#insulin response
Effects on sugar levels & insulin: 7 most common sweeteners
Aspartame: The oldest and most studied sweetener, aspartame has zero grams of sugar and won’t spike insulin levels after it’s consumed. However, studies in mice have shown that aspartame affects gut bacteria in ways that could lead to insulin resistance, especially with frequent and repeated use. Aspartame is found in diet coke, as well as the brand name sweetener Equal.
Saccharin: Found in Sweet N Low, saccharin may affect gut bacteria in ways that could lead to insulin resistance, based on mice studies. If this is an issue in humans, it will likely only occur with frequent and repeated use. In the past, saccharin has been associated with bladder cancer, based on mice studies, but that was based on extreme levels humans would never consume, so that fear is not based on reality.
Sucralose: A recent human study found that sucralose, which is found in Splenda, may lead to increased insulin spikes when sugar is consumed. It’s also been shown to alter gut bacteria in mice.
Stevia: A relatively new sugar substitute, Stevia is considered one of the safer sugar substitutes. However, little research has been done on it.
Erythritol: This is a sweetener that’s only been approved on the market since 2001, and becoming more popular in recent years. It isn’t recognized as sugar in the body hasn’t been shown to raise insulin levels and is well tolerated, compared to its cousin malitol. That said, it hasn’t been well studied.
Xylitol: Xylitol is a sugar alcohol with about 40% of the calories of regular sugar, so it can contribute to insulin resistance and Type II diabetes if consumed in high amounts.
Maltitol: Maltitol is a sugar alcohol with fewer grams of sugar than pure sugar. But at around half the calories of sugars, it’s not a good option for avoiding insulin resistance and Type II diabetes. It can also lead to significant diarrhea and bloating issues.
source: imaware
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 2 months
I think I'd rather snap my own neck than apply to another job.
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egginfroggin · 2 months
look sometimes you need to blow several units of insulin on a single whoopie pie okay
and that's okay
it's enrichment
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the-lonely-human · 6 months
Diabetes in a nutshell:
What in the name of God is my blood sugar doing now?
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fatmaclover · 5 months
i think the one trait that mac lost that makes me the most sad is honestly his diabetes. i would have honestly loved it if it kept being brought up offhandedly. idk. as someone prone to type 2 i think he should keep his type 2.
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theygender · 9 months
Did staff just like. Remove the ability to edit posts where you're responding to an ask??
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
When American politicians discuss doing universal healthcare in their country and start whining about the possibility of "medical tourism" where people would theoretically go to America to get healthcare I want to scream and shake them. That already exists- Canada is where Americans went to get their fucking insulin because their own government failed them so hard another country nearly had an insulin shortage a few times over the course of the pandemic alone.
If you want to talk about medical tourism and that """"straining""""" the American healthcare system then maybe take a look at the way Americans are consistently causing strains to Canada's healthcare!! And I assume Americans don't just travel here for healthcare either, so when American politicians act like they're Just The Best and everyone will go to America for healthcare I want to be like THE ISSUE YOURE BITCHING ABOUT EXISTS AND ITS NOT HAPPENING TO YOU ITS HAPPENING TO CANADA AND ITS BECAUSE YOU REFUSE TO ADEQUATELY SERVICE YOUR POPULATION AND MORE THAN ONCE CANADIAN DIABETICS WERE THE ONES WHO'D SUFFER FOR IT. Like you want to talk medical tourism without ever acknowledging your population using other countries healthcare, which I guess is fine because it's not America footing the bill, really?
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stedescuffs · 2 years
oh no…. not seeing the $25 walmart insulin bs circulating again……
trust me, we know about that insulin. it’s an outdated formula that is dangerous if you don’t know how to use it correctly, which takes active (daily, in some cases) work with an endocrinologist. if you can’t afford insulin, you probably can’t afford to go see your endo once a week. yes we can *survive* on it for short periods of time, and it’s better than nothing, but not by much.
i’m begging people to talk to a diabetic and not reblog “share this to save a life” posts. i say with all the love, it’s patronizing and dangerous to circulate those posts. please delete them.
((this is not at any one person, i have seen more than a handful in the past week. ironically one of the reasons i left tumblr the first time))
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sodrippy · 2 years
one of the funniest things to ever happen to me is when i saw a therapist for the first time ever and i was so so annoyed that she spent all our sessions focusing on my anxiety disorder when to me the most pressing concern was my depression, only to later realize that i am like. SEVERELY anxious all the fucking time and actually maybe professionals know what the hell theyre talking about<3
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Woo boy, the fact I can't get an endocrinology appointment before fucking FEBRUARY is the worst.
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schwarzeneggr · 5 months
theres some gay guy nurse in this hospital and like ok i gritted my teeth when I saw his rainbow disney lanyard but then this morning he was playing jungle book music while we were in line to take our morning medication on his phone and i was like girl you cannot be a disney adult and be gay. Are you aware. Do you know. Have you googled. Did nostalgia brainwash you. Do you think any of us stuck in this psychiatric facility for 3+ months want to hear a bear sing about how the bare necessities make you happy while I chug on the 4 pills i depend on for mental stabilization before I stab myself with the insuline i also depend on to litteraly live. Fuck you ill rip that earring with my teeth.
