#in this case yosafire lol
djevelbl · 5 months
Inky Mystery x The Gray Garden - Cuphead!!
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"For being the Ruling Demon's right hand man, he's really chill - able to keep his cool on the battlefield. Also, he's one hell of a prankster." - You find written on a metal placard, somewhere within the walls of BlancBlack Castle. This was one hell of a fun little project to do, as I like designing blorbos from time to time, and trying to replicate (to some extent lol) the style of the intro cards in the game was fun as hell Oh and be sure that I AM gonna push it further - next in line is Mugman >:]
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DSP character speech style notes and thoughts
from mod FAFK
I’ll just be writing them as they strike me, there are too many characters to recall immediately lol.
Because of that, under a cut so I can update the list without any un-updated versions floating around.
※Update 1--I wanted a lazy way to make things more legible so I just popped things into a list. Added some more charas too
The MOST UNSTABLE speech style. It matches him being mentally unstable.... Normally speaks casually and rough with Envi and other subordinates, Artamos, Fumus, and frequently with Ivlis in the early days (before he noticed he loved him).
Uses a lot of ~desho and ~daro  (“aint that right!! Agree with me!!!”-kind-of nuance). He uses a lot of MAJI?! (seriously?!) which makes him sound a little... dumber than his physical appearance would make you think, lol. He has the highest meme concentration (I can’t even start with all of them tbh).
SUPER FORMAL with Siralos. Crazy ultra formal. BUT he refers to Siralos as “Siralos-tan.” This is like saying “Siralos-chan” but cutesier. Siralos-babygurl. It’s definitely something you’d say for an adorable girl, which is probably Siralos’s preference? Probably.
Formal and polite with Reficul and Sin, Eti and Kcalb, if you ignore the content then he would be a fine gentleman. In some of the earliest comics with Refi and Satanick this isn’t the case though, DSP adjusted his character with time.
To Licorice he consistently uses gross babytalk (he talks shumthwing like thwis), and after he notices he loves Ivlis he has a SUPER CLINGY OVERLY-AFFECTIONATE CLOYING STICKILY-SWEET speech style when addressing him.
Normally he uses “ore-sama” to refer to himself (”hell yea I’m awesome”-type nuance), but if he’s bottoming/the sub he switches to boku. To be fair, using “ore-sama” then would kill the mood anyways.
She doesn’t talk with too many characters--she talks the most in Sunahama Tsuushin(Seashore Dispatches, Sandhill Communications, no official translation). She is very polite and respectful toward Reficul, she speaks to her as though she is her superior. Many of Reficul’s underlings and Mors call Reficul “Maousama/Devil-Lord-sama which is a respectful title, but Sin is the only one (that I know of) who calls her “Reficul-sama” which is the cutest thing!!!!!!!!!! Ever!!!!!!! I get “adoring wife of a warlord/general” type vibes
He uses like, business casual language. He’s the sloppy guy at a white-collar workplace, technically formal, but kinda loose? Speaks formal-ish to Mors and Reficul which is sloppy, but if he were to use this same style of speech with someone lower-ranking than him or a friend, it would make him seem a bit shy (like a person who has trouble using entirely casual speech--not uncommon--but I haven’t seen him talk with anyone else yet so idk). He calls Reficul “Maou-sama” (formal title).
When he was young/serving Siralos, as well as when directly addressing/thinking about Siralos-sama himself: SUPER FORMAL. Good kid. Obedient, dutiful, and proper. A few tiny rough spots of speech. (there are some drawings where Ivlis sits seiza-style (formal, uncomfortable posture lol) I think this is reflective of his upbringing. Gray Garden appearance: who is this punk? lol ( ´∀` )♡ Consistently uses “ore” (rough-ish) I’ll add a bit more later but there’s not much to him, Satanick is the one with the ridiculously complex style
He speaks differently depending on his size. When he is big he calls Ivlis “kaa-san” (still respectful, buuut without the honorific “o” at the start. When he speaks ABOUT his father he will say “tou-san” rather than “otou-san.” However, when speaking directly to Satanick he calls him “dumbass horse shit.”
Baby Licorice just said “ma” and “ba” (short for dumbass/horse shit).
Child Licorice calls Ivlis “mama” and uses kinda shy, sweet kid-talk.As an adult, he talks in a kind of rushed, intense manner to Ivlis and overuses the word “mother” (almost once per sentence, it’s amazing lmao). “Mother you look sad today, whats the matter, Mother you’re wonderful, hey, I won’t let Satanick hurt you Mother--”
Also, he avoids addressing Satanick altogether most of the time. Heavy insults+judgemental attitude lol.
Uses “boku”
Uses that semi-casual type of formal speech... (If you’ve seen Shirobako, maybe Takanashi is a good example of how it sounds?) It makes him never seem serious, lacking in discretion, and lacking in brains. It matches him!!!!
“Yeah, I like, totally wanted Yosafire to be my girlfriend so I’m kinda bummed out.” ←something like that (approximation)
He calls Ivlis “Ivlis-san.” In one sense, yeah, it’s better than using no honorific. In another sense, it’s weirdly.... not as respectful as one would expect? He talks like Ivlis is like manager at his workplace, not a Devil Lord lol. All the other subordinates for other devils are more respectful...also yeah, nobody takes Ivlis seriously anyways ((´∀`*))
Poemi-SAN. She is higher on the social pecking order, despite being younger.
