#instant pot gem
sage-nebula · 10 months
I've seen some people surprised that Kit feels murderous toward Tails in the newest issue, but honestly? I really think this tracks. Setting aside his original programming to kill Tails, let's look at their relationship in chronological order, shall we?
As we know, they met in Eggperial City, where Kit tried to do his job and kill Tails. Tails quickly set to work on talking Kit down, which he did mostly successfully (mostly, because it all went to pot the instant Tails suggested they find Sonic). The thing is, if he has taken the time to look back on it (and I'm sure he has for reasons I'll get to), I don't think Kit sees Tails as really being kind in retrospect. I think he sees Tails as having manipulated him.
And the thing is: he's right.
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Look at Tails's smirk after Kit shows surprise that Tails likes his gear. That's a got him smirk if I've ever seen one. Tails has clued into a vulnerability of Kit's that he can use to his advantage.
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He further tries to draw similarities between them ("I'm different too and people didn't like that either") and asks leading questions ("you don't get support huh?") to get the result he wants. We have further confirmation that this is deliberate manipulation on Tails's part by his internal monologue about Kit's emotional instability.
Now, none of this is to say Tails is a bad person. Kit was genuinely trying to murder him and Tails was trying to de-escalate the situation to save his own life, without physically harming Kit if possible. As funny as memes about Tails murdering the Kukku Army are, generally he tries to avoid hurting others if he can. He's a nice boy.
But what happened after this?
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Well, more specifically: Tails mentioned wanting to find Sonic for help, Kit attacked again, Tails knocked Kit out, and then after Kit comes to and they all leave the city . . .
. . . he's told that Surge died.
Surge was his one reason for living thanks to Starline's programming, and she died while Kit was unconscious because Kit fell for Tails's manipulation and then was overpowered. We don't get a look inside his head during the time when he believes Surge has died, but there is a strong possibility that he blamed himself, because if he had drowned Tails right away like he was supposed to, he could have gone to help Surge. But he didn't, so he couldn't, so she's dead. That's mostly on him, but he could easily resent Tails for it, too.
And speaking of resentment:
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Kit finds out Surge is alive, and of course his first instinct is to think Sonic lied so that he could kill Surge off for good. So he goes to get revenge, only to be blocked by Tails. And that's when we get that gem of a line: "Why would you bother with me? You already have him."
Remember that, when he thought Surge was dead, he figured he could be used by Sonic instead:
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But while he of course doesn't want to serve Sonic now, he has also realized that if Surge HAD actually died, Sonic would still have no use for him, because Sonic already has Tails. Tails, who can break his water tails easily. Tails, who easily manipulated him in Eggperial City. Tails, who disabled his water pack and knocked him out.
So far, Tails has bested Kit at every turn, leaving Kit to feel inferior and worthless by comparison.
The next time they meet, it is a trap where Kit is again supposed to kill Tails. And once more Tails is able to manipulate Kit into temporarily backing down:
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Tails thinks Kit has gone back to being, if not friendly, then reasonable. But he hasn't. Kit stops specifically when Tails says Surge is hurting herself, because he doesn't want Surge to be hurt. And I think Tails knows that, and that's why he said it. But Kit also knows that he is being manipulated here, and his silence is him watching for his opportunity. Such as here:
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Peep Kit in the second panel. He watches as Tails dives after Sonic. Had Tails hit the water, he would have been fried right along Sonic. But did Kit care? No. He watched. Surge could have easily killed Tails just as she (temporarily) killed Sonic, and Kit would not have cared at all, because at this point he does not see Tails as a friend: he sees him as a manipulative enemy.
This is further cemented by what he says and does at the end of the issue.
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He uses his water tails to grab Tails and move him out of the way in the very same way that he does to Sonic. And he says, "I'll bury you all here." All, including Tails. While the focus is put on Sonic's anger because he is the main character, that doesn't change the fact that he is including Tails when he says that he will bury them all. He sees Tails as no different from Sonic, Starline, or Eggman. Tails manipulated and used him, just as the rest did. He just pretended to be nice while he did it.
So when he finally comes back in this most recent issue, it comes as no surprise to me that this is his attitude:
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His history with Tails is extremely personal, and not in a good way. It can be easy to miss because most of the focus on Kit has been on his codependent relationship with Surge, and he hasn't openly voiced how he feels about Tails until this particular issue. But when you piece together every step of their relationship (Tails manipulating him, Tails overpowering him, Kit saying Sonic has no use for him because he has Tails), it paints a very clear picture that Kit feels every bit as suffering in Tails's shadow as Surge does in Sonic's. The only reasons why Kit isn't more proactive about it is because of his programming as a support figure. Supporting Surge comes before all else, so if Surge is hurting herself it's best to hang back. And if Surge doesn't want to go after the Restoration because it's a losing battle with just the two of them, then he needs to follow her lead.
But those feelings of resentment are still boiling under his surface. And now that he has the opportunity to unleash them, he won't miss the chance to strike.
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fantasy-svt · 1 year
Red suits me
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Previous | Magic or Not Masterlist | Next
Synopsis: Minghao never really understood his kind much, much less their way of loving. Yet when he meets you, an annoying Qiongqi with no filter, he starts feeling things he'll never really understand.
Pairing: Xu Minghao x fem!reader Word Count: 3.3k words
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Minghao was a dragon and, just like any other prideful dragon, he hoards stuff in his house. More specifically, two different kind of things that peaked his interest.
Tea and daggers.
One of his rooms, one of the larger ones, was filled with anything to do with tea. Tea leaves, tea cups and pots covered every spot in the room, cabinets high enough to match the ones in the royal library. Minghao always enjoyed flying to the top and see his collection, it made his heart fill with pride. One of the other rooms, one that was just a bit smaller, was filled with fancy daggers. Some he bought, others were stolen and some were taken off of his victims. Every single one was special to him.
And, just like every other dragon, Minghao knew his collection by heart.
So the missing dagger in his room was quickly missed, which made Minghao's blood boil to no extent. He began searching for it, but even after a few days he found nothing. He always returned empty handed and thus he was greatly disappointed in himself. Even his friends couldn't find anything, but Minghao appreciated their efforts nonetheless. He'd find it someday, he had too.
"I found it!" Junhui ran inside of his house, bumping into a table and sending a vase crashing to the ground. Minghao sighed, letting it go for now since he hated that vase with a passion, and instead he focused on what Junhui has just said. Junhui started to ramble, explaining that he saw the dagger on someone he met in the tavern. In an instant, Minghao ran out of the house before flying into the air and to the tavern once he was outside. When he landed, he didn't even bother to change back to his full human form and instead he remained as a half dragon. His wings neatly folded behind his back as he entered, looking around until he spotted you. You were sat at a table in the back, alone, and his dagger was laid on the table. You were staring at it, drink in hand as you poked the gem in the middle of the handle. Even when he saw all that, Minghao could not move from his spot. He could see what you were with ease.
Stripes covered your skin and ran through your hair, two little horns sticking out, a striped tail laid beside you and two large wings erupted from your back, things that indicated to one thing. You were a qiongqi, something that Minghao had never seen before in his life, even when his life was a short one compared to other dragons. It took him awhile to snap from his trance and back into his previous anger as he marched over, slamming his hand on the table. You looked up and Minghao felt a shiver go up his spine as he met your cold eyes. You raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for any kind of explanation for the interruption of your peaceful evening.
"Can I help you?" "Mine." Minghao spoke as he pointed at the dagger and you smirked, leaning forwards as you grabbed the dagger. In a second, the dagger settled right in between his finger and a bit too close to his skin.
"So you're the little dragon that lived there." You were teasing him, but Minghao wasn't sure if it was meant like a joke or to mock him. Slowly retreating his hand, Minghao sat down opposite of you. Your smirk dropped, an expression of annoyance taking over instead as you pulled the dagger from the table.
"So, what do you want?" You asked, leaning back in your seat before putting the dagger down in the middle of the table. Minghao wanted to reach out of it, but he held himself back as he noticed your hand lingering close by. Your nails looked sharp and Minghao knew well enough that they could pierce right through his scales, so he wouldn't want to try.
"I want my dagger back." He stated, although he felt like he lacked some confidence when he saw you smirk again. You raised your hand, flicking the dagger to make it spin before making it stop when the handle pointed at him. Raising your eyebrow, you waited for him to take it. Minghao waited a few seconds before reaching out, freezing when your hand wrapped around his wrist. He was pulled to you, the dagger dropping back on the table with a clang.
"You know, I happen to like dragon scales." You said, your other hands raking over his scales with your nails. Minghao's eyes widened before he tried to pull his arm back, to no avail of course. Your hand remained tightly wrapped around his wrist, smirk not disappearing from your face as you pulled on one of his scales. It didn't hurt him much, his scales were changing anyway and he'd grown new ones in a few days. Nonetheless, his pride was hurt more that he was losing to you in a way.
"Maybe an eye as well, I heard they're quite valuable after plucking it out." You raised the dagger again with your previously empty hand, raising it to Minghao's right eye and pushing him back until he couldn't anymore.
"What do you think?" It was then that you were interrupted by someone who just pushed down the dagger awkwardly, smiling at you innocently.
"Soonyoung-hyung, not the time." Minghao spoke, although his voice sounded a bit strained. Soonyoung didn't seem to care as he sat down next to his younger friend, leaning over the table before pointing at you.
"Tiger." And right then and there, you laughed. A genuine laugh that made Soonyoung smile and Minghao frown. His wrist was released and the dagger was placed next to his hand, making him frown even more.
"How are you, my dear brother?" You smiled at Soonyoung before turning to Minghao again, leaning forward on your elbows before sending a wink his way.
"Till next time, dragon boy." You then stood up and Soonyoung followed, happily chatting to you as you listened with a small smile. Minghao was left utterly confused and maybe a bit intrigued. Luckily for his mental health, it was quickly replaced with annoyance and he needn't worry about unfamiliar thoughts.
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"We meet again, lizard." Minghao groaned out loud as he heard your voice, not expecting to ever see you again and especially at night. Yet here you were, sitting on his roof with a familiar dagger in hand. A different one from previously and it made Minghao see red once more.
"Do you always break in people's houses and steal stuff?" He asked and you pulled up one of your legs, leaning on it as you twirled the dagger around in your hand. You weren't smiling, instead you were just staring at him intensely. Your eyes glowed in the dark, the yellow glow was easily seen even without any other light around. Then you jumped down, landing with ease before making your way closer to him while still twirling around the dagger. You circled him, like a predator hunting its prey, and for once Minghao actually felt like he was prey instead of predator. You dragged the dagger against his wings and body before raising it to his neck and softly pressing it against his jugular vein.
