all depends on the insurance cost.
Will I have to pay sports insurance ?
I'm a 16 year old female and I will be getting a 2007 tiburon 2 door , 4 cyl car , would I have to pay sports insurance on it even though it's not 6 or 8 cyl. ?""
Car insurance lowering (LEGALLY!!!!)?
right, i best tell the whole story. im 17 in a few months, so my parents have given me 5,000 for a car and insurance, which i thought would be plenty for something decent. however, as i have to insure the car myself (no fronting), and even a group one pile of c**p costs over 3,000 to insure. i know i could take pass plus, but are there any other ways to lower the insane premiums legally? and are there any insurers who give a good price for new drivers? thanks for the help :)""
Motorcycle insurance in Cleveland Ohio?
Im currently living in California, and i own a small 599cc Street bike. I am curious as to how much insurance would be in Ohio. I am looking to go to either cleveland state or Ohio State. I am just looking for a ball park figure, i have a flawless record and i have had a bike for just over 6 months now""
Whats the average cost if you dont have health insurance to have a baby in the hospital?
I have health insurance I'm not sure yet if they will cover my pregnancy, how much does it cost to have a baby if you dont have health insurance? How much are sonograms, doctor visits etc. Thanks""
How do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance?
I am working but I do not have Health Insurance. How do you go and where do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance?
""Can I drive someone esles car, I f I dont have car insurance?""
Hi everybody, I have a quick question. My friend sometimes gives me a car. His car is insured and registered. But I don't have a car and don't have a car insurance obviously. Another thing is that he was my roommate and my drivers license are registered for the same address as his dl. Right now I live in another place. I have heard that if your drivers licenses are registered for the same address it might be a problem. So my questions are: - Is that ok for me to drive his car? - And should I change my drivers licens address ? or this is not true about this rumor?""
Do various driving school programs give different types of certificates that affect your insurance?
I am a 20 year old female first time driver living in Colorado, and I'm debating what program to go with for driving school. The completely online one, the half online half classroom, or the full classroom. I want to take which ever one will give me the best insurance rate.""
Fordyce Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68736
Fordyce Nebraska Cheap car insurance quotes zip 68736
0 notes
bb&t insurance virginia beach va
"bb&t insurance virginia beach va
bb&t insurance virginia beach va
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
UK car insurance groups?
Is there a website or some kind of directory that will tell me the costs of different insurance groups? I'm shopping around for a second-hand car and a lot of cars are listed as insurance group 7 or insurance group 14 etc etc, but I don't know what that means, I've been entering the details individually of cars that I'm interested in, but that quite laborious.""
""If I have a 3rd car to add to CA insurance, will they check who lives at my address?""
I already have 2 cars insured with AAA in California. I am transferring my daughter's car to me because she had a DUI. If I insure it with AAA, will they look into who lives at my address? Should I go with a new insurance company for her car and if so, do the insurance companies exchange information?""
What is the difference between PIP and Medical Coverage?
I am trying to educate myself on how car insurance works and I found these 2 different kinds of coverage, Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and regular Medical Coverage. The way I have seen them both defined is almost identical. What are the differences between these 2, can you get them both, and if so what benefits would having both policies have? Thanks!""
Question about car insurance?
So I'm 17 and getting my license and a car soon and as we all know, car insurance for us young people a ridiculously high. So I was wondering if it is possible to have my parents name be officially as the owner of the car I want to get cuz their insurance rate is lower.""
Why is auto insurance cheaper in quebec than ontario?
Why is auto insurance cheaper in quebec than ontario?
Tips on how to get first time drivers car insurance down?
