#incense glass oil burner
squeakyfir · 1 year
I'm your huckleberry (Tombstone 1993) (Doc Holliday)
The joys of modern inventions and miracles are often taken for granted. Your hungry or thirsty? Get something from the fridge or make it. You need to go somewhere? Drive or call an uber. Your hurt? Go to the doctor.
Your bored? Watch a movie, play video games, watch videos on the internet, talk to people without ever leaving your house.
Some much time is in our hands... but back in the 19th century... you wouldn't last very long.
Diseases are rampant, gun violence is higher, no modern technology, barely any good medicine, almost all of your favorite food doesn't exist and most of the people are rude as hell. But... That doesn't mean all of them were so bad. Love was not something most people in this time really cared about. At least, in the town of Tombstone, Arizona.
After falling asleep with a nice looking stone you bought at a small stand at the carnival, your whole world becomes the opposite. Six people from the past discover you unconscious and alone in the blistering heat and offer help but it was their help that let you meet the most amazing man you've ever met.
John Henry "Doc" Holliday.
Chapter 1
Time is not a thing, but it keeps things in balance, and it never stops. You learn new things every day. Like today, you bought a ticket to go to the local carnival and once you entered, you started to regret the decision. There was a lot of people, more than you can handle, and it was still a bit damp from the rain earlier. The sounds of people talking, the cliche carnival music and game sounds were definitely a sight to see.
The carnival also had small kiosks and shop stands. There was one doing face paints and another selling cheap jewelry. But there was one that caught your eye. It was definitely out of place for all of the bright and flashy colors of the carnival. It was illuminated with dark orange light and had a small sign that read, "Mrs. Hatches shop".
No one was there and from strictly looking at it, it looked like a witch shop. It was a bit odd for it to be here but you still went towards it. The strong smell of incense burners and herbs were very potent and made the little shop very eerie.
"Hello" you called out.
"Aah, a customer"! An old voice said. "Come in my dear".
"Who's there"? A shadow moved from the corner and as it stepped into the light, a very old lady with a wooden cane came forward. She was a bit shorter than you and her skin was very pale with veins appearing near the surface. Her gray hair was put up in a bun loosely with loose hairs being freed and she wore and black woven dress with what appeared to be an emerald ring. "I am" she said as gently as she could. "Who might you be"?
"Uhh... I'm (Y/n)".
The old woman quickly took your hand and examined it. "What are you doing"?
"Reading your palm".
"Ok, great" you said in a slight sarcastic tone, "But please don't touch me".
"Hold still now" she said like a mother scolding her child. "Hmmm... Oh yes, yes, yes! How wonderful"!
"What? What's so wonderful"?
"When I read people's palms, I can tell what their fortune is".
"What is it" you asked curiously.
"Come, I will show you"! She quickly went over to a table that became visible when she lit an old oil lamp. On the table was a glass sphere sitting on a marble stand. "Let me guess" you said sarcastically, "A crystal ball"?
"I know people believe that these are not accurate but I assure you my child, this is what it seems to be". She motioned for you to come sit and you hesitantly did. "What's your name, anyways" you asked.
"Glinda Hatches"! As soon as she said her name she rubbed the glass sphere and smoke appeared inside the sphere and was illuminated with white light. "Wow".
"Now, you may ask one question".
"Why only one"?
"The first question is free but any other questions will cost $5".
"That'll be $5 since you already asked two questions-"
"Alright alright alright"! You sighed and you did have cash on you but you were gonna save that for some funnel cakes but after seeing this, you were still very curious. You couldn't think of anything. "Would you like some suggestions"?
"You can ask things such about your family, your past life, your soulmate, you can see things that you can't remember-"
"Wait" you said interrupting her. "Did you just say soulmate"?
Glinda grinned. "Would you like to see you soul mate"?
Glinda rubbed the glass sphere and you muttered, "This should be interesting". The light inside the sphere turned bright white and revealed an image of a man with a black hat, a short-hair moustache and goatee. His skin looked really pale but he looked like a very capable man. "Ooh, he's cute".
"Oh my" Glinda said, "I have never seen this before".
"Seen what"?
"Your soulmate is already dead" Glinda said in disbelief.
"How is that possible? That doesn't make sense". You looked back at the image of the man. "Who is he anyways"?
"His name is John Henry Holliday. As in Doc Holliday. He was a famous gunslinger and poker player".
"Ooh, I like him already! But how is he my soul mate if he's already dead"?
"I'm not sure. But hold on, I have something that may help you". Glinda stood up and rushed over to small chest rummaging around inside. While she was doing that, you took in the features of your supposed "soulmate". He looked very serious and you could see his eyes, he looked so tired. It looked as if his eyes had dark circles around them. He was truly interesting and you decided to Google more information about him but Glinda came back before you could and handed you a small stone.
"This will help you".
The stone was white with black blotches on it and was smoothed out with a silver frame around it. "How does this help me"?
"When used correctly, it will bring your soulmate to you".
"Uh-huh. Sure" you said sarcastically.
"Do you want it or not" Glinda asked.
"Well" you examined the stone and decided that it was good enough for a necklace at least. "Ok. I'll take it".
"Great"! Glinda gave you the stone and said, "That'll be 35$".
"WHAT!? Why"!?
"Remember what I said, 5$ per question". You knew you only had 20$ cash but the rest would be paid with a card. You were about to deny the purchase but you saw a literal crystal ball and had a feeling that everything she has shared with you was factual. "Do you accept credit and debit"?
"Yes, here". She pulled out a chip reader and charged you the exact amount but then had the nerve to push a glass jar near your hand that read "Tip Jar".
"Are you serious"?
"This is how I make my living" she said honestly.
"Tell you what" you said, "If this really does work, I'll come straight back here and give you a 100$ tip".
"Will you" she asked doubtfully.
"I will, I promise". You took your card back and left. That was all your cash and some of your money from your card but you decided to just go home. You were very confused. Going through the large crowd of people to get back to your car felt like an eternity. You would just go home and sleep instead. When you got into your car, you examined the stone more closely, it really was a nice stone and you think you could actually make a necklace out of it. You just put it in the pocket on the dashboard and drove home.
