#including not even using labels at all of you dont want to!!!!!!
triptychofvoids · 6 months
another question, but would the doc know his own sexuality? you headcanon him as aroace (i could be mistaken but eh i'm pretty sure he's aromantic as well as ace) but does he know? if not then i think it's funny giving him pins of flags and he's like "thanks!! uh..what does this mean, exactly?"
ah!! very good question!!
the first definition of asexual we have comes from 1897, the term aromantic did not really arise until 2002, and the aroace flag as we know it was not created until 2018! so if you were to hand him an aroace flag he would not know what it meant until you explained it to him, nor would he actually refer to himself as aroace. regardless of the time period however, he would know his own preferences and experiences even if he didnt have a term for it.
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sillyjpeg · 2 months
this contains MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE WEBSITE CHANGE. if you want to find shit urself, dont read this!!!
also this is part one of probably many bc i cant fit everything in here. curse you image limit
i wont be going over alot of the not as important stuff, but still go explore the website for it because i got alot of good laughs!
RIGHT OFF THE BAT. In the top right corner of the screen when the lightning flashes, there are words revealed carved in the wall. it reads: VALLIS CINERIS. when this is typed into the computer it gives this video:
haunting. really giving me analog horror vibes. wasnt sure what else to do with this though.
I also noticed that on the candle in the right side of the desk, there is a code
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this is decoded used the rune code, and translates into CURSED. when put into the computer, this is what is given back:
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One of the first things me and my friends did was go through the main characters names. the most interesting one of these for me is definitely Stanley, but i want to go over Pacifica first because Stanleys is LONG.
When you type in Pacifica you get this:
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I love her signature btw. BUT if you type in Platinum Paz, you get somethin very, very interesting.
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This may not be in the right order so forgive me, but at the end of that code, if you use a shift decoder (im so smart sue me)
pacificas character development has always been special to me, and this was honestly chilling. in the book of bill we see that she has nightmares about the lumberjack, and this shows how much guilt she carries. her finally finding her peace with what happened made me smile :)
but as nice and heartwarming as this is, were moving on to STANLEY PINES! and oh BOY are the stanley lovers having a field day. so first of all, if you type in Stanley, it will take you to a few different links. including gold chains, brass knuckles, an 8 ball cane, a fez, and a colonel neck tie. funny right? if you keep entering his name, this pops up:
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Below this is a bunch of things with the label of being shameful. one of them is very interesting but im gonna put some lighter stuff first for the sillies.
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i need alex to show us the photos from the hunky drifters catalogue alex can you hear me please i mean WHO SAID THATTTT WHO SAID THATTTTTT
ALSO NO ONE COMING TO HIS FAKE FUNERAL EXCEPT HIS MOM :( she loved her little free spirit stanley
ALSO- him stripping for flour in Tijuana, again, i need photographic evidence.
his ex wives list also made me giggle. he was MARRIED TO OLD GOLDIE????? also Marilyn being Eda made me giggle, i love the fact that they got married at some point. get them back together please. also stan having smaller hands than ford and being self-conscious about it stan i love you mwah mwah mwah
anyways now onto the section at the bottom of the Wheel of Shame page!
Its titled : HOW HE BEAT ME. im not adding a photo bc ur guy is running out of room :(
you have to click on this repeatedly to get anything good out of it, so i took the liberty of milking it for all it had!!! i didnt take screenshots of everything because some of it was redundant, but here are the interesting and or funny bits:
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just reiterating, this is not all thats in there, im just putting parts that stood out to me. please take the time to go through all this urself bc its a TREAT.
now into the crazier stuff
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hes obviously having some sort of breakdown, just like we see at the end of the book of bill. the last page i decoded myself, and i got this using all the different decoders:
for "LQS SFSE CN" i used the original bill cipher code, and im not sure why it gave me this. a smarter, better decoder probably has the answer.
i can theorize a few different things on what this could possibly mean even with it not being all decoded. the one that comes to mind is "I can still see through everyone ive ever met" maybe knowing too much? but without the middle part decoded i cant say much. if you have the solution for this please leave a comment as any help would be greatly appreciated. this all did drop a few hours ago so i doubt many people are working on decoding all this.
this makes alot more sense. bill can see through others eyes so it most likely is refering too how he possesses people and sees through their eyes. In the book of bill he shows how angry he is having to watch the Pines family be happy.
It says that when he closes his eye, he can still see through the eyes of everyone hes ever…possesed? probably. So can Bill still see through Ford, or maybe Dipper, and he cant turn it off. Whenever he closes his eyes he is haunted by the happy life he failed to destroy. To see through their eyes.
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This poem using gambling as a way to describe Stan's life choices really struck me. the more i thought on it the more it made sense. he gambled that Ford's project would probably still work, gambled with all of his sham products. His entire life has been a betting game. The most interesting thing about all this is the end of the poem. It reads
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this has been a theory for awhile in the gravity falls community that if stan got back all his memories, including ones about bill, wouldnt bill come back? for me this confirms the theory, and opens up a whole new can of worms which i will talk about later.
I have reached my image and video limit, but expect more posts!
stay weird yall :)
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Aita for not making any of my characters, that I have to crank out daily, pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual specifically and only making them bi?
🏳️‍🌈👶🏼 so i can recognize this later lmao also I'm not panphobic or anything, this isn't about the validity of the label, pan is fine.
So i (20snb bi) have a project I'm working on where I take all the characters from a specifc media I'm into and pair them up with each other to make every possible ship kid from every possible ship(excluding characters who are kids themselves or are related or something, that shit is gross). Basically taking every character and pairing them up with another and creating a kid I think they'd have. Its a big project with lots of characters and I'm easily over 400 at this point. I really enjoy this, even if I'm not even 25% complete.
However I set a schedule for myself that at least one ship kid needs to come out each day which, considering I draw them, color them and give them some development and some even have siblings, (The refs themselves easily take me an hour to an hour and a half) I have to make lots of them quickly to keep up with my daily grind. I've been doing this project for over a year and although it's stressful, I can get them out quickly with breaks for myself.
