#inappropriate use of lightsabers
nonbinary-tatooine · 1 year
anakin would send dick pics with his lightsaber hilt for scale
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deakyjoe · 5 months
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Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader (afab, fem)
Category: smut, sex pollen
Summary: Obi-Wan really should have let his curiosity go and avoided that flower.
Warnings: 18+, smut (!!), sex pollen, slight dubcon (because of sex pollen but all consensual), unprotected p in v sex, master kink, slight sub!obi-wan, slight dom!reader, reader talks obi-wan through it basically, suggestions of inappropriate use of a lightsaber, virgin!obi-wan, religious guilt, hints of reader’s past feelings, reader kind of ignores some Jedi rules, kissing, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, a lot of talks of fluids I feel, slight angst I guess, let me know if I missed anything!
Word count: 4.9k
A/N: Happy May the Fourth! Happy Star Wars Day! Wrote an Obi-Wan fic last year so thought I’d keep up the tradition this year as well. It’s not the best thing I’ve ever written, certainly not the best smut, but I did end up rushing it a little to get it posted today so… sorry! This is for @lightwxlker who I told about this over lunch at uni <3 (feel free to read but please never look me in the eye again if you do). Can’t wait to see you later to see The Phantom Menace!!
Consider buying me a coffee :)
Formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment.
Declaration that a person’s sins have been forgiven.
It felt like you'd been trekking through the dense forest for days. Really, it had only been a few hours. But with no end in sight, and Obi-Wan's continuous promise of almost there, you were convinced that the two of you had been lost for about a week.
The Jedi had told you that you were in search of a hidden community that had answers to some questions that the Council had about... something. You didn't know. You rarely paid attention when Obi-Wan explained these things. As much as you respected him, these briefings started to sound the same after a while. It was the thing he reprimanded you for most often.
"Can we-" You wheezed. "Can we stop for just a minute?"
"Soon." He called over his shoulder simply, pushing aside a leafy branch for the both of you to pass through.
You considered pushing him over, tripping him up maybe, and even just stabbing him with your lightsaber. Just to have a break for a moment. It was unclear how he managed to walk through dense forest for hours on end without even a hint of fatigue peeking through. You envied him for it.
Luckily, your prayers were answered when a clearing appeared. It was small, sheltered by the canopy of trees above you, but it was a good place to stop. You didn't even have to say the word, Obi-Wan already knew what you wanted.
"Fine, rest here for a moment." He sighed, pointing at a rock.
You collapsed quickly, thankful for the brief reprieve, and watched as the Jedi made a slow circle around the clearing. He was inspecting every little thing there was to see. If there was one thing you had in common with the man, it was your curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
"Rather fascinating." He mumbled to himself, ignoring the burning of your stare on his back as he moved, poking at a fungus of some kind with the tip of his finger.
"Be careful. It might be poisonous." You warned, stretching out your legs in front of you.
"I know my living organisms." He replied steadily, pulling up and moving on to the next one.
It was a flower. Rather large, with pinkish petals and an indigo centre extending on from a bright green stem. It looked vaguely familiar to you. You racked your brain, thinking about the botany books you'd spent your spare time reading when Obi-Wan had insisted that you should know more about the planets you were constantly visiting.
Nothing was coming to you. Maybe you hadn't seen it in one of those books. Your head tilted as you watched the Jedi stroke gently at the petals with the backs of his fingers, mumbling about how it felt soft, and something came back to you when the flower seemed to move of its own accord.
"Get back." You shot up from the rock you were previously sitting on and took a quick step towards him.
"It's fine." He insisted, not looking at you - too entranced by the flower as he continued to caress the petals. He didn't know this one. He found it intriguing.
You remembered where you'd seen the flower before. A book hidden deep in the archives, where you ventured when you knew no one was looking, part of a collection of things that the Jedi were not supposed to have interest in.
Your pace picked up as the flower curled in on itself, the fleeting look of disappoint clear on Obi-Wan's face, reaching for his shoulder to wrench him back.
"No! Obi-Wan, stop!"
But it was too late.
As you made contact with his robes to pull him away, the flower blossomed open. A bright cloud of purple pollen burst out and coated the two of you, settling itself over your skin and infiltrating your lungs, and therefore your blood stream, as you breathed it in.
You coughed, scrubbing at yourself to try and get it off. But you knew you were past that.
The Jedi turned to you, surprised to see the panic in your eyes. "It's just flower pollen, nothing a little water won't wash away."
Your voice was shaky as you spoke. "What have you done?"
He frowned and glanced back at the plant. It wasn't one he recognised, granted, but he also hadn't been warned of anything dangerous in this area. So he really wasn't concerned. "I don't understand. What's wrong?"
"It's a flos venerem." You whispered. "We need to find shelter."
As you turned around in a slow circle, trying to decide which way you were more likely to find somewhere to figure everything out, Obi-Wan watched you with a curious gaze.
"And what is a flos venerem?"
You scoffed over your shoulder at him. "Do you ever read?"
You knew it was an unfair question considering the place you'd read about the flower wasn't one he, or any other Jedi, frequented but you were angry and frightened. Angry at him for not listening to your warnings. And frightened for yourself since you knew what the flower was going to do to you.
He looked on as you closed your eyes, feeling out with the Force. "Now is not the time to insult me. Tell me."
You whirled on him. "It's an aphrodisiac. A powerful one. And if we don't find shelter soon then you're going to be doing some strange things to these trees."
Obi-Wan frowned, puzzled by what you were saying. "Is there a cure?"
You laughed humourlessly, turning away from him again. "Is there a cure? Is there a cure, he asks. Ha!"
"An antidote?"
"No, there's no antidote." You hissed.
The effects of the pollen were already weighing on you. You imagined Obi-Wan was also feeling something as well, just unaware of it. At least you knew what you were supposed to be feeling. The Jedi Knight had no idea.
Your mouth felt dry, like sand on your tongue, and your skin was hot to the touch. A dull headache was forming at the base of your skull too and you knew these sensations would only get worse if you didn't do what the flower wanted you to. There really was only one way to fix it. But you couldn't find it in yourself to tell your companion the solution. You were ignoring the heavy feeling in the base of your abdomen.
Sensing your apprehension wasn't overstated, Obi-Wan pointed back in the direction you'd come from. "There was a cave a little while ago. We can go there and you can tell me more about this... aphrodisiac flower."
You only nodded, lacking the strength to tell him that you wouldn't be able to listen to his voice out of fear of what bodily responses that would cause in you. Your existing attraction to Obi-Wan would only be increased by the influence of the plant. And you were scared what you'd do, or what you'd suggest, to ease the feelings.
You started marching in the direction the two of you had come from, jumping away from Obi-Wan as he fell into step beside you and his shoulder brushed yours.
"Keep- keep your distance for a while." You muttered, pushing away the lick of heat that had shot through you at his proximity.
He frowned back at you, feeling bad for making you so clearly uncomfortable. "My apologies."
"It's okay. I'm just-" You cut yourself off with a groan.
Obi-Wan's stomach lurched at the sound. "You're just what?"
"The flower is making it difficult to be next to you." You turned your head away from him, desperately trying to breathe in the clean forest air and nothing else. But all you could smell was him. The scent was so strong that you could practically taste him, his skin, and it was making your mouth water.
"You're already feeling the effects of the flower?" He hummed, pondering. "I feel nothing so far."
It wasn't true. But he was completely unaware of what he was feeling. He put the dry mouth and headache down to minor exhaustion, the hike through the forest finally catching up with him. And the stirring he was feeling... down below was foreign. The Jedi secretly believed that maybe he was immune to the flower's influence.
He was severely wrong.
You glanced back at him, instantly looking away when you caught his wide-eyed gaze. His eyes were so blue, so familiar.
You marched ahead of him, ignoring his quiet protests as you urgently sought out the cave. It came into sights quickly and your pace picked up, practically running towards it now. When you reached it, you discarded your top layer of robes, the heat your body was producing making it feel as if you were melting, and left your lightsaber by the entrance to the stone shelter. You feared what you may do with it when the flower's effects got even worse.
Obi-Wan followed closely behind you and watched with curious attention at your actions, slightly puzzled when you made your way towards the back of the cave and sat down facing the wall.
"Sit over there." You pointed over your shoulder to a spot far away from yourself. "I need to think."
"Trying to remember an antidote?" He asked, wondering what there possibly was to think about right now. And without his help as well.
"Sure." You sighed, closing your eyes as you took a deep breath. You weren't thinking about an antidote since you knew there wasn't one. You were considering your options. Even though you knew they were limited. Very limited.
He trusted your word however, which was mildly foolish of him, and took a seat where you'd instructed him to do so. He kept his gaze on you, fixated on the back of your head, as he observed your breathing pick up and then slow back down several times of the course of a few minutes.
What Obi-Wan failed to notice was how his breathing was in tune with yours, increasing when yours did and lowering when yours did.
It didn't escape him though when the flower's influence started to manipulate his body even more. The dry mouth, dull headache, rapid heartbeat, and hardened dick were becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. And Obi-Wan couldn't stay in denial for much longer.
So he called out your name.
Big mistake.
You jumped at the sound, having to bite your tongue to prevent noise slipping from your lips, and glanced at him over your shoulder."Yes?"
"I believe the flower is finally setting in." He decided that was the best way to put it and not that the sight of you was making him think things he hadn't even considered since he was a lot younger.
You looked at him silently for a second too long, eyes flicking downwards before moving back up to meet his again. "Meaning?"
His brows creased for a moment. "You know."
You did. So you turned back towards the wall and stared at it. "I'm thinking really hard about it, okay? I'll work something out."
Time progressed slowly, moving at a sluggish pace that had you wanting to claw your way out of the cave in temporary insanity, and you could hear Obi-Wan's condition growing steadily worse by the minute.
You were finding it a lot easier than him to control yourself, probably due to your more extensive knowledge on the subject of simple carnal pleasure. But Obi-Wan was losing it.
You kept your eyes focused on the stone in front of you, desperately trying to ignore the sounds that Obi-Wan was making behind you. The breathless whimpers that were leaving his mouth were heavenly to your ears, creating a pulse that shook through your body regularly. Despite the sounds making you feel good, it was getting harder and harder to stop yourself from giving in and crawling over to him. Especially since you could hear him tearing off at least one layer of his clothing.
"Obi-Wan, please be quiet." You whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.
To the Jedi your voice sounded husky, tempting almost. "I cannot help it. Please help me."
His voice was desperate, almost whiny, as he begged you for some sort of assistance. If only he knew what that assistance was.
You squeezed your eyes closed, resting your face in your hands. "I'm trying."
It was a lie. You knew that nothing could be done. The passage from the book you'd read about the flower had been very clear. Death was inevitable. Unless you engaged with someone... intimately.
It was the only method that would get your bodily reactions to calm down. If not, the next few days would be painful for the both of you. You'd be extremely aroused the whole time, heart racing at a million beats per minute, sweat would pour out of you and cause severe dehydration that would be impossible to remedy, and finally your body would give up from the sheer exhaustion of trying to handle it all. Then, you'd drop dead.
Just how exactly were you supposed to voice that to Obi-Wan, the man who'd boasted about his ability to follow the Order's rules for years, that the only way for the both of you to survive this was to sleep together? And how were you supposed to recover from possibly finally having the man you'd wanted for so long for just one night and then never again?
"I can sense that you're keeping something from me."
Your head snapped up at his statement. He was correct, sure, but you hadn't expected him to pick up on it in his state.
So you turned around to look at him, legs crossed in front of you and back against the wall to keep yourself as far from him as possible.
"There is one solution that I know of." You confessed, still thinking of a way to tell him.
"Just tell me. I know it's troubling you. It's okay." Obi-Wan's tone was soft and comforting.
You took a deep breath in. "You won't like it."
"Do we have a choice?"
You let the breath out again. "Death."
He released a tired and humourless chuckle. "I can assure you that I'll prefer whatever solution you have to death. So tell me."
You debated what words would spook the Jedi less. Were you clinical and informative? Or soft and subtle? The sweat dripping from his temple, begging to be licked away by the tip of your tongue, was telling you to be harsh and raw with him.
Your gaze fixed on his mouth. "We have to have sex, Obi-Wan. Multiple times probably." The last part was added on for emphasis, meant to draw a reaction out of him.
He gave it to you. His already flushed cheeks reddened some more, eyes darting away from yours momentarily. It's not that the antidote was unexpected, he figured that it would lead somewhere like this considering the two of you had been contaminated by an aphrodisiac, but he thought maybe that there would be another solution. Or that you'd at least beat around the bush a little more.
Obi-Wan didn't know how to tell you that he'd never done something like that before so wouldn't even know where to start.
Little did he know that you were already well aware of that fact.
"I'll guide you through it." You paused. "But once we get started I don't think you'll need much guidance. The effects of the pollen will probably lead you."
His eyes snapped back to you, a frown pinching between them. "And what do you know of it?"
"Obi-Wan..." You mumbled, tilting your head down slightly to give him a meaningful look.
He didn't look thrilled at the notion.
You scoffed, annoyance bubbling at his obvious judgement. "We all have a past."
He knew what you meant. Sure, everyone had a past. He just didn't realise you had that sort of past. Still, he realised he had no place to pass judgement against you.
Heat pulsed between your thighs at the sudden wide-eyed apologetic look he was giving you. A groan rumbled in your chest and you squeezed your eyes shut.
"I see that this is hard for you." He whispered and you attempted to hold back a laugh thinking that this probably wasn't the only thing that was hard. "So, how about you come over here and... show me what we have to do."
You looked back at him, surprised by the boldness he was showing. Yes, he wasn't a shy man by any means but you thought he'd have been a bit less confident in this situation. Or maybe the whole thing would just be so meaningless to him that he thought it'd be easy.
Obi-Wan could feel random muscles in his body clenching as you stared at him. He'd never felt like this before. He'd always known that you were beautiful, it was impossible to ignore, but he'd never thought much else of it. But now? He couldn't do anything else apart from think about it.
You slowly pushed yourself up from your seated position and fell onto your hands and knees, too tense to stand up, and made your way towards him steadily. He was surprised to find himself practically buzzing at the sight of you crawling towards him, a ravenous look on your face. You stopped about a foot in front of him, looking up into his eyes through your eyelashes.
A hand reached out for you.
You took it.
With his help, you settled yourself over Obi-Wan's lap, a leg either side of his thighs so you straddled him. You didn't let your weight rest on him just yet, wanting to check in quickly to make sure he was okay. It was taking everything in your power not to start touching him all over despite your overactive brain basically screaming at you to do so.
His eyes moved rapidly, taking you in as he searched across your body. A hand landed on either of your hips, encouraging you to move closer to him. So you did, chest pushing slightly against his and weight pressing into his lap as you sat down. The both of you let out a sigh at the contact, pain eased for just a few moments.
It was then that you noticed you'd sat on something extremely hard.
"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" You chuckled, about to reach down to remove the weapon from the inside of his robes.
But Obi-Wan's eyes flickered over your shoulder to somewhere behind you. Slowly, you turned to see what he was looking out, a small pinch between your eyebrows, and saw where you'd discarded your own lightsaber earlier. What you were surprised to find was his lightsaber resting up against a rock beside yours.
"Oh." You croaked and looked back at him, eyes shooting to his crotch for a brief moment. "You are just happy to see me."
"The flower." He grumbled lowly.
Your heart fell momentarily, your face along with it, before you recovered and looked downwards towards his chest. "Right, of course."
Realising he'd made a fatal mistake, Obi-Wan placed a finger under your chin and tilted your head up to make eye contact again. "A combined effect of the flower and... you."
Your mouth dropped open for a second, dazed by his statement, before a smile blossomed along your face. "There was one thing I forgot to mention."
"And what was that?" His eyes were fixed on your mouth now.
"The flower's effects are stronger and fast acting if you are already attracted to the person you're with at the time of exposure." You leaned towards him closer, the tips of your noses brushing against each other. "I expected to feel the influence at least an hour or two before you did, Master."
A soft sound, somewhere between a moan and a whine, escaped his lips at the use of the title. It surprised you, you hadn't thought he'd be into that kind of thing. You didn't give him a chance to give you a real response though, the noise he'd just made finally pushing you over the edge.
You cupped his face in your hands and kissed him, thumbs swiping over his cheeks to wipe the purple pollen away. He let out another sound at that, this one more shocked, but equally as unrestrained. Your mouth opened just in time to catch it and swallow it against your own moan at finally feeling his lips melding with yours.
Usually, in the past, you’d have some sense of patience in this situation. But it’s like the feeling of his skin under your palms and his lips against yours, your tongue in his mouth, sent the pollen vibrating in your bloodstream. And before you knew it, your hands were tearing at his clothes, absolutely desperate to get them off.
And while Obi-Wan was a little more hesitant than you, inexperience slowing him down, once he felt how eager you were he could only join in on the action. His hands were soft, almost silky, like they hadn’t ever seen a day of hard labour in his life, and they sent warm bursts of electricity through you as they slid against your skin.
All barriers between you were removed in less than a minute, although time seemed to be flying now that you’d actually gotten beyond just staring at each other and ignoring all feelings your body had been screaming at you to address.
“Do you know what comes next, Master?” You questioned, wondering how out of practice he really was.
Obi-Wan seemed to pause, taking a long thought, before saying anything. “I’ve never done this before.”
“I know.” You said and he seemed both embarrassed and surprised. “That’s not what I was asking. Do you know what happens?”
“I’ve heard things.” He admitted slowly.
Up until this point you’d been trying to avoid looking down at his naked body. Sure, the two of you had been pretty enthusiastic in taking the other’s clothes off but neither of you had verbally stated what you were comfortable with actually doing. That didn’t mean you couldn’t feel every inch of him pressing against you though. Somehow in the tumble of robe removal, you’d slid forward on his lap which had caused your torsos to connect. And you hadn’t bothered to move back again.
You searched his face for any sign of discomfort, finding none. “Can I touch you?”
He sputtered. “You already are.”
“No-“ You took a deep breath. “Can I touch you… down there?”
You were hesitant to say certain words to him, cringing at just the thought of them coming out of your mouth and entering his ears. You shouldn’t be shy about this, having done this countless times before. But now you were doing it with Obi-Wan, someone you admired with the deepest affection, it felt different. A good different but different nonetheless.
“Oh.” The flush he’d been sporting across his face stretched to meet the tip of his ears and you reached up to tuck some hair back away from them. “Yes, you can.”
You could see that the lust the flower caused had taken over all rational thought as his irises, usually so blue and bright, had been consumed by his pupils dilating. Was this a good idea, you silently wondered? Did he truly want this? Or was the flos venerem speaking for him?
Before you had the chance to ponder over that even more, the animal instincts in your brain took over and your hand was wrapping around his, pretty sizeable, cock.
He hissed at the sensation of your warm palm touching him and you observed his reaction with hungry curiosity. You liked the way his eyes fluttered closed and his teeth sunk into his bottom lip, the way his head snapped back against the cave wall and he didn’t even seem to notice that it should’ve hurt. He was too absorbed in the pleasurable way that you were touching him.
You were touching him.
Obi-Wan felt as if he were flying amongst the stars.
Your hand slid up and down his length, taking in every minor reaction he gave you to see what he liked. The answer was: he liked all of it. No matter the pace of your strokes, the pressure of your squeeze, or the angle of the twist, Obi-Wan revelled in it all.
Every sound he made caused what felt like a flood to pour from between your thighs, skin prickling with flames of desire. You increased the speed of the pumps against his shaft, feeling him twitch in your hand. Obi-Wan started babbling to himself, something you couldn’t quite understand but realised were certainly happy mumblings. It didn’t take much more until he was orgasming, cum spurting out of him in hot ropes and coating both of your stomachs.
You weren’t surprised to see that he remained hard. At least the botany books hadn’t lied to you about the multiple times thing.
“Need you inside me now, Obi-Wan.” You whispered, pleased when his eyes seemed to spark with something akin to excitement. Pushing yourself up slightly, you took him in your hand again and aligned him with your entrance. Notching him against you, you inched down onto him slowly, feeling your hips stutter willing you to go faster, and watched his face scrunch up in pleasure.
“Does that feel good?” You asked despite knowing the answer. You just wanted to hear him say something, even a noise of approval would work for you.
He nodded rapidly and whined. “Yes, yes.”
Pleasure rocketed up your spine, walls clenching around him and he whimpered again. His hips bucked up underneath you and your eyes rolled back in your head.
He did it again.
You came.
A shocked laugh escaped your throat as the orgasm rippled through. You hadn’t realised it would be that easy but given that you’d denied yourself any friction and stimulation for way too long considering the situation you were in, it only made sense.
Obi-Wan’s eyes widened. “Did you just-?”
“Yes.” You sighed and rocked your hips against his, thighs still trembling with the aftershock.
“Stars-“ He gasped, head falling forward to bury his face in your neck. You smiled at the feeling of his beard scratching against your skin and moved faster.
Time became a haze, multiple orgasms rolled into a blur, and before you know it you felt like you couldn’t move anymore. Your legs ached, your body dripped with sweat and your breathing was shaky and uneven.
But you were determined for one more.
Obi-Wan gasped about it being too much but couldn’t stop himself from continuing to thrust up underneath you. Which you were thankful for considering you could feel your thighs cramping up and barely managing to support your weight. His arms locked around you, trapping you against him, as he pounded into you urgently like he was chasing something. He was really. And you could understand.
“Come on, Master, just one more.” You murmured against his temple.
It took only those words of encouragement for Obi-Wan to spill inside you once again, the feeling of that setting you off as well. And finally the two of you relaxed, the pollen’s effects wearing away.
The two of you sat against each other breathless for a moment before you eased up off of him and settled beside him. He immediately collapsed against you, sliding down until his head met your lap. You placed a hand in his hair as his breathing slowed down to a normal pace.
Now that the high had passed, guilt was setting in.
“What have I done?” Obi-Wan croaked, burying his face against your thighs.
You froze, knowing you should be feeling this same shame but not finding it in yourself to care. At least not right now. “It’s okay.”
“No!” He almost wailed. “I broke- I broke rules. Sacred Jedi code.”
“You had no choice. It was either that or death.” Tears stung at the backs of your eyeballs, willing yourself not to crack and break down. He needed you to be strong. “There was no other way.”
He knew you were right, a small seed of relief buried deep in his chest. He didn’t have another choice. But then there was another matter…
You continued to try to make him feel better. "The council will forgive you, Obi-Wan. It couldn't have been helped."
The Jedi could only nod in reply. That wasn't what worried him anymore, your logical argument had been enough to reassure him of that. What did worry him is how much he wanted it to happen again.
He glanced up at you. "What about you? Can you forgive me?"
You paused, hand stilling against the side of his head. "There's nothing to be forgiven."
"Please." He whispered against your skin. "Please just-"
It hurt you to hear the break in his voice. A man, usually so confident, reduced to this. All because of something out of his control.
You took a deep breath, stared straight ahead at the cave wall opposite you, tears in your eyes and a hand combing through his hair. "I forgive you, Obi-Wan."
A/N: I listened to Star Wars ambience on YouTube as I wrote most of this. Hope you enjoyed!
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geekforhorror · 10 months
pls pls plsssss i want older!anakin to fuck me where everyone could hear us so baaaaad!!! want obi wan to yell at us for being so reckless & disrespectful!! also daddy kink! imagine age gap!
pls write something about his i love your writing!!!!!!!!!
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pairing: older!anakin x fem!reader
warning(s): SMUT (DNI IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT!), dom!anakin, sub!reader, established age gap (anakin is 35, reader is 20), anakin is a master in this (not readers master tho!), unprotected p in v sex, dirty talk, pet names, divorced au (sorry miss amidala!), etc.
You always had a thing for Skywalker.
You didn’t know what made him so alluring. Maybe it was his confidence, good looks, personality, or perhaps it was all three. You had developed a crush on him from the very moment you encountered him in the temple’s halls. From then on, you could barely keep your composure around him. It started off with blushing and now it had gotten to the point where you had to clench your thighs together whenever he spoke to you. You tried your best to shield your thoughts from the confident Jedi and you thought you succeeded in doing so.
Oh, how wrong you were.
See, unbeknownst to you, Anakin had picked up on your behavior and instantly wanted to know what it was that was making you that flustered. He already had a sneaking suspicion of what was going on. Luckily, he would have the opportunity to see if he was right or not. One night, he had been assigned to be your dueling partner since your master was out on a mission. You were nervous to say the least. How the fuck were you supposed to spend an entire hour with him when you could barely keep your composure around him for more than five minutes? All you knew was that you were screwed.
