FlanaryRon-NS EB YumaTurn-IrondaleVA-4-9-91 by Ron Flanary
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If you see a hopscotch game on the ground in front of you, you must play it. I don't make the rules, that's just how it is.
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jgthirlwell · 5 months
05.04.24 Ekmeles perform Georg Friedrich Haas for the Bang On A Can Long Play Festival. At Irondale in Brooklyn
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betzabobababi · 2 years
Incorrect Avengers #16
Steve: Peter I think we found out what your other superpower is
Peter: What is it?
Steve: You're super naturally annoying
Peter: What can I say, like father like son.
Tony: Did you just say I'm annoying?
Peter: Did you just confirm you're my father?
Tony: *glaring at Steve* *sarcastically* Thank you capscicle.
Peter showing up to Steve's room
Peter: Hey Mr. Captain America, here's the 50 for helping me out earlier in the confirmation
Steve: No problem kid but my fee is now 70
Peter: wHaT wHy
Steve: Because stark is pissed at me for giving for causing him to spill his darkest secret
Peter: ok fine here Mr. Captain America sir. *hands the 70 to him*
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tradedmiami · 10 months
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SALE IMAGE: Anthony Scavo & Dan Weinstein DATE: 11/17/2023 ADDRESS: 210 Automation Way MARKET: Irondale, AL (Birmingham MSA) ASSET TYPE: Industrial BUYER: Basis Industrial (@BasisIndustrial) - Anthony Scavo (@AnthonyScavoJr) & Dan Weinstein SELLER: Opa Holdings SALE PRICE: $4,725,000 SF: 90,000 ~ PPSF: $53 #Alabama #RealEstate #Irondale #Industrial #BasisIndustrial #OpaHoldings #TradedPartner #TradedMiami #TradedTexas #TradedNY #TradedNewYork #AnthonyScavo #DanWeinstein
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conandaily2022 · 11 months
St. James, Missouri teacher Rikki Lynn Laughlin arrested; Did she contact a boy via Snapchat?
Rikki Lynn Laughlin, 24, of Leadwood, Missouri, United States is originally from Irondale, Missouri. She is married to Grant Andrew Laughlin, 23. Rikki is an alumna of Central Methodist University in Fayette, Missouri. From 2019 to 2020, she was a preschool teacher’s assistant at East Missouri Action Agency (EMAA) Mid St. Francois County Head Start in Park Hills, Missouri. In June 2022, Grand…
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edwinspaynes · 1 month
People who lament Matthew not having a romance in TLH really missed the point 😭
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cetuscorvus · 2 years
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"Thank you. For bringing me here."
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Does the Irondale Pilferer count as a minor NPC? Can’t hate him for securing the bag ❤️
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amalgamat1on · 1 year
Alright, this will always stay near and dear to my heart because this series cemented me into adult fantasy stories. The characters are realistically flawed, there's great story development, and even though the spiciness is strong in book 1, it tones down afterward to make way for more satisfying world-building. Don't know how many times I've listened to the audiobook.
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Celestine Chronicles
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yeoldecorprusarium · 2 months
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I knew it was a niffler from the moment I got the quest, but it didn't disappoint me at all <3
Hogwarts Legacy [31/??]
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straycat-74 · 3 months
(Tess Irondale Narration)
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romancebooksformen · 2 years
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Good Intentions, book one of Good Intentions, by Elliott Kay. Audiobook narrated by Tess Irondale.
He knew it was a dumb stunt from the start. A midnight run through a cemetery to impress a couple of girls isn't the stuff of legend, but Alex Carlisle longs to escape the crushing mediocrity of life after high school.
Then he stumbles upon the ritual, and the cultists, and two bound and bloodied women. Alex intervenes and the ritual blows up in his face, leaving him bound to them both: Rachel and Lorelei, an angel and a succubus. It’s hardly the sort of challenge a guy can face with dignity when he still lives at home with his mom.