Their character sheets all have some pretty basic info like their name, gender, pronouns, personality and more but it also includes their sexuality/orientation. I have a pretty basic list of options for what their sexuality will be: straight, lesbian, gay, Enbian, bi, Aro, ace and aroace with a few random things like polyam, WLW and a good amount of the something-loving-something/juvelic terms. I did this because, well, there's not many entirely unique orientations outside of them and although I love mogai/xenogenders and complex identities, I dont want to potentially drag up discourse or bring problems to my budding art blog over it. Its just not worth it to me to turn something I really care about on its head, even if I like microlabels.
In this case, I'm using bi as an umbrella term as most of the other terms share the same definition with slight variations in wording or action but not much difference in practice. We all like everyone, it's basic stuff. However, apparently this is a problem.
I've gotten one or two anons asking me questions about my guides asking some kind stuff like is this lesbian ship kid a butch or femme or Is this picture of them now or just at the age you put on the ref and other harmless stuff. Then things got rude with some Nbphobia but thrice now I've gotten asks:
1. Asking snarkily if im a panphobe
2. insulting me for not specifically writing pan or Omni and just writing bi.
3. Saying that I "clearly dont care about pansexual representation." Then brought up how my primary oc is native american so i clearly care about representation but that oc used to be a sona and I'm native?? Its confusing. (And Lowkey racist shit to just assume any native character is a "diversity quota" character instead of just a person existing but I digress-)
Im not pan, im bi so ig these people assume I'm not cool with pan people which isnt true? I have nothing aginest them, they are just pretty similar and I dont feel like it matters if they are specfically bi or pan or poly or any other label. I don't go into details like that for any other sub-group, not even pronouns and I included combinations and some common Neopronouns. I understand the importance of representation but my project has less than 50 people looking at it every day, Im not netflix or something. I'm one guy on the most LGBT blogging site with a big project and very little audience, I'm not showing people who wouldn't already know what pan is that pansexuality exists.
This project isn't that deep considering the characters in question aren't human/dont have human characteristics.(no it's not hazbin/helluva) Also ive never spoken about lgbt discourse or stated anything remotely close to it beyond the guides just passively having characters who are an LGBT identity. I've not even mentioned all the potentional orientations they could have so I'm not sure where/why this came up in the first place. The most politcial things ive said are calling out a creator in my fandom who outed themselves as a transphobe and mentioning im pro-palestine. That's it.
I mean this is pretty low stakes, I can just block these people and be done with it and this some seriously online shit but I just wanna check.
Am I being an asshole for just writing bi instead of specifying their mspec label because I have to produce characters quickly and I don't see enough of a difference to warrant a change/specification that would ultimately slow and clog an already stressful and complex project?
I dont think I am but idk lol
What are these acronyms?
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olderthannetfic · 1 month
Oh great, everyone is all in on the ~all the kids who think they have DID are wrroooong~ thing.
Im sorry but none of you saying that are helping the community or plural folks as a whole. Even if you are also a system or have a CDD.
For DID *alone* the barrier to diagnosis is very high- arguably as high as Autism and according to one study it takes an average of 10 years in therapy to be diagnosed because so many doctors are ill-informed or refuse to diagnose it/believe it exists despite all the evidence due to the shadow of the satanic panic. The goddamn REASON people are diagnosed in their 30s and 40s isnt because you *need* to wait that long its because they look for horses before zebras and refuse to do anything else most of the time and fuck us over!!! Many of us report symptoms -the same fucking symptoms- since teen&young adult age or earlier!!!
The diagnosis has many of the same drawbacks of any other major diagnosis like autism and schizospec stuff where you can lose custody of children or the ability to adopt, face unofficial discrimination from doctors or employers or people you try to get accommodations from with it, and could even have your drivers license taken away or have to jump through hoops to keep it- and more issues!
Pursuing a paper diagnosis is not for everyone and the plural community for decades has been built on this- even before the exclusion criteria were added to the DSM and ICD that kicked a huge chunk of us of us off even getting one despite being systems (which is a good thing to be clear! If its not impairing or distressing it shouldnt be pathologized!). We have folk therapy and dyi resources and we have a lot of them for a reason.
And thats not even getting into how therapy has historically severely abused our community and how the only accepted treatment path is pursuing the fusion into one person (which has a hilariously low success rate that for anything else wouldnt be accepted as a vaild treatment) and not everyone wants that or is helped by that.
Most of us are never going to be ABLE see useful therapy or a paper dx, so we use the community to find resources and community and it FUCKING WORKS. We built our community with our own blood, sweat, and tears because no one else could or would fucking help us. And it WORKS.
Attacking these people who self-dx ONLY ever causes splash damage on the very people this kind of behavior claims to protect.
And like. If someone reports an autonomous entity that talks in their mind and takes over their body sometimes its... rather obvious they belong in the 'having an autonomous entity that talks in your mind and takes over your body sometimes' community regardless of anything else. NB4 people say psychosis; Schneiderian First-Rank symptoms are actually more indicative of DID than schizophrenia in this manner according to studies- but schizospec people with persistent personlike voices are known to benefit from the same exercises you'd do if they were ''''real'''' alters and are included in the plural community anyway (which btw doesnt require a dx- calling yourself plural or a system is not self diagnosing its an identity label the community created OUTSIDE of diagnosis criteria FOR this very purpose of self-ID).
While yes, we would agree many people say DID For Sure when they might want to hesitate there- we do NOT doubt they are plural. We just wonder if they were told the ONLY way they could be plural/a system is through DID and that is why they are saying they have it. Which... yeah thats not so great. HOWEVER informed self-dx is fine provided they havent been fed that kind of misinformation.
The solution there though is to just spread the real information about the breadth of plural experiences and people will feel less pressured. Simple as that.
Never EVER telling them its really just something else, you dont know yourself- you cant know something that extreme when something that extreme is EASIER to tell tbh because its such a unique and intense experience.
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cupcraft · 1 year
Ranboo rebrand stream important stuff in one single post!:
if anything i missed pls rb and add on!
chat etiquette! They are going to be more strict with this (but not for new chatters honest mistakes).
Ban 101 -> the number 1 rule:
racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination. Instant ban, no excuse. Even bigoted jokes! 0 tolerance! you will be banned from even viewing the streams. This even counts on doing it on other streamer's chats/platforms if found out!
