#in the sense that those two big wings could attract lightning like trees does? i think. idk lmk if i'm wrong
esoraluco · 2 years
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Trouble in the Thunderfields
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thunderthevoltwing · 4 years
The 11th Tribe- Chapter 7: Moth
Moth awoke to the sound of hushed whispers and bird calls. He could only make out a couple of words that were being spoken, such as "What is he doing here?" and "Is this related to the odd blue one?". The barrage of comments was starting to pull him back to consciousness, and he flickered an eye open. The whispering dragons went quiet and stared, observing the new visitor.
As Moth was regaining his senses, a panicked thought seized him. Where's Bumblebee? The last thing I saw was the two of them bickering. Wait, who was the other dragon? Moth asked himself.
Moth sat up groggily, rubbing his neck and sides where something must've been digging into his sides. Now that he could recall the last thing he remembered feeling was the confusion that followed the sharp pang of pain in his neck.
Moth fully sat up and observed his environment. He was surrounded by trees and tree huts, hammocks slung across two trees everywhere. He was sitting on a wooden platform, high above the forest floor. Tropical birds, monkeys and sloths dotted the trees around them, and what was especially noticeable was the many pairs of eyes that were watching him.
Moth felt uncomfortable, nervously rubbing the spot on his neck that the dart had hit. When he turned his head to his left he spotted Bumblebee, still asleep on her side. Bumblebee looked tranquil in her sleep, as if nothing else mattered in the world besides from a good rest.
After a couple minutes of eye blinking and rubbing, Moth finally had his head level with his body. The Rainwings were still watching, almost waiting for something interesting to happen.
Bumblebee finally stirred, giving a low groan and rubbing to sore spots just like Moth did. The Rainwings turned their eyes to Bumblebee, hoping she would do something much more entertaining than sit there awkwardly.
It was another couple minutes as Bumblebee recovered before something finally happened. All the curious Rainwings all of a sudden turned their attention behind them, then parted way for someone.  From the dragon-made corridor a Rainwing approached, but she had an air of authority. Behind the Rainwing followed a Nightwing, who seemed to obviously have a connection with the regal Rainwing.
"I'm going to take a great guess that you two are the fugitives from Jade Mountain Academy?" The Rainwing asked. Moth all of a sudden realized that this dragon was important, in fact she was queen of the Rainwings and Nightwings. How could I be so foolish? This is Queen Glory for goodness sake! Moth chided to himself. Queen Glory walked up to Moth and stared at him, expecting an answer.
"Oh, Umm, yeah I suppose we are" Moth mumbled nervously.
"Y'know Moth, I am very good friends with the Dragonets of Destiny. Although I don't know why they're called that, because clearly 1) They're not dragonets anymore and 2) The prophecy was fake anyway" Glory stated then observed. Moth nervously twined his claws, expecting Tsunami to burst out from behind the Nightwing any second to chastise him and Bumblebee. Ah! That's right! The Nightwing's name is Deathbringer, King of the Rainwings and Nightwings! Moth suddenly remembered.
"I'm so sorry! I dragged Moth into this because I wanted a friend to come with me to see the new dragon!" Bumblebee apologized beside Moth.
"Wait, how do you know about Bolt?" Glory questioned.
"I overheard my mother, Cricket, and Blue talking about a strange new arrival in the rainforest one night. Sorry Moth for saying that they told me" Bumblebee explained and apologized.
"Well I believe two runaway dragonets really scared the crap out of my friends" Glory said. Moth gulped in fear, knowing he should've listened to his instincts and stayed at school. Bumblebee glanced at him, an apologetic look on her face.
"Well then! I believe these two need to see what they came here for" Glory announced. When Moth heard this his first response was disbelief then shock, trying to interpret what Queen Glory had just said.
"Did you say we're going to see the new dragon anyway?" Bumblebee asked, just as stunned as Moth.
"Did I just say that, Deathbringer?" Glory said
"With my own two ears I can confirm that was what you said, my dear" Deathbringer confirmed.
"Thankyou my most dear husband and assassin" Glory said with mock courtesy. "Shall we proceed?"
Moth, Bumblebee, Queen Glory and Deathbringer continued on through the Rainwing village, then abruptly stopped at a secure yet comfortable-looking hut.
