#iris west defense sqaud
zayray030 · 4 years
Iris legit goes through the worst shit in the Flash. Like their isn't a season where she can relax and not be attacked from all sides.
Her best friend was sent into a coma for 9 months and his heart kept stopping.
She couldn't enioy time with her boyfriend because her father was an overprotective ass.
Her best friend lied to her bout his powers because her father told him it would keep her safe.
Her boyfriend was brought into this shit and also continued to lie to her.
Her fiancé killed himself right in front of her.
And guess what!? She was forced to forgive them in one episode and move on from Eddie and not properly grieve because she had to help Barry with his grieving.
Her best friend continued to ignore her and refused to allow her to be their for him even though she was going through the same thing as him.
Her mother, who her father told her was dead, came back and she chose not to speak to her because she wanted to protect him.
She found out she had a brother and had to get used to him and when she tried to help him she got hurt.
Her brother got kidnapped by Zoom even though he had nothing to do with this.
She grieved for Eddie in one episode because of a video from the past.
Her mother died before they can reconnect.
Barry goes back and changes the time line.
She finds out that she's going to be killed by her Fiancé.
She gets coddled by all sides and isn't allowed to go out their and find a way to live her life.
Caitlin kidnaps her step mother and threatens to kill her.
Caitlin is part of her killing procese.
She gets proposed to out of fear.
Her fiancé goes into the speed force even though they were supposed to get married.
She's the leader of the team and that has so much responsibility for her.
She gets seen as the bad guy for not wanting to rescue Barry out of the speed force even though she was scared that he wouldn't want to come home.
She's forced to work on the same team as the woman who tried to kill her and doesn't even get her apology.
Her bachelorette party gets interrupted because of the woman who tried to kill her.
She's forced to help the woman who tried to kill her after she basically guilted her by saying she wasn't her friend.
She then makes said woman her maid of honor for plot purpose.
Her wedding gets attacked by Nazis.
Then her wedding gets interrupted by her new maid of honour.
Her husband is then framed for murdering a man and she spends sleepless nights wondering if he's okay.
She gets stabbed by the woman who framed her husband.
She's seen as the bad guy for wanting nothing to do with her.
Her daughter from the future comes back and is instantly cold to her.
She tries to bond with said daughter but she still hates her.
She found out that she dampened her daughters powers.
She goes into her daughters memory and finds an over exaggerated momory of her being abusive.
She finds out her daughter is working with Thawne.
Iris is seen as the bad guy for wanting her daughter back.
Her daughter dies right in front of her.
She gets attacked by Cicata.
She has to deal with crisis.
She needs to deal with the possibility that her husband will die and that she can't get him back.
She gets kidnapped into a mirror.
She was targeted to get assassinated.
Her father was also targeted.
She has to watch her friends and family interact with a fake version of her for weeks on end.
The witch who attacked her left her and her friends in the mirror.
She is now suffering a mental illness.
She might not get out of the mirror.
All I'm saying is that Iris can't sit down is peace for longer than 5 seconds without getting attacked. And I'm sure that I'm missing more stuff but i can't remember them right now.
Like or Reblog if you agree and comment any more times where Iris is attacked.
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xswestallen · 6 years
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Edit by xiriswest on Instagram
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zayray030 · 4 years
You know what I want.
I want a fic where Iris feels insecure about her place on Team Flash. I want her to have doubts. I want those doubts to be justified.
I want her to spiral down and nobody notices and they make it worse until Oliver or Sara see how insecure she is.
I want either Oliver or Sara to train her. I want those two to send her to the League of Assassins for more training.
I want Team Flash to realise how bad they've been treating her. I want them to realise that they've been in the wrong.
I want Barry to be confused. Why would Iris want to be trained. And then when he does realise, he doesn't try to stop her. He accepts her for it and is so proud and falls in love with her even more.
I want Joe to be against it at first. I want him to be overbearing. Until he realises that Iris benefits from this and for the first time she's so happy that he allows it and doesn't stop her.
I want Cisco and Caitlin to try and make it up to her and still feel, even years after, guilty for pushing her aside.
I want Iris to invite the Nyssa to her wedding with Barry. I want her to invite those who have helped her grow stronger.