More rules: be funny (please!) and chill and kind and use emotes (including BTTV), dont spam chat (will be fixed/enforced bc of past issues),
other tidbits/news:
the vtuber/stuff will evolve over time, there are different vtuber outfits/costumes planned (ex they have an mcc outfit already!), the room in the background will change, they will be reaching out to ppl for collabs (feel free to recommend people but do not spam their chats!), planning to do more irl streams (will be weird/experimental and they will go wild! They will be making weird stuff!), they also have plans that they are excited to tell and its been a long time coming (this may be the cake video but i couldnt tell in stream), ranboo bakes a cake 2 will be coming TOMORROW on youtube (23 mins and incredible! they laughed at themself), ranboo plans to do experimental stuff on youtube (they have gotten into film lately!), founder's cut of gen 1 of genloss will be coming out 2-3 months ?? date/end of year, the vtuber ranjacket will be a part of the merch drop prototype at vidcon (physical jacket!), will be doing competitive/events with people (like organized little thing) (content/what it is undetermined) and he wants it to be obscure and random, ranboowaslive will start to ramp up a bit (more clips/compilations to come esp if you dont enjoy long vod watching), ranboo will be eating a nintendo DS cartridge live on stream (a joke!), MORE SURPRISES KEPT AS A SECRET + tiny plans in the works, they are moving into the new place/still have boxes to unpack (vtuber lore), he may finish the last of us part 2, subathon (really like back to back fun streams/long streams/playthrough of long games like omori) in january probably, splatoon may return,
What does the new era mean/qna stuff?
talking about old content is fine as long as you recognize that it is the PAST and not the kind of content ranboo makes now. Do not "put them back in the box".
Vtuber: will not be used all the time. They will do facecam streams too. Depends on how he feels.
why the r800: the 8 looks like a b LMAO
this is just the start of rebrand. He will re-establish a lot, things will be easier to find/reorganized, slowly over the weeks things will be changing.
what will happen tothe alt twitter (ranaltboo)?: new pfp, same energy (see below my shitty sc). art creds to mochi!
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not only just a rebrand for him and the look of the content. But also it is a rebrand of how they act around and view their own content. they may not be as in the community as he has been (liking fanart/in chat/etc.) out of recommendation from people! If ranboo needs to be aware of something THEY HAVE PEOPLE to make him aware of important issues/emergencies and they will be focusing more on themself and the content overall. they are thankful to be allowed to do this, as they dont want to keep seeing things they dont want to see/have that anxiety. Less scrolling = more content!
They will probably have longer streams again!
will move to more mature jokes/phrases and may have content labels on the streams. Overall, streams will be pg-13 mostly.
TITS stands for twitch integrated throwing system [insert ranboo's giggle here]
All proceeds donated to ranboo's channel only go to charity! Not to them at all! They have a list of charities that he supports and will be changed 1-3 months at a time like usual!
Please make stuff. This is how he gets ppl who edit and the emote makers/artists. Not forced. Just encouraging ppl who make stuff to make stuff and he appreciates it and loves it! Even if it is not about him just make it! AND SUPPORT ARTISTS BOOBERS!
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top 5 tips for someone who is pretty sure theyre a system but dont know anything about their alters or plurality?
If I tried to order all my tips in order of recommendation we'd be here forever as I reorganize them endlessly, so I'm just going to give you the first five tips that come to my mind.
Don't push yourself to figure everything out immediately! It's fine and perfectly normal for self-discovery to take time. And you don't want to rush anything that might require delicate work, like the possibility of trauma that's been tucked away somewhere or conflict between alters just becoming aware of each other. As interesting as questioning would be as a speedrun category, you sadly cannot speedrun figuring out who you are and how your life may be changed in response to something like this.
Decide for yourself how you feel about roles and labels. You can have a billion of them, you can have none of them, you can make your own, you can have ones that seem "contradictory" at first glance, you can have super specific ones, you can have the vaguest ones known to mankind. Don't let anyone tell you how you should or should not feel about roles or labels.
Keep a journal! It can help so much to have something outside of your head to keep track of everything. Something you did was oddly plural? You feel this way about something whereas you felt this other way about it earlier? You think you might not be a system after all but enjoyed the introspection anyway? It's all there for you to get out of your system (no pun intended)!
Similarly to the last one, use a template to create profiles for your maybe-alters. You can branch outside of this later, but early on, when you're trying to figure out who everyone is and what you're doing, it can help a lot to have a clear-cut list of questions to answer (or pass on). And remember to include something silly or fun as one of the questions so it's not all super serious and intimidating!
If it turns out you are plural... don't neglect intrasystem bonding and your overall system health. It's easy to get caught up in how things are going in the meatspace; how you're going to balance your life out here, but... you all need and deserve some time and space to be yourselves, too. Accommodate for individual expression where you can. Organize bonding activities with your alters. Be polite to them. Don't push them to be open about themselves if they're not ready or berate them for not perfectly masking if they can't. Even if you don't see each other as individual people, you each have all of a person's needs for individuality and respect. Allow them to be themselves. Allow yourself to be yourself. And don't be afraid to care about each other. That's how you build a healthy system, like how you'd build any other kind of healthy community.
I hope these tips help!
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pupp0ccino · 2 months
That's not what being a proshipper is... it's just a stance that means ship and let ship, not that you like problematic content. So yes, you are a proshipper if you're okay with people shipping characters or inserts/OCs together.
I know what the original term for proship is, and that its not just someone liking problematic content, it means you don't care what someone ships, but that also includes problematic ships
Being proship means that you support ALL ships no matter what, even if they're taboo to the public eye. I do NOT support ships that have anything to do with inc3st, or p3dophilia. So no, I am not proship.
I know that proship was originally used as a term for people who shipped two characters from completely different medias, it literally just means you dont care what someone ships.
