#insainity check
reyreadersblog · 1 month
i hate when people say all Grayson girlies are wierd and insaine😭😭💀
'Cause it's disrespecting, why are u saying that all of them are? As a Grayson girlie i admit that SOME* of them are actually crazy. And if you're wondering who i'm talking about, just check the comment section of JLB's recent posts.
But saying "all" is so wrong. Yeah, Grayson girlies (including me) on tumblr might say some out of pocket things, but TRUST ME, we're joking, and we're very much aware of our surroundings and the fact that he's fictional.
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pineappleparfaitie · 2 months
(Originally this was shorter but i got so mad while typing i just went on, the following is just some of my frustrations over the recent shit thats happened in this community)
The hypocrisy i have been seeing in the sfw vore community is fucking SAD
Im sorry i ranted abt this yesterday but it hasnt gotten better
Youre telling me we will yell st NSFW blogs who dont read our bios,dni's, pinned posts and tags and say how they are doing harm and they neee to read every little thing
But if a sfw vore blog reblogs NSFW and doesn't check all the biosxall the pinned posts,tags ect its a mistake?
You arent exposing minors into the NSFW space, instead you are exposing them to NSFW content
We will nag and complain and WHINE about gross nsfw stuff on our TL, how these blogs interact with us, vent about how uncomftrable it makes us but when someone we know does it its ok its not the worst thing!Not like minors still saw NSFW stuff!Not like someome actively has multiple friends that are minors and then puts these kids in danger by rebloging this content!Totally.
Stick to your morals, if it applies to 1 scenario it applies to everyone
Communication is a thing. DMS . Istg some people never watched stuff relating to the Art commentary community OR ANY COMMENTARY VIDEO cause youd THEN know how to compile evidence, how to focus less on personal gripe amd more on objective facts and know how tf to present shit.
But most importantly? KEEP SHIT PRIVATE. IF you confront the person on their poor behaviour privetly, and they still keep it up, THEN maybe shed light on it. But dont make stupidly formed "callouts" that make 0 sense unless you reread it. No one is going to listen to evidence if you cant even present it properly. And dont make claims of ableism with no elaboration other than a few personal views. And also dont say "this person said this about me" without showing screenshots.
Oh and while im at it-
Dont.Make.Threats and PETTY INSULTS to people. That shit is VILE unless the person is a convicted criminal and an actual monster making death threats,torture threats, eishes of harm sooo fucking casually is BEYOND INSAINE. And if these people are YOUR friends, you should tell them off not some people who hardly know them. Your friends behaviour will reflect poorly on you.
This shit has been so poorly handled by both sides ,1 cant present evidence or a callout (WHICH SHOULDNT HAVE EVEN HAPPENED) and the other refuses to acknowledge any wrong doing and believes they are inncoent and havent done harm and focus more on them than the minors they put st risk.
Oh and btw ya i was one of the people exposed to NSFW blogs and shit due to this whole confuckle. Harm and discomfort was done. IM an example.
I am more mad at the anon and disappointed at the other person at the end of this.
We know who this person is- most of the community does and WE know they meant no real harm. But other blogs dont know that and people have already been contacted by 18+ blogs telling them they arent safe and AT THIS POINT I DONT BLAME THEM BUT STILL ISNT FUN. ITS NOT FUN FOR HORNDOGS TO COME TO YA AND SAY WEIRD SHIT TO YA OR HOW YOU ARE DISGUSTING CAUSE SOMEONE YOU TRUSTED CANT CHECK DNI'S!
This is AGAIN being treated as drama. Always Drama. Not only is someones reputation being hurt and damaged because of poor wording,poor choices ect but minors are being harmed.
And I know im going to be told im blowing things out of proportion, im aware.
But if we throw such a fucking PISS FIT over NSFW blogs even LIKING our posts, why cant we criticise friends and moots who also put us in danger?
Intent is important to consider, but your action will ring louder than words.
Do better. Stop saying minors being harmer is drama. Stop saying were taking things too seriously, stop saying this shit.
I dont believe btw this person (one who has a callout made on them) is a bad person i would still love to be on good terms eith them and stay moots/friends but it becomes difficult when you see how they react to putting you at risk.
