#inspired by oddworld
yumivik · 6 months
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wiredalienvampire · 2 months
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Made another character inspiration board thingy for our lovely slig
He is literally a more reserved 2012 Raphael to me
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monkshoodpsychosis · 2 years
Characters who inspired Alta:
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(I put both the original and Scarlett Johannson versions of Kaa in here because they both had a part in influencing Alta as well as Merdokons in general)
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spoocyshrub · 2 years
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bosskie · 2 months
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Just another quick-ish concept-art-like thing for practice. This is inspired by the storyboard of Abe's Oddysee that had this cut part where Abe tried to chant but Molluck prevented it via blowing some cigar smoke. I really loved that thing and I have said earlier about this, that I wanna draw something related to it, so here it is!
I just noticed my biggest mistakes with this after I had already drawn the main stuff, so didn't feel like fixing them... More like gotta redraw this one day. Well, it's so rare when I draw any scenes, mainly simple portraits, so this was a good practice thing still. This just doesn't look good in my opinion but it's fine I guess. I'm basically drawing digital stuff right now because I just feel so stressed out about my drawing/painting skills...
I can't help it but I love Molluck when he is like this too; I wish I had similar self-confidence... I don't hate/dislike Abe but I just haven't really felt anything toward him; I'm bad at stuff like this and rarely any character gives me any feelings anyway. And by feelings here I mean like building your opinion about / relationship with the character and such stuff, like that the character means something for you. Molluck is literally the only character I care about, outside the Oddworld too. He is just something so special for me... I cannot help it, my brain is just like this, 'odd'. I understand why so many like/love Abe but he just ain't for me. Even before I knew about Soulstorm, Glukkons were my favourite species... (I got into Oddworld some months before it was released.) OWI has tried to make them ugly and such but they cannot tell me what to think about Gluks! (I do understand why they do that too; it's for narrative reasons.)
Molluck is just my beloved Gluk and I wish him to be happy!
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oddclan-askblog · 2 months
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art request for @cakeinpants of their character Pat
Outfit is inspired by their rp w/ @brassclaws-of-oddworld I like the Pearl Empress theme and wanted to try drawing an outfit with that vibe.
Speedpaint and notes under the cut
Edit: Had to upload it to youtube then attach the link for the vid to work here
Drawing a ballet dance pose (even a fairly simple one) is surprisingly challenging. I had to draw multiple versions of the same limbs to make sure I had a balanced and flowy pose for him overall. Instead of erasing them like I should have, I decided to ink them with the origional sketch. I think they add to the final image in my sketchbook.
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This is also my first official speedpaint that is an edited video and not a gif. The clips were recorded in sections using Ibbis Paint. Then I compiled them in PowerDirector. Both are free mobile apps on the google app store. PD does require a subscription for full access to all of its software but it's only $9 a month wich is worth it for all of the tools you get put of it. Plus the one week free trial period wich let's you play arround w the app before making the purchase.
Anyway thank you for giving me permission to draw your oc, Pat is a well fleshed out character and I love seeing your concept art for him on my feed. Your art in general is uniquely stylish and inspiring.
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adhara-citali · 3 months
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Heheh I got inspired by one of @ask-alf-oddworld posts ^♡^
I hope you guys enjoy!
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cardos-talking · 7 months
What inspired you to create Meech? He's an adorable lil dude. Do you have any other oddworld ocs or oddworld head canons?
Oh, thank you! Actually a lot of things inspired me to create Meech! Other people's ocs, some songs, Oddworld lore of course. In his first concepts he actually was a simple Necrum worker, who got lost in the mines and he looked like this:
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Which is not really far from how he looks now. This was the only time I drew him and then he was just in my head until this year. He also had some story with the sanctum and mudokon spirits and the Keeper and he wanted to cut his stitches but I forgot all details of this story already lol. Now fast forward to 2024. I love mudokon shamans, they are weirdos and they just roll with it and do what they want mostly. I thought "I wish I had a shaman of my own.." and then I remembered Meech! I didn't wanted to redesign him much and mostly kept his looks but now the source of inspiration for him were oddworld shamans, such as Big Face and the Keeper, and also Mudomo and Mudanchee tribes, who worshipped wildlife. And music, again. Especially Das Feuerordal and Die Nelke from ROME, I love this band so much. Obviously, Meech worships meeches and he spent more time with them than he did with any of his few mudokon friends (if there were any) so his behavior sometimes strongly betrays this.