It didn't take long to get home and you were greeted by your dog, Gracie, a golden retriever. Happy to see you as always. You didn't even bother to change into your pajamas and fell onto your bed with Gracie quickly joining you and plugging your phone into your solar panel phone charger. It was odd to have that but your original charger was broken and this solar panel charger had back up power on it to still keep itself powered. You examined the stone on your bed under the dimmed light from the moon and just fell asleep with it in your grasp.
Not knowing, it would literally change your life...
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conjuremanj · 1 year
Traditional Road Opener with Rituals
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In traditional Hoodoo life is one long road from Birth to the Grave, that's when we'll to become ancestors ourselves. The term Road Opening is not used in hoodoo back in the day it was called Blockbusting. So if you go to a spiritual shop and see a road opener and a blockage candle it's the same thing. It gets rid of blockages, and do away with the obstacles in your or your clients life.
There also is a Blockbuster (read my post in that up top)
Now in the Spanish version like Santeria they may use a herb like Abre Camino which means "opens road, where the plant may be used.
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Now think of it as a road where our blessings come one way and our gifts our free will comes the other way. ☝️ Sometimes we can get side-tracked that ends up with a blockage in our way. It may be from pursuing a person we should not be pursuing or a job we should pursue or a life path. Now I'm not saying you can't have those things just that it may not be the right time for those yet there are many reasons we can get blocked.
So when we pursue those blessings that comes towards us and don't received them it's because we put blockages in front of ourselves then we ask why. Why am I not receiving my blessings. That why... Your Blocked.
So when you use a blockbuster your undoing the blockages so that the blessings can start flowing towards you again. And it's does not matter if your blocked in love or money or even employment this will help you to receive those blessings and have them flow back to you again. Now if it's yourself that is blocked see my last post there's another spell for your self to stop blockages. Do both if you feel you need to.
Candles: We know that road opening colors are green, yellow, gold some are red. But you can used a color base on the type of opening you're doing. [Example of it's money that is blocked green is a good choice if it's love use that color if it's spiritual use white] So for this spell color can help if you don't have one white is fine.
Ritual: You will need a Bay leaf. Charcoal frankincense and myrrh and Incense burner. Write on a bay leaf the things that are holding you back.
We use the bay leaf because the leaf is a carrier it invokes spirits and ancestors to walk with you to identify the problem and to help get rid of the burdens and we use the frankincense and myrrh help cleanse the road and give them that extra push to get it out of your way.
Pray the 23rd psalms and walk around with it your going to walk because these are your burdens and you must carry it. This isn't a working where you can just let it burn and walk away NO. Just continue to pray the 23 psalms while you walk around (just like if your sageing) untill the bay leaf is completely burned out. It's important.
Now once you finish your road opening take those opportunities that come up even if it's not what you really want it's a opportunity to get where you need and want to be so take those opportunities when they present themselves.
Full Spell: If needed.
Road Opener Candle Spell: First you'll make a name paper. Take 4" x 4" piece of paper and write "Open Roads" on it stacked 3 times. Turn the paper 1/4 turn clockwise and write your name across it stacked 3 times. Dab a bit of Road Opener Oil on the four corners and center of the paper and set it aside.
Get a Yellow jumbo candle glass is ok, and dab a bit of Road Opener Oil on it. Stroke the oil on the candle toward you saying "Open my roads to me unblock health, love, money and opportunities unblock this________ I have so I may receive the blessings I deserve!" Set the candle in a candle holder.
Place the name paper on a plate then sprinkle a bit of Road Opener powder on top of the name paper in the shape of a large "+" (making a little crossroad on the plate)
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(if you decide to go outside draw this symbol on the ground same way. Pour a little rum or whisky on top then place the candle in the center)
Place the candle in the center of the "+" of the herbal powder on the plate. Use your rattle and bell to bring spirit and or ancestors to you for help blow your cigar on the altar.
Now pray to God in your own words for the obstacles in your life to be cleared away and release the blockages so you can move toward your goals and the blessings in your life to be open and easy.
Next writ your problems on a bay leaf and follow the prayer and ritual instructions I mentioned at the top.
After your done with the bay leaf other instructions mention at the top. Hold the candle, take a moment to think and picture all of the goals you would like to accomplish in life as if you already had them. Once you've pictured all of your goals and desires, say "Amen" Let the candle burn all the way down.
Candle Read: Once the candle is done burning you can interpret the way the wax drippings are shaped for signs as to the success of your spell. (this is a very subjective and interpretive art - please if you need help interpreting your candle contact me for free)
Finishing Up: by taking the wax remains, the paper etc, wrapped it up and leave it in the trash. You don't need to go to a crossroads if you don't want to. Throw it away with all your problems.
Let me know how this goes if you try these.
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lilithsslut · 1 year
Soul Mate Ritual- Herbal Magick Recipe
! This contains many ingredients and even having to make some ingredients yourself but it is a very effective and powerful ritual if you decide to perform this, read thoroughly and have fun ! First we need to talk about some ethics. This ritual is designed to help bring a great love to your life. It Directly asks the Divine to determine who is best suited to you (and vice versa) and to bring that person into your life - not to break up someone else's relationship so that you may have your whim or to bind you to a specific individual whom you have in mind. Those types of actions are unethical because they thwart the free will of other people for your personal gain. Besides you don't really know as clearly as the divine who will be best suited for you - you are judging on looks, money, sexiness or whatever mundane quality that has entranced you, and that quality is not the one that necessarily helps to create a relationship that lasts a life time (or many life times)
For this ritual, you must be ready to accept the what the divine brings to you, and you MUST be ready for real love in your life. If you truly believe this is the right move for you and want to make this herbal condenser and perform this ritual, keep reading!
three edible venusian herbs (banana, catnip, cherry, damiana, lemon verbena, lilac, maidenhair, myrtle, passionflower, peach, plumeria, rhubarb, raspberry, rose, strawberry, tansy, vanilla, vervain, and violet)
glass or enamel cooking pot with lid
spring or distilled water
measuring cup
vodka or grain alcohol
gold flake
amber or cobalt colored glass bottle
Place a handful of each of the three herbs you have chosen into your glass or enamel cooking pot (glass and enamel pot will not react and seep into your mixture- aluminum or iron pots will react)
Cover the herbs with spring or distilled water and bring to a simmer. Cover with lid, turn down the heat and let them simmer softly together for twenty minutes with the lid on. Allow your mixture to cool to room temperature and strain out the herbs and saving your water. Do not pour the water into your sink!
