#is maximum damage in one attack
iero · 7 months
Gonna start charging my family members when they tell me to 'Just calm down!' when I mention how bad my anxiety is, I swear to God. Like, pals, if I could do just that, I would! I'm cured! Thanks!
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Potentate’s Chess Set
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) ___ When found, this chess set is missing half its pieces. The set is contained within a case, which often doubles as the board when opened up. The case itself isn’t magical, but the pieces within it are. While the set is on your person and within its case, you can use an action to invoke one of its magical pieces. When you do, a spectral, Medium replica of that piece appears at your location before beginning to move. A spectral piece can move appropriately to how a normal piece would in a game of chess, in increments of 5 feet and up to a maximum range of 60 feet. For instance, a pawn could move up to 5 feet, but a bishop could move up to 60 feet in a straight line—albeit diagonally. If you’re not using a square grid, a piece can move anywhere within its range at the GM’s discretion. When you invoke a piece and move it in this way, it expends that piece’s use until the next dawn. The number of each piece you have when found is listed in its description. Use a spell attack bonus of +7 and save DC of 15 for each piece, or +8 and 16 if you have a complete set. 𝙋𝙖𝙬𝙣 (8): The pawn moves up to 5 feet, or 10 feet if it’s the first round of combat, and attacks a target within the space. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 force damage and must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Alternatively, you can invoke the pawn as a reaction when a hostile creature’s movement provokes an opportunity attack from you. 𝘽𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙥 (2): The bishop moves in a line that’s 5 feet wide and up to 60 feet long. Each friendly creature within the line regains 3d8 hit points. 𝙆𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 (2): The knight moves 10 feet in a straight line and then turns left or right (your choice) before moving another 5 feet. At the end of the movement, it attacks the target within its space. If the target is Medium or smaller, the attack is made with advantage. On a hit, the target takes 5d8 force damage. If you roll an 8 on any of the damage dice, the knight’s use isn’t expended. 𝙍𝙤𝙤𝙠 (2): The rook moves in a line that’s 5 feet wide and up to 60 feet long... Continued in the comment below! ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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bywons · 1 month
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NOTE: THIS POST HAS INFO SOLELY BASED ON MY OWN RESEARCH, SOURCES FROM THE NEWS AND INTERNET SO CREDS OF SS TO THE OWNERS. if you have any other information regarding this case, please please do feel free to reblog this and share them, as i can't compile everything in one post due to the case being an ongoing one. I would appreciate if you could read all of it, I tried to keep it short and compact and easy enough for everyone to understand. Of course, I have to keep a few names and specific political parties and critism out of this for obvious reasons of this post being taken down, but trust me, karma is real.
Do tell me if I lack anything, will try my best to add it or make another post about it. WE WANT JUSTICE.
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Dr. Moumita Debnath, a junior female doctor, a 2nd year PGT at R G KAR medical college and hospital was gang r4ped and m4rdered in the college seminar hall, while she was in a 36 hr shift, in 9th of August, 2024, Kolkata.
R G KAR, a reputed college and hospital, only allowing the top of brains to enter its premises, has now lost it's name to this heinous crime. Moumita debnath's perpetrators live to this day and the college authorities are yet to pay any heed. Why?
That poor girl was bleeding from her eyes, vagina, with disfigured limbs and broken collarbones, bite marks, broken pelvic girdle and hyoid bone several other signs of struggle and violence ( attached report below ) Even her legs were forcefully coaxed apart, that her bones were broken. 150 gms of sperm was have been discovered from her body, when a male individual can only transfer a maximum of 15 gms. Can you imagine her pain? What did she do to deserve this pain and suffering, this heinous crime against her? Can you imagine how her parents must have felt to hear the news?
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Oh, I forgot. This absolute blood boiling, gut wrenching and demonic of an act was immediately announced as a "SU3CIDE" upon initial FIR, and to her parents, by authorities. Can't you see? How they tried to coarctate the matter by calling it a su3cide?
How can a girl with extreme signs of violence and r4pe on her body, with little to no clothes, broken limbs, bleeding eyes, commit a su4cide? THIS IS A BLOT ON THE AUTHORITIES WHO ARE CLEARING VIEWING THIS MATTER AS A JOKE no girl in that condition can commit a su3cide, do you really think people are THAT DUMB?? that we won't notice you trying to cover up this case??
Dr. Moumita Debnath's body was cremated without her parents' approval/permission. They were kept waiting for 3 fucking hours. As if to get rid of her body as soon as they can with minimal autopsy, before CBI could even start investigation.
As soon as this case was handed over from WBPD ( west bengal police department ) to CBI ( central bereau of intelligence ) mobs have barged in and LITERALLY DAMAGED THE WALLS BESIDE THE SEMINAR HALL ( the crime scene ) inside the college premises. And for what? Come on we know it all, for removal of some obvious evidence.