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watusay · 14 days
TW: Mention of shootings
My school has a back entrance, I think most schools do. All the doors are locked from the outside all day except at the beggining of the day when kids are coming into the building. anyone can be let inside from anyone already in the building. At my old school I mentioned to my mother(who works at the school) how students could easily leave or let someone in. She had explained how it won't and can't happen, I don't remember her reasons but they made since. Today at my school I saw kids letting people in through the back entrance. My school has kids wear lanyerds, I think most school do. After 3 school shootings in a week my school has been making it top priority for students to wear them to make sure people who arnt supposed to arnt in the school. The person who was let in wasnt wearing a lanyerd. They were obviously a student, and I've seen them before, but this brings up the topic of security issues and breeches.
A common question I ask myself is "when it isn't students, how are the shooters getting in?" I feel what I saw could answer the question(in some cases) .
Shootings have been on my mind for several days and I have a few Ideas on how we could prevent shootings and intruders.
Prevention 1: Bullet proof glass
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If you look at the chart above you can see, shooters arnt just kids. This leads to the question of how. Schools have protections so people can't get in, but if we think back to 2023 with the Nashville school shooting, Aiden Hale (the shooter) had gotten into the school by shooting at the doors which were mostly glass. The bullets shatterd the glass giving him access to the inside of the building.
A way this could have been prevented is bullet proof glass on the doors, even windows. Only about an estimated 2% of school nationwide have the technology to make this change.
The cost isn't very flexible or feasibility though, with an estimated $50,000-$75,000 per elementary school alone to make this change. With there being 130,930 k-12 school in the US, around 70,000 of that including elementary, It would cost around 3,500,000,000-5,250,000,000 for just elementary schools alone. (I think. I'm bad at math.) This isnt cheep at all but neither at funerals.
Prevention 2: requirements to buy a gun
In a personal opinion I feel we as citizens, should have the right to bear arms, but with a background check, a psyche evaluation, with a permit and proper training, and for anyone over the age of 25.
I know some of this feels unnecessary but it's not. 2 of the things I think would be most controversial are a psyche evaluation and anyone over 25.
A psyche evaluation would be a good way to protect a person and others. If someone's not in the right state of mind and struggling mentally they might buy the gun with an intent to kill themselves and something even others who they might blame for why there struggling as revenge.
And the reason I say a person should be over the age of 25 is for a few reasons.
1: you turn 18 while in high school. This is giving high schoolers across to guns
2: your not even old enough for alcohol, why should you be given access to weapons, especially when you can find them at any Walmart in the South Midwest(idk about other regions)
3: study's show your brain isn't fully developed till around the age of 25. Your still likely to do illogical and dangerous things after your 18 and even after 25, but pushing the time back and giving an extra 7 years to mature should help
In my state, anyone can get a gun as long as there 18. I'm sure this is the case I'm lots of states, but the fact you don't need a permanent in insain to me, cause as I said earlier, 18 is still a high schooler.
There are many other ways to prevent this cough like gun laws cough, and I just don't have the time or patience to go through all the logical stuff right now. I will definitely write more on this topic. This was kinda just a rant but if you read all of this props to you:}
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Me: *does the Cha Cha slide to the sound of my cat purring in my arms*
I am the peak of human evolution.
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steve and jonathan are the two ends of the “Overlooked Trauma” spectrum
people overlook Jon’s trauma because
The pictures
He’s not conventionally attractive
He’s not popular. Take eddie, everyone jumps onto him because he’s the ‘trend,’ the ‘popular guy’ make sense?
He’s not a character you can just glance at and get his entire thing, he’s deeper than that, and people don’t care to look for stuff if it’s deeper than first glance
And then Steve, who’s trauma is never acknowledged because;
he’s the hot, himbo, goofy guy
so that’s his only personality trait, apparently
again with the first glance, but on a much smaller scale
people would rather enjoy him as a funny guy who’s pretty than his actual ‘deep’ character
but the main thing is that people won’t care for Jon because he’s not conventionally attractive, and he’s not the ‘big’ character, and won’t care for Steve because his main ‘point’ is to be the funny hot guy, and that’s all people acknowledge him for
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thatyanderecritic · 3 years
Hey, could you analyse kimi ni aisarete itakatta? The main character and possibly her friend seem kinda yandere, tho i can't tell if it's because most of the characters are pretty brutal anyway lol, i also couldn't go too far without taking a break lmao. Cw for compensated dating, noncon, bullying and quite a few cockroaches. It's okay if you decide not to analyze it! When i say brutal i really mean it.