"So, how about that scale?" You asked before lowering the dagger, letting it rest on his arm. Then you dug it under one of the scales and pushing it outwards, which caused one of the scales to drop to the ground. You picked it up, circling around again until you stood in front of Minghao. You held the scale up, smiling at the bright red scale before looking back at Minghao.
"It'll grow back soon, so I hope you don't mind." You stated before sauntering off after putting the scale away. Minghao watched your figure before looking at his arm, watching the spot where his scale was before.
He realized only later that you had also taken his dagger with you...
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Minghao glared at you as you talked to Soonyoung, more particularly the object that was hanging from a cord around your neck. A scale, his scale. It looked as bright as before, maybe even brighter than the ones that were visible on his arms. His tail and wings were twitching ever so slightly, mostly out of annoyance. The reason wasn't his scale...
Rather, the other ones that hung beside it.
Blue, green, purple and yellow scales hung on the cord along his. They looked like trophies, you were proudly displaying them at least, and you didn't seem to care much. Not even when you noticed Minghao's glaring. No, you just took a hold of his scale and sent a wink his way before continuing your conversation.
"You gave her a scale? You won't even give me one!" Seungkwan complained, angrily looking at Minghao and receiving a glare in return. Minghao mumbled that it wasn't given but rather taken, but Seungkwan didn't seem to hear him or had chosen to ignore it as he angrily pouted. Minghao rolled his eyes, focusing back on you before realizing that you were gone. So Minghao quickly checked his belt. Low and behold, his daggers were gone from their respective holsters.
"Looking for these?" Your voice rang from behind him and he felt a dagger rake against his horns, making the jewels on them jingle softly. Minghao's hand shot up, grabbing the dagger with an angry look thrown your ways. He didn't care much for the fact that he held the blade itself, blood seeping from the cut in his hand and down his sleeve. You looked a bit shocked, but let go of the handle anyway as you removed the shocked look on your face.
"I don't like your glare much, I prefer the look you had last night." You smirked at him as you watched the others on the table look at Minghao in shock, which in turn made Minghao's face pale slightly.
"Nothing happened!" He was shocked himself, getting up in a second to tell you off for lying in a way. You smiled, raising an eyebrow at him before pointing another one of his daggers at him.
"That's the one I like." And with that, you set off again with two of Minghao's daggers with you. Minghao swore he'd kill you the next time, he promised that he would.
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He couldn't...
Something held him back, Minghao didn't know what it was. Even when he had caught you and won the fight, pining you to the ground with his claws ready to pierce through your neck. There was something that intrigued him when he saw you like this.
Your hair was sprawled around you like a halo, your arms pined above your head and held there by Minghao's hand, your wings spread out while your tail swished softly as you waited for him to strike. Your eyes were shut, only opening when nothing was happening for several minutes. You stared at him as he loomed over you, a position that you didn't think you'd be in on a monday morning in the middle of a field at all. Yet here you were, pinned down by a very good-looking dragon.
You could imagine situations to be in, so you couldn't really complain.
"Take them off." Minghao spoke without realizing, he didn't even want to say anything at all. He felt like he had no control over his body, his grip on your neck was slowly loosening. You frowned at him, wondering what he was talking about. Then your eyes widened.
"My clothes?!" Minghao's eyes widened as well as he jumped off of you in shock, looking at you like you just grew a second head.
"What? No!" He screamed back and you shrugged, leaning on your elbows. "What a pity." You replied before sitting up completely, making the scales around your neck fall over your shirt. You quickly caught his eyes darting to them, to which you held them up and asking if he meant them. Once again, he lost control of his own body and nodded. You ripped off the cord, letting the scales fall to the ground and Minghao frowned as his fell on the ground as well. You caught this as well, lifting it again and watching Minghao's expression morph into a happier and more relaxed one.
"You just want me to wear yours?" You asked and Minghao rolled his eyes, glad that he regained control over himself. You shrugged, putting it your mouth as you got up before putting grabbing another cord to put it on.
"Tada!" You swung it in front of Minghao before putting it around your neck, getting closer to him at the same time. You leaned closer to him, your nose touching his softly and making the man look at you in shock.
"Seems the dragon is possessive of me." You said and Minghao somehow agreed, not that he would tell you. He didn't know why he was like this, but he didn't like it as it made him feel weak. His eyes remained on yours, staring at you for a few seconds. You didn't look away either, so you just stared.
"Am I interrupting something..?" Junhui's voice appeared out of nowhere as both you and Minghao turned your heads in his directions, to which Junhui just smiled awkwardly.
"I'll leave." He waved before quickly running off and Minghao looked back at you with a glare. You just smirked at him, tapping his nose softly before winking and leaving. Minghao couldn't stop his disappointment nor could he stop his heart as it basically jumped out of his chest.
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"You're in love." Mingyu didn't even look up from the food at his fingertips, he didn't need to. It was an easy guess, the symptoms that the dragon explained were much the same of his own for Hazel. Although it was obvious, Minghao didn't want to accept it. He barely knew you, he only met you a handful of times and none of those experiences weren't really fun for him.
"Dragons can bond with a person because they want them for their hoard. They don't have much control over it and it can happen more than once. It's a bit like Seungkwan's instant love thingy..." Wonwoo cut into the conversation, his comment making sense immediatley and making Minghao frown. Wonwoo looked up from his book, pulling his foot out of the sunlight before looking at Minghao again.
"You didn't know that?" When Minghao shook his head, Wonwoo awkwardly looked at the book he held before laying it on the ground and kicking it to Minghao.
"Do you want me to close the curtains?" Minghao asked as he picked up the book and Wonwoo nodded, waiting until the sunlight was blocked off. He stretched out his legs, glad that he could after sitting in the corner of the room to avoid sunlight. The book in Minghao's hands was quickly opened again, reading the sentences on what Wonwoo had just explained. Low and behold, everything said was making Minghao's feelings feel valid in a way. On the flip side, it made him a bit more annoyed that it had to be you of all people had to be the one he fell for. Weirdly enough, his body didn't seem to mind it to be you nor did his heart.
"Soonyoung?" Your voice entered just as Minghao thought of you, you stuck your head into the room before frowning. Minghao's heart skipped a beat again when his eyes connected with yours, your smile as you entered the room felt like a nice cold shower in summer.
"Lizard!" Cue the loud laugh from Mingyu, which was quickly answered with a glare from Minghao while you just smirked. Then you glanced at the book that he held, snagging it from his hands before reading the pages that Minghao was reading.
"An infatuation with a person that comes from the desire to hoard. Is often similar to love, but can also turn into an obsession that could lead to the death of the dragon or person that their infatuated with." You read the page out loud, unaware of the lingering eyes of Minghao as he awaited any kind of reaction.
"A love from wishing to possess someone isn't really love is it? It just sound like their lover would be trapped in a relationship they might not want, no?" "Not at all! They still only do so if the other wants to!" Minghao protested and you frowned, closing the book before pushing it back into Minghao's chest.
"How would you know? Have you fallen for someone, scaly?" You were teasing him, but Minghao didn't react like usual. Normally, he'd just roll his eyes and move on. Now was not one of those moments, rather he was annoyed at your statement. It sounded like you were doubting the fact that he could love someone or the fact that you assumed he'd take someone against their will. Both facts annoyed him, made him angry that you believed to be like that. At the same time, it hurt his heart to realize this.
"Wait, you have?" You broke the silence as you realized his actual sentiment behind those words, the sad look in his eyes said a million things. Apologies were quick to pour from your mouth, but Minghao didn't listen to you at all.
"I really didn't mean that you could love anyone, I'm a hundred percent sure you do! Whoever they are, they're really lucky!" You exclaimed and this was something that made Minghao perk up. You saw as his face lit up, eyes almost sparkling as he asked if you meant it. You frowned, a bit confused by his question before nodding.
"Yeah, they really are." You spoke, not being able to control the slight pain in your voice. However, Minghao's hearing was a bit better than most.
"Do you think you're lucky then?" He takes the chance, but before you could answer you heard a loud crash from behind Minghao. Mingyu stood by the table, books scattered on the ground as he held his side in pain. Wonwoo groaned, getting up from his seat in the corner and walking to Mingyu. He hissed as the sunlight hit his skin, but ignored it as he dragged Mingyu out.
"Continue!" And with that, the two of them were gone and silence took over the room. You blinked a few times before shaking your head and turning to Minghao again, staring at him in confusion.
"Why would I be lucky? Shouldn't you ask that to the person you li- Ooooooh..." You stopped yourself, closing your eyes before sighing and looking back at Minghao. He looked nervous, awaiting your answer while fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
"Guess I'm very lucky then." That was all it took for the single thread that held back all of Minghao's desires, snapped. He surged forward to embrace you, but you were quick to dodge him and push him against the cabinet of books.
"One thing, I'm in charge here." You whispered in his ear before gently kissing his neck, leaning back with one of your classic smirks. Minghao groaned in annoyance before pulling you closer again.
"We both are." He gave you a smirk of his own before pushing his head in the crook of your neck and breathing in. You could hear him whispering the word mine, but you paid no attention to it as your plucked a feather from your wing. You watched as it turned solid, turning it more into a charm than a feather. Then you lifted it up to Minghao's right horn, hooking it on one of the many (horn) bracelets he already wore. It clicked and remained at the end of his horn, which made Minghao look up in confusion.
"Token of love." You smiled at him and Minghao stared at you for a couple of seconds before searching in his pockets. Then he pulled out a necklace, one with his scale and some pearls that he then handed to you. You smiled, hanging it around your neck before looking up again.
"Red suits me, no?"
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two-sides-halved · 2 months
Continued | @erisdiamas
"Yes, Human Steven is the vice principal of Little Homeschool's program. He needs his rest and he needs to eat. I wish he didn't have to put more responsibilities on himself, but this is how he takes a little control of his life, and that's making sure this program runs smoothly." Gem Steven replied, as he cooked, hearing the sizzling calming his soul, as well as the pitter-pattering of feet slowly creeping down the stairs. The soft yawns echoing through the hallway, it made him feel a little better about the conversation. "Sometimes all we need to have in life is a little control... I have my own methods of escapism to give me a little control... I've got my games, and I've got mom's room... to help me go over things so I know that they are in fact my fault or not... because sometimes things bother me a little more than they do everyone else... and I know that's a me thing..."
