#infp scientist
theorectical-physical · 8 months
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arvandus · 1 month
Hello hello, I know you're not really talking about him recently but truthfully i feel like you understand Dabi's personality the most. So i wanted to ask what MBTI you think he relates to the most?
So, as per usual, the weekend was a bit busy with IRL stuff. But now I'm finally able to answer this!
First off, thank you SO MUCH, it really means a lot to me that you feel I understand him the most. That's very high praise because there are some truly amazing writers and meta-analyzers on here that also have amazing takes on Dabi and his personality.
Also, PLEASE talk to me about Dabi! I still love him so so much, I'll never get tired of answering asks about him, truly. I know I haven't written for him recently, but I don't love him any less.
Okay, back to your question...
So I've looked at this a few different ways... First, I went through and took the personality test as "Dabi"; i.e., I answered the questions the way that I think HE would answer them (this is different from how others may perceive him, btw). I used the test on www.16personalities.com, and the result that I ("Dabi") got was INTP, i.e., the Logician. I also looked at what was listed for him under the personality database website, which was ISFP, the Adventurer. Finally, I simply read up on what each of the categories were on Wikipedia, and thought about it. From what I understand and through my observations of him, I would label him as INFP, the Mediator.
Below the cut I'll show the personality test results, and discuss them by comparing them to the other results. Beware though, both anime and manga spoilers will be present because I use some specific examples to explain the results.
So, from the 16personalities test, here is what Dabi got:
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Here's the rest of the descriptors for INTP-T:
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I think for the most part this is accurate for him, at least for how he perceives himself. But I think there are going to be some key differences between how he sees himself and how we, as observers, see him.
Let's start...
We definitely can't deny that he's introverted, and that's clear across all three personality types that were assigned to him. He's never meshed well with others, especially on first meetings, thanks to his abrasive personality and very thick walls. This introvertedness may not seem as obvious when one thinks about how badly he wants the attention of his family, and his willingness to go public with his past, etc. But think of those moments... of him recording himself, of him dancing in front of Enji as he revealed himself... think of those things as a performance. Think introverted theater kid. And even then, it wasn't exactly for the purpose of the public's attention, but for his father's attention. His broadcast? Pre-recorded, not live. His face-off with his dad? He didn't give a shit that others were there and watching; his focus narrowed like a singularity; it was only him and his father in that moment.
Another helpful thing to keep in mind is that Introversion doesn't mean you don't want to be around others; it just means that you recharge best when you are by yourself. Dabi still definitely wants to be seen by his loved ones, but I think he is naturally an introverted person in that isolation is something he enjoys as a way to rest and rejuvenate himself. I see him finding most people exhausting to be around.
This was the one of the portions that differed from his MBTI on the personality database, and I actually agree with the test result more. I see Sensing/Observation as "the scientist" and Intuition as "the philosopher," and I definitely feel that Dabi is more Philosopher than Scientist. Whereas Sensing/Observation is more literal, in the now, and taking things at face value, Intuition is not. That's not to say that Dabi doesn't observe; he absolutely does. But he does so through the lens of his ideals and how all of these individual pieces fit together into his belief system.
Wikipedia describes Intuitive as "imagining the possibilities of how things could be; notice the big picture, see how everything connects; enjoy ideas and concepts for their own sake, and likes to describe things in a figurative, poetic way." While I don't necessarily see him as figurative or poetic, I do think he's a bit of an idealist. He's someone who looks at the bigger picture, who's able to extrapolate a lot of information through observation, more so than what's immediately in front of him. He's a bit of a creative genius in that way, and it's shown by how quickly he was able to develop his quirk through watching his father's battles, and later with his brother, with practically zero practice. Additionally, he's a dreamer, always wanting more for himself, even when he was young, which was why his inability to meet his father's standards was such a huge blow to him. He could see the big picture of heroism and what it meant to society, his family, and to his father (and by proxy to himself) and to not be able to see himself as a part of that picture was incredibly damaging for him. Now, this intuition isn't necessarily something he's utilized for positive gains, at least not positive for others; his focus is very selfish/self-centered in this regard. But he's still able to idealize, imagine, and extrapolate. I also think he'd enjoy deep conversations about morals and hypotheticals, and enjoy playing devil's advocate quite often. He never takes things at face-value, always looking at what's underneath.
This was an interesting one, and the one that I think I wouldn't exactly agree with as an observer of his character. BUT, I think Dabi would believe that he's more thinking than feeling. We know that he's incredibly ruled by his emotions in his decision-making; and I think he embraces those emotions a bit more openly once his big reveal finally happens and he's able to fully pursue his conflict with his father (and by proxy his brother). But, I think Dabi fancies himself as someone who thinks 'logically,' who is smart and isn't swayed by the hearts of others. We see this in how he keeps others at arm's length; at how he keeps a level head during the summer training camp arc, etc. But, at the same time, later on, we see more of his vulnerable side. His strangely kind gesture and words towards Toga was spurred by his care for her. His reaction to Twice's death heavily impacted how he battled Hawks. And of course, we see how emotional he really is with regards to his family.
Now granted, he would most definitely put a 'logical' decision that will get him the result he wants over someone else's feelings, in most cases. When it gets down to it, his feelings will take priority over others' feelings, 9 times out of 10. But that doesn't mean he's a Thinking type; that just means he's selfish, and that if anyone's feelings are going to be listened to, it'll be his own. This doesn't surprise me considering his history of being emotionally neglected, let alone all of the other things that happened to him. Typically, a Feeling type would have a strong sense of altruism for others because they can easier empathize with them... and I think a part of him does empathize with his league comrades, which was why he behaved the way he did with Twice and Toga. But I think overall for Dabi, his Feeling is turned more inward, as he's empathizing with himself. It's a form of self-preservation, a way for him to protect his damaged ego. It clouds his judgment in the sense that he thinks he's not emotional because he's not easily moved by others; and yet, he's very emotionally moved by himself and his own pain.
This, along with introversion, was consistent across the board of all three methods I used to analyze Dabi. The definition alone from the test describes Dabi to a T; good at improvising and adapting; flexible noncomformist, valuing novelty over stability. Need I say more? Also, Wikipedia describes it as: prefer to leave your options open; see rules and deadlines as flexible; like to improvise; spontaneous...
By contrast, Judging is much more rigid/structured, which doesn't really fit Dabi at all. Judging is all about planning, organizing, staying on task and meeting deadlines... I think Dabi is far too ADHD for that (Shh, I'm not projecting, I swear!).
Just think of it this way: if Dabi had the perfect upbringing and never became a villain, what kind of job would you picture him having? Would he have a desk job, pushing papers and sitting through meetings, doing the 8-5 grind? Or would he have something a little more spontaneous, more flexible, something that would mentally (and likely physically) engage him?
I rest my case.
So, I'd say that there are two answers to your question. If you're really looking at what would Dabi identify himself as, I would say the test would be the most accurate: INTP. (he'd also really like the title of the Logician; it would totally stroke his ego!).
BUT, if you're looking for more what his "true" personality would be, I would say INFP.
Now, the irony of this is that I'm an INFP. Actually, I used to be an INFJ, and that's what I thought I was while writing most of this up. I retook the test earlier today because I was curious if my results had changed at all over the past few years, and apparently they did, and it just so happens to align with what I was assigning Dabi. This could either mean that me assigning INFP to Dabi is due to implicit bias, as I see a lot of myself in him and vice versa, and it's possible that the two have gotten muddled a bit. Alternatively, it could also mean that I'm able to write him so clearly because I understand his character and his personality in a very, well... personal way.
Anyway, I hope that helps! Let me know what you think and which MBTI type you think fits him best! 💕
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www-pinkhearse · 1 year
Thinking about the IMPLICATIONS of hanaki like Imagine if hanahaki became a real disease irl how do u think that would go.