Hey, so I have my driving test on June 3rd but i am looking to buy a car before then in these next few weeks. Ive been getting some quotes on some possible cars but the cheapest quote i am getting is 4,500, which is absolutly ridiculous! I thought 2,000 was pushing it and i dont intend to pay more than 2,000 a year. The cars ive been looking at are Peugot 206s, Vauxhall Corsa SXI, and Renault Clio's. Which i believe are in the cheapest insurance band. I just dont understand why im getting quotes of 4000/5000. Most of my firends with similar cars pay 1,500 a year which seems right. I must be doing something wrong. Can anyone give me tips on how to get the price down. Should i add my mum as an additional driver? Do modified cars (alloys and tinted windows) dramatically increase the insurance price? Any reccomended insurance companies? Thanks guys!""
Im away to buy a car on sunday but have no insurance on it will i need insurance ?
i am buying a car on sunday but have no insurance first car buying and it seems that you need to be 21 to get 1 day insurance so whats the legal way to do it because i dont want to buy car then get stopped and it gets towed away and can i drive it awa if the guys got insurance still on the car but what if he doesnt? is that a risk i shal take or not worth it at all!!! thanks .
Which insurance is better?
Which insurance is better health or life?
""Car insurance, can't find answer anywhere and insurance companies not helping?""
Hi, Basically the car i currently have is costing me a lot of money and my insurance didn't go down as much as id hoped. Anyways I took out an insurance policy because it wasn't convenient to sell it when my old agreement expired, I'm paying monthly around 70. I'm looking to sell my car next month and buy a new car (something a lot cheaper!). The question is since i'm paying monthly for my insurance will that go down depending on the value of the insurance? I find this confusing because there are so many hidden charges. many thanks!""
Need help to find a car with cheap insurance?
Ok so im nearly 17 and i live in the uk so will be taking my driving test soon. I want a car that isnt to expensive to run and cheap insurance as insurance is really high at the moment an the car cant be to expensive either as i dont have a lot of money the most money i would be willing to be pay is about 2500 and cheapest insurance please!
Question about college health insurance?
If my current health insurance is expiring this end of December, am I able to opt-out of the university health insurance for this fall and reapply for the university health insurance for the spring term--just to save money?""
Im trying to find cheap insurance for new driver in jersey. i am financing a car for the first time.?
im going to need full coverage since i am financing a 2009 scion tc. also im 19 years old.
Motorcycle insurance?
about how much should it cost?
Help with motorcycle insurance please. (Full coverage or Liability?)?
Hello all I am new to motorcycle insurance! I decided I am going to go with Dairyland insurance because it seems they have the best deals. On my quote I have like 20 dollars a month for liability and about 100 with collision and everything. Anyway my bike is a 2002 model and only bought it for $1800. I dont know if its worth getting full insurance on it. My question also is if I only have liability and a guy rear ended me, will my insurance company pay for the damages of my bike? or will the insurance of the guy who hit me pay for the damages?....Also I live in CA and the nearest Dairyland insurance is so far away! is it safe to buy online or through the phone?""
WA Instruction Permit & Car Insurance?
I have recently been issued a Washington State Instruction Permit and was wondering if I need to be included to my mom's insurance before I can use her car to practice my driving? (I am of legal age already) Just want to know about the insurance thing. Thank you so much!
""No health insurance, now what?""
for the last 3months ive had numbness in both my arms and feet, i believe its a pinch nerve, as of now i have no health coverage until january cause i applied late for it through work. am i doing the right thing by waiting , i cant afford to pay for a doctor, medical bills are expensive, what would you do""
Can you be insured by more than one auto insurance company?
I am thinking of buying a car and currently I am under my dad's plan for his car. I want to have a different insurance company for my car. Would I need to go off of my dad's insurance policy for his car for this? I am thinking the only problem would occur would be if there was an incident that didn't involve the insured car itself but where my auto insurance would cover whatever it is (e.g. as a pedestrian I am hit by a car in a no fault state). Thanks
Cheap auto insurance in Alberta?
I just got my first car and I am looking for auto insurance for the first time. Which companies offer the best rates? My car is 1988 mazda, how much does the insurance usually cost for my situation per month?""
Where can you get cheap car insurance after serving a drink driving ban?
