sangokuu-blog1 · 9 years
"Ignore my brother. He's got silver spoon syndrome." //hope you don't mind Goku getting thrown into family quarrels XD
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"I thought that was your sister? He's really pretty if anything. I didn't know I was in the middle of anything to begin with, friend."
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glxtzy · 9 years
@inanis-iumentis​ | continuation
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                  After the Hell Yuki witnessed within own home, it took days or was it weeks to build up enough stability and sanity to function. There was unfinished business that had been put into motion that still stuck to the back of reconstructing mind when Jeremiah had mentioned a proposal and forced him off with the usual threat no promise of agony should he push further. It would only continue to bother him the longer time would pass. And as much as it should, the thought of Jeremiah didn’t frighten him as much as it once had though he knew the level of threat would still weigh strongly.
                  The door wouldn’t be opened until the voice could be heard that it was acceptable to enter. Slowly pushing open the heavy door to make way inside and shutting it behind. Moving toward the seat often taken upon each visit after their very first meeting when the office had been broken into... Directly across from that man who could devour him in seconds at any moment. 
                   Fingers moving to scratch at cyan locks that were messier than usual before finding way to back of head. This was a bad idea to have try and have a conversation when own’s tune had yet to return. The one thing Yuki had yet to find himself able to retrieve from what had been an almost complete shutdown. Instead head bows downward as if in apology for wasting time. 
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the-final-peace · 8 years
inanis-iumentis replied to your post://Death feels like corrupting someone into...
Welp, I’m fucked on that plot lol
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*Death chuckling in the distance*
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glxtzy · 9 years
| Continuation from this @inanis-iumentis |
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                   Every time they’ve met has been within this room. Each time the amount of danger that radiated off Jeremiah only grew. This time was no different. The way that gaze would look at him just once for longer than enough time made him shift a bit uncomfortable. The fact that no moves were made otherwise only seemed to make the feeling of doom grow. Something within the way the leviathan in form of human being so calm.. caused the hairs on back of neck to raise with the feeling of nerves itching. 
                   A question stuck to the back of mind of ‘Why did you come here again?’. Cyan eyes watching the man fully and nothing else. Studying him and motions. Lips parting as if something was to be spoken only to close once more. Attempting to talk might only cause a quicker sentencing of the very near future that sitting here would bring.
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There's a knock at the door, but with Frankie in the bedroom, Deacon would be the only one to answer it. Would he go see who it is? It's only natural to answer the door when you hear knocking. "WAIT, Don't open the--" Too late, Frankie couldn't get the words out fast enough. "Howdy," Welcomed a strong southern drawl from a towering, young man when the door was pulled open wide enough to see who it was.
“Wait what-?” Deacon questioned as he heard Frankie call from the other room. By the time he asked this though he was already opening the door. The cyborg hadn’t though much of it. He had figured it was one of his own friends or something considering Frankie didn’t usually have guests.
Silver eyes looked up at the towering stranger. “Erm Helllooo?” Deacon awkwardly greeted. “Um you’re one of Frankie’s friends?” He questioned, seeming to be hesitant about letting the guy in. The door was open, but Deacon remained rather in the way. Deacon glanced over his shoulder to see if Frankie was coming before looking back at the man, giving him a bit of a forced smile.
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the-final-peace · 9 years
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“Beast, I have something you may wish to hear. It’s somewhat..of a request as well in truth.”
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A confession from (Deacon) on what gets him hot. (Meme)-->Frankie
”So you do this thing, and it’s not a bad thing, and you don’t even know you’re doing it but like I know you can’t like actually see me and stuff…but sometimes you like…you look at me and make direct eye contact and it gets me pretty flustered and then like you don’t even know how flustered I am so then I’m even more flustered. It’s like, kinda hot.”
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