#is just so I can get the image of Baku and later 1A lowkey judging AM for working his clearly sick secretary half to death
redrobin-detective · 5 years
Dad Might story I won’t write. Your typical ‘Toshinori is married to Inko and Izuku’s real father’ where a young up and coming hero crashes into a shop is about to be pounced on by a villain only for a small green haired woman to smack them with a potted plant. Needless to say Toshinori is instantly smitten. They say they’re just friends for so long before eventually admitting their feelings. They get married in a quiet ceremony and not long after, welcome their first and only child, Izuku. 
Midoriya Toshinori (he took his wife’s name on marriage to separate himself from the great hero) works at Might Tower as All Might’s secretary. He is a tall man, very built which is explained by his minor strength quirk. All Might does everything in his power to prevent people from knowing about his family, only Gran Torino, Recovery Girl, Nedzu and Nighteye know. Inko is a seamstress who focuses on repairing hero uniforms (from constantly fixing up her husband’s things). She doesn’t need to work but enjoys helping out and working from home to watch Izuku is nice. Also I like the idea that heroes come to her for repairs cheerily getting to know Mrs. Midoriya not knowing its the Number One’s wife.
Izuku is an excitable child who loves heroes (especially All Might) almost as much as he loves his mom and dad. His best friend is Kacchan who is going to be a great hero one day. Izuku might be kind of annoying (and later quirkless) but Midoriya-ojisan is pretty cool and works for All Might. Toshinori often finds himself on babysitting duty and does his best to guide the gifted but arrogant Young Bakugou onto a more humble path. This makes Katsuki less of an ass and much more tolerant of Izuku. Now Inko and Toshi realized they had a very chatty and hero loving son so they kept his father’s real job from him until they deemed him old enough to keep the secret, about age 7-8. Needless to say Izuku thought his dad knowing All Might was cool is nothing compared to his dad BEING All Might. Also he died a little because he’s been gushing obsessively about his dad this whole time.
Not long afterwards, one day Izuku does not come home from school and a package is delivered to Might Tower. It’s Izuku’s school shoes with his blood on the laces. The note is signed by All For One. Toshinori, half mad with fear, rushes into the fight to rescue his son. He does and seemingly kills AFO but at the cost of nearly dying at his enemy’s hands. Izuku and Inko cry over Toshi’s hospital bed in a secluded hospital while no one else even knows there was a battle. Just like that everything changes. The family moves and keeps under the radar, All Might still fights but he grows weaker every day. Toshinori’s appearance is explained by a particularly aggressive cancer. He’ll retire as All Might’s secretary soon, once a successor is found (He pointedly does not look down at his son as he says this). Katsuki, who has admired Midoriya-ojisan since he was a kid becomes increasingly more angry at All Might to keep his secretary working for so long despite his ill health. Izuku’s continued support of the hero drives a wedge between them as well as Izuku now moving out of their old neighborhood.
Izuku settles in pretty quickly to being All Might’s secret kid. He spends a lot of time at Might Tower (as Midoriya’s boy of course) hanging out in his dad’s office doing homework and helping to cover for his dad when All Might is heroing. Neither of his parents are flashy so despite being wealthy beyond compare they live simply. Izuku is pretty much the same only happier and more comfortable in his skin but there’s an undercurrent of worry over his father’s declining health. He feels guilty for being quirkless and being the reason his dad is in pain every day. Not terribly popular with a few friends but none truly close as most people just want to know him because his dad is close to All Might but he lives in paranoia of being found out. He trains himself obsessively to make up for his lack of quirk. Inko and Toshi see their boy being eaten from the inside out from guilt and a desire to help others but want to keep him far away from heroics.
This comes to a head with the sludge villain and Toshinori realizes that he can no more stop Izuku from trying to be a hero than he can save the entire world. But he can make sure he does it safely, armed with a quirk. His last year of middle school, Izuku is told his father’s last secret and trained to take OFA. He gets the quirk and, given more time and proper training, is a lot less destructive with the power (not perfect but less bad). He easily passes Yuuei’s Entrance Exam and truly begins his hero career.
Toshinori is really feeling the strain being both a teacher and full time hero but is assured that now that izuku is on his way, it will only be for a little while longer. Bakugou, still prickly but nicer, is quite aggressive towards All Might for his treatment of his secretary. Shouto accuses Izuku of being All Might’s love child and Izuku is freaking out while Bakugou is like “I know Deku’s dad and he’s way cooler than All Might”. Toshinori is spotted once in a while by 1A and they kind of agree with Bakugou that All Might really should treat his secretary better. Izuku does not know how to respond to the sudden animosity towards All Might (his dad??) for supposedly hurting... his dad. 
Anyway, Kamino happens and everyone is like.... Midoriya-ojisan??? and the gig is up. Izuku really is All Might’s son and the family needs to move, again. Then everyone is making fun of the fact that All Might can now dote on his cute son in public and show off cute photographs. Bakugou still can’t get over that his childhood sort of uncle was the Number One Hero. 
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