I think it is so unfair to hype up the premium.
What exactly does term life insurance mean?
I have been paying in to a Chase Life term insurance policy for $100,000.00 for over 10 years. I have recently received a quote for $250,000.00 term policy for LESS than I am paying for the $100K policy. Do I lose anything by changing companies?""
""Car insurance - 16 yr old boy, subaru impreza WRX?
How much is insurance for a 16 year old driving a subaru impreza WRX (turbo) who gets good grades and the car is white?
What would my car insurance run me for this?
Ok.....im 16 years old and just got my license. Ive been driving for about 3 years now. But now im legal to drive on the real road now. I have a 1996 mustang cobra 2d hardtop. All stock except it has flows on it. I dont have the first clue on what to do on insurance cuz my family doesnt have car insurance cuz they are crazy people who dont belive in that crap....thats what they say......but if anyone out there is a insurance agent or somthin...maybe you can help me...work with me on this....give me a range on what i could expect to pay with full coverage or just liability....that would be great..... thanks :D
How do you get flood insurance from the NFIP?
I already live in a community that enforces the floodplain management ordinances, but how do I get the insurance?""
Disability Insurance?
Okay, if the employer is paying the premiums for disability insurance for its employees, do the employees have to pay taxes on the said insurance, even though they are not using it at this time? Legitimate answers please. Thank you.""
How much would car insurance be monthly for an 18 year old girl?
Who's never gotten a ticket or pulled over. Had my license for seven months now and also has not took drivers ed....an estimate?
bb&t insurance virginia beach va
bb&t insurance virginia beach va
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old from allstate in california?
does it also matter what kind of a car it is? I have a 1999 chevy malibu
""Would this health insurance be accepted in my ares ,lubbock and shallowater texas?""
i need to know if this health insurance would be accepted in my area,lubbock and shallowater texas?""
Why ulips is not best insurance products?
Why ulips is not best insurance products?
My friend has no car insurance..?
He was driving and its raining outside so the street is slippery. He braked and avoid hitting anyone but it didn't help. He has no car insurance and just hit a car right now. What happens when you have no car insurance and you hit someone's car? I don't think the person will sue, but will my friend have to pay damages and a ticket? Any jail time or suspended license? Anyone experienced that? I know its illegal to be driving without insurance. This is in Florida. Help me out with some good advice or suggestions. Thanks.""
I'm added to my parents car insurance policy. . .?
I'm added to my parents car insurance policy. But the insurance card (the copy of insurance you keep in the glove box) don't have my name on it. Is this normal for insurance ...show more
""What is the cheapest car insurance in Toronto, Canada for a female student w/out any prior auto insurance?
I am 22 years old and have never had auto insurance b4. I do have the driver's certificate and currently have a G2. The basic coverage is fine as I will not be getting a new car. I'll be getting a 1998-2001 car not sure of the modell yet.
Insurance for ninja vs nighthawk?
I am planning on getting a small 250cc motorcycle either a kawasaki ninja or honfa nighthawk. i am 16 yo and this will be my first bike. will insurance for a ninja be alot more than insurance for a nighthawk? just liability i dont want comprehensive or collision.
What is the cheapest possible insurance available?
Including the cheapest car to insure and the best way to go about insuring that car. What is the cheapest insurance i can get? Thanks for any help
Who knows the cheapest insurance in jesey for a 19 year old dude?
hey, my pal wants to get an insurance for my car cuz i can't my self, (police reasons) we want an insurance with the lowest price, lowest of all, i don't even care if it covers me well or whatever cuz if something happens to the car i will just use the other, it is just to register it, i got 2 cars, they the same but only one of them is gonna be register, so if u know anything about insurance with a low price or not nessesary legally but that can let me register it let me know (chevy lumina 97)""
What is the cheapest car to insure for your first car?
im going to be hopefully doing my driving test in mayish and im just wondering what would be the the cheapest car to insure, im looking for something a little decent but i just need a few ideas of whats avaliable with these:- - 5 door car - Hatchback - Buying used car price- under 1,000 - Cheap insurance, maintenance and tax - Power Steering - Automatic taa for any help/advice""
How Much is insurance on a fox body mustang?