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gacorley · 8 months
There’s some common threads I see in the anti-voting posts going around, and I feel like I need to discuss some of them. Let’s start with the biggest one:
Voting to punish evil. I see lots of variations of this. Biden is supporting Israel, therefore we can’t vote for him. Is there any viable candidate who would stop the genocide? I don’t think the anti voting crowd actually cares. They are appealing to moral feelings rather than political strategy, because strategically, you have to realize that voting is not going to change foreign policy, and that change has to be pushed by other means. It’ll probably be something in the long haul.
Democrats should run someone else. First of all, this is a shit strategy. You don’t primary your president in the second term unless your party is falling apart. This may come from people from countries where replacing the head of government is easier, but the POTUS is the de facto party head. Also, going to the lack of thought to the goal — do you know someone willing to primary Biden and able to win who would do the things you want?
Biden hasn’t done anything anyway. This is just a way to bat away pro arguments. There’s plenty of lists of progress on lots of things. Student loans, insulin price caps, regulations, anti-trust.
Putting the entire Palestinian genocide on Biden. I’m not saying there’s not culpability there, but understand that the entire US government is in support of Israel, on both sides. It was a miracle we got a handful of Senators to call for investigations. We should cut off aid, absolutely. Who’s running to do that? And keep in mind that Israel chose to engage. US officials would have liked a more limited response, not out of care for Palestinians, but because they know from experience that it will come back to bite Israel in the form of newly radicalized Hamas recruits.
Liberals just have no hope for change. This is a new one. Just some idea that people are stuck in a rut and that’s the reason the two party system exists. The two party system is a mathematical consequence of the way we vote. There is reason to hope for change. The change, though, whatever means you choose, will take decades. Keep working at it. The hope is not that this election will fundamentally change things. The hope is that many small political actions over the years will push things forward.
Funnily enough, I haven’t seen a whole lot of third party promotion, just lots of this rhetoric aiming to punish. When voting, ask yourself:
Is this problem I have with this candidate something that the other candidate would be better on?
Are there other political actions I can take that will help?
What things can change with a different President or Congress, and what needs to be pursued by other means?
Withholding your vote as a punishment isn’t really going to help. Biden doesn’t know who you are or why you are not voting for him, and there is no one with a chance of winning that will do everything you want. But you have other means. Protest, organize, donate, build up alternatives, advocate for a different system.
Vote to give yourself space and get a little bit. Do other things to keep things moving.
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funsimplethings · 1 year
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"People living with diabetes might have a new hope. Scientists have tested a new drug therapy in diabetic mice, and found that it boosted insulin-producing cells by 700% over three months, effectively reversing their disease.
Beta cells in the pancreas have the important job of producing insulin in response to blood sugar levels, but a hallmark of diabetes is that these cells are either destroyed or can’t produce enough insulin. The most common treatment is regular injections of insulin to manage blood sugar levels.
But a recent avenue of research has involved restoring the function of these beta cells. In some cases that’s started with stem cells being coaxed into new beta cells, which are then transplanted into patients with diabetes. Researchers behind this kind of work have described it as a “functional diabetes cure.”
Now, scientists at Mount Sinai and City of Hope have demonstrated a new breakthrough. Previous studies have mostly involved growing new beta cells in a lab dish, then transplanting them into mice or a small device in humans. But this new study has been able to grow the insulin-producing cells right there in the body, in a matter of months.
The therapy involved a combination of two drugs: one is harmine, a natural molecule found in certain plants, which works to inhibit an enzyme called DYRK1A found in beta cells. The second is a GLP1 receptor agonist. The latter is a class of diabetes drug that includes Ozempic, which is gaining attention lately for its side effect of weight loss.
The researchers tested the therapy in mouse models of type 1 and 2 diabetes. First they implanted a small amount of human beta cells into the mice, then treated them with harmine and GLP1 receptor agonists. Sure enough, the beta cells increased in number by 700% within three months of the treatment. The signs of the disease quickly reversed, and stayed that way even a month after stopping the treatment.
“This is the first time scientists have developed a drug treatment that is proven to increase adult human beta cell numbers in vivo,” said Dr. Adolfo Garcia-Ocaña, corresponding author of the study. “This research brings hope for the use of future regenerative therapies to potentially treat the hundreds of millions of people with diabetes.”
The results are intriguing, but of course being an animal study means there’s still much more work to be done before it could find clinical use. So far, harmine alone has recently undergone a phase 1 clinical trial in humans to test its safety and tolerability, while other DYRK1A inhibitors are planned for trials in humans next year.
Perhaps most importantly, the team will soon experiment with combining beta-cell-regenerating drugs with others that modulate the immune system. Ideally this should help overcome a major hurdle: the immune system will continue attacking new beta cells as they’re produced.
The research was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine."
-via New Atlas, July 14, 2024
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txttletale · 2 months
I think the (well-ish read)anarchist's response to the insulin bit(or the trains bit, random prison guy aside) is something along the lines of "especially outside of the bounds of profit, what is the meaningful difference between a group of people coming together and organizing their labor to provide a good or a service and a group of people coming together and organizing their labor to provide a good or a service with the vestiges of the state"
Specifically while keeping in mind the idea that collective action and organization is the base metric of society and one that would happen regardless, with varying levels of coercion and control depending on the driving forces. Administration need not be functional capitalists need not be rulership innit?
