#interfering in the natural order of things)
theodore-sallis · 9 months
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Giant-Size Man-Thing (Vol. 1/1974), #1.
Writer: Steve Gerber; Penciler: Mike Ploog; Inker: Frank Chiaramonte; Colorist: Petra Goldberg; Letterer: John Costanza
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
hear me out— crazy and openly flirty! reader with her crazy and jealous bf Miles 42. Expand on that however you want
Okay so I had a thought...
A/n: Keep requesting fics as always. I’m not gonna be as active but I’ll post as often as I can bc I’m going on vacation for a week but idk, ill prolly still post a ton 💀
Warnings: Mentions of blood, implied murd3r, you being a flirt and Miles being crazy asf, lmk if I forgot some
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It seemed like a pretty normal day, you were designing some stuff for one of your classes and y/f/n(your crush/friend) decided to tag along. Y’all weren’t that close but everyone could tell there were sparks between you two, even more so than your boyfriend Miles.
Everyone(even y/f/n) knew that you two were dating and were happy but they still interfered. People claimed you were a slut and you were insane and you were forcing Miles into a relationship even though, people close to y’all claimed it to be the opposite. You never really broke the habit of flirting for fun and this pissed Miles off to no end:
“Y/n he thinks you’re single” Miles would say
“Well I’m not. I’m just naturally flirty” you would defend
“You’re also beautiful mami and people want to take advantage of that” Miles said
“Well thats why I have you” you would say, standing on your tiptoes to kiss Miles
“Mmm he better watch himself, let’s just say that next time he pulls that shit, I might not be so nice"
Miles was a wonderful boyfriend but your exact opposite. Where you were bright, happy, always had a smile on your face and friendly; Miles was dark, nonchalant, cold and walked around like his opps were around the corner, about to kill you. You two shared a few things though, you were both crazy and possessive of each other. If Miles spoke to a girl you didn’t know, you would come over and kiss him, touch him, and flirt with him; making him flustered
“Miles, te necisito, papi” you would flirt while tilting your head and rubbing his lower back
“Oh! Who is this?” the girl asked, with a hint of venom in her voice
“I’m Y/n but you can call me his wife” you said, putting out your hand for her to shake
“Girl chill, we’re 16. He ain’t marrying you anytime soon” the girl clapped back
“You don’t know me.” Miles would say coldly to the girl
“And you won’t get the chance to” you would finish and smile at the girl
The girl walked away in a huff after that and Miles smirked at you:
“You jealous ma?"
“No. I just don’t want people pushing up on my man” you said
He chuckled and said:
“Don’t worry, Mami; I’m not feeling no one else but you."
After this little escapade; You and Miles had the mutual agreement to stop flirting with other people and you held up your end of that well until y/f/n came along and kept pressuring you to go out with them and give them a chance:
“You know, if you were with me, I’d never let you out of my sight. Anywhere you go, I’d go. Class? I’ll carry your books. Home? I’m right behind you. The Bathroom? I’m-“ they started
“You’re what? No. Go ahead and continue that sentence, I dare you” Miles said suddenly
“MILES!!! Thank God you’re here, I was so scared” you said, clapping your hands together like a prayer had been answered(because it had).
“Dude, chill; I was just joking. Y/n knows I’d never overstep like that, bro” y/f/n said, holding out a hand in an attempt to dap your boyfriend up
“I’m not your ‘bro’ homeboy, watch how you step, it might be your last if you keep fucking with my girl like that” Miles said taking a step towards the person. They were almost equal height but Miles was slightly taller(6’2 yes ik its not canon and idc)
It seemed like they would fight right there in the hallway with the way Miles was staring at y/f/n and while y/f/n was a bit intimidated, they weren’t backing down. They were another one of your victims of over-flirtation but unlike the others, they were persistent and tried the friend angle in order to get to you but they didn’t sound on your boyfriend being jealous and possessive. Eventually, they walked away and Miles pulled you aside:
“Don’t fucking talk to them again, you understand ma?” Miles said
“I understand. I am so so sorry, they just came up to me and cornered me.” you explained with watery eyes
“It’s fine, ma. Don’t let it happen again, tu entiendes?” he said, grabbing your chin to look him in the eye
“Si, papi. Te amo” you said
The next few days were quiet. Miles stayed closer than usual to you, y/f/n stayed away but they stared at you constantly and smirked at you. It was one faithful Saturday that would change all of that in a flash.
Miles was away doing Prowler stuff and you were designing possible suit, mask and gauntlet combos when you heard a knock on your dorm. You opened the door and were shocked to see y/f/n:
“Hey, y/n. Can we talk?"
“Uhm I should wait for Miles. He’ll be back shortly” you lied. Prowler shit took four hours min because Miles would carry stuff out in bulk so he could spend more time with you
“We can talk without him right?” Y/f/n said, pushing into your dorm. Your dorm mate was away for the weekend, visiting her parents in nantucket.
“Oh. I guess” You said
“so what you drawing?’ they asked
“stuff” you giggled
“Fuck I love your laugh.” they smiled
“um thanks” you replied
“a pretty laugh for a pretty girl” they said, grabbing your chin and staring at your lips
“thanks. You caught me at a bad time, I’m just about to go shower” you said pushing their hand away
“Oh can I join, haha?” they joked
“hahaha.” you said, silently praying Miles was outside your window witnessing all of this and waiting to strike
“You know, I’ve had a huge crush on you since you first came here? You were genuinely sweet and kind and pretty. Miles doesn’t know how lucky he is to have someone like you” They confessed, closing the gap between y’all
“Yeah but I can tell he appreciates me. He never makes me feel uncomfortable” you said with a hint of venom
“Am I making you uncomfortable?” they asked, approaching your lips
“Yeah, very” you said trying to back away. At this point, you were praying for a miracle when all of a sudden, you hear a slashing noise and see blood on your floor
“I told you to stay away from her. I gave you a warning, this is on you homeboy”
“Who are you?” they spluttered out.
A mask opened up and suddenly he appeared
“I’m Miles Morales, but you You can call me the Prowler. Right, Amor?” Miles looked at you
“Right, baby. You said, kissing your man as the person in front of you, fades away.
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soaringwide · 5 months
Pick a Card - What is your soul nudging you towards? - Spirituality
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Hello and welcome to a new pick a card collective reading. This time we're going to focus on your spiritual side with the question, What is your soul nudging you towards?
The idea is to welcome any message, any nudge from your soul to encourage you to explore something spiritually. I will keep this open and see what shows up. Never done that specific question, and I'm using a deck I'm not super used to, so you're welcome to leave feedback as it is as much of an exploration for you as it is for me!
As always remember that this is a general reading meant for multiple people, there are only three piles and a shit ton of you. Spirituality is very personal so take what resonates and leave out the rest.
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Cards: Parasite, King of Pentacles, Threshold Guardian, 9 of Pentacles, Idiot, 2 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, Pure Balance, 8 of Swords, Abyss, Queen of Pentacles, Female Warrior, Knight of Pentacles, Holder of Light, Page of Cups, 9 of Cups, Imprisoner, Inner Companion, the World
Right off the bat you've got so many pentacles cards, especially towards the end of the suite like wow, and in placements targeting your current situation and energies. It's a indication that you're currently very focused on the physical aspects of your life in a very abundance-focused way. Which BTW doesn't only mean money but your physical life as a whole. You may just be very focused on your physical routine, your job and building your home, taking care of your body and enjoying the pleasures of life.
This shows right at the beginning of your spread, where we can see that your focus on abundance and enjoying the things of life is interfering with your spiritual development. Its almost like you're carrying so many outside things with you that it leaves no space for tuning in with yourself only. And when you try, it's again very hard to do due to the noise and clutter within you. You are very preoccupied with your job or career, very focused on buying stuff or planning holidays or outings, very focused on your body. I'd say also rather detached from thinking and feeling your spirituality. Like it's barely a tiny thought in your mind but apart from that you pay no attention to it. It's almost like you don't really want to.
However, I do think that this is not happening by mistake and that you need to go through this phase, and if it's so difficult to brute force yourself out of it, or if you feel no desire to do so at all, its because you are sort of blocked from doing that in order not to hijack your natural development. You needed this break, to focus on your own pleasure and physical abundance, to reconnect with what's immediately real and knowable and build a life for yourself. There is this idea of outside forces actually protecting that phase of your life so that you don't rush towards something before you're ready to, which would be counter-productive.
In the past, you were not always the wisest and have made a lot of not so smart decisions, with not so great consequences… you might have been warned but ignored it or failed to see it and proceeded anyway. However, you have learned from it and rebuilt yourself, and I think your current phase of life is part of that; that need to repair your life and the damage you went through. For some of you, it's also possible that you've got a great deal of theoretical knowledge but not much personal practice to back it up, or that you were just repeating what others did without understanding anything about it, and you came to the realization that I made no sense and was pointless, so you withdrew.
What is your soul nudging you towards is balance. As we saw, you're very focused on your physical life, but it is not a bad thing and actually something you needed in order to be the person you wanted to be in the world. But your soul is now calling for some adjustments in order to bring balance into that. At this point it mostly have to do with the way you think, because it seems that you're trapping yourself and refusing to move. You're being asked to take the blinds off and told you have all the power to do so. Now, do you want it right now? I think for some of you it may take a bit of time, but that's the next step anyway and what your soul is nudging you towards.
For challenges you will face, there will be some type of leap of faith to be made. A path that you may accept or reject and that will change your trajectory. You may need to leave your sense of comfort and security a bit here and let go of some of the clutter surrounding you so that you can leave space for change and these new energies. It comes as a challenge because I think you're very reluctant to change at the moment, even distrusting it a bit.
For what help is available, I think for some of you you may rely on the support of a female warrior power of some kind, be it a divinity or a female mentor figure with those qualities, whether in this world or in the other. This will help you stay grounded and make slow but deliberate movements. This support will help you feel secure through the changes and add a layer of protection. For some of you it's about embodying these female warrior qualities. Regardless of gender, it can be described at the need to defend yourself, honor your boundaries and fight for what you believe is right. You might be inspired by someone to act and think like that.
For what steps to take, there is a need to return to source, and it's clarified by two cups cards, the only ones in your reading. So you will be called to reconnect with your emotions, and to put to rest some of them that ate hindering you without you knowing because they are so bottled up. There is a need to make space before you can welcome anything new.
