#instead of the truth: that someone born in the late middle ages would *not* have grown up with the assumption that black ppl are subhuman
bookshelfdreams · 4 months
finally watched Netflix The Sandman a while back and can i just say, from the way fandom talks about it, I would not have guessed that Hob Whatshisface is a minor side character who was in half an episode, and who's most notable action is loudly thinking about getting in on the transatlantic slave trade.
(before you get your knickers in a twist, I'm not making a judgement on anyone's character for liking him or shipping him with Dream, or whatever. There's just certain tendencies and patterns in fandom, and at some times, they are more apparent than others)
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Pairing - kylian mbappe X Silver Valentine - haaland X silver Valentine (platonic!!) had to include erling cause I love him too xoxo
(because I cannot for the life of me write without a character in my head. Hence silver being born!)
Warnings // jealousy , miscommunication, arguing . Both silver and kylian being mean little bitches. Aggressiveness. Happy ending ofc. angst n’ fluff.
Word count - 11,000
Btw this is my first time posting on here. Not sure what I’m doing or if I’m doing it right . I’m a Wattpad baby so be nice lmfao
Silver often wondered what kind of hellish past life she had been living in order for her life to be such a fucking shit show lately .
She wondered if everything had gone to shit because of that time she stole her brothers expensive watch and buried it in the garden to hide the evidence , telling her upset brother that it was their dog , Draco, who had done it .
She had a feeling that her older brother hadn’t believed her then but he had simply loved her too much to call her a liar . Or at least she liked to think that was the reason why and not because of the more truthful fact that she was her fathers princess and if Julian had dared to even upset her , her father would have been furious at him.
Or perhaps karma was spinning her around on her ass because of that time she keyed someone poor blokes car after mistaking it for her cheating exes . Leaving a chocolate bar in his window and a small sorry note once she had realised what the she done . But she had also left some money for it to be fixed , so it wasn’t really that bad .
So as she stood there boredly in front of yet another reporter asking her the same stupid questions over and over again, most of them about her asshole of a teammate who apparently couldn’t keep her name out of his big fucking mouth.
She wished she had slept in instead . She would rather pay the fine that the club would hand out that deal with this bullshit for much longer .
The middle aged man in front of her was looking at her expectantly , his eyebrow raised in judgment as she flinched slightly at the loud clearing of her assistants throat to the right of her. Looking over her shoulder to see Melanie’s wide eyes as she nodded quickly over to the impatient reporter , mouthing at her to answer him.
Realising that she had perhaps spaced out for much longer than she realised , she sheepishly cocked her her head and smiled a little apologetically . A Fake smile of course because she really couldn’t give a shit to what these people had to say.
“Sorry?” She said rocking back on her feet as she looked between the reporter and the camera with a raise of her brow .
“What did you say? I wasn’t listening.” She admitted to them with a small , forced laugh.
The man sighed , used to her behaviour in interviews by now . Silver wasn’t exactly known for being a cooperative woman. Most of the time she just zoned out or chatted shit with whoever was seated next to her at the time . Unfortunately today she was alone. The reporter having caught her on her way into the training grounds .
“I asked how you felt after mbappe’s comments about you last night? Any response?” He repeated his question to the now startled looking woman.
Silver felt her fake smile drop as she let out a scoff . Seeing Melanie make a warning face out of the corner of her eye, trying to silently tell her to behave .
She pretended not to see her look and instead crossed her arms tightly over her chest with a scowl.
“What the fuck are you on about? What the hell did he say now?” She hissed out . Already feeling her blood boil just from the sound of his name being spoken to her .
It was safe to say that she and kylian didn’t exactly see eye to eye. Or boot to boot. Or ball to ball or whatever the fuck you wanted to call it.
She wasn’t exactly sure how the relationship between them had grown so sour so quickly . Kylian had been nothing but kind and friendly towards her when she first started playing in psg over two years ago now . He had been one of the first players to come see her and show her around , chatting away to her whenever he had the chance too. He had practically glued himself to her side for the first couple of months .
Silver would even have dared to call them friends . At least , she thought they were. But then summer came along and Neymar was finally fit to play full time after his injury again , she had missed playing with him. The Brazilian had even coached her when she had played in Barcelona , seeing how nervous and young she was , eager to please and determined to win. He and messi had took her under their wing and made her into the confident and untouchable player that she was today.
Now Neymar she would definitely call a friend. One of her best ones actually . He was like the older brother that she wished hers had been to her . Fun, annoying and lovable . Always had her back and so in return she had his too.
So when out of the blue kylian started to act cold and careless towards neymar , making passing comments and refusing to pass him the ball even when neymar was clearly in the better position to score . Well. Silver just couldn’t let that slide .
Seeing how upset neymar was from kylian’s treatment , the Brazilian having also thought of the young player as a friend too, well, she had confronted him about it. Cursing him out as she demanded to know where his sudden arrogant and asshole attitude had come from.
Kylian hasn’t taken her yelling at him very well , which was expected . But what she hadn’t expected was for him to start accusing her of teaming up with neymar to go against him. Claiming that she had chosen her side and stabbed him in the back .
Silver genuinely had no idea what the fuck he had been going on about and she had told Him so.
“You’re fucking crazy ky! What are you even going on about? How have I stabbed you in the back?!” She had screamed back at him, angry and so fucking confused .
Kylian had laughed coldly in her face and shook his head , kissing his teeth. “Really? You wanna play the innocent act silver? The moment that neymar comes back , it’s like I didn’t even exist! You’ve been too busy becoming his second fucking skin and it’s affecting the team!” He had unreasonably shouted back at her. Too full of jealously and rage to think straight .
Never one to back down out of a fight , silver had scoffed and lost her shit . Unable to believe what she was hearing .
“Oh fuck off!” She had bellowed , furious .
“He’s my friend and I’ve missed him! How is me hanging around him again affecting the team? Cause if I recall correctly it isn’t you that’s scored more goals this season is it? It isn’t you that’s created more opportunity’s for the guys . You need to get your head of your ass kylian! You’re being stupid!” She shot back at him. Beyond angry now.
The argument between the two of them had gone on for over an hour in the dressing room before Messi had to come in and forcefully pull them away , another player doing the same for kylian who was still cursing her out as she was hauled out of the room and into the car .
She didn’t cry until she was safe in her apartment and on her own again.
It had been awful and the following weeks that came after that big blow out between the two of them were nothing but tense and uncomfortable for everyone around them to witness . Both of the young players too stubborn and prideful to apologise to each other , instead glaring at each other from a safe distant , another player always between them to keep the peace.
Even their manager and coach had noticed there behaviour . Calling them both into the office and warning them to either sort their shit out and become friends again or leave each other alone and play like professionals .
There was no way in hell that silver was going to be the first one to break. So instead she completely turned her back on kylian and barely spoke to him since , only when she had to or when the stern eye of their coach was on them did she do so.
Instead she stuck to neymar and Lionel’s side . Teaming up with them during training and simply acting like kylian wasn’t even there . Ignoring the looks and glares that he was constantly shooting her , seeming unable to move on from it at all.
She had decided then that she no longer cared what he had to say to her or about her . She was one of the best fucking football players in the world right now, playing for the best team with some of the best teammates she had ever had . She was happy enough. She didn’t have to be friends with everyone , that wasn’t how the world works.
Sometimes in life you simply just couldn’t get along with someone no matter how hard you tried . And sometimes they would have this look on their face that made you want to smack them for no reason.
Luckily she had semi good self control. Or at least she tried to have . She didn’t smack him , even when she wanted to . Instead she simply resorted to pettily snubbing him to the media , rolling her eyes whenever his name was mentioned or simply walking away. She was only copying him after all.
Every time he talked to the media , her name was always rolling out his mouth with a mean little scowl to match it . It was apparently kylian’s favourite pass time now . To talk shit about her . To try and rile her up to get her attention on him again. Even if it was just to get them to argue . It was the only way she would look at him anymore .
The journalist cleared his throat , easily spotting the annoyed look on her pretty face from just the mention of her teammate.
“He was asked if he thought you would ever become team caption. Seeing as he had had the armband for a long time now-” he started .
Silver pursed her lips and took a deep breath to ready herself .
“-and he said and I quote ‘that you would have to earn it. That to become a caption you have to be a team player and have the teams best interest at heart. Not to only give opportunities or passes to just one or two of the players.’ What do you think about that? Any words?” He finished asking, looking at the young , now furious , player opposite him expectantly.
Silver rolled her eyes with a pissed off scoff , shaking her head angrily .
Unbelievable .
“Fucking bullshit. What opportunities has he been giving recently? The amount of times we’ve missed because he didn’t want to pass the ball is fucking ridiculous . If he wants to talk about someone not being a team player then he needs to look in the fucking mirror-!” All the media training simply left her head as her own anger took over . Seeing her assistant groan and place her face in her hands from the corner of her eye.
Silver simply didn’t give a shit. If kylian could badmouth her to the press then why shouldn’t she? He was asking for it!
She continued on, face flushing red in anger . “I mean last Saturday. That fucking penalty shot was neymar’s. We all know that ney would have shot it to the back of the net no problem. Yet no. Who pushed himself in and took it instead? Oh yeah that’s right . The same persons who missed the net by a mile off! And he wants to talk about being a team player?” She let out a humourless laugh , shaking her head again with a grin. Unamused . “Piss take!”
The reporter couldn’t help but laugh a little at the way she was theatrically swinging her arms around and huffing and puffing her way through her answer .
“So.. safe to say that you two aren’t on the friendliest of terms then?” He joked.
Silver heaved a heavy laugh, clicking her tongue. Finally relaxing again. Whatever .
“I didn’t have a problem with him. It was mbappe who started this shit. I haven’t got time for it really . It’s ridiculous.” She muttered . Taking sip from the bottle of water in her hand.
Sensing her bitterness , the reporter thankfully decided to move on to another question.
“You’re playing against city today. Excited?” He asked her.
Silver brightened at that. Smiling genuinely at the thought of the opposing team she would be playing against . She had met most of them before and had recently become close to Jack grealish , John stones and haaland after meeting them at a club while on holiday with her friends . She had spent a lot of time with them and really did enjoy their company.
She had known that the media had picked up on her and haaland’s growing friendship . She had already met him a year ago but only recently had reconnected and become friends. She knew that their was controversy surrounding their closeness , with erling being the one guy that kylian was often pitted against . The two being compared side by side , just like ronaldo and messi.
Kylian hated him. Silver hated kylian. So silver now liked haaland. It was only right . Was she being petty? Yes. Did she care? No.
Because even though she had first started hanging around haaland just to piss off kylian some more , overtime she had realised that she simply didn’t care .
She liked erling and she liked his company. The two of them got on Great and already had plans to go on another holiday together soon. He was great. And the fact that she just knew that their new friendship would just rile kylian up even more , well, that was just an added bonus.
“Hell yeah I am!” She laughed as she screwed the lid back on her water . Grinning widely .
“I can’t wait. I’ve played with some of them off field before so I already have an idea wha I’m going against. Buts it’s all good fun. Yeah .. I can’t wait.” She trailed off with a happy shrug.
The reporter grinned slyly , raising a brow at her in amusement . “You have been seen getting close to a few of the players recently . You and haaland in particular . There’s a lot of photos of the two of you in clubs and at the beach. Even if the two of you doing yoga! How did that come about?” He curiously asked her the question on everyone’s minds.
Silver snorted a laugh. Bouncing on the heel of her shoes . Shrugging again.
“I was there with a couple of my friends and he was there with his . Turns out we were staying at the hotel so we just decided to mesh together instead. It was fun. Erling is a really great guy and really funny. Fucking huge but he’s not what I expected him to be like.” She honestly said as she saw her assistant motion for her to hurry up. “I’m used to arrogant dicks . I mean haaland is one of the best right now but he hasn’t let it turn him into a grade A asshole. He’s very humble and sweet. Yeah , he’s a really good friend . I can’t wait to play with him tonight.” She concluded before stepping back and nodding at them.
Quickly making her excuses and saying her goodbyes , she let her assistant rush her into the building and out of sight .
Hearing Melanie sigh loudly , she fought back a grin. Knowing how her her little public spat would cost her . Her assistant would no doubt be doing some damage control tonight .
“What?” She acted obliviously like she had no idea what she had done.
Her friend shot her a look. Scowling at her . “Did you really have to do that? You’re meant to put up a United front , not act like two enemies stuck in a team together!” She snapped at her lightly , clicking rapidly on her phone. No doubt trying to fix this mess .
Silver just rolled her eyes , waving and smiling at people as she passed them. Heading down towards the path that lead to the changing rooms . A private one just for her . Knowing that she had to meet up with them before they would hit the field for practice .
Both teams would be warming up on the pitch at the same time and she knew all cameras would be on them. Ready to eat up any scrap of drama that would happen.
“He did it first .” She muttered childishly as she pushed her way into her changing room and quickly began pulling her kit on. Wincing as she looked at the time . She only had five minutes before they were due to be out on the pitch for warmup.
Melanie groaned at her friend , knowing that nothing she could say would make her stop. They were both too stubborn to see that they were both in the wrong. She just hoped that they wouldn’t let their petty hatred for each other seep into the game.
“Does it matter? You could be the bigger person and simply not react .” She reminded her.
Silver pulled her long hair out from under her shirt where it had gotten caught . Huffing as she leant down to tie her shoes quickly , looping them twice.
“Bigger person? I’m only five foot five. By rights .. he should be the bigger person! Not me! None of this is even remotely my fault!” She denied stubbornly.
Melanie gaped at her in disbelief . Wow the denial ran deep between those two. She thought with a sigh.
“Really? Do you didn’t hide his kit right before the match last time?” She said.
Silver refused to look at her . Pursing her lips because she had in fact hid his kit from Him and gotten him in trouble more than once. So what?
Melanie continued on “and you didn’t pop his car wheels to his new car a few months ago?”
At that. Silver frowned. Still not meeting her eyes. “He deserved that! He called me a mean little bitch with two left feet!” She muttered moodily . Tightening the band of her small shorts so they wouldn’t fall down.
Her assistant gave her a pointed look. “And what about haaland huh? You’re telling me that you didn’t start hanging out with him just because you knew it would piss of kylian?” She accused .
Silver just groaned and grabbed a black headband , shoving it through her hair to hold back the mess from her face . Realising that she had forgotten her hair tie . It would have to do for now.
Putting her hands on her hips , she tutted. “I mean … maybe a little bit . But - not anymore!” She flustered . Perhaps she wasn’t completely innocent after all. But still. He gave as good as he got.
She wasn’t the villain in this. Perhaps not the good guy either . Oh well.
“Anyways . Not if that matters now. It’s none of his business who I hang out with!” And with that she stormed out of her changing room and followed the corridor down to the pitch where she could hear the guys already warming up.
Shit. She was late . Fantastic. She thought grimly as she stepped out into the sunlight . Squinting her eyes over to her teammates as she quickly jogged over to them , catching neymar’s eye as he laughed at her frazzled state .
“There you are!” He called out laughing , getting the others attention towards the woman of the hour .
She shoved him in the shoulder , flushing a little at the attention . Laughing as he locked her head underneath his arm and started to mess up her air even more .
Messi reaching over and kicking her hip gently with his foot . A curious look on his face , smiling as he watched her try to untangle herself from neymar’s grip. Screeching at him and stomping on his feet , the Brazilian just laughing before finally letting her go.
“Puta!” She cursed at him. Trying to quickly straighten out her head as she kicked him again just cause she could .
“dónde has estado?” (Where have you been?). Messi asked her . Kicking the ball over to her . Hands on his hips as he looked at her like a expectant father would.
Silver groaned a little. Looking at him pleadingly . He had been trying to teach her Spanish for a long time now but she just couldn’t pick it up as quickly as she had French .
“I can’t ..” she complained. Still a little hungover from partying the night before . But Jack grealish had practically dragged her along .
Claiming that she just had to otherwise it would be bad luck. He was full of shit but she still went anyways . If it wasn’t for haaland who refused to drink before a match , she wasn’t sure she would have gotten home safely .
Messi shook his head at her . Catching the ball with his foot as she kicked it back towards him , before he passed it on to Neymar . Who was stood beside them watching on in amusement .
Seeing his expectant look as he refused to let her not answer in Spanish . She groaned again before racking her brain for the right translation .
“Shit ..” she breathed out kicking the ball up above her head and then kicking it with the back of her foot , over and over again.
“Er- dormí en ?” ( I slept in?) She ended up phrasing it as more of a question instead , cringing to herself .
Messi simply smiled and clapped his hands together . “Good.” He said proudly .
Neymar laughed and nudged her shoulder with his playfully . “Whose bed did you sleep in? There’s pictures of you and haaland leaving the club together .” He told her . Wiggling his brows at her like a naughty kid.
Silver rolled her eyes . Seeing kylian glare at her from across the field. She pulled a face and stuck her finger up at him.
Messi quickly reaching over to slap her hand down “silver!” He exclaimed . Unable to stop the little laugh from escaping .
She just grinned before answering Neymar . “My own thank you very much. He was a gentleman. He drove me back to the hotel . That’s it.” She told him. Evidently robbing him of the juicy gossip he wanted hear.
He pulled a disappointed face . “Boring!”
Before he could say anything else , they all looked up at the stern shout of her name from across the pitch. Seeing kylian waving her over with a annoyed look on his face .
The captain armband almost mocking her . Knowing that she had to do as he said, seeing as he was technically in charge . But she didn’t have to like it.
“Come here!” Kylian shouted again after getting a blank stare in return. His eyes glaring at her to even dare to disrespect him in front of everyone .
“Oh mon dieu . What now?” She groaned in misery before roughly bouncing the ball away from her and stomping unhappily towards him. Hearing Neymar laugh at her misery from behind her .
Kylian stood waiting for her with his arms crossed tightly over his chest. Looking like he was ready to kick her ass.
Scowling down at her when she stopped in front of him. Copying his confrontational stance . Seeing a few of their players giving them wary glances . Knowing that it never went well when the two of them were in the same path as each other .
After a minute of tense silence , kylian finally cracked . Kissing his teeth angrily .
“Are you fucking serious?” Was all that he spat down at her.
He could have been pissed off about a multitude of things she had done . So she simply cocked her hip out and rose a perfectly arched brow at him bitterly.
“Depends. What about?” She muttered uncaringly as she glanced behind her to see Neymar and Messi occasionally glancing over at her in concern. Knowing that having the two young players with bad tempers together wasn’t such a good idea .
Kylian inhaled sharply through his nose , glaring down at her as he took in the slight shadows underneath her bright eyes and the state of her hair that was hanging halfway down her back.
Having seen the pictures of her in the club last night with her hair the same way, only neater and wearing the smallest dress he had ever seen in his life too.
The worst part being the way she had been cosying up to his rival, the two of them laughing and cuddling before finally leaving together in the early hours of the morning . Just the thought of her and haaland together made him want to kill someone.
Certain that she was doing this just to piss him off. She knew just how to get underneath his skin and no matter what he did or said , he could never truly get the thought of her out of his mind .
He hated her . He hated that he wanted to hate her. Hated that he couldn’t completely commit to the hatred either . He also hated himself for letting it get this far . For letting their arguing get so out of control.
But every time he even thought about apologising or reaching out. She Would do or say something that would have his blood boiling and his tongue lashing out before he could even stop himself . It was frustrating .
First Neymar being all over her and now haaland? Who the fuck was next?
“So you’re fucking haaland now to get back at me. Is that it? You’re happy with yourself?” He snapped at her . On edge and so fucking angry at the way he had let things turn out. Always saying things he didn’t mean . Not knowing why he couldn’t stop himself.
Since the first time she had arrived In their team , young and eager to be the best. All he had wanted was her attention. He had wanted to be her friend. Wanted the both of them to be the young stars of the show. And it had gone well at first.
She had been friendly and happy to go along with whatever he wanted . Always the social butterfly. But then Neymar came back from his injury and suddenly it wasn’t just the two of them anymore .
It was Neymar she ran to to celebrate with after each score . Jumping into his arms and dancing with him in a bundle of loud laughter .
It was Neymar that she got a ride home with , no longer being his passenger princess . Instead it was like he had been shoved aside and disregarded for someone better . The bond they had was unbreakable and she didn’t seem eager to let him in on it either.
So instead of simply talking to her as telling her that he felt a little left out. He had been an idiot and lashed out. Accusing her of stupid shit and insulting by saying things he didn’t even mean.
At first it had been because he was angry. Then it was because that was the only way she would look at him anymore . If he didn’t piss her off them she wouldn’t speak to him, wouldn’t even look at him.
It was pathetic , he knew that. But he couldn’t stop himself from repeating the same mistake over and over again.
Silver’s eyes narrowed at him dangerously . “I’m
Not fucking anybody. And even if I was . It’s none of your business!” She hissed at him. Resisting the urge to stomp on his foot that was in front of her. That really wouldn’t help her case.
He scoffed . “It is my business when everyone’s asking me about it and tagging me in all that shit! You know that I don’t like him! You’re doing this just to upset me!” He accused her. Taking a step closer and pointing his finger at her accusingly.
Silver slapped his hand away from her harshly , rolling her eyes at him.
“Oh yeah cause everything I do I do for you!” She dramatically drawled. “I’m friends with Erling because I like him. He’s funny and kind and doesn’t have a go at me every time I see him!” She shot back at him. Fed up with this shit already.
Kylian’s eyes widened as she listed the things she liked about haaland. Feeling his Heart drop to his stomach.
Oh fuck no. She didn’t actually like him did she? Had he pushed her towards the arms of his enemy?
“Sounds like you’re in love with him. Why don’t you start talking about how dreamy his eyes are? Ridiculous.” He muttered bitterly. Crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from her moodily.
She looked at him like he was insane . Pulling a face as she let out a sarcastic little laugh.
“Sounds like you are . You gaze into his dreamy eyes often kyky?” The nickname slipped out before she could stop it. Freezing slightly as his head snapped back over to hers quickly , his eyes widening in surprise .
It had been a long time since she had called him that. Lately it had been either mbappe or asshole. Or whatever other insult she could think of at the time.
“Anyways ..” she cleared her throat awkwardly when he just continued to stare at her without saying anything.
“What did you want? To talk about who I am and am not fucking?” She questioned him wanting to get this over with.
Spotting familiar blue out of the corner of her eye, she titled her head just in time to see the city players come out on their half of the pitch to warm up.
He followed her gaze and locked eyes with haaland who was kicking the ball around the cones that were laid out.
The warmth from hearing her call him kyky like old times quickly seeping from his chest. Instead he felt bitter again as he watched her eyes scan the blue to find him.
Scoffing to get her attention back on him. “You’re playing left today.” He bluntly told her. Taking a step away from her. Clenching his jaw to try and control
Himself .
At that. She quickly swung back around with wide eyes, mouth dropping open in anger . “What? Kylian! I always play right! You know I do better there!” She snapped at him. Panic flittering through her at the sudden change in plan.
She wasn’t as strong as a player with her left foot and he knew it. What was he playing at?
Kylian simply shrugged and gave her a bland look. “Well maybe if you spent last time partying with the enemy and more time practising then you’d be good at both.” He casually told her , spinning around ready to walk away.
Anger filled her veins as she watched him walk away like he hasn’t just dumped this shit on her when their match would begin in less than forty five minutes.
“You can’t be serious!” She shouted at his back furiously . “Who’s going to take my place then?!”
Kylian shot her a smug look over his shoulder “I am.”
Before Ignoring her cursing him out and instead pretending that he couldn’t hear her as he jogged over to a disapproving achraf who shook his head at him in disappointment.
“This isn’t going to get her to like you again ya know?” He muttered to him with a slight frown. Not understanding why his friend simply couldn’t put his pride away and apologise .
Kylian just huffed and lied “I don’t care.” Because he did care. He cared far too fucking much. That was the problem.
As they all lined up against their side of the wall, silver stood behind kylian as she completely ignored the little looks he kept passing her . Looking like he wanted to say something but not having the courage to. Instead she felt nothing but anger and anxiety at the sudden change of plans.
She always played on the right side. And she always scored . How the hell was she supposed to push forward and pull this off? Even Messi and Neymar had looked worried when she told them.
She honestly couldn’t believe that he could pull something like this on her without warning .
She felt sick.
She ended up catching haalands eye as he stood in line on the opposite side of the tunnel. He made a motion towards his hair as he raised an eyebrow at her. Her own eyes widening as she realising that she hadn’t gone off and found a hair tie like she was supposed to. Instead she had been too preoccupied with trying not to kill kylian for doing this to her .
“I don’t have one.” She mouthed at him in panic as she tucked her long hair behind her ears. Feeling her heart pound nervous . Christ. Why wasn’t anything going right that day?
Erling just smiled and motioned for her to come over , pulling a hair tie from his wrist and waving it at at her.
Casting a quick glance beside her to see kylian had caught the exchange between the two of them. She stepped out of line to walk over to the other team, before feeling kylian inhale sharply and reach out to grab her wrist to stop her from going any further .
“Let go of me unless you want me to drop kick you in front of everyone.” She muttered to him seriously , glaring back at him in warning . She was in no way joking about either .
He did as she said and let go. Frowning at her instead .
“What are you doing? Get back behind me.” He shot back at her firmly . Aware of all the cameras filming their every reaction .
“No. Fuck off.” She simply snapped at him before walking over to haaland and sighing .
Looking up at her giant friend , she pouted . “You won’t believe what he’s done to me now.” She mumbled to him, upset .
Letting him spin her around so that her back was to him as he gently gathered her hair in his hands , neatly piling it up on top of her head to tie it for her.
Catching jack grealish’s eye as he turned around to look at the both of them. Laughing at the sight of haaland doing her hair and Silver sulking like a child .
“Long time no see sparky!” He joked referring to her quick temper . “How’s the hangover?”
She squinted her eyes at him playfully . “I wouldn’t have one if it wasn’t for you. You peer pressuring bastard!” She exclaimed . Grinning.
Feeling haaland pat her head with his hand as he finished up the bun in her hair that was now identical to his own.
Jack just laughed “had fun though didn’t ya? Plus haaland wasn’t going to come unless you did. So win win!” He proudly claimed.
Silver just tilted her head back so it rested against erling’s shoulder . Grinning up at him as he rolled his eyes at her jokingly .
“He’s lying . I can’t stand you.” He teased as he placed his large hand over her face and shoved her away. Making her cackle as she kicked him gently in his hip. Seeing kylian glaring at them and Messi motioning for her to get back in line.
“Oh no. We’re besties now remember? Wanna play fifa tomorrow? I managed to fix the console.” She added as an after thought as she backed away. Still looking up at him.
“Get back in your own line you child!” John stones called over to her with a grin. Getting a middle finger in return as she reluctantly got back into place.
Haaland just did the okay sign with his fingers “pizza?” He mouthed at her with hopeful eyes. Both of them knowing that their trainers would kill them but neither really caring either .
“Duh.” She simply said pulling a face at him
Before feeling Messi grab her shoulders and face her towards the front of the line again before kylian could blow a fuse.
“Yes dad.” She muttered sarcastically to him , laughing as he reached out and smacked the back of her head at her cheek.
By the time the game was nearing halftime, silver was well and truly furious . Sprinting towards the goal as she spotted a clear line , making her open to shoot.
Seeing kylian on the other side with the ball, directly in her line . She felt her heart pound knowing that she had this in the bag. The others had made the mistake of spotting Messi and Neymar , completely missing her flying by them.
“Kylian! I’m open!” She screamed over to him as she frantically motioned for him to pass her the ball. Eyes flickering between the ball and the net . Seeing grealish spot her and sprint towards her to stop her.
“Come on!” She shouted at him with adrenaline , Neymar passing him and screaming at him to pass the ball to her as well.
Kylian just took one look at her and went forward , ignoring her being wide open and perfectly in line with the goal. He let pride win.
Instead he pulled his foot back and kicked as hard as he could on his own.
Silver could only watch in complete disbelief as the ball went way wide , completely missing the net as it sailed into the crowd behind .
Freezing on her spot as she panted for her breath back, catching eyes with Neymar who looked just as angry as she did. Both of them shaking their heads in disbelief .
“Are you fucking serious?!” She screamed at him as she stomped towards him ready to knock some sense into him.
Expecting this , messi quickly stepped in front of her and tried to pull her back.
Kylian was stone faced as he looked at where the ball had flown to. Completely missing his target. Feeling his heart pound in his chest.
“I was open! Right fucking there Kylian! What is wrong with you?!” She could feel herself becoming more upset as he refused to even look at her .
And he was talking shit earlier about her not being a team player!
“Hypocrite!” She threw at him before roughly pulling her arm out of Lionel’s grip and storming away from Kylian before she did something that would get her benched .
