#in the land where she'll never grow up
cc--2224 · 5 months
older hunter x reader pregnant in pabu
Next Steps
Pairing: Hunter x F! Reader
Summary: Following the events on Mount Tantiss, Hunter and the rest of the Bad Batch are finally able to relax and enjoy the time they have, you and Hunter decide that means planning next steps together.
Warnings: All fluff, slight anxiety mentions, obviously pregnancy mentions as that was the request, maybe slight S3 Finale spoilers?
Word Count: 1.3k
Notes: Thank you so much for sending a request, anon!! I really hope you enjoy it!! As a reminder, my requests are going to be open for a bit so send me some if you'd like! :)
Taglist: None, let me know if you'd like to be added
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Ever since they had landed on Pabu for the last time, they had all finally begun to relax, to plant roots, to get to know the villagers. Even Crosshair had seemed more open to socializing with the locals, to learning their trades.
Hunter had always had trepidations about getting too comfortable. 
Back when you had first met, a few years ago now, he expressed that he wanted to get adjusted, to finally sit down and relax but he always felt as if he was looking over his shoulder.
When the island had been attacked by the Empire, you understood what he meant. But everyone was still determined to keep each other, and their mercenary friends, safe.
Part of you feared that when they left to go get Omega back that it was the last time you would ever see them, whether that meant that they wouldn't put Pabu in danger and kept themselves away, or worse. You didn't want that, not only because you liked having them around, liked hearing their stories, sharing meals, but because you knew that you had developed feelings for Hunter in the short time you knew each other. 
You couldn't recall a time where you were more worried for someone's safety than you were after they had left Pabu to find Omega.
You wanted to protect him, to make him feel safe on the island, but you also knew that with everything they had experienced, that was easier said than done.
It only became more difficult once you began to fear you'd lose him for good.
So when they finally returned, you decided to throw caution to the wind. You didn't want anymore missed opportunities, he had to know how you felt about him.
You waited for them to leave the Imperial shuttle, and as soon as he emerged on the gangplank, you ran to him, wrapping your arms around him and crashing your lips into his.
He was rightfully surprised, but after the initial shock wore off, you felt his arms on your back, pulling you into him and feeling like they were going to crush you. He kissed back with desperation and relief washing over him.
When you finally broke apart, you held his face in your hands while his hands stayed firmly on your waist. You felt your eyes water, and you saw the same in him. 
"I'm home." He finally said. "And I'm never leaving you again."
It had been years since then, and true to his word, he never left you. He eventually moved his belongings into your house, and the two of you settled into the next stages of your domestic life together. You got to watch as your lives seemed to fall into place. The island changed around you, improvements, infrastructure, villagers’ families growing. Hunter began growing out his beard, no longer concerned about hating the feeling of facial hair against the helmet that he rarely ever put on. 
Things became simple, time slowed, your lives could finally begin.
You still remembered the conversation you had one afternoon, sitting on the front porch with him, watching Omega play with Lyana, Batcher, and the other three clone children. 
"Do you want one of our own?" He had asked, looking at you earnestly.
You raised an eyebrow, "Want one what?"
"A kid."
You smiled at him and glanced over to the kids playing.
"We have Omega," you reminded him and he chuckled.
"I know, and she'll always be our kid, but she's growing up. Won't be long until she starts living her own life." He looked down at his lap and you reached over to hold his hand, you knew how much the thought of Omega leaving upset him.
"I don't think she'd mind having a little brother or sister." He said when he looked back at you.
"No, I don't either." You drew him close and kissed him on his lips, showing him your agreement to his idea. 
— — —
"Hunter? Are you home?" You called out from the entryway to your house. You were met with silence and shrugged.
Must have gone out.
You had gone to the doctor that morning on Hunter's insistence. He had been hovering around you for a few weeks, as if he had been waiting for a shoe to drop. He didn't know what it was about you that was different, something in your scent, or a change in your pulse, something that he could sense but couldn't pinpoint the source.
You knew better than to argue with his keen senses, but you couldn't help but get a little annoyed with his overprotection.
The doctor had confirmed that you were pregnant, only a few weeks along, and you nearly cried at the news. You couldn't wait to tell Hunter, even if you knew he'd tell you he knew you should have gone to the doctor earlier. 
You decided to wait for him at home. You put on some tea and grabbed your datapad before sitting on the couch.
He finally walked through the door with some produce from the market, smiling at you when he saw you. He walked past you, but not before kissing the top of your head, and left the groceries in the kitchen.
"I went to the doctor's this morning." You did your best to keep your tone level, ambiguous.
It worked, seeing as how his cheerful demeanor had vanished completely when he poked his head out.
You stood up and looked at him. "Hunter, I–" your voice wavered, partially due to excitement, but partially due to nerves.
"I'm pregnant." 
His eyes widened as he looked into yours, then down to your stomach, then back up to your face. "You– What?"
Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes. "We're going to have a baby!"
He crossed the room before you could even register that he had moved. His arms circled your waist and you felt yourself being lifted off the ground and spun.
When he placed you back down, he pulled you to him and kissed you. Tears began rolling down your face as you laughed into the kiss. 
He looked at you and swept his thumbs across your cheeks, wiping away the tears even though his own nearly betrayed him.
You didn't hear the door open, but you heard Omega's voice ring out behind you.
"Is everything okay?"
You both looked at her, you smiled and nodded before opening your arm for her to join your hug. 
She did without hesitation.
"Omega," Hunter began. "Remember how I asked if you'd be alright if there was another kid running around?"
She looked at him and nodded, but then her eyes widened in realization and she looked at you, then Hunter, and then back to you.
"You're not–"
"I am." More tears fell as she wrapped her arms around you. 
"Congratulations!" Her smile widened as she looked at both of you. "I have to go tell Crosshair and Wrecker! They owe me ten credits each!"
She ran out the door before you could stop her and you looked at Hunter and shook your head.
"The whole island will know before long." You sighed.
"Yeah." He nodded.
"Are you ready?" You asked him cautiously.
He looked at you, thinking for a moment. "Honestly, I don't know. I mean, it's been a while since we've settled in here, but sometimes it still feels like the peace isn't going to last. I know that's just my own anxieties, but it's hard to shake the feeling, you know?"
You nodded and looked down. He put his arm around your shoulder and kissed your temple.
"But, we have each other through this. I won't let anything happen to you, or our kid. So I think I am. It helps knowing how much support they'll have when they get here. And how wonderful of a mother they're going to have." 
You leaned into his chest. "And father." 
You felt a laugh rumble from him. This was the next step for both of you, and it was a scary step to take, but despite Hunter's worries, you knew you were both ready to face this together. 
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dailyadventureprompts · 7 months
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Villain: Laormoch, Archfey of the Wild Unknown
Embodying the primal awe and terror of those places beyond the edge of the map, this ancient spirit of the land exists to test and torment those who stray too far from the safety of the familiar.
Though the old stories call him the" thane of the faroff" or an "invisible giant as big as the sky", it is hard to put Laormoch's physicality and the fear it evokes into words: How do you describe being lorded over by ancient trees, or the scornful glare of unfamiliar stars? His shape is only ever suggested by how it bends the natural world, but he is always distant, though always so immense that it feels like he may reach out and crush the viewer.
Adventure Hooks
The party stumble into a village to find its inhabitants struggling to recover after a disastrous hunt. Some wretched beast tore through some weeks ago and was only dispatched with great effort. It was a cause for celebration, at least until the thing was seen stalking in the woods, reading for another attack. To prevent it from assailing their walls and destroying their homes the village's best hunter leads the village's strongest on a sortie, downing the beast only after injuring many and losing a few. This has happened three times so far and the village's defenders are wearing thin. Perhaps the party could lend their aid once the beast is spotted again, and perhaps spend the intervening time trying to find its obviously supernatural origins.
Almost inconsolable, a great lord calls for the party's aid in rescuing his son and heir, who he claims was stolen by the sky itself: snatched out of his tower window by a great hand and carried off into the clouds. The servants and courtiers are skeptical, everyone knows the lord was so protective of his son he barely let the boy leave his rooms, let alone the castle, and it's likely the lad finally managed some means of escape. While they're considering exactly how to search for the lad the party will be approached by the Lord's bastard daughter, she was denied her inheritance by her father's traditionalism, and sees the opportunity to have herself recognized if the true born heir is never found. She'll ask that even if the party does find her younger brother, they either help him escape or leave him where he is, as it would be better for the both of him if he doesn't return to the castle.
Seeking to prove herself against a boastful rival, a hunter ventured far from her village into the deep wilderness, where she found and slew an elk of ethereal beauty, eating its flesh to sustain herself and taking its antlers as her trophy. Though she returned in glory, the beast had been marked by the Thane of the Faroff, who has raised its butchered body as a reverent and gifted it bloodthirsting branches to replace what was taken. The revenant won't stop until it's killed the hunter and torn her body to shreds, which will likely be sometime after she's gotten a good portion of the other villagers killed because she's too good at hunting and too stuborn to die without a fight. The revenant has more than one trick though, the branches animating its body bear seedpods which it scatters as it dies or gores others to death. These seeds eventually grow into twigblights, which are slowly massing in the forest waiting to overwhelm the village's defenders and open the gate for the revenant's final rampage.
Wishing more than anything to get away from the suffocating confines of his home, the young heir has found himself on the wrong end of a fairy bargin. Whisked off by Laormoch to his castle beyond the horizon, the boy has been forced to serve as the archfey's cupbearer as repayment for his captor's "kindness". The party will need to dig deep into the local folklore to figure out how and why the sky might snatch up a forlorn youth, potentially missing him entirely until they run into him while visiting the feywild for a completely different adventure.
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halfagone · 8 months
Cassandra Cain and Communication
I've been noticing an interesting trend in DPxDC fanfics lately where people write Cass like she's psychic, or in simpler terms: she can read someone and in an instant know how to help them. And while I can definitely see the merits of this kind of approach, there are a lot of things to keep in mind.
I cannot stress enough how isolated Cass' childhood was. When it's said that David Cain trained her only in the language of killing, it is not an exaggeration. In many early renditions of her character, Cass cannot speak at all, and if she can, only in short, brief sentences. Cass goes the first seventeen years of her life not knowing how to read.
That is a canonical plot point too. We see Barbara teaching Cass to read in Batman Volume 1 #567:
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Based on the context surrounding this scene, this is a regular occurrence between the pair. Cass has also sought out Stephanie before to read something for her (Batgirl Volume 1 #20). If you're curious about more analysis surrounding this particular subject, this post has some interesting points and shows the gradual shift in how DC handled her character.
But this is early into her time with the Batfamily. What about later on, when she's more assimilated to the Waynes and her fellow vigilantes?
Well, you don't even have to be a hardcore comic fan to see how she continues to struggle with expression and communication. In Wayne Family Adventures, episodes 32 and 33, we see how Cass' ability to read body language has also hurt her and her relationship with the people around her.
She doesn't mean to hurt Stephanie's feelings in these episodes, but the damage is real and it happened. Cass means well, ultimately, but she still doesn't know how or when to address these problems. She sees that Steph is hurting and wants to help; those are all admirable qualities! But in the end, she only pushes Stephanie further away, and is left feeling guilty and carrying self-loathing in the wake.
Here is also a reminder: Cass killed her first man at the age of 8 years old, and consequently ran away from her father when she realized killing was wrong. She did not know what he felt was fear. She did not know the definition of fear, nor the word for it. She just saw the expression on his face as he died, and realized that something was wrong, and ran away.
Cass doesn't arrive to Gotham until she's 17 years old, around the No Man's Land era, if I remember correctly. She is on the run for 9 years in this time, and sadly, she did not pick up many- if any- language or communication skills during this period. This isn't a fault on her character either, when she likely had to keep moving and didn't have time to connect with anyone like she did with Barbara, who could teach her how to speak and read.
But at the end of the day, it makes sense that Cass doesn't know how to socialize. Think of a real life example: some kids who grow up homeschooled struggle to make connections once they reach adulthood and start looking for a job. They've never had to make small talk, or address strangers face-to-face, so they don't know how to interact with people. Cass' situation is a more extreme version of this scenario, but with blood, brutal training, and child abuse involved.
At her core, Cass is a good person. And she will continue to be that good person. But she doesn't always have the answers. Nobody does! She'll continue to help people to the best of her abilities, but sometimes those abilities can be limited.
Cass is not a perfect person. When Bruce was lost in the timeline, and the remaining Batfamily members started to splinter and fall apart in the wake, Cass didn't remain in Gotham to help with the rising violence with Batman's absence. Instead, when her family needed her most, she went to Hong Kong, because she didn't want to be there without Bruce. She did briefly meet Tim in Paris, when she had saved him from the Daughters of Acheron, but she still doesn't accompany Tim, nor does she return to Gotham even after finding out the city is extremely understaffed.
Cass is well-meaning, but she is not faultless. We might not like to acknowledge the flaws of our favorite characters, but those flaws are a part of them! Just like how Bruce consistently fails to express himself is a part of his. Or how Dick tries to pretend that everything is fine so he doesn't have to address his own problems. Or how Jason can be inconsistent with his motivations and people get hurt as a result. Or how Tim keeps too many secrets and pushes people away, ruining multiple relationships in turn.
I could go on and on, but all these characters are more than just their flaws. The same thing with Cass.
So don't be afraid to show a Cass that doesn't know how to fix things. Don't be afraid to show a Cass that doesn't know what to do, but just tries her best. It's one of her most admirable qualities: always trying no matter what.
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maisiestyle · 1 year
"Ned Stark's Precious Little Girl"
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Arya is a mix of both her parents. But as her story unfolds, with every new chapter and book, Arya has moved beyond her parents and into a far more dynamic character.
Ned was a role model to Arya, she loved him more than almost anyone (she loves Jon most of all). She holds on to Ned's memory now more than any of his children.
Ned is stubborn, quick to anger, loyal to a fault, and deeply devoted to his family to the point where he sacrificed his honor and died for his children.
Both Arya & Ned had a dislike for Southern culture. Which is double odd considering Ned was fostered in the South: That was never truly his place. Whereas Cat and Sansa are very much creatures made for the South.
Treatment of the smallfolk and not judging those lower than their station... That says a lot about their character, something Ned, Lyanna, Arya & Jon have all shown in the books.
Arya & Ned are similar but different as well. Where Ned was lacking, his ability to not see the truth in the lies around him - Arya has developed beyond that point. Ned was too slow and unyielding until it was too late and he died. Cat was to heedless, prideful, and emotional - that cost her life. At the beginning Arya was a mix of both her parents BUT her journey so far has made her grow and develop where her parents had not. By Book 5, Arya is extremely artful and considerate, patient and willing to face the truth in all its ugliness, adaptable and fluid like water - a changeling. That's how she'll survive where her parents did not.
While Sansa is learning how to flirt, organise a glorified party and remain passive and isolated.
Arya lives out in the open, has escaped death and captivity by her own wits, travelled all over Westeros leaving her memory imprinted on the people she met along the way, and her unyielding desire to never be helpless again which brought her to Braavos. The Sealord of Braavos stood up to a King and his dragons and won - all he did was whisper the "faceless men" and King's Landing yielded - that is true power. Arya will return to Westeros having grown in many ways. But like her father and mother, her family will always be her guiding light.
I love how the Northmen constantly connect Arya to Ned and want to fight for them both:
When White Harbour (a place Arya has visited twice with Ned) hears of "Arya Stark" marrying Ramsay.
“Was ever snow so black?” asked Lord Wyman. “Ramsay took Lord Hornwood’s lands by forcibly wedding his widow, then locked her in a tower and forgot her. It is said she ate her own fingers in her extremity…and the Lannister notion of king’s justice is to reward her killer with Ned Stark’s little girl.” - (Davos, A Dance with Dragons)
As "Arya" suffers in Winterfell, they connect her to Ned:
"The bride weeps," Lady Dustin said, as they made their way down, step by careful step. "Our little Lady Arya." ... What do you think passes through their heads when they hear the new bride weeping? Valiant Ned's precious little girl." ...
"Lady Arya's sobs do us more harm than all of Lord Stannis's swords and spears.