"The fact that it happened once is already troubling... but maybe, you're right about this, maybe it is a different Lapis... and I'm just overthinking things as I am one to do... but I know for a fact, there is a fine line between lying and choosing not to say anything because they can't or they deem it as unimportant, from experience..." Gem Steven replied, he wanted to reassure her that this was coming from a place of worry and concern for her safety but he feels like constantly reminding her would make her sick of him. The boys finally round the corner.
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"AaaaaaaaaHHHHHnnnnmmmm... Good morning Gem." Classic Steven said with a sleepy filled yawn as he slowly headed down the stairs, his eyes waking a little more seeing Eris, and waved back with a sleepy wave and warm smile.
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"Good morning... you seemed like things were getting heated earlier in the conversation... you both doing alright?" Human Steven asked, as Gem Steven nodded simply in response lovingly making stuffing for the ravioli that he was making on the floured counter top, before gently putting them into a pot of boiling water.
"Yep, just catching up on Eris' time away from home for the last three days... very eventful... very troubling to her poor older brother." He replied with a playful overdramatic huff, before his mood swung back to being annoyed at the sight of that cursed substance, but said nothing since he didn't need to reprimand his brother right that instant since he say that he took it, and started carrying it over to the rest of his stash. "Thank you, Eris. I appreciate it."
"It wasn't a matter of rather Cherry forgave me... I am grateful you all do... it was just I don't forgive myself as easily...--" He stared at her offended.
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"I DO NOT HAVE A LAZULIPHOBIA... I literally said through the entire conversation how I didn't like ONE LAPISS... I will admit that my experience with her isn't the most pleasant... and my brother's know how I can be with new people... so forgive me for being worried that you might have been with the one fucking lapiss that I despise because of how she has treated my family and my friends thus far... but it sounds like you're the one afraid that I'll forbid you from seeing her, like I'm some father from a super relatable sitcom, who's forbidding his one and only daughter out of his family of all boys since his wife is gone... is she dead, did she divorce him and leave him with the kids cause they were cramping her indepentant live style of drinking and partying with strangers because waking up to one man for the rest of her live is too fucking mundane for this bitch of a woman to ever want to have in her life... and he's left to raise two sons and daughter on his lonesome so he's even more worried that his only little girl is going to get hurt in that big scary unforgiving world and it'd be all his fault because he cares too much and ended up pushing her right into the dangerous, oncoming traffic of teenage hormones in the form of a bad boy, leather jacket wearing, dickhead archetype with dyed blond hair and kissable lips, who make you feel so special in the moment but so fucking stupid after it all comes crashing down around you. Who wears all the red flags imaginable on their sleeve to everyone else but to this teenage boy in the whirlwind of emotions and hormones that is puberty, all those red flags... just seem like shiny neat quirks on this cool and chill persona, who's only gonna end up breaking your heart the longer you watch this trainwreck of relationship go on because you know that never had any substance to begin with..." He huffed, his face twisting into a grimace as if he felt that personally. "But still you watch because it's just a show and the little people on tv can't fucking hear you scream he's gonna break your heart for that new more attractive looking toy on the shelf." He brushes his fingers through his hair and takes a breather.
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"Like I said before, I don't have trouble trusting you to know what's right from wrong, it's just the company you choose to keep is what I question... same goes for this dork over here." Gem Steven replied as he gestures to Classic Steven. "So if there's this big announcement can it at least wait until after today... I don't think I can handle any big things other than you three and your birthdays... for once I actually want to relax and spend the day, not doing party prep... I know big shocker, Gem Steven wants to have a good time on the day that makes him feel like the worst person on the face of this timeline... but god forbid I have strong feelings, if I could turn them off I would but good god I can't turn them off even if I wanted to... I can pretend nothing bothers me, but you all would know there's something wrong..." He chuckled through his tears, before looking over.
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"Why are you all silently staring at me... am I becoming incoherent and corrupting??" Gem Steven asked before Human Steven spoke gently. "No we were all just listening, and I'd like to tell you the pot of water is about to boil over." Gem Steven quickly refocused on his cooking, and whipped up the food in a lovely display of his cooking skills. "Right... right... I'm feeling a lot better now that I am no longer a dam waiting to burst... but seriously... I think we need just like one god damn day where things don't go down the toilet from minute one... please..."
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chloristoflora · 2 years
I hesitated outside it. The flap was tied securely shut. Once before, when I was a boy, I had entered the Fool's private chambers, uninvited. I had lived to regret that intrusion, not only because it posed more mysteries than it solved, but also because it had made a small crack in the trust we had shared. Without ever uttering them, the Fool had taught me well the rules that governed retaining his friendship. He answered only the questions he wished to answer about himself, and any prying by me was regarded as an infringement of his privacy. This included efforts by me to find out anything about him other than what he had chosen to tell me himself. And so, I paused there, in the wind sweeping past me from the island's ice pack, and wondered if I wanted to take this chance. Were there not already too many cracks in our much-tested friendship?
Then I stopped and untied the door flap and slipped inside.
The tent was made from a fabric I didn't know, some sort of silk perhaps, but so tightly woven that no breath of air stirred inside it. The glow had come from a tiny brazier, set in a small pit dug in the floor of the chamber. The silk walls caught the heat it generated and held it well, while the light seemed multiplied by the sheen of the fabric. Even so, it was not bright inside the tent: rather it was lit warmly and intimately. A thin rug covered the rest of the floor, and a simple sleeping pallet of wool blankets was in one corner. To my wolf's nose, it smelled of the Fool's perfumes. In another corner was a small kit of clothing and a few significant items. I saw that he had brought the featherless Rooster Crown. Somehow it did not surprise me. The feathers from Others Island, the ones I had thought would fit in the crown, were in my sea chest. Some things are too significant to leave unattended.
He had a meager supply of foodstuffs and a single cooking pot; obviously he had relied on our arrival for his long-term survival. I saw no sort of weapon amongst his things; the only knives were ones suitable for cooking. I wondered what ship he had found that had dropped him off here, and why he had not supplied himself better. Among his victuals I found a small pot of honey. I took it.
There was no scrap of paper to leave him a note. All I had wanted to say to him was that I had not wanted him to come here to die, and that was why I had done what I could to thwart him. In the end, I moved the Rooster Crown into the middle of his bed. I turned the simple wooden circlet in my hands, the dim light catching for an instant in one rooster's sparkling gem eye. The Fool would know that I had set it there, and why. I did not want him to think, even for a moment, that I had tried to conceal this visit. As I left, I retied the tent flap with my knots.
Fool's Fate, by Robin Hobb (Tawny Man Trilogy #3)
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givereadersahug · 2 years
Youtube Recs ❤️ 2023 Birthday Edition
Next up on my birthday lists extravaganza - food! Well, Youtube food channels, to be precise. (I am not steeped into YT culture, so idk if there's a proper terminology for this specific genre. 😅) One thing I love is food. Give me all the dishes!
Here are some YT channels and vids that I enjoyed in 2022 -
Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Claire!!!! I LOVE her. She's an amazing baker and seems to be a lovely person. I love her so much that I used some of her vids as inspiration for a drabble or two (or three 😄). After the implosion that was Bon Appetit, I'm glad to see some of my favs striking out on their own. And it's not all dessert recipes!
The Ultimate Dinner Platter - Grand Aioli with Claire Saffitz | Dessert Person Dinners How To Make Lemon Bars with Claire Saffitz | Dessert Person Claire Saffitz Makes Meyer Lemon Tart | Dessert Person Claire Saffitz Teaches Amateur How To Make Croquembouche | Dessert Person
Delish / junelikethemonth
I'm not sure how I stumbled upon June and her Budget Eats vids, but I'm glad I did! She utilizes *every single* thing in the kitchen and creates totally random and out there dishes that you think won't work, but they totally do. I'm sad that she and Delish parted ways, but hopefully she finds a place that treats her well and realizes what a gem she is.
I Made 11 Dinners For Two People On A $20 Budget (In NYC!) I Made A Thanksgiving Feast For 4 People On A $25 Budget I Lived On My Pantry Leftovers For A Week And Made 20+ Meals | Delish I Ate As Many Different Meals As I Could On A $50 Budget In Astoria, NYC | Budget Eats | Delish $150 HMart haul + everything I eat in 12 days (lol) + recipes (ish)!
NYT Cooking
Since the implosion of Bon Appetit, I was lost out in the open sea, trying to find an anchor. NYT Cooking came close in filling the hole, and for that I am grateful. Besides recipes, they also have a couple of series going -- Mystery Menu, On the Job, etc. The recipes seem easy to make and the way they talk about food --- YES. Some other things I love --- Sohla and Ham are GENIUSES in the kitchen, and I love Priya and her interview skills, her care and genuine human connections with her subjects. I also love their yearly Gingerbread Showdown. So much fun.
Why We Set Food on Fire: How to Flambé | Melissa Clark | NYT Cooking 'Home Alone' Gingerbread House (With Pranks!): Gingerbread Showdown 2022 | NYT Cooking Sohla and Ham Turn Halloween Candy Into Dinner | Mystery Menu | NYT Cooking How to Feed NYC's Largest Middle School | On The Job | Priya Krishna | NYT Cooking
King Kogi
Martina!!!!! Her channel is mostly a vlog channel of her living in Japan. However, she does do food videos and shares recipes from time to time. She's a breath of fresh air and such a lovely person. And watching her and her enthusiasm, esp since she lives with EDS and chronic pain --- such an inspiration, I think.
Bone Broth Recipe ★ Instant Pot or Slow Cooker Korea Town in Tokyo ★ King Kogi Quest Family Restaurants in Japan ★ Royal Host Osaka Tours 👑🐷 Street Food and Local Restaurant Guide
Jun!!! This is his food channel and, man, can he cook! Professional level, right there. Also, cats. Sure, I'm there for Jun but his cats are such a huge factor in me re-watching his vids over and over again.
Japanese fermented beans (for brave eaters) Homemade Natto Picnic with my cat (shaved ice & lemonade) Japanese meal for cats I tried to make fried chicken fancy 🔪 Cooking vlog (a bonus rec from his other channel he shares with his wife)
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hkreviews · 8 months
Unleash Culinary Magic with the Best Small Crockpot! Elevate Your Cooking Game Now!
