#introduction to my jhin
inkisionary · 10 months
@chaosmultiverse liked for a starter [Jhin]
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Hwei seemed, rather uninterested. Or for better words, he was rather uninspired by the work in which his masters had asked of him. Their requests were rather unsavory, to keep himself under control. That his emotions were unstable with his work, but after days of what seemed to be monotony, Hwei was rather bored of it all. That was until the introduction of a new master, perhaps one that would understand him. He was a traveling artists of sorts, welcomed by the school in a celebratory manner. Hwei couldn’t have been bothered by such things. But he was more focused on the new arrival than parties and the fancy tours which they forced the man to partake. Stroking their egos in his eyes to squeeze some sort of praise from his lips. His hand quivered as he struggled to contain his excitement and nervousness. Gripping his brush as the paints and magic swirled around him. Threatening to burst with the bottled up emotions which his masters had so carefully urged him to keep in line. Inviting the other to view his work personally in his studio was rather bold of Hwei. But perhaps this man would’ve understood his plight? He seemed well versed in the craft.
There was a gentle knock on his door, Hwei stood upright from his slouched position, the nervousness swirling in his eyes. Hues of green, purple and blue. Mixing in a frenzy as he struggled calmed his nerves, eyes shifting back to a swirl of fuchsia and gold . Breathing to himself deeply he opened the door, smiling softly at the visitor as he stood in the frame. “Ah, master, I’m pleased you came. I was beginning to worry that perhaps I didn’t make it interesting enough. Please, come in.” He says stepping aside to allow him entry.
He had prepared some of his works for the other to view. Three canvases, all with varying imagery. Though their beauty was undeniable, they lacked something. A fourth canvas stood covered by fabric, ink dripping from the edge. A mess of swirling colors and from the spatter, less composed than the others. Hwei seemed to avoid it as he spoke, leading the man around.
“I am… for simplicities sake, struggling.” His eyes are tired, his seems stressed as he paces himself around his studio. “I feel as if my art is not what I want it to be, perhaps I am unfit for the title of artist? I cannot tell if it is a lack of skill or perhaps a lack of inspiration. I need…. I need help..” his hands wring together, clearly distraught. “My visions fail me, my masters say that these are perfection but they.. they lack something, these are not of my own.”
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corvidcryomania · 11 months
A Proper (Re-) Introduction!
Howdy! I'm Wraith, but you may have also known me as Zarzira!
I'm both a SFW + NSFW artist, drawing and writing both OCs and fanart. You have been warned!
♥️ I'm a Spooky Cute cartoonist, often opting for cute little doodles and the occasional big rendered piece. I have multiple styles!
♥️ Monster lover, knight/fantasy lover, and bird lover! ♥️ Fandoms I draw for includes but is not limited to: League of Legends, Don't Starve, Genshin Impact, and Death's Door.
♥️ I draw a good handful of ship art, typically for one of the following: JhinThresh (aka "Deathfire), Willowson, Zhongchi, Reaper/Grey, and ZedShen (or "Twilight's Shadow"). ♥️ My OCs can get pretty heavy lore wise, and there are more monsters and anthros than there are humans. I'll try to provide as much context as needed when posting about them! ♥️ Asks are open, always! I also have open dms as well.
Looking for something specifically in my feed? I use special tags for organization, as I plan to be reblogging lots:
♥️ Art Pieces- #cryomaniaart
♥️ Writing- #cryomaniaworks
♥️ Shower thoughts/Brainrotting- #cryomaniathoughts
Some shipping tags:
♥️ Jhin/Thresh: #deathfire
♥️ Reaper/Grey: #aetherspromise
♥️ Zed/Shen: #twilightshadow
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hollowsart · 2 years
Do you ever thing you'll do your own interpretations of certain Spider-Man arcs? Like maybe the Clone Saga or Spider-Island? Or maybe even *GASP!* SUPERIOR CRYPTID CRAWLER?!?!?!??!/lh
But yea it would seem cool what ideas you could come up with in those arcs!
(Also side note: that Chameleon drawing gives me HEAVY Jhin vibes (champion from league of legends), reminds me of Jhin's line: "Which is the lie? The mask, or my face?". Keep up the good work!!!)
SUPERIOR ACEDIA? Oh.. Oh how would THAT work I wonder.. considering Doc Ock swapped bodies with Peter in that comic series (I know a little from those who’ve actually read them and shared what they know with me)??
My Otto is in good health and wouldn’t be that mad and crazy to attempt a body-swap. It would have to be some other crazy villain. But the prospect of what I’m aware of that happens within the Superior Spiderman series is not ideal. at least for me and all. yikes. it gets really dark and depressing :(
I’d have to look up the other two things tho, I’m not familiar with either of those, but “spider-island” makes me anxious from the name alone.
[Ok, I looked up some explanation videos and here’s my thoughts]:
Clone-Saga: .....oh gosh. cloning Peter... clones are never a fun time and there’s not a whole lot of good stories with them, it seems. a clone of me would be.. weird to say the least?? likelihood of a clone-saga style plotline/arc like that is.. highly unlikely. It doesn’t really appeal to me, personally? It’d be weird seeing multiple of me running around.. don’t like that much.
However, I could see Mysterio pulling something like that as a sort of illusion during a battle, or Chameleon is pretending to be a doppelganger like he’s done before in various instances, like in tssm’s introduction episode for him, Beck, and Mason. Either/or would be fun to play with. definitely a tag team of messing with my mind in battle.
Chameleon being more malicious in the act of psychological torment, while Mysterio doesn’t seem like he’s the type to like.. kill? idk he’s probably killed in the comics, but he just seems more like the type of guy who would have a complete breakdown and reformation if he murdered someone. He can be a little careless with his displays and tricks and all, but I don’t think he’d be out for blood, per se, even if he were truly enraged. this does not make him any less of a threat if need be, though. he’s still dangerous even if he is just a regular human man without any superpowers.
I mean, after all, that’s how quite a few of these bad guys are, just regular people without any powers. though Beck does have his level of intelligence and skill with special and practical effects.. and a little chemistry and dabbling in engineering on the side. Just enough to make repairs and his own makeshift gadgets if Mason/Tinkerer is unavailable.
