#independence day speech
manasastuff-blog · 1 month
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"Happy Independence Day"#trending#viral
The Happy Independence Day Importance goes beyond just celebrating a national holiday; it's a day that marks the sacrifices, struggles, and triumphs of countless heroes who fought for India's freedom. In this we'll delve into why Independence Day holds such profound significance in the hearts of every Indian. From the historical context to the contemporary relevance, we explore how this day is a reminder of the responsibilities and duties we carry as citizens of a free nation. Whether you’re reflecting on the past or looking towards the future, understanding the true meaning of Independence Day can inspire a deeper sense of patriotism and pride. Join us as we uncover the hidden layers of this important day and celebrate it with the respect and honor it deserves.
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ophilosoraptoro · 1 year
It's not Independence Day until we hear the speech
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Happy Independence Day 2023: The Beautiful Indian Flag.
India’s 77th Independence Day 2023 As the vibrant tapestry of India readies itself for the grand spectacle of the 77th Independence Day on August 15, 2023, we stand at a crossroads of reflection and revelry. This momentous occasion is not merely a date on the calendar; it’s a tribute to the resilience, courage, and unity that have woven together the rich fabric of our nation. Together, let’s…
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3nn-express · 1 month
78th Independence Day the glory of the Indian People.
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India celebrated its 78th anniversary of independence from the British Raj on Thursday morning. On August 15, 1947, it happened. As he raised the national flag for the eleventh time in a row, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared that India’s 140 crore people could become a developed and successful nation if they stood together with unwavering conviction.
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bannerwishes · 2 months
Independence Day Speech in English
Discover a comprehensive Independence Day speech that covers the significance, history, and celebration of India’s freedom. Inspire your audience with this 2000+ word SEO-optimized article, rich with detailed insights and patriotic fervor. Independence Day is one of the most significant and eagerly awaited days in the Indian calendar. Every year, on August 15th, we celebrate the day when India…
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indiadiries · 1 year
Celebrating India's Independence Day: 15 August 194
Introduction: Every year, on the 15th of August, a sense of unity and patriotism fills the air in India. Independence Day marks the milestone moment in India’s history when it finally broke free from the shackles of British colonization. As we commemorate this important day, it is crucial to reflect on the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and draw inspiration from their indomitable…
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banglalovestory · 1 year
স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে বক্তব্য | 15 august speech in bengali
15 august speech in bengali : আপনি কি ১৫ আগস্ট “স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে বক্তব্য” রাখতে চাইছেন। কিন্তু কি বলে প্রথমে শুরু করবেন কিংবা কিভাবে আপনার “স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে কিছু কথা” সবার সামনে উপস্থাপন করবেন সেই সমন্ধে কিছু ভেবে পাচ্ছেন না। একদম চিন্তা করবেন না আপনার সঙ্গে শেয়ার করবো কিছু বাছাই করা “15 আগস্ট স্বাধীনতা দিবসের বক্তব্য“। আশাকরি আপনাদের লেখা “স্বাধীনতা দিবসের বক্তৃতা” গুলি আপনাকে…
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toogalaxyflower · 2 years
Buhari’s 2022 Independence Day address
Buhari’s 2022 Independence Day address
Fellow Nigerians, I address you today, with a deep sense of gratitude to God and a high level of appreciation to all Nigerians whose tremendous goodwill gave me the opportunity to provide leadership for our great country at one of the trying times in her history. Conscious that today’s address would be my last on an Independence Day as your President; I speak to the millions of Nigerians, who…
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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leclercskiesahead · 3 months
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Now he’s the main character in a war hero movie
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bodrewritten · 2 months
Daughter of Discord Rewritten Chapter 22: My Love Is Alive
2:30 Pm / CW: descriptions of a meltdown, comfort. Stay tuned for a bonus chapter with an epic surprise. Read tags
When the young couple floated back to the ground, their lips were still locked. The world around them had returned to normal, save for the blizzard. Discord was standing up.