The time had finally come where you had to meet Skywalker in the dueling chambers. Here you were, outside of the very room where the man you had grown feelings for was, yet you were too nervous to actually enter the room. You didn’t know how to describe it. Being around him was so… intoxicating, but also nerve wracking. You knew better than to let these thoughts surface during your session with him, but it would be rather tricky when you had to duel at the same time. Besides, what would he think? He would probably report you to the council the first chance he got for inappropriate behavior on your behalf. That’s why this couldn’t come to light.
To prepare yourself, you took a deep breath in and collected yourself enough before finally entering the room. As soon as you entered the room, you were met with those mesmerizing blue eyes you loved so much. They had a way of making you gaze into them until you were in a dazed-like state. It was hard to look away, but you managed to do so, keeping in mind that you couldn’t be caught doing a thing like that.
“Hello Master Skywalker. It’s a pleasure to duel with you again,” you say too cheerfully. Fuck.
“The feeling is mutual,” he replies with a rather nonchalant tone to his voice. You didn’t know what it was about his voice that always had you dripping through your panties, but fuck. Maybe it was the way his voice sounded like pure velvet.
“Are you ready?” he asks you.
“Yes,” you said a little too quick.
“Alright then. Positions!”
You do as he says and take your normal stance, which you had learned from your master. Anakin takes his signature pose, the room now filled with silence that wasn’t there before. Suddenly, his lightsaber strikes in the air and gives you barely any time to react. However, you know better than to let his hasty movements derail yours. You decide to use your instincts to your advantage.
“I’m not gonna go easy on you,” he says with a cheshire smile.
“Good,” you confidently reply.
He couldn’t help but chuckle at your rather fierce response. He always admired your boldness and confidence. It was what set you apart from all the other Jedi. However, you were also selfless and willing to sacrifice everything for the ones you loved. He saw parts of himself in you. That drive and desire.
He saw your response as an invitation to go harder on you as he swayed his body around while attempting to strike you with his wielded weapon. You blocked him with every breath you took and focused on finding his weakness. Fortunately for him, your focus on defeating him allowed him the perfect opportunity to lodge himself inside that pretty little brain of yours and see what you were hiding from him. After all, his mind reading abilities were way stronger than yours, so it was likely you wouldn’t even notice.
Suddenly, he was met with a vision. It was one of you: all alone in your quarters, wearing nothing but your lacy bra. He was met with the sight of your cunt, all covered in slick and creamy arousal. There you were, all sprawled out on the bed while plunging two of your fingers inside your needy pussy—imagining it was him stretching your tight hole until you were practically begging to cum. Just as he was about to strike, his ears were met with your needy moans.
“Fuck- Ana- Anakin,” you whined out, loud enough for bypassers in the hall to hear.
The vision disappeared just as fast as it was displayed and was replaced with another, only this one was more of a thought and more dirty than the last. This time, it was you thinking of his hands roaming your body and pounding his cock into you until you were a crying and moaning mess around him.
How could a girl like you have such nasty thoughts about her superior?
He felt himself grow hard in the confines of his pants and knew he had to get out before you noticed. When he came back, he was met with your leg swiftly coming up in the air in order to counter his previous actions. Despite being distracted for some time, he somehow overpowered the thoughts of you just enough to hit you right in the leg with his training saber, declaring victory.
“Well, well,” you heard him say.
“What is it?” you say, sounding intrigued but also confused.
“It seems like I beat you despite getting into that pretty little head of yours,” he finally admits.
“Wait what?”
“Don’t play dumb with me… I know every dirty little thought you have of me,” Anakin chuckles confidently. “It’s quite adorable, actually.
You felt a flush of embarrassment fill your cheeks as they were now a rosy shade of pink. “It’s not that hard to sense in you, angel,” he replies, reading your very thoughts. “I found them quite amusing. The way you want me to kiss all over your pretty little body, how you want me to ruin you and make you mine, the feeling of what it would be like to be taken by a man, not a mere Jedi boy. They don’t know what you want like I do,” he says cockily.
“I- I don’t know what to say,” you admit.
“Then I’ll do the talking. From the moment I first saw you, I knew I had to have you. I mean, why else do you think you ended up with me all these times your master was out? It’s because I told the others to let me train you even if it was temporary.”
“I had no idea, Master Skywalker,” you say truthfully, but also surprised at what you were hearing right now.
“I think we’re past all the formalities, don’t you? Call me Anakin,” he says.
“Anakin, I had no idea,” you correct yourself.
“That’s better. Now do you want to take this somewhere a little more… private?” he asks.
“Like where?” you ask playfully.
“Perhaps my quarters?” he suggests.
“I’d like that,” you say with an ear to ear grin, clearly showing you had gotten over your shyness.
“Follow me then,” he says before reaching his hand out to yours. You take his hand before he walks the two of you out of the room and into the dark halls of the the temple. The two of you look for anyone who may be lurking in the halls, but there’s no one. Before you know it, you guys have reached his room and that’s when he hastily opens the door and slams it just as hard.
He wastes no time before hungrily kissing you on the lips and pushing you against the wall of his room. The kiss is primarily fueled by pent-up desire that had been built up in the two of you for what seemed like forever.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted this... wanted you," you pant against his lips.
"Trust me...I do," Anakin clarifies. He then moves his lips and latches them onto your neck, sucking roughly at the surrounding skin.
"Anakin..." you whine.
"Yes, sweetheart?" he responds.
"I want you to fuck me," you confess.
"You do, huh?" he rhetorically asks, already knowing the answer you would give him.
"Please Ani.. don't tease me," you pathetically say. You know how you sound right now, but you're too lost in the moment to care about any of that.
"Anything for you, baby," he coos.
With that, he swiftly grabs your hips before letting you wrap your legs around his waist. He guides the two of you toward his bed and gently lays you down. "I'm gonna treat you so well that you won't be able to think about any other man besides me... gotta have you all to myself, baby," Anakin says full of passion while undressing you until you're all bare for him and only him. He knows you want to undress him, but he stops you before you can even lay a hand on any of his garments. He starts to strip himself of any and all clothes he previously had on and maker, his body did not disappoint. Despite his age, he had kept most of the lean physique he had when he was in his twenties. His abs were sculpted to absolute perfection. The way his waist was so defined practically had you drooling. He was perfect in every way. Even his dick was. It was all red at the tip and sat upright, but the thing that stood out the most was how long and thick it was.
"Eyes up here, darling," he says with a slight laugh.
"I don't know if I can take all of that," you shamefully admit.
"You want it though, don't you?" Anakin asks.
That was all you had to say before he positioned himself on the bed and instantly inserted himself inside your tight pussy, giving you no time to adjust to his size as he thrusts into your greedy walls. You immediately felt full of his thick cock and felt yourself clench around him.
"Need to train this hole if you're gonna be all mine," he grits.
"Please!" you cry out, digging your nails into his defined shoulders, which only eggs him on even further.
"Need to ruin you for any other guys, yeah?" he goes on.
You can only nod your head yes due to the newfound pleasure filling your body. No other man had made you feel this good. Maybe it was because one of them had experience like Anakin did. Relationships were strictly forbidden for Jedi to have, but there were rumors about Senator Padme Amidala being pregnant with Anakin's children. You thought they were merely rumors, but that was before you had his cock deep inside your weeping cunt, thrusting until you were all raw and sore. Before tonight, you never knew that's what you wanted.
"Harder!" you beg of him.
"Poor little thing... hasn't been full of my cock for more than 5 minutes and is already begging for more" he tuts.
"Please, daddy!" you scream.
"That's right baby," he says in a soft yet promising tone.
Fulfilling your needs, he spreads your legs even further to get an even better angle of your pussy before animalistically pounding his fat cock into your swollen walls. You couldn't help but loudly moan at his movements. You knew you were giving other people the chance to hear what was going on, but you were too cock drunk to care. The sound of skin hitting skin filled the thin walls of the room and probably the entire hall, as a matter of fact. You felt too full to even form coherent thoughts. He wasn't planning on slowing down anytime soon now that you had given him the green light to go harder. He wouldn't stop until you were a crying mess.
A familiar feeling started to form as you saw stars in your blurred vision. You felt a rope of heat fill your stomach and knew you wouldn't be able to hold off for much longer.
"'M so close Master...please let me cum!" you cry out.
"Just hold on for a bit longer... wanna make you feel as good as possible," he replies. You nod your head at this and comply with his words. He suddenly then ruts his hips even rougher on yours, knowing you would be bruised for days to come.
"I'm gonna-" you start to say.
"Let go for me baby. I've got you... cum all over my cock."
With his permission, you finally let go and spill all over him while he's still fucking you through it. He groans at the feeling of your warmth around his hard cock and cums shortly after. He pulls out of you before lying down next to you. "You did so well for me, darling," he says in a reassuring manner.
Just as you're about to speak, there's a sudden knock on the door that alerts the two of you. The two of you rush to put your clothes on, not wanting to answer the door naked for whoever is on the other side. Once the two of you are fully dressed, Anakin opens the door and it's none other than your master Obi-Wan.
Shit, the two of you were screwed.
"I see that the two of you are finally done engaging in....activities. However, please remember that some of us were forced to listen to your obscenities. Please come with me otherwise you will be dealing with far worse!" he says in an almost lecturing dad tone.
This was gonna be a long night.
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darlingdekarios · 1 year
the power of the dark side.
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rating: explicit. 18+ only. length: 5,178 content: Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader x f!Jedi!reader, ORDER 66, dead dove do not eat, canon-accurate violence, dark themes, child death, corruption, inappropriate use of the Force, smut [f receiving oral, v fingering, rough, unprotected p in v], kink(s) [choking]
Anakin promised that he would always find you, but you would never run from the dark.
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“Stay here. Be silent. May the Force be with you.”
The last words you had spoken to the younglings as you tucked them away behind a locked door repeated in your ears as you silently made your way through the halls of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. You were certain time had simply ceased to exist, unsure exactly how long you’d been waiting for the catalyst for what you knew was to come. Recently knighted after 8 years of serving as Padawan to Master Mace Windu, you were still familiarizing yourself with the force in some ways, but today it was crucial that you could trust your instincts. Today, you had to listen to the force. 
Finding a corner to tuck yourself behind you closed your eyes, recentering yourself and waiting for something to feel right. The time passed even slower in what was, in reality, mere moments. When your eyes opened you found yourself standing before the Jedi High Council Chambers, your feet and the force working together to carry you to where you needed to be – to where you were destined to be. Clutching your lightsaber beneath your robes you took a deep breath, stepping into the chambers. 
It was him – of course it was him – behind the doors, a newly awoken darkness shrouding his eyes as he fixated on your every movement into the room. Standing where Master Yoda would have sat he looked ready to pounce at any moment, so you kept your distance in the center of the room. Tonight, Anakin Skywalker was pure darkness, fire, and something primal brimming through as his lips curved into the signature smirk – the one he always seemed to wear just for you. 
“I knew you would come to me if I willed it,” his words were dripping with confidence and desperation, and the smallest whisper of fear threatening to present itself despite his best efforts to keep it down. He knew – of course he knew – that you could feel him, that you knew the hidden emotions others could never hope to discover in him. The two of you, not far apart in age, had found yourselves in the force together in many ways, and it had resulted in a connection that the Jedi Council noted their weariness of many times. “Mace Windu is dead. He attempted to assassinate the Chancellor.”
“I felt his death,” was your simple affirmation, a curt nod accompanying your words. “And I felt your part in it.”
“He was a traitor, angel,” his words were chased by his signature laugh, taunting you behind the new look in his eyes. The nickname he’d called you so many times sounded so wrong from him now, and a chill ran down your back. Your stomach tight, you swallowed hard as you began to listen to the voice in your mind telling you that nothing would be the same after tonight. Just how much it was supposed to change, the events that were to follow – no instinct could prepare you for it. 
“Anakin…what have you done?”
“I am bringing peace to the galaxy,” was the statement that left his mouth, but you both knew what it really meant – he was fulfilling his destiny. He was becoming more. He was becoming stronger, more powerful – everything he had always wanted. He was free. This new tone was him – completely him – free of his lifelong feeling of obligation to others for the first time in his life. Today was a day for what he desired, for what only he could do. “Join me.”
The two words were simple but oh-so complex, and you found yourself unable to respond to his request – to his demand – as you fought to find an adequate breath. He took advantage of your stunned mind to assert his plan further.
“The Jedi are going to be gone soon. Most have been killed by now – and I will not leave this temple full of the threat to the galaxy that is the Jedi,” his words were venom as he spoke of the organization that raised him, no affection left within his heart for the group. 
“Then you’ll have to kill me, Anakin,” your eyes finally focused on his and you fought back the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes, unwilling to display weakness for him. If you were to die today, you would die with dignity. There would be no begging from your mouth as the man who you had once trusted, the man who had saved your life numerous times throughout your years as a Padawan. “For I am a Jedi Knight.”
His laughter filled the air once more, though this round was far more sinister than the last as his eyes burned into yours. His smirk found its home on his features again as he stepped closer to you, reveling in the way your heart rate increased for him. “You are no Jedi.”
“Then what am I?”
“So much more,” he finished closing the gap between the two of you to his liking, content with you being a mere two arm’s lengths away for now, though tonight he was intent on making you drop the last of the pointless Jedi barriers you held around you. “We are stronger together – I make you stronger. You belong at my side, building something better…together. Come with me to finish eradicating the Jedi, to eliminate the Separatists and to bring peace to the galaxy. You can be so much more than what the Jedi allow you to be.”
Your tear ducts betrayed you and the salty liquid forming in your eyes spilled over, rolling down your cheeks as your lightsaber was withdrawn from your robes. He raised an eyebrow as you took a step back from him, igniting your blade which threatened to fall to the floor from your shaking hand. He was asking you to do the impossible – to leave the only stability you had known since being removed from your family at such a young age, to murder those you’d sworn to protect and teach, to sink into the dark side. The boy you had known for over a decade, who had been the only real security you’d ever felt, was asking you to betray everything you’d ever learned for him. The conflicting emotions boiled inside of you and the hot tears spilled down your cheeks larger and faster, building as more emotions poured into them, particularly a new one for a young Jedi – anger.
As you entered a stance he’d seen so many times before – one he always said reminded him of a Loth cat – that same smirk played on his lips again. “Go on then, angel. Give into your anger. You will find strength in it as I have.”
A broken sound, not quite a yell, not quite a whine  – one Anakin had never heard from you before – erupted from your throat and you raised the blade above your head you found nothing need intervene – you could never bring yourself to lower the blade to him. Looking into his eyes you saw the man who had saved your life not even a year ago on Nal Hutta, the one who had wrapped you in his robe to cover the indecent outfit the Hutts had dressed you in. The one who had threatened to strike down anyone who even looked at you. The one who had held you in the ship as you, for once, let so many emotions spill from you. It was the second time he’d seen you cry, the third being now. 
Despite his primary driving force being the rage he felt at the Jedi’s betrayal, seeing you cry did make his stomach turn deep within, and somewhere a quiet voice in his mind hoped that he’d never have to see you cry again. If you would just listen to him, he would ensure that you never felt like this for the rest of your life. Your movements had frozen and you simply stood there, lightsaber raised, tears pouring from your eyes as you contemplated what to do – what could anyone do in a situation like this? Impatient and running out of time, Anakin used the force to pull your saber to his hand, tossing it to the side with a growl. His attention focused elsewhere, even if just for a moment, you made a desperate dash toward the door only to be stopped in your place – just as the doors had begun to open. 
He used the force to turn you to him, his brows furrowed together as he shook his head. “You would rather die with the people who took you from your family? You would rather bleed with them than take your place at my side? The Council would have cast you out within the year – Jedi can’t have attachments and you’ve never been able to follow that one rule. Have you?”
His taunting words stabbed into your chest like no weapon ever could and you fought to allow your eyes to fall on him again, the tears frozen on your cheeks. This anger that had consumed him had made him stronger, and despite the fact you were certainly not weak, it did take a great deal of your strength to be able to fight through his manipulation of the force. 
“I…have…no…attachments,” you fought to state through clenched teeth, his eyes narrowing at your complete disrespect toward him but inwardly commending you for being strong enough to fight him – not that you could do it forever. 
“Where would you run, angel? I will always find you,” his words quickened as he closed the distance between the two of you, his steps long and heavy as he sought to be closer to you. Despite his movement his invisible grasp on you did not falter, and even in your conflicted mind you had to commend Anakin for this newfound strength – it was what he had always wanted. You swallowed hard at his choice of words, his intention to mimic the words he’d uttered Nal Hutta clear. The conversation between the two of you in the ship that night had replayed in your mind nearly every day since then. In all honesty, there was a lot about that near two week stretch of time that you didn’t – couldn’t – think about…but often, your rescue replayed in your mind.
Cold, wet, hard, and slimy were the only four words adequate enough to describe how the eleven days spent on Nal Hutta had been. Everyone – seriously, everyone – in the galaxy knew exactly how the Hutts liked to dress their playthings. When that current plaything happened to be a Jedi who had found herself bested by a bounty hunter, it only made the satisfaction to see her in the outfit that much more.
Anakin had fought his way through the filth and grime to find you, slicing the chains that held you and forcing you against his side under his arm, his robe shielding you from prying eyes for the first time in days. Having recalled so much of that day you were certain you’d clung to Anakin’s side, releasing a sigh of relief at how warm he was. 
But it wasn’t just the warmth his closeness provided, it was how everything felt around him. This close to him, you were safer than you could ever be and deep within you wished everyday could be spent this close to him – to feel this secure. Anakin’s lightsaber had stayed ignited and his eyes had revealed so much of the darkness within him that day – if anyone had pushed a singular button over taking you with him, he would have killed for you that day.
You still hadn’t come to terms with Anakin’s role in your rescue entirely. It was controversial with the High Council, who had lectured Anakin for hours on end. Your summons to the High Council was much shorter, a firm warning from the Masters – that Anakin would be your downfall. You were certain by the reaction from the council and the way Anakin had behaved that day he had taken at least one life that day on his quest to save you – and he held no regret for the action. But with you, that night, he was the softest he had ever been. 
Back in the ship – outfitted with several troopers who hadn’t even needed to join Anakin – he had pulled you aside for a semblance of privacy. His eyes contained storms of emotion as he kept a grip on your shoulders, hands trembling with the emotions he wanted to express but couldn’t remember how. Struggling to find the words his mind sought he unwrapped his robe from himself, draping it around your shoulders and pulling you flush against him. 
Words weren’t needed as he held you…as a balance was formed at this hint of a union and a gentle, soothing hum surrounded you and allowed the world to fade. In his arms, returning to the stars, you let yourself free of your normal restraints, allowing Anakin to hold all of the strength in this bubble together. You wept, clinging to him, trembling in his arms, nails digging at his skin at the slightest movement from him, controlled by the fear that he may withdraw from you. He had held you the entire duration to Coruscant, his fingers digging into you the best they could through the oversized robe encompassing you in his scent. He had rested his chin on your head, eyes closed, content at the melancholy meditation this situation presented to you both. 
“I owe you one, Ani,” you’d spoken so quietly to him he wasn’t entirely sure it was allowed, to this day questioning if the two of you for a moment had joined in your own mental world to have true privacy. “I was…afraid.”
“I felt it,” he’d replied, wrapping his arms tighter in an attempt to coax you back into relaxation, his only true desire soaking in this moment with you. The part of him that cared for you wanted to provide you with the comfort you needed, but the selfishness that always lurked beneath hoped the conversation could be had while he held you, not willing to let you go just yet – unsure when this opportunity would present itself next. 
“That place…it was horrible, Anakin. I could barely feel anything, I felt so lost.”
“You could never be lost with me around. I will always find you. ”
When his words had first been spoken so many days ago they were comforting, assuring that there was someone in the galaxy who cared about you beyond your status as a Jedi. Now, his tone flirted with playfulness as he taunted you with them, coaxing you to follow him down his new path. Years of Jedi indoctrination screamed at you that these words in this context were so wrong, but your thoughts and feelings had to disagree. Tonight your heart knew this was his form of the promise that you’d longed to hear – but your training simply could not allow you to give into this path. 
“Things have changed…Anakin. You’ve…changed. Attachments change,” you could barely manage to choke out, your windpipe still restrained by his use of the force. Anakin’s control faltered, certain he had won you over by now, and he lessened his invisible grasp on you, choosing to change his approach. This, with you, didn’t need to be about the Jedi or Sith – it only needed to be about the two of you. 
He had not freed you of his control fully and he began moving you toward the wall nearest to you, his tall frame leaning over yours to aid in keeping you in your place. You couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked this way, his eyes dark, his brows pulled together and the lightest smirk playing on his lips, his pink tongue darting out to wet his lips. His hair, the longest it had ever been, was falling in dampened curls around his face. It was ironic, truly, that he called you ‘angel’, as in your mind that was the only way to describe him. 
“I will never forget how I felt when I learned you had been taken to Nal Hutta,” he attempted to state with an aura of confidence but instead revealed his true emotions, the emotions he had felt that night – fear, worry, pain. His gloved, robotic hand found its way to your hip and his senses sought out every reaction this new touch had on you. His voice dropped as he continued, hovering his mouth close enough to your ear for his warm breath to stun you. “I was so afraid. Everything changed for me that day…those eleven days. I would do anything to make sure you’re by my side – forever, once I’m strong enough, once I’ve learned to defy death.”
This was never the exact way you had dreamt of this scenario playing out, but there were certainly elements that made this scene ignite conflict within you – the light and dark finding another platform to battle within your heart, mind, and very spirit. You had been raised to find faith and goodness in the light, in the Jedi Order, and there were so many things about what Anakin was suggesting that went against everything you, hypothetically, believed in. But there was still somewhere within the little girl who’d met Anakin first on Coruscant, who’d longed to hear him say the feelings his stoic mask usually hid. 
Hearing him begin his confession in this way, his voice lower and dripping with emotions you’d never heard from him before inspiring your own mind to explore feelings you never had before. The cocktail of emotions was overwhelming – anger, fear, sadness, confusion…desire, desperation, arousal…freedom. None of these things were the Jedi way – none of these feelings were acceptable, particularly not for him. And yet with his lips so dangerously close to your ear, there was no genuine attempt at suppressing them that could be made as his lips barely ghosted against the sensitive skin behind your jaw. 
All too fast the feeling of all air being knocked out of you returned, your throat constricting as he returned to his interrogation of you. His tone was somehow a gentle contrast to the pressure he was applying to your throat, his lips still brushing ever-so-slightly across your neck. “I want the truth – I want to hear it from you. Stop lying to me – to yourself – to everyone. You are no Jedi – you are irreversibly attached to someone.”
His lips fully connected over your pulse at that point and the sound that burst from your throat at the feeling betrayed any chance you may have had left in saying you had no attachments. You could feel the curve of his lips as his smirk returned, his grasp on your waist tightening under the grasp of gloved metal, his free hand coming up to cup your cheek softly. Anakin’s eyes were always expressive, particularly compared to the more traditional Jedi, and yet even now after all of the years beside Anakin you were seeing something new in them – pleading…desperation…terror. It was impossible to place which one had started him down this path. 
Anakin needed you to say yes. He needed you to agree to go forward with him, to forsake the treasonous Jedi and their beliefs and to become so much more at his side. His ideal future was only possible if your piece to the puzzle was added – without you, it would never be complete. But the first step down this path for you was to face the truth and accept the feelings you harbored from him – this was the only way forward. His voice was softer, his grasp lightening ever so slightly as he released his force grasp to allow you some freedom, still holding your body against the wall with his sheer strength as he tried once more. 
“I already know the truth, angel…your attachment mirrors my own…there is no hiding this from me,” his eyes never left yours as his thumb familiarized itself with your cheekbone, his words dripping with sincerity. 
The tears flowed down your cheeks again now that control had been returned to you and you couldn’t bring yourself to hide from him anymore – not from the one person who truly saw you. Your voice was hardly above a whisper as you finally gave into him, finally confirming the last piece to his galactic puzzle. 
“I can never lose you, Anakin,” your voice broke, your hands sliding to rest on his shoulders. Despite everything, once again there was nothing but the pair of you together navigating this moment together. “I couldn’t…I can’t…lose you. In the whole galaxy, you’re all I ha-.”
Your final word was swallowed by him as his lips crashed into yours, his grasp on your hip once again tightening as he finally discovered the answer to how soft your lips were. His hand cupping your cheek slid back into your hair, grasping the strands there loosely to pull you closer to him, to hold your lips against his. You couldn’t have pulled away if you wanted to, but to his surprise you made no attempt, instead melting into him and returning the kiss. 
Everything hummed around the pair once again as they made their way back into the chambers fully, a gasp falling from your lips as your legs hit the backs of one of the seats. Forced to sit you looked up at him, hands clutching at his sides now as both of his hands found place on your cheeks, eyes taking on a newfound adoration as he gazed upon you. This newfound freedom and closeness with Anakin had you feeling entirely new – empowered, uninhibited, greedy…selfish. He was the only thing that could hold your focus, particularly with his lips curved upward once again. 