Like would there be awareness posters would people confess just to Not Die or would they guy Guess I’ll Die would it be a silent killer or would it be talked about or would it be taboo would there be science lessons and awareness about it would scientist study the difference types of flowers that come out of it like if you have roses coming out it usually guaranteeds nosebleeds but you have a year worth of time but if you have dandelions write your will right now meanwhile horoscope fans are like yea blue flowers ARE SUCH Aquariuscore and personality enthusiasts would instead say that infps usually get just weeds hunmmm y’all should get that check out
WOULD IT BECOME A TIKTOK TREND LIKE what your hanaki flower says about you and the comments are like “if he spits out an orchid that’s a red flag girls 🙄🚩” would it become a wisdom tooth kinda of thing like you have got your hanaki yet???? For real??? Or like periods where it’s like aaaaahh baby’s first period I’m soo proud. what would aromantics Do in a world like that would it work for platonic crushes??? If yes what about aplatonics???? Does it play any role in SEXUAL attraction or just in ROMANTIC attraction??? What would mortuary planning for someone who died of shanks LOOK like what would the flower picking process BE LIKE Have we considered bees wait wait don’t go would it effect feces is your stomach like a garden wait no don’t go please
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What does it mean to be ‘sensitive’?
As a personality trait, scientists define high sensitivity as taking in more information from your environment, processing it more deeply, and doing more with it, according to Andre Sólo, coauthor of Sensitive and one of the founders of Sensitive Refuge. Sólo says that the sensitive brain is actually wired to process all information more deeply — effectively spending more time and mental resources on doing so — which means sensitive people tend to notice details others miss and make connections that others don’t see.
Because of this deep processing, sensitive people tend to have certain traits. Many are creative deep thinkers who pick up on subtle details and nuance. Most have high levels of empathy, because they process emotional cues more deeply, too. And many are highly attuned to their physical environment, noticing even the tiniest changes around them. These are all advantages, but the sensitive brain can get overstimulated in loud, chaotic or emotionally intense environments. They do best in calm, quiet settings with plenty of time to think.
Of course, everyone is sensitive to some extent. Sólo says that researchers now see sensitivity as a continuum, with most people in the middle, a few at the low end, and about 30% scoring high for sensitivity. These highly sensitive people, or HSPs, are what we mean when we say “sensitive people.”
#1 Most Sensitive Type: INFJ
INFJs usually exhibit high levels of sensitivity and have a deep affinity for other people’s feelings. INFJs have strong emotional connections to both their own feelings and the feelings of others. They are incredibly sensitive to suffering and are unable to just turn away from someone who is in pain. They tend to experience sadness about the cruelty they witness in the world which can lead them to have isolated periods. It’s this intense empathy that pushes INFJs to the top of the sensitivity list — they are often deep thinkers like INFPs, and are also incredibly attuned to the needs of the people around them. INFJs are highly sensitive to the words and deeds of those close to them. INFJ is regarded as the most sensitive personality type. Some estimates suggest that 80 to 90% of people who test as INFJs also test as highly sensitive people, because the traits of the two overlap so much.
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svenwall20 · 8 months
Deities based on MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) personalities offers a rich tapestry for game book narratives, as it ties the nuanced human psyche to the divine. Here's a conceptual framework for MBTI-based deities, weaving together the characteristics of each personality type with divine domains and attributes:
### ISTJ - The Keeper of Order
- **Domain**: Law, Tradition, History
- **Attributes**: This deity values tradition, order, and reliability. They are the guardians of sacred laws, the keepers of ancient histories, and the upholders of societal structures. Their temples are archives and courts, places where the past is preserved and justice is served.
### ISFJ - The Guardian of Hearth
- **Domain**: Home, Community, Healing
- **Attributes**: Dedicated to the protection and care of their followers, this deity embodies compassion, nurturing, and community spirit. They watch over families, heal the sick, and ensure communities thrive in harmony. Their shrines are found in homes and hospitals.
### INFJ - The Visionary Seer
- **Domain**: Prophecy, Dreams, Mysticism
- **Attributes**: With a deep connection to the unseen and a focus on the future, this deity guides their followers through visions and dreams. They are the bridge between the mortal and the divine, offering insight and wisdom. Their temples are places of quiet reflection and meditation.
### INTJ - The Architect of Fate
- **Domain**: Strategy, Knowledge, Innovation
- **Attributes**: This deity is a master planner, a being of intellect and foresight. They craft the destinies of mortals and deities alike, always thinking several steps ahead. Their followers are often scholars, inventors, and strategists, seeking the deity’s guidance in pursuit of innovation.
### ISTP - The Crafter of Elements
- **Domain**: Craftsmanship, Nature, Elements
- **Attributes**: Known for their mastery over the physical elements and the natural world, this deity empowers artisans, blacksmiths, and adventurers. They value freedom, skill, and the ability to adapt to any situation. Their sanctuaries are found in workshops and the wild.
### ISFP - The Muse of Harmony
- **Domain**: Art, Beauty, Peace
- **Attributes**: This deity inspires creativity, passion, and harmony among their followers. They are patrons of artists, musicians, and peacemakers, embodying the beauty in life and the arts. Their temples are galleries, theaters, and gardens, spaces of inspiration and tranquility.
### INFP - The Dreamweaver
- **Domain**: Imagination, Hope, Healing
- **Attributes**: A deity of boundless imagination and empathy, they weave dreams into reality and offer solace to the troubled. They champion causes of the misunderstood and the lost, bringing light to dark places. Their realms are those of fantasy, dreams, and healing sanctuaries.
### INTP - The Architect of Knowledge
- **Domain**: Logic, Innovation, Knowledge
- **Attributes**: This deity prizes knowledge above all, seeking truth and understanding. They are the patron of inventors, philosophers, and scientists, pushing the boundaries of what is known. Their temples are libraries and laboratories, centers of learning and discovery.
### ESTP - The Dynamo of Adventure
- **Domain**: Action, Challenge, Exploration
- **Attributes**: Vibrant and energetic, this deity thrives on excitement and adventure. They inspire courage, competition, and the pursuit of new experiences. Their followers include athletes, explorers, and warriors. Their shrines are found in arenas and at the edge of the unknown.
### ESFP - The Spirit of Celebration
- **Domain**: Joy, Festivity, Nature
- **Attributes**: This deity embodies the spirit of the moment, reveling in the joys of life, love, and beauty. They are the life of the party, the spark of creativity, and the patron of entertainers and artists. Their sacred spaces are in nature and anywhere celebration is found.
### ENFP - The Inspirer of Change
- **Domain**: Change, Freedom, Inspiration
- **Attributes**: A deity of boundless energy and optimism, they champion the causes of freedom and personal growth. They encourage their followers to explore, to learn, and to challenge the status quo. Their temples are open spaces, crossroads, and anywhere the spirit moves.
### ENTP - The Debater of Realms
- **Domain**: Innovation, Debate, Progress
- **Attributes**: With a sharp mind and a quicker wit, this deity thrives on the exchange of ideas and the challenge of debate. They push their followers to think critically and innovate, to disrupt the old ways and embrace the new. Their domains are forums, academies, and council halls.
### ESTJ - The Commander of Empires
- **Domain**: Leadership, Order, Achievement
- **Attributes**: This deity represents authority, organization, and hard work. They are leaders and builders, creating empires and establishing laws. Their followers are drawn from the ranks of rulers, executives, and anyone who values structure and discipline. Their temples are fortresses and city halls.
### ESFJ - The Herald of Community
- **Domain**: Society, Harmony, Support
- **Attributes**: Focused on the well-being of all, this deity nurtures social bonds and community welfare. They encourage cooperation, kindness, and mutual support. Their places of worship are community centers, places of gathering where all are welcome.
### ENFJ - The Beacon of Hope
- **Domain**: Guidance, Inspiration, Morality
- **Attributes**: This deity lights the way for their followers, offering guidance, support, and a moral compass. They are mentors, leaders, and compassionate friends, inspiring those around them to be their best selves. Their temples are places of learning and sanctuary.