Discover the secrets to perfect slow cookingwith the Best Small Crockpot! Immerse yourself in a world of culinary wonders, from premium elegance to budget-friendly brilliance. Click now to bring joy to your kitchen and savor every moment of your cooking adventure. Find your ideal small crockpot — your gateway to effortless, flavorful meals awaits!
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Introduction: Are you on the lookout for the perfect small crockpot to enhance your culinary experiences? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the top-rated options, providing you with a curated list of the Best Small Crockpots for 2023. Whether you’re an experienced chef or a newcomer to the world of slow cooking, we have the perfect fit for you. Let’s delve into the world of mini crock pots, small slow cookers, and the culinary adventures they can bring to your kitchen.
Click Here to Find the 10 Best Small Crockpot & Slow Cookers:
Top Picks
Premium Picks for Culinary Connoisseurs
All-Clad Gourmet Plus Slow Cooker: The Epitome of Elegance and Performance
Cuisinart Cook Central Multi-Cooker: Elevate Your Cooking Game
Crock-Pot 6-Quart Express Crock Multi-Cooker: Effortless Multitasking
Regular Choices for Everyday Cooking
Instant Pot Precision Dutch Oven: A Dutch Oven Revolution
Black + Decker Digital Slow Cooker: Modern Convenience in Slow Cooking
Hamilton Beach Programmable Slow Cooker: Simple Yet Powerful
Crock-Pot 2 Quart Round Manual Slow Cooker: Classic Simplicity
Budget-Friendly Options for Smart Shoppers
Crock-Pot Small 2.5 Quart Casserole Slow Cooker: Compact and Affordable
Crock-Pot SCCPLC200PK-NP Lunch Crock Food Warmer: Ideal for On-the-Go Meals
Elite Gourmet Electrical Oval Slow Cooker: Budget-Friendly and Efficient
When it comes to small crockpots, the options are as diverse as your culinary preferences. From premium selections that redefine slow cooking to budget-friendly choices that don’t compromise on quality, we have scoured the market to present the top-rated picks for your consideration. Each small crockpot on our list has been carefully evaluated based on factors such as capacity, cooking functions, portability, price, material, programmability, and cleanup.
In the premium category, the All-Clad Gourmet Plus Slow Cooker stands out as a culinary masterpiece, offering not only top-notch performance but also a stainless steel finish that adds a touch of elegance to your kitchen. Meanwhile, the Cuisinart Cook Central Multi-Cooker and Crock-Pot 6-Quart Express Crock Multi-Cooker provide versatile options for those seeking culinary excellence.
For everyday cooking, the Instant Pot Precision Dutch Oven takes the spotlight, combining the reliability of a Dutch oven with the convenience of modern technology. The Black + Decker Digital Slow Cooker, Hamilton Beach Programmable Slow Cooker, and Crock-Pot 2 Quart Round Manual Slow Cooker cater to various preferences, ensuring there’s a perfect fit for every kitchen.
If you’re on a budget, worry not! Our selection of budget-friendly small crockpots includes gems like the Crock-Pot Small 2.5 Quart Casserole Slow Cooker, perfect for those with compact kitchens or limited space. The Crock-Pot SCCPLC200PK-NP Lunch Crock Food Warmer and Elite Gourmet Electrical Oval Slow Cooker offer affordability without compromising on efficiency, making them ideal choices for smart shoppers.
In conclusion, whether you’re hosting large parties, cooking for two, or seeking a portable option for reheating meals, our guide has you covered. Each recommendation comes with a detailed analysis of what makes it special, ensuring you can make an informed decision that aligns with your unique needs. Elevate your cooking experience with the best small crockpot tailored just for you!
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dfroza · 11 months
A firm stand.
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 1st chapter of the letter of 2nd Thessalonians:
Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians that gathers in God our Father and in the Lord Jesus the Anointed. May grace and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus the Anointed be with you.
Brothers and sisters, we cannot help but thank God for you, which is only appropriate because your faith is growing and expanding and because the love demonstrated by each and every one of you is overflowing for one another. So, of course, we’ve proudly bragged about you within circles of God’s people at other churches near and far because, even in the grip of much persecution and affliction, you’ve stood firm in your faith and have persevered. Your sufferings prove that God’s judgment is right! The result: your sufferings have made you worthy—worthy of the kingdom of God, which is the very reason why you are suffering in the first place! It is only right that God would repay with trouble those who have troubled you and give relief to all of you still bandaging your wounds, as well as to all the rest of us. On that day—when the clouds draw back displaying His powerful heavenly messengers in a fiery blaze, Jesus the Lord will appear from heaven dealing out perfect justice to anyone who doesn’t know God and anyone who disobeys the good news of our Lord Jesus. And what’s to become of them? They’ll pay for what they’ve done; their punishment will be eternal destruction. And what’s worse? They’ll be banished from the Lord’s presence and glorious power. On that day when He comes, all the saints in heaven and on earth will celebrate the glory of His power, and all who believe will stand and be amazed—this includes you because you believed us when we testified on His behalf. All this is why we are constantly praying for you, so God will make you worthy of the great calling you have received from Him and will give you the power to accomplish every good intention and work of faith. Then the great name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified through your lives, and you will be glorified in Him according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, our Liberating King.
The Letter of 2nd Thessalonians, Chapter 1 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 4th chapter of the book of Lamentations:
Aaghh! The gold no longer shines;
even our finest gold is changed,
And precious gems from the holy place
are scattered and spilled in the street.
But worse yet, the people themselves, the precious children of Zion,
are treated like clay pots formed by a potter—
Now debased and devalued,
but they were once worth their weight in gold.
Cruelty marks our young women.
Even jackals nourish their young,
But like the stupid ostrich in the desert,
my people don’t care a whit for their own.
Desperate infants thirst for milk,
their tongues stuck to the roofs of their mouths.
Hungry children beg for food,
and no one responds.
Even those raised with a silver spoon,
swaddled in the richest fabrics,
Are starving, perishing in the streets.
They swarm through rubbish like flies.
Forever, without relief, it seems my city will suffer
more for their wrongdoing than cruel Sodom did;
With their instant and violent overthrow,
no one wrung hands in despair for that city.
Eternal One: Glory comes in service for those consecrated to Me;
they are purer and cleaner than snow and whiter than milk
Their bodies chiseled and healthy,
as polished as sapphires and redder than coral.
How stark the contrast; they have suffered so.
Now they are sullied with grime,
Unrecognizable on the streets,
skeletal and frail, as dry as tender.
If only they could have died valiantly by the sword—
rather than doubled over by famine,
This long-drawn agony of hunger,
deprived of the yield of the field.
Just imagine the injustice: loving mothers
are forced to cook their babies’ flesh.
Children have become their food!
All because of the destruction of the daughter of my people.
Kindling a fire, the Eternal attacked Zion
until nothing was left—not even the foundations.
His anger was poured out
as that angry fire consuming all.
Little did they know, thinking Jerusalem could not be breached—
not by kings, not by ordinary people, and not by anyone on the earth—
Absolutely no one imagined
Jerusalem’s enemies would get in.
Many and terrible were the crimes that her leaders,
the ones who should be most righteous of all, committed.
Prophets and priests shed the blood of the upstanding
and also the just in her midst.
Never had leaders wandered blindly,
polluted by the blood they spilled,
Untouchable even by their garments.
“Out! Get away from us. We’re impure. Do not touch us!”
the priests and prophets yelled.
So they wandered like fugitives, rejected wherever they went.
Even the foreign nations wouldn’t take them.
Presence of the Eternal is overwhelming.
God has scattered them to the winds.
He no longer held them in esteem:
the priests received no honor, the elders no respect.
Quietly we waited for help until our eyes failed.
We hoped and watched for a nation to rescue us.
But we waited in vain: no rescue came.
Routinely our steps were tracked
so that we could not even walk our own streets.
This was it, our days at an end;
we were done for.
Swifter than eagles in the sky,
they pursued us through the mountains;
And in all the wild places,
they hunted us and lay in wait.
Trapped, our king, the Eternal’s anointed, the breath of our life,
was taken to their pits;
Of him we said, “He casts a long shadow
that will protect us from the nations.”
Utter your words of joy: Edom, inhabitants of the land of Uz,
go ahead—be happy.
In time the cup of suffering will be yours too,
and you’ll drink so deeply, so perilously as to be intoxicated and stripped naked.
Viciously, daughter Zion, your iniquity has been punished.
That is done; your exile is over.
Daughter Edom, on the other hand, is a different story:
you’ll be called to account for your sins and uncovered accordingly.
The Book of Lamentations, Chapter 4 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
Is this poetic hyperbole, or could such a horror really have happened? Even today, famine and disease cause devastation in developing nations reminiscent of what this poet describes happening in Jerusalem. Suffering will always exist because sin—rebellion against God—affects every aspect of a culture at every level of society. When Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem in the early sixth century b.c., he did not allow any food or provision to enter the city; he literally waited for God’s people in Jerusalem to starve to death. As the executioner of God’s judgment, Nebuchadnezzar punished everyone equally, regardless of the severity of his or her sins, because all sin is worthy of death. The people in Jerusalem really experienced God’s dark cloud and His frowning countenance.
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Thursday, October 26 of 2023 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons about the way God reveals (unveils) Himself to Abraham:
In this week’s Torah (Lekh Lekha), the LORD described Himself using the Divine Name El Shaddai (אֵל שַׁדַּי), often mistranslated as “God Almighty.” In Genesis 17:1, YHVH said to Abram: “I am El Shaddai. Walk before me and be perfect.” But why did the LORD choose to reveal Himself using this distinctive name to Abram?
Most English translations render El Shaddai as “God Almighty,” probably because the translators of the Septuagint (i.e., the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament) thought Shaddai came from a root verb (shadad: שָׁדַד) that means "to overpower" or "to destroy." The Latin Vulgate likewise translated Shaddai as "Omnipotens" (from which we get our English word omnipotent). In other words, the translators regarded this term to suggest that God is so overpowering that He is considered "Almighty."
According to the Jewish sages, however, Shaddai is a contraction of the phrase, “I said to the world, dai (enough)” (as in the famous word used in the Passover Haggadah, Dayeinu -- "it would have been sufficient"). God created the world but “stopped” at a certain point. He left creation "unfinished" because He wanted us to complete the job by means of exercising chesed (love) in repair of the world (tikkun olam).