I think a lot of people who say they're anarchists like. Don't actually read their theory or even really poke it beyond the basics and come away with wildly misguided conclusions and a woeful inability to argue for it.
-anon who finds anarchist philosophy to be incredibly useful as a lens to view and analyze the world through but would call themselves "more of an ML than an anarchist for the sake of practicality" if pressed to say anything at all
sure! i mean if you read state & revolution there is a lot of detail given (drawing examples from the paris commune) on how administrative tasks can be democratized and distributed, diluted of their political character bit by bit until the abolition of class and the ensuing withering of the state
but that administration is vitally important! there is a massive difference between the hobbyist pharmacist gang 'coming together' to 'make some insulin' with no more specific goal or direction other than 'goodwill and solidarity' and a formal, organized medical system capable of training pharmacists, issuing orders for insulin and then distributing that insulin, that is meaningfully accountable should it fail to do any of these things!
i am enormously sympathetic to the idea that socialism will allow people to find pleasure and fulfillment in working, that much of the old systems of coercion will become unecessary quickly, that people are generally disposed to labour for the social good--but tendencies and general dispositions are not good enough to guarantee the lives of millions--only actual organization is, bottom-up organization certainly, organization by a central body consisting of workers elected by workers and accountable to workers certainly, but nevertheless organization of and yes, bodies with authority over production and distribution.
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extra-joker-mush · 2 months
this is a list of palestinian fundraisers as well as a brief description i wrote of each person's situation
!! DISCLAIMER !! I am not qualified to vet campaigns, I only compile them. I will include the account that has verified each campaign in its respective description, and if they are not vetted, I will add a disclaimer. Always donate at your own discretion.
@motaz345: Mohamed Jadalhaq from Sweden is organizing this campaign on behalf of his brother Motaz in order to raise enough funds to evacuate him and his family from Gaza. Motaz is himself a nurse by trade, while his wife Fedaa is a pediatrician. They have three children together, Mohammed (9), Omar (7), and Nima (4). Motaz and Fedaa both volunteer at a local hospital, however they make no stable income because both their home and place of work were destroyed by bombings. Because they are constantly forced to relocate, they can have no stable source of income or basic necessities such as food and clean water. This family’s gofundme has raised 36,000 krona (~$3,500 USD) of their goal which is 250,000 krona (~$25,000 USD). This will cover basic necessities for the family of five and hopefully evacuation fees as well. This campaign has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@burningnightgiver: Sahar, Mother separated from her children, who are currently trapped in Gaza. Her daughter Walaa suffers from type 1 diabetes and does not have access to insulin due to the genocide. Sahar’s gofundme has raised $11,000 of the $50,000 she requires to evacuate her children and be reunited with them in Egypt. This fundraiser has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@yousefjehad0: Youssef (19) currently sheltering in a tent at a displacement camp in Deir al-Balah. Responsible for his family’s livelihood as well as paying for his father’s medical treatment. His younger brother is suffering from hepatitis due to poor living conditions caused by the genocide and requires medicine. Youssef is malnourished because all the income he makes goes towards his family’s medical expenses, and he has been stripped of his education after having his school bombed by the Israeli army. His gofundme has only raised $5,000 of the $15,000 he needs. This fundraiser has been vetted by @90-ghost, @aces-and-angels, and @el-shab-hussein.
@mohammadyaser1980: Mohammad, father of five children who have lost their home and education due to the genocide in Gaza. His mother has also passed away due to poor living conditions and lack of access to medical care. His gofundme has raised $20,000 of the $35,000 he needs to help support his family. This campaign is being orchestrated by Mohammad’s nephew, Roba Ayyad.
@ahmed4palestine: Ahmed (22), formerly a biomechanics major at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, before it was destroyed by the Israeli army. He was stripped of his education a year before he was supposed to graduate and his father Amjad lost his shop, effectively his family’s source of income. His gofundme has raised $17,000 of the $20,000 he requires to support his family of seven (Lamar, his youngest sister, hopes to one day be a doctor), who are currently sheltering in Deir al Balah after having been displaced. The $20,000 will cover evacuation tickets ($5,000 per adult & $2,500 per child), bus transportation from the border to Cairo, and an Egyptian Visa. This fundraiser has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@alhabil: Mohammad (30), husband and father of three–Ahmed (8), Osama (6), and Mira (4). He supports his parents and pays for their medical expenses; his father Marwan Al-Habil (65) suffers from diabetes and hypertension, and his mother (55) is in extremely poor health (diabetes, high blood pressure, a herniated disc, and osteoporosis) due to lack of treatment. Mohammad’s family was displaced to Rafah and then later Nuseirat, which is still not safe. His gofundme has raised $27,000 of his $50,000 goal, and has been vetted by @90-ghost and @el-shab-hussein.
@hayanahed: Haya and her family of eight, who have been displaced after having their home bombed by the Israeli army. Both Haya and her sister Amal suffer from severe medication allergies and fear that with growing disease in displacement camps they will not have access to adequate medical care. Her father’s business of 28 years was completely destroyed in a bombing last year, reducing their family’s income to nothing. Before their workplaces and home were entirely destroyed, Haya and her siblings consisted of three talented programmers and one graphic designer. Haya’s youngest sister studied at the College of Architecture and is an aspiring architect. Haya’s siblings are also separated from her brother, who is currently living in Belgium. Her gofundme has raised $83,000 of $100,000, which will cover her entire family’s fees to enter Egypt (5k per person, 35k for their seven family members), passport fees ( €135 per person, €945 for seven family members), and minimum living costs (€1,700 per month, €10,200 total). This fundraiser has been vetted by operation olive branch and project watermelon.