“Look at you…so pretty in your old Master’s seat,” his words caused the realization to finally strike you and he waited for you to fight the placement, only to pleasantly find you seemed to hang on his every word. Sinking to his knees in front of you he leaned forward again to connect his lips to yours, releasing his hold on your face to remove the glove from the cold, metal hand. Pushing your robe free from your form he marveled in the rarely seen sight of you without those bulky robes, his hands both finding place at your waist. “He always acted like he was better than us, and look now…he lies dead in the streets and you sit mewling for me.”
A whimper fell through your lips again as they sought to reconnect with his and his chuckle sounded again, his hands making quick work of removing your tunic, your belt, your pants…anything that was separating you from him. You’d wasted so much precious time resisting him tonight and there was no more time that could be wasted – but he simply couldn’t move forward without proving his devotion to you. Satisfied with the removed layers from you when you were bare to him he removed his lips from yours, wetting them with his pink tongue. 
It was hardly fathomable as he dipped his tousled-curl covered head between your legs, reaching to lift your legs over his shoulders to angle you upward to him. His lips trailed a path he’d mapped in his mind thousands of times along the inside of your thighs, a content sigh releasing from his chest at the feeling of finally being able to confirm every suspicion he’d ever held about how your body would respond to him. Your fingers reached to find stability within his curls, fingers weaving into his locks as his face surged forward, his tongue licking a flat stripe against your already dripping cunt. 
Anakin had never been quiet, certainly – he always had an opinion, always a sarcastic chuckle waiting to grace the room…but the moan that came from him as he finally tasted you would be the noise you heard in dreams for a lifetime. You rewarded his action with a pleasured moan of your own, your head falling back against the seat as his tongue began to work at you. His flesh hand dragged up your thigh before settling near your core, his index finger immediately slipping into you as he sucked firmly on your clit. 
He began pumping the lone finger into you, emboldened by the first lovely sounds he had ever heard fill the walls of this room. Turning his head to lay claim across your thigh with his teeth he applied the force to your clit, sending vibrations through the little nub as he added his middle finger to your soaked sex. As his fingers scissored within you, preparing your tight walls for his soon-coming conquering of you. The combination of his fingers, the invisible vibrations on your clit and the feeling of his warm mouth sucking purple marks into your thighs inviting you to orgasm. 
He felt the ways your legs begin to tremble and the tightening of your walls around his fingers. Placing a smirk on his lips as he looked up at your heavy lidded eyes as you watched him lean his lips back in to suck your clit, allowing the force to continue the vibrations. With a scream of his name your orgasm rushed through you, your walls frantically grasping at his fingers. When he was certain your climax had faltered he rose to his feet once again, pushing his pants to his ankles with fumbling hands, the anticipation of what was to come causing adrenaline to flood throughout him. 
His metal hand reached to grasp you, to pull you to your feet so he could replace you in the seat, leaning back with his legs slightly spread, enticing you to him. Extending the hand not holding your waist he offered you to join him in your rightful place, and so you did, sliding your hand into his and dropping to straddle his waist. He fisted himself as he used his metal hand to guide your hips down, groaning as the wet heat of your cunt engulfed his cock. 
“Oh, angel,” he moaned as you embraced every inch of him, hips bucking upward into you as the head of his cock found your cervix. Gripping his shoulders for stability and seeing stars at the feeling of him filling you, confirming that your imagination could never have adequately created this scenario – this was better than anything the mind was capable of creating. “I should have never waited this long to have you.”
His words caused the heat within you to boil over as you began to grind your hips down into his, desperate to feel him move within you. Grasping your hips and beginning to thrust up into you his head fell back, eyes closing at the feeling and taking a moment to savor how deep he reached, knowing time was short. Fortunately, he had you in his grasp now and he would never have to be without you again – he would never deny himself when it came to you. 
You reached down to press a soft kiss to his neck, breaking him from his thoughts of the future as he began to pump up into you again, setting a steady pace up into you as he held you in place, your teeth dragging across the skin of his shoulder. Your voice was still roughened by his use of the force against your windpipe but it was the sweetest you’d sounded as you whined praises to him – how good he felt, how strong he was, how good he made you feel – giving him all of the validation he’d ever wanted from you. 
Suddenly raising a hand and grabbing your hair at the back of your head he tilted your face up to him, lowering his face to burn his eyes into yours as he began a rougher pace. His voice was stern and serious, but dripping with satisfaction and adoration as he purred against your lips, “Please tell me you’re mine, angel. I have…to hear it.”
“I am, Anakin,” his frustrated huff that chased you using his name made your stomach twist, his pace coming relentless as he began to pinpoint that spongy spot deep inside you, using the force to send soft vibrations on your clit. His brows pulled together and he shook his head, fighting to find the words he needed. Fortunately, you didn’t often need to be told by him – you frequently just knew, whether it be by some connection in the force or just knowing him. “I am yours…Lord Skywalker.”
His features softened immediately, his bliss affirming itself in the sweetest, most appreciative moan as his lips found yours again. His hands grasped your hips as he rocked up into you, his thrusts becoming sloppy as sweat dripped from his brown onto yours. No words had to be spoken as you both reached your climax, your nails digging into his shoulders as your clenching walls coaxed him to paint them with his cum. His forehead leaned against yours, eyes closed as he breathed in the feeling of coming down from what he was sure was what he’d heard some species call “heaven” with you in his arms. 
It didn’t matter what path he chose to lead you down – from here, whatever path he chose was perfect as long as it was the path taken together. For so long he had been all you had, and nothing seemed too dark or impossible with him by your side – he was your strength. Placing a soft kiss to his lips once more you rose, fixating your clothing back onto yourself and covering your frame with your robe. The moment you finished he stood before you, using his thumb and index finger to grasp your chin and tilt your face to his. 
“You know what you must do.” 
And so you did, securing the hood to cover more of your face than you’d done before and leaving, intent on proving you weren’t afraid of the dark. Returning to the locked room you’d left the future of the Jedi Order, instructing those hiding inside to go to the High Council Chambers – you’d remember the faces that looked up at you until your final breath, but at the time, darkness clouded your vision as all your mind found clarity in was Anakin’s destiny – your destiny. As you watched those you’d sworn to protect disappear into the chamber, hearing the familiar hum of two lightsabers illuminating from within as the doors locked. 
As Darth Vader emerged and continued his pursuit of peace, his robes billowed behind him as he made his way down the hall, his re-gloved hand motioning for you to follow. Unable to refuse him ever again, you continued to follow him on the path to the dark side.
masterlist. star wars masterlist.
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Dating Kylo Ren Headcanons
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If you prefer a relationship with someone who is overprotective, obsessive and clingy, he’s the perfect match for you!
If you're dating Kylo Ren, it means that you have successfully broken down his walls which is very difficult.
He is a very reserved individual with unmanaged anger issues, preferring to keep to himself when given the chance.
Due to his nature, many individuals in the First Order try their best to stay out of his way in fear of his raging temper.
However, once you peak his interest, he will find ways of being around you while you carry on with your duties around the ship.
He has never been in love or even remotely had crushes before. When he starts feeling this need creep into his chest, he needs to uncover why you enchant him so.
He's very inexperienced with romance or courting, please save him.
Therefore, when he tries courting you, he fumbles at times and innerly gets pissed at himself.
He was trying to make you flustered, not giggle sweetly, which makes his heart race.
Once, he was caught by one of his knights practicing in the mirror on asking you out.
Cardo never ran away so fast in his life serving as one of the Knights of Ren.
Once you're offically in a relationship with him, you will see a different side to him that others never get to see.
Mentioned previously, Kylo is very overprotective. Your safety is his first priority and he will drop everything else if you were ever in danger.
He never allows anyone to cause you harm or touch you inappropriately.
The type that will not simply tell someone off, he will either choke them to death with the force or use his lightsaber.
Whenever Kylo's mind is made up, there is rarely anything that will change his perspective. Besides you.
He values your opinion over everyone else and gives you his undivided attention when you speak up and takes it into consideration.
His love languages are quality time and physical touch.
He is a very jealous man.
In public, he's more reserved in his affection. The most he will do is keep an arm around your waist or give you temple kisses when he isn't wearing his mask.
In private, good luck having him keep his hands off you, he craves your touch.
Spam Liking = Blocked
However, he isn't jealous as in someone has a chance to steal you from him. He's the type of jealous that feels rage within him when someone thinks that they can even remotely try.
Taglist: Comment to be added!!
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sameschmidtdiffname · 7 months
I was wondering if you could do a fic with Mike Schmidt x fem!reader and the quote “can I stack donuts on it?” I apologize in advance 😭
Cherries & Cream
Mike Schmidt x AFAB!Reader
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Summery: It's a modest holiday. Spent indoors, soft music on the cassette player... oh, and a collection of bad ideas snowballed into a day of sticky situations
Tags: No use of Y/N, author has fucking lost it, comedy, Valentine's Day fic, mentions of failed masturbation attempts, mentions of inappropriate use of lightsabers and water snakes (I SAID AUTHOR HAS FUCKING LOST IT- DONT ASK, JUST READ, IT AINT THAT BAD!), sex toys, handcuffs, sex dice, pre-established relationship, food sex, blowjob, facial, Mike gets restrained like we all know he wants to be.
Notes: I'm not apologizing for shit.
"These are ridiculous questions."
"Oh, come on. Don't be a sourpuss," I say. Cards are scattered around the small box on our bed, both of us long deciding we'd clean up later.
"What does it say?" I ask him, leaning forward. I'm straddling his chest, my arms crossed against mine, dressed in nothing but one of his shirts. His hand on my hip is halfway under the black material, his pointer finger twisting the old cotton around his digit. His other hand holds a dark purple card that he rolls his eyes at before shifting them to focus on me towering over him.
"It doesn't even apply to you," he says.
"And how do you know?" I say smugly.
"Because I've sucked your dick and it's not big enough to apply," he says
"What? Give me that." I snatch the card from his hand, ignoring his laughter as he shifts his hand to rest on my other hip, rubbing soothing circles into my skin while I read.
'What's the weirdest thing you have ever stuck your dick in?'
A short laugh escapes me, a bit louder than it should be with Abby sleeping peacefully down the hall.
"I'm waiting," Mike jokes, smiling up at me with his lips twisted into a smug expression of sarcasm.
"I mean, I stuck a toy lightsaber up my snatch once," I say casually.
"What?" He bellows, descending into a fit of laughter so grand his chest is rattling underneath of me, making my face bloom with blood in embarrassment.
"I was fourteen!" I say quickly in my defense. This doesn't help my case, making him cackle loud enough I grab a pillow to shove onto his face to muffle his fit. He grabs my wrists before it can descend, holding them up as he wheezes.
"Oh, Qui-Gon Jin! You're my only hope!" He relaxes his grip slightly, allowing me to stiffle his incessant noise.
"That was Obi-Wan, and I liked Darth Vader!"
His hands shove the pillow away from his red face, eyes teary and judgemental.
"He's burnt!"
"It was the vibe! Mysterious, dark, and that voice!" I protest. Mike makes a pitiful attempt at the sounds of Vader's breathing through his mask, muddled with spit from his laughter. "James Earl Jones has a handsome voice!"
"It's just so hot," Mike cackled.
"Nothing can hold a candle to it."
"Makes me go-" a crude imitation of lightsaber noises is the last thing Mike can communicate before I'm slamming the pillow down on him, making him laugh harder and block his face from my playful blows as he begs for mercy.
"You're a dick!"
"You'd stick yours in one of those- those-" as he regains his breath and I lessen my attacks, he snaps his fingers, one hand slapping gently against my thigh for thought.
"Oh, you know. One of those fucken- the uh..." He makes a jerking motion with his snapping hand, his eyes rolling up to the ceiling like the answer is written on the spot where some poster used to be.
"A hand?" I ask, crossing my arms and glaring down at him.
"No. One of those toys that had like water in them and you could like- I don't know what the point of them was, some sensory thing. There was like water, maybe fish or sparkles stuffed inside," he describes, gesturing his hand as he speaks.
The image begins to click together in my mind. "Oh yeah. Water snakes?" I ask. He slaps my thigh, snapping his fingers and pointing at me with wide eyes.
"That's the fucker. Yeah, you'd stick your dick in that," he says confidently, nodding and relaxing in satisfaction with his statement.
"Okay, but you can like slide those things in and out so honestly that's kind of genius," I say.
"That plastic burns like a motherfucker though. And it's got those seams for the plastic so lube doesn't help," Mike says, one arm curled above his head and his other hand once more rubbing my hip.
"That's descriptive," I say with narrowed eyes. I lean forward, my face hovering above his. His relaxed hazel eyes widen slightly, but only by a hair. His rubbing stutters. His body language is still casual, but has stiffened enough to betray him.
"Just a thought."
"How old were you?"
"I did not- fifteen."
It's my turn to snicker now, picking my pillow back up and smacking him once more in the head.
"Okay, okay. Teenagers are idiots. Next card, next card," he says laughing, hand now searching for a new card from the deck. "Oh my God. What food item would you use during sex- babe, where the fuck did you find this game?"
"It was some dirty Santa gift, got it a couple years ago," I say with the wave of my hand. "Anyways, it's my turn to ask the question."
"Oh right. Pick a new one," he says, flicking the card away.
"Well, hang on now. On the topic of poor sexual choices and food, what would you use for that?" I ask, smirking and crossing my arms across my chest once more. He glares at me, lips pressed firmly together as he narrows his eyes. There's a long silence, neither of us speaking as we decide who's going to break it.
"Donuts," he finally says.
"Yeah. They have the hole," he adds as if it explains everything.
"Uh huh."
"Okay, you used a fucking lightsaber, you cannot-"
"I was fourteen, you are twenty-eight. What happens if you squeeze the thing too hard and you've just got crumbs and frosting all over you?" I ask.
"I wouldn't fuck the damn thing. I'd, like, stack them," he clarifies. "Do it like one of those really cheesy porno bits like 'did someone order some food?' And just rip open the trenchcoat to reveal several donuts stacked on my dong."
"Michael, you've put a weird amount of thought into this."
"It's the fucking question!"
"Okayokayokay- so hypothetically," I begin.
"If I brought home a box of donuts-"
"Nice ones. Krispy Kreme or some shit, I'm not getting sugar in my shit if it's cheap," he insists.
"...glad to know. If I brought home a box of overpriced donuts and a trench coat-"
"Take the coat out, that was a bit."
"Will you let me finish?"
"That'd be the preferred outcome," he interrupts again. "But like, before the donut thing. If it was like, y'know." He thrusts his hips into the air slightly, not to be arousing but to clarify. Because that's the part he can't say out loud. "'Cause you can't get sugar in your snatch."
"You can't get sugar in your snatch," I repeat slowly, blinking.
"Don't ask."
"Right. So if I brought home the Kreme-y goods, you would present yourself to me with a donut dick?" I ask. He rolls his eyes, suppressing a smile.
Valentine's Day. A day for kids and new couples, mainly. And since this household is aging out of both of those demographics, Mike and I had decided to go smaller this year. Not that we went huge every year before, neither of us feeling quite like blowing a shit load of cash on the day. But usually we booked a reservation at a decent restaurant, put on some nicer clothes, and spent the holiday just having a nice family dinner. But Abby was old enough she was itching to attend some sleepover at a friend's house for the holiday, and Mike and I felt fine just ordering in and playing a card game that we usually thumbed through while bored.
"Do 12 year olds even get valentines?" Mike asks, sprawled upon the bed the night before.
"I don't know, I didn't," I shrug. "She's just visiting her friends and wearing pink so they can gorge on chocolate, sounds like a good holiday to me."
He considers this, scratching his jaw as he continues staring at the ceiling.
"Valentine's Day alone. What trouble we could cause," he teases.
"What food are we ordering in for the trouble, anyways?" I ask, looking up from the box of my things I'd been unpacking, hanging up pictures and placing knick knacks around the room and new desk we'd shoved in earlier that evening.
"Chinese?" He asks.
"Gas for Valentine's Day, I'll love that," I say. He laughs. "How about Italian?"
"Makes me bloated, you'll be top," he says. "What are we doing in that department? I mean, we probably should do something."
"You say that like sex is a chore," I say with a raised brow, looking up at him for a moment from the box.
"Oh, hell no," he says. "If that's a chore than it's my favorite."
"Chores typically bring you closer to God."
"Than I'm smokin' it with Jesus, fuck yeah."
At that I laugh, tossing a small box at him that rattles with something inside. He catches it, laughing and pulling it open out of curiosity.
"Oh ho! What are these?" He asks, holding up a small, hot pink cube.
"Oh Jesus, I thought I lost those. They're-"
"Sex dice!" He laughs. "You whore!"
"I'm not a whore, I just went to college!" I laugh defensively. His eyebrows raise.
"Fuck off," I groan. "My ex bought those, I just kept them."
Mike rolls the dice in his hands, actually sitting up and crossing his legs on the bed before sending them flying across the quilt.
"Suck toe," Mike reads. "That's disappointing."
"We never used toe, we always just picked a different spot," I say.
"Like?" He asks.
"I don't know, it varied. I guess it was kinda a pick your poison spot," I say. "You wouldn't believe how often it lands on toe."
"The universe is trying to tell you something," he says.
"The universe can suck it," I say. Mike rolls one of the dice again.
"Tit. Nice. I'll be acting as ambassador for said universe sucking-"
"You'll be acting as helping me unpack these dresses," I say, setting the box on the bed in front of him. He stands with a sigh, hands on his hips as he awaits his work. I take out a few dresses and lay them in his arms before returning to my work of organizing the closets.
"Hold 'em," I say.
"Just hold them?"
"You made me get up for this?"
"Before you find the handcuffs in there? Yeah," I say.
"Handcuffs? We've been together for three years, you're moving into my house and now I'm finding out you have handcuffs?" Mike asks incredulously.
"I didn't know that would upset you," I say honestly, shrugging.
"Upset? I've been deprived! You're a freak and haven't taken it out on me!" He says overdramatically. I roll my eyes but smile.
"I'm not a freak, I've only slept with like, two other guys. That's it," I say.
"So the guys were freaks," he says.
"I mean, I wasn't saying no," I admit.
"So you're a freak when asked?"
"You sound like a teenager."
"I sound like a guy who's gonna be home alone with his girlfriend and sex toys tomorrow, yeah, I sound like a teenager," he says.
"Oh, so we're ordering in and banging all night?" I ask, raising a brow in amusement.
"Was that not the plan already?" He asks.
"I wasn't gonna say it, but if you want to."
The night was spent laying out plans of debauchery. After dropping off Abby in the early afternoon at her friends the next day, Mike and I made a slight detour before heading home, where the items were laid out before us.
Whipped cream. Donuts. Handcuffs. Dice. And some cheap, bottom of the $5 bin collection of 'Top 100 Sexy Songs for Valentine's Day' cassette tape that Mike had grabbed from a local music store during our trip.
"Do you ever question the things we do while bored?" Mike asks, staring at the ceiling, butt naked and handcuffed to the bedframe while I straddle his thighs, trying to figure out how exactly I'm gonna do this.
"Do you?" I ask, pinching his soft tip between my fingers.
"I'm starting to," he says, glancing at the can of whipped cream that was starting to sweat on the bedside table beside us. "I had questions before I shaved my junk for this, but I wasn't gonna say anything."
"Good. Keep that philosophy, I think I figured it out," I say, finally leaning for the box of glazed donuts we'd hardly been able to act mature about buying while going through the drive through. We're not seeing the gates of heaven.
"Shouldn't you get me hard first? It's just gonna grow," he says in questioning, trying to look down at what I'm doing.
"No, because then I'll have to keep you hard and that's gonna deflate quickly," I say. He nods in agreement, satisfied and sighing in slight boredom as I begin my task, trying to get the first donut on without breaking.
"Ow! Are- are you trying to fucking fold my shit?" He asks, his voice slightly higher than it was a moment ago.
"You're bigger than the hole, it's gonna break the donut! It's soft, isn't it?" I ask.
"Not that soft!" He says a bit frantic.
"Okay, what if I stretch it out like this?" I ask, tugging his dick upwards.
"I'm gonna ask you not to!" Mike says. His thumbs find the latches for the handcuffs, undoing one so he can reach down himself. "Jesus Christ- you're gonna break me!"
"This is my job," I say amused, giggling as I cover my mouth with my hand.
He ignores me, examining himself and the donut before glaring at the corner of the room, sighing.
"Motherfucker, I've been blessed, goddammit," he groans.
"What a humble statement," I say, trying not to laugh.
"This is humbling enough. Do what you will, I guess," he says, flopping back onto the bed, donut in hand and taking a bite from it as he crosses his ankles beneath me.
"I need that," I say.
"There's eleven more, this is my consolation prize," he says through his mouthful, returning his glare to the ceiling.
"You gonna redo the handcuff?" I ask.
"I'll redo your fucken dad," he snaps, but shoves the rest of the donut in his mouth as he fiddles with the handcuffs once again, groaning as I start on my work.
It takes half an hour, four donuts and a ridiculous amount of whipped cream, but the deed is done. Stepping off the bed, I behold my work of a restrained, glaring, donut stacked and cream covered Mike with a proud smile.
"This was exponentially hotter in my head," he mutters, looking down at himself.
"You don't like it?" I ask.
"I didn't say that, I'm just not drooling over- where are you going?" He asks. I quickly dart out of the room, racing to the kitchen as a series of 'babe?' Rings throughout the house. I open the fridge quickly, find the box of cherries and race back into the bedroom, holding it up as though it were a crown jewel.
"Ohh, my fucking God," Mike loudly drawls, rolling his eyes.
"I almost forgot," I say with malicious glee.
"I wish you had," he says, staring at the ceiling. "You're sick in the head."
"This was your idea."
"I'm sick in the head, I repent, I repent."
Placing a fat cherry carefully on top of the fluffy tip, I smile in true satisfaction.
"Perfect," I say, hands working to undo my house robe, shrugging it off and leaving me in simple lingerie instead.
"Now you faceplant into my dessert dick. Delicious," he deadpans.
"Mike, if you really don't wanna do this-"
"I'm gonna get a fucking UTI, just fulfill the high school fantasy already. I'll have no shame once I'm hard," he spits out quickly, jerking against the restraints slightly in impatience.
Well, that's true enough.
I lean forward, trying to figure out where to start, deciding between bottom or top.
"Babe, this is mortifying, just do some- oh-kay," Mike groans, his hips shifting slightly as I gently suck one of his freshly shaved balls into my mouth, my tongue swirling around it as I grip his thighs. The stack shifts slightly, Mike moaning as he thrusts against nothing.
My mouth works his sack for a little bit, one of my hands trailing down to between his legs to press against the spot behind his balls, making him keen into my touch as he moans loudly, the handcuffs clicking against the frame of our bed as he squirms. When I'm sure he's hardened properly underneath, I remove my mouth, making him whine as I glance up at him, smiling.
"Doing good?" I ask sweetly, pressing my fingers harder into the spot between his legs.
"Still mortifying, just keep going," he moans shamelessly, his cheeks red as he keeps his eyes closed in embarrassment.
I lean down once more, licking at the melting whipped cream on the tip of his cock, his moans growing louder as my tongue finds contact with his cock, his skin cold and wet underneath of the cream. I'm barely able to reach his actual tip, my tongue sticking down far in the hole of the top donut. I begin biting into the food, quickly tearing away at my work in eagerness of what awaits.
There's probably a special place in Hell reserved for the two of us for doing something like this and enjoying it, but I promise you, if you could see the look on his face right now, blushing wildly and trying to hide behind the bulk of his large arm, it would be worth it.
Once the first two donuts are gone I take off the cherry from the top, dangling it over his mouth in teasing.
"Want some?" I ask. He just groans in response, his cock twitching from neglect. I chuckle, tossing the fruit away and quickly taking him into my mouth, drawing a sharp, high moan from him as I suck eagerly, admiring the taste of his skin mixed with the sweet sugar from the food.
Yeah. Definitely worth it.
Pre-cum shoots into my mouth as he rolls his hips into my face, my hand still working against him as I swirl my tongue around his tip, sucking harshly as I watch him. His back arches against the bed, his head thrown back in pleasure as he loses himself in the feeling of my mouth against him.
"Go deeper," he begs, his voice soft as he bucks into my mouth, his arms straining against the handcuffs. "Holy shit, please go deeper."
His hips buck harshly against my face, smashing the two other donuts and an annoying amount of cream into my face, covering me in a facial I didn't ask for.