I really want a fox body mustang and i want to see how much it would cost. It will be my first car and i really want to know before i go car shopping.
Cheapest Bike insurance in ontario for sport bike?
I'm looking into selling my cr250 for a street bike something along the lines of a 1998-2001 cbr/gsxr 600. My only problem as I'm sure you can all relate is insurance. I simply cannot afford to be paying 3-4000 dollars upfront. So does anyone know of a insurance company that will do business on a month to month bases insted of anually.
Car insurance too expensive. Help. Urgent?
So basically. Im an 18 year old male. I passed my driving test in june 2013. My car insurance is too high. Now normally i wouldnt care but the reason i am asking this question is because. Where i live the nearest shop is 30 mins away walking. My family need someone to do the shopping as we cannot keep going back and forth everyday. We basically starve some days as sufficient food is too heavy to carry. My father is very sick and has been for 2 years. Because the hospital is so far away he barely is able to go to his appointments. And finally i use the train to get to my university which im fine with but i get bullied everyday physically on the train. I am too scared to report this to anyone. Now im not someone who would mess about in my car or speed etc. I am a very safe driver. My cheapest quote was on a Daewoo Matiz and the quote was 6000!! So i cleary cannot afford that. I have looked into the black box scheme but most insurers wont provide that service in my area. So my question is does anyone know of any insurance companies who do specialise in giving cheaper quotes. Or any cars that tend to be cheaper to insure. Or even any tricks that may help bring down the price. Please dont answer with stuff like you dont need a car or get a black box. I am litterally fed up and feel like a failure. I dont know what to do. I even slit my wrists now as it is toi much to bare. Also i cant go one anyones insurance as i dont have anyone to ask and my dad cant drive due to his illnes
General car insurance question(s)?
Which will cost more in car insurance, generally: a passenger sedan (maybe a 1999 Honda Civic) or a pickup truck (1995 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, perhaps)? Also, if I have two trucks, both exactly the same, only, one has 2-wheel drive and one has 4-wheel drive, which will cost more in insurance? If one will infact cost more, will the difference be significant enough to matter? I live in Colorado. 4-wheel drive is desirable with the snow and ice, but if it will cost significantly more in insurance, I can't justify it.""
Settling with the insurance company?
My sister was fatily injured by a drunk driver in georgia.His insurance company has agreed to pay $25000 bodily injury liability and her insurance company will pay $25000 underinsured motorist for a total of $50,000.Should his insurance company medical pymts coverage pay anything like the funeral expenses.Also if her family agrees to this from the insurance company will that clear him of a civil suit""
Will a citiation for having my brights on raise my insurance?
And do I need to notify them? I have never had any other citations or anything else.
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:""
When do i get insurance money from my accident?
ok so.. my friend was driving we were at a stop light and all of a sudden we got hit from behind.... hard!! i had to go to the doctor that day then a week later and now im in physical therapy. my neck and shoulder and my whole upper back hurt... there was no reason for her to hit us it was a red light... what should i do?? how much can i get?? P.S. it totaled the car i was in..
Full coverage insurance for a 350z in Cali?
Age: 26 Started: 16 2005 Nissan 350z 85k miles How much in general (ball park) would it be for insurance for this car in California? so many insurance places have you go through tons of crap and then get swamped with junk mail, I'd rather just get a ballpark estimate.""
Health insurance for a pregnant college student?
Okay, so my baby is due in August, and that will be in between semesters. so the only way that my parents insurance will cover me is if I am still considered a full time student, which means I'd have to be enrolled in the next fall semester. By then my baby would only be a month old, and my university is 4 hours away from my mom. so my question is: what other ways could i get health insurance? is there a good online school that i could do, and would i be considered a full time student if i took online classes? and/or what companies offer health insurance benefits and what do you have to do to be eligible? thanks!""