Jacob’s blessing given in Genesis 49:25, however, indicates that Shaddai might be related to the word for breasts (shadaim), indicating sufficiency and nourishment (i.e., “blessings of the breasts and of the womb” (בִּרְכת שָׁדַיִם וָרָחַם)). In this case, the Name might derive from the contraction of sha (“who”) and dai (“enough”) to indicate God’s complete sufficiency to nurture the fledgling nation into fruitfulness. Indeed, God first uses this Name when He refers to multiplying Abraham’s offspring (Gen. 17:2).
Understood in this light, the name El Shaddai provides a picture of God's nurturing love for our lives... God sustains us and loves us, like a mother loves her newborn child...
El Shaddai is used almost exclusively in reference to the three great patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and (according to Exodus 6:2-3) was the primary name by which God was known to the founders of Israel (the name YHVH given to Moses suggests God’s absolute self-sufficiency, whereas the name Elohim suggests God’s sovereign power). The word "Shaddai" (by itself) was used later by the prophets (e.g., Num. 24:4; Isa. 13:6, Ezek. 1:24) as well as in the books of Job, Ruth, and in the Psalms. In modern Judaism, Shaddai is also thought to be an acronym for the phrase Shomer daltot Yisrael - “Guardian of the doors of Israel” - abbreviated as the letter Shin on many mezuzot.
In connection with the Name El Shaddai (אֵל שַׁדַּי), we note that Abraham has more identifiable descendants than any other person in history... From the line of Isaac would come the twelve tribes of the Jewish people (as well as all those Gentiles who have been grafted into the covenantal blessings of Israel, i.e., the “church”), and from Ishmael would come the twelve tribes of the Ishmaelite people. Abraham also later married Keturah who bore him six more sons that became founders of six other nations of the Arab world, including the Midianites. To signify Abram's status, God changed his name from Avram ("exalted father" [from אָב, "father," + רָם, "exalted"]) to Avraham ("father of a multitude," a homonymic wordplay from אָב, "father" + המוֹן, "crowd"). Notice that some regard Avraham's name to mean "father of mercy" (from אָב, "father" + רחם, "womb").
Note: While the name El Shaddai presents a “feminine image” of the LORD, this is assuredly appropriate, since God created both genders as a reflection of His image, as it is written: “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female (זָכָר וּנְקֵבָה) he created them (Gen. 1:27). However, some people have made the dubious suggestion that El Shaddai should further be translated as “the many breasted One,” even though such language suggests the abominable practices and idols common in various ancient fertility cults - customs that were later subject to the most severe judgment of God upon the seven Canaanite nations. It should be clear, in light of the overall context of the revelation given in the Torah, that the name El Shaddai is directly connected with the sanctity of the promise given to Abraham regarding the future growth of his family, and ultimately of the coming of the promised Seed, the Messiah...
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Genesis 17:1b reading:
Hebrew page:
For more see:
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10.25.23 • Facebook
from yesterday’s email by Israel 365:
In Jewish tradition, there are numerous teachings that emphasize the importance of speaking out against injustice and evil. The Bible is replete with verses that call for the pursuit of justice and the protection of the innocent. The fact that we have a moral obligation to speak out against wrongdoing is deeply rooted in our religious heritage.
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
October 26, 2023
Persecuted for Righteousness’ Sake
“Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake.” (Luke 6:22)
“Blessed” means “happy,” and it would seem paradoxical to try to find happiness by being persecuted. Most Christians are extremely reluctant to do anything that might make them less popular with their peers, let alone anything that might lead to social ostracism or even physical suffering. Yet, Jesus said that this is the way to find true happiness.
He did not say that blessing comes through suffering for foolishness’ sake, or for carelessness’ sake, or for sinfulness’ sake. “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake” (Matthew 5:10). The principle is amplified by Peter: “If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye....But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters. Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf” (1 Peter 4:14-16).
It hurts, of course, to be “cast out—as evil” when one is sincerely seeking to do right and to honor God. This was the experience of the blind man to whom Jesus gave sight. The religious authorities responded to his testimony with: “Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out” (John 9:34). Nevertheless, he now could see! Likewise, the religious leaders “raised up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coasts.” Nevertheless, “the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 13:50, 52).
The situation exists today in many countries—soon perhaps in America. If so, may the Lord enable us to honor His name in suffering with joy and without compromise, for “Christ also suffered for us” (1 Peter 2:21). HMM
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sakshamyng · 1 year
Dancing Down the Aisle: Unveiling the Magic of Dubai's Wedding Planners
Dubai, the glittering gem of the Middle East, is renowned for its opulent landscapes, grandeur structure, and lavish lifestyle. Amidst this splendour, the city's wedding ceremony planners are like modern-day fairy godmothers, reworking goals into reality and orchestrating celebrations that depart a path of recollections as spellbinding as the memories of Arabian Nights. So, let's lift the veil and peek into the charming global of wedding planners in Dubai and find out how they weave their magic.
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A Symphony of Dreams
Dubai's wedding planners are greater than event organizers; they are dream weavers, sculpting fantasies into tangible reviews. These creative maestros work tirelessly to recognize each couple's love story's essence, personalities, and aspirations. From the instant a couple of steps into a planner's realm, the journey shapes an event reflecting their unique bond.
Unveiling Impeccable Planning
Behind every seamless wedding ceremony lies meticulous planning. Dubai's wedding ceremony planners are comparable to conductors, leading a symphony of providers and collaborators in the best concord. They juggle myriad information – venues, issues, decor, catering, amusement, and logistics – to create an exceptional tapestry of memories. Their tricky making plans ensure that every side of the party is perfectly accomplished.
Setting Trends, Not Following
In Dubai, the wedding industry isn't just about following trends but setting them. Wedding planners right here are trendsetters, pushing barriers and embracing innovation. Whether incorporating cutting-edge era, fusing cultural factors, or curating avant-garde themes, Dubai's planners are famed for infusing weddings with sparkling, interesting principles that astonish and delight.
Cultural Melting Pot
Dubai's multicultural panorama collectively brings a kaleidoscope of traditions, customs, and beliefs. Wedding planners, like skilful artists, craft celebrations that remember this variety. They navigate the sensitive stability among respecting cultural and historical past and integrating current factors, growing weddings that resonate with couples globally.
Luxury Redefined
In a town epitomising luxury, wedding ceremony planners redefine opulence from extravagant venues that mirror palaces to awe-inspiring floral arrangements that rival distinct gardens. Wedding planners in Dubai need to pay more attention to crafting celebrations that are sensory dinner parties. Every element is meticulously chosen to create an atmosphere of opulence, leaving visitors spellbound.
Behind-the-Scenes Sorcery
The magic of Dubai's wedding ceremony planners extends beyond what meets the eye. Their backstage wizardry guarantees that unforeseen system defects remain hidden and the event's float remains uninterrupted. From dealing with ultimate-minute modifications to gracefully handling sudden demanding situations, these professionals ensure couples and their guests revel in a party untainted by stress.
Creating Everlasting Memories
Ultimately, a wedding is not simply an event; it's an emotional journey that marks the beginning of a new bankruptcy. Wedding planners in Dubai masterfully capture the essence of this adventure, developing recollections that linger for an entire life. Their ability to transform desires into fact, orchestrate moments that defy expectations, and craft celebrations that tell particular love memories cause them to be the genuine architects of magic.
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In a city where the brilliant is the norm, wedding ceremony planners in Dubai embody the essence of extravagance, innovation, and beauty. They're now not simply planners but curators of attraction, architects of goals, and guardians of affection memories. So, as the sun units at the back of the dunes and the celebrities twinkle over the skyscrapers, the legacy of Dubai's wedding planners lives on, woven into the material of the metropolis's romantic tapestry.
In the area of Dubai's wedding enchantment, one call shines as a beacon of excellence – BAQAA. With their unprecedented information, BAQAA seamlessly transforms goals into reality, orchestrating weddings that are nothing but excellent. Their complete offerings, from conceptualization and planning to execution and design, ensures that each facet of a couple's imaginative and prescient is perfectly realized. BAQAA's unwavering dedication to luxury, innovation, and cultural sensitivity cements their vicinity as pioneers in Dubai's wedding landscape, leaving an indelible mark on each party they touch.
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Buy Indian-Ish: Recipes and Antics Cooking book
I could use all sorts of fancy words to explain this dish, but the best description is this: pizza in rice form. The inspiration for the recipe, though, is oddly enough not Italian—it’s a hybrid of a classic South Indian tomato rice with onions and a shockingly fantastic Spanish rice recipe my mom and I photocopied out of my seventh-grade Spanish textbook for a school project. The crispy, bubbly, broiled cheddar topping (use the sharpest white cheddar you can find!) adds a little somethin’ somethin’, making it a worthy dinner party dish. The lovely photographer of this very book, Mackenzie Kelley, called it “even better than pizza.
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Review: Priya’s writing features the hilarious, heartwarming stories about her family, and while I’ve never met her parents, I feel like I know them (mom loves a good wine pairing, dad loves yogurt, both love Dunkin’ Donuts). Not a lot of cookbooks pack as much personality and fun—plus these are guaranteed cookable, fantastic recipes.” —Alex Beggs, Bon Appétit     “With a foreword from Padma Lakshmi and a whiff of early Madhur Jaffrey about it, Indian-ish marks a moment of change for a cuisine once silo’d in the West as Mughlai creamy butter chicken and takeout ‘curry’ (which, as Priya and I wish to remind you, is not a thing).” —Sanjena Sathian, Food & Wine     “Within the book you’ll find delightful, one-of-a-kind recipes, like roti pizza and tomato rice topped with cheddar cheese — dishes that are designed to be an entry point into Indian cuisine — as well as Priya’s heartwarming stories and Ritu’s gems of indispensable wisdom.” —Esra Erol, Eater   “A great starter book for anyone who has ever wondered how to make basic Indian food in an American kitchen. Priya and Ritu’s methods are approachable, easy to execute, and employ everything from microwaves to Instant Pots, because that is the way most Americans do things now.
See price and details
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vandevos · 2 years
I’m just gonna use this to document my journey with Vault Hunters. It’ll be a nice way to watch my slow descent into madness.
So I ran my first Vault, and got Difficult (+15 vault Levels) Gilded (+1 special chests) Speedy (+1 Speed) and Trapped (all chests were 3x as likely to either blow up or throw a poison pot at me). It wasn’t so bad; got a few decent rooms, looted some okay stuff. Then I died to one of those rocket arrows that are in the pack for some unknown reason (I fired one straight down trying to hit a creeper while I was on a pillar and the fall + creeper killed me). Needless to say I was salty.