I pull away from him, stopping my hand and just staying still for a moment to allow him a proper look at my face.
"... I do not like this," I deadpan. I'd blink if I could open my eyes right now.
Small whines escape him as his hips continue moving, questions being voiced then everything ceasing all at once as I guess he takes a good look at me. There's a moment of silence, then he bursts out laughing at the sight, loud and obnoxious.
"It's in your hair!" He exclaims, probably wishing he could point at me as I blindly search for the hand towel nearby.
"I hope this was worth it," I say flatly, suppressing my own giggle.
"Oh, the feeling is awful, but you're doing great," he says sweetly, still chuckling as he watches me wipe at my face, groaning at the stickiness of it all.
"Jesus, I'm a mess," he says, looking down at himself. "Can we just take that off and-"
"Yeah, normal blow job, on it," I finish for him, quickly taking off the other two, very smushed donuts and discarding of them inside the box. "You have horrible ideas "
"You wanted us to try new shit, this is not on me," he laughs, smiling at me. "But thank you for answering a decade old question."
"You're weird," I say.
"Just fuck me," he says back.
Quickly I take him back into my mouth, deepthroating him and encouraging him to fuck my mouth, focusing on my breathing as he does with blind obedience. His thighs press against the sides of my head, squeezing slightly as his tip rams into the back of my throat, all gentleness off the table. My tongue slides against his prominent vein, feeling how he throbs, his cock stiff and twitching from the stimulation. He pants loudly, whining when I press my tongue harder into his vein, a loud 'snap' echoing from near his head.
His movements cease for a moment, his chest heaving as realization crosses his face.
"... the handcuffs weren't expensive, right?" He asks inbetween gasps, holding up his hands to show the cheap cuffs now hanging uselessly around his wrists.
My eyebrows raise in surprise, my head beginning to lift off of him when one of his hands comes down on my head, suddenly gripping my hair as he begins to fuck my mouth with new vigor, tearing lewd sounds from my throat as I gag sharply around him.
"Fuck it, I'll buy another pair," he decides, slamming quickly into my throat as he pulls my hair sharply, his pre-cum beginning to thicken in my mouth. "It's not like you mind, right, sweetheart?" He asks, propping himself up with one arm to watch as I swallow his dick eagerly, one of my hands dipping down to play with my clit. He tugs sharply at my hair, making me whine as his other hand smacks quick and gentle against my hollowing cheek before pointing at me.
"No," he says sharply. "I'll deal with you after."
His hand strokes my cheek as he continues fucking my face, his thumb trained on my chin, keeping my mouth open wide for him. His eyes are glazed over in pleasure as he watches me, my spit dribbling down my chin as I take him, my legs pressed tightly together as I grab blindly at his thighs, admiring the thickness as I gag on his cock.
"Fuck- you're so pretty," he moans, his cock twitching in closeness. "And kind." I moan appreciatively around him, eager to feel his cum down my throat as I dig my nails into his thighs. "Don't know how I got so lucky."
His hand roughly drags my head up by my hair, forcing me off of his cock and making me whine as I try to take him back into my mouth. His hand wraps around his length, pumping quickly as he watches me.
"Keep your mouth open, pretty girl," he commands softly. I obey, sticking out my tongue slightly, eager to please. He smiles at the sight, his lashes fluttering shut once more as he fucks his hand quickly, using my thick spit as lube, beginning to lose rhythm.
"I'm gonna cum," he warns breathily. "I'm gonna- fuck!"
His words stutter as he gasps, his hand squeezing roughly at his cock as his cum hits my face, warm and thick against my skin. We watch each other as the first few ropes cover my face, admiring the other in a hazy cloud of desire and satisfaction. Then he shoves his cock back into my mouth, his hand pumping me up and down his length again as he finishes shooting his load down my throat, admiring my new look.
"I'm just- gonna do this for awhile," he gasps, his cock still stiff in my mouth as his flow of cum begins to slow, his hips still quick in contrast.
I moan around him, my cunt clenching in want.
"Don't worry," he says, reaching for something in the nightstand, pulling open a drawer and revealing his new gift for me. "You'll get some fun too."
When I tell y'all this motherfucker somehow found a dildo shaped like a fucking lightsaber.
Goddammit, I'm gonna marry him.
You heard me.
@cassiecasluciluce @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 @jhutchissupercool . Thank you for your support pookies!!! <3
how would y'all feel if I told you the title was a pun from that old 'berries and cream' meme
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lem0nshark-writes · 5 months
"Interesting Ideas"
Anakin Skywalker x Male Reader
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Type: smut
Word count: 1312
Warnings: armpit kink, armpit kissing and licking, inappropriate use of the force, reader can be read both as a top or a bottom same as Anakin, some fluff, reader and Anaking being a lil bit of chaotic gremlins at the beginning
Request: by the lovely @/Squibs__ on wattpad!💕💕
A/N: Heyy guys sorry it took so long to post again this one took a bit longer to edit 😅😅 Alsooo no offense but I won't be doing this kink again as I don't have it and therefore can't really do it justice, but the requester asked very nicely so I decided to give it a shot! I hope you guys enjoy and see ya soon hopefully! 💕💕
You and Anakin had just finished a very difficult and intense training, but then again when was it not so when the two of you were in question.
Master Obi-Wan had had you work on your lightsaber fighting and the two of you normally made it into a competition, just like always, but this time, Obi-Wan was smart enough not to give you two actual lightsabers, rather two long sticks to fight with. Last time being a big lession as the two of you nearly decapitated each other a couple of times with your competitive fighting, seeing who can do the most flips and turns and who had the best lightsaber twirling techniques. It was a whole mess.
As you two raced across the hallways, you sprinting just a couple of feet in front of Anakin your flowing robes just beyond his reach, laughing histerically as you yet again beat him in the race, he was trying to catch up with you and catch you chasing after you with full speed, laughing as well.
"Not again-" he chuckled, desparately trying to speed up after you.
When the door to his room came in sight you made sure you sped up more, leaving him in your dust as you made a sharp turn inside. Anakin at his speed nearly couldn't stop himself but grabbing at the doorframe he managed just in time swinging himself and bolting inside as well.
"Ha ha! Gotcha again!!" you grinned widely as you celebrated your little victory with a little funny dance, rubbing it into his face.
He grinned at you as he tried to catch his breath, accepting his defeat. He was quite a good swordsman and unbeatable at flying a ship no matter the size but when it came to making a quick escape and outrunning him you beat him every time. Every single time.
Once he finally caught his breath Anakin stood up, smirking under his grin as he pulled you by your forearms softly and pinned you against the wall, "c'mmere-" he whispered under his breath, his lips making a quick way to find yours in a soft and loving kiss as his body ever so softly pressed against yours.
You smiled at him, kissing back straight away, your arms wrapping around his neck into a warm embrace. Moments like these were your favourite, where the two of you could just enjoy each other's presence, not needing to hide from prying eyes and stares.
Anakin smiled when he pulled away, his blue eyes staring at yours with such fondness to them it made your heart flutter. You pressed your foreheads together as you stayed like that in comfortable silence for a little while, arms intertwined around each other and not letting go.
"Shower?" he asked softly after a bit, smiling up at you.
"Ugh yes!" you chuckled, just now noticing the stickiness of your skin and the way your robes uncomfortably stuck to your body at some parts from the sweat.
He chuckled at your enthusiasm and took your hand in his, pulling you to the bathroom.
Once there the two of you quickly undressed and slipped into the shower, relaxing once the hot steamy water started trickling down at your bare bodies from the mounted shower head above.
He pulled you close, smiling softly at you as he held you in his arms, hands running the shower gel all across your body, as yours did to him.
You shampooed his head, foamy fingers running through the soft golden light-brown locks sitting atop his head, and later on he returned the favour, kissing you softly on the lips as he did. The two of you enjoying this little moment before running the water once again.
Once the two of you decided to leave the comfort of a good shower you dried yourselves, put on some underwear, and made your way to the bed, plopping onto it with you on top of your boyfriend as he laid down on his back.
A content sigh of relief left his mouth as his fingers ran through your hair slowly, eyes wandering over your form gracefully sprawled across his body.
You rested your head atop his chest, finger tracing across the soft warm skin of it as your mind wandered far away, bit further a certain side than you hoped it would, your thoughts so loud Anakin seeming to have caught on them, dick twitching and slowly hardening in his underwear at the imagery your thoughts were providing for him.
You cheeks heated up as you noticed, your dick slowly growing hard as well at the whole situation and the thoughts you still had wandering your mind and refusing to leave you alone. The two of you exchanged looks, agreeing on the matter rather quickly as his lips found yours into a heated sloppy kiss and your hand swiftly slipped into his underwear, wrapping around him and slowly starting to work his length.
Anakin moaned against your mouth as the two of you kissed, tongues intertwined, hand at your backside slowly rubbing up and down and into a squeeze, sneaking past your boxers quickly enough to grasp at the supple skin bare.
You grunted softly into the kiss as you started to pump your hand up and down faster, though still keeping it slow enough to tease him good as your thumb circled and pressed around his tip.
Moving your lips from his mouth to his cheek, then his jaw, neck, leaving a couple of kisses, you trailed it down over his collarbone, his chest and to his arm, placing kisses and licks as you went. You made your way to his underarms, lifting his hands up and feeling his toned muscular arms before pinning his hands above his head, using your force to keep him from slipping out of your grasp as your kisses made their way to his armpit.
You seem to have struck a spot as as soon as you left a kiss upon it Anakin moaned harder and bucked his hips into your hand. You smirked a little, never knowing this little secret of his before but loving it as it gave you even more advantage to tease and please your lover.
You left another kiss and another moan escaped his lips, then another and another. And soon enough Anakin was a moaning mess underneath you as you dragged your tongue across the soft skin of it, your hand pumping him at a faster pace, grip tightening on his dick a little bit, his hand now working you too, desparate to return the favour.
You tried to stifle your moans as you left another lick across his armpit before pulling the soft skin in your mouth slightly into a suck. That sent him over the moon and in a matter of seconds he was cumming all over your hand and his stomach, soft but loud moans coming out of his mouth intermittently as his chest heaved and back arched in pleasure. Seeing your lover in such delight and his hand working you, although sloppily as he still rode his high, it was enough to send you over the edge as well.
Both of you panted against each other as you tried to calm your breaths, you plopping back onto his chest and his arms wrapping around you into a warm embrace.
Anakin blushed a little on the way you got him cumming so good but he regretted nothing and he kissed your head softly. You wanted to tease him on his newfound kink but the previous activity and the training before that came crashing down at you and all you could do is snuggle into your lover comfortably. You smiled up at him, wrapping your arms around his torso, and closing your eyes contently.
"Ugh we're gonna need another shower.."
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generalkenobee · 1 year
Hello lovely! Two things: 1. GOOD LUCK SHIFTING I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT. 2. Might I send in a little request? If so; Obi-Wan and Reader are both Jedi masters on the council. They just so happen to be trying to meditate together when they begin reading each other's thoughts on accident... smut ensues?
Whether you do this request or not, just know I appreciate you and everything you create -🦇 anon
Your thoughts are extremely loud
I have the biggest thing for mind reading-
You're literally the sweetest
Warnings: SMUT, inappropriate use of the force, language, pnv penetration, FEM! reader, let me know if I missed anything 🩷
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Obi Wan sat across from you, his breathing was level, his face was relaxed, and his thoughts we concentrated. You knew this because every once in a while you would peek your eyes open and look over to him.
"(Y/N)" he said when you opened your eyes to peek at him "sorry.." you let out a sigh. meditation was your thing! You were always so content and focused however ,you'd never done it with another member of the council
"something bothering you?" Obi Wan questioned with his eyes still closed
You've learned from past experiences that it's better to be honest with your peers, that's the Jedi way "it's just that I'm having a hard time.. relaxing I guess?"
"be cautious of your thoughts (Y/N), just because I'm here doesn't mean you can't meditate" how did he know that?
"Obi Wan! What have I told you about getting in my head? I have private things in there" You opened your eyes completely and stood up. You weren't actually that upset, more scared that he would find your hidden fantasies.
"I'm gonna go train. Meditation isn't working.. maybe swinging a lightsaber around will"
You faced the large rock with your ignited saber in hand thinking about what you wanted to do. You went with sokan, sokan was developed by Jedi during the great sith war..it felt right.
The glow of your (L/C) saber grazed over the rock before you yelled and ran at it with full five attacking
"Y/N), I know you're having the time of your life slashing the holy hell out of that rock, and also- why a rock? You have PLENTY of sparring partners in there"
You rolled your eyes "I need to be alone" and you did. You needed to think about all of your emotions, because you didn't want to love obi wan, you just wanted to make a legacy, a change, help people. Falling in love wasn't helpful for a jedi.
"you know talking about things like this can help"
"you don't know what's wrong so how could you help, you don't know what I think about"
"actually I do" obi wan walked over to you and you pressed the small red button on your saber to retract the blade.
"what are you talking about?"
"oh maker I want to get dicked down by him so bad right now, like for real-"
Obi Wan had said to you exactly what you thought while meditating earlier "Obi Wan.."
"I would let him do anything to me" he looked down to you and smirked "your thoughts are extremely loud"
The big chrome door slid shut while Obi Wan pushed you down to his bed. Your hands immediately flew up to your robes sliding them off while he did the same
"Obi Wan please.." that was all he needed to use the force. He slightly drew a long stripe from where his cock was slamming into you up to your sensitive clit
"let me in honey" and you did. Whenever a force user has sex it's amazing..you felt like Obi Wan was a part of you and you felt as you were a part of him. "Shit, s'so tight..I'm gonna" you looked up at Obi Wan with pleading eyes "m-me too..."
536 notes · View notes
Oleander - Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Oleander (Nerium oleander) - Meaning: Caution, Charm, Seduction
Summary: You feel something dark from Anakin when your training session turns into something even more physical.
Pairing: Anakin x F!Jedi!Reader
Word Count: 1026
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, PORN, SMUT, Basically 1026 words of filth, sexy touches, breast play, inappropriate use of the Force, slightly Feral Ani, fingering, Dark Side Eyes, Jedi Code is thrown out the window, oral (f receiving), use of pet name (angel), dirty talk, slight cum eating, rough doggy style, slight anal play
For Day 7 of my writing challenge I'm giving y'all some dirty smut! Second time publishing smut on here so let me know if I missed anything in the warnings! Also your thoughts would be awesome :)
In Bloom Masterlist
Likes, Comments, Reblogs are always appreciated! <3
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You weren’t sure how exactly you found yourself in this position. One minute, you’d parried the blows from his lightsaber with your own. The next he was on top of you, sabers cast aside and his hot breath on your neck, his flesh fingers stroking your face. 
“Is this okay?” he asked, his hand moving down your neck and dipping briefly under the edge of your robes. The skin-on-skin contact had your entire body buzzing. 
You nodded. “Yes, Anakin.” 
He groaned at how breathless your voice had become — whether from your intense training session or the effect of his touches, he didn’t know but he didn’t care, all he knew was that he wanted more. So he’d used the Force to undo your belt and shoved your robes open before trailing hot kisses down to your chest, over one nipple then the other.
“Maker, Ani,” you moaned as he tormented your breasts with his fingers and lips, tongue flicking over one while his metal fingers pinched and rolled the other.
He needed you to keep saying his name, a deep part of him craved it falling from your lips, so he shoved his flesh hand into your pants and found your clit with ease. He rubbed slow circles around it, making you arch into him and fist your hands into his hair, pushing his face further into your breast. 
A flash in the Force pulled you out of the moment, something dark and dangerous emanating from Anakin and you shoved him off you with an extra push. 
He landed a few feet away on his hands and knees, his brow furrowed but not in confusion. What flowed from his aura was anger. Frustration. Overpowering desire that made the air thicker between you. You could swear something flashed in his eyes but it was so quick you couldn’t be sure.
“What’s wrong?” he asked as he schooled his expression, turning from dark and angry to innocent and soft in a moment. The sudden change in addition to your own swirling desire was making you dizzy.
“I-we shouldn’t,” you stuttered, pulling your robes back on to recover some semblance of modesty. You managed to only get to your knees before he was crowding into your personal space again, bringing with him the intensity of his aura.
“Why not?” he purred along the line of your neck, “Let me show you how much I’ve wanted you, angel.” 
“Attachment,” you forced out through your ragged breaths as he kissed and nibbled and sucked along your neck, “is forbidden, Ani.” 
“I love how you say my name,” he admitted, hands gently pulling yours away from where you kept your robe closed, “Let me make you scream it, angel.” 
You let him remove your hands and pull your robes off again, leaving you bare from the waist up for him. He wasted no time in stripping your pants off you and kissing a long line from your sternum down to your inner thighs, each one setting off sparks under your skin. 
“Such a good girl for me,” he said, lips brushing the top of your mound and making a whine fall from your lips. “Gonna make you mine.” 
A sudden nip to your inner thigh and he buried his tongue in your pussy, expertly flicking your clit and stoking the growing fire in your lower belly. 
“Ani…Aniii…” you moaned, hips bucking of their own accord against his ministrations. He hummed against you and adjusted slightly to insert two fingers, curling them against your sensitive inner walls. 
“That’s it, angel,” he growled, “So tight, squeezin’ me so good, can feel you’re close.” 
You were no virgin, but no previous partner was able to get you this close this fast. Then you noticed his Force presence, the same intense dark desire from earlier. You opened your eyes and met his gaze. 
His yellow gaze. 
He quickened his pace, and your orgasm crashed through your body, escaping your lips with a loud cry you didn’t realize was coming from you until your throat went hoarse. Wave after wave, with Anakin’s mouth lapping up all of your spend until your pleasure subsided and you pushed his head away. 
He didn’t waste a second before flipping you onto your front and lifting your hips, pushing his impossible hardness against you. You gasped at the feeling of his rough pants rubbing your oversensitive pussy, then he bent over you and spoke into your ear. 
“I’m gonna fuck you now, angel. You’re so ready for me, aren’t you?”
You could only nod, still blissed out from your first orgasm.
He backed off for a moment but returned a moment later, his unclothed cock rubbing along the wetness of you before notching into you. Ani pushed slowly but forcefully until he was fully sheathed in you, your walls pulsing around him and making him groan. You moaned his name again and felt him twitch inside you before he growled and gripped your hips, pulling halfway out before shoving himself back in. He did that a few more times, then began pounding into you mercilessly. 
All you could do was take it, each thrust punching the air out of your lungs and brushing against your cervix. Your second release approached almost as quickly as the first, hastened as he leaned down and pushed his mechanical thumb against your clit. 
“So close, Ani,” you managed to gasp, earning a satisfied grunt as he kept thrusting and placed his flesh thumb at the ring of your ass. 
“I know,” he said through gritted teeth, “Can feel you, fuck! Squeezing me so good, gonna cum inside you, my good girl, fill you to the fuckin’ brim.” 
His words all but shoved you over the edge, your throat completely drying out from your screams of pleasure. A few more thrusts and you felt him pulse inside you, spilling himself and painting your walls with his cum. 
He fell forward, still inside you, in a sweaty heap on the training room floor. The dark desire within him was satisfied for now, but he knew you would be more than willing to help him quell it again.
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s-brant · 10 months
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Now that the council has been made aware of rumors regarding Anakin and his apprentice’s relationship, they’re put under the microscope of a careful investigation and must avoid rousing suspicion at any cost (or part three to teacher’s pet)
9k (18+)
Warnings: smut, p in v, somnophilia, dub-con due to the circumstance but they’re both very into it, choking, dom anakin, inappropriate relationships, unhealthy attachment issues, and strong language.
The ceremony itself was a quick, intimate affair.
How they pulled it off, neither of them knows, but they set their sights on a planet far away. Where nobody knew them personally or could know they were Jedi without their lightsabers visible. It wasn't a wedding most would've been satisfied with, but they were. It didn't matter that everyone they cared for couldn't know about it, nor did it matter to her that they couldn't exchange rings. What mattered was the fact that it was happening.
Dantooine ended up being the best option for them. On Naboo, he could be recognized by those who met him years ago when he was ordered to guard Padme's life, Coruscant was out of the realm of possibility for obvious reasons, and as easy as it would've been for them to go undetected in Tatooine, Anakin made it clear he had no fondness for his home planet and suggested Dantooine instead.
Using clothes they had from a mission in which they had to pretend not to be Jedi a year or so ago, they concealed their identities and traveled as quickly as they could. And though she tried to refuse given the fact that they didn't have credits of their own, a lovely older woman working for the man who married them insisted Y/N wear the wedding gown that was passed through her family for generations. In the short time they spent with these people, they learned that her daughter passed away long ago, and though the old woman had no living children, she hung onto the dress since it was the one she wore at her wedding.
When asked about their lives, it was surprising how quickly the lies spilled out of them. It was mostly her speaking while Anakin stood beside her, delighting in the way he could touch her and stand near to her without having to fear being caught there. She spun a tale of forbidden love, of her father promising her to another man and her running off with Anakin for the sake of true love, so it wasn't too far from the truth.
"Are you listening?"
The sound of Anakin's voice snaps her out of her memory-induced daze.
They are tucked away in a corner of the library where no one can see or hear them, leaning against the shelves and standing face to face. He asked her to meet him here before he was needed in an emergency council meeting that Obi-Wan warned him of ahead of time. It was supposed to be a surprise. It was supposed to catch Anakin off guard, but his old master couldn't help himself. There would always be a part of him that looked out for Anakin the way an older brother would. The reason for the meeting, he said, had to do with a troubling slew of rumors regarding him and his padawan.
"I'm sorry, I"—she shakes her head as though it'll do anything to clear her thoughts—"I don't understand. Rumors?"
Anakin's eyes move to look past her shoulder, scanning the room both manually and with the Force to ensure nobody has approached the area before focusing back on her. He steps in closer and says what comes next quietly.
"Obi-Wan didn't tell me what the rumors were specifically, but his meaning was clear. Someone knows about it...about us."
Much like it does whenever Anakin takes her out flying with him at the helm of the ship, her stomach drops at this. Before she can even think of what to say, she's already shaking her head in disbelief.
She mutters, "That can't be true. Nobody has even suspected us, let alone caught us."
He has to fight the urge to reach out to comfort her. His hand flexes at his side as he forces himself not to cup her face in it the way he knows soothes her when they're alone together. It's too risky, especially now after Obi-Wan's warning. All he can do is meet her gaze and offer her a phantom touch through the Force. She feels the presence of an invisible hand brushing her cheek and breathes more evenly in response to it.
"You're right, nobody has caught us. We've made sure of that. But someone does suspect us. I don't know how or why, but they do, and with a claim like that, the council has to take it seriously regardless of where it came from or a lack of evidence," Anakin explains. His expression hardens the more he continues to talk about it. "This is a very big deal, Y/N. If they discover the truth—"
She is quick to interrupt him.
"They won't."
There's a long pause after this, and she takes it as her chance to breech the distance between them.
The feeling of the soft pads of her fingertips touching his arm makes him take a step back at first in retreat, but she doesn't allow him to stray far. With one last look over her shoulder, she moves in close to him and throws her arms around his broad shoulders in an embrace. A kiss would be too daring, but a hug doesn't necessarily prove anything. They've hugged before, albeit after near death experiences during the war, so it could be overlooked again. It isn't the smartest move, but it's necessary. Because as soon as their bodies meet, he lets out a heavy sigh.
As relieving as it is, she's quick to pull away after a moment has passed. Her arms remain locked around his shoulders to keep him close, and the arms wrapped around her waist squeeze tighter as though she'll disappear the second he loosens his hold on her.
Those pretty eyes, a more vibrant blue than the oceans on Scarif, darken the longer he looks down at her.
"I meant what I said before," he says softly, calmly. "Nothing will take you from me."
She remembers that day so clearly. He said it with such conviction despite it only being their second time indulging in intimacy together, and she knew he meant it. It was clear in the way he looked at her as he said it, but it's different now. Now, the implication behind it is laced with something predatory and possessive, not a soft-spoken promise in the aftermath of tender lovemaking but rather a threat and promise tied together with a steely-eyed stare.
Her fingertips play with the sandy brown curls at the back of his neck as she nods and murmurs, "I know."
Y/N isn't sure why she hadn't anticipated her presence being requested in the council meeting regarding the rumors of her and Anakin's relationship. Now that she sits in front of all the Jedi masters who make up the council, she can't believe she'd been naive enough to think they would only question her master on the subject and leave her be.
They left the library five minutes apart. First, it was Anakin who left and walked out with a book to make his sudden appearance in the area make sense, then it was her. She counted out the seconds until she was safe to leave. They typically didn't need to take such precautions to avoid rousing suspicion. They had the perfect excuse to spend time together, after all, with him being her master and she his padawan. But now that the nature of their relationship has been put loudly to question, they were better off being safe.