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So, started as a Necrum slave, now he's just a grumpy old mud with a lot of shamanic rutuals in his head. Maybe his Necrum concept is his actual (and very distant) backstory? who knows... As for headcanons, I actually remember having only one... It's kinda hard to explain but it started with my wife, she thought that when I die ingame (I was streaming oddworld: soulstorm and NnT to her) Abe doesn't really die, he just turns into birds, comes back and keeps going again and again, like there's no reset for him. So now I choose to think that Abe is aware of his deaths and is kind of immortal but not in the best way.
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dandunn · 3 months
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I made an art influence map because @nblemons did it and I wanted to do it too!!
Template here
Honorable mentions/guys I couldnt fit on here: Yume Nikki, SamSketchbook, Monkey Punch, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, Henri Matisse, Noda Satoru, Osamu Tezuka.
There are probably more but I've already spent way too long on this lol.
Wanna talk about them all briefly:
Watership Down: no duh. This movie imprinted on me from a very young age and made me way more of a furry than I already was. I always liked how realistic the designs were compared to mainstream rabbit designs which focus on the 'cuteness' of the animal. I think it's dumb because rabbits are kind of stroppy violent jerks and I like them for that.
Aboriginal Art: this is kind of related to Watership Down because I took a lot of inspiration from the intro and the almost cave-painting like designs. It took me way too long to discover that what was so grabbing about that into was that it was inspired by Aboriginal artwork! I hope this is okay to say because I'm neither Aboriginal or even australian and a lot of the cultural meaning is lost on my dumb ass, but I think the shapes, techniques and colours are wonderful. Painting I used in the pic is by Charlene Carrington
Lorne Lanning: is the main designer for the Oddworld series of games and I wish more people knew about him because his character designs and conceptual art are just fantastic and gripped me from a very young age. And he made a game where you play as a cowboy who shoots bugs at people!
Spyro reignited: dragons are hot.
Spirited Away: I love Miyazaki's entire filmography but Spirited Away really had a grip on me one particular summer in school, the same one where I learned how to use watercolour paints, and I think it had more of an influence over my art than the others for some reason. It's a very summer-y movie to me with very bright colours.
Edmund McMillen: probably more well known as 'that guy who made Super Meat Boy' I've always loved the cartoony yet grotesque imagery in the Binding of Isaac which I am about to clock in 1000 hours on on my steam account. Another game of his which really got to me was Aether from the Basement Collection. Watching his segment in Indie Game the Movie and how he translated his fucked up upbringing into fun, heartrending and addictive games really inspired me.
Animal Well: I only just played this game for the first time this year which is why I made it very small but idk what else I have to say other than 'just fucking LOOK at it'.
Frida Kahlo: I did a project on her for school which involved watching a movie about her life which was both fascinating and tragic. Her surreal art can be both bright and evocative and also downright tearjerking.
Pokemon: whenever I'm designing a character I have Pokemon in mind, say what you want about certain designs but Ken Sugimori and all the other artists who have contributed over the years really have the talents to make a cute, fearsome or oddball guy you want to go on adventures with.
William Turner: another one from my school days and an artist from my own country. I always loved the colours and sweeping brushstrokes.
Eiichiro Oda: Yeah man what can you say about One Piece. When I was about 15 and having daily meltdowns, copying the expressions on his characters really helped me figure out how I was feeling. Oda is a menace but good lord he can draw.
David Hockney: When I was also in school I attended an exhibition of his which was basically "im retired and I can draw whatever I want now" with blown up ipad sketches and these strange landscapes with fauvist colours. I thought some of it was dumb at the time but looking back I really admire his use of colours and the looser movements compared to his older work.