As she passed by the blues , haaland jogged beside her . Looking down at her in concern. Her cheeks were flushed red in anger And she looked ready to kill someone.
“You okay?” He asked her . Patting her shoulder gently as they both kept their eyes on the ball again.
“No.” She huffed out shaking her head “I’ve had enough of him. If that’s how he wants to play it then fine.” She muttered before sprinting off down the field again. The anger motivating her.
A few minutes before half time and silver finally had possession of the ball, dodging both grealish and foden as she jumped around them and spotted Neymar down the end of the pitch near the right side of the goal.
Locking eyes with him she kicked it towards him before taking off down the pitch to get a clearer point of the goal. Feeling haaland follow behind her , knowing what she was about to do.
But it was too late for city as Neymar quickly kicked the ball back to her and just as haaland tried to push past her , making her trip over his ankle as they both went down on accident , she fell into her stomach just as the ball hit off the heel off her foot and she bicycled it straight into the net .
“Yes!” She screamed with glee as she quickly got up off the floor , reaching down to grab erlings hand and yank him up too.
“Bastard! Nearly had me!” She jokingly pushed at his head. Knowing he hasn’t meant to trip her.
“Sorry!” He laughed before patting her back “good job!”
She just grinned at him before sprinting over to Neymar and jumping on him, the both of them spinning around and yelling as they celebrated together .
Locking eyes with kylian who was stood in the middle of the pitch with his hands against his hips , not looking happy .
“Teamwork!” She yelled towards him with a sarcastic grin.
Before looking away as Neymar finally put her back down . Getting pats on the backs from the rest of her team . All but kylian.
As the whistle for half time was blown , silver was expected to head over to her own side of the pitch to regroup . But seeing kylian’s face wasn’t something she wanted to do.
So instead she turned away from them , ignoring neymar’s and Lionel’s confused looks . She spotted haaland and John further down heading to their own side for water .
“Hey assholes!” She yelled out as she ran towards them . Making haaland gasp im surprise as she suddenly jumped up onto his back, wrapping her arms around him tightly as she pressed the side of her cheek against his . Cheesing at them brightly .
“How you doin?” She mimicked Joey from friends. Still feeling gleeful from her own goal that she scored.
John just snorted as Jack jogged over to join them. Pinching her ankle and making her hiss like a cat towards him.
“Great until you got here.” He joked.
Haaland laughed as he hoisted her further up his back , jumping on the spot just to make her Yelp in fear as she gripped onto him tightly . Slapping the top of his head in warning.
“Ah! Behave!” She gasped as he did it again. Laughing like a devil. Titling his head up to grin at her cheekily.
“You see that attempted murder out there? Erling tried to take my ankles from my legs!” She laughed. Referencing the way they had both fallen , the size of his almost taking her out.
Jack grinned at them, erlings cheeks flushing red in embarrassment.
“I tripped! It was a accident!” He exclaimed . Smiling anyways .
“Yeah , yeah. That’s what they all say. Tell that to my poor legs you giant.” She slapped at his head against for the fun of it.
“What was that anyway?” John asked curiously . Nodding over to her side of the pitch where kylian was sat alone on the bench with a scowl on his face. Achraf seemingly trying to tell him something as he stood above him like a concerned parent with his hands on his hips.
Jack nodded along with a frown. “Yeah. I mean . Why didn’t he pass you the ball? You two had a fight?” He asked . Unaware of all the drama between the two of them.
Silver just scoffed as she slid down from erlings back , leaning against his side instead as she motioned for him to pass her the bottle of water in his hand.
“We’re always fighting. It’s kylian’s way or nobody’s way. But whatever .” She trailed off with a shrug just as their manager called Jack and john over to the side .
They patted her back sympathetically before jogging off , leaving her and haaland to it.
Plopping down onto the turf below her , she spread out her legs and leant back on her hands with a huff.
Haaland copied her , stretching out his long legs so that their feet were pressed against each other . Rolling the bottle of water between their legs and over to her .
“He’s not happy.” He muttered to her with a small grin as he caught kylian glaring at him again. Something that he had been doing the whole day.
She just frowned “yeah well, neither am I. He’s being a prick . He’s put me on the left side of the field knowing fully well that I don’t do as well there.” She grumbled , taking a gulp of his water before putting the lid back on.
Erling rose a brow at her in amusement . “Yet you still scored. Can’t be that bad can you?” He said to her softly . Tapping out a beat of the drum on her legs to try and cheer her up.
At that, silver smiled . Titling her head as she realised that he was right .
Humming smugly “you right.” She nodded along , pleased. “Still.. he’s getting on my nerves. He even questioned me early . Thought that I was fucking you just to upset him. Went off on me.” She told him.
He looked shocked before a small grin broke out , looking like he just came to a realisation.
“Ah.” He nodded his head . Laughing a little in understanding . Wondering how she was so oblivious .
“He’s jealous. That’s why he’s acting out like a child who didn’t get his own way.” He told her simply .
Silver looked at him in disbelief , mouth dropping open in shock. “What? Jealous of me not fucking you? I told him that we weren’t. What?” She had no idea what he was on about .
So consumed in the thought that he hated her so much that he wanted to ruin her life that she had a hard time seeing things differently.
Haaland giggled and shook his head . “You said that he started acting off with you when Neymar came back right? Acting out when you two got close again?” He reminded her gently.
Silver just nodded with a frown. Still not getting it.
“And now he’s acting up because your getting close with me. He was jealous of you and neymar and now he’s jealous of you and me. Seems to be a bit of a theme here hmm?” He said to her . Watching the array of different emotions pass her face.
Shock. Confusion. Unease and then …
“Jealous?” She mumbled like it was a foreign term she had never heard of. “Why though? Why would he be jealous?” She questioned him as they got back to their feet . The second half of the game about to start.
Haaland just looked at her with a smile. Shaking his head with a laugh.
"Come on. You really can’t be that oblivious can you?” Was all replied before jogging off , still laughing as he did so.
Leaving silver to her bewilderment . Glancing over to kylian as he came back out on the pitch. looking like a scolded toddler that had been told off.
Shaking her head quickly to clear the confusing thoughts and muddled up feelings from her mind . She had better things to worry about. It would have to wait till later .
Haaland had scored twice and kylian looked like he was about to blow a fuse . Having been the one to try and tackle it from him , but erling was too quick and simply jumped over his body as he skidded along the pitch.
Silver grimaced a little as she watched him rub his back with a small wince before getting back to his feet and jogging back to his place .
Catching eyes with erling she gave him a thumbs up and a grin. Getting a wiggle of his brows In return as he nodded over to kylian with a pointed look.
Rolling her eyes she sighed a little before jogging over to where he was stood , looking down at his feet . Clearly upset .
“What’s going on?” She mumbled to him once she was close enough . Watching the city boys celebrate .
Kylian didn’t bother looking at her , simply scoffing. “Surprised you’re not giving your new boyfriend a celebration kiss.” He muttered bitterly. Crossing his arms over his chest and trying not to have a breakdown.
She pursed her lips as she considered what haaland had said about him being jealous . Was he right? It certainly sounded like he was . Christ . What was going on?
“My friend you mean. Like I’ve already told you but you don’t listen.” She shot back at him in annoyance .
“Why didn’t you pass me the ball?” She returned the question to him. Still angry at him.
Kylian didn’t answer . But he did look up at her, eyes scanning her face slowly making her feel a little self conscious as she cleared her throat . Looking at him pointedly.
He just exhaled and shrugged. “I don’t know. I thought I had it.” He lied.
“Bullshit. I would have had it and you know it. Why are you being such a dick?” She demanded to know.
Kylian shook his head with a scoff , glaring at her. “Me? What about you behaving like a asshole as well? Refusing to come over at half time and instead cuddling up with haaland on the pitch? Do you know how bad that looked? Me on my own while you cuddle with my enemy?!” He snapped at her . Knocking his shoulder against hers as he shoved past her just as the game started up again.
“Oh fuck you! You just fucked me over! Of course I didn’t want to be anywhere near you!” She spat at him as she jogged towards her spot again.
Kylian just rolled his eyes with a scowl on his face “garce!” He heard her gasp as he called her a bitch.
Glaring at him furiously “couille!” She called back at him. Dick!
Just minutes before the game was over , silver had finally gotten them a penalty kick after a particularly nasty tackle. Grinning and high-fiving neymar as she passed him to grab the ball. She had this. She never missed penalty’s .
But before she could grab the ball, kylian was beside her and had took it into his own hands instead .
“What are you doing?!” She gasped in disbelief as she looked between the ball and him in anger. No way! “This is my shot!”
He just looked down at her blankly “I’ll do it. I’m good at this.” He said to her .
Silver let out a mocking laugh , shaking her head as she tried to get the ball back from him.
“No way! You missed the last one!” She reminded him coldly . “This is mine! Give it back!” She demanded .
Kylian shoved her away , clicking his tongue as he moved the ball out of her reach. Just as neymar jogged over to see what was going on.
Frowning as he looked at the ball In kylian’s hands and the pissed off look on his best friends face.
“What are you doing? It’s silvers-” he nodded over to her in confusion. “Ah- penalty yes?”
She nodded along. Glad to have the support . “Yes it is mine ney! He won’t give it to me!” She snapped.
Neymar frowned at kylian, glaring at him.
“Pass the ball to her. Play fair.” He reminded him disapprovingly . Getting de ja vu to when the younger player did the exact same thing to him Too.
Kylian just shoved past the both of them, ignoring their words. Ignoring the looks he was getting from his teammates. He wanted to score .
He couldn’t let fucking haaland beat him.
“Fucking hell!” She swore as she through her hands up in the air and got into place . Hands trembling with anger at how he had just taken yet another chance away from her .
The arena was silent and tense as kylian lined up to shoot , taking a deep breath as nerves were visible on his face .
Silver felt her shoulders tighten as she watched him with baited breath. He ran forward and kicked .
It went over the net.
Silver couldn’t believe it . Rage flowing through her again as she shook her head in anger .
“Fucking bastard! I knew it! I knew it!” She pushed past Lionel and neymar as she stormed towards him. Done with his shit. Humiliating her and then missing like that .
“You asshole! I told you to let me do it!” She shouted at him as she shoved roughly at his shoulders . Hearing the crowd gasp and the presenters no doubt In disbelief as they watched the two of them begin to argue on the pitch.
They had never brought it into the pitch before but kylian had finally done it. She was done. Completely done with his bullshit!
Kylian stumbled back from the force of her shove but quickly gained his footing and glared back at her . “Fuck off! I don’t want to hear it!”
She laughed hysterically , unable to believe the gall he had . “You think I do? You’ve fucked me over twice . First you refuse to pass and then you take my penalty and fucking lose?! Why are you doing this?!” She snarled at him shoving him again.
This time he shoved her back. Rage taking over his features as their teammates ran over to try and separate them and get them to calm down.
“Fuck you! This is your fault! You’ve done nothing but piss me off! First neymar and now haaland! So you’ve decided to spread your legs for every player now huh? Anyone that I have a problem with is yours ?!” He shouted back.
Achraf looked at him In disbelief as he tried to pull him back .
“Hey! Hey! Shut up man! You don’t mean that!” He advised him.
Silver couldn’t believe what he was hearing . Shoving Lionel off her as she got back into kylian’s space .
“Oh yes because I fuck everyone that you have a problem with kylian! I do everything just to Piss you off! My world revolves around you doesn’t it?!” She sarcastically spat back at him , going for another shove just as the referee got to them.
“Step away from each and calm down!” He warned them seriously .
Neither of them payed him any mind. The blow up between them had been building for a long time. She just didn’t expect it to finally happen on the pitch.
Kylian blinked back the stinging in his eyes. Too angry to cry in that moment . Pointing his finger aggressively at her .
“See? You’re unreasonable! You don’t take anything seriously! You’re a backstabber! I wasn’t enough so you had to get more and more!” He made no sense . Not letting himself be dragged away.
Hearing the referee yell another warning . Still not listening to him at all.
“Me?!” She almost shrieked in disbelief “you’re the one that turned on me over night! And for what? Because you were jealous that I wasn’t giving you all my attention anymore?!” She hit the nail right on the head as she watched him wince .
Before she could lay into him some more , she spotted the yellow card being held up to both of them from the corner of her eye .
“Fucking hell!” She groaned looking at the referee with a scowl . “Are you serious?!”
Kylian didn’t even bother to look. Still glaring at silver like she was the wicked witch that had ruined his life .
“I wasn’t jealous! Why would I be jealous of you? You’re nothing!” He spat at her .
Silver felt a sharp blade of hurt slice through her then. Feeling another tug on her arm. She snatched her arm away from them again.
“You’re fucking loca!” She made a twirling motion around her head. Tears filling her eyes . “Say one thing but do another! Fucking attention whore!”
The referee blew his whistle and shouted at them to step away from each other one last time.
Kylian pulled a face . Shoving anyone who tried to pull him away off of him. Too riled up to think straight . He just saw red. Or blue should he say as he caught a glimpse of haaland watching silver in concern and neymar trying to pull her away while whispering something In her ear.
“You’re a hypocrite! You’re driving me fucking crazy!
Fuck you!” He yelled at her once last time before the referee blew his whistle again before holding up a red card in both his and silvers direction.
Immediately their team groaned and started arguing with the referee .
Silver just shook her head and shoved past them , stomping away from them all . Heading straight for the tunnel. Just wanting to get away from kylian so she could breakdown and cry in peace .
But he wouldn’t even let her have that as he raced after her . Muttering curses at her as she shoved her way into the locker room. Almost slamming the door into his face .
“Why are you doing this?! Why do you hate me so much?!” She screamed at him . Her heart pounding against her ribs as she spun around to face him, tears pooling in her eyes. So tired of arguing with him.
Kylian froze by the door as he leant his back against it. Swallowing down the sudden lump in his throat as he stared back at her glossy eyes and flustered face . The sweat making her hair cling to her neck.
She looked so upset . So unhappy . And it was all his fault.
There was nothing but a tense silence between them as they fought to catch their breaths after screaming at each other on the pitch. Silver refusing to look away from him until she got an answer .
Kylian inhaled shakily as he realised that this was it. That he either had to finally tell the truth or lose her forever .
He couldn’t keep arguing with her for no other reason that to get her attention . It wasn’t right and he was hurting the both of them by being so stupid .
But he was just so scared .
Running his hands over his face , he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment to gather his thoughts . Feeling her eyes drilling holes into his head as she waited for him to speak.
This was his last chance . He knew it was.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered to her quietly as he felt his lower lip tremble. Tears filling his own eyes. Ones of anger . Tears of shame and frustration. Of fear.
“I shouldn’t have took the ball off you. I should have passed it to you as well. I was being stupid and I just - I just wanted to be the one to win . Wanted to shove it in haaland’s face that I was better.” He admitted to her shamefully .
Eyes to the floor, unable to look at her as he finally told the truth.
Silver frowned “so you fucked me over for petty rivalry?” She said in disbelief .
Kylian quickly shook his head , groaning. “No, no. I just - it was like looking at you and neymar all over again. But worse! You just- I wanted to be your friend first.” Was all that helplessly came out. His words jumbled and anxious. Not knowing how to explain that he loved her so fucking much it made him do crazy things .
Silver looked at him for a long moment . Seeing the ways his face had Darkened and the way that he couldn’t meet her eyes . Sucking In a deep breath she thought about what haaland had said.
‘He’s jealous.’ Was he right?
“We we’re friends kylian . You’re the one who decided not to be anymore .” She reminded him quietly . Swallowing as she watched his face crumple , his body shaking as he held back tears.
Kylian nodded as he sniffled , rubbing his hands over his eyes to try and stop himself from crying .
“I know. I know alright? I was just - you didn’t come to me anymore . It went from being you and me everyday . To you never being around anymore. You didn’t invite me along either . Didn’t try to include me.. you just - it felt like you ditched me for someone better.” He admitted to her what had started this whole mess .
Silver felt like a bucket of guilt had been tipped over her . Stomach turning upside down because he was right. She had been so excited at the time about neymar’s arrival that she just hadn’t thought to ask him to join them while they hung out. Too busy catching up with her best friend to notice how neglectful she had been.
But he hadn’t told her either . He had simply just started being mean and acting like an asshole without giving her a second chance .
They were both wrong in this. So fucking wrong. Miss Communication really was a bitch. She thought shamefully .
“I didn’t mean to. I - I had no idea you felt this way. If I had known ..” she trailed off feeling terrible. Realising that this whole thing could have been avoided if they had simply talked to each other.
Kylian looked over to her with a sad sigh. Shaking his head once he noticed the guilt on her pretty face .
Taking in the sight of her stood in front of him with her. Messy hair and big glossy eyes. Still so fucking beautiful even after everything . He felt like such an idiot.
“No, no. How could you have known? I skipped the explanation and went straight to being a dick. I’m sorry. I was -” he struggled to admit what it was.
Silver noticed his reluctance to admit it and smiled a little .
“Jealous?” She offered him with a small giggle that made his eyes snap up to hers in amazement .
His eyes flickering between her eyes and her smiling lips . Feeling his heart skip a beat.
Damn. It had been so long since he had gotten anything other than a glare from her that he had almost forgotten what a beautiful smile and laugh she had .
Almost .
He nodded shamefully . Laughing a little. “Yeah. Okay. I was jealous. I am jealous .” He corrected himself . Pulling at his fingers anxiously as he stared back at her with a small smile.
Taking a deep breath to gather any last piece of courage he had , he spoke . “I thought that you knew . That you knew how I felt about you and had just played me along till something better came along. I thought that you - that you knew…” he trailed off . Swallowing nervously as she blinked up at him in confusion .
Frowning a little as she took a step closer to him. Reaching out to take his hand in hers when she noticed him picking at the skin around his nails, unable to stop fidgeting .
Interlocking their fingers tougher she gave his hand a comforting squeeze .
“That I knew what? I didn’t know anything kylian. That’s what made me so angry. It felt like you had just woken up one day and decided to hate me.” She told him truthfully .
Kylian’s eyes were trained down to his hand held softly in her own. Feeling the soft lines of her palm as he gently squeezed her fingers back.
“Never hated you. I loved you. That’s why it hurt so much when I thought you had ditched me.” He whispered to her . Eyes peering up from their hands to see her reaction.
And he wasn’t let down. Her pretty eyes had blown wide in shock, lips parting with a sharp inhale as she blinked up at him in disbelief .
“Shit.” She breathed out . Letting out a wet laugh as she looked up at him sadly.
“Loved? As In past tense?” She wanted to clarify before she said anything of importance .
Kylian shook his head slowly . Smiling down at her as he tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear. Flicking her earlobe teasingly . Unable to help himself.
“As In past and present. As in I loved you then and I still love you now. And I’ll still love you tomorrow and the day after that. No matter what you say. These feelings aren’t fading at all.” He told her honestly . Voice soft and raw. Opening himself up to her in hopes that she would see him for what he truly was.
Just another man in love.
Silver choked on a sob as she slapped at his chest tearfully “oh my god ky! Why didn’t you tell me sooner! You fucking idiot!” She wailed before throwing herself at him.
Grabbing his cheeks in both of her hands, she brought his face down to her own and kissed him like it was the last kiss she would ever give.
Caressing his jaw in her hand as she felt him press himself against her , tangling his fingers into her hair as he pulled it down from the bun haaland had done earlier .
Pettily throwing the hair tie away , somewhere she would never find it again. He’d get her new ones.
“I’m sorry . I’m sorry.” He let out a watery laugh of his own as he reluctantly pulled back from her lips. Stealing one last kiss before nudging the tip of his nose against her own. Grinning happily as his heart threatened to leave his chest in relief .
“So that means you love me too right?” He murmured hopefully as he looked into her eyes. Seeing nothing but mirrored hope and softness there for him.
She let out a giggle of disbelief and nodded her head . Letting him wrap her up in his arms and hold her tight. Burying his face into her neck as he began to cry in relief .
Months of unshared feelings finally being set free.
“I love you. I love you even though you’re such a big idiot!” She giggled as she rocked them from side to side . Running her hand gently up and down his back as he cried into her skin. Mumbling how much he loved her and how sorry he was over and over again.
“Never again.” He gasped out between choked breaths as he kissed her neck .
“I’ll be your best friend and your lover okay? You can have both in me. I will never let you down again.” He promised her there and then. And he was going to stick to it too.
He may have fucked up once but he was never going to fuck up this badly again.
He supposed he had haaland to thank after all. The thought of the blonde footballer and silver together had scared him so much that he had finally snapped.
She may have been called silver but he had got the gold. And he was never going to let her go again.
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csharpdestroyer · 2 years
Tumblr media
introducing... alex!
➜ Ⅰ. about
hey hi hello! welcome to my little tumblr island. you can call me alexios, alex, mars, or brailie. i prefer the first three. i use they/he/she pronouns. i prefer the first two, especially he/him. i am sixteen years old, in my junior year of high school. im transmasc, nonbinary and aroace. please only use masculine and neutral terms on me! im neurodivergent (adhd, autism and tourettes). my birthday is february 28th, born in the year 2006!
➜ Ⅱ. content
im an oc and fan artist. i usually draw lord of the flies content using my designs for the kids! i also reblog lotf, madoka magica, and hadesgame fanart, as well as general posts i find funny/informative. i don't have commissions set up just yet but i hope to take them in the future. i accept art trades (they're always open) so if you want to do one just send me an ask or message me! i especially like art trades where we draw each other's designs for a specific lotf character so feel free to hmu about those too
➜ Ⅲ. lotf
my main hyperfixation right now is lord of the flies. that is almost exclusively the type of art you'll see on my page. here's some stuff related to my lotf content!
ralph x jack (romantic)
simon x roger (romantic)
maurice x sam (romantic)
piggy x bill (queer platonic)
ralph and piggy (best friends)
jack and roger (best friends)
percival and max (best friends)
simon and wilfred (friends)
simon and maurice (friends)
ralph, piggy, and simon (trio)
jack, roger, and maurice (trio)
piggy and jack (rivals)
lord of the disambiguation - often called disambiguation for short. an extended version of lotf that picks up right after jack splits off from ralph's group. no one dies. the two groups just have to find a way to live and work together to survive
lord of the high school - a semi-modern au that follows the kids as they try to navigate british private school life. the name is a misnomer since they're actually in middle school, not high school (i didn't change the ages) but it's too late to change it now
lord of the epilogue - picks up right at the end of the book. just a continuation of the story. features the crew of the naval ship, who happen to be led by ralph's father. unfortunate events happen
land of tall faith - also called forgiveness of a god unknown. a story based on my prediction for what lotf would be about before i read it. follows a european girl entering a foreign society and experiencing their culture. after connecting with their god, proving her loyalty, and being sacrificed multiple times, she eventually decides to stay with them instead of returning to her society. characters' appearances are based on lotf characters
woodingham manor - a criticism of lotf, which seeks to show the flaws in the book's message. presents the story of a detective group investigating a cold case that visits an old manor to find clues, but find themselves locked in. things happen, people die, and truth finally sets them free. the plot and characters need reworking, please bare with me. all characters are based on lotf characters
lord of the headcanons
lord of the epilogue
woodingham manor
➜ Ⅳ. asks
there is an ask tab on my profile that you can use to send me things! you can send me drawing requests or just things you want to tell/ask me. for drawing requests, ill draw any lotf character (no other fandoms please). i will draw my design for them if not specified. if you want me to draw yours or someone else's lotf designs please attach an image! if you want me to draw your oc, please attach an image! no promises that ill draw them but if i have time i will
➜ Ⅴ. ocs
though i mainly post about lotf on here, i do have ocs which i love and cherish! here's links to information about some of my oc projects. you can also check out my toyhouse (linked at the bottom) for character references if you want to draw them! i will love you forever if you gift me oc art
romeo and julian
inequality syndrome
heaven is hiring
the periodic end
orchestra simulator (shared project with @fire-down-the-vine)
➜ Ⅵ. socials
here's where you can find me on other sites! if you want/need to message me id prefer you didnt do so on here as my messages seem to be broken, im available on twitter, instagram and discord pretty much all the time! feel free to message me about lotf related stuff if you want, ill be up to talk
socials are listed in order of how active i am on them
end scene!
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Uncle Ben and Little Luke
AKA we combine several types of time travel for maximum Soft Chaos, let’s go
EDIT NOW THAT I’VE WRITTEN THIS UP: jfc this ended up much angstier than initially intended uhhhhhhhhhh sorry
So a common enough thing I’ve seen in time travel fics is characters getting de-aged when tossed back physically, to neither the age they should be in that time, nor the age they were from the time they left, but whatever is most convenient. This is usually de-aging OT Obi-Wan into his TCW self, for reasons relating to, chiefly, removing the damage of Tatooine absolutely destroying his body alongside PTSD-driven alcoholism, but also because fic writers are horny, and Ewan McGregor playing a late-thirties negotiator is on average more appealing to people than Alec Guinness playing a vaguely feral desert hermit.
So, here’s how it plays out:
We take Luke and Ben from some point in the OT. There are a variety of options depending on how angsty we want it to be. My first instinct is ‘right after Owen and Beru die’ but I want to have that sweet angst where Luke knows that his dad is Vader and that Obi-Wan was trying to convince him to kill his own father without telling him that.
We’ll go with shortly after Bespin, and then they end up significantly before TPM. The Obi-Wan of the timeline proper is, eh, let’s say eighteen. Not really ready to be a knight, but old enough that we don’t have to worry about “if we go save Shmi, do we somehow wipe out Anakin?” which is absolutely a worry. Anakin is a toddler, and is in no place to be evil, on account of being literally two years old. He can’t even explode people with his brain yet.
Now, Ben finds himself mid-thirties, as is traditional. He’s not upset at this, because his joints hurt so much less than they used to! His knees aren’t exactly teenage-perfect, but by the Force are they better than they were in the years before he died! His hair has color! He doesn’t have arthritis! And, goodness, no physical withdrawal symptoms! The psychological aspect is still there, but nonetheless, he’s in much better shape than he last remembers being.
Luke looks like he’s about six. He was recently twenty-two. This is not an upgrade. Ben keeps having to carry him. He can’t see over the counter when they enter a bar for information. He can’t enter the bar in the first place. He’s very annoyed by all of this.
Ben is not annoyed. Ben is having a lot of emotions, actually, but annoyance isn’t one of them. He didn’t get to help raise Luke the way he might have if Anakin hadn’t lost his shit, okay, he sees a small Luke and he wants to hug him and cry.
Luke would like to be able to purchase a speeder part without the lady at the stall asking him if he needs his “dad’s” permission.
Once they figure out when and where they are, they need to decide where and how to leave. There are general shenanigans to gamble their way into enough money to hire a ship. They are in the ass end of nowhere, but definitely not Tatooine. There appears to be a jungle. There appears to be a significant variety of man-eating creatures. There appears to be a temple to the Force of questionable origin. None of this is actually helpful, except for the moment they find a “baby’s first lightsaber” in the temple.
Luke only has one hand and, being a six-year-old, his body is growing too fast for him to bother with getting a wired-in prosthesis the way he could as an adult. He can get a more basic prosthesis, but nothing that attaches to the neurons. He’ll outgrow it too fast.
He’s tiny and he’s not used to doing things with just one hand. He uses the Force to do what one hand can't, and every time someone tries to tell him he's misusing the Force he whaps them with the empty sleeve.
So, you know, they find out what year it is. Ben has a breakdown. Luke is upset that he left behind his friends. Ben admits to him that Leia was his twin. Luke stares in horror because dude, she kissed him, you couldn’t have mentioned this earlier???
Ben points out that Beru and Owen were keeping Luke away from him for nineteen years, and then they had about three days of awkward travel to find Leia in the first place, and then Ben died. He didn’t have a whole lot of time to figure out how to tell him.
(This sparks an argument that lasts several days. All onlookers assume that Ben’s son is throwing a tantrum. He doesn’t correct them, even though this is a very valid reason to be upset, because the truth is much harder to explain.)
Sooooo they travel. Mostly, Ben plays Sabacc, cleans house, and pays their way towards Coruscant. Luke still really wants to learn to be a Proper Jedi, even though Ben is pretty sure that Luke would have... a lot of difference of opinion with the Temple, but sure. Coruscant. They can at least stop by, and see Qui-Gon, and Mace, and Quinlan, and Bant, and everyone else that’s still alive and not tragically deceased in the horror following the start of the Clone Wars and then the birth of the Empire, and Ben can have a nice sob over all his dead friends being alive again.
Ben is only barely holding it together while Luke is in the room with him at any given point. But it’s fine! It’s fine. He’s fine. All of his loved ones have come back to life! It’s great! HE’S FINE.
He is not fine.
Luke is also grieving all the people who haven’t been born yet, but he’s... significantly more okay than Ben is.
