#incognito vibe checking your peers like
leverage-ot3 · 11 months
a story in 3 parts:
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babybluepeaches · 6 years
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Permission pt. 2 {a killmonger fic}
pt. 1   /   pt. 3
AN: Since your first wild adrenaline-filled meeting, you and Erik have been inseparable during your nightly dope deals. But tonight, you might discover a  secret side of himself he’s been hiding when your life is threatened in a deal gone awry. Stay tuned for the sex in part 3 ❤︎
1 new message
Sender: Y/N
Message: “Bout to be outside.”
Erik picks up his phone and shoots back a text. Getting out of bed, as per his new nightly routine, he changes out of his pajamas into his outside clothes. After a bit of deliberation he settles on a black T-shirt and camo pants.
He had been seeing Y/N for a month now, just going with her on her nightly drop offs. He wasn’t one to keep up attached relationships, but there was something about Y/N that made him almost forget about everything. Besides the sex and free “gas”, he liked that she didn’t ask him any heavy questions, being a dealer she wasn’t too into trading personal information. When they hooked up they just drove, talked, and smoked. It seemed effortless.
Erik had to admit to himself, he liked her energy. She was cool, confident, and she didn’t have any expectations of him. This worked perfectly for Erik, who wanted nothing more but to escape the tidal wave of feelings he had been keeping at bay about his so-called family and his legacy.
Grabbing his essentials, he heads out his apartment and walks towards a black car.
1 new message
Sender: Erik
Message: “Bet”
You glance at your phone before putting your car into park in front of Erik’s place.
You didn’t want to admit how much Erik Stevens had influenced you over the past couple of weeks, but it was unmistakable. The long car rides, the impromptu hook ups, you had even slept over his place a couple of times. Not to mention he influenced you into getting that single gold cap grill you always wanted. It shined in your mouth’s top row of teeth, a little dollar sign flashing when you smiled.
Hell, it helped to have his intimidating body in your passenger seat too. Your thirsty customers used to ask to sit in the back of your car. “Just to sample what you got,” they would say. Now when they lean in to check you out, they see Erik too. You’ve lost count of the times you’ve had to stop yourself from laughing at their disappointment. Sometimes Erik grabs your thigh when you’re bagging for them, or talks to you casually. With all the creepy niggas at bay, you actually started to enjoy the night. So it’s safe to say Erik became your part-time partner in crime.
While you were adding songs to your tidal queue, Erik opens your door and climbs in the car.
“‘Sup E,” you say, now shifting your attention to program your first address into the GPS. Before you had even glanced over, Erik’s smell and presence wafts into the car. He always smelled like sandalwood and honey. It was a small comfort, not that you would admit it.
“Wassup sis,” he said with a smile, making fun of what your underlings call you.
“You are not allowed to call me that,” you say, returning his grin and pulling off the lot.
“Damn, okay Y/N,” he says, followed by, “Where we going?”
“Melrose, Highland, some random ass place out East.”
“Dope,” Erik says, picking up your phone to add his preferred songs to your tidal queue.
You’re cruising, rapping along to X by 21 Savage. You loved to drive and Erik didn’t mind when you zoned out. Your vibe was interrupted when Erik abruptly says, “Oh my god pull in here.”
“Pull in where?” you yell over the music.
“Girl.The In-N-Out. What you think?”
You laugh and hang a left to the In-N-Out drive thru. This boy was something else.
When you drive up to order, Erik climbs in the back seat and you pull up so he can reach the mic. Erik’s upper body hangs out the window and he strokes his beard.
Licking his lips he says, “Yeah hey Cindy. Imma get a double double with 4 slices of cheese. A chocolate shake, a root beer, and a coke. Thanks.”
You hear Cindy make a remark about his 3 drinks and Erik laughs in response.
“Nah the root beer’s for my girl,” he says smiling. As he thanks Cindy and gets back in the passenger seat, you try to wipe the smile off your own face.
When Erik dips his body back in the car, you drive around to pick up the food. You pull up, Erik pays, and the In-N-Out worker hands you a small bag with 3 drinks.
Sticking your straw in your mouth you pull out of the parking lot. After a moment you propose casually, “So I’m your girl now?“
“You tryna be my girl now?” Erik returns, mimicking your casual tone.
“Only if it comes with refills,” you say, shaking your drink. Erik laughs and writes you off.
You drive around the city making your runs while Erik destroys his In-N-Out. Striking off name after name on your list, you land on the last one. Small amount of tree, they request to meet up on the East side. An easy quick one to end the night.
You pull up to the street you’re supposed to meet the mystery client and park, semi incognito of course. This place was no where you’ve been before.
In fact, no one was around. No old woman hobbling home from church, no old men sitting on any porches. You lean onto your stirring wheel and hold it to your chest while you peer out the windshield.