"okay ya crazy kids, come up for air!"
When the pair finally pulled away, Mothball was smiling like an idiot.
His eyes spun in circles and hearts beat in his eyes. This made Screwball giggle. Her friends rushed to her side and embraced her.
"That was amazing!" Apple Blossom shouted.
"Heroic!" Cinnamon twist added.
"Cool!" Doodle palooza piped.
"Romantic!" Dinky sighed.
Autumn Glory lifted her head from below dinky. "Major league epic."
Dinky got off of her friend, giggling. "Whoopsie!."
"So you guys aren't mad at me?" Screwball asked hopefully.
"Yeah, w-well," maple Cinnamon said, putting his hoof to his bandaged head. "You s-seemed to learn y-y-your lesson."
Meanwhile, Mothball was twirling in circles, lost in the memory of the bliss he had just experienced.
"Uh oh," Apple Blossom chuckled. "Screwy, I think your kiss did more than save the world. You've made the poor boy all loopy!"
"like some sorta poison frog!" Cinnamon twist laughed.
The group laughed. Screwball broke their hug and walked over to her coltfriend. She put her hooves on his shoulders to stop him from falling over. Mothball then returned to his senses, only to get lost in her hypnotic swirls.
"I'm proud of you, Screwy."
They turned toward Twilight, who had her horn back.
"I guess I was wrong, you really didn't have to choose. Between loves, I mean." She immediately told spike to write it down.
Rarity dashed to hug her girlfriends, kissing rainbow dash passionately, the only warmth around the mare. She glanced towards Applejack, who only looked towards Autumn Glory. Applejack seemed withdrawn. It made Rarity feel distant again.
Mothball blushed nervously. "Grand duchess...I know I've done some bad things in the past, but I swear I'll be careful around ponies! I can become a vegetarian and live on chocolate!"
Twilight laughed. "You are pardoned, Mothball." She looked at screwball's family.
"I don't think you'll starve anytime soon."
The unicorn's mirth diminished when Discord stepped in front of her. Mothball shrunk under the draconequus' strict glare. His arms were folded and his face wore a frown. The changeling clung to Screwball for leverage. She gave him a reassuring squeeze.
Discord glanced between the two. Neither said anything for a long while. Then he sighed and extended his paw towards the changeling.
Mothball looked at it unsurely. He glanced at Screwball, who was grinning excitedly. She let go of him and nudged him toward Discord's paw. The prince gazed up at the draconequus. His face softened to one of happiness.
"put'er there, son!"
The changeling slowly raised his hoof and placed it in his paw. As soon as they made contact, Mothball felt a bolt of electricity and shook uncontrollably.
Discord started laughing and revealed the joybuzzer in his paw. He clutched he pulled the poor boy into a hug. The Pie family was laughing as well, as was Screwball. The others either giggled or just grinned in amusement.
Mothball looked at his marefriend in confusion.
Screwball chuckled as she patted him on the back. "that's his way of showing that he likes you!"
The changeling looked at the others. Cinnamon twist gave him a shrug.
"It's true."
"t'aint wrong."
"I still have the mark on my hoof."
Mothball then found himself snickering. He still didn't get it.
Screwball left Mothball and ran to her parents.
The couple pulled away and opened their arms for their daughter. Fluttershy weeped at the sight of Zany.
"Oh, my baby!" she cried. "I thought I had lost you!"
"Our family," Discord sighed, "together at last!"
"Promise me we'll never split up again?"
The draconequus shook his head with a laugh. "Never."
Mothball smiled as the family embraced each other. He was happy that they were whole again, but it also made him sad. The changelings were the only family he had ever known. Now that he had left them, he had no one. He did not even have a place to live.
Then Fluttershy noticed Mothball. She was surprised to see him here, but given the fact that Discord had not vaporized him, she figured things were sorted out between them now. She reached out her hoof toward him. Mothball beamed as he took it and she pulled him in.
