xmilitisx · 6 years
☀️ ☢
☀ What’s your rp pet peeve?
I have a lot of things, but one of my biggest damn pet peeves to expect me to further the plot because a partner is too lazy. I’m not saying that’s the case in every individual, but please don’t expect me to be the person that brings a plot together when I’m trying to develop a story with you. I want to expand, I want to world build. I want an overarching plot that will keep us together as RP partners because we enjoy each new discovery. 
Now, short-answer smut things are fine if they’re a one-off. But if we’re developing a plotline, please put effort into it. :
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Playing stereotypes. It’s not a fad, but it’s something I see a lot of people do. 
Don’t, please don’t.
Give your character life, don’t make them a trope. 
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cursedcommand · 5 years
insidiouslegion replied to your post: ALRIGHT YOU GUYS WANT AUS ILL GIVE YOU AU’S ~...
Tattoo artist Gabe? Let me introduce you to– /will smith pose; Biker Jack, leader of the Cobras
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fromtheshadcws · 6 years
@insidiouslegion :
" would you even miss me? "
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“What kinda dumb fucking question is that, Indy?”
The only good part about the S of SERE, Survival, Gabriel thinks, is that they have plenty of time to think over all the ways to fuck this up once they’re settled.
Set up a base camp, survey the surroundings, manage to survive in the freezing fucking cold because of course, Rodriguez wouldn’t be Rodriguez if he didn’t send them out into the depths of the goddamn forest mid-winter - survive. Oh, and evade the surveillance drones, if at all possible. 
It’s a boring repeat of shit he’s done before; the only two things that make it doable are the fact that Resistance is going to be an even bigger bitch-
and that Morrison’s in his squad.
He nudges the other recruit’s knee with his boot and throws Jack a grin, tugging his beanie down over his ears to fend off the biting cold. 
“Don’t get all doom-and-gloomy on me now. Shit’s gonna get real, sure, but I’m not gonna have to miss you. You’ve got good genes, Indy. The rest of the shots will be a peace of cake and once the fighting starts-”
Once the war starts we’re going to be perfect little soldiers all in a row, a new world order fighting against brainwashed robots. Great.
“Once it starts, I’ve got your six. No need to miss you, jackass.”
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hivemade-a · 6 years
incoming fist from an aggressive blond super soldier. he's just going to flat out deck them square in the jaw without a single word.
   Zara narrows their gaze at an approaching form, one that towers over their own. Craning their head back and about to make a comment they are cut short by a strike that connects with their maw. A fracture cracks through the bone and they end up flat on their back, low hiss snaking out from between jaws, arching up slightly before rolling onto their side.
   “Damn, you are strong for a Human.”
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cryinlghtn · 6 years
this is a callout for my friends, @bottledcourage @vaqro @multitudinus @androidhhell @whcatley @76ss @lusory @pafallende @ryvjin n @insidiouslegion i love you all but also OOF OUCH MY BONES!!!!!!!!! MY HEART BONES!!!!!
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xmilitisx · 6 years
Dirty talking (
Send me a kink and I’ll rate it!
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know | Bring it ON. 
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fromtheshadcws · 6 years
" Given the ripple effect of our actions across time and space, how can we ever be sure that we’re doing the ‘right’ thing? " Leave it to Jack to start asking these sorts of questions.
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“We can’t.”
It’s a simple enough answer for a question that’s so... all-encompassing and complicated. Something every soldier struggles with at some point, Gabriel guesses; still, it brings a fond grin to his face, head cocked to the side. Sure, he can be in a philosophical mood.
“I mean, there’s the butterfly effect, right? One small action, enormous consequences, rah rah rah. Even super soldiers don’t have future vision, Jackie. We don’t know what our shit will lead to ten, twenty, a million years from now. All we can do is the best we know how to do, given the circumstances, no?”
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fromtheshadcws · 6 years
If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
Stop isolating yourself you cunt.
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fromtheshadcws · 6 years
@insidiouslegion :
" Bury me shallow ; I'll be back. " 
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Two, three, five years ago, Gabriel hadn’t thought he’d ever find himself in Vienna. Though the Crisis didn’t spare any country, Austria wasn’t exactly a hotspot compared to Krasnoyarsk or Detroit. And yet, here they were.
Ana and Reinhardt on one side of the city, gathering intel, scouring the deserted city for anything useful. Far, far away from the fucking Omnium at least, and Gabe was thankful for it; as much as Rein’s shield would’ve come in handy, as much as he was a good guy, he wasn’t... exactly stealthy.
That part was on them.
He’s crouched in front of an old storefront covered in anti-omnic propaganda; a few hundred feet away the Omnium looms over them, ominous and seemingly deserted. Then again, he doubts Omnics need to keep the lights on to do.. whatever the fuck they’re doing. If they’re even doing anything.
Fuck, he really hopes the place is deserted. But he checks and double checks his weapons anyway, almost on auto-pilot; they’ve prepared well enough in case they do find active omnics, but the thought still doesn’t exactly thrill him.
At least the company’s good.
“Fuck you, Morrison.” Gabriel rolls his eyes, then gets up and adjusts his holster; slides the guns in place as his gaze wanders to the huge building, then back to Jack.
“Not gonna bury you, period. You know damn well if you go and die on me, I’ll kick your ass for it and drag you back myself.”
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