#india illegal immigration
minnesotafollower · 2 months
Skilled Immigrants Are Entering U.S. Illegally 
In recent years the U.S. numbers of undocumented migrants from India and China have increased dramatically. For example, in 2023 there were more than 65,000 such immigrants, most of whom are skilled. [1] They thereby avoid  the difficulties of doing so legally by first obtaining a U.S. job offer and then applying for a U.S. work visa (H-1B), which is time consuming and full of uncertainty. This…
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brainyrainy · 2 months
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Indians voters are world's most stupid - European Times
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russianreader · 4 months
Reading Recently (Not Necessarily Russian)
Source: “What Ukraine Has Lost,” New York Times, 3 June 2024 Memorial for actor Joachim Gottschalk. When his Jewish wife Meta and son Michael were to be deported, the whole family decided to commit suicide on November 6, 1941. The bronze figure, which was created by Theo Balden in 1967, resembles the actor. It was initially located in a park but had to be moved due to the building of the…
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the-dispatch · 1 year
Panel to identify foreigners illegally staying in J&K since 2011
SRINAGAR : The Jammu & Kashmir Government has set-up a high-level panel to identify foreign nationals illegally/ overstaying in the Union Territory since January 01, 2011. To read more, click here.
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bronva · 2 years
UK PM Rishi Sunak announces crackdown on illegal immigration
UK PM Rishi Sunak announces crackdown on illegal immigration
“If you enter the UK illegally you should not be able to remain here,” Sunak told parliament. “Instead, you will be detained and swiftly returned either to your home country or to a safe country where your asylum claim will be considered.”
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fatehbaz · 10 months
The Slavery Abolition Act didn’t apply to India or Ceylon, and though it technically liberated over 800,000 British slaves in the Caribbean and Africa, all of them (excepting only small children) were forced to continue to labor as unpaid “apprentices” for a further six years, on pain of punishment. Under the terms of the act, they were protected against overwork and direct violence from employers, but remained their “transferable property,” subject to punishment for  “indolence,” “insolence,” or “insubordination.” So many black West Indians were jailed for resisting these outrageous terms that full   emancipation was eventually brought forward to August 1, 1838. [...] A century on, the independence of most Caribbean colonies in the 1960s was followed by decades of racist British immigration policies that not only sought to prevent black West Indians from coming to the UK but eventually, under the Conservative governments of the past decade, ended up deliberately destroying the lives of thousands of lifelong legal residents by treating them as “illegal migrants.” In the meantime, for almost two hundred years, British taxpayers funded the largest slavery-related reparations ever paid out. Under the provisions of the 1833 act, the government borrowed and then disbursed the staggering sum of £20 million (equal to 40 percent of its annual  budget -- the equivalent of £300 billion in today’s value). Not until 2015 that debt finally paid off. This unprecedented compensation for injustice went not to those whose lives had been spent in slavery, nor even to those descended from the millions who had died in captivity. It was all given to British slaveowners, as restitution for the loss of their human property. 
Text by: Fara Dabhoiwala. “Speech and Slavery in the West Indies.” The New York Review of Books. 20 August 2020. [Published online at: nybooks.com/articles/2020/08/20/speech-slavery-west-indies/]
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Where does this curious Hindutva-Zionist solidarity spring from? One origin is from the earliest Hindu nationalists who modelled their Hindu state on Zionism. Hindutva’s founder, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, supported majoritarian nationalism and the rooting out of all disintegrating forces. These included Muslims who supported electoral quotas for their community and left-wing internationalists. As a result, he even condoned the Nazis’ antisemitic legislation in two speeches in 1938 because, as he saw it: “a nation is formed by a majority living therein”. Yet Savarkar was not antisemitic himself. He often spoke favourably of the tiny Jewish-Indian minority because he considered it too insignificant to threaten Hindu cohesion. In fact, Savarkar praised Zionism as the perfection of ethno-nationalist thinking. The way Zionism seamlessly blended ethnic attachment to a motherland and religious attachment to a holy land was precisely what Savarkar wanted for the Hindus. This double attachment was far more powerful to his mind than the European model of “blood and soil” nationalism without sacred space. Today, Hindu nationalists perpetuate this legacy and still look to Zionism as a uniquely attractive political ideology. To Hindu nationalists, some Zionists were engaged in a project to reclaim their holy land from a Muslim population whose religious roots in the region were not as ancient as their own.