Final advice: you are completing a powerful cycle and, right now, you're tying up loose ends. You may still feel somehow like in a state of spiritual hibernation but worry not because its all part of the process. This is coming to an end as well. This phase is part of a larger developmental process, and i'm getting that help is available from your guides or spirits, however you want to call them or conceptualize them. So I think for you it will be very important to tune it within yourself and with your spiritual court and find the personal advice you need. This reading is general and meant for many people so it won't be able to be tailored to your needs. I really think you have all the answers you need within and that it's a matter of daring to see it and daring to take that leap of faith. You are not alone, you are supported and loved and help is available to you.
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Cards: Two of Swords, Grindstone, Five of Wands, Leader, Ace of Wands, Abyss, Scapegoat, Sun rx, Hidden knowledge, Light Bearer, 9 of Pentacles, the Emperor rx, Hierophant, Staff of the Gods, Threshold Guardian, Mother Earth, Blood Ancestor, Spirit Guide, Home and Hearth
For where you currently are spiritually, you are undergoing an intense process of refinement of your self that is divinely guided to push growth. From your point of view, it's manifesting as a time of struggle and even inner conflict that is pushing you to take a stance and make a decision. What it is exactly will vary for different folks, but I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about because it's quite obvious it's creating some inner tensions that must be quite uncomfortable to experience. The message here is that it serves a bigger purpose and that the outcome will depend on your choice to create movement in a specific direction.
For what energies are surrounding you, with the combination of the Leader and the Ace of Wands, it definitely points at a very fiery, action oriented energy. You are called to embody the positive attributes of a wise and powerful leader who takes the matter into their own hands and do not let fate decide their path for them. While committed to move forward, you also do not loose sight of your values and what you care about, which is not about hesitating but rather being fully rooted in your beliefs and let that fuel you. So I think whatever change you are going through, it's not about an extreme shift of paradigm, but rather, deepening things powerfully and owning your choices fully.
I think in the past, you had a tendency to shift the blame and avoid owning up to your actions. There is a hint or arrogance, over confidence and egoism here with the Sun reversed, embodying the flaws of Leo when unbalanced. I think you have been through something that forced you to change the way you approach things, distance yourself from some practices or behaviors for example, which brought you to where you are now. This is a very precious knowledge you can rely on and I think it's what brought you to these positive leader qualities and made you wiser and more empathetic while keeping your very radiating and go-getter attributes.
For what you soul is nudging you towards, its really interesting that you get yet again another authority figure with the Emperor, although this time it is reversed. I'm seeing this as a warning to not over do the masculine side of yourself that risk making you too stubborn and rigid, but rather welcome some type of ease and receptiveness. You might be too serious and not pleasure oriented enough so there's definitely a need to balance things a bit, without changing your nature completely. I'm also getting with the Light Bearer that you are called to make a very positive impact on those around you and your community, to bring them Light in the dark through your work, actions, advice or knowledge. And this call would benefit greatly from adding a but of that compassionate and easy going energy i talked about above as it will help you connect with people but also help you stay happy and abundant by not burning yourself out too fast.
For the challenge you will face in this process, I'm strongly getting the need to step away from known religious or magical structures and to carve out your own path. However you will not be spiritually alone in this, but will rather be in direct contact with the spiritual powers, as in you will draw directly from the source in order to materialize and express what needs to be. It comes as a challenge because you are in uncharted territories, it's a lot of pressure and it's hard to know where to go since no one has been here before, or at least not in an obvious and easy to access way.
The good thing is that help is available in two ways. One, you do not have to worry about stepping somewhere you are not meant to, because these places are guarded and you will be facing a closed door if you go too far. So whatever it is, you are guided and protected on your path. The second thing is the wisdom of the Earth itself. I'm getting that you could get great help from the natural world and its spirits and non human inhabitants. You might benefit a lot from looking at natural phenomenon and learning the deeper meaning of them or connect with your local spiritual ecosystem. The Land itself could be a powerful ally too.
For what steps to take forward, you are strongly being called to connect with ancestors, and by that I don't mean solely ancestors or your lineage, but also those who share a connection with you because they walked on your path before you. Strong spirit worker vibe from this pile. This could mean trying to divine with them or honoring them and praying, which will allow them to help you. However, I would just remind you the need to do things in your own way and not simply copying and pasting other people's practices into your own, as we saw it was a very strong message for you. So try to be creative and think outside of the box but do remember that there is tremendous wisdom to be gained from those that came before you.
For the final advice, don't hesitate to connect with your spirit guides and those who are your spiritual home in order to find comfort, security and rest. Yes you are called to stand up for yourself, but you are certainly not alone and it is important to remember and share moments with your loved ones, from this realm and beyond. A second message is also to be careful about your energy levels and make sure you home is a suitable place for that magical and physically. You've got lots to do so take care of yourself and don't hesitate to reach out for help when you are struggling.
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MASSIVE DISCLAIMER PLEASE READ I do not want to fear-monger but this reading is very heavy and I'm pretty sure it's only going to apply to some of you. If you do not relate please do not worry and keep scrolling. If you do relate I hope you will find some hope in this. I really hesitated releasing this pile at all but I feel like it's more important to be truthful about the message that I received than making cool readings for tumblr… The message was hammered clearly but, again, I'm pretty sure it's meant for a very small amount of people, if not just one or two. Take care.
Cards: Place of Healing, Creator of Time, the Hanged Man, Archon & Aion, Bailiff, Death, Blood Ancestor, Premonition, 5 of Swords, Magical Temple, 6 of Cups, Knight of Wands, Spirit Guide, Death, Queen of Swords, Shamaness, 2 of Wands, Strength rx
Let's start by looking at where you are currently spiritually.
From your point of view, it might seems like not much is happening and that you are forced to stay still. You are focusing on healing deeply and slowly. Some of you might have been sick recently or going through some type of intense mental or physical form of stress and you are now in the process of rejuvenating yourself, forced to stay where you are because you cannot move further. However, something very important and new is being birthed here. Think as a seed being planted, or even further back, the initial spiritual spark of a seed before it reaches the physical plane. So yeah it might seem like not a whole lot is going on but there is something very powerful at play here that has a lot of transforming potential.
Okay… for the energies surrounding you, you got 3 cards directly referencing Death. It seems some of you are indeed seriously sick at the moment, or taking care of someone who is about to pass onto the other side, or dealing with a very recent loss and in the process of mourning. If that's not the case, worry not that just mean it isn't your pile! If you do relate to this, know that I really empathize with you and we'll see what advice is available to you shortly. Another possibility is that some of you might be working with the spirit of the deceased, or being surrounded by them heavily.
For what you've learned in the past that is relevant to your current situation, you got two cards referencing union and one referencing messaged from above. I really think this pile talks to people who have formed deep bonds with some type of divine or spiritual entity that taught them a lot through messages sent to them. It talks about commitment and a mutually beneficial relationship. Some of you could even be under some form of spiritual contract with these powers. In all cases this pile is quite involved spiritually.
For what you soul is nudging you towards, you got yet other cards referencing death. I think it's either referencing to someone who has passed away or is about to, and in both cases its a great loss for you. You might be called to help them pass to the other side, help them move on and acting like a mediumistic bridge. You might be experiencing premonition regarding this event before hand, or dream about them after the fact. You soul is nudging you to take on the role of a psychopomp and communicate with this deceased person. I think that's something you haven't done before and feel quite worried about but I think you are sort of forced by the circumstances.
For the challenges you will face, i think this whole experience will be very difficult for you because you've lost some type of home in this person and you get reminded of your common memories constantly. You might feel the need to power through that to skip the pain and focus on the task ahead in order to protect yourself from grief. I cannot tell whether its a good or bad thing as everyone processes grief differently, just pay attention to how you react; be patient and gentle with yourself.
The help available is your spirit guides (whatever that means for you) who are here to protect and sooth your soul. You are highly encouraged to reach out to them however you feel comfortable to and call their help. They are here for you in this difficult time and you should not hesitate relying on them.
Steps to take: you will be facing your primordial fear regarding death and endings, and you must take the necessary steps to honor that natural cycle of life. You do seem to have a very special relationship with it though and you are called to step up to that role. You must not hang onto what has been lost for that it is gone, but instead, embrace change with respect and reverence and let things follow their course on the other side. With the Queen of Swords, you are called to embrace this new perspective and the deep changes that come with it. You will need to be sharp with your mind and your intentions and show the way ahead for this soul. Again I'm getting this idea of being between the earth and the sky, like a bridge.
For the final advice, this experience you are or will be going through is a tale old as humanity itself. A very old form of magic. Its a powerful and raw time that will push you to take on a role you might have never considered. Your path is humble but extremely important. It will change the way you see the world and life. Now is not the time to doubt your power and abilities for you have all that's needed to succeed. Those who've left us leave a hole but they are also our strength. I'm getting that you might benefit from reading practices surrounding Death in different culture, or dive deeper into you own. Stories of old can help you navigate this situation greatly.
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communistkenobi · 5 months
Hi, genuine good faith question if you'd like! How is TOS racist? It was my understanding that the OG Series was like, huge for equality in media?
I’m speaking primarily about the content of TOS itself, not its historical impact - I understand it had various historic firsts in terms of having characters of colour in respectable roles, which I’m not dismissing. My experience with the discourse on here surrounding the show is that people front-load these character representations as emblematic of the show’s progressive politics. Which, if we want to go that route, TOS was contemporary to the US civil rights movement, which provides us with a handy measuring stick to see how TOS actually grapples with race, not just the presence of characters of colour themselves. I'm going to be kind of defensive in this explanation, not towards you specifically, but because I have had this conversation with people online many, many, many times, and so any defensiveness on my part is in anticipation of arguments I know will come up as a result of making the basic claim that a show made in America in the 1960s is racist. I'm also going to be copy + pasting from an older post I've made on the subject since it's been a while now since I've watched TOS so some of the details are fuzzy.