But today, there are terms such as cross shipping for that
I don't really want to be grouped in with people who are known to ship/support inc3st or ped0phillic ships, because that is what people know term is known as these days, nor do people do research on the original meaning. So PLEASE do not call me a proshipper. Doing so would be going against my boundaries
I don't want labels to be forced onto me, especially when it's in an incorrect manner. /lh
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azullumi · 1 year
“and they were roommates” ; ayato & baizhu
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summary — what is he like as your roommate? in correlation, how does he often act around his home shared with you?
includes — ayato and baizhu (w/ gender-neutral reader) ; separate
tags — fluff, modern au, domestic fluff if you squint so hard, no established relationship, some sprinkle of smau ; headcanons
note — i srsly dont know what ayato will take in college ; masterlist
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ayato, your rich and sweet roommate
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nice, sweet, caring, and gentle, he’s one of the best roommate you’ll ever ask for. it’s a wonder that he doesn’t have a ring on his finger and it’s no wonder that you two are mistaken as a couple from how you act around each other—having matching mugs and items, doing a lot of things together, and most likely choosing to spend time with one another even if there will just be silence.
despite the fact that he’s often busy and holed up in his own room, he still looks after you and as well as himself and you also do the same for him. he tells you if he won’t be able to come home or will be late, reminding you to keep the door locked and closed every time, and he worries for you if you’re nowhere to be found in your home. he opts for eating together with you and would even take you out.
he loves coffee—strong ones—in the morning and occasionally during the night when he’s busy working on something, perhaps some projects and paperworks. he appreciates it whenever you come knocking on his door and bringing him with a cup of it. however, nothing can beat his love for boba and milk tea, he often comes home sipping one on his hand and another one on the other hand that is for you.
is a messy but organized type of person and his room is a great example of that. it’s messy and things are everywhere the place but not displeasing messy—the papers are all compiled yet cluttered on his desk, his laundry isn’t folded but they’re all in his basket, his blanket is unfolded or wrinkled but that’s the only disorderly thing on his bed, and more.
but despite the untidiness of his space, it’s never dirty. he doesn’t keep plates and such in his room and will always eat at the dining area (he also washes the dishes if he’s done), he disposes of his garbage in the proper place, and he cleans after himself every time.
baizhu, your caring roommate, also a medicine student
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extremely caring and attentive but not to the point that it’s suffocating. he’s helpful with the chores and is even patient when guiding or teaching you when you’re not used to some things. although the burden of all of the tasks doesn’t just rest on his shoulders as the two of you have schedules to specific ones and often take turns such as in cooking—it’s no problem, however, if one of you are unable to accomplish the task assigned.
he’s always the one to prepare breakfast and will be willing to pack you something, he cares for your wellbeing a lot and is not afraid to show it. although you wonder how he’s able to work so hard despite his busy schedule. he wakes up early, makes breakfast, does whatever he has planned for that day, and always comes home on time if ever he goes out. he also goes out for groceries, usually asking you if ever you want to accompany him or if you need something so that he can get you it.
you notice how he gets tired easily and avoids straining himself, would opt for asking for help from you if ever he needs to carry something heavy such as grocery bags. on that note, you sometimes find him passed out on the couch on a random afternoon but he wakes up easily, however—even if it’s just the smallest noise.
he organizes everything, food goes into the pantry or the refrigerator if needed, kitchen items and equipment will stay in the kitchen (absolutely no knives anywhere outside that area), personal belongings are not to be littered and mixed up with the other’s (he’ll lightly tell you off if you leave your things scattered), and the medicine should be stored in the proper place—he puts labels on some of it so that it’s not mixed with another one and to avoid confusion.
random facts about him: he prefers tea as its much healthier, doesn’t walk around the home barefoot, and he remembers where everything is placed—he has quite an incredible memory.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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randompolykin · 4 months
Intro Post
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Welcome To The Storm.
i have been procrastinating making one of these for a while now so here you go.
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I don't know how people can post their names on here, or their ages. Like what :0 I could not do that. (So if you need to refer to me, you can do so by my username) I do feel comfortable telling you this stuff:
The labels I use to identify my gender identity are genderfluid, nonbinary, transgender, genderflux, xenogender, fluidflux, and specifically genderspirit. At least that's the basics.
When it comes to sexuality/romantic attraction I consider myself frayromantic and neptunic, I am also aceflux.
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I might reblog centaurworld, smg4, the amazing digital circus, wings of fire, or good omens related posts once in a blue moon.
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i am a polymorph
Catkin (black domestic and black panther, for type of panther Jaguar fits the best but a black panther on its own fits too)
Dragonkin (red western fire and eastern sky/water especially a tatsu)
Gray/part of a storm cloud, cloud
Military tank
Attack helicopter (I know, I know, but I'm serious /gen)
Wooden chair
Cryptid (in general but I do have a couple specific ones too and I bet the more I look into cryptids the list will grow)
Seraphkin (the type of angel)
bookstore and library kin
Old computer kin
Robotkin in general
A murder drone (from murder drones) not a specific one, just a murder drone
The concept of tea/tea as a whole
Glamrock Freddy Fazbear
a sprollie dog
a silver fox
Although there are certain theories on why I am certain kintypes that I prefer and even act like it's set in stone, in the end idk whatever so just keep that in mind. also this isnt. theres more kintypes probably.
and maaaaannnny kinsiderings
(circutypes are identitie(s?) similar to the label cladotherian or more so ambitherian, but instead of being exclusive to types of animals is a species, it extends beyond that. The creator @batsbolts-andfangs created it to describe being a bat therian, bat plushiekin and a bat (related?) fictional character. But basically it's a label to describe one nonhuman identity that extends to/ is made up of other nonhuman identities that are a interconnected. This label fits me two times
The first on is less sure/put together than the second one
Shadow being (maybe just shadows too idk)
This statue creature that's an original species might count idk yet
Questioning being a void but that might just be part of my fictotype.
A run-along
And now my second circutype that makes more sense!
Deer skull creature is what I consider the base name for it now what this includes is
A deer skull fictional character/monster the nowhere king (which is my profile pic!) which is from centaurworld
Two (OCs? Maybe just original species? I am still figuring out how these two identities work) that are deferent types of deer skulled original creatures
A leshen (and an ancient leshy) from the witcher (I have not interacted with the fandom or played the games, watched the show etc I just stumbled upon it looking for what this kintype was and it fit)
And questioning being a deer skull itself. If not then this is probably a para type or something?
I don't actually think I said all my kintypes but I dont care that much right now I need to get this post over with it's already two am
So here are my heart types:
Rainwing (it's a type of dragon from wings of fire)
Nightwing (also wof dragon)
Questioning these being kintypes
Edit, I currently consider my wof types to be both kintypes and kithtypes, its confusing and I have no energy to look deep into things but I don't feel I need to honestly.
