#introducing Zeus the Familiar
genericpuff · 25 days
holy crap okay so
I'm two episodes into Kaos
normally I keep my expectations pretty minimal because, let's be real, the Internet - and especially Tumblr - has a tendency to severely overhype new series to be way better than they actually are and it often leaves me sitting there like "that's it? that's what people were freaking out over for weeks?? that was just a bunch of cheap ships and tropes that i've seen 123785902380 times before" LMAO
BUT thankfully compared to other series like Hazbin Hotel and The Amazing Digital Circus, I haven't been worn out on excessive fandom exposure prior to watching Kaos, so I didn't really know what to expect going in besides what folks have told me so far - it's a modern-day Greek epic, and it stars Jeff Goldblum as Zeus (which is, unsurprisingly, peak casting).
That said, I'm very pleased to say that so far, the show is absolutely blowing me away. The set designs, characterizations, weaving of all the players into a central narrative led by a very coy narrator, all of it feels both refreshing and respectful to the source material at the same time.
so uh yeah that LO animated TV show... we have reason to believe now that it's gotten picked up by Amazon Prime, at least according to the showrunner's LinkedIn and posting history from February of this year that seems to imply LO may have been picked up by Amazon-
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(but still, nothing's really been confirmed because they're being so tight-lipped about this you'd almost think it's because there isn't a show happening at all cough)
But even then, that means at best we still won't see anything of the LO TV show adaption for another 2-3 years, depending on how production goes.
Why am I talking about LO right now? Well it should be obvious - Kaos double-whammied LO by beating it to the punch at its own game.
I mean, just look at the creative choices alone in the design of the Underworld and its rulers, our beloved Hades and Persephone.
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And yes, the entire Underworld is color-graded like this, something so simple and yet effective in communicating the nature of the Underworld and what it stands for - a place where the past lives on through the dead, paused in time, devoid of the vibrant color grading found in Olympus - or "Olympia" as its been named in this retelling - which is, by the way, a visual treat to take in every time it's featured.
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(and yes, that is S-tier-companion Billie Piper on the left, but I will not tell you who she's playing, you actually really should go into this show as blind as possible for the thrill of figuring out these characters as they're introduced <3)
That's not even getting into the narrative structure of the plot itself or the phenomenal casting and acting, but again, I don't want to spoil too much as the show is quite new, and I want to actually finish watching the show myself before I get more into the details of its story and how it delivers it (I'm very much hoping I will still be singing this show's praises at the end of its 8 episodes, please for the love of god don't jump the shark, I don't think my heart can take that kind of pain again.)
All that's to say though, Kaos is, so far, exactly what us disappointed fans of LO deserve after all these years, and frankly, I feel like whatever is coming for the LO animated TV show is really gonna have to step up to the plate to both live up to the bar that Kaos has set as well as stand on its own without being affiliated as a cheap Amazon knockoff living in its shadow. Sounds a little familiar and a bit ironic, doesn't it?
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bones4thecats · 2 months
Their Aku! S/O Competing in Ragnarok
Characters: Beelzebub, Adamas, and Loki Inspired By: A random video on Youtube A/N: I love Aku. He's literally my favorite character in the whole series. Anyways, enjoy I guess. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Nothing (maybe mentions of fighting... idk) ⚠️ What I based the Reader's design on: Art by pachelbellart on Reddit (Original Post)
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╚═════ Beelzebub ═════════════════════════════╝
🪰 As a well-known demon lord that once ruled Earth many centuries ago, your power was something that many wanted for themselves
🪰 Beelzebub and you were hailed for your differentiated personalities; you were far more outgoing and outspoken while he was more introverted and quiet
🪰 So, when you were both called upon for Ragnarok, you happily popped out of the shadows and accepted the opportunity to battle a human just so you could embarrass them and remind everyone why you were called the Shogun of Sorrow
🪰 Your husband walked alongside you as you both sat down and watched the many rounds, and while he busied himself with something since he found it boring at first, you smiled and cheered for the Gods as they fought
🪰 As you were called by Zeus for your round, you smiled at your husband and noticed how he put his data-pad down and allowed you to kiss his forehead, and how he wished you luck
🪰 The sound of Heimdall's horn coming through the arena made the many members look up and either shiver with fear or shake with joy as the mention of the fighters
"Introducing the defender of humanity, the Japanese Warrior Prince who once defeated one of the strongest forces of evil the world ever faced, the Samurai, the anti-Shogun of Sorrow, and the one nicknamed by those he defended... Samurai Jack!"
🪰 A human walked into the field and Beelzebub noticed how his kimono flowed in the wind alongside a cherry blossom tree nearby
"And defending the Gods and going against Humanity's rule once again, it is my mass pleasure to welcome the Deliverer of Darkness, the Shogun of Sorrow, the Master of Darkness, and the Dark Lord... Y/N!"
🪰 The sight of a large mass of darkness appearing from above made everyone stare, including Beelzebub. The sloppy-darkness splat down on the ground and began to mold itself into a familiar figure
🪰 Your long flame-like hair and eyebrows were the first thing that everyone took notice of, especially Jack. The way you smiled, holding up a half-oni mask making him grit his teeth lightly
"Samurai fool. I figured I wouldn't see you for quite some time. How fortunate for me that our paths have crossed once again." You laughed.
🪰 Beelzebub smirked as you pulled your mask and put it on before raising your left hand and molding it into claws while your other one revealed a sharp tekko kagi, moving around like the flames you produced naturally
"I shall defeat you once again, Y/N. And protect Humanity the same why I did all those years ago."
"We shall see about that, Jack."
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╚═════ Adamas ═══════════════════════════════╝
🥀 You guys were one of the most powerful duos when it came to immortal-relationships. From his bloodthirstiness to your manipulative nature, almost all feared you guys
🥀 When he began watching Ragnarok and heard that you were going to be sent in as the newest addition to the Gods' Fighters, since Apollo decided to stand down, saying his beauty was far to important, he was beyond scared
🥀 He already lost two of his brothers, the youngest being the only survivor of the competition, he didn't want to lose his spouse next
🥀 Adamas ran up to you and yelled your name, making you turn around and look at his face, seeing how it contort into a more frustrated expression instead of his usual stoic one
"What were you thinking?! Going into a dangerous event, nonetheless Ragnarok without coming to me first?!"
"I'm sorry, Adamas. But last I knew, you were barely standing up in your new cybernetic body! Besides, I'm not doing this for the bloodshed. I was promised a fight to win no matter what, a fight to revoke the pain that I was dealt all those years ago on Earth."
🥀 He noticed how you bunched your hands into fists as your fanged teeth gritted together in anger, and he knew exactly what you were talking about now
"You're going against the Samurai, aren't you?"
🥀 Instead of getting angrier, Adamas sighed and laid a hand on your shoulder, making you face him with your flaming hair and eyebrows beginning to go down to resemble a calming campfire
🥀 He wished you luck and kissed your nose as you held his hand and kissed his palm in return before melting and moving down the many hallways towards the entrance into the arena for your fight
🥀 Adamas walked back to his stand alongside his brother, Zeus, and nephew, Hermes, and waited as he listened intently to Hermes' predictions for the battle. Thankfully, they were all in your favor
🥀 While Heimdall yelled the introduction of Samurai Jack, he rolled his eyes and began to pat his fingers against the railing in annoyance before yelling for him to hurry up, making the Nordic God jump and quickly say the human's name
🥀 But, when he said your introduction, he just allowed his smile to get larger and more smug as he continued with your many names, and sense of pride of being married to you flowing through his body
"Oh, Samurai Fool. What a funny coincidence to be fighting you today. I was just daydreaming about tearing you apart, maybe now I can make that dream of mine a nightmare for you and the rest of your foolish kind."
"I will not give into your manipulative wording, Y/N."
"We'll see about that, Jackie."
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╚═════ Loki ═════════════════════════════════╝
🐍 Local psycho couple? Local psycho couple.
🐍 You guys are feared by almost all, the only not fearing you being those of Chief God's ranking or those like Poseidon and Thor. And despite the fact that many others fear you, you always found a way to make them listen to you
🐍 Loki adored your manipulative nature, the way you could make somebody do your bidding easily was something he adored
🐍 But, when you came by and said you were chosen to fight in Ragnarok, he was surprisingly chill with it. He was very confident with your ability to defeat any human that challenged you
🐍 He floated down from his tree and patted the ground next to him, signalling for you to sit down next to him. And instead of turning away like you would for others, you smiled and sat next to him
"Do you know who you're fighting?" He asked, a curios-yet cheery tone coming out of his throat.
"Yep. I'm fighting that Samurai from when I ruled Earth. Y'know, the one with that damn pure blade that could harm me."
"Oh yeah, that thing!"
"Y/N! You're up next to fight!"
🐍 Standing up from your seat, you patted your husband's head as he happily swung side to side while your nails scratched his scalp before you left
🐍 As he sat up to pay more attention, Thor and Odin conversed on how the fight would go, to which Thor praised your skill in mental warfare while Odin just nodded along, his birds voicing their hopes in your win for him
🐍 Loki smiled as Heimdall began his small rant on you, letting your multitude of names coming out of his mouth and into the ears of all there
🐍 The mischievous God began to laugh as you spoke to the Samurai, oh how much he loved you and your spirit~
"Y/N. I shall not allow you to lay harm to another generation of humans."
"Oh, what a brave claim, Samurai." You then yelled in anger, "Fool! Just because you defeated me once while you lived doesn't mean you'll defeat me again after life."
"We shall see."
"Yes, we shall." You laughed.
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Percí hadn't meant to pseudo-adopt the homeless kid that lived in her garbage can. And, now that she was thinking about it, she had never meant to adopt a kid at all. Her family was crazy enough. They didn't need her to continue the bloodline, no matter how much her father pestered. Besides, who would she copulate with? All of her friends were hooked up - except Nico but even she could see the thing he had for Will. Thus, she had come to the conclusion that she'd take up the mantle of crazy cat lady. And she'd already gotten started! Well, actually, Mrs O'Leary was a dog but that was a technicality. Anyway, back to her Incredibly Important Point. She did not want to have/adopt any kids. But...
The kid had been injured. Clearly he was getting kicked around and damn her, she had a soft heart. Gabe had done the same thing to her but, in this case, the kid didn't have a mother willing to commit murder. At least, Percí didn't think he did. So, on the fourth night that he chose to sleep on her garbage, she threw on a bathrobe and slipped Anaklusmos into her pocket. Then she went to introduce herself.
The kid was more injured than she had thought. He looked sickly, his bones were thin, bruises littered his face. Someone was definitely kicking this kid around. Percí cursed her hero-thing and nudged the kid. He must've been really out of it cause he didn't budge nor wake. She stares at the clouds like Zeus would give her some answer. Then she slid her arms around the kid and brought him inside. He was thin. Thinner than Nico, and Nico survived on pomegranates and grapes. Percí settled the kid on her couch then searched her thoughts. What would Mom do?
Percí grinned and moved into her kitchen to grab the bruise salve. Will had designed it for Rachel after the redhead had sword played with Percí and gotten a concussion for the fifth time. To be fair, Percí had gone easy on her. Mortals were just built like eggs. Either way, it'd work fine for the kid. He looked to be about twelve - which only made her want to help more - and was already on his way to becoming what one of the Aphrodite kids would call a 'heartbreaker'.
That being said, they called her a 'heartbreaker' and she wasn't even dating anyone!
Anyway, the kid. He was muscular for a preteen. Black hair windswept to one side. A pale face with a strong jaw. He was lean and tall and his torso looked like hell. She sighed and applied the salve, gently bandaging what had to be bruised ribs - if not broken. When she finished, she went back into the kitchen and dialled a familiar number. The phone beeped and Percí left what was most likely not the most disturbing message Sally Jackson had ever gotten. "Hey, mom. I kidnapped a kid and you're now a grandmother. If he doesn't run away, I'll bring him by for the holidays. Love you."
Then Percí did the healthy thing. She turned on her coffee machine and prepared herself for a long night of keeping watch, downing caffeine, and cursing the gods!