The northmen want to fight for Arya:
“Even ruined and broken, Winterfell remains Lady Arya’s home. What better place to wed her, bed her, and stake your claim? […] Let Stannis march on us. He is too cautious to come to Barrowton…but he must come to Winterfell. His clansmen will not abandon the daughter of their precious Ned to such as you. - (Reek, A Dance with Dragons)
Lord Arnolf shoved himself up, a vulture rising from its prey. One spotted hand clutched at his son’s shoulder for support. “We’ll take [Winterfell] for Ned and for his daughter.” - (The Sacrifice, A Dance with Dragons)
"Winter is almost upon us, boy. And winter is death. I would sooner my men die fighting for the Ned’s little girl than alone and hungry in the snow, weeping tears that freeze upon their cheeks. No one sings songs of men who die like that. As for me, I am old. This will be my last winter. Let me bathe in Bolton blood before I die. I want to feel it spatter across my face when my axe bites deep into a Bolton skull. I want to lick it off my lips and die with the taste of it on my tongue." - (Dance with Dragons)
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solargeist · 3 months
you made a post explaining him becoming a watcher.. can we hear about him running away, the relapse, etc, pretty pretty please? :>
with a cherry on top? lol!
hmmm !! It might not be as long as the other post, but...
The body horror of changing into an angel isn't the sole reason Grian wanted to leave the Watchers, there was a brief moment in time where he wondered if it'd be worth it, but wings are the first to grow, the rest take much longer as they're not as needed as wings are. Despite how much it hurt, he's pretty proud of his wings, and he enjoys flying.
He sticks around long enough to learn how to fly, he gets rly good at it, flinging himself down the halls followed by a strong breeze, flying up high in the air outside and then dropping, he gets confident in this. (hes like rainbow dash to me-)
Along with that, he studies Watcher magic, he learns Portal magic, which is being able to open portals without the help of obsidian or rituals. This can also be used in fights, see: opening a portal where a person's head is, or a tiny strip shooting from his fingers like bullets, (like lasers, but those bits of flesh end up somewhere.) but the part he focuses most on is opening portals to other servers. He's always supervised, they always visit servers with him--but usually close it without going through anyway. The Watchers are more precise with it, knowing exactly where they want to go, Grian only opens random ones.
Other reasons he wants to leave is, being treated like a child, the lack of control, the lack of autonomy. They control his sleep, his food, where he goes, what he does, even what he says. Along with studying and training, hes exhausted, the resentment builds over time, any nice moment is buried by bad ones. He trains with Flora, another Watcher, whose idea of training is to just release mobs after him, creatures he's never seen before, he's unsure if they shoot fire, poison, or explode. Being pinned against the ground by a creature with its teeth bared around his sword is a sight he doesn't forget. If Flora feels like he rly can't do it, she'll kill the creature herself. Grian doesn't forget how the blood and gore feels dumped on his face and body, nor the disappointed look on her face.
This all, along with knowing his friends have left him--and they're not going to save him, has him plotting, desperate to think of how to get out of the void. He can't just run away while on a Watcher job on a random server, they will find him.
He doesn't pick a date--theres no sun anyway, he doesn't know what days or weeks are anymore. Its one particular breakdown that makes him act, he has no full plan, but what he does have is explosives he's been collecting from servers over time and stashing under his bed. He doesn't pack anything, all he does is set the explosives off and runs. I haven't thought abt this particular part fully, it happens so quickly for him, if he makes eye contact with his mum on his way out, he doesn't hesitate to take to the skies, before he can lose his nerve.
Shooting out into the void, he doesn't have a plan, but he keeps flying as fast as he can before regret can catch up with him. He opens portals in front of himself and dives through as they shatter behind him, he doesn't know where hes going. He pops out in random parts of the void, different islands he doesn't recognize, he comes across servers torn apart by war or genuinely not safe enough to land, so he keeps going.
Grian doesn't know how long he's been flying, his sense of time is completely fried, but hes tired, he's never flown for so long before. He hops through another portal into another world, dark and quiet, but lights shining from large buildings scattered about, there must be a lot of players here so he thinks he should leave quickly, but before he can do that, his foot snags a tree top and throws him off balance, his attempt to catch himself only propels himself forward, crashing through branches and sliding across the dirt below. He doesn't know if it was the trees or the ground, but his left wing snaps, he doesn't know if he screamed or not, but he lays in the dirt writhing for awhile, muscles aching and emotions finally grasping at him, pulling him apart.
But ! Still not time to think abt all that rn, bc Xisuma finds him. Grian's first thought isn't that this is a player, all he can see under that helmet is eyes, and his first thought is Watchers--they found him immediately--and he screams this time, flipping over and putting his hands in front of himself for any fighting, he can't hear whatever Xisuma's saying over his own shouting, angrily stating he won't go back. He calms down after a moment when he sees Xisuma has stepped back, hands up to show he's friendly. Grian doesn't care though, hes sliding backwards on his hands, his wings twitch and he winces in pain. I think it takes a little bit of persuading, but after Xisuma explains himself, that hes an admin and this is his server and people, Grian calms down a bit, the exhaustion helps with this too. He ends up accepting Xisuma's help in bracing his wing. Taking him back to his base to do so, Grian would've ran again if he could've. They both agree that Grian will leave as soon as he can, but he is safe here to wait until then.
Back at his base, Xisuma makes them both tea and sits in front of Grian, telling him he has to explain himself. Grian doesn't touch his tea, and after a long pause, he gives the shortest story with the least amount of details possible. Xisuma knows what Watchers are already, so he does feel some sympathy for him.. He would feel concern abt the Watchers finding his server, but hes confident enough in his code. Grian stays that night, he hides under a bed and cries, still never drinking the tea, but he falls asleep.
UH fast forward fast forward Grian is invited to the server, and he does join as s6 starts, his wing still in bandages but doing much better now. He still hasn't met any players or heard much abt them. He's shocked to see Pearl, but also very happy--his sister !! his sister ?!?!?! She looks happy too, so he rushes forward and they hug, shes gotten so tall. He promises to tell her what happened later, but he still leaves out a lot of details.
This is getting long again fast forward fast forward again
The relapsing happens throughout s6, Grian overworks himself, insecure and nervous in his building ability--it almost feels like Evo again, wishing he could do better, scared to disappoint Xisuma and be kicked out for not being worth the trouble.
Grian's gotten rly close with his neighbour Mumbo, he'll take a break for Mumbo, to hang out with him. Grian has a problem with hoarding food, he never had control over it with the Watchers, so now on his own, he can't bare to throw anything out, he keeps things despite the smell or mold. Good bits of food sat with the rotten, but he doesn't eat either anyway, he just wants to have it, safe, where he can get to it easily, and he doesn't have to ask anyone. It takes Mumbo awhile to talk him into cleaning that out, its dangerous ! Even during the conversation Grian is slowly closing the cabinet Mumbo is trying to look into it, holding eye contact and desperately trying to convince Mumbo its fine (it is NOT.) Mumbos taken to sharing his lunch with him most days, or bringing snacks he claims he made too much of--or he bought too much by mistake, just to make sure he eats something.
Grian has a hard time living alone, he loses track of time and doesn't eat, or doesn't get the right amount of sleep. He feels lonely in his large build. The Watchers' controlled his entire life, so he doesn't know what to do with it now that its his again. When he thinks about it too long, it starts to ache, that little part of him never went away, the guilt, regret, and remorse, builds every time he doubts himself, he misses his bed !--Back in the void, that bed, this still doesn't feel like home, in some sick twisted way he feels homesick. Mumbo finds him at his base one day with his head buried in his knees crying, but when Grian notices he immediately pretends he was not crying, despite the red puffy eyes and tear stained face, he smiles and asks: whats up !! Hello whats up ! Mumbo laughs in horrified confusion, asking what happened. Grian says Nothing. Mumbo sits next to him and says c'mon mate what is this. Grian sighs and sinks back into himself, face dropping and exposing how tired he is. Grian slowly explains himself--at first leaving out many details--he just says he ran away from home before joining Hermitcraft, but he still misses his family sometimes--even if they hurt him. Mumbo thinks this is much deeper than he thought it'd be, but he encourages Grian to continue, and he does. Grian ends up telling Mumbo everything, absolutely everything, every humiliating detail and embarrassment, every memory good or bad. At some point they start telling family stories to each other, and Grian isn't crying anymore, they're both laughing, sat right next to each other. Its a huge relief. Grian poured his soul out to Mumbo and he held it so carefully.
late s6 and s7 go pretty smoothly--Watcher wise, Grian adjusts to life on his own and within a new community. Grian learns to fly again, he makes his wings his own and dyes them parrot colours.
I can't fit the rest, but he gets possessed by an alternate version of himself in s8, i think the Watchers find him as well bc of this timeline chaos. And the moons falling. Its a lot for him to emotionally deal with !
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Bridget x fem! Oc
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"Red, my dearest, don't cut your hair like that." Hecate had walked in on a 17 year old Red, sitting begrudgingly at her vanity chair and was about to snil a whole chunk of hair off, probably because she was frustrated at it.
"Go away Hecate."
"Mh, sure, after you've given me those scissors, or else my head'll be the next one rolling." She joked, something that was strictly forbidden.
"What would you like me to do princess?" Red held up her hair in a half up half down, which she had been trying to do for a while now, but it just wouldn't sit right.
"There, no need to cut it all of, it takes longer to grow lost things back than it does to cut it off." She smiled at Red through the mirror, patting her shoulders and staring at her for a bit as she did her makeup.
"I'm allowed to stare at you kid, you've grown so much Red, it's weird how much you're like your mom." Red scoffed, hooding up her tube of mascara as if it was her mom's scepter and mocking her accent.
"Off with their heads!" Hecate laughed, the same loud and warm laugh that's been in every good memory Red has ever had.
"Exactly like that kiddo, just add a bit more black to your eyeshadow and you'd be a carbon copy!" She stopped laughing and looked at Red suspiciously.
"Well, i'd say your tutoring session is already done, but apparently Maddox had forgotten to give you some homework." Red frowned in confusion, what the fuck was that old lady on about?
Maddox landed on the couch she had but in the corner of her room, waving at them through the mirror with some papers.
"Good morning my Hecate!" The woman smiled at him, patting Red's shoulder once again before turning around and leaving.
"Gods, she's changed so much." Maddox reminisced about his past memories of the witch, not realising that Red had turned around in her chair.
"Has she really changed that much?"
"Mhm, there used to be a time where she was engaged... not that she'll ever be able to have a love life anymore though, so I wouldn't dwell on it too much." He shrugged, handing her the papers and quickly rushing out before she could ask more.
"Stupid Maddox and his shitty cliffhangers."
Red wasn't going to tell anyone that Maddox's words had intrigued her, so she obviously also didn't tell anybody that she was 'lurking' around in the court magician's quarters, even though it was her home sk it wasn't considered lurking, it felt as if she was, because she had never been in this hall before.
Much like how the queen had a hall of portraits of past rulers, the court magicians had a similar hall, with their engagements, accomplishments and marriages depicted on a plaque under their portrait.
When she had finally gotten through the endless sea of bright purple blue hair, and her eyes landed on Hecate's face, she searched the portrait for anything first.
She had an axe swung across her shoulder, the same muscled build, mostly same clothing, the hearts on her trousers were shades of pink, not red... weird, especially when the hearts on her shoulders kept their pink.
Her eyes trialed over her portrait, she saw a mass of bodies piled up behind her, making up the entirety of the back of it, but just far enough that you won't spot it when you first look.
"What the fuck..." she breathlessly muttered, leaning closer as she distinguished the bodies of human beings, including massive giants and sea creatures.
"Oh wow, she's a fucking monster, good to know." Red rolled her eyes, then went on to read the plaque.
"Hecate Spades and her weapon: the princess of Hearts, engaged to Queen Bridget Hearts- WHAT?!" Red's eyed widened, leaning closer and rubbing over the plaque as she saw her mother's name.
"Yeah, that was such a long time of my life, i'f wish it upon my worst enemy... but y'know, don't have any anymore." Hecate shrugged, as if she hadn't just scared the life out of the girl she considered a daughter.
"YOU NEARLY MARRIED MY MOTHER?!" Hecate nodded, looking down at the princess with a smile.
"Mhm, definitely almost did." She shrugged, "but, someone has to carry on the court's magician line, and i'm not sure how that would work if we merged with the royal line." Red suspiciously eyed her, that was not the real reason for the break up.
"Then where is your heir then? Mh?" Hecate smirked at her.
"You." Red choked, then saw Hecate laughing and slapped her.
"Hey! Not funny!" Hecate stopped laughing, staring at Red for a while, seemingly out of it before she nudged her arm.
"Right, actually, i'm training my niece for it, she's my father's sister's son's daughter, she had a high affinity in magic, and if she gets my magic when I pass, she might be up to par with me." She looked down at the plaque, eyes zeroing in on the queen Bridget of Hearts part, if she ever found out, she'd have no niece to teach.
"Let's leave before she finds us here-."
"Red. What are you doing here." The queen herself had left her throne room purely to find her daughter, now that was rare.
Hecate stiffened up, which Red noticed, and pushed the girl to her daughter, standing in front of her portrait with a matching grin.
"What'cha think? Do I still look as amazing as 2 decades ago?" She put her hands on her side and puffed up her chest, Red let out a giggle at it, and Hecate looked at her with soft eyes, remembering more and more of her Bridget the longer she spend with her.
"You look utterly stupid, stop this nonsense at once." Speaking of the woman, she was staring straight into Hecate's eyes, who smiled at her.
"Will do so, my queen." She bowed, disappearing into nothing in less than a second.
"Hey, mom? Were you ever engaged-..." Red trialed off with a frown, looking at the plaque, where once stood engaged to to Queen Bridget of Hearts' now laid a blank spot.
"Why are you spouting such nonsense, out of this hall! Now! And I better not find you snooping here again! I bet Hecate put you up to this, didn't she?!"
"Can I see the princess of Hearts?" Red had been begging Hecate for a few weeks now, and was officially hanging off of her leg to try persuade her.
"Okay! If you stop... whatever this is?" Hecate groaned out, stopping in front of Red's quarters, where she was supposed to drop her off.
"You are not small enough to do that anymore!" Red smirked as she stood up, crossing her arms as she stood before her heart shaped doors.
"Show me!" Hecate pulled out a mirror with a cheeky grin, Red glared at her.
"Okay! Okay! Calm it kid..." She trialed off, gesturing with her hand, and then the axe was there, giant pink heart and all.
"Here you go." She held it out to the princess, whose former titleholder it was named after.
"Is it named after... you know?" She spoke softly, as if trying to preserve the magic the weapon held in her eyes.
"Your mom? Yeah, but my cover up story is that she has a heart and it's my princess." Red rolled her eyes once more at the lame coverup.
"Don't roll your eyes at me young lady!"
"It's too late to go back from being the fun uncle Hecate!" Red teased, her arms slowly starting to tremble from the weight of the axe.
"I'll hold her for you, i'll place her down in your room so you can inspect her all you want." She had to get out of there before Red reminded her too much of Bridget.
"Yeah sure, what kind of stone is that?"
"A lover's secret, ironically enough."
"That's so corny."
"I can go back in time and see how Hecate looked for myself now?! I've always wanted to see how she defeated that giant seamonster!" Maddox snatched the watch out of her hands.
"No Hecate related trips until you're older! Promised?" Red hiffed, crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the ground.
"All right! I won't go on any Hecate related trips in the near future!" Maddox nodded, relieved.
"Also, I have the Princess of Hearts in my room right now, you wanna go check it out?" Maddox shook his head yes wildly.
"-invited to join Auradon Prep." Red saw Hecate's features sour from besides her mother, who looked shocked for a while.
"We accept!" Even Hecate seemed surprised, and she was never surprised at anything her mother did.
"Wait what?"
"You shall go to Auradon Prep! Now go and pak your bags!"
"Did my mom just grow a heart?" Red frowned as she asked Maddox, who also seemed confused.
"And dress in something respectable! For once try not looking like Hecate..." Red shrugged, that was a compliment in her books.
