#infinity nikki
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hourglassgod · 22 hours ago
isn't this that one Nikki game?
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inorheona · 3 days ago
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floral memory
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avicinda · 3 days ago
A Guide to Faewish Sprite Jobs and Uniforms
I went around the Wishing Woods taking note of what colors corresponded to what jobs, as well as the ornaments on their hoods. This is mostly for personal reference so I know where to find specific types of sprites. Due to the nature of this post there are unavoidable spoilers from Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 of the main story.
In general, the uniforms work like this:
higher ranked (i.e. supervisors) or otherwise unique (i.e. shopkeepers, named NPCs) fairies have the long ribbon-like wings, as well as the large ornament on their hood related to their work
generic fairies within a job have the standard tiny wings but in the same color as their uniform and a small version of the corresponding ornament at the end of their hood
fairies also seem to be allowed to add accessories however they like, a few of my screenshots include some who are wearing extra accessories that are not part of their uniform
For simplicity I will be referring to the two types of uniforms as "supervisor" and "standard". I've also tried to be clear about what things here are my assumptions so hopefully I haven't accidentally missed being clear about anything that is.
I will also mention where I feel I am missing information. This post also does not include the unique jobs like Eltinada's or Dorobo's.
Before we start, for comparison, here are what the general, non-uniformed Faewish Sprites looks like:
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This is VERY image heavy so I've put the main content under a cut.
Wish Pass Office
Color: black
Ornament: quill feather
Roles: customs, passport issuance
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Every interviewer along the Cavern of Wishes uses the supervisor uniform, so presumably you have to be highly ranked to be an interviewer.
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The standard Wish Pass fairies are only found along the road immediately after you enter the Wishing Woods. Their main role seems to be inspecting goods and taking inventory of items entering the Woods.
During Chigda's rule, they were instructed to reject all applications for a passport, giving them a fairly lax work environment for that time.
Given we can find Aventura in the Wishing Woods after Giroda is elected, Giroda presumably encouraged them to start earnestly reviewing applications again.
Wish Inspection Center
Color: pink
Ornament: pink heart with a white heart outlined in blue inside for the director, solid pink heart with a broken blue heart on top for bizarre orb supervisor, solid pink heart for everyone else
Roles: handles everything related to all kinds of Wishing Orbs, splits accordingly into departments for Delicious Orbs, Bizarre Orbs, and Desperation Orbs
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Note that only Director Boboda has the two toned heart ornament.
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The above are wish auditors, sorters, and inspectors found in the Wish Inspection Center. They are responsible for ensuring the Wishing Orb pipeline goes smoothly.
They sort wishes by listening to them and identifying the kind of wish from there, which is a natural ability to all Faewish Sprites. However, with the development of an amplifier by the Wishcraft Lab, they can now do this much faster, while also improving their accuracy.
It seems you have to pass a sorting accuracy test to join this office. The record is 99.9% accuracy, held by current Director Boboda who is also the youngest director in history.
Wishing Orb couriers/transporters also use the supervisor uniform (as seen in the cutscene where they take Afubo's doll).
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There's also a unique ornament for supervisors of the Bizarre Orb Hills.
The Desperation Orb Warehouse presumably originally fell under the Wish Inspection Office as well, but was taken over by the Paladins under Chigda's orders. Currently, there are no uniformed supervisors from the Wish Inspection Office on-site.
Due to Wishing Orbs being the Faewish Sprites' primary source of nutrition, the Wish Inspection Center seems to be one of the two largest organizations.
Wish Celebration Center
Color: yellow
Ornament: yellow and orange striped cone hat with confetti ball at the end for supervisors, yellow and white striped cone hat OR a yellow puff ball for everyone else
Roles: coordinating the Coming-of-Age Ceremony, management of confetti cannons, making decorations and gifts, managing and preparing parents for the ceremony
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One of the busier areas outside of the Grand Millewish Tree, the Wish Celebration Center is all about the Coming-of-Age Ceremony.
