theperksofbeingstupid · 4 months
need to write a directors cut for the spiderbit murder house RAHHHHHHHH i have so many things to say about it aehawhgahggrhe guys so much thought went into everything did u notice the THEMES did u notice the REFERENCES the THEMES brother the THEMES actively losing my marbles over this 1.3k word fic i wrote in an hour im so proud of it
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dianapopescu · 2 years
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Care este simbolul sufletului tău?
Sufletul este esența ființei umane, fiind considerat un simbol al individualitățîi noastre și a conexiunii noastre cu universul. Pe de altă parte, există un sistem de 12 simboluri ale sufletului, asociate cu luna nașterii fiecăruia dintre noi. Se spune că prin identificarea simbolului sufletului nostru ne putem înțelege mai bine trăsăturile personalității și putem descoperi o explicație pentru unele dintre comportamentele noastre aparent surprinzătoare, neobișnuite. Dezvăluie-ți, așadar, în rândurile de mai jos, simbolul specific al sufletului tău și semnificația acestuia...
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One day we gon talk about how Jessica Drew is a reflection of the reality that is being a WOC in a white, male dominated work place
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And how that position often forces unnecessary competition between peers - especially black women.
Which in turn results in callousness and the idea of solidarity being stamped out between black professionals and women - because solidarity is seen as weak and 'too political/personal' for those who want to succeed in the work place.
And ONE DAY we gon talk about how Jessica and Hobie are the perfect reflection of each other, especially in terms of generational trauma
And how their treatment of Gwen is a direct display of that.
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Jessica being the older generation who's solidarity has been crushed out of them - in favor of individuality and self-sustainability. Causing her to treat Gwen 'professionally' and like an independent person
Versus Hobie, the younger generation who has seen first-hand that Jessica's individualitic approach is damaging, and in turn offers her community and solidarity in her time of need
But not today! because I don't have the time nor the patience goodbye
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bibibbon · 2 months
You talked about Spiderman and Izuku's suffering in canon and fics. And hurt/comfort for Izu is a bit rare to find.
But that's not the point ...one trope I loathe is when they use "red sneakers" theory and ... apparently every hero shows up to see Izu being abused by BK and would step in to save but....."oh he has a red sneakers?! Quirkless?! Ewww"
You have no idea how I hate this trope.
It's has no base in canon and....if the idea is to make the heroes look bad...we do have canon for that. Their arrogance is a good start point.
I hate when a fic says "here a hero btw he does lots of crimes" to justify as why a hero wouldn't intervine in seeing Izu being beat up by BK.
Just wanted to rant. Bc I do hate this trope. Quirkless discrimination is just a gimmick and nothing else. Also...even if there is quirkless discrimination it would serve only to shit on Izu bc...what he can do? "Revolution!" Damn, he is a abused and traumatized kid who has no one...the whole "liberator spiel" don't work with him and frankly...the issue of racism is so more deep than "kid makes a cool speech and everyone is cool"
It's just complex nuance that...no one gave much thought.
And again, it's fic. People can write what they want. Not a cop.
Just I think this trope is horrible.
Hi @mikeellee 👋
We all have th right to dislike or like son tropes that exist and I for one have to agree with you as I don't like the use of red trainers = quirkless but I like some portrayals of quirkless discrimination in fics and I do think that the concept of quirkless discrimination makes sense but I don't like the whole red shoe = quirkless thing.
Most ways I have seen this trope be used is to show how a lot of heroes are quirkist and that they don't help quirkless people because they're quirkless which is a bit unrealistic in a way to me. Like canon has better ways of showing how corrupt heroes can be so the whole ignoring people because of red sneakers thing seems idk how to articulate it but bad ig🤷‍♀️. For example you can have a hero be passive aggressive towards a quirkless individual, or you can the quirkless individual receive weird treatments.
I suppose you are right to saying that there is little substance when it comes to quirkless discrimination because yes in reality there is however, we see a lot of the impacts to being quirkless. Every quirkless character we have seen have all voiced insecurities about their quirklesness and how they feel like they are useless because they are quirkless which is interesting because in some of the fan translations of the first MHA chapter quirks are labeled "individualites" aka what makes someone unique and quirkless people lack that.
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I think Izuku being discriminated adds more to his character especially because the early arcs do show us how that has effected him and how he has 1) no social skills 2) is incredibly attention starved 3) doesn't seem to have a grasp on what a healthy relationship is. All of these set izuku up as a character that needs development and needs to heal. Izuku needs to heal but he also needs to come to the understanding that what happend is wrong and shouldn't happen which would make him understand the greyness of society in a better light while also acknowledging his narration of "nobody is born equal"
Lastly, I don't think Izuku's story should be about him rising and changing and doing all of this on his own but it should be him being the last straw and influencing change.
