#in which abi works overtime to insure matthew did not approach them
fycourtera · 12 years
{libation: chapter one/7} damocles, frederick, lucy
Frederick: *smiling softly against her lips the moment before she pulls back, he nods, albeit reluctantly, at her question. Frederick was both upset and relieved she could not go inside. No matter how much he told himself that Lucy could handle any of what these people might say, it still didn't sink in to him completely; he just wanted to protect her. Besides, Cyrus was in there somewhere, so where his uncle and aunts and siblings and cousins...he felt bad for saying it but he sincerely hoped he didn't run into them. He was there for one reason and one reason only. Lifting her hands, he kissed each once, rubbing his thumbs in circles.* I won't be long.
Damocles: *He just nods, standing straighter until Cyrus left. Rubbing his forehead and looking determinedly anywhere but the window, he reached to take Cyrus' tea cup back to the cart.*
Lucy: *At least she had been there when they had entered the grounds, passed the security procedures to let him in. The way they had looked at him irked her, but they hadn't said anything. Now she realized guards were the easy part: if he saw any member of his family....she squeezed his hands tighter. Softened by his sweet kisses she nods,* You will convince him. I'm sure of it. And then we can celebrate, honey. *Kissing his cheek, she whispered,* I love you. *Then she let him go.*
Frederick: *He nodded, lightened by her words and holding on to them tightly, as tightly as if he were to hold on to her.* I love you too. *Then it was time for the ascend. Court could be so damn predictable, that he almost laughed. Some things didn't change. He had been good at ignoring everyone in here already, it was simply a skill he had to tap into again and without difficulty. Whispers traveled faster than light, in his opinion. The more he walked, the more people he seemed to stumble upon, but so far none of his family. Good. He clutched the folder to him a little tighter as he greeted Nathaniel, and asked him if per chance Damocles was busy. Frederick knew that usually these things were brought to the entire council on a specifically designated day but honestly, Rick didn't care. Damocles' servant seemed even more flabbergasted than usual, mentioned something about "good timing" under his breath and "too close" before he excused himself to go into the study and announce him. Odd man.*
Damocles: *Surprised as he heard Nathaniel ask to enter once more, he looked up and tilted his head. Utter shock crossed his expression but - oh, of course. That explained why Lucy was waiting (all right, he may have looked outside once or twice). Nodding to usher him in, he stood again (finishing his tea quickly).* Morning, Frederick. *Certain his surprise was still on his face, he pondered a moment telling him to go after his father - but that was him being a meddling arrogant ass, so he let it drop. Instead he said simply,* It's truly good to see you.
Frederick: *He walked in when he was allowed in, odd word to use but it was the correct one after all, and was actually pleased to see the surprise on Damocles' face. Good. Shock and awe could be a good combination.* Good morning, my lord. *The sincerity of his next words now left -Rick- a little surprised so he smiled and nodded.* Thank you. In that case, I already have something in my favor. *his lips flicked briefly before he motioned to his folder* I have a business proposal that I think you would be interested in. Do you have some time to spare? 
Damocles: *Part of what was truly so shocking, was seeing the natural ease with which Frederick spoke. He always had been confidant - always smirking with some smart-ass comment or another, but now Damocles was stunned. The difference between father and son never so palpable as now (he could not help but compare); even the respectful title dropped the same way seemed to sound different.* Oh? *He found himself smiling honestly now too. For while his clothes clearly looked well-cared for, they also were worn...and yet Frederick looked damn better together than his father had. Aching in his chest at the thought -goddamn Brackner stubbornness- he nodded, gesturing Rick could sit with him to show the proposal.* Well, spare no, but listen yes. *His lips split in a wry smirk.* What do you have in mind?
Frederick: *he sits when it was offered and it was most probably for the best; he tended to pace when he was anxious or nervous.* In one word: growth. Here's another: opportunity. Security. Prosperity. *Oh yes, he could really lay it on thick when he needed to. He pulled out a piece of paper and laid it in front of Damocles on the table. On it was a charter request, written by him (his education paid off after all,) and at the top the name "The People's Bank of Faye".* In my time living in town, I've realized how many things I had taken for granted. They, and now I mostly, live day to day. They have no place to store their savings, where those savings could accumulate interest, no place to ask for a loan except for the Lords up here specifically and the majority are not as generous or understanding creditors as you are. 
