#intentional weight loss
randomslasher · 1 year
I wanted to share a progress update. So I have a chronic bad back (genetic and congenital issues) and I used to have what I called “Blow outs” every 6 months or so.  In 2020 I started walking regularly. Just walking. That’s it. Walking. But in the intervening years I’ve brought myself from “I can slowly walk half a mile with a cane” to “I regularly hike 4-5 miles at a time no issue or cane needed.”  I wasn’t so foolish as to believe I had completely eradicated the possibility of blow outs, but I hadn’t had one since 2018. I’m having one now--but the difference is night and day. I can still walk, move, function. I went shopping yesterday. I’m still working. I’m taking my cousin to the movies tonight. I’m in pain, yeah, but I’m still living my life.  Anyway walking is a miracle and if you can do it at all I highly recommend it. 
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fitforestfairy · 1 month
Upper abs are starting to show again!
And my waist is looking more defined 💫
I’m honestly so pleased with my progress! I’m working very hard every day on my fitness and nutrition, and I’m happy to see results.
Sometimes it really feels like nothing is happening, like nothing is changing. I just don’t see it.
But my body is clearly changing! My old clothes are starting to fit again. My new clothes are fitting better. I can hold yoga poses for longer and do more complex poses and flows again. I have more stamina and endurance.
The number on the scale is going down slowly but everything else is changing. And as I don’t walk around with a post-it note that shows my weight on my forehead, I’m totally ok with that!
I’ll definitely keep working to be the best version of myself.
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dunkindognuts · 9 months
I want to intentionally lose weight to be healthy, and to look good too.
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the-end-of-bed · 4 months
At the time of the creation of this blog, I'm 20 kilos overweight. Really bad mental health issues, including a relentless Binge Eating Disorder from which I've been suffering since the age of 5 (probably earlier) lead me to this point.
I'm more than ready to turn my life around. I want to be of a healthy weight again. I want to feel confident and at peace. I want to feel in control of my life without using food as a way to gain a false sense of control or to punish myself.
I used to be in therapy for Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Borderline Personality Disorder and a restrictive ED. I can't afford therapy at the moment, so I'm trying to navigate my demons the best I can.
Expect descriptions of my binging episodes (foods and sometimes calories), not as a way to promote anything but as a form of accountability and transparency.
People experience binges differently and are in different places in their journeys, so don't compare amounts of food/types of food and don't gatekeep what a binge is. Thanks for understanding!
Reaching a healthy weight (apart from healing from trauma) is pretty much the core of my journey, so expect intentional weight loss talk as well.
Minors DNI
This is a recovery blog, but the description of my binges may be triggering and I can't protect minors from triggering content.
I don't reply to comments as this is a side blog and at this point I don't want my main blog associated with this one. This may change at some point though.
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thistimeitsticks · 6 months
Tomorrow marks three weeks since I started counting calories and trying to lose weight intentionally. I’ve lost 15lbs, 8-10 of which I suspect was just water & inflammation weight in the very beginning from being sedentary after major surgery.
I’m on track to get to 300lbs by July 1st. :)
I’m hitting my protein goals & moving around more. Next week I’m going to start incorporating moderate effort lifting. I’m excited. Sticking to the calorie limit has been super easy most days and I haven’t felt the need to eat too much of something and fuck it all up. The food will be there, and also I’m just less hungry than I have been in recent years; I’m assuming I’m getting my blood sugar more settled?
Anyway, I’m excited.
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gtzgoblin · 8 months
Lost enough weight that this will soon be a reality
I really like these purple sweatpants too 😂
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gettinhellaswoll · 9 months
Strategic cropping because the numbers are irrelevant – it’s nice to see things trending toward my goal weight
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recoveringyoyo · 11 months
CW: intentional weight loss, talk of numbers on a scale, discussion of menstrual cycle
Trying to lose weight in a female body is something else. My weight fluctuates wildly depending on where I am in my menstrual cycle.
I was 260 lbs even exactly a week ago (two days before my period started). This morning (the day after my period) I was 244 lbs.
Can my body PLEASE make up her mind on whether I’m going to lose weight or retain it?!
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bubble-cub · 1 year
Back up to 280. Disappointing. Been going through some stuff.
Have been on metformin xr 1000mg daily for almost two months, and I had my first period in FIVE YEARS this month! I am so excited. I love that metformin is working for me. Now if only I could get my literal binge eating under control.