### ENTJ - The Ruler of Destinies
- **Domain**: Ambition, Leadership, Innovation
- **Attributes**: A deity of unmatched ambition and strategic acumen, they command respect and inspire greatness. They are the patrons of leaders, innovators, and visionaries, driving progress and shaping the future. Their temples are grand halls and centers of power.
By matching MBTI types with divine attributes, you create a pantheon that reflects the complexity of human nature, offering players characters with whom they can identify and whose domains they can explore in their adventures.
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Birthday: February 29th
Age: 26
INFP 4w5
Interworld series - Book 3 True Sight
Part of a team of scientists working at a biochemical research lab. She’s rather irrelevant. You could ignore her, if you wanted. I can’t imagine it would change much.
She likes bubble tea and video games, particularly challenging platformers.
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adarlingmess · 2 years
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Shadow Pairs - Fantasy Edition (Part 2)
Darling’s Daily Drawing | November 16, 2022
Part two’s here! Been trying to create a cohesive storyline with all personalities and exploring party dynamics. Hopefully I’ll get to make male and female versions of the characters with different alignments and classes. More lore below!
ENTJ is a half-dragon who rose to the rank of commander in the kingdom���s royal navy. After the king’s death, however, tensions started to rise in the kingdom as rumors of the new queen, ESTJ, building her own private militia began to spread. ENTJ was overthrown in a coup, and was sentenced to prison. INTP is a halfling alchemist who was the royal scientist and the king’s advisor before he died. She was removed from her post, and was also thrown to jail for pointing out a logical flaw in the queen’s plans. There, they met each other and formed a bond. Apparently, INTP was an admirer of the commander before he was ousted, and she trusted his ability to lead. Upon learning that she used to be the royal scientist, ENTJ calls INTP the only smart person in the royal court before she was dismissed and incarcerated. With ENTJ’s planning abilities and INTP’s skills, they managed to blow up the prison and escape. Among the other survivors were ENTP and INTJ, who were captured when a heist went wrong. The four fugitives formed an unlikely alliance.
INFJ was the former court wizard, and was INFP’s confidante before the princess ran away. Wise, fair, and clairvoyant, the high elf wizard warned the king against a future betrayal, but it fell on deaf ears. After the inevitable had happened, she voluntarily left the court. Around the same time, ENFP, a spring eladrin College of Lore bard and Wild Magic sorceror, saw the shift in power and started to criticize the new regime, speaking out the queen and publishing pamphlets that seek to expose their injustices. This makes him a target, and he flees to the woods. There, he catches up with INFJ, who now lives as a hermit in a cottage. The two’s shared ideals brought them together, and soon, they catch up with INFP, the missing princess, and ENFJ, the paladin who was supposed to take her back. Together, they seek to build a new kingdom.
An adventurer at heart, ISFP is a wood-elf ranger who often traverses the woods, in touch with nature. She seeks to protect nature from being destroyed or harmed. Activity from the neighboring kingdom sends her into high alert, as the new experiments being conducted was starting to pollute her area of the woods. It has gotten so bad that it poisoned the lakes, and ISFP fell ill upon drinking from it. ESFJ is a Path of Devotion paladin, who strayed from the kingdom after the shift in leadership. Disillusioned, the knight in shining armor defected due to the new leadership’s values not aligning with his oath. On his way, he discovers a dying ISFP, and brings her back from the brink of death. In their time together, he discovers a love for nature, and she warms up to the kindhearted knight.
Noticing something is amiss with the way the queen is acting, ISTJ leaves her monastery to investigate the kingdom, for ESTJ is not the queen that she knew. She encounters ESTP, who was brought in chains as a prisoner of war from the queen’s latest conquest. As a mercy, she sets him free after defeating the guards that were holding him in place. Moved by the stranger’s kindness, ESTP decides to fight by her side and let her take the lead. However, their fighting styles becomes a source of friction between the two. ISTJ, being a human Way of the Open Hand monk, underwent rigorous training and had a disciplined approach to combat. As a leonin Path of the Beast barbarian, ESTP on the other hand preferred raging and brute strength to crush his enemies. Nonetheless, the two quickly learned how to depend on each other.
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nightmareoforphans · 8 months
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We see a young adult entering a research facility, his long platinum hair flowing while he walks through the halls eventually he stops at one of the doors and goes inside, he talks to one of the scientists
INTP: “Hey long time no see”
INFJ: “Hi bud! Yea sorry it has been a while I was so busy with work”
INTP: “Don't worry about it so are you here to get INTJ?”
INFJ: “yea I wanna help her out”
INTP: “Aww that's so kind of you”
INFJ: “I also made you guys food, here can you give these to your coworkers pls”
INTP: “OMG thank you so much!”
INFJ: “Don't worry I don't mind”
INTP: Hey everyone! INFJ brought us food!!!
The workers in the room began to gather around INFJ thanking him and having conversations with him. Suddenly INFJ feels a powerful aura invading the room, he turns around and sees INTJ staring at him blackly, her stare is emotionless yet so strong that INFJ compared it to being shot by a laser by the Death Star and he was Alderan
INFJ: (I think she's mad) “OK INTP I'm gonna go find INTJ now so bye enjoy your meals”
INTP: “Ok bye INFJ tell INTJ to make sure her burnt hand gets a proper check by a doctor”
INFJ: “Okie” INFJ proceeded to walk to the room where he saw INTJ, 
When INFJ entered the room he saw a young woman with long messy violet-purple hair, like the other scientist she wore a lab coat but with a black t-shirt and grey jogging pants, her glasses and face mask making look mysterious
INFJ: “There you are I was looking for you
INTJ: indeed I saw you looking around…
INFJ: we'll come on let's go to the hospital
The two young adults left the building and went to the hospital to get INTJ’s injury checked. When they were done they went home to their apartment.
INFJ: …can you tell me how your hand got burnt?
INTJ: It was my turn to cook so I tried cooking corned beef but I accidentally broke the thermometer thus I needed to throw it away no, so I went to the sink but INFP was already using it, then suddenly she might have done something wrong because water began spraying everywhere and some of it got into my pan and the oil bobbled, reaching my hand and burning it
INFJ:.. Did it hurt?
INTJ: obviously, when it burnt me I didn't cry or scream I just mentally melted
INFJ: oh…
INTJ: Can you tell me how you knew that I got injured?
INFJ: Well INTP texted me about it
INTJ: I see, guess I'll have to teach my little sister a lesson for informing you
INFJ: Hey, don't get mad at INTP, she just wanted me to help you
INTJ: I can take care of myself INFJ, I don't need your help, and besides I knew that if you found out you would go to me and abandon your plans to meet your favourite YouTuber today and guess what?! That's what happened!
INFJ: …of course I will… I was worried about you
INTJ: ...
INFJ: are you mad at me because I did that?
INTJ: (sigh) Not anymore, because after thinking about it, of course, you would I shouldn't even be surprised
INFJ: hehe, hey at least I got to enjoy more time with you
INTJ: we live in the same apartment and hang out with each other most of the time….(in a quiet voice) Besides I bet my coworkers are more fun to hang out with…
INFJ:... Are you jealous because you felt left out?
INFJ then suddenly hugs INTJ out of nowhere shocking INTJ, and then he goes to the kitchen and when he comes back he has a delicious fried chicken breast with Ala king sauce on it
INFJ:…I hung out with many people but hanging out with you is unlike anything I've ever known in this world
INTJ:… Yea same to you too…
INFJ: And about earlier, your coworkers were talking so much that I couldn't even hear them so yeah hehe
INTJ: haha, but seriously I'm sorry i kind of kept thinking of ways to destroy you to atoms earlier
INFJ: Do mean jealous?