Alex never imagined falling for an immortal demon seductress, or that he’d spend his nights dodging her co-workers, her old boss, and every other supernatural freak in Seattle. He never thought a woman like Lorelei could have a rival like Rachel, either. But then, nobody ever said adulthood would be easy.
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9janewspoint · 2 years
Jennifer Rodriguez ewtn dead and obituary, irondale alabama – cause of death
Jennifer Rodriguez ewtn dead and obituary, irondale alabama – cause of death
The reason for Francisco Rodriguez’s death is keeping a very close secret. Some information about his passing will be published in a newspaper, but this won’t be the whole story. Additionally, people interested in reading more about his death will be able to access this information if it’s released in the future. Many websites and posts reported on the death of Jennifer Rodriguez, who was one of…
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sparxyv · 1 month
Mousey Student ID 💙🐭
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NOW 😏 time for Mousey's official introduction.. get ready for another huge infodump! (this one's even longer than Milena's I'm so sorry 😭😭)
Template by @kiwiplaetzchen !!! (Thank you again 😙🫶)
Mousey is the youngest of four brothers. Clyde, Lachlan, and Magnus.
His three big brothers have long since moved out of the McGregor house, going on to become very successful each in their own ways. They were all sorted into Ravenclaw, and were all part of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team at some point in time.
Mousey's mother - Florence McGregor (née Prewett) - is Leander Prewett's father's sister (so Leander's aunt lol). She was sorted into Gryffindor!
Mousey's father - Fergus McGregor - was sorted into Slytherin when he attended Hogwarts. Naturally, he is very prideful and ambitious - oftentimes (accidentally) placing pressure on his sons to pursue things that are not in their interest to impact the family legacy in a meaningful way. Fergus genuinely cares for his sons, he's just unaware of the effect his words have on their psyche. 🙁
Fergus McGregor was a keeper for the Montrose Magpies for 3 years before Magnus was born, and after that he decided to settle down for good. Quidditch was his passion, and he was ecstatic when all his sons shared the same love for it.
The McGregors have resided in Irondale for generations! They have a quite small house for a large family - but fret not, it's bigger than it looks on the outside.
Mousey is 5 years younger than the brother closest in age to him - Clyde - while his three older brothers are each only about two years apart from each other. This feeds into Mousey feeling like an outcast in his own family. (Clyde - 20, Lachlan - 22, Magnus - 24)
Life Before Fifth Year
Growing up, Mousey had always been an exceptionally anxious AND impulsively loud child, so he found it was a miracle he made friends with Anne Sallow during his first week at Hogwarts. Anne was always terribly kind to him, helping him out when he needed a shoulder to lean on, giving him lots of encouragement - which he so desperately needed. Anne, being extremely mischievous, self-confident, and empathetic, she made the perfect best friend for Mousey.
Mousey wasn't exactly a permanent addition to the Sallow Twins and Ominis' little group, but they would hang out with Mousey more often than not. Up until fourth year, they were practically his only friends. (We'll get to this in a bit.. 😙)
In order to impress his father - Mousey started training on a broom as soon as he first attended Hogwarts, but his heart was only half in it. Although he was very talented with a broom, it was never a true passion of his.
Speaking of Mousey's true passion - he is deeply fascinated by wandlore/craft. Ever since he recieved his first book on wandcraft at the age of seven, he quickly became entranced by it. Mousey absorbed all the information he possibly could and constantly visited Ollivanders in Hogsmeade in his free time once he was allowed to by the school.
Sometime at the start of fourth-year Sebastian and Mousey got into a HUGE argument that quickly ended their friendship. After this argument occured, Sebastian practically banned Anne and Ominis from speaking or interacting with Mousey in any way out of sheer pettiness 😒. Mousey was heartbroken. While he would swear up and down it did not affect him, he genuinely loved Sebastian, Anne, and Ominis.. losing their friendship was difficult on him. Although, sadness quickly turned to anger and he held a big grudge against Sebastian. After the big fallout, he vowed he didn't need them - immediately going on a quest to make as many friends as possible. And ultimately, he did.. but it never felt the same.