The closer they get to the Core, the more often people just assume Ben is Luke’s father, and then look shocked and uncomfortable when Luke flatly calls him by his name, and they just... compromise. This is the point at which Luke starts calling him “Uncle Ben.”
Ben cries in his bunk later that night. Luke overhears it and wonders how the HELL Ben is more unstable now, when there’s a chance to fix things and no Vader or Empire trying to kill or capture both of them, and all his friends are alive.
(Luke will later learn a lot about PTSD and realize this is actually a fairly normal situation, to process significant events and emotions only after gaining safety or catharsis.)
(Twenty years on a ball of sand with an alcohol addiction and debilitating fear of the man you raised as your own brother is not, in fact, safe or cathartic.)
At any rate, they’ve settled into that pattern by the time they reach the Inner Rim. The Inner Rim is the part of the galaxy at which they’ve collected enough money (and mental stability) to travel a little better, and to take a few more risks.
Risks like “manipulate people with those baby blues.”
Ben tells Luke that he’s a menace, after he pouts so cutely that he gets a free scarf added on to a purchase that Ben makes. Luke responds that Ben has no room to talk, since he flirted a free breakfast out of that one inn owner.
Also, Luke is currently physically six. That is objectively a situation that sucks. He deserves to use it for all it’s worth if he’s stuck like this.
“You know, if you keep wearing all-black and looking longingly at the velvet cape and Space Chanel boots, the temple is going to worry that you’re a darksider.”
“Uncle Ben... you told me, yesterday, that I sparkle so brightly in the Force that it’s almost blinding.”
“Yes, but the gloves--”
They don’t agree on this, but Ben relents. He does actually understand good fashion, unfortunately, and he’s not unaware of how much Leia taught Luke about such things.
Luke’s about forty years ahead of the curve, of course, but Skywalkers are prone to such things. It’s usually in regards to technology, granted, but...
They get to Coruscant. Ben is very obviously a Jedi. He knows all the right words and walks like a Soresu master and feels warm and comforting in the Force. They let him in with minimal questions. They note down “my first padawan left the order to have a child, but died shortly after; I consider Luke here to be my nephew, and have raised him as such,” and move on.
Luke is vaguely annoyed because he already had an uncle (and aunt) that raised him, but he admits that a person can have more than one uncle. He can live with this. Ben was more family to Anakin than Owen was, in some ways, so it’s kind of true. Luke is even working on feeling more childish affection for Ben instead of the complicated mess of emotions that come from being lied to about some very large and important subjects, and then seeing the person saying those lies have regular emotional breakdowns due to something as small as Luke saying he likes the curve of the hull on that freighter.
(Apparently he sounds just like his father did as a child. This is almost heartwarming.)
The thing is! The thing. The thing is, they almost make it to the Halls of Healing to get looked over for weird viruses, or Outer Rim Parasites, or whatever the hells needs to be happening. They almost make it without Ben having a flashback to dead younglings or brainwashed troopers or the declaration of a Sith Empire. They almost make it without incident.
Then Ben sees Qui-Gon, and freezes, and does not move again.
Luke cannot get him to restart.
People are staring.
They haven’t even made it to Medical, Uncle Ben, come on.
Young, local Obi-Wan comes over and asks if there’s something he can do to help. Or maybe this “Ben” knows Qui-Gon? Master Jinn doesn’t recognize Ben, but maybe Luke knows more?
Luke does know more, but what Luke actually says is “he probably needs a mind healer.”
(Ben will not appreciate this.)
(Ben is unfortunately standing in the middle of the hallway and completely unresponsive, and is unable to argue with this assertion.)
(Ben is pretty much proving this assertion entirely correct, actually.)
Obi-Wan is helpful, if a little bitchy in the manner of most late-teens individuals, and offers to help get Uncle Ben down to the Halls of Healing. It involves Obi-Wan gently pushing on Ben’s shoulders, and Qui-Gon offering to carry Luke so he can be in Ben’s sights (because Ben is a Mystery, and Qui-Gon is quite fond of those, so he wants to stay involved). Ben kind of just... shuffles on down.
There are medical tests. They ask about how Luke lost his hand. He refuses to talk about it. They ask how Ben got all his scars. Luke says he doesn’t know. They ask if he knows why Ben looks like he’s been through a war. Luke says it’s because he probably was.
They check for foreign viruses. They find evidence of thus-far-unpatented vaccinations. They ask Luke if he knows what he’s vaccinated for.
“How would I know? I’m six.”
They agree that this is a good excuse.
(It is not. He’s lying. They do not know this.)
They do some more tests. They find a lot of questionable medical bullshit in Ben’s body. Most of this is from the clone wars, but they don’t know this. Someone realizes they haven’t gotten a ping back from the Shadow Network regarding “do we have permission to pull the medical file of a Jedi that isn’t in the normal database? We’re assuming you know who he is, since we don’t.”
The Shadow Network does not know who Ben is.
The healers, of course, go “huh, that’s weird, but maybe the name he gave his nephew was fake. We can’t exactly ask ‘Ben’ for more details right now. We already had to sedate him. Let’s check the DNA!”
The DNA pulls up as Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The padawan who brought this guy in two hours ago.
“Huh, that’s weird. Let’s call in Kenobi and ask if he knows what’s going on.”
Obi-Wan absolutely does not know what’s going on.
They ask Luke.
“Oh, I don’t know,” he says, lying through his teeth and not even pretending otherwise.
“You’re not a very good liar,” teenage Obi-Wan tells him.
“I’m not trying to be,” Luke says. “Can you get Master Yoda? I feel like we’re going to need him.”
They normally wouldn’t get Yoda on the request of a six-year-old, but they also normally don’t have a catatonic thirty-something Jedi who looks like he’s been through a war popping up in the medical database as the pimply teenage padawan that broke his pinky trying to do a Badass Ataru Flip last week.
Or... whatever Luke i... is... oh dear.
“Young one,” Qui-Gon asks, while people whisper-shout behind him, not realizing he’s cutting the Correlian Knot and just asking the kid himself. “Do you know why your midichlorian count is so high? It’s almost unheard of.”
“Uncle Ben said my dad was the Chosen One,” Luke says, because he is capable of being a little shit and is actually really eager to let Ben deal with some of the fallout. He feels for the man, really, but he’s also tired of being the one to field every single question.
Also, the expressions that pass on Qui-Gon’s face are hilarious.
(Luke may or may not be more affected by his six-year-old brain than he would like to admit.)
“Thank you,” Qui-Gon says, sounding more than a little strangled about it.
It takes another three hours for Ben to wake up.
He listens to the questions. He hears what they say his ‘nephew’ said. He looks at Luke.
“Is this revenge for not telling you about Leia?”
“It’s not revenge,” Luke does not lie. “I just don’t know how to explain it.”
“It’s pretty easy to explain.”
“It’s not my secret.”
“This is revenge for the Leia thing.”
“No,” Luke says. “Revenge for the Leia thing was when I ate a live frog in front of you.”
This is the point at which someone interrupts and points out that they appear to be stalling.
“Oh, he is,” Luke tells them. He gestures at Ben. “I can’t tell you more, because it’s more his story than mine.”
“I’m afraid, Master, that I am very likely to have an emotional breakdown if I allow myself to consider the reality of this situation for longer than the fraction of a second I already have,” Ben reports, full of false cheer. “Suffice to say, I am far from stable and have only held out this far for Luke’s sake.”
“Can you explain why you have my DNA?” Obi-Wan asks, as the person who’s most concerningly involved in this situation.
“You can,” Ben says, smiling like there is absolutely nothing wrong in the slightest, ever. “I’m you, from the future. I actually died and spent a few years dead before coming back. I’m not sure why I’m younger than I was when I died, but I appreciate being able to put on my shoes without my knees attempting to mutiny.”
“He needs a mind healer,” Luke reiterates, in case the strained grin hasn’t made it clear. “So do I, but not as much.”
“I have felt literally every person in this Temple save for Luke and Yoda die,” Ben reports, looking a shade more manic than a few seconds earlier. “It’s very overwhelming to feel you all being alive again. I may be approaching a mental breakdown, and I’ve been rather strictly advised against using alcohol to treat my traumas again.”
Luke kicks him in the thigh. It’s not a very hard kick, because he is very small, and he does actually like Ben. “I’m not letting you turn into an old drunk again.”
After several seconds of silence, a healer quietly suggests that everyone clear the room, and asks if someone could fetch Master Yoda as the youngling requested.
(THIS IS ALMOST THREE THOUSAND WORDS. I started it less than two hours ago. Why am I like this.)
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Beautiful Ghosts
Ghost!Reader X Draco
Summary: Request: @sydthekid1518​: I had an Idea for a draco fic, where y/n is a ghost that’s fairly popular with the students and staff, and draco falls for her and stuff? And then maybe y/n and Harry create a plan that would allow reader to come back to life and stuff and be with draco.
A/N: Happy spooky season to all and to all a good night filled with Draco Malfoy. I’m so excited about how this turned out and that I got it done before Halloween because the odds weren’t looking to hot not gonna lie, but here it is and it’s beautiful. As always, let me know what y’all think,,,
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“Y/n, please don’t disturb my students,” Snape droned with a monotone voice.
“You’ve got no power over me, Severus,” I laughed, ghosting away from his Slytherins working on Polyjuice potion.
“But I do have control in this classroom, dead or not Miss Y/n, this is my domain,” Snape argued, ruffled.
“I’m eternally bonded to this school. It’s my domain more than it is yours,” I countered, perched on his desk.
“Blasted ghosts,” A boy muttered, catching my attention, “No respect for authority,”
Tilting my head, I made my way over to him, studying the young Slytherin. He was about the age that I was when I had died, moved on, crossed the veil—whatever. His steady grey eyes and twisted sneer told me all that I needed to know about him.
“Another Malfoy,” I mused. “Interesting... And where’s your respect for the dead Mr. Malfoy?”
His eyes went wide at the idea that I was addressing him at all. Like I spooked him. Imagine that, a ghost spooking someone.
“Enough Ms. Y/n. Kindly refrain from scaring my students if you must stay,” Snape intervened. “I’m not scared,” Malfoy shot back.
“Boo!” I teased before passing through the walls of the dungeon and into my favorite spot in the entire castle, even living: the library.
I never had so much time on my hands before being dead, and now I could just take a book and read. Pince had been able to enchant them in such a way that I was able to hold them and turn their pages still. I was in the middle of a riveting tale about a boy who never grew up and had his destiny forced upon him and could fly. Perched on one of the tops of the shelves, I was lost in another world of magic.
“I didn’t know you could read,” I heard the same condescending voice from Severus’ potions class earlier that day.
“Little Malfoy,” I smiled down at him, closing my book. “And why would you assume that? I don’t look that stupid, do I?”
“Well, no,” He fumbled. “But you’re a ghost, you’re dead,”
“Yes, and I like to read, anything else?” I raised an eyebrow at him.
“Don’t call me little Malfoy. My name’s Draco,” He huffed.
“But it annoys you,” I mocked a pout. “And you are a little Malfoy, a bit taller than your father, but young all the same,”
“Who are you calling young? We’re the same age,” His voice raised enough that Pince had to shush him.
“I was born in 1776, I think you’re a little young,”
“1776!?” Draco’s eyes bulged. “But... how? You’re...” Pince hushed him again. I floated down and perched on the desk, trying and failing to contain my laughter.
“Oh, so now you care little Malfoy?” I teased lightly. “What happened to your dismissal of spirits not hours ago?” He didn’t have an answer for that. He just stared and didn’t dare to meet my eyes. “If you really want to know, I’ll tell you some time, but you’re going to be late for McGonagall if you don’t get going,”
Flustered, Draco headed out of the library and I watched him go. Knowing that Remus had a class this hour with the infamous Harry Potter, I headed over and perched on a desk in the back.
“Miss Y/n,” Remus acknowledged, “Perhaps you’d like to aid us today as we learn about ghosts and spirits?” Even though he had grown quite a bit over the years, there was still the same shine in his eyes when he was able to teach—even if it wasn’t a rag-tag group of marauders.
“So... you’re a ghost?” A young Hermione asked, a girl who spent a lot of hours in my library.
“Yes,” I smiled at her. “There are different types of ghosts however,”
“Oh, yes, Poltergeists, Funnels, Whisps, Orbs, and Shades,” She said matter-of-factly.
“Exactly, and Hogwarts has them all,” I looked to Remus who nodded for me to continue. “Most of you know that Peeves is a Poltergeist, a trickster loud ghost. Sometimes they were loud and violent, sometimes... well sometimes you have something like Peeves.” The class laughed.
“I’m sure you all have heard of the Grey Lady?” Remus interjected. “Helena Ravenclaw was murdered by the Bloody Baron and spends the rest of her days here at Hogwarts, they are both what we classify as Funnel ghosts. Ghosts who visit loved ones or loved places,”
“What about Whisps?” An intrigued Weasley asked.
“Well, most others are Whisps,” I explained. “Nearly Headless Nick, the Fat Friar, and most others you see strolling about. There is no strict reason that they’re here, other than they chose not to move on, or felt their work on earth was not completed.”
“Orbs are normally the spirits of animals or humans travelling about,” I continued, “They mainly show up in photographs. It wasn’t till after I died that cameras were invented, and they were found,”
“Any what kind of ghost are you?” A shy kid in the back asked. The class of kids turned to me, all expectant.
“I’m a Shade,” I explained. “It means that when I died, I wasn’t meant to. My soul knowing that, remained, and here I am,”
“Shades are very rare in the Wizarding World,” Remus cut in, “Not many are killed before their time, and many of them are very young,”
“Aren’t Shades allowed to come back though?” Hermione asked. “Because they were wrongfully killed? Doesn’t fate allow them another chance?”
Remus and I shared a look. I remembered when he had asked me that same question when he was no more than a third year as well. There was a solemn sorrow in his eyes.
“Yes,” I answered hesitantly. “There is a possibility, but the odds are almost impossible. Most of them have to do around prophecies.”
Class had ended, and Hermione waved as she went to leave. I lingered behind a bit with Remus for old times’ sake. He was one who had always been kind to me. I was one who never judged him for being a werewolf before he found his marauders.
“Sirius escaped from Azkaban,” He whispered softly, his gaze fixed on the papers on his desk. “I... I thought I was over it. Over him. He had my best friends killed,”
Pity flooded my chest as I hovered over to him, my hand ghosting above his.
“That wasn’t your fault Remus...” Was I going to give away the truth that I knew? Or would I keep it a secret? “And it wasn’t Sirius’ either,”
“How can you say that!” Remus slammed his hand on the desk. “He gave away Lily and James’ location! Then he killed Peter!”
“Remus,” I shook my head. “I can’t tell you everything, because it’s not in the stars, but... your friend isn’t who you think he is,”
A quiet moment passed between us and rather than get upset at me like I had thought he would, he spoke softly and surely.
“You’re... you’re saying there’s hope?”
“There’s always hope,” I offered a soft smile. “For all of us... even me,”
“How are you doing with that? The prophecy?” He asked.
I sighed and shook my head. “I might really be stuck like this for the rest of... forever...” 
“Is there anything...?”
“No,” I denied softly. “Interfering with a prophecy can ruin it,”
“Can,” Remus stressed. “Not that it will,”
“But is it worth that risk?” I countered. “I could lose my one shot to come back. To be human again,”
“If I could be human again, I’d take any chance I could,” Remus’ eyes held a sadness that very few could sympathize with. One of those was me.
“Perhaps you’re right,” I murmured and let him be, drifting around the halls for a bit then back to the library to think some more and maybe find the right answer.
What I didn’t expect to find however was Draco, fast asleep where we had spoken earlier, draped over a few books and handwritten notes. I hadn’t noticed the late hour, sometimes time did elude me, and the days seemed to run together.
I didn’t want to wake the young Malfoy, instead, I peered at the books underneath him. Potions books, it seemed. Supposing that a Slytherin might have a partiality to Snape’s class, there was no need to question why he’d rather work on this subject than the others. Knowing Pince would chase Draco out of the library if he didn’t wake, my notion to not disturb him fell to the wayside.
“Malfoy!” I whispered loudly. “Draco, wake up!”
It was useless to try and shake him awake, I wasn’t able to. I could however pull the book out from under his resting head. So, I did.
“Bloody hell,” Draco grumbled, rubbing his eyes. “What’d you do that for?” 
“You fell asleep?”
“And that was the only way you know how to wake a person?” He snapped, blinking into consciousness.
I gave him a flat look and reached out to touch him. He shied away, but it was in vain because my hand passed right through his material body.
“Oh,” He muttered. “But you can touch the books?”
“Pince and I worked on that together,” I informed him. “Did you think I would spend eternity and not figure out how to read?”
“I... uh,” He stammered, blushing a bit. “How come I’ve never met a ghost like you before?” 
“And that means?” I pressed, perching on the desk.
“Well, all of the other ghosts are... I don’t know... stuck in their ways? Not sad about being ghosts? Haven’t kept up on things like reading?”
“You think I’m sad about being a ghost?” I mused.
“I... you—I mean,” He stammered, looking down in embarrassment. “You just seem... optimistically hopeless,” It was almost mumbled through his exhaustion.
“You know those words have opposite meaning, right?” I teased softly. “And... I’m a Shade. I doubt you’ve met another before like me,”
“A Shade?”
“Do you not pay attention in Remus’ class?” I raised an eyebrow at him.
“I don’t have his class until tomorrow,” Draco dismayed. “And it’s a stupid class anyway,”
“Defense against the dark arts isn’t stupid,” I refuted. “Especially with Remus teaching it,”
“You knew him then... when he went here. Professor Lupin,” Draco noted.
“Yes,” Lost in thought, a quietness passed before I spoke again. “When you learn what a Shade is, you’ll understand,”
“You could just tell me,” Draco whined, listlessly tired.
“But then you won’t pay attention in class,” I smiled. “Go on to bed, Draco. I’m not going anywhere,”
Draco sulked in bed that night, thinking about you. Thinking about what a Shade was. Of course, he didn’t wait for class in the morning, instead he took out his DADA book and began to read up on ghosts. And he read. And read. And read. And barely found anything about what a Shade was. All that he knew was that you died when before your time. Maybe that was why he saw the sadness in your eyes.
He had every intention to be at Lupin’s class that day, but having Mythical Creatures beforehand, things hadn’t gone as planned.
“There’s always one,” Your voice sounded amused. “Why am I not surprised it was you, Little Malfoy?”
“It was the bloody hippogriff,” Draco snapped back.
“And somehow I don’t think that’s the entire truth,” You mused, hovering at his bedside. Until Pomfrey gave him the clear to leave, he was stuck with you.
“Won’t you just leave me alone?” He groaned, closing his eyes and laying back on the lumpy pillows of the hospital cot.
“Did you not want to learn about Shades? You’re going to miss Remus’ class after all,” The smile he heard in your voice made him look over to you, skeptical.
Your offer was tempting. Very tempting. He didn’t care much about magic other than excelling at it, therefore things that didn’t pertain to his advancement—mythical creatures and the like— held no inkling to him. And yet, you were a mystery he didn’t mind learning about. He wanted to know more about you. And you specifically.
“I guess, since I’m stuck here,” He tried to play it off as nonchalance, but you raised an eyebrow at him, seeing right through his charade.
“Well, Little Malfoy,” You hovered and perched on the end of his bed. “What do you know?”
“I... uh. Shades are people who have died before their time,” He stammered, not sure why he was so nervous.
“Quite,” You nodded. “Anything else?”
“Our book didn’t have anything else,” He admitted.
You went pensive a moment then nodded. “I suppose that you’d learn more about me in Divination than the Dark Arts,”
“Divination? You’ve got to be bloody joking! That class is a circus!” Draco exclaimed, wincing when he moved his arm too much.
“Perhaps,” You didn’t berate him, but seemed to be lost in thought once more. “But all Shades are tied to prophecies.”
“All of them?” Draco pressed.
“The fates understand that these souls left before their time, and give them another chance, a prophecy... to come back and live one more time.”
“So, you have the chance to live again?” His genuine curiosity seemed to shock both of you. “How?”
“If the prophecy is fulfilled, then I get to live again,” You said it as if it were obvious. 
“So, why haven’t you, I don’t know... fulfilled it?” Draco asked.
You laughed something sad and soft. “Don’t you think I’ve tried? I’ve read every prophecy, every book, every scribble. I’ve tried everything... after so many centuries, you give up hope and accept your fate,”
“But this wasn’t your fate,” He argued back. “You were meant to live, back then, whatever that life was,”
“Do you know what happened when I was young, before I died, Little Malfoy?” You spoke, and he could hear the age in your voice though you liked no older than he was. It was your sorrow that aged you. He waited for you to continue. “I was born in 1776, the year the Americans went to war with the King of England. At the time we were living in the French countryside with my aunt because my father had gone to fight in the war. He was a general,” A smile ghosted your lips. “My father died in the war... the battle of Yorktown... that’s what it’s called today. Back then it was just a letter and inheritance money that went to my brother,”
“Hang on, you’re saying that your father fought in the American War of Independence? Under the king?”
“So, he can be taught,” You smiled at him. “Yes, the king at the time was a wizard and until parliament and the ministry were born and declared that muggles and wizards should rule themselves. Of course, the ministry was formed in the beginning of that century, but it took the war for them to call the final straw.”
“So, your father died in the war, that doesn’t explain what happened to you,” Draco pointed out, deeply invested.
“Well, tell me, what happened in France after that war ended?”
“The French Revolution,”
Your warm smile had the same effect as the sun. “Yes, and as I said, I was in France at the time, being tutored at home for the summer. Muggle girls weren’t allowed to go to school back then... I travelled to Hogwarts to receive schooling and even then, I was only allowed to learn Herbology and Potions. At least those two classes stayed the same,” You sounded sad and wistful. “But the revolutionists were going for the rich, any sort of rich. And at the time, they saw knowledge as wealth and power, and I had a reputation for being able to read and attending a private school out of the country and well...”
“They killed you because you knew how to read?” Draco distressed, sitting up, enraptured by your tale. “That’s so... stupid,”
“It was. But perhaps it was my own fault, I wouldn’t deny that I could read. I was proud.” Your smile faded again as melancholy settled on your face. “Now it seems that’s all I do. Fate is funny like that...”
“You’re free to go Mr. Malfoy,” Madam Pomfrey’s voice seemed to draw you both from whatever world had been created with your words.
He had to blink a few times to come to grips with the fact that he was currently in the hospital wing at Hogwarts, and not centuries behind, trying to imagine death for the reason of knowledge. There was an awkward moment between the two of you as you both seemed to realize that you were no longer int eh late eighteenth century. You offered a smile and left without another word, a curious look on your face as you left.
That was the last time he saw you that day, and that week for that matter, but he always wondered what you were doing. What were you reading today? What was your prophecy? Was it really as hopeless as you said it was? Was there a reason that he found himself caring?
“Oh, hello Harry,” I stood from the corner of Remus’ office, intrigued that the young Potter had come. He looked so much like his father that my heart ached for Remus and to imagine what he felt when he saw Harry.
“Y/n,” Harry seemed surprised. “I... uh... you know Professor Lupin?”
“Well I was here when he went to Hogwarts himself, so yes, I’m quite fond of him if you can believe it,” I smiled as Remus eyed the situation.
“Is there something that you needed Harry?” Remus asked, trying to sound professional, but I could hear the sentiment in his voice.
“The map...” Harry turned slightly pink.
A smile grew on my face. “You have the Marauder’s Map?” I almost laughed. “How in the world did you get that? Oh, if your father knew,” I did laugh this time.
Remus shot me a sharp look and Harry looked at me in wonder.
“My father? You knew my father?” The realization seemed to dawn him.
“Yes, well,” Remus interjected sharply. “Don’t get caught again Potter,”
“Why haven’t you told him?” I demanded as soon as Harry left. “Remus, come on, that’s not fair to Harry,”
“I’m not the one to tell him though! I can’t be!” He protested and I could hear the anxiety in his voice.
“Remus, I’ve known you a long time. And I’ve known James and Lily. They would want you to talk to him. They would want you apart of his life,” I argued, or perhaps encouraged softly.
“Maybe you’re right,” Remus mumbled.
“Of course, I am,” I smiled. “It’ll work out Re, with Sirius, and with Harry,” 
“I hope you’re right,”
I left him to his thoughts and on my way to the library, I was ambushed by the younger Potter. Not that I wasn’t expecting it, I knew that Harry would have questions for me as soon as he knew I knew his father.
“Hello Harry,” I smiled.
“You know about my dad,” He burst out, hope in his eyes and tone.
“And your mother,” I smiled and perched on the windowsill nearby.
“Can you tell me about them? Please?” His eyes went glossy with tears that he blinked away.
“Your mother was bold, but still kind and gentle. She looked out for the little guy. She rooted for the underdog and protected the younger years of any House. She was always kind to me. Her and Remus both.” The memory was fond, if it was a memory. Did ghosts have memories after they were dead?
“And my dad?” He clung to every word.
“He... was a bit like you. Always finding trouble whether it was his fault or not. Totally deserved to be smacked a few times... but the war changed him. He grew up rather quickly. Into a protective caring young man. Almost everyone had eyes for him, but he only saw your mother,”
“Do... you think they would be proud of me?” His gaze dropped to his beat-up sneakers. 
“Harry,” I called his attention. “You’re their son, they’ll always be proud of you,” 
“No buts,” I interjected. “That’s all it takes for you to make them proud, I promise,”
He nodded and mumbled a thanks before taking off toward the Gryffindor dorm. Finding solace in the library, I began to read again. Maybe a week had passed. Perhaps two. I wasn’t sure. I was so wrapped up in my books that I became lost to time. Until a blond-haired boy came in, his nose stuck in a book.
“I was wondering when I’d see you again Little Malfoy,” I smiled, from my perch in the library. He didn’t acknowledge me, causing me to frown. “Draco?” I ghosted down and perched on the table next to him. “Are you ghosting a ghost?”
Though he ignored me I could see the smile that twitched at his lips. That gave me little hope. “Is everything alright?” I asked, genuine concern coloring my voice.
“Ask Potter,” Draco snapped. “You seem to fancy him lately,”
“Excuse me?” I was taken aback. “Harry? He just wanted to know about his parents, that’s all,” 
Draco frowned at this and he finally looked at me. “His parents?”
“Yes,” I rolled my eyes. “It’s not like he has a lot of people who know his parents and are willing to tell him anything. Dumbledore has made almost everyone vow not to talk to him, but what good is a vow to someone who’s already in the grave?” I shrugged. “Poor kid knows nothing,”
“I...” Draco didn’t seem to have the words. Instead he looked back down at his book. I smiled and rolled my eyes at his antics.
“If you care that much, you are still my favorite Little Malfoy,” His cheeks tinged pink and I laughed. “You’re something else Malfoy, you know that?”
“Says the girl who died for admitting that she could read instead of lying,” He raised an eyebrow at me. I chuckled and shrugged.
“Says the boy who avoided me for what, two weeks, because I talked to a boy about his dead parents,” I mused.
“It wasn’t two weeks,” Draco grumbled. “Nine days,” 
“Oh, forgive me,” I laughed. “Nine days.”
He smiled and looked back down at his notes. I think it was the first time I had ever seen him smile and not sneer.
“So, nine days,” He prompted. “I assume you haven’t left the library... read anything interesting?”
I laughed and somehow the hours passed as Draco and I spoke about books and stories we had read as kids, and the ones we were currently invested in. It shocked me to know that he was an avid reader, of fantasy novels, nonetheless. Though I had read just about everyone that he had mentioned, there were a few that I added to my mental list of his that I said I would check out. He seemed sincerely happy at my interest of the books he read.
“Father thought they were childish,” He muttered when I asked him about it. “Fairytales and fantasies,”
“That’s stupid,” I scoffed, and Draco gaped at me, aghast that I would dare to call something his father said ‘stupid.’ It made me pause. “You... you know you don’t have to always agree with your parents,”
His gaze cast downward. “I don’t want to disappoint them,”
My face furrowed. “You’re they’re son, that’s enough for them to be proud,”
“You don’t know my parents,” He scoffed, leaning back in his chair. “I think the last time they were proud of me, is when I was sorted into Slytherin.”
“I’m sure that’s not true,” I protested.
“You don’t know my parents,” Draco argued again.
“I do,” I retorted. “Or I did,”
The notion seemed to dawn on Draco as he stared up at me with wonder in his eyes. 
“You did,” He realized. “Can you tell me about them... have they always been so...” 
“Strict?” I offered.
“Suffocating,” Draco supplied.
I pressed my lips together and thought a moment.