In 2018, Israel passed a law that rebranded the country as “the nation-state of the Jewish people” and delegitimised its non-Jewish citizens. Similarly, India’s controversial Citizenship Amendment Act in 2019 eased paths to citizenship for immigrants from several religious groups, but not Muslims. Coupled with rhetoric associating millions of Indian Muslims with illegal immigration, human rights groups argue that this law could be used to strip many Muslims of their Indian citizenship. Hindu nationalists have also stoked a culture war to consolidate “Hindu civilisation” and sweep away symbols of Islam. This is very much in keeping with the wish of Israel’s far right to rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the site of the holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where al-Aqsa mosque compound currently sits. In 1969, a Zionist extremist burned the south wing of al-Aqsa. And in 1980, the fundamentalist group Jewish Underground plotted to blow up the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine at the centre of the compound. A similar project of demolishing mosques and building temples in their place was suggested by Savarkar and Golwalkar. Hindu nationalist organisations focused their attention on Babri Masjid mosque in Ayodha, since this was the mythical birthplace of the Hindu god, Ram.
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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The only country on Earth that ever used Nuclear Weapons in War is telling you Russia and China are the threat.
The country that's killed millions of innocent civilians since WW2 in dozens of overt and covert Wars of profit and domination.
The country whose secret services have cultivated conflict, destroyed democracies and assassinated opponents.
The country that makes and sells more Weapons than Russia, China and India combined, operating the biggest war machine on planet Earth.
The country currently supplying the cash, weapons, aircraft, and political cover to the biggest massacre of Children in modern history.
The country with tens of millions of its citizens living in poverty, facing an epidemic of suicide, addiction,
"illegal" immigration perpetrated via war mongering and crime.
The country whose currency is deployed as a tool of economic warfare against the global south, crushing dissent, impoverishing anyone who dares to disagree.
That country?
The Land of the Free, and the home of the Brave.
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metamatar · 7 months
Excerpted with permission from BREAKING WORLDS: Religion, Law and Citizenship in Majoritarian India; The Story of Assam, a report by the Political Conflict, Gender and People’s Rights Initiative at the Center for Race and Gender at UC Berkeley.
The publication of the draft NRC in Assam in 2018 revealed the exclusion of more than four million persons from the survey rolls. Reportedly, some people were excluded due to spelling errors in their names or inconsistent names in documents. After the draft list was made public, excluded individuals were permitted to submit further documentation proving their citizenship. While a majority were not of Hindu descent, reportedly between one and 1.5 million were Hindus. The exclusion of a large number of Hindus from the 2018 NRC list is presumed to be the foremost reason that changes were made to the citizenship law, and that the Citizenship (Amendment) Act of 2019 was enacted, whereby, in effect, only Muslims would be excluded from citizenship.
The (ostensibly “final”) update to the Assam NRC was undertaken on August 31, 2019. Approximately 1.9 million persons (numbering 1,906,657) were excluded from the 2019 published list, and may potentially lose their citizenship, and face expulsion, exile, and statelessness.
The Foreigners Tribunal of Assam remains the state mechanism for appeal for persons excluded from the NRC. Individuals may petition the Foreigners Tribunals with requisite documentation validating their citizenship. An appellant is deemed to be either “foreigner” or “citizen” as per the ruling of the tribunal. The process is hard, complex, and arbitrarily and routinely discriminatory. An analysis of 787 Guwahati High Court orders and judgments published by The Wire found that cases before the tribunals took about 3.3 years on average
September 2019, a Muslim family with land documents dating back to 1927 found that all members of their family were not on the NRC due to: “an objection filed [apparently anonymously] by someone against their inclusion in the final draft.” It is unclear who may file bad-faith objections or how they may be held accountable. Reportedly, approximately 250,000 such objections have been made, mostly anonymously.
Once declared a “foreigner,” an individual may be held in detention. Immigration detention centers are often locally referred to as “concentration camps.” Detention serves to criminalize and confine those deemed “illegal foreigners.” Without established limits or protocols for ethical resolution of the matter, detentions can be prolonged or indefinite unless deportation ensues. Currently, India operates thirteen detention centers, and others are being constructed to assumedly hold “undocumented” individuals.
