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lostl1sbons1ster · 5 days
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Courtney Love in her bathroom, 1992
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888-stargirl · 5 months
when i say “for the plot” and it ends up ruining my life and putting me into a year long depression
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batunatu · 2 months
born to be a fnafhs kid, grow up to be a class of 09 teenager.
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jaxypaxyhaxy · 1 year
You said we don't want to hear your essay about the symbolism in this picture, and actually, I wanna hear it.
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(Omg literally marry me 🥹 nobody ever cares or like wants to hear my symbolism rants🥹🫶)
After it wrote this: just letting yall know, I’m sorry, you asked for this, you’ve brought this on yourself. Much love, I apologize
Ok so I’m gunna break it down by the most obvious to least obvious (at least to me)
1) the “APPEAR”
Ok ok ok, so we all know this is something Tori does around Charlie often. Yk, “older sister magic”? Yeah so I think there could be like 2 things going on here. A) Micheal has been able to appear the whole time, Or B) Micheal has picked up this trait from Tori. If the former is true and Micheal has been able to appear the whole time, like how can you tell me they aren’t perfect for eachother. Not even necessarily romantically either but like they are soulmates. I think the original appear of Tori symbolizes how people don’t always notice when she enters a room. Like there are people who have all eyes on them, and then there’s Tori who you might not even know is there because of how she enters a room. Idk I just think it’s a good way to describe her, a silent entrance. BUT if the latter is true, and Micheal picked up this trait from Tori, hoo boy like I could literally talk abt this for an hour. Ok ok so I think I present a good argument abt how Tori and Micheal both kinda want what the other has (at least at the start) if that makes any sense. Like Tori is this “manically depressed psychopath” who doesn’t seem to give a single shit about what others think or feel or dislike about her ( granted it’s because she’s too busy struggling to keep herself alive and worrying about her siblings but still she just doesn’t seem to give a single flying fuck ). But as all my solitaire girlies know, Micheal gets extremely angry at times because of his performance on the ice and how he’s perceived by other people (like judges definitely). I think it almost seems like Micheal cares so much about how he’s perceived, and what others feel about him, or what other people have to say about him. I think (at least it feels a bit like this to me) that Micheal aspires to have Tori’s level of IDGAF and he kind of analyzes and watches her and how she is just herself. ( And like obviously we know Tori’s life is extremely fucked up and depressing and I think we can all agree we would just like to comfort her endlessly, so I’m not saying Micheal romanticizes her life and wants it and wishes it was his, but I think that’s part of what caught his eye abt her at the beginning. ) that took a really long time to get to my point but like yeah I think if he did pick it up from her is because he (not in a creepy way) watched her and how she moves through everyday life. Like HE PAYS ATTENTION! He pays attention to her and has continued to pay attention even more so after the events of the book because he cares about her and loves her.
2) the lines showing how he appears
Ok so we all know that Tori appears like this:
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But Micheal is much more animated in his appearance, with longer lines and no asterisks. This is true and translates nicely into their individual personalities as well. 1 way is Tori appears like she wasn’t there but then she was, and Micheal appears like he popped up from the ground. I’m gunna break down my other point because it’s a lot.
Their emotions ( including breakdowns and general expression ): ok, so Tori often has an array of emotions and feelings and thoughts all spinning in her head at once (I could talk more abt this so just lmk if u want me to) and it makes it harder at least for me the reader to designer her feelings from time to time yk? But like Micheal, his emotions are intelligible in the book and you can usually put a name or two to what he’s feeling whether it’s hurt or anger yk? I kinda look at it like
Tori: small, silent symbol ( as she doesn’t often talk about her feelings with many ppl ) and many lines that represent her emotion soup. ( each line representing one emotion yk? )
Micheal: long, obvious, concise lines. ( he is emotionally intelligent enough to know what he’s feeling but not necessarily control or understand them ) like Tori each line represents one emotion but also Micheal’s are much larger and obvious. I believe live this can represent his struggle to control and maintain his feelings. I also just wanna say I believe the two long lines represent his anxiety about posing his question, and being angry or upset about the whether society puts on dating (as mentioned in he’s rant to Charlie’s gang) and I think the smaller lines are like part happy or excited almost because like hes at a super fun event with the girl he really likes, and people who are super nice to him; and the other small line I think is sadness because (as previously mentioned) Micheal doesn’t seem to handle rejection well but he also doesn’t have meant friends and he would be so so so sad if he messed it up with Tori the one girl who actually got him and cares about him yk? Idk that’s just my over analysis of the way he appeared.
3) his hair
His hair is scruffy and messy, and I’ve seen Alice draw hair like messier when someone is anxious or upset abt something so I just wanted to put that out there
4) Charlie and Tao
Okay look at Taos face!! ( I know ur not gunna scroll all the way back up so I’ll help )
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(This is my head canons and over analyzing just kinda mushed into a pie abt why I think this has so much weight so bear with me) The reason I am absolutely feral about this is because Tao has known Charlie (and inevitably Tori) for years on years on years like he is THE childhood best friend and I have an array of pictures in my head what happened after solitaire. Charlie 100% had a panic attack, no question. I would too, I think anyone would if their older sister tried to kill themselves honestly. But anyways I think Nick helped but Tao helped much more in that certain scenario. I’m not sure exactly when Charlie talks to Tao after the events of solitaire but he definitely does and he blames himself for not noticing sooner she was depressed or suicidal. Tao kinda convinces him there’s not much you can do in those situations and sometimes we don’t recognize it in time if we recognize it at all. But basically long story short Tao knows about everything with Tori and Micheal on the roof. That’s what that was leading up to sry. Ok BUT where I’m going with this is that just like Tao was protective over Charlie with Nick, he is 1000% just as protective over Tori (bc she’s like his platonic older sister in law) so he will occasionally watch Micheal and make sure he’s being good like he did with Nick.