Hey there demonkodomo! Kai here to answer your question.
To be quite frank we don't really do analyses for any stories since there's isn't anything to take away critically from mangas, anime, etc. in relation to yanderes. If there's going to be any analysis, it'll be a dry essay on bullying and school culture in Japan based on the synopsis I'm reading.
But if you mean a review on this series, that is something we do. Well, not a full review. Just a quickie one.
That said, as demonkodomo said, there are some triggers in this story. So before anyone decides to read what I have to say or check the manga themselves, you should know this manga has prostitution, pedophilia, noncon, bullying, grotesques imagery, and mental breakdowns... like, a lot of them. Like every other page.
Disclaimer: I didn't exactly "read" the manga, I just skimmed through it to see what was up. Also know that the perspective going in is someone super tired and desensitized to bullshit. Take my grumblings with a grain of salt.
That said, I don't think anyone here is a yandere. Just a bunch of stress out and severally traumatized teens who needs therapy. This is quite the common... what's the word, genre? Sure, let's go with genre. Common genre with Japanese media that has to do with themes of bullying. If anyone notice, if a manga isn't one of those "Feels good" stories, bullying is either handled as power fantasy where the victim gets revenge or the story gets sadder and sadder as the victim mentally breaks. This manga is the latter.
Kimi ni aisarete itakatta has lots of highs, lows, and caricatures of people. To say these characters are realistic... well, I guess there's always the possibility (And this one time I had this classmate who was exactly like the female main character and acted like an insaine Ben Shapiro in the middle of class as he monologued about how he was bullied in middle school. So after that experience, kinda hard... not to laugh at these mangas as I'm reminded of that moment.) Anyways, these are people pushing and breaking each other. Tensions and actions are constantly being pushed to the extremes... and more importantly: to a shock value. This story reminds me of the billions of Japanese indie/artsy/borderline-snuff films Julie and I watched one summer (now that's some real triggering stuff that makes this manga look like a kids cartoon).
The characters were already mentally unstable and the purpose of "love" isn't so much as romance but more of using romantic love to obtain something that they don't have. I guess real romantic love is bloom somewhere between the pages, but for the moment right now? These characters aren't truly "lovesick", more like love/attention/touch-starved.
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My Alpha
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: fluff, protective alpha, fighting for dominance.
(I’ve always wanted to do one of these kind of stories. Hope you like it.)
The whole story of your soulmate excited you in many ways when you were a young pup. Your dad was a very possessive Alpha and your mother wasn’t much better. They always stuck up their noses as alphas claimed to be in love with their daughter. They always told them they weren’t good enough due to the fact that no young alpha in the pack could keep their dick in their pants.
They always used the whole rut thing as an excuse, but when you say that ten times a month people tend to question things. You were a young Omega and you tend to get into very bad predicaments and your father comes to the rescue. Your mom sat you down when you were eight and told you about your true mate and the signs to look out for.
The day came where you were sent out into the world (against your dad’s wishes) and you were roaming around downtown Brooklyn when you heard growling. You couldn’t of had an alpha smelling you. You weren’t close to your heat and you were on suppressants to calm you down to avoid horny alphas. You continued until you knew the growling was gone, taking a break and continuing on your trek back home.
The world could go fuck itself, no one was gonna mess with you on a beautiful fall day. And you meant NOBODY. However the eyes that followed your through the crosshairs had a different idea.
You were invited to a huge party in the area as a huge gathering that apparently was held once a year for omegas and alphas to meet and hopefully claim each other before mating season. You however weren’t much of a party person, but since you were in a new town why not just attend one.
The winter air hit your cheeks as your beanie and scarf hid what was left. Marching down a sidewalk towards a store you once again heard growling followed by a strong scent of pine and blueberries. Turning around you saw the sidewalk was full of people so you turned around and continued towards the stores.
Snowflakes falling down and colliding with the hard ground only to be stepped on by humans two minutes later. The way it looked beautiful outside and you watched it flutter and hit your hands. You smiled at the world’s pure offering to you and continued your trek home after purchasing a simple dress for tonight. Still feeling the tingle in the air as you approach the destination to hear the phone start ringing once you open the door.
