#india life
diahsthings · 3 months
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Look at my street dog. Her name is Rani. She is in fact a queen.
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indeedgoodman · 10 months
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theereina · 3 months
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oscorp-lawsuit · 1 year
Headcanon that all spider people get what’s called the “Spider-Zoomies” (which is a sudden burst of energy but it’s expressed through Spider-like behavior) except for Miguel because he didn’t get bitten, so every time he makes the mistake of going to HQ in the middle of the night, he gets jump scared by at least one Spider-Man:
Scuttling across the ceiling (Pavitr)
Hissing into the void (Miles)
Bench pressing a building (Peter B)
Jumping fifty feet into the air without warning (Margo)
Building some intricate contraption in complete darkness (Hobie, emphasis on trap)
Running extremely fast without making a sound so you don’t know they’re there until it’s too late (wtf Mayday)
Or crouching into a corner, completely still like a predator watching its prey, and the moment he gets close to them, they whisper “Hey” making him scream so loud that he throws his empanadas in their face (Gwen)
It’s essentially like you’re walking through a building full of eldritch horrors, and you don’t know where any of them are, but they all know exactly where you are, and they win bonus points if they scare the shit out of you. Miguel hates it here.
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ek-ranjhaan · 2 months
She has not just been raped and murdered, she was very much tortured and brutalized like Nirbhaya. It is all over the Bengali news. I don't understand why no one is talking about this.
A 2nd year Respiratory Medicine in a well known government medical college in Kolkata, West Bengal, India is found in a semi-naked state and the college/ hospital called it a suicide.
I'm a MBBS student in second year. After reading about her, what crossed my mind is the amount of times she would have felt this fear, before this worst fear of hers eventually materialized.
"A young resident doctor was found dead in the seminar room of her medical college in Kolkata. Initial autopsy report suggests possible rape and murder."
As all are saying,
She wasn't walking the street at odd hours. She wasn't wearing clothes that were provocative. She wasn't loitering in dangerous neighbourhoods.
She was a resident doctor, looking for a place to rest in her own hospital.
She had been on duty and had gone to rest in the early hours of Friday.
The one place which was supposed to guarantee her safety failed her, miserably.
Someone comes, rapes a female pg who is merely resting in a seminar hall because there is no proper place for her to rest, brutalized her and kills her. How did NO one know? The college and police initially call it a suicide. Excuse me? It is also being said that under pressure from local politicians, the Principal and Dean attempted to alter the post-mortem report. Autopsy confirms sexual assault.
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What are the actions taken? One man arrested because his behavior seemed "shady". This is clearly not an act of one man. And this was a very well aware of and a well executed criminal act.
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Also, all this happening in WB right when the situation of bangladesh is in turmoil and news of Bangladeshi Hindus being killed and tortured, seems wrong, VERY WRONG. Happening right before NEET-PG, as 24 lakh doctors prepare to write an exam on Sunday to be resident doctors, this news has wrapped us all in agony and rage,
What are they working so hard for? Why should they aspire to be in a system that ignores their basic needs? The minimum requirement of a workplace is safety. That should be non-negotiable.
This profession demands extereme hardwork, a lot of mental strength and Physical Assaults, harassment, low paying jobs with odd working hours with intense humiliation. Now its the worst of all seeing a bright mind losing her life in the most disrespectful state of all. This should never happen to any woman.
I'd also like to question why isn't any big media house covering this news, where are all the international news channels all this time.
What are the students in other medical colleges doing? This talks about their own safety and lives. What are the medical students across the world doing? It's time for us to stand for the most basic Human right, safety.
Yesterday when my roommate, an MBBS final year intern was heading for her night posting, I feared and prayed for her to come back safely. Thinking about it, in a few years I will also have night posting, I'll also return from my hospital duties late at night. I'll also have to go through the same fear, and I'll also have to keep praying that my worst fears don't turn into reality. So many female doctors, nursing staffs, other Healthcare workers, other working women, non-working women go through the same fear, probably multiple times a day.
It is a shame to be born in such a disgusting world and society, it is shame to witness such a brutal crime, and it is a shame to live in this fear daily.
Those RAPISTS need to be hunged infront of the whole natio...if needed burned alive. People should fear the idea of raping, more than getting raped.