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[002-A02] Welcome to the Mammoth School
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede enters Hama Asunaro High School. When entering the school, he stumbles upon students arguing with a rough atmosphere around them. Then, he sees a familiar face…
Characters— ✈︎ Sakujiro
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Location: Hama Asunaro High School
Kaede: This is Hama Asunaro High School huh…
As you would expect from a mammoth school[1]… It’s big.
Umm, Kafka’s message saidーー
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Kaede: He still has me left on delivered…
He’s probably purposefully ignoring the messages.
(The school’s already been informed I’m coming… right?
First, let me find a security guard or a receptionist robot. )
Student A: You guys should get lost already!
Kaede: (Hm…?)
Student A: We of “The Weavers of Light and Shadow using Ptolemaic Theory[2] Club” already reserved the time slot for this spot!
Student B: Hah? I haven’t heard anything about that though.
ーーWell, it’s not like whatever you’re saying matters in this situation. You know what this is, don’t you?
Student A: That’s…!
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Student B: Yuuup~. That’s a Class 3 badge~.
Everyone on the soccer team here is a Class 3 or higher. Aren’t you guys Class 2 or lower? You sure are acting all high and mighty.
Why don’t you and your lower Class club go play around in the Old Building?
…Ah wait, that just exploded the other day though.
Student A: Guh…!
Kaede: (The atmosphere’s kinda rough over there…
That conversation had a bunch of dangerous words like Classes[3] and explosions too…)
(I’ll just stop eavesdropping and leaveーー)
Student B: Uwah…!? What’s that, all of a sudden!?
Kaede: (A volleyball got spiked from above…)
Student B: Hey, watch it, Volleyball Club!
You have some nerve underestimating people from Class 3… Come out already!
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???: It is not just the “Volleyball Club”.
It is “The Liberated Volleyball Club with Liberated Bodies”.
Kaede: Sa-Sakujiro-san!? Wow, that was a sharp spike considering how close to the edge of the roof you areーー Wait no, what are you doing here!?
Student B: Karigane-sensei…!
Kaede: Huh? S-Sensei…?
Sakujiro: Hup!
Kaede: Wow, what a beautiful jump and landing… I mean! Why is he being called Sensei…?
Sakujiro: I could hear your conversation all the way from the roof.
That Class badge, did you obtain it for the sole purpose of belittling the people around you?
Student B: Uu…!
Sakujiro: You did not, correct? Thenーー
Both of you, please put your hands together and make up with a handshake.
Student B: M… My bad.
Student A: Nah, I was going a bit too far.
Kaede: (Seems the issue got settled… somehow. But, calling him Senseiーー)
Sakujiro: Yesterday’s enemy is today’s friend. I hope you’re able to get along well with each other.
Now! Members of the The Liberated Volleyball Club with Liberated Bodies, I shall return back to the rooftop, so please wait for me!
Kaede: (As expected of Sakujiro-san. Dashing right back to the sceneーー)
No, hold on a second. Sakujiro-san, don’t leave!
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Kaede: So in other words, you’ve been working as a part-time undercover teacher for the past 3 months?
And Kafka didn’t order you to, you chose to on your own?
Sakujiro: Correct. I’ve been preparing for a situation such as this to occur.
After knowing the Young Master for so long, I’ve developed something of a sixth sense for these types of situations.
Kaede: Amazing… Even though they’re happening separately from each other, everything ends up connecting back to Kafka.
Sakujiro: Much obliged. 
ーーWell then, this way if you please. Let us make haste to the principal’s office.
While en route, I shall tell you more about this school.
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Sakujiro: Hama Asunaro High Schoolーー Currently, there are 10,000 students currently enrolled.
It is a very big mammoth high school, with around 83 classes per grade level.
As society develops at a high paced rate in technology, the school prides itself in believing that human value is found in “spontaneous individuality”. Therefore, in the early stages, it focused on developing this through professional education in club activities.
Kaede: “Spontaneous individuality”...
Sakujiro: It is the individuality one gets from honing themselves while receiving guidance from their teacher.
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Sakujiro: In Asu High, there is a system in place where that motivation is channeled into club activities and thus evaluated.
Various results were received, and thus a variety of different students with a range of personalities gathered all over the country to attend here.
The enrollment rate is said to be 80:1 compared to other schools.
Kaede: It’s a pretty difficult high school huh…
(Now that I think about it, didn’t Yuki-nii and the others graduate from Asu High? As I thought, they’re amazing…)
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Sakujiro: After graduation, you can pursue many different careers. Such as politics, baseball, academics, and a variety of others.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that earning a degree at this school is synonymous to a better life.
And the person who’s at the foundation of the school of such a unique system isーー
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Sakujiro: Please excuse me.