Pinkie Pie blew her nose in a handkerchief.
"It's so beautiful!" she cried.
Then she smiled suddenly. "Hey! Why the blizzard in summer?"
Everyone looked onward to the horizon line, beyond the mountains. There, windigos raced towards the village.
Something was almost irreversiblly wrong in the relationships with the ponies if they hadn't begun to talk.
The bunkers opened, only to be met with walls of snow.
"Did we miss anything?" Cadence inquired. She had just arrived in ponyville. Princess Celestia and Luna took care of the diplomatic relations in Canterlot.
"quite a bit! Windigos across the mountains!"
The sky was a mourning grey, blistering cold, freezing the tips of their limbs. Crystalline ice formed on the surfaces of everything, sprinkled like glitter on the face of the scowling town.
"screwball, what is happening?"
"WINDIGOS ARE REAL?!" Screwball shouted to her mother! Her eyes were wide with shock.
Why wouldn't they be? They detected the war, drawn in by the bloodshed and now they galloped to consume everything in their sight.
"b-but everything is better now! This shouldn't be happening!" Rainbow dash exclaimed.
Rarity yelped as the wind picked up. Rainbow dash couldn't fly in this wind, not as well as she usually would. Her wings unfurled, but dash almost fell over.
"Applejack! Please! Go get her!"
Applejack stood still in fear, confusion, and...
Twilight tried to rally crowds of ponyville citizens back into their basement, but they screamed, hurling their worst at mothball.
"he did this!"
"spawn of evil!"
Mothball covered his ears. Everything felt like it was being pelted at him, making him angrier, more frustrated, unable to express anything out. Mothball grit his teeth and thrashed at anything, anything to release the steam building up, and The fire around him.
Shouting, yelling, screaming, screech, the blizzard of stinging, the ache in his exoskeleton, the aggravating, irritating tinging of their every breath, crack, shatter, thump, repeat, repeat repeat.
Mothball couldn't help but cry, couldn't help but push out every tear hoping the repeating screams of contempt just goes away. The dull ringing in his ears attempting to muffle everything never worked. Suddenly, he was scooped up and brought somewhere near silent. Still, like a water lily. He was tightly wound up like a little grub baby.
Mothball was under a weighted blanket, hugged tightly under pale yellow hooves.
Mothball's ears were covered with thick earmuffs. He wanted to talk, but Fluttershy spoke first.
"Screwball gets this way too. She's in her bubble right now. I know it might be difficult to talk right now, so if you need anything, just tap me. I'm right here"
He drove himself closer to her. The crowd was quieted down by the princess, cadence and Grand Duchess Twilight Sparkle.
"please, everypony, quiet down! Mothball is an ally! He's a part of the house Discord!" Twilight yelled, and the crowd screamed towards her their woes, the chill dripping from their faces unnoticed.
Cadence made them stand back, directing the crowd to speak one at a time.
"Cadence, I can't keep doing this, they won't listen!" Twilight turned up to her sister in law, ears pulled back.
"oh twily, they might never listen. But we have one chance to do our best. You're always great at that." Cadence noogied the Duchess' hair, and twilight smiled for the first time all day.
The crowd hushed when they saw this. Twilight addressed them directly. "Citizens of ponyville, mothball, the prince, no longer holds that royal title. He has been accepted by the family Discord, so why can't you accept him? He fought off the changeling queen, he and screwball defeated our enemies, he is an ally to the entire equestria."
The crowd talked amongst themselves while rainbow dash crawled towards rarity. The winds blew harder, an impending twister upon them. Rarity climbed into a ditch, safe in a pipe, and rainbow dash held up a wooden pallet, bringing it to cover the entrance. Applejack was attached to a tree, holding onto her hat as hard as she could.