@momenalostaz: Momen (24) requires support for his family of ten living in Gaza. His father is battling heart disease and cannot cover medical expenses, while the children in his family are subjected to malnourishment and disease. You can read more about his family on his gofundme page, which has raised $22,000 of the $70,000 that his family requires to cover the evacuation fees as well as basic necessities living in Cairo. This fundraiser has been vetted by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi.
@karamrafeek: Karam (23) aspiring software engineer before his university was destroyed. Taking care of his sick mother, Karam’s gofundme has raised $13,000 of the $20,000 he needs, which will cover evacuation fees ($5,000 per person, $10,000 total), the cost of his mother’s treatment ($3,000), the cost of completing his education ($3,000) and cost of living in Egypt ($4,000). This campaign has been vetted by @nabulsi, @rainbowywitch, and @gazagfmboost (as well as by Project Watermelon).
@asmaayyad: Asmaa (25) and her family of eight who have been forced to evacuate their home. Their kitten, Timur, passed away due to the harsh conditions caused by the genocide. Asmaa’s brothers can no longer provide their family with income and her family has been deprived of basic necessities. Asmaa’s gofundme has only raised $15,000 of the $45,000 she needs, which will cover evacuation fees for her family ($5,000 per adult and $2,500 per child). This campaign has been vetted by @90-ghost and @aces-and-angels.
@adham-89: Yousef’s nieces Kareem and Carmen are in need of evacuation from Gaza. Their mother was killed after their house was bombed, and their uncle Yousef is orchestrating the campaign to evacuate the twins from America. The twins, as well as Yousef’s parents and sisters, are sheltering in tents in southern Gaza. Their gofundme has raised $11,000 of the $50,000 they need, which will cover evacuation fees for all six family members. This fundraiser has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@mahmoud1995: Mahmoud, his fiancé Sujood, his brother, his sister in law and his nephew Yasser are sheltering in tents in southern Gaza after having their home bombed in November. Their gofundme has raised $13,000 of their $50,000 goal, which will cover evacuation fees so the five of them may cross the border into Egypt. This fundraiser has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@shimaashaban22: Abdel (26) and his wife Shaima (22) as well as their daughter Juri (2) have been displaced from their bombed home in northern Gaza to a refugee camp in Deir Al-Balah, where they live in a small tent. This family’s gofundme has raised $11,000 of their $50,000 goal. This campaign has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@m0hammed1: Mohammed (23), formerly studying for a Master's in Business Administration, is responsible for his family of five; his mother Raja (51), father Hussein (58) and younger sisters Iman (18) and Noor (13). His father was injured by the bombings that struck their home, and Iman has contracted hepatitis due to unsanitary living conditions caused by the genocide. The family is displaced and sheltering in Deir al-Balah, where they suffer from disease and lack of access to food, water, and basic shelter. Their gofundme has raised $9,000 of the $25,000 they need, and has been vetted by @90-ghost and @ibtisams.
@mohammed-atallah: Muhammad (17) was shot by an Israeli soldier with an explosive bullet on 2/25/24 whilst carrying aid from the Nabulsi roundabout in southwest Gaza. He was shot on his left hand and requires a bone graft, which he cannot get in Gaza. His father also requires constant medical supervision which is insufficient in their current situation. Muhammad’s gofundme has raised $14,000 of the $82,000 goal, which will cover the cost of his bone graft as well as rebuilding the house of Muhammad, his parents (Sobhi and Alaa) his siblings (Iman, Amani, Alaa, Suja, Rahaf, Retaj, and Ahmed) as well as his niece and nephew (Malak and Amir). This campaign is being orchestrated by Haruka Aoki on behalf of Muhammad and has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@emanzaqoutt: Eman, biotechnologist, wife of Mahmoud Zaqout (39) and mother of two children, Rakan (12) and Seba (10). Before the Israeli army attacked her workplace, Eman conducted scientific research and worked as a biotech specialist at Al-Shifa Hospital and Turkish Palestinian Friendship Hospital serving cancer patients. After having her home destroyed by the Israeli army, Eman’s family was forced to move south and is currently sheltering in a displacement camp with inhumane living conditions. Her gofundme has raised $24,000 of her $40,000 goal and has been vetted by @90-ghost.
Salem (26): Unfortunately I can’t find his tumblr account, but I still have his gofundme link. Salem is a husband to Hadeel (25) and a father of two children, Laila (5) and Bakr (five months), who you can see pictures of on his gofundme page. After having their home destroyed, Salem and his family have been displaced and forced to move over ten times in search of safety, suffering under inhumane and severely unsanitary conditions that threaten the lives of himself, his wife and young children, one of whom is an infant. His daughter Laila has been stripped of her education and they suffer from extreme hunger, dehydration and stress. His fundraiser has raised $6,000 of their $38,000 goal, which will cover the cost of travel for Salem and his wife (around $14,000 total), as well as for his two children (around $5,000 total) and cost of living after evacuation (around $500 per month).