“Your father, perhaps. I never spoke to him much, and he never paid me mind. But you mother,” I smiled at the memories that came flooding back. “She was bold, cunning. She loved her sisters with a fierce passion.” My smile. “The three of them were some of the brightest witches I’d ever seen,” I glanced over to him. “You have her eyes, her same spirit,”
A smile drew on his lips as his face turned a soft shade of pink. “Do you know that because you’re a ghost?” He mused.
“No, I’m just a girl who can read character pretty well. After seeing so many faces pass through here, and reading so many stories, there are those who stand out and stay with you. Your mother... she stood out to me. And I can see her in your eyes,” My demeanor softened as I realized the words I was saying and if I could have, I would have blushed.
“Thank you,” He whispered as the clock chimed a late hour.
“You should head back,” I sighed softly. “Get some rest,”
“Why don’t I ever see you near the Slytherin dorm?” Draco asked, gathering his things. 
“I’d rather not cross paths with the Baron,” I admitted.
“The Baron? Why?” Draco frowned; his bag slung over his shoulder.
“Never you mind,” I smiled. “Get to bed Little Malfoy,”
“Don’t call me that,” He grumbled, trudging out of the library.
The night progressed as did the month and I went from one book to another, soon searching for a book I hadn’t in a long time. My diary from when I was alive. Published as its own book that I had found a few decades ago. Tucked into the pages was what held my fate. My prophecy.
I went to the shelf in which I knew my book had its home, but it wasn’t there. Instead a sliver of time carved away by my missing book. Drifting over to Pince I asked her about where my book had gone. She told me that Malfoy had checked it out and had it for about a week—since the day we spent in the infirmary together.
For the first time in a long time I felt... embarrassed that my story and thoughts were on display for anyone to read. I never cared before, but this felt different.
Cursing the late hour, I knew that there was no way to get to Draco now. The Bloody Baron was protective about other ghosts coming into the Slytherin dorms. I’d have to find him in the morning then. I considered loitering outside the Slytherin portrait, but I also did not want to go anywhere near the Bloody Baron. I had heard and read enough.
So instead I headed to the Astronomy Tower to watch the stars again, having silent conversations with them, wondering if they’d ever grant me life again.
“You’re glowing,”
The voice startled me enough that I actually jumped. The irony of scaring a ghost. I turned to see Draco behind me, his eyes glued to my shimmering skin.
“Yes, all ghosts do it under the moon and stars,” I noted. “By the way, can I have my book back?” I stood, going over to him.
“Your book?” He questioned.
“My book,” I restressed. “My diary? That you have from the library? The one that has my—” I stopped myself.
“Your prophecy.” Draco finished, offering me the book that he had drawn from his robes. “Yeah, I know.”
I stared at him curiously, pulling the book back into the security of my arms, where it belonged. That uncertain feeling returned to my chest.
“You know it’s rude to read a girl’s diary,” I retorted, defensive.
“It’s a published book in the library, anyone can read it,” Draco rolled his eyes. I gave him a flat look and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “So, have you figured out what it means?”
I sighed softly and shook my head in defeat. “The only thing I’m sure of is the great star is Sirius,”
“Sirius, like Sirius Black? Escaped Azkaban criminal?” Draco exasperated.
“Well, the star is his name sake. But I’m sure you of all people know that Draco,” I raised an eyebrow at him. “Your family has a knack for celestial namesakes. If I remember correctly, Sirius is your mother’s cousin,”
“What?” Draco demanded. “No! There is no way!”
“Draco,” I reached out for him in vain as he paced in anger and confusion. “Draco will you calm down?” I nearly shouted.
“Calm down!? How can I when I know that I’m related to that criminal!?” He demanded.
“Sirius isn’t a criminal!” I argued back. “He didn’t kill Peter or those people!” I gasped, covering my mouth in shame, my eyes wide. That was a secret that I wasn’t supposed to tell.
“What do you mean he didn’t kill those people?” Draco sneered, stalking up to me.
“I—I’m not supposed to...” I took a step back, ghostly tears welling in my eyes. “I wasn’t supposed to... Merlin,” I cried, sliding to the ground.
Draco’s demeanor changed from anger to worried and concerned. Not that I noticed through my distress. I felt as if I had just betrayed one of my best friends.
“Y/n, what... what in the world are you talking about?” Draco asked sitting beside me, a failed attempt to reach out and comfort me.
“I promised. I promised I wouldn’t tell what I knew until the time was right,” I sobbed. “Bloody hell, he’ll never trust me again,” I squeaked.
“Who?” Draco demanded.
I looked at him, wide eyed with fear, shaking my head softly. “I... I can’t. I’m sorry Draco,”
I dematerialized and rematerialized in a quiet portion of the castle grounds, away from the rest of the students, among the woods. The trees welcomed me and the further I walked in, the less tied to the castle I felt. I came to a lake and sat beside it. Crying tears that would never fall in my undead state, I stared at the water and my lack of reflection.
“I’m so sorry Sirius,” I wept softly. “I didn’t mean to tell him... I was just defending you,”
“I’m surprised you kept the secret this long,”
Again, I jumped, startled by the voice behind me.
“Hey there Spooks,” Sirius gave a lopsided smile, the years in Azkaban resting in his eyes and in the lines on his face.
“Sirius,” I gasped. “What are you doing? It’s not safe here!” I protested.
“I couldn’t leave my girl to cry, now could I?” He smirked, before his expression sobered.
 “You should,” I sniffed. “I’m so sorry Sirius, it slipped out,”
“I know,” He held his hands up in a calming effort. “I knew it would, and it’s okay. Who did you tell? It wasn’t Moony was it?”
“No,” I looked down. “But you need to tell him Sirius, he deserves to know,”
“He won’t even talk to me. He thinks that I betrayed James and Lily and killed all of his friends,” Sirius toed at the dirt—the same tick he had in his Hogwarts years when he had been caught in a lie or prank.
“But you didn’t,” I protested. “He still loves you Sirius, I can see it in his eyes and when he talks about you and James...”
“He—no,” Sirius shook his head. “That’s not for you to worry about,”
“Do not make me mother you,” I threatened. “Talk to Remus,”
“I will,” Sirius sighed. “When the time is right,”
“As a girl who’s waited for centuries for the right time... talk to him as soon as you can,” There was a pity-filled look on his face that I brushed off.
“Any luck with that? Your prophecy?” He seemed almost hopeful.
“No,” I sighed. “But there is one who took the time to ask this year. Like Remus did his first year,” The memory was a soft spot for both of us.
“You were his first friend,” Sirius smiled at the same memory. “So, who is it this year?” 
“Little Malfoy,”
Sirius snorted. “We both know you don’t have a sense of humor, drop the act,”
“I’m ser—” He gave me a look and I paused to rephrase. “I’m telling the truth. It was Draco who asked, who read my diary, and knows about the prophecy,” I hesitated. “He’s also the one I told,” My gaze dropped to the ground waiting for the backlash.
“Malfoy!?” Sirius demanded. “You told Malfoy!?”
“I’m sorry! I told you I was sorry!” I shouted back, bristling, feeling my body shudder. Sirius seemed to notice and took a few paces away and composed himself.
I dared to speak. “All he knows is that you didn’t kill Peter. That’s all. I’m so sorry Sirius,” I turned, and he was gone. “Fine! Leave!” I shouted. “Like always... like everyone...”
I let out a scream of frustration that was carried away with the wind. Letting out a sigh of defeat I wandered up to the castle again.
“Y/n?” For the third time tonight, I jumped at the call of my name. It was Draco again.
 “Draco, look,” I started. “I...”
“No,” He stopped me softly. “I’m sorry... I...” He shook his head and took off down the hall towards the Slytherin dorms. Chasing after him, he was too far gone, and I was face to face with the Baron.
“Oh, could this night get any worse?” I shouted to no one in particular. “I don’t mean to trespass, apologies.”
“Stay out of my territory and away from my students, you little harlot,” The Baron sneered. 
“Gladly,” I growled back. “Arse,” I muttered as I ghosted back to the upper levels of the castle.
Utterly lost on what to do, I found myself by the Black Lake, staring up at the moon and stars. I stayed there until the sun rose over the dark waters, painting the valleys in a golden light. I remained there, watching the sun and moon dance in the sky in an unchangeable waltz that continued for eternity.
“They said you were out here,”
I didn’t jump this time at the sound of his voice as the moon rose to her duet again.
“Hello, Draco,” I murmured softly. “Come to watch the stars with me?”
“Sure,” I could hear the smile in his voice as he sat beside me on the bank of the lake, the only sound was the music of the night, the lake lapping at the small beach, and his gentle breaths.
“I... I’m really sorry,” He murmured softly. “For that night, I didn’t mean to get so angry. I wasn’t upset with you...” Silence fell softly between us. “My parents never told me... I wrote to my mother...” My eyes widened as I gazed over at him, his pale skin almost having the same affect that mine did in the moon light. “I never knew...”
“I’m sorry,” I offered.
“Merlin don’t apologize to me,” He laughed hopelessly.
“Well I did sort of freak out on you, so... sorry.”
He shrugged and his gaze fixed on the moonlit water. “My father thinks it’s absurd that I’m talking to you... and I think my mother is slightly worried about me for it,”
“Any particular reason?” I mused.
“Father has always been against those different than him in any way... my mother probably worries that I’m not making friends...talking to ghosts...” A smile toyed at his lips at the mention of his mother.
“Are we not friends then?” I teased lightly, causing him to laugh.
“Sure,” He rolled his eyes at me, this time causing me to laugh. “Do you miss them?” He asked after a quiet moment.
“Your parents... your family?” He seemed almost afraid to ask.
I pondered the question. “Yes, sometimes... but I’ve spent a lot of years wasting tears that will never fall over people I can never see again... you move on and learn to live after a while... well as much as a ghost can live,”
“You can’t cry, can you?” He came to the fact easier and saner than most did.
I shook my head. “I can feel bitter sorrow, the worst loss, but I can never shed a tear,” I chuckled humorlessly. “The irony, I have the most to mourn and I can’t even cry,”
“I’m sorry,”
I shrugged. “I’ve lived a long time without being able to cry... just reminds me that I’ll never be quite human again,”
“But you could be,” He had more hope than I ever had about the fact. 
“Yeah,” I scoffed. “That stupid prophecy,”
“I don’t think it’s stupid,”
“You’ve haven’t spent centuries wondering what it meant,” I argued back:
“In the days when evil lurks around every corner; 
The condemned will become innocent; 
And the innocent will become condemned; 
True love can reanimate a deceased heart; 
Under the star of Great Dog; 
She will become alive as time is altered; 
Two souls will be set free that day as the star takes her place.”
“True love,” I scoffed again; my lips pressed together. “Like some sort of stupid fairytale,” 
“I thought you said that fairytales weren’t stupid,” Draco raised an eyebrow at me smirking.
“They’re not,” I rolled my eyes. “Believing that there’s true love out there to save me? That’s stupid,”
“Then maybe there’s no hope for any of us,” Draco sighed. “If someone like you can’t find true love, where’s the hope for the rest of us,”
A smile ghosted me lips at his words as I looked over to him, his eyes still trained on the water.
“You’re really sweet sometimes, you know that Malfoy?” His eyes darted to mine as his cheeks tinged pink.
“Will you come back inside?” He asked softly. “The library isn’t as interesting without you there,”
“Sure,” I smiled warmly at him.
Fall turned to winter turned to spring, and Draco and I spent a lot more time together than I cared to admit. He was almost easier to talk to than anyone else I had met. And that was saying something, because I knew Remus Lupin, who was fascinated with my fascination of the young Malfoy.
But all the same, I found myself crave Draco’s company more and more and cursing the Baron for not letting me see him while he was in his dorm. It was rough when he came down with a cold and I wasn’t able to see him for a week. No number of books could distract me from the fact that he wasn’t there to talk to. That he wasn’t here to talk to me. I had never missed anyone like this before.
But when he felt better, we’d press curfew to mere minutes just to get another word in with each other. Then he’d have to be human and I’d have to remember that I didn’t belong in his world and never could. It didn’t stop me, however, from finding and talking to him the next day. Or the day after that. Or the day after that.
Then there was a day in late spring that caught my attention as Sirius had finally gotten to Harry and his friends, but things had gone from bad to worse as I watched the scene unfold, doing the only thing I could think of, I spirited away to find Remus. He would know what to do, he would know how to help.
After I had explained what I had seen, Remus grabbed his wand and took off towards the Whomping Willow. I followed him, and as soon as I left the castle, I felt the dark presence of the dementors around me.
“No!” I shouted, going up to meet them, and for the first time in a long time gave into my spiritual power, long enough to hold them off and let Remus pass through safely.
I hovered over the Shrieking Shack, keeping the dementors as bay, away from Sirius, away from Remus. They didn’t dare to go near my pure light that was amplified by the full moon. Soon I saw the three of them emerge, Peter in chains, when the light of the full moon hit my little Remus.
With a cry of desperation, I did my best to keep the dementors away as I watched the horrors unfold before me before I couldn’t take it any long and chased after Remus, who was not a wolf into the wood.
“Remus!?” I shouted; my voice lost with the wind. “Remus, it’s me! Please come out!” I caught sight of Hermione and Harry and gestured that they should leave, and quickly. “Remus!?”
I heard a growl and turned, seeing golden scared eyes. 
“Hey,” I cooed softly. “You’re alright, you can’t hurt me,” 
A pained howl left his lips.
“I know,” I replied. “But you’re going to be alright, let get you back, yeah? To Prongs and Pads, they’re waiting for you.” Tears I wanted to cry weren’t shed at the pitiful heartbreaking whine that left his lips.
But he let me lead him back to the Shrieking Shack all the same. I stayed with him until McGonagall and Dumbledore came. There was a soft thank you from the both of them. I drifted back to the castle, pacing in anxiety.
“Y/n?” It was Draco’s voice. I turned.
“Draco, it’s not safe!” I squeaked. “What are you doing out of bed!?”
“I had to see you,” He confessed. “There are rumors, about Black and Lupin... I thought you’d... Are you alright?”
“Draco, really,” I glanced around, cursing that I couldn’t drag him inside to where it was safer. “It’s not safe for you out here,”
“Bloody hell, Y/n, what about you!?”
“I’m already dead! So, unless you’d like to join me!” I shouted, realizing after the fact what I had said. “Draco, I didn’t mean that,”
“You’re keeping things from me,” It was a broken accusation. “About Sirius, about Remus,”
“Draco, please,” I pulled away. “I... I have to go, I have to make sure that he’s alright,” My eyes trailed up to the top of the tower, knowing that I may have been the reason that Sirius was in chains again.
“No!” Draco shouted, drawing my attention.
He had never demanded anything of me before, not like this. It wasn’t the fact that he told me to stop, it was the notion that he had found his own voice in it that caused me to pause. I waited for him to continue.
“I’ve spent all year, all of my three years here, knowing you, and getting to know you and I’m not going to let you walk away again! I want to know! I don’t want this you can’t tell me act. If anyone, you can tell me. Can’t you trust me? Please,” His voice broke, unshed tears in his eyes.
“Draco,” My non-material heart broke a bit as he stood before me, vulnerable. Shaking and terrified I nodded. “Remus... is a werewolf. Sirius is an Animagus. Peter betrayed the Potters, and Sirius went to confront him. Peter faked his death and killed all those people and it was blamed on Sirius...” In my nervousness I began to ramble:
“...and Sirius and Remus confronted Peter tonight and Harry and his friends were there and I had to fight off dementors so that Sirius would be okay because I couldn’t bear to see him get hurt for something he didn’t do and then I had to go and help Remus because it’s a full moon and he won’t hurt me but for the love of merlin he will hurt you so will you please go inside!”
Draco gaped at me, in utter disbelief.
“Please Draco, go inside,”
“Only if you come with me,” He recovered.
My thoughts for Sirius were forgotten as I took a step closer to him. Instead, all I could see and focus on was the heartbreak on his face and the hand that he held out for me. A hand that I wanted to accept but knew that I couldn’t because I would phase right through him. Never had I loathed being dead so much but in that moment when all I wanted to do was comfort him.
For the first time in almost two hundred years, tears slid down my cheeks. I barely noticed. 
“Please,” His voice shook as did his hand as it remained extended to me. “Please, Y/n,” 
The moon fell behind the mountains as the sun shed her first light onto us.
And with reckless abandon, I reached out for him, for his hand. In desperation and false hope, closing my eyes, knowing my heart would never break more that in the next few moments for not being a part of his world.
Then my hand felt softness and warmth.
I gasped and jerked back, and Draco seemed to realize this as I did.
“You just...” He stammered.
“I...” Trembling, I held my hand up, the sunlight no longer passing through it but refracting off of it. I finally reached up and felt the wetness of tears on my cheeks as I gasped in pure joy.
“I’m human,” I laughed, “I’m human!” I marveled at my rosy skin and the soft green fabric of my dress as I felt the grass beneath my feet. After a moment, I, at last, looked to Draco, who seemed to be frozen in a state of wonder and disbelief, and almost... scared.
“Draco,” I called softly, “It’s me,” I offered my hand to him, the grin not leaving my face. 
“You’re... and...”
I nodded and smiled, taking a step closer to him. “Not scared of ghosts, are you?” I teased softly.
He finally laughed and took my hand, pulling me close, into the comfort of his arms. I began to cry again because for the first time in two hundred and fifty years, I was hugged. I clung to him, my fingers marveling at the softness of his shirt, trailing up into his hair.
“Merlin,” Draco pulled away softly. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this,”
Before I could ask him what he meant—or argue that I had been waiting longer than he ever had—he pressed his lips to mine, and in that moment, I swear I could have died all over again in his arms.
In the days when evil lurks around every corner, 
The condemned will become innocent,
And the innocent will become condemned.
True love can reanimate a deceased heart, 
Under the star of Great Dog,
She will become alive as time is altered; 
Two souls will be set free that day as the star takes her place.
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beautifully beastly
hufflepuff series
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thaliagrayce · 3 years
okay so i know this post didn’t take off w y’all as much as it did with me, but i wrote a thing about it anyway because the concept wouldn’t leave me alone. i had fun :)
The gods wanted to kill Jason. The grownups never told him why, but he could see it was true in the glances he got and the extra kindness from the people wandering the streets, like sugary words would make him forget that he wasn’t allowed to leave New Rome. The gods wanted to kill Jason and that made him scary, but his dad was the biggest and most powerful god, which made him good and worth keeping around. Or maybe it made him scarier? Jason couldn’t tell, the grownups didn’t say.
When he was with Lupa, she never held her words back around him. She told him he never should’ve been born and so that’s why he was in trouble. She said his dad made a mistake. She also said that Jason was her favorite human pup, and that he was the one thing his dad had done right recently.
She was honest, but that didn’t make her less confusing. At least she talked to him like a person.
“Oh, Jason, not so close to the river!” The nice lady that ran the bakery down the block grabbed Jason’s wrist, pulling him back from the Little Tiber. He hadn’t even been that close, he’d just seen a pretty yellow flower growing a few feet from the banks. He’d wanted to pick it.
“But the flower,” he told the nice lady, pointing at it. Surely, if she understood that he wasn’t going to fall in the river, she’d let him go.
“Oh,” she said. She smiled at him, but it looked a little pinched. “How about I go get it for you?” She let go of his wrist, but moved between him and the river before he could even think about getting the flower himself. She picked it quickly and brought it back, crouching in front of him and tucking it behind his ear. Her hand lingered by the side of his face.
“There. That’s a really pretty one!” She smiled at him again, but he could still see something other than happiness. “Next time you want something that close to the river, go get someone to help you, alright? You know it’s not safe for you to go close to water.”
He nodded. He’d been told. The gods wanted to kill him, and water was dangerous. Underground was dangerous. The world outside of New Rome was so dangerous he wasn’t allowed to go out, even if he had grownups with him. He was going to start his training soon, and if he trained hard enough and got tough enough, maybe he could go as far as the borders in a few years.
Lupa was outside and Lupa drank from rivers and Lupa said he would be fine as long as he was brave, but the grownups here didn’t listen when he said that. They picked his flowers for him and smiled with fear.
Bobby had a broken arm and Gwen was exhausted almost to the point of collapse and it was Jason’s fault because the gods had a grudge against him, specifically. This was supposed to be a fairly minor quest. It was the first time he had been allowed to leave New Rome, and apparently the monsters hadn’t liked that. He crouched low in front of his friends and bared his teeth at the monster in front of them, brain scrambling for any solution that might let them out of this situation alive. He’d worked so hard for this, he’d been training for years to be good enough to survive in the outside world. He wasn’t about to let a monster—even if it was one of the furies themselves—prove him incapable.
“Where is it?” the thing snarled at him. She’d been saying that a lot. The fury had been tracking them for miles and they had almost made it back to camp when she caught up with them, demanding Jason stop and fight her. Jason specifically, even though this wasn’t even his quest, even though he was the youngest on the team.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Jason could feel the frustration in his chest. He gestured behind his back, desperately hoping Gwen remembered the hand signs they had been drilling lately. She was older than him, but he had been in the legion longer and he wasn’t sure if she’d had enough training for it to be second-nature in an intense situation like this. Take Bobby to the tunnel. Retreat. We’re so close, I’ll distract her.
“You and that Jackson boy think you’re so clever, don’t you?” Me and who? “If you tell me where it is, I might find a nice, light punishment for you—almost no fire involved!”
Jason bit back a snarl, something that he had recently realized most people—people who had spent less time with Lupa—didn’t have to do nearly as much. He readjusted his grip on his sword, which had been slipping. It wasn’t much use trying to reason with monsters, but if it bought his friends more time…
“Whatever it is you’re looking for, I don’t have it.”  He kept his voice as even as he could, hoping he sounded mature and steady instead of somewhere around ten years old and scared enough that he could feel the tears lurking just beneath his adrenaline. “Why don’t you leave my friends and I alone and go looking for it somewhere else.”
She narrowed her eyes at him and brandished her leathery whip. Tiny tongues of flame danced up the length of it, and he could see them reflected in her eyes as she took a step closer.
“How about this, son of Jupiter. Why don’t you—”
She cut herself off suddenly, narrowing her eyes and cocking her head to the side. Her face took on a distant expression, and Jason used the temporary distraction to cut a glance to Gwen and Bobby. Gwen looked back to him, mystefied, but Bobby’s eyes were tightly shut as he clutched his arm. Jason took a step back and made a much more obvious gesture toward the tunnel, to which Gwen nodded.
The fury blinked slowly and scowled, coming out of whatever trance had taken her over.
“It’s your lucky day, godspawn. You were telling the truth.” Jason gritted his teeth. “We’ve found the culprit, and I have more important things to do.” With one last dramatic crack of her whip, she dissolved in flames, leaving the three of them alone on a hillside not far from the Caldecott Tunnel.
Bobby whimpered. Jason flipped his sword back into a coin and slipped it into his pocket, hands shaking slightly now that the danger had passed. He could feel the tears from earlier pressing up, but what kind of son of Jupiter would cry in front of his companions? Even now, as the youngest in this team of three, age twelve at the most, they looked to him for direction. He swallowed thickly and pulled Bobby’s non-broken arm around his shoulders, taking his weight off of Gwen and allowing her a much needed break. She nodded at him, grateful.
The gods wanted to kill him, but they hadn’t succeeded yet. He was only getting stronger as he grew. His first quest had been successful, despite all the monsters they had thrown at him.The gods wanted to kill him, but Jason had people to protect now, friends that he needed to get to safety. A home and a family, even if he didn’t quite feel like he belonged in either.
The gods wanted to kill him, but Jason wasn’t going to die.
It was because his father had broken an oath, apparently. There was a reason that Jason had never met anyone like himself, and that reason was every war in the history of humanity. Demigods born of the Big Three gods were too powerful and too prone to argument. Jupiter wasn’t supposed to have children, but here Jason was, and the other gods were angry about that. They wanted to punish Jupiter for his mistake.
Lupa said that there had been others like him, demigods that never found her. That they had been killed for the sin of being alive, been overrun by the worst monsters available. That Jason had done well to fight and train as hard as he had been. Lupa was not exactly the comforting type, but Jason still felt much more at ease around her than back at camp. Lupa didn’t hold back, and she didn’t look at him like his father’s power defined him. He was just another demigod pup to her.
Well. He was her favorite, but that wasn’t because of his father.
He broke out of his thoughts, where he had been staring out of the ruins of the Wolf House, and brought his attention back to Lupa. She looked completely unconcerned about the information she had given him.
“That’s why everyone was so cautious about water, isn’t it. Neptune must be angry about the broken promise.”
Lupa blinked at him, a confirmation. I doubt that the cowards in charge can keep their leash on you for much longer. You are capable of defending yourself.
That was why he was there, actually. After all, he’d fought and killed the Trojan Sea Monster in his last quest—what worse could the ocean throw at him? After an encounter with a fury proved ineffective, what could the underworld send? The first thing Jason had done with permission to leave New Rome was visit the only place that had ever felt like home.
Lupa’s pack didn’t look to him for orders, or come to him with difficult questions, or ask him when he would petition for praetorship. They wrestled him into the dirt and mocked him for cooking his meat before he ate it and told him the truth about so many things in his life that people tried to hide. Wolves don’t care if a truth was ugly. Truth was truth.
He watched two wolves tumble over each other, playfully bearing their fangs and growling in a way that meant “friend” instead of “back off”. It had been a long time ago, but some of his earliest memories were those teeth and that tone of growling. It had taken a lot of effort to stop trying to bite people he liked when he got to New Rome.
“Will it ever stop? The attacks?”
How should I know? Lupa got up from where she had been laying. As long as you are strong, it doesn’t matter.
Jason watched as she lumbered over to the two playing wolves, jumping into the middle of their game and immediately establishing herself as the wolf in charge.
The problem was, Jason wasn’t sure he wanted to be strong. He would be, he had to be in order to survive, but he thought ahead to a life of constant vigilance and constant training, of a life lived within the ranks of the legion for his own survival.
He was tired, but what other choice was there?
There was a partial prophecy in the Sibylline Books. They didn’t have the full wording, because the books had burned with Rome, but one of the fragments concerned him. Jason had taken to staring at the place where it had been carved into the floor of the temple to Jupiter. He passed it on the way to give tribute to his father, and it always made the back of his neck prickle.
Written, it didn’t make much sense, but it called to him nevertheless.
A half-blood of the eldest gods
Shall reach sixteen again—
And see the wo—
The hero’s soul, curse—
A single choice shall end—
Olympus to preserve or raze
Had it come to pass already? Jason didn’t think so, Octavian had become obsessed with these bits of verse lately. He would have been crowing his theories to the entire legion if he’d thought he solved one of the ancient prophecies.
There’s no saying that it hadn’t already come to pass, but Jason was still nervous. Nobody else brought the prophecy up, but Krios loomed. The titan’s seat of power was growing in the west, and the legion was preparing for war. If anything in his lifetime was going to possibly raze Olympus, it wold be soon. If this prophecy was going to happen within this lifetime, it was going to happen soon—Jason was the only demigod in New Rome it could possibly apply to. The other gods had kept their pact. Jason was the only child of the Big Three.
The problem was, he had no idea how old he was. He didn’t think he’d reached sixteen once, let alone again, but nobody could be sure without knowing his birthday. He could realistically be anywhere between fourteen and sixteen, so maybe he didn’t have to worry about it.
Then again, if he was already sixteen, maybe he was due for a second sixteenth birthday soon. If that prophecy was about him. It could be any day now. It might or might not be about him and it might or might not bring about the downfall of Olympus and it might or might not be happening today, or tomorrow, or the day after that.
Jason trained harder.
He wasn’t alone. There was a boy at camp now who said he was an ambassador of Pluto, that he was Pluto’s son, that he had brought his sister—another child of Pluto, another demigod like Jason—to train here. How was that possible? The Big Three were forbidden from having children, and yet.
Hazel’s wide eyes and the way she gripped a sword told Jason right off that she was new to this world, but Nico had a sword hanging off of his belt, blacker than any metal Jason had ever seen before and scratched with heavy use. As Jason watched, Nico took it out and moved it slowly, a demonstration for his sister. Jason could see the years of training behind it. Nico didn’t use a style that Jason was familiar with, but his motions were clearly practiced. For a moment, he glanced at where Jason and Reyna stood side by side, observing the children of Pluto. It was only a moment, though, before he went back to gently correcting his sister’s grip, smiling when she got it right, murmuring praise too soft for Jason to pick up.
All his life, Jason had been respected, admired, and feared in equal measure. The gods had wanted to kill him, but he had proven unkillable. He had faced a fury, felled the Trojan Sea Monster, and toppled the throne of Krios. He had been raised on a shield after the battle at Mount Tam, but he had been raised on a pedestal even before that—he’d been separated from his fellow demigods because of his parentage and the power he never asked for. He’d had more attention than he’d ever wanted since he first came here.