Like okay, the premise of TOS is that the Enterprise, as an ambassador of Starfleet/the Federation, is seeking out new alien life to study. The Prime Directive prohibits the Enterprise crew from interfering with the development of any alien culture or people while they do this, so the research they collect needs to be done in an unobtrusive way. I think this is the first point at which people balk at the argument that TOS is racist or has a colonial conception of the world - the Enterprise’s mission is premised on non-interference, and I think when people hear ‘colonial’ as a descriptor they (understandably, obviously) assume it is describing active conquest, genocide, and dispossession. Even setting aside all the times where Kirk does directly interfere with the “development” of a people or culture (usually because they’ve “stagnated” culturally, because a culture "without conflict" cannot evolve or “develop” beyond its current presumed capacity - he is pretty explicitly imposing his own values onto another culture in order to force them to change in a particular way), or the times when the Enterprise is actually looking to extract resources from a given planet or people, I’m not exactly making this claim, or rather, that’s not the only thing I’m describing when calling TOS racist/colonial.
The show's presentation of scientific discovery and inquiry is anthropological - the “object” of analysis is alien/foreign culture, meaning that when the Enterprise crew comes into contact with a new being or person, this person is always read first and foremost through the level of (the Enterprise’s understanding of) culture. Their behaviour, beliefs, dress, way of speaking, appearance, and so on are always reflective of their culture as a whole, and more importantly, that their racial or phenotypic characteristics define the boundaries of their culture. Put another way, culture is interpreted, navigated, and bound racially - the show presents aliens as a Species, but these species are racially homogeneous, flattening race to a natural, biological difference that is always physically apparent and presented through the lens of scientific objectivity, as "species" is a unit of biological taxonomy. Basically species is a shorthand for race. This is the standard of most sci-fi/fantasy genre work, so this is not a sin unique to Star Trek.
Because of this however, Kirk and Co are never really interacting with individuals, they are interacting with components of a (foreign, exotic, fundamentally different) culture, the same way we understand that a biologist can generalize about a species using the example of an individual 'specimen'. And when the Enterprise interacts with these cultures, they very frequently measure them using a universalized scale of development - they have a teleological (which is to say, evolutionary) view of culture, ie, that all cultures go from savage to rational, primitive to advanced, economically simple to economically complex (ie, to capitalist modes of production). And the metrics they are judging these cultures by are fundamentally Western ones, always emphasising to the audience that the final destination of all cultures (that are worthy of advancing beyond their current limited/“primitive” stages) is a culture identical to the Federation, a culture that can itself engage in this anthropological mission to catalogue all life as fitting within a universal set of practices and racial similarities they call “culture.”
This is a western, colonial understanding of culture - racially and spatially homogeneous people comprise the organs of a social totality, ie, a society, which can then be analysed as an “object,” as a “phenomenon,” by the scientists in order to extract information from them to produce and advance state (ie Federation) knowledge. The Enterprise crew are allowed to be individuals, are allowed to be subjects with a capacity for reason, contradiction, emotion, compassion, and even moments of savagery or violence, without those things being assigned to their “race” or “culture” as a whole, but the people they interact with are only components of a whole which are “discovered” by the Enterprise as opportunities to expand and refine the Federation’s body of knowledge.
Spock is actually a good example of what I'm talking about, because he is an exception to this rule - unlike the others in the crew, his behaviour is always read as a symptom of his innate Vulcan-ness, where his human and Vulcan halves war for dominance in his mind and character. Bones (the doctor, one of the main cast) constantly comments on Spock's inability to feel things, that he is callous and unsympathetic, ruled by Vulcan logic to such an extreme that his rationality is a form of irrationality, as his Vulcan blood prohibits him from tempering logic with human emotion and intuition. Now you can argue that Bones is a stand-in for the racists of the world, that Spock proves Bones wrong in that he is able to feel but merely keeps it under wraps, that Vulcans are not biologically incapable of emotion but merely live in a socially repressive culture, but this still engages in the racial logic of the show - Vulcans are a racially-bound species with a single monolithic culture, and Spock's ability to express and feel 'human emotions' is the metric by which he is granted human subjectivity and sympathy.
And on the flip side you have the Klingons - a “race” that is uniformly savage, backward, violent, and dangerous. In the episode Day of the Dove, where Klingons board the Enterprise along with an alien cloud that makes everyone suddenly aggressive and racist (this show is insane lol), the Enterprise crew begins acting violent and racist, but the Klingons don’t change. They aren’t more violent than before (because they already were fundamentally violent and racist), and they don’t become less violent when the cloud eventually leaves (because they are never able to emerge from their violence and savagery as a social condition or external imposition - they simply are that way). Klingons are racially, behaviourally, psychologically, and culturally homogeneous, universally violent and immune to reason, and their racial characteristics are both physical manifestations of this universal violence as well as the origin of it. The writers and creators of TOS are explicitly invoking the orientalist idea of the “Mongolian horde,” representing both the American fear of Soviet global takeover as well as blatantly racist fears about “Asiatics” (a word used in the show, particularly in The Omega Glory where a fear of racialised communist takeover is made explicit) dominating the world.
This is colonial thinking! Like, fundamentally, at its core, this is colonial white supremacist thinking. Now this is not because TOS invents these tropes or is the origin of them, it is not individually responsible for these racial and colonial logics - these conceptions are endemic to Western thought, and I am not expecting a television show to navigate its way outside of this current colonial paradigm of scientific knowledge. I’m also not expecting an average person watching this to pick out all the intricacies of this and link it to the colonial history of Europe or the colonial history of western philosophy/thought. But this base premise of Star Trek is why the show is fundamentally colonial - even if it was the case that the crew never intervened in any alien conflict, never extracted any material resources from other people, this would still be colonial logic and colonial thinking. The show has a fundamentally colonial imagination when it comes to exploration, discovery, and culture.
I think a good place to end is the opening sequence. The show's first line is always "Space! The final frontier." I do not think the word frontier is meant metaphorically or poetically - I think the show is being honest about its conception of space as an infinitely vast, infinitely exotic frontier from which a globally Western civilisation (which the Enterprise is an emblem of) can extract resources, be they material or epistemic
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urlocalwormtoday · 3 months
i was rewatching the first time the albatrio met Nik and when Gillian first made the deal with him, and I just wanted to point out/bring attention back to some things regarding all of their deals :D
the specific phase of the moon used in the NK tattoo represents corruption, as opposed to the sun, which represents freedom and life. Griz said they were similar to the yin and yang, and we see this again later with the sun and the moon temple
mayor Rolin said that, before he was overcome with the black ooze, the number of voices in his head had multiplied and he wasn't able to properly function, SO LOOK OUT FOR THAT Y'ALL IN FUTURE EPISODES ‼️‼️ (I also do want to point out that when chip first entered the hole in the sea he did hear whispers, sooo.. 🤨)
since Jay is off attempting to warn Lizzie before the Grandberry Pirates all get ambushed, Chip, Gill, Drey, and Gryffon are all alone in the hole. Chips deal rules that he cannot interfere with Gillions favor, meaning that no one except Gryffon and Drey can stop whatever Niklaus orders of him. and also considering the point where we left off Drey was missing, I don't have high hopes T-T
the wording behind Chips deal is very vague, I've noticed. it simply says he cannot interfere, but it was never elaborated on whether or not it would magically keep him from interfering, or if it would compel him not to, or if he did there would be repercussions, it's all very confusing. intentionally confusing, I assume, bc it's confusing but in the smart way
Jay's deal essentially allows Niklaus can order her to do anything to anyone, excluding Chip and Gill. this could very well mean she could be ordered to kill Lizzie or Edyn or Caspian or even her own dad @_@
on the flipside, it ALSO means Jay could be ordered to release someone she was about to kill, or protect someone who's naturally her enemy
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blakeswritingimagines · 5 months
Dating Yandere Azula Would Include:
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As a yandere, she is extremely obsessed with her love interest and has a jealous and possessive personality. She will not allow anyone or anything to come between her and her beloved. She will go to any length to protect you and ensure your loyalty, even if it means manipulating or harming others. She is known for being clingy and possessive toward you, and she will resort to extreme measures to keep you safe and hers.
Azula is fiercely possessive of her crush. She is determined to control your every thought, action, and emotion in order to keep you all to herself. She will go to any lengths to eliminate any potential rivals or threats to her relationship with you, even if it means resorting to violence. She would also do anything to appease you, such as showering you with gifts and affection. If you ever tried to leave her, she would become extremely angry and obsessive, using various methods to manipulate and coerce you into staying with her.
The darker side of Azula can be seen when her crush does not reciprocate her feelings or tries to leave her. When triggered, Azula's jealous and obsessive tendencies become much more pronounced, and she can become possessive to the point of being abusive. She will use aggressive and hostile tactics to regain control of the situation and force you to stay with her.
While she may appear sweet and innocent on the surface, she carries deep inside her a burning rage and desire to be worshipped and adored. She will do anything for attention and validation from you, her beloved. She will become jealous even of the simplest things, like if you just so happen to talk to another. She will want all of your time and attention for herself, making her quite possessive.
Besides her obsessive and possessive nature, she has a deeply rooted desire to control you. She wants to have complete control over every aspect of your life, including who you talk to, where you go, and what you do. She will become jealous and possessive even of the most mundane things and will become angry and combative if you dare to defy her. She will want only her own ways and would want you to depend only on her. She will not tolerate anyone or anything interfering in her plan and would destroy and even kill to ensure that no one interferes with it.
She will also become very attached to you, becoming clingy and overbearing. She will exhibit obsessive and controlling behaviors and will not hesitate to take drastic measures to keep you from leaving her. She will become very protective of you, but this can turn into an obsession with keeping you all to herself.
As a yandere, she will become extremely manipulative and controlling. She will use various methods such as guilt trips, love bombing, gaslighting, and even abuse to get her way. She may become so obsessed with you that she will have to know everything about what you do.
She will do anything to ensure your loyalty and commitment. She may resort to stalking or spying on you to ensure that you are not seeing other girls. She may even use her charm and seduction to keep you focused solely on her. She will punish you for any wrongdoing or perceived transgression and she will make sure you know that only she has power over you.
She will also manipulate you emotionally, playing on your feelings of guilt and obligation. This will be a constant theme in your relationship, and she will become extremely demanding as she wants to have full control over you. She may use blackmail, ultimatums, and threats to keep you in line, but she will also use guilt and fear-mongering to ensure your loyalty and devotion. She doesn't care about your feelings or needs, and she will use them to manipulate you to do what she wants.
