#including by his own father in a tiny indiana town where everyone knows everyone
pyreshe · 2 years
livvy and will gay lesbian solidarity is actually the most important thing
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tanmath3-blog · 7 years
Lemmy Rushmore is an incredible poet. He like most other creatives don’t think his work is good or that he isn’t talented. Nothing could be further from the truth. I would put his work up against the greats. If you haven’t read any of his work you most definitely are missing out! The poems I have read by him have made me laugh, cry, mad, and have broken my heart. His use of words and the flow of his poems are like smooth chocolate that melts in your mouth. Not everyone knows this about me but I love poetry and not everyone can write it and if they can some can’t write it well. Lemmy Rushmore can not just write them he can write them about anything. He is super smart and is a devoted dad. He loves his family and his pets. His passion for writing will blow you away. Please take some time and get to know him. Read some of his work and please leave a review of a comment. Please help me welcome Lemmy Rushmore to Roadie Notes….
  A lifelong resident of northern Pennsylvania, Lemmy Rushmore is a mechanic by trade and father of three who occasionally dares dabble in the world of words. He now resides in Roulette PA with his girlfriend of nearly 30 years and his youngest son Zayden. Ranging from emotionally dark to horror, his pieces touch on many topics, but tend to lean more toward the darker side of those things encountered daily. First published in the anthology No Sight for the Saved, which features the superbly dark art of Niall Parkinson, Lemmy’s poetry can now be seen in several anthologies including: We are Dust and Shadow, Demonic Possession, Hell II: Citizens/Cellar Door III: Animals, Indiana Horror Review 2014, Bones III, The Grays, In The Trenches, Doorway to Death, JEApers Creepers, Ugly Babies 3, and Toys in the Attic: A Collection of Evil Playthings for which he won the editor’s choice award. He has released an art and poetry collection through JWK publishing that features nearly 90 of his poems illustrated by Niall Parkinson, titled Between the Walls. Recently he just finished up work on a soon to be released poetry collection titled A Trip into Madness that features over 200 poems.
  1. How old were you when you first wrote your first story?
my first poem… late teens but never really started writing consistent till my late 20’s or early 30’s
2. How many books have you written?
1 has been finished for close to a year but I’ve picked at it till I’ve picked it apart and for some reason still have cold feet about releasing the thing. I also have enough work compiled to file a third.
3. Anything you won’t write about?
No…if it’s in my head it finds its way to the page
4. Tell me about you. Age (if you don’t mind answering), married, kids, do you have another job etc…
I’ll be 45 in August. Thus far I haven’t tied the knot. I have 3 kids. One 27, one 23, and the youngest is 10. I’ve held many jobs and was a mechanic for years but due to some medical issues right now I’m currently not working.
5. What’s your favorite book you have written?
Since I’ve only release the one book thus far I can’t comment much on that topic but since the second is done and ready I would have to say it’s really to hard to pick a favorite. It would be like picking your favorite child, it just wouldn’t be right and it seems like you like each for some different reason. I loved doing my first because for one it was my first but also because I got the honor of working with an incredible artist to put the thing together. My second I loved because I went an entirely different direction with the artwork and I had total creative control over the thing.
6. Who or what inspired you to write?
I can’t really say anyone inspired me to write. I love a lot of work by a lot of writers but as far as my own stuff goes it felt as though I just picked up the pen one day and the stuff came out and it hasn’t stopped since.
7. What do you like to do for fun?
Obviously I enjoy picking up the pen from time to time. I’m a huge video game fanatic sometimes to the point you can’t pry me away from the thing. I love nature and walking my pit bull. I draw or dabble with photography when I have the time and I can spend hours on YouTube listening to tunes.
8. Any traditions you do when you finish a book?
Swear I’ll never start another one. My mind works so fast that by the time I’m halfway through a project I’m already thinking three projects ahead so it kind f feels like one never really ends
9. Where do you write? Quite or music?
I don’t really have any specific place I write. Since I write very simple rhyming stuff I wouldn’t even dare to begin to call poetry I find I write almost everywhere. Most stuff just comes as a few words and most of the thing is completely formed in my head before it ever finds its way to the page. A lot of the time it comes when I’m just about to sleep and eats away at me till I roll out of bed to scribble it down. Sometimes I sit at the computer to write other times I just plant my ass in a chair with a pen but it’s rare I ever really sit down with the intention to write. I’ve found I’ve always been very lazy with that part and never push myself to write as much as I should. As far as the music goes… Some of my best ideas come while I’m listening to something but I find that once they do I usually turn down the music and finish in silence. I can sit in a quiet room living in my head and write poems till I drive myself half mad sometimes.
10. Anything you would change about your writing?
I would love to have just the slightest bit of talent and I would love to be able to write without the flow I was cursed with.
11. What is your dream? Famous writer?
That at least one person reads a few of my words and finds something they can connect with or relate to other than that every thing else is just an added bonus.
12. Where do you live?
Northern Pennsylvania. A little tiny town called Roulette.
13. Pets?
A pit bull, a snake, and pet rats.
14. What’s your favorite thing about writing?
For some reason it gives me the ability to share things I wouldn’t normally share and say things that would normally never slip from my tongue. It gives me a chance to express my deepest darkest desires and create worlds the normal mind could never even begin to imagine.
15. What is coming next for you?
A Trip Into Madness….and so much more
  Some of Lemmy Rushmore’s books: 
  Getting personal with Lemmy Rushmore Lemmy Rushmore is an incredible poet. He like most other creatives don't think his work is good or that he isn't talented.
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