@mahmoudswierh2: (gofundme of the AlBalawi family) Formerly a talented graphic designer, Mahmoud is supporting his five siblings, as well as five nieces and nephews. Both of his parents are suffering from chronic health issues (detailed in his gfm description) and do not have access to the appropriate medication and care. The family’s home in Nuseirat was destroyed in a bombing and they were displaced. Moving to Egypt for their safety is their only choice, despite how painful it is to abandon their home. Mahmoud has raised $38,000 of his $50,000 goal, which will cover evacuation funds for the family (5k-8k per person).
@ashraf-family2: Ashraf (30) and his wife (Widad Isaa) and son (Bakr), originally from Al-Shuja’iya, where Ashraf owned a chicken farm to support his family. The Israeli army destroyed the family’s home and source of income. Their son Bakr in particular is subjected to harsh and inhumane conditions such as malnutrition and dehydration, in a constant state of stress. Ashraf’s gofundme has raised $20,000 of their $25,000 goal, and has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@musababed: Musab (22), formerly a biotech engineering student at Al-Azhar university. His home and university were destroyed by the Israeli army, who also murdered some of his family members and stripped him of his education. Musab’s gofundme has raised $5,000 of his $8,000 goal, which will go towards basic necessities and shelter for his family as well as his continued engineering studies and rebuilding the lives of his family. This fundraiser has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@waseem4gaza: Waseem (34), his wife Amal (37) and their son Qais (3) have been forced by the Israeli army (who also martyred many of their family members) to evacuate their home in Gaza, and they are seeking to evacuate to Egypt. This family’s gofundme has raised $3,000 and is aiming for $15,000, which will cover evacuation fees. This campaign has been vetted by @mohammedalanqer.
@asmaamajed2: Asmaa (19) computer engineering student has lost her home, and means of income due to her father’s shop also being destroyed by the bombing. Her university was destroyed by the Israeli army as well, so she can’t continue her education. Asmaa’s gofundme has only raised $9,000 of the $50,000 she needs to evacuate her family and continue her education. This fundraiser has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@farahh2003: Farah (20) and her family have been displaced and are currently sheltering in tents in Al-Zawaida. Her grandfather, uncle, and cousins were killed in the bombing that destroyed her home, and her grandmother was gravely injured. Formerly a computer engineering student, Farah’s education has been halted by her university’s destruction by the Israeli army. She and her family are living in inhumane conditions, without access to clean water or appropriate food. Farah’s gofundme has raised $2,000 of the $50,000 she needs to evacuate her family. This campaign has been vetted by @90-ghost, @el-shab-hussein, and @northgazaupdates.
@abdullahgaza: Abdullah (21) and five other siblings of the Alhabil family (as well as their parents) have been displaced after having their home destroyed by the Israeli army. Formerly a graphic designer, Abdullah can no longer work as his laptop was destroyed in the bombing. Sheltering in tents with many relatives, the family suffers from poor living conditions, and Abdullah’s father desperately needs to be evacuated as he requires urgent catheterization surgery due to chronic heart disease and hypertension. Abdullah’s gofundme has raised $82,000 of his $120,000 goal, which will go towards evacuating his family into Egypt. This campaign has been vetted and is listed as #81 on the Operation Olive Branch master list.
@ghaziyounes1967: Ghazi and his family have been evacuated to Egypt, but unfortunately his aunt Alan (70) is still stranded in northern Gaza. Ghazi’s gofundme has only raised $4,000 of his $50,000 goal, which will go towards supporting his aunt’s life while trapped in Gaza and hopefully her eventual evacuation. This campaign ahs been vetted by @90-ghost.
@mazenmanal: This campaign is being organized by Feras Al-Mansi on behalf of his family (aunt and cousins) in Gaza, who are suffering under inhumane living conditions. The children, who are suffering the effects of serious illness, lack access to appropriate treatment, and the family needs to be evacuated. Feras’ gofundme has raised only $3,000, which amounts to just over 3% of his goal. This money will go towards not only evacuating all of his extended family members from Gaza, but also covering the medical expenses for the children, who are in poor health. It will ensure their nutritional needs are met, that they have regular medical visits and that they are psychologically supported. This campaign has been vetted by @apollos-olives, however, Feras’ account is continually getting banned for no discernible reason which is hurting the campaigns credibility and thereby slowing the rate of donations, so it’s important to emphasize and boost this campaign in particular.
@saveyouseffamily: Youssef’s son Majd suffers from severe respiratory issues that require treatment which he cannot receive in Gaza and needs to be evacuated. Youssef, his wife and child have been forced to flee their home and are currently sheltering in a displacement camp in Rafah. Youssef’s gofundme has raised $8,000 of his $20,000 goal, which will go towards evacuating the family, covering basic cost of living and providing Majd with the necessary medical care. This campaign is #406 on the butterfly effect project spreadsheet and has also been vetted by @90-ghost.