“Hello dear!” Mom calls through the phone
“Hi mom” you chuckle as you set your bag on the coffee table.
“So I heard you’ll be attending a party tonight? Are you sure you’re gonna be ok?” Mom says
“How did you know that? I never told anyone.”
“Oh come on. Do you really think Justin was going to let his baby sister move to a new state and not check up on her when the seasons change?”
You roll your eyes as the fact that your brother who became the new alpha of your old pack would risk his life over and over just to check up on you.
“Tell Justin I’m ok mom. I know he’s worried, but I can handle myself.” You chuckle
“Just stay safe. You know we’re heading into mating season next month and I’d hate for you to end up in a predicament again. I don’t want my baby to be hurt.”
“I’m a strong Omega, mother” you sigh playfully
“Sometimes I have trouble not believing your an alpha with that power of yours.” She says before she bids you well and hangs up.
Parties were wild and not the good kind of wild. The second you got there, all you could see was males and females grinding up against you. Hell you even say two girls and two men marking each other. The place was huge and all you saw was couples who gave themselves to each other and you knew any second the same would happen to you.
All of a sudden that familiar scent invaded your nose and you felt like your inner omega was purring. Blueberries and pine, all you saw were betas, alphas and other omegas dancing.
“How am I gonna track him down?” You mutter
As you walked deeper into the party the scent tended to get stronger. You had to be close after you enter the second ballroom. All you could smell was pine and blueberries and you could feel yourself getting turned on by the scent.
Unfortunately that alerted every alpha with some betas and omegas of your obvious scent. You heard growling all around you as people took you in and all of a sudden alphas started cowering as they split apart. Someone was making their way through the crowd and you could feel your omega purring and planning to jump his bones right there.
He finally made his presence known and you almost jumped him the second you saw him. How on earth was this man a human? He was sculpted by the gods and his long brown locks ended at his shoulders as he stalked forward. His left arm circled around you and he growled at the others who were still eyeing you up.
“Found you” he smirked down at you
You just let your omega take control and nuzzled your head into his chest. The smell was driving you insaine and he only chuckled.
“Let’s get out of here before everyone starts fighting me for you.” He whispered in your ear.
You just nodded and he guided you out the door back to his home. He wanted you to see his place after he prepared it the way he hoped you liked.
His scent was driving you insane and you were so close to the brink of insanity. How can one alpha have so much control over you. You used to put alphas in their place when your dad wasn’t around to save you or even your brother, but this alpha had you thinking very vulgar thoughts to the point Satan himself would be scared.
Once you arrived to his place, you walked in and started roaming around looking at his place. You honestly could see yourself nesting here and he was loving it. The fact that you were leaving rooms impressed and continued on left him purring in thought. All you had to do was except his den and you’d be off to the races. You allowed your scent to mix with his and the peach somehow blended well with his dark and sweet smell.
You felt everything still as he wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your left shoulder.
“You ok ‘mega?” He purrs
You tilt your neck as he began to scent you. You were in heaven and you didn’t want this to end. The fact that you managed to continue breathing as his nose brushed the area where he’d sink his teeth to Mark you later on was a complete mystery. This alpha had you wrapped around his finger since you first caught his scent.
“You want this, omega?”
Unable to speak, you just nod your head as he continued to purr into your ear.
Winter came and went and spring dawned on the earth once again. Cold and miserable turned to breezy and damp, but Spring was a very beautiful season as the life came up green. Mating season was upon the population and any day now when all of a sudden people you saw regularly were missing, you clues in that their heat and rut were in full swing. However Ruts weren’t the only thing in full swing...the AUDACITY was also in the air.
Alphas would try and target other omegas and betas trying to scent them or even fight for them. You however were never really aware until Bucky made his presence known, only then would you clue in that another person tried his temper. Bucky had plans to mark you, but wanted to wait until after you knotted you for the first time. Which was gonna be the time he brought you home, but being the gentleman he was, Bucky only cuddled with you.
However the one time you weren’t around, Bucky was involved in a huge fight, Apparently three alphas decided they were going to challenge him. Bucky growled and the three younger alphas backed down for two seconds before lunging at him. The four alphas were quick to start the fighting, but in the end Bucky won. There was no way in hell he was going to loose his omega. He watched as the others took off as Steve, Sam and Nat showed up, all four looking for a fight.
