agirlinachevy · 1 year
nobody ever dies - april 16th 2022 at 12:18
pieces of you will always stay here some indiscoverable but your favourite colour will never forget you
-a girl in a chevy- april showers
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pers-eids · 11 months
the more that i lean into spiritualism—which is both my childhood wonder and childhood fears—i find myself at peace with death, with the unknown, with the possibility of nothing or everything, death and rebirth, eternity and its counterpart. i worship space and the ocean because, in all my mortal lives, both will always remain truly indiscoverable. we will never be able to grasp the vastness of either, though space is never ending and the ocean is not; humanity is simply incapable of all it dreams to be, and we will never Know as we strive to. we ache for knowledge and light and, yes, when we travel far enough down into the depths, into the inky black, we will find hope in the form of brilliance and color. is that not God, or Buddha, or Poseidon and Uranus; are we not praying to the Earth and the Heavens for more, in the form of deities we will never in our short, human lives ever know? but is knowing a truth or a feeling? is this life my only or just one of too many to count? when i look at the moon and the stars, watch them blink from existence and shine down on me: is that not the epitome of faith? i pray to the universe and she answers in supernovas and fossils and the reminder that this is not the end; life will surpass me in ways i will never understand, because there is life all around and within. am i God? am i nothing? am i the universe and whatever came before, whatever may come after? am i Man, am i Woman, am i the Snake?
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freedomainnames · 1 year
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imblocking-you · 2 years
Why are the <School Tales> kids so curious and inquisitive? They're either brave or stupid.
Like it's dark, and you're in a cramp, old, and crumbling place; You're the only one there and suddenly a voice calls out to you or a book falls down out of seemingly nowhere and it's the one coincidentally titled "book of corpses". girlie, that is your cue to get the fuck out of there 😭
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Moonflower: Part 3
Everywhere. It lingered, and it was everywhere. Everything has smelled of him.
Alpha. Your alpha.
You hated it. You tried to scrub yourself of his scent, the one day a month that you could wash, and you spent your time trying to clean his smell from your skin. You nearly rubbed yourself raw before you heard banging on the wall, the tail section growing impatient for their turn, even if you had few meagre minutes left.
You were cleaned for the month. You had your shower, and you were clean, yet you still smelled of him. It was thick, and it was clinging. Your scent was no longer your own.
“Get out of there before I come in!”
“I have two minutes left…” you mumbled, tilting your head back and staring at the water as it fell on your face.
You cried, your tears mixing with the water. You cried for your mother, your beautiful mother who had died after the CW7. You cried for your brother and your father, both of which had died protecting you during the last scourge of a riot.
Four years ago, they died. And last month, their clothes stopped smelling of them. Last month, you lost your last hope of remaining indiscoverable.
You’d all be pulled from your bed, yanked out when someone caught hold of your scent that had gotten a little potent among the dirt and the grime.
“OUT! NOW!” You winced at the tone, the voice that belonged to an alpha who was much older than yourself, with nothing to lose. “I’LL COME IN THERE!”
The water was shut off and you yanked the worn and dusty tunic over your head, just as the door was ripped open. There was the alpha who had screamed at you through the door, blocking your path. He was imposing and physically frightening, and if the side of him didn’t make you weak, then his scent would’ve.
“Omega whore,” he spat, “maybe I’ll let you stay. I can feel your virgin cunt-“
“Please let me by,” you shook, your hands were ringing the tunic you’d been given, “please-“
“Are you scared of me, omega? Terrified of an alpha wanting to have a taste of omega pussy-“
“Get the hell out of here!” The man, the alpha, was grabbed, his head slammed into the door. “Curtis told you to wait.”
Edgars grabbed your wrist and yanked you out of the shower, his fingernails digging into your wrist. He ignored your cry of pain; he ignored you trying to pull away. He ignored you until you had physically slapped him as hard as he could. As he dropped your wrist, you recoiled and pushed yourself flush against the wall, quivering as he turned and stalked toward you.
“When I tell you-“
“I didn’t want to wait!” You yelled at him, your eyes watering at the idea that he would hit you back. “It was my turn-“
“He told you to wait-“ Edgar dragged you behind him, not caring when you stumbled.
“He’s not my master!” You cried as you swung your hand to beat his hold off of you.
“He’s your alpha!”
“I didn’t want him!” You screeched and pushed back on his chest, crying again. “I didn’t want this!”