@rehamoyasir: Reham (23) is a Gazan nurse who was aiming for her bachelor’s, however, her university being destroyed by the Israeli army has halted her education. Her family has also been displaced and is living under inhumane conditions. Reham’s gofundme has raised $3,000 of her $40,000 goal, which will go towards the cost of evacuation for her family of eight ($5,000 per person). This fundraiser has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@anqar: Abdelrahman (22) is pursuing a future in multimedia tech to support his mother. His father passed away due to COVID-19 when he was 18. Abdelrahman’s home, school, and job were destroyed by the bombings and he has been separated from his family, who have been forced to move south for their safety. This gofundme has raised $17,000 of their $20,000 goal, which will go towards relocating his family to a safe place and resuming Abdelrahman’s education. This campaign has been vetted by @el-shab-hussein and @90-ghost.
@ahmeadhilles: Ahmed and his family are currently sheltering in tents in an UNRWA school after having their home destroyed by the bombings. The conditions that they live under are inhumane and unsanitary. His father and son suffer from chronic health issues and lack access to appropriate care in Gaza. Ahmed’s gofundme has raised only $13,000 of his $80,000 goal, which will cover evacuation fees for his family of twenty ($5,000 per adult, $2,500 per child). This campaign has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@karemandohan1999: Kariman (25) teacher and wife of Ayman (30) business administration graduate employed as a fisherman due to conditions in Gaza. Their son, Hamoud, is one and a half years old. The family lives in Khan Yunis, where both their places of work have been damaged by bombings. After having been displaced several times, the family is currently sheltering in a tent where conditions are uncomfortable and inhumane. Hamoud is often sick because of the unsanitary environment and contaminated food/water. The family’s gofundme has only raised $7,000 of their $50,000 goal, and has been vetted by @90-ghost. They write; “It can be difficult to express the full picture of our suffering - words are inadequate.”
@mo-shamia: Mohammed, senior studying medicine in Gaza prior to his evacuation. His family of nine still remains in Gaza where their home has been destroyed and they are victim to the harsh climate and unsuitable conditions. Thankfully, due to donations Mohammed’s father was able to pay off his debts and provide food for their relatives (see photos on gfm), but Mohammed’s gofundme still needs to raise $8,000. This will go towards the cost of basic necessities (food and medication), for their relatives in Egypt (Mohammed, his cousins, brother in law and their kids), and Mohammed’s education (tuition costs around $3,000 for Palestinian expatriate students). This campaign has been vetted by @nabulsi and @el-shab-hussein and is listed as #7 on the Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser List, organized by the users mentioned.
@hazemsuhail: Hazem and his family (all of whom you can read about on his gofundme) of eight had their house destroyed by the Israeli army on the ninth of October, 2023. Hazem’s father passed away as a result of harsh conditions under the genocide. His brother, Samer, suffers from bipolar disorder that is exacerbated by the stressful conditions of genocide and his lack of medication. His feet were also injured in the initial bombing of their home. The children have had their safety, education, and joy stripped away. The market belonging to the family, their primary source of income, was also destroyed. Hazem’s gofundme has raised almost $5,000; his goal of $50,000 will cover the cost of evacuating and reestablishing the family in Egypt, where their life may resume in peace. This campaign has been verified as per the lists of @dlxxv-vetted-donations and @a-shade-of-blue. Hazem writes, “[your donation exemplifies] a shared belief in the sanctity of life and the right to a safe and peaceful existence”.
@waledps: Waled (34) engineer and father of three (Adam, Hala, Nay) is looking to evacuate his family. He was born in Gaza and the conditions under genocide have become insufferable, hence he is raising funds to evacuate his children to somewhere safe for them. You can donate to Waled either on buymeacoffee or paypal. His campaign has been vetted by @90-ghost.
@majedgaza1: Majed and his family were forced to flee to Egypt, physically and emotionally scarred from what they witnessed happen to their home. The genocide has halted their eldest’s employment and youngest’s education. The family is now raising funds to cover basic necessities and rent in Egypt, which has increased dramatically, making it difficult to find stable housing. The children also need support to continue their education, and their tuition is also very expensive. The family’s gofundme has raised only $2,000 of their $70,000 goal (DISCLAIMER: as of present this campaign is not vetted and Majed is having difficulty getting verified due to his being an expatriate. Although I have probable cause to believe this campaign is legit, I'm not qualified to vet fundraisers. Donate at your own discretion.)
@ayayassir: Aya (19) tech major in Gaza before her education was halted by the Israeli army destroying her university. Her laptop and means of income were also destroyed in the carnage. Her father (55) provides most of their basic necessities, but he is sick and requires care that is inaccessible to him. Aya’s campaign has only raised a startling $500 of her $100,000 goal, which will cover evacuation fees and help rebuild her family’s life (Aya, her father, brothers, and eight other individuals). You can donate to her gofundme to support this endeavor, which has been verified by @90-ghost, @el-shab-hussein, and @importantt-reblogs.
@amalashuor: Amal (26) formerly a university student studying French language before her school was destroyed by the Israeli occupation, wife and mother of Maryam (15 months). The family was forced to vacate their home in October and move south. Although they took temporary refuge in a friend’s home, they had been sheltering in a tent in Rafah since new years. Thanks to donations, they were able to move to Khan Yunis, however they were bombed there as well and forced to flee once again, sheltering in the east of Deir al-Balah. Prices have increased dramatically for transportation and basic necessities, detracting from the fund that will cover the family’s evacuation. For this reason, they’ve been forced to increase their fundraiser’s goal. Every time they are forced to relocate, it takes a percentage of their evacuation fund. Amal’s gofundme still needs to raise $18,000 to pay for necessities and eventually to cross the border. This campaign has been vetted and is listed as #175 on the donation spreadsheet.