Spider-Island: AH. OK. Everyone has spider powers. That’s what that one is about. hmm.. I don’t see too much of a difference for that, other than the spider costumes being people just wearing various animal onesies or whatever lol and also the uhh... potential lack of an Anti-Venom.. among other things. Not really much to say about this one. Not much for me to work with within my own verse. Likelihood of this happening is also just as unlikely/impossible as the other.
I don’t really know a whole lot about the comics and the various arcs within them to really think of my own takes on them, unfortunately. I’d need a summary or synopsis of any notable or interesting storylines/arcs there may be within the Spiderman timelines to make any decisions.
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yellow-owl · 15 days
introduction to God
doing an intro because i saw a moot do it and i feel it would be helpful to give you all a peek into my realm.
hello, i am loki!! (she/he, 21) i am extremely autistic and also have borderline personality disorder- so, like, be warned. but don’t let that stop you from trying to befriend me, i am the second coming of God after all.
but i am probably not friendly. i will certainly try, but i admit i have some flaws. (how humble of an omnipotent being.)
my interests are:
- hannibal
- house MD
- persona
- oc stuff (share urs with me)
- comics (specifically marvel, and x-men)
- league of legends (i am an adc/support main, rakan, jhin, nilah, pyke, etc)
- and more! buy me dinner to find out, mysterious stranger!
so yeah. loki. me. cool girlguyboy.
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lmd-blog · 1 month
Hi, hello~ Welcome to my blog!
Love Me Dead is a Boyfriend to Death inspired visual novel game that I've been working on in my free time! Will you be able to survive the murderous trio?
While there's little content for the game so far, I'll post some sketches, concept sketches, and some WIP screencaps of the game as I work on it <3
Don't hesitate to ask a question! I'll do my best to answer it~
Meet the cast, bond with them, and pick your favorite! We can't wait to see you, Darling...
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Rowan Dallas🖤
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panthaloon · 7 months
So begins the first league of legends blog post from my league of legends blog
Pre-Foreword - Introduction of OP
I am panthaloon. I have been playing League of Legends since S10 and my ingame username is ImaginePancakes on EUW and EpikBiladerAnı on TR. I played a lot of ARAM and I jumped from champion to champion to find my main. I have devised a set of values that could help a beginner - intermediate player to find a champion that suits them and I plan to share these values over the course of 5-6 posts.
Note that a post extremely similar to this has been posted on r/summonerschool over on Reddit under the account u/Teacherson404.
Link to the original post on Reddit can be accessed by clicking here!
To begin, I am going to share my favourite value: Flexibility.
Foreword - What Even is "Flexibility"?
I define flexibility as the amount of options given to a champion. In this wall of text, I will be going to analyse flexibility in three main categories. Those will be:
-Build Flexibility
-Lane Flexibility
-Role Flexibility
These categories differ from each other in significant ways while remaining interconnected. Examples will be given under each section.
Finally, let us begin.
PART I - Build Flexibility
If you took a look at the in game item shop you might have realised this game has at least 2 items. "Itemization" itself is a very important aspect of getting the most out of your performance in League.
When I mention "Build Flexibility" I am not talking about the fact that you should build Morellonomicon against an enemy with high life steal/healing. Instead, I am talking about differing core builds that achieve different results.
A good example of the above explanation could be Teemo. Riftmaker and Liandry's into Nashor's is great for keeping yourself alive and healthy during teamfights. This core build focuses on Teemo's ability to apply his poison repeatedly to proc Riftmaker and Liandry's consistently. Nashor's only works to further help that fact. However, although it is efficient, it is not the only option Teemo has.
Building Stromsurge and Luden's into Void Staff makes Teemo a burst nightmare. Yes, it is true that Teemo will not perform as consistently with this build but build flexibility focuses directly on the core options. This build and the Riftmaker build both do different things and give you two play styles.
Another great example could be Varus with his Lethality and On-Hit builds. Both allow Varus to do different things. I will not dwell on Varus for too long because his name will pop up more.
A champion with poor build flexibility is Jinx. She is pretty much forced to build the same core every single game as nothing else works. She has poor lethality as two of her abilities focus on auto-attacking with her E having no AD scaling. Her Ult and W are her only options of dealing good damage with lethality but she already does that with her classic ADC build.
To capture the idea behind all that's said above, Build Flexibility allows a champion to adapt into different situations that may require a different play style. The difference is significant but not too much to completely change the essence of the champion itself. If you want your main to be flexible with the way they deal with problems without changing the feel of play too significantly, I recommend you try a few games of these champions.
Teemo, Varus, Jhin etc.
PART II - Lane Flexibility
In League the three lanes and who can play where appears to be pretty solid and inflexible but one look at a champion like Pantheon is enough to realise what is possible. Before that, I must mention that a champion with great lane flexibility often comes with a simple kit. Most of the champions I will mention here are flexible between Jungle and Top but I will try to give you more to work with.
Let's start with my personal favourite, Pantheon. Pantheon is the manifestation of Lane Flexibility. When you look at his kit, you realise how useful each element is. With his low cooldowns and his execute on his Q, Pantheon makes a great toplane bruiser. With his passive armor pen built into his Ult, which allows him to roam the map effortlessly, Pantheon fills in the role of a midlane/jungle assassin beautifully. With his reliable point and click stun W and his ability to stick to targets with his empowered E, Pantheon makes a great anti-carry support. Push it a bit more, and with his W range matching most ADCs auto-attack range, Pantheon can possibly be played as an ADC. His lane flexibility is unmatched. No matter where you play, there is a chance for you to run into Pantheon.
It is also important to mention, champions who are lane flexible are often build flexible as well. Galio is a great example of this with his AP midlane build and Tank support build.
This does not have to be the case. Poppy is a great jungler and toplaner but her build barely differs between the two. She is unlikely to run Grasp as her keystone on jungle but the similarities show a clear picture.
An example of a champion who has poor lane flexibility would be Kayn. With his passive before transformation urging you to get into fights, the only lane he can consistently perform is jungle. Another example could be Nasus. With the stacking mechanic on his Q, Nasus prefers to be left alone and farm. The chaotic nature of jungle wouldn't allow him to scale properly, no matter how easy it seems to run around eating jungle camps. Midlane is way too action-filled for him to properly execute his game plan and botlane is easily the most ganked lane. Nasus requires the island type isolation toplane offers.