They work with the parents of baby sprites to assist both them and the babies for the ceremony, including helping them choose gifts for their baby and ensuring they have a name and clothes prepared. They provide ready made gifts like balloons and flowers.
They probably work closely with the dye station.
They're also in charge of the confetti cannons we use to launch Momo and Nikki.
Vikda is part of them, but has a unique outfit.
With how important the ceremony is to Faewish Sprite society in general, they are probably the other one of the two largest organizations.
Wishcraft Lab
Color: dark blue
Ornament: light bulb with a four pointed star inside
Roles: all kinds of research, Whimtech development and engineering, equipment maintenance, Wishing Orb study (i.e. studying the properties of Desperation Orbs, developing better methods to handle Bizarre Orbs), Desperation Syndrome study
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These guys do a LOT of things and can be found in almost all the other offices as well, usually near equipment. They are in charge of Faewish technology, but also study things related to the mutated vines and Desperation Syndrome.
Many can also be found in the area around the Desperation Orb Warehouse.
Giroda has tasked them with upgrading the electrical system of the entire Wishing Woods within five years.
Research Institute
Since I was kind of confused by this initially, I'm giving this a subsection here. Created by Chigda and Avicinda as a separate office from the Wishcraft Lab, the Research Institute took budget and resources away from the Wishcraft Lab. Publicly, they were stated to be developing Whimtech weapons for the Paladins, but never actually produced anything. In reality, the Research Institute was a prison for human stylists kidnapped by the Paladins. Quick-Wish Bottles were also created here in the process of trying to create a second Aureum Vase.
After Chigda's defeat, fairies who had unwittingly joined the Research Institute have been absorbed into the Wishcraft Lab.
Quick-Flight Firefighters
Color: red
Ornament: splash of water
Roles: firefighting, preparing water balloons, emergency services
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They're obviously found at the fire station in the residential area, where they have many water balloons prepared.
Fires were previously more common in the Wishing Woods when the confetti cannons were powered through ignition. Since the switch to compressed air, this doesn't happen as often anymore and the firefighters now mostly work as a general emergency service and also also help out other fairies where they can.
Wish Master's Paladins
Color: orange, may actually be brown
Ornament: feathered plume, supervisors additionally have a metal band with the four pointed star, captain gets a helm with the four pointed star
Roles: Faewish sprite military, bodyguards to the Wish Master, security guards, peacekeeping
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Yes, Avicinda's outfit really is yellow compared to the orange/brown of the other Paladins.
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Paladins carry wooden swords and use either Whim or some other natural Faewish magic to fight. Most of them can be found around the Grand Millewish Tree, naturally centered at their garrison, but also as guards in key entrances to the different areas of the tree. They are however, also found all over the Wishing Woods, either as guards or patrolling the area.
At the garrison there is also a trio of non-uniformed fairies doing exercises. I assume these are fresh recruits.
Under Chigda and Avicinda's control, they were exceptionally corrupt and abused their power against other Faewish Sprites while also regularly invading the Abandoned District. It would seem no Paladins other than Avicinda were aware of the true purposes of their work, being only given pieces of the truth here and there, just enough to keep them loyal and willing to abuse their power.
Giroda is presently working on reforming them into a better peacekeeping organization.
Temple of Wishes Library
Color: light green
Ornament: dark blue gemstone of some kind
Roles: maintaining the books in the archive, importing new books, Faewish education
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As head librarian, Pokobo's coloration is more yellow-green than her colleagues'.
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They seem to be far fewer in number compared to other groups.
Under Chigda's rule, the library was completely closed off to the public as part of his efforts to control history.
Giroda reinstated Pokobo after her firing and has allowed the lending of books. He's also allowed her to start importing new literature to improve Faewish Sprites' critical thinking and general education of the world beyond the Wishing Woods.
Delicious Wish Clinic
Color: standard blue
Ornament: bandage patch on side of hood
Roles: doctors, medical staff, treating Desperation Syndrome, assisting the dye station
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We saw them in action when the mutated vines attacked the wishball field. Not much to say about them IMO, they're doctors and most of them are found in the clinic, which is one level above the residential area. Desperation Syndrome is their biggest concern but it's not as common as in the past due to the improvements to the Wish Inspection Center. Most of their work comes from young Faewish Sprites.