On 14th august, during the middle of the night which was during the ‘RAAT DOKHOLE MEYERA’ ( girls reclaim the night ) rally, in RG KAR, mobs yet again managed to infiltrate the college premises to cause damage again, this time targeting specific cctv cameras as well. They also vandalised public property and vehicles in a "profesional" way. — “MBBS student Anupam Roy, an eyewitness to the mob attack, said the mob's act was deliberate with the clandestine motive of ending their agitation.” — from Hindustan Times.
They even CAUSED HARM TO THE WASHROOMS OF THE FLOOR WHERE EVIDENCE COULD'VE BEEN FOUND. The motive of the mob is obvious— to tamper the evidence in order to protect the perpetrators.
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Political parties are busy blaming each other and throwing dirt on names, meanwhile also trying to hide the perpetrators and start protests against opposition parties. Is your political position and meaningless arguments more valuable than a girl's life which been lost so brutally? Can we not keep politics aside, just for a moment and try to bring the girl justice? These thick skinned selfish monsters don't feel the pain of her parents, the emotions of helpless women and the crime they're commiting themselves.
They are slowly shifting away from the main matter of bringing her justice, trying to coarctate is slowly by heavy politics. Well the public is not dumb, we can see it all and understand how our CM doesn't even care about this situation.
SHAME ON YOU, the authorities, you're are only hope in this city in this state and you're acting this way?! Do you not have spines? Is money and votes everything to you? How low is too low and why is it the west bengal government?
They even have an accused suspect in custody ( Sanjoy Roy ) whom everybody is calling a scapegoat, which he possibly could be regarding the governments recent inactivities towards the situation. They are even giving out orders to resist rallies and protests, such a fucking disgrace, cause then vandalism and tampering of evidence is right but not raising your voice against it?
This year marks the 77th independent year for India, but are we really? Women are not safe at night walking along the streets their own ancestors fought for, women are not safe in their own workplace working shifts, women are not safe in public transport, in their homes, neighbourhood, schools, colleges, NOWHERE ARE WE ALLOWED TO HAVE A PEACEFUL BREATHE. But for how long? It's been 12 years since we witnessed a similar, horrible and atrocious crime as NIRBHAYA, only for it to happen again. This shows how weak, corrupted, and unjust Indian judiciary system has become, and as an Indian myself, it ashames me deeply to admit this. We are failing as a society, still not being able to create a safe environment for our women.
But time has come now to raise our voice and fists together against this oppressive, corrupt government and snatch our own freedom ourselves. DONT YOU EVER FORGET ABOUT HER, TAKE AND HER NAME AND PROMISE YOURSELF TO BRING HER JUSTICE. If we forget and give up, god knows how many others will die like this without any justice. Justice is ours and we will have it, there is no point of being 'independent' if we have to do candle marches every other day, mourn for our women every other day, be scared of letting our daughter out every other day.
This is time, we rise up as one.
We want the actual criminals to be punished a hundred times more cruelly than Dr. Moumita Debnath was k!lied.
tagging few of my moots. @leaderwon @rainytapestry @fertilizedtoesw @atrirose @hoonvrs @flwrstqr @mioons @dioll @okwonyo @okwons @heeblurs @weoris @junislqve @jlheon @sainns @hyeinism @fleurre @soov @isoobie @boyfhee @jjunae @onlyjjong @wonfilms @kissofhoon @voikiraz @koishua
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dungeon-strugglers · 1 month
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✨New item!✨ Entropic Arrow Weapon (arrow), rarity varies
The rarity of this ammunition is determined by the type of gemstone embedded in its shaft. An uncommon arrow is chrysoberyl, rare is peridot, and very rare is emerald. 
Chrysoberyl. An entropic arrow embedded with chrysoberyl has these magical properties:
On a hit, this arrow deals an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target. If the target is a creature, its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. Once it hits a target, the ammunition is no longer magical.
Peridot. An entropic arrow embedded with peridot has these magical properties:
The extra necrotic damage increases to 2d8.
Enervating Cone. If you speak the arrow’s command word while firing it, the arrow shatters into a 30-foot-cone of negative energy. Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become enervated for 1 minute. An enervated creature can’t regain hit points and it has disadvantage on Strength-based attack rolls and checks. At the end of each of its turns, an enervated creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Conversely, undead creatures in the area are empowered by this effect, and gain advantage on attack rolls and Strength checks for 1 minute. The arrow is destroyed when used in this way.
Emerald. An entropic arrow embedded with emerald has these magical properties:
The extra necrotic damage increases to 4d8. 
