noodlenuts ยท 5 years
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Never assume! It's my dad's favourite motto, and possibly mine, too. We make so many assumptions about the people and world around us, but if we stop, watch, and listen, we often find out that we were completely wrong, in the most wonderful, eye-opening ways. To wit: I've never been a fan of princess stories, even as a kid, but Kate Beaton's "The Princess and The Pony" (2015) subverts expectations again and again, and THAT is something I love! ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ A multiracial warrior princess little girl; a chubby, flatulent pony that seems to be utterly, adorably useless; battles; cosy sweaters; hilarity, and a subtle message about love not being based on perceived worth, and not assuming that we know it all ... This book has everything! โšซ โšซ โšซ #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #theprincessandthepony #katebeaton #warriorprincess #girlsandponies #girlscandoanything #girlpower #booksforstronggirls #feministkids #feministkidsbooks #inclusivechildrensbooks #inclusivekids #inclusivekidsbooks #multiracialkids #multiracial #multiracialfamily #inclusioninaction #inclusivebooks #inclusionandrepresentation #diversebooksforkids #weneedinclusivebooks #bookstagrammer #igreads #booksaremylife #raisingkindhumans #kindnessiscool #readwithriver_discussions #kidlitillustration #illustrationforkids https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kmwH_nAxw/?igshid=109n1agan2qt9
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noodlenuts ยท 5 years
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There's a lot of talk these days about diversity, inclusion, and representation in children's books, and as a member of several marginalized and minority communities, it's something that matters a lot to me. Kids need to see themselves in their stories. But as with anything, our priority should be in letting them see themselves reflected in QUALITY work. Tokenism doesn't help anyone. ๐Ÿ“™ I love Betty Horvath's early reader, "Jasper and the Hero Business" (1977) because it depicts a family of colour at the center of a genuinely heartwarming, relatable story that doesn't other or stereotype them. Like so many kids, Jasper wants to be a hero, but doesn't quite know how. And I love that this book, with its gentle illustrations by Don Bolognese, wasn't just written as a recent response to societal need . . . it's over 40 years old and still as enjoyable as ever! If you have a young reader, I can't recommend it highly enough. You can't have my copy, though! ๐Ÿ˜‚ โบ โบ โบ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #jasperandtheherobusiness #bettyhorvath #donbolognese #snuggleandread #snuggleandreadstorybook #avoncamelot #avonbooks #earlyreader #earlyreaders #heroes #beingahero #whatisahero #parentsandkids #family #diversityandinclusion #bravery #generosity #helpingothers #inclusionandrepresentation #diversity #inclusion #seeyourselfseeeachother #oldkidsbooks #representationmatters #raisingkindkids #childhoodfavorite #mylibrary #kindnessiscool https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RaG3rHOb3/?igshid=w8dhkikukf8x
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