#intergalactic meme hoard
Heyyy, we're the Cosmos Collective! We're an OSDD system that's bodily in our 20s, and fictive heavy. We mostly made this to chill and connect with friends. :] <3
That being said there are some boundaries and all to discuss SO if you've read our DNI and still are still here then go ahead and read below! ^^
Masterpost of donations for Palestine (you can look in our fundraisers tag, too).
Masterpost on Bad Internet Bills (and how you can stop them).
Firstly, because we ARE bodily an adult, minors should be careful when interacting! We're an adult interacting with adult blogs; please filter tags and content where needed, and you can always just block us if what we have isn't your cup of tea. This is your internet experience; curate it the way you want to– and most importantly, stay safe!
Secondly, we are fictive heavy as of now; and a lot of us love our sources! We'll all be talking about them and posting it. Please be kind to everyone about this. If you're going to give any of us grief about it, we'll just block you. We don't want any trouble.
Also, we do tend to use tonetags a lot– this is moreso because we worry about communicating clearly and ensuring our tone isn't misread (and also because we need tonetags ourselves for various reasons)! Please try to use tonetags when communicating with us. :]
Tag dump!
C.C. posts: Us talking about things!
C.C. reblogs: all reblogs go here!
intergalactic meme hoard: Aaaaall the memes >:]
our art! ☆: We might post art and doodles here occasionally! This is where it'll go. :]
friend tag ♥︎: A tag for our friends, or things our friends tagged us in!
family tag ♥︎🫂: The same as above, but for our family system. :]
self-love and reminders ♡: A self love and reminders tag :]
save for the future ◇: Anything that we might save to look back on! This could be a recipe, a website, or just something to keep in mind!
important: If it's important and something that needs to be shared, then this is where it will go.
vents from the void ¤: Vent posts. We'll try not to do it often, but when we do it goes in this tag and is hidden under a read-more so it doesn't make anyone uncomfortable.
system stuff ♤: Anything system specific goes here!
sent to us 📩: Anything that's been sent to us! :D
cosmic mailbox (asks) 📬🌌: This is for answering asks and whatnot!
friend art 🎨: Art that our friends have made that we reblog!! Anything not made by them goes under "cool art". :]
If we make more tags or if anything changes, we'll add onto this! But for now, that's it. Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day! Please take care of yourself. <3 /p
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