She will constantly need reassurance of your love and devotion, needing constant praise and affirmation of your love. She will become extremely possessive and jealous, wanting to know where you are at all times and whom you are with. She will use threats and not hesitate to harm anyone who comes in between the two of you. She will try to isolate you from the outside world, keeping you with her at all times.
She does not like sharing the affection of the person whom she is obsessed with and wants to be the center of attention at all times. She will resort to extreme methods to get your attention, such as self-harm or even harming others.
She will reward you if you do as she pleases or show her devotion and loyalty. She will do this by showering you with praise, gifts, affection, validation, and attention. She may also punish you if you act in a way she deems unacceptable, and she may resort to emotional and physical violence until you get back in line.
Azula will act extremely violently and aggressively if you do not comply with her wishes. She will punish you by threatening harm to you, your friends, or your family. She will also use manipulation and emotional abuse to punish you, making you feel guilty for going against her wishes. She will resort to any means necessary to make sure you remain loyal and devoted.
Her father, the Fire Lord Ozai, will most likely support and encourage her possessive and manipulative behavior. He may even see it as a strength and will use her as a tool to gain power. Her brother, Zuko, will likely be alarmed and disturbed by her behavior and will try to help her or encourage her to act in a more "human" way. Her uncle, Iroh, will also be alarmed by her behavior and will also try to help her find a better way to handle her feelings of love and devotion.
Azula would not tolerate anyone interfering with her relationship, and she would lash out with extreme violence and aggression if anyone tried to get in the way. She will get into a fight without hesitation, and she will stop at nothing to ensure that she is the ultimate and only one in your life.
She will fight with you if she feels that you are not devoted enough or loyal to her. She will become more extremely possessive and controlling over you, demanding that you remain only devoted to her. She will threaten harm or use violence to gain control over you and will not stop until you have lost all contact with the outside world and are only focused on her.
If you were a particular type of bender, it could potentially affect how she interacts with you and expresses her love or jealousy. For example, as a Firebender herself, she would be more aggressive and passionate, which could lead to conflicts or challenges. Ultimately, the combination of different bending types could create an interesting dynamic between partners.
She would want a traditional wedding, where her father and the Fire Nation are invited, to showcase her position of power and authority. The wedding would be lavish, with numerous guests and a long celebration to commemorate the occasion. Following the wedding, she would expect your sole devotion to her and would want you to become completely dependent on her. She would expect you to follow her every command and fulfill all her desires.
She is likely to want children from her beloved to further bind you together. She may become even more possessive and protective over both the children and her beloved. She will also use her children as leverage to ensure that you stay with her. She will do anything to keep her family together and will not hesitate to harm or kill anyone who threatens the safety and security of her family. She will become extremely possessive over her family, unwilling to let them out of her sight and constantly seeking to ensure their protection.
Rough Sex - She enjoys being rough and dominating during sex. This includes using forceful movements, tearing clothes off, and marking up your skin. The more pain and pleasure she can bring together, the better.
Degradation - She also loves to slap you around during sex. Calling you a slut and whore while she does it just makes it even hotter for her.
Bondage - Loves it when you are completely helpless underneath her. Tied up or restrained in some way so you can't move an inch.
Being worshipped - She loves being treated like she is untouchable and perfect. She wants to feel like everyone is in awe and fear of her and her power.
Non-consensual play - The idea of playing without your permission is really exciting for her. From biting or spanking someone without your consent to invading your personal space without asking first, pushing boundaries and crossing lines is a major turn-on.
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nothorses · 10 months
Wait do most guys on t not 'get soaking wet'? I mean I've always 'overlubed' a bit, but but I've been on t a little while now and I feel like I get wetter now than I used to, which is saying a lot. Am I that abnormal?
I'd say it's abnormal in the sense that it's not the common experience, but I don't think that means you need to be concerned about it.
"Vaginal atrophy" means a lot of things, but essentially, it's the same thing that happens during menopause (which also means that resources for people experiencing menopause are often helpful to people with vaginas on testosterone HRT). The hormones that keep that tissue healthy are no longer present in the way they used to be, so the tissue is atrophying over time.
My personal experience has been that while my libido went up & I experience arousal more frequently/intensely, my body's physical response to arousal- lubrication & relaxation of pelvic muscles for easier penetration- is pretty significantly reduced, and takes a lot longer to happen to the degree that I need it to in order for penetration to be comfortable. i.e., I am dryer and tighter. I also have found that I'm dryer overall, and sometimes feel itchy because of that; a little lube helped me go about my day when it first started happening, now I don't really notice it.
During my last pap smear, my doctor noted minor redness, inflammation, and irritation, which she said was typical of folks on testosterone HRT & wasn't anything to worry about. The skin is more delicate and easier to irritate, and that's about all.
You might be experiencing some but not all of the symptoms of vaginal atrophy, or you might be experiencing them more mildly, or you might be early enough in the process that it hasn't been noticeable yet. If you feel like you're actually lubricating more than you used to before HRT, I would also wonder if maybe your libido is just higher? But I'm not a doctor, let alone your doctor, and I have no way of making a worthwhile guess here.
If you're getting the changes you went on T for, like... "vaginal atrophy" is not typically one of the desirable changes anyway, and unless you actively want that, you probably don't need to worry about it. You can and should talk to a doctor if you're feeling concerned about any of this at all, though- I'm just sharing my own personal experiences.
Also, for everyone reading this:
"Vaginal atrophy" can sound scary, but
It's normal and natural, and it happens to everyone with a vagina who gets old enough for menopause to start,
It's entirely- and easily!- treatable, and
It's a reversible effect of testosterone HRT, and things will return to normal given a little time should you ever choose to stop.
You might consider asking your doctor about topical estrogen cream if you want to reverse the effects of vaginal atrophy without interfering with your T. This is also a common treatment for folks who go through menopause.
There are lubes out there specifically for folks experiencing vaginal atrophy as well; they're designed not to irritate fragile skin, and they can be helpful if you're experiencing a stinging sensation during penetration with normal lube (though again, talk to your doctor!! Please!!)
And as a side note: some people who go on T experience cramping (a lot like menstrual cramps) after a few years, and you can also often treat this with topical estrogen cream. I had some pretty severe recurring cramping that went away after a few weeks using topical estrogen cream. If a doctor tries to tell you that the only way to stop this cramping is by getting a hysterectomy, I would consider researching topical estrogen cream and getting a second opinion.
And lastly:
Talk to you doctor!!
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cynthia39100 · 1 month
Merlin rewatch -- S2E13: The Last Dragonlord
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Arthur didn't get to be King Arthur in s1 finale so I'm so happy to see him shine in this episode even though it's mostly Merlin's story. Arthur was doing all the work for once 😆 He had to fight in the front line, lead the army, report to the King and go on a manhunt mission.
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“I know you’re tired, but make one last effort for me.” “Stay strong! For tonight is not your night to die I’ll make sure of that!”
A good commander from the very start~ Bradley gave the best inspirational words 💕 He just had a way made every word sound so genuine and grounded also effortless. Of course everyone would follow him to death at the end.
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It’s like a mini round table moment XD. Arthur was so determined and charismatic. It’s a nice little character growth from the Arthur in another suicide mission -- the griffin, a scared young prince chased out to the battle field by his father.
It’s a significant scene because Arthur was commanding the knights in Uther’s presence, who already lost all hope and will to fight. Arthur was the king in all but name in this war against the dragon. He called all the actions and Uther had no way of interfering. Like when he insisted on going to find Balinor.
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“It is our duty to find him.” “My concern is for Camelot.” I love how calm he was in the face of Uther’s opposition. This kind of thing came so naturally to him that he said them almost casually. His voice was even and gentle. A part of it was that he was too exhausted to have a shouting match. But also, it’s just a fundamental value for him to do everything in his power for his people. Uther’s loud order or tender concern wasn’t at all affecting him.
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Merlin in the background was making some awesome faces too~ His face shone with amazement, either for Arthur’s goodness or how unfazed he was in front of Uther. Gorgeous.
[S2E13] [other episodes]
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arabellasleopardcoat · 7 months
Pyrite - Final Chapter: Valonqar
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Series Masterlist
Chapter Summary: Daemon gets to know the joys of quarantine and faces conflicting feelings in the hours after Otto's and Mellos’ execution.
Warnings: Execution (Via beheading) Mentions of abortion. Mentions of physical violence. Dub con (Reader is given a choice but due to the nature of the power imbalance between Daemon and her, she doesn't really have one)Implied smut. Unhappy ending for anyone except Viserys.
A/N: I am sorry to the requester, I deviated a bit. But we are done!!!!
Daemon grabbed you by the arm and dragged you towards his chambers. He was not happy about being on babysitting duty, but he knew it was the only thing they could do. Without his protection, you would not last a day out there. He had been able to read the truth from your face after just one conversation. Otto Hightower was much more shrewd than him, you would break in seconds.
He supposed Aemma could keep you in her rooms and prevent the scandal. But privately, Viserys had confessed he feared she had gone mad with grief. He did not trust her to be in the same room as you without clawing your eyes out. Daemon did not understand her actions, since you had tried to help her, but he wasn't a mother either. Aemma seemed traumatized by her child's death.
She cursed your name for having your letter arrive too late. Daemon was not a woman. Nor did he presume to know the mind of one, but it seemed a little unfair. You had looked out for her at your own risk, yet Aemma still wanted more.
Viserys could not keep you, either. He was too afraid for his reputation, now that he was about to become a King. What would people think of a servant girl being kept in his rooms?
He didn't admit it, of course, saying that he was only looking out for your honor, but Daemon could tell that Viserys lusted for the throne. Now that he was so close, that he had lost so much on his quest for it, he was not going to lose it for an insignificant girl.
If he truly cared for your reputation, Viserys would have never agreed to keeping you in Daemon's chambers. Who would marry you, after? Everyone knew what Daemon liked, after all. Young maidens, all soft limbs and cute little faces, all for him to ruin. What commoner would want you after being a Prince's whore?
He wasn't planning on touching you, at first. But the way you looked up at him, all frightened eyes, while sitting on one of his chairs, made his cock twitch with interest.
You were a pretty crier. It was something Daemon had noticed when you were discovered. Your eyes would get glassy, and your lower lip would stick out in the slightest pout. You looked good enough to eat.
He could not wait to see you cry on his cock. But if he acted too soon, you would hate him for it. And they needed to be in your good graces so you didn't do anything stupid on the trial.