The Ambassador of Pluto gave the impression that he was unimpressed when he had first met Jason. He hadn’t even reacted when Jason was introduced as the son of Jupiter.
Frankly, it was a rush. Jason had never wanted to get to know someone so badly before. He wanted to ask Nico how he survived out there on his own, wanted to ask how he trained, how freedom felt.
He had to warn both of them about the prophecy. Jason wasn’t alone anymore, and if he died before his sixteenth birthday— his second sixteenth birthday? Was he already sixteen?—one of them would inherit. It wouldn’t be a fun conversation, but Jason was more and more sure by the day that this prophecy was about their generation. The peace of the world was so fragile right now.
He would do it in the morning. Nico usually stayed for a few days before disappearing again, and Jason didn’t want to interrupt his time with his sister. He would take the two of them to his father’s temple in the morning, show them the fragment of prophecy on the floor. Maybe Nico knew more about it, with how often he was around his father.
Jason would find out tomorrow.
He woke up on a school bus somewhere warm and dry with a prickling on the back of his neck that said he shouldn’t be here. The outside world was dangerous, and he had to be vigilant. He had to prepare.
Outside of where, he didn’t know. Vigilant against what, he didn’t know.
He was running out of time on a clock he couldn’t read, and he was afraid.
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P S Y C H (ch.1)
I hate definition intros but it has to be done: The word "PSYCH" is commonly used online and in conversation as a slang term to indicate that something that has just been said or typed was intended as a prank on the recipient or a joke.
Also short for Psychic
Next Chapter
Say what you want about organized religion, but you can’t deny that it is one of the most dangerous weapons on the planet. For centuries people have developed weapons and fought wars in the name of their beliefs. They’ve conquered lands and assimilated nations. Give the people superpowers and there’s no way people don’t die on a daily basis. Unless you give them lame ass powers and call them quirks. God’s funny like that. Most people get run of the mill things like the ability to draw small objects close to them. That way there’s a power imbalance in the world. It’s less chaos if only a select few get the good abilities. Less people question God’s authority that way. Those who get the awesome superpowers are seen as blessed, divine. Honored.  
[Mo.Name] [L.Name] was not blessed. She was liked by God at best. Being an empath, her quirk was not something to marvel at. If she worked hard to develop it, she could use her quirk offensively and defensively or even professionally but she would never be someone who was in charge of maintaining the world order. 
As she grew older she would become disillusioned with God and the blessed individuals that policed over the nations. They called themselves heroes, and a few people were but everything about hero society just didn’t sit well with her. She became a teacher instead and worked with kids with special needs. When they had trouble expressing themselves she could use her quirk to get a feel for what they needed in the moment or she could project enough calmness that they could pull themselves together and communicate without throwing a fit. 
She had a kid at a young age. 30 years old. Not too young and not too old. But by the time she was 35 she was a single mother. Her kid was the best. He didn’t cry too often and he learned how to speak very young. He soaked up information like a sponge and he didn’t develop a flashy quirk like the heroes she felt mild contempt for. Her baby was ignored by God.
“No one is born equal. Yadda yadda yadda- How long has he been planning this monologue? No seriously it’s been playing in his head since the day (not really) we first met and I’m kind of bored of it now”
Izuku Midoriya was not a late bloomer. He never got his quirk, he has the extra toe joint, and he was bullied for being powerless. A Deku. [Name] [L.Name] WAS a late bloomer. He got teased a little, picked on. Sometimes people even gave him pitying looks. But it all ended  when he turned about six. There’s that old saying: two roads diverged in a yellow wood. Well one of those roads is for those scorned, and the other for those who who were touched by fire yet never burned. The sinner and the saint. What a traveller wouldn’t know is, that at some point, the roads converge. How else are they supposed to get to the same destination?
Wonder, outsiders..who is on which road? What makes the sinner a sinner and not a saint?
“Using your quirk in public is illegal”
“And minding your own business is free” [Name] bit back. What’s a little telekinesis gonna do? Cause mass destruction? Widespread panic? He just didn’t want to touch the handle on the door. Public spaces are very unsanitary... it’s not like his arms are too sore to do any sort of lifting. Nope. Not at all.
[Name] had unfortunately spent the entire weekend doing his least favorite activity. Physical exercise. Of course with a quirk like his he’d rarely ever need physical strength, but that’s exactly what everyone else would think. And [Name] is the type of kid that wants you to doubt him so he can feel the rush of proving you wrong. It’s a warped mindset but when no one ever expects anything from you, it’s kind of a thrill to see the surprised looks on their faces. A psychic with impressive physical strength would be the same as someone 5’6 (167.6 cm) dominating a sport made for tall people. Like basketball. Or volleyball.
Anyway, [Name] was in the sportswear store, a place he’d rather not be caught dead in, trying to get support for his wrists. Most of his quirk usage was through precise hand movements, a slight flick of the wrist could easily send someone flying. His hands, and by extension his wrists were very important. A punch thrown wrong during training could fracture that oh so important wrist, hence the whole idea of getting wrist wraps. 
For once [Name] was actually being proactive and he was very proud of himself for thinking of the idea in the first place. His eyes glowed golden as he reached his hand out to grab the wraps floating down from the top shelf. The UA exams were in about a week and a half and he had no idea what to expect. So he would train for everything they could throw at him. Even if it meant he had to go back to throwing punches at an oversized bag of sand.
[Name] used his telekinesis so often the drawback was nearly negligible. But if he did overuse it, the damage was a headache that could range from minor inconveniences like losing your chapstick, to a grenade going off in an enclosed space. The big ones weren’t usually the problem. The problem would be somewhere in the middle, because it would cause him to lose control of his telepathy, and once the headache combined with the voices of everyone in a 50 meter vicinity his brain would get seriously overwhelmed. Ultimately he’d be passed out on the ground within 5 minutes. 
For the first year and a half of middle school three times a week [Name] would have fighting training along with weight training, alternating days so that he’d have a break in between each session. This was all pretty much to catch up with his rapidly developing quirk. [Name]’s body wasn’t prepared for the use of his quirk. He grew to the age of 6 doing things normally until his untapped power literally exploded out of him. Talk about damage control. For quirk training he usually offered to help his neighbor who ran a junkyard by lifting cars and other heavy things telekinetically. An unofficial part of the training regime, [Name] would also read other people’s thoughts all day everyday. He said it was to get used to hearing others’ voices in his head. But that was only a half truth. [Name] was just extremely nosy, but he went about it in a casual way. He probably should apologize for the invasion of privacy but he loved every minute of it. Besides, listening to the spirits of others could be considered a god-honored practice.
On the day of the entrance exams [Name] regretted everything. He’d decided to become a hero for fun, less than two weeks prior (the whole reason he went to the sportswear store and started working out again), and by the grace of god he was regretting it. Not because he was nervous he’d fail, at least he wasn’t before he got there. It was just SO loud. He’d gotten better at controlling his quirk since he began using telepathy to eavesdrop but the last time he was in a room full of this many people was the middle school entrance ceremony (which he skipped halfway through because of a headache. By the way how could so many kids sitting in silence be so loud). It made sense, he was not used to having to deal with the noise of people muttering, thinking, PANICKING. And now that his quirk is stronger than what it was before everything felt ten times worse. [Name] leaned forward and tapped the green haired boy sitting in front of him muttering. Not only could he hear the boy’s thoughts going a mile a minute but his mouth was too. The kid whipped around eyes wide and shook nervously. [Name] was about to ask him to quiet down but got confused when he made sense of the kid’s thoughts. 
The kid was obviously a fanboy muttering about Present Mic who was getting on [Name]’s nerves a little with his exorbitant amount of energy. Before [Name] could say anything the ash-blonde near the fanboy spoke up.
“He’s probably telling you to shaddup”
The green haired boy opened his mouth to apologize and then realized he would be making more noise and quickly shut it before nodding profusely. [Name] was tired of referring to them by their hair colors and may have invaded the fanboy’s head for some background information on the two and got more than he bargained for. The fanboy whose name was apparently Izuku, was not only sitting next to Bakugou, his childhood bully, but just this morning he had gained an immense amount of power, officially becoming All Might’s successor. Oh look, two of them would be taking the exam in the same area. Things at UA were gonna get interesting.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
I Knew You Were Trouble
I got really inspired today. This is another crossover fic. It’s actually with one of my all-time favorite childhood movies. Can you guess the crossover before the end?
 Marinette knew he was trouble the second he walked in.
           Like there was nothing Marinette was surer about than the fact that she was in some serious trouble.
           Not school trouble. Not friend trouble. Not boy trouble. Not bully trouble.
           No. The trouble that resulted in Marinette’s parents attending her funeral.
“Care to introduce yourself,” Bustier smiled at her newest student.
           The boy gave the class a polite smile, “Kal.”
           Marinette swallowed hard as she fought the urge to run from the classroom; run, call her grandmother, never look back. But she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. Her Aunt Aggie had always told her to be brave when faced when the forces of evil.
           She wouldn’t run from the likes of Kal.
           Marinette just had one question.
           How was he here? How was he alive? How did he look exactly the same now as he did in the pictures from twenty years ago?
           Her cousin had destroyed him, like she did his father. In the battle of light versus darkness; good versus evil, Good won. Light won. Kal had been sucked into an endless void, dead, never to be seen or heard from again.
           …Until today.
           The handsome dark haired boy looked around the class with clear distaste. He wore a shirt and black pants. He eyed the students, with a bored expression on his face. The girls swooned when he smirked there way. Marinette kept her face black as his eyes looked over her; doing her best not to draw attention to herself.
           Then the oddest thing happen; Kal didn’t blink twice at Marinette. He barely looked like he knew she was in the room. That didn’t mean much to Marinette. The bluenette practically radiated magic some days. He’d figure her out in no time. No, Marinette couldn’t play defense with the likes of Kal. Offense only.
           Bustier directed him to the back of the class, to the only empty seat available… Next to Marinette. And once again, the bluenette cursed her rotten luck. However, her heart was filled with hope with Lila got involved.
“Maybe Kal can seat next to me,” Lila said. “There’s enough room with me and Adrien. I know what it’s like to be new. I can help you.”
           Kal rolled his eyes, “I’m good. But thank you.” And swaggered to the seat in back. As he sat down, he winked at Marinette. Marinette smiled brightly at him like she would at nearly anyone. Though to do so, she had to stab herself in the leg with a pen to stop herself from stabbing him.
           The class started. Bustier began teaching her lesson unaware of the drama that was just about to happen in her class.
“Must be my lucky day,” He leaned in and whispered to her. “I get to sit next to the prettiest girl in school.”
           Marinette kept the smile on her face, as to not draw any attention their way, though not it felt more like baring her teeth, the same way some animals did when they attacked. “How’s your father?” Marinette whispered back. “Kalabar, wasn’t it?”
           Kal’s black eyes widened in shock before settled on a pleased expression. “A witch,” He stated. “Good. I’d thought I’d end up killing myself stuck around mortals.”
“They’re not that bad,” Marinette was quick to defend. Her mother was mortal after all. “Mortals that is. The kids in this class,” Most of which were now her ex-friends. “Kind of suck. Why are you here?”
“They suck,” Kal chuckled. “And yet you’re here. A long way from...” He seemed to remember where they were as he cast a quick look around and his voice lowered, “Our native land.”
Marinette pretended to flip through the pages of her textbook. “You’re a long way from the dark pit in hell you crawled out of,” She hissed. “Planning on taking over the world again? Because I have no problem kicking you right back there.”
Kal snorted. “Such righteous fury. You remind me of…” The amused looked turned into a glare. “Cromwell?”
Marinette giggled and nodded, “Marnie’s my cousin.”
Rage overtook Kal’s face. All the lights in the classroom suddenly exploded. Shadows grew stronger as Kal’s magic was unleashed, and seemed to overtake half of the class room. The only light came from the sunlight behind Marinette, and radiated from the bluenette as she let her magic rise in all its glory.
And once again, the darkness of a son of Kalabar and the light of a daughter of Cromwell battled against other.
           The kids panicked.
“Everyone remain calm,” Bustier said. “If there is an akuma we’ll be alerted. Ladybug will take care of it. Everything will be fine.”
“Akuma?” Kal asked, his eyes still trained on the Bluenette, with a raised eyebrow.
           Marinette shrugged, “Welcome to Paris.”
           Then he smiled at her; really, honestly smiled. It was the most mesmerizing sight. And she forgot. For one second, she forgot the evil that she was always warned lurked in the heart of a Kalabar.
           But now she understood why her cousin had fallen so hard for him when she was a teenager. Marnie hadn’t just been a foolish, naïve teenager head over heels for some guy she just met. No, there was more to it. There was something alluring about the way Kal held himself, the aura he projected; the way his magic sang to hers.
           Marinette just wondered one thing…
Why does the devil look so much like an angel when he smiles as you?
The class went by quickly. Witch and warlock feigned relaxation, while going over every spell they had ever learned in their heads.
When the bell rang, Marinette was gone. She flew out the door as fast as her feet could take her. She couldn’t go home, she knew; not yet. So instead, she headed to the library. In the far back where they put all the outdated computers.
She sat down on the top of an old table and tried to catch her breath. Then out of the shadows, literally, walked Kal. He shook his head at her, “Don’t you know?” He asked the Cromwell witch. “No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”
Marinette crossed her arms, “And yet all the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”
Kal raised in hands in surrender, “I don’t mean you any harm.”
“That sounds like a lie.”
“I’m serious,” The dark haired teen stated. “You can tell. I know you can. It’s a Cromwell gift. You can always tell when someone is lying. Listen to me carefully. I, Kal, son of Kalabar do not mean you any harm. I was not aware you went to this school. I was not aware any witch of the Cromwell bloodline was in France. Okay?”
           Marinette wanted to stomp her foot in protest. He was telling the truth. “Why are you even? Why do you look like that? Aren’t you like in your late thirties?”
“I should be,” Kal frowned, “I should be thirty-five. I should be a graduate of Witch University. I should be back home, in the family mansion, with a family of my own. Or about to start one.  I should be an adult, living a life of my own. Do you want to know why I’m not?”
Kal sat on top of the table across from Marinette, “Because after the fight with Marnie was sent somewhere; in a prison the forces of light and dark had created during our battle. I was stuck in a place outside of space and time. Outside of reality. That existed everywhere and nowhere. An endless void. Every world and realm I went to was frozen on the moment I was sent there. Just after midnight on Halloween night. And it never changed. The clocks never ticked, not once. The sun never rose or set. The moon was never full or new; just a crescent in the sky. The flowers never bloomed. There was nothing and no one but me; wandering from empty town to empty town. I never knew how much time had passed. Sometimes it felt like an eternity had gone by, sometimes just a few minutes. It didn’t matter one way or another; I never aged. The tricky party was not going completely insane. And I spent a lot of time wondering I had or not. If I deserved this what I did, for the people I hurt.”
Marinette remained silent as he talked; truth ringing in his words.
“I read every book in the Witch University library,” Kal continued. “I read every book in the Oxford University library. Half to keep myself from going crazy, half to try to figure out a way home. I never did. Some things just don’t make sense. Like a bunch of Cromwells being powerful enough to break the barrier between our world and mortal realm.” He laughed a bit there. “Then one day, the entire world shook, literally. And then I’m falling, and the next thing I know I’m landing in the middle of your Agatha Cromwell’s kitchen. She looked exactly the same too so I think I hadn’t been gone that long. Then she tells me with this pitying look on her face; twenty had gone by.”
           Kal closed his eyes as anger coursed through his veins. He clenched his fists. “Twenty years. I had been gone for twenty years. In twenty years, do you even know can happen? You were born. You grew up. You are the exact age I was when I left. And still you are younger than the amount of time I was there. When you said you were a Cromwell; for five seconds I thought you were Marnie’s daughter. Because that’s how long it’s been. Both realms have changed and left me behind. My friends are all grown up; they have kids and lives and stories. My mother passed away while I was gone. I don’t recognize my own home; the place I was born, raised, lived, laughed, and loved. And that same place doesn’t recognize me either. Saint Agatha Cromwell took mercy on me and sent me here. You were right, I did crawl out of hell.”
           It went quiet. Neither knowing entirely what to say. She couldn’t believe her aunt didn’t warn her she was sending a Kalabar her way. Oh, she was so telling her grandma.
           Marinette broke first. “You didn’t deserve that,” She said. “Sure, you turned everyone in your world into human. And everyone here into monsters but no one hurt. Most don’t even remember. You didn’t deserve an eternity of nothingness. Prison, yes. But not that. You were just a kid. You’re just a kid.” Like me, she didn’t answered.
           He nodded stiffly.
“If it means anything…” She said. “Marnie still swears you were the toughest villain she ever fought. And she took down a guy who tried to steal her family magic, hired a witch killing knight, and tried to destroy the doorway between the worlds forever.”
           Kal blinked, a bit stunned, “That’s a compliment if I ever heard one.”
           Marinette giggled. He smiled. And once more, Marinette fought not to look away. She was a Cromwell witch. She would not go weak in the knees over a Kalabar.  “Let’s just agree to stay away from each other.”
           He got off the desk, letting the darkness of his magic flair up, and he leaned toward her, “I don’t make deals with Cromwells,” He whispered. Marinette’s breath caught in her throat. “So why don’t you be a good little witch and stay off my bad side.”
“I’m not afraid of you,” Marinette whispered. “This is my city.”
“Then prepare to see it burn.”
           Marinette couldn’t stop the giggle that came from her. “You’ve already had time to catch up on Batman movies?”
           Kal grinned, “That was the first thing I did.” He smirked. “I think you and I could have a lot of fun, Marinette. Teach the mortals a thing or two. I’ve been here less than a day and I already want to turn half the class into toads. Specifically that Lila girl.”
“Yeah,” Marinette shrugged. “That feeling never quite goes away.” It gotten worse, if anything. Her friends had all turned against her; fell one by one to Lila’s lies. “But I’m a big witch. I can handle them myself.”
           Kal stuffed his hands in his pockets, “Yet you haven’t. And I don’t think you want to. Even though every part of you screams you should.”
           Marinette shook her head, “We’ve evolved past that.”
           Kal shrugged, “If you ever change your mind…” He moved to leave but then turned back around, a rose was in his hand, “Or maybe I really did inherit my father's attraction to Cromwell witches.” He gave her the rose.
           Marinette took it, a small smile on her face. “You shouldn’t let your magic do you’re talking for you.”
           He didn’t answer; just disappeared back into the shadows.
           Yep, Kal was trouble.
           And Marinette was definitely in trouble.
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maskved · 3 years
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hello, besties ! this is ami (she/her) and i’m probably late with this intro ! first i’m sorry for mass-liking every post but i’m already in love with all your lovely muses. also i must confess that i’ve only read the first book ( years ago ) and watched the show because i have an attention span of - 10 seconds.  but at least i’m a soc hoe, so we can scream about that ... please ... !!! so if i get anything wrong pls let me know or you can also not let me know and i’ll continue being embarrassing 😔. anyway, if you are interested in some juicy plotting pls LIKE this post or message me ( if you want to plot on discord we can also do that 💖). I’M EXCITED.
PINTEREST  . discor*d     six of hoes🔪#7888  //  YEVA
[ viktoriya zobova ], an [ twenty six ] year old grisha in the little palace. she is  a [ tailor ] and are known in the little palace as the [ viscerotonic ]. they are known to be [ resilient ] and [ elusive ] and vaguely resemble [ kristine froseth ]. 
death tw
- viktoriya zobova ( however, prefers to be called vika because every time one calls her by her full name she might as well be in trouble ) had never been more than average. born to average parents ( although grisha their powers pale compared to others ) into an average family and of course as the middle child, vika strived for more than simply being overlooked.
- truth to be told, she dreaded to be tested. to her it seemed like the final reminder that she was nothing special, average, merely an extra to someone other’s story. she even wished, she wouldn’t be a grisha, fearing that like her parents she’d belong to the lower ranks. however, if she turned out to be a simple human without any power, at least she’d be special within her family or could even try to make a story up that she was adopted or something ( i hate her -- ).
- however, the moment she found out about being able to alter people’s appearances with her ability *atla vc* everything changed - 
- truth to be told she knew she was considered to be lower rank among others but what really fueled her arrogance and the sudden feeling of self importance was her knowing that she possessed a rare ability. she didn’t care others treating her badly for her rank because “hey i can alter appearances and that is lit ( she probably didn’t say it that way - )
- ALSO ( here comes the moment i throw in my found family trope bcs i’m a soc hoe and this actually plays a big role in her story ) she’d found comfort in the friends she met.
- (lemme add my childhood friends trope bcs why not ) as vika was never close to her parents ( to be fair her being taken away for the training at such a young age did not really gave her the time to really bond with her family ) her little group of friends became her second family. they called themselves “blood is thicker water” ( gang ???) bcs 1) vika really thought the saying was blood is thicker water and not blood is thicker than water 2) they thought they were incredibly funny.
- they were pretty much known as troublemakers, especially with vika being a tailor it was easy to sometimes shift the blame on others. truth to be told, it only caused vika to be more frivolous. all the fun they had blinded her judgment and she viewed her ability as harmless.
- well, lets say vika becoming more reckless did not end up being the best character development (lmao). as usual , everything started out as a harmless joke. her friend asked her to change his appearance. however, this time they wanted her to change their whole face. not just the colour of their hair or eyes. vika was reluctant at first, she’d never done it before but in the end she agreed to it and much to her surprise she succeeded. she even bragged about it and told her friends ( of the bloody “blood is thicker water” gang (???) ) .
-  to cut a long story short, their friend ended up dying because of it. i have two versions for their death ( i haven’t decided on it yet *clown emoji*)
1) the person they changed their appearance into apparantly was involed in some shady stuff and had some pretty morally questionable people around him. they thought vika’s friends was that person they were looking for (bcs of the changed appearance) and killed them for some reason.
2) vika’s friend was supposed to be part of some mission they didn’t want to go to, thus changed their appearance to escape from it. however, ended up having to do another mission and ended up being killed. 
RIP nameless but vital character to vika’s bio 
- vika pretty much blamed herself for it and maybe her friends of their friend group as well. this incident also ‘humbled’ vika and now instead of being proud of it she hates it.
- right now, she doesn’t really know what to do with her future. she has this ‘oh so grand’ plan that one day she might be able to change her appearance (permanently) and then leave the little palace and live under a new name and lead a life where she wouldn’t need to use her abilities anymore.
personality ( i’m trying to keep it short i swear, i’m just adding a bunch of sentence here bcs i’m throwing all my ideas into this paragraph)
- she’s known to be pretty social. she loves to talk and honestly doesn’t know when to shut up. she can’t deal with silence because it forces her to think about things she doesn’t want to think about. although, her tongue is sharp and trouble seems to follow her, she also loves to dance around the issue, pushing her feelings away and replacing it with a witty joke instead. as if everyone does it the same way, as if everyone is supposed to understand. 
- although she was tempted to change her own appearance many times. she never did because she is a coward and doesn’t trust her skills as much others might think she does.
- she views her ability as a form of art, perhaps that is also the reason she used to love to paint. honestly, she was never really good at it. average and above average with practice. her friend ( the dead one lmao ) used to paint with her whenever they could sneak away but with them gone, she doesn’t see a point in it anymore.
- she secretly envies the other grisha’s who can use their ability to fight. recently, she’d find herself trying to practice some punches so she doesn’t feel that useless in case of a dangerous situation. she also sucks at that so she’s probably in need of a training patner aka someone who is willing to train her or she has annoyed that much that they were willing to help her out ( wc ???)
- being personally trained by the darkling, one might assume that she’s loyal or even thankful towards the darkling. however, contrary is the case and she wouldn’t even grant him a dust particle of her trust. she doesn’t believe that he has the best interest of anyone in his heart and if she could, she’d probably spread rumors about him and telling others that he has some serious case of stanky breath.
wanted connections ( just some ideas, which can be changed ofc ! or some wcs can be connected ) 
(0/3) “blood is thicker water” friend group  : they pretty much grew up together. the death of their friend ( the friend needs a name - i swear...) caused tension within the group. while, one might have blamed vika for their death the other doesn’t and just wants them to be how they used to be. nevertheless, no one can deny that nothing was what it used to be). (( honestly these are just some ideas and we can plot wtv sddm )
training partner ( can be more than one ): connection mentioned in the hcs ! they help her a little out to become physically fit and level up her combat skills of -10. maybe they want something in return for it. help her out bcs they’re just nice or bcs vika annoyed the heck out of them etc.
person vika changed their friend’s appearance into: honestly we can do wtv with it. i just thought it’d be fun to play with the idea and having the person running around when they actually “died” and everyone belieed them to be dead until they found out that it was vika’s friend. might be angsty bcs it might remind vika of their friend.
angsty exes: listen, i love some angsty shit and i love to blame vika for all the problems. they might have dated before the whole dead friend fiasco happened. although, viktoriya acted as if she was fine after the incident ( which she wasn’t ),it only made muse a realize that vika and them weren’t as close as they believed and how much vika tied to hide from them.  BUT tbh anything would work i love a good angsty ex connection djddnd
random idea but i just liked the thought that this person once went to vika for some enhancing stuff. however, this day vika was not really herself, distracted, head in the clouds. so she accidenally might have gotten rid of some important scar or something.
enemies : lbr, vika might prbly be the type who has some enemies. she has no filter and might has stepped on someone toes because of it. (Also maybe gimme some enemies to lovers trope , adding this here quietly to not expose myself as a hoe for that trope )
HONESTLY GIVE ME EVERYTHING, gimme angst, fluff, tropes !!??? more friends, unusual friends, shippy stuff, platonic stuff, family connections djdsd GIMME 
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ezrastokes · 4 years
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[ CODY CHRISTIAN, HE/HIM, CISMALE ] —  [ EZRA STOKES ]  is a child of [ HEPHAESTUS ] with the power of  [ TECHNOKINESIS ] .  they were born in [ 1995 ] and have been in nemean lion since  [ 2010 ] .  with the change, they [ HAVE GRADUATED FROM ] the [ TECHNOLOGY ] role which makes sense since they’re usually [ FIRING POTTERY IN THE KILN AND BREWING A THIRD CUP OF COFFEE ] .  if you’d like to meet them try the [ MOON ]  building .  —  kati / she & her / est / 18+
links: stats / pinterest .
most of ezra’s early years were spent not fitting in and for most of that time, he didn’t know why. he didn’t understand why his father seemed to hate him so much, why his younger brother, caleb, seemed to get all of the attention. ezra chalked it up to just not being quite good enough, maybe because he wasn’t into sports the way caleb was, coming home with paint on his shirt instead of grass stains. 
for a while, ezra tried to fit in, went out for baseball to try and garner his father’s approval, but it was never really him. over time, he began to isolate himself instead, because it was easier to be on his own than face rejection and disapproval.
his mom was loving, but only behind closed doors. it always seemed like she was scared to show her affection for ezra in front of his father, like she felt GUILTY about loving him, about caring about him. she’d sneak into his room at night and read him stories or they’d spend all day together when his father was out of town. “ why does dad hate me so much ? ” he’d ask, and his mother would smile sadly and say, “ i’ll explain more when you’re older. ” 
ezra started developing his powers when he was about twelve years old. his mother had hoped it would never happen. it started small, realizing he could do things like make the toaster pop up without touching it or turn on the television with what seemed to be sheer willpower. his parents started noticing this too. he overheard them talking about it one night, fighting. ezra didn’t know what it meant, but over time, he’d listen at the top of the stairwell as the arguments got more and more heated, resulting in broken glass. caleb would sit with him sometimes. “ what are they always fighting about lately ? ” ezra would ask. “ you, ” the dreaded answer, but he’d already known. he just needed to hear someone say it. “ it’s because you’re a freak. ” 
anxious during a test at school, ezra set the printer going so hard that it started smoking and set the fire alarm off. to most people, it was nice to get out of the test, but ezra went home demanding answers. “ just tell me what i am, please ! ” rising frustration, appliances in the house whirring to life. ezra was getting more powerful, it was not just a PHASE that he could outgrow. his parents had to tell him the truth. 
his mother sit down and told him about an AFFAIR she had once, with the god hephaestus. he had been able to forgive her for it, but his father had never been able to get over the living manifestation of her disloyalty, the obvious misfit in the family that stuck out and didn’t belong. every day, ezra seemed less and less like he could be his father’s son. everything seemed to click into place for ezra, but it didn’t make him feel any better to be the product of circumstances he couldn’t control ; things would have been easier if he’d been born normal like caleb. 
his mother expressed concern for the way his powers were growing and that modern society might not be the place for him. she’d been told if such powers ever developed, that there was a place that he could go. so, at age fifteen he packed this things and began training at nemean lion. 
ezra naturally assimilated into the technology track with his powers, it seemed to make the most sense for him. in terms of helping heroes, he is most comfortable beneath the hood of a car, developing advanced transportation technology and essentially providing heroes with the best possible support. he also built his own motorcycle and car from scratch, they’re named thelma and louise respectively, his pride and joys. ezra is  a quiet person but get him talking about his hobbies / geeking out and you’ve hit the sweet spot. 
recently graduated and working, though he feels like he’s in no position to mentor the newbies…he’ll try. he would’ve been happy to be a student forever, but due to nl’s new status, he felt the need to rush his graduation and work a little harder so that they’d have the tech help they need for the heroes on the field fighting monsters and such. 