The kid woke up around three in the morning. Percí took a sip from her coffee to mask her reaction to the kids electric blue eyes. Eyes that were eerily similar to Jason. Dammit, Zeus, what'd you do now? The kid watched her warily then examines the bandages with narrowed eyes.
"Who the fuck are you?" the kid asked.
Potty mouth, Percí noted. "You can call me Blue," she responded, her New York accent clashing gently with his Midwestern one. "And you?"
"Kon-El," he replied, as if in habit before wincing. "I mean, uh, Conner."
Percí smirked. "Well, Conner, care to tell me why I found you passed out in my garbage?"
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pulchrasilva · 2 months
Thinking about how the names of characters are introduced to us in EPIC, especially the gods. Most characters are introduced by either a character or the chorus saying their name.
Athena is introduced by Odysseus calling out her name and Aeolus is introduced by Odysseus speaking his name to address him. Hermes is introduced by Odysseus saying his name as he realises who he is. So all the "friendly"/helpful gods are introduced by Odysseus speaking to them, which automatically makes them a bit more familiar to the audience, more "human" if you will.
But Poseidon is introduced by the chorus (which is an audible representation of his divine power) chanting his name. It's a bold, terrifying introduction which emphasises his power and godhood above all else. And Zeus isnt introduced at all, his name is entirely up to the audience to infer, as if he knows his name precedes him (which it does, but is still arrogant. Especially alongside the whole "pride is a damsel in distress" speech). Both these introductions demonstrate the sheer power of the enemy gods, and a bit of a separation between them and the audience.
I think (correct me if I'm wrong) the only exception so far is Circe, whose name is first spoken by Hermes, a fellow god. It doesn't bring us super close to her, but also she's not present to demonstrate her power in that moment. And it makes sense for Circe to be the exception, because she's the only one who switches from enemy to friend
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rukia-writes · 2 years
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Zeus x human! Reader
Warnings: 18+, no minors 🔞, rough sex, nudity, cussing, dirty talk, pregnancy.
A/N: I got lazy 🤧 and said headcanons.
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🌿There was a time gods and humans were close. Being ruler of the cosmos Zeus heard about Adam being expelled from the garden of Eden decided to check and see how things were going on earth.
🌿There wasn’t anything else to do at the moment, why not?
🌿From what Zeus could gather from disguise as a eagle; Adam had been a little busy over the years as the kids running around were the giveaway. Zeus noticed a few older ones; two brothers. Not interested but noted.
🌿Zeus eventually noticed a young woman with the two brothers; wearing nothing but fig leaves and leaf vines. Zeus was interested.
🌿(Name) was Adam and Eve’s first daughter and definitely cherished. Zeus could tell and as a relatively young god himself he wanted to introduce himself. So, Zeus waited until she was by herself in the apple orchard that Adam planted to introduce himself.
🌿With one thing leading to another, and with a young Zeus charm and silver tongue, the two keep their relationship a secret, Zeus calls it a just me and you space. Zeus visits earth whenever he can and when he visits he always brings (Name) whether, it’s a necklace or clothes for the harsh winter or even flowers.
🌿the longer this continues they both fall in love with Zeus able to convince his sweet (Name) (with that silver tongue of his) to move away from Adam. He’s not scared of Adam but because he’s precious to (Name) he doesn’t want to have hurt anyone if they get in his way. (I promise he means well)
🌿Always calls (Name) princess, sometimes it’s other nicknames; sweetie, sunshine, honey, babe. But 90% of the time it’s princess.
🌿So when Adam sees his daughter after many years with a whole army of kids and (Name) holding a baby in her arms he’s in awe on the inside but calm on the outside as a group of kids (with familiar thick eyebrows) crowd around calling him grandpa. Adam doesn’t even question it and just welcomes them all by carrying them in his arms.
🌿 Eve also welcomed them as well as Abel but Cain is the one who asks (Name) aloud who the father is; (Name) just says they were gifts from above.
🌿Adam: ah, they are demi gods. Still my grandchildren. (Is what Adam tells himself)
🌿Zeus keeps in constant contact with his lover and children and always provides, whether it’s new shoes or clothes, or food (brings a shit ton of food, he limits sweets because some the children have already developed strength/powers and well… you get it.)
🌿Loves all his children and when the children get a smart with their mother (As all children do) when Zeus isn’t around he’ll send a thunderbolt because he hears and knows. ⚡️
🌿 When the time comes Zeus takes care of (Name)’s soul personally; she’s special after all. If any god asks why he does it he just says he wants to make sure the souls go where they are needed before he lets the valkyries do this job.
🌿 But even as a soul he still loves his princess, keeps an eye on his descendants and knows them all.
🌿Of course when Ragnarok happens; R2 is DISCOURSE 101. because Adam sees Zeus in his older appearance and is confused because Adam remembers (Name) telling him that her lover was handsome with long blonde hair and rippling muscles; a handsome god. This guy is just old. So when Zeus admits he met (Name) in his prime;younger years when he was much handsomer god. Adam is like: 👍🏻 I’m still giving you hands.
🌿the rest of R2 is discourse since (Name) has her father and lover fighting to the death. (And we all know what happens)
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It was the first time god and human came together.
The sky was dark as the stars lit up stronger than before and the small river that ran inside the cave made for a beautiful scenery.
Stories go Zeus was born in a cave, and now he was making love to his first human lover in a cave.
As slowly slid his thick cock inside his sweet (Name)’s cunt Zeus felt her tighten around his cock making him moan a loud as his hands never left her hips. Muttering, “amazing.” To himself as he believed this human felt better than any goddess he had before as Zeus had bottomed out as his whole cock was inside her now he felt amazing.
Passion and lust mixed between them as Zeus’ sped up to match his lustful feelings, (Name) had felt many emotions but nothing felt as good as the king of the gods fucking her. Zeus had a tight grip on her hips as he fucked her from behind with her hands pressed against the cave wall. Every time she said Zeus he only fucked her harder as his lust reached an all time high as he didn’t hesistate to cum inside her.
Enjoying the high of his climax and the tightness of her cunt made the god of the cosmos only want more and so for the rest of the night Zeus delighted himself inside his beautiful princess and she enjoyed every minute as well.
The next day, rather morning, Zeus decided to wake her up with a call of his own as (Name)’s toes curled with her wrapped around his waist she pulled him closer to her making her moan his name a loud on her bed, as her mind went numb (Name) felt Zeus massage her breasts. Lightly grabbing them and then releasing them, repeating in a steady motion.
“Zeus-! I think-I think-“
“It’s ok princess. Just enjoy it.”
Kissing her forehead and calling her princess (Name) felt love and passion intertwine as she felt that feeling grow more intense by the second. Zeus loved the way she tightened around his cock, the way her breasts moved and he loved the way she said his name.
One last call of Zeus’ name she reached her limit, her first climax, a feeling that was both sweet and exciting. Kissing her cheek Zeus as he gave several lust filled thrusts before reaching his own euphoric climax, tightly holding her hips in placed as he filled her cunt to the brim with his cum.
“Amazing, simply amazing my princess.”
Kissing each other two felt like the only one in the world and the fun wasn’t over yet. The next few days were a blur to (Name) as she constantly rode the godfather’s cock, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside her and of course Zeus didn’t deny her once.
Not at night when the two were supposed to be asleep.
The two couldn’t stay away from each other, Zeus always wanted a partner that matched his sexual libido in the bedroom and he found that in (Name). Zeus enjoyed sex and he enjoyed many positions with (Name), eating her out was his favorite thing as he enjoyed licking and sucking her clit and licking her cunt as he held her thighs.
Several times Zeus forgot about his meetings and barely made them. Even as quick as he was it was close and yet no one seemed to mind since he did show up. When the day came that (Name) was pregnant with his child he was overjoyed and excited as he twirled her around in the air and hugged her close to him.
Zeus was sure his descendants would reign for thousands of years, his princess was so sweet and kind and with his strength and might surely it would be so.
For she was his princess and always would be.
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~your court jester~ leo x daughter of zeus!reader !medieval AU!
(I did the chap!!)
You were a child of Zeus, king of Olympia who was married to Queen hera, which whom he had triplets with, Jason, Thalia and you, with you being the youngest 
Today was the day a ball was being held, where you could see your cousins and friends. You knew for certain that king posidon and qeen amphridite of atlantia would be there, along with his children; prince percy and tyson and king Hades and queen Persephone of Elysia and their children nico and hazel would be there too, but it wasn't them you were exited about.
Nor was it lady athena , the war-rstrategist with her children, and it wasn't lord Ares (war commander) or anyone else of the sort.
In fact, it wasn't even a noble person at all!
It was leo , the child of the palaces blacksmith. You felt a familiar flutter in your stomach as you thought of him, but you knew your mother and father would have your head on a platter if they ever knew.
They wanted you to marry a nobleman (or woman), or atleast someone in a position of power, not some pesant child of the palaces blacksmith! Alas, they found you weren't happy with any of the suitors they showed you, but hope was (unfortunately) not lost for them.
》I just don't understand it piper!《 you grunted as she pulled the corset strings tighter, the handmaiden child of Aphrodite,  the tailor for the royals hanging on your every word.
 》what is it that you don't understand, m'lady《 you blinked and pushed some of her styled hair out of her face
》no need to call me that and I just....I dont know why I'm not falling for any nobles! I mean, there's percy, who looks like a God, hazel who looks stunning, and even from the  people who aren't nobles who my parents would approve of, like lady annabeth, aren't that interesting!《 
》well, I know you've been looking at the court jester, leo, you do know he's a close friend of mine, Right?《
she finished adjusting your cosetband moved on to fixing your gown
》plus, prince nicholas-《
》He preffers to be called nico《 you interrupt
 》Prince nico is dating the local bard, William, and his parents seem to approve 《
You sigh as you push another strand of hair away from your [e/c] eyes 》well yes, but bard and jester are two different things! And Williams father is a well respected bard, Leo's dad is the blacksmith of the palace who is highly unliked for his looks, not that leo inherited any, of course! But Apollon the bard does have strong ties with King Hades, so of course nico dates him! Whereas my mother and father both hate hephastios the weaponmaker《 
Piper sighs, mildly exasperated with how dramatic you were 》well who are they going to introduce you to next, a guard?《 she makes an attempt at a joke, trying to lighten the mood
》not too far off, actually,  you know the soldier lityerses? The child of lady demeter?《 you sigh and try not to ruin your make-up by face-palming
》oooh, he's a catch! But I must say I prefer shel...《 Piper thought fondly of the village baker-girl, with whom she was absolutely smitten with
》ya know, sometimes I wish I was a commoner.....then it wouldn't matter who I'd married....《 
Piper looked at you with pity in her eyes, before subtly looking at the window, seeming to say I told you so to leo with her eyes, who was standing outside the window all along
☆le time Skippy because idk what else to put here☆
You tapped the heel of your shoe against the floor at random intervals while playing with with a strand of your hair, your cousins have already arrived, that's not what you were nervous about, but it was now time to "entertain" the royals , which means you would see leo, the favorited court jester 
》M-mother?-《 your tried to hide just how much your voice trembled, which your mother always found endearing
》w-when are the entertainers coming?《
》in a bit, my little peafowl, leodinaidas (i-i.....I butchered that, didn't I?) being the first to arrive 《
》o-okay....《 you sighed and looked out the window, seeing Piper laughing and cuddling with shel, and sighed wistfully You werent at all joking when you said you'd love to live a commoners life,  close to no responsibilities, not having to deal with potential suitors and being able to love who you wanted to love.
Nico and will were on your right, and were laughing at something,  will was nicos personal medic and bard, and they were dating which is parents did accept as will and his father were high in status.
He could date him without problems.