“You think he wanted a mouthy cunt he can’t even fuck?”
“Edgar,” people were gathering, Gilliam moving forward through the crowd, the sound of his cane tapping against the floor, “you’re making her upset-“
“The bitch-“
“Fuck you, Edgar.” The woman you heard was Tanya had come through the crowd along with Gilliam. She had elbowed him out of the way and wrapped her arm around your shoulders, steering you away. “Beta bastard always wanted to be an alpha.”
You shrunk against her. You shrunk against her and kept your head down as she escorted you throughout the tail end of the train, from the back single shower stall to the series of bunks you had now been moved into.
You recognized this bunk, the one that smelled heavily of him, of his natural scent of an alpha paired with the stench of the tail section that had somehow, unbelievably, didn’t smell as rancid mixed with his scent.
The two of you had been moved into a slightly bigger bunk; the sizes made for couples and families who were made to sleep ok one bed.
“Wait here for Curtis,” she was speaking to you like you were a child, and maybe you felt like one, “please don’t get into more trouble.”
She wasn’t your mother, but she liked to act like one. Her real, biological child was a five-year-old little boy who had wanted to run wild on the tail section. Timmy was a cute kid, an alpha like his mother, and full of energy.
“It was my time-“
“I know, baby,” she crooned, like a mother coddling a newborn, “but you should’ve listened to Curtis.”
You turned away from her and hid your face in the beam of the bunk to the best of your ability. You were the last of your kind, and your designation made you vulnerable among anyone and everyone in the tail section.
Alpha’s wanted to fuck you for the sake of feeling an omega for the first time in 19 years, beta’s wanted to see you thrive to stir the population, the front end tried to find you to turn you into some breeding whore…
“Leave me alone.” And you wanted to crawl into bed and forget the entire thing happened. You wanted to be in the presence of your father or your brother.
You wanted your mom.
“Curtis will be back shortly-“ you scrambled into the bunk and yanked the curtains closed.
You curled into a ball and shoved your hand under the pillow, feeling the tiny ridges of a daintily curved box that held the very last possession you had that belonged to your mother.
You opened the box, your attention immediately settling on the moonflower charm that was tucked within. It was your mother’s favourite flower and had always been seen as some beacon of hope for her until the world froze over and she died when you were a year old. Your father and brother had often spoken of your mother, recalling the nature of her kind soul and her beauty that went beyond all reason.
The kind of beauty your father once said had belonged to you.
“Omega,” you heard Curtis approaching, and a sense of panic rose in you, “what-“
You shoved the pendant back into the box and stored the box under the pillow, arranging it in a way so it was hidden and would remain relatively hidden to Curtis.
“I thought I told you to wait,” he was cross with you and his voice reflected that, “I was nearly finished-“
“It was my time. I wanted to go-“
“And you nearly got attacked-“ the curtain was ripped open and Curtis appeared by the bunk, his arms resting against the edge.
“Like you would give a damn.” You mumbled, hot tears pricking your eyes.
“You’re my mate-“
“-because you were forced into it.” You huffed, tightening your hold on the thin blanket, the only covering you had besides the ratty clothes on your back.
“What happened with Edgar?” He sighed and pulled himself up onto the bunk, sitting on the edge. “Omega-“
“Don’t.” You grunted and brushed his hand off your shoulder when he reached out to touch you.
“Y/N-“ Curtis tried again, his voice softer than before.
“It’s even worse when you say my name.” You huffed again.
“You’re my mate. We’re bound together. And hearing you say that you didn’t-“
“I didn’t want this!” You rolled over angrily, your bottom lip trembling and hot, heavy tears spilling from your eyes. “I didn’t want this to happen to me!”
“Of all the alpha’s who could’ve claimed you-“
“I know what they’re saying.” You wiped your cheeks and sniffled. “You’re the most capable. You’re the leader. You’re the one who’s going to get us out of here.”
“Omega-“ he was torn. He wasn’t used to dealing with such emotional creatures. “You need to eat.”
He sighed and pulled a protein block from his coat pocket, holding it out to you. He was waiting for you to take it, picking up on your hunger when your stomach growled.
“You gave your protein blocks to kids-“
“They’re were hungry-“
“Both of them? Omega!” He scolded.”
“I don’t want it.” You pushed yourself away from him as far as you could manage. “Give it to someone who needs it.”