PERSISTENT. essentially, when ezra sets his mind on something, he will accomplish it. in some ways, he can be pretty one-track minded when it comes to things, like he’ll start a task in the garage or at the kiln and he won’t speak to anyone for days until it’s done. balance ? he doesn’t know her. but achieving his goals ? yes, king. sometimes i think ezra believes that people are to be measured on accomplishments and his value only exists in terms of what he can do for others. however, you can definitely count on him to get a job done. 
PRACTICAL. ezra is a pretty realistic person, not the type to get caught up in a daydream or set an unrealistic expectation for himself. granted, he knows he can accomplish a lot, but he would never expect more of himself than what is tangible. he’s definitely not a naive person and is more inclined to believe actions over words every time. 
INDEPENDENT. ezra is the sort of person who has always felt like he’s had to fend for himself and is pretty mature. he’s good at taking care of himself and has never felt like he NEEDS other – not that anyone’s really need him. he’s very self-sufficient as a person basically and doesn’t rely on others to get things done. you’ll literally never feel like ezra’s a mooch, but he would let others mooch off him tbh. 
PESSMISTIC. as a result of that practicality, he can come off as rather negative in conversation or in ideals. essentially, ezra can be a real downer to be around sometimes because he will always anticipate the worst case scenario ! he’ll tell you he’s just being prepared though. 
SENSITIVE. although he comes off as tough or even unapproachable sometimes, this is actually because he’s EASILY hurt. he puts on a front like a badass but seriously he is a sensitive baby and if you say something that rubs him the wrong way he will legit never forget it. can literally hold a grudge for 8092390482 years like if you cross him slightly he will bring it up until you die. 
if he’s not working with vehicles, he’s making pottery. he has a wheel in his room and is really passionate about art and ceramics. so, when he’s not working, he’s probably firing something.
yes, he has an etsy store <3 
has a little black cat named soot that is genuinely his best friend
has a natural affinity toward all things fire and smoke, developing the nasty habit of smoking cigarettes – american spirits, too, because he has no class. however, since he started dating his current girlfriend, he’s pretty much quit smoking to make her happy – and like, to be more kissable.
genuinely, his girlfriend cecilia baum ( y’all know her ? ) has been a super positive influence in his life because he used to drink, smoke, and isolate himself a lot more before getting to know her but honestly the act of developing a crush and trying to impress her all the time got him into better habits and her caring about him has made him care a bit about himself more too.
granted, it’s not JUST cece. making better friends and meeting people that care about him has been a positive influence on him overall
don’t ask me too much about cece, strud and i are mid-plotting but they are dating. 
you’d probably think like mechanic, artist, he must be super messy? however, ezra is really meticulous and organized, i would say he’s always been really mature and independent. he has his shit together, but he’s also fueled by a ridiculous amount of coffee in order to do so. 
though he does often smell like gasoline from working in the garage so much, though he personally loves that. 
really likes thrifting? like browsing thrift stores for hours and finding weird shit or interesting art pieces. he’ll treat thrift stores like museums, could spend hours walking around, but he’ll also spend hours walking around museums. 
wanted connections
best friends, bros, etc !! i’m looking for the people he really vibes with in a number of ways, his squad, his fam, the wholesome shit. the scott to his stiles, the schmidt to his nick, all of these things. 
but i would especially love to have like his DAY ONE, i will simply go crazy go stupid for a best friend connection and i feel like that person who supported him from the start and made him feel less alone on his first days at NL prob means the fucking world to him.
like, someone he’s protective of? maybe a little sister type connection, essentially someone that’s probably softer and more naive and he feels like he has to look out for them and keep them safe and such. 
someone to test out his vehicles and inventions. ezra is always tinkering away in the garage and he comes up with cool stuff for the heroes to use out when they’re saving the world, it would be nice if he had someone who was always down to literally come through in the middle of the night and be the elastigirl to his edna mode and all.
someone that he really clashes with. give me enemies for god’s sake, or anything, i feel like especially when he first arrived at NL he was a bit rough around the edges, hard to get to know. ezra definitely comes off as grumpy and standoffish around people he’s not super comfortable with and he’s pretty introverted, so they might have gotten a bad impression of him. 
or honestly if you play a char that’s kind of ? stuck up ? full of themselves ? that would really rub him the wrong way. tho he’s probably just jealous bc he lacks that confidence like damn. 
an almost? like a case of bad timing where they were hitting it off or maybe there could have been something between them but he started dating cece instead. maybe your character read into it more than it was and felt really hurt by it. OR he told them he didn’t want a relationship/do relationships and then started dating cece right quick like that’s gotta hurt. 
someone who is good w money. help him manage the finances of his etsy store and how to run a business because he doesn’t even know how to properly price his own goods, probably undersells himself. gimme the business mind to his art mind. 
drinking buddies! sitting around w a good glass of scotch talking about life after a hard day. ezra doesn’t drink so much but honestly their work is hard and ppl die so like, a lil something to take the edge off. 
roommates? is that a thing here? he is in moon building.
naturally also down to vibe and plot anything, exes, family members, enemies, besties, all the things, this is just off the top of my head !!! 
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newnitz · 3 years
Howl's Moving Castle & the Power Narrative Holds Over Reality
Like most 90s borns, my first anime was Pokémon. I watched the first three seasons diligently, and my tooth fairy gifts were always VHSs of memorable episodes. But like most Millennials and even Gen-X before us, my first real entryway to Japanese culture was Hayao Miyazaki. On the tiny TV screen, behind even for 2002, where my mother would watch her TV shows as she worked out, I watched Spirited Away. Chihiro/Sen's coming-of-age story and the movie's numerous themes deserves their own essay, and one I think better bloggers, vloggers and ordinary people have written before me. But after such a masterpiece, I jumped at the chance to see the next Studio Ghibli movie, Howl's Moving Castle. I rushed to the local library to read the book before it aired in the nearby city's bus station mall's small cinema. 18 years later, too nauseous for schoolwork and mooching off of my dad's Netflix account, I decided to rewatch this film. ***Spoiler alert for both book AND film*** The film itself is a staunch anti-war message, released around the same time as the invasion of Iraq, informed by Miyazaki's own childhood in the final years of Imperial Japan and the horrors inflicted on his home country to set the stage of the Cold War. The exposition includes a bombing of Sophie's hometown with...banners. The citizens of Ingary are terrified of the flying machines descending upon their skies, they expect bombs and destruction and untold death and unspeakable horrors. So when they instead get rained down paper pieces with pictures and words we are never privy to, they treat it with suspicion. They refuse to so much as touch them, since it's of the enemy. And the day after, when Ingary soldiers distribute their own country's propaganda banners, they drink it down without a second thought. Again, we are never privy to what they say. Perhaps it was meaningless. Perhaps, to the common contemporary viewer, the content would be incomprehensible. But for me, it got me thinking: What if this was the "enemy" spreading missing posters of their prince? What if this was a warning for the townspeople to evacuate, as they expect to take point there? And if it was, what the hell did it accomplish, outside of everything BUT what it tried to? The people are too scared. They see it as psychological warfare, whether intentional or not, and therefore the papers become a terrorizing presence, whether they were filled with graphic threats or pleas for cooperation, all it ended up doing is scaring the population into a deeper layer of hatred. I personally disagree with the film's apparent message, but I agree with how much of war is the matter of spinning the truth. No character represents a better allegory for spinning the truth than Sophie Hatter, the main character of the movie. The first thing we notice about her is how intricate and colorful all her creations are, while she sticks to a plain hat with minimal detail. We see her displeasure with her own appearance even when trying it on in front of the mirror. She dresses plainly for she thinks herself plain - wearing a mousy dress in both the source book and the film adaption. The book elaborates on this narrative and its subversion: In Ingary, fairytale tropes are accepted as divine truths. Sophie and her sister Lettie have had their mother die as toddlers, so when their father remarried and produced a third sister(briefly referenced in the film), Martha, Sophie and Lettie were doomed to be wicked, hideous stepsisters. But not only did their stepmother raised them as her own, but both all the Hatters were stated to be beautiful, with Lettie in particular having the entire town's male population vying for her affection in both book and film. In fact, the cunning one is the designated "Cinderella", Martha, who uses her guile to warn her half-sisters. See, another trope specific to Ingary was that the firstborn of three siblings will never find their luck - if they ever dare try, they will encounter disaster after misfortune and end up poor and miserable. According to Martha, her mother wanted to enjoy a life of luxury, so she sent Lettie to work in a bakery where she will surely find a man of her liking to start a life with, and shipped her own daughter off to be a magic apprentice far far away from her. Sophie is the only one she kept close, because she knew she buys into the tropes and will make her fortune for her, preferring the safety of her late father's shop to the dangers of the unlucky life of a firstborn. But in both film and book, this blissful avoidance of any exploration is torn away in a chance encounter Sophie has with the notorious wizard Howl. While her sister(s) are terrified for her safety, Sophie has no fear of the 'heart-eating monster' as "he only eats the hearts of beautiful girls", believing her plainness protected her. But oh, how she was wrong. Or was she? In both book and film, the Witch of the Wastes barges into the hat shop. In the book, she seeks Lettie whom Howl is taken with(like literally every man in town) and enters the shop where an overworked Sophie loses her temper at her, and mistaking the hatter for her sister, she curses the girl to become old. In the film, she's explicitly exacting revenge on Sophie, whom Howl is interested in, and follows her and invades her shop after closing time, cursing her to be ninety years old. This is supposed to devastate Sophie - rob her of her youth, beauty and health, ending her life before she started them. But in both versions, Sophie acclimates to the change rather well, constantly noticing the perks of living as an old lady - she can mumble to herself and be seen as normal, she can be assertive and commanding without being inappropriate and/or bossy, and since she has nothing to lose, she might as well go exploring the world, if only to lift the curse. To revisit this as someone who didn’t expect to have the option of growing old, this is an empowering message on its own - growing old is what you make of it. But despite subverting the Witch's narrative, Sophie remains a helpless victim of her own narrative. Book Sophie is explicitly said to be a powerful sorceress unaware of her own powers, even enchanting her hats into the client's shape with her words alone, while in the film it's only implied. But in both versions she Unconsciously Maintains Her Own Curse: She reverts to the eighteen year old in her sleep, or when something silences her insecurities enough. In the film, she's explicitly shown to de-age as she gains confidence in herself under the role of the household maid, going from the frail ninety-year-old into someone who looks and acts as a woman just past middle age - I don't think this is incidental, as many women are at their most confident at that age, when they no longer feel pressured to worry about trivial matters such as beauty and childrearing, and retreat back into the original cursed form when Howl calls her beautiful - a compliment she can never accept. In the book, Howl eventually comes to the conclusion that she likes being old and gives up trying to guide her out of it. The book takes narrative subversion even further. Remember cunning Martha? Turns out, the Hatters didn't conform to their mother's narrative either - Martha was bored by wizardry while Lettie craved it. The two concocted a plan to glamour as one another, which of course the mentor witch saw right though, and preferred Lettie's genuine interest to Martha ghosting the craft. This stings extra once Fanny is shown to be a caring mother who attacks who he thought cursed her stepdaughter - perhaps she fell for the same sort of thinking Sophie did, and wanted her stepdaughter to have the best life possible for someone doomed to fail, thought extroverted Lettie enjoyed the attention and choice of men and wanted Martha to be a powerful, self-sufficient young woman who led a life more glamorous than she did, as someone who lacked magic? That Fanny was a real parent - a well-intentioned woman who completely misjudged her children and their future? Is it possible Martha’s own narrative has poisoned her relationship with her mother, perhaps beyond repair? As for Sophie, in the book she breaks her own curse by breaking the contract between Calcifer and Howl. But the film gives it more nuance - Calcifer and Howl are clearly in a codependent relationship: In both versions Howl gave Calcifer his heart in exchange for magical powers (as well as saving the fallen star's life, depending on your interpretation of the character), but by the time Sophie employs herself at the Castle, Calcifer feels more like a slave than a powerful demon. Howl himself has his own internal struggles, and many online have made convincing cases for BPD being among them. Calcifer is an essential part of his support system. Each one of them believes that if Calcifer isn't fed properly, or gets dunked with water, they'll both die. And once Sophie does so to stop the wizened, depowered Witch of the Wastes from literally being consumed by her obsessive desire for Howl, she too believes to have killed them both with her rash actions. But they live, because Sophie's part in a time loop led her to think otherwise and refuse to give up on them. Within the film’s universe, this ties into Sophie’s innate magical powers talking reality into her perception. But I know real-life, ordinary people who’s own narratives have changed grim fates.  Now, I don’t live in Ingary. I don’t believe the world around me has literal, reality-warping magic. I’m not a spiritual person. But this is precisely why Howl’s Moving Castle appealed to me - because the characters’ thoughts don’t perfectly dictate reality, but the way they act on their perceptions does. I know a man who is alive because his (now ex-)wife changed the narrative of his deathbed to one of optimism and efficacy. When I stopped trying to have my self-image reflected in the eyes of others, I transformed into a more confident, capable person practically overnight. I’m not delusional - I’m well aware of the Dunning-Krueger effect, of how reality exists whether you live in it or not. I’d like to think I live strictly within the boundaries of what is proven beyond reasonable doubt to be real. 
But your spin on reality dictates your life. It can dictate parts of the lives of your close ones. But the message isn’t one of just changing your own view of a situation around you to become happy, oh no. Lettie and Martha didn’t just choose to be happy in apprenticeships they had no passion for. Sophie didn’t just relocate to some quaint cottage to live the few years that weren’t stolen from her as an old hermit. They acted to transform the existent reality within their means, but they could only do so because they felt empowered enough to question their life’s narratives. 
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writerfangirlbooks · 4 years
Bobby’s Daughter Part 1
Dean x Y/N
Prompt: Imagine flirting with Dean Winchester before he finds out you're Bobby's daughter.
A/N: I know Bobby never had children, but let's imagine for now. I've got a cool idea, for the most part, to go with this prompt. As always, feel free to request any ideas you would like me to write! I've had quite a few Dean ones recently and even more coming up soon. Thanks for sticking with me. Also, I just can't write a story without a backstory, I just need it desperately haha, so enjoy this midnight mess. And uhh, this one gets a little steamier than the others, just a heads up. Also this one is getting multiple parts! Word Count: 1800
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Credit to gif owner!
It took you long enough to convince your dad to so much as let you hunt by yourself.
You heard the story of your mom once, and only once. Your dad hated discussing what happened to her. It broke his heart, losing the love of his life. Bobby often declared he didn't know what he would do without you, that you being born was a blessing and miracle tied into one burst of joy in this miserable man's life. That was quite a bit to live up to. Fortunately, you weren't stuck with him all of the time. Once he stopped homeschooling you, you were able to have real interactions and get to know the real world.
Every once and a while, a friend of your father would drop his sons off at the doorsteps to watch for endless amounts of time. Sure, the boys were a couple of years younger, but at least they never said you had cooties. They were excited to be with Uncle Bobby, though they weren't related. It occasionally made you doubt your place in his heart, wondering if he wished you had been born a son instead. However, it was nice to not be made fun of not having a mom and having a drunkard for a father. You saw the brothers young and at one point, hadn't seen them since. It wasn't uncommon for traveling hunters to occasionally leave their children for a weekend or two, so you didn't easily remember all of their names.
Growing up a female was tricky in small-town Iowa, even more so as a hunter. Your father spent some time away hunting when things began to go awry in nearby towns. You started public middle school around age eleven, but your father feared you were simply too young to spend nights by yourself, and you didn't exactly have a bunch of friends to spend the nights at. That ended up causing extra frustration and stress on his plate before you suggested an idea you watched on television: private school.
In a way, Bobby was a better father after you went away. You became more outgoing, learned what it meant to be a lady, and more importantly, how to use that to your advantage. You were encouraged to learn other languages, try extracurriculars. So you did, studying Spanish and French for the rest of your education. You joined the photography club, acted in theatre, and played soccer. You went home on holiday breaks, summer being your favorite as it meant spending more time with your dad. He did his best to be home as often as possible. You got excited to fix cars if it meant spending time with him. Despite his protests, you felt encouraged to hunt, so he gave you pointers. It was years before around age sixteen, he finally allowed your first solo hunt. It was thrilling and unsurprisingly, it went great. He preferred playing board games and watching television with you, making him overall pretty chill.
The one thing he was not a cool dad came to your dating life. You tried getting a boyfriend young and Bobby insisted on meeting him before your first dance. Let's just say the two of you didn't leave together by the end of the night. He was more lenient toward regular, mediocre guys. His one rule was the most adamant: don't date hunters. Fortunately enough for you, most hunters were around your dad's age, so, very much not your type.
That could lead to some very lonely tonights as you became an adult, leading to one night stands in apartments. Of course, you skipped past the whole college scene. Far too expensive and not something you seemed interested in, anyway. Despite your father's protests, you decided to spend time traveling rather than staying with him. You had gotten used to your independence and was somehow nearing thirty way too quickly. You considered yourself content in life. You were a darn good hunter, a woman that could hold her alcohol, and a successful freelance photographer. You weren't sure where your dad's income came from and you decided it best not to ask, sticking to making an honest living while hunting as often as possible.
It was late summer and Bobby's birthday was coming up soon. Although he hated celebrating, you made sure to be around during this time. It just so happened to coincide with a case you were tracking. You figured you would surprise him tomorrow evening and make his favorite dinner. For now, though, you rented a small apartment half an hour away. You felt motels were dirty and a bit pathetic. You did have some class, after all.
Tonight you were looking for a good time, clothed in one of your favorite dresses, with matching heels and handbag. You headed to the bar, pulled up a chair, and ordered your favorite margarita. Soon enough, a man's build and shadow blocked your view of the door. He cleared his throat and you turned your head, taking in the view of messy brown hair and mischievous green eyes attached to a face full of sun-kissed freckles. The man wore nothing special, just regular jeans and a plaid shirt layered with a hunter-green jacket. It was a look that fits well in Iowa, but his voice showed quickly he was not raised here.
"Not a beer girl, huh?" He asked, raising an eyebrow towards your bright colored drink. You did a quick assessment and deemed this man as not a threat. He could be just what you were looking for. As you began to speak, you watched his attentive gaze dip from your eyes to your lips then back again.
"Not quite my style. I like something a little sweeter," you said with a small smile. Leaning back in your chair, you aimlessly twirled the straw around in your drink as you looked back up to the handsome stranger.
He draped an arm around your chair, his fingers lightly brushing your shoulders in the process. "Then feel free to call me sugar, sweetheart," he said. His eyes crinkled with the flirty grin. You wanted to laugh at what a bad line it was but figured his looks could make up for a lacking game. You bit back your smile by licking your lips and tacking a long sip of your drink.
"Well, I don't know about that, but you can call me Y/N," you offered.
The conversation quickly led into basic first date questions, leading you and the man who later introduced himself as Dean to realize you had quite a few similarities, such as bands, landmarks, and even pies. Neither of you was able to persuade the other to change interest in alcohol. Once you got to the topic of cars, you had lost track of time. Dean claimed to have an older Impala and was eager to show you. You were used to the ploys of cool cars to get a woman outside, but you weren't objecting to where the night was headed. You were left intrigued and somewhat shocked that someone this good looking was actually telling the truth about having such a well kept and beautiful vehicle. You were hoping to get the chance to impress him with your own knowledge about cars at some point if things actually made it past three am leavings, which was typically not likely.
When Dean proposed the invitation, he noticed your response was less than immediate. You didn't mean to hesitate but was trying to work out to tell him how you did not feel comfortable leaving your own car in the bar parking lot. His shoulders sagged ever so slightly. It typically wouldn't have been that noticeable except behavior change was something you studied in school when taught how to create poses for your photos. His green eyes were bright and eager, reflecting from the yellow lights outside of the bar.
"I, uh, if you're not interested... we don't have to..." Dean began stuttering, changing pace. He must not be used to rejection, you decided. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
You took one of Dean's hands, finding the new change endearing. Although it could've been funny to turn down someone that seemed like a player and innate flirter, that was not your plan for tonight. "Dean, I'm fine. I just don't like to leave my car, so if you want to follow, or go with me, back to my place?" You offered. You tilted your head, waiting for an answer.
He nodded. His grin had returned widely and he used his other hand to indicate for me to lead the way. And off Dean and you went. The two of you stumbled into your apartment in half the time it should have taken you to get back. Dean's chatter filled your ears up until you unlocked the door to your room.
Your keys were tossed onto the television stand while shoes were being kicked off against the closet door. Heat filled the room as your bodies filled the bed, disregarding your clothes and newness to one another. You felt much more connected as Dean kissed you, a sense of familiarity in his warmth and scent. It began with an intense and heavy makeout before his lips left yours, and began to trail down your neck, continuing further as time ticked away. The clock on the wall was the only sound you could hear besides your ragged breathing and the squeaks of the bed. The sheets were too weak for your grip, so you moved your nails into his back. You could feel his smiles trace your skin. You couldn't help but shudder when Dean whispered into your ear. It was a beautifully messy sight, watching Dean and you move as one, clinging to one another. Your eyelids fluttered, unsure of where to focus as the sensations grew stronger. Arching your head back to allow more room elsewhere, you thought you had lost your voice before one simple movement reminded you how to speak, urging you to call out Dean's name.
The night carried on for much longer.
Wattpad/Pinterest: writerfangirlbooks
Tiktok/Instagram: ashleyeneal
Tags: @akshi8278​ 
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A false chosen one
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Now we go onto Ironwood's early years of his Huntsman career. Okay not much history or details to explore about the huntsmen academies other than their secret purpose. So we can just assume Ironwood did and completed his 4 years of education and enlisted soon after. But we can guess that he at least participated in 2 Vytal festival tournaments during his curriculum.
My best guess during his first tournament he most likely met his fellow future headmasters(Theodore and Lionheart) for the first time as well as to be noticed by his other hero as well(The Warrior King of Vale).
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Now you’re asking why would a past Oz incarnation be his hero? Will to start the warrior king pretty much set and laid the groundwork and structure of the current modern world of remnant that every kingdom most likely tells to their next generations. And let's be honest any child would be at awe about a story of a king let alone one with an epic tale of war and POWER(emphasis on the power for Atlasians).
Now picture this;
You're the perfect model of an Atlasian citizen. You are training in one of the world's most prominent careers  where you are exposed to the outside influences of other kingdoms and societies that yours has taught you are beneath you. But you are stunned and amazed by how lower societies have accomplished so much that your left wondering is my kingdom the greatest?
And you perform so well that the current Oz incarnation notices you. And you amazed him so well that he invites you and gives you the promises of grandeur and the ability/power to help aid/change the world for the better. And soon after accepting his proposal and endorsement he lets you in on the secret; That he is the reincarnation of your hero and asks for your help with his war.
That could serve as a first meeting between a young Ironwood and the man with two souls. Now you're wondering why I say past oz incarnation instead of the king or Ozpin? With the new information confirming(sorta) Ozpin's age and dialogue of Ironwood inV2 & V7 it is in my theory that there have been 4 Oz incarnations that have affected the current rwby story and characters at present
The Warrior King of Vale/ Founder of the Huntsmen academies and ended the Great war
Ozpin's predecessor/ Recruited the current members of the secret brotherhood of Oz (STRQ) and Raised Atlas to the sky
Ozpin/ Teacher of STRQ The Headmaster of Team RWBY  and guider of the events of V1-3
Oscar/ The Current incarnation and bystander of V4-present
Given this it is quite possible (since we don't know his age) the King had died sometime prior to ironwood's birth or childhood. Leaving a new incarnation to meet and recruit him. Now why would middle Oz choose Ironwood? A random nobody that hails from the world's most faccist inhuman warmongering kingdom that engages in periods of isolationism and hoarding power with the potential intent of starting a new war. Well that's probably it.
We don’t know much of the Treaty of Vytal but we can assume it's like the Treaty of Versailles of WW1; were harsh penalties had been emplaced on the losing side which led to loss of territory, economic distress and demilitarization, and a very large amount of humiliation in the years to come. Which led to the rise of Hitler and the Nazi’s as well as WW2
Now we know Mantle had nearly depleted its natural resources which led to economic instability and despite how well advanced their technology was they still lost to Nations that they considered below them. Another comparison is despite the “ quote on quote” gifting to the world their assets it could be intrepid as a subtle demilitarization act forced upon Mantle by the rest of the world as to limit their Military strength to ensure that they would not be able to start a new war.
Now what does this have to do with Ironwood? Just like how the treaty of Versailles screwed Germany and led to the rise of the Nazi’s and WW2 the treaty of Vytal screwed Mantle and led to the rise of Atlas and the conflicts of RWBY.
Mantle passed on its toxic ideology to Atlas and now it buys its time to wait so that it can make its grab for power in the future and achieve what Mantle couldn’t; the World under their rule.
The current Oz at this point in time has already seen the signs of this and is trying to avoid war in the most subtle way possible as he no longer has the status of the Vale king anymore and figures that the potential warmongering Mantle would listen and be swayed by one of their own instead of a forgein leader that has yet to earn their respect.
Insert the Vytal festival tournament with Ironwood participating for the first time. From the perspective of this Oz he sees a potential candidate to be his political figure head of an unstable kingdom with a war is the answer mentality. This Oz doesn’t want a figurehead because he wants to but because he needs to if he wants to uphold the fragile peace that his past king self had accomplished and tried to maintain.
But sadly due to reincarnating he has lost that influence and has to rebuild it which takes time, time that he does not have. So he must elevate others to be able to influence people that he can’t.  This is where Ironwood comes in as a native of Mantle and born during its social transition to Atlas Oz hopes that he can make this promising huntsman into someone that can help carry and pass on his ideals of peace and stability in hopes of avoiding another war for Salem to take advantage of.
Ironwood now being informed by the introduction of secrets to get him hooked and joining Oz’s group is more than willing to help. Especially after believing Oz’s promises to him. Now you're wondering what promises. My evidence is what said Qrow in V6;
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No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good… Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life…
Oz appeals to and makes promises to those that he recruits whether or not he follows through on them is up to debate. From this we can assume he promised ironwood something similar.
The only difference between the 2 is that one had a very unhealthy opinion of himself and tried to search for meaning in his life while the other is a stark contrast by being sorta healthy with himself and had found meaning by serving and later leading his Kingdom. As well as the difference between their relationships to the man with two souls.
Ironwood was more or less loyal to the incarnation before Ozpin as he saw this as his hero back from the dead to ask for his help. Even elevating him to positions of power and status that he may not have been able to achieve on his own just to do that. This is probably why Ironwood didn’t just freak out and overreact immediately and lash out because this is coming from a man who he hopes was the man who had kept his promises to him and rewarded him.
While Qrow was more or less buddy, buddy with Ozpin during his time at Beacon, who had offered him a place with meaning and purpose to replace his world of loneliness and self pity as well as redemption. But when the truth is exposed he just condemns Ozpin ignoring Oscar for empty promises instead of realizing the truth that Ozpin was only meant to show him the path and that he was the one who to take it. To put it quite simply Ozpin was there to help guide Qrow to see the good that he already is as well as deal with his issues in a healthy way.
(Now that I think about it Qrow and Ironwood actually parallel one  another in terms of narrative and character.)
Point is Ozpin’s past incarnation had a major influence over Ironwood to the point the he along with his Atlasian brainwashing had led Ironwood to believe  that he was this chosen savior that he was the hero that was destined to win that he can do no wrong because his ideals and heritage told him so or at the very least didn’t correct his thinking.
When in reality OZ wanted a guardian that would keep the status quo not the Soldier who wanted to change the world as he saw fit. (Hence the section title a false chosen one) In Doing so he ended up instigating all of the conflicts of rwby under the intentions of good only to lead from bad to worst if not catastrophic.
Simply because Oz didn’t keep his ambitions in check and make it clear that he was meant to be a loyal lap dog that heels to his owner. Instead Ironwood became the rabid dog that's all bark and no bite. This has resulted in Ironwood developing a false sense of chosenness and that it is either his way or the highway.
Another thing to look at is even though this  Oz had his influence on ironwood he was however too late as the ideology and philosophy of Mantle/Atlas had already consumed his mind so much that even though he was willing to embrace the outside world his mind would be forever locked and kept to the kingdom he hailed from.