In conclusion, lane flexibility allows you to take your champions on a run around the rift. The ability to show up on other lanes with similar or better performance also makes swapping places with your teammates less of a problem. These champions are a one trick pony's wet dream as they don't have to rely on getting the position they want to play in to perform. If you want to pick up a champion you can play in a plethora of conditions you should give a shot to the below champions.
Pantheon, Galio, Poppy, Udyr, Xerath, Rumble etc.
PART III - Role Flexibility
At first glance, this might appear to be the same thing as build or lane flexibility or even as an ungodly mix of two. That is true to some extent but there is some more nuance to it. A role flexible champion doesn't have to be lane flexible but they are very likely to be build flexible. Which is where Varus comes in.
Varus, with his passive, has a good relationship with On-Hit items such as BoRK and Wit's End. With a build that gives priority to those items Varus becomes a standard ADC with abilities that hurt a bit more than expected. However, that is not where it ends.
Building certain lethality items for him turns him into a long range one-shot menace. His damage with his abilities becomes insane. He becomes more akin to an assassin than a marksman. Something similar can be said about his AP build that lost a lot of its previous fame. With those builds, Varus plays less like a long range, kiting marksman into a long range, one-shotting assassin.
Another example of this could be Kog' Maw. He is often built as a DPS monster with a load of attack speed and On-Hit damage. However, if you build him AP you will realise that he plays a lot more like an artillery mage, poking your team down from two screens away, akin to someone like Xerath or Vel' Koz.
A champion with poor role flexibility could be someone like Yone, who is forced into being a glass cannon with life steal as when he attempts anything else he will either lack damage or sustain.
To conclude this part, role flexible champions are akin to coins with two sides. Playing a role flexible champions can allow you to find new joy from the champions you already know and love. If you want to feel like you have control over your own play style regardless of the champion you are playing, role flexible champions will be more up your alley. Such as the champions below.
Kog' Maw, Varus, Ezreal, Vi, etc.
PART IV - The Part Where I Finally Conclude
I personally found that the champions I gravitated towards have all been very flexible in one aspect or the other. When you are picking your main, your champion's flexibility is an important aspect to consider. Not everyone wants the drawbacks that come from having a flexible champion. A lane flexible champion on toplane will have a hard time reaching the consistent impact that Ornn has on the game as Ornn is a champion designed for toplane.
In the end, if you are having fun, all other metrics fall into irrelevance. Maybe you don't even like flexibility! I respect it. I don't get it but I respect it.
This post is a tool for me to show my observations and thoughts and what I think can help you. Don't take this post at face value and get yourself disappointed when the champions I mentioned above don't tickle your fancy as you expected. This game has more than 150 champions. Experiment and you are sure to find a champion that does you good.
Good Luck, Have Fun and most importantly,
"What the f**k do you mean they have Panth adc? GG go next.”
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perfect-fourth · 4 years
Hⁱˢ ˡᵃᵗᵉˢᵗ ᵃʳʳᵃⁿᵍᵉᵐᵉⁿᵗ ʰᵃᵈ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ˢᵘʳᵖʳⁱˢⁱⁿᵍˡʸ ᵉᵃˢʸ ᵗᵒ ᵒʳᶜʰᵉˢᵗʳᵃᵗᵉ.
A year had gone and past in conjunction with his arrival to Piltover-Zaun, his third reappearance in the twin cities and certainly not his last, had he any say in the matter.  Getting out of Tuula again had been simple enough.  Even without the old man commanding the Navori, they found use of him and his methods; and for the most part, left him to his own macabre devices when he completed whatever menial task they set him on.  It was never anything that created conflict with his own intentions, and they knew better than to ask anything of him that did, at least without the former Eye of Twilight to tell them what to do.  He didn’t much care about their cause; be it for better or worse, so long as it gave him a means to further his own.  
  It wasn’t that he especially enjoyed the region; the constant whirring and buzzing of machinery was a distraction rather than a calming white noise, and more often than not he found himself falling ill to the smothering smog and toxins that permeated the atmosphere, no matter how careful he was to protect himself and cleanse his numerous temporary habitats.  His only solace was found in the part-time work he’d taken as a keeper for one of the many greenhouses that spotted the city, little pockets of foliage in an otherwise bleak and repugnant landscape that offered little hope to anyone who had the misfortune of living there.  Truly, he couldn’t have been the only one who saw the irony in the unholy green glow of the Sunken City, a color representing life to taunt a place overwrought with death.
  Of course, there was also his art, the driving force behind his motivation to return to such a technological dystopia.  As uncomfortable as it was, there was no denying the grotesque beauty in this place.  Twisted iron and even more twisted people, Jhin had felt for a long time now that he hadn’t realized his full artistic potential in his previous installments.  His work back then had left much to be desired, especially in the case of...
No, no, no, no.  Now was not the time to think about Zed, or Shen, or that wretched girl who had systematically ruined his vision.  Tonight was not about them, and it was unlikely they’d heard anything of his whereabouts this time around.  It had been both a blessing and a curse to operate in a place where he was only one of many to paint the streets in blood.  In Ionia, no masterpiece went unnoticed, everything held a weight to it that echoed horror through legends that spun themselves into the cautionary bedtime tales of many a defiant child.  But in Zaun, most of his feats were swept away with the rest of the muck that soiled the bowels of the city, no more than a small snippet of acknowledgement in the local papers. It wasn’t for a lack of trying, but it seemed almost every time he performed there he was plagued by some misfortune or another. Be it a trap not going off when it was supposed to, or a composition disrupted before it’s full beauty could be realized, Jhin was half convinced by now that some sort of horrible curse had befallen him.  Either way, surely nothing substantial that was likely to circulate beyond the sea.  Even if it had, the last he’d heard about the Master of Shadows, Zed had his own hands full dealing with the backlash from unrelated endeavors.  Something to do with the vastaya, and two in particular, though he knew little else outside of this. Served him right, really. 
It was of no matter, in the end.  Tonight was the night he’d force the dual cities to bear witness to his gruesome techniques.  Tonight, he would make his mark on the consciousness of Piltover-Zaun.  Permanently.