The man who runs such a school has worked in HRD[4] jobs at widely renowned IT companies across the globe. He has been described as a coaching god and a prophet in human resources.
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Sakujiro: He has a background that can only be described as one of the best in human research development. That is our principalーー Principal Naoe.
Principal Naoe: … Please excuse me, due to various circumstances, we will only be able to talk via audio. Thank you for meeting with me. I’m sorry for making you come all the way over here.
Kaede: Please don’t worry about it. …Nice to meet you, my name is Kaede Hamasaki.
(His icon in the call says “love”...)
Principal Naoe: Hahaha… There’s no need to be so worried. Let’s talk casually as people who share the same ideas.
Kaede: Ah, yes…
Principal Naoe: I received a call from the president at the place you workーー Kafka-kun. It seems he wants to select the next ward mayors for HAMA tourism from the younger generation.
That is a brilliant idea. I strongly agree with that decision.
After all, I believe the future lies with the younger generation.
Young people should want to shape the world that they live in. It falls on us as adults to lend them the support to do so.
Wouldn’t you agree?
Kaede: Yes, I believe that’s true.
Principal Naoe: Haha, that’s good. As long as you share the same feelings, it’s more than enough. I have high hopes when it comes to what you can do.
Then, as for students who may be candidates for ward mayors, we established a club called the Community Revitalization Club and have gathered potential students already.
As for you, you will be enrolled as the club’s outside club instructor.
Kaede: In-Instructor!? That’s a big role…
Principal Naoe: What of it? You have Karigane-sensei to lend you a hand as well, so there shouldn’t be any issues.
I’ve already told you, haven't I?  As long as you share the same feelings, it’s more than enough.
Kaede: …
Sakujiro: Principal, if I may?
Principal Naoe: Go ahead, Karigane-sensei.
Sakujiro: If I’m not mistaken, the students who are enrolled in the Community Revitalization Club were Class 1 students, were they not?
Kaede: (Class 1 students? Oh right, the kids outside were also saying something about Classes…)
Sakujiro: Although Kaede-san is someone with strong ambitions, and I hope I am not being frank when I say this, he is still an amateur at teaching.
I fear that if he were to be put in charge of Class 1 students, he would become overwhelmed.
Principal Naoe: Ah, now that you mention it, you’re right. Butーー
Here’s what I think. The Class 1 students are diamonds in the rough.
Kaede: …
Principal Naoe: From here, they could become gemstones which shine a variety of different colors. To put it in another way, there are endless possibilities with them.
When you see the possibilities they hold, the lovelier they are. I’m sure that Kaede-san will come to realize this. 
Kaede: Yes…
Principal Naoe: By the way, Karigane-sensei.
What do you say? Will you finally accept my offer of the position to be a full time teacher?
Sakujiro: I thank you for the opportunity, but I’m afraid I will have to refuse that offer yet again.
Principal Naoe: Hahaha! You’re as cold as ever aren’t you?
Well then, as I recover from the heartbreak of getting rejected for the 67th time, feel free to show him around.
Please excuse me.
Kaede: Yes! Um… Thank you very much!
Principal Naoe: Good luck, young man.
Kaede: (He left… He was a little strange…)
Sakujiro: Let’s hurry to the club room, shall we?
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Notes — ✈︎
A mammoth school is a huge school that has an enormous amount of students and classrooms. Sakujiro explains the size of Asu High, but “mammoth school” isn’t the most common phrase ever so I thought I should explain
Ptolemaic theory is the theory that Earth is at the center of the universe while everything else revolves around it. “The Weavers of Light and Shadow using Ptolemaic Theory” is a fancy way of saying they’re just using the shadows and sunlight to test this theory.
Sure you’re aware by now but just in case you're not! Classes in this case are basically referring to social classes. In Asu High, there are Classes 1-5, 5 being the highest of the Classes. I’ll always capitalize Classes when I’m talking about the hierarchical system as opposed to the regular school classes.
HRD - Human Resource Development, IT - Information Technologies
The chat image has a description in case you can't read it! I'm not sure how that looks like on tumblr so I hope you're able to access it! If needed, I can add the transcript here as well.