Now with the outside influences outside let's see the opinion of how he sees himself and why he would think of himself as this chosen savior and the potential events that led to that mindset.
I’ve survived Now I’m Invincible
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Id love to see “Run Boy Run” with Race and Jack please!! I love your writing
Ahhh thanks! I’m really fucking sorry that this took so long! I kept losing motivation and stuff like that whoops. I hope you enjoy even though you can probably see the parts I gave up lol. Also, I don’t know why but for some reason, I decided to research about the real lodging house and included that in here because ???? Who the FUCK knows.
TWs: Mentioned abuse and one small scene (Snyder slaps Jack( and attempted drugging (Jack tries to slip Snyder a sleeping drug so he and Race could escape). Briefly mentioned homophobia.
Also, for most of the story, Jack and Race go by ‘Francis and Tony’. In this world, some people are born with powers and because I like to torture myself, I decided to go through about fifty different names to what to call people like that instead of just saying they’re magic???? 
Also, I threw in some ocs, so yeah.
Francis knew his very existence was hated by people in his town. Well, at least the ones who knew what he was. A small-town mindset like the one he lived in was horrible for someone...Different. For someone who was a Cosma. Someone with powers was an outcast in his town. A monster to some. One of the only people who knew was his step-father and he held his status above his head, always threatening to out him, but he could handle it. 
However, he knew the new kid wouldn't be able to handle it. One look at he knew that the boy was like him. A Cosma but he hadn't shown many signs yet. Francis knew the second Snyder caught on to the fact that Tony was a shifter and communicator, the boy's life would become a hell of abuse and experiments. The things that had happened so far were easy to explain as a trick of the light. Different eyeshade? That was the light. Slightly sharper teeth? Nah, your eyes are playing tricks on you, Sir, there's no need to worry. 
Francis couldn't help but wonder which of them was more powerful. His new brother with the ability to shapeshift and control horses with his voice, or himself with the power to bring drawings to life. He placed his bets on Tony. The boy was a double after all.
Francis knew they had to get out and after a month of searching, he finally found a way. Someone had agreed to help him travel to a safer place, one where he could be himself. Where others would help him and his brother no matter what
Run boy run! This world is not made for you.
The small town had him trapped. He and his brother didn't belong there, but his contact promised him freedom. Sure, there wasn't much fresh air there like there was here in Santa Fe but New York offered freedom...A place where Tony could grow up without having to hide a major part of himself. 
He was scared though. He somehow needed to sneak not only himself but Tony out of the house in the middle of the night and get across town in the middle of the night so the two could cross the town borders and escape for a better life. 
It would be worth it though. If it meant Tony was safe, it would all be worth it. He'd lay his life down for his little brother and he knew that his brother wouldn't like it if he found out but it was the truth. Tony meant everything to Francis and he'd give up anything for the younger boy. 
But even planning to escape was hard. Francis wasn't a moron. He knew Snyder had placed trackers in all of his clothes, though, that wasn't the most obvious thing. The most obvious tracker was the dog tags each boy wore under strict orders not to take them off at any point. 
Tony may find no issue in it but Francis did. He knew it wasn't for their 'safety'. No. It was for Snyder's. Snyder knew that Francis could out him at any time. Multiple bruises and scars weren't easy to explain away when at least one of them was a brand baring Snyder's name, set on the back of his shoulder. 
There was no way he could hide the truth if anyone was to ever see that so it was vital he kept tabs on the boys at all times. After all, he didn't want his image of a respected man to be ruined. 
But Francis' contact already had a plan for that. Spare clothes would be brought for the boys and their own would be thrown somewhere once they left town, along with the dog tags. He was also bringing a friend who could easily disable things in case Snyder had injected them with a tracker. 
Run boy run! They're trying to catch you!
Tonight was the night. Francis had everything planned and all he could do was hope that it would work. It was dangerous, but any plan that had to do with running away was and if he could ruin the man's reputation at the same time, he'd gladly do so. 
He knew that the second he stepped out of his 'house', Francis Sullivan and Tony Higgins would be dead and two boys without identities would be born but he was okay with that. The two could find themselves new names and Snyder would never be able to hurt them again. He'd be okay. They both would be okay. Even if Snyder moved to New York which he had mentioned a few times, he wouldn't be able to touch them. He wouldn't be able to know who they were. e
It was surprisingly easy to slip the drugs into Snyder's beer, something that he was terrified of doing. After all, he could be caught doing it but luckily, the man was already drunk and didn't seem to notice a difference. Idly, Francis tapped his fingers on his leg, knowing that the ten minutes would be the longest ten minutes of his life but he had been assured that the man would sleep for hours, giving him and his brother time to run. 
Still, he couldn't help but question everything. What if he hadn't put enough in? What if someone walked in before he and Tony could escape and realized something was up? What if they got caught on the edge of town and returned to Snyder's house? What if they got locked up? His brother wouldn't survive in jail and he knew he wouldn't survive Snyder's torture if they were sent back. He wasn't sure if both of them would survive but he knew that Tony wouldn't. As much as he loved him, Francis knew the younger boy was weak and would make for easy prey for the sadistic man who took him in. 
His heartbeat raced each time he saw the man shift until he was finally sure he was asleep. Swallowing, he took a few silent steps, only to have a hand roughly grasp his thin wrist. Shit. He forgot Snyder was a master at hiding things. The asshole had never even drunk the beer. He had just pretended to drink it when he wasn't looking. 
"How stupid do you think I am boy? You think I haven't caught onto your little plan?" The man stared up at the frightened teen with a blank face. "I'm the reason you're still alive Francis and you're trying to throw it in my face like an ungrateful brat?"
"I know what you're planning. You're trying to leave aren't you?" 
"N-no Sir! It's just I know you haven't been sleeping well lately so I thought I c-could help!" Francis could fill the panic building up, wondering how long Snyder had known about his plan. He couldn't help but wonder if he knew all of the plan or only that he wanted to leave and take his brother with him. 
Before he could open his mouth again, he found himself laying on the ground, cheek stinging. He hadn't even registered the loud crack that came with the slap. Taking a few seconds to collect himself, he looked up, staring at the man, eyes holding hatred disguised with fear. Snyder was right. If it weren't for him Francis would be dead and so would Tony, but he didn't care. The man may have kept him alive but that didn't mean he had to stay and be grateful. He always seemed five minutes away from killing Francis so there was no way he would be thankful for that.
He was drawn out of his thoughts at a thunk, watching as his so-called 'step-father' fell to the ground. His eyes drifted to the shaking boy standing above the fallen man, thick math book clutched in his small hands. 
Quickly, he snatched the shaking boy up and ran, refusing to look back. He hadn't even told Tony what was happening. All the boy knew was that Francis had been thinking about something important. "W-What's going on?"
"Don't worry kid. We're gonna be safe soon." At least, that's what he hoped. They had already been caught once but they were close to the edge of their small town and he could just see a small group of people, each holding the reins to at least one horse. He couldn't but let out a sigh of relief, dodging around small holes in the road, feeling the boy's grip tighten. Tony didn't really like strangers but if Francis trusted them...He could try. 
Run boy run! Running is a victory!
"Didn't realize how many people you were bringing Rags." 
"Needed someone to help bring the horses 'nd stuff. Plus, they'se the best ta help out. Specs here can disable any trackers the Spider might a put in ya, Albert will help us light fires 'nd shit. Sniper 'nd Finch can keep an eye on the surrounding area. Patches and Bink will help wit' any disguises we need." The older teen gestured to each boy, each member of the ragtag crew ranging in age with Patches and Rags being the oldest though not by many years. "They'se all 'Hattan newsies like I am. Hotshot 'nd Rai are from Brooklyn though."
Tony honestly was surprised at how young Rai was. The boy didn't look a day over eight yet somehow had been brought along for the small mission. 
"I didn't want ta bring him but the kid wouldn't stop botherin' me. I guess he could be useful." Despite the words, Hotshot's face held a faint fond smile, hand ruffling the boy's hair. "He's a communicator after all."
"You're all Cosmas?"
"Yeah. That's why they're helping us, Tony. They'll get us somewhere safe. Speaking of wish, we should leave right now. Dunno how long the Spider will be out. Tried drugging him but he caught me so Tony knocked his ugly fat ass out."
Rags nodded towards one of the horses with a grin. "Hope ya know how to ride cause that's how we'se headin' ta New York." 
"Not really but we'll figure it out." Francis shrugged, carefully placing his brother in the saddle before pulling himself up, reaching around the boy to grab the reins. Surely it wouldn't be that hard to ride a horse. At least, it seemed calm and with Tony there, he felt that the horse would at least listen to them. That and they had everyone else to guide them. 
The two blinked, feeling a small gentle tingle flow through their body. Specs smiled at the two. "It's all disabled but we'll still dump your stuff on the way. Otherwise, the change of clothes we carried here for you guys would be a waste." 
Albert smirked, gently tapping his horse's sides with his heels. "Let's ride ya morons!" With that small whoop, the boy raced off, sparks flying from his red hair. Rolling his eyes, Rags chuckled, riding off after him to make sure the reckless boy wouldn't do something stupid.
Sniper looked over at the two boys they were bringing along with them. "Don't worry. She'll follow us so just focus on ya balance and try to relax. She'll be able ta tell if you're all tense 'nd shit. 'Sides, your ass will hurt if you're stiff. Especially considering ya've never ridden before." With a soft click, the boy started the journey home, causing the brothers' horse to follow them, Specs, Finch and Hotshot riding with the two, the Manhattan boys alongside them as Hotshot brought up the rear, watching as his own baby brother raced off. 
At first, he never wanted to come and help 'rescue' the two because it meant losing money, but he owed Rags a favour and the older boy had decided to cash it in. Besides, Spot had been acting like an asshole lately and he could do with some time apart from him, even if they were best friends.
Shaking his head, he freed one hand from the reins, only moving it back after adjusting his bag. He couldn't help but wonder what the boys in front of him were like. Rags had given them a short briefing but seeing the angry red mark on the older one's cheek reminded him that there really were fucked up people in the world and by coming here, he was helping to do the right thing.  
The fact Specs had confirmed that trackers had been placed in their bodies just worried him even more. At least they were free now. They were safe from the house that they had been trapped in. 
Run boy run! Beauty lays behind the hills.
Sure New York wasn't the most glamorous of places but to Rags, it was home and now, Manhattan would house two more newsies. They'd get new names later but for now, they would be nameless. He smiled to himself, looking over his shoulder at the figures riding behind him. He could tell that they would fit in with the rest of his family.
The rest of the Manhattan kids knew that he was bringing home two more kids except for once, they weren't from New York. 
Tony sighed, leaning into his brother as he closed his eyes. It felt weird running away and guilt was settling in his stomach from the memory of knocking out the man who took him in. He knew Snyder was cruel but he had never laid a hand on him...Only laying hands-on Francis who couldn't fight back. He had never actually seen it but he had heard it countless times. Had seen the way his brother stumbled into their small bedroom before collapsing on his bed, hiding his face in the pillow in an attempt to hide his tears from the boy who looked up to him so much. But Tony saw them each time. Saw the way his body had shuddered and heard the muffled noises that escaped him. He knew Francis couldn't be strong 24/7, no matter how hard he tried. 
But now that they had gotten out of there, maybe Francis wouldn't have to take the hits for him. Maybe now he wouldn't have to curl up in bed, trying his best to hide his shaking. He couldn't help but smile slightly as he closed his eyes, resting a hand on the mare's wither, calmly letting himself connect with her. Sliding his hand up, he gently ran his fingers through her mane, relishing in the feeling of the silky strands running through them. 
At least with her, he'd feel safe on the journey that he had never expected to take. He couldn't wait to see what would happen when they reached New York. Despite only being with them for a short time, he found the boys charming in their own way, from Albert's excitement at riding off into the distance to Hotshot's firm yet protective presence behind them. He felt safe with them and that's what mattered to him right now and by the way, his brother had slowly relaxed behind him, he knew he felt the same. 
With a soft nudge from his horse, he opened his eyes, taking in the appearance of the land around the group. It was something he had never seen before. Something he never expected to see. He couldn't help but grin, looking down slightly so he could watch the land race beneath her hooves. It was beautiful honestly. Much more beautiful than where he had been trapped mere hours ago.
Run boy run! The sun will be guiding you.
Leaning back, he felt Francis' arms tighten around him for a few seconds. Without even looking, he could tell the older teen was smiling as he too took everything in, awe filling his body.
The two were brought out of their thoughts as the horses slowed down, gently lit by the setting sun. Without Rags opening his mouth, Albert jumped off his horse, quickly gathering up wood, surprisingly serious considering the way he had been so hyper and willing to lead the group before. Carefully flicking his fingers at the pile he had made, the ginger grinned as flames burst up from the middle, quickly engulfing each bit of wood. "Fire's done! Who brought the grub?"
"Al ya always hungry."
"Oh shut up Snipes, I know you'se hungry as well." He grinned, dodging as his friend through his cap at his face. "I'll burn this if ya test me!"
Hotshot rolled his eyes, silently helping Tony off of the horse, setting him down as he watched Francis dismount. Well more like stumble as he slid off, almost falling on his ass. The Brooklyn boy forced himself to hold back a laugh while Albert did no such thing. He was more than happy to laugh at the poor teen despite knowing that he'd never rode a horse, let alone for hours at a time while leaving an abusive house far behind them.
Specs just sighed, shaking his head as he grabbed his pack, having been the one trusted to carry the food for the three-day trip. "Alright alright. We can 'ave dinner now. Calm ya shit DaSilva."
The two brothers looked at each other in confusion before nervously moving towards the fire to sit down with the people who came to save them. The group might be helping them but the two still didn't know how much they could trust them. Francis had been desperate, grasping onto the first offer of salvation. The first offer to drag him out of the mental river he was drowning in, being dragged further under the surface with each hit, each insult, each threat both against him and his brother. 
So when a cocky boy from Manhattan had shown up to deliver something to his neighbour and pulled him aside to tell him that he couldn't hide from him. That he knew what he was, Francis, had been terrified but the skinny boy had offered him a free trip to where he'd be welcome, a seed had been planted in his brain, but at the same time, he was full of doubt. Why would this stranger offer to take them to where he lived? How had he known what he was? He had been given two weeks to think about it and by the time Rags returned with his small group of friends, the seed had grown and he had agreed the day the group arrived. 
Rags sighed as he sat down, watching as Finch scaled a tree, a bird soon swooping down to join him after the boy let out a soft whistle. "So, have you thought 'bout a name yet?"
Francis shook his head. "Not yet. It's not easy honestly to think of one."
"Eh take ya time. After all, you'll be stuck wit' it." Rai hummed, idly poking the fire with a stick, ignoring the warning look his older brother gave him. "You can keep the one you have now, shorten it, change it or just give yaself a nickname and run with it. If you don't think of one, 'Hattan might just give you one."
Tony looked up at his brother startled. "Names? Are we changing our names?" Finch just grinned from his perch. "I mean, as Rai said, you don't have to but sometimes it's easier to just change it...A lot of us are running from something and it's helpful to change our name. Finch ain't my real name 'nd Specs wasn't called Specs by his birth family. That came from us newsies cause o' his glasses." 
Said boy chuckled, adjusting his glasses. "I should admit that it didn't appeal to me at first but it grew on me."
Albert grinned. "Don't bullshit us. The main reason you like it is that Romeo kept calling you it."
"And you take Albie cause that Jojo boy. You're both hopeless idiots." Rai shook his head with a grin. "Manhattan's weird like that. Rai is just short for my name and you're being all gay 'nd shit and that's why you accepted your newsie names." 
Tony's eyes widened, surprised that they were speaking so openly about something that Snyder said was wrong. Well, 'said' was the wrong word. The man attempted to force his own ideal into his charges' minds, not wanting them to think for themselves. It's wrong. You'll go to hell for looking at a boy the way you should be looking at a girl Tony.
But these boys didn't seem to be 'cursed' as Snyder said gays were. They seemed...The way everyone else was, just more friendly but not in a strange way. No, they were just joking around like brothers. They were people who were comfortable in their own skin while Francis and Tony weren't. They both had confided in each other that they had each secretly looked at boys the way Snyder and others in their former home condemned people for. These boys may tease each other but it was friendly, it was in an attempt to make each other flustered. That meant they'd be even safer in the Manhattan lodging house.  
After a few minutes, Specs handed around the cooked meat, warning the group that it was still hot. "You'll be safe in a few days. As for now, just relax though we need to burn your clothes soon just in case ya know?" He smiled over at the two nervous teens. "Don't worry, we brought you spare clothes. One of the boys back home made them fa ya. That's why Rags asked for ya size."
"Buttons is great...Gonna need him to fix my shirt though." Albert sighed, looking at a rip in his shirt. "Don't even know when I tore it. I swear it wasn't like this when we left!" 
"It's called you're a fucking clumsy moron who fell in a river because you thought getting off your horse before walking over a fallen tree was smarter than the bridge."
Tony couldn't help but laugh, knowing he had done something similar before. Sure it got him into trouble because he made a mess when he got home but he had a good time so it didn't matter.
Run boy run! They're dying to stop you! Run boy run! This race is a prophecy! Run boy run! Break out from society!
Yelling brought the small group back into the world of the woken, Tony and Francis instantly freezing. Snyder and his friends had found them and the two knew they'd stop at nothing to get their hands on the two. 
"Shit. Get back on the horses. We should have dumped your clothes earlier but I didn't want to stop for a while just in case." Rags quickly jumped back on his horse, watching as his newsies rushed around to pack up their small camp before jumping on their horses. Hotshot had already boosted Rai onto his horse before getting on his own, Albert helping Francis and Tony up onto theirs. The second the red-head was on his own horse, the ground raced off, the newsies pretending that they didn't hear Tony's soft and scared sobs mixed with Francis' soft words of comfort. 
They hadn't been planning to move so fast but they had to otherwise they'd all be in trouble. "Finch! Sniper!" 
"On it!" The two boys quickly pulled out their slingshots, each loading small sparklers into them, firing them off in different directions in hopes of distracting their pursuers. Despite not being given orders from his leader, Albert set off small flaming balls, sending them away from himself, making sure they were small enough to avoid setting the nearby trees on fire. 
Hotshot sighed, raising his voice so the two scared kids in front of him could hear. "Don't worry. The 'Hattan boys know what they're doing, even if they don't seem like it most of the times. We'll keep you safe." 
"See Tones? We'll be safe. Promise." Francis tightened his arm around his brother, wondering if his words would prove to be true or if they were would become false. He just hoped that they'd get away and find their way to New York as Rags had promised. 
With a single whistle from Rai, animals seemed to flood from every corner of the forest before they rushed towards the sounds of the group chasing them down. 
Each second seemed like an eternity to the two brothers, their hearts both frozen still and beating erratically at the same time. While the horses were speeding up by the second, they seemed to be forcing their way through snow with Tony and Francis feeling the chill while no one else did.
Their safety...No, their lives were on the line here and each member of the small party knew it. If one person were to get caught, it'd be over for everyone. They all knew the risks that came with this mission and had accepted the idea that they may be caught but that didn't mean they weren't scared shitless as the idea swirled inside their minds, taunting them with what their future could hold. It was clear that Cosmas' weren't welcome in the town they were fleeing from but right now, they had to shove that thought away, focusing instead of escaping.
The shouts faded behind them but that didn't slow down the group, if anything, it pushed them to go faster just in case the group had decided to fall silent in hopes of catching them off guard. Granted, Francis wasn't sure if Snyder and his pals were smart enough to do that but still, you never know.
They ate lunch on the run, Specs moving to each person to hand them small sandwiches before moving back to his own spot. Sure, the plan had been to eat warm meat with the sandwiches for a snack but plans sometimes change on the fly and newsies were masters at changing things instantly. After all, there were times they had to quickly run from where they were selling to escape the clutches of the police. 
The group rode through the night, their way lit by Albert's flames, only pausing for an hour or so by a river to allow their horses a break to drink, each boy quickly shoving food into their mouths, too on edge to take their time. 
Specs sighed, looking up at the stars, tracing each constellation with his eyes, remembering all the stories he had been told by an older newsie. "We'll be there in two days. We'll stop by Brooklyn ta return the horses and drop Hotshot and Rai off before headin' across the bridge."
Tony nodded, curling up next to Encore, the mare nuzzling her young rider. "Is New York really as big as they say? Fat-...Snyder always said that it's big." Despite correcting himself, the fact that he had almost called Snyder his 'Father' filled his stomach with guilt and anxiety.  
Albert grinned and nodded. "There's a lot of us newsies from all over New York. We'se the Kings 'nd Queens of the damn place! Sure we ain't the richest but we'se the people who help spread the news. Without us, the damn city will shut down." He chuckled under his breath. "You'll be 'Hattan boys in a few days...We'se the second most important borough in my mind. I would say the most important but that's Brooklyn. They're the real rulers in the Newsie world. They've got the toughest folks there." 
Rai snorted and nodded. "Damn right we do! We'se'll soak anyone we need ta. No one messes wit' us if they have a good mind. We'll kick their asses if needed. No one messes wit' us and it's great!"
Hotshot rolled his eyes, setting his small bowl of thin stew aside so he could gently slap his brother on the back of the head, gently chuckling at the boy's mock offended cry. "Don't go boasting 'bout it ya nerd. We're not that bad. We're just tougher than most of than the New York newsies." He looked over at the two new boys, picking up his stew again. "Simply put, don't mess wit' us and we don't mess wit' you...Though that's really any place I guess. We're just respected more than everyone else in our world."
Francis nodded, filing the information away. He knew what it was like to get on someone's bad side and the idea of a whole New York borough after him was frightening to him. The bullies he had faced were one thing but the idea of having stronger people after him was terrified. Hotshot already proved that all of Brooklyn was strong, just by his arms and Francis didn't feel like the idea of throwing hands with him or any of his friends. He was pretty sure Rai could easily break his arm despite being eight. 
Blink groaned, speaking up for the first time. "We get it. Ya, all tough 'nd scary now shut up. I'se wanna sleep." He adjusted his eyepatch, not bothering to look over at the group. "You all take to much." 
"Aww, ya just a spoilsport Blink. First thing ya say is to tell everyone to shut up?" Albert couldn't do anything but laugh as Blink flipped him off. "Someone's just grumpy he had to leave his boyfriend behind."
"Or maybe I'm sick o' your dumbass voice." Idly, the boy pulled his eyepatch to the side, glaring at his friend with a glazed over eye. "I can fucking destroy you Albert DaSilva. Remember that." 
"I'm sooooo scared." 
Patches sighed, knowing that it was time he should step in, his soft voice floating above the crackling of the fire. "Both of you stop being morons. We're heading out as soon as we can in the morning. Rags and I'll take the first watch, Blink and Specs will take next than it'll be Hotshot and Al. That's all we'll need really need because it'll be light enough by the time your shift is up and we'll be able to have a quick breakfast before going again. We'll be home very soon. Two days and we'll be done and we can relax and go back to selling and stuff. We'se'll get Tony 'nd Francis set up as soon as we can. We'll probably be back during the day." Noticing Tony's subtle glances towards Blink's eyepatch, he smiled. "Don't bother askin'. He tells a different story each time so no one knows what actually happened ta his eye."
"Oh...Okay. Sorry for staring."
Blink just grinned at him. "Don't worry 'bout it. You'se starin' without hate or disgust or whatever. Ya just interested is all. But yeah. I'm up for taking watch wit' Specs. Now, all o' you zip ya mouths so I can get some shut-eye." With that, he slipped his cap over his face after tucking his eyepatch into his pocket. 
Albert chuckled softly but listened, pulling his blanket up over him after gently coaxing the fire to burn a little brighter before eventually falling asleep, his teasing turning into soft breaths that were soon joined by the breathing of others, knowing that his brothers and friends were safe under the watch of his leader and said leader's second. 
It took Francis awhile to be comfortable enough to fall asleep, each small noise causing him to subtly flinch, scared that they had been tracked down yet again. It took the comforting presence of his brother who was silently breathing as he held onto his shirt mixing with the fires and the soft chatter of the two boys who were going to be watching over them for a few hours.
Despite his fear, he fell into a deep sleep, only woken by the feeling of Tony gently shaking him. The second the teen was sure the elder was awake, the blond moved to help clear up camp, silently watching slight awe as Albert easily put out the coals with a single wave of his hand, making sure they wouldn't light again. 
Francis hummed, feeling his new shirt slip slightly as he stretched. Soon, he would be in a place that accepted who he was, among those who were like him and his brother.
Tomorrow is another day, and you won't have to hide away
It was a new day, one that was bringing the promise of freedom ever closer. Coming out of his thoughts at the feeling of bread being shoved into his hands, a familiar cheeky grin greeting him as he looked down, chuckling at his brother's puffy cheeks. The bread role was small yet for some reason, Tony had felt the need to shove most of it into his mouth at once. Though once he looked at Albert due to the sound of choking, he realized it was most likely a dare or a challenge designed to test the hubris of the two teens, clearly set by a smirking Rai. 
He could already tell that moving into the Manhattan lodging house would just increase his brother's not so concealed chaotic tendencies. He sighed, a silent chuckle escaping him as he chewed on his own small role, awkwardly standing still when Rags assured him that he didn't need to do anything to help to pack up camp.
It didn't take them long to start up their journey again, with laughter and friendly taunts filling the air instead of the fear and silent tears that had been their unwelcome comrade the last ride. 
Adjusting his cap, Finch grinned and carefully shuffled back slightly before carefully raising to his feet, having slipped off his shoes over an hour ago. Calmly, he pulled out a small stone, biting his lip as he aimed for a familiar head. He couldn't help but let out a whoop as Sniper's head whipped around, the other boy glaring at his fellow shooter. "Finch I swear ta fucking God!" 
"Don't swear at me."
"Albert ya ain't God!" 
Hotshot just sighed, ignoring the laughter of the other boys, speeding up so he could take matters into his own hands, knowing full well the arguing newsies probably wouldn't listen to their leaders in this situation. In his mind, the Manhattan boys tended to be more chaotic and at times disobedient than the boys who lived with him. Not that it was surprising. Other than being known for being tough, Brooklyn newsies were known to be well-disciplined despite the way a new ruler could come to power by fighting the current one and they listened to each other. 
"Alright, you guys. Shut ya traps before I make you." Sure, that caused the two shooters to aim for him for a few seconds but it was easy for him to dodge considering the two were ever so slightly intimidated by him, despite knowing he wouldn't actually do anything to them. 
"You're no fun." Despite his annoyed words, Finch carefully moved back to the saddle, sitting down again, not wanting to test the Brooklyn boy too much. 
Rags just shook his head with a smile, looking at the sky, narrowing his eyes in an attempt to avoid the sun's rays as he judged the time. He knew by now that they most likely wouldn't be tracked down anymore considering how far away from the tiny town they had come from. His new brothers were safe and that's all that mattered right now. Soon, he'd be back with the rest of his family and he'd be bringing in two new members. 
He could tell already that they'd fit in almost instantly though he knew that they'd naturally come to terms with what had happened and that they were safe...That they could grow up properly. 
You'll be a man, boy! But for now, it's time to run, it's time to run!
However, they still had a while to go before they would be racing around the streets of Lower Manhattan, selling papers to random people to pay the six cents needed to pay for a bed and batch at the lodging house. His smile widened slightly as he thought of the meals that a few extra cents would get him. Pork and beans on Monday, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Roast beef on Sunday and beef stew on Tuesdays. Corned beef and cabbage came on Wednesday and fish balls were served on Fridays. If he focused hard enough, he could not only taste the meals he often paid for but also taste the tea and bread that each meal was accompanied with. The newsie could practically smell the soup that was often served with pork and beans. Just the thought of the meals made him feel full and he couldn't wait to return for dinner again.
Sure, breakfast was also served but why pay for it when you could get food off the nuns before rushing to the gates? Though he couldn't lie. There were times he spent money on some cents on some oatmeal in the morning, savouring the small burn that came as he quickly ate it. Some of the boys may tease him for buying both food and getting free coffee from the nuns but he didn't care.
Patches grinned, looking over at his brother who rode with closed eyes, able to picture what the other was thinking about. He too loved meal times at the lodging house, even if everything just repeated with not much change. It was nice to know what to expected and if he wanted a change, he could always save up a little extra and buy something at Jacobi’s or even just ask if he could take some leftovers with him. 
He knew everyone, not just the newsies that stayed in the large building looked forward to the nightly meals, shared in a large room, surrounded by friends as they joked about what sort of customers they had dealt with that day, lowering their voices whenever they felt the need to swear, knowing full well it was against the rules.