Damocles: *Rather amused at first when he realized he legitimately was being pitched to, the lofty words that made him smirk quickly fell into words that made him listen. Genuinely, as this was meant to be something Octavius oversaw for him and knew his wife did more than either. Mitchell's words about starving them with the taxes rang in his ear and for a moment, he was grateful to hear Frederick say he was the most generous whether of not it was true. Perusing the top of the document slowly with a critical frown but eagerness to learn in his gaze, he nodded once. The thought of a bank had crossed his mind before - every single time Leanne had visited truthfully while her husband looked on fondly - but while his wife cultivated the school, he had never been able to find the right people or time to open such a bank. His goals had been split between raising his children with principles, endeavoring to strengthen the security against darker foes since Marcus had fled, learning with George and Adelina as much as they could how dark magic worked - medicine,as he aided her healing research. and of course, what had consumed his life - the "spare" time - passing the proclamation. 
Reaching the end of the top parchment, he looked up to Frederick. Honestly for a moment he wished he could appoint another Brackner to the council position - but Cyrus had made that impossible. Furrowing his brows and realizing he was interested in setting this bank up already - that wasn't all. But first things first.* I am impressed. Frederick, I have long thought such would be a good idea - the issues have come in how you would set it up. What building in town? How many would you hire - what governs the investments you are allowed to make? *His lips flick thinking ruefully; the council? His nose wrinkles.* If the council does, then I would think you and everyone else would be at risk to lose life savings to them. But if you are willing to work with me personally...then I think the first step would be speaking to my wife and Esther Hall as well, so we might offer a seminar to teach how to invest in their own profits.
*He'd need one. Oh, military strategy he understood - and he was a fair hand at political maneuvering and affairs with foreign counties or even nations. But show him his finances and his mind spun past simple facts: he just did not have his wife's brain.*
Frederick: *He was immediately interested, Rick could see. It was not surprising that Damocles had thought of this before, or that some of his councillors, advisors (or wife) had brought up the issue. But before all of that, it was strictly speculation. Now Frederick brought plans, detailed ones. He had written rough drafts on pieces of napkins while he worked at the tavern, stayed up late passing them over, consulted with Lucy and Thomas and Esther (sometimes on a particular word, sometimes asking if the sentence was clear enough, that sort of thing.) He took another parchment out and smirked* You'll notice I came to you alone and not them, my lord. I already have approached Esther and Arleen as well and they'd both be delighted to help. *He passed another document* That's the floor plan of the building I'd plan to use: it's been abandoned, needs some restoration but the internal structure I could restore magically without any need for funds. I believe I was told it may or may not have been used as a safe house for goods a couple of decades ago for smugglers.
*Honestly, the way Esther smirked when she told him, he figured it had to be some sort of Stone thing.* The hidden room would be the perfect place for the vaults, and the safety deposit boxes. Again, I could handle the security with spells to keep out burglars, both magical and muggle. It would be a small operation to start with- I'd act as bookkeeper and record all the transactions, and owner. Ian Lally has expressed interest and Esther has assured me he possesses great skill, he would be one teller, Mia Stone -*truthfully, she had overhead he and Esther talking one day and wriggled her way into the conversation, but she proved her worth* as well. They'd handle the money- receiving it and distributing it. I'd also appoint another administrative position, to oversee the running, keep the gears turning if you will, someone with a natural flare for authority. I have several in mind, but I've not yet approached anyone.