But you couldn't date leo
Speaking of-
You blushed hard the moment you saw leo enter the ballroom. 》my ladies,  lords and lieges! It is I, leodinaidas the court jester! But you can call me leo , and pretty people can call me love~《
zeus chuckled at that, while hera rolled her eyesYou blushed and quickly looked away, gods why is he like this...... he continued with his jester bit, making jokes and making fun of everything
Eventually,  his act died down and will started playing music for people to dance to, [I mean, they were in a ballroom] and you were just standing awkwardly on sidelines, watching your siblings and cousins dance with their partners.You sighed sadly and were deep in thought , only being pulled out when someone tapped your shoulder.
》huh?《 you looked behind you, not seeing anyone, before you felt someone take your hand in theirs 》hello gorgeous-《
 You looked infromt of you, and flushed red immediately Infront of you was, who else would it be, leo
》l-leo?!《 you breathed out
》Hi gorgeous~ would you indulge me , a humble jester, in a dance with a stunning woman like you?《 You smiled nervously and looked over to where your sister, Thalia, was standing, who was grinning and giving you a thumbs up, zeus smirking and rolling his eyes as he looks at the both of you
》y-yeah s-sure......《 you tripped over your own words
He smiled and led you out to the dance floor, putting one hand on your shoulder and the other on your waist, starting to dance a slow waltz with you
You smiled and let him lead your moves, smiling widely for the first time in a whileAfter a while of dancing, you tripped and almost fell down, if it weren't for leo catching you bending down to your level, his lips only inches from yours.You blushed and leaned closer into his lips, only a breath away from touching his lips, so close you could almost count every single freckle on his face.
》may I?-.....《 he breathes out
You nod and inched closer to him, feeling butterfly's in your stomach as his lips touch yours, him kissing you being the best feeling you've felt for a while After a minute that felt like far more than that, he pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours
》Pipes told me You had a crush on me.....and I thank whatever force is pulling us together because I never thought my feelings would be reciprocated.....I love you《
And without thinking of potential consequences and pushing any judgement from your parents , the words fell out of your mouth 》I love you too《
@bast-the-best26 @reyna4ever @deciduowl
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fuji-sen · 4 months
Apollo from Blood of Zeus, forgot to clarify. Based on the Song: o sol e a lua - Pequeno Cidadão lyrics translation: hwartless.mp3 in youtube!
— main character is a free slot where you can insert your oc or yourself,
— main character is depicted as the daughter of Selene, also the goddess of the moon, Artemis still exists, she is still also a goddess of the moon, however her role (as the goddess of the moon) is different and will be more minor compared to the main character.
— main character isn't related or at least closely related to Apollo
— I describe the main character as someone with dark blue hair, white-iridescent eyes, pale skin. You are free to change things and as a female character.
*changes between 2nd and 3rd person pov sometimes.
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「 The Sun proposed to the Moon
Said he's loved her for a very long time
Since the time of dinosaurs
pterodactyls, tyrannosaurus,
When there weren't even bicycles,
nor tricycles,
Nor motorcycles 」
It was the first time the God of the Sun had met her. He had just finished pulling the sun by himself on the chariot without the guidance of his mentor and predecessor.
He got off the chariot, pulled by four winged stead's. His hand went to comb his luscious golden locks as he sighed, satisfied at his progress. Soon enough he would be the new God of the Sun and it would be forever his job to herd the Sun over the lands.
He guided the horses back to their first owner, their master, Helios the Golden titan. He could see the titan from a distance and he found him chatting with someone.
Apollo stopped in his tracks, mesmerized at the Titan's companion.
The sun had long since set and the moon now ruled the skies. It's gentle rays enveloping all in a comforting embrace.
A head of cerulean hair shone under the moonlight, an iridescent halo floating behind her head. He found himself staring at the Goddess from behind who talked with the Titan of the Sun, Helios, with such familiarity.
"Helios, it's nice to see you again, how long has it been" the woman politely told the titan who laughed.
"Ah child, still stiff as ever, I told you to call me uncle." The titan responded with a jovial laugh, his large hands reaching and patting her small back (in comparison). The Goddess nearly fell at the strength of his hands, and the Titan laughed more and more.
"Oh Apollo, come here!" Helios noticed his protege from afar, bringing him back his chariot and horses. "Meet my niece, [___]" The titan gestured to the Goddess, who turned to take a look at the approaching God.
Apollo found his breath being taken away from him, his golden eyes lost in iridescent ones. It was akin to his brother's cloak. A white base with a mesh of multiple colors. He stepped closer and closer, eyes staring intently.
He could see a rainbow reflecting in his eyes, and gold. Her eyes reflected golden rays, perhaps from his own aura and eyes.
"What are you doing?" The Goddess asked with a frown, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back. "oh" he stood there, mouth akin to that of a fish's. Flapping open and close. Helios stared at the God weirdly, it was unlikely him to be at a loss for words, Apollo was a smooth talker, witty even, so he was never without a response.
Apollo's cheeks turned pink, "apologies, I simply got lost in your beautiful eyes." he remarked after finding composure, he offered his hand to her and she hesitantly took it, assuming he wanted to shake it.
But to her surprise, the God brought the back of her hand to his lips, nearly kissing it if it weren't for her quick reflexes. She quickly took her hand back awkwardly, "there's no need for such.. actions."
He laughed, slightly embarrassed, but he pressed on, he wasn't one to give up. "My name is Apollo, I'm your uncle's, Helios', student. In the future, it will be my job to raise and lower the sun." He introduced himself, a hand on his chest and a warm smile.
The Goddess stared at him, lightly coughing as she put her hand at her side. "It's nice to meet you Apollo, my name is [___]." Her voice was quiet, nearly betrayed by the winds, luckily he managed to hear it.
"It's nice you two are getting along, considering you two may be working with each other everyday in the future." Helios cut in, reminding the two of his presence. Apollo's brows raised questioningly.
"Little one here is a prospective Goddess for the task of herding the Moon." The Titan said softly, putting a hand on her small back in assurance and trust.
"Oh, You will be taking after the Goddess Selene?" Apollo turned to the iridescent Goddess. She slowly nodded with a purse of her lips, "highly likely, she is my mother and she has been suggesting I take on her role." she answered "of course, if your sister doesn't mind, she too is a Goddess of the Moon."
"Artemis?" he chuckled at the thought "She prefers spending the night hunting, I think she'll be overjoyed with passing that job to you." Apollo reassured her of any worries, waving his hand to dismiss such a thought. He knew his twin quite well, and honestly, Artemis has confessed to him her worries of receiving such a.. to quote her, 'boring' and 'repetitive' job.
"I see, then I suppose we will really be seeing much of the other in the future."
Ever since then, they meet briefly nearly every twilight. Passing by each other in their own chariots whenever they herded the Sun and the Moon.
They passed by each other when the Sun set or the Moon rested. Apollo always sent a smile and a wave her way, and she in turn would nod her head respectfully towards the God.
Sometimes the task of pulling the moon was managed by Selene and the Goddess was nowhere to be found.
And tonight, was one of those nights.
Apollo couldn't help but found himself riding his chariot in the night, the stars were shining brightly and the Moon ever watching. He could not find her among the Gods at Mount Olympus, he wondered if she was asleep, resting for the night.
The Sun God couldn't help but notice how often he looked for her presence, enjoyed it, as if it was like basking in the moonlight. A comforting feeling.
"Is that?" he pulled the reins, guiding the horses near the beach. There in the water, stood a woman, bathing alone in the waters. Letting the currents hit her body.
Hearing the sound of horses, the Goddess turned her head, finding a golden chariot, driven by a golden haired God approaching her "Apollo?" she called with a raised brow.
She sank further into the waters, embarrassed, remembering her robes were on a nearby rock. Apollo got off the chariot, waving her as he made her way.
"[___]" he called, unknowingly his lips tugged to a smile. She was beautiful, a gentle type of beauty. The moonlight framed her body, and
the waters reflected the light, its wavy pattern appearing on her pale skin. Her cheeks a rosy pink, she was flustered.
"Apollo" she stammered, her hand covering the lower half of her face as she turned away "could you hand me my dress?" she asked.
"Of course."
The bundle of fabric was in his hands, but he made no move to approach her. "Apollo?" she called, worriedly. "I can't just hand it to you while you're in the waters, are you going to wear it and get it wet?" he questioned amused.
"don't worry" he reassured softly "I'll close my eyes and turn around." He did as he said and she sighed thoughtfully.
He smiled slightly, hearing the sound of water moving and a pair of footsteps approached him. The item he held was taken away from him and he could hear the rustle of clothes.
"Thank you," she said still embarrassed "I'm okay now." She took a step back as Apollo turned around, admiring her beauty.
Her hair was still wet, drops of water dripping from the ends, her hair stuck to her skin as well as her clothes. Luckily the fabric was not sheer or of light colors.
"What brings you here?" she questioned, "I would have assumed you would be resting by now or partying up there at Mount Olympus."
"I felt like exploring the area, and I found myself bewitched by a beautiful woman by the beach." He sighed in content, "However I was worried to see that she was alone, and bare. The waters are very dangerous at night, have you not heard of Poseidon's son and how he met his end by Ares'?"
The Goddess shrugged "I have, but I can defend myself. However, thank you for your words and assistance." She smiled at him.
"I only speak the truth." He told her, offering his hand to the moon eyed goddess. "Would you like to take a walk with me?"
She eyed him "I suppose.. considering you just assisted me." she took his hand, and he felt like he touched fire. A soothing warm, and something akin to lightning. His skin tingled and his body felt warmer.
They took a walk by the beach, the waters occasionally reaching their feet. Wetting it and coating Apollo's sandals with sand. "I did not think this through" he muttered, annoyed as he kicked his feet, it seemed to only make his situation worse if not sandier.
She laughed in amusement, and the two dove in a lighthearted conversation. Their hobbies, their preferred offerings, their titles.
"How have I not seen you before in Mount Olympus?" he asked and confessed to her "I wished I had met you sooner."
"oh.." she blinked, staring away from his intense gaze, opting to look at the moon's reflection in the waters "it's cause I usually sleep the day away, I'm more active at night." And as she said that, a yawn escaped her lips.
"it looks like you haven't been sleeping the day away as you claimed" he said hand reaching to brush the hair that was sticking to her forehead.
"I've been preparing with Ares and Athena" she explained, "I never got to properly tell you all my titles."
"What would a Moon Goddess have business with the War Duo?" he asked.
"I'm a Restoration Goddess, but I also represent the defensive aspects of war." She replied with a proud grin, shaking her arm away from his as her hands went to grab her waist. "I usually come after the battle, I help the victims heal and build themselves back up again."
"An honorable duty." He complimented her.
"Thank you Apollo, now I must retire, Ares told me he'll be breaking me down and up" she sighed.
"I know my thing or two around the blade, would you like my assistance as well?" he offered.
"Thanks, but aren't you supposed to be pulling the Sun?" she reminded him in amusement, his eyes widened having forgotten his role. "Right, still, I'll think of something."
She turned away, beginning to continue their walk. "It's alright, you don't have to Apollo." she said with a hum. They both had time consuming tasks. And although Helios and her mother were there to take some days off, the task of pulling either one of the heavenly bodies required half the day or so. She stared at the moon with a longing expression.
'It would be easier if the horses were tamed and could pull it on their own..'
"I want to though." Apollo stated, grabbing her hand and making her turn to meet his gaze, his eyes were filled with warmth, it had a glow akin to the light of the sun. His eyes resembled that of melted gold and ambrosia, they were absolutely stunning.
"Let me help you." he told her with an almost pleading voice.
"W-why do you treat me like this?" she questioned taking back her hand.
「 But the Moon found it so strange,
A fire ball that doesn't even bathe
Just imagine!
What a pity! 」
「 Because, my heart doesn't belong to anyone
I'm the inspiration of all couples
From the great poets to the most ordinary ones
Get off man! 」
"You love her?!" Artemis repeated, eyes wide as she nearly dropped her glass of wine. The four gods, siblings, were in Apollo's quarters.
Artemis had noticed her twin's recent moodiness and so she brought Hermes and Dionysus with her and barged into her brother's room with food and drinks.
She practically had to threaten him to tell his most embarrassing stories to the other Gods in the room to get him to talk.