Masahiro Ito: Creator of Pyramid Head, Bubble Head Nurse and 'Honey Butter Fuck Toast'. The man, the legend, the 'this is fuck' guy. His blend of the grimy industrial, bloody, monstrous and sexual is so fantastic. I feel like I should also put francis bacon here because most modern horror artists owe everything to him, but god I love Silent Hill and the imagery this man created will live on in my brain forever.
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mable-stitchpunk · 3 months
This is another thing I plan to eventually put in a formal comment on your fic, but I absolutely adore the mudokon ocs you've used to populate this world. The canon games pre-reboot made them all awful assholes and in the post-reboot we've met a few that aren't JUST generic npcs... but it's still mostly Alf and Toby (utterly fantastic characters and I also love how you write them). Beyond that it's the first group of sick guys Abe meets at Sorrow Valley I think, and the mudokons we never actually meet in-game who assembled the containers with the cure ingredients for them. There's Stoopy but he doesn't talk.
So basically while I love how Oddworld Inhabitants aren't making the mudokons comic relief that aren't very funny anymore, we haven't seen much of them besides the main trio. The mudokons you wrote to populate the world around the main characters are food to fill a starving brain. I love all of them- even the few I want to occasionally shake.
(Except that one guy from Evenwurst who kept hassling Abe. He needs a good smack.)
But like. Russ? Ernest and Philly? And then Les who I already said I basically experienced the "I've only had [x] for five minutes" meme with. I love them especially. They're sweet, they're fun. They've got good heads on their shoulders. They may not fully understand what Abe is going through to respond appropriately to it, but they clearly do care about him as a person in some capacity which is good because the heroworship is definitely making some of the mudokons forget Abe at the end of the day is Just Some Guy. Hopefully Russ and Ernest realize that fact fully soon. Abe needs more dudes who acknowledge him as Just A Guy (Who Could Use A Hug).
Fingers crossed that Russ or Ernest or both adopted Les to look after him. God knows Les could probably use a caretaker, at least for awhile. He's been through some incomprehensible horrors and deserves that helping hand. And being babied a little maybe. Dude heard at least dozens of people die awful deaths let him be babied a bit for awhile.
Anyway yeah love the fic when I have time and energy I am going to leave so many comments.
Oh, thank you so, so very much! 8D
I gotta be honest, I've loved Oddworld since the beginning... but I have always had a love-hate relationship with the Mudokons. That is, Love Abe, Hate the rest. XD They, Abe's "friends", are just so unbearable in Exoddus and Munch's Oddysee. Even Alf kinda sucked.
So, it was a huge breath of fresh air to have Alf and Toby be so much more fleshed out and likeable, and that inspired me to go ahead and create a few more Mudokon characters who had their own shades of personalities, but were actually useful, effective, and well, not awful. XD
I'm hoping to get them back together in the future and maybe have a few surprising faces get a few surprising roles! ^_^ Hopefully you'll like it whenever I get it there. XD I've been painfully slow, but I still plan on arriving at the destination!
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yumivik · 6 months
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I would hug that mouth.
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wiredalienvampire · 3 months
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I made a character inspiration board thing for dollop, mostly regarding to characters that inspired his personality, design, and overall conception. I want to do more of these with licorice and my non fandom ocs
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spam-head · 11 months
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About time I started showing off some of my ongoing Master's Degree artwork! This was a mixed media piece based off of Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee! Our project involved creating a series of visual outcomes inspired by a text we wrote. This text was to be about our experience with an image that resonated heavily with us at any time in our lives. And for me this was the Munch's Oddysee box art from when I was 6 years old. It opened my eyes to how weird and gross yet lovable a character or characters can be.