  The hexdraulic descenders were one of many industrial splendors that helped to shape the outline of the city; so prominent a landmark that the local hooligans had taken to riding on one of them as a right of passage.  The Howler, they called it -- certainly a beast of a transportation device that had initially peaked the virtuoso’s interest,  but soon fallen to the wayside when he’d grown to understand the importance of the smaller, more streamlined descenders.  They carried less passengers at any given time, most of whom held power in either or both of the neighborhoods.  Government officials and high-profile scientists, popular entertainers and media influencers--those who would set Piltover’s Finest into a frenzy trying to uncover the cause of their untimely demise. 
 Working in the gardens had been a genuine form of stress relief for him; but it also carried the added benefit of camouflaging him as nothing but a faceless bystander in a place that was often frequented by the higher class.  He’d overheard many an interesting conversation in his time there; but one conversation in particular had cued him in on how and where to find the schedule logs for these descenders; a knowledge he put to great use for that night’s performance.
5 minutes.  It was 5 minutes until the clock struck twenty hundred hours.  Not his favorite time, but a necessary one to ensure a perfect number of victims would unwittingly meet their demise inside the private descender that was set to rise back into Piltover.  He’d studied the four passengers who were to be boarding that night; ever the meticulous sort, though who they were meant little to Jhin personally.  Just that they were important, and that their deaths would leave a scar on the hearts and minds of not only those who bore witness to his designs, but the region as a whole.
Being there had given him the liberty of exercising his creativity; exploring alternate means to express his art and magic, and tonight was no different.  Jhin had never much entertained the idea of modifying poisons before, but the abundance of toxic substances that were at his disposal were a little bit more than tempting to fool around with.  After a lengthy two months of study and experimentation, he’d found the perfect substance, and the perfect disruption method via modified gas grenades.  Placing them inside the descender at the appropriate time had been the most difficult part; not because of anyone taking notice of the fanciful bits of molded metal and cogwork that looked more like decoration than anything, but because the person--creature--whatever he was who he’d recruited to do the task for him with his stealthy abilities kept accidently setting the little devices off before he even got to the location.  He’d had to reschedule his performance at least twice because of this; eventually coming to the conclusion that the assortment of knives the jester carried on his person were piercing the canisters.  How his physiology bypassed the effects of the fumes was beyond him, but it certainly brought to mind some questions about whether or not he should be involved in any dealings with this other, so-called ‘demon’.         
In 3 minutes, now, the four passengers would finish boarding what would inevitably become a chamber of death; locked away beside the inconspicuous embellishings that at just the right moment would release a concoction of horrible toxins, with a very specific effect.  He could visualize it so clearly in his mind.  Slowly, these unfortunate aristocrats would begin to lose their ability to breath as the chemicals bound to their cells, transformed them, their lungs splintering like tiny shards of glass. They'd gasp and choke for air, but each breath would only bring more pain as the contamination spread into veins and arteries, eventually rupturing skin and kissing away their lips and eyelids with the corrosive fluid that was once their blood eating through soft tissue.
 It was a hideous and painful process that left behind a bubbling mess of flesh and bone, just barely distinguishable as human.  Whoever had luck enough to stumble onto his latest masterpiece wouldn't see this, though-- at least, not at first. Where blood would boil and seep, his magic left streams of gold, and where flesh would tear and melt, delicate roots of wisteria would sprout and spread along the floor of the compartment.  It would be a sight to behold when they actually managed to breach the door, but that would take them quite a fair bit of time to accomplish.  Every facet of his plan had been carefully conducted, right down to the the workings of the machine itself.  By his meddling, the descender would shudder to a halt at the exact spot where it was to cross up into the golden city above-- where those in both cities would be able to marvel at his display.  Threads of magic would unfurl around the spherical machine into illusionary flora that gave it the appearance of a blossoming lotus-- and concealed the gnarled metal cables which would inevitably swallow the cart thanks to the nature of gravity.
 Clad in attire suitable for any other faceless citizen of Zaun, Jhin sneered at the flavorless layers of drearily hued fabrics and simplistic patterns, something he tried to bolster at least a little with choice accessories and one of the numerous protective masks he’d acquired during his time in the city.  By no means was it any kind of substitute for his most beloved facial wear, but he wore the device well, just as one would expect of an astute actor challenging themselves with an unfamiliar role. He had to admit, the abundance of selection when it came to facial wear in Zaun was pretty impressive.
He watched the events of the city below from beyond the panes of an abandoned alcove ascending the walls of the two cities, a delicately crafted telescope at hand.  He’d set up camp there a few hours earlier, beside him a small lantern, a satchel containing extra supplies, two flasks; one water, one alcohol, and a handful of homemade snacks were he to find himself stuck there longer than intended.  Naturally, he kept Whisper at hand, though with no intent of use.  A precautionary instrument, and a source of comfort for the artist, he stroked metal-clad fingertips across her emblem, an invariable and timed motion.  It wasn’t long, now, before the beauty of his craftsmanship would express itself in full for the whole of both cities to marvel.  He could hardly contain his excitement as he heard the soft tick of the pocket watch at his breast, and for a moment, he reluctantly desisted his gun-fondling to tip the telescope up to his line of vision and peer out into the crowded city below.  They were boarding now, each of them, one astutely dressed woman and three...
One, two. 
Where was the third gentleman who was to board the descender?  Perhaps he’d already entered?  Yes, that must have been it, surely, he hadn’t been watching the entire time, after all, and--
  Once, twice, again, again, he scoped across the panels of each window, he stood, he repositioned, he scanned it from every conceivable angle but... There were only three people on board.  He could feel his pulse start to pound in his temples.
One would think that if the sanctity of these individuals lives were of non-importance, than it wasn’t really of any matter if one slipped away, but that sadly just wasn’t the case.  He’d had a very distinct and fixed idea that he’d wanted to convey that night, and while the mechanisms that he’d implemented did indeed seem to be working without a single misstep, it was not what he had arranged.  As the seeds of his creation took root, the artisan barely heard the loud echo of creaking metal beyond the ringing in his ears. He clutched the telescope he’d brought but no longer used it, so tight that the retractable brass slid out of alignment beneath the bow of his fist. 
“This is wrong, this is all wrong!  Where is he?  Where is the Professor?!  I don’t understand, why isn’t he--this can’t be happening to me again.”  
Shambling to bring his now partially dismantled telescope back up to look at the scene that had unfolded, Jhin took little comfort in the suffering of the three who thrashed around in their last ditch effort to cling to life.  Hands trembling, he lowered it once more and forced himself to inhale on the count of 4.  Hold for 8, exhale 4-- a repetition that continued until he had managed to calm himself down enough to at least stop shaking.  This did not mean he was in any way, shape, or form happy about his circumstances, but he couldn’t allow that to control him.  