INTJ: Yeah, obviously you idiot
INFJ: ok since you haven't had your lunch yet pls sit down because I'm going to feed you heeheheheheh
INTJ:..WHAT? The girl said with a red face
INFJ: you burnt your hand, right?
INTJ: Yeah a hand not both hands
INFJ looked at INTJ with a blank stare while INTJ gave him a smirk
INTJ: looks like I outsmarted you
INFJ: pls just do this T^T(with a small frown) 
INTJ: you know what, fine. I guess this will be my punishment
Both of them sat in the kitchen as INFJ fed INTJ her lunch
INFJ: you know when you stared daggers at me in the lab i was reminded of the time when you did the same thing when I talked to my crush during junior high
INTJ: I don't remember that, but I do vaguely remember thinking of ways to turn you and ENFJ into robots and incorporate you guys into my robotic army to take over the world
INFJ: haaahahha nice one, i bet ENFJ  will also laugh
INTJ: that wasn't a joke
INFJ: I know
INTJ couldn't hold it and she began to laugh which was followed by her coughing
INTJ: damn you can't just make me choke out of nowhere you moron (intj said jokingly)
INFJ: sorry, even I laughed cuz it took me a moment to process what I just said
Suddenly INFJ got a text message from his phone
INFJ: Oh, one of my little sisters, ISTJ texted in the group chat saying she needs pictures of happy couples in her friend group for her project
INTJ: why did she ask in the group chat?
INFJ: well some members are dating, like ENFP & ENTP or INFP & ESTJ, maybe one of them ca-
INTJ then suddenly took his phone and took a selfie of her and INFJ together and after that, with a small smirk on her face she sent the picture to the group chat.
The first part is-> Here
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eternalwritess · 6 months
Hey, I'm that anon that was matched with Charlie a while back (the one with the soy sauce packets). I was wondering if you could match me with one of the Helluva Boss characters?
It's the same info as before \/
I'm a bisexual aroace (If you've heard of "demiromantic"; that's how I experience romantic attraction). I use he/it/they pronouns.
I'm an INFP, though I have gotten ISTP sometimes. I usually keep to myself around strangers, and my first words to people that I'm not introduced by friends are usually just work-related with a bit of small talk (even in fandom spaces, surprisingly). Once I get comfortable around people, I tend to let my childish nature and antics shine through, and once I consider you a friend, it's hard to ever fully shake me off. My friends sometimes call me an "old grandpa", with the way I know a lot of random psychology and biology facts, and the way I fumble with new technology, slang, and texting acronyms. My love of non-fiction and my adherence to grammar rules certainly doesn't help. Simultaneously, they (lovingly) call a 12-year-old boy, with the way I don't hesitate to pull out a "your mom" or "that's what she said" to the conversation and with the way that I almost exclusively watch animated movies and shows over live action ones. I carry with me 15 packets of soy sauce in fish-shaped sachets in my (several) pockets. Why? Because I think it's funny, and the confusion I bring to those around me with my soy collection gives me a sense of joy. (I do other things of a similar calibre, but I wanted to name an example) Despite all of this, I tend to gravitate towards the "Mom Friend" archetype. I carry with me a lot of people pleasing tendencies (I get a lot of anxiety around not upsetting others), and that translates to making sure that the people around me are happy. I also tend to fill a "Therapist Friend" role because of this fact, my psychology facts, and how intuitive I can be at times. I tend to isolate myself, whether by physically or mentally leaving the room, when I feel upset, and I don't really like talking about negative experiences I have unless those experiences have been resolved.
On a brighter note, I consider myself quite the creative person. I draw a lot, though I usually only draw other characters instead of my own OCs. I have a discord server that I use to jot down either: a) my opinion of a certain media b) images/reactions I find funny/relatable c) infodumps about AUs or crossovers that I've made I don't really write, so I consider "c)" to be the next best thing. I also love music. I listen to mostly indie music, with a couple of generic queer bands thrown in there and a couple of musicals' and video games' OSTs. I play the violin and the trombone, so I may be biased in saying that I love jazz (really doesn't help the "old man" allegations, but who cares). In terms of non-creative hobbies, I love reading. Although I find myself drawn to the odd science non-fiction book, my heart lies in fantasy and mystery novels (this does include webtoons, manga, and webnovels, though I don't read those as much). On the same vein, I love video games (where else would I get those OSTs?). I tend to like story-rich games that are either turn-based (think Undertale) or no combat (think Slime Rancher), though if the mechanics aren't too overwhelming, metroidvanias are nice (think Hollow Knight). The last main hobby is food. If I didn't give you "mad scientist" vibes, let me tell you, I "Victor Frankenstein" my way through every meal, when time permits. I mostly mix and match what I'd think taste good together based on what I was craving at the time. I'd also say that, apart from Quality Time, I show affection best through giving foods that I've made. It works in reverse, too, where I get pleasantly happy when people I know well offer food to me. There was this one time I was bickering with some friends and one of them held a packet of chips to my face, and I tell you, the way I immediately shut up the second I saw it... I was almost embarrassed by how well that worked...
I'm really sensitive to a lot of textures, and the biggest ones are stickers (and anything sticky in that way) and wet things (think water fountains splashing water unexpectedly, fruit juices spraying on my face when I cut them too harshly, even stepping on wet floorboards without socks can set it off). Clothing/carpet with short hairs send literal shivers down my spine, but only when I touch them with my fingers/feet. I don't like kissing (at all.), so I normally stick with nuzzling. Hugs and spooning (both with people I'm comfortable around) are okay, however.
I don't really have any pet peeves, other than just blatant disrespect of basic boundaries as well as these boundaries in particular.
I hope you have a good and well-rested day :)
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
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Honestly the first person that came to mind for you is Moxxie
The way you two met is that he probably say you trying to mediate between an argument with a few others it started getting a little... dicey so he decided to step in before you got hurt
Yeah so those guys are now dead-
He made sure that you were okay immediately afterwards
"Are you okay? Some people in Hell are just so unreasonable,"
After that he offered to walk you somewhere safe (at first he offered to your house but then started stumbling seeing how weird it sounded since you both just met)
He tried getting you talk on the way asking you small questions here and there trying to get to know you more since he found the way you handled the situation between the two guys amazing
"So what do you like to do for fun?"
Once you let your guard down he really fell in love with you
He absolutely adored your more childish nature and it would push him out of his boundaries just a little more
You and him would absolutely bond over not understanding the internet. You would both try to learn it and Blitz (idk how to do the o thing) would try to 'help' you guys (just make fun of you)
He would randomly asking you questions loving your random psychology and biology facts. He admires your will to learn and finds it as one of the most attractive things about you
"Do you know what this is?"
Whenever you pull out a 'your mom' joke he finds it slightly immature and doesn't get it all of the time but Blitz likes it and will encourage you on it
Either way though he finds your sense of humor quite nice compared to Blitz's
He doesn't know why you have the soy sauce packets... its a mystery to him
"May I ask... why?"
You and him probably read series's of books together like honestly I wouldn't doubt it. Its one of the many things you do together
Whenever you get upset and leave the room he gets concerned and will try to give you space but might end up following you and trying to comfort you. But if he sees that you just really want to be alone he'll leave you and apologize
He'll then grab some of your favorite stuff for you and surprise you with it trying to make sure that you're alright
"I know you're having a bad time so... I grabbed a few things for you"
He encourages you to be creative all of the time constantly buying you drawing supplies and praising your work. He hangs it up everywhere... and makes sure that everyone knows that you did it and that its the best artwork in the seven rings
While you and him might not have the same music tastes he loves you anyways and will end up writing songs for you
"I made a little something for you..."
Whenever he hears you play the violin or trombone he swoons and will start hugging you and nuzzling you whenever you're done
Sometimes you both play duets together and afterwards he'll always praise you saying how well you did
Whenever he sees you mix and match food he gets confused and will give you the weirdest little look ever as if he's questioning his life decisions...