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unsoundedcomic · 11 months
So are the Inak inspired by/reference to the Mudokons from the Oddworld games? Abe's sewn shut mouth and the hand prints & reference to past greatness could be coincidence... And everyone knows gurls don't play videogames
I haven't played those games! The inak pull strongest from various Jim Henson designs, and my own Floridian love of reptiles. The two fingers/toes are directly from the Ninja Turtles, which I used to draw ad nauseum when I was young.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
I'm feeling very nostalgic today. And I just want to take a moment and offer appreciation for the characters who raised me. These were my role models growing up. Characters I adored, who inspired and shaped the person I was becoming.
Characters I wish I'd never let go.
But I've found them again. And bit by bit over several years, I've been reconnecting with the person I always wanted to be. And I'm going to give them a little space on my blog to remember how much they once mattered to me.
This is my childhood in no particular order. I'm just going down an emotional rabbit hole here.
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Cordelia Chase ~Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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Makoto Kino ~Sailor Moon
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Mimi Tachikawa ~Digimon Adventure
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Misty ~Pokemon
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Aladdin ~Disney
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Nabiki Tendo ~Ranma 1/2
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Starfire ~Teen Titans (DCAU)
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Princess Ruto ~The Legend of Zelda
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Locke Cole ~Final Fantasy VI
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Lucca Ashtear ~Chrono Trigger
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Yakko Warner ~Animaniacs
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Blossom ~Powerpuff Girls
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Abe ~Oddworld
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Samus Aran ~Metroid
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Johnny Cage ~Mortal Kombat
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Jason Lee Scott ~Power Rangers
With honorable mention to
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Lara Croft ~Tomb Raider
Who never had a chance to guide me, but instead could only watch me fracture.
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bosskie · 9 days
Molluck's Dream Blimp
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I felt like trying to sketch/design Molluck's dream luxury blimp after seeing some blimp concept art. I know like nothing about designing vehicles or even drawing them but I guess that this could fly. (Y)
Yeah, this is kinda a mixture of Molluck's blimp in Soulstorm and some other blimp designs I saw, some being just like a huge Glukkon face, which inspired this design. I wasn't sure about the Magog Cartel logo but I couldn't figure out anything better either. Oh, and this design of the logo looks somehow like a naked Glukkon to me... Which makes me wonder if it could be understood this way too, at least some versions of it since some other version look more clearly like an Octigi.
But yeah, those huge-Gluk-face-blimps made me joke that probably Molluck's dream blimp looks basically like a huge face of his, so yeah, this design do is a flying huge face of Molluck's... It would be fun to design the whole thing and maybe even create a 3D model of it. And yeah, give that way Molluck a happy ending. I just love to see him being happy, okay...
I just recently noticed some new Molluck stuff when I took a closer look at that cancelled Oddworld movie today, and it made me see better the brutal side of Molluck's personality. But I still kinda love it... I also just still see that he does have a kind side but he is very picky. I basically rework my story with Molluck every day and maybe, he would have considered eating me at some point, also because I have suggested it (mental health issues, you know), but there's just something very special between us and he wouldn't like to lose me; who else (than him) would love him deeply if I didn't (even he is his mother's favourite, his mother probably loves him just for his success and such, while I do love him just as he is, no matter if he failed). Well, he still gets to taste me, so, um, win-win I guess...
I have never written down my self-insert story with Molluck and I have been wondering if I should, even just for myself. It would be quite a long story though since yeah, I basically continue it inside my head every day... I cannot help it, I really just love this Gluk, even if he ate me (it would be an 'useful' way to die too, Molluck would get a dinner!). Something something, love is blind, something something... I don't really care if I'm 'crazy' or 'odd' for this, I didn't choose to love him; he just feels so right, no one else has ever felt so right... I have known for so long that I'm odd, so this only seems 'logical', or how to say... Yeah, Oddworld would be the right place for me to live in. (Y) Also yeah, why this Gluk is just the most beautiful (and the hottest) thing/creature/whatever for me... Yeah, what I could even do about it, but why I even should. I just wanna be myself with this stuff; I have already tortured myself enough with trying to be 'normal' with this.
I'm not sure why I'm still even writing this post but well, just saying that love is odd, brains are odd, life is odd... 'In odd we trust'! 💖
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