Does anyone have a moped and pay insurance for it?
I would like to get a moped when I get my driver's liscence in a few months or so. Does anyone own a moped and pay insurance for it? I've heard it's much higher than car insurance. And also, would the insurance rate be higher for a new driver, rather than one who has had a liscence for a few years?""
Texas health insurance plans?
Are there any texas health insurace plans beside CHIP, CIGNA, and Blue Cross Blue Shield because they don't cover insurance for eye doctors and their deductible is too high also. I'm 19 if that helps and I don't qualify for gold member or medicaid.""
I need a cheap car insurance?
car insurance
How do insurance companies classify sports cars?
I plan on buying a scion tc, but I want to know if state farm considers this a sports car. and if so, how much will more will insurance cost? I am a teenager, so i know it will be high to begin with, but will having a sports car make it much higher?""
Insurance rates on classic sports cars for new drivers?
obviously, insurance rates are higher for new drivers and even more so if they drive a sports car, but aren't rates lower on classic cars? if so does the reduction make up for the car being a sports car? for example, a 1965 Ford Mustang.""
bb&t insurance virginia beach va
bb&t insurance virginia beach va
How much cash will be taken due to the Affordable Health Care Act?
I ask how much cash will the IRS deduct from my refund due to me not having any health insurance? OK I know its bad that I have no health care but I just found a full time job a month ago that provides health care that I can afford and use. I did not have any health insurance for the 2012 year and just learned that the IRS will take cash from you refund due to the poor, i.e, me, not having insurance. So can somebody tell me (who is actuality intelligent and knows taxes) how much cash I will loose for this B.S. Law? P.S. Please don't comment just to tell me I'm a lazy jerk who just won't spend the money to get health insurance. I work very hard and work two part time jobs just to have food and shelter. I understand that insurance is high due to people getting hurt and can't afford the bill so it gets written off. When I get hurt or sick I stay at home and heal myself, I don't abuse the system! I just can't afford the monthly payment for health care with my other bills!""
What do you pay for auto insurance?
Do you consider it reasonable or not? thanks for answering. Please let me know where you are from. just looking at the statewide quotes.
Insurance without a tag?
In the state of GA, is it possible to drive a car with insurance but without a tag? Do you have to get both at the same time?""
Does car insurance need to match the titled owner of the vehicle?
I am borrowing a spare car from my mother for about six months. Do I need to go through the process of transferring the title to my name, or can I just put insurance on it under my own policy and be okay legally? BTW, I live in Texas.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Will getting a minor speeding ticket affect my insurance?
Today while driving home on the highway, from Moncton, NB, I was pulled over and received a speeding ticket for going 129 km/hr in a 110km/hr zone. Now this is my very first offense. I am wondering if the $170 ticket will affect my insurance rate with Wanawesa Insurance.""
""Help,new driver needs insurance!?""
So, I am a new driver and I just bought a '94 Acura legend. I have looked at some quotes for insurance and nearly had a stroke! Does anyone know of insurance that isn't too high or offers discounts for new drivers. Living in MA if that helps.""
How much is automobile commercial insurance?
Vehicle insurance
Temporary Car Insurance?
I want to pick up a car, i live in manchester uk and the car i am buying is in sheffield, what do i do about insurance when driving it back.""
Car Insurance how many cars?!?
Can you have 2 cars insured under 1 insurance company? like my ex wants to put his car in my name & insure it (as it would be cheaper) but i have my own car that i already insure but i'll be changing my insurance company come january so how should i do it? me go ahaead & change my insurance in jan with the nxt car i get & let him insure under my name etc with the same company or do another company with his cat? what do you reckon?!! thanks!
Affordable health insurance for a 19 year old?