The sun is setting in the distance through the windows of the room, casting everyone in a warm, orange-red light, and she chooses to focus on the beauty of that sunset rather than the nerves that tie her stomach into knots. They've hardly begun, but what has been said is already damning in and of itself.
"This is ridiculous," Anakin says with a straight face, although he is unable to keep the annoyance from shining through in his tone. "Ask everyone we've worked with and they'll tell you that Y/N and I have always maintained a professional working relationship. I care about her as my apprentice the same way Obi-Wan cared for me as his."
Obi-Wan's eyes flutter shut, and a deep sigh escapes from him as he leans back in his chair before opening them again. When they open, it's Anakin they're looking at.
"You forget your place in this meeting. Allow Master Windu to finish speaking, young one."
The inherent condescension present in the choice of words makes Anakin's chest muscles tighten up involuntarily. There are few things that make him as angry as being treated like a child despite being a Jedi Knight with an apprentice and missions of his own. But, he knew deep down, that would always be how Obi-Wan saw him, and he resents him for it underneath it all. In a way, he would always be the reckless and tempestuous boy they discovered on Tatooine all those years ago.
Hidden behind the overflowing fabric of his robes, his hand clenches into a fist with enough force that his fingernails nearly break the skin of his palm.
He has no choice but to keep quiet.
Master Windu watches the interaction carefully, as do the rest of the council, and waits for him to break. He waits for there to be a crack in the facade, for him to look over at her and reveal it all, but he doesn't break.
"As I was saying," he starts, shifting a bit in his seat to look at where she's sat across the room from Anakin, "we got an anonymous report yesterday, but, to be candid, these rumors did not start yesterday. They've existed for a few weeks now, but none of us would've insulted either of you by entertaining them. Not until now."
Her throat is dry, a lump forming at the very back of it, when she asks, "What exactly were we accused of?"
The way she says it is soft and calm, as she always forces herself to be in the presence of her superiors, but Anakin knows her. He can sense the rage bubbling beneath the surface of her skin that begs to be let out, and he's sure the others can too, but they won't mistake it for anything other than anger at whoever accused them. Still, she is told by Master Yoda to calm herself down before they proceed, so she tries her best.
A second passes, then Obi-Wan says as tactfully as possible, "Allegedly, the person who reported this witnessed inappropriate behavior between the two of you outside of the temple recently. At night. We have footage to prove you were, in fact, where they said you were, but none to prove this accusation of inappropriate behavior."
The news settles like a heavy weight in her gut, dragging her down and down until she has no hope of climbing out of this hole they've dug themselves in. They were always careful when they left the temple. Anakin had a keen awareness of where the surveillance cameras were as well as their blind spots, so she knows straight away that the footage they have is nothing more than them walking beside one another.
As if on cue, the footage is projected in the middle of the room.
"None of us are saying we believe these accusations without proof, but the existence of them is concerning nonetheless," Windu says. "Why did you allow your padawan outside of the Temple so late?"
Anakin stammers a little at first, the only sign of his true feelings thus far, before pulling himself together. He holds his head high as he always does and doesn't balk from the intense eye contact with Master Windu.
"It was just a walk. I couldn't sleep, so I planned to go on a walk myself when I ran into her."
"So, you had no reason relating to your duty to be escorting your apprentice into the city at night?"
The retort is fired back at him so quickly, he hardly has the chance to take another breath before opening his mouth to defend himself again. His palm stings from how hard he digs his nails into his skin as he begins to lose his composure little by little.
"Well, not exactly—"
"So, you decided to go for a walk?"
Before Anakin has the chance to respond, Y/N cuts in.
"It was my fault," she says, diverting everyone's attention away from the growing storm behind Anakin's eyes. "He was already outside of the Temple when he spotted me, and when he told me to go back inside, I refused. He stayed with me because he knew I was going to go out by myself if he didn't and wanted to make sure I was safe."
And while it's a perfect defense in comparison to them admitting the truth, it makes Anakin cringe internally all the same because it makes him look weak. It makes him appear as though he has no control over his padawan. Just another reason to deny him the rank of master, he supposes. Another to add to the list of reasons why he's a problem to them.
This admission, still halfway true, causes everyone to pause for a second.
Then, Master Windu sets his attention solely on her, and she knows that what's coming next will not be worded as carefully as what Obi-Wan said. It's never been in Windu's nature to be anything other than honest and straightforward. He has always treated them with respect, but he doesn't harbor the same fondness for them that Obi-Wan does.
"I have to ask you directly, for the sake of addressing the severity of the situation, has Anakin ever acted inappropriately with you?"
She stumbles for a second, drawing out the time between when he asks and when she responds, but it's deliberate. If they're going to accuse her of it, she will make them say it and stew in the discomfort caused by it. Let them be tortured just as equally as she is by this.
":..Meaning?" she questions.
The bluntness with which he speaks next knocks the wind from her chest.
"Has Anakin ever tried to instigate a romantic relationship with you?" he asks it with a stony, unbreakable expression, abandoning any attempts at sugarcoating it. "The report itself said he was kissing you"—the discomfort of everyone else is palpable in the air—"and...touching you. They alleged that it happened in a dark area, so they didn't recognize you were Jedi until they came closer. As your master, if this rumor were true, it would be an abuse of his power. To take advantage of a padawan..." He trails off into silence for a second before taking a deep breath to steady himself. "He could never be trusted again."
She doesn't even dare to chance a glance over at where Anakin sits with his face hardened into a mask of neutrality, refusing to give them anything to use against him.
Obi-Wan, in a much gentler way, says, "I know you both well, so believe me when I say I don't believe this to be true, but we must take these accusations seriously. Not only would it be an abuse of power, but forming such attachments is not the Jedi way."
This time, she scans her eyes across the room as though she's looking for all of their reactions, but all she's truly looking for is him. And the small glimpse she gets of him makes her heart ache. He is completely shutting down. His eyes are fixed ahead of him at the middle of the floor, refusing to stray and meet hers. It's all he can do to keep himself under control.
Windu then says again, "Y/N, I need your honest answer. It needs to be shown on record that you both deny these claims."
Without missing a beat, she speaks.
"He has been nothing but respectful and supportive," she says. Instead of looking at it as a lie, she frames it as a performance. She imagines herself as a character on the stage of a theater and plays the part. "Yes, I messed up by sneaking out of the temple, but Anakin never touched me."
In the back of her mind, she sees flashes of their memories together one after the next. His lips smeared against hers, his prosthetic hand clamped around her throat, and his flesh hand slipping beneath the waistband of her pants to feel how wet she got for him. But she fights to keep it under control, to keep the others out of her head as he taught her to.
"So, to answer your question, directly, honestly, and on the record, no. He didn't do anything he was accused of."
For the first time since they've been dragged in here, the members of the council have nothing to throw at them. Without their confession, they have nothing, and she would sooner leave the order than give him up.
Almost in response to this, Anakin looks up from the floor to find her glancing at him. It lasts a mere second, but it strengthens his resolve all the same it reminds him what's at stake.
The sound of Master Windu's voice brings his attention away from her. A few seconds pass before he realizes what they're waiting for.
"No. I've never done anything of which I've been accused."
The silence that follows is tense.
Neither of them knows what to do with themselves in the next few moments or so as the council discusses their alleged transgressions as though they aren't in the room with them, but they know not to look at each other. They already got one glimpse already, anything more would be reckless and greedy. After a long back and forth between Obi-Wan and Windu, they seem to come to an agreement.
Master Windu says, "It's settled, then. Y/N, you'll be temporarily removed as Anakin's padawan until we're done talking to witnesses and investigating. In the mean time, Obi-Wan will be your master."
It was a disgrace, an outrage.
Anakin's thoughts became poisonous as he was forced to walk out of the council meeting without sparing a glance at her, watching as Obi-Wan whisked her away to speak to her privately as her new master. Maker, even thinking those words made him grimace. There was something inherently wrong with the notion of her belonging to anyone but him. She was his first, he thought, much like a spoiled child having to share his favorite toy. After all, she was his apprentice, his best friend, his wife. How dare they try to keep them apart?
He could hardly process what Master Yoda was saying to him as they walked a little ways behind Obi-Wan and Y/N. It was something about letting the process of justice unfold without harboring any anger for the situation. It was clear in the way it was said that neither Yoda nor the others fully believed the rumors. They all entertained the possibility of them being true, but no one, except maybe Windu, seemed too suspicious of them.
Unfortunately for him, Master Yoda stuck by his side for longer than he anticipated, so he had no choice but to leave her in the hallway with Obi-Wan. If he lingered to speak with her, it would only fuel the rumors about them. He opted for going back to his room to meditate instead, but every time he closed his eyes, his mind became flooded with thoughts of her. Of the meeting, of the night they snuck out, and who possibly could have recognized them.
She, however, was too preoccupied with Master Kenobi.
He walked alongside her at a leisurely pace, speaking freely with her, "I know how upset this whole thing has made you both, but believe me when I say I tried to tell them it wasn't true."
Whether it be willful ignorance or outright denial, she didn't know, but he was being truthful. Of all the council members, he was the least convinced that these rumors could be true, and that was by their design. They've always been extremely cautious in his presence due to his close relationship with Anakin. Her husband taught her how to control her thoughts, to keep from projecting them and allowing the other Jedi into her head, and she practiced it every time they worked with Obi-Wan.
Y/N refrained from picking at the skin around her nails as she often did when nervous and nodded along to what he said.
"If it had to be anyone but Anakin, I'm glad it was you they chose."
"I actually requested it," he says. Upon seeing the confused look on her face, he adds on, "I know Anakin cares for you. I thought that it may ease his mind to know I'm the one stepping in as your teacher."
She can't help but offer up a slight smile in response to this. It was sweet. How Obi-Wan always looked after him, even when Anakin thought everyone was against him or didn't care about his feelings. His old master would always care about him. Later, if she has the chance to see him, she'll tell him about how Obi-Wan defended them to the rest of the council and made sure she was placed under his command.
"I appreciate that greatly," Y/N says. "And I think Anakin would too. He'd probably benefit from a talk with a friend right about now if you're able."
"I'll talk to him as soon as I can, but they'll be questioning me about the allegations in a few moments, so I can't yet. You have my word, though. I will speak to him."
The thought of Anakin being provided with some form of relief is comforting enough to let her contracted neck and shoulder muscles relax.
"Thank you, master."
He simply bows his head to her and offers his goodbyes before turning back toward the council room. In the distance, she sees Master Yoda waiting for him, and all she can do to stop herself from losing what little composure she has left is breathe deeply as she walks the other way in pursuit of the kitchens. Perhaps a light meal will soothe her nervous stomach.
It's an hour past the curfew set for apprentices to return to their rooms.
She relies on the light of the lamp beside her bed to read the book Anakin gave to her a few years ago. Annotated in the margins by Yoda, Dooku, Qui Gon, Obi-Wan, and Anakin, she finds it helpful to read a page or so before bed each night to settle her mind after the events of the day and bring her focus back onto what's most important. Her duty.
Every time she comes across Anakin's sloping, cursive penmanship, her face lights up with a giddy little smile. The page is worn beneath the fingertip she runs over the spot where he signed his name, as though this book has been carefully handled and passed down from generation to generation. Her night clothes are little more than a thin, plain shift that falls down to her calves, so she doesn't feel too warm with the sheet pulled up over her body as she flips through the pages to read all of Anakin's annotations.
However, the joy she derived from reading his thoughts along the margins is quickly washed away by worry. Worry as she begins to wonder where he is and what he's doing. Have they continued to interrogate him? Hopefully he's been allowed a break from their incessant badgering at some point. Perhaps Obi-Wan has found the time to speak to him privately already.
She's so lost in her thoughts, she doesn't even sense his approaching presence until the door to her room opens without a sound.
Already, she's flipping the sheet off of her body and tossing the book onto the side table to meet him as he crosses through the threshold to her private dorm. But what he sees when he shuts the door behind him isn't a happy, smiling face, it's an angry one, and he's already being chastised before he has the chance to greet her.
"Please, tell me you weren't seen coming here? What if they find you with me? Then everything we did today would be for nothing—"
The last word dies on her mouth with a surprised "hmmpf" sound when he reaches forward to cup the back of her neck and pull her into a fervent kiss.
Her hands shoot out to grasp his arms reflexively as he traps her in his strong embrace, one arm around her waist and his other raised to hold her to him by the back of her neck, and kisses her the way a dying man gasps for air. As soon as their mouths meet, she knows where he's been. The taste lingering on his lips is that of his preferred form of alcohol, and she grimaces at how strong it is for a second before pushing at his arms to break the kiss.
You'd think she struck him. His brows furrow and eyes widen at the rejection.
"Why won't you kiss me?" he asks with a tired exhale, leaning forward and angling his head as though he's going to steal another from her in retribution.
"Because it tastes like you drank the whole bottle," she says with a chuckle and keeps him at bay for now. "Where did you go?"
He lets out a sigh, overdramatic as ever, and allows her to slip out of his grasp now that he knows he won't get any kisses until he answers her. The walk over to the bed is short for him with his long legs. All it takes is a few strides and he's collapsing onto the mattress with huff. The glove is already being ripped off of his cybernetic hand before he conjures a suitable response for her.
A scoff escapes her.
"I gathered that."
"I went to a bar."
Her brows furrow at him.
His hands come up to allow him to rub his eyes as he says, "Not that bar, I went to a normal one."
The casual reference to that bar brings a searing heat to her face. "That bar" meaning the one they snuck out to go to the first night they were together, with the secret back rooms he led her into and had his way with her in front of a few of the sex workers lounging there. He felt it necessary to clarify that he would never go to such a place without her present for obvious reasons. The thought alone of her thinking he would do something like that, putting himself into a situation no married man should ever be in, made his heart ache a little.
She allows herself to smile at him just a little, even though he can't see it, and walk over to where he's laying with his legs hanging off the foot of the bed. Feeling the mattress dip beside him with her shifting weight, he drops his hands back down and looks at her. And even when he's drunk, angry, and worried, he still finds it in himself to look at her like that. Like she's more important than the Force itself.
In return, she gives him the same look. It isn't too hard to summon. It comes so naturally when he looks the way he does right now; effortlessly beautiful with his overgrown hair framing his face and looking up at her through his lashes with a pink-flushed face.
"What did they say to you?" she asks softly.
Her fingertips are feathery-light where they touch his hair, brushing it away from his face in a way she knows soothes him. It causes his eyes to shut in appreciation of it, then, once he's fully taken in the moment, he answers.
"Not much." His body starts to shift to allow him to roll onto his stomach, and he wraps his arms around her hips. In this position, he gets to rest his face on her thighs, placing tender kisses along the soft skin. "They repeated the all same questions just worded differently each time. When they finally told me I was free to go, they were bringing in others we worked in close quarters with."
"Did Obi-Wan happen to talk to you?" she asks. This piques his interest straight away. His head pops up from her lap, his arms unwrapping from her waist to help him sit up to face her. "He told me he wanted to speak with you. To let you know that he requested to be my master in your absence because he knows how much you care for me."
In lieu of a response, Anakin starts to lean forward to nudge her face with his. Their noses brush as he captures her lips in a wet kiss, humming in satisfaction at how she instantaneously kisses back without thinking. Call him what you want for it, but he knows the effect he has on her and how to use to for his own gain. Right now, he's using it to redirect her back to what he wants. Which is, of course, to hold and kiss his wife. He doesn't think he's asking for too much.
She murmurs against his mouth, "Why won't you answer my question?"
His breath is hot against her skin when he pulls away to dip his face down into the curve where her shoulder meets her neck. All she feels is a soft pair of lips caressing her skin followed by the sharp hip of his teeth. He finds a way to shake his head through it all, not faltering for a second throughout the process of kissing her neck and nudging her slowly onto her back.
"I don't want to talk about Obi-Wan right now," he whispers.
With his body now laid flush atop hers, hips nudged between her parted thighs, he brushes his lips against hers softly. It's a sweet, gentle kiss. One she hadn't been expecting with how eagerly he was crawling on top of her seconds ago, but no amount of sweetness can make her forget that he's not in his right mind at the moment. So, she lets him kiss her for a few more seconds, giving him the chance to revel in what he so clearly wanted all night while he was out drinking, before looping her fingers through the soft hair on the back of his head to pull his face away from hers.
He winces at the slight pain caused by having his hair pulled, but they both know it's something he enjoys. His lips curve down into a slight frown as he realizes what's happening.
"Why are we stopping?"
She chuckles a little and cards her fingers through the hair she just pulled to soothe his mortally wounded ego.
"Because you're very drunk, and I'm also quite tired so I won't let you do it until you've sobered up."
His brows furrow.
"You won't let me?"
Her head shakes, a coy smile teasing at her mouth, and this causes him to stop as though in consideration for a second before groaning and rolling off of her. He ends up flopping onto his back on the mattress beside her, causing her to laugh a little at his dramatics before scooting closer to him and cuddling up next to his body. Her arm wraps around his slim waist and pulls tight as though she fears he won't remain here if she doesn't.
Sensing this, Anakin turns his head to look at her. His eyes soften the moment they land on her, and he reaches out with his flesh hand to brush his thumb over her lips.
"Sleep," he says quietly. A command, not a request. "I'll be with you. Always."
It takes a lot less time than it usually does for her to fall asleep once she burrowed beneath the sheet and rested her head on his pillow, right beside where his was laid. Part of it is due to him. Not only because his presence is soothing but because he breaks into her mind. She's so used to having him in there that she doesn't notice or care when he encourages her to sleep. For her body to relax far quicker than it usually would due to the soothing presence of his force signature.
For the first hour or so after she goes unconscious, he stays to ensure she doesn't wake. But, then, the boredom gets to him. Not to mention, he reeks of liquor and sweat, so he doesn't see any issue with temporarily leaving her for the sake of freshening up in the bathroom. The spray of the water hitting the floor hardly makes enough noise to reach the door, let alone beyond it into her bedroom, and he keeps checking, using the force to sense if she's still sleeping. By the time he is toweling himself off in front of the bathroom mirror, he no longer feels as impaired as he was when he first arrived.
The substance is still present in his system, yes, but he doesn't feel like everything is fuzzy around the edges anymore. Another hour has passed once he emerges from the bathroom with the towel wrapped low around his hips and his hair damp. What he sees when he lifts the sheet to slip into bed with her, tossing the towel to the floor on his side, halts him for a second.
She must have taken off her thin shift in the time he spent in the bathroom. It isn't uncommon for her to do this, rousing herself to a dazed state of partial consciousness to rip the bedclothes from her body due to the heat causing her to sweat in her sleep.
With the shades pulled shut over their windows to keep the city lights from invading the dark sanctuary of her bedroom, his eyes have adjusted to the darkness enough to see her beside him.
A quick glance at the time projected onto the ceiling in faint red light proves he has been awake far too long, and it's hard for him to not huff in frustration as he rolls onto his side. Facing her...
The curve of her hip juts out in an exaggeration of its usual shape from her laying on her stomach with one of her legs bent up near her side and the other lying flat against the mattress. With the sheet pulled up just enough to cover her ass, looking at her is cruel torment for him. How else is he supposed to react when his wife insists upon sleeping in the nude right beside him? He refuses to feel shame for how his cock stirs to life at the sight of her nearly every night.
Anakin's left hand slides up from his side to grasp the thin sheet between his fingers, gingerly pulling it down until it only covers the lower half of her legs.
At first, his only intention is to touch her. To caress her soft skin, hairless and smooth for the first time in ages now that they're back on Coruscant where she can groom herself, and relish in the fact that she's here with him. There's something so intoxicating about watching her sleep. It occurs to him that that thought, if spoke aloud, would probably creep her out, but it doesn't feel wrong to him. It's nice to see her without worry for once. So much of their time together is spent fearing that someone will catch them, but when she's asleep, she's at peace.
His hand ghosts over the back of her thigh, climbs up the curve of her hip, and keeps going up until he finds her neck. So delicate, so pristine in the way he only finds women can be. Men are so rash, harsh, and unsatisfying to look at to him. Himself included. She, however, is a work of art. Everything about her, from the way her hips sway just so when she walks to how her hair blows around her face in the breeze, is beautiful. He has always preferred them as a sex. After all, everyone he truly cares for, aside from Obi-Wan, has been a woman. His mother, Padme, and, of course, his beloved apprentice and secret wife.
He thinks to himself as he allows his hand to dip down to cup her breast, They make more sense. Everything about them was designed with careful thought. In a way, he envied them. In other ways, he didn't. As his hand grazes down her navel in search of the apex of her thighs, he can't help but stare at her in awe. His fingertips dip into the delicate folds of her cunt. So warm. Soft. Inviting. Begging him to delve further and give her what she desires.
She has done this to him a countless amount of times—woken him up with her mouth around him, sucking hard into the back of her tight throat—so he has no qualms with returning the favor.
It becomes clear to him very quickly that he won't be satisfied with merely touching her. While it is invigorating to see her subconscious response to his touch, her thighs pressing together and trapping his hand there as he rubs her clit, he knows what he truly wants right now.
He wants to take back his ownership of her.
What happened today was nothing short of traumatizing for him. He isn't stupid, he knows what they're trying to do. If he isn't careful, the council will try to take her from him, just like every other woman he's loved has been taken from him. When he was assigned to protect Padme just before the start of the Clone Wars, he lost his mother. Shortly after, he lost Padme too. She refused to be with him in the end, saying she couldn't lie to the senate and the council. He refuses to let the same thing happen with Y/N.
Soon, he begins to feel a wetness seeping out of her. His fingertips dip down to collect it from her hole and spread it over her throbbing bud, rubbing faster. A soft, muffled sound escapes her lips at this, and that's when he loses whatever scrap of patience remained in him.
Anakin slips his hand out from between her thighs to stroke himself a few times. Although he's already hard, he takes it as a chance to spread her slick arousal along his cock to make it easier when he inevitably fucks her. With the stimulation now withdrawn, she begins to fuss a little. It isn't anything like it would be were she awake and aware, but she does writhe ever so slightly in her spot upon the mattress as if instinctually searching for the pleasure that evaded her.
He's careful not to wake her just yet. Since she was so tired, he thinks she should rest for as long as she can before she's woken up by him. So, he's gentle in how he guides her into the easiest position to allow him access. She remains on her side, but he brings her legs up closer to her chest, forcing her back to arch and offer up her soaked pussy to him.
From there on, it's too tempting.
He guides the broad tip, messy with precome, of his cock into her first, waiting a moment to listen to her deep breathing to assess if she's waking before nudging further into her inch by inch. Being inside of her is serenity itself. It's like coming home, and he delights in how responsive her cunt is to him even while she sleeps. Her walls clamp down around the thick girth of him only to relax a second later to allow him in the rest of the way. His mouth drops open in a quiet gasp at how good it feels to bury himself inside of her, pushing and pushing until he bottoms out with his tip nestled close to her cervix.
The hand that isn't devoting it's time to rubbing her clit reaches to cup one of her breasts. It squeezes softly at first, but, as usual, it isn't enough. With the first thrust he makes back into her after he pulls almost all the way out of her, he grasps her breast harder and rolls the nipple between thumb and index finger. Having both of his hands on her—one on her chest and the other anchored between her thighs—gives him better leverage to fuck her how he wants to.
"Feel so good," he murmurs into her bare shoulder, not caring that she cannot hear him say it.
He loses control of himself quite fast. It's all too easy to allow the pace of his thrusts to speed up little by little, but, more importantly, he can't help himself from going harder. He enjoys going slow sometimes, but he never goes easy on her. If he ever did, she would scold him. Most often, she has the control between the two of them when it comes to intimacy, and that's the way he's always preferred it. But now...He finds that he likes having total control over her more than he thought he would.
His lips press gently against the curve of her shoulder to help suppress the load moan that threatens to leave him in response to her squeezing down around him.
The haze of sleep has a strong hold over her still when her eyes begin to flutter open.
At first, she's certain it's a dream. Trapped in the space between consciousness and unconsciousness, her mind has yet to realize that she's slowly but surely coming back to consciousness. Her dreams have always been incredibly vivid, especially when they concern Anakin, so no alarms are raised at the feeling in the pit of her abdomen. It isn't until she feels his teeth graze her skin that she realizes that it isn't happening inside her head.
The light beyond the shut curtains, the only source of light at this late hour, illuminates just enough of her face to allow him the pleasure of watching her react to what's happening. Her brows pinch together, a crease forming in the skin between them, and, then, her eyes open slowly.
Y/N wakes to the overwhelming pleasure of him touching her, kissing her, fucking her—essentially doing anything he can to feel closer to her—and the first thing she thinks to do is reach being her to grab onto him. Her hand lifts from where it laid on the mattress to reach back for him, sliding down the side of his bare, muscled abdomen until it reaches his hip. There, her nails dig into him.