Boil again at a medium heat until the liquid has been reduced by half. Cool the extraction again, and when it is room temperature, so that you can see how much liquid you have. Add an equal amount of Vodka or Grain Alcohol as the amount of liquid extract you have in your measuring cup. Add a pinch of gold flake. Pour your condenser into your amber or cobalt-colored glass bottle (this keeps light from ageing your mixture) and store in a cool dark place. Be sure to shake it before each use. Now that you have your condenser, you are ready to perform your soulmate ritual. supplies and everything you need for it are below!
deep green cloth for the altar
three pink candles
vase of beautiful flowers
lovely chalice half full of fruit juice, wine, or spring water
small piece of rose quartz
incense burner
aphrodite Incense AND Oil ( to make this oil use rose petals, jasmine flowers, orris powder, rose oil, neroli oil, ylang ylang oil, you can you use the essential oil rather than the actual herb)
parchment paper
writing pen
flame candle to light your pink candles
rose petals
soul mate condenser
On a friday during the waxing moon, at a time when you will not be disturbed or interrupted gather together your supplies and set them on your altar, which should be covered with a deep green alter cloth. Place the three pink candles in the center of your altar in a triangle pattern, with the base of the triangle nearest you. Put the vase of flowers just to the left of the top candle and your chalice just to the right of the top candle. Now place the rose quartz in the center of your candle triangle. Place your incense burner and incense to your right near the edge closest to you.
Your parchment and pen lie directly in front of you on the altar. Place your flame candle to the left top side of your alter and light it. Sprinkle your rose petals randomly all over the altar.
Anoint the candles from the wick down to the bottom with your Aphrodite Oil, then anoint your third eye (the spot just above and between your eyebrows) and over your heart with Aphrodite oil. Light the pink candles with your flame candle and then using the top pink candle light your incense charcoal and place it in your incense burner atop some insulating sand. While your charcoal is igniting completely across draw a heart on your parchment paper and inside of heart a spiral. Place some incense on the charcoal and bathe the parchment paper in the incense smoke, imagining the parchment absorbing the love energy. Now charge the parchment paper by placing it above each candle flame (but not so close you ignite it!) while saying three times:
"Aphrodite Queen of night, bring me to the one who's right, Aphrodite, Morning Star, whether near or whether far, bringer of love, O Aphrodite, Draw my Soul Mate now to me, Most lovely of goddesses, O Aphrodite, and as I will, so mote it be."
Then place a drop of the soul mate condenser on your finger and seal the energy you have placed in your parchment paper by firmly anointing the spiral in the center of the heart with the liquid. Drop three drops of the condenser into the libation you have prepared in your chalice. Drink the liquid slowly as you concentrate on your heart chakra, opening and strengthening it. Feel it opening like a beautiful red rose. Let the candles burn all the way down, then fold your rose quartz stone inside the parchment and place it inside your pillow case.
Each friday evening as you relax, pour some fruit juice, wine, or spring water into your chalice and add three drops of your condenser. Relax, daydream and continue working on opening your heart chakra.
It can take up to a full twelve months for the Divine to locate your love and bring him/her into your life, although the ritual has also been known to work within a months time. Drink the soul mate condenser each friday evening and keep the parchment wrapped rose quartz in your pillow case as you dream of your love!
The herbal alchemist's handbook by Karen Harrison
Request A Reading Here 🌙
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fadeandforge · 11 months
Enhance Your Home Decor to Welcome Maa Laxmi with Grace
In the rich tapestry of Indian culture, the festival of Diwali holds a special place. Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion. It is a time to welcome Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity, into our homes. To make this festival even more special, we can enhance our home decor to create a warm and inviting ambiance that welcomes Maa Laxmi with grace.
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Here are some creative ways to elevate your home decor this Diwali and create a serene atmosphere that will surely attract blessings from the goddess of wealth.
Illuminate with Diyas and Candles
Lighting plays a significant role in Diwali celebrations. Traditionally, diyas (oil lamps) are used to light up homes. You can place these around your house, especially near the entrance and in the temple area, to symbolize the triumph of light over darkness. You can also incorporate scented candles in beautiful holders to add a modern twist to the tradition.
Rangoli Art
Rangoli is an art form where intricate patterns and designs are created on the floor using colored powders, flower petals, and other materials. This not only adds a visual appeal to your home but is also considered an auspicious tradition. You can experiment with various designs and colors to create a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere.
Flower Decor
Fresh flowers are a timeless element of Indian home decor. You can use marigold garlands, rose petals, and other colorful flowers to adorn your living spaces. Flowers bring a natural and fragrant charm to your home, creating a pleasing ambiance for the goddess.
Color Schemes
Colors have significant symbolism in Hindu culture, and each color holds its own meaning. Red symbolizes sensuality and purity, while yellow represents knowledge and learning. Incorporate these colors into your decor through cushions, drapes, or tableware to create an inviting and culturally rich atmosphere.
Art and Statues
Decorate your home with images or statues of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha, who is revered as the remover of obstacles and the god of wisdom. These divine elements not only infuse your home with spiritual significance but also enhance the overall aesthetic.
Create a Prayer Corner
Designate a serene corner of your home as a prayer or meditation space. Place idols, incense burners, and essential oil diffusers here. This sacred space will not only welcome the goddess but also offer you a tranquil sanctuary for spiritual contemplation.
Textiles and Upholstery
Introduce silk or brocade fabrics into your decor, either in the form of cushion covers, curtains, or tablecloths. These luxurious textiles not only add elegance to your home but also symbolize opulence, which resonates with the spirit of Diwali.
Floating Candles and Flower Arrangements
Create a serene atmosphere by placing floating candles and flower arrangements in bowls or glass containers. This simple yet visually appealing decor adds a touch of serenity to your home, making it a welcoming abode for the goddess of wealth.
Wall Art and Murals
Consider adorning your walls with Diwali-themed art or murals that depict the beauty and significance of this festival. These pieces can act as a conversation starter and create an immersive atmosphere.