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darkmaga-retard · 24 days
If we take the belief that the Democrats have opened the border to flood the country with illegal immigrants to alter the politics, and they give free healthcare and more money than you would get from Social Security to rig the 2024 election, what happens after the election? NOBODY asks, what then? When the checks stop coming, and they have no skilled labor to offer, will they then go on a rampage and start robbing Americans to get ahead since most do not speak English to get a job?
I know plenty of Mexicans. They have generally good family values and are often harder workers than most. The problem is that the people flooding into the country are only passing through Mexico. They do not often share the family values or the work effort of Mexicans. What happens when the checks and free healthcare end after the election, even if Kamala wins?
We are all immigrants unless you were a native American called Indian because Christopher Columbus thought he bumped into India, which was his goal. But our ancestors came from Europe mostly seeking a land of opportunity when there were no handouts, welfare, or free healthcare to entice them to migrate. They came here to work, and most came to be able to own land, whereas, in Britain, you could only lease the land – not own it. That is why Britain had to hand back to Hong Kong. It was just a 100-year lease, known as a LONG LEASE. 
In New Jersey, there is even a township named “Freehold,” which dates back to that period when the land in America one could actually own and hand to your children. New Jersey’s name of its county legislative body, “Boards of Chosen Freeholders,” was rather unique in the United States. The origin of the name traces back to a law passed by the General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey on February 28, 1713/14. Many fled Britain to America so they could own land. Otherwise, the LONG LEASE system means that every 100 years, the next generation must pay for the property value all over again.
Now, the Democrats are toying with the idea of capping how much you can leave to heirs upon your death, for it is not “equity or fair” to allow one person to start in life with more than someone else? In Australia, this seems to be the origin of these ideas. Some in Australia have argued the idea of whether superannuation balances (retirement funds) should be capped.
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dearorpheus · 9 months
Later I swim on my back and look up at the sky through the framed glass roof. A vivid blue with white cirrus clouds at an altitude, I'd guess, of about 5000 metres. (The Latin for curl is cirrus.) The curls slowly shift, join, separate as the clouds drift in the wind. I can measure their drift thanks to the roof frame; otherwise it would be hard to notice it. The movement of the curls apparently comes from inside the body of each cloud, not from an applied pressure; you think of the movements of a sleeping body. This is probably why I stop swimming, and put my hands behind my head and float. My big toes just break through the surface. The water below holds me. The longer I gaze at the curls the more they make me think of wordless stories; wordless stories like the stories fingers may tell, but in fact here stories told by minuscule ice crystals in the silence of the blue. Yesterday I read in the newspaper that in Gaza twenty Palestinians were blown to pieces in their homes; that the USA has covertly dispatched 300 more troops to defend their interest in Iraq's oil refineries; that James Foley, an American journalist held hostage by Isis, was beheaded and a video of his execution uploaded to the internet; and that 35 illegal immigrants from India, men, women and children, were found suffocating in a shipping-container on a freighter that had just crossed the North Sea to dock in London. The cirrus is drifting northwards towards the deep end of the pool. Afloat on my back, motionless, I watch it and chart with my eyes the pattern of its undulations. Then the assurance the sight offers changes. It takes me time to understand how. Slowly the change becomes evident and the assurance I receive becomes deeper. The curls of the white cirrus are observing a man afloat on his back with his hands behind his head. I'm no longer observing them; they are observing me.
— John Berger, Confabulations
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vaidehi-raghunatha · 6 months
Okay finally writing my intro for everyone who comes across my profile and feels confused (I'm sorry I truly am 😭)
Hii there, my name's guessable enough (it's right on my profile lol) but even if u couldn't get it, I'm Sita here, apparently I was born on the night of Diwali in 2005 so my parents decided on that name (that's what they say).