“This… Is hella sus,” you say to Erik, who’s been absorbed in a text message.
“Huh?” Erik turns off his phone screen, “You ain’t been here?”
“Nah,” after another second of scoping the neighborhood, you start digging in your backseat.
When you sit up you toss Erik one of your emergency guns.
“Stay alert,” you say, reaching for your own gun. Before you can touch it, Erik’s head snaps up and peers out your window. He squints.
“Yo is that… Lil Pump?”
Your windows are tinted but you cant mistake that gangly white frame coming towards your car.
The figure approaching your car wore a black hoodie, black baggie pants and a black shirt. All of which would be very discreet, if he wasnt also sporting greasy multicolored dreadlocks and a lollipop face tatt.
“Fuck, it’s Rare,” you groan. What was his raggedy ass doing here?
Rare showed up on the scene a few months ago as a new dealer a couple hoods over. You had always laughed at him, you couldn’t help but find his white boy thug front amusing. Once, he actually approached you and tried to get you to work some “big deals” with him. You blew his offer off with a laugh, and ever since he’s always had something cocky to say to you.
“Who?” Erik says.
“He’s a dealer. Not too fond of me,” you roll your eyes at the thought.
Rare approaches the car with a smile, signaling for you to roll your window down. You shake your head no, but he pulls up his hoodie to reveal an AR-15 rifle strapped to his torso, something strong enough to blast through the windows if you wouldn’t comply.
“Talk about overcompensation,” you mutter as you roll down the window.
“What is this? A deal?” you spit at him.
He smiles and when he gets close enough he pulls a second gun and pressing it to your temple. He coos, “Mmm, how about a set up?” smiling to reveal a whole mouth full of rainbow grillz.
You feel Erik’s body stiffen and his energy set on fire, you shoot him a quick look you hope communicates ’don’t do anything stupid.’
“I see you brought some muscle,” he says eyeing Erik, “So did I.”
Rare gestures to his cronies, which have now fanned out around the car. They’re all armed, all have ski masks covering their faces.
“Let’s go inside and make some arrangements shall we?” Rare says, as he reaches inside your car to open your door. He pulls you out and zip ties your arms around your back. Erik is getting the same treatment by the masked goons.
For a minute you’re both facing each other, and you cant help but notice Erik’s demeanor has changed completely. While he lets himself be restrained he’s as attentive as a soldier, nothing but his scowl and his lazor focus on you denotes any emotion. You see a inferno in his eyes though, even with his calm expression Erik seems dangerous.
Before you can give Erik any nonverbal reassurance, Rare is pulling you up the steps of the house by your locked arms. When filed inside one of Rare’s men pipes up.
“Uh, what should we do with him?” referring to Erik, who seems even more pissed at the sight of you being manhandled.
“Sit him down, see if he knows anything useful,” you and Rare watch Erik be tied to a chair, “if he causes any trouble, kill him,” Rare smirks and pulls you toward one of the back rooms.
You look at Erik one last time before the door shuts. Safe to say, your world starts shaking internally.
Shit I shouldnt have dragged him into this. He has my gun though he has my gun it’s fine we’re gonna get out of this, we’re-
Your thoughts are interrupted by Rare slamming you down in your own chair.
“Oh J,” he says, shooting you your fake name while he sits across from you. “You know why they call me Rare, right?” he grins, showing off his grimey technicolored smile.
“Nah, actually I don’t,” you say. Omitting the ‘I heard that’s what they call your dick game, medium rare’ you’d love to drop on him.
“Its because ain’t nobody can do it like me,” he says, placing his elbows on his legs to lean close to you.
“So why did you lure me here?” you tilt your head and squint at him, “If you’re so rare you wouldn’t need me.”
“I don’t need you, sweetheart. I need to know where you keep your money,” he smiles and lifts your chin with his gun.
“Seriously?” you laugh, “You out already?”
“I want to make a few investments, and I got to thinking that Imma need more.”
Before you could respond, three rapid gunshots are heard from the front of the house.
“Shit.” Erik.
All rationality goes out the window, you needed to know Erik was okay. Now.
Pushing yourself away from Rare with your feet, you headbutt his gun to the ground and run out of the room with your hands still zipped behind you.
“Eri-” you begin, but stop in your tracks to see what was unfolding in front of you.
Erik hand gotten his hands free and was round house kicking a gun out of one of the guards hands. He grabs the man and uses him as a human shield to block gunshots coming from another direction.
You notice Erik appeared roughed up, his shirt had ripped at the front. His eyes were wild and his movements were unbelievably quick. You watch in awe as he threw the man he was using as the shield at the one shooting at him. While they stumbled Erik knocks their feet from under them and they tumble to the ground.
When Erik turns to face you, you feel Rare roughly yank you back by your restraints and press his gun to your head.