And am just saying that being a zombie and a ghost is kith, because I don't want to deal with things. Every thing else I know is def a heart type except clown, I ignore that one
Edit, I am now counting zombie as a kin type
I am also questioning being the amazing digital circus and my neighbor totoro (as in conceptkin)
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Now onto other things you should know about me and some silly not as important but also interesting ones:
I am afraid of being wrong (mainly because I'm worried I am somehow hurting people by it)
I have trust/opening up issues
I struggle with imposter syndrome
I probably have undiagnosed anxiety of some kind but have yet to do research on it
I probably have long term depression. But I think ranting to Tumblr is helping a bit so RN I'm more on the emotionally numb side but still depressed I think.
I have associative synesthesia and the types I care to name are olp, grapheme-color and chromesthesia but I know of more things that are probably types with their own names that I have.
I'm a vegetarian (it's funny because a bunch of my kintypes are carnivores or really like eating meat)
I'm a furry and have this going on where I'm turning my animal kin and heartypes into furry OCs and fursonas but I haven't gotten far in it. I'm also questioning being my protogen oc
I'm a median system. But I don't really talk about that much here...
Uh I might post random art doodles idk tho.
Besides that mostly I'll post and reblog alterhuman stuff (mainly otherkin probably)
Also please ask me stuff!!! Curious on how I experience being an aesthetic? Want to learn more about my angel kintype? Etc, please ask!
Profile pic is my kintype, the nowhere king, with the genderfluid, frayromantic, and loveless aro flags. And my banner is light doodles of some of my kintypes
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When it comes to a tagging system I am trying to make one but most of my posts from before this one probably don't follow it anyway here it is (altho I might forget to tag a reblog as reblog sorry if I do)
Also all posts with swearing in them will be tagged with #tw swearing
I don't usually swear myself but I will reblog stuff that has swears in them
#reblog (these are simply reblogs. Can be of anything. These will not have me adding my thoughts in tags or replies)
#my reply (reblogs with my reply/my thoughts on it/ad ons, also might be tagged with #my ad ones (if it's adding on to what the poster is saying specific vs a reply of anykind))
#my reply tags(or my tag replies) (same thing but in the tags specifically. Add on version is #my tag ad ons)
#not ah related (not alterhuman related, includes reblogs)
#not ok related (not otherkin related, alterhuman related posts that are not otherkin related are included here)
#i am a mess of kinsidering (a ranty vent post about my lastest kintype to question or re-question or be confused over want to classify an identity as beyond otherkin, etc)
#silly post time (silly posts, not reblogs. This would be me making a post that says "nom nom nom garbage" and # it with therian and otherkin tags. Can be ah, ok, and not related.) (if not ah or ok related I will put those tags in)
#silly reblogs (me rebloging these types of posts)
#serious post (speaking up about an issue or trying to spread the word about something important etc)
#serious reblog (same as ⬆️ but a reblog)
#positivity spreading reblog (rebloging a positivity spreading post. can include #my ad ones posts)
#positivity spreading post (a positivity spreading post originally made by me)
#term coining yay (coined terms not by me but that I have rebloged)
#oh me terms yas (term coining posts by others that have a term I want to use/represent me)
#save (posts I want saved for any reason.)
#saving this to show my friend in case their ah (I'm pretty sure one of my friends I alterhuman but I'm not sure so I'll show them certain posts and see if they relate)
#storm talk (talking about being (apart of) a storm
#little grey cloud rambles (rambles as a little grey cloud)
#more about me
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That's all I can think of for now and it's already three am so I'm gonna add my user boxes and go to bed!
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as someone from a non-english speaking country (germany), „queer“ is not a slur to me - we do have equivalents for f-got and d-ke, but not queer.
germans have actually integrated a lot of english words into our language, so much so there is a word for it: „denglish“ from the german word for german which is „deutsch“ and the word „english“, similar to the usamerican „spanglish“. this really shows how much we culturally and politically rely on mostly the usa (perhaps because a big part of germany was under us control after the end of ww2) and how much debate and especially ideas we import from overseas.
„queer“ has been widely introduced only in the last few years with the rise of lgbtqia+ culture wars. we even have a „queerbeauftragter“ (queer delegate) who is called that and advises the government on all issues lgb and t and i guess intersex too. its „queer community“, „queer party“ etc plastered also on ads in the cities.
since we have a different history with the word, my main issue is not the slur aspect, but that this „umbrella term“ is on one hand associated with lgb and t, even though these groups (while having a considerable overlap) have different needs and demands, but on the other hand also used for different groups like nonbinary identified or intersex people and even kink and in the worst case pedophiles because people use it as „not heteronormative“, which paradoxically can include heterosexual people if they are trans, intersex, and like i said in extreme cases even kink or pedophilia.
as a bisexual woman myself i struggle with the fact that any space where i might meet other women like me is now „queer“. if you dont open these spaces up to everyone who identifies as some flavour of „queer“, you are an exclusionist, conservative, regressive. even the liberal government we have enforces this.
this trend of grouping in everyone who doesnt meet „societal standards“ into one group does not stop there. another (non-english) term that has been popularised is „flinta“ which stands for: frauen lesben intersex nichtbinär trans asexuell (women lesbians intersex nonbinary trans and asexual). at my old university we had two toilets: flinta and - men.
do they not realise that this is just enforcing male as the default and heterosexuality as the norm? do they not realise that for both political advocacy and practical use these terms are useless? that they do not describe a coherent group? that if you dont know and youre questioning your gender or sexuality or dont want to label it (which; youre probably either bisexual or just gender non conforming in some way), you can just say you’re questioning?
i have little in common with most „queer“ people and im sick that this term is supposed to describe the community im a part of (lgb), and people associate queer with lgb (and t), but i dont identify with it at all, and on an objective level its just useless because it allows all sorts of more or less legitimate, different groups to attach themselves to the fight for lgb rights.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
I am back to complain more but do you ever notice how like. Every pet that isn't a cat or a dog is often labelled "exotic"? It really confuses me. It seems like sometimes a very good domesticated pet and a wild animal that is deeply unethical to keep as a pet both get put into the same category. Idk. I don't like when people do that. I don't think "cats and dogs" and "not cats and dogs" is a very useful way to categorise peoples pets.