"Okay so half a heart, i'm gonna go ask Hecate why she looked so sour! Bye!"
"Why did you look so sour?" Red popped up in Hecate's office through the hidden door behind one of the paintings, Hecate staring at where she popped up long after she had jumped down.
"Mh?" She snapped out of her memory of having to catch Bridget from when she tried to come in through there, swallowing the knot in her throat for later.
"Why'd you look so sour?"
"I went to Auradon Prep..."
"It wasn't called that yet stupid, sit down somewhere, I'll tell you a story about your mom that not many know, only like... three people are left." Red quickly plopped down onto the comfortable chair she had Hecate place close to her desk in a corner.
"Okay, so, it used to be called Merlin's academy, because, of course, Merlin was the big man there." Red nodded, urging her to continue.
"And my dad was a douchebag, so he said I could 't join Bridget there unless I defeated an entire army, which I did by the way! And then when I finally got there Bridget didn't recognise me. Blah blah blah, almost a year later, family day, her parents show up-."
"Mom had parents? She didn't just... spawn?"
"Shut up kid. -and they revealed that I was her childhood best friend, she was all shocked like what?? Oh my good gracious heavens how did I not recognise you?!"
"She cussed like that?"
"It's not about that?!" Red sighed and rolled her eyes.
"The end, not happily ever after because we eventually broke up after like... 7 years." She let that information sink in.
"You guys were in a relationship until I was like...5?"
"I think it's more 6? Who cares, we're both shit at math, which is why you need to find yourself a girl who's good at counting stuff because we're both fucking bad at it, and I already found a girl like that but it didn't work out for me but it will for you!" the princess rolled her eyes, leaning back in the chair.
"You wanna help pack?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Don't forget to brush your teeth every morning and evening, and then don't forget to do your skincare, you never know when you might end up in a picture that they might post, having pimples when that happens is so fucking annoying." Red slapped Hecate's hands away, who was fussing over her even though she was supposed to put her luggage into her dorm.
"Hecate?" A blue haired woman was looking at them, and Hecate grinned at her, the girl standing next to the blue haired woman staring wide eyed at the woman.
"Ella! I'm not really allowed to talk to you... is this Chloe? She's way prettier in person! Where'd she get all that from?" Red awkwardly stood next to her, trying to leave but instead being kept there by Hecate, who gave her a shove into the direction of Chloe, who was freaking out about the fact that thee Hecate Spades was standing in front of her.
"Well obviously from me."
"Mh... not sure, i'm way prettier."
"Hecate... we're adults now, we're better than this."
"You might be, i'm still not over the fact that you threw that rock at my forehead, I think I even have a scar! Look!" She held up her hair and leaned her forehead closer, Ella laughed and slapped her arm.
"Oh my god! You normally would've punched me... has royalty pressure changed you?" Ella looked away from her.
"It did? That's not good-...."
Red zoned back in on the girl now holding her hands.
"Hi!i'm Chloe? You must be Red! My new roomie!" Red witheld a grimace, instead slowly nodding.
"Yeah... sure."
"Bridget, don't." Hecate spoke up before the queen could say what she wanted to, but she only gave her a glare and stood up to pronounce war onto Auradon, throwing her cards up.
Hecate sighed as she stood up, holding out her hand for Red, who slowly shook her head as she looked up at the woman who had essentially raised her.
"I don't want to die, please don't let me die." She heard Hecate whisper into the breeze, empowered only by hope and her own strength that it might reach someone's ears.
"I don't want to kill, I'm not good for anything else, please don't do this." It was really Hecate, Red watched as her mouth moved, only whispers coming out that she could only half hear.
"Please don't make me use her."
"Sweetheart!" Bridget smiled as Hecate walked into the courtyard, Red's eyes widening as she saw the stray blood splatters on the bottom of her trousers.
That certainly explained why they're red now  -it didn't, but maybe???-
"Princess!" Hecate grinned, rushing towards Bridget and picking her up to spin her around, pecking her lips several times.
"Hey! Big lady! Let the princess down!" Ella kicked Hecate's shins, the girl glaring down at her as she held Bridget close.
"Shut up Ella. I got you this!" She smiled as she fished a small bag out of her pocket, presenting it tk Bridget like it was priceless, carefully setting her down.
"Is this?" Bridget gasped, eyes wide.
"I saw one of them on my way back from fishing for those fish you wanted, I got a few of its teeth and grinded it to the powder for you! Also I put an anti stink spell on the fish... why do you need them though?" Bridget smiled, placing a finger to her lips.
"Awwwww!" Ella kicked her again. "Hey little ant girl! Stop that!"
As the two continued exchanging insults, Red and Chloe glanced at each other.
What the fuck.
Well, they stopped the prank, ish? And headed back, but they ended up still not back, instead they were in a very specific room in the Hearts castle, the Queen's, it seemed like they weren't there in person, more like their conscious was.
"Bridget? Where are you?" Hecate called out into the room as she walked in, walking through the two girls.
"I'm here, no need to be sk worried." Bridget giggled, looked at Hecate from the bathroom doorpost.
"Are we interrupting something?"
"Why sre your eyes red? What happened? Do I need to-?"
"Kill someone?" Bridget finished with a frown, looking down at the floor.
Hecate kneeled down in front of her to be in her line of sight, holding her knees and placing her chin on her stomach.
"what's wrong?" A tear fell onto her forehead, Hecate didn't stop looking up at the no-darker pink haired woman, who's hands were shaking as they gripped onto her light pink sleeping gown.
"Why do you always kill everything?"
Red's eyes widened, the Hecate she knew had begged her not to have her kill, not to die, not to use her most prideful weapon, this was a whole other Hecate.
"I'd burn the world down for you, my queen." Chloe Awwed, Red hit her for it.
"I don't want you to burn the world for me, I want you to be here with me and watch the world flourish, not burn, I don't want to hurt the world anymore than I have to." Hecate kept silent, she knew what this meant.
"I won't kill for you anymore, I can swear on my life-."
"Don't do that, you'll just kill yourself, that's not what I want, I don't want the world to burn, but all you do is set it ablaze further. I don't want that." Hecate's eyes began to water, leaning back a bit so the can look down and lean with her head against her.
"Just say it."
"What're they talking about?" Chloe whispered to Chloe, who had walked closer to hear their hushed conversation, as if the whole world was in this room, as if their whole paradise was about to crumble within these walls, nowhere further.
"Shut up Chloe."
"I don't think this engagement is a good idea.... We're not right for each other." Hecate's tears finally hit the hardwood floors, Bridget slowly combing her fingers through her hair.
"Don't do this, don't do this to me." The queen's tears fell onto Hecate's hair, slowly rolling off or sticking in between the ruffled strands.
"I have to, I can't let everything burn for us, it's not who I am."
"And I respect that! I don't need to set it all ablaze for you! I can just.... Not do that! I'll watch everything grow with you! I'll watch Red grow up and be just like you! Please don't-." She stopped talking abruptly, slumping down and sitting on her knees completely slouched.
"We'll watch her grow up, just not together."
Red hadn't noticed her own tears until Chloe was stood next to her, gently holding her hand and leaning against her.
"It's allright, you can cry about it." Red let a soft sob escape her lips, hiding her face in Chloe's shoulder and crying as Hecate slowly stood up and exited, leaving Bridget, who fell on top of her bed and sobbed into the pillows.
"Red! My daughter!" Bridget held open her arms for her daughter, who hesitated a bit before accepting the hug.
"Where's Hecate?" She felt her mother tense a bit under her, but she didn't see it otherwise, and she was greeted by a warm hand on her back.
"Wassup kid, i'm happy you're going to attend almost the same school as us! We had such a good time here..." Red glanced at Chloe, who was next to her, both in silent understanding that yes, that was a really sad tone.
"You'll find friends in no time!" Bridget smiled brightly, hugging her again.
"The castle will feel incredibly empty without my little felon."
"Well maybe it will be easier to clean up without you influencing her every move." Hecate jokingly crossed her arms, turning away from them slightly.
"Stop it you crybaby!" Red grinned out, grabbing Hecate and pulling her into the hug, cautiously eyeing her as she stared at her mother with soft, lovesick eyes.
"How about I show you guys where your pictures are, they still have them, you know." Ella nudged Hecate, who dragged both Chloe and Red with, Bridget trying to stop them.
"Come on princess!" Bridget stuttered in her step, eyes widening as she nearly got sucked into a memory of the three of them running around, her usually after the two others, who were wrecking havoc, and always with the same two sentences being thrown at her by Hecate and Ella.
"Yeah! Let's go!" Ella grabbed Bridget's wrist and dragged her with, leading the group towards the wall filled with pictures.
"Oh! Castlecoming! You two were announced cutest couple!" Ella excitedly pointed out, her finger pointing towards the two, wrpaped up in a loving embrace, Bridget in a beautiful light pink ballgown, and Hecate in a matching white suit, with a light pink blouse.
"Always matcht the lady." Hecate shrugged it outt with a proud grin, "also helps if the lady doesn't give me dead rats."
"You know, i'm thinking about kicking your shins again, i'm wearing pointy heels!"
Bridget watched as her family ran around again, and even though she had never wanted to see the world burn, she'd have loved to watch this flourish with Hecate by her side.
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bonefall · 8 months
I like both ideas, bc it provides an opportunity for the Dark Forest to evolve in some way; I really like the idea of Curl taking lead and trying to make the Dark Forest cats united (not for any real GOAL, but bc they're still clan cats dammit, and separated in little pockets they'll never be able to grow).
The camp one is kinda obvious- it was a place of horror, but they need a place to stay. She never came too close to the place until she realized that if she wanted to unite the cats into a group, they needed a camp. And Starclan (she hisses at the irony) knows she'll never do it on her own. She enters, and it terrifies her- before she knows it shes backing away and fleeing. Over time though, she makes it further in, stays a bit longer. She finds the dens are still pretty decent, and that her heart feels a lot lighter as she rips down and destroys the cage. She's elated to find hierloom tools in the camp eventually- some are broken, but can be fixed. She purrs as she thinks how happy Darkstripe would be to have some proper cooking tools. This was a place of fear and death, yes, but it doesn't always have to be that way, does it?
The dogs less so but hear me out. At first she is haunted by the dogs, downright terrified- the gnashing of teeth, the frenzied barks. It's not even anything she can think or dwell on; as soon as she hears the howling and barking, she's immediately running away, fleeing as far as her paws take her. She knows she'll never actually die here, but she's still so, so scared. Maybe she comes to the conclusion on her own, or maybe someone else points it out, but eventually she realizes what you mentioned. She saved her CHILD- she should be PROUD, not scared. This is her greatest moment- her death an irrelevant footnote compared to her baby's life. Idk *exactly* how it should go, but she confronts her fear, and manages to 'tame' it. She is no longer afraid, this illusion holds no power over her. Either they fade away and just stop existing without Curl's fear to feed it, maybe they turn docile and harmless, idk. No matter what though, i have a feeling that something like THAT will catch the eye of some DF cats, sorta like a Tiny to Scourge deal. "She got rid of her land mar" into "She destroyed the land mar" to "She KILLED her land mar"- even the first one has to gain her some respect frok the others, and gives her a solid footing to try and get cats together and united.
Ask was sent a while ago, and I've been looking at it since then. It's a really good pitch, and I had things to do, so I just passively chewed it for a while. Both ideas are really good; so I was trying to think of some way to get them together.
I think I've got a good thought now;
I'll make Curlfeather's Land Mar dog related.
But they're not the same dogs that actually attacked her (which, depending on how the arc goes, might ACTUALLY be apparitions from the Dark Forest which Ashfur dragged out for his schemes. Specifically they'd be Brightheart's nightmares.)
Curlfeather's Hounds are blind. They hunt completely through "smell," and they smell her fear
I can keep her Land Mar being quite unique by actually having it follow her. Instead of it being a place she's trapped in, she's haunted by random dog events which will inevitably interrupt any plans she makes.
So she's perpetually close to making the group that she wants, uniting these demons just because it's what she deserves, but she is forced to flee when her hounds find her.
The camp she ends up using doesn't have to be her OWN Land Mar; I have another cat who actually has a 1:1 camp as theirs.
Morningstar, the deposed leader of ThunderClan who refused to allow his cats to fight. His is simply his camp, on the day where Pearstar invented the Right to Challenge and killed him for his position.
Morningstar's also HATED in the Dark Forest, because of his pacifism. Thinking about it, it's actually a great parallel for what I'm planning with Curlfeather!
She has disdain for her father because she sees him as weak. Reedwhisker swearing loyalty to The Kin after being tortured was her catalyst for believing he needed to die; that RiverClan would have a sniveling, careless leader.
So if it's Morningstar she ends up developing a bond with, they can help each other.
Morningstar can make her realize that her terrifying death by the dogs is something she can be proud of. That it isn't something to fear and revile, but a sign that when she was forced to choose between love and ambition, she chose love.
And Curlfeather can see that maybe people like Morningstar, who she'd always seen as weak, have wisdom she'd never considered. Uniting these cats isn't about power or recognition; it's just about helping to make everyone's lives better.
I can even keep the "empty camp" idea. Stepping into Morningstar's gloomy Land Mar, setting a little fire just to help with the mist, and realizing it's not all that bad. There's old tools laying strewn about, the dens are all in working order. We can make a proper home here, if we let it be.
There's probably a cage there because of Ashfur, maybe it's the one that he made the demons toss Rootspring into. Maybe I'll have the demons eventually trick Curlfeather's Sighthounds into Deadfrost's Labyrinth, if Shredtail's still around. He double-died in canon but I wouldn't be too opposed to killing someone else in his stead.
She'll also have to prove herself to the other demons. Most of them are pretty wary of "leader-types" after what happened with Tigerstar. Ironically the closest thing they have to a "leader" is Darkstripe because his soups are so good. If he doesn't like your vibe, you're cut off from the "Social Circle."
I need to make some sort of pun out of Rings of Hell and Social Circle. Social Ring of Hell.
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autistichalsin · 9 months
Both Karlach and Halsin are buff capable adults with strong morality, but inside THEY ARE KIDS FULL OF JOY TO BE ALIVE IN THE WORLD FULL OF WONDERS as Oak Father Intended
So strong, so fragile, as life itself LET THEM LOVE LET THEM BE
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They're adults, traumatized, with both having experienced the worst the world can offer, having their freedom and autonomy denied to them, socially isolated. Both have the Outlander background. Both lost their families, both are war veterans.
Yet they both are still so full of love and joy. Halsin is unable to show it the way he wants to when we meet him, while Karlach never wavers from it, yet at the end they're both able to show who they are. How they love LIFE itself more than anything, how they're so full of kindness and compassion and love to protect the weak.
Karlach isn't certain she wants kids at first, but Halsin is- yet when you bring the idea up to her, she warms to it at once. She also teases the idea of getting a "really mean goat." You know who loves all life, all animals? Halsin.
If you bring Karlach to the love dryad and are asked where she'll be in 10 years, you can say "worshipping Selune"; Karlach responds that she's nice, but Karlach is more of a sunshine girl herself.
What is Halsin's quest about again? Bringing something back to a certain cursed land?
... Right. SUNLIGHT. "If the sun shines on this place once more..."
Sunlight is essential for life. Essential for plants to grow. Halsin wants to infuse life and light back into the Shadow-Cursed Lands, and Karlach alludes to the god of sunlight as being perhaps the only one she'd consider becoming a follower of.
AND YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE? If Karlach asks Halsin for stories, he mentions how while everyone wants the most exciting chapters, he spends plenty of time hibernating in bear form. Karlach gets excited, saying "sleep AND adventure! Maybe I'll come back as a bear in some future life!"
Both are protective of those who need it most. Both have a great deal of empathy. Karlach is more childish in many ways than Halsin, but this could help him let his playful side out more, while Halsin's maturity could help ground Karlach when she needs it. Karlach is always raring to go for a good fight, never straying from what needs to be done, while Halsin is more pragmatic and able to understand when a fight will accomplish nothing. They offset each other in so many good ways while retaining the same core personality- warm, loving, full of life and care and compassion.