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healingtree99 · 1 year
Ma simt kinda stressed lately
actually poate mai mult si stiu ca in trecut scrisul m-a ajutat foarte mult asa ca am decis sa ii mai dau o sansa
de curand am constat faptul ca am dezvoltat diverse obsesii care in schimb m-au indepartat mai mult de cine/ce sunt eu cu adevarat, de lucrurile care imi plac si cred ca contribuie mult la feelingul asta de blocaj
nu am mai scris de mult, nu am mai citit, nu am mai mers la biblioteca, nu am mai dansat, nu am mai iesit cu prietenii ca deh țtrebuie sa invat
m am saturat sa refuz iesiri cu prietenii pe motiv ca inca mai am examene din pacate in timp ce altii se relaxeaza pe plaje but hey i am living the luxurious life of a medstudent nu? nu asta mi am dorit?
ce asteptari aveam oare legat de experienta asta
anul 4 a fost dezamagitor si nu stiu daca din cauza ca am avut eu asteptari prea mari sau pt ca poate uneori am avut atitudinea gresita
am urat aproape fiecare stagius i dupa fiecare stagiu speram ca la urmatorul va fi mai bine
ar trebui totusi sa fiu mai kind with myself, am incercat sa fac tot ce se poate, did my best date fiind conditiile( problemele de sanatate) dar cred ca zilele astea e momentul oportun sa fac un fel de audit i guess al anului asta si sa vad ce a mers si ce nu a mers
-nu cred ca a fost cea mai buna idee sa fac o obsesie din regularitatea ciclurilor pt ca ce a inceput ca o idee bune( hei uite un supliment, pare ok, uite alt supliment, hai sa mai citesc studii, cred ca am probleme cu glicemia hai sa fac analize hai sa fac programari peste programari la n doctori, iar alt supliment, alt ceai, alta tinctura si le am tot folosit ca band aids pt lipsa de somn si de mancare nutritiva si de activitati relaxante
funny isn t it ca am criticat atata timp ideea de anticonceptionale si de a pune un bandaj cand nu faci chestii simple dar am ajuns sa apelez la pseudo-band aids ca sa maschez faptul ca AM NEVOIE DE SOMN CA SA FIU OKK
si poate chiar de mai mult somn decat o persoana normala
and there s no shame in that sincer
am obosit sa mi mai fie rusine de oboseala si de faptul ca avem cu totii tolerante diferite la oboseala si stres and thats ok
unii avem activitati tip hobby de relaxare, altii merg la sala, altii gatesc
SI E OK CA ACTIVITATILE TALE SA FIE DIFERIT, sa nu fie ca ale lui x y z
cred ca pur si simplu am renuntat si la ideea de individualitate lately pt ca m au speriat f mult problemele hormonale si nu stiam in ce directie sa o apuc asa ca am tot cautat sa vad ce fac altii...minunata intrebare * oare cum invata altii la materia asta
oare ce suplimente iau altii
* oare cum dorm altii
si cand nu mi am gasit raspunsurile la cei din jurul meu, am ajuns sa caut pe reddit absolut oric eporcarie doar ca sa imi confirm eu alte lucruri
ce chestii functioneaza, pro si cons si observatii
scortisoara pt cicluri?
sau low carb
balonare dupa high protein( posibil problema cu metabolsimul sulfului=lipsa molibden, cupru?)
albire par lipsa cupru?
gluten dariy intolerance nu pot spune ca am scos ever glutenul pt simplul motiv ca credeam ca ovazul nu are gluten
OBSESIA cu productivitatea si comparatul cu alti oameni
-low carb vs high carb
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pwn887 · 1 year
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toriliashine · 1 year
I hate the tumblr desktop layout, it fucking sucks actually? Removing layered reblogs and now this? I come here for TUMBLR not a site thats as ignorable and unremarkable as the rest of the hellsites on the internet bloody hell. this site is going to 'clean' and strip itself of all individualitity till its users leave out of boredom for its become just as droll as the rest.
tldr: the new desktop layout is not only annoying but is giving nothing omg
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fadkekk · 2 years
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spiritual123 · 2 months
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Rudolf Steiner
Ga-4 – Filosofia libertății
#FilosofiaLibertatii #RudolfSteiner #Antroposofia #Антропософия #Anthroposophy #Anthroposophie
Autorul examinează problema valorii vieții prin prisma a două concepții opuse: optimismul și pesimismul.
Optimiștii, precum Shaftesbury și Leibniz, cred că lumea este în esență bună și că viața merită să fie trăită, fiind o colaborare armonioasă unde chiar și răul are un rol benefic, fiind doar un grad mai redus al binelui. Ei consideră că omul trebuie să urmeze voia lui Dumnezeu pentru a contribui la binele suprem al lumii.
Pe de altă parte, pesimiștii, reprezentați de Schopenhauer și Eduard von Hartmann, văd viața ca fiind plină de suferințe și neplăceri. Schopenhauer consideră că temelia lumii este o voință oarbă și nesatisfăcută, ceea ce duce la suferință continuă. Hartmann, însă, vede această suferință ca parte a unui scop cosmic, în care durerea lumii contribuie la eliberarea de suferință și la procesul de mântuire a lui Dumnezeu.