But besides that he'll just give you an awkward thumbs up
:Thumps up:
He gets you food... like all of the time. He loves gift giving if you can't tell by now-
Whenever there's a texture that you don't like and it comes into contact with you he'll help you get it off always
He always follows your boundaries no matter what <3
It took him a while to open up to you about his past and he didn't share all of it... but you comforted him through it
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infj-zen · 1 year
How different MBTI types are characterized in commercials for fragrances.
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Scent of
* No commercial but INTJs often become astronauts and scientists
** First model
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wieeindiamant · 2 years
Resident Evil character's MBTI type
I was kinda bored last night so i made chart of Resident Evil character's MBTI type and all their compatibility according most popular compatibility chart (means first picture from browser search).
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and i think why not to share. okay so start with MBTI. i use Personality Database and add characters only from page 1-2. thats what we got.
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(it has my notes on cyrillic, ignore that. i think all you need to see is clear)
if you wonder where is INTP and INFP, I just don't add them because nothing really interesting about them. but for example INTP - William Birkin (scientist as he is lol) and INFP... doesn't exist in this lore.
i also find interesting that Leon, Ashley and Helena has the same type.
almost all positive characters are Sentinels and Explorers (blue and yellow lines), opposite Analysts and Diplomats (and here is SHERRY... oh girl)
let's move to compatibility.
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this is full chart, where...
RED means something very very bad; YELLOW could work but not really good; NEON BLUE is one side match; GREEN is good match; and finally BLUE is PERFECT MATCH
that you do not have to look at the screen for a long time, here is a table of ideal combinations for you
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enjoy your meals, kids.
uhm, if you read this THANK YOU VERY MUCH. also as you can notice english is not my native language so here can be some mistakes
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honest-journaling · 1 year
Looking For My Personality Type.
This my first post on Tumblr. Also my first post about personality type.
I have looked for MBTI, Cognitive Functions studying to self assess, Socionics. And right now, I feel like I'm ready to just shout out loud: "I'm tired of all of this".
But when did I started to try to guess my personality type? Everything started when I was 14-15 years old with a big question I was asking to myself: "What career path should I choose?".
Trying to answer this question was so overwhelming because of all the available possibilities, and the Intelligence that God gave me. I could be a Surgeon like my Granddad, or a Computer Scientist, a Astronautical Engineer, etc...
So, to resolve this conflict, I decided to start doing some personality tests to understand better about myself. Because yes, I got curious about it. I wanted to know what were my strengths, my weakness, which are both things I couldn't assess greatly.
But, the more I did personality test, the best I got close to something pleasing. A great result that lead me to a more engineering path. I was very happy about the possible career path.
Although, I got addicted to personality tests till I found about MBTI. At first it was so great. I could see an all-in-one categories of possibilities and variation in my personality type. Covering every possible angles in me. No uncertainty, because everything is covered up.
The first MBTI type I got was an ISTP. And every time I did the personality test, I got the same result. I was satisfied in some point.
Although, as I said before, I got addicted to it. I did personality test during months and 3 years. Switching personalities based on the personality test. If i got INTP, i would read the descriptions and act like an INTP. The same would happen with INFP, INTJ, ENFP, ENTJ, ISFP, etc...
So basically I got tired of it!!. I feel like being unauthentic to myself because of the new distorted view I have of myself.
Although, I still want to know what is my personality. Why? Because I want to grow. I want to be a better version of myself. I want to use MBTI to actually become more responsible, knowing how to use the most of myself in the best way, a dream becoming true.
I know it is impossible to get read of all your weaknesses forever. However, I believe it is possible to attenuate their effects.
So right know, after doing many tests, I got the following results:
Socionics: INFp (Which some consider as INFJ translation to MBTI)
Sakirnova: The following screenshot
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My MBTI result doing sakirnova test.
So right now, which result should I trust. Or better said, which personality should I trust in order to begin my transformation?
All this information, without a clear ending path, is very tiring to me. I want to get into a definitive conlusion, but it's hard.
So here starts my journey of self-growth... with a big confusion...
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sacredjoanne · 1 year
INFP 5w4: Personality Breakdown
The INFP 5w4 is a human dichotomy of scholar and dreamer that creates a fascinating, albeit slightly perplexing, personality cocktail.
They’re the kind who’d lose themselves in a hefty tome of ancient philosophy, and yet can also be found spinning intricate daydreams about rescuing dragons from vile knights.
This type is introspective, creative, and driven by a desire for knowledge on one hand, and a thirst for meaningful connection and self-expression on the other.
As an INFP – the “Mediator” in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – they naturally gravitate towards idealism, creativity, and seeing the best in people.
But hold on, these people are not just about feelings and sunshine. We have a 5w4 in the Enneagram system skulking in the backdrop.
As a 5w4, they’re introspective, love to analyze (probably overanalyze), and have a keen quest for knowledge.
Mingle the INFP’s empathy with the 5w4’s introspection, and voila, you have the INFP 5w4: a Hogwarts Ravenclaw who has a secret stash of heartwarming Hallmark cards.
INFP 5w4 in a Nutshell
Strengths: Empathetic, Analytical, Creative.
Weaknesses: Overthinker, Isolated, Idealistic.
Soulmate: A person who can match their intellectual curiosity while giving them space and nurturing their sensitive side.
Guidance: Don’t forget to pop out of your introspective bubble and join the rest of us in the chaos occasionally. It’s quite fun, I promise.
What Is The INFP 5w4 Like?
You know how INFPs are, right?
The dreamy-eyed eccentrics of the MBTI world who’ve probably written five unpublished novels and have a weird obsession with collecting vintage teacups.
INFPs are introspective, creative, and have an uncanny knack for finding beauty in the bleak.
Now, over to the 5w4 Enneagram type. This is your quintessential “mad scientist” or the brooding poet in a dank attic.
Fives are intensely curious, forever diving into new hobbies – mostly of the nerdy variety – and they’re as private as a hermit crab.
The Four-wing adds a dash of creativity and a heaping spoonful of emotional intensity.
Now, mix the mystical INFP with the quirky 5w4 and you’ve got yourself an ethereal chimera – half dreamy idealist, half reclusive scholar.
An INFP 5w4 is like a fairy living in a library, fluttering between tomes of ancient wisdom and daydreaming about alternate universes.
They’re the ones you’ll find philosophizing at a party instead of playing beer pong.
They’re a pair of contradictory forces, yin and yang of introspection and creativity. Oh, and they’re probably still waiting for their Hogwarts letter.
What Are the Main Traits of the INFP 5w4 Personality?
INFP 5w4 Strengths
INFP 5w4 Struggles
Can be Disorganized
As an INFP 5w4, you’re a walking talking creativity factory, and that’s fantastic because this world could really use a touch of color.
Plus, with your empathy level cranked up to 11, you’re practically an emotional GPS for your friends – you cry when they cry, and you laugh when they… well, stub their toe.
You’re as authentic as a Gucci purse in a Milanese boutique but your ideals are occasionally more suited to a Disney movie than real life.
And let’s not forget, you’re an introverted party animal who sometimes forgets that socializing doesn’t equal inviting five cats over for a Netflix binge.
Not to mention, your intricate mental world could really use a Marie Kondo session… or ten.
Your tendency to overthink can cause an existential crisis about what brand of cereal to buy and taking action is like running a marathon in flip flops.
So, while your strengths make you the empathetic, idealist, creative powerhouse that you are, your weaknesses can sometimes throw more spanners in the works than a clumsy mechanic.
But hey, nobody’s perfect – and if they were, I’d have nothing to write about.
What Sets INFP 5w4s Apart From Other INFP Types?
The Intellectual Lovechild of Isolation
INFP 5w4s are like the typical INFPs- except they’ve been spending a little too much time in the library.
They’re the nerds on steroids of the MBTI world, solving complex equations in their heads while passionately arguing about the emotional depth of a Nirvana song.
What a weird, thrilling combo, right?