Both are touch-starved; you can see how Halsin reacts to being hugged in the epilogue, stating that he always needs a hug and if he ever refuses one, to assume he's been replaced by a doppelganger, while Karlach went without for TEN YEARS. Both are socially isolated, Halsin having been made a sex slave, lost his family, endured the Shadow Curse, and then forced into a leadership role, while Karlach lost her family too, was dragged into hell to fight for ten years where none of her "comrades" would have been worth talking to, and now faces a terminal illness on top of that.
In all the party banters in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, it's KARLACH who shows the most concern for Halsin's mental state, who is horrified when he talks about what he witnessed and how it still affects him. A soft "poor man" in one, and a "stay strong, bear man, we're still here" in another. Karlach is able to see that just once, Halsin wants to be soothed the way he does for others. And similarly, it's Halsin to tell her he "will not try to soothe her with gilded words" but that he "is still here" for her when Karlach finally realizes the truth of her impending death, because Halsin can see that in that moment, Karlach doesn't want to be told it'll be okay; she wants to be told that she isn't alone, that her presence, for however short a time it'll linger, will be cherished by those close to her. Instinctively, they understand these needs the other has at their worst, darkest moments.
I just love them a lot, okay?
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yandere circus - Wendy the sad clown
Wendy's intro! Not proofread 🌺 just unedited rambling
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🤡ever since you got accepted Into the circus, Wendy and the other clowns have been following you around where ever you went. Helping you with whatever chores you have waiting to be done
⭐ learning a little bit about her, you started to understand her quiet and anxious nature. Growing up she'd been the youngest out of 5, the only full blooded child from a divorced couple. Both parents having been in previous relationships and had children with their previous partners.
🤡one of her sisters on her mother's side was the black sheep of the family, having exposed herself to the internet (despite the mother's strict teachings and attempts to hide phones and tablets) at a young age and growing rebellious. Self harming, fighting, screaming with their mom. It got so bad the maternal figure had to send her to the spych ward multiple times due to near death experiences the older sister put the mother through
⭐having watched all of this, it was understandable why her mental and emotional health was so low. Multiple other events happened but she refused to tell you the rest, claiming she didn't want to scare you away
🤡you were the only thing that made her feel better after waking up in this strange world. Maybe this was the universe's way to tell her she found her spouse? Sending them to a distant land with no way to escape
⭐ sometimes you'd randomly wake up to see her standing over your bed, sniffling and crying quietly as she wiggled her way into your bed. Cuddling onto your chest and resting a leg ontop of your thighs. Giving your neck a little kiss and going back to sleep. You didn't bother asking what was wrong, since you already knew she'd never tell you
🤡 if you were ever busy and she was close by, she'll play with your hair or hands, waiting for you to finish before dragging you where ever she saw fit. She's very touchy feely, and seems to really like when it's reciprocated. But if you ever pull away, she'd visibly deflate and sulk for the rest of the evening
⭐ her makeup consists of mainly blues, pinks and yellows. Face caked in a white foundation giving her skin a porcelain look, a large heart drawn over her right eye. With a star on her left. The iconic red lipped smile and a red button nose hastily drawn and a little smudged. Rosy cheeks just begging to get pinched. Hair let loose and messily wavy
🤡she always gets nervous before a performance and understandably so, needing to be hyped before she can get into her role. Which isn't very hard. She's meant to be Koko, the sad and deppressed clown. Rings many bells honestly
⭐ she's emotionally dependent on the others if you're not around. Sticking to their sides like glue and conversing. She seems to like hearing people talk and ramble instead of talking herself. A girl of few words you could say
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It's Aemond Targaryen you asked, it's Aemond Targaryen we give (and sorry because this is going to be long 😅)
Ok, ever since I read this au where Meraxes wasn't killed and lived until the Dance made me think that she'll def be bigger than Vhagar (since it's established in the books that Meraxes was bigger than Vhagar during the Conquest) this made me think, what if Meraxes, due to her size and her headstrong and tenacious personality, became like a wild dragon and stayed hidden somewhere in Dragonstone after Queen Rhaenys's death because no one is worthy to become her new rider.
Since Meraxes decided to stay hidden, most people over the years believed she really died, until she was discovered by (Y/N) months after her mother Rhaenyra and Daemon's wedding. (Y/N), believed to be Queen Rhaenys I's reincarnation for having the Targaryen looks and personality despite being Jacaerys' younger twin, became worthy to Meraxes and bonded with her to become her rider.
The Blacks knowing that Meraxes will be of great asset to their side decided to keep her a secret and still made everyone in the kingdom, especially the Greens, believe that (Y/N) still doesn't have a dragon. So IMAGINE Aemond's shock when Meraxes and (Y/N) came to Lucaerys and Arrax's aid on that night at Storm's End, saving Luce and arrived at Dragonstone alive. Imagine the shock of the Greens that the Blacks have Meraxes that's bigger than Vhagar on their side, and imagine what Aemond would feel that his precious little niece since he has been pining for her for years.
Hi! This is so long, I’m so sorry. I just had so much to say, I probably should have made this multiple parts. Oh well, I wanted to get it out anyway. I changed a few parts of your request, but nothing major. I hope everything I added is ok, and that you enjoy it. Let me know what you think!
(Warnings: violence, gore, mentions of death, kinda targaryen incest, swearing, let me know if i missed anything)
Your relationship with your family was most definitely an interesting one. 
Being the sole daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, you had many eyes on you. Especially because you were the only one of her children that resembled her looks. She did eventually have children with Daemon that got the Targaryen features, but for a time, you were the only one. Which was particularly odd, considering you were twins with Jacaerys, who looked nothing like you.
Many speculated that you were a child from another, that Rhaneyra took in as her own. Others suspected that you were her only true child she had with Laenor Velaryon. There were even whispers of you being a reincarnation of past rulers, including Queen Rhaenys. 
Your parents never addressed the silly claims, only ever raising you as a Targaryen and a Velaryon. You were to hold your head up high, just as your Mother did.
Growing up in King’s Landing, there wasn’t much you particularly enjoyed doing. The city wasn’t to your taste. Your brothers and your uncles regularly trained, which you occasionally looked in on to fill the time, but you hardly ever joined yourself. 
Being Rhaenyra’s daughter, and the supposed daughter of Laenor, there was a certain expectation that you train as well alongside your brothers as well. 
However, your family had lots to say about it, especially Aegon. To avoid the harassment, Ser Harwin offered to train you one on one. Ser Criston, biased towards your uncles, made training a very unpleasant experience, and Ser Harwin took it upon himself to make sure you received the same training as your brothers did. You suspected your Mother had something to do with it, but Ser Harwin never made it seem like he was acting on her request. He was always kind to you, which was one of the few perks to living in the capital. 
Occasionally, Aemond would join in on training with you. Your relationship growing up with Aemond was interesting, to say the least. One of the other few perks of living in the city. As children, you bonded over the fact that neither of you had dragons, despite both of you being given dragon eggs when you were born. They never hatched, which Aegon enjoyed taunting you both to no end about. 
Your brothers weren’t as cruel, but they joked with you as well, as young boys tend to do. Jacaerys, your twin brother, often tried to console you about it. Sometimes, he’d let you fly with him on his dragon, Vermax, who seemed to sense how close you were with his rider. As nice as Jace would try to be, he also lived to tease you, as any brother would.
“You’ll have a dragon one day,” he’d tell you. “Besides, it’s only fair, Y/N. You got the silver hair. You're the spitting image of Mother.”
You’d scoff, playfully rolling your eyes at him. “I’ll trade you for a dragon.”
“Then who would keep Aemond company while the rest of us are out flying?”
You remembered the day your brothers and uncle decided it would be funny to tell Aemond they had found him a dragon, and instead brought a pig with parchment wings glued to its back out of the dragon pit. His Mother told him to forget his incessant obsession over having a dragon, but he just couldn’t let it go.
You found him that evening, stalking around in the courtyard, pouting. When he heard you approach, he sniffled and quickly wiped under his eyes, but he knew you had caught him crying. You told him there was no shame in it, and that he did not have to hide that part of himself to you. 
You had sat down, patting the spot on the ground next to you. He relented, taking his place beside you. You sat in comfortable silence, something you often did together. Aemond was never a man of many words, but he was especially quiet in times like this. 
“We will have dragons one day, Aemond. I know it. It does no good to dwell on it now. Don’t give them the satisfaction of seeing your tears. Tell me you know that.”
He turned to you, offering a small smile. “I know.”
He didn’t really believe it himself, but somehow, he knew you were right. You were never able to lie to him, and so he knew you were only ever speaking the truth. And if you believed, he believed it too. Your faith was good enough for him.
Aemond was always good at comforting you, too. 
When you heard news of Ser Harwins death, you were near inconsolable. While you understood the rumors around your family, and you knew in your heart that there was great potential for the man to be your Father, you publicly grieved anyway. 
Aemond threatened to take the tongue of any man who teased you about it. 
As you got older, you saw less and less of Aemond. The night Lucerys took Aemond’s eye, defending his brother and Daemon’s daughters, you didn’t exactly take his side. If there was one thing you were, it was loyal to your family. As much as you loved Aemond, you wouldn’t take his side if you knew in your heart that he was wrong. You had told him how you thought him claiming Vhagar was unfair, and that it wasn’t his right to do so. Still, that made it no easier to see him hurt, and permanently scarred. You knew it would leave him vulnerable to torment. 
That night, Alicent attacked your own Mother.
An eye for an eye.
You weren’t having it. Just as fierce and brave as your mother, you stood in front of Luke and Jace, trying your best to protect them. Rhaenyra took a knife for it, and it was the final blow that wedged its way into the middle of your family, dividing the two sides. 
The Greens and the Blacks. 
Alicent wouldn’t allow her sons to be around your brothers for longer than absolutely necessary. By association, this included you too. In your later years, you came to understand why Alicent did all that she did. She just wanted her family safe, and she did what she could with the cards she was dealt. But that didn’t mean that you were happy about it, and you spent what little time you had left in the city trying to make amends with Aemond.
Surprisingly, he wasn’t that upset. The night he was hurt, you had snuck to see him. You profusely apologized, swearing that you never meant for any of this to happen. He had stopped you, sounding much wiser than his age.
“I understand, Y/N. They’re your family. I would never ask you to give up your loyalty for me.”
If only he knew just how much you cared about him, and how you often worried that one day, you would be asked to give it up for him. You could never stomach the idea of truly letting him go. 
At the time, you didn’t know what to say. He was being suspiciously kind, especially after all you said to his mother in your brother's defense. 
“It is a trade that I can bear, Y/N. An eye seems a small price for the largest dragon in the world. You were right in the end.” 
“I really am sorry. I never meant for this to happen. I’m grateful you understand,” you muttered, gently taking his hand in yours. You slightly grinned. “And of course I was right, I always am. I’m happy for you. Truly. Maybe a bit jealous, but truly.”
In the following years, you spent most of your time with your family on Dragonstone. 
Sometimes, Aemond would write letters to you. It warmed your heart to know he still thought of you. He had matured immensely since you left. You heard tales of him, of the mysterious young Prince, rider of Vhagar, distinguished swordsman. It amused you to think of him in that light, when you could still remember beating him in duels as children and watching him complain to Ser Criston.
When your grandsire, King Viserys, was said to be very ill, your Mother decided it was finally time to return to King's Landing. 
It was good timing, since Rhaenyra would have the opportunity to introduce her youngest children to her Father, as well as inform him of the marriage pact between your brothers and Daemon’s daughters. It was also an opportunity to challenge Vaemond for Driftmark, which your Mother believed to be rightfully Lucerys’s. Rhaenys had a soft spot for you, and a respect for Rhaenyra, and your family knew she would eventually back you all and vouch for you to the King.
Upon arrival, Alicent greeted you. Daemon, able to see through her antics, had little patience for her speeches. Unlike him, you could see that she was trying her best to mend the family, if not for herself, then for her husband, who greatly desired it. 
She directed you to where Aemond was, so that her and your Mother could catch up. You found him in the courtyard, silently watching the ships in the harbor. Vhagar could be seen across the water, soaring through the sky.
You had grown into yourself since the last time in the city, but it was nothing, compared to Aemond. 
He was tall now, much taller than you. His hair was long, a shining silver, tied back out of his face. He carried himself like a warrior, with his head high. He was always a rather quiet person, but now his silence only added to his reverence. He wore an eye patch, covering the eye he lost. Even from a distance, you could see the slightly raised scar, which healed with a silver hue.
You had almost forgotten how handsome he was. He really was beautiful.
You couldn’t help yourself from smiling. You cleared your throat, alerting him of your presence. 
“Are you going to stand there all day, or am I expected to just hug myself?”
He smiled, a genuine rare smile. His voice was soft. “Y/N.”
Aemond, just as he wasn’t a man of many words, wasn’t a man accustomed to touch. He rarely ever sought out your touch, or anyone’s touch for that matter…it was only when he was really upset, and it was all that could pull him back from the brink. But this time, he opened his arms, hoping that you’d be just as excited to see him as he was to see you. 
You laughed, a bright sound that warmed his heart. You rushed over to him, securing your arms tight around his waist. You pressed your cheek to his chest, relishing in his hold. He was warm, and familiar.
“Look at you,” you murmured into his chest.
“Look at you,” he replied, leaning back to get a better look at you. “How have you managed to get even more beautiful since the last time I saw you?”
“Oh, hush. You’re one to talk.” You grinned.
“I’m glad to have you back. Finally, someone worth talking to. No one around here is capable of holding a halfway decent conversation.”
You shook your head, teasing. “Don’t exaggerate. You don’t like talking, anyway. I bet you were glad to see me go. ‘Finally, some peace and quiet.’ It’s a wonder I’ve put up with you for as long as I have.”
“Alright, alright. Truce. Come, Helaena will be happy to see you.”
You smiled, following him, but then groaned, realizing. “Please tell me Aegon isn’t around. I’d rather not spoil my day within minutes of my arrival. I cannot be held responsible for my actions if he bothers me. Surely, your mother would understand. You are the favorite, after all.”
Aemond hummed, chuckling. “Don’t push your luck.”
The day had turned out to be quite the series of events. You, amongst many other things, bore witness to Daemon beheading Vaemond Velaryon, in defense of your Mother. Vaemond had called you bastards, and Rhaenyra a whore. 
If Daemon hadn't done something about it, you would have. You didn’t take kindly to insults towards your family. While it was true that your brothers bore no resemblance to their father, you didn’t let that get in the way of defending them. 
To tell the truth, you harbored no great affection for your Father, Ser Laenor. He was a kind man, even kinder for fathering children that were not his, if there was to be any truth to the rumors. He loved you, as any father would, but he never made any attempts to strengthen yours and his relationship. 
Your Mother told you it was because you resembled the Targaryens. Your spirit reminded him of his sister, who he greatly missed. 
When he “passed,” and Daemon married your Mother, you were happier for it. You always enjoyed Daemon’s company, and of your siblings, he seemed to prefer you. He had no shame in hiding it. He was infinitely better at fathering girls.
You were happy to have Rhaena and Baela at your side during your time at Dragonstone, as well as Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys, who often visited. 
You had a great love for the Blacks. You were extremely loyal to them, and when they were threatened in court, you stood by Daemon's side without so much as flinching. 
Helaena gasped and turned away, shielded by her mother, even Aegon taking a step back. Aemond just watched, slightly bewildered, but intrigued. 
He met your eyes across the room, and your face was stoic. Brave. He had always liked that about you.
That night, the King ordered that the family dine together, united as one. It went about as well as could be expected with all the estranged family members in one room. 
You had grown quite fond of Daemon since he had married your Mother, and you shared an amused glance across the table as Alicent said a prayer before the meal.
You looked over towards Aemond, to see if you could catch his gaze, but he had his eyes dutifully closed. Whether he was actually praying, or just attempting to appease his own mother, you did not know. Still, you’d have to tease him for it later. 
Your Mother announced the betrothal of Jacaerys and Lucerys to Rhaena and Baela. The news was taken surprisingly well across the table, and you smiled fondly at each pair, truly grateful to see them all happy. Even more so grateful that you were finally getting true sisters. 