Steiner analizează aceste perspective, argumentând că strădania și dorințele în sine nu produc neapărat neplăcere, ci mai degrabă neîmplinirea lor. El susține că plăcerea este legată de speranța împlinirii dorințelor, iar neplăcerea apare atunci când aceste dorințe rămân nesatisfăcute.
Capitolul explorează în detaliu cum diferite concepții despre valoarea vieții influențează etica și comportamentul uman, evidențiind importanța perspectivelor individuale asupra plăcerii și suferinței în determinarea valorii vieții.
Aparent, dacă viața ar fi evaluată doar prin prisma plăcerii și a suferinței, atunci viața nu ar merita trăită, deoarece există mai multă suferință decât plăcere. Această viziune pesimistă, însă, este respinsă de autor, afirmând că viața are un scop mai profund decât simpla căutare a plăcerii. Conform lui Steiner, dorințele și nevoile noastre sunt esențiale pentru determinarea valorii vieții, iar plăcerea nu poate fi măsurată simplu în termeni absoluți, ci trebuie raportată la aceste dorințe și nevoi. Valoarea vieții și a plăcerii este determinată de capacitatea noastră de a depăși suferința și de a ne realiza dorințele într-un mod concret și direcționat.
Autorul explorează tensiunea dintre individualitate și apartenența la grupuri sociale și biologice. El subliniază că, deși oamenii sunt parte a unor grupuri (precum rasa, poporul, familia, sexul), aceste afilieri nu ar trebui să le limiteze libertatea individuală. Steiner argumentează că adevărata individualitate se manifestă atunci când o persoană se eliberează de caracteristicile speciei și acționează pe baza propriei intuiții și autodeterminări.
Steiner critică tendința de a judeca oamenii doar prin prisma caracteristicilor de specie și subliniază că fiecare individ este unic și trebuie înțeles ca atare. El evidențiază că, în special în cazul femeilor, rolurile și funcțiile sociale sunt adesea determinate de percepțiile generale asupra sexului, ceea ce le împiedică să se manifeste ca individualități libere. El susține că femeile ar trebui să aibă libertatea de a decide pentru ele însele, fără a fi constrânse de așteptările societale.
Valorile și acțiunile etice autentice provin din intuițiile individuale și adevărata viață morală a omenirii se bazează pe libertatea și creativitatea individuală, nu pe conformitatea la legile speciei sau ale autorităților sociale.
Rudolf Steiner explorează monismul și impactul său asupra percepției umane și a gândirii. El argumentează că monismul își fundamentează principiile în experiența umană și refuză să caute explicații în afara lumii experienței percepute. Pentru monism, unitatea este stabilită de gândirea observațională, integrând atât percepțiile obiective cât și subiective într-o realitate coerentă. Astfel, gândirea devine mijlocul prin care individul se conectează la realitățile fizice și spirituale ale lumii.
Steiner subliniază că individul nu este separat de cosmos, ci este o parte integrantă a acestuia, cu toate că percepția poate crea iluzia separării. El argumentează că doar prin gândirea intuitivă omul poate realiza existența sa ca parte organică a universului, eliminând astfel aparențele percepției. Gândirea devine instrumentul prin care se dezvăluie realitatea ca o unitate închegată, care include atât percepția obiectivă cât și conținutul subiectiv al personalității.
În contrast cu dualismul, care caută o realitate transcendentă dincolo de lumea percepută, monismul susține că realitatea totală poate fi găsită doar în interiorul experienței umane. Steiner respinge ideea unei metafizici abstracte și a unei lumi de dincolo, argumentând că toate ideile și conceptele derivă din experiența gândirii și percepției. Astfel, el subliniază că gândirea umană, în înțelegerea sa de sine, nu necesită căutarea unei realități superioare sau a unui sens exterior, deoarece tot ceea ce este esențial poate fi găsit în experiența imediată a individului.
Monismul propus de Steiner promovează o viziune în care indivizii umani sunt conectați prin gândire la o realitate comună și universală, eliminând astfel dualismul și căutarea unei realități externe.
(Adaos la noua ediție 1918)
Autorul adaugă o clarificare în fața obiecțiilor primite de la filosofi imediat după publicarea cărții. El recunoaște că unii cititori pot considera lămuririle sale abstracte și irelevante, dar susține că ele sunt esențiale pentru clarificarea problemei centrale a cărții, ce explorează natura ființei umane și relația acesteia cu lumea. Steiner distinge între dificultățile create de filosofi și aspectele reale ale gândirii umane pe care cartea sa le explorează.
El abordează problema influenței vieții sufletești a unui individ asupra vieții sufletești a altuia, susținând că aceasta nu poate fi înțeleasă prin simpla percepție senzorială, ci necesită o gândire activă și o înțelegere profundă. Steiner respinge ideile că percepțiile noastre sunt doar reprezentări ale unei lumi externe, afirmând că prin gândirea activă putem ajunge la o înțelegere reală a relațiilor interumane și a lumii.