Diwali is a time of reflection, gratitude, and celebration. It's an opportunity to welcome Goddess Lakshmi with open arms and create an atmosphere of abundance and prosperity. By thoughtfully enhancing your home decor with traditional elements and a touch of modernity, you can make your home an inviting space not just for Maa Laxmi, but for your loved ones as well. Embrace the cultural richness and spiritual significance of Diwali, and watch as your home radiates with grace and beauty, filling your life with wealth and prosperity. Happy Diwali!
Click to read more.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Four Horsemen
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Chapter Seven: A house to call my own.
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Red (Female Reader) Genre: Modern, sci-fi, mystery Trigger Warnings: Graphic Scenes Mention of violence and criminal activities Cursing, Swearing Rating: MA15+
Masterlist: Link
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[Red's Point of View]
The circular bathtub, made of exquisite black and gold marble, took pride of place in the center of the spacious bathroom. It was a drop-in style tub, seamlessly integrated into the smooth floor. Its large size provided ample room for indulgence, allowing one to sink into the depths of relaxation.
The surrounding tiles, a rich obsidian black, adorned the walls, reflecting the gleam of the candlelight that danced throughout the space. Their glossy surface added an air of sophistication to the room, while also creating a sense of depth and mystery. It was as if the tiles held secrets within their dark embrace.
A magnificent window, framed with elegant curtains, overlooked the enchanting woods beyond. Its generous proportions allowed streams of sunlight to filter into the room, casting a warm glow upon the luxurious surroundings. Nature's artwork became an ever-changing backdrop, with dappled light and swaying branches, offering a serene connection to the outside world.
Nestled near the window, on a small table, sat the silver incense burner. It took the delicate shape of a lotus flower, its petals gracefully unfurling, symbolizing purity and enlightenment. Fragrant smoke curled upward, carrying scents of sandalwood, lavender, and other calming essences, infusing the air with tranquility.
Adjacent to the bathtub, a shelf held an assortment of bathroom amenities, neatly organized. Shampoo, conditioner, and various oils awaited their turn to pamper and nourish the body. The bottles glistened in the sunlight, their labels a promise of luxurious self-care. Black towels hung on the towel warmer, I had a large de-humidifier inside the bathroom and another one just outside the bathroom to ensure air remains dry.
On the sink in a medium sized glass jewelry casket for my rings like my diamond and fire opal ring, my brass pair of cufflinks with several myriad amber stones, a gold pendant with several myriad diamonds given to her by several exes in the past.
There was an hourglass with white sand which timed how long I was in the bath for, the light red curtain for the large window and the midnight blue walls of the bathroom. I have several small velvet purses filled with coins in case I needed them, along with a small ceramic dish held my favorite blood red lipstick along with my favourite palette of neutral eyeshadow shades and jet black liquid eyeliner.
My pair of crimson silk slippers are always outside the bathroom to put on after having a bath. I kept a hairbrush with an ivory bone handle to brush my hair before I go to bed, usually keeping it in the end table drawer beside my bed. I lived far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in a large cottage surrounded by a forest behind it.
Steam rose from the scalding hot water from inside the bathtub, the warmth embraced my body as I stepped into the tub sinking further into the water. Letting it envelope me, a sigh escaped my lips as the tension left my body, the pure bliss I felt. My friend was staying over for the night, she wanted to see the place for herself and she planned on taking me to an art auction in town the next day.
Adeline was visiting for two days and planned on staying over for two nights at the very least. She wasn't too sure about me living on my own for a while, stating she was afraid something could happen to me while I lived in a secluded area. I assured her every precaution was put into place long before I moved in.
She walked into the bathroom fifteen minutes after I started bathing to tell me what she was going to do while she was here, interrupting my moment of tranquility. Adeline was a lively and inquisitive woman, always eager to explore new adventures. Her vibrant red hair and mischievous smile were a stark contrast to my own calm demeanor.
"Red, darling, have you decided what you'd like to do tomorrow?" Adeline asked, her voice echoing in the marble bathroom.
I leaned back against the edge of the tub, allowing the warm water to support my body. "I was thinking we could start the day with a visit to the art auction in town. You know how much I adore discovering new artists and their creations." she continued.
"As much as you enjoy baking that's for sure." I replied thinking about it further, "Anything you wanted to do tomorrow? I assume the auction would be held during the night,"
Adeline replied, "Well, during the day, I thought we could take a stroll through the local market. They have a wide variety of fresh produce and unique crafts. It's always a treat to explore and support local businesses. And perhaps we could grab lunch at that charming little café we passed by last time."
A few hours later, we both went to bed, Adeline stayed in the guest room with her fiancé, James. Unlike them, I have dated around since I was 18 and never found someone who captivated my heart. It came close though, timing was never right and it was often due to them falling out of love first.
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cha2sourcing · 1 month
Halloween and Christmas Incense Burners: Embracing the Spirit of the Seasons
In the cherished rituals of Chinese tea culture, the selection of a teapot transcends mere functionality, embodying a deep connection to history, artistry, and personal expression. Among the myriad styles of teapots, Yixing teapots hold a revered place for their unique clay properties and individual craftsmanship, while the broader ensemble of traditional Chinese teapots, including porcelain and glass, showcases China's rich diversity in tea service. Exploring these vessels provides insight not only into their practical uses but also into the cultural narratives they carry.
Yixing Teapot: A Personal Journey Through Tea
Originating from the Yixing region of Jiangsu province, Yixing teapots are crafted from the locally sourced zisha clay, celebrated for its porosity and heat retention qualities. These teapots are favored by tea aficionados for their ability to enhance the flavor of tea over time. The porous nature of zisha clay absorbs the aroma and oils of the tea, gradually seasoning the pot. This unique feature makes each Yixing teapot a personal artifact, slowly molding its character with each brew.
The tactile satisfaction of handling a Yixing teapot is matched by the visual and functional artistry of each piece. Artisans shape these teapots by hand, often embellishing them with artistic carvings or inscriptions that reflect traditional Chinese motifs or philosophical musings. This personalized approach turns each teapot into a collector's item and a reflective companion in the tea-drinking ritual, particularly suited for the nuanced flavors of oolong and black teas.
Traditional Chinese Teapots: Celebrating Diversity in Design
Contrasting with the singular clay and focus of Yixing teapots, traditional Chinese teapots encompass a variety of materials and designs, each suited to different teas and occasions. Porcelain teapots, with their luminous, refined surfaces, are a staple in many households and tea ceremonies. Their non-porous nature ensures that flavors remain pure and unaffected from one brew to the next, making them ideal for delicate white and green teas.