I want her and Oliver to grow a sibling relationship and he gives Barry the shovel talk when he proposes.
I want Iris to become a bad ass after acknowledging her insecurities. I want her to be proud of the person she's become.
I want Nora West Allen to be proud of her mother and wanting to be like both her parents.
I want Iris West Allen to have an exciting AU with the LoA, Oliver and Sara. I want this so much but I know this will only happen to Caitlin and I'm so pissed.
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zayray030 · 4 years
You're an amazing person, Iris!
Summary: Alex and Kara have to visit Barry for help on something but end up finding Iris crying. They comfort her as best as possible and reassure her that she's an amazing person!
Iris sat in the Cortex all alone. Everyone had decided to go out and hang out with Nora. They had wanted to show her all the things that the Flash museum hadn't covered and Iris had declined the visit upon seeing Nora’s face when Barry had invited her to go and told the others that she needed to finish off a very important article for her blog.
Nora had just rolled her eyes and scoffed at her all while muttering about “not being able to make time for her daughter in any timeline” under her breath, low enough for no one else to hear but loud enough for Iris to hear, before turning over to the rest of the team and squealing happily, declaring it ‘Mata day’ for them and quickly dragging them out of the building.
Barry had shot her a small frown adn mouthed if she was okay over Nora’s shoulder. She had nodded, grateful for the fact that the water works haven't started yet, and mouthed back “Enjoy time with your daughter.” before the elevator doors slid closed and then did she collapse in her chair, crying heavily.
She didn't know how long she had sat in the Cortex, crying and lamenting over the fact that she fucked her relationship with her daughter, before a breach was open and Iris had to hastily wipe her tears. She drew out a gun from underneath her desk and pointed it at the breach,expecting to see someone from another earth or to see an evil meta who had breaching powers. Instead there stood Kara and Alex in all their glory.
“Wait, we come in peace!” yelled Kara, holding her hand up in defence before she put them down again and looked at Iris carefully. “Hey Iris, are you okay?” she asked worriedly when she saw the prominent tear tracks on her face.
Iris nodded and wiped her face quickly before smiling widely at Kara. Too wide to be real. “Hey Kara! Alex! What did you need?” she asked, her excitement sounding too fake, even to her.
“Well we were going to ask if Barry was here and if we could talk to him. But now? We're going to find out why you're so upset!” declared Kara, flying over to the petite woman.
“Kara! We need Barry right now!” snapped Alex.
“He's out with Nora and the rest.” said Iris, feeling hurt spread through her body and she quickly looked down to make sure her tears weren't seen.
“Who's Nora and why aren't you with them?” asked Kara, raising an eyebrow. The situation didn't seem right to her. Barry gushed about Iris every second he got and there was no way he would have gone without her.
“Umm, Nora’s mine and Barry's daughter from the future.” said Iris, preferring to ignore the second question. Alex looked at her for a second before rolling her shoulder and raising an eyebrow.
“Okay, princess. What's up? You're normally happy and excitable and would normally be talking our ear off about something or the other.” asked Alex, hands on her hips.
“Apparently people don't stay happy and excitable in the future!” Iris snapped, turning to glare at the taller woman and Kara gasped softly when she saw the tears running down Iris's cheeks.
“Iris! What happened!?”
“I was a bad mother is what happened!” Iris answered, curling up into herself, disappointed to find out that she couldn't shrink down on herself.
“How could you bad mother Iris? You're amazing in every way possible! Even Oliver likes you!” she added in an effort to make the small woman laugh but instead it made it worse and she let out choked little sobs.
“I dampened my own daughter's powers! I stopped her from using her powers for most of her life! I lied to her about everything!” Iris yelled, standing up while more tears fell down her cheeks. “I was barely there for her when she as abusky and when I was, I was way too overbearing and-and-” but Iris lost the battle with her tears and quickly collapsed onto the floor, sobbing her heart out.
Kara quickly pulled the girl into a hug, trying to soothe her. She even tried to sing a song her mother would sing to her when she was feeling upset but that wasn't working. If anything it made it worse. She quickly shit Alex a look and the girl understood what it meant.
‘Get chocolate, Alcohol, ice cream and candy galore for this woman along with a horde of blankets.’