By the time he looked at his artwork again, everything had fallen into place, and bystanders had started to take notice.  Silent, save for a deep sigh, the maestro prepared his hand canon with an impressive swiftness.  He unlatched the window and rested the muzzle through the slight opening, taking aim at the first person he saw within range down below.  Whisper sang her tune into the unsuspecting courier’s flesh, leaving the woman’s blood and brain matter in a scattering of petals across the cobblestone.  Four.  But not how he’d envisioned.    
“Unacceptable.” he spat to himself, collecting his bearings from the kickback of his canon.  A sneer was hidden behind the sharp contours of his gasmask.
“Uninspired.  Absolute garbage!” As much as he wished to continue berating his own work and breaking things, he knew he couldn’t linger there long.  His improvising had left him vulnerable to discovery, already people were looking to see where that powerful blast had come from, though more were simply trying to find shelter in case the onslaught were to continue.  Collecting most of his things haphazardly, the killer stood and rolled onto his heels towards the tiny passageway he’d found his way through earlier that day.  He had been planning to leave Zaun as soon as he’d accomplished his work anyway, but it’s simultaneous success and failure had ensured his departure.  Once he gathered the seldom few necessities he’d left in a safe space nearby, he’d be out on the next boat.  Siren began screaming in the distance.  
He needed to reassess his work.  He needed to get his inspiration back.  It was time to go home. 
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saey707 · 3 years
Hello! {2-02-22}
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Introduction 🍓
Hello everyone. For those of you who don’t know me already, I am Saey ♡ and I write bulky headcanon-formatted "character x reader" tales/shorts. I was previously known in the Arcana fandom on this platform, but later became a well-renowned League of Legends and Arcane fandom "x reader" author instead! I have been a huge fan of League of Legends since 2014 and have been creating actual content for LoL (cough, Kayn content, cough...) since I was in high school.
I want to give you all a little insight into why I began writing trigger-heavy content, especially because I know a lot of my pieces can be considered questionable or morally wrong.
In high school, I developed very bad agoraphobia after a series of traumatic events. I had really bad paranoia and a myriad of other mental health issues, as a result, and was kept in isolation rooms during school for multiple years because of it. I have been to over 5 therapists, but none could help me.
Writing in my downtime became my way of coping with my trauma. It made me feel less alone. Tapping into uncomfortable subjects became more painless to write than love and romance (but now I can do both!! That's growth right there!) and I discovered if I don't confront my trauma and issues, I constantly think about them.
I have always been really shy when it comes to sharing my writing, but I wanted a space to put all of my work and share these pieces with others. I hope I am able to create a space where you feel like you can relax and not focus on your own traumas- Or even where you can come to confront them with me.
See you,
Saey ♡
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About This Blog
What do I blog about on well… this blog?
If it wasn't obvious already, I write League of Legends x reader and Arcane x reader headcanons of all genres and themes exclusively! I will also (potentially) post some art from time to time of LoL and Arcane. Finally, I will potentially post some old LoL!Character x OC things I have done in the past if I am unable to write anything bigger at certain intervals.
When will I be taking requests?
I usually will let you all know in a blog post, but I tend to not really take anything while I am in a semester! ❤️
Are there limitations to requests?
I tend to not have any limitations when it comes to what my readers can or cannot request. If you have seen my past works, you probably know I am a dark / 18+ / angst writer first and foremost. But, I will not write any mature headcanons for canonically underage League of Legends champions. There will be no exceptions to this.
Whats is my reader gender focus?
I try really hard to make the majority of my works gender-neutral so my headcanons are available to a wide audience of people. I do not often write male!readers. I do write a good portion of female!readers, however. It just depends on the vibe I try to go for in a headcanon and for comfort's sake.
What characters will I write about?
To be honest, I tend to really lean towards writing about my favorite edgelords •᷄ࡇ•᷅ However, this doesn't hinder me from writing about really cute girls! Below the next picture, you will find a compiled list with some of my favorite champions to write about ♡
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A mini list of champions I love writing about! (Check my pinned post for an extended version of this list <;3)
Aatrox, Akali, Aphelios, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Gwen, Jhin, Jinx, Kai’sa, Kayn, Lux, Seraphine, Shen, Thresh, Viego, Viktor, Xin Zhao, Yasuo, Zed, Zeri, Zoe
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shehili · 3 years
A one eyed squint from across the foyer of Jericho Swain's guest house(well, mansion really) is her first introduction to the other patron, in full regalia from mask to the tips of his weird pointy claw boots. He says nothing.
Mariam looked him up and down, as he knew she would, then fixated on the eye-holes, flitting between them as if it were an organic pair of eyes she was looking into and not cold, clean-cut metal. For a moment, she glimpsed a flicker of light in those inscrutable depths; a white pupil, or perhaps a reflection? She knew well the rumors surrounding this particular character. If her old friend had intended for her to perish in his guest house, she couldn’t but feel flattered at the effort — per her opinion, entirely disproportionate — that went into it.
She nodded in Jhin’s general direction, a universal salute. “Pleasure making your acquaintance. You may call me Mariam if you fancy the use of names.”
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Regardless of his reaction or lack thereof, she would move to inspect the refreshments that had been provided. A sweet herbal smell wafted up from the crystal pitcher, and as her fingers wrapped around the handle she took an extra moment to thumb the delicate flowers carved into it. Mariam had removed her gloves beforehand for better maneuvrability, so every smooth ridge was met by scarred, calloused skin that looked particularly misshapen against delicate teaware. Distractions aside, Mariam set two cups down and filled them almost to the brim. They were, in themselves, works of art; polished to a mirror-like finish, red paint thread squirming along the edges into abstract shapes resembling wings. The ceramic had been damaged and touched up as informed by the paint seams rising slightly above the original layer.
“Just like him, can’t show up to greet us himself so he arranged to have his best set put out for us,” she commented, though there was no real bite to it. “These must be at least as old as he is.” Next came the sugar, one-quarter spoon for herself. Mariam leveled a probing look at the virtuoso, silently asking his preference.