Glass teapots, on the other hand, offer a modern twist on the traditional tea experience. The clear walls not only allow the beauty of the tea leaves unfurling to be fully appreciated but also make these pots perfect for displaying flowering teas and other visually appealing brews. Additionally, glass teapots are celebrated for their neutral impact on taste, ensuring that the natural flavors of the tea shine through.
Cultural Resonance and Ritual Importance
The use of a Yixing teapot is often intertwined with the practice of Gongfu tea, a ceremonial approach to tea that emphasizes precision and appreciation. The ritual of preparing tea in a Yixing pot is considered a meditative practice, reflecting the tea's journey from leaf to cup and the drinker's journey through life. This deep cultural significance makes the Yixing teapot much more than a brewing vessel; it is a symbol of personal growth and aesthetic appreciation.
In contrast, the variety of traditional Chinese teapot reflects the communal and celebratory aspects of tea culture. These teapots often feature in gatherings and festivals, their designs echoing the joy and social connectivity that tea can foster. Whether it’s a family sharing stories over a pot of jasmine tea in a porcelain teapot or friends marveling at a blooming tea in a glass pot, these moments highlight the teapot's role in enriching social bonds and cultural practices.
From the personal seasoning journey of a Yixing teapot to the communal joys of brewing in porcelain or glass, Chinese teapots offer diverse pathways to explore the rich tapestry of tea culture. Each type of teapot not only serves tea but also serves as a vessel of history, a work of art, and a catalyst for connection, making every tea session a celebration of cultural heritage and personal experience. Whether for solitary reflection or social enjoyment, the choice of teapot can elevate the simple act of drinking tea into a profound cultural ritual, woven deeply with meaning and tradition.
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nirafragrances · 3 months
Natural Incense Stick Care and Enjoyment
Incense has been used for centuries in various spiritual and cultural practices to create fragrant aromas. While synthetic incense is more commonly found, natural incense from plant materials can provide a superior burning and scent experience when properly cared for. 
Just some time ago, finding good quality dhoop and incense sticks online was a herculean task, but now it is much easier as some amazing, trustworthy brands have emerged.
This blog will provide tips for optimal storage, burning and disposal of natural incense sticks to preserve their quality and aroma while minimizing environmental impact.
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Proper Storage for Maximum Freshness
Proper storage is essential for maximum freshness of incense. When incense is stored correctly, it retains its scent and potency for a long time. Exposure to specific environmental conditions like moisture, heat, and direct sunlight can compromise the quality and fragrance of incense over time. It is best to store incense in a cool, dark, and dry place away from humidity. A sealed glass jar or tin can help protect incense sticks and cones from such elements. Some other tips for proper storage include storing incense vertically upright and letting bundles/ packets of incense breathe in between uses. 
Purchasing incense, including dhoop and incense sticks online, also ensures fresh inventory directly from the manufacturer. Proper storage techniques aim to preserve the refined fragrances of incense for longer durations.
Most often than not, people opt to buy the best natural incense sticks online. As much as it is convenient, ensure that you follow all the precautions
For natural incense sticks to retain their potency and fragrance, it is essential to store them correctly. The ideal conditions for storage are:
Cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Heat and humidity can cause incense to dry out more quickly. A cupboard or drawer in a fantastic part of the home works well.
An airtight container. Plastic or metal containers with lids will prevent moisture from entering and scents from other items from affecting the incense aroma. Glass jars or tins also work well.
A low-fragrance environment. Strong smells from spices, cleaning products, etc., can transfer to the incense over time.
Away from direct sources of heat. Near appliances, fireplaces, or in very hot rooms is not advisable.
Out of reach of children and pets. Stored safely high up or locked away.
Proper storage helps incense sticks maintain their integrity for up to 1-2 years. Check sticks occasionally for signs of drying out like cracking or brittleness - discard safely if noticed. Rotating stock ensures the freshest sticks are used first.
Ideal Burning Conditions
Burning incense requires the right atmosphere and environment to appreciate its finest aromas. Various factors such as temperature, airflow, lighting etc influence the quality of fragrance release and burning duration of incense. The fragrance and experience can be enhanced by establishing suitable conditions. Even if you buy the best natural incense online, you have to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure safety
However, incense is a forgiving art medium and may be enjoyed under most situations for its Zen-like qualities. While certain setups may be deemed ideal, incense burning can remain fulfilling irrespective of conditions as long as the burner is respected for its meditative purpose. Finding the right alcove or nook for one's personal practice is most important.
When the time comes to enjoy natural incense, there are some best practices for burning:
A clear, flat surface away from flammable items. An incense holder, plate or tray designed for incense is ideal.
Good ventilation. Burn incense near an open window or use an incense-friendly essential oil diffuser to disperse smoke.
Low draft areas. Avoid strong breezes, which can cause the incense to burn unevenly or go out prematurely.
Room temperature conditions. Cold, drafty areas or direct warmth from heating systems may impact the burn.
Proper lighting technique. Gently light one end of the stick until it is glowing, then extinguish the flame.
Extinguish completely before disposing in a fireproof container. Never leave lit or smoldering.
Following these steps ensures a steady, even burn that allows full appreciation of the incense's fragrance.
Thing, where to buy the best natural incense sticks online, well there are many great online brands like Nira and Phool
Safe Disposal and Clean Up
Correct methods of disposing burned out incense and cleaning up after a burning session are important to maintain safety and hygiene. Natural incense products like best natural incense sticks available online and dhoop sticks purchased from reputable online sources tend to leave minimal ash once burnt. However, residues left in the incense holder or scattered elsewhere need to be carefully discarded. 
It is advisable to safely dump cooled ash remnants into the trash rather than drain pipes. Spills can be gently brushed or wiped away, taking precautions like wetting fingertips to avoid direct skin contact with ash. Incense holders or burners should be cleared of settled ash periodically by tapping or brushing residues into a disposable closed container. With mindful disposal and cleanup practices, one can continue enjoying the calm and focus that incense brings without worries.
Once the incense stick has been fully extinguished, it must be disposed of carefully:
Transfer ash and burnt fragments to a fireproof container with a tight-fitting lid, preferably ceramic or metal. Glass jars can break if exposed to heat.