Aegon, being the bastard he is, had to spoil everyone's fun. You supposed he couldn’t help himself, it was in his nature to be a perpetual nuisance. Still, that fact didn’t make him any less insufferable.
You only heard the tail end of his words to Jace, not only embarrassing you brother in his attempt, but your soon to be sister in law. 
“Hold your tongue, Aegon. It would be a shame to see you lose it.”
Aegon grinned, narrowing his eyes at you. “Always a pleasure, aren’t you?”
You were sidetracked by the King congratulating Luke on his inheritance of Driftmark. The toast was short, once again interrupted by Aegon antagonizing Jace.
Jace clenched his jaw. “I believe my sister told you to hold your tongue. Are two warnings necessary, or are you just that daft? You can play the jester if you wish, but you will hold your tongue before my betrothed.” 
The King stood, expressing his sorrow to see his family so estranged. He removed his mask, giving you a view of his decaying face. You fought to keep your face steady, not wanting to offend him. You watched with respect as he did his best to stay upright, and instill the importance of message to you all. 
“Set aside your grievances. If not for the Crown, then for the man who loves you all. So dearly.”
You looked around the room as Alicent helped him sit, watching everyone’s faces. No one could seem to make eye contact, staring at their plates. Suddenly your Mother stood up, raising her cup. The King’s words seem to inspire a round of toasts, all of which struck you. Knowing the history of your Mother and Alicent, you felt a twinge in your heart at their words, smiling as you watched them commend each other.
Of course, the peace only lasted so long. The revered toasts game to jokes, blows to blows. Aegon angered your brother, who stood to look Aegon in the eye. At the intensity of the stares, Aemond stood as well, staring them both down.
Rolling your eyes, you cleared your throat, ever so slightly. Aemond caught your glare, and decided to sit, rather than endure your wrath. Jace and Aegon took it as their cue to follow, sitting and half heartedly making up, at least as cordially as they could without hitting each other.
Helaena stood, and as much as you loved her, you rolled your eyes, thinking that you couldn’t bear another awkward toast. To your surprise, although you don’t think she intended, she took a dig at Aegon, wounding his pride.
To your amusement even more so, when the harpist began to play, Jace asked Helaena to dance, who gladly accepted. The peace was once again overlooming, if only for a moment. Seeing your family smile brought a smile to your own face. You laughed as you watched Jace and Helaena dance, if you could even call it dancing. Your Mother’s laugh was bright, warming your heart. There was nothing more in the world you enjoyed more than seeing her happy. 
When the King groaned in pain, and was carried off by his guards, you knew it was the end of the peace. He was holding you all together, and without him, it was bound to crumble.
The final straw was the roasted pig, placed in front of Aemond on the table. You covered your mouth with your hand in realization, silently willing him not to react. You weren’t so lucky, because Luke snickered, and Aemond, never the one to let his pride be wounded, stood up for the final toast of the night. 
“To the health of my nephews. Jace, Luke, and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise…strong. Come, let us drain our cups to these three Strong boys.”
You finally stood, giving him a look of warning. “Aemond.”
Jace squared his shoulders. “I dare you to say that again.”
“Why? ‘Twas only a compliment. Do you not think yourself Strong?”
“Aemond!” You said louder, but you weren’t quick enough.
Jace quickly walked over, swinging and punching Aemond in the jaw. You gasped, although you did nothing to stand in the way. Aemond pushed Jace to the ground, guards suddenly filing in. You only stepped in when Aegon grabbed Luke, who was trying to come to his brother's defense, and pressed him to the table, holding him still.
“Unhand him or lose that hand,” you said, picking a knife up from a stray plate. 
Reluctantly, Aegon let go, and you pulled Luke into you, pushing him towards your Mother. You whipped around the table, moving next to stop your twin, but Daemon had beaten you to it. He held him back as you came to step beside him, and you overheard Aemond’s words to his mother. 
“I was merely expressing how proud I am of this family, Mother. Though it seems my nephews aren’t quite as proud of theirs.”
Your Mother ordered her children to go to their quarters, but you remained by Daemon’s side as you watched Aemond stand opposite of you. 
Aemond looked at Daemon, not necessarily willing to challenge him, but then he looked at you. He saw your face, riddled with anger and disappointment, and finally chose to step down, turning and walking out of the room. He didn’t look at you as he left. He walked straight past you, so close that all you had to do was reach out and touch him, but you didn’t.
You let him go.
As people began filing out of the room, Daemon turned to you. “You should have hit one of them. Gods know the bastards deserved it. I would have approved.”
You nodded, still seething. “There’s still time for it, I assure you. They’ll wish for it when I’ve finished with them.”
“I’m proud to call you my own.” He smirked at you, patting your shoulder before walking out of the room. “Make it hurt, darling.”
Your Mother and Alicent were all who were left, except a few guards and servants. You suddenly felt the urge to cry, and you rushed over to your Mother, nudging into her side. She ran a comforting hand through your hair, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“I think it’s best we go back to Dragonstone, my love.”
Alicent shook her head, taking your Mother’s hand. She placed her other hand on your arm. “Please, don’t go. You’ve only just arrived.”
Rhaenyra nodded, sighing. “Let me see the children home. I’ll come back on dragonback.”
Your eyes widened, and you turned to her. “Mother, you can’t come alone, not in your condition. I can see everyone home, or I can come back with you.”
She shook her head, cupping your cheek in her palm. “No, love, I need you with your brothers. You’re the only level headed one out of them all, including Daemon. I want to know that you’re safe, that you’re all together. Say your goodbyes.”
You wanted to argue, but you just nodded in defeat. You looked to Alicent, who gave your hand a comforting squeeze.
“Helaena will want to say her goodbyes. She’s been dying for you to meet the children. And Aemond…I know he acted tonight without cause, and I will not defend it. But please, let him see you off, too. He sulked for a month the last time you left. He’s too prideful to come to you himself, and he knows he’s angered you. I won’t blame you if you don’t say goodbye, but I’m urging you to. You know where he’ll be.”
You nodded. “Of course, Your Grace. He may have made a fool of himself, but I know I can persuade him to apologize. I’ll say goodbye to both of them, I promise. Thank you for the opportunity.”
Alicent smiled at you with a genuine fondness. She turned to your Mother. “You’ve raised a fine daughter, Rhaenyra. She’s just like you.”
Your Mother smiled. “Yes, I’m very proud. I don’t know where she gets it all from. Go ahead, say your goodbyes, my girl.”
You nodded at them both, turning to leave the room. You knew where Aemond would be, it was where he always went to sulk. 
Sure enough, you found him up on the hill just outside the dragonpit. Vhagar was too large to stay in the pit, so she slept outside when she stayed close to the castle. Aemond always went to the pit, standing on a perch that overlooked the hill so he could watch Vhagar. 
You supposed it was because, while Aemond was a very independent person, he didn’t truly enjoy being alone. With Vhagar nearby, he could still feel like someone he connected to was closeby, without ever having to go to another person and face the risk of embarrassment. 
When you still lived in the city, half the time, he’d choose to come to you. The other half, this is where he’d be.
You clenched your jaw, willing yourself not to shout at him. It wouldn’t accomplish anything, and it would only cause him to sulk further. You could see his shoulders square, and his body tense. You hadn’t made your presence known, but he had picked up on it anyway. 
“If you expect me to show you pity, you have the wrong idea. Do you want to tell me what that little performance was?”
He said nothing, but you could see him flex his hand, balling his fingers into a fist. 
“I suggest you speak now because I will be gone by morning.” This got his attention, and he turned his head just enough that he could see you. “What?”
“Mother has ordered we go back to Dragonstone,” you informed. “I tried to get her to let me stay, but she wouldn’t hear it. I don’t know when I’ll be back.”
Aemond hummed, his eyes cast to his feet. He just nodded, turning back to face Vhagar.
You scoffed. “Really? You have nothing to say to me? If you let me leave now without an explanation, don’t bother sending a raven because I won’t receive it. So, what will it be?”
He turned around to fully face you, taking a step forward. “I…I’m sorry.”
You raised a brow. “Sorry? You’re sorry? It was one dinner, Aemond. Surely you could have made it through without adding any more fuel to the fire. I understand your resentment towards my brothers, and I know Aegon was no help, but for fucks sake. You had no right.”
“Jacaerys insulted my family!” Aemond said, taking yet another step towards you.
You took a step forward, shortening the gap between you both. Your eyes were full of anger, your voice bitter.
“No, Aemond, no he didn’t. Your brother made snide remarks, not only to Jace, but to my soon to be sister, and Jace stood up for her. If Aegon is who you are offended on behalf of, you have misunderstood who your true family is. You, however, insulted my family. Belittling my brothers is one thing, even I do it when they’re being uncivil. But they did no such thing.”
Aemond wouldn’t meet your eyes, looking down at the ground.
“To question their legitimacy in front of the entire family, and in front of the King no less, is to question mine. Or have you forgotten I’m a so-called Strong, too? I may not have the looks, but I am every bit of his child as my brothers are, if you truly believe it to be so. I will not have you think any less of me because of it.”
He met your eyes at the accusation, his face softening. “Y/N, you know I would never question that about you–”
“Do I, Aemond? Do I know that? Because you seemed pretty content to do so tonight. Hear me when I say this, I can’t be more clear about it. I don’t give a shit who my real father is. I would be just as proud to call Ser Harwin my father as I was to call Ser Laenor my father. Just as I regard Daemon as my father. The truth of it matters not to me, and it shouldn’t to you either. Do you think of me less because of my parentage?”
“Then why question it? Why, in an effort to humiliate my brothers, would you drag me into it? What purpose does it serve you?”
Aemond nodded ever so slightly, his shoulders slumping. Reluctantly, he reached for one of your hands, and you begrudgingly accepted.
“I know. I acted on impulse, and I didn’t think–”
“Exactly, Aemond,” you said, although you didn’t let go of his hand. “You didn’t think.”
“I’m sorry.” You felt him squeeze your hand ever so slightly. You squeezed back.
You brought your other hand up to cup his chin and turn his head to face yours. You held him still, so he had to meet your gaze. Your voice was soft.
“Answer me this, then. I know you have no great love for your own father, and that is understandable. If you discovered that he wasn’t your true father, tell me in truth, would it really matter? Because if it doesn’t, why should mine? Does my parentage really matter that much to you? Or any of my family’s, for that matter?”
He shook his head. “No. It doesn’t matter. It is no one’s fault what family they’re born into.”
“Exactly. Blood isn’t what defines a family. Your family is who you choose it to be, and the rest doesn’t matter. I don’t give a shit about blood. My Mother is my family, Daemon is my family, my brothers and their betrothed are my family.”
You intertwined your fingers with his, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand. “You’re my family, you insufferable idiot. You, and Helaena, even your mother. And that is enough. That is who I pick. Are you hearing me?”
He nodded, face softening, his shoulders relaxing. His voice was quiet. “You’re mine, too.”
“Good,” you nodded, pulling him along with you. “You’re going to come with me to apologize to your mother, Gods only know what she must think of me and my brothers now.”
“She likes you. She smiles when I mention you.”
You grinned to yourself, tugging him along. “Fine, we can do that later. But we are going to say goodbye to Helaena, I have yet to meet her children, and I won’t leave here without doing so. I feel so bad for her, cooped up everyday with no one to talk to. Promise me you’ll be with her more. I know she’s lonely. Promise me.”
“I promise, Y/N. But why am I coming with you to say goodbye, I am not the one leaving.”
“Because…I don’t want to leave you alone just yet. I’ve only just arrived, and now I will be without you again. I’m taking all the time I can get…and, in the event that we run into your brother, you will be here to stop me from doing anything rash, like maiming him, or possibly killing him, I haven’t decided yet.”
You could hear him chuckle, knowing from the sound of his voice that he was smiling. 
“That’s my girl.”
You left the next day, as did your family. It had been difficult to leave some of them behind. You knew in your heart that you wouldn’t see the King again, his health declining as rapidly as it was. You heart ached to see your Mother leave, just after it seemed like her relationship with Alicent was beginning to mend.
It hurt your heart even more so to leave behind Helaena. She cried when you told her, upset to see you go after you had only just arrived, and you comforted her as best you could, visiting with her and her children. You left her room nearly in tears, begging Aemond to pay more attention to her, to make sure she and her children were happy, and away from Aegon’s influence. 
A promise is a promise.
He agreed, holding you close. He didn’t say much, just keeping you by his side for as long as he could. In the end, he saw you off with your family, promising to write. You asked him to visit, if he was able. After all, he had a dragon now, he could go wherever he wanted. He said he would try, and you said nothing else about it.
He didn’t actually say the word ‘goodbye.’ You supposed it may have been too difficult for him. You most certainly were having a hard time with it, so you didn’t say it either. You just promised that you would see him soon.
If only you had known how soon it would be.
In less than a month, your life had changed drastically. 
Within a fortnight, once you had settled back home, Daemon heard rumors of a rogue dragon, hidden away off the coast of Dragonstone. Her description matched that of Meraxes, a dragon thought to be dead. The last to claim her was Queen Rhaenys, sister and wife of Aegon the Conqueror. 
Meraxes was said to be even bigger than Vhagar, only second to Balerion, who had died years before. If it was true, and Meraxes really was alive, the Blacks had a chance to claim the biggest dragon in the world. 
With all of your brothers having already claimed a dragon, and you still without one, Daemon decided she would be yours to claim, if she chose you. 
You were shocked when he told you, but you went with him willingly to the cave she supposedly dwelled in. You rode on the back of Caraxes, fighting the pit in your stomach as your feet left the ground. You had been on dragonback before, but to know the next time you mount a dragon it may be your own, it had you frazzled.
“I believe it’s time you had a dragon of your own, don’t you?”
“What if she doesn’t choose me? What if she isn’t even real?”
He shook his head, grinning at you. “She’s real. And she’ll be yours. I can feel it.”
When you made it to the cave, Daemon walked with you as far as he could go. He stopped at the entrance, handing you a torch. 
“It’s up to you now. Do me a favor, come out of there unharmed. I couldn’t handle your Mother’s wrath if I went and got her only daughter killed.”
“I’ll be alright. You don’t sound too worried, Kepa.”
He smiled, a genuine smile. “Go on.”
Once in the cave, it took you a few minutes to get your bearings. You grew a little anxious, but you swallowed your nerves, continuing on. You were going to do this for your family. You were going to do this for yourself. You let out a low hum, signaling anything inside of your presence. You walked for a little while longer, before you heard a low rumble, humming back to you. 
You turned the corner, and sure enough, there she was. Glowing gold eyes and silver scales. She was beautiful.
She sniffed the air, opening her mouth, a shrill roar coming from her throat. Heat filled the room as she widened her jaws, and you could see the ball of fire at the back of her throat.
You held your hand out, calling out to her. “Kesan gaomagon ao daor ōdrikagon.”
I will do you no harm.
“Nyke iderēbagon ao, Merakses. Gaomagon ao iderēbagon nyke?”
I choose you, Meraxes. Do you choose me?
Meraxes hummed, inching closer to you. You held your breath and her snout came inches from your face, her teeth bared. You looked up into her eyes as she narrowed hers at you, staying still. 
You took a breath, closing your eyes. You held a hand out straight in front of you. 
“Iksi mēre isse keskydoso. Lentor.”
We are one in the same. Family.
You opened your eyes as you felt her nudge her snout into your hand, her breath hot on your hand. You smiled, excitement bubbling in your chest.
“Good girl, Meraxes.”
“Ivestragī īlva jikagon ūndegon ñuha kepa, Merakses. Rȳbagon naejot nyke.”
Let us go see my Father, Meraxes. Listen to me.
You climbed up her back, settling with your legs wrapped at the base of her neck. You leaned forward, gripping the spikes along her spine. 
“We’ll have to fit you for a saddle and reigns, my girl. Obey, now. Jikagon.”
She stood, racing for the entrance of the cave. You grinned wide as you felt the wind through your hair, laughing as she breached the entrance. Meraxes soared into the sky, looping around the tops of the trees. 
You saw Daemon on the ground, cheering. 
“Get Caraxes, Daemon! I’ll fly the rest of the way on my own,” you shouted down. 