“My people produce and mold a material known as blood glass. Their skill is legendary, I think a distinguished artist like yourself would know to appreciate it.” The utensils were finally put away, with due care. “Have you ever been to Shurima?”
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adrischrv · 4 years
REGNUM [L.H] - Chapter 3
Author´s note: Hi! Here´s the third chapter! English is not my first language so lemme know if there are any mistakes. 
Word count:  2,902
Introduction.  C1. C2. 
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The morning after the ball was quiet. The lack of Queen Susan’s joyful life was as strange as the King’s laughter and everyone in the palace could feel it. Even, though I only knew them for a short time. I remembered finding my mother talking on the phone with the Queen about nonsense to serious business matters, I was infinitely grateful to the Queen for taking my mother away from a couple of lessons.
Gardenstone has a particular way of saying goodbye to its loved ones: people would write a word describing such people on an acorn, they would gather and water them all over the forest. A nice old lady explained to me that different trees sprouted like the oak tree and when they grew up a person was also born with the written word in a way that reflected the impact you have on the world even after you die. She could assure me that people with good intentions would come out of the words of Queen Susan, King Robert, and Prince Jake. 
“Fifty delivered and about… sixty more arrived.”
Luke nodded, tired. I left the piles of papers on the big desk in front of him and took a seat on the other side.
After he had been appointed King and after the farewell, thousands of petitions from citizens and nobles had arrived in the early hours waiting to be authorized. Seeing the load of papers, I offered to help Luke and avoid the collapse of my neighboring country. My mother decided to do the same on her own by talking to the dukes and duchesses who feared for the future of Gardenstone as it was justly uncertain. 
“I slept for two hours… and everyone wants me to approve petitions, I don’t understand why.”
Luke had spoken more to himself, but that didn’t stop me from laughing a little.
“What’s so funny?” He asked, paying attention for the first time all morning.
“Of course they want you to approve petitions. They’re taking advantage. Since your father, may he rest in peace, is no longer the king, they expect you to approve everything he didn’t. But I hope you have not approved many, parliament will have a lot to discuss and it will probably be exhausting.”
Luke was stunned, looking for the right way to hide his inexperience.
“It’s parliament’s job, exhausting or not.”
“They wouldn’t give the same importance to every role and something important might be disapproved of or something unimportant might be approved, it’s risky.”
“If you know so much, why don’t you do it?”
Clearly, the regulation of his tone had a flaw causing it to come out more aggressively than planned.
“It would be a pleasure. I firmly believe that I can do it better than you, Your Majesty.”
Luke let go of the pen in his hand and crossed his arms. If I didn’t think it was funny I’d say he was trying to be intimidating but suddenly he relaxed his gaze.
“I’d like to check that out. Oh, and also about approving petitions, princess.”
I clenched my fists but like him I relaxed my gaze, ready to give an intelligent answer.
“I’m sorry I dared to think I was talking to a king, when it is clear the long road you have to be considered one.”
The slamming of the door interrupted Luke from saying - surely - something stupid.
“Busy, Your Majesty?”
Calum’s brown hair peeked out, smiling at the sight of me.
“Go ahead, did you get any sleep, Cal?”
Calum snorted at Luke’s question, taking a seat next to me at the desk, and took an exhausted stance, dropping his hands down his pants.
“Are you kidding? Mom keeps calling, I had to turn off my Jhin just like Dad. Who, by the way, sent me to find out if you had authorized his request.”
The “Jhin”, modern devices from cell phones that had the option to call among other things, and characterized by a function that allowed an easy finding of information about any individual, in the past there were social networks that were eliminated in the International Revolution and changed by the Jhin.
“You find it in this rubble and I’ll authorize all the requests you want” Luke sighed leaning back in his seat and pointing to the papers in front of him.
Calum looked at him sorrowfully, none of them in the mood. Said and done, Calum managed to find the petition he recognized by the notorious “H” for “Hood” in one corner of the paper, leaving it on top of all the others.
Luke took it, signed it without hesitation, and took a second to read.
“You should read it and then sign it, you know?” Calum mentioned, gaining the satisfaction I hoped to get from correcting Luke.
“You have my absolute trust, you know?” Luke replied in the same tone without taking his eyes off the document, opened his big eyes, and handed it to Calum who accepted it immediately. “Are you my Diplomatic Adviser? What about your father?”
“After what happened last night, he thinks it’s time for me to take his place. I would eventually, but it seems to him that I need to be by your side now to support you and test my training,“ Calum replied, noting the anguish in his friend’s expression. 
I had nothing to say so I got up and directed my interest to the books on the shelves pretending not to pay attention.
“I suppose your father went with your mother to his village…”
“You guess right,” Calum paused for a moment. “Hey, I know you’re not well. It must be hard to lose your family… I can’t imagine waking up without my parents and my sister… but you’re not alone, I’m here if you need to talk.”
Luke smiled sideways, quietly accepting his proposal.
“You need to take a break, it’s all happening so fast,“ Calum said, almost reading his mind. “The kingdom needs you to be in good shape.”
Frustrated Luke rose from his seat to sit in the corner of the desk.
“I don’t know what else the kingdom needs, and that will be your first task. Also, stop sending in paperwork, close down the possibility of sending in a petition until further notice.”
I was going to tell him how reckless it was to shut down the arrival of petitions but I finally stopped to think about the matter I had provisionally ignored: I had no power in Gardestone and I didn’t know what was going to happen to the alliance. 
“His Majesty, His Highness, young Hood” A guard appeared at the door with cards in hand which he dealt to the three of them. “Their Majesties King Ashton and Queen Lauren of Lauxwell would like you to attend a dinner they have arranged for themselves tonight.“
“Are those harpies still in my palace?” Luke raised an eyebrow. The poor guard did nothing but nod. “Get rid of them. I want them out.”
“Are you crazy?” exclaimed Calum, clearing his throat as he realized the mistake he had just made. “I mean, are you sure you want the Irwins out? As your royal advisor, I don’t think it’s true to your word, your majesty. King Ashton won the duel and the terms-”
Luke raised a hand to stop Calum from talking. 
“Guard, I need privacy, if it’s not too much trouble…”
The Guard bade farewell with a bow. 
“You too, Princess,” said Luke, “you can request as many maids as you need for tonight, but that’s no reason for you to stay here another second.”
I blinked uncertainly as to how to respond to his insinuation… or insult. I was still debating what was most appropriate.