"This is where Bolt is held for the moment, until we can find out more about him" Glory stated.
"More like if we know whether he's safe or not" Deathbringer grumbled. Glory ignored his comment, as the Rainwing way is the non-hostile way.
"Speak to him behind this window, and we shall be back after a good arguing with Tsunami to convince her not to thwart you both" Glory said with exhaustion. With that, her and Deathbringer flew off, higher into the forest canopy.
After their departure, an awkward silence fell over, Moth sensing that Bumblebee was too embarrassed to speak.
"Sooo what happened while you were trying to get food for us to end up in this situation?" Moth asked.
"Well an old grumpy Rainwing full on smashed me into a tree because I was about to eat a monkey, then I asked about going to the Rainwing village, which followed by him darting both you and me" Bumblebee explained. Another silence followed, as Moth didn't know what to say after that. He decided it would be best to finally meet Bolt, as time was running out before Tsunami would come rampaging over and drag them back to Jade Mountain Academy.
Moth wondered over to the window Glory had pointed out, and stared into the hut. In the middle sat a very large, muscular, yet bored dragonet, who was scratching something into the wood. Moth tapped on the window sill to grab his attention, and Bolt all of a sudden looked up. His eyes were a stormy blue, the rest of his body a shade of blue that you would find in the sky during a dark storm. His wings were massive and looked powerful, clearly adapted to flying in strong winds for extended amounts of time. Bolt had a central spinal flap, in which the shape of it was similar to that of a zig-zag bolt pattern. The underside of his wings had white, crackly streaks that resembled lightning, and dotted all over his body were little flecks of silver. His teeth and claws were almost straight, both serrated like an Icewing's.
"Oh wow, would you look at that, more visitors" Bolt said with exasperation in his voice. "Although, you two look much different to the same old Rainwings I've kept on having to answer questions for. Such as 'how are you so blue?' or 'why do you seem to have scales that are dead?' Hello! I'm a Voltwing, the 'dead' scales are actually traces of silver so we can attract and conduct electricity for food and defense! Those dragons are just sooo annoying with those stupid questions" Bolt involuntarily explained with annoyance.
"Er, we came from a mountain that's a ways away to come see you" Moth responded in short. "My friend here is just curious about you"
"Hrm, I guess you can ask away" Bolt said slowly.
"Of course I'm going to ask the obvious questions like 'where did you come from' and 'what exactly can you do', so you might as well explain it in a big chunk" Bumblebee said.
"Actually, none of the dragons here have asked me that question, besides from their queen and king, in which it's strange that on this continent the queen is the main ruler" Bolt pointed out.
"Then I guess that's our first question: what is your tribe name and what do you guys do?" Bumblebee quizzed.
"Whelp here starts the explaining" Bolt sighed. "Our main ruler is a king, and his name is Zeus. I used to live on the same mountain the royal family does, but on the lowest tiers because my mother was a servant in the palace. The entire continent is dotted with mountains, each one a different Voltwing town with it's own hierarchy, members of the royal family or highly regarded nobles being on top. The continent is also under a consistent heavy storm, which provides us lightning therefore energy. The silver flecks on our body is pure silver, and it's used to absorb the energy from lightning that is attracted to us. That's our main source of food. Just incase though if we do have a low storm activity day we can eat fish to fuel our bodies. Buuut our continent is both starting lose storm activity and fish, causing my entire tribe to deplete in numbers and starve. We don't know what's causing it, and I was hoping to solve it. Which, by the way, where is my fish that I asked for? I'm starving"
Along with Bumblebee, Moth had listened to the whole explanation intently, and it sounded though as if he had well rehearsed it.
"So is that why you're here, to seek our help?" Bumblebee asked.
"Oh no, I ran away from my mother who was beating me" Bolt shrugged. He leaned over and whispered loudly "She's not a very good mother"
Bumblebee looked shocked when he said this, obviously expecting that Bolt had come to save his tribe, not escape a violent mother. Just as Bumblebee was about to question Bolt further, a shadow swooped down and aimed itself at Bumblebee. Moth looked up and spotted a very furious Tsunami, along with a very exhausted Glory, a very tired Sunny and very amused Deathbringer.
"You two are in SOOO much trouble!" Tsunami said angrily.
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