It was going to be hard, Daemon thought, as he took a look at your face. Aemma had done a number on you, and his retrieval hadn't been entirely gentle either.
You sniffled, pitifully. Daemon kneeled in front of you with a sigh.
“Let me look at your head.”
You gave him a distrustful look.
“I am not going to hurt you. I want to tend to your injuries.” He explained, patiently.
“For some reason, I don't believe you.” You frowned. “Give me a cloth and I can do it myself, Prince Daemon.”
Daemon fought the urge to laugh. Who did you think you were, ordering him around? Instead, he grabbed a cloth and a pitcher of water, and brought them over to you.
You wiped your hands and face with it. Daemon watched, aware that you would not be able to clean the wound on your head on your own. You tried regardless, dabbing a clean cloth over your scalp, trying to reach blindly for the spot that was oozing blood.
He kept his eyes on you, not interfering until you were visibly frustrated.
“Do you need help?”
“No.” You glared, rubbing at your scalp harshly. Daemon stepped closer and took the cloth from you, ignoring your indignant squeaks. He assessed the damage to the back of your skull.
Your hair, braided back as it was, was matted with blood. He was unable to see much, but it seemed to have stopped flowing.
“I will unbraid your hair to look at the wound.” Daemon warned, and started taking your braid apart.
You went very still on your chair, as he untangled sticky hair strands from each other. Your braid was simple, but well constructed. It was clear that you knew quite a bit about how to do your own hair, considering the softness of it. It didn't feel like the hair of any other commoner Daemon had ever felt before. A shame it was caked in blood. He would have to ensure you got a bath soon.
As he parted your hair, shifting it in different directions, he noticed the small laceration on your skull. Nothing was showing through it, not even bone. Daemon knew that was a good sign. It was sizable enough to merit stitches, though.
“I will need to sew this. Do you need milk of the poppy?” He asked, as he went to collect thread and needle from his vanity. A Maester should be the one doing this, and he doubted he had the necessary qualifications to do so, but at the moment, Daemon had no other choice. He didn't trust anyone.
“Do you even know how to sew wounds, my Prince?” You asked, looking at him over your shoulder. It was a fair question, had he not been a squire a few years back. Daemon had earned his knighthood not so long ago, and he still vividly remembered his training.
“I am a knight, girl.” Daemon rolled his eyes. It wasn't as if he styled his name with the title, like some other cunts did, but he still was one. “Do you know what that means?”
“That you are supposed to uphold your oaths, my Prince?” And oh, how sweet. You truly were a naive little thing. It was no wonder you had charged into danger as you had, if you still believed in that bullshit. To Daemon, knights were just like any other men. No more honorable nor more just. Oaths could be broken, after all.
“Yes. But also that I was a squire. I have sewn a few wounds before, including my own.” But never a head wound, he thought to himself. Ah, what you did not know wouldn't hurt you. If he told you, you would insist on a Maester. Daemon couldn't risk it. No one could know you were here.
“I rather be awake, my Prince.”
“Suit yourself.” He stepped behind you and pressed down on your nape, getting you to lower your head. Daemon made sure you were still before starting sewing.
With each pass of the needle, you tensed more. It was a foolish thing to do, only increasing your pain.
“Don't tense. The pain is worse like that.” He advised, and kept at it. You obeyed, forcing your body to relax. It still looked like you were sitting rigidly on the chair, but you weren't clenching your jaw any longer.
As Daemon progressed, he kept a close eye on your reactions. Knuckles turning white against the armchair, breath coming out in pained little sounds. But no tears fell. Had you cried them all already? Or were you too proud to show your pain to him?
With you unmoving, it was not difficult to finish your stitches. He took a step back, admiring the white thread decorating your skull. It contrasted harshly against the red of your blood. Daemon felt oddly proud of it.
“You can have the bed tonight.” He grumbled, annoyed. Why did he feel the need to help you, suddenly? Playing nice was one thing, but why was he feeling bad? It had only been a hit to the back of the head. He had done much worse when dueling men. Drew more blood, severed more limbs. Even took their lives.
But you were a woman. A girl, really. Around his age, and vulnerable to the world. It felt uncomfortably like hurting a child. Why? What made you special? He had taken quite a few maidenheads already, and not even then he had felt like this. You looked like a wounded bird.
“What if I get blood on your sheets?”
“The servants are used to it.” The joke felt flat on his tongue. He gave you a wink, but his heart wasn't in it. Daemon could not stand another second in this room with you, reeking of pain and staring at him with those betrayed eyes. Better to head out and hit the city. He needed to numb himself. And by the time you were up, he would just be getting in.
Daemon allowed you to exist undisturbed in his room for almost a week. He provided water for you to bathe, and fresh clothes for you to change into. The routine stayed the same. He went out at night, and you slept in his bed. When you woke, you had to get out of it and entertain yourself so he could sleep.
He usually enjoyed a night out. But the constant whoring and drinking was beginning to tire him, especially since it was affecting his training. There were only so many brothels he could visit before noticing he was unsatisfied with the stock their carried because not one of them looked like you.
Ugh. The urge to fuck you was messing with his head, making him unfocused. Daemon had actually lost a sparring match this week, but he was unsure if it was from a lack of sleep or being plagued by thoughts of you.
He needed to get you out of his system. He had enough. You no longer looked like a wounded little bird. It was time to make his move.
That night, Daemon decided to skip the brothels. He sat on his bed, freshly bathed after training, and just watched you stew.
You were sitting on a pillow in the corner of his room, some books spread out around you. They were part of his small collection on Valyrian herbs. You were wearing your night shift already, and sneaking glances at him every few minutes.
He was breaking your unspoken arrangement, you sure thought. Daemon was supposed to leave so you could sleep. A shame it was not happening tonight.
“Girl.” He said, once he had enough of watching you squirm. “Pour me a glass of wine.”
You looked at him. You gave an annoyed little huff. Even if you did not dare voice it, Daemon could see the protest in your eyes. You were not used to serving men, from what he could tell. Nor were you used to serving wine. You thought yourself above those tasks, one of those fancy handmaidens that only brush hair and run baths.
And it showed. Sure, you were tidy and didn't make a mess of his rooms, but you didn't help either. You had not reached for a broom in your whole stay, or dusted anything. If he wasn't a tidy person, the place would be as unsanitary as a cheap brothel.
It had never bothered him before, not being able to call for a servant to clean his rooms. But it now did. He tried not to think very hard about why that was. It didn't mean anything. Your presence did not upset him. He was just bothered by the fact that you were like a leech.
Daemon had no use for you. His space was being invaded by a girl with unsettling eyes, who acted as if this was her prison and did not contribute at all. Anyone would be bothered by it. Right?
Anyone would be done with it. Daemon would rather behead Otto and end it all. But apparently, you could not just behead one of your subjects, or everyone started talking about Maegor the cruel.
“I do not have any use for a commoner.” Daemon stated, plainly. He advanced towards you, grasping your chin in his hand. “Do you understand what will happen to you if I kick you out?”
“I'll die.” Your voice shook. Daemon scowled. He didn't like the thing that you were doing with your eyes.
“Then you best try to please me, right?” He ran his thumb over your cheek. “Wouldn't want me to hand you over.”
You shook your head. You went and poured him his wine.
“I don't like your eyes.” Daemon said, impatiently. “Try to smile more.”
You gave him a weak smile. It set the tone for the rest of your interactions. You were a clumsy cup bearer, and took badly to sleeping on the floor. Daemon had to constantly snap at you to wipe the sad look from your face. It looked ugly, and the only good thing you had to your favor were your looks. That was why his stomach twisted when he caught you thinking of home or your family.
When the day of the trial came, you looked relieved. You managed to give your testimony without any issue, and his grandfather ruled in their favor. Aemma gets her revenge, with the King allowing Viserys to bring the head of Ser Otto and Mellos to his wife. He can't bring himself to do it, so it's Daemon who swings the sword instead.
Otto Hightower kneels for his execution with great grace. He sends Daemon a glare, but doesn't say a word. Mellos, on the other hand, screams and pleads all the way up the steps to the block.
Daemon gets a sick sort of satisfaction when he sees them both kneeling at his feet. Is this what being King feels like? He wonders, as he shares a secret smile with Aemma, who stands in the first row of the crowd. The power to hurt those who have wronged you.
Next to Aemma, you stand. You look pale and fidgety, but the grip she has in your arm prevents you from escaping. It's only fair, she had said, that you get to witness the King's justice you helped bring. You don't seem excited about it.
“Any last words?” Daemon asks, as he unsheathes Dark Sister.
“Please, don't, this has been a mistake!” Mellos screams. Daemon waits patiently. When nothing more than incoherent sobs come out from his mouth, Daemon glances up at his grandfather.
King Jaehaerys looks grim, but determined. He nods. Daemon takes Mellos’ head with one clean swoop of his sword. The head rolls into the basket with straw, preventing the blood from running everywhere. The eyelids still move. The crowd gasps, and Daemon feels strangely empty.
“I am ready for my last words now.” The Hightower cunt says, with a firm voice. Daemon can't help be both annoyed and impressed by it. Most men, like Mellos, would be shitting themselves in fear. But Ser Otto remains calm and regal, even when he knows he is about to face death.
“Good pious people, I have come here to die, for according to the law and by the law I am judged to die. I do not wish to accuse any man or woman, for if the King says I am to die, I shall. I only ask that my actions are judged fairly in the years to come, and no harm comes to my family. Let it not be that the crimes of the father follow the son. I take my leave of this world and ask you to pray for me. To the Seven I commend my soul, please, Stranger, have mercy on me.”
And maybe it was the hypocritical speech, or the fact that Otto Hightower was the mastermind behind the plot to hurt his family, but this time Daemon swing his sword with much more force than necessary. The head rolls out of the box and into the crowd, falling near the first row, among horrified screams.
Right at your feet.
You turned and left. And Daemon stood, with his bloodied sword, still near the executioner's block.
There is a feast after. One that you are not allowed to attend. Nothing so crass as to celebrate the death of the two criminals, but rather, the settling of the succession issue. The plot, even if it had to do nothing with Rhaenys, had been damaging enough to doom her hopes of being Queen.