“Did I not make myself clear? -Or would you rather stay here and stare at me a little longer?”
“I can’t ask my eyes to meet this turtle,” I answered, in the most pleasant tone I could find and advanced to the door.
“Are you sure? I can turn around if you need to,“ I heard him scream from the hall.
Halfway down the hall, I decided that I had to set certain limits for “his majesty” if I was going to live with him and his insufferable attitude for one more second. With that in mind, I changed my direction back to the office and stopped short when I heard my name in the conversation.
“-I’m serious, Cal Amberly is unbearable!”
Eavesdropping had never been something I enjoyed, much less needed. I knew there was nothing good about it… and yet I stuck my back to the wall outside the office. 
“-the whole kingdom is depressed. Just by spreading the word about Princess of Maredale’s temporary stay they have begun to produce the best quality products, the children went out to play again” Calum debated. “Your people feel the comfort they have not received from their king.”
“Is that what they want? Miss “I got a lesson in something important” and “I can run a country on my own”?” Luke asked, trying to imitate my voice. “Nonsense! I bet she can’t choose which well-known book to read without help, so many classes have been useless if she can’t speak for herself and waits for her mother to do all the work for her. A babbler! that’s what she is. Even that Ashton idiot has more courage than she does.”
I thought I’d walk through that door to tell him how wrong he was. I could even make a scene and choose to tear all of his fine clothes into pieces that would be scattered all over the palace. 
But I didn’t. Because deep down I knew he was right.
I spat cautiously. My eyes were threatening to drop the tears. 
“Please, Luke. You don’t know what you’re saying,“ Calum replied. “Queen Elizabeth is going to be back any minute and I don’t think she’d like to hear the way you express about her daughter.“
“If the Queen does anything, it will only show what a coward the Princess is.”
Without realizing it, I was walking with a strong step to my room.
Luke was telling the truth, what was the point of taking classes and lectures if I couldn’t speak for myself?
Ashton had said it too, though much more subtly. He implied that I could take charge of my destiny and it must not be like my mother had planned all along. 
Courage- I didn’t have it. I wanted to find it and show it off like a new toy, but that’s not how it works. 
“Princess, I was looking for you.”
Lidia interrupted my walk into the room, looked into my eyes that were probably already a little red and wet. She gave me a warm smile and took my hands and led me into the room. I sat down on the edge of the bed and talked, holding back my sobbing.
“Lidia, I was about to do the same thing, but…”
She hissed as her hands were lost in the closet.
“Quiet, from the look of your beautiful face I can tell you heard something…”
Lidia stood in front of me with a bright ruby red dress in her hands, a golden ribbon, the colors of the Gardenstone, all around. The silk fabric adjusted perfectly to my body, falling to my feet with a discreet opening at the side of my right leg; the waves of my hair embraced me. Suddenly it did not seem that I had been crying for the fool that the King was.
“….and by the look of you in this dress, I can tell you will shut the same mouths that said something about you.”
The main dining room shone on its own even though the green decoration was quite noticeable, it looked like Christmas. The red walls looked soft, smooth, and warm, I liked to think that and the spruce chairs had been Queen Susan’s idea. In the center I expected a long table with food, a lot of exquisite food, I didn’t think I had seen those delicacies before, I assumed they were typical of Lauxwell. Around the table, the guests - mostly servants of the palace - had already begun to enjoy the food, while the nobles were talking and eating slowly. 
I took a breath, looked up, and entered the dining room. 
Lauren saw me first, smiled for a second, and went on with her meal. At her side, Ashton adjusted his tie and looked at me for a few seconds directly in the eyes as if he wanted to tell me something. My mother, who had returned from her talks, nodded approvingly. Calum took his attention off a plate, looked at me, and elbowed Luke. Luke did not flinch. 
“Sorry I’m late, go on with your dinner.“
“Princess, please sit next to me.” Ashton stood up, offering a chair. 
“No, sit next to me.” Luke did the same. “You are a guest in my kingdom, after all.“
They shared a challenging look, Luke just wanted to annoy Ashton and have the satisfaction of being able to ignore me all night. 
Luke’s eyes were fixed on me, seeking a truce not to favor Ashton.
“I am flattered, your Majesties,” I smiled innocently, “but I find the company of King Ashton more… appropriate.”
I took a seat next to Ashton. He politely placed a glass of red wine in my hands, for a moment our fingers brushed and I felt my cheeks warm slightly.
“Your Majesty Luke,” called my mother, “I am proud to report that all the dukes and duchesses are now calm again in their respective states. I have said some flattering things about you…”
“Thank you, your maje-”
“I hope I’m not wrong…”
I looked for my mother’s look on the other side of the table along with the opportunity to tell her that she was wrong, so wrong…
“I hope my daughter has contributed something today.”
Too late to talk about Luke.
I alerted the blond man’s intentions, as dirty as mine a few seconds ago. He had the luxury of taking a sip of red wine before responding.
“I found the company of Princess Amberly a bit… “ He looked me straight in the eye “…Comfortable.”
I took a bite of my food, waiting for him to cut off eye contact. He didn’t. The urge to stick something into those blue eyes increased with every second…
“If you find it so comfortable I can suggest that you keep it with you for a while longer.”
My mother’s words not only interrupted the discreet discussion between our eyes but also took us both by surprise. 
“What do you mean by that, Mother?” I asked.
“I am going back to Maredale, and seeing first-hand the opportunities you have at Gardenstone to demonstrate your potential, I think it is necessary for you to stay here. If His Majesty Luke approves, of course.”
“Of course I approve, Queen Elizabeth. It will be a real… pleasure.”
I didn’t look at Luke, I didn’t look at anyone. I released all frustration of such a decision at the plate in front of me.
Lauren told a story about a night she had decided to stand guard at a volcano on the Lauxwell border near a funeral home. She described it as a bleak, lifeless place too cold for even the heat of the lava to drive away. A giant beast with big legs and a wet muzzle with traces of blood was found, a wolf big enough for her to have faced it alone… but she had done it, she had hunted the beast and divided the skin among her friends in her kingdom. There was something so horrific about her story that made it interesting and kept us all at the table expectant and eager to hear more. 
Throughout the dinner I felt an extra pair of eyes on me, I had the luxury of finding the owner, and the simple fact that they belonged to a certain self-centered brat brought a smile to my face. 