Autorul critică și respinge categorisirile simpliste ale teoriei cunoașterii, cum ar fi realismul naiv, idealismul transcendental și realismul transcendental, argumentând că acestea nu sunt suficiente pentru a explica realitatea complexă a vieții interumane și a cunoașterii spirituale. Steiner propune un "monism al gândirii", susținând că înțelegerea profundă a lumii și a relațiilor interumane necesită o abordare holistică și nu se poate reduce la simpliste construcții filosofice.
Apendicele este o apărare a abordării lui Steiner în fața criticilor filosofice, subliniind necesitatea unei gândiri spirituale și profunde pentru a înțelege ființa umană și locul său în univers.
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iuicmontreal · 3 months
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anticariat · 4 months
Vânzarea cărților scrise de Camil Petrescu
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Camil Petrescu, unul dintre cei mai de seamă scriitori români, cunoscut pentru lucrările sale literare de excepție, a reușit să impresioneze cititorii din întreaga lume cu operele sale captivante și profunde.
Cărțile sale au câștigat aprecierea criticilor literari și au devenit un punct de referință în literatura română, reușind să păstreze actualitatea și relevanța și în zilele noastre.
Vânzarea cărților scrise de Camil Petrescu reprezintă o oportunitate unică de a explora și de a experimenta universul său literar plin de nuanțe, emoții și introspecție.
Fiecare roman, povestire sau eseuri ale sale reprezintă o incursiune adâncă în psihologia personajelor și în dilemele umane, abordând teme precum iubirea, trădarea, pasiunea și eterna luptă dintre rațiune și sentiment. Astfel, vânzarea cărților sale devine nu doar un proces comercial, ci și o oportunitate de a aduce în casele cititorilor aceste minunate opere literare.
Prin intermediul vânzării cărților scrise de Camil Petrescu, cititorii au posibilitatea de a descoperi sau redescoperi geniul creativ al acestui scriitor remarcabil. Indiferent dacă sunt pasionați de literatură clasică sau sunt la început de drum în explorarea literaturii române, cărțile sale pot reprezenta o adiție valoroasă în colecțiile personale de cărți.
Unul dintre cele mai cunoscute romane scrise de Camil Petrescu, "Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război", este un exemplu elocvent al geniului său literar.
Această lucrare impresionantă explorează relația complexă dintre protagonist și lumea înconjurătoare, călătorind în profunzimea gândurilor și emoțiilor umane. Cei care vor cumpăra această carte vor avea ocazia să se afunde în intriganta poveste și să descopere subtilitățile scriiturii sale captivante.
De asemenea, romanul "Patul lui Procust" este o altă capodoperă semnată de Camil Petrescu care a captivat cititorii de-a lungul timpului. Acest roman profund analitic abordează teme precum alienarea umană, conformismul social și conflictul dintre individualitate și presiunile societății.
Prin vânzarea acestui roman, se oferă cititorilor șansa de a se bucura de un text literar semnificativ și de a explora raportul complex dintre om și societate.
Eseurile și studiile critice redactate de Camil Petrescu reprezintă, de asemenea, o importantă contribuție la literatura română. Operele sale teoretice analizează evoluția literaturii și rolul scriitorului în societate, oferind o perspectivă unică și adâncime conceptuală.
Prin vânzarea acestor eseuri, catre un Anticariat-Carti.com, spre exemplu cititorii pasionați de literatură și de studiul critic pot beneficia de o panoramă complexă asupra gândirii și viziunii literare a lui Camil Petrescu.
Pe lângă aspectul literar și artistic, vânzarea cărților scrise de Camil Petrescu poate constitui și o oportunitate valoroasă din perspectiva colecționarilor de cărți rare și de colecții bibliofile.
Edițiile speciale, primele ediții sau cărțile semnate de autor reprezintă obiecte prețioase pentru pasionații care fac achizitii de carti și pot aduce un plus de valoare în colecțiile lor personale.
În concluzie, vânzarea cărților scrise de Camil Petrescu este un pas important în transmiterea valorii și relevanței operei sale literare către noi generații de cititori.
Achizitii de carti | Anticariat-Carti.com
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Fie că este vorba de pasionați de literatură, colecționari de cărți rare sau de cititori dornici să exploreze universul literar al unuia dintre cei mai importanți scriitori români, aceste cărți oferă oportunitatea de a călători într-o lume a ideilor, a imaginatiei și a emoțiilor profunde.
Prin vânzarea cărților sale, ne asigurăm că operele lui Camil Petrescu rămân vii și relevante, continuând să inspire și să captiveze cititorii din întreaga lume.