“You need it.”
“I don’t want it.”
“Omega,” he snapped, using that tone of voice to command you, “sit up and eat it.”
The reaction was immediate. You sat up and yanked yourself closer to him. You set your back flush against the end of the bunk and grabbed the protein block from him, your fingers gripping the dark block as you slowly lifted it to your lips and took one bite, then another and another until it was finished.
“Good,” Curtis slipped his hand around the back of your neck, his fingers flexing against your stiff muscles, “are you complete? You gave both away-“
“No one is ever really full.” You muttered.
“I knew you would say that.” Curtis leaned forward and rested his forehead against your own, holding you in place by the back of your neck, “that’s why I have another-“
“It’s mine.” He grabbed another bar from the other pocket and handed it to you. “Now eat.”
“Curtis-!” You attempted to pushed the block away from you.
“If you’re not eating your blocks, then you’re going to eat mine.” He forced it into your hand and closed your finger around it.
“Why do you care?” You snapped and dropped the block back into his hand. “You don’t know me. You didn’t know me until you bit me and marked me-“
“You’re an omega, and you’re my mate,” Curtis ripped the block in half and gave a portion back to you. “Alpha’s always take care of their omega’s.”
“Like you’ve ever had any real experience-“
“I’m older than you, omega. I was 17 when you were 2. Are you 21 now? I’m 34. I have enough experience with omega’s to know how to care for them. Now eat.”
You grabbed the one half and slowly ate it, your tastebuds growing used to the taste, used to the consistency that was neither pleasant nor enjoyable in any sense; it was simply a mean for survival.
“Lay down, it’s time for sleep.” Curtis took the measly other half and wait for you to lay down and roll over, your back facing his chest. “I’ll keep you safe.”
Curtis had sifted and moved behind you, his left arm wrapping around your waist and with a quick tug you were brought back to his chest. He nuzzled his nose into the back of your neck and then he angled his head and drew his tongue across your mark.
He was scenting you. He was making sure his scent was thick and fresh. He was nudging himself against you with the intent to make sure everyone knew you belonged to him.
Yet you wondered if there was an ulterior motive. You wondered if maybe he was holding your waist as tightly as he could because he was tired of feeling lonely.
Maybe he liked the feeling of holding someone.
“I’ll keep you safe, omega. You can sleep without worry.”
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I always say Im cryptidkin, which is mostly true, but there is so much more to it. Im part of an indiscoverable, extinct species, and I know so much about us, it is a lost cause to explain casually. There are many other living species I can relate to but none of them are my own! Descriptions I could use are just too specific.
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ellinsworth · 5 years
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“It’s not what’s hard to find.
To find the cure of a plague, that is so ancient and indiscoverable for long time that is hard, at least for me. I have the expertise of wayfinding and big game, when I was in Sarasvati Military. Finding the said “vaccine” won’t be easy but certainly not impossible to do.
What’s hard for me is that I have to accept, that my daughter is contracted with the disease. I have to race, I have to hurry. Every second is needed and I have to hustle.” - Akhee, by the edge of Meadow
Akhee is part of #arient. You can find more of the development here: http://patreon.com/ellinsworth
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houseofhope · 5 years
Feeling Lost?
This way….As your feet scurry to the next turn, in hopes to find an exit, you find that there lays another dead end. As you try to run back to where you first started you notice that path is no longer there. Confused you say…” what happened, where has the path gone?”. As anxiousness begins to travel throughout your body you look up in hopelessness and there a maze surrounds your being. Not only does this maze traps you in, but it seems as though the light you once knew was just a figment of your imagination. 
A lot of times this is the story of our lives. The maze of life seems indiscoverable and inescapable, and it can sometimes feel bleak and hopeless. We hope that with every turn we make it will bring us closer to the destination we always desired, just to see there is nothing there but a dead end. Even as we try to get back our security we once had we find that it is no longer there. How did I get here? Why did this happen? These are all questions we usually have at this moment. Is there any way out? Am I bound to be in this feeling of lostness forever? We tend to think that if only I can go back to where I felt safe, where I was more comfortable, if only….