Alex quickly reopened a breach and quickly started looking around Kara's apartment for stuff and quickly grabbed some mint chip ice cream, candy canes, twizzlers and more and quickly grabbed a few blankets before making her way back.
When she breached back and showed the items to Kara she nodded as if to say ‘Good choice.’ before she started to lol around with her X-ray at the walls of the lab and quickly found a room she could use.
She gathered Iris up in her arm, still sobbing, and quickly flew over to the lounge/canteen area and placed the girl gently on the sofa before flying back and picking her sister up.
Kara and Alex did quick work on the situation and wrapped Iris in the blankets and layed out the food in front of her. They cuddled her, yes even Alex, and soothingly spoke to her.
“Hey, it's okay. It'll be okay.” murmured Alex softly stroking the black woman's hair.
“Yeah! We love you Iris!” agreed Kara excitedly and Iris couldn't keep her wet giggle to herself. Kara's excitement was so endearing, it reminded her of Barry.
“Thanks guys.” she finally said, sitting up slightly, wiping away her tears with her hand feeling slightly embarrassed at crying in front of them.
“Hey, a friend in need is a friend in need.” said Kara waving away her gratitude.
“Now, cause it's kinda obvious that you don't want to talk about what happened, and because what we wanted earlier can wait we're going to be watching a few movies. .” declared Alex. “And yes, we can watch the Wizard of Oz.” she added when she saw Kara's face.
“Yay! We're so watching that first!” she said excitedly and they quickly started the movie on the TV. Half way through the movie Iris began speaking.
“When she first came it was so unexpected. But I was so happy. I thought this was the universe's way of saying, ‘Here, sorry for fucking with your life way too many times to be considered fair. Here, have your daughter and raise her for a small period of time.’ pfft. What a joke. She barely even gave me the time of day apart from the occasional cold glance and hidden words.”
Kara nodded and rubbed the girl's shoulder. She knew that you had to let it all out before letting someone interrupt. Alex did the same and slowly pulled Iris I to her chest a bit.
“But ten when I was trying to stop her from flirting with a woman who was almost responsible for the death of hundreds of people, she revealed that in the future I decided to dampen her powers. I dampen her powers. I take away something that I should not have taken away. And Barry stuck between being a good husband to making sure Nora doesn't run off and the others say they aren't taking sides but I can tell that they're all leaning towards Nora’s side and I-. I don't know what to do.” she finally let out. She grabbed the tequila bottle from the table and took a long hulo if it.
“We know that you wouldn't have done it without reason. We know you wouldn't have done it without purpose. We know that you love that little girl to be bits. We know that you're an amazing mother.” said Alex firmly.
“And we also know that you've had enough alcohol to make even Barry drunk.” Kara added and Iris let out a little giggle.
“I know. But Barry's cute when he fusses. He gives me this look as if I'm the only thing in the world worth looking at.” she said happy drunk. Kara and Alex looked over at each other both conveying completely different looks. Kara sap and happiness while Alex showed concern.
“Speak on the angel and he shall arrive.” said Kara, picking up the noise of Barry's heartbeat.
“I thought it was the devil?”
“Please, Barry's the farthest thing from a devil.”
“IRIS!” Barry yelled and Kara could hear the desperateness in his voice.
Barry quickly sped over to the canteen, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw Iris between Alex and Kara before immediately narrowing when he saw the alcohol.
Soon the others joined Barry and Nora looked worriedly at her mother's drunk form.
“Barry!” her mother giggled before anyone else could ask what happened. She tried to walk over to him but she tripped and would have fell if Barry didn't catch her and pick her up, bridal style.
“I love you so much!” she giggled into his neck where her face was placed. Everyone smiled at the scene in front of them before hearing their hearts break at the next few words. “Do you love me?”
“Of course I do Iris! Why wouldn't I?” he asked, baffled and confused.
“I'm not a good mom. Duh. Nora says I'm absolutely awful! Like Francine! But I don't want to be like Francine! I want to be better! I am better, aren't I?” she pouted at the brunette.
“You're the best!”
“Yay! Do you think I can convince Nora that I'm a good mother? Do you think she'll let me talk to her at all? Ooh, what do you think her favourite flowers are…?” and as her mother continued to ramble, Nora’s guilt continued to grow.