I am a 19 year old white female, i live in California, i go to a community college part time, and i babysit and work part time as a substitute custodian(no benefits). Im looking for really cheap even free health insurance since I make roughly $120-$400 a month. I've looked at my school's health care, it doesn't cover what i want(just covers family planing and std test). I would like something that would cover doctor visits or i pay a small copay. If anyone knows what i can do or where to look, i would greatly appreciate it.""
How much will it cost to fix this bumper dent?
http://oi43.tinypic.com/lv393.jpg hit a parked car when pulling out of a spot :( the other car was fine lol, but this is mine. trying to not involve insurance cause i dont want my rates going up. how much do you think this will cost to fix?""
Who pays? Auto or Health Insurance?
I was rear-ended and suffer with neck/back pain. Had hospital, ambulance and doctor's bills that my HEALTH insurance paid minus my co-pay with no questions (<$1,500. minor accident). Her AUTO insurance company has paid me a settlement that includes payment for my medical bills. I'm in Texas. (1) Will HEALTH ins. want to be re-paid? Meaning, is HEALTH primary or AUTO primary? (2) Can/Should I also file this on my PIP auto policy? Is TEXAS a state that allows double-dipping?""
Car insurance question?
how much will it cost for a 21 year old single female per month? i just recently got my drivers liscense and i have never had a car or insurance..i have no credit and have never had a ...show more
My car has been broken down for some time do I need insurance?
My cars engine blew up in June. I could not find an engine I could afford at the time. I canceled the insurance due to this. I received a letter in the mail wanting proof of insurance for the state of Ohio. I have purchased a engine now but still haven't had anyone install, so the car is not operational. What do I do? Can I show the receipt for proof the the vehicle wasn't operational?""
Car insurance help? do i need to pay?
Hi there:) I have just bought a car, it is being delviered on thursday. I was hoping to keep it on my drive until i have passed, then insure it and drive after, am i allowed to do this? or do i have to pay insurance? thanks""
""I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
How can I get reliable insurance ratings?
I have been with Nationwide Insurance for 21 years. Your normal every day insurance can never come close to their rates and Nationwide has always had outstanding service. As we all know, money is lean these days so there are two companies I want to check out. I'm thinking about getting quotes from USAA because I am a veteran and California Casualty Insurance because, as a teacher, I get a discount through SCEA. My fear is that even though those 2 might end up cheaper, I might get a huge downgrade in service. So I'm looking for information on both companies, especially if there is a good, unbiased source on the internet. I need to cover 5 cars (including 3 teenage drivers) and 2 boats.""
How much do you pay for car insurance ? meow!?
tell me what type of car you drive its engine what type of fuel it burns size your age country male or female and what type of licence you have....full licence or provisional licence meow! thank you in advance for your time meow! meow!!
What states do not require you to have auto insurance??????
What states is it not mandatory to have auto insurance in order to register and drive your car? I know that it is absolutely mandatory to have insurance if your financing your car or truck reguardless.
Will car insurance pay for the following:?
I caused a damage to my car the other day by trying to pass between a truck parked in one lane of the road and the rest of the road. In another words there was some road works going on and only very tiny space for cars to pass. When trying to get through very slowly, I got stucked and when trying to reverse I broke my front bumper and done some other small cosmetic damages to the side of the vehicle. I am fully insured, my insurance is going to expire in about 2 months and I never made a claim before. I have bad experience with insurance companies in general and now am not sure how to follow and make insurance company to pay for the damages. There are some other damages done to the vehicle, for instance, a small stone from vehicle driving in front of me hit my windscreen and caused a small crack. I have no idea how to follow up and make the ins.company to pay. I am fed up with all travel, health and other insurance companies that just make excuses and never pay.""
How much would Progressive's auto insurance cost for a 2 door honda civic for a 17 year old male?
Or a Honda accord v6 coupe? Standard Insurance prices.
Will a car insurance company cover a collsion if I have a salvage title?