And speaking about my identity, I'm Nepalese by ethnicity but Indian by nationality (my last 7 generations have stayed in India only) , please don't assume that I'm an illegal immigrant of some sort (actually most people do think that way as soon as they hear I'm Nepali, and yeah I've been on the receiving end of racist shit by almost everyone around me but I don't mind it anymore cuz I'm used to it now). I obviously follow Nepalese Hindu traditions at home but by heart me and my family have always been loyal to India and it'll forever stay that way, after all this place is unique and beautiful in it's own way and I don't see any reason to hate this place ofc. Some people here might be disgusting but in no way do bad people diminish the beauty of this place :)
Feel free to go through my profile, might give u a lot more insight about me, moreover I don't wanna bore you guys with this monotonous monologue of mine XD
that's all from my end, I hope everyone who's reading this has a nice day ahead and gets hugs for free ❤️😉
PS: topics that interest me- books, music, classical dance forms, movies, and memes lol (ik it's pretty generic)
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humanrightsupdates · 9 days
India: Renewed Ethnic Violence in Manipur State
Authorities Should Protect All Communities, End Divisive Policies
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(New York) – Indian authorities should urgently intervene to address renewed violence between ethnic groups in India’s northeastern state of Manipur, Human Rights Watch said today. Both the Manipur state and central governments should take prompt measures to resolve disputes, investigate abuses, and appropriately punish those responsible.
Armed groups from the predominantly Christian Kuki-Zo community and the mostly Hindu Meitei community have engaged in deadly violence, which has reportedly killed at least 11 people. Students and others have protested the violence, and some have clashed with security forces and attacked government buildings. On September 10, 2024, the Manipur state government imposed a curfew in three districts and suspended the internet in five districts until September 15.
“The state government’s response to increasingly violent ethnic clashes in Manipur has just caused greater harm,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, deputy Asia director at Human Right Watch. “Instead of protecting vulnerable communities and upholding the rule of law, the authorities have deepened longstanding anger and distrust among the communities through polarizing policies.”
Manipur’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) state government, led by Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, an ethnic Meitei, has replicated his party’s divisive policies used nationally to promote Hindu majoritarianism. He has publicly claimed without any basis that the Kuki were providing sanctuary to illegal immigrants from Myanmar and engaged in drug trafficking, deforestation, and militancy.
Since May 2023, over 200 people have been killed and hundreds injured. More than 60,000 people have been displaced and are living in cramped shelters. Several Kuki women have reported sexual violence and rape by Meitei mobs. Homes, businesses, villages, and places of worship, mostly targeting the Kuki community, have been burned down, attacked, and vandalized.
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ginandoldlace · 5 months
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Petticoat Lane market, in the East End's Spitalfields area, in 1957.
The History part 2
From 1882, a wave of Jewish immigrants fleeing persecution in eastern Europe settled in the area. The chapels, which had previously served the Huguenot community, were adapted as synagogues. Many Jewish relief societies were founded to aid the poor. Jewish immigrants entered the local garment industry & maintained the traditions of the market. The severe damage inflicted throughout the East End during the Blitz & later bombing in World War II served to disperse the Jewish communities to new areas. The area around Middlesex Street suffered a decline, but the market continued to prosper. Beginning in the 1970s, a new wave of immigration from India & east Asia restored the area's vitality - centred on nearby Brick Lane.
In previous times the market was unpopular with the authorities, as it was largely unregulated & in some sense illegal. As recently as the 1930s, police cars & fire engines were driven down The Lane, with alarm bells ringing, to disrupt the market. The rights of the market were finally protected by Act of Parliament in 1936. As late as the 1990s, if Christmas Day fell on a Sunday (which in that decade only occurred in 1994), many of the local Jewish traders would still assert their right to open on a Sunday. 'The Lane' was always renowned for the 'patter' & showmanship of the market traders. Some, selling crockery, would pile an entire setting onto a large plate, & then send the lot, high into the air. Catching the construction on its way down was to demonstrate the skill of the vendor, & the robustness of the porcelain.
A prominent businessman, Alan Sugar, got his start as a stall holder in the market. The market remains busy & vibrant, reflecting both its immigrant history & its continuing popularity with locals & tourists.
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anticonspiracist · 2 years
Okay so one of the reasons you say conspiracy theorism is bad it's because it's anti Semitic. Now i don't have cultural experience of anti semitism (I'm from India) but of course have historical reference... I don't get it.
You've said that believing a small group of powerful people are controlling things is anti Semitic because that's what people believed about the Jews that then led to the holocaust but that seems like a bit of a massive stretch to me.
So, why is conspiracism so bad?