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timetravellingkitty · 8 months
History of Kashmir from 250 BC to 1947 [to understand Kashmir's multi religious history and how we got to 1947]
Broad timeline of events from 1947 to the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution in 2019 (BBC) [yes, BBC. hang on just this once]
Human Rights Watch report based on a visit to Indian controlled Kashmir in 1998 [has a summary, background, human rights abuses and recommendations]
Another concise summary of the issue
Sites to check out
Kashmir Action - news and readings
The Kashmiriyat - independent news site about ongoings in Kashmir
FreePressKashmir - same thing as previous
Kashmir Law and Justice Project - analysis of international law as it applies to Kashmir
Stand with Kashmir - awareness, run by diaspora Kashmiris (both Pandit and Muslim)
These two for more readings and resources on Kashmir: note that the petitions and donation links are from 2019 and also has explainers on the background (x) (x)
To read
Do You Remember Kunan Poshpora? - about women in the Kashmiri resistance movement and the 1991 mass rape of Kashmiri women in the twin villages of Kunan and Poshpora by Indian armed forces
Until My Freedom Has Come: The New Intifada in Kashmir - a compliation of writings about the lives of Kashmiris under Indian domination
Colonizing Kashmir: State Building under Indian Occupation - how Kashmir was made "integral" to the Indian state and examines state-building policies (excerpt)
Resisting Occupation in Kashmir - about the social and legal dimensions of India's occupation
On India's scapegoating of Kashmiri Pandits, both by Kashmiri Pandits (x) (x)
Of Gardens and Graves - translations of Kashmiri poems
Social media
standwithkashmir and their backup account standwithkashmir2 (main account is banned in India wonder why)
jammugenocide (awareness about the 1947 genocide abetted by Maharaja Hari Singh and the RSS)
To watch
Jashn-e-Azadi: How We Celebrate Freedom parts 1 and 2 - a documentary about the Kashmiri freedom struggle (filmed by a Kashmiri Pandit)
Paradise Lost - BBC documentary about how India and Pakistan's dispute over the valley has affected the people
Kashmir - Valley of Tears - the exhaustion with the conflict in the post nineties
In the Shade of Fallen Chinar - art as a form of Kashmiri resistance
Human rights violations (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Land theft and dispossession (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
A note: I know annoying Desis are going to see this and go "Oh but Kashmir is Pakistan's because-" and "Kashmir is an integral part of India because-". I must make my stance clear: Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris, the natives, no matter what religion they belong to. Neither Pakistan nor India get to decide the matter of Kashmiri sovereignty. The reasons given by both parties as to why Kashmir should be a part of either nation are bullshit. The United Nations itself recognises Kashmir as a disputed region, so I will not entertain dumbfuckery. I highly encourage fellow Indians especially to take the time to go through and properly understand the violence the government enacts on Kashmiris. I've also included links to learn more about Kashmiri culture because really, what do the rest of us know about it? Culturally and linguistically Kashmir differs so much from the rest of India and Pakistan (also the amount of fetishization of Kashmiri women...yikes). This is not just a bilateral issue between these two nations over land, this actually affects the people of Kashmir. And if you're still here, thank you for reading
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maureen2musings · 6 months
Monsoon season is a time of rebirth...
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desigirldairies · 2 months
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— how "ambarsariya" sounds like ☁️
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Charlotte and George’s “hate” sex montage >>> the air in my lungs
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theinsomniacindian · 10 months
Indian Chaotic Academia
Wanting to wear jumpers and hoodies but changing your mind after looking at the daily temperature
Scoring 97% in English in your board exams but your spoken English makes you sound like you've never studied it in your life
Messy yet (somewhat) intelligible handwriting
A weak spot for old Bollywood songs regardless of your personal taste in music
Chipped nail polish and lots of bracelets
Wanting to study in a park or a cafe but you can't as they're too loud and busy
Adrak chaha is the solution to everything
Muting the class WhatsApp group so you can read angsty fanfiction at 3 a.m. without alerting your parents
Vada pav and samosa>>>>
Buying several highlighters but still end up using blunt pencils to mark important study material
At some point, a B is the best grade you'll ever find in your report card
Reading the Mahabharata at the back of the class in the same way you would read a modern novel ("Nooo, why did he have to die 😭")
Coming up with ideas for study charts but never actually making them
Getting a lot of holidays and vacations thanks to the amount of festivals celebrated throughout the year
"Sir that's my emotional support gel pen brand that I've been using since fifth grade"
The poem you have to learn in your regional language class is actually your favourite childhood song
Rickshaw rides are better than any other mode of transport, change my mind (you can't)
Getting the 'Slytherin house' that always comes last in every school event
Only buying books from the second-hand book stalls because they have all the good ones
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myauditionfordrphil · 1 month
This is getting more and more real with each passing day...
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theereina · 6 months
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IG: indialove
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tierra-tee · 4 months
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thewordfortheday · 1 month
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Our Sovereign LORD, Creator of heaven and earth, who by Your word sustains the universe, we lift our great nation and its people before You.Thank You for the peace we have despite the vast diversity in culture, caste, and language. We pray for the protection and security of all the people of our nation. May Your peace that surpasses all understanding guard the hearts and minds of Your children through Christ Jesus our Lord. We pray that the church and the leaders hold fast to Jesus Christ and may their faith in You, O God, be strong and steadfast. We pray that You will grant those who are serving You, courage and strength as they face various types of persecution and threats. 
Lord, we pray for the leaders in the Centre and the States. We ask You to grant them wisdom and guidance so that they will lead the nation toward peace and justice., that they may alleviate poverty and work towards the welfare of the nation.
Forgive the sins of our nation and heal our Land.
We pray that You would make our nation a blessing to the world.
We ask all these in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen!
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Iglesia de San Pedro Claver in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
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desigirldairies · 3 months
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— desi light academia 🌸
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