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radhaiinksap · 5 months
Education is not Just Books
Holistic Child Development in one of the best schools in Kamothe, Navi Mumbai
Education goes beyond the confines of textbooks and classroom walls. Some of the best schools in kamothe, Navi Mumbai today focus on giving holistic development to the children. If you as a parent are seeking such a comprehensive educational experience, look no further than Radhai Inksap School.
At Radhai Inksap, education transcends conventional boundaries. Here, students are offered a diverse array of opportunities to explore and excel, both academically and beyond. Let's delve into some of the distinctive features that set Radhai Inksap School apart.
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Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities:
Physical activity is a cornerstone of holistic development, and Radhai Inksap recognizes its significance. With state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor sports facilities, students have ample space to engage in various sporting activities. From basketball courts to swimming pools, these facilities not only promote physical well-being but also foster teamwork and discipline among students which is a sign of good education.
Robotics and AI Curriculum:
Radhai Inksap offers a transformative AI and Robotics Curriculum, equipping students with essential skills for the future. Through hands-on experience, students explore the limitless potential of artificial intelligence and robotics, fostering creativity, problem-solving, and innovation. Our dynamic curriculum goes beyond traditional education, preparing students to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. With state-of- the-art facilities and dedicated faculty, Radhai Inksap stands as a beacon of excellence among schools in Navi Mumbai.
English Language Lab:
At Radhai Inksap, our Digital Teacher English Language Lab revolutionizes language learning at primary education level. With equal emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, and writing (LSRW), our well-
graded content ensures comprehensive skill development. Through a situational approach and well- guided practice activities, students engage in learner-centered activities that promote fluency and accuracy. Our lab features academic vocabulary tailored to students' needs, with reference options on activities for enhanced comprehension. Additionally, students can record and download their voices, fostering self-assessment and improvement.
Music and Dance Room:
Our Music and Dance Room ignites creativity and passion. With state-of-the-art facilities and expert guidance, students explore the rich world of music and dance. Our good education approach at the school offers a well-structured curriculum that encompasses various genres and styles, catering to students' diverse interests and talents. Through hands-on practice and performance opportunities, students develop technical proficiency and artistic expression. Whether mastering melodies or perfecting a move, our learner-centered approach fosters confidence and creativity.
Arts and Crafts Room:
Our Arts and Crafts Room is a hub of creativity and innovation. Equipped with a wide array of materials and tools, students unleash their imagination and bring their artistic visions to life. Our room offers well- structured projects and activities, catering to students of all skill levels and interests. From painting to pottery, students explore various mediums and techniques under the guidance of experienced instructors. With a focus on good education, hands-on learning and individual expression, our learner- centered approach fosters a love for the arts and nurtures each student's unique talents.
Safe and Inclusive Environment:
Above all, Radhai Inksap School prides itself on providing a safe and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and supported. The school's commitment to diversity and inclusivity is evident in its welcoming atmosphere and zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination. Students thrive in an environment where they are free to be themselves and celebrate their individuality.
In the journey of education, Radhai Inksap School stands as a beacon of excellence, offering much more than mere academics. With its holistic approach to child development and diverse array of opportunities, the school prepares students not just for exams, but for life itself. For parents seeking the best for their children in kamothe, Navi Mumbai, Radhai Inksap School emerges as a definitive choice—a place where education is not just about books, but about nurturing the whole child.
Visit Us: https://radhaiinksap.in/
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filipcezartailor · 5 months
Filip Cezar a luat naștere din dorința de a transforma modul în care privim și înțelegem moda.
În această prezentare, pornim într-o călătorie captivantă, unde creativitatea și pasiunea se împletesc perfect în fiecare cusătură.
Bespoke nu este doar o tehnică de confecționare a hainelor, este o filozofie.
Fiecare piesă vestimentară este mai mult decât o haină; este o poveste personalizată despre stil și individualitate.
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theguestblogging · 5 months
Unveiling the Enigma: Billie Eilish's Captivating and Confident Sexy Persona
In the realm of pop culture, few artists have stirred up intrigue and fascination quite like billie eilish sexy pics. Beyond her chart-topping hits and boundary-pushing style, Eilish has cultivated a persona that defies conventions and embraces authenticity. Central to this persona is her unabashed embrace of her own sensuality and sexuality, which she expresses with confidence and power. In this article, we delve into the enigma of Billie Eilish's sexy allure, exploring how she redefines the narrative surrounding sexiness in the music industry.
From the moment she burst onto the scene with her debut single "Ocean Eyes," billie eilish sexy pics captured the attention of audiences worldwide with her haunting vocals and unique aesthetic. Unlike many of her peers, Eilish eschewed the conventional image of a pop star, opting instead for oversized clothing and a style that challenged traditional notions of femininity. Yet, beneath the layers of baggy attire lies a woman who exudes a quiet confidence and an undeniable allure.