You soared off towards Dragonstone, knowing Daemon wasn’t far behind. You couldn’t hide your smile as you flew up through the clouds, holding tight to Meraxes. When you finally reached Dragonstone, you landed atop the hill. You climbed down, walking around to face Meraxes.
“Jikagon, ñuha riña. Sōvegon. Ao gīmigon skori naejot māzigon arlī naejot nyke.”
Go, my girl. Fly. You know when to come back to me.
You ran a hand along her cheek before stepping back, and Meraxes took off into the clouds. You waited for Daemon to return at the edge of the castle, and grinned as you saw him and Caraxes break through the clouds. He quickly dismounted, letting Caraxes go, before rushing over to you.
“My girl,” he said, pulling you into a hug. “I knew she’d choose you.”
You smiled, hugging him back. “She’s incredible. I can’t believe it. Thank you for taking me.”
“No child of mine will be without a dragon. Come, let's show your Mother I brought you back in one piece.”
You nodded, following him into the castle. On your way to your Mother’s chambers, you passed Jacaerys. He ran up excitedly.
“Is it true? Is she real?”
“She’s real. And she’s mine.”
Jace laughed, throwing an arm around your shoulder. “I told you that you’d have a dragon one day! Vermax always liked you. Even Vhagar liked you. Of course Meraxes would.”
“There’s time for celebration later, children. Come, Y/N.”
You nodded, waving to Jace, before following Daemon to greet your Mother. He held open the door for you, and you stepped in to see Rhaenyra sat at her table, holding baby Viserys. She turned as you entered and smiled, handing Viserys over to Daemon.
“You did it, didn’t you?”
You nodded, unable to contain your excitement, and your Mother laughed, that warm laugh that would comfort you in the darkest of times. She pulled you into her and you settled into her arms, resting your face in the crook of her neck. She cradled your head with her hand, holding you tightly. 
“My sweet girl,” she pressed a kiss to your head, smiling fondly. “I couldn’t be more proud of you.”
“You’d think she was Queen Rhaenys herself, with how she rides,” Daemon said, grinning at his girls. 
“We must celebrate. Luke has been asking for you. I think he was more excited than any of us.”
“He just wants to brag,” you laughed. “No doubt to the Greens. I don’t think I want to tell anyone else about Meraxes, not just yet at least. I’d like it to be a surprise.”
Daemon laughed, patting your shoulder. “And what a surprise it will be.”
The next morning, you were awoken by your Mother’s screams.
You rushed down the hall to see your brothers. 
“What is going on?”
Jace stopped you from entering Rhaenyra’s chambers. “Mother has begun her labors.”
“What? She isn’t far enough along!”
“I know! But you must calm down. I was asked to collect you and Luke, we are to report to Mother, she has asked for us. Daemon is in the throne room, all of the Lords have gathered. I am to report to him afterwards. Something has happened, but we must remain calm, for her and the babe’s sake, alright?”
You took a breath, nodding. You grabbed Luke’s hand, who was wide eyed and scared. You let Jace lead you in. 
Your Mother was in nothing but her blood covered shift, hair wild as she clutched to the beam on her balcony. She was groaning in pain, bent over as she tried to steady herself.
“Mother?” Jace asked wearily. 
You clutched Luke to you, grasping the back of Jace’s elbow with your free hand. 
Your Mother turned to you. “Your grandsire, King Viserys, has passed. The Greens have repudiated the succession and claimed the Iron Throne. Aegon has been crowned King.”
Your eyes widened in shock, and you let go of Jace to bring a hand up to your mouth. How could this happen? In such a short time, how did it all crumble? Did anyone do anything to stop it? Did Aemond? Your stomach turned at the thought.
“What is to be done about it?” Jace asked.
“Nothing, yet. Jacaerys, whatever claim remains to me, you are now its heir. Naught is to be done but by my command.”
Jace nodded, and Luke and him left the room. Your Mother groaned in pain, doubling over.
“Mother, I will be right back, I promise.”
“No, Y/N–” “I will not hear of it! I will be by your side! I will return in a moment.”
You willed yourself not to cry, stepping out of the room. You followed Jacaerys’s steps, marching into the throne room. You spotted Daemon, stepping past Jace.
“What has happened? Why has Mother begun her labors, it is far too early. And who let that fucking bastard sit upon the Iron Throne?”
Daemon sighed, walking over to you. “Calm down–”
“I will not! Mother is alone in there while you’re out here plotting a war. I understand the importance, but by all accounts, she is now the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Should we not wait for her word?”
Jacaerys nodded. “My Mother has decreed no action be taken while she is abed.”
“It’s good you’re here, young Prince. You’re needed to patrol the skies on Vermax. Y/N, Meraxes would be–”
“Did you hear what we said?” Jace asked, standing by your side.
Your Mother screamed, and you shook your head, turning to go.
“Tell no one outside of this room about Meraxes, I won't have the Greens know of her until she becomes of some use to us. Settle this amongst yourselves, I won’t leave Mother alone for another minute. And for fucks sake, please swallow your pride and do as she asks. No, as she commands. She’s your Queen, now. Act like it. Jace, I trust you can handle this.”
He nodded, and you turned to the other Lords, then to Daemon. 
“I am asking that you give me the afternoon, so we can see to it that the Queen is safe. Trust me, I will stand by you as soon as this is over. You will have me and Meraxes. Heads will roll.”
You walked out of the room, rushing to your Mother’s chambers. You pushed open the door, brushing past the handmaidens gathered in the corner. 
“Princess, let us help you,” one of them begged, holding back tears.
You went over to your Mother who was squatted by her bed, holding onto the post. “Mother, you’re going to let me help you.”
She shook her head, tears rolling down her cheeks. She groaned, clawing at her thighs. She moved to rest on her knees, and you held her forearms, steadying her. The handmaidens were pleading with her to let them help. 
“Mother, if you won’t accept theirs, you will accept mine. I was here for Aegon and Viserys, I will be here for this babe, too. What do you need?”
She leaned her forehead to rest against your shoulder, gripping your forearms as you held her up.
“Make it stop!”
You felt tears well in your eyes as you ran a hand through her hair, pressing your other to her stomach. 
“Rest on your knees, and push. You’re doing so well.”
She cried out, and a gush of blood fell to the floor below, pooling around her thighs. 
“Please, help hold me up.” You nodded and moved your hands to her waist, moving her weight to lean against you. You grimaced and turned your head as she groaned into your ear, reaching down to try and pull the baby out herself. With a final push, she slumped against you, and you scrambled to catch the baby as it slipped out. 
Your Mother fell back to sit, and you steadied her as you moved to her side, now facing the handmaidens as well. You looked down to see a pool of blood, with your baby sister resting in it. The baby looked closer to a dragon than she did a human, her body scaly and her features morphed. You looked away, squeezed your eyes tight and took a breath, settling behind Rhaenyra so she could relax against you. 
You could hear the handmaidens cry as your Mother picked up the baby, cradling it in her arms. A sob passed her lips, and you finally opened your eyes, leaning your forehead against her shoulder.
“She’s beautiful, Mother. You did so well. Visenya was the name you picked if it was a girl, wasn’t it? I think that suits her.”
Your Mother let out a wail, pressing her face into your neck. You wrapped your arms around her shoulders, gently swaying her back and forth. You could see Daemon enter the room, and you looked up at him in despair. 
“I’m so sorry,” you murmured, clutching your Mother tight. Daemon bowed his head, hiding his tears. He quickly left the room, leaving you with Rhaenyra.
She wouldn’t let you in the room with her and the Silent Sisters. You begged her to let you stay, but she wouldn’t relent. She could barely speak without crying.
“I cannot allow it, my love. You’ve done more than enough for me. But I have to do this on my own.”
You nodded, respecting her wishes. You found Daemon later that day, on the beach. He had fallen to his knees on the shoreline, his head bowed low. He had silent tears, running down his cheeks. You approached him, crouching down next to him. You had blood staining the bottom of your dress, it clouding the water where you sat.
You gently laid your hand on his. “I’m so sorry. I wish I could have done something.”
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “...Was it a girl?”
“It was,” you smiled sadly. “Mother said you would’ve called her Visenya.”
Daemon nodded, resting his head on yours. You could feel tears land in your hair. “I am lucky enough to have one remarkable daughter. You’ve done more for your Mother today than any father should ever have to ask of his child. I’m glad you were with her, when I couldn’t be.”
That evening, you held a service for your baby sister. A funeral pyre was lit for her. Within hours, Lords had come to your Mother’s support, and she was formally crowned Queen in front of the masses. You and all your family, the Blacks, as well as the Lords and knights under your command, bent the knee and swore fealty to her. 
That night, you stayed by your Mother’s side for as long as she would allow you to. She held you close, cupping your face in her hands.
“I am so proud of you, sweet girl. Thank you for today. I don’t think I would have made it through without you.”
After you left her chambers to head to your own, your brothers stopped you, and made sure you were alright. Luke hugged you tight as Jace laid a hand on your shoulder.
“We heard what you did for Mother today. I can’t imagine it,” Luke said into your shoulder.
You shook your head. “You both were very brave today, too. You took charge, spoke for Mother when she couldn’t herself. I know it was scary, but you handled it well. You’re going to make fine rulers some day.”
The following days were spent planning for imminent war. Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys assisted, offering their fleet and dragons as help. Lords around the realm either staked their claim of support, or backed the Greens.
Otto Hightower came to give Aegon’s terms. Among making your brothers shields and cupbearers, he proposed that you live out your days as a servant as well, and one of his choosing. It took all you had left in you to not call Meraxes and burn Otto to the ground, and tell Aegon to take his terms and cram them down his throat.
Your Mother told him that she would have a response for him the following day, much to Daemon’s displeasure. As much as you would have enjoyed watching Daemon take Otto’s head, you were completely loyal to your Mother, and would stand by her in every decision she made. 
When making battle plans, your Mother knew she had to get word to the pivotal Lords of the realm, before the Greens sunk their claws in themselves. 
Any love you had for the Greens had died along with your baby sister. While you were sure Helaena and her children were innocent in the matter, the rest of them were to blame. Yuu found it hard to believe some of them could have stooped so low. Aegon and Otto made sense, but the rest of them you didn’t understand. You didn’t know how Aemond was involved in all of it, but you knew he did nothing to stop the betrayal. 
As far as you were concerned, they could all burn. Princess Rhaenys would have done the realm a favor if she had just burned that little bastard to ash in the dragonpit when she had the chance. 
As a way of moving the plans along faster, your brother made a proposal. 
“We should bear those messages. Dragons can fly faster than ravens, and they’re more convincing. Send us,” Jace said, standing next to Luke. 
You looked across the table to your Mother, watching her contemplate. 
“The Prince is right, Your Grace,” Lord Corlys added.
Heads turned to look at your brothers, who stood next to their betrothed. Your Mother finally relented, nodding.
“Very well. Prince Jacaerys will fly north. First to the Eerie to see my mother’s cousin, the Lady Jeyne Arryn, and then to Winterfell to treat with Lord Cregan Stark for the support of the north. Prince Lucerys will fly south to Storm’s End and treat with Lord Borros Baratheon. We must remind these Lords of the oaths they swore, and the cost of breaking them.”
Your Mother looked at you, offering you a smile. “Princess Y/N will remain here for the time being, and will assist if necessary. I expect Meraxes will be needed in the near future, and she will serve us much better as a surprise for the Greens. The Princess will stay to help decide when the best time for that is.”
Everyone nodded, knowing their positions, and dispersed to do their duties. 
Hours later, your brothers, as well as Princess Rhaenys, were ready to leave for the skies. You stood by your Mother as your brothers approached, each being handed a scroll with a message from the Queen. 
“If you take this errand, you go as messengers, not as warriors. You must take no part in any fighting…Cregan Stark is closer to your age than mine. I would hope that as men, you can find some common interest.”
Jace nodded, taking the scroll from her. “Yes, Your Grace.”
She turned to Luke, handing him his scroll. She offered him a smile when she saw his uneasy face. “Storm's End is a short flight from here. You have Baratheon blood from your grandmother, Rhaenys. And, Lord Borros is an eternally proud man..he will be honored to host a prince of the realm, and his dragon. I expect you will receive a very warm welcome.”
“Yes Mothe–Your Grace,” Luke said, taking his scroll. 
You smiled at him, bringing him into a quick hug. You turned to Jace, who opened his arms for you. You hugged him tight, before stepping back to your Mother’s side.
“If either of you do something stupid and make me come save you, I will wring your neck. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy taking Meraxes, but I would hope my first time flying with you wasn’t to save your ass. Both of you do me that favor, please.”
Your Mother laughed, your brothers smiling. “I wouldn’t have put it in those words, but yes, you’re right. Listen to your sister, my boys. Go to it, then.”
Within the hour, your brothers and grandmother had taken to the skies, soaring over the water until they were specks on the horizon. 
It was the first evening of peace in a while. You sat with your mother, and baby Aegon and Viserys, who were babbling to each other in broken Valyrian. You would have your Mother all to yourself for the next few weeks, content to be by her side whenever she needed you. 
Something had been bothering you for weeks now, ever since you left King’s Landing. You had yet to find the right time to bring it up, but now seemed as good a time as any.
“Mother?” You asked, getting her attention. “I have something to ask.”
She nodded at you, waiting for you to continue.
“I am aware the timing couldn’t be any worse, but…I’ve been thinking. I know you don’t truly want a war. And I think, the path that would have the least resistance, is a marriage pact.”
She raised a brow, setting her hand on yours. “A marriage pact? Between who, my love? You?”
You nodded. “I am of age, and Luke and Jace are betrothed. I think it would be easier and less divisive to the family, if we were to offer my hand.”
“To whom?” She asked, and you fought the heat creeping to your cheeks. She gave you a small and knowing smile, squeezing your hand.
“I see. Don’t worry yourself with the matter, love. It is a conversation for later. I won’t ask anything of you unless it is entirely necessary. Just rest, for now.” 
You nodded, settling into your seat.
Of course the peace had to be disturbed, as it inevitably always is. You supposed you knew it wouldn’t have lasted. You had had a pit in your stomach from the minute your brothers left on dragonback, and it finally was catching up to you.
Daemon rushed in, searching for you. “Meraxes is on the hilltop.”
Your Mother quirked a brow. “So? Doesn’t she spend half her time up there?”
“Not like this,” Daemon said, looking at you. “She’s restless, irritable. She seems like she’s looking for you, Y/N. You know that dragons are connected to their rider, and they can feel when you’re in distress, just like you can feel when they’re in distress. So tell me the truth, do you feel something right now?”
You felt your stomach drop at his words, and warily nodded. Your Mother sat up straight. 
Daemon took your hand, getting your attention. “Tell me now. What are you feeling?”
“I don’t know,” you shook your head. “I’ve had a pit in my stomach since the boys left. I thought I just missed them, I couldn’t pin the feeling down as worry.”
“But not for your grandmother? Just for the boys?” He asked.
“No, not her. It was after seeing Luke, he seemed nervous. But he ought to be, it’s his first time without guidance, he’s doing this alone.”
“Y/N, listen very carefully. I need you to focus hard. What does Meraxes know that you don’t? What has she seen that you haven't?”
“I don’t understand–”
“Focus, my love, please” your Mother said, taking your other hand. “Are the boys in danger?”
Your heart ached for your Mother, knowing she couldn’t bear to lose another child. You closed your eyes, thinking hard. You let your thoughts wander, feeling your connection to Meraxes. Suddenly, you opened your eyes, gasping. 
“She saw Vhagar. She must have flown near Storm’s End. Aemond will be there by the time Luke arrives, he may already be there.”
Your Mother put a hand to her stomach, like she was going to be sick. “Oh, Gods.”
Daemon squeezed your hand. “You know him better than anyone. Would he truly hurt the boy?”
“Are we willing to risk it? I want to say I don’t think Aemond is capable of doing it, but I didn’t think he was capable of standing by while his brother usurped the throne. I’m going.”
You turned to leave the room, but your Mother stopped you. 
“Wait! You don’t know what you’re walking into. I will not risk two more of my children.”