It is then, high on victory and still wearing a dirtied sword, that Daemon decides to use his power over you. It's not a conscious choice. There is something in him that broke tonight, something to do with a severed head and your look of disgust, and the cheers of Aemma and Viserys. It's something about feeling empty, when having the world at his fingertips.
He is soon to be the Prince of Dragonstone. With Viserys lack of heirs, he might even become King one day, if he doesn't set aside Aemma and finds himself a younger wife.
Daemon wonders if Aemma realizes how precarious her position has turned, now that she got her revenge. If she had kept quiet, if she had let Rhaenys get the Iron Throne, her position would be secure. The Arryns would not allow Viserys to put her aside.
But now, that her husband will be King, she will never be safe. Queens fall every day, as Rhaenys has learned. It seems it is time for Aemma to learn that lesson.
You are packing your things when he gets there. Clothes and a small collection of trinkets from the time you had spent by his side. It enrages him. You can't leave. Not when you are the only person who can understand what these weeks have been like. The only one who knows exactly the kind of monster Viserys has turned him into.
“Where are you going?” It comes out more aggressive than he intends to, but you no longer cower at his voice.
“I don't know.” You meet his eyes and keep your voice soft. “Away, my Prince.”
“No, you are not.” Daemon orders, and leaves Dark Sister laying on the rug. The blood rusts the blade, but what does it matter, at this point? If you are leaving, he can call a maid tomorrow. If you are not, everyone can know you as his whore. “Pour me some wine.”
You obey, in silence. Your hands shake slightly.
“Pour yourself a cup, too.” Daemon says, patting the space by his side. You sit, very stiffly.
“Well done.” Daemon says. You give him a little nod. “Now take your dress off.”
“Excuse me?” You jump up so fast, you might as well have never been sitting. Your hands ball by your side, an indignant expression clear on your face.
“Come on, girl. You are not that stupid.” Daemon rolls his eyes. He has protected you for nearly a fortnight, let you take his bed and food and not even once touched you. He killed a man today who would have crushed you like a worm. No one else would want you after this, no one else would understand you. “You owe me a great debt. What other use could I have for a commoner?”
“I can pay my debt in other ways.” You protest, and go back to gathering your things.
Daemon laughs. It sounds broken to his own ears, cruel and shrill. You turn to face him, noticing the difference in tone. Yet, he is not deterred, even when he barely recognizes the cruel tone he is speaking in.
“Yes. You can. I think you would make a fine dragon keeper. You have little skill for anything else, but anyone can shovel shit. I think five years of that would be a fair trade.”
“Or I could just go.” You threaten.
“You could.” And get yourself murdered in the process because there is no way Viserys and him are letting you walk away with all you have learned in your stay with them. And if they don't get you, sickness and famine might. As the northerners say, winter is coming.
“Princess Aemma…” And it’s only then that Daemon gets fed up. You think Aemma out of all people will protect you? Aemma? Has he been doing such a shitty job of it?
“Aemma said I had to protect you. She did not say I couldn't have you.”
“I…” You start, but Daemon is too desperate to care about how cruel he is starting to sound.
“You should hope her reach doesn't go far, as the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Tell me, how much do you have? Enough to buy passage into Essos?”
“I'll stay.” You untie your dress, with tear filled eyes. It falls to your hips. Daemon rushes to you like a man possessed. The urge to own, claim, to keep, is too strong to resist.
He wastes no time in burrowing himself in your skin, your hair, carving a place for himself inside you. He is a monster. And intends on devouring you whole.
His love will strangle you until nothing is left. Maybe one day you will be his Queen if Viserys doesn't leave Aemma. By then, you will be just like him.
He kisses down your throat, and lowers a hand between your thighs.
“Stay.” Daemon says, and it feels like the first link on the chain. “Stay.” Muttered between your thighs, as he drowns himself on you.
“Stay.” As your blood stains his shaft, and you moan, confused by whatever you are feeling. As your hips meet his, as you are desperate to choke, to die in his hands.
“I'll stay.” You whisper back, coming down for your high, and the lock clicks.
Has really a key been thrown away if no one hears the sound it makes as it falls?
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Platonic tadc cast with a child reader Who is like :
"hey, wanna see me do a cartwheel :D"
Basically very spontaneous and chaotic in the adventures lol
Ty!! (and remember to drink water) ;3
TADC cast x chaotic!kid!reader ! (Platonic)
Guys I'm literally so tired I just got done baking a ton of stuff, like I'm talking 12ish hours of non stop cooking and baking I'm going insane im trying so hard not to fall asleep rn because I kinda. Feel bad for not really answering requests today
Hope you enjoy anon!
Written on mobile
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Well well how the turn tables (writing caines portion last for once)
Very similar to kinger and ragatha in that he supports everything you do; in fact he encourages your behavior as long as no one is getting hurt. Very loudly (and sometimes obnoxiously) cheers for you
While kinger can only cheer and clap, I think Caine sets off sparkles and fireworks... probably has a whole group of bubbles cheering you on too , assuming there can be multiple bubbles at any given time (I personally think there can be, and they all share a hivemind of sorts)
So what was the occasion that prompted that?
A wonky cartwheel, of which you excited called "a sideways front flip"
(Fun fact from the admin, I called my first cartwheel that bc I didnt know it was called a cartwheel yet)
Anxious parental figure and hyper child, a dynamic that's hit or miss at least for me. Really it depends on how its executed
That said I think she struggles to keep up with you
Constantly scrambling around you make sure you dont fall into any danger. Literally and figuratively...
Her attempts to get you to sit down for more than five minutes fail
Your ass is failing the marshmallow test/j
No thoughts only that one clip from adventure time where BMO pretends to be a wheathervane before trying to nose dive off the roof, all while calling for finns attention. Thats you and ragatha, basically (in essence, not exact scenario though)... maybe zooble too, but we'll get there when we get there (I am currently having a brain blast)
Says things like "what am I gonna do with you" everyday, always lightheartedly of course and usually accompanied by a tired chuckle
Generally very supportive of you though, just so long as you're not hurting yourself! Sure, this is the digital world and injuries dont really stick, but still! The pain is still there
I mentioned the marshmallow test in pomnis part and I feel like jax would do something similar with you. Except the test is rigged and the candy (which he uses in place of the marshmallow( is actually for him and not for you. So if you actually earn the extra candy you dont even get it
That said I do think jax would feel bad when you get upset about the joke
I think he finds it funny, as long as you're not tugging on his overalls and screaming at him for something, or interfering with his plans
Hes not a neglectful rolemodel/familial figure, he just has a short fuse with the above I think, regardless of who it is, kid or not
That said he fully embraces your spontaneous nature
Peepaw and his grandchild, that's it that's literally the dynamic
"Kinger is only 48-"
"Oh that's so lovely, (reader)" when you run up to him with your hands full of god knows what
Eagerly claps and cheers when you show him a new trick you learned
Bonus if you try to recreate or one up his embellished stories in order to make him proud of you (hes always proud of you)
As mentioned in ragathas part, the wheathervane BMO thing is basically in essence you guys' dynamic. Except where I think ragatha would be quicker to pay attention to you, zooble may be a little slower. Not because they dont care about whatever you're trying to display to them, but because I think a lot of the times they kind of mentally check out (me too honestly)
Tries to scold you if you do something too dangerous or out of line, may come across as way angrier or upset than they actually are though thanks to their voice being kinda
You know
Zooble gives off "cool older sibling who doesnt care about nothing" energy
Meekly tries to get you to calm down for a few minutes, especially if theres an IHA going on because she doesnt want you to run off and potentially get hurt. Tries to keep you occupied with arts and crafts. Watches in horror as you impulsively eat the glue
Tends to wrap one of her ribbon hands around yours so she knows you're not running off.. this is more so when theres an IHA going on
As per usual not many ideas for gangle <\3
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subway-boss-jericho · 11 days
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Queuing posts for most of my AUs! Check out this Masterpost! ᵈᶦˢᶜˡᵃᶦᵐᵉʳ ⁻ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᶦᶜᵒⁿᶦᶜ ᵏⁿᶦᶠᵉ ᵇᵃⁿᵍˢ! ᴵ ˡᵉᶠᵗ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵒᶠᶠ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʳᵉᶠᵉʳᵉⁿᶜᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᶠᵃᶜᵉˢ ᶠᵘˡˡʸ ᵛᶦˢᶦᵇˡᵉ.
Mechanical Dreams (can you hear the cogs clicking?)
-Premise- Alright. Bear with me, this one is very, very different. To give you the elevator pitch summary, I had a dream involving my version of Ingo from Steady Tracks except instead he was a hundreds-feet-tall mecha robot trapped under the ocean. Everything else is stuff I have worldbuilt around this concept in order to make the timeline of events make sense. Cool? Cool.
If that sounds interesting enough to read the less summarized version (LONG), get ready for one hell of a canon divergent crack AU:
Ingo and Emmet are both native-born Hisuian and proud members of the Pearl Clan. Unlike most members of their clan, they do not fear most pokemon. For a reason neither of them can place, they've always gotten along with them a little better than they did with other people. They've spent a lot of time getting to know pokemon, learning to battle alongside them, and bonding with them.
One night changes everything they've ever known. Young and bright, no older than 19, the two of them share a foreboding and brilliant dream.
Mighty Sinnoh approaches them face to face, speaking of an unknowable calamity on the horizon. Pokemon overflowing with incredible power- interfering with their natural ability to shrink, forcing them to grow taller than the mountains. In a blind rage of unbearable, uncontainable energy, they will ravage the lands of all living things. These will be known as the Darkest Days, when rifts in time and space bring Dynamax Energy down on Hisui.
Sinnoh has waited patiently to interfere with this disaster, observing each candidate and deliberating over who to designate as its heroes. After all this, the twins are Sinnoh's first choice. Should they choose to accept this duty, they may take the power to prevent this crisis into their own hands. Should they choose to deny it, it will continue to the next candidates it has selected until someone agrees to its terms.
It has chosen them because of their synchronicity, their bond, and their compassion for the pokemon of the region. If they bear this duty, one of them will become an overwhelming force- As powerful, if not more so, than the pokemon that will rise to challenge them. He will become a work of machinery so beautiful and so complex that he will rival work made in centuries to come- So impossibly grand that he will take on life incomparable to any creature or mechanism that has or ever will walk the earth.