She says, evidently confused, "Ani?"
The second after she says the nickname, a particularly harsh thrust causes her to whine in both pleasure and sensitivity, head tipping back while he finishes sucking a mark onto the back of her shoulder. Even through the fog in her mind, she's thankful that he's only leaving marks behind in places she'll be able to cover. It wouldn't be wise to meet with Obi-Wan tomorrow morning with a love bite visible on the side of her neck.
He pulls his face from her neck to press his cheek against hers, lips pressing a tender kiss to the corner of her mouth.
"I'm not intoxicated," he says as explanation for the euphoric wake-up call. "And when I came out of the shower, I noticed you ripped your clothes off in your sleep..."
This brings a sleepy grin to her face, and she can feel him grinning back at her with his cheek pressed to hers. The fingers toying with his clit continue at that perfect, toe-curling pace that increases the bliss she feels tenfold. That, when combined with how consistently he hits the sweet spot inside of her, is almost too much for her to handle so soon after coming back to consciousness.
"You're acting awfully brave. Aren't you worried I'll have to punish you for it sometime?"
Every word is punctuated with a panting breath as he drives into her harder and faster, her breasts bouncing with the force of it now. The palm he had molded over one of them slides up to grasp the very top of her neck, just beneath the jaw, in a possessive act of claiming.
He shakes his head, pushing hers a little further into the pillow it rests on.
"No," Anakin pants, "no, you won't be punishing me for taking what's mine. You forget that I'm your master."
Knowing how angry it will make him, she says, "Actually, Obi-Wan—"
The hand around her neck squeezes impossibly tight before she can dare to finish the sentence, and his pace becomes nearly brutal in a way it's only been a few times before. After a loss on the battlefield or a man leering at her in front of him. But this is...this is different. She can feel it—his anger, the possessiveness, the jealousy.
A second later, he releases his grip on her neck.
"Take that back," he mutters, seething, and pulls her hair taut from her scalp, eliciting a sound that's a strange mix of a moan and a wince. "Or I won't let you finish. You can do it yourself if you're so quick to betray me."
The mere thought is enough to make her brows pinch together in displeasure, and she starts to shake her head frantically. How cruel of him to wake her like this and threaten not to see it through to the end. Although, it does arouse her even more to think that he's simply using her for his own gratification now that she's "betrayed" him. The tension brewing within her, readying like an asp about to strike, seems to enjoy the notion of that.
And, worried that he'll stop, she cries out, voice breathy and soft, "You own me, master. Just you"—the next rut he makes into her is hard enough for her to gasp—"There's only you, Anakin."
"Yeah?" he asks, turning her face with the hand that choked her a moment ago to force her to meet his gaze.
The eye contact is so intense, she doesn't know what to do with herself when she's pinned beneath him like this. And, of course, everything is heightened by the vitriolic feelings roiling inside of him. He projects them at her without a second thought, letting her in to hear every thought that is practically shouted at her. She can't deny to herself that some of them are quite...disturbing. It's nothing too outrageous, but it's obvious to her that he perceived what happened today as a threat. A threat he will not take lightly.
She nods her head a few times, their noses brushing with the frenetic movement, and he can't help but smirk.
"Good girl," he mutters.
He keeps his lips as close to hers as possible without breaking eye contact with her. The urge to kiss her is heavily outweighed by the power he derives from looking into her eyes as he pounds into her. The whole day, he has felt helpless, mad, and scared, but it's all mended by her. By this moment. Not only due to the physical intimacy, but the emotional as well. He can feel how much she loves him. It's a feeling he wishes he could bottle and keep in his possession forever. He'd get drunk off of her if he could, but he can't, so this is the next best option.
When her eyes flutter shut in appreciation of her impending release, building inside of her like the swell of the sea, he says, "No, I want you to look at me."
Seeing that he holds the power regarding whether or not she'll come, she obeys his command immediately. When her eyes open to find his face so close to hers, the sight of him hits her like a punch to the gut, and that overwhelming feeling of love he felt emanating from her increases tenfold. She takes this time, the few, never-ending seconds before she's pushed over the edge into oblivion, to commit every detail of him to memory. The hair that falls in his face, the healing scar slicing through the outer edge of his eyebrow, and, most importantly to her, those sultry eyes of his.
Even outside of the bedroom, he has a way of looking at her that makes it obvious to anyone who looks too closely that he's undressing her with his eyes, but it's far worse when she's actually undressed and at his mercy. It makes her inevitable peak come on stronger and faster than either of them expected it to, her nails digging into his hip so hard that they break the surface of his skin.
She says breathlessly, looking up at him with wide, teary eyes, "Promise you won't let them keep us apart."
And though he's already reassured her countless times that they'll remain together no matter what, he surges forward through the small gap left between them and kisses her with a hunger that'll never be satisfied. It only lasts a second or so, but it's all she needs to reach her climax.
"I'll do anything," he whispers, kissing her deeply as she begins to tense around him. "Anything."
It's such a powerful, explosive surge of pleasure, she cannot do anything but tense in his arms and surrender herself to it.
The noises she makes are borderline pornographic, and if he weren't so in tune with her, he would probably think she's faking it. But there's no way of faking her body's natural response to him. As he guides his cock in and out of her at a brutal pace, the sound of their bodies colliding and how wet she is filling the room, he feels every spasm and twitch of her around him. There's no avoiding those guttural sounds, the slack-jawed expression on her face, or the tight cunt milking him with every unyielding wave of her climax.
Anakin's mechno-hand squeezes around her neck with just the right amount of force to restrict her gasping breaths and provide himself the amount of control over her as he loses himself in it all. His thrusts turn sloppy the closer he comes to his end, and he buries himself in deep one last time before spilling into her.
His face falls into her neck with a whine, teeth biting down on her shoulder to stifle the sound. Her constant clenching and unclenching helps him ride out his orgasm, and he continues to fuck into her in small, dying thrusts until every spurt of his release is trapped within her.
Y/N goes limp on the mattress beside him.
Her head has fallen back into its original place on the pillow, and all she can hear is him breathing heavily into her neck. Behind her, his chest rises and falls at a rapid rate against her back. The hand that was around her neck has slid down to rest against her stomach, holding her close as he always does in the vulnerable moments following his orgasm. All the excitement and emotion turns him into a clingy, needy little thing.
They lay like this for so long, limbs entangled in the sheets and racing hearts beginning to fall back into a normal rhythm, that she can't tell if it's been five minutes or ten when he finally speaks up. Sometime in between him collapsing onto the bed with her and now, he pulled out of her and repositioned himself against her. Both of his arms are snug around her waist, and his face is no longer buried in her neck but rather right beside hers. His cheek presses against hers as it had when they were in the midst of fucking, savoring the closeness shared between the two of them.
"I love you," he says softly.
It isn't the first time he's said it, but she always gets the same fluttering sensation in her stomach as though it is. As quickly as the anger and jealousy took control of him, turning him into a demanding and domineering lover, he shifts back into his usual nature with her. It's as though his mind goes on autopilot after having sex with her, exposing the true motivators that drove the anger. Insecurity. Fear of abandonment. Worry.
Knowing this, she doesn't hesitate to say it back.
"I love you more."
The feeling of his chest moving against her back with a soft huff of laughter brings a smile to her face.
"Believe me, that's not possible."
She then starts to shift around in place, forcing him to loosen his hold on her for a second or two until she has flipped over to face him. Those strong arms are quick to wrap around her waist and pull her in again, their bodies flush against one another.
"And why is that?" she asks, a teasing lilt in her voice.
He answers it so quickly, so sure, she cannot take it as anything other than honesty.
"I was made for you," Anakin whispers, reaching up to brush her hair away from her face. "There's no purpose for me in this life without our love."
Her brows furrow in concern.
"That's not true. You have purpose regardless of whether or not I'm here."
He shakes his head, just once, and when she cups the side of his face in the palm of her hand, he leans into the touch. The tip of her thumb caresses the scar cutting through his brow, moving down until she brushes his bottom lip.
He says, "I don't want to know what it's like to not have you in my life. It was easier before. I didn't know what was waiting for me. But, it's different now. If I lost you, I'd lose myself."
Her other hand moves to hold the other side of his face, leaving him with no choice but to look into her eyes and hear every word, every thought, and every feeling that passes through her.
"You aren't going to lose me."
The soft look in his eyes transforms into determination at this, and he allows his forehead to rest against hers as he repeats what she said in his mind over and over again to reassure himself.
A/N: It's been a long time, but here's part three! I hope you all enjoyed it.
Tag List: @juniebugg and @riley12.
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jinx-xxed · 7 days
Supreme Leader
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☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
A/N; The motivation for this one legit came out of nowhere but I can’t even complain 🫶 this is the best smut I’ve done to date I think
Part of Written in the Stars
Summary; You come back to find Snoke gone… and Kylo Ren has taken his place.
Content; NSFW 18+, AFAB reader, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Commander Reader, aftermath of TLJ, angst to sad fluff, original characters, you get promoted!!!, Kylo’s mean, Kylo gets a lightsaber pulled on him, you have a saberstaff, throne room confrontation turns into throne room sex, fucking on the throne, you’re still not his biggest fan lol, helmet on, gloves on, calling Kylo by his proper title, orgasm denial, overstimulation, inappropriate use of the Force, very dominant Kylo, fingering, unprotected piv sex, riding Kylo, humiliation, degradation, praise, talking about feelings
Wc; 6.2k
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*
There’s a sharp ping that comes from the device imbedded into your metal arm cuffs, overriding the silence mode you have it set on and making you startle. You grumble to yourself, pausing your work to tap a few things on the screen and project a smaller screen above it. There it reads the message: all troops involved with mission-76653 cease operations and return to base immediately. There’s coordinates to the Steadfast attached and not the Supremacy, you note.
“Are you serious?” You snap to yourself. The members of Fleet 74 who came along with you on this expedition stop at your voice, looking back at you curiously. You sigh, lifting a hand and making a circular motion with a finger. “We’re heading back to base, I guess. Direct orders.”
Jaharah begins to protest. “Now? But we haven’t finished-“
“I know. I’m not happy about it either.” You say, a scowl settling nicely onto your features. You traveled all the way out to some planet in the Outer Rim to basically have to go right back. You turn, starting the journey to the speeders you’d left behind that’ll return you to your ship that’s even farther away. The others reluctantly follow. “I hope whatever bastard demanded this realizes we’re still two weeks out.”
Lyra’s hands wring together nervously. “Do you think something bad happened? Maybe the resistance-“
You scoff sharply. “The resistance couldn’t hope to do anything against Snoke’s ship, not as things stand now. This is something else.” Or you’d think so.
You won’t admit that you’re worried about what that ‘something else’ could be.
» ☆ «
The trip back to base was just as annoying as the trip out to the assigned planet was. Traveling in a cramped transport ship for two weeks isn’t the most pleasant thing in the world. But finally, there’s a familiar beeping of the sensors and the filter of hyperspace fades away to reveal the massive Star Destroyer that is the Steadfast sitting amongst the blankness of space.
The ship is brought into the hangar and you immediately get the feeling that something is off. A tension in the atmosphere, a shiver running up your arms beneath your uniform. Stormtroopers stand about in a more stiff manner than usual, and the lower workers of the Steadfast seem to have become as meek as mice. There’s also a tinge of leftover smoke in the air, like something blew up within the Star Destroyer. You glance back at your Fleet members as they exit their ships; they feel it too, but Jaharah shrugs, just as lost as you are.
“General,” comes a sudden voice. You snap back around to see a trooper standing before you. “Your presence is requested in the throne room immediately. And the Fleet’s.”
The throne room? What would Snoke want with you now? And what would he want with your Fleet?
You nod, following the Stormtrooper as he acts like some guide through the Steadfast. You’re sure you could find your way faster than he ever could, but you follow along to be nice. The walk there is long, of course, since the ship is so ungodly huge. The hall turns colder as the throne room doors come into view, and it’s like the tension you felt in the air before becomes about ten times heavier, threatening to weigh you down and prevent you from going forward. There’s Sith Troopers guarding the doors, and you see the members of Fleet 74 who stayed behind waiting there as well.
You look to Chief, your second in command. “What is this about?” You demand in a whisper.
“You’ll see.” She mutters. You don’t like that.
The Fleet gets in to a close formation with yourself at the head. The doors open and you’re led inside. You nearly freeze in your tracks with the sight you’re met with.
Snoke is no more. Instead, sitting in a newly made, imposing throne, is Kylo Ren.
He wears his full uniform, hood pulled over his helmet adorned with the red veins that stick the shattered pieces back together coursing through the black metal. His Knights fan out on either side of the throne, still as statues with their weapons held tightly in their hands. Kylo himself is clearly trying to be every bit as intimidating as Snoke was, with his boots firmly planted on the ground, gloved hands clutching the arm rests, back straight as a board.
You kneel before he even gets the chance to tell you to because somehow, initiating it yourself is less humiliating. You hear the Fleet follow suit behind you. The cold, reflective metal of the floor bites into your knee as you stare at it.
There’s an unnerving silence and you feel his eyes on you. Then, “welcome back, Commander.”
You perk at the title, your head shooting up. “Commander?”
“It seems we’ve both gotten promotions.” Kylo drawls. “Snoke is dead, killed by the Jedi girl in his own ship.”
He knows that you know, and he also knows that you know it’s better to keep your mouth firmly shut. The discussion you’ll have later should be interesting.
“I’ve taken his place, and I believe it’s most logical to make you my Commander. Fleet 74 will remain as it is. I’m sure you can handle the extra duties, correct?” He asks.
You dip your head again. “Yes, of course. I’m honored, Com-“ you clear your throat, correcting yourself, “Supreme Leader.” It feels wrong.
He taps a finger against the arm rest. “Then you’re dismissed. You and I will talk later.”
You nod. “Yes, sir.”
You rise with the Fleet, leading them out of the throne room with tense muscles. As soon as the doors close behind you, a few of them clap you on the back, congratulating you on the new position. You can’t share in the celebration, unable to ignore the itch in the back of your mind that you can’t quite get rid of.
What the hell happened while you were gone?
» ☆ «
You’re called back to the throne room an hour later.
You know you don’t have a choice in the matter, the message was very clear in that sense. You either go willingly or you’re sure someone will come along to drag you there. So you put away the report you were filing on your forcefully failed mission and push yourself from your chair. You walk down familiar halls, you try to ignore the tremor in your hands by clenching them into fists.
The path to the throne room is void of life, as if it’s a radioactive zone that nobody wants to enter. The description isn’t far off; it feels like you enter into a cloud of smog that chokes you when you get near and it sends a shiver down your spine. The Dark is heavy, threatening, and thick in the area. It parts for you when you pass through, ever so willing to obey your commands even if it doesn’t belong to you, but you feel it pressing in on every side. You take a deep breath when you see the doors leading into the throne room finally appear around a corner, looming like a beast waiting to pounce.
You push them open without pause, steeling yourself and the nerves that buzz beneath your skin. Your face is set with hard lines, your brows slightly drawn over your eyes and your lips positioned with a small downturn. Cold air and the sharp tang of polished metal hits you when you step inside, the click of your heels against the ever-so shiny floor the only sound.
You quickly take note of the fact that the room is empty. There are no Guards, no Stormtroopers, no Knights. Only him.
There is only Kylo Ren, sitting on a false throne.
You feel his eyes behind that mask trained on you as soon as you enter, crawling along your form and taking in every bit of you. He looks as he did before, his body cloaked in black robes with his hood framing his helmet, hiding it from the light. The throne isn’t the same as Snoke’s, this one has had to be built from scratch like many things after the utter obliteration of the Supremacy. This new chair has clearly taken inspiration given its size, but the energy surrounding it has changed. It isn’t as Dark as people would believe it to be.
You stop a healthy distance away from the dais, your perfect reflection along the floor mirroring your movements. “You requested me, Supreme Leader?” The title feels wrong and foreign on your tongue when referring to him and you struggle to hide the mockery in your tone, though he hears it all the same. There’s a seed of unease that burrows itself in your gut, eager to bloom into something bigger as you stare at the man you’ve worked with for most of your life. All of this was unexpected, and that’s where your problem lies. Kylo did this, he got himself to this position—and you don’t understand it.
His gloved hands brace against the armrests as he stands. You watch him intensely, your body feeling like it’s pulled taut as a bowstring, ready for something that you don’t know about yet. Your breathing stutters in your chest, it quickens with your heartbeat. He walks down those steps, one after another with the grace and power of a leader that knows his strength. There’s a brush against the shields in your mind, a familiar Force signature that’s taunting you, playing a game that you’re not interested in. You recoil from the touch, quickly forcing it away from you and out of your head. It can’t be trusted.
He reaches the same level you’re on but when he tries to take another inch of the space between you, you find your lightsaber in front of you. It screams to life, red beams of plasma coming from either end. It lets out a steady hum through the handle clenched in your palm—a threat, a promise. Kylo pauses where he is and you glare at him over the weapon, the red bouncing off the silver on his helmet.
“What did you do?” You demand, words spat from between your teeth.
“Don’t be stupid.” He sneers, deep voice crackling through the vocoder.
He moves towards you again, unfazed by the deadly lightsaber you have pointed directly at him. His pace is unrelenting and you move yourself backwards, eager to keep the same distance. You bare your teeth, twisting to follow him as he circles you like a predator. “What happened to Snoke?”
There’s a minuscule shake of his head as he observes you. “I told you-“
“Don’t fucking lie to me, Kylo. What did you do?” You say again. You want a straight answer, you want to know what the fuck happened when you were gone. You want to know what happened to the man you were beginning to trust. You remember the hunger he’d had in his eyes when you’d first met him, the insatiable desire for power and to prove himself to whoever dared doubt him. You wonder how that young man would feel seeing himself now like this, standing at the top of the galaxy. And you wonder how much farther he’ll go, if this is where you make the stand for your life because you’re a threat.
“I did what I had to.” He says coldly with nothing but conviction. “You’ll understand.” He got himself behind you, now forcing you to walk in the opposite direction to stay away from him. There’s ripples in the Force, the darkness swirling around you both. You feel him at the shields you keep up, but he’s not trying like he should be to get in. He’s basically just sitting there, occasionally reaching forward to remind you that he’s waiting. It’s a silent plea to be let in, but you won’t listen.
“Snoke was a worthless coward. He was incapable of fighting his own battles. Why do you feel such remorse for him when he’s the one who’s caused you so much pain?” Kylo demands, angry at the idea of you sympathizing with Snoke. You don’t. You never would. You’re glad to see that he’s gone, that you’ll never again have to experience dread when returning back to base. Snoke tortured you both but after knowing of him ever since you were a child, hearing him in your head, that seed of unease blooms into fear. What will happen now? What kind of leader could Kylo Ren possibly be?
You don’t have the chance to ponder it further. The backs of your legs hit the seat of the throne after having been forced up the dais by Kylo who now comes so close it causes you to fall unceremoniously into the chair. Your lightsaber is still active, poised at his throat even as he slams both hands on either armrest, caging you in. “I saved us,” he snarls, “and this is how you thank me?”
Even as Kylo’s presence threatens to rob you of breath, his darkness trying to choke you, you don’t cower. Your lightsaber reflects in your eyes in the same way it does his helmet, the heat from the plasma an uncomfortable presence between you. “How am I supposed to trust you?” You practically throw the words in his face, and you can see the way they make him recoil. It’s barely there, so very slight, but he draws back just a fraction of a centimeter and you hear the creak of his gloves as he grips the armrests tighter. It hurts him, it brings you satisfaction. You feel the flinch in the Force, betraying his true emotions to someone like you who’s more attuned than he realizes.
And then it’s gone. He brushes it aside and replaces that emotion with bristling anger. He reaches past your arm, past your lightsaber without a care, and he grips your chin. You want to thrash against him, want to fight against his hold; it would be so easy with the saber you have against his neck. But you can’t bring yourself to. You let him hold you there as he makes sure you’re looking at him, his fingers digging into your jaw.
“He was going to have me kill you.” Kylo says, tone quiet and blunt as he brings forth information he’d been holding inside of himself for so long, letting it consume him. “That’s why I sent you away.” Scenes flash in your mind, brought to you by Kylo so that you can see exactly what terrified him, to see what caused that sense of fear he had that day he gave you your mission.
Snoke would’ve had you both come to the throne room, and you would’ve thought nothing was amiss. But then he would reveal that he wished to further Kylo’s training after his recent failures, and that you were the key to making him stronger. That key was your own death. Snoke would admit as such, that he wants Kylo to kill you. You could feel it—the rage inside of you, the despair. Snoke had always favored Kylo over you because Kylo had a name behind him, he had a legacy. You were just a kid he picked up off a meaningless planet with a worthless family that had more potential than anyone could’ve ever dreamed. You’d surpassed Kylo in more than enough trials to prove that and yet… it didn’t matter. You were to die to push someone else forward.
“You would’ve fought,” Kylo murmurs, briefly breaking you from the vision, “but you would’ve lost.”
You see what he means. You turned on Snoke, you lashed out with everything you had in you as the Praetorian Guards advanced. You killed all of them, your will to live greater than their own strength, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough against Snoke, who forced you to your knees even as he struggled to do so from your protesting. You could’ve been something, you could’ve been more, but you were just fodder for the machine. You at least looked Kylo in the eyes with your chin held high when he lifted the hilt of his lightsaber. The vision cut out directly after that, and you find yourself heaving for breath.
Your own lightsaber is gone, taken from your grip by Kylo while you watched your death play out. The anger that boils in your gut almost feels misplaced because that future never came to pass, and it never will. Because of what Kylo did. He sent you on a convenient mission to the Outer Rim, as far away from Snoke as possible. Then he took his chances back here, trying to figure out some way to save you, and then the perfect opportunity was laid at his feet.
He keeps his hold on you, forcing you to watch through his own eyes and learn of what he’d gone through. Rey had shown up. The young Jedi girl actually had the gall to deliver herself right to her enemy. She definitely has guts, you’d give her that. She tried and failed to get Kylo to turn away from the Dark Side, trying to make him see the Light. But it didn’t work when his thoughts remained on you and keeping you from Snoke’s grasp. He was too focused on the fact that if the future he saw came to fruition, he knew he’d lose himself entirely. He wouldn’t be able to bear it.
So he used Rey in his schemes, used her as a distraction of sorts. He used her to finally kill Snoke, to free himself and you from his reign. He couldn’t believe it actually worked, that Snoke was truly lying on the floor severed in half. It was like a weight was lifted off his shoulders, a ghoul finally banished from the corners of his mind. It was peaceful, but only for a moment. Him and Rey fought the Guards, and then he tried to get back his grandfather’s lightsaber once more to no avail. The memories from then on are bright flashes, fuzzy images, and explosions—nothing you can make out.
You’re pulled from Kylo’s memories, your jaw slack and your heart racing. It feels unreal, something you can’t believe because you weren’t here to witness it. But if you had been here, you would’ve died. “Now you see, don’t you? I told you that you’d understand. Yet you still can’t bring yourself to trust me. It just disgusts you, doesn’t it?” He says lowly, jabbing at you. “How could you ever bear to trust someone like me?” Someone who saved your life, he wants to add with his mocking tone.
There’s a moments pause where you stare at each other, unsure of what to think or say. You wish you could see him, could see his eyes and his face. Your nervous hand reaches up, attempting to get the latch on his helmet to take it off, but he stops you abruptly. He grips your wrist firmly in a leather-clad hand. You try and fumble for words. “Kylo, I-“
“No. You’ll address me as Supreme Leader. You need to get used to that title.” He snaps, forcing you all the way back into the throne as he comes even closer, his boot sliding between your own and forcing your legs apart. Your breath hitches when he takes both your wrists in one hand, pinning them above your head so you can’t do anything stupid like trying to shove him off or drawing your lightsaber on him again.
The rise and fall of your chest quickens when cold air kisses the skin of your stomach, your layers shoved up by his free hand. The leather of his gloves is rough as it skates along the newly exposed area on its way further down. His fingers catch on the waistband of your pants and they don’t hesitate to slip beneath the fabric. Your body feels like it’s been set on fire, your spine pressed so firmly against the back of the throne that there’s nowhere else for you to go, even as you try to scoot away from his burning touch.
You jolt when he grazes your clit, your teeth digging so sharply into your lip that you think you taste blood. He’s moves slow and with purpose, knowing exactly what he’s doing when a low groan rumbles from the back of your throat. You can tell by the way he’s so willing to taunt and tease, by the way his huge body covers your own and boxes you in, that this isn’t going to be good for you. The pad of his index finger traces slow, tortuous circles around your entrance while the heel of his palm makes occasional, light taps against your clit to keep you aware, to keep you anticipating.