Dionysus looked amused, cheeks flushed from the wine he was drinking "you just told her you love her! and she rejected you!?" the God of parties and wine laughed, nearly toppling over to the floor in his very much drunken state.
Apollo breathed in deeply, but his annoyance grew and he ended up throwing a pillow at the youngest God.
Hermes looked at the God of Sun with amusement, "I didn't think you'd be capable of falling so deeply for someone." he admitted, raising his hands seemingly in surrender "What did she say?"
"She didn't believe me." Apollo frowned as he slumped on his chair, he looked at his chalice of wine, already empty, and he could feel the alcohol's effects. "Nor does she care for love."
Artemis and Hermes shared a glance.
"Well.." Artemis turned to Hermes, as if mentally communicating with him but the Herald of Gods shrugged. "It probably has something to do with her parents." The white haired Goddess theorizes.
He raised a brow "Selene and..?"
"Endymion." Hermes answered, being fast and easily travelling around let the God hear a lot of things. And one of which was about The Titan Goddess of the Moon and her forever sleeping lover.
"And I don't think our own parents, especially Father, makes love look amazing." Artemis nonchalantly said as she looked at her nails. "[___] she probably just got turned off with love."
"Or you aren't her type." Dionysus chimed in raising his hand and waving it.
Apollo's response was to throw another pillow at the drunk.
"Brother, perhaps you should focus on drinking." Hermes suggested to avoid things escalating with the drunk God's teasing. "Will you be giving up?" Artemis questioned her brother. Apollo quickly answered "No, of course not!"
"Maybe you should, respect her boundaries, she did say no." The huntress shrugged getting some grapes from the fruit bowl.
"I'm not going to force her to like me" Apollo frowned at his sister "But I can not just simply let go of my feelings for her."
Artemis looked at her brother with a long hard stare before sighing, "alright, suit yourself, but the minute you start harassing her, my dear brother, you will find yourself as my personal archery target."
"What am I? A common thug? I have no intentions of harassing anybody!"
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
"[___]" The cerulean haired goddess turned to the source of that familiar voice, she lowered her weapon and the spar between her and Athena was paused as the trio (her, Artemis and Ares) gave their full attentions to the sun God who walked with a sword in his hands. "What is he doing here?" Ares asked in a gruff voice.
"I think he has invited himself, [___]?" Athena turned questioningly towards you.
You shrug in response, unable to answer or say that he was following you like some puppy due to some trivial and fleeting emotions and attraction.
"I simply wanted to train with the Moon Goddess. It would do us well to be able to fight well together, do you not think so?" Apollo stated seeing their questioning glances. "Ah." Ares looked unamused at his waltzing in.
"Damn Bastards.." he cursed under his breath.
"Well at least there's an even number of people" Athena said with a smile, trying to avoid any in-fighting between siblings with how Ares was looking at the God of the Sun. "Why don't we try fighting in pairs?" She suggested.
Apollo positively brightened at the idea, the aura around his form shined brighter. Ares hissed, squinting his eyes having been nearly blinded. "Okay.. considering Apollo's words, why don't you and [___] work together."
"A-against you.. and him?" You sputtered, glancing cautiously at Ares, on a good day he was a good sparring partner, but he seemed to have gotten ticked off due to Apollo's presence, you were sure he wasn't going to go easy on anyone of you now at this point. Athena seemed to understand your worries, and whispered to you that she will try to keep the other War God in line.
And now you find yourself paired up with your supposed 'other half,' Apollo. "Don't look too worried, I'm not all talk." Apollo said with a smile, noticing her reluctance in partnering with him. "It's not that, it just seems.. Ares isn't quite fond of you." you pointed out, careful with your words.
Apollo laughed, "you must have been sleeping under a rock, of course he doesn't like me, his mother, Hera hates us. She hates us illegitimate children and our mothers." You found yourself frowning at that and found yourself muttering "but it's not your fault you were born in such circumstances.." 
The golden eyes God looked at you softly, "your kindness warms my heart, but you do not need to worry about me, I am quite used to such hatred."
You looked at him in silent, he looked at you with a smile albeit a sad one that seemed to try to reassure her and himself deep down. You turn your eyes to Ares who was stretching, the God noticing your stare, turned to you.
And you both meet eyes.
He raised a brow at you, and you cocked your head to the side, mentally communicating with him. He rolled his eyes but nonetheless nodded, understanding you wanted to talk to him later.
Apollo looked at the interaction between you two, and found himself to feel an ugly sort of feeling in his stomach. It was a feeling that made his gut twist, he felt a bit angry at the interaction, and he found himself wondering if you were close to Ares?
"Let us begin." Athena announced.
. . . . .
"We lost horribly" you sighed, you and Apollo sat at a bench together, injured and bruised from the spar. "Apologies, I left you to fend for yourself against Athena" Apollo chuckled but winced, his ribs needed to be healed, despite his strange ways of love, pain was not one of his methods. He disliked pain.
"Here" you softly murmur, hand extending towards his chest, there was a hideous purple bruise on it and you suspect a few bones have been broken. "Thank you" Apollo said, watching you as you focused on his wounds. He sighed in relief feeling the pain melt away, and with that, he could focus on the feeling of your hand on his skin.
Soft and cool skin, that left goosebumps on his body with each trace. "I.. I didn't know you could heal." he uttered. "Just like the Sun, the moon is known for its healing." you simply say, your mother Selene could heal, and she was the original Goddess of the moon, and Helios could as well, although his healing works in the way of purification, purifying the body from poison sort of way.
You took back your hand but Apollo caught it with his own much bigger hand, his hand was calloused and could easily cover your own. The God simply smiled at you, cherishing the feeling of holding hands, his thumb brushed your knuckles as he hummed.
You felt chills from his touch, nearly taking your hand away until you felt it. It was warm, soothing and comforting, you watched as his energy and aura extended to you, covering your body and found that the pain from your injuries were becoming numb.
"Thank you." You'd say, and looked away with an unreadable face.
「the sun proposed to the moon,
and the moon said
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'give me a break' 」
"[___]" he suddenly called your name and you turned to look at him, there was a hopeful look on the God of the Sun's face. "Would you like to spend some time together with me? Tonight?" he offered.
You raised a brow, and found yourself looking at him with amusement. "I'm afraid I cannot, I did not hand my duties to my mother, so I will be reining the Moon." he frowned at that, looking thoughtful as he then beamed, having an idea.
"Then perhaps, would you let me join you?"
"Join me? in my chariot?" you asked bewildered, and found yourself quickly denying him "I'm afraid there wouldn't be enough space." "Then I will be on my own chariot, we can race." he suggested.
"Apollo, I would prefer to spend my night alone for today." You told him softly as you took back your hand and stood up, it was about time for you to talk to Ares.
"Wait!" he called after you, and luckily for him, you stopped and looked at him patiently.
"I'm sorry if I was being too much but.." He placed a hand on his chest, "my feelings for you are genuine and sincere, please do not brush me off so coldly." "But Apollo, your feelings will quickly melt away, and you will realize that what you felt was simple attraction." you countered with a smile, he didn't like how you talked down on his feelings, he knew what he felt, he was sure of it, it wasn't some simple thing as attraction, nor was it lust.
"I really do love you." he confessed "Will you not let me court you at least?"
"I.. I don't know" you rubbed your hands to seek comfort, as you felt your heart heavy with burden.
"[___]" Apollo frowned as you were approached by Ares who gave you a silent look, "is he bothering you?" "..."  you didn't know how to answer, and Ares then asked something else "what do you want to talk about?"
"wait" you told him as you turned to Apollo, finding him to have a scowl on his pretty face. "I have to go now.." you say and turned around, you and Ares began to walk away. You felt a stare piercing your back so you sighed and turned to Apollo "I won't stop you from whatever you feel for me,,, just don't expect an answer."
Apollo smiled at that, at least you were acknowledging his feelings. And the Sun God had realized he was a victim of the ugly feeling called jealousy.
Since then Apollo had joined you, Ares and Athena for your spars. It ended up with him having to ask Helios to manage the job of pulling the sun to him for a few days. Luckily for him the Titan did not mind. However, ever since the first practice, he found himself usually partnered with either Athena or Ares.
He couldn't help but wonder if you didn't want to partner with him due to your first practice ending with a humiliating defeat. He bit his lip, until he found himself rolling on the ground, "Don't get distracted." Athena told him and offered her hand to him, helping him stand up.
"Your counterpart is fairing better than you." She told him, as they turned to watch you spar with Ares, you were slowly but surely keeping up with him. "They seem to work quite well with and against each other." Apollo couldn't help but say through gritted teeth.
Athena looked at him weirdly, "Apollo, perhaps you should cool down, less you want your jealousy to be your downfall." The Goddess of War and Wisdom told him. Apollo released a sigh of frustration as he calmed his feelings down, "you're right." he conceded "I just can't help but wonder what type of relationship those two have."
"Clearly nothing romantic." Athena scoffed as they watched you smack Ares with your weapon and letting a yell of victory as you stood on the male's back. "How are you sure?" He asked, and winced as Ares grab your foot and threw you towards the wall. Fighting against Ares wasn't easy, but at least you weren't losing too badly.
"Well, Ares' interest has been piqued by Aphrodite and they banter and act more like siblings, it's like seeing you and Artemis." Athena chuckled in amusement, considering you and Ares resulted into throwing insults at each other childishly. "Other than that, [___] has been inquiring me how I became an official virgin Goddess."
He swallowed thickly, "she is interested in becoming a virgin Goddess?"
"Perhaps, she has been deflecting my questions of why she was asking." Athena simply said and grabbed her weapon once again, "now, let's try this again, I believe your head has become clearer?" Apollo laughed hollowly "I'm afraid not, but I shall try my best dear sister."
"I said Yield!"
Apollo didn't know why he was worried about you and Ares, you two bicker like actual siblings!
It was amusing honestly but.. he wondered if you truly planned to stay a virgin.
You were walking to your chariot, the sun was slowly setting and you can see Helios from afar going back to Mount Olympus with the chariot. Your body ached but you knew it was too late to ask your mother to handle your shift.
So she got on the chariot only to find it having a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a basket of fruits for the road. A piece of parchment could be seen sticking out between the blossoming flowers.
My dear moon, please take these flowers for I hope they brighten up your night just like how you brighten up my days. And do not forget to take care of your bodies, we may be mortals but we too experience the feeling of hunger and thirst.
Your Sun.
You found yourself chuckling, folding the piece of paper carefully. "My sun?" you recited, before shaking your head "No, no, no.."
"damn it all.."
"Such lovely flowers, it seems Apollo is quite taken with you." You jumped, finding your uncle approach you, the chariot was parked on the ground. He had finished his duty.
"How do you know?"
"Why I see you two getting closer and closer, I see a lot of things, even when I no longer pull the sun." He told her and smiled. "He picked those for you personally."
"I see.."
"My dear, little one, why do you refuse yourself of what you want?"
"I don't" you swallowed the lump in your throat, your voice shook "I don't think this.. love, is for me."
Helios looked at you softly, understanding painted on his face "I understand that your mother's love for your father has.. made you question a lot of things but.. there are many ways to love someone, many types of love other than what you know from your parents."
"I know but.."
"Is it not only that?" he questioned, "is there something else holding you back?"
"Mhmm.." you bobbed your head.
"I see, well, I cannot give you all the answers to your questions, because there are some things you must find out for yourself." He patted your head gently, and you nodded in understand and soon you set off, pulling the moon across the night.
Your head was heavy with thoughts. Thoughts about love, thoughts about your role and of course, thoughts about a certain God. And you reach to cover your flustered cheeks.
★₊˚⊹✧˖°. ᯓ★
「the sun proposed to the moon,
and the moon said
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'I don't know!'
'give me a break' 」
And things were like that between the Iridescent eyed Goddess of healing and the soft light of the moon and the God of music and blazing light of the sun. Two opposite yet complementary beings, with one chasing the other who rejects, and rejects him.