"Applejack!" Rainbow dash yelped! "Dude, what are you doing?! Talk to me! We need to get to rarity!"
Applejack held onto her tree tight as a boa. "Nothing is wrong! Y'all leave me be, I'll get there when I do!"
"what are you talking about!? You haven't talked to rarity in two days! Something's up and you're leaving me out!
Rarity lifted her head. "Is this about the gala? Prince Blueblood? Applejack I can't fix what I did if you don't tell me how!"
"we don't gotta fix anything! I just wanna go back to how it was! I ain't got nothin' more to say!"
Rainbow dash had quite enough.
Rarity looked at her wife, tears streaming from her face the same way they did at twilight's first sleepover. The first time she thought about kissing her woman. She pleaded with her wet, shimmering eyes, salty tears freezing to her thick lashes. Applejack gulped and hid her face. The shame bubbled in her chest. Her hind hooves flew freely in the whipping wind, tearing away her hair ties.
"when you said you would never let Autumn Glory know about her dad, I felt like you didn't care how much it affects a pony! I felt like you intentionally ignored how much losing my parents damaged me!"
Rainbow dash looked in shock. Rarity looked with love.
"oh darling! Just let the words fall out!"
"you're my best girl! So's Dashie! I know you'd never hurt me on purpose, but I couldn't face how much you was hurtin' cuz I'd have to confront how I felt when i lost my parents!"
The storm died down, allowing some leverage for Applejack's hoof to hit the ground. She outstretched every limb like a lazy cat, adjusting every muscle to reach her wives. Finally, after torturous minutes, she found shelter in the large pipe.
Fluttershy sat next to discord to wait out the storm. He turned to his wife and nuzzled her nose. Mothball felt a bit embarrassed that they were being so sweet while he was right there.
"discord I have to say it. I thought that screwball wouldn't find love as easy as she did because of how hard it was for you to love and be loved in the beginning. I thought other ponies might think that she's too much."
Discord looked at her with drooping eyes.
"you don't still believe that, do you?"
Fluttershy kissed him. "You two are so easy to love. I'm glad the world knows that now. No, I don't."
Mothball cringed as they hugged and snuggled above him. He ran out to the blanket and out into the cold, starkly contrasting.
Mothball stood in behind Cadence to face the crowds. His chest was raised and chin held level. Just like Mantis taught him to face crowds.
The ponyville citizens kept their stare at him. Cadence pushed him forward, and before he knew it, twilight sparkle let him address the ponies.
"kingdom of ponyville, I implore thee to still thy tongue." He said in the changeling language, like queen Chrysalis did. "I cannot apologize for what my previous hive has done. You have every right to hold malice against them. But please, forgive me. I have experienced the life I can live with you, and I will use my powers to help out kingdom, if only you will let me into your hive. Together, we can be strong, and our friendship will be universal!"
Yikes. Twilight and Cadence looked at each other with wide eyes, lips pursed. Silent as a dead lamb.
One pony piped up from the crowd, "close enough!" Before they erupted into cheers.
The parties were happening all about the town, but most vibrant in the park. Rarity sold more in ponyville than ever before. As did Pinkie. Rainbow dash played in the sky, taking her wives up high as she could, doing anything just for fun. Twilight danced and didn't care who saw, telling everypony what constellations she recognized. (All of them.) Rarity set up a date to allow Autumn Glory and her other foals to meet their father, and told them what to expect. Applejack supported her the whole way.
The war was over, and the storm was dying down. Ponies enthusiastically hugged their heroes, swapped stories of survival, and played through the night. A party with lanterns and fairy lights illuminated the starry sky. All was warm and bright. They could sleep in the day, work even later, but for now, nothing kept the citizens away from eachother
Under a string of pink and blue lights, twilight found Princess Celestia, chatting away with her guard near the banquet.
"and make sure none of them are white. I cannot see the- Twilight!" Celestia smiled at her, unapologetically showing her teeth.