*Thomas had suggested Merida, because no one would dare go against Merida, and she'd have those potential burglars running out of there faster than...well, Rick forgot. But he was sure it was a very witty simile.* Obviously I'd need start up money, but the bank would be able to after a certain time repay your investment through our retained earnings from interest revenue, and it would grant you, or someone you appoint, I suppose The Councillor of the Treasury *-God help them-* access to audit our books, for that is well within your right as an investor. *He paused and then licked his lips, before adding more genuinely, personally*
I realized that I'll never make the money I need to save up for my own place working at the tavern. And then I realized if that was true to me, it was true for many. The process is going to be long, they people in town will get frustrated because they won't see the pay off quick enough, but it -will- happen. Your people will be happier, better off. The town will grow, more business will grow, the quality of life will improve, more children will be educated. The gap between the nobles and the townspeople will get smaller, and muggleborns as well. If they grow to have money and if they grow to have a better education the same way we...*he corrected himself* you, people here at court do, it will become more apparent, easier to see, that we're all the same. Purebloods and muggleborns and everything in between. So you see, it's not just the town's growth and prosperity and security and opportunity I was referring to, it's the court's as well. *he paused for a moment and then added in jokingly* The future of the magi cal race could very well be decided by your accepting or declining my offer here, Damocles- my lord. *He was that important, after all.*
Damocles: *A smuggler's hide-out? Why did that remind him of Rowland? Rowland had told...who was he talking to?...that his sister had been a smuggler before marriage. Damocles blinked, not liking that he didn't know why he knew that and moved on. Continuing to go through the documents as he spoke, to add visuals and follow along the floor plan, his ears may well have swiveled in his eagerness to understand the finer points. At least Claudius, for all his long-winded ancient answers and weird reading spectacles had the least inclination of the council towards self-interest; the man loved his numbers too much to abide such inaccuracies. He could always ask George to read them as well -- he might grant most of the Stuart business to Leanne, but he handled daily affairs on his own.
All such minute thoughts of set-up fled as Frederick again turned to personal experience. Damocles held his gaze without a flicker of his sudden immense emotion on his face, nod bare. Mitchell had reminded him they were not children anymore. Frederick's clear preparation was only outmatched by his emotional attachment, his deeper understanding of how this might help everyone and not merely himself. Dear Lord, when had he gotten so old? He was recognizing: these were the advisors he needed, Frederick and Mitchell, Leah and Malcolm - these children who were no longer children, they were the ones fighting. And in that instant Damocles realized they were the reason he had hope. It was an old war they fought, their parents and grandparents war  -- but the children, the ones who Vlad would lead and work with -- they were much smarter than him. They would do a damn fine job, he thought proudly. Nodding now, through a wry smirk he said first,*
Well, you certainly know how to stroke my ego. *More sincerely.* And what I care about. *And he did. Rick had gotten it: proved to Damocles that he saw the larger picture by having lived it--that he understood what he honestly was trying to change had nothing to do with lowering nobility. It was about better lives for all.* Very well, Frederick - I will go through the proposal--*with his sisters, wife and George...he thought for a moment, how Evelyn would inform Garrett, who would tell Cyrus before thinking he couldn't worry about that, it was not his concern. Frederick might have been denied his title by his father - but he had not been banished by him.* -- and define the funding. In the meantime, you have permission to both start the spells for security that require no funding and approach your regulator in mind and inform everyone we will go ahead. I'll have official contracts drawn to those -*he gestured the plans*-and our additions of financial specifics and we can meet to sign and break ground. I'll trust you to head the project once we have, and appoint myself until it opens to audit. *He pauses, and then says more simply,* However Frederick...I need your help as well.
*What he truly wanted to say - that it was he who granted titles, as he had to Garrett, regardless of Cyrus - he swallowed back only as he did not mean yet to take that step. His eyes suddenly blazing with determination, he doesn't blink as he holdshis gaze.* What you said - what you've shown with these documents... is more than a bank, that you understand now why this fight is important. I have been blinded by the court - however honorable my intentions, I know that to some, if not many, appears I am out of touch with what real people need right now. That the proclamation was an empty gesture or an olive branch I now will point at and say it was all I needed to do, that I am yet above them, that I do not care. *He exhales.*
That is not true. I care. I sympathize. But I do not have the means to empathize that you now do. These are the things that I need to hear, that I want to hear. *His lips flick in a dry smirk.* I'm not asking you to go try and change people's minds about me -- they can say what they will, my ego will recover, I'm sure. But I would like to talk to you. I would like to understand their struggles that are now yours too - I would like your advice more often. *He exhales, eyes watering as he suddenly realizes he still has yet to blink and finally does so.* I cannot make you acouncillor- you know that, but I've had personal advisors before in regards to the town. *One. He pushed it from his mind, mentally convincing himself he meant Adelina and those Maeve and Abira worked with.* And I can pay you for that as well as the funding for the bank. Not much but--*he shrugged a shoulder*--I would not ask you to do so for free.