Apollo found ways to court the resilient Goddess, be it simply leaving flowers or poems he had picked or wrote himself, or simply leaving food and drinks for her whenever she had a long night ahead. The God of the Sun didn't bother to hide his feelings, why would he be ashamed of it even?
The other Gods would always find him looking fondly at the Goddess as if she were his everything.
Maybe she was, with the way he acted for her. It almost made the Gods feel ashamed at how putty he'd become. And a bit bad for the God who could only be at the receiving end of rejections.
"[___]," he'd say softly with a bouquet of fresh flowers, her favorites, "my day was horrid until I saw you, you always did make everything better." he'd said handing her the bouquet, she'd sneeze from the pollen and he'd be over her saying how cute her sneeze was much to the embarrassment of Ares who was misfortunate enough to witness it.
"[___], I heard Zeus tasked you with overseeing his latest champion, mind if I join you?" Apollo loved in many ways, be it small sentimental gifts to more extravagant one, or acts of service like accompanying and helping her with tasks, and so on- it was almost embarrassing. Luckily he was courting a fellow God instead of a mortal.
And yet despite the rejections and the shenanigans, the residents of mount Olympus couldn't help but look at the two fondly. Well, most of them. Hera had different opinions, she found the idea of one of Zeus' children courting someone pure and unlike him was offending, she would try matching you up with other men she deemed more befitting of your standards.
One morning, you and Hera were walking together, having recently finished one of the many tea sessions the Queen of the Gods would host. She'd namely invite those she didn't personally hate which wasn't a lot, like Demeter, Hestia, you, and Aphrodite who was ran  a bit late.
Anyways- the two of you beautiful and radiant Goddesses were engaged in a small conversation over love. "Although admittedly your roles compliment one another, but you deserved more than someone like Apollo, perhaps my sons would be a better match for you." The Queen said with a thoughtful look, referring to Olympus' resident Sun God.
"A-actually, I was thinking about becoming a Virgin Goddess.." you told her slowly, hoping she wouldn't be as upset as Aphrodite. "A virgin goddess?" the aubergine haired goddess repeated looking thoughtful "I suppose that would be better than marrying a man." You sighed in relief, luckily you caught Hera in one of her 'i hate men' moods.
"In the end it's quite good that you're rejecting him, perhaps it is about time me or Aphrodite match you with someone more.. befitting of your status, not another one of Zeus' bastards."
"Is that so?" you questioned, frowning, Hera didn't quite understand you if she thought you were rejecting him because of his blood or illegitimacy.
There was a rustle of leaves, and you find yourself turning, you saw a blond haired god walking away, a bouquet of flowers in one hand, shoulder and back slumped in what you thought to be defeat.
That day the Sun didn't rise above the skies, and Helios had to be rushed in to pull the ball of fire, lighting the land with its blazing glory. You looked at the sky, despite the Sun finally being in the sky, everything felt.. off. Almost gloomy, which was weird.
"I wonder what's up with Apollo?" Ares frowned as he lowered his hammer to his shoulder "Oi Where are you going?" he called for you as you began to run off to somewhere. "Don't mind them" Athena said inspecting her lance, "she probably made her mind up of something."
Apollo laid on his bed, unable to move, the weight of his heart was heavy, heavy enough to pin him down at the comforting nest he had built for himself. Numerous pillows and blankets were there, from the corner of his eye, he could see the cloud covered skies. And then there was a knock on his door.
He didn't answer, hoping the person would go away.
And after a few more knocks and silence as response, the person went away. He sighed, placing a hand on his face, massaging it as he was unable to find it in himself to smile. His thoughts were plagued by you and only you, and he found himself hurting, mulling over Hera's words and the constant rejections.
"I find myself enjoying your presence, and when I do not see you, I look for it. I enjoy what little moments we have, those short greetings as we meet at twilight but I know I want something more with you." Apollo desperately said staring at the sky. "What do I do with these feelings when you do not reciprocate them, and Hera is right, you deserve far better things, far better than me." His hand gripped his chest as his heart felt constricted.
"Oh beloved and golden child, why do you cry?" He nearly screamed and fell when he heard your voice, seeing you jump down to his terrace to enter his room.
"[___]!" he yelled "What are you doing here!"
You looked hesitant, wondering if you should really be comforting him? To comfort him would send signals to him and make him think you like him, but you do- the problem was however, if you were willing to let yourself fall.
"I came to check on you, I heard you missed your duties." You said and he looked disappointed, "ah yes, I just wasn't feeling it today." he simple brushed off, sitting back down on his bed. To his surprise you did not leave, instead you sat beside him.
"You probably heard Hera and me while we were walking.." you started and he silently nodded.
Apollo tried to smile, if not for him, but for you, "you do not need to feel guilty, it is your right to reject my advances for your own reasons-" "I did not reject you because you are an illegitimate child!" you corrected him fiercely, "I do not care whether you are an illegitimate child or not, whether you a god or human!"
"i-" you realized your outburst and meekly closed your lips after apologizing. "then why?" he exhaled deeply, hand moving to comb his hair, he looked tired, you wondered if he was tired of you "why do you reject me so? you haven't told me your real reasons."
You averted your eyes away from his "You deserve better."
"But all I want is you." he countered, leaning towards you.
"I am afraid to love." you admitted.
He took your hand "then allow me to show you that there is nothing to be afraid of!"
You turned away from him, taking your hand back "it would never work!"
"You say that when you haven't tried." He cried out to you "[___]!" he yelled, brows furrowing as his frown deepened "Please be honest with me."
"I am honest" you turned to him with a conflicted expression, "you are brilliant and loving, but I am me, I am unable to reciprocate your advances, I fear the love that I grew up knowing, I fear those tender touches and intimacy that I see with my parents."
"My beloved" his hands cups your cheeks, they were warm and big, but very gentle, he was always gentle with you, and because of that, your heart wavered, it wavered for him and it made you cry "it hurts me to hear you talk of yourself like that."
"you say that I am brilliant, but you are as well, I may shine like the sun, but you glow like the moon, gentle and lovely. You do not have to force yourself to reciprocate my advances, you are you, you are beautiful and precious, you are all that I wanted, so do not speak yourself in such way." he murmured, staring deeply into the eyes he had grown to love, and dream in his sleep.
He felt lose in them, and he had no complaints.
"We could never work.." you whispered closing your eyes as tears slipped down your face.
"Because you are the Sun and I am the moon, we cannot collide, we are destined to forever part from each other." You'd say, and he'd refute proudly "My moon, we are not the heavenly bodies themselves, we are simply their shepherds." he'd laugh, tucking your hair behind your ear as his thumbs would wipe the tears away from your face.
"I know, but think of our jobs. You would be busy at the day, and I at night. Where will we find the time to let our love grow?" you questioned, opening your eyes.
"You think too much.." he whispered, letting his forehead rest against yours, noses brushing and lips slightly apart "you think too much that it stops you from doing what you want. If our love is true and meant to be, which I believe it is, we will be able to find ways. My dear, look at our uncle and aunt, Hades and Persephone are able to continue to love each other despite parting every year when winter is gone."
Yours hands grabbed his wrist, but instead of pulling away just like he feared, you remained in his hold, and your thumbs would simply caress his wrists, until they rested just above a vein, you could feel his pulse, it was beating rapidly.
Your lips part to let out a shaky eye as you stared back into his eyes, overwhelmingly filled with love and care.
"I think too much because I want to prepare myself, I do not want to hurt." you told him. "I would never willingly hurt you, but [___], to love is to let yourself get open to hurt because you trust your partner not to. Do you trust me?" he questioned her.
His breath fanned your face, and so your cheeks became quite red. "I do trust you.." you admitted "and I have honestly felt feelings for you but.."
"Can we take it slow?"
"We can take it at your pace.." he smiled, a tear escaping his eye.
"Why do you cry?" you fretted "Did my words hurt you?" "No" he shook his head, "your words have greatly lifted the burden in my heart."
Soon you'd find yourself on his bed, limbs tangled with each other. His arms were hooked around your waist, and yours around his neck. You spent the whole day talking or simply being in each others' embrace.
"Apologies, that I have not realized you were hesitant because of your own dilemmas." Apollo said, hugging you close. You gasped, "It is alright, I believed that my dilemmas were mine to bear, but.. Apollo.. this is a bit too much." you told him "it feels overwhelming.." you admitted.
He chuckled, apologizing as he loosened his hold around your frame. "you do not have to be guilty" he assured her "may I bury my head atop of yours?" he asked. You looked at him weirdly, but agreed to at least let him try.
"did you just smell me?" you asked with narrowed eyes.
"My love smells heavenly, it is a sin I do not smell her." He said proudly, you giggled, finding him to be strange. "Thank you" you said smiling at him "for being patient and loving me."
"I'm the one who should be thanking you.." he said parting for your head, "thank you for letting me love you."
༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚
      ☀︎ I referenced how Apollo loves with that one greek story of him being exiled and doting on a king so much the other Gods were embarrassed by the way he was acting.
     ִֶָ࣪☾. Main character or [___], if you haven't picked up on the small details, is hesitant to fall in love because of mainly three things.
a. the Gods don't make love look exactly good with the constant cheating, affairs, jealousy.
b. Her Mother, Selene and Endymion, Selene basically had 50 daughters with Endymion who was in a magical coma that rendered him immortal but still human, that's a whole lot of red flags imho. So yeah, I think [___] would be at least put off if she grew up, thinking that was real love.
c. specifically to Apollo, she doesn't know if it would work out, considering he'd pull the sun on days and she'd do the same with the moon at night, and when ever they weren't they would have other jobs or plans or were too tired from pulling heavenly bodies, that made her question, when would they have the time to actually love each other and spend time with each other?
      ☀︎ Ares and Apollo, I'll be giving more details to that when I continue this oneshot into a small series.
Forgive me if this wasn't very A or S grade quality, I'm just writing this whenever I have the time.
      ִֶָ࣪☾. I lowkey displayed the mc to have a minor fear of being touched, specifically intimately, so she's also easily overwhelmed with affectionate touches.
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Jason Grace introduced to the Justice League for the first time - hello!
He flies in a circle under the ceiling, a sheet wrapped in a cape develops behind his back, he wants to be like Bruce.
Everyone looks at him first, then at Bruce and Clark in turn.
Diana, - what a sweet boy..
Green Arrow, - Kent, for God's sake watch your genetic material, another superboy!! so this time they worked with Bruce's genes... Although the boy is really pretty.
The Justice League mistakes Jason for Superman clone, only this time with an admixture of Bruce's genes.
Oml yess!
Their just like dude Clark can you stop getting cloned! And you Bruce? I thought you were too paranoid to let this happen??
Shazam is just like... Wait a sec because one his abilities is "the power of Zeus"
And this looks familiar.
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crow-collective15 · 3 months
Chapter 5 of “Leslie’s slow decline into madness”
Chapter 5
I stare out the car window on the way to the funeral.
It wasn’t raining, it was bright and sunny. Lester would’ve been sad to know his funeral was on a sunny day. He always wanted a funeral in the rain, for dramatic effect.
At the funeral home I saw way more people than I expected. People I never met.
I was anxious around the people but I tried not to pay attention. Instead eating strawberries. They had been Lester’s favorite snack so we had tons of them.
I ended up talking to one of the people who I didn’t know. He introduced himself as lyre.
“I’m sorry about the loss of your brother,” lyre said, he looked almost guilty. I wondered why.
“No, don’t apologize. You didn’t kill him.” I slightly laughed. Coping with dark humor.
Lyre glanced around nervously before laughing as well, he looked rather awkward.
“Well, still. I hope you’ve been holding up alright,” lyre responded.
“Does talking to walls count as alright?” I ask, to which lyre only shrugs.
The conversation ended there. I felt a bit weird about lyre but I just moved on, I felt weird about a lot of things right now.
I talked to a lot of people who I didn’t know. A set of siblings: will, Austin and Kayla. They were sweet, but Kayla looked familiar to me and I couldn’t figure it out. I ignored that weird feeling too.