Twilight hugged her and she took the unicorn under her wing.
"you have proven yourself more than capable of your royal position, and much more. You are the biggest mark on history I have ever witnessed."
Twilight nearly cried. huge, wet eyes met Celestia's. She chuckled and pat her student's head.
"consider yourself graduated from my mentorship. You... Are ready."
Twilight was barely able to comprehend that statement before Celestia brought her to her magical alicorn-creating void between universes. Idk man I'm ready to end this series.
Discord and Fluttershy walked to an empty area of the park. Their time alone together was long overdue and the first thing they did was share a passionate kiss.
"I never should have doubted you," Discord said. "I should have known you would never betray me." He chuckled nervously. "I'm such a nutcase."
Fluttershy smiled. "It's alright. We have everything in order now.." She glanced back at the party. "Are you alright with Screwball's coltfriend?"
Discord cringed. "I've been meaning to tell you"
Fluttershy gulped. He seemed so approving bef-
"Fluttershy, he has no place to stay can we please-"
Fluttershy practically deflated. "Discord, you big softie,he can stay with us as long as he needs to."
Discord scooped her up and she blushed a deep color. He kissed her all along her face.
Screwball and mothball, meanwhile, drank punch on the sidelines.
"shall we tell them that everypony can see them kissing?" Mothball said, not looking at his fillyfriend.
"jeez, 16 years and they still act like a couple'a teenagers!"
"that does not seem entirely distasteful. At least you know they love each other!"
"you wanna talk distasteful? Try sleeping down the hall from em."
Mothball stared blankly into the distance. "Glad I do not live with you!" And they laughed at once!
Discord appeared right next to them instantly!
"great news kid! You're living with us! Don't try getting out of it!
Mothball was stunned. He wanted to thank the man and his wife, shake his hoof, but something felt like he wouldn't know peace for the rest of his life.
As he agreed and hugged his girlfriend's family, he felt that he could live with that.
"Aw, Daddy!"
He looked up and saw Screwball hovering above him
Screwball floated down and hugged her father around his neck.
"I'll always be your little girl," she declared.
Discord smiled and wrapped his arms around the filly. No matter what would happen, no matter how big she would get, she would always be his daughter Screwball, and he would always be there for her.
For he was her Daddy Discord.
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fuckmeyer · 2 years
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working title of my next book: Fundamental Techniques in Handling Your Overbearing Vampire Boyfriend
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udon-poodles · 3 months
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scratching92 · 5 months
Okay I'm having more thoughts about Andor episode 7.
During this episode Mon Mothma makes reference in a conversation with an old friend that she's been attending Separatist Coalition meetings. Was Mon Mothma a Separatist? Palpatine's entire rise to power was precipitated upon the Separatist Crisis and the resulting Clone Wars, but from the way it sounds, it doesn't seem like the Separatist Coalition was an illegal organization so much as an organization to be infiltrated and monitored.
I'm fascinated by this. I've always been intrigued by Separatist ideology in Star Wars and curious about its roots and development (beyond Dooku's speeches). Maybe there were separate (ha!) schools of Separatist thought, and Dooku's was merely the largest and most influential. I'm curious if we'll get more on this in the rest of the episodes (especially since we already have the... weirdness of the Separatist-ship-that's-actually-a-Republic-ship in Cassian's backstory in the first three episodes).
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rel312 · 2 years
Just finished watching Teen Wolf for the first time and I think something is seriously wrong with me because my favorite character is fucking Coach Bobby Finstock (a character who has to be at least twice my age) and has now become my blorbo, my scrunkly, my pathetic wet rat of a man that I want to study under a microscope and then release gently back into the wild as he screams and blows his whistle at me
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shyloverrr · 6 months
If there was a case where a Harvester (Independence Day alien) was a host for a Xenomorph, how would the double mouth work?
Cuz Xenos have the double mouth.. and Harvesters don’t have a mouth…
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