#inferno fiction
lets-get-lit · 7 months
Do not be afraid; our fate Cannot be taken from us; it is a gift. 
- Dante Alighieri, Inferno
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msizzydizzy · 1 year
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It has been four years since your parents died. Your younger sister and you have been left in shambles, struggling to pick up the pieces of what’s left of your family. But nothing ever goes right; you devote your life to taking care of Chrissy, and she devotes hers to resent you—and to something darker of which you are unaware.
One day, Chrissy goes missing, and the only way for you to get her back is to journey into hell. In order to do that, you are forced to make a deal.
What happens next is up to you.
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You take the train home from college after nearly four years away, knowing you will be welcomed with open arms, bright smiles, and the sincerest congratulations from your friends and family, from the entire neighborhood. Their pride has not been misplaced, for better or for worse, you are the one: the only one who made it into college.
This is your first summer home since you began studying in Stanford. That is what everyone thinks.
This is your first summer home since you dropped out of college, thus becoming the biggest disappointment in your neighborhood. That is what only you know.
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Congratulations, human!
You have been chosen to join the extraordinary Creature Mediation Center (CMC), a unique workplace where all kinds of different monsters creatures collaborate to bridge the specieist gap in our society. As the newest and only human of our team, you'll navigate a world of diverse creatures, handling counseling sessions, managing projects, and making critical decisions to foster harmony between two worlds.
Welcome to a realm where diplomacy is a blend of corporate intrigue and fantastical diversity!
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It's the year 2524, and you're a defeated God/Goddess/Deity in a place and time where your kind is rarely needed anymore. After being locked away and thought to be dead for nearly a millennia, you wake up.
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mpsansy · 1 month
An Uncomfortable View
Phew… This took a while. So here’s my attempt at telling a story involving Casper and his friends, Wendy & Inferno as they play a game of tag that goes from all fun & games to something more serious. Least on the young spirit here.
A distance away from the Whipstaff manor, three children screamed. In pure joy that is! A ghost, a witch, and a demon respectively. As things had been playing out, it looked to be an exciting game of tag amongst the three. With the ghost trying to chase the other two down.
The witch that dawned a red coat swiped away just in time before they got caught. Sending the spirit spiraling through recently raked leaves. Scattering some before rising up. Shaking the nonexistent dirt from off their transparent body. Face scrunched up and huffing, all with a smile as he looked up to see two kids resting beside a big tree.
Right next the one in the red coat was a demon, snickering as he offered a wave from his tail to the ghost.
“Casper, just face it, you can’t catch either of us.” The demon youth commented, swinging up his right hand to point at himself and the little witch girl that shined a toothy grin to Casper.
“Yeah! Me and Inferno are too quick for you!” She added. “You gotta throw in the towel at some point.”
Casper with a raised brow smiled again. Rolling his eyes at the two as he began to stretch. “Oh, you’d like to think that, wouldn’t you? But I don’t plan on quitting. You two keep that egos of yours up, and next thing you’ll know, you’ll be thrown in the pile of leaves next. Defeated!”
“Okay, marshmallow boy. Come get us then.” Now that sounded really cocky.
With no intention of holding back, Casper quickly readied himself. Twisting his form before rapidly coming at the two in a sudden flurry. Inferno at this moment wasn’t so confident in trying to escape this. Nor did he have any time to.
Not only did Casper catch him. But in a sudden burst of energy, grabbed Inferno by his horns and sent him flying to the pile of leaves Casper was previously in. This time, the leaves scattered rapidly across the ground. Leaving Inferno down on the ground.
Wendy’s face in all this was one of a perplexed look, gazing at Casper. Sheepishly scratching the back of her head when he turned his body to hers.
"Your turn Wendy."
Didn't take long for her to run as fast as she could after he commented. Screaming and jumping over objects that blocked her path. At that moment, Casper couldn't help himself and giggled. Giving Wendy a chance to run away before continuing to chase after her.
Adrenaline kicking in, Wendy was surprisingly agile. Dodging him every which way throughout their game. But that might have been because mid running, she ditched her coat to avoid it from getting caught somewhere.
In all that time she did everything she could to evade the ghostly spirit. Eventually leading her to run farther out to a cliff near the ocean.