This bunch is drawn towards knowledge and understanding that they are often lost in their little intellectual bubble.
Other INFP types? They’re busy frolicking through the fields of feelings, not as consumed by the endless pursuit of wisdom.
The Loner versus the Social Butterfly
Every INFP likes a bit of alone time, sure. But our INFP 5w4 pals take this whole idea of “me time” to a new level.
They’re the embodiment of “alone but not lonely.”
In fact, they often prefer solitude to social gatherings to recharge and ponder over life’s mysteries.
This differs from other INFPs who still enjoy the occasional boogie on the dance floor or a heart-to-heart with friends.
Your Personal Sherlock Holmes
INFP 5w4s have a unique knack for observation that would totally win them a round of “I spy with my little eye.”
They’re detail-oriented and have an uncanny ability to catch the nuances missed by other INFP types.
These guys could probably deduce your favorite childhood toy from a brief conversation.
It’s all fun and games until they start guessing your passwords.
Unlike other INFPs, who operate more on vibes and feelings, these detective-wannabes tend to base their analysis on the cold, hard facts.
What Are The Major Fears and Desires of the INFP 5w4?
Being overwhelmed by the world and its demands.
Being seen as incapable or incompetent.
Being too exposed or vulnerable.
Becoming useless, redundant, or irrelevant.
Losing their cherished independence.
Having their thoughts and feelings invalidated.
Being misunderstood or misinterpreted.
To possess a profound understanding of the world around them.
To be seen as insightful and capable.
To express their unique individuality without fear.
To create lasting, meaningful impact in their chosen arena.
To maintain their independence and personal autonomy.
To communicate their thoughts and feelings accurately.
To be fully understood and accepted.
Now for the juicy part. These fears and desires are like the rudder of the INFP 5w4’s ship, steering them through the stormy seas of life.
Their fear of becoming obsolete, for instance, might make them the Hermione Granger of their friend group, constantly hoarding knowledge like a dragon with gold.
On the flip side, their desire to express their unique individuality might make them the Picasso of their era, creating art that’s as eccentric as their Aunt Edna’s holiday fruitcake.
In essence, these fears and desires push our INFP 5w4 to seek out knowledge and understanding while maintaining their precious autonomy.
How Do I Know If I’m An INFP 5w4?
Here’s how to figure out if you’re an INFP 5w4 or if you’ve just been watching too many moody indie movies lately.
Questions to Ask Yourself
Do I daydream about saving the world, but get anxious at the thought of a group meeting?
If you’re an INFP 5w4, you’ve got big dreams and a little bit of social anxiety. You’re the superhero that’s just too introverted to leave the house.
Am I a philosopher in skinny jeans?
Deep thoughts? Check. Trendy outfits? Check. INFP 5w4s are like the existential hipsters of the personality world.
Do I love humanity but kind of hate people?
This might sound like a contradiction, but INFP 5w4s are the type to dream of world peace while having a ‘no visitors’ sign on their door.
Do I feel misunderstood or am I just listening to too much Billie Eilish?
INFP 5w4 types often feel misunderstood. Or maybe it’s just too many moody tunes.
Do I enjoy solitude or am I just allergic to drama?
For INFP 5w4s, a quiet night with a good book often trumps a night out on the town.
Key Signs and Behavior Patterns
Deep Diver
You’re not afraid to dive deep into your own emotions. You probably know yourself better than you know your Netflix password.
Solo Artist
You prefer a solo stakeout in the corner of a coffee shop rather than a buzzing social event. And let’s face it, your alone time is anything but lonely.
Creative Soul
You’ve got more creativity in your pinky finger than most people have in their whole body. You’re the Da Vinci of daydreams.
Sensitive Sage
Sure, you are sensitive, but also wise beyond your years. You’re like a fortune cookie wrapped in a wool knit sweater.
Idealistic Introvert
You have big dreams for a world you’d rather observe from a distance. You’re basically an introverted superhero.
Philosophy Fanatic
You could be fascinated by everything from Star Wars theories to the meaning of life. It’s all about the big picture for you, even if that picture includes lightsabers.
Despite your emotional depth, you try to avoid drama like it’s the last slice of pizza at a party. You’ve got enough going on in your own head, thank you very much!
What’s The INFP 5w4 Man Like?
Daydreaming Dynamo
Hold on to your hats, because a male INFP 5w4 is about to take you on a 4D roller coaster ride through his imagination.
These guys are like the Lovechild of Picasso and Tolkien, with an imagination that’s so rich, it makes Warren Buffet blush.
They’re also world-class daydreamers, doing anything from fighting intergalactic wars to being the last human savior – all while waiting for their morning coffee to brew.
Emotionally Intense Introverts
Our INFP pals are like adorable little hermit crabs – they retreat into their shells at the slightest hint of conflict.
They’ve got emotions as profound as the Mariana Trench, and they feel everything intensely.
This emotional depth can make them seem a bit moody or aloof, but in reality, they’re just having a heart-to-heart chat with their own feelings.
Seekers of Significance
INFP 5w4 dudes are a bit like Indiana Jones on a relentless quest for significance in their lives.
They want to do something meaningful, not just pay the bills or master the art of microwave cooking.
Don’t be surprised if they change careers or hobbies more often than Taylor Swift drops a new album – they’re not flaky, they’re just constantly looking for their ‘grand purpose’ plot twist.
What’s The INFP 5w4 Woman Like?
The “Who, Me?” Complex
These ladies could seriously win an Oscar for their portrayal of “Innocent Bystander” in any conflict.
They’re peacemakers to the core, so if you ever find yourself in a squabble with an INFP 5w4, there’ll be more shoulder shrugs than at a chiropractic convention.
They’re as non-confrontational as a goldfish in a fishbowl.
Sensitive Nooks and Crannies
Picture an English muffin – they’re all soft with loads of warm, tender insides, right? That’s your INFP 5w4 gal.
They feel feelings on a level that Dante didn’t even get to in “Inferno”.
But hey, at least their emotional depth makes them a hit at poetry slams and indie music festivals.
Curious Cats
They love to learn, research, and probe the depths of whatever interests them.
Whether it’s the mating habits of snails or the life cycle of a star, you bet they’ll have a seven-book series ready to recommend.
They’re like the Hermione Granger of reality – but with less magic and more melancholy.
INFP 5w4s In Relationships & Compatibility
Dating an INFP 5w4? Sweet baby Jesus, you’re in for a ride.
This rare personality combo is an intriguing blend of introspective philosophers and passionate idealists.
Charmingly elusive, they have loads of deep thoughts, feelings, and wow, what a wall of solitude when they need alone time.
MBTI Matches
ENFJ: You know how magnets work, right? The strong, extroverted ENFJ blends beautifully with the introverted, dreamy INFP. Sparks fly, just like a Nicholas Sparks movie, but without the inevitable tragedy.
INFJ: Imagine two psychic unicorns reading each other’s minds. Yeah, that’s the INFP-INFJ combo. Lots of beautiful understandings and bonding over shared idealism.
ENFP: Pair the INFP 5w4 with the slightly more outgoing and extroverted ENFP, and you get “Party in the front, introspection in the back” – kind of a personality mullet.
Enneagram Matches
4w5: The INFP 5w4 and 4w5 are like two peas in a misunderstood, individualistic pod. They understand each other’s need for authenticity and solitude, basically the “you get me” kind of relationship.
9w1: This combo is like a hammock on a lazy afternoon, peaceful yet deeply meaningful. The 9w1’s calm demeanor beautifully balances the intensity of the INFP 5w4.
6w5: The 6w5 brings a level of loyalty and security that the INFP 5w4 deeply appreciates. It’s like having a home security system, but it understands your fears and validates your feelings.
Tips for Interacting with INFP 5w4s
Understand the Space-time Continuum: INFP 5w4s need their solitude like sourdough needs a good rise. Give them their space, and they’ll be all yours when they emerge from their introspective cocoon.
