noctilionoidea · 1 month
man it’s crazy this is the last night I spend with my family before uni. I’m so excited yet at the same time I feel like a small child again. I’m so scared. Like shit dude. You aren’t even that far away. It’s 35 minutes.
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diamogeddon · 6 months
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Trigun oc revamp teehee
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author-a-holmes · 11 months
Indie Ink Awards Nominations...
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Do you love Changeling's cover as much as I do?
Do you feel like taking a few minutes to nominate Changeling for an award?
The Indie Ink Awards are open for book nominations throughout november. All it takes is a few minutes to sign up for an account on https://indiestorygeek.com/
Once you have an account, you can search for your favourite indie books, and click the banner at the top of the book's page and then nominate it in up to FIVE (5) categories. It's just that simple!
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If you'd like to learn more about the Indie Ink Awards, or even apply to be a judge, you can head on over to their dedicated website; https://indieinkawards.com/
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tvmblrsillyman · 2 years
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inutaffy · 2 years
i still feel 14 and im about to be 16 hmmmmm
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lullcbies · 2 years
open: all  plot: in source
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“ i’m sorry, but i heard you speaking english, and honestly i just need a bit of help.”
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strawberry38 · 1 year
Barbie 💞💞 🌟🌸👏
guys, in the movie there were many, many barbie dolls. All of them looking like adult, guy dolls too. Never felt like any doll or ken doll plan for a family or want a family. I understand that was not planned or yet relevant for the movie and I know.
kids sometimes do fantisize about barbies finding a proper guy, building a family, keeping up with family, family plans.
Barbie was correct in the movie, "thought about when the life's gonna end"? Yup, you party, party, procastinate, what do you leave during those time, an idea? Idea of yourself? Barbie or its idea can have immortality, Barbie babe, humans .. unfortunately not.
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supportingeducation · 2 years
Texas Takeover in Houston
Texas Government Takes Over Houston Schools
The Texas takeover of Houston schools has many enraged, in a state that makes much of regional rights over widespread authority. On Wednesday, Texas education commissioner Mike Morath announced that the state would be taking over Houston’s public school district, which serves nearly 200,000 students. In a letter to the Houston Independent School District, the 8th largest in the country, Morath…
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ebbyhell · 11 months
Spoilers of the Halloween event and talking about how some of you all need to chill
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This end parts of the chapter made some of you all scream over the hills about how it was "yaoi pandering" first of all we can have male pronouns (stil need an lot of fixing) and the devils already haved an big relationship with Solomon (each one with different meanings beside the romantic aspect) SO NO WAY THE DEVILS ARE STRAGHT (even in the plot is sad that Satan is so popular he gets undewear as oferings and some devils try to give him their horns), they love MC because they are lewd and nice not for their gender.
Some of you acted like our homie was "stealing" our devil husband when this kiss is just about Satan giving our Homie his powers for an while so him can be safe, are you guys forgeting that this all started because Satan noticed that Mc missed their Homie? that even he was jealous he put that aside for MC happines? and you all mad cause the event focous on your Homie point of view and him " getting some action" (for reall most of the things was more like Minhyeok having an bi panic because the devils are so alluring).
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And all the devils helped cause our homie smlled like our MC and were even jealous about it (even if the event was not with MC view we still get lots of crumbs of MC and the devils), again this event show the efect devils have indepentent of gender since our Homie does not react the same with another man, even our homie has to admit the devils are beatiful and charming (also the devils reaction to him was pretty much friendly and welcoming minus Sitri since he was really jealous of MC reaction to our homie present).
For real some of you all neeed to chill MC was the motive why the story started and had the plot (cause of their smell) so chill we stil the main protagonist and this story give us an view in more stuff about the other kings and about our homie (and also the angels), and some boy showing reaction to handsome man is not the end of the world, some you all need to chill your reacting like you never played an adult game before.