Allow sufficient time for ashes to fully cool before sealing the container.
Store the disposal container away from flammable materials until ready for outside trash disposal.
Clean surface area used. Damp cloth or incense ash cleaner removes residue safely.
Ventilate area by opening windows once smoke has cleared.
The Best natural incense sticks online will have clear labels with the above directions.
Proper disposal prevents hazards and supports environmental stewardship. Never dispose of incense in compost or down drains, as this can introduce toxins. Natural incense can provide cleansing aromas for many years with mindful use and care.
With the right storage, burning and disposal techniques, natural incense sticks can become a treasured part of one's spiritual, relaxation or cleansing routine. Following these optimal condition guidelines helps preserve the incense's quality, potency, and aroma for maximum enjoyment. It also reduces any potential safety hazards while being respectful of the environment. With a little care, natural incense can offer uplifting fragrances for years to come.
Make sure you read the labels carefully when purchasing incense from shop or find any dhoop and incense sticks online.
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koscheys-skull · 4 months
ThriftCraft Tips. An Incomplete List
In one of the Discord Servers I am a Guardian of, I posted a list of Thriftcraft techniques and some pointers/tips that had been brought up. The Question of the Week was discussing Thriftcraft tips and ideas. Here was my contribution that some people do not normally think about:
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Charity Shops and Second Hand Shoppes are your best friend!!! Camden town, goodwill, etc. These are your best friends. So are the dollar stores.
Dollar stores nowadays will sell oil/wax burners. Wax cubes and oils. Incense. Incense sticks. Cheap swaths of cloth. Little stone collections. Shell collections. Etc. I can literally build an altar for 15 dollars at a dollar store.
Take a picture of your altars and your items that you have already. Know what you're "looking for". Write down the dimensions of the space you already have.
Bring a tape measure!
Remember that you can paint or embellish everything on your own! You can get plain things that are on sale.
Second Hand Stores are awesome but there are many antique shops that are actually cheaper than second hand stores. Look for "Antique Mall".
Antiques are fantastic because they sometimes come with Bonus People and Memories.
You can use old frames from Antique Stores!
A simple black mirror is "Gloss" Acrylic Paint. A dollar store picture frame. Paint the back side of the glass. Boom. Black Mirror. Works well too!
White Vinegar removes most dusty/musty aromas from items that were abandoned in someone's attic for a century.
You can buy cheap walmart or dollar store moss and hot glue it to random shit.
Every item you like, try to see what it looks like flipped upside down or if there's a way you can re-position something outside of its natural position.
Think outside of the box.
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nagchampaagarbatti · 7 months
House of Nag Champa: Best Incense Set to Gift Someone.
The holiday season is right around the corner. People are looking everywhere for the perfect gift to give each other. Finding the perfect present has always been a hassle, especially coming to your loved ones. Winter season is here, and besides a good sweatshirt, many people are out of ideas. People will take warm baths, light candles, and more.
How about figuring out the perfect gift for your loved ones? What do people apply the most, room fresheners? Gift them multiple incense products like incense sticks, dhoopagarbatti, essential oils, and plenty more. Give them an experience of natural aroma and uplift their mood with your precious curated gifts with our help.
For selecting good incense products, you must choose a perfect brand prevalent in this industry. House of Nag Champa is the brand you want to go with. They have been leading the market for decades and hold abundance incense products to choose from. Satya Incense has great gifting products and is perfect for everyone, including friends and families.
Here are some of the best Incense products to gift someone.
Incense Sticks:
What is most common in an Indian household? An Incense Stick. Give your loved ones a good set of incense sticks with natural flavors. Anyone will love having a good-smelling home that creates a pleasant environment. Select the best incense sticks available in the market for an eccentric gift.
Choose the best incense stick brand available in the market. The quality of coating and options matter the most. House of Nag Champa is the best agarbatti online and provides a variety of naturally made incense sticks. Here are some of the products available in
Satya Sandalwood
Coffee Incense Sticks
Nag ChampaAgarbatti
Classic Strawberry Agarbatti Sticks
These products are great gifts to give someone. The sweet fragrance of coffee or strawberry will enhance their mood.
Backflow Dhoop Cone.
A backflow dhoop cone is a great option to give someone. The smoke comes through the bottom of the dhoop cone. The smoke is thicker compared to regular agarbatti. It provides a healthy and thick smoke that, besides providing them a good fragrance, also gives a pleasing visual treat. Gift them an excellent backflow dhoop cone burner with a pack of Satya Himalayan Jasmine backflow dhoop cones. It is also an impeccable home decoration object that upgrades anyone's living room by a massive percentage.
Imagine a splendid waterfall-designed burner with a pristine look. It would be the best gift for your friends and family to receive this season. The House of Nag Champa offers several such backflow dhoop cones with multiple fragrances and unique ones.
There is nothing more classy than a bunch of candles lit around the house. Having candles is a modern trend to give their place a natural and contrasty look. Winter is the best season to give someone candles, it won’t get too hot, the essence is unique, and the look is excellent. Satya’s incredible perfumed candle set is the best gift you can give someone.
Candles are a perfect way to enlighten the aura of one's house. Anyone receiving this gift will surely love and use it to the fullest. It enhances the visuals and makes the place get more aromatic. House of Nag Champa has plenty of candles in wax melt cubes and jar candles with varied fragrances.
Here are some of the options to buy fragrance candles online.
Tealight Candles
WWJar Candles
Shot Glass Candles
Soaps and Body Oil.
A good-smelling gift shouldn’t be restricted to perfumed candles or incense sticks. Body oil and scented soaps are great gifts to give someone. It is perfect for the winter season, when people like warm baths. What better gift than a scented soap or body oil? It will be a well-thought gift for your loved ones. Other than just scent, soaps and body oil provides moisture to the skin and keeps it better throughout the winter. There are multiple options available in soaps and body oils with numerous fragrances and other benefits. Here are some of the options available
Nag Champa Beauty Soap
Superhit Beauty Soap
Sandalwood Fragrance Oil
Satya Californian White Sage Fragrance Oil
Body Oil undoubtedly makes an excellent gift paired with a good fragrance soap. Satya’s House of Nag Champa has outstanding options to gift your loved ones. They lead in all-natural scent-related products, including body oil, agarbatti, dhoop cone, and fragrance soap.