“-that’s how I took my father to the bandits who threatened the kingdom. They will rot forever, end.” She took her cup up and drank it to the bottom. Everyone around her applauded, sighs of relief and fear sounded as well. 
“Thank you, sister. With these stories full of courage, we thank you for attending this dinner.”
Ashton extended a hand indicating to the servants to leave the dining room nicely, some stopped and thanked him, others took leftovers from the table mistakenly hidden between napkins and took them away. 
“Ridiculous, we have never forbidden them to eat. I guess we’ll have to start.“
Luke mumbled to Calum, he laughed but his face was afraid, he thought Luke was capable of it. 
Seconds later the two left the dining room followed by Lauren who walked with her head held high despite being under the influence of alcohol. I admired her in silence. 
A black hair stood in my way, accompanied by a wide smile. 
“Amberly, would you accompany me on a night walk in the gardens?”
“Of course.” 
Our arms intertwined, I tried not to blush at the sudden closeness as we got lost in the garden with the moon guiding our every step. 
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foureyesandpizza · 6 years
Hi BNHA/MHA fans! So I made a fanfiction after 5 years of hiatus. The first chapter is only a lore/introduction and this is Villain! Deku Alternative Universe. This is also inspired by Jhin of League of Legends. Reviews would be highly appreciated! Support my journey of finishing this story and let me know if you could help, just send me a DM here or my fanfiction account. I hope you like it and thank you very much! 
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Hello There I: Introductions
Breathes in the memes
Let’s do it like I’m trying to make an OC. Taken from this person.
Name: Bunny Age: Old enough. Sex: F Sexual Orientation: If I can make you feel good, then that’s my sexual orientation. Current status:
Shark  ♥
Fox  ♠
Political Party: A Birth date: 11/27 Birth place: Planet Earth Occupation: Student Hobbies/Pastimes: Sometimes, I like to draw, talk about existential dread, and study. Other times, I’m probably binge watching something. Talents: Plenty.
Biggest role model: Humans. Why? Humans are amazing.
Backstory: One day, I decided to make this tumblr account. So I did. Height: Under 180 cm Weight: Under 91 kg Tattoos/Scars? There’s none. Glasses/Contacts? Glasses Style (Elegant, shabby, etc): Freedom. How does s/he dress or what do they typically wear? Anything I can move comfortably in. Jewelry: Brown-beaded and glazed bracelets. Other accessories: Hats. Lots of hats. Weapons:  Taser. Health: Bad. Pretty bad.
Character's long-term goals/desires in life: To be content. Secret desires: I like carrots How self-confident is the character? Very. How do they see him/herself? A bunny. How do they express themselves? Various ways. Is this character generally dominant or submissive? Switch. Patience level: Very high. Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? It’s illogical to ignore your emotions, and you can’t be objectively logical if you feel that there is no objective to achieve.
If they could be described with one of the seven virtues, which would it be? Kindness. If they could be described with one of the seven sins, which would it be? Envy Optimist or Pessimist: I am pessimistically optimistic. Greatest Fear: Monophobia. Likes: Pomegranates and Tea. Dislikes: Everything else. Favorite: Learning. Favorite Subject in school: Science Favorite Animal: Bunny. Favorite Music genre: I enjoy those types where the music is happy but the lyrics are morbid. Favorite Motto/Personal quote: “The essence of a thing is found only in its absence.” --Jhin (LOL)
Describe character's sense of morals: If I could describe it, I would. If they could sum up the meaning of life, what would they say?: An abstract piece that we all view differently. How does this character deal with or react to: Conflict/Danger: In general, I react impulsively. Rejection: Bitterly. Fear: I’m not so sure. Change: Welcoming. Loss: Welcoming. Sex/Flirting: Welcoming. Pain:  ♥ Stress:  ♥ Peer pressure: Bitterly. What does this character think/feel about? Marriage: If you like marriage, then it’s for you. Children: Little creatures that can learn a lot and will learn as best as they can. Family/Family Values: Our roots we must remember as we rise to the top. Children/Youth: Fleeting but never left. Old age: Some are privileged to see the future, or doomed to see what we have done. Sex: It feels good. Love: A very good expression to feel, with ill-will emotions and good emotions constantly butting heads with each other. Friendship/Other relationships: Any relationship starts with two key aspects: trust and communication. Homosexuality: It’s your business. Money/Material things: Is it your pleasure? Politics: A. Religion: B. Destiny/Duty: Obligations are to be met if one feels that it should be met. Magic/Myth: They are real in the mind of the beholder. Only they know the truth of what they have seen. Racism: For the humans, race describes something entirely different. A very sinister thought to keep alive. Science/Technology: They are part of the reason why we are able to think the way we do. Nature/Animals: This is the other part of the reason why we are able to think the way we do. Modernity: What we make modern will become the past that we tell stories about. Antiquity: Like music sheets, we are the musicians that brings what is written to life. Their past: My past does not dictate what I do now, but it has made me who I’ve become. Their future: The future is now, as long as I live. Their role in society/job/etc: I am a human just like you. Drugs and alcohol: The usage of hard drugs and alcohol is not my business. Killing/Murder: Although it’s natural to kill and die, it’s not something we have to accept. Like diseases, we will find a way to keep it in check.
What motivates this character? Why? The failure of others. I can’t get better in life without comparing my “good” to the “bad”. What discourages this character? Why? Alienation. What makes this character happy? Why? Heated Conversations. How is s/he perceived by... Strangers? People say that I am interesting to talk to. Friends? Only they know me What happens to change this perception if at all? When they become my friend, people will soon realize that there’s more to it than meets the eye.
Describe their sense of trust None
That’s it.
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saey707 · 2 years
Champions I Write
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Heyo! If you read my introduction, this is an extended version of champions I write (great source to see before requesting). So, chances are you came here to see which champions I write about >:3 As stated in my rules before:
1. I rarely write animal champions, but you are still free to try and catch my interest
2. I don’t write anything explicit / NSFW for champions that are canonically children / underage.
Thanks for stopping in!
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼ ✿ ✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
Current Champion Lineup (つ・▽・)つ Note: Champions I love writing are in pink! <3
Aphelios / Alune
Kayn / Rhaast / SA
Miss Fortune
Twisted Fate
Xin Zhao
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼ ✿ ✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
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