#inner healing
faerieicetea · 10 months
hot girl summer but its me taking care of my emotional health, spending time under the sun, reading more, finding new things that make me happy, doing things that bring out good versions of myself
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a-path-by-the-moon · 1 month
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samxcamargo · 1 year
You don’t have to be healed to deserve the good things in your life.
-Josue Camargo
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girlstressed · 4 months
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i really liked my digital journal spread for today
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eggsdoodz · 7 months
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princesssascha · 4 months
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wordsofwisdomandsoul · 11 months
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Someone recently messaged me about having an inner voice that bullies her and preys on her most sensitive insecurities. Maybe this sounds familiar to some of you. Because healing an eating disorder requires work on the underlying mental health conditions, I figured I might copy-paste part of what I said to her, in the hopes that others may find it helpful. I tweaked it a little so that it applies to a broader range of people.
A lot of people try very hard to keep from hearing or acknowledging thoughts that make them uncomfortable, the kind that they know are "bad." To my knowledge of healing, trying to ignore a persistent thought does not make it go away, just reinforces the idea that it is not acceptable to struggle with these thoughts. May I suggest that instead of trying to pretend the inner voice isn't there, why don't you gently challenge their thoughts? I find that when my own inner voice is acting like a bully, it's because she's scared I'm displaying the things that she remembers being bullied for herself. She hopes that scolding me into submission will make me better, because that is what she she learned from having it done to her. But this is not a healthy approach to self-growth, so I would consider talking to your inner voice and asking her why they think a cruel approach would be productive. Is it because they experienced things that were painful to them, way back when? What more positive approaches might they try? If a dear friend was struggling with the things they were making fun of, what would they say? Can you practice self-love by treating yourself as you would a dear friend? Can you help your inner voice learn to do this for you? When they are bullying you, call their attention to it. Have a conversation with them. Work with them. And give them the empathy they need for all they have been through.
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faerieicetea · 10 months
enemies to lovers but it's me and myself
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nowimnothing-inc · 16 days
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995-)
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samxcamargo · 1 year
Healing is important, but not because you aren’t enough and you need to become a “perfect” version of yourself to deserve good things in your life. You are enough as you are now and healing is important because you deserve to be able to feel at peace.
-Samantha Camargo
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Be mindful. Be grateful. Be positive. Be true. Be kind.
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borderlinebelle · 8 months
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prettieinpink · 6 months
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this was inspired by the barbie movie lol,
Acknowledge your inner child
Your inner child is the subconscious mind that remembers the memories when you were young, the pretty and the ugly. It shapes who you are in adulthood.
Your inner child comes out and sometimes gives you the emotions and reactions as you younger self would. So, when it does happen, acknowledge them and remind them that it’s okay, they’re loved, they’re wonderful and they’re safe.
e.g you spill a glass of juice and your inner child’s reaction is to tense up, reassure your inner child that it’s okay, you’ll clean it up, and that accidents sometimes occur.
Start doing mirror work
Many of our self thought limitations and our insecurities stem from childhood, as our memories provide evidence to support our negative statements we believe about ourselves.
So, whenever you have time, look yourself deeply into the mirror and make positive or neutral statements about yourself.
e.g I’m not good enough -> I don’t need other people’s opinion on my self worth
Write and communicate to your inner child
Whether it’s through journaling, meditating or even mirror work, talk to your inner child.
How did they react in this situation? How do they want to be reassured? What brings them joy in their daily life? Are there any trauma that’s still affecting them? What kinds of people do they yearn for?
Identify your emotional triggers
What are some things that make you upset, scared, or anxious that could be linked to any childhood experiences?
Identify them and work towards carrying this perspective out of your daily life
E.g no one listened when you were upset by them, so now when someone does upset you, you become distant. Instead, work towards communicating with others when it does occur.
Find joy in what your inner child likes
Perhaps you grew up watching a show that you really enjoyed, or there was a book series that you couldn’t put down
Find those little sweet childhood memories and try to recreate them now, your inner child feels the most comfortable and happiest in this state
Or if you can’t remember the things you once enjoyed, try to let your inner child do things that they may find fun.
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