“Mother, please trust me. I will be fine. Meraxes won’t let any harm come to me. She is the biggest dragon in the world, even Vhagar doesn’t stand a chance against her. If Vhagar is truly what has Meraxes so unsettled, then I’m going. I won’t risk Luke not acting on a feeling.”
“I hope to the Gods that I am wrong, that Aemond has not fallen so far. But if he has, I am all that would stop him. Luke and Arrax need me. You said that I am to remain here until Meraxes is necessary, and now she is. I would rather expose Meraxes to the Greens than regret hiding in the shadows. I will be back soon, Mother, I promise. And I’ll have Luke with me.”
Your Mother sighed, gripping your hands in hers. “Y/N–”
“Please,” you interrupted, squeezing her hands. “I can do this.”
She choked back a cry, pulling you into a hug. “Alright, fine. But be quick about it. You turn back at the first sign of danger. Get in and get out, don’t antagonize Aemond. Promise me.”
“I promise,” you nodded.
“Do you want me to come with you?” Daemon asked, a look of worry set on his face.
You shook your head. “We can’t risk anyone else, and the Queen is the most important thing now. I’d rather have you by Mother’s side than with me. I’m praying that this is just a feeling, and that I’m wrong, but if it’s not, I won’t risk you, too. I’ll be careful, I promise. I’ll be back soon.”
You pulled the both of them into a tight hug, before marching out of the room. You ran to the hilltop, approaching Meraxes. She had yet to be saddled, but you had no time to change that. 
“It’s time to go, my girl,” you called out as you climbed up her wing and onto her back. “Sōvegon!”
Meraxes took to the skies, soaring into the clouds. You gripped her tight as you clung to her, willing her to fly as fast as she could. With her size, it would not take long to reach Storm’s End. Hopefully, you’d arrive soon after Luke. 
You tried not to think about all the horrible possibilities as you brought a hand up to shield yourself from the rain. You could hardly see, but you shook your head, blinking back tears. You were going to make it in time, and Lucerys was going to be fine. 
By the time you reached Storm’s End, Luke and Arrax, as well as Aemond and Vhagar, were nowhere to be found. You looked around in confusion as you circled the castle, before directing Maraxes to fly upwards. Maybe there’d be a better look from above the rain clouds. 
As you reached the top of the clouds, you scanned the skies for any sign of movement. Suddenly, a dark figure passed below you. 
Vhagar flew through the air, Aemond mounted on her back. “Daor, Vhagar! Rȳbagon naejot nyke!”
No, Vhagar! Listen to me!”
You heard a dark rumble below, followed by a cry, and you finally spotted your brother just ahead of Vhagar, scrambling to get away.
You panicked, swooping down. You had hoped to manage somehow catching up to Luke before he arrived, turning him back so Aemond never saw Meraxes. But seeing Vhagar fly recklessly, her jaws open, and Aemond doing nothing to stop her, you knew you had to step in. 
“Dracarys!” You screamed, pointing Meraxes towards Vhagar. You knew it wouldn’t stop her, but it would at the very least distract her. Meraxes breathed fire, cutting Aemond off from Lucerys. 
“Keligon! Dohaeragon aōha āeksio!”
Stop! Serve your master!
Aemond looked to you in shock as you flew between Vhagar and Arrax, blocking Luke and Arrax from view. Vhagar tried to go around you as Aemond desperately pulled on her reigns. 
“Keligon! dohaeragon aōha āeksio! Submit, Vhagar!”
You are not her equal.
Meraxes roared, spreading her wings to their full span. Her eyes were blazing, her teeth bared. She was showing her dominance, and Vhagar seemed to recognize her ancestor. They had flown together in the time of Aegon’s conquest, siblings being their riders. 
Now, they were at odds, just as their riders were. 
You turned to Luke, who had just narrowly escaped death. 
“Go home, Luke! I will not ask again.”
He shook his head. “I won’t abandon you.”
“Lucerys, please! I’m begging you. Go home, now! There’s no time for this. I love you. Arrax, henujagon! Jikagon arlī naejot Zaldrīzesdōron. Obey!"
Leave! Go back to Dragonstone.
Meraxes roared, a sound so loud it seemed to vibrate the very air itself. Arrax submitted, turning and flying in the opposite direction, taking your brother with them. With Meraxes blocking them from Vhagar’s view, they escaped. 
You kept your brother guarded, Meraxes reclaiming dominance over Vhagar. She finally submitted, going still. Aemond relaxed his hold on her reins, his eyes wide as he watched you command his dragon.  
You felt nothing but rage as you hovered in the air, glaring daggers at Aemond.
“Have you lost your fucking mind? He’s my brother! My baby brother, and you were just going to murder him in cold blood? Take on the title of kinslayer? How far you have fallen, Aemond. Never thought I’d see the day.”
Aemond shook his head, still bewildered, staring at Meraxes. “H-how–”
“Meraxes was still alive, in a cave off of Dragonstone. I claimed her. She’s mine now. Tell your brother he should be scared,” you said, turning to follow your brother. 
“Wait!” Aemond called, and you reluctantly listened. “I wasn’t trying to hurt him. Vhagar, she wouldn’t listen to me. I couldn’t stop her.”
“But you chose to chase Luke, did you not? Taunt him? Was it worth risking his life? You’re so lucky I arrived in time. I would never have forgiven you if you got him killed. I can hardly stand looking at you as it is. Tell me, was the King’s body even cold before your little plot to crown Aegon was put into motion?”
Aemond looked desperate, shaking his head. “I had nothing to do with that, you know I wouldn’t wish it. I despise my brother more than anyone.”
“And yet you did nothing to stop it. Are you going to look me in the eye and tell me you did your best to prevent it? Because if you did, it would be my Mother sitting on the Iron Throne, not that usurper bastard.”
He was silent, knuckles white as he gripped the reins. 
You almost laughed, scoffing. “Nothing to say? Your actions today could have single handedly started an all out war. My Mother may be considering civility, but if she lost yet another child because of your selfishness, your betrayal, it would have been the spark that ended in cities drowning in blood. And it would have been all your fault.”
Aemond’s brows furrowed. “Another child? You cannot mean–”
“Yes,” you said, your voice dripping with venom. “Your mother’s betrayal nearly killed my Mother. She lost the baby…a daughter. Visenya.”
His face softened, and you willed yourself not to cry. Despite your anger, you still cared for Aemond, so deeply. It hurt, seeing him look at you with such gentleness. It hurt to still love him. Your chest was tight, your heart in your throat, and an immovable pit in your stomach. What you would have given to turn off your feelings for him at that moment.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. Truly, I am. I never wished for this.”
You furiously wiped a stray tear, shaking your head. “I don’t want to hear it, Aemond, I really don’t. I can’t even stand the sight of you. Gods, to think…to think that I…”
“That you what? What, Y/N?”
Your face was cold. “To think that I was going to ask my Mother for a marriage pact, to offer to the Greens. As much as I hate you all for what you did, I couldn’t bear witnessing your deaths, all over a fucking throne. I was going to ask, so I didn’t have to see any more of our family caught in the crossfire.”
“A marriage pact? Surely you cannot mean you’d practically sell yourself into a loveless marriage just to appease my brother. To whom? To whom would you ask?”
You nearly rolled your eyes at his obliviousness. “To you, you fucking idiot. Would I ever choose anyone else?”
His eyes widened at your words, shock evident upon his face. “Me? Why in Seven Hells would you ever pick me?”
“Do I have to spell it out for you?” You asked. “Isn’t it obvious?”
Now he was getting angry, too. “I should say not? But do enlighten me. Why me, not anyone else?”
You nearly screamed, you were so frustrated. “Because I fucking love you, you complete and utter fool! You, and no one else, despite my best interest.”
You brought the heels of your hands to your eyes, covering them. Your voice was much softer now.
“It’s always been you. Don’t you know that?”
Aemond was in shock now, his jaw slack. He felt his heart pound at your words, watching the girl he had loved for so many years, practically offering herself up to him on a silver platter. He felt sick to his stomach.
“No,” he shook his head. “Not like that. I will not have you like that, only in it to protect your family from further harm. I will not allow you to bind yourself to me.”
You felt a sharp twinge in your chest at his words, not meeting his eyes. “I am not enough for you, then? You couldn’t find it in yourself to settle, if not for me, then for the sake of our family?”
“Settle?” He asked, exasperated. “How could you think that? Have I not made my affection for you abundantly clear over the years? You, Y/N…are more than I will ever deserve. There is not a man in this world worthy of you.”
He nearly laughed now, shaking his head. “Do you really question that? Of course I love you, too. Which is why I won’t let you do this to yourself.”
“It is not your choice, Aemond! It’s mine. And I choose you. I always have. Do not mistake the loyalty I have for my family as contempt for you. This was no one’s decision but my own. And yes, you’re right, if it is what prevents our families from further conflict, I would do it in a heartbeat. But I would have asked one day anyways, regardless of if this happened or not. You’re my family, too.”
“Then let’s ask,” he said, his voice soft, causing you to meet his gaze.
“Let’s ask our mothers. Surely it is the best course of action. I love you, and you say you love me. If it is really true, what other choice do we have? I can think of no better proposal to return to my mother with. Our family cannot truly be at war, if we bind it further with a betrothal. What’s the worst that can happen?”
You shook your head. “You’re serious?”
“Of course I am! I’ve been waiting to hear you say those exact words for years. This is not how I imagined it to be, but I imagined it, no less.”
You were quiet for a moment, staring at him. You narrowed your eyes. 
“I’m still furious with you. This changes nothing. You still betrayed me.”
“And I will spend a lifetime trying to make up for it, if our mothers allow. I know I hurt you, and there aren’t enough words I could say to tell you how sorry I am. But, please, let me try. Let me do this for us.”
Your brain was screaming, trying to tell you how irrational you were being. But your heart was aching along with it, and you couldn’t take your eyes off of the man you loved. You sighed, your voice thick with emotion.
“Fine. Ask your mother, and I’ll ask mine. But this is your one chance, you won’t get another. Aemond, if you so much as think of pulling something like this again, that’s it. I’ll never forgive you for it.”
“I wouldn’t blame you. I love you, Y/N. And I promise, I will spend every day trying to show you that.”
A tear slipped down your cheek, your heart aching at his words. “I love you, too. So much. Don’t make me regret this.”
“I won’t. I promise. Go, tend to your brother. Tell your mother, and I'll tell mine. We can do this.”
You nodded, brushing the tears off your cheeks. Aemond gave you a small smile, filled with awe and adoration. You couldn’t help but smile back.
“I’ll properly introduce you to Meraxes when this is over,” you said, smoothing your hand down her spine. “I think you’ll like her.”
“If she’s anything like her rider, I’m sure that’s true. Go now, Y/N. I’ll see you soon.”
You nodded, tugging Meraxes to turn around. She roared, acknowledging Vhagar, before turning to fly back in the direction of Dragonstone. Vhagar turned as well, now facing the way to King’s Landing. 
You both flew in opposite directions, silently begging the Gods to show mercy on you both. You didn’t think you could handle another heartbreak if this went wrong. All you could do now was cling to Meraxes, and hope that your love for Aemond was going to be enough.
If your luck was half as good as you and Aemond’s love for each other, it would be.
A/N - Hi! I’m so sorry this took so long, and I’m sorry about how long it is, I got carried away. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think.
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seramilla · 3 months
Continuation/Prequel to Xellas's - Emily stays in Hell
Fall of Emily and transformation
Emily felt herself falling through the air. Tears sliding down her cheeks, despair present on her face... Why has this have to happen? They tried their best... And they failed. Filed to changed Heaven's mind. She was so lost in thoughts she forgot she was falling.
Suddenly aware of that fact she flapped her wings with all her might, but to no avail. That managed to make the situation even worse, making her fall faster. Seems like she is doomed completely. She slowly accepts her fate. At least Charlie is safe... Or so she thought.
"Emily!", a scream is heard through the air. Emily's eyes go wide. Shw menaged to turn her head and see's Charlie just above her. "Charlie...No. No, no, no, no..."
Then the pain came. She started to wriggle in the air, as she felt the it go through her body. It came in waves, hitting her like an instrumental beat and getting faster by the second. She screamed. This was too much.
Her back writted as her feathers started falling off leaving her wings making them bare. Ones in various shades of yellow and blueish silver started to replace them quickly. Some started to grow onto her chest as well, fluffing it up, making it itchy and uncomfortable.  She felt her teeth pop out as the new ones came in their place, their sharpness cutting her lips a bit. She felt relief for a bit as pain mellowed down but...
That was just the beginning. It hit her sharply. Her screams becoming louder and deeper by the second. She felt the bones on her legs shift and change, attaining more animalistic look... Deer like. Bumps started to form on her head bursting out in one swift motion, and causing blood to drip onto her face. Beside each horn a fuzzy rounded ear appears, causing her to hear everything  several times better, overwhelming her.
She doesn't even notice hands enveloping her and her aproach to the ground slowing down.
While the whole transformation was happening, Charlie started to panic. She doesn't know what is happening to Emily, but she needs to do something, anything. Her insticts are screaming at her to help. She let's them take over her.
She feels her magic gathering onto her back. Soft feathered wings break through her skin. It is painful and her back is bleeding, but she can afford to lose this advantage. She flies down and wraps arms around Emily. She is flying on pure instict and trying to slow down their fall.
Somehow, Charlie menages to do that, but barely. They still hit the ground hard, breaking at least few bones in the process. Recovery will be long for sure.
Unfortunately, Emily still feels the pain of transformation. Just near the end of her spine, new bones start to grow. Her skin streches with them as a long tail forms, with fuzzy hair on the end. Then her eyes start burning. She grabs at them trying to lessen the pain, but to no avail.  She can only suffer through it all.
Charlie is watching it all. She knows transformation to a fallen is hard on a person. Dad told her of his own. She never imagined she would see it in real life... And on someone so dear to her.
Luckily, the transformation finishes. And Emily is laying doen on the ground.
"Emily... Are you..", as Charlie goes to speak, Emily sits down and her eyes open. Charlie is met with big black orbs, staring at her, shocking her a bit.
"I think I am....", she answered through her dry throat.
Charlie scrambles to her feet. She had managed to slow their descent, but she cries out in pain, holding her clawed hand to her ribs. Everything is tender there. She'll be surprised if she hasn't broken a rib or two, where Emily had partially landed on her, before she'd tumbled away. Her eyes are the inverse of their normal state, red sclera glowing in the dimming crimson of an early Hellish evening. Her tail and horns are out, too. And six ruffled, gossamer wings, that had just decided to choose this time of all times to manifest on her body.
"Can you stand?" Charlie asks Emily. She hopes that's not a silly question. She realizes it is a stupid question, however, when Emily tries to get up. She tries to stand, several times, but to Charlie's dismay, Emily's feet are now hooves. Hooves not unlike her own; Emily can't seem to get her balance on the new limbs.
Emily tries again, and cries out as the new joints and angles of her deer-like legs buckle beneath her again. She pounds her fists into the ground in frustration, letting her tears fall into the dry dirt.
"Damn it! Damn it!" she shrieks, closed fists with newly sprouted claws meeting dirt at each utterance of each curse. "Why did...Charlie, what's happened to me?! Why is my body doing this?!"
Charlie bends down. She picks Emily up in her arms, and winces when the other woman rests against her ribs. She has to fight through the pain...it appears like Emily might also have some broken bones, or at least they are heavily sprained. She hitches Emily further up to her shoulder, so the fallen angel can lean her head on it. Emily's still crying. Wet tears soak into Charlie's ripped clothing.
"I think...when they...when the elders pushed you, you became truly Fallen. Something about the rejection of Heaven itself causes a physical change. A new manifestation. It happened to my dad. But...he learned to control his new features over time. You will, too. You just...we just need to get out of here. You're hurt bad."
Charlie debates flying on her newly formed wings to get them home. She doesn't trust herself to know how to use them yet, let alone have the strength to carry herself and Emily all the way back to Pentagram City in the air. Emily's moans and raspy sighs indicate she's in enough pain as it is. Charlie can't risk hurting either of them again.
Walking it is, then.