Casper had not initially paid any mind to where she was running until he looked beyond her. Heading towards a cliff where a tree was now residing. Looking as if it was nearly inches away from falling into the ocean. Uprooted from the ground for what may have been a long time now.
Something about this scene felt... terribly wrong. Enough to warrant the boy to come even faster than earlier and snatch Wendy. Immediately pulling her away just in time before she even made it out to the edge.
At this moment, Wendy wasn't even sure about what was happening now. She suspected him to let go once she admitted defeat, but he didn't. His grip on her had only gotten tighter.
"Hey, Casper, you can let go now. You won.”
Nothing. Absolutely no response from the boy. Seconds in his hold, she felt something wet fall down her shoulder. And soon sniffling from the left side of her ear.
"Cas, what's wrong??" She asked. Now taking this more seriously. Meanwhile Casper couldn't bring himself to speak. Slowly moving back and gently slipping down to the ground. Safe away from the edge.
Wendy could only conform to the movements at this time as his grip on her was surprisingly strong.
Not long after, Inferno came to find them. His face looked just as confused as Wendy's when he finally arrived. What had happened in all that time of them playing?
"Hey, what's going on?" Inferno asked, moving in towards the ghost that had a hold on Wendy. Her mouthing “I don’t know” to the demon when he looked to her for answers.
"I... I... " Casper tried to speak up, nearly choking on the words that were trying to spill out from his mouth.
"You were going to fall over." A sentence finally came out of him.
"Casper, I wasn't. And besides, I would've made a spell that can make me float even if I did. I would've been okay." Wendy commented to Casper. His grip lessened, giving her a chance to pull enough away to look at his face.
Though what she saw in his eyes wasn't just nothing. It was pure undeniable fear. He couldn't stop the burning tears that quickly poured down his face.
"N-no! You were going to fall over, and I didn't want you to go any farther! I didn't want you to fall." His voice cracked. Acting erratic as he looked into her eyes. Holding onto her hands now.
"The ground was going to collapse, I saw it coming. You were going to fall. You were going to fall!" His breathing hitched and he couldn't calm down fast enough.
Inferno hesitated for a second, yet came close enough to kneel down and lay a hand on Casper's shoulder. His ocean eyes darted to the demon's glowing yellow ones.
"Casper... it's okay. You saved her." Inferno wasn't even sure what he was saying. It had been the first thing to cross his mind. Was it even appropriate? Smart? Lucky for him, those words were. Just enough to get Casper to calm down and make him less tense.
Sniffling still as he looked down to the ground the three were now on.
"Yeah." Wendy broke the silence.
"You did save me, Casper. I’m okay.”
She managed to get one hand free and brought her friend to rest his head on her shoulder now. To which he did not fight.
Here he was. Resting his now tired head on her. Trying to bring himself to calm down more. And in time he would.
Time passed, and the three kids were all resting outside in the grounds of the Whipstaff manor. All unsure about how they wanted to handle what had previously transpired.
"You know, we don't need to talk about this Casper." Inferno said. Tail making lines in the dirt. "I mean- not right now. When you feel comfortable I mean.”
"Yeah, I know." Casper's reply was slow. He seemed like he was thinking.
"Wendy, I'm sorry for gripping onto you like that. Did I hurt you?”
The little witch let out a puff from her mouth. "That was nothing, Cas. You're good.”
She'll admit though, she had never imagined that Casper had such an intense grip. It really made her wonder where this strength all came from.
"I don't know what came over me." He had a pretty good idea, but didn’t want to entertain the idea any further. At least not for the rest of the day.
"I'm sorry." That just came out. And the witch and demon respectively patted Casper on each side of his shoulders.
"You don't need to apologize for that, man." Inferno commented.
"It's okay. Honestly, Casper." Wendy added. With the two offering a gentle smile to the spirit.
He smiled back.
"Can I ask you two something?”
“Sure, man.”
“Anything you want, Casper.”
"Be careful, won't you two? Don't try to go to that cliff again. That one specifically. You just never know how weak the ground is there.”
The two nodded.
“We will.”
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thedeal-if · 1 year
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It's finally here ^^
What can you expect from the demo?
Prologue and Chapter 1 part 1
Over 20k words of content
An initial character customisation which will be further expanded in future chapters
'Meet' the cloaked figure, Alekto and Nemesis
Meet Josh
Meet your sister Chrissy, how she used to be
Get a glimpse at how your life used to be while your parents were alive
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luc1ferian · 6 months
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Do you see this.