Just because you think it's "a bit of a massive stretch" doesn't mean it's not real and harmful. So to answer your last question, once again, all conspiracy theories that require a shadowy group to be "pulling the strings" are antisemitic.
I wonder if you do, indeed, have historical reference? What's your historical reference for antisemitism? The Holocaust? What else? Do you know about the antisemitism part of nearly every political party platform in Europe in the late 1800s? Do you know about the periodic pogroms that were instituted against Jews whenever an "other" was necessary for someone to solidify their power? Do you know about the Spanish Inquisition, or do you just joke about how no one expects it? I got an ask similar to this when shit-larries-say was still up, from a Spaniard who claimed that there wasn't antisemitism in their country. Ah, yes, because for a few hundred years their country tried its very best to murder every Jew. That's the Spanish Inquisition. And when they couldn't find the Jew that they'd put on trial in absentia, they burned them in effigy.
Do you know about the bubonic plague outbreak in Europe in the mid-14th century, and how some places blamed Jews and said they poisoned the wells so they just ... murdered them?
Do you ... know what led to the Holocaust? Do you know that it wasn't just the industrial murder of Jews (and Roma, and Poles, and and and)? Do you know that it was stripping them of their citizenship, making their marriages to non-Jews illegal, offering them the opportunity to immigrate to Palestine but they had to leave all of their belongings behind and, because Hitler was so reasonable, they would get a tiny portion of it back? And WHY? WHY the Jews? This is the question my students always ask because until they get to me they haven't had a teacher who knows the answer because it isn't taught. Why the Jews? Because people need someone to blame. They need a scapegoat. And in the Christian world, Jews are "other." They don't believe the same things. They have a different world view. They hang onto traditions that Christians don't understand. So when something bad happens that can't be explained, they just ... blame the people they can't explain. "THEY did it!" They make up stories to justify their harsh (and murderous, usually) treatment of these others. To make themselves feel better about the bad thing happening, they fashion Jews into evil beings who are always doing evil things and trying to hurt the non-Jews. And it works! It works because of people like you, thinking that's it's a "stretch" to associate antisemitic thoughts and actions with antisemitism.
So no, it's not "a bit of a massive stretch" to see continued belief in some shadowy group behind the scenes "pulling the strings" to enact sinister plans and say "hey hold on, that's antisemitic."
But maybe you're a kid, not a full-grown adult with the internet who should therefore know better, so if that's the case, I'm sorry for being harsh. Below is a 15-minute video I made explaining how antisemitism is inherent to conspiracy theorism, and then a 2-hour podcast episode I recorded with aimmyarrowshigh, a Jewish fandom friend (whom I'm not tagging because she doesn't need to see this bullshit). So, you know, educate yourself.
P.S. Your country has had Jews living in it for a very very very very very long time (thousands of years). Jews have faced antisemitism in India. Have you bothered to learn about it?
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morbidmemories · 7 months
Boysie singh
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Boysie Singh was a notorious Trinidadian killer who was eventually hanged for murder in the mid-1950s.Born at 17 Louis Street, Woodbrook, on April 5, 1908, he grew up to be a gambler, thief, arsonist, pirate, and mass murderer.Singh’s father Bhagrang Singh was himself a fugitive from justice, who reportedly fled India to Trinidad.
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Singh started doing petty crime, even spending time at Carrera Island Prison in the 1940s.Following prison, he ran gambling clubs and brothels, moved on to the protections racket, and was known to set fire to cars or buildings when "clients" would not pay up.Later, he smuggled goods from Cedros to Caracas, then resorted to piracy. From 1947 to 1956, Singh and his henchmen terrorised local fishermen and Venezuelan smugglers. They would kill a crew, steal their goods and engines, and sink the boat.Singh broadened his criminal reach to include human trafficking, smuggling illegal immigrants some of whom he would rob or kill.
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Along the way, it is reported, he murdered hundreds of people. Legend has it that some victims were made to "walk the plank", in the tradition of old-time Caribbean pirates, and plunge to their death at sea.Twice, Singh was charged by the police. In one case, he got off due to lack of evidence. In the other, he was convicted but won on appeal and was released.Eventually, Singh's luck ran out when he was convicted for the murder of a dancer. All appeals failed, and he was sentenced to death.Boysie Singh was hanged at the Royal Gaol in Port-of-Spain on August 20, 1957.
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