“It’s up to you,” he says to Erik, “Tell me all about her little operation and maybe,” he pauses with a grin, “I won’t blow her brains out.”
You could practically hear your heartbeat blasting in your eardrums.
Erik’s eyes fly between you and Rare.
In one swift motion, Erik grabs Rare’s hand holding the gun and pulls it away from your head, getting behind him. You move out of Rare’s arms, right in time for him to shoot wildly in Erik’s grip.
Erik releases him and raises his leg to kick him hard in the back. Rare flies into some dusty coffee tables and you’re sure he’s going to have some broken bones to attend to.
Bodies of the masked members of Rare’s crew littered the floor, and Erik was standing over them huffing. Nostrils flared and torn shirt, he was looking more wild than you’ve ever seen him.
Erik turns away from the bodies and immediately goes behind you to begin untying your arms.
Before you can thank him, you both hear police sirens in the distance and his actions freeze momentarily. Someone must have heard the gun shots and called 911.
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avaliveradio · 5 years
6.10 New Music Monday Playlist
Explore some exciting new music from creators all over the world recently discovered by our host Jacqueline Jax as she searches the far corners of the globe for talented songwriters and music creators who are telling their truth to bring the listener a unique experience. From dealing with hate to sounds that will inspire you to get up and dance or help you feel better about yourself, this show offers everything for fans of New Music from Hip hop, Jazz-Funk, Alternative rock and Songwriter styles.
Music News Updates: 
How Generation Z is shifting to personalized and more interactive content
PledgeMusic uses funds collected on artist campaigns to cover operating expenses before bankrupcy
Bandzoogle offers a way for artists to fund their music careers
Listen to the show  across all broadcasts starting Monday at 12 pm et.
The Anchor Fm page: https://anchor.fm/ava-live-radio
iHeartRadio station page : https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-AVA-Live-Radio-Musi-29336730/
The Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2toX0f3dPmI8gmUSOKZicx
Artist: Alexandria Darcey
New Release: Doctor
Genre: Alternative Rock
Located in: : Pembroke Pines, FL, United States
An alternative rock song with influences of funk and jazz 'Doctor' was birthed in Alexandria’s Pembroke Pines home studio. The instrumental is complimented by a catchy chorus melody and lyrics about heartbreak and letting go of the past. "I was fully devoted to someone I found very special, but when feelings weren't reciprocated, it crushed me, and it led me to have a meltdown. The song is about me reflecting on how I felt during that painful time but now choosing to move forward and cutting whatever negative ties I have left to that experience."
This song represents my musical versatility as it fuses different styles together. I go from singing a catchy melody during the chorus to rapping in my own unique style during the verse. As for the instruments, they were all written and recorded by me and I want to show off my different musical abilities and how I piece everything together. My goal is to get into the mainstream and express to the world that there are still musicians out here that still challenge themselves and dare to switch up styles.
Right now, I am working on putting together a five-song self-titled EP. This single 'Doctor' is off of that EP and I believe it is a great representation of what is to from this EP..then again..I am full of surprises. I am very excited to release the EP in a couple of months to the world.
LINKS:  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexandria_darcey
Artist: d'Z
New Release: Conviction ft Freddi Lubitz
Genre: Melodic Groove Jazz-Funk
Located in: : Arnhem, Gelderland, The Netherlands
d'Z is the artist name of Dutch drummer, composer, producer Hans-Peter de Zeeuw. Being influenced for many years by many styles and genres such as Gino Vannelli, Steely Dan, Incognito, Prince, Tower of Power, d’Z’s musical heart landed on the shores of Groove-Jazz City.
The music of d'Z stands out when it comes to horn arrangement, real-life musicians playing real instruments, high-quality recordings, and positive energy. Conviction is the first single of d'Z's debut EP and is about the thoughts we can have to limit ourselves. d'Z states that the quality of life depends on our convictions. What do we believe? Do we choose to live our lives based on fear or love? Scarcity or abundance? Although the song may have some critical remarks, it's also a feel-good tune, which leaves a smile on your face.
The music that d'Z creates can be best described as Melodic Groove Jazz-Funk with positive Soul vibes. From the early start of songwriting, this was the musical direction d'Z had in mind.
Right now, besides being a busy drum teacher, a freelance drummer, and composer for clients who want music for their video advertising, d'Z is prepping for recording new material. It is intended to head to the recording studio in 2020 and release original songs sung by a variety of fantastic vocalists.
LINKS:  Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/0Y2Qe3Nhh4dqA5i28JTycm?si=qEcJjhTFSWiB4O_Wq99DOA Twitter: https://twitter.com/dZTheMusic1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dzthemusic Insta: https://www.instagram.com/dzthemusic Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Oaumlcg_rI
Artist: Skif Bazzaty ft. Dave T
New Release: Amor
Genre: Reggaeton/dance/pop/
Located in: : Russia
This song is... AMOR is their brand new tune which will bring you light and pleasant mood and will definitely find its place in your playlist. Skif Bazzaty and Dave T are constantly experimenting and the main thing for them is the message of love and kindness. Let's bring love into the world with us!