So I’m the middle of doing basic setup (including dedicated diamond gear for the vault so I’m not a squishy boy in the overworld) I decided to run in with bare minimum enchants on diamond gear, some blocks, two splashes of instant health, and a prayer. This time it was a blank vault and I survived; even got an Iona alter right at the end (Iona’s mob kills right?). Not as good this time; highlights were a trader selling grapples, a wutodite gem, and enough Vault cookies to take me to level 2, because the Vault didn’t even give me a level. So next little bit is gonna be finding Vault Rocks, farming resources, and I just realized I was gonna use a skill point to take dash and save myself on rockets. Dangit.
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whistlebell · 3 years
Honeycomb Mod List 🍯
hello! i finally had enough time to finish up my mod list! here’s the list of all the major mods i used for my overgrown farm video ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
if you’re having trouble finding a particular mod from this list, I suggest using Ctrl+F to get through the list easier! ^^ Also, since a lot of the mods here are from the Stardew Valley Cafe in Naver, you will need a Naver account to be able to access and download them. There’s a handy tutorial here if you need help.
credits to the incredible authors and mod makers from nexus and naver behind these beautiful mods and retextures! (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭
Skull Cavern Elevator, Tractor Mod, Walk Through Trellis, Hats Won't Mess Up Hair, Animals Don't Eat Grass, Automatic Gates, Automate, Better Doors (unofficial update), Better Junimos, Customize Anywhere, Event Lookup, Gate Fix
Unique Children Talk, Wind Effects, Winter Grass, The Love of Cooking, Athanaeri Corner, Bigger Craftables, DeepWoods Mod, Flower Dance Request, Greenhouse Gatherers, Harvey Marriage Expansion, Life Cycle - Rival Heart Events, Natural Color Reshade
SpaceCore, TMXL Map Toolkit, UI Info Suite, Alternative Textures, Content Patcher, Custom Furniture, Custom NPC Fixes, Expanded Preconditions Utility, Generic Mod Config Menu, Json Assets, Mail Framework Mod, Pony Weight Loss Program, Portraiture, PyTK, More Grass
Time Speed, Buy Cooking Recipes, Carry Chest, Chests Anywhere, CJB Cheats Menu, CJB Item Spawner, Fast Petting, Instant Buildings from Farm, Noclip Mode, Safe Lightning
NIAN Outdoor Decoration, Animated Doors and Windows, plant furnitures, Who M's Happy New Year Furniture, Large Characters, Rustic Country Walls and Floors, Seasonal Fences, Seasonal Path and Floorings, Cosy Cafe Furniture, Buildable Seasonal Arbors, Fippsie's Buildable Arches, Tanpoponoko's Custom Map Elements,  Industrial Furniture Set, Yellog's Dark Wood and Cream Furniture,  Basket Bike,  TMX Campervans,  Kyuk's Goddess statue Obelisk
Ana's Toned Down Sprites, Babies Take After Spouse v1, Better Horses Cuter Slimes, Elle's Animal Replacement Variant, Elle's Town Animals Ghibli Monster, Mermaid Replaces Mariner (unofficial update), OhoDavi's Anime Portaits, Yet Another Dog Mod, CHONKINS,  채칼 ‘s Marriageable NPC Portraits (for Harvey’s Portrait)
Sunroom to Attila marcel, Bathhouse Hot Spring (unofficial update), Cuter Coops and Better Barns, Hot Spring Farmcave, Medieval Buildings by Gweniaczek, Mermaid show under the sea, OnOff's Mines Retexture, Underdark Sewer (unofficial update), FarmHouse 2 with Bathroom and Doors, Way Back Pelican Town, Who_M's Greenhouse (unofficial update), Forest Slime Cave, Mi's Bathrooms Recolours, Chic Cute Kitchen
Better Artisan Goods, Better Crops and Foraging, Better Fishing and Beach Foraging, Better Gems and Minerals, Better Resources, Duck Crab Pot, Seasonal Flower Sprinklers, Gwen's Medieval Craftables, IYAHO Object, Retexture Rose Box, Antique TV Sets, Yatho Lee’s Item Retextures
Custom Menu Background, Event Background Pack, Overgrown Flowery Interface, Pink Dust Interface, Wedding Mod Update, Love of Cooking UI Recolor
DaisyNiko's Tilesheets, Flowery Bin, Rustic Country Town Interior, Stardew Foliage Redone, White Water Farm, Wildflower Grass Field
Yeolhyun's Female Body, Ohmum's 61 hairstyles, Beom Mung's Tops, Coco Me's Tops and Hats, Seasonal Sleeves, Ripped Jeans,  Loose fit shirt and ribbon, Overfit Jacket and Overfit Shirt
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thisoldgal · 4 years
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Instant Pot GEM Multi-Cooker Chinese Sweet and Sour Pork
Make your own Multi-Cooker Chinese Sweet and Sour Pork right at home with very little effort. Tender chunks of Pork simmer away in a Sweet and Sour Sauce, using an Instant Pot GEM, Ninja or other Multi-Cooker.
Recipe => https://thisoldgal.com/multi-cooker-chinese-sweet-and-sour-pork/
0 notes
lazuli-bloom · 3 years
Boiling Delay
Otto Octavius x Reader
Word Count : 3209
Candles flickered, soft music played, and the table was set for two. Everything was place and ready for a lovely night in with your beloved. Everything, except the man himself. As the light grew later your heart sank further. Was one night so much to ask for?
Hot water poured out of the faucet, cascading over the dirty dishes. The basin filled with steaming water and you added a drizzle of soap into the mix. You stared at the rising water level, waiting for it to fill the sink enough.
The running tap and rippling water was the only sound in the small apartment. Your fingers flexed, pressing your nails into the metal of the sink. Bubbles foamed in the water, but it would still be a few more minutes until there would be enough.
You took in a deep breath and held it tight in your chest before you breathed out a shaky exhale. You let go of the side of the edge of the counter and pulled out your phone one more time. No new messages. Your stomach twisted into knots.
You reached over to set the phone face up on the well-used lament, only to keep your grip on the device. It couldn't hurt to check one more time. You opened up your messages and read over the night's texts once more.
7:12 - you going to be late again?
7:52 - yes sorry. Mr O needs a project done today
7:54 - I'll keep dinner warm
7:57 - TY dear. B home asap 😘
Your heart hurt. Tears pricked your eyes as your thumbs hovered over the buttons. You typed out a simple text and hit send.
9:58 - got an ETA yet?
You set the phone down in front of the coffee pot. The water filled most of the sink, but you let it run. You fiddled with your ring, twisting it on your finger before taking it off to set by the phone, its gem clacking against the counter.
You didn't want to stand and fuss over something out of your control, so you took a calming breath and plunged into the chore. There weren't many dishes to clean, a couple of plates, some cookware, and one set of silverware. You held the last dish under the still running water, washing away the last of the suds.
As you rinsed out the sink of lingering foodstuff your phone chimed. A spark of hope lit up a tentative smile. You wiped off your hands and read the text.
10:05 - I wont b home until 11 at the earliest. I'm so sorry
Your eyes stung. That little spark of hope, stomped out in an instant.
10:06 - Ok. I put your dinner in the fridge already. Be safe, love you
Your fingers pressed hard into the phone. You stood leaning against the sink, your thoughts spiraling, when another message came in.
10:07 - I will, love you too
You dropped your phone into your pocket and slipped on your ring. You grazed a finger over the piece of jewelry and struggled to smile at the beautiful piece. A surge of pain, sadness, and anger swirled in your head. Just one night. All you wanted to do was share one romantic night with the man you loved. But no. His boss only cared about progress and the bottom line. Time-off requests be damned.
More tears fell and you let out a low, strained scream—guttural and full of pain. For the last two weeks, you've barely been able to see him. And what little time you could share, he was always so drained and on the verge of a breakdown. It hurt so much to see him in such an awful state, and your attempt to ease his pain was dashed.
You rubbed your eyes as a few stray sobs got out. As you blinked away the last of your tears, you went around the small living area and blew out the candles. The potent scents of cinnamon, vanilla, and caramel hung in the air of the dim room.
Your hands grabbed at the hem of your clothes as you rolled the fabric between your fingers. You dressed up for that night, nothing too fancy, but still a nicer outfit for a casual date. Your heart sank. No point in keeping that on.
You got changed into sleep clothes and returned to the living room. After turning off the last of the lights, you grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch. You curled up on the worn sofa and turned on the small TV. It didn't matter what aired, you just wanted something to zone out to and numb the pain. You settled on a cheesy movie channel and sank into the couch.
You watched the film, your eyes growing heavier as time went on. The movie's dull plot failed to captivate you, making it harder to keep your eyes open.
Through a groggy haze, you pushed yourself to sit up. Over the quiet chatter from the TV, a few metallic clicks roused you from your accidental nap. The lock of the front door clicked, and it slowly pushed open. A familiar silhouette stepped in and quietly shut and locked the door.
He jumped at his name before he spun around to see your disheveled form on the couch. The TV provided the only light in the room, and with him beyond it, you couldn't clearly see his face.
"Oh goodness, love, are you still up?" His voice sounded scratchier than normal.
You adjusted yourself and fully sat up with the arm of the couch at your lower back. As you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, you watched Otto shuffle into the light.
His clothes wrinkled, a huge dark spot covered his chest, and his bow tie dangled on the verge of coming undone. Worry knitted his brows, but more concerning was the look of his eyes behind those glasses.
"Have you been crying?" your voice was soft and full of concern.
He glanced away and rubbed his face with the sleeve of his shirt. Your heart twisted in aches. Otto put on a weak smile, but the croak to his voice made it undeniable that he had been crying.
"I'll be fine, darling."
Fresh tears pricked your eyes, and you flung your arms open, wordlessly begging him for a hug. Otto's smile quivered before he collapsed to his knees and flung himself on you. His body shook as he slipped his arms under yours and clung to you for dear life. As he buried his face in the crook of your neck, you pulled him tight against you.
"I'm so, so sorry, darling. I—I tried to get home in time, but Mr. Osborn—"
"Sweetheart, it's okay. I'm not mad at you." Your words cut all the tension in him. He worried he upset you because his terrible boss pushed him to stay late. It broke your heart. "I love you, Otto."
"I love you too."
You leaned your head against his. "You can't keep coming home like this. It isn't healthy." Your voice came out as a whisper. Otto made a small noise in response and you turned to pepper the side of his head with light kisses. You kept one arm on his back to rub circles into while your other one ran through his short, dark chocolate hair.