I have also seen people suggest that the only domesticated animals are cats and dogs!
humans have NEVER only practiced husbandry with domesticated animals. NEVER.
first off... we had to domesticate things in the first place
second off... most animal husbandry until recently was practical, not companion-based, so *all* pet husbandry now is just very different from the past
third off... many populations of animals have been "tamed" for human husbandry, including things you would never imagine to be possible (Cassowaries! FUCKING CASSOWARIES WERE REARED ON NEW GUINEA.)
fourth off... Human-Animal Bonding (HAB) is in fact a universal thing - we see signs of it across animal groups (and probably other organisms, but anthropocentrism = not acknowledging plants have feelings), with zoo animals and even wild animals bonding with humans in a variety of forms, leading to a release of bonding chemicals in both the human and the non-human animal's brains. idk where this "your pet cant love you" shit came from, because the science shows it happens in the most random animals (fish. fish release bonding chemicals with their humans. fish.)
fifth off... there are SO MANY ANIMALS IN SHELTERS THAT NEED HOMES it is irresponsible to say that people shouldn't have x or y pet if they are able to actually take care of it (admittedly, there are many ACTUALLY exotic pets where that last part doesn't count, but not as many as these anti-pet schmucks say)
sixth off... so. many. things. are. domesticated. chickens! pigeons! ducks! geese! and you know what? a lot of those things DONT MAKE GOOD PETS. domesticated doesn't equal good pet, and non-domesticated doesn't equal bad pet. it's NUANCED. NUANCED. LIKE EVERYTHING.
seventh off... the actual problems that occur in pet care come from not respecting the animal as an individual and as a different kind of individual than yourself, not from an inherent problem in caring for certain kinds of animals. you have to view the human-animal bond as a *partnership*, not a hierarchical relationship, that just happens to include you physically caretaking for the partner. bah. when you think you "own" the animal, have control over it, get to dictate it - that's when you have problems.
eighth off... there are many animals that can *only* survive in captivity, whether its proper pet care, a shelter, or a zoo/aquarium. maybe they're disabled, maybe they were reared by humans, maybe they were traumatized. the list goes on. so many people would just "free" these animals into the wild where they would, ya know, die (remember Keiko, anyone?)
ninth off... anthropocentrism means assuming other animals want the same things as us... I s2g if I see another person say "oh poor pet birdie in a cage it should be free" when I know for a fact these pet birds actually appreciate the safety and security as long as they get enough out-of-cage and bonding time...
tenth off... this all goes back to the fundamental truth that humans are a PART of nature, that we are ALSO ANIMALS, that we are just connecting with other creatures and that is NORMAL, and it is OKAY that we shape the world, the problem is HOW we shape it... like... we are not separate from nature, and thinking that is how we got into this climate crisis in the first place!
idk what the actual definition of "exotic" pet should be, but "non-domesticated" isn't it
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puckpocketed · 6 months
deepest and sincerest apologies if you came here because I was posting about one or more of your guys. this is a Sharks blog first and foremost! I do, however, follow a lot of teams. navigation + tierlist below
This is a part-time Australian Ice Hockey League blog that follows the CBR Brave! I take photos of home games when I can, find them under -> #puck!cam Otherwise, feel free to filter #auspuck.
When not LARPing as my local team’s socmed manager:
I write essays about hockey -> #my writing
all gifs i've made filed under -> #puck!gif specific team tags will look like this: #p!gif:[team abbreviation] eg. #p!gif:sharks, #p!gif:wings
transcripts -> #puck!script
gif requests -> #p!gif:req
I also gif my guys and their goals, passing sequences, poke checks, plays that go nowhere, little things I think are super cool -> #puckpocketed details series
I poke around at prospects and produce very unserious vibe checks, filed under -> #puckscouting
I also paint once in a blue moon. watch out!!!!
TIERLIST & politics
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Sharks Hockey first always forever ! <3
keeping things light. no enemies only babygirls i havent met!
The most narratively satisfying things are tragedies and tragicomedies!!! All Things Through Her (The Bit)
players aren’t their orgs. If I say I like a team, this doesn’t mean I like every player, and vice versa!!
The narratives are lying to you!!! LOOK PAST THEM. THE HOCKEY TELLS THE TRUTH!!!!!
I love hockey SO much !! Love of the game comes before ANYTHING, including teams!!! Talk to me about strategy. Show me spinoramas and ankle breaking dekes and head fakes and set plays. Talk to me about face-offs and your favourite underrated blorbo.
no seriously please send me propaganda i love propaganda i am a hair trigger away from adopting new guys. i've done it mid-game and id do it again!!!!!!!!!!!
Team rivalries don’t matter to me. My girls are beating the hell out of each other? The beautiful gaeme ...
i’m here for a laff and it truly aint that serious <3
Do Not expect me to have any couth about the CBR Brave!! I keep things light with the NHL but all that doesn’t apply here — I WILL be spiteful and unhinged!! im sorry the sports nationalism got to me!!!
that being said: CALIFORNIA SWEEEP!
hey please dont be weird in the tags of my posts about teams/players i clearly like. yeah even That Team. i don't want to hear about how you hope someone "escapes" or how much you hate xyz player. make your own post.
this is a non-rpf blog. I might lean into the narratives but tbh I’m not into men and don’t get much out of romantic shipping. Nothing against it though! I think everyone should engage with hockey however they like as long as it does no harm to themselves or others. Ride that ship into the sunset my loves we are holding fins 👍
gifs, videos, memes, photos by me will come described with alt text. I try my best as someone who has used a screenreader in the past, but please let me know if I miss anything.
30/07/2024 sources for any media i post will be linked to a live site + using the wayback machine when I can, or just live websites when I can't (in the case of youtube videos). yeah ok i finally gave in @ that one anon calling this wikipedia editor behaviour you are correct and WHAT OF IT!!!!!!!
5/08/2024 - NOTE live website links always precede archive links whether I label them or not. if there is no link 'pair' it means the wayback machine can't snapshot the link i put up. In the case of twitter/instagram and other such sites that require a logged in device to view certain pages i will do my best to grab the direct img link and archive that.
[ link 1, archive link // link 2, archive link ] <- self explanatory, long form.