In order to sustain such a life, this is what will become of the other: A being overflowing with energy and will. The ability to command metal with only the thought of desire, the knowledge and dominion over electricity to know and understand all things made of them. With these he can repair and protect the other, just as the other defends and protects all the region. He will be made brilliant just as his brother, but will remain of flesh and blood to ensure both are separate in the restrictions of their capability.
Their lives will entwine, ensuring the safety of both so long as both desire the safety of the other. The machine will power the soul, a fortress of steel defending the lives of both. So long as the machine does not perish, the engineer will never be susceptible to his own mortality. Neither age nor injury will prevent him from returning to the other's side.
With this overwhelming duty, impossibly vast opportunity laid out in full before them, the twins need to talk. More than anything, they need to decide. Will they? Yes. Absolutely. They could pass this on to someone else, but both of them would rather be able to ensure the safety of their brother with their own power.
It is decided that Ingo will become the Grand Machine, and Emmet will take the mantle of the Engineer. Ingo has always been in awe of strong moves, but more than this, it gives him the chance to take direct action in preventing any harm from ever coming to Emmet. As the (slightly) older of the two, he feels strongly about taking responsibility. Emmet has made his choice for the very same reason. Whoever is the Engineer can take direct action to ensure the safety of the Machine. He can protect his brother and keep him safe, and he will always be the first at his side in the line of fire.
With this, their shared vision comes to an end. They provide whatever explanation they can to the clans, to their family, before they set off together to the peak of Mount Coronet.
Emmet steps forward first, to receive the blessing that will change him. With the touch of their maker, his hair is shifted to a brilliant snowy tone- Eyes a bold and electric blue as a flowing coat of white and gold rests over his shoulders. He shines like a man of royalty- change arriving in another wave of light as he finds himself remarkably taller. The two brothers share a moment to revel and celebrate all of these verrry cool blessings!! Younger swinging older into the air in an expression of joy, hugs shared fiercely at the same size again as Emmet discovers his choice between old and new.
They share quieter words of comfort, of assurance. Ingo steps forward to receive his blessing. He turns with a smile on his face, a last look to his brother with the touch of his maker as Emmet sees his eyes glow vibrant blue- Before a torrent of metal sprouts from his back, encircling him completely. It warps and twists like the stem of a growing tree, walls of steel rising into the sky like a tower, faster than human hands could ever build.
When they return from the mountain, they are changed. They are twins, they are brothers, they are Ingo and Emmet. But they are impossible, they are changed to unknowable depths. They are not the same as when they left.
The Giant of Steel and The Engineer alter the fate of the region in more tales than can be catalogued here alone, preventing the deaths of many and earning the respect of every faction. Members of each walk of life vow to join them, becoming a part of Ingo's Crew.
When all is finally over, the final battle comes long after the danger has passed. None were expecting a last straggler, and none were prepared for the inky tendrils of the siren's grasp. The water was never Ingo's ally, but he would never let it be his crew's grave. He forces them to evacuate, the crew taking The Engineer with them to escape the soul-stealing songs of Gigantamax Jellicent. At the cost of his own safety, he brings down the final Dynamax threat once and for all. Consciousness fading, he crashes into the ocean- tsunamic shockwaves sending escape pods tumbling to shore.
Emmet, with all his abilities and tools, does not have the resources alone to craft something with the strength to rescue Ingo from the ocean floor. As days pass, he finds himself fading- He knows what this is, he must always know. Emergency hibernation. In his last days awake, he begs the people of Hisui, his friends, his Crew, to save his brother's life. To save him, when he cannot.
Emmet falls into an indominable slumber, kept safe from the elements in a case of wood and glass he assembled himself. The ocean is quiet, the threat is gone. The Dynamax War is over.
The crew which had endeared themselves to these strange, dedicated, charming, and incomprehensible yet so human twins, vow to repay their dutiful protection by rescuing Ingo from the water's depths.
And so time begins to pass.
-Noteworthy Points- I can't believe I'm posting this online where people can see it haha. Please be nice to me 😂 This is the longest post I've ever made. I hope that summary is to your liking because I am (grinding teeth) not kidding. that's the best way I know how to summarize this ENTIRE plot I made. Based on a dream I had one time two years ago!
Things to note! Ingo and Emmet are both capable of size-shifting but to very different degrees. Ingo is 120ft tall in his Off-Duty form, but can assume an Active Threat mode which allows him to scale up to 400ft tall. Emmet can shift between on/off duty forms also, but the difference is 8ft (Extremely Tall) to his former height somewhere around 5'10" (Above Average)
To re-say what arceus blessed them with in a way that is less cryptic: Ingo is a Mecha. He is bio-mechanical, sort of like a cyborg? In essence, he is an otherwise impossible combination of man, pokemon, and machine. He has a pokemon type and can use various moves. He also operates using a hell of a lot of complex machinery, but retains his humanity and thought. There is nothing else like him! Also he's fucking huge as I mentioned a second ago. He's made to be manned by a crew and has lots of hollow space, rooms, and other things required for life onboard. He also has an internal computer that helps him micromanage everything he needs to know about himself, who is onboard, what he is doing, and what other people are doing. Essentially, he has multiple trains of thought he can use simultaneously in order to help him keep up with everything. Because of this, he also can process information at a speed faster than a normal person is capable of by a significant margin.
Emmet has Technokinesis, and is capable of understanding how any machine works by observing it. He is capable of inventing or assembling machines that are far beyond his time, and can disassemble anything and put it back together with no issue. He has some amount of heightened/super speed, but not on a 'speedster' level of crazy, just unnaturally fast. He has a bigger reserve of energy as well than any normal person would have, and can think/process things at an unnatural speed. This helps him keep up with Ingo, although his processing ability is still a bit slower than his. Emmet also has hammer space with his coat pockets and can magically equip/unequip his coat at any time.
I have so much world building that I genuinely can't put it all in the notes here. There is so much shit to unpack, please understand I've basically made this entire goddamn narrative from scratch in my head and with the help of a close friend. This is me being turbo mentally ill
If I had less self control I would keep writing but I think I've given you all enough to understand the concept and I need to shove this in the queue before I miss the posting time <3 have fun
-Links- Currently none! I will update this post with links to comics/art/writing if/when I post any!
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iamthat-iam · 8 months
ND on its own seems to calm me down at times, so I see the point of practicing it even if its not a tool to "get me my desires" and im already so fed up with the process of "trying to manifest". However, I'm confused about how people get their desires through it. Does that happen naturally when they detach and let things flow and happen without interfering or being resistant? Aka when they just choose to sit back and observe everything? Or is there any specific way in which they apply ND in a specific manner to have their desires? Such as observing themselves with the desire etc.
Also, if I feel like applying ND in a specific manner with the aim of getting myself a desire is something that could get me putting effort into it when I'm already so tired of "trying to manifest", and so if I chose to just apply ND as it is without trying to remind myself through it that my desire is mine or whatever. Then could that in any way actually help me get my manifestations/desires materialising only cuz I simply "detached"? Is there any specific thing that I should do to "change the movie I'm watching"?😭 or do I just observe how my ego desires and let it desire while just observing?
Thanks for your efforts! I'm hoping you're always having a nice day :)
Hi! Gotta be honest with you, this would have gotten the meme but since you're being so nice I'll let it slide lol
Allow me to clear up a few misconceptions in your ask:
There's nothing to get and you do not have "desires". The person that you think you are, who is lacking something, does not exist. Since there's no person in lack, all you have is Awareness of an experience (the experience that you think you're lacking). You are always aware of what you "want."
There is awareness of experience ONLY. Awareness always comes before the senses. In order for senses to appear, you have to be aware first. That is why waiting for something to "materialize" is futile, it's an illusion. Drop the duality of "physical vs imagination"
ND is not a technique, there's no proper way to "apply" it. All you have to "do" is BE. Just be, without all the limitations and labels that come with the person you think you are.
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ctheathy · 1 year
Yandere Kitsunami Headcanons
Kitsunami x Reader
Yandere Headcanons
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Author's note: Kitsunami has to be one of the, if not my favourite character of the entire Sonic franchise🌊💙 Happy I finally got to write for him!
You: Look at him, he’s the boy of my dreams!!Kit: *drowning somebody alive and giggling*
Kit/Reader [Romantic//Platonic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️ TWs⚠️ :
Attempted drowning • Co-dependency • Delusional behaviour • Possessiveness • Stalking • Unintentional gaslighting • Guilt tripping • Abandonment issues
With the amount of attachment and connection issues he has, it honestly wouldn’t come off as a surprise at all when Kit manages to transition into a full-blown yandere. Just like how he’s dependant on Surge to make the decisions for him, he shall be dependant on you too. Just with some ... Higher measurements. He feels as if he needs you in order to breathe, in order to live. Kit would have an obsession triggered inside of him with minimum effort, a bad one for that matter; and it’s eerily easy to get him pushed to that state as well, being the more vulnerable one between both him and Surge.
I believe Kitsunami to be a fairly delusional but also possessive yandere. He truly believes himself to be best for you, including the things he’s done in your name. He absolutely despises seeing you among other mobians and it shows. He’d purposely put them in problematic situations with his water abilities, using his water tank to his advantage while practically making their life a living hell. His dislike torwards the said person blinding him from seeing the cold hard truth about who he’s become himself. He’s usually just one to observe fromout the background without interfering, but even Kit manages to have his breaking points; and it's not pretty for sure. The more resentment he grows towards the individual, the harsher and more damaging his tactics become. There would be times where he would forcefully blast boiling hot water towards the poor mobian, leaving them with a ton of burn marks to recover from. And in even worse case scenarios, attempting to drown the victim with his water strength.
Anytime you manage to spend time around another, Kit gets put in a state of panic; horrified for abandonment and clings to your side like there’s no tomorrow. You’d have to absolutely calm him down and have a long conversation with him for a good two hours or so for him to operate back onto his feet. It only becomes more difficult over time, much as he requires an amount of constant reassurance and validation for his actions that no living creature could ever provide. Even if you call him out for his deeds, he isn’t going to understand, which indicates just how much of a delusional mindset he's in. In his head, he views those around you as bad influences and threats and makes sure they pay the price for it, despite being innocent.