Like Milena, I'm planning on creating a separate series of posts going more in-depth with his relationships w/ characters - so take this list of his closest friends!
Ominis Gaunt
Anne Sallow
Milena Chase
Amit Thakkar
Everett Clopton
Andrew Larson
Samantha Dale
Duncan Hobhouse
Garreth Weasley
Leander Prewett
Eric Northcott
Poppy Sweeting
Arthur Plummly
Unnamed Students
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
Mousey is a complicated type of extrovert. He grew up constantly fighting for attention - he learned quickly that he needed to be loud and to stand out to be seen. Mousey is the type of person to only want a few close friends, but a large circle. He loves socializing with everyone, typically coming off as very cheery and playful, yet more snarky + sarcastic with people he's more comfortable with. However, he's also very anxious. He's quite the overthinker - yet never exactly thinks ANYTHING through at the same time. He's the epitome of impulsivity.
In addition to him being anxious - Mousey cares too much of what other people think of him, especially the people he loves/looks up to. He finds himself constantly trying to impress his friends and family because he craves external validation to feel good about himself.
Mousey is very sensitive, but can oftentimes be seen as apathetic when it comes to heated moments. He's very much controlled by his emotions and feelings, which has put a strain in a lot of his relationships. Mousey feels emotions more intensely than most of his peers, his mood also being affected by the people around him. (Although when he's not blinded by his own feelings, he is actually very sweet and caring person. 😞)
If there was one word to describe Mousey - NOSY. As a Ravenclaw, he's obviously inclined to want to know as much as he can about anything. With that being said, he's a NASTY gossip. Mousey knows everything about everyone, always around and listening in the background.. 😊
Just like how it is in other parts of Mousey's life, he feels that he's an outlier in his Hogwarts House. Other than being curious and passionate about learning, he isn't as clever as other Ravenclaws - not great at riddles, oftentimes having trouble even entering the common room. So he tries his best to make the best of it, befriending his housemates, joining the quidditch team, etc.
When it comes to being active, he can make an exception for Quidditch - for his father - but other than that, he HATES physical activity. Unfortunately he's a bit on the cowardly side as well. He could be reckless and get a burst of confidence, but in general Mousey is terrified of dueling, sharp things, large creatures, and especially cats. You wouldn't usually catch him out in the Forbidden Forest, or in any of the hamlets far from Irondale.
Additional Fun Facts!
The only people who don't refer to him as 'Mousey' would be Ominis, Imelda, and Milena - all for different reasons.
Mousey actually likes his nickname, not minding it one bit - although, he doesn't remember how he got it.. but even the teachers have called him Mousey since his first year.
He used to have very prominent buck teeth up until he was 13, having them magically fixed (by Anne Sallow) after his big brother Clyde had made fun of them.
Mousey is the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain and Keeper in sixth-year! 💙
Other than Sebastian, his nemesis at Hogwarts is Charlotte Morrison (whom Milena actually made friends with???). She just really irritates him in a way he can't describe. The feeling is mutual.
He is very close with a lot of the teachers, most notably Professor Fig and Professor Garlick.
Mousey makes wood-carving animals representing the people he loves, and keeps them in his dorm. (Some would be: Ominis - Bat, Anne - Fox, Sebastian - Snake, and the newest addition.. Milena - Eagle 💜 I like to imagine Mousey came to terms with his and Milena's friendship at one point and secretly made her little animal to keep 🥹) No one knows the meanings behind the animals but him. They are his to keep and to protect.
Bi icon 💙💜🩷
Had a crush on Adelaide Oakes in third-year. (his type is blondes I guess?)
Was nearly sorted into Slytherin, but the hat changed it's mind at the last second.
Raphael is the only feline that tolerates Mousey. (And vice versa)
Knows about the Undercroft.