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bonefall · 8 months
tawnypelt honor title pleeeease she deserves it tigerstars daughter with the burden of a million expectations on her but who who has always adamantly gone her own way. maybe tawnysun or tawnydusk. also, whats her relationship with mothwing like? in the books their heritage as tigerkin was super neglected (misogyny) but it ended up creating two very indepentent characters who defined themselves outside of their fathers, unluke hawk and bramble who never could
I wish I could justify a four-tiger pileup at the Snare Scene, but it would change the events waaay too much to stay in the spirit of BB. Like, have it somehow be Tawnypelt who was targeted for ultimately rejecting her father so she's in the trap, somehow this would give Brambleclaw power or expose him so he hesitates, Mothwing jumps in to save Tawnypelt, Hawk and Bramble fight, and then Hawkfrost impales himself on the stake Mothwing is holding.
Especially since BB!TNP is now from the perspective of the Tigerkin-only. It would be really cool for it to be the ultimate confrontation between the four tiger cubs.
But, it is what it is.
I wish there was more space to explore a Tawnypelt/Mothwing dynamic, but I think there's a reason beyond just misogyny tbf (tho it is also present). When you have two half-siblings who reject their shared dad, what really connects you?
Nothing. I've seen it irl too. People don't like to hear this, but family IS a choice. The associations and expectations put on you because of your family aren't, and WHO you are born TO isn't a choice. But whenever your family comes to support you, every instance where you stand with them through hardship, the monumental task of being there for each other, time after time, IS A CHOICE.
It always has been.
When Brambleclaw learned that Hawkfrost was only connected to him through his bloodline, even after (canonically) being told Hawk never faced the same discrimination he did, he was CHOOSING to act as his brother. He was CHOOSING to accept that Tigerstar is something to unite over.
Tawnypelt and Mothwing don't. Nothing makes them sisters besides a man that one of them never even met.
Now dgmw. I don't think the Erins believe this, they're obsessed with magical, innate blood emotions. I think they didn't explore Tawny and Moth because they care less about girls, bottom line.
But I think this is why it wouldn't really make sense if they tried. And it's something I'd say on purpose if I had the chance.
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the-sprog · 3 days
There's something poetic about Adrien being Chat Noir and only ever being free when he's in costume because all he's even known is the prison his father made of his house.
And cats being erroneously regarded as indepentent animals that can and will survive if left to their own devices, that you don't need to water or feed them because they can take care of themselves (<- wrong, they're pets and they're dependant on you, an outdoor cat is a cat that's dead or suffering and causing great demage to the enviroment)
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teawitch · 2 months
New Rule - I should not watch Tradwife content. Even the stuff claiming to criticize tradwife content. It makes me yell naughty words.
Ran into tradwife talk at work recently and about breathed fire. Do you KNOW how financially vunerable women are in that situation?
Checked out a video on it and the advice was - to be safe when pursuing the tradwife lifestyle, you should remain financially indepentant. Perhaps have passive income or a parttime job.
Do you understand that in era everyone is thirsting for, a woman did not have her own checkng account or credit card so money earned generally went into the husband's account?
So, as a married woman, if was very difficult to be financially independent even if you had no desire to be a tradwife? (Well, everyone was sort of a tradwife by default)
I grew up in 60s, 70s and even the 80s hearing tales of men who shifted all the money out of the "family" checking account to another account to prevent their wife from getting a share of the money in a divorce.
It wasn't just a simple - well, some women don't want to work and want to stay home and raise children situation. It was - even if you work, your money may not be yours to use as you wish.
You do not want to be a tradwife. You want to be finacially secure. Tradwife is the opposite of that.
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la-pheacienne · 11 months
Okay nobody asked for this but I have some thoughts about Anna Karenina. I read that book in highschool and it was a pain in the ass but still a rewarding experience. I remember liking it, but at the end feeling like "okay, an adulterous unstable woman, at the time when it was written I suppose it was really ground-breaking, it doesn't seem that relevant anymore, who would condemn Anna today for wanting to leave her miserable cucumber of a husband for a hot blond horse rider with BDE, relatable, no one would stone her alive for that today, that was then".
Wrong. So Wrong.
It was obvious to me that Anna was unfairly punished by society for being human and the author intended to present it that way. Apparently, it is not so obvious to a big part of the readers. The discourse I saw online is extremely disturbing:
"I felt like she chose her lover over her son? To me she just seemed extremely selfish. She has a loving and rich husband".