@yaminfamily: Ahmed (35) husband of Dina and father of four (Zeina, Eileen, Yamen, and Ronza), the youngest of whom was born just four months ago amidst a genocide. Their home was destroyed by the bombings and they were forced to flee south, where they found no respite in either Nuseirat nor Deir al-Balah. Dina is pregnant and does not have access to appropriate care or monitoring, and the children have become ill frequently due to unsanitary and harsh conditions without the necessary treatments. The conditions living in tents are inhumane, and the family no longer has a source of income due to Ahmed’s place of work as an accountant being destroyed by the bombings. The family’s gofundme still needs to raise $4,000 more, which will go towards evacuation fees ($5000 per adult and $2500 per child), so Ahmed and Dina’s children can receive the education, treatment, and safety that they deserve. This campaign has been vetted by @sar-soor, @palipunk, and @fairuzfan.
@malak-3: Muhammad is Malak’s little brother, whom Malak is organizing this campaign for. He is still in Gaza, though his family was killed by the Israeli occupation. His foot was injured in the bombings, and his eyesight suffers. He was scheduled for ocular surgery in Egypt, however he doesn’t have the funds to cross the border and his eyesight is deteriorating. This gofundme has raised less than $100 at the time of posting. DISCLAIMER: this campaign has not been vetted by any reputable source. Malak contacted me and I am posting this in good faith, but I am not qualified to vet fundraisers. Donate at your own discretion.
@help--gaza4: Anas (18) university student living with his brother, younger sister, and parents. They have lost their home in the Shuja'iya area and source of income to the bombings. They have been forced to relocate many times, first to the Zawaydeh area and then to Deir al-Balah. They spent two months sheltering in Rafah, where conditions were the most dire and endured extreme hunger. The family has been once again forcibly relocated to ​​Deir al-Balah. This gofundme still needs to raise $5,000, and has been vetted by @nabulsi.
@mayadayyad81: Fadi (18) and his family from Al-Shujaiya have had their home destroyed by the Israeli army. They have moved south and are sheltering in a tent where they are not only vulnerable to bombings, but their living conditions are inhumane and unsanitary. As a highschooler, Fadi and his brothers have also been denied their education in the midst of this genocide and are seeking to take temporary refuge in Egypt where they may continue to pursue their dreams. Their father, an English teacher, is also no longer able to teach due to his institution being bombed (see pictures on Fadi’s page) and the family has lost their source of income. You can see pictures of the children in the family’s gofundme description. This campaign still needs to raise $12,000 to reach their $50,000 goal, which will go towards their evacuation fees ($5000 per person over 16 and $2500 per person under 16) and covering basic necessities. This campaign has been vetted by @nabulsi.
@bshaeromars-blog: Intisar and her seven children were forced to flee their home in October, which was destroyed by bombings. They first fled to central Gaza, but were then forced into Rafah as the assaults pressed southward. They are currently sheltering in a tent in extreme conditions without enough food. Intisar’s eldest daughter, Bshaer, had her husband martyred in December. Bshaer’s daughter Ayla was born just months ago, robbed of the opportunity to ever know her father, who was killed while trying to provide for his family. Ayla’s situation is particularly precarious, as newborns have delicate immune systems and Ayla doesn’t have access to the proper vaccinations, while conditions where the family shelters are unsanitary. This family’s gofundme still needs to raise $24,000 to reach their goal. This campaign has been vetted by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi.
@mohmad77: Mohamed (minor) and his little brother Ahmed (see pictures on his page) have lost their home and had many of their relatives martyred by the Israeli occupation. Their gofundme is very new and has received less than $100 in donations. DISCLAIMER: this campaign is currently unvetted. Mohamed has sent me his documentation and I have probable cause to believe this campaign is legitimate, but as I’ve said before I am not qualified to vet fundraisers. I’m adding his campaign in good faith, donate at your own discretion.
@ghada-zaki: Ghada (23) won first place in the International Green Skills Competition from the EU Training Foundation, and is one of the first technicians in photovoltaic solar energy systems in Gaza. She is one of the most influential women in Palestine, but she has had her home and the privilege of graduation stolen from her by the Israeli occupation. Her dreams of starting a business in renewable energy have been put off by all the carnage that Israel has brought to her home. Ghada is the sole provider for a family of twelve, but the genocide has destroyed her job, meaning her family has no income. Her father (62) is still suffering from the effects of a car accident that occurred over a year ago and needs medical treatment that he can’t get in Gaza. Moreover, Ghada herself has hearing damage from her proximity to the bombings and requires invasive treatment that she simply can’t get in her circumstance. Her gofundme still needs to raise $17,000 to meet their goal, which will go towards basic necessities and hopefully cover evacuation fees for Ghada and her family. You can read about Ghada’s influence and accomplishments here and here. This campaign has been vetted by Bilal. 