"I... I know. I told Mr. Osborn about tonight a week ago. I even formally requested the time off. But he's... a difficult man to say no to."
"A self-absorbed asshole is more accurate."
"Perhaps, but with this job, it opens so many opportunities. We're able to save for the wedding now! And once my contract's up, I could transfer to practically any lab I wanted."
You frowned but hid it as you leaned back to make room on the couch. Otto pecked your cheek before he climbed onto the couch. He sat between your legs with his back against your chest. Your arms slipped under his and rested your hands on his chest.
"What's the point in saving if that man is working you into an early grave? I'd rather you not be miserable working under a tyrant."
You wiggled to shift lower and nuzzled the top of his head. Otto placed a hand over yours and caressed circles over the back of it with his thumb. A warm quiet settled in the room bathed in pale blue light from the TV. You knew there was more on his mind that he wanted to talk about. But He would open up when he was ready.
For the moment, you savored holding him. Warmth radiated off his soft body. It always flustered him to hear you liken him to a stuffed animal, but you couldn't think of a better comparison. The man was a giant teddy bear, complete with his own bow tie.
You kissed the top of his head and took in his scent. Mint mixed with a hint of disinfectant alcohol hung off of Otto. You missed him so much.
His hand clasped over your before giving it a light squeeze. "There was a break in at the lab tonight." You tensed and tightened your embrace around your love. Otto took your hand and brought it to his lips, placing a soft kiss on your knuckles, before stroking his thumb into your palm. "Some man dressed in a green and purple costume. He flew out with Mr. Osborn's tech-flight glider."
"Tech-flight glider? Wasn't Adrian working on something like that?"
Otto squirmed and squeezed your hand harder. "Y—yes. He was. After I set up for him and Mr. Osborn to have a meeting, Mr. Osborn..."
You kissed the top of Otto's head before growling in your throat. No wonder Adrian went after Osborn a few weeks back. You glanced over to the wall of pictures and made out the vague shapes of Adrian and Otto. Despite the dark, you could see the picture clearly in your mind. The pair were in the old lab. Otto had his arm over the shoulder of the taller man, while Adrian messed up Otto's hair. It was a shame to read that he had been arrested.
A soft lull in the conversation hung in the room. You took in a quiet breath and held it a second as you rested your cheek in Otto's hair. He kissed your knuckles again and let out a sigh. You hummed to ask what was on his mind.
"Do you know what he called me today?"
You hummed again to urge him on, though you knew you wouldn't like the answer.
"Doctor Octopus. I asked him to stop, but Mr. Osborn just... smirked and told me to get back to work. I even told him later that the name was demeaning, but I don't think he cared. It's just so... dehumanizing, especially coming from him."
"I swear if I ever meet that asshole, I'm carving his face off with a rusty nail."
"Darling!" Otto pushed himself up and turned to sit on his knees while facing you. "You can't say things like that. He'd have you thrown in jail if you tried. You know what happened to Adrian. I don't want to lose you like that, too. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my friend and my fiancé."
"You're smart. You could figure out a way to bust me out of jail. Maybe we could spring Adrian too."
You giggled and looped your arms around his neck to pull him closer. He struggled to smile and ended up frowning as he glanced away. Otto rested his forehead on yours and held your hips. You kept one hand on his neck as the other slipped under his collar to knead the tense muscles of his upper back. That harness inflamed the skin around his spine after he wore it all day again.
His muscles relaxed under your touch. Gentle presses of your fingers massaging his back earned a dulcet croon from Otto. You dragged your fingertips in feather touches over his skin—up his back, over his neck, and stopping at his cheek. His cheek rested in your palm and you rubbed your thumb over his face, flinching when you grazed over something wet.
You leaned back and looked him in the face. The lenses of his glasses fogged up as fresh tears spilled from his eyes. Ice gripped your heart, but you did your best to keep your panic subdued.
"Otto, sweetie, what's wrong?"
He shut his eyes tight with pain written all over his face and shook his head. "I shouldn't say. I don't want you to get wrapped up in this. If you ended up hurt—"
"Otto. You're scaring me. Please, what's wrong? I don't want you hurt either."
He drew in a trembling breath and bit his lip. You held his face in both your hands and pleaded for him to look at you. Blurry eyes opened behind fogged glasses and he squeezed your hips some. You gave a weak smile and gently lifted his glasses to rest on the top of his head. The bags under his eyes were worse than you remembered.
"I can't give you the details. If my fears are correct, then I don't want you to be harm's way because of what I told you. But I'm worried consequences from work are around the corner and could turn out disastrous."
"What? Otto, then quit! Please. I don't want you in the middle of some disaster. Just. Just quit. You can find another job, and we can get by with me working in the meantime."
"Mr. Osborn would blackball me from every lab job in the state, maybe the whole east coast."
Your jaw clenched as your lips curled into a sneer. "I am going to kill that man. He can't keep ruining people's lives like this." You shut your eyes tight and held back a sob. Your body shook as anger and fear seeped into your thoughts. “Isn't there anything you can do to leave? Otto, I don't want to lose you to that godawful job.” 
 A small choked sob managed to break out. Then another.
Otto's hands slid up your sides as he leaned in to press a tender kiss on your lips. Your shoulders relaxed, and you melted into the kiss. One of his hands drifted up to the back of your head and tangled his fingers in your hair. You tilted your head back as he moved to kiss the corner of your mouth, over your cheek, and down your jaw. His head rested on your shoulder as his arms looped under yours and pulled you flush with him.
"I'll speak with Mr. Osborn tomorrow. I'll see if there's any way I can get out of my contract early. After all, he told me himself that I'm replaceable."
An unexpected anger seeped into his tone as he said that last part. That certainly differed from the timid demeanor Otto normally showed. Your love for the soft-hearted scientist ran deeper than the ocean. But that brief glimmer of a darker tone. It brought a fire to your cheeks.
He pulled you tighter against him as his rhythmic breath ghosted over your neck and shoulder. You tilted your head against his.
"Well, you're not replaceable to me."
Otto hummed and drew several circles over your back. He grabbed a better hold of you and leaned back. You shifted your position and sat on his lap with your hands wrapped around his neck. A smile spread across your face and you pressed a kiss onto his lips.
You peppered the rest of his face with light kisses and got a chuckle out of him. A smile of your own broke across your face for a second, only for a yawn to force its way out.
"It's well after one in the morning, darling. We should go to bed."
"Oh no, not until you eat something. I know for a fact you don't eat much while you're working."
A smile—soft and full of love—graced his face, and reached those warm brown eyes of his. "You know me too well, my love." His hand reached up and traced down your left arm to take your hand. Otto held your fingers and kissed your ring followed by each of your knuckles. "Alright, I'll make something light before bed."
"G-good!" you said as your heart fluttered. You cleared your throat and glanced away from the smiling bastard. Fire blazed on your face and you didn't bother hiding your smile. Two can play that game.
You took his head in your hands once more and lidded your eyes. You placed a kiss on the top of his square nose. "I can't have my handsome scientist starving himself." With more kisses down his face, you trailed down his angled jaw to his chin, then down the front of his neck. After a light nip to his throat, you sat up and eyed Otto.
Even with only the TV serving as a light, you noticed the heavy blush on his face. You smirked at him and gently slid his glasses back onto his face. A crooked smile pulled his features as he chuckled and he pulled you in for one more hug. You both savored the moment before parting and standing up.
Otto fixed a quick meal in the small kitchenette, and you readied the apartment for you to retire for the night. You slid the chain lock into place and turned off the TV, leaving the stove light Otto turned on as the only light. Once all done, you went up and caressed Otto's shoulder and leaned in to peck his opposite cheek before you left for the bedroom.
You finished the last of your nightly routine and climbed into bed. Otto followed a few minutes after and stripped to his undershirt and boxer before crawling into bed next to you. The frames of his glasses clacked against the nightstand before he rolled to face you.
His warmth allured you more than ever as the creeping chill of an autumn night hung in the air. You snuggled closer and draped an arm over him. Even with only the faint light of a few electronics in the room, you could see Otto's handsome face. His eyes, hooded and tired, drank in your features. He reached up and brushed a lock of hair out of your face.
"Go to sleep, dear. We both have work tomorrow. Well, later today actually."
You kissed his forehead before resting yours against his. "You might, but I'm calling out sick."
"Darling, I don't—"
"Ah, ah, ah. I have plenty of sick days saved up, and I already planned on calling out if you were home late tonight. I can still spend the entire morning with you before you have to leave."
His hands trailed down to your waist and pulled you closer. "I'll treasure every moment as if it were my last."
You nuzzled your face into his short chocolate hair, then rubbed odd formless shapes on his back. "Don't worry yourself, sweetheart. No matter what happens, I'll be by your side, come Hell or high water." You kissed the top of his head and closed your eyes. "I love you, Otto."
He shifted closer and draped his arm over your middle. "I love you too. Now go to sleep, my darling."
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Time to Choose for Yourself!
Wordcount: Around 650
Summary: Here comes the boyy! Hello, boy! Welcome! ...oh...oh no... NOT THE BOYY! GOODBYE, BOY! FAREWELL!
Notes: I'm& not good at coming up with titles kasfkaj I& wanted to write something (for a change) and always felt like Volo's reveal was so... well-made imo; it really caught me& off-guard. That said, this writing doesn't do the reveal justice so klsfnlla. ANYWAY, yea, Kiran might be ooc but like... he's evil in this au apparently (this counts as mixing pot au, no?) so I& think it's excusable xD.
Also, I'm& being dead-serious with the choice at the end so tell me& which one you'd want to see play out if ya want ^-^ I'm& def leaning towards one of the options (though I& won't specify which one; can you& guess o.o ?) so maybe I'll just write all of the different "paths" if asked aksfka /g
This was suppooooosed to be angsty and comedic but likeee... a lot of people don't understand my& jokes or sense of humour so um... it might not seem that way asfalkfj
KFJAKJKLA nearly forgot to tag her afajkljaksda @ihopethisendswell gift for youuu :>
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen.
Seventeen plates. All seventeen, with the hope that it won't stay that way for long. Some plates were gifted to Dan after he appeased certain, sacred pokemon. Other plates required pacifying rampaging pokemon, blindly hoping his lethal efforts might reward him and Kiran with another plate. In rare cases, even some humans surprisingly owned these plates.
…But Kiran was one of them?