He sighed softly, looking ahead, wishing he could see the familiar outline of New York on the horizon, yet he saw nothing but the landscape he had seen on the way to pick up the two boys.
Focusing on his companions, he swallowed back a laugh as he heard Rai explaining newsie rules to Francis and Tony while Hotshot corrected him when needed. After all, the life of a newsie was far more complex than the life they had just left behind. The life was full of tricky politics between boroughs where one wrong move could incite a war which would just bring every newsie across the whole damn city involved which was never a clean thing. No war was clean really but newsies were a group of kids who handled their wars with fists while the leaders scrambled to arrange a deal. Though, from the short time he's spent with these two kids, he could tell that they would be respectful, at least of the borders. Not that they would be going anywhere near them for a while. No new kid was ever allowed to sell near the borders for a few weeks just to make sure they learnt the ropes.
Run boy run! This ride is a journey to. Run boy run! The secret inside of you
Francis internally sighed, glad to see his little brother smiling and laughing along with those who had been strangers not too long ago. It was nice to see that the boy wasn't scared of them. He didn't know what he'd do if the boy would be scared of those who they were now living with. No longer would the two have to walk on eggshells to avoid letting anyone know who they really were...What they were. No longer did they have to deal with Snyder, who seemed to always be a hair's breadth away from snapping at them, whether it be just yelling at Tony or hitting Francis across the face, shouting insults down the fallen boy who knew better than to yell back.
Sure, he himself was still a bit hesitant about being with the group but knew that it would be easier to disappear in New York than disappearing from a small town with no aid from an outside force. The smile and laughter coming from his thin brother made his worry worth it though.
He could still faintly hear his mother's final words as she lay on her death bed, finally admitting the abuse she had watched. "You'll escape one day Francis. I know you will. You'll find a way out of this hell hole. I'm sorry I didn't protect you and Tony. I'm so sorry baby."
Forcing himself out of his thoughts, he kissed his brother's head. His mother had been right. He was getting both him and Tony out of an abusive household. He felt like he could finally breathe properly for the first time since his mother had married the cursed man. 
Slowly, he allowed his thoughts to be drowned out by the gentle shuffling of the leaves that the wind danced through as they raced through the trees, closer to their new destiny.
Run boy run! This race is a prophecy! Run boy run! And disappear in the trees!
Night settled around them once more, the moon and stars smiling down gently on the group of laughing boys who surrounded a crackling fire. Seeing that the two brothers were still nervous, the group took turns telling stories, ranging from safer ones to ones that had Rags and Patches lecturing their younger brothers on safety, having never heard such things come from the young teens' mouths.
Eventually, the stories died down, though the silence didn't last long, replaced with giggling and annoyed swears as Rai and Sniper attempted to roast marshmallows over Albert's flaming hair, not caring when the melted treat dripped into the red locks of the struggling boy clamped tightly in Blink's arms.
Soon after, the three were stopped, Albert wrestling the two boys as soon as he was free, laughter filling the air yet again even when the three were pulled apart.
Tony smiled as he stared up at the stars, opening his mouth to break the silence that eventually fell over the group, happy to tell them stories of the sky and stars, ones that he had learnt years ago, back when he was still oblivious to the cruelty that his older brother faced daily. 
Eventually, the group settled down, knowing that they'd be back home by tomorrow night, able to relax in a proper bed, surrounded by their family once again instead of resting on the hard ground.
Tomorrow is another day, and you won't have to hide away.
The small crew grinned as they once again got settled on their horses, excitement buzzing through their veins, knowing that in a few hours that they would be home. It was as the air could sense it as well, sending a gentle breath to soothe their excitement,  helping the group speed through the landscape, the horses gladly pushing themselves even more, already able to taste the treats they would rightfully get for the hard and long journey they had untaken.
Francis and Tony could both feel a small part that would miss riding through the open land, feeling the ache that came with a living creature speeding under them, carrying them where they wished, letting them feel the wind in their faces as they rode closer and closer to safety and a new life.
The newsies happily spoke of what they planned to do when they got home once again, excited to not only see their family and partners again but to invite and accept the two brothers into Manhattan. Albert grinned, already thinking up plans to annoy the Delancey brothers and their uncle at the gates, wondering if how easy it would be to draw Tony into his schemes, already knowing that the other had the sense for mischief that he had in his own soul. Sure, it might get Francis annoyed but he didn't care. He had a new brother and had to bring him into the life of chaos, so it could wrap him in its embrace, filling his mind with plans to commit with the redhead.
You'll be a man, boy! But for now, it's time to run, it's time to run!
Hotshot was relieved to almost be back in Brooklyn where he could just relax with his friends. Maybe take a dip in the river. Hell, he might throw Rai or Spot off the pier for shits and giggles, not caring about their reactions. They both could swim after all and it was normal for the boys to throw each other around sometimes and well, he deserved to have a little fun with his family after such a harsh journey. Sure, he hadn't been too happy to join the 'mission' in the first place but he had found himself enjoying himself. Sure, he lost money doing this but it was nice to escape the chaotic life that happened when you lived in New York while being poor. 
No matter how hard and chaotic his life was, he found himself enjoying it. After all, it was better than working in a factory or at the pier, hauling stuff around or sailing on a boat, unsure if he'd ever return.
Yes, he hadn't been happy to come on this trip, nor was he happy for his baby brother to join him but to hear Rai laughing along with Tony as animals joined the ride for a short time before they pulled away, it was worth it. If he could get the young boy out of Brooklyn for a few days so he could get some fresh air and a change of pace, well...He'd do it a million times over. He wished he could take all the littles out for journies like this but alas, he couldn't. He had no reason to leave New York, let alone had the money to do so. Still, being able to take one of them out was an amazing feeling, one he wouldn't forget. Rai had lost too much at a young age yet always kept a grin. He deserved to be able to spend time, free in the land with wild animals rushing by him.
It's what the small child deserved. 
Tomorrow is another day, and when the night fades away
Breaking for lunch just made all of them antsy, wanting to hurry up and get back home. Even Specs, a normally calm boy was bouncing on his toes, not bothering to hide his excitement at the idea of seeing everyone he cared about. He quickly scoffed down his sandwich, not caring about taking his time. He was going to be home soon and could take his time savouring all the tastes that came with a homecooked meal while surrounded by those he missed.
While the break only lasted thirty minutes, it felt like a lifetime to the small group. Their hearts started to beat faster with each step their tired horses took towards home.
Time travelled slowly, the stars starting to peak out again when New York's outline started to rise in the distance, an excited whoop escaping Albert as he urged his horse to go even faster, unwilling to wait any longer. He wanted...No needed to be back in that city. He loved fresh air but still, he craved the smog of New York. Couldn't wait for it to fill his lungs as he walked around feeling like a king despite people viewing him as nothing more than a street rat. 
With the city in the distance, it was as if someone had pressed fast forward, landing the group at Sheepshead racetrack before they knew it. Hotshot couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of a short boy waiting near the empty stables. "Why am I not surprised you showed up Spot?"
"Wanted ta see the new 'Hattan boys fa myself." In all honestly, Spot had just wanted to see his brothers' safe returns was he wasn't going to say that in public. Besides, he couldn't help but be somewhat curious about the two new boys who would be joining the team just across the bridge. To him, it was easy to get a glimpse of what the boys had lived through. He hadn't been told much about them but judging by the bruise on the older boy's cheek, it was clear that they hadn't come from a nice place. Not that many of the newsies had come from a good place that is. 
Considering Hotshot had said they were going to a small town, he could tell that it was a small town that hated people being born with powers, whether that hatred was born from jealously and fear or just out of pure stupidity, the Brooklyn native didn't know and he wasn't sure if he even cared to know.  
Right now, he did his best to ignore where they had come from, instead, turning to Rai to talk about his trip, already knowing that the rules and boundaries had been explained. Even if they hadn't, the two looked smart, especially the blond who had decided to ignore everyone so he could focus on thanking his horse. God, were all Manhattan boys dorks? Shaking his head with a sigh, he clapped his hands. "Right. Curfew's comin' up in a bit so you'se best start gettin' back over the bridge."
"Giving orders now are we Conlon?"
"Blue's handlin' stuff in Queens so it's my job ta kick your bum asses out of Brooklyn. Now fuck off." 
Rags rolled his eyes but still spat in his hand and held it out to the younger boy, nodding as he returned the gesture. "We'se'll get outta ya hair Conlon. Gotta get these two set up and Al looks ready to die."
"Oh fuck off I do not!" Despite his words, Albert was rocking ever so slightly, having not slept much the night before due to excitement. "Let's just clear out already. I don't wanna miss out on the food!" 
Shaking his head, Rags laughed watching as Blink started shoving Albert around. "Yeah yeah. Tell Blue I said hi." He smiled at the two Brooklyn boys who had come along with his small crew. "Thanks you two. We'll be off now." With a single wave, the lanky teen ushered the others out of the racetrack grounds, chuckling internally at the way the two new brothers stuck together, looking around in both awe and suspicious hesitation. 
Idly, his eyes scanned the crowd, easily able to notice who was a normal person and who was a newsie who were lurking around after selling, watching them silently to make sure they didn't break any rules, wanting the small group out of their turf, yet also silently relieved that they had returned safely as that meant their own had been returned as well.
Feet gently joined the countless others walking on the bridge, their voices mingling with those of people hurrying to and from Brooklyn. Before they knew it, they were back on their own side. Sensing their neves, Specs smiled over at his new brothers. "Don't worry. You'll get used to this all before you know it. I will warn you though...The lodging house can be loud and a bit overwhelming at times. You'll fit right in though. I already know it."
Francis just nodded before turning back to Patches, mumbling something under his breath, relaxing as the other smiled and nodded, allowing the group to lead him and his younger brother around.
You'll be a man, boy!
It didn't take long for them to find themselves walking down Duane Street, watching a few kids eagerly look up, some running towards them as others rushed off towards a building, no doubt to let them know of the groups return. Subconsciously, Francis took a closer to Tony, watching as Specs, Blink and Albert were almost tackled, each by a different boy, all dressed in the same ratty attire as the group. 
Shaking his head, Rags nodded for the two brothers to follow him, leaving the six boys to reunite with their boyfriends. "They'll come along eventually so don't worry about the nerds. Let's just get you set up for now. Everyone's been dyin' ta meet you two, not just us newsies."
Grinning, he threw open the door to the lodging house, chuckling as he was greeted by cheers from a wide variety of kids. Silencing them with a single hand in the air, he grinned at the two new boys, remembering the few words Francis had muttered to him. 
"Everyone! I'd like ta introduce you to Jack Kelly 'nd his little brother, Racetrack Higgins!"
But for now, it's time to run, it's time to run!
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Survey #438
“i won’t let you die, keep you alive just to remind you of what you are not”
What is your favorite card game? Probably Magic: The Gathering, even though I'm not great at it. I just ADORE the artwork, mainly. Is YouTube one of your favorite websites? Yeah, given I'm constantly on it. Does your mother have a sister? If so, what’s her name? Yeah, named Kelly. What are you doing tomorrow? I'll be going with Mom to the pool at the gym. She goes Tuesdays and Thursday, so I'm going to start joining her to help ease soreness from my exercise days. Would you ever want to go to Africa? It's high on my bucket list! I am DESPERATE to visit the KMP and photograph and pet and pamper the meerkats. :') Last time you went bowling? Not since I was on a date with Girt. Would you ever want to own a bakery? Noooo, I don't enjoy cooking of any sort. I'm way too impatient. Do you like to text? It's funny, I don't enjoy it as much as I used to. I make typos too much and autocorrect only wants to work at the WRONG time, it seems. I'd still rather text than actually talk on the phone, though. You want your next pet to be what? To be realistic, it'll probably be a western hognose snake. I REALLY want a tarantula, but Mom absolutely will not allow it for as long as I live with her, lol. Trust me, I've pestered her about it. Would you rather be a vampire or a mermaid? Eh, probably a vampire. Do you prefer white or black electronics? Black. Do you like Nerds candy? Yeah. Is your favorite animal something you can have as a pet? I could write a college-length essay on why you absolutely shouldn't, but it's sadly legal in some countries. Thankfully, not America. What was the last classic novel you read? Did you enjoy it? Oh yikes, I have no idea. Name three movies which have a soundtrack you really love: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Tarzan, and The Blair Witch Project: Book of Shadows. What’s the scariest video game you’ve ever played? I know it's super cliche, but I genuinely found Outlast terrifying. As well, SCP Containment Breach is a game I can't even play because the jumpscares startle me too much, lol. They're just too loud. Do you own any pet fish? What kind of fish are they? No. I'm not really interested in keeping fish as pets. What is the most irritating thing that a boyfriend or girlfriend has ever done to you? Tyler wanted to talk CONSTANTLY. Barely even two weeks in and he got all bent out of shape over there being days we just didn't text. Like dude, especially this early in a relationship, I don't want to talk 24/7. He acted like we were together for years or some shit. Like sorry I want alone time. That relationship was just a bad idea. Have you ever known someone who was in an abusive relationship? Sadly. Out of all of your friends/relatives, who would you say has the best vocabulary? Probably Girt. He's just in general very smart. When yawning, do you cover your mouth? If out in public, yes. If you had a garden, what would you plant in it? Would you actually tend to it, or would it wind up neglected & withered? I could NEVER maintain a garden, but if I had the motivation and tolerance for the heat, that'd be nice. I'd love mostly flowers, and a grapevine would be pretty! Plus some strawberries. Do you like peanut butter? Yeah, definitely. What about marshmallows? Yep. How do you roast your marshmallows? They have to be BARELY brown at all. Like it has to be the liiightest toast. Do you eat s’mores? Ugh, hell yes. I really want some now, thanks. Own a lava lamp? No, but I'd love a pink one. :( Or black. Own any sort of glow-in-the-dark room accessory? No. Ever done something sexual in public? No, I have common decency. Do you like the taste of squid or eel? I COULD FUCKING NEVER TRY EITHER. Slimy or rubbery stuff like that is such a massive no. Ever date anybody in middle school? Yeah, Aaron in the 7th grade for a few months. Did you like to get dirty when you were little? I think I did. Like I know I loved speeding through mud puddles on my bike as a kid. Own anything that has to do with dragons or unicorns? I have a lot of dragon decor. Ever wanted to be a vet? Yep. Ever written your number in a public bathroom or a school text book? If so, did anyone actually call you? No. What type of weapon do you prefer? Uh, none...? I don't like weapons. Is there something that you haven’t told anyone that you actually would like to tell someone? No, not really. Would you rather watch a full season of American Idol, or So You Think You Can Dance? The latter, by far. I used to love that show. I really enjoy watching dances. Have you ever worn boxers? Pretty sure no? Last hickey was from? I've only gotten to that point with one person, you can figure it out. Have you ever put a kick me sign on the back of someone? No, that is so rude. Are there any inappropriate pictures of you anywhere? No. I've never taken an inappropriate picture. How many times do you tend to sneeze in a row? Two or three. Karma; believe or don’t? I don't believe it's a thing. I wish it was. Ever changed a diaper? Once. Or maybe twice? No plans on ever doing that again. When you see anything smaller than a quarter on the ground, do you pick it up? I don't even pick quarters up, really. Can bald guys ever be attractive? Um, yes? Do you like hugs? Yessss. Would you ever donate blood? Yeah, I have before. I'd just have to get better about drinking water so I don't faint. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? No. Ever had the opposite sex over when no one was home? You make that sound so scandalous, lmao. Yeah. What is the last song to make you cry? "Another Life" by Motionless In White. Have you ever kissed someone in the rain? Yeah. Have you kissed someone with braces? No. Are you anyone’s first love? I don't believe so. Anything happen to you within the past month that made you really happy? I'M LOSING WEIGHTTTTTT. :') The gym is paying off! Is there a person of the opposite gender on your mind? That's kinda a permanent thing. He's always there, even if only in the back. Who was the last person to wink at you? My cat, ha ha. Did you parents know what gender you were before you were born? Yes. Are any of your really close friends pregnant right now? REALLY close friends, nope. Are you for or against inter-racial relationships? ... You know it's 2021, right???? This never should have been controversial. Have you ever been addicted to something unhealthy? Well, there's caffeine... When the holidays come around, do you watch holiday movies? No. When was the last time someone insulted you? What was the insult? I don't recall. Do you say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” in order to avoid offending people who don’t celebrate Christmas? I honestly just say "merry Christmas." Have you ever made/played with a sock puppet before? Yes. Have you ever seen a waterfall (aside from in a fountain or other manmade things)? Only small ones. Are you a frequent sufferer of heartburn? Yes; I actually have a prescription for chronic heartburn. If I don't take it, I'll get heartburn to the point I come near tears. How many different colleges have you gone to? Three. How much stress can you handle? Ha, not a lot at all. What is one thing you thought you’d never do but have done or are doing? I'm 25 and feel like I've just... wasted so much, and I continue to. I never thought I'd make it to this age and to have gone so short a distance in terms of being a successful adult. Have you ever disowned a friend or family member for their beliefs? I've stopped being friends with people, yes. Do you ever feel like your life is too boring or predictable? It 120% is. Do you think you will die happy? To be honest... I think no a lot of the time. Do you like looking at pictures? Yeah. Are you a submissive person? Very. Do you believe the dead can have connections with the living? I do. What are your views on the death penalty? I support it in extreme cases. Once you prove to be a thorough monster that deeply endangers other humans... you don't deserve life. We as a society have to work together, not destroy one another. Do you like horror movies? Why or why not? Yeah! I like the thrill of them. Would you ever be able to become a vegan? No; I am FAR too picky with my food. I want to be vegan, but I just wouldn't survive. What was your favorite toy as a child? I had a whole story based around some plastic dinosaurs, alligators, deer, and Pokemon figurines. Who was your first best friend? What is your favorite memory of/with them? Are you two still friends? Brianna. I don't know what my favorite memory is... We made a lot. We're Facebook friends, but we don't talk anymore. Would you rather hang out with someone who is always high or someone who constantly wants to get drunk all the time? High, I guess. Drunk people I think get sloppier and, in some cases, angry. The (few) high people I've been around have just been chill and friendly. How did you meet your newest friend? I'm not entirely sure who I consider to be my newest friend. The last time you kissed someone, were your arms around their neck? I don't think so? I'm pretty sure I was just hugging her around the waist. You have to get a facial piercing, what do you get? I've mentioned how I wanna get my nose re-pierced in multiple surveys. Do you straighten your hair? No. When is the next time you will see the person you like? Who knows, dude. I really want to be able to walk for two minutes without feeling like I'm dying before I go to an airport again, and even more importantly, even as a fully-vaccinated person, I want Covid to chill out before I travel again. And who the fuck knows when that'll be since people don't want to listen to goddamn professionals. Did you get to sleep in today? I actually slept through my alarm and was late to gym today. :x Your first dog? I was born into the family with a collie named Trigger, but she passed when I was a baby, so I don't have any memories of her. We got what I want to say was a Rottweiler mix named Angel at one point, who I consider our first family dog, but she was born with that disease that some puppies have where they just... die. Who I consider MY first REAL dog was Teddy. <3 Stood loyally by my side as my furry son and most devoted friend for around 13 years. Do you prefer mint, citrus, or cinnamon toothpaste? Mint. Are you one of those people who are always cold? No, I'm always hot. Have you done anything sneaky lately? No. Have you ever had feelings for someone and thought “This is the person I want to be with forever”? Yeah, twice. Do you keep notes, drawings or letters that people give you? Of course! Have you had a significant other that you never kissed? Well, boyfriends, but I wouldn't count the ones I haven't kissed as truly "significant other"s. Has anybody ever dated you only for your looks? I don't think so. Do you have any handshakes with anybody? Nah. What are you listening to? "Necessary Evil" by Motionless In White & Jonathan Davis. Would you take back your last boyfriend/girlfriend? Yeah. Who is your favorite band? How long have they been? Ozzy Osbourne. Since middle school. Who is your favorite author? I don't have a fave. Do you like cheesecake? BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH- How did you meet the last person you kissed? YouTube, back when it had more social aspects. Do you wake up cranky? Not usually, no. I'm actually in my best mood in the morning. Have you ever met your favorite band/singer? No, but holy fuck would that be awesome. I want to thank him for his music so badly. Do you have a good relationship with your parent(s)? Yeah. Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? My old house, yes, but not this one. Do chickens have feelings? Yes. Have you ever been to a spa? Yeah, even though I really wasn't interested. I just went with Colleen because she invited me. I appreciated her wanting to hang out and include me of course, so I was happy to go, but it's not something I'd do of my own volition. The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? The lemonade. Favorite South Park character? I don't have one, given I'm not interested in the show. How often do you have to shave? When/where I shave grows back FAST, so frequently. Ever go ghost hunting? No but omg I'd love to. Someone date me just to go do this together one night lmao. Do you have any family in the military? No. Can you talk to your mother about most things? I know I CAN talk to her about absolutely everything, but I don't always. Would you ever homeschool your children? If they wanted it and it'd be beneficial to their health and educational success, then yes. Are you afraid of change? Oh boy, am I. Who’s your favourite character from one of your favourite books? I'll go with The Outsiders, in which case I remember it was Dally.
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prinz-alexiares · 5 years
Deputy Blair R. O’Connell
I’ve had this OC since, like, 2018 but I was too lazy to assemble her design together so here she is lol
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Name: Blair Rhiannon O’Connell
Nickname: Deputy/Dep, Blair, Ree (only by family)
Age: 26
Birthdate: January 19th
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/Nationality: Irish-Welsh-American
Height/Weight: 172 cm / 68 kg
Blood Type: B
Occupation: USAF Marksman (former), Deputy Sheriff of Hope County 
Hair Color: Black with red-brown undertone
Eye Color: Grey
Guns ‘N Roses
Open nature and mountains
Spicy food
Canine animals
Warm bath
.50 cal firearms
Crowded places
Being teased/played with
Empty desert
Outdoor related activities such as fishing, hunting, camping, and hiking
Looking at animal memes
Randomly wandering outside or sit somewhere in the forest and do nothing
Reading peculiar books
Petting all the dogs in the ‘hood
Fixing/cleaning/modifying her weapons while blasting classic rock songs on the radio
Soaking herself in a bathtub full of warm water
Blair has a bold style and vibe, and she carries a rather thuggish demeanor. She looks and acts more masculine, although she also shows her femininity in a lot of ways as well.
She is somewhat reckless, often acts first before she thinks. She introspectively sees this as her weakness, as she repeatedly made bad decisions in the past that negatively affected people around her. But on a brighter side, she comes out as an ‘action’ person who gets things done. It also makes her seem more courageous and reliable than most people.
She can get very selfish. A lot of decisions she makes would consider her ideals stronger than anything else. But the good side is that she always wants to do the ‘right thing’ by helping others or solve problems, although the result still relies heavily on her own judgement.
She describes herself as ‘childish and mature at the same time’, hinting at her recklessness and self-centered tendencies as being ‘childish’, while her natural leader and calculating nature as the ‘mature’ side. Her service in the USAF had helped her to polish her leadership and logical thinking skills, although they sometimes are hindered by her emotions.
Five Songs in Her Playlist:
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
Guns ‘N Roses - November Rain
Queens of The Stone Age - Make It Wit Chu
Guns ‘N Roses - Paradise City
Radiohead - High and Dry
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Blair was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to a devoted Catholic family as an only child. Her business consultant father was an immigrant from Ireland, and her teacher mother was a Welsh-American. They enrolled her into all-girls Catholic schools throughout her elementary and a half of her junior high-school years. However, that didn’t stop her from developing interest in hobbies more commonly enjoyed by boys. She enjoyed baseball, soccer, wall climbing, skateboarding, and plenty of other outdoor activities. She also made friends with boys around her neighborhood and used to walk her dogs with them as well.
During her school years, she was very competitive at school and very confident with herself. She liked presenting her work, actively asking and answering questions during lessons, and she was becoming more and more critical about her surroundings. Her teachers disliked her boldness, as it was seen as a sign of disobedience. They tried to shut her down by treating her differently than her other peers; giving her more disadvantages and having her voice ignored in the classrooms. Young Blair got discouraged and frustrated that she threw a lot of tantrums and started to become less and less compromising when she was faced with problems. She then began to show her violent tendencies as she repeatedly involved in fistfights and physical bullying. Her parents were mad at her once she was given detention from school, but upon learning the truth, they moved her to a mixed, secular private school.
However, her violent tendencies were never addressed properly thus carried until later in her life.
Before Eden’s Gate
Blair was first introduced to open nature, firearms, and hunting when she celebrated winter holiday at her grandfather’s place in Montana. He was a Vietnam War veteran, and through him she learned about the old M1903 Springfield and Winchester Model 70 for the first time. Blair had been visiting him almost every winter holiday since she was 13, learning all the stuff about guns and hunting. She was very fascinated and inspired by her grandfather that she planned to follow in his footsteps to live as a hunter.
But her metropolitan parents were against her ideas, which disappointed her. They later discussed her future and agreed upon a condition that Blair would return to formal school, taking defense studies, and/or enlisting herself in the military or police department. She did enlist to the USAF, spending about 4-5 years in service. She was in the marksman course and tasked as sniper for an Advanced Designated Marksman team in the Middle-East. She was known to be a formidable marksman with plenty of kill records. Although she didn’t experience much combat, it was enough for her to see how complex and dangerous things were, and killing people because she was told to do so wasn’t a pleasure. She also lost her teammate once; a spotter, shot by an enemy sniper.
Once she got home, she spilled the surprising news to her parents that she quit the military. She tried to seek redemption from the extreme guilt she brought home from the war. She went to Montana and stayed in her late grandfather’s cabin while thinking about what to do next. She then applied to several police and sheriff offices in Montana, wishing she’d make things up by protecting people as a police officer. Not long after, she got accepted in a sheriff office located in a remote county, telling her that they’re in dire need of someone capable of handling civil unrest situations. She wondered why, and chose to go.
PEG Turmoil
Blair tried to make peace with her past, but being involved in PEG turmoil forced her to relive her past instead. At first, seeing no way out, she decided to play along; rescuing resistance members, destroying PEG infrastructures, and becoming the pawn for the local residents’ revenge against the cult. But the more people she killed, the more destruction she created, the more frustrated she became. She started to put the Seeds’ words into her consideration. She also spoke to some of the locals who wished there would be another way to deal with the Peggies instead of going all out civil war.
She is stuck between acknowledging that the cult is probably right, that what she’s done is a severe crime and makes her no different than the cult, but she can’t leave behind the people and everything she has been fighting for.
Joseph Seed: The man just feels unsettling for her. Like there is something about him that makes her guts tell her how he is a trustworthy person. But her brain tells her he’s a psychopath who murders everyone to get his way with the world he resents. She hasn’t figured out whether she can trust his words or not.
John Seed: She thinks of him as a typical upper-class man with enormous wealth and power in possession who likes to exploit those who are more inferior than him. He has a superiority complex, perhaps, and Blair has heard about what happened between him and his adoptive family. She also knows his ‘obsession’ towards her, and she prefers to use it as a weapon to taunt him.
Jacob Seed: The Seed she can relate to the most, but also feels like an intense rival of hers. She has complicated feelings about him; she respects him. His values and views make sense to a certain extent, but she can’t deny that he IS a war criminal and he must be held responsible for all the horrible shit he has done. But after all the destruction she created, she comes into terms that they both are of the same kind after all. However, she won’t be intensely facing him off if not for the brainwashing trials and his hunting rituals.
Faith Seed: She feels nothing but pity towards her. She has heard what Joseph has done to her, and what happened to the previous ‘Faiths’. She treats Faith as nothing more than Joseph’s pawn, who probably has no freedom in making any decision at all.
Her name ‘Blair’ is of Scottish-Gaelic origin. It means ‘plain’, ‘field’, or ‘battlefield’, while her middle name ‘Rhiannon’ is of old Celtic origin which means ‘divine queen’. Her surname ‘O’Connell’ is a common Irish surname which means ‘wolf’ or ‘hound’. 
When her hair isn’t tied up, it has medium length that almost reaches her shoulders.
She equips red and grey-checkered MBP .50 with cylinder suppressor, cherry-painted silenced M60, red-painted silenced SMG-11, and a red-painted RPG. When she isn’t in her stealthy mood, she packs Jacob’s rifle and M249.
She has had a smoking habit since high school. She stopped smoking for a while during her service in USAF, but continued after she quit the military. Her favorite cigarette is Lucky Strike.
She is addicted to eyeliner.
She wears her military dog tag as a memorabilia.
Her type of man is someone who can tame and handle her ‘chaotic side’.
Unlike her family, she isn’t religious.
She believes that she is sterile, that’s why she feels like less of a woman.
I want to add some more details but shit isn’t this a freaking long post. I’ll just update them later. Procrastination is the key to better original character design.
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