The music we are creating is... Skif Bazzaty and Dave T are young sound producers and composers from Russia. In their music you will find a combination of swinging drops with beautiful catchy melodies, tropical vibe and romantic expression
Right now we are... At the moment we are creating new songs, collaborating with vocalists from around the world. There is a great desire to perform with your own music, for us it is not a problem, Dave plays the piano and Skif as a DJ
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/album/4BTBVx9HjgCusSspr2RVT6 https://twitter.com/DaveT56361937 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014687141909 https://www.facebook.com/BazzatySkif https://www.instagram.com/dave__t__official https://www.instagram.com/skif_bazzaty_official
Band Name: B.D. Kold
Person Interviewing: Brandon Stovall
Song name: God On It
Music Genre: Gospel Rap
I live in.. Livingston, la 20 miles outside Baton Rouge
Link to play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiAzBKfZ_fs
This song is about what my life has become, after I allowed God to take full control, it’s a call to the people that are like I was and to the generation of cats like me that grew up smoking and drinking there pain away, there’s a new way to handle our problems, put “God on it.”
My music is an open book into my life, and what I’ve been through, I hope that it falls upon the right ears and shows them what God can do if u allow your heart to be words him.
Website & social media links:  https://bdkold.com https://twitter.com/B_D_Kold https://www.facebook.com/B.D.Kold https://www.instagram.com/bd_kold_the_king_225
Artist: KidMafia Featuring Chad B
New Release: Date
Genre: HipHop/ Rap
Located in:  Newark,NJ
Song is about a NYC kid’s idea of a Date / relationship goals and summer vibes with a female. It’s a mid tempo slow grind for the clubs. The track has achieved a solid vibe just in time for a chill summer season.
Already a fan favorite with a winning combination of mood & energy, this single is getting the clubs in that summer vibe just in time for the warmer weather.
Right now we are... Hopefully, I’ll be working on a music video this coming season and then it’s straight to work on a debut album. I’m looking forward to hearing feedback on this latest release and there’s alot more to come.
LINKS:  https://music.apple.com/us/album/date-feat-chad-b-single/1463529654 https://open.spotify.com/album/2pDSlxnJTR4dztsUl4FU4z?si https://www.instagram.com/kidmafiaofficial
Artist: Triple MF
New Release: Reflection
Genre: Rap , hip hop, trap
Located in: Minneapolis, MN
Reflection of some of my life, I made this song after I was clean off drugs and alcohol for 19 months. This is my first music video so it's really important that I get this out to people. I know every video will get better and better also as I learn and grow as an artist. We are shooting music videos all new music at the end of June.
LINKS:  https://www.instagram.com/coryhennen https://youtu.be/ilwIdzxavCg https://www.facebook.com/MunyMakinMuhFukas
 Artist: Himisphere
New Release: Run it Right
Genre: Hip-hop
Located in: : Fall River, Massachusetts USA
This is a song that sends a message. For the artist, ‘Run it Right’ is a song he has always wanted to make. It’s a motivational song that’s meant to remind his peers to stay focused on the right things. The track opens with gun fire and an ominous tone depicting the honest yet tough reality of the streets.
The artist is making music for the fans pulling from his own reality to entertain the fans like no one else can; with pure truth.
Himisphere Releases Hit Single. Batman 6/14/19
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/track/6vExWkKl4OBvQP1xNNXYhQ?si=u6HOHwSXSuSw-GHaG84hAA https://www.instagram.com/Himisphere https://www.facebook.com/himisphere https://twitter.com/Himisphere1
Artist: QRAZE
New Release: HATING
Genre: POP
Located in: Sacramento CA USA
When the hate down work they start telling lies, this song sets the record straight for the world to know. Why they mad? Because you gone make it . Why they hating? Because they don't know how to ask for help, or how to do it.
Being real always brings negativity and still those who remain 8 more than 92 always remain on top and true.
My Influences are Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Prince, Nelly , T.I. J.cole Lauryn Hill, Anthony Hamilton, Ronald Isley.
The music I’m creating is important because it’s an everyday thought. Everyone is thinking in their head why are you mad, or why you are you such a hater, or both? Reality is some people are just mad you do your thing and do it without giving up.  Why they mad? Because you gone make it.
LINKS:  INSTAGRAM- @JZT_LOLO https://www.instagram.com/jzt_lolo FACEBOOK - KORTNEY RAZE SPOTIFY ; https://open.spotify.com/track/0eCZAVxO7YVFGfa8C8cXP1
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