Dig Deep: Skip the weather chat – it’s the intellectual and emotional deep-sea diving they crave. Ask them about their dreams or favorite Russian novel, and boom! You’re on their favorite-people list.
Patience, Young Grasshopper: With an INFP 5w4, relationships are a slow dance, not a rave. Give it time. Remember slow burns create the most enduring heat. It’s like making a good Bolognese.
Best Careers For The INFP 5w4
Key Skills
Critical Thinking
Best Jobs
Writing and Editing
Teaching and Education
Art and Design
Environmental Science
The INFP 5w4 personality type is well-suited to careers that leverage their empathy, creativity, and desire for deep understanding.
Key fields include Counseling/Psychology, where their strong communication and problem-solving skills can help others navigate their emotions.
Writing and Editing, which allows them to express their creativity and critical thinking.
Teaching and Education, where they can influence others positively and satisfy their love for lifelong learning.
Art and Design, which provides an outlet for their creativity and individuality.
Environmental Science, where they can make a difference by preserving the environment.
These careers also benefit from their ability to work well in teams, adapt to new situations, and think critically to solve problems.
Final Thoughts
And there you have it, the elusive INFP 5w4, a rare combo of dreamy introverts and analytical observers.
They’re a medley of sunset gazing from a window while simultaneously dissecting the meaning of life – fascinating, right?
Remember, folks, knowing your personality type isn’t just a party trick.
It’s the key to understanding why you can’t help but ponder existence while everyone else is doing the Macarena.
Boom! Personal growth and healthier relationships, here you come.
Official post by Joanne at Sacred Joanne
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hiii this is for your COD pairing!
- 5’7
- brown eyes
- shoulder length black curly hair
- I have 2 nose piercings and a few tattoos
- She/her
Personality / interests
- infp :)
- I am a big homebody, I love to cook, bake and read
- I’m obsessed with the ocean. I love the beach and jellyfish
- I would say I’m pretty quiet at first but once I get comfortable I literally don’t shut up
- I love to do things for people i know like giving small gifts or doing little things to make their day better
- im a biochemist and I work in a research lab currently.
- I work with proteins
- I’m looking into getting my MSC
Partner type
- someone who likes to banter with me
- Will listen to my random thoughts and be chaotic with me
- Someone who will be honest and straight up with me
Tyyyyy :)))
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick (a/n WE LOVE WOMEN IN STEM!! y'all working in the lab are really the backbone to everything in health)
How you met: Civilian You loved visiting the aquarium, especially ones that had the tanks that formed a tunnel where you could marvel at the sea creatures as they swam over you. Makes sense why you were sitting in the tunnel in the London Aquarium. "Gorgeous, innit?' a young man replied as he entered the tunnel. You smiled as he took a similar sitting position to marvel at the animals. "It's my favorite place here, something about it is so peaceful," you replied as you pulled your knees in to let other guests pass. "Wonder what they think?" he postulated as he stared upwards, "'time to swim over the canyon, make sure not to fall in'" he joked and you laughed at his terrible observation. "I guess, maybe it's like when you try to avoid a body of water and try not to drown," you spoke aloud and he nodded in response. After some time making conversation and telling some bad fish puns (along the lines of Q: Where do sick fish go? A: To see a sturgeon.), Kyle helped you up. "Want to come to the touch tank with me?" he asked and as you both looked into each other's eyes, you took this opportunity to take a running start as he followed you, laughing.
A peek into your relationship: You rubbed your eyes as you examined the quaternary structure of a protein you were working on. You strained as you tabbed over from the 3D model to the results from your circular dichroism spectrometry. You had a proposal due by the end of this week and needed to quantify your results into a paper. By now, the lab was empty and everyone had gone home. Even your PI left you in the cold lab to look over your results. As you tried to label your figures, your phone buzzed. "Come down to the third floor for dinner :)" Kyle texted and you smiled. You might as well take a break. You took off your coat and quickly made your way down the stairs. As you approached the table, Kyle sat there with some of your favorite takeout. "Hey you," he smiled and motioned for you to sit next to him. "Hey, Love," you replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "How's the lab work going?" he asked as he watched you scarf down the second meal you've had today. "Stressful," you sighed, "my PI wants the proposal by the end of this week for my new research and I have a poster presentation on Wednesday." You rubbed your temples and Kyle massaged your shoulders. "Well I'm always here to present to, I'll be sure to have questions for you," he said and you gave a soft smile in response. "Might have to take you up on that offer," you replied. That's how at 11pm, you were presenting your research to your boyfriend as he furiously wrote down notes to ask you "very important" questions.
"Kyle, asking 'How can someone be so sexy and so smart?' is not a question I'm going to be asked on Wednesday" "Just trying to prep you, my scientist!"
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messerkampf · 2 years
Ask for Drexel! A1, C1, E5, F11, G4, L2
What of the Meyers-Briggs personality types they most fit into? INFP, ENFT, et cetera…
I went and took an assessment for her out of curiosity and got ENTJ for her! Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging. "Commanders are bold, imaginative, and strong-willed, always finding a way – or making one." That's all very fitting for her. She demands control of nearly any situation she enters, whether people really she's doing it or not.
Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it?
In her own way, but it doesn't ever really match other people's. I guess she's most easily described as a pragmatist-- she follows other people's moral codes and expectations when it benefits her overall. There's very little she isn't willing to stoop to (and she doesn't really consider it stooping). She has no tolerance for crimes against kids, though. She's less likely to chew you out for it and get angry rather than just kill you for it and move on.
What’s their highest education level? Do they want to continue their education?
Drexel never went to any traditional schooling, but she's very well read. She does a lot of studies on her own or finds people to learn from and study under, and its unlikely to stop.
What are some of their favorite things to do for recreation?
She's obsessed with cybernetics and how far you can push the body and its augments, so between her research on that and chasing down any and all knowledge she can find on it, she finds time to enjoy fashion and design-- whether figuring out her own outfits or keeping up with developments in the fashion world, etc.
What kind of childhood did your OC have?
One she doesn't like to think about much. Drexel was born to poor human parents and was involved in an accident in her building that resulted in her parents needing prostheses. She became obsessed with prostheses and body modification around then. Her parents became less involved in her life for various reasons until they died while she was still young, and she moved in with some more well-off corporate family members. She mostly figured out her life on her own from there.
What do you consider the biggest themes in your character, if any?
Drexel is my 'mad scientist' character, sort of-- half mob boss and half driven inventor. There's a lot of themes around selfishness, vulnerability, and how we should pursue knowledge and our questions.
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hclsing · 1 year
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part one: basic information.
full name: jaya aamani nadar
nickname(s): jay, yaya, mani
age: thirty-three
date of birth: february 17th, 1990
place of birth: london, england
ethnicity: indian (gujarati) & english
nationality: british
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she/her
orientation: demisexual
language(s) spoken: english, hindi, italian, very basic german & spanish
accent: soft british
family ties:
mother: melody nadar nee davenport
father: kiaan nadar
siblings: rishi nadar, arin nadar (older brothers)
spouse / partner: n/a
children: n/a
pets: n/a
occupational information:
codename: helsing
meaning behind codename: her background and expertise in science, philosophy and metaphysics. much like the fictional character dr. abraham van helsing.
position: chemist
skillset: explosives & demolition, weapons, chemical engineering
physical appearance:
face claim: naomi scott
hair color: black
eye color: dark brown
height: 5'5"
weight: 123 lbs
build: slender
tattoos: the word 'stoicism' on her inner left wrist as a reminder to only worry about the things she can fix-not the things she can't, a broken compass on her right shoulder blade
piercings: 3 on her right ear
clothing style: stylish but comfortable, more for movement than appearance. if it has ample pockets she'll buy it, comfortable shoes, shirts on the more snug side underneath open flannel button ups that she can discard if they get in the way of her work. goggles typically propped on her head, more often than not wearing gloves out of habit.
distinguishing characteristics: mostly healed burn marks from past experiments gone awry, full lips and doe eyes that have helped her get her way in the past, scars from previous jobs that were almost close calls but not thanks to quick thinking and well placed explosives.
mbti: infp
enneagram: 2 - the giver
western zodiac: aquarius
chinese zodiac: horse
positive traits: compassionate, intuitive, witty, enigmatic
negative traits: cunning, calculating, stubborn, reckless
hobbies: chess, playing pool & darts, painting, hiking, video games, reading way too late into the night / early morning, glass sculpting, cooking & baking
character inspiration: montgomery scott (star trek aos), kaylee frye (firefly), riley davis (macgyver), firefly (g.i.joe retaliation), nurse christine chapel (star trek: strange new worlds), shuri (marvel), clara oswald (doctor who)
part two: questionnaire.