Poemi calls Emalf just straight up “Emalf” with no honorifics... the social pecking order lol. . She also has that typical kid-thing where if she doesn’t know a word she’s talking about, it will all by in hiragana, no kanji. She’s childlike, but she has her shit together (unlike Emalf.)
Casual and sloppy
Kuro-tsun - overly buddy-buddy,
Calls Hanten “Nee-san.” Met’s a punk but this sounds full of admiration and kinda flirty. Probably cause it’s Met saying it.
Not so sloppy, but casual
“Kurotsuno” no honorific, they feel like they go way back and probably not in the best of senses
Grandpa voice (it’s so cute)
Very ladylike way of speaking. Not elegant and refined in the same way that Nagi’s speech is, but ladylike.
says “Shikabone-kun” ←cute!!!! It could be his mascot-character like appearance, he does act a bit young but he doesn’t act like she’s much older than him if at all lol.
Uses “atashi” which is very cute and feminine.
He’s a “watashi” character and it is so crazy good I love it... He’s a well-mannered killer whale. He uses informal speech, but it’s still gentlemanly. The things he does are so NOT gentlemanly. I screwed up and wrote him saying “ore” in a comic though cause my brain pairs that word with his shitty behavior lol, but he always uses “watashi”!! The contrast is VERY good...
Samekichi You probably know, he has a gruff way of talking! I can imagine N*buhiko Ok*moto would be an amazing voice actor for him (Bakugo/Accelerator/Ghiaccho). He uses “ore” and refers to Wadanohara by name from even their early days (close relationship! Not necessarily romantic, but later of course it will be)
I’ll do more later+add detail!
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djevelbl · 15 days
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As a relatively new inhabitant of Whiteside, there's not a lot Bendy has heard about people in high positions of powers such as Cuphead Dish, but from the little things he's picked up around him - and trust me, he knows how to pick up a thing or two - what he knows is a few things: he's the second highest authority just behind the Head Angel and Head Demon in these lands, he's unrelenting in pursuit, and you do not wanna be in his radar - in training or otherwise. Especially otherwise; in training at least they fucking pay you for that.
Here he is! My blorbo, the skrimblo - the silly!! I love his updated design, it looks like it's actually something he would use, even if it's just a uniform he's making his by refusing to tie that fucking tie (are we pretending he's not doing it only bc he's a rebel, but also bc he can't tie a tie to save his life? We are? Cool)
Anyway below the cut y'all can find the full character ref sheet + some of the things I've changed between the original design and now! (HEAVY rambling ahead y'all! I went on PARAGRAPH about this idiot <3)
Before I forget - reblog! It helps artists in here! If you liked my drawing, please reblog it too! <33
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Click to be able to read some of the shit in there + better quality lmao but yeah! TGG!Cup! He's finally here!
In the original design he had this weird vest/coat thing on top of a dark shirt and dark grey pants + boots, all in a similar color scheme to the one he has now! The biggest change has to be the hairstyle, the coat and the pants! Though the shoes are also different - really, the only thing that stayed the same was the shirt lol. I decided to keep both the hair and the shoes I used for his design in the illustration I made for chapter 334 of Inky Mystery so it wasn't that jarring of a change, let me know if y'all like it! You can't see it really well due to the coat, but his belt buckle is supposed to be a big, golden feather! Y'know, because he's an angel ;)
Oh, and there's that! He's an angel here! Ofc he's still a Dish, we wouldn't have him any other way (except when we do lmao) but in this case it's less of a distinct thing from other toons than how it is in Inky Mystery! Some things are different, of course, but Toons and Dishes are more or less the same here - the only real difference is whether they're Angels or Demons!
In terms of which characters his design is based off of, they are Wodahs and Ater/Arbus! To be fair, Ater and Arbus only differ in pattern of speech and personal physical attributes from each other - in terms of clothes they're pretty much the same; I chose these characters because in the world of The Garden of Eden au he's gonna be playing their roles (if losely): for Wodahs, he's the Head of Military (Wodahs is the Head Angel in the game) and for Ater/Arbus, he's gonna be a spy for the Head Demon that helps rule over Whiteside! (Ater/Arbus both are twin cat spies for Kcalb, the Devil that helps rule The Gray Garden) - this is how I'm gonna be basing the designs for all Inky Mystery characters for the au!
Now specifically about the intro card: these are images shown whenever a new, important character the protagonist - Yosafire for TGG, Bendy for TGoE (The Garden of Eden au) - knows so the player can get to know a little better! Here I changed the intro card more than just adding in the new TGoE!Cup design; as I said in the text box for the intro card: he's the Head of Military! Whereas in the previous design he was the Head of Security - they're intrinsically related roles int The Garden of Eden due to the paficist nature of Whiteside, but there are differences between them; whenever I get around to Mugs' design y'all will see what I mean - I'll probably get more into their roles there. I also changed the name of the castle! From the original (BlancBlack) which I'd left in probably bc I didn't think of anything better lol I've now changed it to Griseo: gray in latin! Which is basically what BlancBlack is trying way too hard to do lmaoo
Lastly, I changed the last line in the intro card: the original said "Hm. I wonder where his wings are...?" and I've changed it to say "Aren't angels supposed to have wings...?" Because - and it'll be elaborated more later on - Bendy isn't from Whiteside! And where he's from there's no angels, so he has no idea.
Anyways lol ramble over - thanks for coming to my extensive af tedtalk 🙏🙏
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