I purchased a vehicle which came with a clean title from an owner.I called my car ins.company and added insurance to the car then went to register it.DMV says this vehicle was in an accident and would have to be a salvaged title. My question is if my ins.company has it down as a clean title and I get into an accident,will they then find out its a salvage title? If not then how will they find out if at all? Im afraid if I tell them its salvaged now they won't insure the car then I'd be stuck with it.""
How much is a Car for a 17yo?
How much is a car, insurance, lessons, test, tax etc.... Everything! For a 17 year old Guy. Just for a cheap second hand car ie. Peugeot 106 (second hand) But how much will it all come to? Thanks""
Insurance doesn't pay or wanna fix my car?
a drunk guy hit my parked car and he had a suspended license and the car is under his girlfriend's name. Now the insurance says it cant do anything because its under the girlfriend's name. now i dont know what to do
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bb&t insurance virginia beach va
If Republicans do not act quickly to stop Democrats will tens of thousands of new cars be sold?
Republican members of Congress are trying to stop the cash for clunkers program . The program has been a great success and thousands of cars were sold already, depleting the supply and stimulating the economy with new tax revenue. Since supply has been brought down by these new sales the big 3 car companies will have to start making more cars putting thousands to work in the process. This in hand stimulates the entire economy. Republicans are trying everything in their power to make sure it does not pass again. Is there something fundamentally wrong with the Republican party? Why would they want to stop this effective program in a time of economic crisis?""
Uk Motorcycle insurance question?
I'm currently doing my CBT and the going to do my A2 licence, which would permit me to ride a 400cc bike, so i'm planning on getting a 600cc bike and restricting it. Would that lower the insurance if i were to mention it has been resticted, i looked it up and for an 18 yr old i got a quote for a 600cc bike for about 1,300. would that be lower if i said it was restricted??""
I need help finding the right health insurance?
I am 21 years old female I'm married no kids. I am having problems with my knees I can not walk without pain or swelling involved on virus knees, because of this pain I have not ...show more""
How much is car insurance on average for a 17 year old driver?
I'm 17, and having to pay my own car insurance every month. How much is that going to cost me each month? I have Farmer's insurance.""
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
I need info about maternity Insurance?
I currently have insurance through assurant health and I am looking to add maternity insurance. I was contacted by an agent asking me what deductable I wanted a 10 thousand or 5 thousand deductable. The thing is I heard that I may be eligible for medicaide. My husband only makes about 30,000 a year and I am a full time sudent. I am unsure what to do as I am completley in the dark about the situation. Please someone give me some insight thank you""
""Pregnant with no health insurance, Texas?""
Is anyone familiar with Texas Department of Health and Human Services. I just found out I am pregnant yesterday, two days ago my husband was laid off work. His old company added an HSA for us in December and we were under the impression everything was fine with employment if they added this for our family. I finally had a family HSA as of 1/1/12 and then on 1/3/12 it was taken away. He worked 90 hours on his last paycheck almost the most of the year, and was told work is slow so he was being laid off. They also added back matching 401k this year too, yep! We have been trying for years and had no idea this would happen this way. It is just crazy! So I found out on the website for HHS of Texas the income level for benefits. I am right there underneath the level for 2 people. Do they include the unborn child as a 3rd family member yet? Also I saw that you have to list assest out like vehicles. We have two cars and that is it. We make payments on both of them, so is it possible they will deny us since we have these assets. Other than those we have no other assets. But I remember my mom being denied for SSI on my brother due to assets so I am worried. Please can anyone help ease my mind?""
What is an average insurance cost for two cars in dallas?
What is an average insurance cost for two cars in dallas?
Can you have your name on the insurance if you dont live at the same address?
I am looking at car insurance, if i do it under my name it will set me back about 2,000 to 2,500. If its under my mothers name, but I am down as the MAIN driver it will cost me about 700 - 1,000. Can my mum legally be the insurance holder if she lives at a different address? I don't want to commit fraud""
When can I drop full coverage insurance?