[ x, x ] <- single source of media, will use for aesthetic purposes on gifsets and formal web weaving. same with: [ x || y // x || y ] <- "//" double slash denotes a new source, x is the live link, y is the archive link.
if a link or source is not immediately obvious I may have: 1) done an in-line link, click any underlined or bold-underlined text; 2) I might have missed it by mistake, please be patient and maybe shoot me a flag about it in my inbox/dms if you want !!! we are all human and I'm doing my best <3
I'm aware this is not the most fastidious archival practice! my goal isn't to be the arbiter of archival standards for sourcing. I don't know how long I'll love hockey or these teams, how long tumblr will be around, but going from here I'd just like this blog to be a place where fans years from now can come back to and not have to do as much digging as I did to source media.
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sawyer-is-eepy · 5 months
tw for syscourse and rq mentions //
i don’t give a shit anymore, this is important so im crosstagging this.
please, whoever you are, please read at least the tl;dr whether youre pro endo, anti endo, anti radqueer, pro radqueer, whatever. ignore the dni i guess? if you dont wanna see this just block me, i won't care.
god i FUCKING HATE that my existence is seen as pro rq just cause im pro endo.
got called a radqueer today. i got roped in with pedophiles and necrophiles and zoophiles.
look, listen, i'm all for anti-contact pro-recovery supporters and i do think that we shouldn't shun these people away.
but rq is not for that. they actively support pro-contact and anti recovery rhetoric as well as say its okay to be rcta and "transage" and shit.
THIS should be the thing anti rq focus on. instead of the fact that because i support something that DOES HAVE FUCKING RESEARCH ON IT DESPITE WHAT YOU ALL SAY YOU FUCKERS.
i can fight and kick and scream and yell all i want but at the end of the day, my opinion automatically doesnt matter.
it doesnt even matter if a system with a fucking diagnosis that is "normal" (aka no fictives, factives, less than like 15 alters, and has a miserable life because of course thats what its like for all *real* systems or whatever) was trying to fight against rq, if they were even kind of proendo they’d be shot down immediately.
let me reiterate this- NOT ALL ENDOS ARE RQ. NOT ALL PRO ENDOS ARE RQ. 
please fucking stop roping us in with these people. please. 
to rq - i dont want to be included in your fucking community. We’re fine on our own, okay? we don't need your “safe space,” you’re actively making it worse. kindly FUCK OFF AND STOP RUINING THIS FOR US. PLEASE. EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE IS SPENT PROVING MYSELF OVER THE FUCKING INTERNET AND IT’S HARDER BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU. 
to endo rq- we don’t want you representing us. you are NOT the face of endos and supporters. Kindly also fuck off to your own space with the rq instead of speaking for us. 
every day i have to say the same shit because of YOU PEOPLE. YOU FUCKING PEOPLE. 
i can’t have fucking anything and i can’t win. my existence is constantly “disproven” or “debunked” or just used as rage fuel.
and it feels like it’ll never end. tell me, when does this shit end? when does all of this work we as a community have done pay off? 
damn. maybe i should stop doomscrolling, huh?
tl;dr i’m an endo/endo supporter and i would like to say that it is exhausting to constantly be roped in with radqueers just cause they support us or whatever. they don't speak for us, they don’t represent us, hate us all you want but don't label us radqueer. fucking PLEASE. and also, maybe we should focus on trying to stop the zoophiles, pedophiles and necrophiles and / or fighting for system awareness in general before we focus on fighting on whether or not endos are real when most people don’t even accept “real” systems.
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spidervarin · 18 days
hey, ty for the take that separating endos and disordered systems (?did, osdd, whatnot) is not smart, bc we are in a weird middleground
like, host guy actively chose to think of some personality traits as separate ppl and name them and to imagine guys as kinda imaginary friends, so we made ourself, endo
but the guy did that to cope w trauma symptoms. not hyperbole, not even self-dx, we are diagnosed and in treatment and the whole nine yards.
do we want to be in did/osdd spaces? nah. thats a disorder we dont have. we wouldn't want our spaces overran with someone who's adjacent to our mental illness, but doesn't have it.
what we DO want is to talk abt the shared experiences. including the trauma. and anger and the different parts being loud at each other and the pain and how hard it is to get through it all. why we need the caretaker. and how silly it is that the archangel who lead armies is now herding us into taking a shower and going to sleep on time.
we stupidly did read some hate on endos, and one of our guys is very sad somewhere inside. but you guys the DID system being on our side helps a lot. relieves self doubt.
-ill go by 🔦
Glad to help! I hope you all are doing okay, I know existing in the middle ground is extra stressful with conversations like this (we ourselves could be considered mixed-origin and sometimes use that label, it really makes us feel rejected from both sides of the community sometimes though honestly)
I think shared spaces certainly need to exist even if they aren't like "trauma recovery" spaces, because sharing our experiences with other systems has been so helpful in processing our own stuff and learning to work together
We will always be in the corner supporting all systems when possible, we need that unity to be strong
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
since people apparently cant be formal im going to be: we dont use "q!" cuz people kinda dont want to talk abt the server, only spiderbit/guapoduo, so they decided to use "g!" or only "!", and when people are refering to other series they use the first letter of the series for example: "c!roier", i myself dont quite get the g!/! and understand why u dont like people not using "q!" when the universe they talking abt is qsmp
(people saw u complaining abt it here and start to shit on u without any context on twt and saying u complained that q wanst appearing in other fics even tho im pretty sure i didnt when ur distancing urself from him so i wanted to be formal :])
(also can u explain y u dont like the "g!" or "!"???)
I can try to explain myself, but I'm also kinda crying answering this because I have a hard time with emotion regulation when I'm upset (autism thing)
I don't really mind the new tag things? Like, I don't love them, but they're fine. If people want to distance themselves, that's fine. I'm distancing myself. Anybody who's been keeping up with my blog over the past half a year or so can see that I haven't really posted about the QSMP at all since Purgatory started. I haven't talked about Quackity at all outside of that shitshow of an awards ceremony in over a month when, for several years, I was a Quackity-centric blog (2021-early 2023)
My thing with the new tags, and with the Guapoverse thing in general, is that it really just isn't accessible for a larger audience. Sure, some parts of Twitter might understand it, but what about the rest of us?