“You love to say how much you hate me, and yet you’re always so eager for me.” Kylo spits, his voice guttural when it comes through his helmet, struggling to get past the vocoder as more than just lustful static. He can feel how wet you are, how easily the dark leather of his gloves slides between your folds. His finger finally plunges into your waiting cunt not a second later, a gasp rattling your body. It’s a welcome feeling, one that finally gives the throbbing of your walls something to focus on instead of just aching, empty space.
The thrusts of his finger are lazy, staying at the same easy pace even as you squirm. He’s more generous to your clit now at least, his palm staying firmly against it, providing the friction of rough leather and stitched seams with each in and out of your hole. You whine in pleasure when he finally adds a second finger, the thick digits filling you more completely. They go farther, sink deeper into your heat, finding and pressing against the spot you’re never able to get on your own. Your hands struggle against the hold he has on them, your attempts at freeing yourself as your body writhes having been unsuccessful. You know you’ll have bruises in the shapes of his fingers across your wrists from the strength of his grip.
Kylo enjoys seeing you like this, completely under his mercy and so, so very compliant. It’s rare when he gets what he wants from you—your submission—so he’s relishing in it now while it lasts. His enjoyment is obvious from the erection creating a tent in his pants. You have to avert your eyes from it, trying not to think of the way he’d use it, the way he’d ram into you again and again and fill you with his desire. You can feel your own mounting, a knot in your gut that grows bigger with his ministrations, threatening to come undone.
You’re almost there. You’re standing on the ledge, leaning over the side, ready to fall off into bliss. Just a few more thrusts of his fingers, a few more circles around your clit, and your orgasm will be washing through you. But it never comes despite the way he continues to fingerfuck you, despite the way you can feel it right there and so ready to burst. It’s like something’s blocking it on purpose, a dam built with the sole mission of denying your release. Your eyes snap open, finding Kylo. He huffs a laugh. “What, you think I’d let you cum that easily?” It pisses you off how much he’s liking this. “I’ve barely even started.”
You practically growl at him, lip drawing up to reveal your sharp teeth, but you know he just finds it amusing. Especially when you try to grind your hips down onto his fingers as if that’ll be enough to break the Force hold he has on your body. You can’t move much beyond that with the way he looms over the throne, his legs pinning yours and your hands still stuck above your head. An involuntary whimper rips from your throat when he moves his thumb to your clit, rubbing at it with more purpose and ferocity and a third finger managing to slip into your eager cunt. Your feet scrabble against the floor, trying to find some kind of purchase as the denial of an orgasm makes you dizzy. You try and swallow the drool pooling in your mouth, the breath of your panting fogging the metal panels on Kylo’s helmet from your proximity.
You give in to begging once tears prick your eyes. Your words are barely more than a whisper. “Please- please, Kylo, just-“
There’s a harsh thrust up into your cunt that has your words falling silent, instead replaced by a sharp, high pitched yelp. “What did I fucking tell you?” He demands, pressing even harder against that spot along your walls that has you seeing stars. You feel like you’re about to explode from the built up tension in your body. “What did I tell you to call me?”
You glare at him, your eyes full of all the fury you can’t manage to get out with your voice. You don’t want to say it. You don’t want to bend to this man who’s held such a ridiculous amount of power over you for what feels like your entire life. Your teeth grind together in defiance, even as your face burns. He hums at that and seems almost happy that you’re going against him. He does love a good fight.
His fingers stall and begin to slowly slide out of you, ready to leave you completely empty and with a simmering need that won’t be taken care of. You jolt, eyes widening. It’s in that moment you find you don’t actually give a fuck about defying him, you just need him to stay in you. “Supreme Leader!” You practically shout, so sudden it even startles yourself. Your next words are quieter, more restrained. “Supreme Leader, please..”
You moan in relief when his fingers take back their positions deep inside your cunt, the sounds of your slick sloshing around filling the empty throne room. “Good,” Kylo says roughly, clearly struggling himself. Your obedience is music to his ears and it does nothing to soothe the ache of his cock still restrained by his pants. It just makes it worse. “Say it again.”
You hate him. You’re probably going to kill him. “Supreme Leader, please-“ you have to choke back your humiliation and death threats, “please let me cum.”
This time Kylo groans, the desperate sound crackling through his helmet. He thrusts his fingers one more time, swiping his thumb along your clit, before he lets you go. The release is instant. Something akin to a scream comes from you with your orgasm, the world around you feeling like it’s shattering. You can barely breathe, pure pleasure wracking your body and sending lightning through your limbs. The dam finally broke, and it feels so fucking good. The unbearable pressure is gone, bliss washing through you like a wave from the ocean as you cum around his hand. “See how nice I am?” Kylo says with heavy breath, barely able to contain himself. His eyes are locked on to where his hand disappears into your pants; he can feel your cum pooling on his glove. “How well I reward you when you’re good?”
It’s all you can do to nod dumbly, too blissed out with your ears still ringing to really comprehend what he’s saying. You don’t resist when your pants are pulled off, your underwear entirely soaked through and baring your sensitive, wet cunt to the cold air. You shiver. Your cloak is tossed aside, your top layers undone to reveal your upper body. You’re barely more than a rag doll when Kylo braces an arm against your back, using it to scoop you out of the throne so he can take your spot. His zipper is pulled down, his boxers lowered so his cock is finally freed, painfully erect and dribbling precum.
He sinks you down to the hilt without hesitation. All the air is punched from your lungs, your body tensing as his length fills you to capacity. Kylo’s appreciative groan is loud and throaty, his fingers digging bruises into your hips. You have to pause for a moment to adjust to the sudden intrusion, feeling so full it’s like you’re not allowed to breathe. Your lips are parted, your nails digging into the ribbed sleeves on his forearms for purchase. His body is warm and muscular beneath your hands.
You struggle to move, still feeling the after effects of your orgasm, your limbs weak and trembling. Kylo makes no effort to help you, his helmet instead tilted up towards you expectantly. “If you want it you’ll have to work for it, Commander.” He says with some twisted amusement. You briefly consider how easy it’d be to reach forward and wring his neck.
But you put that aside, swallowing your broken pride. You unfortunately want his cock more than that. The first thrust is bliss, pleasure filled shocks coursing through you like a live wire. You and Kylo moan in tandem, both of you finally getting some form of relief. Your movements are slow at first, trying desperately to get used to the feeling of his cock splitting you open. His hands travel up your sides, his left glove still soaked in your juices and leaving a trail along your skin. He finds your breasts, encompassing them with large, warm palms that have your head tilting back and your eyes closing. He pinches your stiffened nipples between his fingers, rolling them experimentally as you whine and arch into his touch. Your pace on his cock is steady now, finally having figured out a rhythm.
“Touch yourself.” Kylo orders suddenly, words sounding choked.
Your gaze snaps to him, brows furrowing slightly. “What?”
“Touch yourself.” He snaps again. “If you’re smart, you’ll listen to what I say.”
You glower, your face burning even hotter. He knows you don’t enjoy doing it, which is giving him all the more reason to make you. You hesitate, both not wanting to do as he demands and also not wanting to see whatever repercussions will come if you don’t. Your shaking fingers reach down and find your clit, the bud still sensitive and aching from Kylo’s earlier abuse. Your lip is between your teeth, trying to keep back your moans as you run circles over your clit. The stimulation quickly builds and you can feel that familiar knot forming in your gut again.
Kylo’s helmet tilts up and you can feel his eyes on you. You try not to meet them. “You look pretty like this, you know? Finally fucking listening to me.” He rumbles, giving your nipple a particularly hard pinch and making you writhe in his grip. “Say my name.”
You try to ignore him, ignore his stupid power trip and ego boost. But then he makes his move—one hand comes down to grip your wrist and the other is firm on your hip, completely stalling your movements and messing up your concentration. Your climax steadily begins to fade, a loud and frustrated groan coming from you. “This is stupid.” You snarl at him.
He doesn’t back down. “Say it.”
A harsh breath blows through your nose. You move your head so you can look past him, not wanting to admit that this is what he’s bringing you to. “Supreme Leader.” You mutter, your hips shifting to try and get friction with his cock still hard inside your cunt. He puts a stop to that quickly with a harsh squeeze.
Kylo lets go of your wrist to instead grab your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Again.”
“Supreme Leader.” You grit out.
“One more time.”
You grab his forearm, your nails digging deep enough and with such fury that they’ll leave marks. It’s the least you can do. “Supreme Leader.”
“Good girl.” He murmurs, thumb running along your lower lip. You want nothing more than to sink your teeth into it until you taste blood. “You’ve done so well.”
His following thrust up into you has you forgetting what insult you were going to say. Both of his hands rest on your hips now, keeping you steady as he fucks you mercilessly. You bend forward, gripping his shoulders as some kind of anchor, punctuated moans spilling endlessly from your mouth. His helmet is downturned, the forehead of it resting against your sternum as he watches his cock disappear inside of your cunt, slick smearing along the front of his pants. He uses his Force to swirl against your clit, creating a sort of buzzing sensation that quickly brings that knot back and sets your blood ablaze.
“A commander reduced to a fucking cocksleeve. So good for my dick, aren’t you?” He breathes, words made even more gravelly by his vocoder. “Fuck.” You can only nod along and whimper, your brain fucked into useless mush.
You grip him tighter when your second orgasm finally bursts, your walls spasming around his cock and making him curse even louder. Cum gushes from you, dripping along your folds and making a further mess of Kylo’s pants. You cry out when he keeps thrusting into you, everything throbbing and overly sensitive for his harsh pace. You can’t think straight, you can only dig your teeth into the padded armor of his shoulder as tears well and threaten to fall.
His cock twitches, his hips stuttering. He gets in a few more thrusts before he’s cumming at last, a slew of cusses mixed with grunts and groans falling from his mouth. You hum in pleasure when you feel his warm spend filling your cunt to the brim, effectively coating your walls white.
Neither of you can move for a couple of minutes after. You don’t know how long you sit there for, your body finally relaxing and your eyes closing. He doesn’t pull out, his cock softening inside you and making sure you stay plugged full of his cum. You’re tempted to fall asleep before Kylo’s hands are leaving your hips and instead coming up to undo the latches on his helmet. There’s a hiss of air as the mechanisms slide out of place and he’s able to take it off. His black hair falls around his face, sweat drenching the ends.
You struggle to lift yourself up, but you want to see him. Your hands shake from exhaustion when they reach forward, taking his cheeks in your palms. He looks so tired. His sigh tickles your skin, his eyes closing at your touch. He seems significantly more relaxed now, his body letting go of its tension and his Force signature becoming something calmer. You can feel the weight shift as he leans into your right hand. His arms circle around your back, somehow pulling you even closer.
He swallows before speaking. “I was… afraid.” He mutters. “Afraid without you here… and yet I had to do it. Otherwise I’d lose you.”
He buries his face in the crook of your neck, his lips gentle as they brush along your collarbone. “I was afraid that I would fail. That it would’ve all been for nothing.” He continues. He sounds so quiet, quieter than you’ve heard him in a while. You run your fingers through his hair. “I just… I’m glad I sent you away.”
“Me too.” You mumble, your eyes trained on the back wall as your mind runs. You’re finally coming to terms with the fact that your death had almost been set in stone at the hands of Snoke. Coming to terms with the fact that your lifelong teacher was going to have you executed by his star pupil, and the fact that Kylo decided to save you and possibly get himself killed instead. The fact he did everything he could to make sure you wouldn’t come back to a death sentence. You swallow thickly. “Thank you.”
He stills at those words. They’re the last thing he expected to hear from you and it makes him uneasy. He doesn’t say anything, and that’s okay. You know he can’t. Besides, it’s easy to gather what he wants to say from his Force in this moment of vulnerability. An apology is at the forefront; an apology for taking things out on you again. He doesn’t regret it, but he didn’t mean for it to happen. Then underneath that there’s longing that’s still lingering from when you were gone. He wanted nothing more than to see you, to know you were okay. He’s more than happy to have you in his arms now.
You pull yourself out of his thoughts, blowing out a tired sigh and resting your head on his shoulder. He wraps his cape around you to protect your mostly-naked form from the chill of the throne room, his warmth bleeding into you. You’re content to just sit here in his lap, and he seems content to let you. He relaxes back into the throne, cradling you against him with his soft breathing ruffling the hairs on the top of your head.
You’re together. You’re alive. That’s all you need in this moment.
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sithobiwanevent · 6 months
Sith!Obi-Wan Kenobi Event 2024 Prompts!
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(accessible text under the cut)
thank you everyone for voting for your fav prompts!!! we hope you're looking forward to the selection this year!!!!
as always, please feel free to ask or message us any questions you have! also feel free to post your wips and tag us! her excellency, assistant supreme emperor fudge will be making occasional check in posts to make sure her minions are performing adequately :)
September 16th -- Dooku's Padawan
September 17th -- Disheveled Obi-Wan Kenobi
September 18th -- "Your Master never appreciated your abilities, but I do."
September 19th -- A Lightsaber Tipping Up Someone's Chin
September 20th -- Inappropriate Use of the Force
September 21st -- "Clone troopers. How...interesting."
September 22nd -- Emperor Obi-Wan Kenobi
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nobody-nexus · 10 months
Sinful Circus AU Incorrect Quotes
(CW for NSFW humor) (Will contain Ragapom, Abstrabbit, and Bluetooth)
Able: Hey, what have you two been up to? Gangle: We were helping Ragatha write her vows, but she kicked us out because Jax was making inappropriate suggestions. Jax: How is “Pomni, I love your sweet ass” inappropriate?
Queenie: If you could guess, how many brain cells do you have? Kinger: Dorito’s cool ranch. Queenie: Queenie: I'm just gonna assume zero for now. Kinger: I love that song
Pomni: There’s no “I” in team, but there is one in pizza Kaufmo: So, you’re not going to share? Pomni: I’m not going to share
Zooble: I dare you- Ragatha: Kaufmo is not allowed to accept dares anymore. Zooble: Why not? Kaufmo: "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say
Able: Today, Influencer said a swear word, so Ragatha said she was going to wash Influencer's mouth out with soap. Influencer replied, “It’s okay, I like the taste of soap”. Turns out, they’ve been putting soap on their lips to blow bubbles
Zooble: closes a cabinet a crash is heard behind the cabinet door Kaufmo: What was that? Zooble: The sound of someone else's problem
Able: I don’t know how you have your foot in your mouth, your head up your ass, and your nose in my business. But here we are, you fucking wizard
Jax: I’m a multitasker! Jax: I can disappoint fifteen people at once
Moon: Well, Caine and I finally did it! The rest of the squad: gasps, shocked expressions, etc. Moon: That's right… We kissed!
Influencer: Bl@ckm@1l 15 5uch @n ugly w0rd. 1 pr3f3r 3xt0rt10n. Th3 X m@k3s 1t s0und c00l
Pomni: Good news! I didn’t screw up! Able: … Pomni: I screwed up less badly than usual! Able: … Pomni: Screwed up with less immediate consequences than usual
Ragatha: I asked Pomni out Queenie: Oh, I’m sorry Ragatha: Why? Queenie: Well, I assume she said no Ragatha: No, she said yes Queenie: Really? Then I’m sorry for her
Jax: My knee just cracked so loudly that I half expect it to glow in the dark tonight
Jax: Zooble, we tried things your way Zooble: No, we didn't Jax: I did it in my head and it didn't work
Pomni, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe? Zooble: Yeah, sure A few minutes later Zooble: Here you go Pomni: Zooble: Ragatha: Why am I here?
Influencer: 1 th1nk w3 5h0uld h@v3 gl0w 5t1ck ju1c3 1nj3ct3d 1n 0ur b0n35 wh3n w3'r3 b0rn, 50 1f w3 br3ak 0ur b0n35, w3 g3t @ fun l1ttl3 5urpr1s3! Caine: What's the surprise? Zooble: Blood poisoning.
Jax: When do I get my own gun? Pomni: I wouldn’t trust you with my kid’s lightsaber
Jax, referring to Zooble: I don’t know, they just don’t seem interested Caine: Did you try talking to them? Jax: Jax: Try what?
Kaufmo: I wouldn’t wish that upon my worse enemy! Kaufmo: Unless of course. . We’re talking about my enemy, Zooble. Fuck you Zooble, you know what you did!
Jax: Wait you like me? For my personality? Zooble: I know, I was surprised too
Kaufmo: What’s the status up here? Pomni: Fucked up, about to die, Able’s a nerd. The usual
Able: I have been tricked, I have been backstabbed, and I have quite possibly been bamboozled
Ragatha: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container. Influencer: @h y35, th3 c0w'5 udd3r! Ragatha: What? Gangle: WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT????
Able: I know what you're up to. Influencer: R3@lly? B3c@u53 I b@r3ly kn0w!
Jax: If the thought of something makes any of you giggle for longer than 15 seconds, you are to assume you’re not allowed to do it
Influencer: Th3r3 15 n0 1 1n h@ppyn355… Pomni: There is if you fucking spell it right
Caine: There was a motor close to where I am right now. Caine: A motor- a motorcycle? Caine: Oh sorry, a murder Ragatha: That escalated quickly
Jax: .. .----. -- / … --- .-. .-. -.-- (translation: I'M SORRY) Gangle: What's that? Jax: Remorse code Gangle: I'm even angrier now
Sun: Sleep is the body’s best safety mechanism Kaufmo: How so? Sun: It keeps you from screwing up for 8 hours
the Squad cleaning up Caine: Pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away! Pomni, to Jax: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in-
Moon: Define “dream” Zooble: Dream - the first thing people abandon when they learn how the world works. Gangle: That’s too dark!
Pomni: You look good in that hoodie Ragatha: You know where else I'd look good? Pomni, zero hesitation: My bed. Ragatha, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
Gangle: Okay. Hypothetically speaking, how mad would you be if I burned a hot pocket so badly it could probably fall off a ten-story building and be completely fine? Sun: Gangle, what did you do? Gangle: Take a guess
Ragatha: What do we say when making bread? Zooble, glumly: That's the dough rising Ragatha: And what do we NOT say? Jax, sadly: That's the yeast fucking
Caine: Oh no! The printer broke while printing out Jax's birthday invitations! Gangle: Well, what are they supposed to say? Caine: "Jax's birthday" Gangle: So, what do they say instead? Caine: "Jax’s bi" Gangle: Gangle: Works out either way
Jax: Kaufmo, you look deep in thought. What’s wrong? Kaufmo: Did you know you can look at any object and know what it’s like to lick it? Even if you’ve never touched it before? Jax: I’m never asking you anything ever again
Pomni: What are you in the mood for? Ragatha: World domination Pomni: That's a bit ambitious Ragatha: You are my world~ Pomni: Aww… Ragatha: Pomni: Ragatha: Pomni: OH.
Zooble: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Influencer will and will not eat Queenie: Grass? Yes! Zooble: Moss? Yes!! Queenie: Leaves? Ohh, yes! Zooble: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Queenie: Worms? Sometimes! Zooble: Rocks? Usually, nah Queenie: Twigs? Usually! Zooble: Kinger's cooking? Inconclusive! Moon: How did you… test this? Zooble: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it Moon: … I don’t know how to feel about this Kinger: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
Caine: I can't imagine what Influencer is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal
Pomni: angrily presses Ragatha against a wall WHERE'S THE MONEY?! Ragatha: … Ragatha: Are we about to kiss-
Sun: If we lose, you’re out of the will Pomni: I was in the will?
Ragatha: What is it called when you kill a friend? Influencer: H0m1c1d3! Gangle: .......Murder-
Sun: Everyone thinks you suck. Jax: I think you have the wrong number… Sun: Influencer? Jax: Nope. Jax Sun: Well, you probably suck too
Able: According to the footage here, you shook the vending machine and when the shake alarm went off, you punched the glass and broke it Zooble: …I was hungry
Influencer: @rs0n? 0h! Y0u m3@n "cr1m1 brûl33"!
Moon: What the FUCK is this?!? Pomni, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what
Caine: I'm not superstitious… But I am a little stitious
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lxstfathier · 1 year
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Master! Luke Skywalker x Padawan! Reader
Summary: a simple lightsaber combat with master Luke turns into something else.
Warnings: soft dom Luke, oral sex (m! receiving), inappropriate use of the force, implied age-gap, established relationship (?).
A/N: a little late but here it is, the soft dom Luke fic requested by anon. i also used the padawan reader cuz some of y’all asked for more… and yes, i put that gif of Graham as Luke cuz he’s super hot too idc lmao. Hope you like this! 💗
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It all started as something innocent. Just a simple lightsaber combat to train and have fun. Neither of you expected to end up all sweaty, high in adrenaline and with a sexual tension way too strong.
It’s almost unbearable. The only thing you want to do is go straight to your room, strip naked and rub your clit all night until you get rid of that annoying frustration.
But you’re really dumb if you think that master Luke is not hearing your thoughts. You’re being louder that usual, of course he can sense it easily, and those filthy fantasies of yours are enough to drive him wild.
So, before you decide to excuse yourself out of the situation, Luke uses the force to snatch your lightsaber from your hands, hiding the blade and letting the hilt hang from his belt, just like all those times where he punished you for misbehaving.
But you did nothing wrong this time! you’re being a good girl, why is he acting like that?. Both of you were enjoying the friendly combat, so that sudden change is difficult to understand. You don’t get it. You weren’t acting like a brat.
“On your knees” he demands. “Now”.
“You heard me”
Of course he won’t repeat what he said, and you heard it clearly, so now you need to obey his commands, even if you think it’s unfair. Cause you know full well that, if you don’t do as he wants, your lightsaber will stay on his belt for a week and you’ll be forced to meditate instead of having fun with the other students.
Letting out a sigh, you get on your knees, right in front of Luke, immediately noticing the prominent bulge in his pants.
So that’s what has your master all moody and pent up? He needs your help to relieve some stress and frustration? oh, maker, he could have just asked instead of making you feel like brat.
However, you won’t deny him a little bit of pleasure, not when you’re also extremely horny and dripping wet between your thighs.
“Come on, pretty girl, you know what to do” Luke says, impatient to feel your touch, stepping closer until his crotch is almost rubbing against your face.
And of course you know, you’re no stranger to any of that, so you get to work, looking up at him with big doe eyes while running your hands up his thighs and abdomen, pushing the belt out of the way and moving his black robes aside.
Finally, when you pull down his pants and underwear, his hard cock springs out, swollen, leaking pre cum, and begging for attention.
You take his fat length in your hands, feeling how heavy it is, pumping it a few times before licking the pink tip, earning a soft moan from him that sounds like music to your ears.
But Luke is not in the mood for teasing, he wants more, so he bucks his hips forward, urging you to take him in your mouth. And you comply, doing exactly what he wants, sliding that big cock past your lips, inch by inch, until he’s buried all the way down to the base inside that pretty little mouth of yours.
Then you start moving, up and down in a steady pace, trying your best not to gag when he hits the back of your throat.
“Fuck yeah, just like that” Luke hisses, almost whimpering, grabbing a fistful of your hair to keep the rhythm.
A moan escapes from you, sending vibrations to his sensitive cock, and you can feel your slickness soaking your panties, practically humping the air, desperate for some friction.
You need attention too, and Luke knows it, so he uses the force to rub your clit in circular motions, torturously slow, sending waves of pleasure through your body, but not enough to make you cum, he wants to do that himself.
Tears fill your eyes when you take him as deep as you can, too lost in the moment to care about breathing, wanting nothing more than make him feel good.
And seeing you just like that, crying from the stimulation and his cock stuffed in your mouth, has Luke going absolutely crazy, on the verge of an orgasm.
He thrusts hard a few times, fucking your throat, soon finding his own release, a deep groan rumbling out of his chest as he spills inside your mouth, feeling him twitch while you milk him dry, making sure that not a single drop of his hot sticky seed is wasted.
Once he has rode out that euphoric sensation, you let his cock out of your mouth, finally catching a breath, cleaning the spit running down your lips and whining when he suddenly stops working on your clit.
For a moment you think that maybe he’ll leave you there, frustrated, and then go back to his duties as a jedi master. But what you don’t know is that he’s still hearing your thoughts, smirking at the fact that you’re so damn needy, and so so good for him, always willing to do anything.
“I’m not that mean, baby” Luke says, reaching down to put two fingers under your chin, forcing you to look directly at his pretty blue eyes. “Now lay down and spread those legs, cause i’m not done with you just yet…”
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hannagoldworthy · 11 months
One take I regularly see from the “Jedi Critical” corner of this fandom always manages to baffle me: “In Legends, Luke Skywalker corrected the mistakes of the dogmatic Jedi Order!”