I talked about the concept of death with someone named Nico. He was actually really helpful and helped me calm down even in the slightest. “Death happens eventually to everyone. I know it’s so cliche, but it’s gonna be ok eventually. I know how it feels to lose a sibling.”
He also played Mythomagic to so we talked about that for a while. It was something I understood like the back of my hand and it helped to talk about something I understood.
There was a little girl, said her name was Meg. She put a hyacinth on Lester and gave me a potted plant; “so you won’t be as lonely, it can’t replace your brother but it’s something at least!” She told me. It was also a hyacinth.
I held that plant the whole day.
I certainly watered it with my tears.
I can’t remember his service, I just know I cried the whole thing.
I had written out a poem he liked and placed it in his coffin along with my mythomagic figure of his favorite god, Hermes. He liked him because tricks and pranks and shenanigans were some of his favorite things.
At the graveyard I helped shovel the dirt over the coffin.
Staring at his grave I broke down again. Seeing his name in stone made it real.
Long after the funeral was over I sat talking to the grave. As if having a conversation.
Then lyre was there, He just appeared.
“Oh- uhm- sorry hi.” I scrambled to form coherent sentences.
Lyre just sat next to me. After a few minutes of awkward silence he started talking: “I am responsible for his death.” He said.
I blink, “what?”
“Earlier you said not to apologize because it wasn’t my fault, but it was. My name isn’t Lyre, my name is Apollo, and I am responsible for the death of lester.” He took a breath. “I don’t usually tell Mortals about the world of gods, but your life was ruined by it so you are owed an explanation.”
I stare at her. “Explain,” I say sharply.
“I am the god Apollo. I’m sure you know what that means from your little card game-“ I cut her off, “mythomagic.”
“-yes that. How do I put this… I recently went through ‘trials’ of sorts, my father, Zeus made me mortal in the body of Lester papadopoulos. Which is why he disappeared and eventually died. When I ascended to Olympus I can only assume his body couldn’t handle the amount of divine power and burnt to his death. So, young Leslie, I can do nothing but apologize to you,” lyre- Apollo explained to me.
“… with all the weird monsters I’ve been seeing I can’t even say I don’t believe you,” I say, dumbfounded.
Apollo sighs. “If I could bring Lester back, I would, but I can’t.” He takes a breath. “I must be leaving now, goodbye, Leslie papadopoulos.” And he disappears in a puff of gold.
I was mad. Horribly mad. I look at my brothers grave. “Lester. I will make sure he doesn’t just- just move on without caring about what. I swear that to you. I love you.” I hug his grave.
And thus begins my insanity.
And we are not yet over. One or two more chapters to go!
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consumeroflemoans · 6 months
Hello, you asked for Vilidia asks and I'm gonna try my damndest to deliver because I crave content of them as well, so I'm just gonna knock out a few scenarios I have in my head, they're a bit half baked, but I hope that's fine
So the social event thought, Vil is famous, Idias family is kinda too, he's bound to be forced to attend something at some point and does acting coincide with conglamerate shit? Probably not, but I don't know how being famous works and a man can dream
This then could lead to a classic run-in and then "chilling outside because you're the only person here I like or maybe even know", but what I personally think is just a tad funnier is if the rest of Idias whole extended family was also present and Vil can be introduced to those guys for a nice little "wtf Idia has friends/a boyfriend", depends on wether he'd be willing to tell them, and not only that it's Vil fucking Schönheit
Of course there's Mr. and Ms. Shroud which in and of itself already good, but an idea I've seen floating around too is that Idia has a cousin who could be TWST Zeus and I like that thought plus aunts, uncles, whoever you want really
Secondly, something smaller is that I like to think Idia at some point in his life is going to get glasses because I have glasses come on, he sees more blue light than sunlight
And now that could go over into funky glasses frame shopping because just because glasses are made to make you see better doesn't mean that they aren't just as much capable of looking fun and I think Vil would agreePlus you could also get a nice chain to attach if you wanted to
Proceeding with more fashion stuff, now it's no uncommon scenario to see Vil dress Idia up a bit, but I also like the thought that by the end Idia is so flustered that his hair is entirely pink and now the outfit colours Vil picked out don't work anymore
I might come back at some point and tell you about more thoughts, but I feel like that's enough for now and I hope you enjoyed them
Have a nice day :]
Dude I am going absolutely insane
Vil and Idia at some stuffy party they don’t want to be at is golden.
I absolutely adore Vil having the chance to meet Idia’s family but also consider:
They’re the only two outside and already familiar with each other. Vil notices Idia visibly uncomfortable. He doesn’t want to have to dress up and socialize, that much is obvious. They stand in silence for a long time, far enough apart to not intrude on one another. Vil mentally debates the whole time, wondering if he could be irresponsible for just one night. He wants to help Idia, but he has an obligation to make his presence known at the party. Eventually he decides, sweeping over towards Idia in whatever elegant gown he donned. Vil asks point blank if Idia wants to get out of there. Idia’s obviously taken aback but stutters out an agreement. They take a night out, finding some gazebo far from any human life and spend the night together. They’re still in their formal wear as they explore together and chat, but neither of them mind much. Outside of the obligations of the party, it’s nice to have a chance to be themselves.
Augh actually on the topic of Vil and family I feel like he’d be kind of shocked by Idia having a large family. It’s always been just him and his dad, so him suddenly having a massive extended family would be so fun. Also I feel like he’d be the kind of guy to absolutely adore kids. He might not have them for himself, but he loves Ortho and any of Idia’s younger cousins. Idia finds it really endearing seeing Vil get along so well with his family.
I’m just imagining Vil looking over the options with Idia, both of them trying to find the perfect one to match his vibe. They can’t seem to find the perfect one, so they take matters into their own hands. Both of them have the money and talent to design custom glasses. Vil would sketch out designs for different outfits and scenarios while Idia would build the frames and add some sort of techno magic to them. He can’t have boring regular glasses after all.
Omg one of my favorite things ever is them combining Idia’s technological genius with Vil’s skill with design. They could pull together so many cool tech savvy outfits
Just them trying fashion together!!! Aaaaa Vil dressing Idia, standing back to appraise him, and saying Idia looks stunning. Idia immediately breaks, his hair flaring a bright pink and Vil watches him smugly. Vil adores how easily he can break Idia and he often will whisper small compliments into his ear just to see that reaction. They pass each other in the halls and Vil leans down for a brief moment to say Idia looks cute. Idia tugs his hood over his head and quickly shuffles away, now unable to think about anything besides Vil.
Swipe you thank you so much for feeding me. As promised I am kissing you platonically /silly
Now excuse me while I die
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angel-0f-verdun · 1 year
13 State of Possession
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Previous Chapter 
I realized quickly that I was not going to get through this book very fast. So, I decided that I would need to read only the relevant parts of the chapters. I skimmed the index and got to work happily finding the information I was looking for. Set was certainly a rebellious Egyptian God. His original reign was over the desert, storms, disorder, and warfare. I wondered if this was why I enjoyed rain and storms, glancing at the tattoo on my wrist. Later in the New Kingdom Set was considered a maker of discord and strife, identical to my namesake, Eris. Some of the pharaohs even used him in their names, such as Seti I, Seti II, and Setnakht. They thought of him as the protector of Ra, God of the Sun, the creator himself. Ra had gifted Set a dagger, which was in two pieces. One part is a ruby representing everlasting health. The other was obvious to protect Ra. He used this in his many endeavors such as one of the times he killed Apopis the enemy of Ra. Later when the Europeans invaded Egypt Set was an outcast from the pantheon, thus making Set the new and more powerful enemy of Ra. This changed everyone’s view of him, merging him with Apopis. Thus the ruby and dagger took on a different meaning, darkness, which is how he ended up recruiting Ahmanet.
I sighed, knowing this information was not as comforting as I would have thought it to be. But I was glad to have the knowledge, I closed the book and put it back inside my bag. I closed my eyes thinking about the goddess, Eris. She was the child of Zeus and Hera. She mostly just loved mischief, I remembered a story that used to be told to me at the orphanage, she wasn’t invited to a wedding, but she showed up anyway. When at the after party she threw a golden apple with the words ‘for the most beautiful’ into the crowd, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera all thought it was for them. This caused some issues between the three as Eris had hoped. Paris, the prince of Troy, offered to help them end the argument by being the decision-breaker. Each goddess tried to bribe him, Hera with power, Athena with wisdom, and Aphrodite with the most beautiful woman in the mortal world. Obviously, Aphrodite won. However, the woman she promised him was already married. Her husband wanting revenge for Paris stealing his wife, started a war to get her back. This became known as the Trojan War, which lasted 10 years.
Now for the last to ponder, Ahmanet. Power-hungry, much like Athena, on a quest to get exactly what she wants. She had even killed her family to reach immortality and greatness. But with a few wrong steps with those smarter than her, Set in particular, she let her desires cloud her judgment. She then became all-powerful, but before that transformation could be complete she was captured and mummified alive. Now she needed me to complete that task for Set to live in a mortal body.
“Oh hey, Winston.” Rick’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts about Ahmanet. I looked over my shoulder, seeing him walking towards us with Winston trailing behind him.
“You know O’Connell, ever since the end of the Great War there hasn’t been a single challenge worthy of a man like me.” I heard him babble, he normally gave this speech when he was inebriated.
“Yeah? Well, we all got our little problems today don’t we Winston?” Rick pulled out the chair next to me as he replied, flicking Jon’s ear to get his attention. The only way to shut Winston up was to get him through his memories as quickly as possible. Rick and I were all too familiar with this. He was one of the first people Rick introduced me to when we had first arrived in Egypt. Jon poured Rick a shot as I finished off my drink setting it down on the bar, gesturing for the barkeep to get me another.
“I just wish I could’ve chucked it in with the others and gone down in flame and glory instead of sitting around here rotting of boredom and booze.” Winston finished up his story, patting the boys on the back. He really needed a hobby other than sitting around and drinking. I could visibly see Rick’s annoyance set in. He looked as if he was ready to call it a day but knew there was more to be done.
“Oh well, back to the airfield.” Winston let out a laugh spinning around and leaving us alone.
“Tell me, has your sister always been?” Rick started to ask Jon, shot in hand ready to throw it back. I received my drink, thanking the man and giving him a bill to pay.
“Oh yes always.” He answered Rick’s question before hearing anything else. I started sipping my refill.
“Well we’re all packed up but the damn boat doesn’t leave til tomorrow morning.” Henderson came up beside me and Jon putting his arm on the bar between us leaning towards me. I watched him closely, curious if we really needed to go through this again.
“Tail set firmly between your legs, I see,” Jon replied to him, sarcastically. I mean what really were they supposed to do, they thought they were going to die from opening the chest.
“Yeah you can talk, you don’t have some sacred walking corpse after you.” Henderson breathed out, confirming the fact that he was scared.
“Ah but we do have a thousand-year-old entity with us constantly and she’s a bore,” Jon replied, knowing that Henderson wouldn’t understand what he was getting at but I certainly did.
“Whoa, be careful, I’m doing my best over here to hold her but she’s a force to be reckoned with,” I warned Jon not to make Ahmanet upset, especially when I was continuing to mentally hold her in her place. But for some reason, it was more of a chore than it had been before, I felt a migraine coming on since I walked through the threshold to the bar and it was only getting worse as time went on. The thought of continually keeping her at bay was becoming less and less a reality.
“What’s he getting at?” He asked me flabbergasted at the thought.
“So uh, how’s your friend?” Rick asked Daniels who appeared next to him, both of us ignoring Henderson.
“He had his eyes and his tongue ripped out, how would you be?” He replied sullenly, not in the mood to converse about the pain his friend had gone through. We all spun around in our chairs watching the entrance to the bar, it really was a beautiful modern area for the time. It almost had a Moroccan theme with the fabrics that were hung to look like curtains, filling the space with earthly tones. The tiles that were embedded in the floor were a nice touch as well, lots of blues and whites. This bar was much better than the others I had been in while looking for Rick. There were some men in the corner sharing a hookah pipe passing it around, happily. Oh, to have no cares in the world right now.  