Interestingly, you can find a lot of them helping at the dye station.
Dye Station
Note: I'm unsure if there is an official name for this one
Color: light blue, close to cyan
Ornament: glimmergrass flower
Roles: conversion of glimmergrass into dyes, bottling and storage of dyes, management of dye inventory, several also work for Timis
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There does not seem to be any of them with the supervisor outfit that I could find.
They are mostly found at the dye station, reachable via cannon to the right of the Temple of Wishes (I'm noting this because I always get lost trying to find them).
Most of Timis's Beauty Lab staff appear to also be from this group, so they also probably consist of a lot of designers or are more inclined to be interested in makeup due to the nature of their work.
The dyes are mostly used in preparation of clothes for baby Faewish Sprites for the Coming-of-Age Ceremony.
Medical staff can be found assisting them as well. Maybe because a lot of them left to work for Timis...?
Note: there's no official name for this if they are a formal organization/group, so I am going by Gooeybo's shop "Angler's Catch"
Color: light(ish) blue
Ornament: fish fin
Roles: they are fishing!
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As far as I could find, Gooeybo is the only angler with the supervisor style outfit, but does not seem to use the coloration.
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A few can be found diving in the river beside the Beauty Lab's Waterwheel.
Gardeners or Farmers
Note: this is another one with no official name as far as I've seen and in fact it's not spelled out what they do, but based on the placement of these NPCs and what Bachada sells, I assume they are either of the above
Color: turquoise
Ornament: four pointed star flower with two green leaves for supervisor, two leaves for standard
Roles: appears to largely be in charge of cultivating plants like lampbloms and glimmerglass, harvests sol fruit and stellar fruit, presumably they are the ones who wrap Delicious Orbs in sol fruit leaves
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Bachada seems to be the only one with this ornament and the supervisor outfit, but does not use the coloration. I feel like I've seen other NPCs with this ornament, but I'm having trouble finding them.
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They can be found in several places, but notably some of them are working in Dorobo's kitchen overseeing the Delicious Orbs and other vegetables.
Ironically, I couldn't find any of them working in the farm that Timis rented.
Color: dark orange
Ornament: standard minigame hat
Role: facilitating minigames
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I just felt like I had to include them.
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cannedchipps · 2 days ago
it does do its route without you, i'm pretty sure
I am BEGGING for an open-world game with a functioning train or tram.
Like, you actually have to wait for it in real-time, physically step on, then wait for your stop with the ability to actually explore it and chat with the other riders
No loading screens
And when you aren’t on it, you can look over and see it doing its route without you, picking up and dropping off patrons whether you’re there or not
please i need a video game that captures the joy of free public transit
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velvetnikki · 2 days ago
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lockscreens - nonoy's home
buy me coffee
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chrysanthemum-mm · 2 days ago
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I'm just like you
You're just like me
There's somewhere else we'd rather be
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octo-blobs · 15 hours ago
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yuraina00 · 2 days ago
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I'm a lot more active on Instagram so come say hi (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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electricbunnyvt · 2 days ago
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Do you like Infinity Nikki?! Come check out my new custom bjd video!
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myuumei · 2 days ago
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daughter of the lake - for @amodernpersephone
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drawloverlala · 3 days ago
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a bunch of new photos I took in Infinity Nikki :)
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stellacaerulea · 13 hours ago
Nikki definitely got drunk a few (hundred) times and came back home wasted
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HAD to make Nikki fanart of my favorite tumblr post. Poor momo..
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savage-sinister · 22 hours ago
Infinity Nikki goes so fucking hard. It's a dress-up game where god is dead and the devout are doing crazy fucking sacrifices and experiments about it. And they're two foot tall muppets.
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quanb3z · 2 days ago
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I may make the secco plushie doodle into a keychain in the future 🤫🫧
can u tell I like secco
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allpiesforourown · 2 days ago
Finished crafting silvergale aria!
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Remembered there's three more evolutions
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