"yes, she did ultimately choose her lover over her son. It's terrible that she lived in a culture that forced her to make that choice, but that's the choice she made. Her own happiness was more important to her than her child's. That's not a choice most parents would make".
"She is not even a good mother she hated her daughter when her daughter Anya was sick only thing that was important to her was that Vronsky didn't came home at the time so she started using opium".
"I don’t like her. She made a poor decision that left a child without a mother and a husband without a wife. Any woman who puts their own selfish desires over their family is not to be liked".
"I can not abide women who let themselves be pushed around so much by society and the moralists of the day; I keep wanting to give them a good shaking and say "Stand up for yourself, girl!"
"One of the reason that Anna is so hard to like is that she only defines herself in relation to other people. Wife to a husband. Mother to a son. Lover to Vronsky. Who was Anna? What did she like? What were her passions (besides men)"?
"Vronsky said that while Anna seemed only to have him to care for, he had many friends and many interests and responsibilities. Adults usually do. Anna was an eternal child, wanting gratification, indulgence, entertainment". 
The first observation is of course, how completely off the mark these takes are considering the particular female experience in 19th century Russia. Especially the comments about her not acting like an adult or her being boy-crazy are laughable, as if a woman in that time period could just "stand up for herself" or even define her life and choose her course of action indepentently of men in any fundamental way. As if she would have ever comitted suicide if she could do any of those things. If she could still keep the boyfriend and her son, if she could decide to have a divorce whenever she wanted to, if she could be allowed to simply exist on her own, she wouldn't have committed suicide. A person who commits suicide is a person who doesn't have a way out. She didn't. And it is pretty obviously stated in the text.
The second remark is that in this story we have a (female) character that is so appallingly victimized and crushed, entirely at the mercy of other men, circumstances or even pure chance, while at the same time keeping her personality, desires, and agency intact. This is why this story is so great and this is why these people do not get it. Tolstoy, consciously or not (probably consciously) really outdid himself precisely because he told the story of a victimized woman who was also kind of a bitch, to put it bluntly. She was both. You can't talk about Anna just by focusing on gender inequality. Being a victim of patriarchy is not all Anna was. Anna was selfish yes, she was irrational and obsessive and ruthless and she wanted it all and she wanted it now. It wasn't enough for her just to have an extramarital relationship, tolerated by social norms, allowing her to keep her son and her lover. No, that was not enough, she wanted to live with her lover freely, she wanted to make the rules and she didn't understand why she just couldn't. She felt terribly guilty for abandoning her son, yet she didn't give a single fuck about the kid she had after, the one kid she could actually take care of. Horrendous. Her husband offers divorce, she doesn't want it. He later refuses the divorce, now she wants it. She is not ready to travel and wants to wait, and when her lover tells her they have to wait one day because he wants to see his mother, she suddently wants to leave now. She is strongly advised not to go to the opera because that would bring herself and everyone around her misery, she goes to the opera. She does exactly the opposite of what she was supposed to do at any given circumstance. What she wanted was bigger than what life could give her, and she killed herself.
Now that may be Tolstoy just showcasing what happens to lusty restless adulterous women. Tolstoy, after all, had the misogynistic factory settings of his time. He was also a genius. I don't believe there is anything about this thrilling, vibrant, catastrophic portrait of a woman that came by chance. The inequality, the unfairness of it all is so palpable everywhere in the book, her absolute lack of freedom constrasting with the freedom of her husband lover and brother. All of these men can do whatever they want, they can fuck, cheat, dominate, determine their life and other's without any criticism or consequences whatsoever, and she can't even leave the house without it being a major scandal. She doesn't control anything in her life, she is completely ostracized. She is considered an actual criminal, a pariah, for having human desires.
And yet, despite all that, she has the audacity to want for herself. In her ultimate victimhood, seemingly at the loss of all agency she still does not let others define her inner world one bit. She absolutely defines her life, she makes autonomous decisions, she even defines her own demise by suicide. She chose this, she could have chosen differently, but she didn't want to. The social setting was horrible for women, but if she was slightly more reasonable she could have had a better outcome. She didn't want that. Crazy right?