Frederick: *He only restrained a laugh of triumph by diverting it towards a combination of an expression between a smirk and a grin. He nodded, the bubble of apprehension in his chest deflating to know he had succeeded.* Yes, sir. Thank you, Damocles- *He had completely forgotten the honorific in his withheld excitement, nodding through all the instructions, having expected them or at least similar variants of what he was hearing. He pauses mid nod as Damocles adds something else. A year ago he would not have expected to be sitting here, discussing muggleborns rights with Damocles, much less being for them. He had grown. He had changed - thank God, for the better. Instantly hearing an odd combination of voices Etta, Jane, Leah, and Karyn that said quite loudly "he couldn't have gotten any worse." He didn't regret any of it though, none at all, despite all those weeks feeling like an empty vessel and all those mornings of choking back his own vomit and so many years of hating himself...he was for the better now, even if he was dirt poor. He supposed it was so noticeable that Damocles could easily see it, see the difference and no trusted him enough to want his opinion. Frederick sat back slowly, stunned. He pursed his lips together as he considered it. The extra money could very well be worth it (and he had a feeling Damocles' version of "not much" differed from what Rick's was right now).* How often would I need to come to court and report to you?
Damocles: *Waiting patiently while it processed for him he furrowed his brows slowly at the question. His pleasant expression unmoved, an icy jolt through his veins anyway; he thought to himself ideally he would have had Frederick report to the entire council at the weekly meetings. Yet he had just appointed his father there and while he wanted to proceed professionally, he knew he could not govern as if he did not know what situations would cause conflict. As if he didn't know his people. Was that not the whole point?* I could meet with you in town once a week, Frederick, in the capacity of working on this bank. *Simply, but fairly,* If you continue coming to court then people will ask why - and while I surely do not mind who you tell, if you tell the town they might start treating you differently...want you to quote-unquote "report well of them" or the like, and that helps neither of us. Does that sound fair?
Frederick: *He could not deny that he was immensely relieved that he wouldn't have to return on a regular basis. That would have been near intolerable and the more he was back here, the more chances he had of running into his family. And Damocles had a point, if he came here too often well, all that trust that he earned in town could have easily gone away. He nodded.* Very fair. *he smiles earnestly, still in much disbelief this had gone so well* Thank you, my lord.
Damocles: *As he honestly smiles, Damocles mirrors with his own. See? Bloody hell, why did people think him so impossible to work with? When in agreement with him - was he not rather generous?* I'm glad you approached me. *A little more seriously.* Is Lucy well? *He honestly asked more because he wanted to show he respected them together - but he also added anyways,* You can see her waiting outside from here, you know.
Frederick: *He neglected to mention that he might not even have thought about the bank seriously without Mitchell Stone's input because quite frankly, Frederick would rather believe that wasn't true. It would have happened either way. The topic of Lucy always brightened his face and he nodded, lips flicking in amusement after taking a glance at the window, though as he was sitting he really couldn't see much.* She's doing good. Anxious to hear the news I expect.
Damocles: *He chuckles at the addition, nodding absently as he looks back to the parchments in front of him. Shuffling them as he puts them in order, he says lightly,* I am glad she's well. *His eyes flick up to look at him, adding simply,* Then you should hasten to her at once I expect though - I should add I believe Jane would love to see you too. *His one eyebrow cocks saying drily,* Or else we'll all hear it for ages. 