Bucky growled in the dark night and let out a howl as the four headed back to where they came from. When Bucky got home he was hit with the scent he was dreaming of, her whimpers could be heard and he knew she went into heat. He walked into the room and his rut began seeing his omega so vulnerable and needy.
“Alpha?” She whimpers
“It’s ok, babygirl. I’m going to help you through this.” He says as he removes his shirt and pants then climbs into the nest she made with his blankets and pillows.Allowing his scent to overcome her surroundings, Bucky began to let both of your desires come to life.
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csmeaner · 2 years
Oh are we shitting on aphex? Go check out the one insaine owns worth 1000usd. It looks like an npc… it’s so plain and basic and then it’s 3 alternate forms are super over designed and hideous, you’d think that cryptic would actually try on a design worth so much, but somehow this seems even lower effort then some of the old gacha designs LOL
idc who you are if you spend 1000$ on a monochrome donkey you're a cuck
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squipy · 4 years
So my 12 year old self is going to come out for a bit. So a long long time ago before dream I use to watch the cube smp mostly graser10 and hbomb94. Now I'ma fangirl for a momenf but CAN WE TALK ABOUT HBOMB94!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!! that final shot was insaine my lumberjack dude is just as amazing as he was all those years ago!!! Y'all need to check him out he's actually really cool
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mirandaisanangel · 5 years
Adventures of the Mcloughlin three Chapter 1
Miranda and Brendan had gone on their monthly weekend trip to NYC they always leave the kids home alone because they are old enough to take care of themselves and they had friends check in on them everyday
They get on the plane and sit down and grab a drink “Here’s to another sexcation with my beautiful wife” Brendan says causing Miranda to laugh
“Shhh Babe there’s people” Miranda says laughing
“So, I don’t care” He says and cuddles her into his arm
Lorenzo’s pov
“Enzo!! You can’t bring your friends over they’re annoying and i’m not in the mood!” Liliana shouts
“So I don’t care!” Enzo says back
“I swear to god i’m telling mom and dad and i’m not fucking kidding!” She says
“Then do it!”
Miranda and Brendan’s POV
She gets a text from Liliana that says “I know you said we can’t have people over but Enzo claims he’s bringing friends over🙄”
“Babe, are you okay with Enzo bringing over friends?” She asks Brendan
“Hell no, his friends always stare at Liliana and im not there to protect her”
“Babe, you have to let her grow up at some point” She defends
“It’s not about that as much, but I don’t think we should have any of they’re friends over while you and I aren’t home” He says
“I totally agree i’ll call Enzo and talk to him”
Just as she says that she gets a call from Lorenzo 
“Hi mom” Lorenzo says
“Hey baby, Liliana said that you were bringing friends over is that true?”
“Well I was going too”
“You know what I said” her voice stern
“Did I mention how beautiful you look today?” Lorenzo complements
“Lorenzo Richard, no people over i’m not kidding!” Miranda demands
“I promise mama I won’t bring anyone over”
“Okay thank you, if you need anything, call aunt Gwen, me or your father”
“Bye mom, have fun, love you”
“Love you too honey” and with that they hung up
“Baby he’s such a good kid, so i’m gonna by him the gucci belt he wanted”
“Babe you’re insaine” he says and laughs
Liliana’s pov
She was changing into her bikini to go tan at the pool and as she sees Lorenzo and his friends playing volleyball in the pool and drinking Miranda’s titos
“Are you insane?, you brought people over and you’re drinking mom’s vodka? Shes actually gonna kill all of you guys” Liliana says causing all of his friends jaws to drop after seeing her perfect body
“I’ll buy her a new one it’s not that big of a deal”
She thought most of Enzo’s friends were annoying but she did think one of them was pretty cute
“I’m going for a walk” Liliana said
And the cute one who’s name was Julian decided to go with her
“So you still single?” Julian asked
“Oh my god Julian, i’m really not in the mood” She gives her death glare that matches her mother’s
“You’re cute when you’re mad” He says causing her to crack a small smile
“Oh I see that smile babe” He says to Liliana
“I’m sorry if my parents find out people are over they will actually kill us”
“Don’t worry baby they won’t” He smiles leaning in for a kiss and she kisses back and that kiss turns into a makeout
Miranda and Brendan’s POV
“Oh god honey” Miranda said after having sex with Brendan
“You’re so amazing” he says and cuddles her
“Oh shit! we were supposed to go to your moms for dinner!” Miranda says alarmed