As far as I can tell, the Guapoverse originated with a Twitter artist (Moone), and it blew up overnight. And I'm overall cool with it! It's a little silly, but so is fandom. I'm a fanfiction writer. Who plays Splatoon for like 4 hours every day. I know silly, and I love it
But then, BAM, I blink and everybody's abandoned the q! and they're changing their tags on Ao3 and making everything suddenly so much harder to find, and it's all about accessibility, isn't it? Like, don't get me wrong, I love a good multiverse, but when it inadvertently excludes a significant portion of the fandom, what are we supposed to do?
Like, say I go on Twitter looking for q!Pac fanart. But now it's so much harder to find because it isn't tagged or typed that way, it's !Pac, and that includes search results from every single au that has a ! in it, like if there was an au called AU!Pac? The !Pac would be in there. But I don't want to see AU!Pac, I want to see q!Pac.
And then there's the g! thingy. Like, that's fine, but a little more widespread of an explanation would've been nice. Like, what au does g! stand for? If you don't know what Guapoverse is, like A LOT OF PEOPLE don't, what are we supposed to think your art is? If we're looking for q!Cellbit art, we aren't necessarily going to like and retweet your art if it's labeled as g!Cellbit because we don't know that he's q!Cellbit.
It's kind of similar on Ao3, only that one's a little different because you can filter by relationship. But let's say you don't know how to do that. Let's say you're new to the website and you only know how to filter by fandom, because that's the first thing you learn how to do on Ao3- it's right there at the top of the front page: Browse By Fandom.
So you go to the QSMP tag looking for fics with Spiderbit/Guapoduo in them. But, here's the thing, you can't find any. Because they aren't being tagged QSMP, they're being tagged Guapoverse now even if the fics are being set in the QSMP setting.
It's just a general lack of fandom accessibility that gets me. I understand the distancing aspect, and I've been waiting for it to happen since the Elections when he Brazilian fandom started getting IMMENSE amounts of hatred from Gringo Chats. But it gets a little tricky when you're part of a fandom as large as this one is. How are we all supposed to share content and talk about things with each other if we can't even find each other anymore?
Like! I've lost so many cool fics I forgot to bookmark because they were taken out of the QSMP tag and moved into the new one! (The new one goes against ToS btw I believe, but go talk to a tag wrangler about that.)
People on Tumblr don't know what the Guapoverse is. TikTok doesn't. Reddit doesn't. Only Twitter does, and only a section of Twitter does. Because I haven't seen any English or French-speaking Guapoduo People talk about the Guapoverse, only Portuguese or Spanish-speaking people. And I get that the exclusion isn't purposeful and that the Guapoverse is meant to sort of heal everybody from the wounds the QSMP left, but I think that maybe even just spreading the news and not... you know... sending death threats and insults and smearing people's names would be better than this.
Thank you for politely asking. I thought I had made myself clear before, but I guess I hadn't.
I'm open to answer any more questions. I can't explain myself to my critics on Twitter, but I can answer your questions here, hopefully.
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straycalamities · 11 months
alright i been meaning to do this so:
what is and is not allowed to be done with any of my characters! this includes art, fics, edits, headcanons, whathaveyou
[general content/trigger warning for uncomfortable, possibly-triggering topics because this is mainly the gist of what i dont want to see]
x = never ? = ask for permission
do nots: x - no noncon (if you engage to work through your feelings, never make my characters the perpetrators, it skeeves me out) ? - no genderbends/sexswaps/whatever they're called anymore? idk just don't mess with their gender, pronouns*, or assigned-sex-at-birth as a general thing unless i already have or okayed you directly. triple-especially if they're not cis x - respect their romantic orientations/sexualities! if you don't know a character's then you can ask me, but yeah. ie: don't ship andrew with women, he's homosexual x - [NSFW] absolutely no ageplay kinks or anything like that with my characters. no raceplay. just..nothing like that. x - no pregnancy. no mpreg. no omegaverse. none of it. (i've come a long way from it being straight-up a trigger but still, yea,) i have had some of my characters naturally be pregnant/have babies but i'd rather handle it myself, if you know what i mean x - this is a duh, but nothing hateful/bigoted using my characters. like, for instance, i do joke abt shit and say mainverse!entre is a conservative but don't unironically use him for anything awful like that. joking/memeing around about his terrible political stances is fine though x - i would never write or have my characters telling anyone to "kill yourself" so please don't have them say stuff like that. even if it's a joke. it makes me uncomfortable. (there may be a few exceptions in my giant roster of ocs but as a general rule just avoid it) x - never use my ocs likenesses or art of them as art for your own ocs. that's never okay. my ocs designs are for my own characters only.
*it's okay to have neopronoun headcanons
okay! generally anything i havent said isn't okay IS okay, but just so anyone reading this has a clearer idea
it's okay to use my characters for expressing yourself, venting, or just personal stuff like that. if my characters help you through something, go ahead and express it. i'm happy they help :)
playing around with gender presentation (not gender) is perfectly okay with any of my characters
shipping in general is fine as long as it doesnt go against the don'ts list. i dont care who you ship them with
[NSFW] i'm okay with pretty much any other kinks other than anything that goes into noncon, bigotry, or underage so go wild even if it's not my thing personally i don't care. (ie: the swagtre piss fic? lol im not a watersports guy but chase your bliss)
my characters are all free game for anything horror themed as well. horror as a genre, body horror, psychological horror, whatever. go for it. i have a personal major squick for eye gore but i can handle (and enjoy) pretty much anything else in this realm. go as gorey or not as you like (just tag appropriately for other ppls sakes)
handling self-harm/suicide idealization themes is technically? okay? for my characters? just uh...be respectful i guess. and definitely tag appropriately. this theme is canon for a few of them so i am okay with it just handle it with care is what i'm saying
go ham-buck-wild with mental illness headcanons or projections or anything like that. i dont think i have an oc that doesn't have at least something, so if you see yourself in their symptoms, go for it. only some of them i have personal labels for some of their stuff but otherwise it's whatever. just be respectful, again.
kinning is also okay! kin, synpath anything like that. go ahead! go wild with it. i think it's neat. just be respectful.
and an important note to all of this, other than being respectful to others and the characters themselves, is to respect me. just because it's okay that you do it with my character, doesn't mean i have to agree with it or make it canon or anything like that. it just means i gave you permission to engage like that. so please don't come to me trying to ask or force me to change something about my own characters or get so lost in your headcanons you start to disrespect what i've established myself
and if you ever have any questions about them or any of this, just let me know. i'm always happy to help
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