“Good luck boys.” The four of them clinked their shot glasses together and I with my gin and tonic. We drank to their luck and health getting away from Egypt still intact. Immediately when the drink hit my tastebuds I spat the liquid back out.
“Sweet Jesus tastes just like…” Henderson started.
“Blood.” Rick and I finished his thought, Rick dropping his glass on the floor as he looked at the fountain.
“And the rivers and waters of Egypt ran red and were as blood” Jon quoted the Bible.
“He’s here,” Rick whispered out and took off running in the opposite direction. I took off after him grabbing my bag.
“Rick, wait!!” I called after him, as I realized where he was going.
“Oh Evelyn…” He called her name in a sing-song voice, slowing down upon approaching her so he wouldn’t bulldoze her.
“Oh, so you’re still here?” She asked him, there was some tension here that I wanted no part in deciphering.
“We’ve got problems.” He told her just as a clap of thunder shook the complex. The rain started pouring and I felt queasy, staggering, attempting to get my balance back. I knew that this was no doubt what I had been feeling earlier with the migraine. It felt as if the world was on my shoulders and I couldn’t keep standing anymore.  Neither my brother nor my friend noticed the issue I was dealing with, which I was thankful for. Ahmanet took over as I felt my consciousness fade as I gave into the pressure.
“You are getting weaker, as he rises,” Ahmanet spoke to me in the confines of my mind.
“What do I do?” I asked her, sitting on the ground in an all-black room with no reference as to what was going on outside my head, no reference to my body.
“There’s nothing you can do. Unless…”  I groaned out feeling pain all over, just like when the tattoos appeared.
“Unless what?!” I yelled, hearing my voice echo around the area. I was prepared to do anything at this point to get control back.
“You’re too weak to continue on your own. I am the only reason you are still consciously here, in this place. It was my choice to keep you alive. I could have tucked you away you forever when you fainted.” She told me.
“But you also need me,” I told her skeptically feeling even more faint than I did before.
“Beauty and brains. But this, you will not win.” She laughed as my consciousness faded away for the second time, I relaxed into it accepting my fate. 
“Eris!! Wake up!!” I heard his tortured screams as he attempted to wake me. Ahmanet allowed me a glance through a window. Rick was being slashed up by the dagger of Set. This was yet the third time he had been in mortal danger in this entire excursion and I doubted it would be the last. I watched as the curved blade barely touched his skin but ripped through him like razor wire. 
“You talk of bravery like a Medjai, yet you are still mortal, how do you forget this?” Ahmanet questioned him in broken English. Evy was cowering in the corner as the mummy turned to face her attempting to kiss her.
“Rick!!” I yelled to him trapped in my mind, my voice echoed off the walls, bouncing back to my eardrums. I crumpled from where I stood, the pain erupting in my ears and brain. I tried to push forward into the forefront of my mind but Ahmanet’s hold was too strong, she was growing stronger from the darkness and the plagues that were reigning on the world. I watched as she fought with my brother, she had maneuvered him onto the ground, straddling him. She reared up the dagger in my hands, ruby glinting in the fire-born sky ready to plunge it directly into his chest. A cat strode across piano keys directing everyone’s attention to it, the mummy stopped in his tracks and disappeared into a cloud of sand. Jon and the Americans pulled me off of Rick and secured my hands behind my back. 
“We are in very serious trouble,” Rick said to everyone wiping away the blood that had been drawn.
“Let’s get her to the museum,” Evy murmured quietly as she tended to Rick’s wounds. We walked outside and to Jonathan’s car, piling in. It was an expeditious drive for Jonathan to get us there as quickly as possible as they now knew Ahmanet’s true strength. The Americans dragged me from the car and led me by my arms, following Evy’s instructions. 
“He does seem to like Evy.” I heard Jon say from behind me. Henderson was holding my wrists guiding me where I needed to be. 
“Yeah, what’s that about?” Rick asked, I could hear the curiosity in his voice intertwined with anger.
“There’s only one person I know that can give us any answers.” She spoke confidently as she rounded the corner to the Old Kingdom display heading towards the curator's office.
“You?!” Evy exclaimed stopping in her tracks. 
“Miss Carnahan, gentleman… Eris? What’s happened?” I heard Dr. Bey ask as he noticed I was a fugitive. 
“What is he doing here?” Evy asked him not answering his question. I hoped we would get to my situation as soon as possible because it was not fun being a captive in my own head and in real life. Henderson pulled his gun from his holster following Rick’s lead as everyone was tense from the fight with the mummy.
“Do you really want to know, or would you prefer to just shoot us?” Dr. Bey asked rather annoyed that he had guns pointing at him and Ardeth. 
“After what I just saw, I’m willing to go on a little faith,” Rick said as he stepped aside for the two men to view me. 
“Richard, what have you done to your sister?” Dr. Bey asked in a serious tone as he came up to me inspecting my eyes.
“Ardeth, you’d better take a look at this.” He breathed out, stepping away from me with fear in his eyes. I thrashed against Henderson, trying to get free of my bonds. I hissed at Ardeth as the Medjai walked up to me. He grabbed my chin holding me still to take a look at my eyes. 
“Ahmanet.” He breathed out.
“Ah a real Medjai, let’s see what you’re made of,” I heard Ahmanet speak in Egyptian this time. 
“Take her around the corner to her office.” He instructed Henderson. He nodded and moved me towards the walkway, Rick went to follow but Ardeth stopped him before he could go much further.
“I’ll do my best to get her back, but I must do it alone.” He said to him. Rick nodded and backed away with Henderson as Ardeth took my arm in his, his touch burned my skin I felt Ahmanet waning away from control. We walked towards my office, he pushed the door open and set me in the chair. 
“Eris, I’m going to recite a series of prayers. We’re going to try to reduce Ahmanet’s power over your body, at least enough so you can have control again.” He told me, a guttural growl escaped from my throat as Ahmanet did not enjoy what she was hearing. 
“Mother of the gods, the One, the Only, Mistress of the Crowns. Bast, beloved daughter of the sun, send us comfort. Envelope Eris with you. Expel all evil forces from her. Destroy and banish all witchcraft, bonds, and curses. Take away everything that could harm her.” Ardeth recited a prayer to Bast in Arabic. I could feel Ahmanet shrinking from consciousness. As she weakened I pushed forward back into my own body. I sucked in the air, it felt pure. I felt like me again. I couldn’t feel Ahmanet anywhere inside, it was like she had vanished. 
“Are you alright?” I heard Ardeth ask me as he bent down toward my face. I nodded not willing to speak. He turned me around and cut the bonds on my wrists letting me go free. 
“Aren’t you worried she’ll be back?” I asked him. He considered the question for a bit but did not give me an answer instead he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I felt safe, smelling the lotus and vanilla that seemed to hang over him. His chin resting on the top of my head he breathed out letting go of his inhibitions. He pulled away much too fast for my liking, holding me at arm's length just staring into my eyes. He leaned forward placing a light kiss on my forehead. I soaked in the moment before he rushed out the door to inform Rick that everything was alright. I sat back in my chair staring into oblivion not wanting to even glance at the mirror to my right. I didn’t want to know if she was still there. 
Next Chapter
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fragile-in-pink · 8 months
The History of Male Long Hair
Traditionally, long hair was always a symbol of masculinity. All of history's great warriors had long hair, from the Greeks (who wrote odes to their heroes' hair) to the Nordic, from the American Indians (famous for their long shiny hair) to the Japanese. And the longer and beautiful the hair was, the more manly the warrior was considered. Vikings flaunted their braids and samurai wore their long hair as a symbol of their honor (they cut their braid when they lose honor).
When a warrior was captured, his mane was cut to humiliate him, to take away his beauty. That custom resumed in what is today military service. There when new soldiers begin their training the first thing they do is cut their hair to undermine their self-esteem, make them submissive and make them see who's boss.
In ancient Greece, long male hair was a symbol of wealth and power, while a shaven head was appropriate for a slave. The ancient Greeks had several gods and heroes who wore their hair long, including Zeus, Achilles, Apollo, and Poseidon. Greek soldiers are said to have worn their hair long in battle. Such warriors considered it a sign of aristocracy and are said to have combed it openly to show off. Also, in order to keep enemies from getting hold of it in battle, they were known to cut the front short, but leave it long in the back, where it was more out of reach. Around the 6th century, however, the Greek men shifted to shorter hairstyles, with the exception of the Spartans.
The Romans were the ones who "invented" short hair so to speak, between the 1st and 5th centuries AD.. In battles they believed this gave them defensive advantages, since their opponents couldn't grab them by the hair. This also helped them to recognize each other in the battlefield.
In the European middle ages, shorter hair often signified servitude and the peasantry, while long hair was often attributed to freemen.
The Gaelic Irish took great pride in their long hair—for example, a person could be heavily fined for cutting a man's hair short against his will. Muslims in Christian areas were ordered to keep their hair short and parted, as their longer style was considered rebellious and barbaric.
The long hair tradition was widespread among English and French men in the 11th and 12th centuries, although it was considered acceptable for men to have shorter hair, mainly because of the endorsement of the Roman Catholic Church. The tradition was largely brought about by monarchs who rejected the shorter hairstyle, causing the people to follow.
In the late 17th century long hair in England came to be associated with adventurers who traveled to America and were familiar with the native culture there, short hair was associated with less adventurous types.
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During the 19th century male hair lengths in Western cultures had varied widely; according to nationality, occupation, age, social status and passing fashion. However, prior to World War I beards had largely been replaced by moustaches and hair was most commonly cut to a medium/short length. However, short hair on men was introduced in World War I for soldiers. The trench warfare engaged in from 1914 to 1918 exposed men to flea and lice infestations, which prompted orders by the higher command to cut hair short, establishing a new military tradition.
Beat poets during the 1950s wore longer hairstyles. Aside from that, men and boys at this point had neatly groomed short hair, and having longer hair was frowned upon. The 1960s also introduced The Beatles, who started a more widespread longer hair trend. The social revolution of the 1960s led to a renaissance of unchecked hair growth, and long hair, especially on men, was worn as a political or countercultural symbol of protest and as a symbol of masculinity. The long hair trend grew with the spread of the hippie movement in the 1960s and, in the 1970s, longer hair styles would become the norm among men and women.
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In the 1980s, the view of long hair as a solitary signifier of political or counter-cultural identity was countered and parodied in films such as Rambo and many other militaristic heroes of media which challenged then-contemporary views of tradition.
In the 2000s, longer hairstyles among men became popular among neopagans and rock enthusiasts; for example, musicians in metal bands and their fans often wear long hair. Eventhough today long hair has gained even more popularity and it is socially acceptable to have hair reaching around the upper back, we often see men being humiliated, sometimes called "gay" for wearing long hair, not knowing that short hair is actually the "anti-masculine" and is a repressive social imposition, while long hair symbolizes freedom. Short hair on men is a relatively new "invention" that has nothing to do with aesthetics.
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imagitory · 9 months
You're a Percy Jackson fan? What you did think of this new show that just debuted? Or, if you haven't watched it yet, what do you expect from it?
I must be honest, I actually have never read the Percy Jackson books, though I have friends who are familiar with it and I've heard lots of positive stuff about it. (I've also listened to some of the musical soundtrack and I liked what I heard!)