And that's why modern readers cannot get this book. We are used to media that convey a "message", ready to consume on a plate with a pink ribbon. We are used to passively watching women reacting to horrors imposed on them, and feeling sorry for them. We are used to a Handmaid's tale type of social discourse. We are used to dystopias. We are used to good guy - bad guy dichotomies. We empathize with female characters getting killed, tortured, physically and sexually abused, because they are the victims. But a woman who dares to leave her kid and go away with her lover? Abhorrent. Inconceivable. It is so extremely difficult to empathize with a female character that is just palpably human, it is confusing, she is not victimized enough to deserve empathy from the modern audience. A victim is a symbol, it is an abstraction. Give a victim a mind of her own and human desires, and she is suddenly a whore.
Tolstoy in all his moralizing puritanical 19th century glory, gave us an actually "complex" (as much as I have come to hate the word) female character, and by "complex female character" I mean a fictional woman that maintains her spiritual autonomy while seemingly being entirely determined by other people or circumstances. I cannot say the same for the vast majority of "strong female character" models of contemporary media.
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author-a-holmes · 11 months
Indie Ink Awards Nominations...
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Do you feel Booker & Lizzy are top tier friendship goals?
Do you want to take a few minutes to nominate Changeling for an award?
The Indie Ink Awards are open for book nominations throughout november. All it takes is a few minutes to sign up for an account on https://indiestorygeek.com/
Once you have an account, you can search for your favourite indie books, and click the banner at the top of the book's page and then nominate it in up to FIVE (5) categories. It's just that simple!
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If you'd like to learn more about the Indie Ink Awards, or even apply to be a judge, you can head on over to their dedicated website; https://indieinkawards.com/
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tactax-art · 1 year
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Gorgon!Gaz for the #tactax mwii creatures au
Unlike the myths a gorgon can't turn a being to literal stone, but their unprotected gaze will induce a stunned state in most species, though how, effectiveness, and duration vary by species, indivudal susceptibility, and the level of focus a gorgon is putting into freezing their target.
This also applies at reduced effectiveness to recordings and remote viewing. Glasses and mirrors offer no protection. (For example, Humans tend to get stunned by a fear response for minutes to hours. Alb may become hypnotised by the dream-like colorshift of the eyes for as long as they maintain eyecontact.)
To protect those around them specialised glasses and contactlenses have been developed, though minor responses to those easily susceptible are still common.
A gorgon can freely choose the snakes that accompany them which influences their bodies skin, scale pattern and color. These snakes move indepentently from the gorgon, but can be suggested. A gorgon cannot directly access the snakes' senses, but the snakes' observations are intuitively known to the gorgon, giving them a vast amount of information about their surroundings, and a reputation for having 'eyes in the back of their heads'.
Gaz chooses drab, venomous snakes on missions, but prefers snakes with high iridicense otherwise.
Gorgons have exceptional and directional sense of smell (forked tongue + jacobson's organ), sense of vibration, good vision, and hooked teeth or fangs. Gorgons are naturally crepuscular, obligate carnivores (but may snack and supplement as preferred/needed), and cannot thermoregulate for extended amount of times in extreme conditions without assistance. They do not have hair, only skin and scales. Most needs and 'fine tuning' is influenced by the snakes chosen.
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strawbubbysugar · 5 months
Bubby. Your "sheering playsheep for wool, milking playcows for glue" has captivated me. Can I pretty please have a list of more playflora and fauna and how they help playpeople?
How does playsheep wool grow? Where does playcow glue come from?
ARE THERE PLAYBEES???? (I looooove bees!!!)
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It's mirrored to the real world! But wherever food is what is created, its materials instead, sent to Artisan's Garden to be made into new playpeople or to other places to be used as materials for things like clothes, houses, etc!
(the answer to both those questions is magic hdsfghs. the world around the playpeople is an indepentant force controlled by the maker's tree directly, while playpeople themselves are a more intricate process that requires what id consider a midwife-type set up)
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