I have a 2010 nissan versa I have full coverage I wanted to know how long until i can drop the full coverage and will my insurance rate be lower?
Do i need insurance on my 150cc scooter in WI?
do i need insurance on my 150cc scooter in WI
Does insurance cover a newly purchased vehicle?
I'm looking at buying a pickup truck, it's value is less than $1000. I heard that if you buy a new vehicle you have 6 - 24 Hours of coverage and in that time you would have liabality coverage is this true? As in just bought a vehicle, and am driving it back to my house from sellers house. Thanks""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
About how much would this increase your car insurance yearly in NJ?
In this case, it does not matter what type of car insurance you have or how much you make. Let's say you're a middle class family with 2 parents and one 17 year old son who drives on a provisional license. He just gained 8 points on his license. About how much will this increase your car insurance per year? And what are ways to lower it (if any)? Please answer thoroughly, and even add tips. Answers will definitely be appreciated.""
I can't get insurance because I'm not a full time college student what can I do to get insurance?
Ok I'll try to explain this as best I can...so I'm a part time college student and I can't get insurance because I'm only a part time student and I have to be a full time student taking 12 credits to get insurance. I think my doctor is talking about health insurance. I don't know anything about insurance because my dad takes care of that. I can't afford to go to school full time and I don't know what to do.
Driving with an expired insurance in kentucky?
I got pulled over by police for speeding but my insurance were expired that time. What should I do? I just renewed my insurance after that. The police said that I need to go to court. Do I need to contact traffic attorney? and What about my license problem?
Maternity Health Insurance?
We live in Santa Clara California; My wife is pregnant with our first child. I am a self employed contractor and she lost her job couple of month ego as a result we lost our health insurance. I am paying $600.00 a month for COBRA and it does not cover all the medical expenses. Any body knows reasonable health insurance that covers maternity expenses.
What insurance is required on a new car in Florida?
Is it just PIP/property damage liability and Bodily Injury Liability or is there more? Thanks!
Dental Insurance question?
On my dental insurance card, I have a primary care dentist listed on it. Does this mean that I must go to this dentist in order to have the insurance pay for my appointments or can I go to any dentist that accepts my insurance without having to switch my primary care dentist and still receive the insurance benefits? Will the insurance cover less if I don't go to the primary care dentist? Thanks!""
What size alloy wheels will change the insurance of a car (read details)?
right i've been looking at cars to buy for ages now and as I'm a seventeen year old boy insurance is ridiculous as it is. Finding cars that i can afford to buy and insure is hard. I have found a few 'perfect' cars, however a couple of them have alloy wheels instead of the standard manufacture ones. I will quote my insurance website so you can help me out: Replacement of factory fitted wheels with Alloys of the same size this doesn't alter my insurance quote one bit. Replacement of factory fitted wheels with wheels / tyres of a non standard size or specification This means i cannot get insured at all; they won't have me with them. So my question is, if a 1998 Peugeot 306 has 16 inch white wolfrace alloys, does this mean i can't get insured or not? This might be a stupid question, just want to get it right, thanks for you time, means a lot Alex.""
How can USA force me to buy health insurance?
It's incredibly unconstitutional and uncapitalist If I find a way to self-fund my healthcare and don't need to rely on an insurance company, Govt can FORCE me against my will with fines and penalties to engage in business with big insurance?????? Are you kidding?!!!! What country are we living under?""
Insurance stats?
hello where can i find insurance data of the United states, on the historically and socially aggregated cash flow and balance sheet of the insurance company
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
Does car insurance increase every time you.?
does your car insurance increase every time yu move or change your address. if so is their away you can lower your rates.
How much do driving lessons reduce my car insurance?
I haven't seen a question like this before on Yahoo answers, but is the 350$ lessons (6 hours) really worth it? (Driving isn't hard, I know, but I want the lessons solely to reduce insurance rates)""
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bb&t insurance virginia beach va
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