“Baby, you and I both know we won’t be making those” He says and lays her back to bed
Kids POV
They all played a game and had fun and when it was tine for bed Julian went into Liliana’s room and cuddled with him
Miranda and Brendan’s POV
“Baby I feel like somethings going on and we need to go home” Miranda says concerned
“Baby they’re fine”
Miranda finally gets him to agree and they go home and they find all of Lorenzo’s friends passed out in the living room, and walk into Liliana’s room and see her cuddling with a boy
“LILIANA LEIGH MCLOUGHLIN” Miranda and Brendan shout causing everyone to wake up
Knowing damn well that gucci belt would be taken away
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2womenforme · 5 years
I have not been able to do this, but I have not been able to find a way to get a passport. oklahoma unless i go to another state n get an id then come back n get their id = insanity cause if i had an id from anywhere i would not need their id paying for 2 ids is stupid uses stupid oklahoma stupid god stupid politicions   what uses can not check fast from one state to another if the copy of birth certificate is good or expired real id = duh was still living in dark ages of tec i repeated what insainity she was telling me 3 times cause she was not listening to the insanity n then she said i was not listening but she n others on otherside where not listening long before me about screwing others in their idiot way
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Cobra Kai Panel
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We got front row seats, right in front of them. It was incredibly insaine and plays into half the amazingness of our experience.
Neither of us filmed it and I pray to God someone did though because I want to see it!
They were all incredibly funny! And played quite well off each other. Billy has amazing comedic timing! Highlights from the panel
Was aked who could beat Ralph in a fair fight. Billy said "Everyone in this room. All of you. And Ralph would agree."
We got to hear how Rob got started in acting
Billy did the "Quiet!!!!" Yell and gave the look and it was to die for.
Kove was asked about "Death Race 2000" and as he was talking he mentioned that his character died running over a baby carriage and @get-him-a-body-bag called out "but at least you got 70 points" and he looked down at her with this grin like "ohh your dark girl" and then said look at her shirt to which Billy looks at me and is like "Oh yeah take a right check it out" and then there was this confused moment between Kove, Billy, her and I when we were like no I didn't say it she did and then he was like "you're the jacket girl! Stand up show everyone your jacket! She's got the real Johnny jacket! Well I mean I have mine at home but this is the exact same one!"
Someone asked a question mentioning how try liked that he kept Johnny as a bit of a dick and Billy was like "thanks for the backhanded compliment. What was your name again?"
Billy was amazing at handling questions and interacting with fans. He also did an amazing job at keeping Rob included
@elenatria it was down to Billy and Rob to play Johnny. They met during the auditions and formed a really close friendship and have been best friends since
I'm sure there is lots I'm forgetting but these were the memorable highlights and I really hope a video comes out soon!
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thenihalisticdream · 6 years
Its tearing me apart from the inside.
I've never felt so enraged or agressive towards anyone in my life.
Its one thing to be discarded, I've always known im trash. But the fact you actually played all the games you did with you little Hippie dad? Nah. Now that I finally know everything and more you can stay happy with you TrapLord scumbag homewrecker yoy decided to make my closest friend and then stabbed me in the back with.
Sorry I ever wronged you but i fucking tried hard. I still remembwr everything i did while you "Obsessed" over me.. i mean your fucking phone that you just block out of you mind. Or the fact you went to sex clubs promising to take me while stabbing me in the bacm again with said friend. To the 6 years you reummuined me hiding behind your own failures and insecurities from your family and your overjudgmental friends.
Fuck you and your life in general. You need to get your head out of the fucking clouds and realize what you actually did. I caught you cheating but you broke up with me and cried that im making you look bad.. Fucking get checked you insaine cunt. I hope you find this and try to confront me.
P.S You should check your friend circle Beardedhippie is foolishly confiming everything I've said with the photos people keep now showing me cuz someone he talked to again know me and how to find his FL. Plus its petty to accuse me for months of sleeping around AFTER YOU BROKE UP WITH ME. When I havent done shit. Go fuck yourself.