Do you understand my vision.
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posting-for-the-void · 6 months
consider an rb for sample size?
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oc-beehive · 1 year
An intro to SHOPAHOLIX (+ The trio)
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SHOPAHOLIX takes place in a pocket dimension somewhere in between this world and the next - a liminal space that stretches onward into forever, trapping mall patrons in an inescapable series of hallways and stores. whether they succumb to natural causes, die by someone else's hand, or fatigue themselves trying to evade one of the abstractly incomprehensible monsters that roam the shops, they eventually fall...
... and find themselves waking up as something entirely different. Still themselves, but with no knowledge of their name, and spotty memory of their past life... And a few extra limbs, here and there. Maybe computer chips, or maybe fiberfill. It really all depends on the store your human self last stepped into. Whatever it may be, you'll be surprised to see that the twisted, hostile labyrinth of the mall has become the roots for a neo-society. Those monsters you were running from? Those were previous humans - you just didn't have the proper eyes to see what they were yet. The decades of humanity imprisoned in this mall have started from scratch, rebuilding a facsimile of the world they remember - one so familiar, yet so different.
Nobody ages. Nobody's ever left this place alive. None of them are even human anymore. But here they are, thriving anyway.
Satin Grimoire is the Mall's most recent arrival - a young adult who really just wanted to get his holiday shopping over and done with. He's understandably upset and confused when he wakes up from a fainting spell with horns and wings, being looked down on by an actual angel. Like it or not, he's gotta learn all the rules and social standards of this wildly isolated eldritch-purgatory culture... As if that wasn't hard enough back home.
Cotton Principality is one of the Mall's longest-standing residents at this point in time. Not that there aren't "older" Employees - just that most of them died on account of civil society not being fully formed yet. Utterly emotionless and intimidatingly level-headed, Cotton is greatly respected for their work in studying and documenting the history of the Mall and its humanoid inhabitants. Some of their storemates claim they weren't always that way...
Corduroy Keystroke is the only surviving Employee from RadioShack. Why? Well... It turns out it's pretty hard to breathe or eat when your head becomes a laptop. They aren't very compatible with human organs. If anything, she's a medical miracle - a testament to how far the Mall has come in innovating on previous human medical knowledge. It's inspired her onto her new career path - studying mechanical anatomy and physiology, so that one day she can save lives the same way hers was!
Their little social pocket is the lens through which the Mall is explored... Which is to say they're mostly conduits for worldbuilding. I've written guides to xeno physiology and cultural holidays for this Infinite Ikea homage. Send help.
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themoonbutdummer · 9 months
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flower-power1968 · 2 months
🌼🦷Blog Promo🦷🌼
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☆ Hai!!!! Im Dante and welcome to my blog! Both a self ship blog and personal blog!
☆22 year old They/Them Nonbinary+Transmasc Queer
☆F/os (uncomftable sharing)☆
🎬 -Paulo Ravinski (aka "The Director") from Halloween Horror Nights
Ship Tag: Pulaski at Night
🎠 -Mr.Dark from Something Wicked This Way Comes [book/film/productions]
Ship Tag: Only Give Me Leave
⚙️ -Karl Heisenberg from Resident Evil 8: Village
Ship Tag: Pipe Bomb Dream
Tag System:
☆Dantecore: personal posts
☆The Inferno: vent posts
-Trump Supporters (U.S Based Blog)
- "Cringe Culture" supporters
Enjoy and Hang out for a while 🪴🪴🪴
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britany1997 · 2 years
Little encouragement for my writer friends, if anyone ever tells you writing fan fic isn’t art, remind them of the most popular work of fan fiction in existence:
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leedongsik · 2 years
Soe really got to leave with the best man on that island, I'm so glad she took his hand good for her
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Inferno Project Reviews Poll
Hello Investors. As mentioned yesterday, we do have a major annoucement for today. It is about time you are reminded that you are not just readers, but investors. That means you can help control the fate of the company. Want to buy items listed in the export logs? Go ahead. Want to ask questions? Ask via the Investor Inquiries. And sometimes, you get to directly control the fate of the company. That is what is going to happen today.