There’s also the very real possibility I’m reading much to far into this and he’s just confused because Micheal appeared and bumped into him BUT STILL, I’m gunna choose to live in delusion
Charlie: Hes visibly confused and I just know in my bones it’s because he doesn’t know why Micheal is with them instead of hanging with Tori and Ollie. That’s it, that’s all I wanted to say abt Charlie bc I just find that rly fucking cute
That’s all I think… for now at least. Much love, hope you enjoyed 🫶🫶
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pastacurls · 16 days
As the #1 defender of misunderstood child characters I will NEVER forgive the damage that was done to society with “grey heffley is a sociopath” videos.
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catarufermecat · 7 days
Abducius doodle page
TW BLOOD, SH, SCARS (its not that bad imo but still)
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lavenderwitchxxx · 1 year
Not so friendly reminder that people who demonise antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic people, personality disorders, psychopaths, sociopaths, people with DID, people who are clinically insane/psychotic, people with schizophrenia, etc, can fuck right off and are not welcome here. No disorder makes you an inherently evil person, and the people you're demonising are human beings who deserve basic human treatment.
Not only that, friendly reminder those people are welcome here, and this is a safe space for disorders considered "scary" and "dangerous" bc y'all are fucking human beings.
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sumplysilly · 2 months
He would not fucking be able to form emotional connections with others
He would not fucking feel empathy for others
He would not fucking be able to sustain any type of relationship
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bredforloyalty · 3 months
yeah yeah the mere presence of nate jacobs on screen makes you uneasy and you hate his guts and he's scary and a ""sociopath"" and you hate his guts and he's as pathetic as he is revolting etc (←gathered from my readings), well me personally he is my friend. had it not been for the laws of this land (he is fictional) i would have slaughtered him but other than that
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tennessoui · 1 year
Try for the latest update on playmaker! does anakin eventually love Rey? 😭 and when she’s older is she part of the family business or does she try to stay as far away from the twins as possible
anakin does eventually love rey, but this anakin is NOT a baby person, especially because this baby has no resemblance to obi-wan. it looking like obi-wan would have made loving the baby so much easier. they have children that look like anakin, anakin wants a child that looks like obi-wan, without involving anyone else in a surrogate situation.
but he does love rey when she's older (like, a toddler)
the twins though??? the twins NEVER like rey. they protect her, if she's threatened. they would die for her and kill for her. but they don't like her. they just know she's family, and that means they have to love her in their way.
rey...is youngest child fucked up about it. like she wishes they liked her obviously because they're so close to each other, but also she's the youngest. she falls and scrapes her knee and cries and her obi is right there to coddle her. take that, twins.
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baysyill · 2 days
I have a plan to kill. I can't do it. I won't do it.
The risk is too much and I get an anxiety attack when I feel these urges.
I can't tell anyone. ESPECIALLY my counselor. Straight to the hospital I would go which... Now that I'm thinking about it, I wouldn't mind.
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unavernales · 1 month
fantasy, lingerie, marks, strip for lennox/paion......... someone's curious.......
fantasy — do they have any sexual fantasies they'd like to try out? have they ever gotten to act on a sexual fantasy?
the thing about paion is that he has a thing for virginity. purity. virgin brides on their wedding night, angels, even white lingerie really gets them going. he's not proud of it, but... well. lennox doesn't have many fantasies that he hasn't acted on. it's his job, after all, to be selfish. though he'd love to fuck a god. have someone so powerful open, tender, begging for fae.
lingerie — do they own lingerie? if so, how often do they wear it? what kind of lingerie do they like to wear the most? do they like when their partners wear lingerie for them?
fae has a drawer of lingerie he enjoys donning every once in a while. he's apathetic about his partners wearing lingerie, unless it's humiliating for them. if it's humiliating? oh, he's into it. as stated prior, paion enjoys when his partner wears a pretty lingerie set. especially when it's frilly. lacy. white maybe with hints of pink or baby blue.
marks — do they like being marked? do they like marking their partners?
neither of them like being marked due to their respective lines of work. paion will mark if asked to, but he isn't particularly inclined to do so. lennox has a kink for destroying and defiling. so. i assume the answer should be obvious.
strip — does your muse like stripping for their partner(s)? do they like when their partner(s) strip(s) for them? do they like their partner(s) stripping them naked? do they like to strip their partner(s) naked?
paion enjoys doing the stripping, always most comfortable being the one to serve and care for his partners. lennox is bossy and likes to remind his partners that they are beneath him, so he loves when they do the tedious work. fae will do the fun stuff for his own pleasure, but the nitty gritty? you can do that for him.
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bd-wlf · 2 months
Do you guys ever just feel your psyche breaking
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bredforloyalty · 3 months
moved out of the apartment today with my mom's help and got to clean and pack with her for two days while she was off from work but actually there was an emergency so she also had to work the whole time and on the way back i got a wonderful opportunity to listen to her monologize in the car for hours and hours about how she's disappointed in what i've become and i wasted three years and wasted her money and her support and i'm ungrateful and i didn't do anything right and also i should start caring about my health and about my appearance because i will never be happy in this (ugly, hairy, fat) body and also she doesn't root for me or believe that everything will be okay but she doesn't understand why i don't feel secure and why i don't trust myself or believe that everything will be okay.
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