“It's going to take a long time to get her forgiveness. Sure, she might act like she's fine, but honestly she'll constantly feel hurt.” whispered a voice in her ear before she jumped at the sound and saw Kara on her side.
“I know.” she said simply.
“We aren't going to kay it out on you right now because Iris is way too drunk and Barry seems happy.” muttered Lex on her other side. Bira just bowed her head down in shame and nodded.
“If you want her forgiveness try and get to know her. Really know her.” Kara softly whispered into her ear. Nora nodded slightly before speeding over to her mom and giving her a kiss in the cheek.
“Come on old man! Mom needs her sleep and you need your beauty sleep.” she added playfully before turning to her now unconscious mother and Nora couldn't help but admire the smoothness of the skin without worry lines blemishing the skin.
“Yeah lets. And we need to make sure we stop at every available store for mint chip chocolate and ice cream when she wakes up.” he added before the West-Allen family disappeared out of sight.
“Shit! We forgot to ask Barry for help on the CSI case!” exclaimed Alex.
“Forget that! Who's going to clean up this mess!” snapped Caitlin.
“We're visitors, so yeah! Adiós!” Kara said before opening up a breach grabbing Alex, and flying off.
“At least madame West-Allen got a happy ending.” said Sherloque.
“And since you care about that so much you can clean up!” snapped Caitlin, already matching out with Ralph and Cisco following behind her.
“Of course. At least I get a few more hours to go through Nora’s journal.” Sherloque whispered to himself, already beginning to clean up.
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zayray030 · 4 years
I would like to kindly remind everyone that Wally is Iris's nephew and he and Barry would have absolutely no connection if she hadn't met Barry and married him later on so please, if you're going to write any fic with Barry and Wally don't make it to look like that Barry and Wally have known each other since Wally was in diapers and have him adopt him with Hal or whatever.
Iris is amazing and kick started Kid Flash so kindly don't write her off.
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zayray030 · 4 years
Iris West Headcanon
Iris and Sara grew really close because Wally and Jax became BFFs who both loved cars.
As both Jax and Wally would visit each other frequently from the other team Iris and Sara accompanied them.
They started talking initially about their teams and small mindless chatter until Sara called Iris and asked if she could meets her in a pub in Central City.
Iris went slightly confused but then she saw Sara and she looked like a mess. She slowly sat down next to her and Sara just burst like a dam and started talking about the team and how it was becoming more difficult to handle them.
She maybe strong but a girl always has a breaking point in her life.
After Iris soothed her she started talking about her own experiences as team leader and the slight fear she has every time she does something or someone belittles her.
Eventually they both got so drunk that they had to hire a cab and instead of going to the loft they went to star labs and went to the canteen to eat and the next day they woke up with bitches of a hangover.
That's how both their teams found them after hours of worry.
They were planning on lecturing them because in their eyes they were meant to be more responsible than getting this drunk and not informing anyone.
That is until Sara picked up a knife that missed Barry's head by an inch.
'Nice shot'
'I have a hangover. Kinda hard to actually aim for the dicks head.'
'True. But if you, give me your gun I bet i can shoot Nates head'
'Now, that would be satisfying'
After both teams surely piss them selves in fear they ask what the hell is wrong. The girls respond with 'Stress, impatience and the unneeded company of idiots who think just because they're part fo this team they can be dicks to us.'
After that everyone learnt not to mess with Iris or Sara.
Like or Reblog if you think this should have happened somewhere in the series.
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zayray030 · 4 years
Iris West Headcanon
Iris and Thea grew a sisterly bond because they both went through a time in their life where their family and loved ones lied to them to 'protect them'
They both grew really protective of each other and constantly shared information from the other side with the other.
Thea and Iris also went on a trip around a few countries so they can heal over the betrayal that they felt and found out that they had a few things in common.
Suffice to say Oliver, Barry and Joe are terrified every time they meet because they each aim a glare at the person who hurt the other. And honestly those two together is a force to be wrecked with.
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zayray030 · 4 years
Someone send me an Iris West one shot prompt where I don't stupidly turn it into a full fic story please!!!!
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xswestallen · 6 years
There are so many reasons to love Grant Gustin but let’s take a second to celebrate this one: HE STOPPED SNOWBARRY FROM EVER BEING CANON!!!!!!!