Satya’s House of Nag Champa offers a variety of products in scent. They are the best to buy agarbatti online. Every product is naturally made, especially their agarbatti. House of Nag Champa, produces its incense sticks by a traditional hand-rolling method.
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vwv7 · 9 months
The house looks so beautiful and cozy. Sometimes it’s hard to take it all down. If I could, I would start all over to make it exactly how I want it but even though it’s not exactly what I want it’s still so very beautiful. It really gives that feeling of a cozy christmas cabin. There are certain things that I have discovered over the years that are just divine and must haves for the Holidays. The only problem is when things become discontinued and the number one at the top of my list is Noel by Crabtree and Evelyn. In my opinion the incense sticks are the best, the cones are good too. The original oil is really good as well and I loved the oil burner that came in the set. My oil burner broke and I have yet to get my hands on a replacement, it was beautiful when lit. The problem is these are hard to come by and I’m still in pursuit of a comparable oil/scent. So far I have not found one.
The next thing is is white chocolate peppermint mocha coffee, syrup by Jordons skinny mix. It’s a good one, I do love hazelnut that’s my everyday go to flavor. Coffee by the fire is the best way to start your morning.
Third I have become a big fan of the flicker flame faux candles! They create the ambiance in a room that has no fire place. The moving fake flame gives the fake candle a more authentic look. The greatest thing is the remote shuts them all off in one click, so nice. The negative is you go through a lot of batteries. I also like having a lot of the votives around. Amazon has so many beautiful glass votives drop a faux tea light candle in it so nice. I place a lot of those around the room too.
Fourth keep some very nice cozy throw blankets and pillows on all the couches in the living and family room or great room which ever you have.
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bongbase · 4 years
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Bongbase™️ Mini Glass Bong Wholesale in Malaysia
Price: RM25 (Bong Only)
RM28 (Full Set)
RM5 (Incense Glass Oil Burner)
Glasstube, blowing glass tubing, bongs etc...
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phae-undergrove · 3 years
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Witchcraft edition
General tips:
No long, drapey sleeves when working with anything on fire and hair pulled back out of the way.
Do not pour water on a wax fire - it will pop and spread like oil. Use salt or sand to extinguish.
Keep a fire extinguisher nearby!!
For crystal balls: COVER THEM WHEN NOT IN USE. They are giant magnifying glasses, and when they catch the sun’s rays, they can start fires.
For candle spells:
always place candles in a sturdy candle holder.
Avoid placing them in windows with blinds or curtains that may catch fire.
Do not leave candles burn unattended.
If a candle must burn continuously, be sure it is enclosed in a glass container and placed in a sink, on a metal tray, or in a deep basin filled with water.
Make sure you put a heat proof pad under candle containers while burning-they can get very hot and burn into furniture.
Always watching what ever you burn! (Watch for stuff to pop like seed pods!)
Don't put burning candles where a pet can knock them over or burn themselves.
Salt in the bottom of your candle container will help remove the wax droplets and candle stub easier.
beeswax can candles burn much hotter than other kinds.you may want to use a candle snuffer
don't overload your candles with herbs.
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For burning items:
Be aware of the incense/candles/that you use as some can be harmful to pets.
Ventilation, and pet safety before burning.
Clean off any resin from your incense off your fingers before lighting the charcoal
If you do any bay leaf / paper spells, use long tongs not your hands to hold the paper/ leaf. They will go up in flames quickly.
Put sand in the bottom of your insence burner, even if it's fire safe. It insulates a bit and prevents the dish from getting too hot in case someone accidentally touches it before its cool.
burn where it is easy to put out *near a sink is good.
For more safety tips check out WITCHCRAFT SAFTEY post!
If you have anything to add please do! And please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have ANY questions
Merry meet! B- (Phae)
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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Discoveries in Pompeii Reveal Lives of Lower and Middle Classes
The latest discoveries in the excavation of Pompeii’s Regio V neighborhood are fully furnished utility spaces, of great archaeological significance for the details they preserve of a common domestic context in the 1st century Roman town.
The room was found in the House of the Enchanted Garden, a beautifully frescoed home with a lararium (a shrine to the household gods) that is one of the largest ever discovered in Pompeii. In 2021, archaeologists undertook an excavation and restoration of rooms on the ground floor in front of the lararium and the stories above it. They uncovered four rooms, two on the ground floor and two above, that were furnished. One was unfinished, with unplastered walls and an earthen floor, a jarring contrast in a house so decorated with such fine frescoes. The unfinished room was used for storage.
Archaeologists were able to make casts of the furnishings in the room which left a cavity in the hardened ash that could be filled with plaster. One room contained a bed frame and a pillow. The texture of the fabric was imprinted in the ash and is visible on the plaster cast. It is a very simple cot with ropes strung across the sides. There isn’t even a mattress, let along any decoration. Next to the bed was a wooden trunk divided into two compartments. The lid was open, but broken when the beams and floorboards of the story above collapsed in the eruption. Inside the trunk, archaeologists found a terra sigillata saucer and a double-spouted oil lamp depicting Zeus in the act of transforming into an eagle. Next to the trunk was a circular three-legged table with a shallow ceramic bowl containing two small glass bottles, a blue glass saucer and a terra sigillata bowl.
In the storage room, archaeologists were able to make two casts: a shelf and a group of wooden planks in different sizes, cuts and finishes, tied together. This was probably a collection of raw materials for assorted home maintenance projects from furniture patching to roof repair. Outside the room in a small hallway another utilitarian treasure was found: a tall wooden cabinet with at least four doors and five internal shelves. The top of the wardrobe and the front doors were damaged when the floor above the room collapsed. The remains of jugs, amphorae, bowls and plates were found on the damaged top shelf.
The excavation of the upper rooms revealed materials that were in the process of collapsing onto the rooms below. Of enormous archaeological value is a unique group of wax writing tablets. The group consists of seven triptychs tied both vertically and horizontally by a cord. A large cupboard, collapsed in the eruption, was also excavated. It contained different types of common use ceramics for kitchen and dining, as well as fine terra sigillata ceramics and glass. There was also a set of small bronze vessels, including a basin with palm leaf-shaped handles and a small jug decorated with a sphinx and lion’s head. Another special treasure is an incense burner shaped like a cradle with a male figure at one end. The polychrome paint coloring the figure and decorating the cradle with geometric designs is perfectly preserved.