Since my days as a dumbass first-time tumblr user, in which I was rather sternly corrected by older users if I got too aggressive in my arguments, I’ve tried to steer away from pointing out how STUPID that take is. But? Nothing’s saying I can’t make a post of my own about it!
With the bare minimum of due respect.
What fucking book did you read where Luke Skywalker corrected his own fucking mistakes, let alone those of any Jedi who came before him?
Because from what I’VE read? Luke had a nasty habit of doing the same things everyone criticizes the Prequel Jedi for doing, only ramping the ante up in a way only a Skywalker trained by TWO of the Disaster Lineage can.
Mace Windu threatened a “helpless” old Chancellor in his own office and was trying to assassinate him? Gag me. Luke Skywalker electrocuted Shimrra Jamaane to death with Force Lightn-pardon me, “eLeCtRiC jUsTiCe.”
The Jedi Order of the Prequels used Padawans as “child soldiers”? Please. Luke Skywalker possessed the body of his nephew to duel Exar Kun…when Jacen Solo was TWO, a FUCKING TODDLER. That’s not even getting into the number of very young teenagers who died horrible deaths as SOLDIERS in the war against the Yuuzhan Vong - for pity’s sake, Anakin Solo was knighted at sixteen and KILLED AT SEVENTEEN, where his grandfather’s knighting at nineteen was considered a rush job!
The Galactic Army of the Republic was a slave army? So was the army of YVH-1 battle droids built to battle the Yuuzhan Vong invasion! “Oh, but those were just droids” yeah and? The anti-Jedi folk cried when Anakin Skywalker was rightfully punished for not wiping R2’s memory of sensitive battle information, and they’ve outright said they have more sympathy for the battle droids than for the living, breathing people defending themselves against the battle droids. Not to mention, Legends had a Droid’s Rights movement in full swing at this point in time, so? YVH’s were people programmed from “birth” to die in battle. Next question.
Obi-Wan was too mean to Darth Maul and Darth Vader when he cut off their limbs? Alema Rar would like a word! Luke Skywalker permanently crippled her lightsaber arm, his sister cut off one of her feet AND one of her lekku (brain tails, that HAVE HER BRAIN IN THEM), AND put her in the way of a spider-sloth that BIT HER IN FUCKING HALF. And this was after Luke helped raise her as a youngling and HAD A VISION OF HER TURNING TO THE DARK SIDE, and did FUCK-ALL to prevent her from turning!
On the topic of doing fuck-all to prevent something…oh, was Obi-Wan Kenobi unable to prevent his Padawan from being groomed by a Sith Lord? Well, Luke Skywalker GAVE his son Ben as an unofficial apprentice to Jacen Solo, who turned out to be Darth Caedus and mentally, emotionally, and physically tortured Ben for six years! And, while Obi-Wan did not like Palpatine and continuously advised Anakin not to trust him without even knowing Palpatine was Sidious, Luke fully suspected Jacen was headed down a dark path and still encouraged Ben to be his apprentice because he was afraid of the Skywalker legacy dying with him.
Obi-Wan Kenobi flirted inappropriately with enemy generals? Luke Skywalker banged them. No, seriously, Legends Luke’s sexual body count is in double digits, the man was an unrepentant fuckboi. Mara Jade, Calista Masana/Mingla, Gaerial Captison, Shira Brie, some blonde named Mary who was in one comic to die at the end, fucking ABELOTH? Yeah, Luke only married one of those women, BUT HE FUCKED ALL OF THEM. And now, we have the DinLuke ship (which only exists in fanon, so I will count it as Legends) to mirror the Codywan ship (which actually has some basis in canon), just to cement that Luke Skywalker is a persistent playboy for BOTH teams. He loves them and leaves them like a pro.
Oh, there’s a persistent fan-theory that Korkie Kryze was Satine and Obi-wan’s secret love child? There were rumors that Brisha Syo was Shira Brie’s daughter with Luke…rumors that were credible enough that Luke had to do his own investigation into the matter. Shira Brie, aka Lady Lumiya, whom Luke blew to smithereens when she tried to kill him, and fought her with no mercy when Darth Vader pieced her back together and sent her to fight him again. So, while Obi-Wan has a rumored lovechild from a respectful relationship with a woman who opted not to tell him, Luke legitimately blew up his alleged baby mamma in the void of space with the bare minimum of regret.
Yoda and Obi-Wan sent Luke to kill his own father because they couldn’t manage to do so? Luke sent his niece, Jaina Solo, to kill her TWIN BROTHER because he could not bring himself to kill Jacen himself. And, while Luke was understandably torn up about killing Anakin, Jaina had a Force-bond comparable with a canon dyad withh Jacen - it hurt her a lot more when she killed Jacen than it ever would have hurt Luke to kill Vader. She nearly DIED of heartbreak, that’s how bad it was.
Obi-Wan hurt Anakin’s trust by faking his death and going undercover? He beat the crap out of Anakin to maintain his cover? Luke hurt Leia’s trust by faking turning to the Dark Side, becoming a reborn Sidious’s new apprentice, ACTUALLY FALLING TO THE DARK SIDE, and mentally fighting Leia WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT, to the point she WENT INTO LABOR EARLY.
Obi-Wan beat Anakin in a duel and left him to burn to death? Luke Skywalker BEAT THE LIVING HELL out of Vader until Vader was wordlessly pleading for MERCY, which he DID NOT DO ON MUSTAFAR.
Is there any nuance in Luke’s situations, throughout all of these examples? Yes, there is...but there’s also nuance in the Jedi’s situation in the Prequels, which no one seems to acknowledge in their case. So, whatever grace I extend to Legends!Luke being an imperfect and fascinating character, also extends to the Jedi being imperfect and fascinating characters in their own right.
I love Legends!Luke BECAUSE he reminds me of the Prequels Jedi, not because he corrected any of their “mistakes” (he did not. He very clearly did not). So don’t come at me saying Legends!Luke was better than the Prequel Jedi. I have read the books! I have kept the receipts! AND I WILL USE THEM.
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mandos-mind-trick · 11 months
Kinktober Day 29 - Virginity
Summary: Your hunting partners offer to help you after hearing about your inexperience. 
Pairing: Quinlan Vos/reader/Asajj Ventress
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, threesome M/F/F, lesbian sex, unprotected sex, virgin!reader, virginity, inappropriate use of the Force, first time sex, oral sex, fingering.
A/N: I was going to do something different today but after everything I’ve written this month it seemed like too big of an undertaking. So enjoy this dream team threesome instead.
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(Image found on Google)
You wouldn’t be surprised if there was steam roiling off your skin from how hot you feel. Between your lack of pants and the confession that had just come from your lips, you may combust at any moment.
You can’t look them in the eye. You can’t look at them at all. 
You can’t bear to see the horrified looks, the disappointment. You’re tense, waiting for the laughter, the jokes, the teasing. 
The disbelief hits almost the hardest. 
“Don’t be rude.” The smooth, sultry voice of your other partner is almost gentle in tone. You can almost see the way her eyes flash in warning despite your gaze being locked to the metal floor to your right. 
“I’m not being rude, I’m just...shocked. How can an absolute babe never have...not even...have you at least been kissed before?” 
“As a joke.” You murmur the words but they seem to echo through the quiet hull. “A boy in my class was dared by his friends to kiss me.” 
It falls silent between the three of you once more. You keep your gaze averted, shame and embarrassment burning under your skin still. You pull your knees to your chest, wary of the blaster wound on your thigh. 
That was what got you into this predicament in the first place. 
The hunt had gone well, despite the fact you got shot. The removal of your pants to clean the wound had been the catalyst to the events, your face already burning by the time they had been tugged down to your ankles. Quinlan’s calloused fingers on your bare thigh had practically done you in, and then the invitation to drink to a successful hunt as was tradition had been the nail in your coffin. 
The topic had come up, and the slight buzz of alcohol in your body had driven you to admitting your complete inexperience while sitting in nothing but your shirt and your panties. 
You can almost hear the silent conversation between them, something they do often. You know they’re...different. They can use lightsabers, do things normal people like you can’t. They have stronger senses, cat-like reflexes. Their honest shock at your confession is the only indicator that they can’t just read your mind like a holonovel. 
You feel so very...plain compared to them. 
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Ventress says, shifting closer to you. “Like Quinlan said, we’re more surprised no one has ever jumped at the opportunity.” 
“No one’s ever even looked at me like that.” You say, finally lifting your gaze to hers. 
“They’re a bunch of fools.” She says, shifting even closer, her hand brushing your heated cheek. Her fingers feel cold against your heated skin. They’re always cold, but even more so with the blood rushing under your skin. 
Your heart is thumping in your chest at her proximity. You feel nervous, your palms starting to sweat. You’ve been this close to her many times. It’s never felt like this before. There’s an energy between you, like an electrical charge. You can feel it pulsing under your skin. 
Your little crush on them can’t be a secret. Not to them. It hadn’t taken long for you to fall for both of them, but you had never planned on revealing anything to them. You were more than happy to suffer in silence, doing nothing but watching and occasionally hearing. You’d take the playful teasing Quinlan and occasionally Ventress subjected you to. It was the closest you thought you’d ever get. 
“We could do it for you.” Quinlan says, both yours and Ventress’ gazes snapping to him as he sits there, a playful smirk on his face. “If you wanted.” 
“Would you like that?” Ventress asks, her voice taking on the sultry tone she used with quarries when she flirted so effortlessly with them. “Would you want one of us to give you some...experience?” 
The alcohol pumping through your system wants you to scream yes. You want to scream yes too, but you’ve hit a dilemma. Who would you want to do it? You trust both of them, and you want both of them. 
Ventress hums, leaning down close to your face. “Sleep on it.” Her breath fans your ear. “We’ll talk about it again when you’re sober.” Her lips press against your cheek, cool and soft against your warm skin. 
You’re a little disappointed as she pulls away, but you know she’s right. You’d rather think this over sober, and you know they don’t want to feel like they’re taking advantage of you, or that you might regret it in the morning. 
The alcohol was the only thing that helped you actually sleep. Your mind had raced until it lulled itself to sleep with thoughts of the events that had just transpired. You remember it all when you wake, every word, every bit of the conversation. You don’t rise right away as you usually do, instead you take the time to really think about their offer. 
They were offering to fuck you. One of them would wipe the label of virgin from you for good, and they wanted to. No jokes, no tricks, no teasing. You had felt the sincerity in their words. They cared enough to want you to make the decision sober. 
That was the hard part, though. Choosing one of them. 
Quinlan was likely to be the most romantic of the two. Perhaps more gentle and easygoing about it. Though, from the things you’ve heard and how he fights...it makes you a little afraid. Ventress oozes passion and dominance, but you know how ruthless and fierce she can be. You know neither of them would hurt you on purpose. They would take care of you. 
Then the image of both of them pops into your head. Quinlan’s strong chest against your back, Ventress’ lithe body pressed against your front, both of their hands and mouths on you. Heat blooms between your thighs, your legs pressing tightly together under the blankets. Would they be willing to both be involved? They’re already familiar with each other, and they’re willing to at least allow this to happen. 
The only way you’ll know is if you ask. 
Heat blooms under your skin again as you toss off your blanket, rising from your makeshift bunk. You climb down into the hull where you know they have to be, the confidence that had surged through you suddenly disappears as your feet hit the metal. They had been training, Quinlan’s chest bare, his dark skin beaded with sweat. 
You swallow thickly, trying to keep the quickly waning confidence as you approach them. 
“I want you both.” You say, your voice shaking as you stand before them. You curse it and your nerves. “I want you both to...to take my virginity.”
They share a look, a million words being shared in a short moment as they silently communicate. They turn back to you, matching smirks lifting their lips. They slowly step towards you and your heart begins to race even faster. You wonder if this is how the quarries feel when they’re being cornered. 
“You really want us both?” Quinlan asks, stepping around you until he’s hovering behind you. You can feel the heat radiating off his chest. 
“Yes.” You say, voice breathy as Ventress closes the distance in front of you, her fingers lifting to grip your chin. “I-I have...for a while.” 
Ventress’ smirk widens as she stares at you. “We know. We were waiting for you to say something, but after your confession last night we realized why you’ve never said anything until now.” 
You jump as hands close around your waist, Quinlan’s breath fanning your ear. “We didn’t realize you were so innocent. We thought you were just a shy little thing.” 
Blood is rushing in your ears from being so close to both of them, your head swimming. You feel like you might pass out, like your legs might give out and they’ve barely touched you. 
Ventress leans in closer, her breath fanning your lips. “Let’s move this somewhere more comfortable.” 
You let out a yelp of surprise as suddenly you’re off the ground and in Quinlan’s arms. You’re silently grateful he’s carrying you, as you doubt you could get your legs to move without crumpling to the floor. 
They take you to their bunk, a space you’ve only seen in passing. It’s comfortable, obviously having been remodeled a bit. Quinlan sits you down on the edge of the bed, the mattress firm under you. It’s nicer than yours, though your bed was sort of pieced together last minute. You weren’t supposed to stay with them very long, but it’s been months now and they haven’t once asked you about leaving. 
You suppose that’s not something you’ll have to worry about after today. 
Quinlan kneels down in front of you, one hand cupping your cheek. His skin is warm, and he smells a bit like sweat from his training session. “Don’t worry.” He says, obviously picking up on the nerves squirming in your stomach. “We’ll take care of you.” He leans in, breath fanning your face before he closes the distance, pressing his lips to yours. 
It’s softer than the only other kiss you’ve had in your life. You’re not sure what to do, the thousands of holofilms you’ve seen suddenly disappearing from your mind as Quinlan kisses you. He presses closer to you, tilting his head as he deepens the kiss. Your hands close around his arms, his muscles flexing as he wraps his arms around you. 
You’re panting as he’s suddenly pulled from your mouth, Ventress standing over you both. “You got your kiss.” She says, tugging him away from you. “Now it’s my turn.” 
Nerves and excitement tangle together in your stomach as Quinlan backs away from you, allowing Ventress to take his place. She’s removed most of her clothes, your cheeks warming as your eyes trail her body. Tattoos line her pale skin, sloping over curves and strong muscle. More heat pools between your legs as you stare at her, warmth blooming across your face as you meet her gaze. 
“Like what you see?” She almost purrs, reaching out to cup your chin again. 
You nod, swallowing the nervous lump in your throat. “Yes.” 
She smirks, cool fingers stroking your skin. “Good girl.” 
Something shocks through you at her words, your thighs clenching in excitement. 
“I think she liked that.” Quinlan says, stepping up behind her. His arms wrap around her waist, lips trailing across her shoulder. 
Ventress hums, eyes lidded as she stares down at you. “I agree.” Her eyes quickly trail your form. “Take off your shirt.” 
Your fingers tremble as they reach for the hem of your shirt, slowly lifting it over your head. Your skin warms even more as you find yourself in nothing but your underwear and breastband in front of them. 
“And your breastband.” Ventress says, her hands coming to rest against Quinlan’s on her stomach. 
You can’t hide the shake of your hands as you slowly pull your breastband off, dropping it on the floor with your shirt. You force yourself to meet their gaze again, both of them staring down at you appreciatively. 
“Beautiful.” Quinlan groans, his chin resting on Ventress’ shoulder as he stares at you. “If I knew she was this hot, I would have suggested this sooner.” 
You grow bashful under their stare, Ventress slipping from Quinlan’s hold to move closer to you. 
“On the bed.” She orders, your body moving before you even realize it. 
You push yourself back until you’re in the center of the bed, goosebumps forming on your skin as Ventress kneels on the end of the bed, crawling toward you like a dangerous predator. You’re forced onto your back as she crawls over your body until you’re face to face. She hovers over you, nerves and excitement rushing through you again. 
“Relax.” She whispers, lowering herself until her lips are brushing yours. “We’re going to take good care of you.” 
Her lips are cool and soft as they press against yours, her tongue licking at your lips. Your lips part, allowing her in as she presses her body against yours, skin smooth and cool against your own heated body. 
Your head begins to buzz as she kisses her way down your neck, licking and nipping at the skin. She continues to kiss her way down your body until she reaches the waistband of your underwear. Her fingers trail the skin right above it, goosebumps forming on your skin again. Her lips lift in a smirk as she dips her fingers below the waistband, sitting up to tug your underwear down your thighs. She tosses them behind her before trailing her hands back up your legs. 
She parts your thighs, baring your post private parts to her eyes. You’re already damp, folds slick with arousal. “Have you ever touched yourself?” She asks, dragging her fingers up your inner thighs. 
“O-Once.” You swallow thickly, legs trembling as she reaches the junction of your thighs. It was one of the nights you heard them. The lust and the yearning had gotten to be too much and you’d silently slipped a hand into your underwear. 
“Did you make yourself cum?” She asks with a smirk, watching your face as she ghosts her thumb over your clit. 
“Yes!” You gasp, a tingling feeling burning through you as she circles your clit with her thumb. It’s so different from your own touch, so different from being under your own control. 
Your hands grip the sheets as she slips a finger lower, prodding at your entrance. It’s a strange sensation as her finger pushes into you, your walls gripping her tightly. 
“Such a tight little thing.” She murmurs, lowering herself until her mouth is level with your clit. 
You watch with parted lips as her tongue darts out, the tip flicking your clit. You let out a quiet sound at the sensation as her tongue circles the sensitive bud, her finger slowly thrusting into you, working you open. 
The end of the bed dips as Quinlan kneels behind Ventress, his pants gone. Your eyes widen at the sight of his cock between his legs. It’s big and hard, your pussy clenching at the thought of fitting that inside you. 
Ventress pulls away from your clit, turning her head to look back at Quinlan. “I think she likes you.” She says, letting Quinlan lift her hips up so she’s on her knees. 
“How tight is she?” He asks, smoothing a hand across Ventress’ back. 
“You’d split her right down the middle.” Ventress says, a second finger prodding at your entrance. 
“You’ve got some work to do.” Quinlan says, his own hand slipping between Ventress’ thighs. 
You clamp around Ventress’ fingers as she works a second one into you. She presses a gentle kiss to your clit, slowly sinking her fingers into you. “Relax. It’ll hurt if you’re too tense.” 
You let out a shaky breath, trying to relax your body as she returns to sucking at your clit. Quiet moans vibrate through you as Quinlan teases her slick folds, his eyes meeting yours as he works her up. 
You feel warm for an entirely different reason now, heat pooling in your stomach as Ventress sucks and licks at your clit. Quiet sounds slip through your lips, your hands gripping onto the sheets as pleasure burns through you. 
“Don’t hold back.” Ventress says with a gasp as Quinlan sinks his cock into her. “Let me hear you.” 
She curls her fingers, hitting something deep inside you. A sound you weren’t sure you could even make leaves your lips, white hot pleasure burning through you. Your thighs try to clamp around her face but they’re suddenly pushed open, unable to move. You stare down at Ventress with wide eyes, her own shining with a mischievous glint. 
Quinlan’s hands grip her hips as he begins to move, thrusting into her. She moans into your pussy, focusing her efforts on your clit as she works you open. Your back arches, body writhing uncontrollably as pleasure continues to build within you. You feel like you’re hurtling towards a cliff and you can’t stop. You’re going to fall off the edge and there’s nothing you can do to change the direction. 
Ventress curls her fingers inside you again and suddenly you’re falling over the edge, body shaking as you cum around her fingers. It’s a bit uncomfortable as she pulls her fingers from you, your pussy spasming and fluttering around nothing. She laps at your entrance, tasting your cum on her tongue as Quinlan continues to fuck her. 
Her hands wrap around your thighs, holding on as Quinlan picks up his pace, the sound of his skin meeting hers loud in the room. You watch them, unable to do anything but lay there as they fuck, pinned under the awe and beauty of Ventress’ pleasure and the Force still holding your thighs open. 
Ventress’ eyes roll back as she lets out a loud moan, her nails digging into your thighs. Her back arches, pressing back against Quinlan. You can see the slight shake to her thighs as Quinlan pulls free from her, hands holding her steady as she cums. 
Her cheek rests against your thigh as she comes down from her high, arousal already slicking your folds once more. The pressure holding your thighs in place releases, your legs flopping uselessly to the bed. Quinlan gently rubs Ventress’ back as she catches her breath, her lips pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. 
“Are you ready?” She asks, pushing herself up onto her hands and knees. 
Your eyes dart nervously to Quinlan’s still hard cock, the skin glistening with Ventress’ juices. You gulp before nodding, letting your gaze flick back to Ventress. 
“Don’t be nervous.” She soothes you, crawling up towards your head. “We’ll make it as comfortable as we can.” 
She slips behind you, reclining back against the headboard. She wraps her arms around you, tugging you back against her chest. She parts your thighs over her own, holding you open for Quinlan to see. He crawls between your thighs, eyes glued to your slick folds. Your face warms as his hands slide up your thighs, thumbs parting your lips. 
“How does she taste?” He asks, voice low and gruff. 
“Sweet.” Ventress asks, gripping the back of his neck as he leans over you, kissing her. 
He groans against her lips, their kiss all tongues and teeth, your lips parting as you watch them kiss over you. You gasp as Quinlan’s fingers drag through your folds, a thick finger prodding your entrance. The sensation is very different as he presses a finger into you, sliding in easily after Ventress’ work opening you up. 
He groans against her lips again, nipping at her bottom lip as he pulls away, thrusting his finger into you. “You were right, she is a tight little thing.”
He works a second finger into you, stretching you further than Ventress did. It’s a bit uncomfortable at first, but Ventress’ hands cup your breasts, fingers brushing over your nipples sending sparks of pleasure straight between your legs. She continues her ministrations as Quinlan withdraws his fingers from your pussy, stroking them over his cock, slicking it with your juices. 
Ventress leans down to your ear, her breath fanning your skin. “Relax.” One of her hands slides across your stomach, trying to ease the tension in your body as Quinlan settles between your legs. 
“Ready?” He asks, looking at you as he drags his cock through your folds. 
You nod, letting out a shaky breath. One of his hands settles on your hip, thumb stroking your skin as he lines himself up, pressing into your tight hole. You gasp at the sensation, body jolting from the burning stretch as he pushes inside. Ventress wraps her arms around your chest, whispering quiet praises in your ear as Quinlan works his way into you slowly. 
“Good girl.” His voice rumbles in your ears, his hands stroking your skin as he slowly eases into you. “You alright?” 
You nod, chest heaving at the sensation of him being inside of you. It’s almost too much, the uncomfortable burning stretch and the knowledge of what was happening. It’s not painful, though, like you heard it could be sometimes. 
Quinlan breathes out a curse as he seats himself fully inside you, his hips stilling. 
“Don’t cum too soon.” Ventress says slyly. “We don’t want her first time to be a disappointment.” 
Quinlan lifts his gaze to her, a smirk on his lips. “Don’t worry. I’m fine. It’s our sweet girl I’m worried about.” He says, lifting his hand to your chin, his thumb brushing your lower lip. 
“I’m fine.” You gasp out, body slowly relaxing around his cock. Your skin is slick with sweat, sweat beading on Quinlan’s forehead as well.
“Good.” He says, lowering his hands to your hips. 
Ventress relaxes her hold on you as Quinlan pulls back, drawing his cock from inside you before pushing back in. You gasp at the sensation, watching his cock move in and out of you. Ventress returns her attention to your breasts, teasing your nipples as Quinlan moves inside you. 
It’s better than you thought it ever could be, sandwiched between them as they bring you pleasure you’ve never known before. Your trust for them only continues to grow as they do as they promised, making it as easy and painless as possible. Even if this is the only time you get to do this with them, you’re glad it happened. Months of pining and tension are released as they work you up, Quinlan’s thrusts picking up speed as Ventress focuses her attention on your sensitive clit. You can’t do anything but moan and shake between them, letting them play your body like an instrument as they hit all the right spots. 
“Let go for me.” Quinlan grunts, his grip on your hips tight, thrusts starting to get sloppy. “Let me feel you cum.” 
You arch back against Ventress, letting out another sound you didn’t know you were capable of as you cum, fluttering around Quinlan’s cock. He groans, pulling himself from inside you as his hand takes over, jerking himself until he cums on your stomach. 
You’re still shaking from your orgasm as Ventress wipes your stomach clean with the sheets, Quinlan maneuvering your body until you’re on your side between them, Ventress pressed up against your back. Quinlan reaches across you to wrap his arm around Ventress, sandwiching you between them again. 
It falls silent between you for a moment, your mind processing what had just happened. Ventress’ fingers draw lazy patterns on your hip, Quinlan’s arm tightening just slightly around both of you. 
“I think we should keep her.” Ventress says, breaking the silence. 
Quinlan grins, leaning forward to kiss your forehead, then he leans over you to kiss Ventress. “I agree.” He lays back down, eyes shining with something you can’t quite name as he stares at you. “Our sweet girl.” 
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