One of the most striking aspects of Billie Eilish's sexy persona is its authenticity. In a world where sexiness is often equated with overt displays of skin and sexuality, Eilish takes a different approach. She embraces her sensuality on her own terms, refusing to conform to societal expectations or industry pressures. Whether she's performing on stage or gracing the pages of a magazine, Eilish radiates a magnetic charm that captivates audiences without resorting to clichés or stereotypes.
Part of what makes Billie Eilish's sexy persona so compelling is its complexity. She embodies a multifaceted version of sexiness that encompasses vulnerability, strength, and self-assurance. In her music, Eilish explores themes of desire, longing, and intimacy with a rawness and honesty that resonates with listeners on a deep emotional level. It's this willingness to bare her soul and embrace her imperfections that makes her so relatable and compelling as an artist.
Moreover, Billie Eilish's sexy persona challenges traditional gender norms and empowers her fans to embrace their own sexuality without shame or apology. By rejecting the notion that sexiness is synonymous with a particular body type or appearance, Eilish encourages individuals to define beauty and attractiveness on their own terms. In doing so, she paves the way for a more inclusive and diverse understanding of sexiness that celebrates individuality and authenticity.
The Enigma of Billie Eilish
Billie Eilish is more than just a musician; she's a cultural icon whose influence transcends genres and boundaries. With her signature blend of alternative pop and electropop, she has captured the hearts of millions around the globe. Yet, it's not just her music that captivates audiences—it's her enigmatic persona and fearless approach to self-expression.
Redefining Beauty Standards
In an industry often dictated by conventional beauty norms, Billie Eilish stands out as a refreshing antidote. With her unapologetic style and refusal to conform, she challenges the status quo and encourages fans to embrace their individuality. Her hot pics serve as a powerful reminder that beauty comes in many forms and that confidence is the most attractive quality of all.
The Enigma of Billie Eilish
Billie Eilish is more than just a musician; she's a cultural icon whose influence transcends genres and boundaries. With her signature blend of alternative pop and electropop, she has captured the hearts of millions around the globe. Yet, it's not just her music that captivates audiences—it's her enigmatic persona and fearless approach to self-expression.
Redefining Beauty Standards
In an industry often dictated by conventional beauty norms, Billie Eilish stands out as a refreshing antidote. With her unapologetic style and refusal to conform, she challenges the status quo and encourages fans to embrace their individuality. Her hot pics serve as a powerful reminder that beauty comes in many forms and that confidence is the most attractive quality of all.
The Evolution of Billie's Image
From her early days as a teenage sensation to her current status as a global superstar, Billie Eilish's image has undergone a remarkable evolution. Gone are the days of baggy clothes and neon hair; today, she effortlessly combines high fashion with streetwear, creating looks that are both edgy and sophisticated. Her hot pics reflect this transformation, showcasing a newfound sense of maturity and confidence.
The Power of Self-Expression
For Billie Eilish, self-expression is more than just a fashion statement—it's a form of empowerment. Whether she's rocking a bold hairstyle or experimenting with avant-garde makeup, she uses her appearance as a canvas for creativity. Her hot pics serve as a visual diary of her journey, documenting the highs and lows of fame with raw honesty and vulnerability.
Breaking the Internet
It's no secret that Billie Eilish's hot pics have a tendency to break the internet. From magazine covers that sell out within hours to Instagram posts that rack up millions of likes, she has a knack for capturing the public's attention. Yet, amidst the frenzy of fame, she remains remarkably grounded, prioritizing authenticity over likes and followers.
From her early days as a teenage sensation to her current status as a global superstar, billie eilish sexy's image has undergone a remarkable evolution. Gone are the days of baggy clothes and neon hair; today, she effortlessly combines high fashion with streetwear, creating looks that are both edgy and sophisticated. Her hot pics reflect this transformation, showcasing a newfound sense of maturity and confidence.
The Power of Self-Expression
For billie eilish hot pics, self-expression is more than just a fashion statement—it's a form of empowerment. Whether she's rocking a bold hairstyle or experimenting with avant-garde makeup, she uses her appearance as a canvas for creativity. Her hot pics serve as a visual diary of her journey, documenting the highs and lows of fame with raw honesty and vulnerability.
Breaking the Internet
It's no secret that Billie Eilish's hot pics have a tendency to break the internet. From magazine covers that sell out within hours to Instagram posts that rack up millions of likes, she has a knack for capturing the public's attention. Yet, amidst the frenzy of fame, she remains remarkably grounded, prioritizing authenticity over likes and followers.
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