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girl-named-matty · 1 month
Could you please write some headcanons of Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth, and Amit with a gn!reader who is obsessed with all the clothes they find while exploring. Their outfit changes every other day and are constantly showing them scarves,robes,outfits,etc. that they love. This is all in response to me while playing HL and seeing the outfit you get from finding all the house tokens. Thank you 😁
Fashion icon!! ✨
The boys and how they react to your wacky and questionable (yet somehow very stylish) clothing choices! Pairings: Could be considered an x reader since I use the term "you" but read it however you want!!🥰
This is such a cute idea and I had such a fun time writing it! Thank you for requesting!
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Okay, so he thinks it’s a little odd at first. 
Because you went from wearing your school uniform every day to all these wacky and “bold” fashion statements as if it were nothing. 
It started off with things like that and then it went to glasses. And now it’s full-blown mismatched yet stylish outfits. 
“Where in Merlin’s name are you finding all of these things?” Sebastian would ask. He was completely puzzled. 
And of course, you were happy to answer! 
“I got this in Irondale—Oh and this one is from a random chest in the middle of the forbidden forest!” You’d explain happily. 
“Oh, and this one I got from your neighbor's house in Feldcroft.” 
“Forget I said anything about that.” 
But soon, he looks forward to seeing what wacky combination of clothing you decide to wear. It makes showing up to his first class a lot more interesting and a lot more fun. 
Obviously, since he can’t see, he doesn’t know about all your outrageous fashion choices. 
But, regardless of the fact that he can’t see. Ominis is a man of fashion. He likes to keep clean, he likes his clothes to match, and the colors to coordinate. 
So when he hears from Sebastian that you keep showing up to class wearing some “interesting” items together, he’s a bit curious. 
He usually likes to “see” through touch, so he runs his hands down the materials of your clothing. 
“W-What is this? What even is this? Where did you get it?” 
You shrugged. “Just found it while running around.” 
“Do these colors even match? I have a feeling they don’t match.” He said, his brows furrowing. “Does it look atrocious? Please say it doesn’t.” 
His hands make their way up towards his face and he accidentally pricks his fingers on the spiky “lizard-like” glasses you decided to wear. “What is this– OW! What are you even wearing??” 
This obviously sends you into an absolute fit of giggles before you apologize for not telling him about that before. 
Even though he highly questions your taste in fashion, he really is just glad you enjoy what you’re doing. 
Garreth is a goofy guy, we all know this. 
It pretty much comes with the Weasley name. 
So when he sees you walking in with the most wacky, mismatched, laugh-inducing outfit, he busts out laughing. Obnoxiously loud.
He takes great joy in seeing what you’re wearing every day. He knows you’re obsessed with all of the items you find and therefore, he’s obsessed with them too. 
You’ll tell him every item that's your favorite or tell him about a new one you found in some random place. 
(Although he didn’t want to hear about the one you found in the Forbidden Forest near the spider caves. That he could miss out on) 
And before he knows it, suddenly he’s sitting in class, wearing your wacky lizard glasses that you had just put on him, stifling a laugh. 
Professor Ronen gets a laugh out of it. He loves seeing his students have fun and get along so well. 
Professor Sharp, however, just looks down and shakes his head. But in all honesty, he thinks it's rather silly. 
But Garreth is 100% invested in this and 100% unashamed. 
Well, needless to say, he is very confused. 
Where do you keep getting these things?? Why the interesting pairings?? Do you do it on purpose or did your parents never teach you how to dress? He really doesn’t know and he’s just trying to come up with a logical explanation to it like he always does. 
He finally works up the courage to ask and you just say that you really like dressing up like this. And you say it with a big smile on your face. 
And that’s when he finally understands that you just really enjoy doing stuff like this! 
And suddenly, it all just makes sense. And obviously, if it makes you happy, he wants you to know he’s interested in it. 
He’ll ask you random but oddly specific questions about what you’re wearing, or where you got them, and he’ll sit and listen to every story you tell about how you found each item. 
(Bro is in LOVE love but that’s a topic for later) 
It’s quite the stark contrast to see him all neat with his clean school uniform then you sitting next to him in a tattered, old pointy hat, wacky glasses, and an outfit adorned with a clashing scarf. 
But hey, it makes you happy. Therefore it makes him happy.
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