The excavation overlapped onto a residential property behind the House of the Enchanted Garden, and there the plaster cast technique revealed the imprint of cane lathing in the mortar of a collapsed false ceiling. The cast shows the guts of Pompeiian construction: bundles of caning tied together by a thin cord and covered by a gauze-like fabric to separate the lathing from the wet mortar. Casts were also obtained of what appears to be wood paneling on the north, east and south walls of the room. Some are carved with coffered decoration; others are inlaid with delicate bone elements.
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Beginner altar suggestions
Incense burner: Incense is a common and low-energy offering, so if your living situation allows for incense burning, I highly recommend it. I like to burn incense on a tripod, but any non-religiously specific incense burner should be fine. Just remember that incense is used in a myriad of religions, so make sure the incense burner you get isn’t from another religion to be respectful.
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A small replica tripod suitable for burning incense or candles on:
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Image of the theoi - can be a printer paper print, 3D print, statues, etc. Remember you can sculpt your own icons too!
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Plate for offering food - honestly any nice plate is good. Thrift stores tend to have cheap, pretty ones. You could also try to make your own, a la this replica of a Minoan plate.
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If possible, a place to safely burn meat/food offerings and herbs. One example. Depending on what you’re burning (i.e. small amounts of animal fat), you could use the stove in your home in combination with a ventilation system. Though anything involving fire requires caution!
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A cup or glass for libations. Anything from this to this:
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Just make sure whatever it is, it is clean!
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An olive oil lamp for Hestia, if it is safe to light one (and do not leave open flames unattended):
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maevefinnartist · 4 years
broke witch tips, from someone who was once that 17 year old blossoming witch hiding from their parents & couldn't afford fancy ritual tools:
1. need specific colored candles? tea lights are 24 for 1$ at the Dollar Tree and a pack of rainbow sharpies is also 1$, just scribble on the outside of them or draw sigils in the color you need.
2. a slender dry twig off of a pine tree makes a nice incense stick. plus mosquitoes hate it and it smells like camping.
3. always save your melted candle wax to make candles for future rituals. this is just common sense
4. can't afford all these dig dang crystals? most of them are unethically sourced anyway, use those shiny smooth fish tank rocks or smooth broken glass you find outside (pls be careful). you could also make them out of clay. they can mean what you decide they mean because you decided it
5. my first athame was a neat twisted branch i whittled into a double edged blade with a semi-dull potato peeler and it took 0 skill or patience (thank god). then I got grounded asf for murdering the potato peeler.
6. using white sage to cleanse is *usually* appropriative, plus it faces endangerment risk! but I guarantee your parent/guardian/grandma has some dried rosemary in the spice cabinet that's been there since you were born.
7. essential oils aren't for everyone, they can cause allergic reactions and they're fucking expensive. depending on what you're using them for, you might be able to substitute with holy water, which most catholic churches will give you for free if you can enter without spontaneously combusting
8. most of my incense burners over the years have been shells ive found at the beach, but I live on the east coast. if you don't live near a beach, this isnt very helpful and I'm sorry. anyway you can also use it as a mortar and pestle.
9. are you one of those witches with your shit together who actually changes your altar cloth every sabbat? are you tired of how fucking expensive they are? Walmart has fabric swatches for 97 cents that are a little bigger than a bandanna, with all their sewing stuff. many many colors and patterns. I feel morally obligated to tell you to steal it anyway because fuck Walmart be gay do crime etc
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eclectic-earth · 4 years
My #1 Store for Witchcraft Items
~The Dollar Tree~
Every Dollar Tree I’ve been to has a slightly different layout, but generally has the same “themed isles”.
Witchy Isles to Check Out:
Seasonal items up front
Cups, torches, holiday decorations for your alter... “general season vibe” stuff
Summer 2020: Gardening supplies!
Random items in front by registers
Statues: i’ve seen angel figures
Fae house / fae figurines
Ring holders (used for offerings)
Oil/Scented wax burners
Craft aisle
Wooden craft boxes (wish boxes, manifestation, storage, offerings)
Cork vile jars! Tiny/Small in size
Fake flowers / vine for room decor
Seashell bags! Great for the landlocked witches out there :)
Vases for flowers
Rock bags (that could be painted into a nice set of Rune Stones!)
String / twine ropes
Notebooks/Office aisle
Small notebooks for Book of Shadows
Medium/large notebook for Grimore
Colored pens / glue for crafts
Bathroom Supply Aisle
Item organizers essential oils, storage for inscense, etc...
Bath rugs for an alter cloth! They have great color options and decent quality
Small soap dishes for offerings
Candles & Incense Aisle (THE Goldmine)
All candles pictured in this post were found in my candle aisle. They have long, tall candles with beautiful glass holders. They have shorter pillar candles with decent color choices. Tea light candles, they always have white ones
They have incense sticks! Not as many scents of these compared to candles, but still a great item for a buck.
If you want to buy the large glass jar white candle: check the bottom to ensure the wick is placed in the CENTER, or it will burn off to the side !
*Always practice candle magic ~safely~ and ~responsibly~ away from ~curtains and flammable objects that could endanger your safety~ (felt obligated)
Kitchen / Glassware Aisle
SPICES: bay leaves, basil, garlic, rosemary, clove, cinnamon, etc...
Honey & syrup for Sweet Jars
JARS: Sometimes cork tops, many pop tops with plastic lining, though still glass. All great quality! I think jars are one of the most varied items store to store, but in mine, they are usually at the end of the cup aisle
Cups: Chalices! Perfect for drink offerings. Lots of great designs.
Knives: if you want an Athame for your alter, the Dollar Tree can in fact hook you up with one
I went today, and this is the haul:
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I went in with a $20 bill, and came out with:
35 CANDLES TOTAL (white, red, yellow, orange, blue, purple) (zoom into the pictures to see the all the kinds they have)!
4 glass candle holders (2 of each style)
A candle flame snuffer (silver)
An alter cloth (red, white, & black for Hecate)
“Relax, it’s just a phase” moon sign :) I plan on adding shells to the boarder.
$17 later, I have everything I need!
Happy shopping☕️🔮🍯✨🌻
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