001. the professor provides every member of libertalia a unique codename that reflects their personality. each codename is derived from various forms of mythology, folklore, or literature. why do you think the professor chose that name for you? do you agree or disagree with his decision?
a smirk tugs at her lips, before she takes the screwdriver from where it’d been held between her teeth. “so van helsing, right? infamous vampire hunter, the character practically immortalized due to more recent works making him out to be this action hero. when in reality he was so much more, as written in bram stoker’s dracula. a philosopher, doctor, lawyer, professor, metaphysist…but most importantly, a scientist. i guess my background in science, philosophy and dabbling in metaphysics gave way to my codename. and honestly i enjoy it.”
002. gaining an invitation into libertalia isn’t an easy feat. what do you think made you special enough to get handpicked by the professor? and what qualities do you think allowed you to join your position?
"i feel like i'm going to sound like a right arse for answering this, talking all high and mighty of myself." she snorts, leaning forward in her chair. "but i digress. i'm fairly good at thinking on my feet, i was able to get my old crew out of some hairy situations with some on-the-spot concoctions. my engineering professor said i have a wild mechanical aptitude, which i figure helps me with a lot of what i do for the libertalia. whether that be reworking the weapons, coming up with a new way in or out, or just plain ole chemical engineering. my brain just has a way of working problems from multiple angles before landing on the best possible solutions."
003. the captain’s crew is the highest position at libertalia, they are the select few who are aware of the professor’s identity. do you desire to graduate to this level? if you’re already a member of the captain’s crew what motivated you to change your position?
“maybe one day, i think it would be fun to figure out the plans for the heists and such. that being said, i truly enjoy what i do. i wouldn't have gotten into, or stayed in this field of expertise if i didn't. so i suppose i'd miss making things go boom personally if i managed to move up the ladder to the captains."
004. although many members of libertalia don’t know each other’s personal lives, it’s rumored that many members came from suspicious backgrounds. who were you before joining and what was your life like prior?
"i feel like this is one of those questions you're not actually supposed to answer...or rather answer with 'i'm not at liberty to disclose that information." helsing smirks before waving her hand dismissively. "i'm kidding. i had my own crew i ran with, ever since i was 16 until i joined the libertalia. it was fun, they were essentially my second family. i flourished under them and i owe a lot of what i know about the criminal world to them. before that it was just a simple life in london with my parents and two older brothers, who i still keep in contact with. i mainly got into crime after a fire burned down the family bakery and we needed the money, ever since i've sent some back from whatever i make."
005. what was your primary motivation for joining libertalia? was it for the riches or for the thrill of adventure? or is there something else motivating you to continue working for the group? what do you hope to achieve?
"honestly? the thrill of adventure." she laughs. "i know! i know, it's cheesy. my old crew ran your run of the mill heists but the whole premise and mystery of libertalia really intrigued me. and so far i haven't been disappointed. riches are neither nor there, i love my job even more now than i did then. so if there's anything i hope to achieve out of all of this, it’s to continue to get better at what i do. and c'mon, finding henry avery's treasure? that'd be such an awesome thing to put on the hypothetical resume."
006. how would the other members describe you? would you consider yourself to be a team-player or do you prefer to work independently?
"100% a team player, even if i'm more of a 'tell me what you want done then let me do it in peace' type." helsing admits with a grin and shrug. "i'll do whatever i have to do to keep my team safe and make sure they get back in one piece, blow things up first and pay for the damages later. 9 times out of 10 you'll find cookies in my lab for when anyone swings by, i have an open door policy unless the 'do not disturb' sign is explicitly up."
007. libertalia is anonymous, therefore necessitates secrecy outside of the group. how do you balance your personal life outside of this, granted you have one? is there a clear separation between libertalia and your personal life?
"i feel like it's a bit of a cliché, but my family actually think i work for the british government." she rolls her eyes before laughing, holding her hands up in defense. "i'm serious! i have a friend who works at mi5 that i managed to convince into covering for me when i first got into my more shady work. they're in a lower level position, so if my parents call their office my friend will cover for me and let me know they called. we have a whole set up, real movie worthy. i have a few friends from outside of this business that i get together with. i'd say i keep my personal and libertalia life fairly separate, unless i get together with one of the crew outside of work."
008. henry avery’s treasure has been lost since 1695. even with the brightest minds on the case, all leads to find the treasure haven’t turned up. avery’s treasure is the professor’s white whale and after several years of searching, many believe the treasure ceases to exist. do you believe the treasure exists?
“sure, why not?” she mumbles, mouth quirking to the side. “we haven’t found any proof yet to suggest otherwise, so i feel it does exist. just because something’s been lost for such a long time, doesn’t mean that it changes it legitimacy. let’s just hope this white whale doesn’t kill us like ahab’s did him.”
009. do you trust the professor? do you trust the libertalia?
chewing on the end of a twizzler, helsing shrugs. “i trust everyone until they give me a reason not to. i find it’s almost easier that way. so far, neither the professor nor the libertalia have given me any reason to distrust them. so, until further notice, they have my full loyalty.”
part three: the biography;
jaya nadar grew up the daughter of two fairly basic london individuals — a history professor at oxford and a 4th generation bakery owner. two older brothers meant she had two protectors who also taught her how to take care of herself when they weren’t around. “you fight dirty,” rishi, the oldest, always told her “and never assume they’re going to fight fair.” she was a bit of a quirky scrapper growing up, and a nerdy one at that. meaning if the resident bully tried to take the lunch money off of one of her fellow nerds…she’d just take it right back, grinning as she’d hand it back, wiping the blood from her lips. her parents wanted her to make more friends, not that she lacked any...but the ones that she did probably weren't exactly the kind that they'd had in mind. after a science experiment unintentionally actually went right, jaya gained the attention of a crew looking for a new explosives expert. and she became it. she was 16 when she joined the crew, and they taught her everything else that she'd need to know to run with them; weapons proficiency, better tactics with explosives and chemical engineering, even mechanical skills that jaya took to easily. the crew stayed together up until 7 years ago, when the democratic way with which they ran started to fracture right in front of jaya's eyes. different ideas and point of views made them split, and jaya left broken hearted before it could (ironically) blow up in her face. that's when she got the call. she joined the libertalia in a heartbeat, not asking many questions because really, who wouldn't want to join a mysterious organization eh? she doesn't take herself too seriously, but she does everything in her power to be the best at what she does, for the sake of the rest of the group. she'll do whatever it takes to make sure they can get back in one piece, even if that means blowing things up first and paying for the damages later. 9/10 find her sitting upside down, with a screwdriver clutched between her teeth as she tinkers with a weapon or figures out an equation. she’s always experimenting and tinkering with the weapons, never wanting to fit the crew with any old equipment. she’s a good listener, witty, and a wicked shot. always been a plucky one, she'd prefer to go through a wall than jump over it and honestly does try to talk her way out of situations...but isn't afraid to resort to whatever tactics are necessary to help her coworkers or self out. also 10/10 will cook for you if you had a bad day okay.
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