@ahmadallouh32: Ahmad (34), father of two; Orhan (5) and Helena (4). Ahmad and his wife are both lawyers, however, they are unable to work due to the genocide; their home has been destroyed by the bombings that also killed Ahmad's brother, forcing them to relocate. They are sheltering in a tent and they struggle to support the children, as well as Ahmad’s father in law, who needs insulin urgently. This family’s gofundme is being organized by Ahmed’s sister in law, Kawthar, who is currently located in Spain. All funds generated from this fundraiser will go towards the family’s evacuation fees after the Rafah crossing is opened, so they may be safe again. They have currently raised less than $2,000 of their $50,000 goal. This campaign has been vetted by @el-shab-hussein.
@anasfamilys: Anas (17) suffering from type one diabetes and hypertension for many years, her health issues exacerbated by conditions in Gaza under Israeli bombardment. Her newborn niece is jaundiced and is suffering from malnutrition and unsanitary conditions for an infant. They have been sheltering in an UNRWA school since their farm was destroyed, however, it’s not a safe place to take refuge in the long term. Anas’ brother, grandparents, and all their children have been martyred by the IDF. Her brother (14), an aspiring photographer, was murdered by Israeli snipers just months ago while looking for food. Anas currently lives with her father, mother, five-year-old brother, eight-year-old sister, and two married sisters. This family’s gofundme has raised around 4% of their goal (€50.000), which will cover life saving necessities and hopefully help to rebuild their lives. DISCLAIMER: this campaign has been vetted by palilberation on tiktok and is listed as #25, however, I haven’t heard confirmation of the reliability of this project. Donate at your own discretion.
@supportmyfamily: Ahmed, dental technician, husband and father of three. The family has been displaced many times from their home in Tel-Alhawa; first to a school in al-Magazi, then to Rafah and then to Deir al-Balah. The family is sheltering in tents without access to basic necessities, electricity, and sanitation. The intense heat has caused them to develop health issues and they struggle with hepatitis B as well, given the unsanitary conditions. Ahmed’s campaign is to support four separate families including his own, those of Moatasem’s family, Mohamed, and Ahmed’s elderly parents and their eight children. Ahmed’s parents both suffer from cardiac issues and require treatment, as well as his newphew Qusay who suffers from severe and prolonged health issues that affect his ability to speak. He requires speech therapy and psychological treatment that he does not have access to in Gaza. You can see documentation of the family on Ahmed’s gofundme, which has raised less than $100 thus far. This campaign has been vetted by @moayesh.
@hind3en: Hind, mother to Zeina (4) and Ahmed (2) has fled to Egypt with her children but tragically still needs to evacuate her husband, who is still trapped in Gaza. Both Hind and her husband worked at Al-Shifa hospital, where she was a physical therapist and worked in the ICU during the fall of last year to help victims of the bombings. Her husband, Dr. Islam, is a trained plastic surgeon and also operated on many victims. They were forced to flee the hospital on November 10th to the south of Wadi Gaza. It took hours to arrive at an UNRWA school in Khan Yunis, however, they were forced by the Israeli army to relocate again after just one month. They sheltered in tents in Rafah for four months. They dealt with hepatitis A due to unsanitary conditions and lacked access to basic necessities such as clean water, food, and electricity. Hind and the kids were eventually forced to spend all their savings to cross the border from Rafah into Egypt after hearing of the Israeli’s plans to move southward. The emigration cost them $10,000 collectively, however, Hind’s husband Islam refused to leave out of obligation to serve the injured still in Gaza. The children are left to reconcile with the loss of their newly built home and cruel separation from their father. The family’s gofundme has raised less than $500 and has been verified by @rhq2744, who also knows Dr. Islam personally.
@waledps: Waled (34) an engineer and father of three (Adam, Hla, Nay). He is looking to evacuate himself and his children from the inhumane conditions in Gaza, in his hometown. His wife is also expecting, and they are struggling to cover her financial needs with the delivery date approaching. You can donate to Waled on his buymeacoffee or paypal; this campaign is vetted by @90-ghost.
@aymanbsil: Osama, Gazan web developer, has had his home and workplace destroyed by the Israeli armed assaults that have occurred over the past year. This has destroyed his source of income and thereby his ability to provide for his family. It has also prevented him from pursuing his masters and martyred many people in his family and larger community. Osama has been sheltering in a tent in Rafah for several months alongside his family, where conditions are harsh and unsustainable. Osama’s gofundme has thus far raised $2,000 of his $15,000 goal, which will go towards rebuilding his office, his continued education, and supporting his family throughout this hardship. This campaign has been vetted by @90-ghost and is listed on this spreadsheet of vetted Gazan fundraisers.
@safaabed8: Safaa (25) wife and mother of two (Ibtisam and Ibrahim). Originally from al-Karama, Safaa’s home was destroyed and the family was forced to relocate to Nuseirat, where they sheltered in a tent for a time. They took temporary refuge in Rafah, but were inevitably displaced once again. Since they have lost power, they have converted electric ovens into wood ovens just to heat bread. Their lungs are damaged from the excessive smoke, and they are forced to burn their hands just to be able to eat. The destruction of their home, assuring that they may never return to where it once stood, incurs a feeling of indescribable loss. It represents the loss of a peaceful life, before tragedy overtook the lives of millions of Palestinians, more than just a physical place. Safaa’s gofundme still needs to raise $60,000 to cover their evacuation fees as well as rent and other expenses after the family’s relocation, so the children may grow up in a place of safety and peace. This campaign has been vetted by @90-ghost and @nabulsi.
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