We have been asked by the Tomorrow Corporation {Pretend, not IRL} if we could go ahead and review all of their products. We are inclined to do this, but it would mean less Employee Experiences. As such, we are going to go ahead and leave the decision to our investors! We are issuing a company-wide vote on if we are going to take the time to review all of their products. Please vote down below, and hopefully, we will have definitive results by the end of the week.
Thank you for your vote, and we hope to see you next Tuesday for the definitive results.
{I hope that this says yes, because it will be easier for myself, but I will leave it up to you guys.}
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jessread-s · 4 months
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Thanks to @fiercereadsya and @marielubooks for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review
Lu delivers on a thrilling and romantic follow up to “Stars and Smoke”!
“Icon and Inferno” follows Sydney Cossette and Winter Young as they reunite to rescue a compromised agent, uncover an assassination attempt, and prevent a war from happening. To make it out alive, they’ll have to figure out how to be partners again—and if they can resist something more. 
The stakes are higher in this book with the threat of a world war on the horizon. I found myself holding my breath at all times as I tried to anticipate what would happen next and what forces would tear Sydney and Winter apart. The action sequences, fast-paced narrative, and jaw-dropping cliffhangers made it impossible to put this one down. What’s more, with Sydney and Winter having grown attached to each other after their mission in London, there is an added layer of pressure as they try not to let their feelings get in the way of their objective. The introduction of both Sydney and Winter’s exes only amplifies the tension between them. Their partnership is tested, but they ultimately come out stronger than ever in the end. Despite how different their lives are with Winter in the spotlight and Sydney in the shadows, they can’t help but gravitate towards each other and I could not get enough of their relationship. 
I should have known better than to think I wouldn’t shed a couple tears…this is a Marie Lu book after all. I’ve grown so attached to Sydney and Winter as characters across both serials, so watching them experience hardships and undergo growth made me so emotional. In this book, we get more on their respective backstories with Winter’s manipulative father trying to blackmail his way back to into his life and Sydney reflecting on her own abusive father as her father figure prepares to retire from Panacea. Marie Lu handles tough subjects with care and manages to mold her characters into real people. 
The Warcross easter eggs in this book made me so happy, but perhaps not so much as the ending! I hope another installment is in the works. Keep them coming!
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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minaminokyoko · 1 year
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It’s finally cover reveal day! My new novella, Of Wings and Shadows (Of Cinder and Bone #5.5) is here.(Cover art by BRose Designz) Synopsis below.
In a modern-day world teeming with marauding dragons, there is only one solution: The Wild Hunt. The United States government has decided to hold a tournament called The Wild Hunt to determine who will be responsible for the capture of wild dragons by the Knight Division. The four challengers Noah Wilson, Charlie Howard, Su Jin Han, and Beowulf have to catch five deadly dragons alive if they want to win the tournament and become the new Knight Division dragon hunters. Their journey will take them through the mountains of South Carolina, the seas of Key West, the caverns of Ruby Falls, the Redwood forest, and finally, the murky bayous of Louisiana. Will they succeed against their competition, or will the dragons of the Wild Hunt be too wild to tame? Of Wings and Shadows is the sixth book in the Of Cinder and Bone series. It takes place in medias res of Book Five, Of Claws and Inferno. It follows Of Cinder and Bone, Of Blood and Ashes, Of Dawn and Embers, and Of Fury and Fangs.
Release date: July 22nd, 2023
Pre-order now for only .99 cents. The price will increase on July 23rd. Add it to your Goodreads TBR shelf as well. 
Haven’t read the other books in the series yet? I gotchu, fam. 
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And don’t forget--Of Cinder and Bone is a permanently free ebook on Amazon and all other platforms! 
...please clap.
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thedeal-if · 1 year
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Progress update June 13 + poll
Since my last update I've written around 10k words of content
That's like... A quarter of chapter 1 part 2
Next update will probably turn out twice as long as the previous one or more so yay!
I'm planning to release it + an updated version of chapter 1 part 1 in August 9th
Hopefully I get a head start writing chapters 2 and 3 too before summer vacations are over ^^
I've also been doing some thinking. How do you people feel about (optional) explicit sexual scenes?
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beedok · 1 year
My comedic fantasy story starring an asexual (and trans) goblin sorceress and her shameless lesbian half-orc cousin has updated. ✨
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