Though his desire to protect you and live up to your expectations is genuine, he fails to showcase this through an appropriate way. His attachment to you is unhealthy and he is just so damn desperate to make you proud, no matter the costs. He is also quite clingy to say the least. He is literally just following you around like a lost puppy and would prefer to never leave you out of his eyesight at all. Even if you set down boundaries for the sake of the healthiness of your relationship with one another, he tends to get too stressed to keep himself to them. His paranoias eating at him while it all just comes down to a stalker session. You even swore there had been times where you caught a glimpse of his glowing and recognisable magenta eyes in the corner of your room, in the middle of the night. Actually making you think you’re slowly losing your sanity to this boy.
Due to his timid nature and anxious behaviour being even worsened so after his obsession starts to take place, he most likely begins to influence his darling too. He is continuously dumping all his worries onto them and whispering paranoia’s in their ears, to the point it might even start to affect their own natural instinct. You have always been one to comfort Kit over his concerns instead of disregarding it like many others have done, but he just becomes so restless with his panic, it starts to rub off on you too. His pleads are alarming and nerve-wracking to you, but you cannot really say anything about it either. It gets to a point where you’re constantly wary of your surroundings and those around you, suspicions and fears lingering in the back of your mind which originally belonged to the teal furred fennec. At last, you might just be gaslighted into believing that he truly is the only safe space for you, being pulled into his own delusions. He’d already isolate you on a regular basis. And it honestly just gets to a point where you feel terrified of your own environment
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giantchasm · 3 months
“What is it that the child has to teach? The child naively believes that everything should be fair and everyone should be honest, that only good should prevail, that everyone should have what they want and there should be no pain or sadness The child believes the world should be perfect and is outraged to discover it is not. And the child is right.”
WOO! After a little over a month and 60+ hours of drawing, it's finally finished. The Peony animatic I promised you has, at long last, arrived.
It took a lot of work, but I'm super happy with how it came out! And, tbh, I'm already planning more animatics I want to do in the future.
I think the majority of you are already acquainted with Peony, but just in case you aren't, here's a quick rundown of her story, or at least what's covered in the video:
Peony has always known her family experienced quite a bit of strife before her birth, but she doesn’t quite understand the full extent of it until getting caught up in a horrible accident. After nearly losing her life, the young magician develops an affinity for Soul magic— more specifically a connection with the spirit plane, and thanks to that, she’s able to meet two very special people. Her deceased granddad and her father’s long-gone ex-best friend are far from perfect people, but Peony quickly warms up to them anyways. She can see they were dealt an unfair hand in life, and that the tragedies they were involved with weren’t necessarily their fault. As she sees it, they deserve a second chance. So that’s exactly what she’s going to give them! Peony resolves to find a way to bring her dead loved ones back to life… developing her powers more and more along the way and providing her family some much needed closure. But is something like resurrection really possible? It seems Peony may be flying too close to the sun. A certain fluttering fiend is keeping an eye on her, telling her it won’t allow her to disrupt the natural order of things, and that one can’t undo what has already been done. But Peony? She doesn’t know how to listen. The young girl will stop at nothing until she saves her two guardian angels and sets her family right.
...She's a stubborn little goober, that's for sure.
I love her, though, I really do, and I hope you love her too. This video was a real passion project, and I'm super happy with how it came out. I'm glad I could get it finished just before the round 3 polls of the OC Tourney start.
Remember, everyone! Peony for president. Girl's already ready to throw hands with a god.
Some of my favorite frames will be under the cut with annotations/interesting details pointed out.
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I really enjoyed the crayon drawing aspect of this video. The doodles were super fun to do and added a lot of character to it!
One may have noticed that the way Peony drew her mother's side of the family changed, though, as she told their story... and that's not just to represent them getting older! The way she drew their eyes and other stuff changed because during the later half she depicts them with their cybernetics, whereas during the beginning of their tale, she doesn't. Pretty cool stuff.
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Technically, in Peony's story, she can't really touch/physically interact with the ghosts... at least not at the point in the timeline this part of the animatic takes place during. All the same, though, I decided to fudge it just a little for more interesting character interactions.
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This frame depicts Peony's near death experience, LOL. Don't worry about it... she's fine in the end. In general, this segment of the animatic displays her story a little more chronologically, showing how she developed her powers, learned who the ghosts were, and got better and better at using aforementioned powers.
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Shortly after Peony's near-death-experience, Morpho Knight tried to reap Sectonia and Haltmann for interfering with the living world and helping save her life. However, Peony, even not knowing who they were at the time, stood up for them- offering up her life, instead, and Morpho Knight, impressed by the display of bravery, allowed it to slide for now.
...Stars, it's going soft, isn't it? Stupid Kirby
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Peony doing some detective work! I really like the framing of this drawing. Here you can see Taranza and Joronia when they were younger alongside Haltmann and Susie pre-cybernetics, like I mentioned earlier.
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This bit is meant to be Peony finally confronting the ghosts (or- well, more specifically her granddad) about knowing who they are. She points out that she and him HAVE to be related. Look! They share the same hair fwoof!
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There's a very distinct scene I have in my mind for the first time Peony is ever able to physically interact with the ghosts. She's making flower crowns and jokingly tries to put one on Sectonia's head, only for it to work. Needless to say, they're both shocked, then delighted.
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These reunions make me feel things. Admittedly stuff is still a little complicated between Susie and her father, but ultimately she is glad to see him... and as for the spiders? I think they missed each other more than they could possibly put into words. They're so, so happy.
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This is one of my favorite sets of frames. It took FOREVER to do all of the little doodles, but it turned out looking awesome, as did the ripping effect! See if you can spot all of the different family traumas she's depicted.
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I like to think eventually Peony acquires some precious heirlooms. Sectonia hands down the matching scarf she had with Taranza but discarded when she went mad. Haltmann, meanwhile, no longer has his pocket watch, but when Peony tries to surprise him with a new one as a gift, only to realize he can't really hold onto it, he tells her to take care of it for him 'until he can.' This is something she does with pride.
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Originally, I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do with these sets of frames. I mean... I knew I wanted to have Peony walking past her family thriving, but I didn't know how I wanted to orient the group. I figured they'd be best in sets of two, but wasn't sure how to sort them out.
If I were to draw her parents with their dead loved ones, I feared I'd sort of be insinuating their bond with each other wasn't as important now that they had those dead loved ones back, and that isn't true at all. But if I were to draw the living characters and dead characters together... well, that wouldn't really represent how Peony changed the family, now would it?
Ultimately, I decided to draw Susie hanging out with Sectonia and Taranza talking with Haltmann. I thought it'd be a nice way to represent the group as a whole have become a ragtag sort of family. Everyone loves everyone here.
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This is one of my favorite frames. I simply think it's so cute. Peony is so, so beloved, and she loves her weird little family so much, too.
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I adore these final three frames. Throughout the animatic, the crayon drawings are used to represent her family's tumultuous past, but finally, Peony depicts a more positive moment, quite literally slapping it over a sad one. It's a symbol of her determination to rewrite their— rewrite her— story, no matter what it takes.
Little does she know, even if she ultimately can't bring Sectonia and Haltmann back from the dead, she's already given both them and her parents a happier ending. They're all together, at least, and that's what matters most.
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shinysoroka · 1 month
The most difficult thing about writing MCU Thor for me is that he, as a character, is not allowed grace. For some reason (read YouKnowWho stans) 90 percent of the fandom has decided that he is the only Avenger who is not allowed to be treated like a main character with a rich inner life, quirks, likes, dislikes, friends, enemies and complicated feelings about his family and country. Every action he takes is either ignored as not on the same level as everyone else, regardless of how important it is to the plot or interpreted in the worst possible faith. Genre conventions are ignored, media literacy goes out the window. This man could save a cat from a tree and the next day there would be discourse about how he shouldn't have interfered with the natural order and he also hates outdoor cats.
He has gone through at least four writers and directors and nothing has changed. What's worse, even the people who like him have been sucked into this mentality. I don't necessarily blame them, it's hard to exist in an environment where this kind of paranoid negativity is rewarded. But man, does it make it hard to plot anything while trying to account for every possible bad faith take. It's like trying to swat invisible flies while your work sits gathering dust.
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mamamittens · 3 months
Hi would it be alright if I asked for hcs on yandere Luffy ? Maybe he gets attached to kuja reader for the last 2 years he’s been training ? (It’s very rare to find kuja tribe reader content XD)
if that’s ok with you 💗 I’m fine with platonic or romantic as long as your comfortable if this request makes you uncomfortable you can delete this no worries ^^ hope your doing ok !! And drinking plenty of water !
Well, I don't see Luffy capitalizing on your naivete about men. He's pretty good at ignoring that sort of thing, though there are a few hints in canon that he does, in fact, have perverted tendencies. Mainly looking at Nami and looking away before she notices. So either he knows better than to stare or knows better than to stare at her.
But that doesn't mean he'd tolerate you getting curious about other guys. Any questions you have, he can answer! And anything he can't answer, well, Chopper probably knows lol (unless it's a sex thing, in which case Sanji probably has a better idea, but leave the asking to Luffy).
He's a weirdly... Loose? Yandere? Like, he wants you to have your dreams and go out and put yourself out there. He may even tolerate it being away from him for a while. Perhaps not as long as the rest of his crew, but still! He wouldn't mind you having your own little adventure! Just be sure to come back and tell him all about it!
If you don't... Well, it better be because of someone interfering. He's used to handling that. That's not too strange! Though he won't be very tolerant about it, that's a 'them' problem. You don't need to worry, just let him handle this and then you can tell him about the fun you had!
If it's romantic in nature, he's going to be really damn fussy about any interference. In terms of him being platonic and someone trying to romance you, it depends on how you like them and if he likes them. Another crew mate isn't too bad, after all! And it's good that there's another person looking out for you! But if he hates them (doesn't pass the vibe check, is mean, or anything like that) he's going to rock their shit in short order.
Way worse if he's romantically attatched to you. He gets the attraction to you! But no. Not allowed. He won't share. He doesn't share his meat. He doesn't share his crew. He won't be sharing you. If you're attracted, well, you won't be seeing them for much longer. He'll either drag your attention back or get rid of the competition. With the way his luck goes, they're bad news anyhow just trying to work in close to pull some shit.
It's harder if he likes the rival, but that just means he works overtime to prove how much better he is and keep your eyes on him.
Deep in his heart, it's very important you choose him. Him. And he'll move mountains to make sure of it.
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