Frederick: Respectfully sir, I don't plan on lingering around the court any longer than I have to. *And he was definitely anxious to return to Lucy's side now that Damocles had approved the project.* So unless she happens to be standing right outside the door *he shrugs* she knows where to find me.
Damocles: *Just nodding once, his smile does not flicker or falter, but a sadness crosses his eyes as he understands the bo--man, truthfully.* I understand. Thank you for your proposal - and for accepting. I will owl you with the details of the latter later tonight? *He stood, extending his hand to shake.*
Lucy: *Fidgeting with her bracelet as she spins it around and around her wrist her eyes scan the grounds anxiously. Well, rather, she did not what to see one Lordling in particular. Counting windows to pass the time - and ducking the gaze of some young ladies hurrying by she didn't know - she frowned and thought speak-of-the-devil, spying Matthew talking with some other bastard friend of his. Wrinkling her nose and straightening to glower at him, the man smirks - but she turns and walks the other way, nearly running in to someone. When she saw it was Rick, she promptly did. Arms still around him tightly, her words breathless,* Well? How did it go? *Keep eyes onme, she thought hastily.*
Frederick: *Nodding, he stood, feeling oddly lighter than when he first walked into the room.* I look forward to working with you, sir. *He shook his hand firmly and then left the room, a part of him was almost expecting Jane to be waiting outside the door despite his initial statement being partially a joke. Ignoring the whispers and the pointing was even easier now, and he walked down the hallways quickly. Stepping out onto the grounds, he smiled to see Lucy and walked towards her but she didn't seem to be noticing him. Frowning slightly in confusion, it was nevertheless cleared as she finally noticed him and all but barreled into him with a hug. Smiling again, he hugged her back tightly and then exhaled, eyes dropping to the ground in feigned disappointment for a few seconds before he looked up at her and grinned.* He's accepted the proposal.
Lucy: *As he dropped her gaze she winced instantly - preparing remarks, trying to think how to make him feel better, when he looks back up grinning. Gasping out and whacking his shoulder she shakes her head wide-eyed,* Oh you--Rick. *She leans in and kisses him - a loud smack against his lips.* Of course he did. I never had any doubt. *Lie: but it was Damocles she doubted, not Rick.* When do you start...? 
Frederick: *He laughed as she hit him, kissing her back and putting an arm around her again and then heading towards the entrance, now more accurately an exit for them.* Immediately. He said I could start clearing out the building and installing security spells that require no money, and then he'll have some contacts drawn up. *That he would scour through diligently.* He also offered me a position, as an advisor. He'll meet me in town weekly under the pretense of working on the bank...I said I'd help him with that too. He'd basically be paying me to share my opinions.
 Lucy: *looking over his shoulder as he spun with her, she scowled a moment as she saw Matthew still looking at them and quickened their pace, eyes falling back to his and beaming. She didn't notice her voice go up in octave as she answered,* Frederick, that's wonderful! And...ridiculous, only you would manage to find that job when you weren't even looking. *Eyes forward.* So...you'll have two jobs - giving your opinion, starting the bank...*And faster steps, her free hand lifting to fix and toy with his tie,* this sounds like an occasion for celebration.
Frederick: Well, I do possess a certain skill of overachieving, you know. *He supposed he wasn't surprised that Lucy was also trying to move them as fast as possible out of there, he would want to be gone too. So he focused instead on what they could do once they get out of here. Smirking, he raised his eyebrows and asked seemingly innocently* What did you have in mind?
Lucy: Skill? I thought it was a curse. *It was a light tease. Truthfully, she was a bit startled - and overjoyed - to see Rick so prideful. Genuine confidence and pleasure at having successfully achieved something he worked hard on - believed in. The fact that it was something he meant to build in the town, her town -- no, their, town --was icing on the cake. He was building something for all of them. Sliding under his arm around her and laying her head against his shoulder as they exit (oh Lord was she relieved Rick had not seen Matthew), she hmmed through the response,* Dessert first, I think. *She wiggled so his hand ocer her shoulder fell to her chest.* Two cream puddings.
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