I sadly was introduced to Percy Jackson by the awful film adaptation of it from 2010, and at the time, I misguidedly assumed that the Lightning Thief film was a relatively decent adaptation, since Chris Columbus (who had worked on the first two Harry Potter films, which are rather faithful to their respective books) had directed it. I was therefore a little underwhelmed by the story line, but had assumed that the things that made my Greek mythology nerd self irritated (like the film's interpretation of Hades and Persephone and Grover having to "earn his horns" a la Clarence in It's a Wonderful Life) were simply liberties the author had taken while adapting some ideas from ancient Greek myths for his fictional universe -- you know, like how Disney decided to make Hades a sassy, used-car-salesman-esque bad guy and Zeus and Hera Hercules's loving parents in their movie. And well, even if I didn't personally like those liberties taken, they are what they are, right? The author must've just used the Greek myths as a jump-off point to tell their own story, right? *snorts*
Yeah, no, as it turned out, those things I didn't care for weren't liberties the original author took, while telling his story -- instead they were changes the filmmakers made to the author's story that actually flew in the face of what the author intended. As I soon found out online from Percy Jackson fans, for some bizarre reason, Chris Columbus did NOT decide to respect Rick Riordan's vision in the same way he did Jo Rowling's, and Riordan in fact was actually incredibly clever in adapting the ancient Greeks' myths for the modern era. And yeah, that really sucks! I mean, from what I gather, the original Lightning Thief book is something of an homage to Homer's Odyssey, which is actually one of my favorite books of all time! That's friggin' awesome!
Now that Percy Jackson has come to Disney+ and its fanbase overall seems to be much more approving of what's been released so far, I'm really looking forward to watching it, so I can get a better look at what so many people have such fondness for. And if I have time, maybe I'll finally knuckle down and read the books too! If nothing else, I've heard lots of very nice things about Rick Riordan and the personal feelings that went into the world and cast of characters he created, and I'm glad he's been given more say in how they're now being adapted for a new generation. 💛
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deathlessathanasia · 11 months
"So far the picture has been largely negative, a picture that already in antiquity met with resistance: parricide, infanticide — even cannibalism — rebellion in a ruthless struggle for power, a complete absence of moral standards, and lawlessness: all these elements were spotted and — sometimes — condemned. Kronos’ stock epithet ankulometes — possibly meaning ‘with the curved sickle’ originally — was generally interpreted as ‘with crooked tricks’ or ‘devious’, a negative description; his actions were part of the unbridled excesses of a distant past, his punishment seemed just, his time was over. …
Yet all this is only one side of the matter. There is another, which is the diametrical opposite of this negative picture. Kronos is king, or to express it more strongly ‘Kronos is the king’. The title basileus (king) is stereotypical from Hesiod until late antiquity. Strikingly, Julian, Conviv. 317 D, still makes a distinction between Kronos and Zeus: ‘O, King Kronos and Father Zeus’. Kronos is even presented as the one who introduced the principle of kingship. Hesiod (Th. 486) calls him ‘the first king’ and as late as Byzantine times an author says: ‘Kronos introduced kingship.’ That nothing negative is implied by the term basileus is apparent from another epithet: megas (great), with which he is qualified in the Iliad, as well as by Hesiod. On the contrary, Kronos’ kingdom, which usually is visualised as existing on earth, was a realm of peace, justice and prosperity. Pindar so strongly associated such benefits with human kingship that he calls the abode whither the pious travel after death, a king’s ‘tower’ (O1.2.125vv). Such references bring us to the topic of the famous Saturnia regna or ‘life at the time of Kronos’, as the Athenians called the happy period under Pisistratos (Aristotle Athenaion Politeia 17.5), the Golden Age at the beginning of time, now irrevocably in the past.
This image, too, is familiar even to Hesiod. In his description of the races of men, which perhaps also was derived from oriental myth and seems to have been a tradition unknown to Homer, he says everything began with the Golden Race (Works and Days 109-26): people lived like gods, without worry, exertion or suffering. They were not bothered by old age: their limbs were eternally young and they revelled happily (115). Death came like sleep. The earth yielded fruit of its own accord, abundantly and plentifully, and people lived contentedly in the midst of peace and profusion. After their disappearance from the face of the earth they became good daimones, guardians of mortals and bestowers of wealth (126). This marks the beginning of a rich tradition of utopianism and ‘wishing-time’ with which Kronos is closely associated; this, too, since Hesiod, for according to him the people of the Golden Race lived when Kronos was king in Heaven (Worksand Days 111).
The tradition of making this utopian time Kronos’ era can be followed from the Alkmaeonis, via Empedocles and the Inachos of Sophocles (alone among tragedies); the theme widens in Old Comedy, as is shown especially in Athenaeus 6.267E ff. In Old Comedy the motif of abundance, of a ‘land of Cockaigne’ receives particular attention; there are descriptions of primeval eras, of Pluto’s underworld, and of the far-away land of the Persians, who generally were notorious for their excess and luxury. In connection with this motif and partly as a reaction to it as well, there arose in the fourth century a remarkable alternative, possibly under the influence of Antisthenes. According to Plato, Kronos’ realm is not one of superabundance. On the contrary, it is a realm of simplicity, indeed, of the simplicity of animals. Here bliss is defined ethically and justice is the code-word; this theme blossomed in Latin literature, particularly under the influence of Cynics and the like, as rejection and condemnation of the decadent luxury of real life. This rejection led to the development of a peculiar ambiguity in the appreciation of, and accordingly in the ‘setting’ of the ‘natural, wild existence’. When the natural, wild existence was portrayed as unbridled and inhuman, it was placed before the realm of Kronos/Saturnus, which brought moral standards, justice and civilisation. Alternatively the era of Kronos/Saturnus itself was the wild life, but then ‘wild’ had the sense of the simple, natural, but not bestial — a life without the complexities of civilisation. ...
This highly selective survey offers a remarkably ambiguous, even contradictory, picture. Kronos is, on one hand, the god of an inhumanly cruel era without ethical standards; on the other he is the king of a Golden Age of abundance, happiness and justice. He is the loser who has been exiled, chained and enslaved, but also the great king par excellence, who has been liberated and rules supreme. His realm is thought to have existed either before historical times, or after time, i.e. in death. It was sometimes situated on the earth, sometimes deep down in the earth, sometimes at the edge of the world."
- H. S. Versnel, Greek Myth and Ritual: The Case of Kronos, in Interpretations of Greek Mythology
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Let's talk about
❝Aki Kino/Silvia Woods❞
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〘Who is she?〙
Aki Kino (Silvia Woods in EU) is one of the most relevant female characters during Endo's saga and has a minor role in Tenma's.
She was Endo's only friend back in highschool when they started their seconds year, and was the only one that helped Endo found the football club.
Later, we meet two of her friends she had back in EEUU, Ichinose (Erik) and Domo (Bobby), whom she used to play with.
Lastly, she's introduced as Tenma's family.
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〘Why is she so important?〙
The real question is: was she irrelevant? Short answer: no.
What is more, I think she's one of the most imporat characters in the first saga.
Thanks to her Endo founded the club. Sure, she wasn't a player, but she brought emotional support when was needed and stayed with Endo till the end.
She wasn't a pasive manager, though. As shown in the first episodes and in the movie, Aki was very strict with the players, especially those who lost all their passion and were too lazy to practice with the captain. She also cared about the players’ problems and was willing to prepare them food to boost their energy.
Let’s not forget when she, Haruna and Natsumi stole Zeus’ water (better shown in the game) to help the team, showing her determination to help when needed.
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〘Underrated character ruined by romance〙
In the first games we explore her as a individual: she has her motives, her emotions, her feelings. She cares about her friends and teammates, willing to do anything to help them, showcasing her strong but soft personality (a balance between Natsumi and Haruna).
However, in the second game she losses her importance. Well, the three managers lose it due to new characters being introduced. And here comes the main problem: the romance.
It's an open secret that Aki has feelings for Endo, and that's lovely, I actually ship it. In the first games (better done in the anime) she dind't rely too much in them, witch is fine, we need more female leads whose motivation isn't only romance!!
The problem is that in the second game she becomes a jelousy/second option character for Endo with Toko in the scene. Eventhough it's said that she hasn't romantic feelings for him, we can see her (Natsumi too) silently fighting for Endo's attention.
This got worse in the last season with Fuyuka being the new interest for Endo. The only good thing they did was returning her backstory with Ichinose and Domo, sadly, there were just a few chapters.
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〘INEGo! dissapointment 〙
When I saw Aki as Tenma's distant familiar I was happy.
Firstly because I thought she was with Endo. Yes, I'm angry that they developed her character around him, but if you had given me a romance between this two I expect them to be together.
But no! He ended marriying the girl that wanted him to close the football and was sure he was going to lose (at least at the beginnig).
At least she has Ichinose, but he's abroad.
She just eneded up losing. First, her individuality, and lastly, her happiness. Aki is only used to care about the main character. The only good thing about this is that Tenma actually sees her as a mentor and searches for her advice when needed.
Also, they could have introduced her to the rebellion. Given her persona it would make so much sense, but not even that!
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〘Final thoughts〙
She was introduced as an important female character and was an emotional support during the beginning to the team (mostly Endo).
But the way she was treated as the time passed was sad. (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
Her character could have given so much more in the later seasons! (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)
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marsdeathdefiances · 1 year
Hello!! I have a question(s?) for you but you can totally just ignore it if it comes off as rude (I'm so sorry if it does). So I recently found out about Hellenistic paganism through your blog and I know next to nothing about it. I found it super interesting and just wanted to ask some (probably really silly) questions.
First of all:
Is there a specific way or specific ceremony/ritual involved that I need to do in order to convert? How do I get started?
And also a bit more specific of a question:
Can you still worship Aphrodite if you're aroace? Are you /allowed/ to worship Aphrodite if you're aroace? It's a silly question, but it feels kind of important to me. I had pretty bad experiences with a couple of other religions because they weren't very tolerant (or maybe it was just the people that I was around?), and it drove me away from them completely. I just want to make sure I'm not getting into something like that again. Nothing wrong with having set-in-stone beliefs and stuff, but excluding certain groups just doesn't sit right with me.
Thanks for taking the time to read my questions. I hope they didn't come off as rude.. Hope you have a great day!
(Sorry it took me so long to get to this it must’ve gotten buried in my notifs lol)
Hi! You don’t come off as rude at all and your questions also aren’t silly ones, they’re actually fairly common questions!
First of all, there’s no set ritual or ceremony you have to partake in in order to convert. Basically, if there’s a god you’re very interested in worshiping, just reach out to them! The first god I worshiped was Apollo and I just gave a simple offering, introduced myself, and prayed to him. Of course you don’t have to do it *exactly* like that but that’s what worked for me. It just gets you out there and familiar with the act of praying and giving offerings (also the first offering I give to deities when I’m ‘introducing myself’ is just water. It’s simple, sure, but they accept it. Again it’s just a nice way of putting yourself out there). Of course you don’t have to be completely perfect the first time (hell I’ve been doing this for years and I’m still making mistakes now and then, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself to do it perfectly the first time), so don’t stress it there.
Secondly, yes, you can absolutely worship Aphrodite and be aroace at the same time. While a lot of people see her as the goddess of romantic (and subsequently sexual) love, she’s a lot more than that, because there’s a lot of different types of love. There’s the love you have for your family, the love you have for your friends (both online and in person), the love you have for your pets, and of course the love you have for yourself! There’s no rule saying you can’t worship her if you’re aroace, and if anyone tries to tell you as such they’re lying. Because, again, there’s more love than just romantic and sexual love.
And to answer that last little bit of having been in religions and dealing with people that weren’t that tolerant-in my experience a lot of people in the helpol community are very accepting and welcoming. People are generally very happy to help answer questions and help you get set in the right direction. Of course, sadly, there are still people that aren’t very accepting but from what I’ve noticed they’re pretty few and far between and I don’t interact with them. I just block and move on. That’s kind of the nice thing about helpol not being a ‘mainstream’ thing, you can very easily curate your experience and just block rude and bigoted people. That’s how I’ve been waltzing through this since I started and it’s made this very pleasant.
Also, I hate doing a self-promo but my side blog @worshipper-of-zeus I post pretty much strictly about this stuff over there and you can also find other wonderful blogs as well!
Anyways, I hope I answered your questions and helped give a piece of mind here, cause yeah because it can be somewhat intimidating at first. And it’s also important for me to say that not everyone’s practice is going to look the exact same, so don’t freak out if you’re practice doesn’t look exactly like mine or anyone else’s. Just do what’s best for you and your lifestyle. That’s my best advice tbh. But if you have anymore questions, I’ll happily answer them!
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