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xswestallen · 6 years
I see people in fandom say that they can’t like Iris “due to her poor writing”, but I don’t understand their point. Iris is one of the best, most consistently written characters on the show. Some other characters on this show are written very inconsistently, so I don’t get it. I’m not used to being in the Flash fandom, so would you mind explaining how Iris’ writing is terrible according to the fandom? Is it just because Barry actually listens to her opinions? Because she’s black?
People claiming to dislike Iris because of poor writing are just making excuses. They never liked Iris. The writing of her hasn’t changed. For four seasons Iris has been one of, if not the, most consistently written characters. 
Iris has always Barry’s number 1 source of comfort and strength. He said so multiple times in season 1 and it shown to us firsthand in 1x21. She has always cared about The Flash and helping him save the city. Before she knew The Flash was Barry, she was writing her blog in the hopes of convincing the entire city that the mysterious red blur was a superhero saving people. 
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In season 2 when she knew that Barry was The Flash, she became part of the team. When Barry was unable to lead for whatever reason, Iris stepped up. In 2x01 when Barry didn’t want the team helping him anymore, Iris brought the team back together. She was leading everyone with the plan of getting Zoom off their Earth in 2x23. 
In 3x01 Flashpoint timeline where Wally was The Flash, she was his only support. They were a brother sister crime fighting duo. The Cisco in that timeline only provided Wally’s suit, the Joe was a deadbeat, and they’s never met the Caitlin. When Barry had to fight The Rival, Iris is the one who gave him the strength to do it. Then, when he had to say a heartbreaking goodbye to his parents and restore the timeline, Iris gave him both physical and emotional support, nobody else was there for him.
Iris took over as team leader in season 4 because Barry was in the speedforce, Joe had to work in the field as a cop, Cisco and Wally had to fight in the field as Vibe and Kid Flash, Caitlin left the team, and Harry went back to his Earth. Iris was the only one who could lead the team. She kept everyone together and kept the city safe. 
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Iris’ journalism also had a well written, natural progression throughout the series. She starts off not very interested in her journalism class in 1x02, then becomes more invested in the craft when The Streak gets her attention. That’s when she starts writing for fun and to show the people of Central City the truth. Iris was serious about being a journalist. She got a job, and like most rookies in a field, was doubted at first. She proved herself and worked her way up from just covering Flash fluff pieces to real pieces. She wrote about real estate scams, organized crime, illegal weapons trafficking, and more. 
When Barry went into the speedforce, Iris stepped away from her passion in journalism to lead the team like Barry wanted. She held the team and the city together for 6 months. She was selfless enough to put what she wanted to do to the back burner and focus on helping as many people as she could in this new role that was forced on her rather than chosen by her. When Barry was back and things settled, Iris went back to writing on her blog. She exposed Devoe and cleared Barry’s reputation.
Iris has also been consistently written as selfless and immensely forgiving. She has always put the needs of others ahead of her own. From risking her safety by writing about The Flash in early season 1 so that Barry would believe in the impossible again, to forgiving the mother who abandoned her so that she could be there in her mother’s dying days and support her brother, to refusing to let Barry compromise his values by killing or letting criminals walk even if it meant saving her life.
Yes, there are some unrealistic aspects to Iris’ writing. But, there are unrealistic aspects to every character and every storyline’s writing. This is a superhero show. It’s not suppose to be realistic. Why is Iris the one who is always called out and hated when her writing in unrealistic? I think Iris beating up some bad guys in various episodes, or coming up with the ideas to help Barry is a lot less unrealistic than Cisco inventing new kinds of weapons in a matter of hours or Caitlin curing any team member’s aliment with a few stitches. People nitpick Iris’ writing not because it’s worse than everyone else’s, but because they hate Iris and are trying to come up with reasons to justify that.
Iris is the most consistently written character. She feels more real to me than a lot of the other characters due to the depth of emotion we’ve seen in her story over the past four years. 
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xswestallen · 6 years
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SnowBarry shippers straight up admitting they wish Danielle Panabaker played Iris and they’d ship WestAllen if she did.
So, they don’t hate Iris, they hate Candice Patton. They don’t think Barry and Caitlin are perfect for each other, they think Danielle should be the leading lady.
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