Well, I’ve been there, trust me, you are not alone. I was in a place where everything seemed to be going wrong in life. It seemed as though where I expected to be may have only been a reality in another universe. I wanted to give up and just hide under a rock. I never thought I would be the person feeling lost, or the person that will feel so helpless. I thought the decisions I’ve made would lead me in the right direction, but somehow walls appeared right before me. I was in this place where it seemed that there was no exit and the only thing I can do is sit in the dark hoping the light I once had would one day come back. So for all those who had that feeling, take a second to pause and breathe...however many times you need to. 
This journey is not an easy one. Let none deceive you to think that. Let me offer you this. Something that you may already know...Just like me, you don’t know where you are….. Confused? Yeah, that seems obvious, hence the feeling of being lost. But, I would like to offer you this, what if that is a good thing? The fact that you don’t know where you are means that the same place may be where you need to be without you knowing it.  Just because you don’t know where you are doesn’t mean it’s worse than the place you once were. Every step you take may indeed be the path that leads you to where you need to be. Think of a maze, every time you reach a dead end you are forced to take another direction. That direction inevitably leads you where you need to go and eventually to the finish line. Every closed entrance doesn’t mean there are no longer open doors. 
As we began to see with our spiritual eyes, we see that every dead end is God’s way of saying there is a better path, and in every closed passageway is God telling us that our old comfortable spot is not worth going back to and that we have nowhere to go but forward. Maybe like Paul where you thought you would end up is no longer where you are because God put you on another path. Just be patient and remember that God promised in Psalm 32:8 to guide us,  and be thankful that us reaching our destination isn’t completely on us. So, that light that seemed as though it was no longer there is still surrounding you, you just have to open your eyes and see that though we may feel lost, we couldn’t be more found.  
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only-cats-photos · 7 years
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Caption: She loves the polar bear sheet more than she loves me Credit: indiscoverable http://ift.tt/2sf81nf - Follow me http://ift.tt/Roy1qi
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The Floorboards at Shugborough Hall
Heights, names and lines, covered a dozen times By paint - a dozen coats in a dozen hues; [escaping all notice] Smothered completely in wallpaper paste [modified starch] And plastered in ephemeral fashions and styles, [and plastered in paper of ephemeral fashions] And plastered in fashionable paper  Indiscoverable 
Passes unnoticed into that ninety-nine point nine Percent of everything once known, now unknowable: Doesn’t count for much those dozen ... 
[Those lines are smothered by wallpaper paste] [Awaiting markings new to take up their place] The foundation for another marking new for future seasons
The speckled oak floorboards, a story salvaged, By the impress of hobnails and stiletto damage, The density of dots, mapping their habits. From the drawing room well danced within  A house well and thoroughly lived within, Lord Lichfield hosting, to others toasting, Forming tableaux vivants engrossing, but  Sad with time, that pristine restoration (Memories lost within their excavation) Within error its character is sketched, Is erased whatever was never etched.  All that survives keeps alive those ghosts Suddenly incarnate, as Lichfield boasts, At once waltzing, jiving and grooving, Not to have moved but still to be moving. 
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Learn how to pronounce Indiscoverable in English --- INDISCOVERABLE Pronunciation of Indiscoverable: /,ɪndɪ'skəvərəbəl/ - [in·dis·cov·er·a·ble] adjective Definition of Indiscoverable: not discoverable ★ http://Learn2Pronounce.com ★ How to pronounce Indiscoverable | English pronunciation: https://youtu.be/SXscJK2AWkg
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purelars · 4 years
Dodododiodod I hate tumblr dot com, I used tags but sure why not just leave em out of the search? Let's make your post indiscoverable :))))))
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yiyaa · 6 years
I'm not okay, world.
But so what, who'd ever notice an indiscoverable star missing from the sky.
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thedaikon888-blog · 7 years
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Smiling face: the cutest case of Engrish I've ever seen by indiscoverable https://www.reddit.com/r/engrish/comments/6dpj5t/smiling_face_the_cutest_case_of_engrish_ive_ever/?utm_source=ifttt
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mhmmdnadeem · 8 years
My doctor told me I need fewer trans fats in my life...
Looks like it's time to delete Tumblr.
submitted by /u/indiscoverable [link] [comments] from Jokes http://ift.tt/2kQE6C3 via IFTTT
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winrepl0l1l0 · 8 years
My doctor told me I need fewer trans fats in my life...
My doctor told me I need fewer trans fats in my life…
Looks like it’s time to delete Tumblr.
submitted by /u/indiscoverable [visit reddit] [comments]
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