I swear to God I'm a compulsive over-eater. I'll eat like thousands of calories, sometimes FIVE sandwiches in the period of just a couple of hours. It's so expensive. I hate it so much. It's definitely binge eating disorder, no doubt a carryover from my bulimia days. I am in therapy, but I am embarrassed to talk to my therapist about it. Maybe I'll write that in as my desired focus for my next session with her ahead of time so that she knows to ask about it.
I started weight watchers today.
I am excited about it. I am hopeful. If I can gain ten pounds and get my first period in five years anyway thanks to metformin, imagine the kind of success I could have if I changed my relationship with food!
Chronic pain has been chronically painful. This has been limiting my physical activity. I am STRONGLY considering purchasing an elliptical since my complex hasn't re-opened the fitness center yet. I need to move more. I am too sedentary. If I moved more I might hurt less, and wouldn't that just be ideal.
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queertransloser · 1 year
My roommate and I are having a photo shoot challenge starting next month through the end of the year.
I’ll see friends I haven’t seen in three years on New Year’s Eve.
My coworkers will start commenting on my weight loss bc they are all on diets.
I need to get back into my active hobbies and reading.
I will be able to find clothes at thrift stores much easier.
I’ll be less self-conscious swimming in public.
I will look more androgynous more easily.
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fitforestfairy · 10 days
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As a trauma and ab*use survivor, letting go of the past is a very hard thing to do. It feels like it haunts me and forever conditioned who I have become.
But I'm doing my best to let go of the pain, stop believing what others wanted me to believe about myself, let go of people and situations who no longer serve me and choose every day to create who I want to be 🦋
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omganonymousfox-blog · 3 months
W/g and dumbing down kinky story
Wrote a short story. "Belching Your Brains Out". Themes of alcohol, inflation, dumbing down, and weight gain. Check it out here: https://www.gayspiralstories.com/story/show/10009704
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thistimeitsticks · 7 months
I spent most of my twenties practicing radical acceptance of my body and who I am as a person. I went to therapy. I went to pt about 20 times for 20 different problems. I learned to not be so afraid of food or put too much value in how my body looked. I accepted that I’m disabled and my disabilities impact my ability to move around, process food, and have a healthy metabolism. My antipsychotics make it even worse. I truly loved myself.
I haven’t loved myself in a while, now. I’m not happy with my body or staying this way. I want to be a little more active and figure out what that can look like for me. I want my clothing to touch me less. I want to be able to buy underwear in a store. I’m genuinely just so tired of being this size, and recent weight gain and surgery have really put me over the edge.
My starting weight was 348. I’m currently at 338, though I suspect much of that is just water weight being lost—I hold a lot of water, especially because I have to eat a diet high in salt so I don’t pass out. 🙄
Anyway, my current goal is to just make it to 299lbs. I’m not trying to get super small—I suspect having a lot of loose skin would eventually cause a meltdown of epic proportions—I just want to be able to sit in lawn chairs and shit, you know? Be able to fit comfortably in cars. Buy hoodies that feel really big on me without having to buy a 9x.
My ultimate goal weight is 250.
My current pant size is 28, shirt size 5x (which I can never find so I end up in a 4x, which fits, just not how I like). My goal pant size is 20 and shirt size 3x (I like my shirts big on me).
I’ll be using this tumblr as a bit of a blog during this process. I don’t talk about my weight or my body in a negative sense with my friends because it’s all been said and they all have complicated relationships with their own bodies and food, and I don’t have a talk therapist anymore. There are some hard and complicated things I need to get out while working on myself.
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3liza · 1 year
this is not a complaint it's just funny but being skinny is so stupid because you literally just have hard surfaces sticking out everywhere and they actually hurt when they contact furnitures, walls, and clothing. sitting on stuff hurts, leaning on stuff hurts, elastic hurts, socks hurt. it's one of the ways you can tell you're getting too underweight and need to pay attention when you have ongoing weight balance issues is when you're noticing the little pressure points that come up suddenly. I'm sitting on a metal bench rn and it's like trying to set a cup down on a corrugated metal roof
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the-sun-station · 4 months
I keep slowly and steadily losing weight and yet my tits, thighs, and ass continue to get bigger, god bless HRT
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queertransloser · 1 year
Officially back on my bullshit. I need to drop some weight. I quit smoking six months ago and gained 13 lbs. I have been super sedentary too. I feel disgusting and just need to change things around for a bit.
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