Even with the distant howl of wind, the air felt still, dry to Dan's throat. Kiran was only joking, right? He wanted to be funny by sending Dan on this goose-chase, ramble about Sinnoh’s history together, and surprise him with the final plate, right? The final plate they needed? So they could hopefully reconcile with the creator of all creations, Acreus? And return Dan to…whatever seemingly-similar universe he came from? With the moon slowly climbing higher in the sky and Kiran’s mischievous grin taunting, Dan felt his heartbeat quicken; this couldn’t be the end!
“Now hand over the plates you’ve gathered! I will be the one to put them all together!” Kiran ordered and, at that instant, Dan figured out the significance of Kiran's extravagant change-of-outfit. Was their outfit somehow alluding to something?! Certainly, but what? Maybe if Dan had time to analyze Kiran’s getup, he would’ve noticed the green-gemmed, golden circle and put two and two together but-
“My desire to meet Arceus cannot be contained any longer!” Kiran announced, with a vengeance. Dan wondered if he screamed bloody murder loud enough, could a recuser hear him from this crumbling temple, so high above the region? Solid backup plan, solid backup plan. Kiran persisted: “I need to know what it is!”
Dan wanted to say something but, turns out, purple-haired weirdos don’t understand it’s rude to cut someone off when they’re talking. Thus, when Dan opened his mouth, Kiran loudly interjected:
“I MUST know what it is! If I can meet Arceus myself, then I may also be able to subjugate its power... And using that, I will attempt to create a new, better world! Of course, if I create a brand-new world, then the Hisui region that we currently exist in will be undone and returned to nothing. You, everyone you know, and all the Pokémon living here will vanish in an instant as if you'd never been. And do you know why…”
Kiran kept babbling on, but Dan turned his attention to surveying the historical area. Should he run? Truthfully, Kiran seemed so distracted with his evil yapping, would he notice if Dan fled the scene? Did Dan want to find out? But where would he run to? For now, at least, Dan didn’t have to answer those questions.
"If you want to keep this world from disappearing…” Kiran refocused Dan’s attention, though Dan was uneasier than ever and borderline nauseous. “...then face me in battle!”
Kiran wanted a battle? It's unfair; Dan isn't a trainer so Kiran has no chance of losing! Then again, Kiran isn’t a trainer either, right? Maybe they would be even-matched if neither of them could battle to save their lives? Although in this case, if Dan lost and forfeited the plates to Kiran, the cost would literally be dying, along with the rest of the universe. Not to mention, we must keep in mind that pokemon-battling was Kiran’s idea; did Kiran have a kind of trick up his sleeve to ensure their victory? Or is Kiran above cheating?
Flinching, Dan took a step back to prepare himself but-
“Don’t try to run,” Kiran said, almost tauntingly. “You don’t have a choice. Even if you don't wish to battle me, I'm not above using force to take those plates from you."
Give Kiran the plates
Something else A
Something else B
It’s time to choose for yourself!
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lea-andres · 3 years
More info on my CS91 AU, because I should probably tell you guys about my other fankid OC in that universe: Rosella the Seedrian.
So... Remember how at the end of Sonic X, Tails receives that seed? And how he's still depicted to have that little potted plant even now?
That plant always felt like a Chekhov's Gun to me, so I decided to do something with it.
(Chekhov's Gun, for those of you who are unfamiliar, is a theatre rule about foreshadowing and properly utilizing all elements of a story. The specific example used [that the rule gets its name from] is if there is a gun onstage for Act 1, someone needs to fire it during Act 2)
At some point during the period of time between GUN making Maria (CS91), and Shadow finding out about her and going berserk, Tails was experimenting with three Chaos Emeralds they'd tracked down and were keeping away from Eggman. I haven't decided what he was trying to accomplish with them yet, but he overloaded the machine and it exploded. The Chaos Emeralds then unleashed a mysterious wave of energy that blasted through his entire lab. On one hand, it healed the injuries Tails sustained during the explosion, so that was cool. But on the other hand, it knocked everything in his lab over and made a huge mess, which was less cool.
Amy swung by later that day, and offered to help Tails clean up the mess, and while they were doing so she discovered the plant had been overturned and its pot shattered. She was trying to locate the plant itself to see if they could re-pot it when a tiny hand reached out and grabbed her wrist, scaring the SHIT out of her.
So Amy grabbed Tails and insisted they call Sonic, because there's SOMETHING running around the lab now. He comes over, and the three track down the mysterious creature.
It's a little Seedrian girl, who looks eerily like a very young Cosmo, except she has a yellow gem on her chest instead of a red one, and two yellow rosebuds placed further back on her head like a set of pigtails. She's hiding out under one the planes because Amy's scream scared HER.
Tails manages to coax her out of her hiding spot, and almost immediately is just like "this is my daughter now, hope no one has any questions or criticisms because I'm not taking either right now." And everyone just kinda rolled with it.
Tails's theory after running some tests and scans on her is she needed pollen from another Seedrian to help her transition from plant to Seedrian (which was impossible obviously, since they were all wiped out), but that energy wave the Chaos Emeralds gave off was able to serve as an acceptable replacement.
Everyone assumed he was going to name her Cosmo, but he did not. He felt weird about naming her that (she's Cosmo's daughter, maybe, not another Cosmo!), so he named her Rosella instead.
Rosella ended being a "it takes a village" child. Tails and Sonic (*Uncle* Sonic, he proudly insists) are her main caretakers, but Amy, Cream, and Vanilla + Vector all pitched in to help out too. (Mostly because Tails and Sonic really had NO CLUE what they were doing at first, lol)
Tails insisted Rosella learn all his tech and mechanical knowledge, and to his delight Rosella was very excited about it and eager to learn everything he knew. A little TOO excited, they all quickly discovered, as Rosella seems to have a special knack for arson. (Like, Seamus Finnigan from Harry Potter levels of exploding things/setting things on fire.) Tails blames it on the circumstances of her "birth", but pretty much lets her get up to whatever she wants as long as she's not endangering herself or others.
Time jump ahead to after Shadow, Omega, and Maria (CS91) go on the run for three years, Rosella and Maria finally get to meet each other as the whole GUN situation finally starts to be resolved and de-escalate. Much to Shadow's horror, the two end up becoming instant best friends. (Shadow's pretty overprotective of Maria still, and isn't wild about her best friend being a mad scientist arsonist. 😂) Rosella spreads mayhem and destruction in her wake, and Maria's virtually indestructible. It's a match made in heaven. 😍 (No joke, the two become childhood BFFs to lovers WAY off in the future. Poor Shadow, he didn't think the "Maria's running around with the dangerous Seedrian Faker and his mad scientist brother are raising" situation could get worse, but it did. 😂)
Rosella's the definite leader of the duo (despite being younger by a year or two), considering she's got the confidence and social skills to actually talk to people and make decisions. BUT, she values Maria's opinions and ideas, and always checks in with her before making a decision or concocting a plan. As for Maria, she really appreciates having Rosella to support her and stick up for her, and enjoys that no idea is a bad idea to Rosella (even when it is, in all actuality a really, REALLY bad idea. 😂)
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redwinterroses · 3 years
Grian: s8, ep1
Spoilers! You know where!
I’m sorry I cannot get over Pearl and Gem being down the hole and all the other hermits crowding the edge to look down on them SOMEONE with skills please draw this
no one can see Mumbo’s shorts
“Can you explain why you’re wearing a red jumper?” “...you know I can’t, Mumbo. You know I was born with this” woot new Grian lore. 
“Now what would you do... if I did this?” *plants tree* Mumbo: “GASP”
Grian and Mumbo educating me on British slang: “We are quids in!”
mumbo you seriously threw that diamond in the water SPOON
“Let’s go, Potato Boy”
“I can’t see past your massive waffle”
voices cutting out from prox-chat when someone dies is simultaneously hilarious and RIPE for angsty meta/fics lolol
...are you willing a boat up a cliff or are you having a stressful poop. come on guys
more british slang fancy british words potat
trolling Scar is beautiful
grian goes american and IMMEDIATELY is from Arkansas
Scar: “I think we may have gotten the discount update, cuz, uh... those aren’t goats, those are sheep.” Grian: “We have caves and cliffs update at home.”
the boatem is born “the most iconic founding of a village I have ever seen”
pearl approaches: INSTANT BOATEM PANIC
impulse: “How come I’m lowest on the Boatem Pole?”
Pearl: touches all the boats in the Boatem Pole. Everyone else: Oh no this means she’s in charge. She’s in charge of the Boatem Pole.
Grian: “If you’re asking for instructions, you’re in the wrong place.”
Mumbo: “Yeah, no, we don’t know what’s going on.”
Impulse: “We don’t do that.”
Scar: “A lectern with an empty book.”
Pearl: “...well that’s a problem.”
This just in, Pearl has the single braincell for the Boatem village
“He who controls the egg controls the server”
OKAY GRIAN THINKS THE RAW IRON LOOKS LIKE RAW CHICKEN TOO I keep thinking I killed a chicken while mining XD
the return of Grian Sorts Nothing Ever
do I get to see ALL the hermits figure out that level 5 is the new level 11? Do none of you guys talk to X
“We are making insane progress: enchanting table, smelter, portal... Mumbo.”
Consistent across all 1.17 SMPs so far: running around geodes, learning where diamonds are now, and double-zooming with optifine and spyglasses
“Boatem Pole....extra Boatem.”
Grian: “This is the Boatem Pole!” Ren: “...well good luck with that, G.”
Grian: pro minecrafter trying to get the dragon egg in ep1. Also Grian: smacks a piglin his first minute in the nether
sometimes I forget the vast gulf of difference between me as an experienced but casual player and someone like a Hermit and then Grian goes and solos the dragon on day 4
Reactions to Grian achieving Free The End
Jevin: gg
Xisuma: ouch
False: gg
“Now that we have the egg, there’s only one thing left to do: flex. ...Where’s Mumbo.”
Mumbo jumpscares Grian -- that’s gotta be a first XD
Timmy’s already doing his job
Mumbo: “I love that you’ve just gone into Impulse’s and pinched that--” Grian: “Eh. He won’t mind. You’ve lived next to me for how many seasons now? Welcome to the Grian Experience.”
Thanks to Grian I’m going to start using “We’ve got ____ at home” as a means of saying something isn’t that great
“That’s the beauty of making up your own rules” -- mr pot meet mr kettle
Bro I am so pumped for this, it’s going to be an EPIC season.
Okay -- off to see some sides of the server I haven’t watched yet, and we’ll start with the Omega Man himself: Iskall! 
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