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azure-witch13 · 7 years
I am the worst. I have to study for my exam, but I keep wanting to check out the 1972 Devilman to see how insain it's gonna be
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youreonyourown-kid · 4 years
Mexican Gothic
Do you know those books you read and you're just like "WHAT THE FUCK"? This is one of those books
Like I see a lot of people saying it was a slow start, and it was, but you also know there is some wierd shit is going on 👀👀
The writing wasn't the strongest, but I always love a good story over good prose soooo
I didn't love the love Noemi, like she deserves better.
Like Francis didn't try to stop what they did to her cousin and only steps up cause he has the hots for her?
I knew there was a reason I hated mushrooms yall be careful
Im also kinda sad the healer/whitchy lady disappeared. She was super cool.
The last like 70% of the novel was INSAINE i do kinda wish there was more.
Definitely recommend. But maybe check triggers in it cause there are some heavy ones.
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Not All Days End With Destruction
[A/N: So this one is pretty bland. Not my best work but I'm just happy I finally wrote a new fic. 😂 Hopefully there will be more to come!]
It was a dark and stormy night. The kind of night that wasn't good for anything. I had had big plans for today and for them to be scrubbed because of a little rain was infuriating. Pacing the pent house I ponder on what I could do to alleviate some of my boredom. Frustrated I head to my study and straight to my weapons vault. Even if I couldn't blow Gotham up as planned the least I could do was cause a little chaos. Grabbing my semi automatic and grabbing the keys to the Lamborghini I yell out to Frost.
"I'm going out. Don't wait up."
He knew by the tone in my voice that I needed to be alone and didn't say a word till I was already speeding away.
Driving the streets I looked for my first victim but there wasnt a soul in sight.
"Just great. How the fuck am I supposed to incite panic if there's no one around!"
Growling I punch the dashboard grumbling when I feel two of my fingers dislocate.
"Just what I needed to add to this shit night."
Popping my digits back into place I rub my forehead.
'Smooth move clown boy. You cause more damage to yourself than you ever have to Gotham.'
"Shut the fuck up!"
The voices always started when I was frustrated and it always only served to aggravate me more.
"What the hell do you want anyway?"
I questioned as if the voices in my head were actually people.
Heh maybe those quacks at the asylum are right. Maybe I am a loon.
'You're not a loon. You're just bored. This is boring EVERYTHING you do is boring.'
I'm quickly tiring of their shit.
"And what exactly would you have me do? There's no one around to terrorize. I even doubt batbreath is out tonight. "
Well isn't that a depressive thought... Cant even but the bat.
Slamming my head into the steering wheel I just grown as I let my horn continue in the still night.
'Wow. Bravo. Annoying the neighborhoods. What an accomplishment. Your loosing your touch. A car alarm could do a better job of enciting chaos than you.'
The slow condescending clap that played through my head made me what to shut that damn voice up for good. Pondering for a moment I wonder if killing myself would be worth the satisfaction of knowing that damn idiot would die with me.
'You're joking right? You really think killing yourself would accomplish anything but make Gotham 'a safer place to live'. You're a bigger moron than I thought.'
I was too exhausted to fight him now. My want for destruction was overshadowed by the need to get out of my own head. That's when an idea stuck. I'd get that fucker to shut up one way or another, even for just a moment.
Jamming the Lamborghini into gear I speed towards my new goal trying to think of anywhere but where I'm going. I don't need to hear his opinions on my new plan. Familiar land marks pass us by signaling we were almost there.
'Where the hell are you taking us... There's nothing out this wat but... OhMyGod. You wouldn't.'
The voice scowled as it realized where I was headed.
"You bet your non-existent ass I would! It'll be a welcome vacation from your constant yammering!"
'Are you fucking insain? This is the dumbest thing you've done yet By Far.'
Cackling at how perturbed I had finally got him I can't help but smirk.
"I'm talking to a voice in my head. You tell me if I'm insain."
Driving straight through the wrought iron gates I come to a stop right before the heavy metal doors. Guards flood from the building aiming their weapons as soon as they catch sight of me.
"Hello boys. Check in for one."
I laughed as I held my arms out in front of me smiling as the cold metal cuffs latch around my wrists. I willingly. No. Gleefully follow them into the asylum knowing that a few rounds of electro therapy will give me a moments piece.
'I hope they fry your brain out.'
And with that last snarky comment I didn't hear from that stuck up voice for the rest of my stay in Arkham.
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