Charlie doesn't want to ask this of Emily, but holding the angel in her arms, she can't quite reach her phone in her pocket. She asks if Emily can grab it. Thankfully, it's within Emily's reach. She has Emily flip through her phone until she locates Vaggie's number, and then puts the phone on speaker so they can both hear her.
Vaggie picks up on the second ring, like she'd been waiting right next to her phone for their call.
"Charlie! Emily!" Vaggie shouts, her voice ringing unnaturally over the device's tiny speaker. It crackles a bit, a little muffled; that's when Charlie realizes she only has one bar. They are far outside the city. "Where are you two?! How did the meeting with the elders go?! What did they say about Emily?!"
Charlie has to actively fight against crying while she's on the phone with Vaggie. Emily has no such qualms, and cries into Charlie's comforting chest, trying her best to keep it muffled from Vaggie. Charlie clears her throat, barely managing to fight back tears.
"Vaggie, I--I'll tell you later, I promise. But please...I need my dad. Quickly!"
Charlie knows instinctively that Vaggie can probably hear the panic in her voice, but as usual, her girlfriend is smart enough not to ask for clarification. For her own sanity. Instead, Vaggie promptly says, "He's not here. He's in one of the other rings. Should I get him? Where are you?"
"Yes! Please! We're...we're in the desert beyond Pentagram City. Where...where my dad... Umm, just--just tell my dad where we are! I'm too far out to call him. He knows the spot! He'll be able to find us!"
"Okay," Vaggie says, the stiffness and hesitation in her voice no doubt due to her refraining from asking more questions. "Please, be careful! Tell Emily I'm--I love you both!”
Charlie smiles. "She's right here. She heard you. Thank you, Vaggie. We need to go now!"
"Okay. I'm hanging up. Hang tight!"
Vaggie abruptly hangs up. Almost as soon as she does, Charlie lets herself go, and cries into Emily's hair and horns. The two of them just stand there for a moment, with Emily in Charlie's arms, trying to figure out how to put themselves back together after what just happened.
Charlie starts walking. Her dad will find them eventually, but the closer they are to the city, the easier it will be for him. Charlie's not ready to face him yet...not anyone yet. She's not ready for any of the others to see her and Emily.
There will be so many questions. Questions she doesn't have the answers to. Questions she's not sure that she wants the answers to. So she keeps walking, doing her best to reassure Emily that everything will be okay. That they're together, and alive, and safe, and that's all that matters.
She's not certain if she believes her own words, but she has to try. For Emily.
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raayllum · 9 months
AU where Rayla is just a split second faster aboard the Sea Legs
She's not quick enough to dodge the icy wave that overtakes her limbs, exactly. She feels it in her fingertips, first, like the frostbite that had nearly overtaken her near the Shivering Glades her first year on her own, before she'd had Stella to help her conserve body heat. The cold creeps down to her neck, her torso, each vein burning in agony, fear and confusion running wild in her mind. It hurts more than anything else ever has, like her whole body rather than just her hand was about to fall apart on the other end of a binding, intensified in her heart most of all—
But Rayla doesn't have to be at her best to aim true.
The first halberd she'd stolen sinks into Finnegrin's shoulder, cleaving his arm from his body in one fell swoop. The second lands somewhere above his thigh and he sinks to his knee, howling. Blood spurts from his severed arm and Callum leaps back from it, wide eyed.
"You little—" Finnegrin hisses, spasming from pain. She's never seen so much hate in his eyes before.
His crew—disloyal, afraid—shuffle uneasily but none rush to help him. Even Elmer seems too stunned, frozen like a rock rather than the hunk of wood that he is.
Finnegrin's spell inches down to her waist, and then... Miraculously, it recedes, his concentration broken. His body too weak to maintain it.
Rayla coughs, sputtering, and drops to her knees. Everything aches, and she'll hit the deck hard, but—Callum rushes forward, sliding on his knees and catching her instead. Cushioning her fall as he meets her eyes, his own concerned and angry and frightened and so, so beautiful.
"Are you okay?" he breathes and she nods.
He helps her to her feet, a shoddy mirror image of her helping him up on the Ruthless just two days prior, and she's grateful to see that Soren has turned Ezran away, as Finnegrin bleeds out on the deck.
She nudges Callum away and limps over, glaring at the man who'd dared to attack them, who'd dared to torture her love and try to coerce him into dark magic, even as her stomach squelched. This was a horrible, slow way to die and—
She could be merciful without hesitation, as she wrenched the second halberd from his kneecap and dropped it over his throat instead, silencing him. The other halberd lay in the ever growing pool of blood as she stepped back and exhaled, her breath like a ghost in the stormy mist.
His spirit would not be missed.
And there were worse things to have her first kill over, hollow as she felt.
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superkooku · 1 month
I see it as a personal theory but it saddens me that Maomao's parents didn't really love eachother but instead wanted something to gain from it, both resulting terribly for them.
In worse it had an impact on their own child, with her not really being showing emotions, especially viewing love in a negative light. Not to blame her growing up in a environment where women are mere objects for men to desire.
That's a sad but interesting take. And honestly, it's pretty realist too considering Maomao's life isn't a fairytale. Though I see it in a different way. A different taste of tragedy.
(rant incoming)
To me, Lakan and Fengxian made some form of bond, at least friends with benefits.
We see Lakan's POV. Him literally crying and going towards Fengxian even if she's sick proves that he loved her. She's the only one (with Maomao) whose face he can see, her playing partner in go and shogi (they share hobbies, which is a great way to create bonds imo).
We see him running in the rain, begging to see her, his desperation when he sees the letters and the fingers. It's pretty clear to me he loves her.
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It's more ambiguous on Fengxian's side, as we don't get her inner monologue, but she seems to have missed him too. Though their reunion is shown through rose-tinted glasses, as she never recovered from syphilis in reality. Just Lakan's imagination.
So I'd have less trouble believing she didn't fully love him but I think he's pretty much smitten (I'll watch the series again soon, to refresh my memories).
They're also a parallel to the couple from episode 4, the concubine who faked her (mental) illness to go with the man she loved, trapped in a world where she'd only be a pretty object.
Though I agree with the fact that both had something to gain, especially in the beginning, and as the feelings changed, none of them were able to communicate correctly.
Fengxian was known to be a very proud woman after all. And Lakan likes strategy and twisted games. So they're both terrible at communication and then he's sent in foreign land and she's pregnant. It's too late.
I completely agree about what you said on Maomao, though. The environment she grew up in, especially before Luomen picked her up, was terrible for a child.
She ended up very reserved, taking any emotional display as putting too much attention on herself, something detrimental.
Because of her upbringing, she refuses to be sold by the madam because she knows what to expect. She still has nightmares of her mother cutting her fingers, puts fake freckles to seem uglier. She knows how dirty men can be, she saw lust, STDs, assassination attempts, poverty.
What an awful childhood.
And I COMPLETELY understand why someone like Jinshi makes her uncomfortable. She doesn't like the attention and just wants to live quietly with her passion as an apothecary. And he's clingy as hell, like in that honey scene.
I firmly believe that if he learns to leave her alone, she'll warm up to him faster, because she won't associate him with lecherous men anymore.
It's fortunate Maomao had Luomen as a positive father figure and Meimei/Pairin/Joka as "motherly sisters". She wasn't alone in this terrible world.
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 8 months
(Open Rp) Valentines Day Story in "Wishs Upon a Dragon ball"
In the Beginning of time, Many Many Of Universes was Created by the Lovely Celestial Goddess Name Uni Known as "The Mother Universe". Uni was Loved by All the gods..including the God of Saiyan himself Name "Yamoshi", He and Uni is a Lovers of all the universes…Until.. Moro The God of Corruption, Hunger, and Majin who was Obsessed with Uni's beauty and grace, he wanted her for himself..but He is Wicked Jealous of Yamoshi and wanted to Destroy him with his corrupted Poison…But When he try that..Uni Stopped him..as his poison Hits uni by The Heart..she was in pain..but angered..She punished Moro For eating the planets and Harming the goddess..She trapped Moro inside of the Enchanted tree and saved the universe..but..she was Dying..She wanted to find a new uni quick..until..her friends, Shenron and Inari decided to help her..and inari the kitsune goddess..told uni that she found someone who will take her place..She shows Uni the New Born Half kitsune and half Human Princess of Sakutopia..Name "Saphira lorraina Fox", Uni Couldn't help but smiling, She believed that She'll be blessed..so..She, Inari and Shenron Decided to Blessed saphira with their Gifts…Shenron Gave Saphira Half Of His Powers so she can be Powerful and strong, Then Inari Give Saphira an Immortality and beauty so that way..anyman will love her..she'll never grow old or die..and last..Uni..She began to give her everything Including the companions and guardians..and told her family..that She will be taking her place and Have a reverse harem..as the new Uni..when she died..and began to went into Saphira's body…Saphira's hair, ears and tail became white as snow…and then change back to brown and blue…as For Yamoshi, He decided to tell The Saiyans the Prophecy That The new uni Will come to their planet and saved them from the hands of the Changling (which is frieza's race) and the 3 Champion will become the lovers of The New uni…The Savior, the prince, And the legend himself..Then..As time passed, Saphira grew Up beautifully Like an angel…Until one day Saphira saw the old Saiyan pod as she cautiously approach it and then It opens slowly and She looked inside and there's nothing there…but Suddenly..when she got inside..it close quickly and began to power on..and began to launch from the planet earth…Saphira was screaming bloody murder while holding on to her dear life..until..heading to the Wormhole..She close her eyes..she went back in time..and Landed on the Planet Kanassa..then the pod Opens as she comes out and began to look around after it opens and said," ok…where am i? umm…" She began to looked around..and then head into the city..but all she sees is the creatures that look like when it came out from the movie "the creature from the black lagoon"..and then suddenly..She Looked at the building as she began to transmission herself and looked around and said* yessh..that i Ughh…I mean ughhh! "She sniffles as she was about to sneeze and she did," aaachooO!! what the? gasp I- ahhh! " She turns and raspberry sneeze on the great ape which is she didn't know. She opens her eyes and saw the great ape looking straight at her and she said With a sheepish tone," Excuse me pardon me." Then the great ape roars at her face and saphira Jumped and scream when she flies off fearfully..and she turns and saw about 4 oozarus..then Saphira runs like hell..and try to advoid them..and then..one of them said..
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lightfeltmemories · 9 months
Hey I liked your yandere! perv! shalnark a lot
Can I ask for something yandere and stalker or dark for kurama/yoko?
Only if you're up for it.
sorry it took a bit of time for me to get to this, an additional apology for how short it came out to be, made it to be where it's more of a drabble, reader is female.
tw: stalking (he watches you sleep), unhealthy obsession, hints of reader possibly having trauma.
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just an ordinary human she was, going from home to work, work to home, she was nothing special of the sort, she just existed to live on this earth, passing by people she'll never see again, going to work to see the same faces, coming home to her two cats alone in a decent apartment.
but there was someone out there that found her interesting somehow.
he was not human, or was he? he was an enigma, a mysterious fellow, it seemed to her that he also existed on this planet just because.
their only interaction was when she was carrying groceries and one of her bags had ripped at the bottom, the food spilling out of the bag one by one, one popped out the package and another can of beans had dinted so hard it's juices spilled out, this mysterious "kurama" had offered to take her groceries home, and even get her a new can of beans.
both of their lives proved interesting to each other, she was an only child raised by a single mother in the poorer parts of town, and was only doing what she could to get by and make due.
she really was just an ordinary human.
but not to him.
it was probably because he didn't speak much to women, or, some type of recluse, but he felt something, hearing her talk, her mannerisms her style, the more he noticed things the harder he falls.
she seemed like the type to not let people get too close to her, she may have had some trauma in her life, leading her to respond in short, quick sentences, a blank expression almost as if she was mad or sad, prominent bags under her eyes, she was almost androgynous and from a distance you may confuse her for being male.
but none the less, she was beautiful, almost like an angel.
a fragile being she may have been, as if she could crack at any given moment, but he wanted to be there for her, to soothe her and ease her, to love her.
but she was nothing more than a stranger, missing his opportunity to grow closer with her.
he didn't even know why he liked her so much, he had never felt this way towards any other person, they were all just ordinary people to him, and vice versa, but she, for some reason, was a different cause..
the more she occupied his thoughts, the more he wanted to seek for her.
in the dead of night, she slept, the heavy blankets weighing her down as her eyes were closed, lost in a blissful dream unaware of the figure that stands by her window, it was a good, yet bad thing her curtains were half open, creating a slit in between the middle to see her perfectly.
and when his eyes land upon her, those reasons come crawling back, why he liked her so much.
why he wanted her.
imagining himself under the blankets with her, spooning her as his arm is wrapped around her body, breathing into the crook of her neck, embracing his warmth.
it gave him only a slither of confidence to talk to her when he see's her again, what's keeping him?
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g1deon and pyrrha + gideon and harrow throughlines scattered in all of tlt continue to drive me insane.
the initial investigation scenes post the 5th deaths where the 2nd house tries to pull cohort rank control of the situation, gideon & harrow immediately sneak away to learn that the winnowing trial was developed by the second house and cohort founders, g1deon & pyrrha. winnowing as incorporating the other, refusing distractions for the sake of true control, loyalty and duty.
gideon is wearing his sunglasses, rifling through their things. she doesn’t see it as a real place someone would live in, only a stop along the way to somewhere else, more whole.
she sees a gun on the wall that her mother's ghost will use the river memory of to try and kill harrow in the dream of cannan house:
It took Gideon a long time to realise that she was looking at something goddamn ancient: it was a blowback carbine gun. She’d only ever seen pictures. ….. The hairs on the back of Gideon’s neck had risen when the lights came on, and they hadn’t gone back down, as if her intrusion might well tempt time back to claim its grave goods. GTN chapter 19
Carbine rifle, read the key. For a moment she pitied Judith Deuteros’s last seconds. To be killed with this ancient piece of grave goods! It would have been like being set upon by a ghost out of time. HTN chapter 18
gideon reads "one flesh, one end" for the first time. she tells harrow these people were living in each others pockets, the same phrase she'll later use to describe the two of them. pyrrha spent nearly 10,000 years locked in a drawer in gideon the first’s mind bc he couldn't bear to let her go. gideon tells harrow how they feel like strangers despite growing up together.
harrow cant stand the thought and in less than a month harrow will lock gideon in a drawer and gideon the first will relentlessly try to kill harrow in her waking hours to spare her the agony he'll never learn is closely parallel to his, and when she fails to hear his real name her brain starts bleeding:
And he had said: “Ortus, have pity.”
“This is my pity, Lord,” said the Saint of Duty. HTN chapter 20
g1deon was john’s oldest friend, he carried that suitcase in his loyalty to him. then he becomes an amnesiac, immortal thanergy void, absorbing and nullifying the echoes of that catastrophe. founding the cohort that flips planets in the exact mirror to the ecological tragedy they all sacrificed everything to spare earth from. over and over again.
He didn’t even ask me to explain. That was the kind of guy he was. He and I had grown up on the same street. I’d spotted him for mince pies all the time as kids, so stands to reason he let me cut off his arm and carried a nuke for me. John 1:20
in g+p’s room harrow says that theyre all the ninth house has ( = you’re all that i have). gideon firmly says shes "NO ONE'S son or daughter"
but in less than a year gideon’s mother, sitting opposite her father, will recognize pyrrha with a sense of profound relief before her revenant is unceremoniously killed. gideon will watch through harrows eyes, in hiding:
Harrow, I will never forget the look on her face as long as I live, or as long as I die. (…) It was the smile for your old cellmate who’d just landed back in prison, the one that told them at least you were in it together—or more correctly, the smile of someone stepping out of jail after serving a very long sentence, having seen someone there waiting for her. Someone whose presence meant total reprieve, someone she hadn’t expected. It was a little bit mocking. It was deeply relieved. HTN chapter 50
i don’t have a conclusion to this rn i’m just……much to think abt. the displacement of grief, the loyalty through control, how it just happens over and over and over again and they just bear witness as tools or trapped souls or revenants, clinging to anything they can even if they don’t remember it.
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