A target hit by this arrow must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be aged a number of years equal to half the necrotic damage it took, rounded down. This aging effect can only be reversed by a wish spell.
Enervating Cone’s range increases to a 60-foot-cone and the save DC increases to 16.
Shards of negative energy can be brought into the material plane and stored within gemstones. Contact with this energy immediately saps lifeforce and draws one closer to a withering death. Beings of darkness use this power to forge weapons that surpass physical wounds and harm the soul. - 🖌🎨 Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for over 200 magic items, printable item cards and card packs, beautiful creature art and stat blocks, and setting pdfs with narrative hooks and unique lore!🧙‍♂️ Thank you so much for your support! 💖
📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.
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12pt-times-new-roman · 2 months
"This is not a fair fight, and it never was."
Divine Prowess (lower): After making a skill check, double the result. After calculating all bonuses, double all passive skills.
Divine Resistance (lower): They gain 5 legendary resistances. After rolling a saving throw, double the result. Immune to all nonmagical damage, weapon damage from non-artifact weapons, and damage and effects from spells of 6th level or lower. They gain two elemental damage immunities and four elemental damage resistances of their choice.
Divine Awareness (lower): They gain truesight, blindsight, and 120ft tremor-sense. They can speak and understand all languages, can read all writing, and can communicate telepathically with any creature they can see. Immune to the charmed, frightened, stunned, blinded, and deafened conditions.
Divine Vigor (lower): At the beginning of their turn, they regain all limited use class features. Immune to exhaustion. Their speed is doubled. They gain 3 legendary actions.
Divine Vitality (higher): At the beginning of their turn, if they have not taken damage since their last turn, regenerate all hit points. All death saves are nat20s, and any hit points granted by spells they cast is multiplied by 10. Immune to the paralyzed, petrified, and poisoned conditions. Immune to disease. Their maximum hit points are multiplied by 10.
Divine Magic (higher): Once per turn, they can cast one cleric or paladin spell from a domain they grant, of any level, without using a spell slot. After calculating all bonuses, double the spell save DC, range, area of effect, and duration of all spells.
Divine Potency (higher): All damage dealt by their spells and weapons is multiplied by 10. After rolling an attack roll, double the result. After calculating all bonuses, double AC. Ranged weapon ranges are doubled.
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vermilionstarlight · 15 days
Made because I'm bored on the shitter. No shapeshifting because I know this website and I know my sphere of influence and it'll automatically sweep.
A statistically significant portion of you are transgender / therian / queer / autistic / otherkin weirdo freaks (affectionate) (loving) (I fit almost all of these descriptors wholly or partially)
1. Flying - Top speed of Mach 1. You're immune to the negative effects of G force on your body, low pressure environments, low oxygen, low temperatures, and damage from air resistance.
2. Amphibious - Your swimming is not enhanced (you must learn to swim, same as anyone). Any water inhaled is magically turned into breathable air as it passes through your mouth or nose. You are immune to pressures up to and exceeding that of the Marianas trench, low deep-sea temperatures, and the bends. Wildlife that would otherwise be aggressive or dangerous will simply ignore you, and venom from aquatic or semi-aquatic creatures will not affect you. Basically, you're safe from hazards unless you explicitly attack something.
3. Teleport - You have the ability to place the portals (similar to those from the popular video game Portal) at your choosing, and they can be placed at any point in space that you can see. It can be any 2D shape, so long as it fits within the area of a five m^2 square. You can 'bind' the portal to an object (car, wall, article of clothing, yourself), or you can simply have it freestanding in the air and be stationary relative to the Earth's surface. You can only place two pairs of portals at a time. If you attempt to place a new pair, you must choose an existing pair to remove. If you close or remove a portal while something is passing through it, it shears that thing perfectly in two. You can't open a portal in a position or orientation that would have it intwrsect with a solid object, only liquids, gases, or plasma.
4. Time Loop - You can start a time loop of indefinite length at any time. It resets whenever you wish, or when you die, whichever comes first. You can end the current loop at any time, or begin a new loop with a new start point and reset interval/reset condition at any time. You can only have one 'start point' at any given time.
5. Telepathy - At any time, you can think of a specific person and project a thought, concept, emotion, or sensory experience into their mind. Once you do this, it establishes a connection that the recipient can use to transmit in the same fashion. You can create telepathic "group chats" between people, with a maximum of 10 participants (including you). Any participant can exit the connection at any time.
6. Inventory - When you're touching an object, you can will it into an extra-dimensional space. There are no weight or size limits. You can store singular discrete objects, containers and their contents, and "piles" of objects (like a mound of dirt). You cannot store living organisms, meaning any object put into your storage is 100% sterilized. Non-living organic matter (vegetable matter, meat, bone, dead bacteria) can still be stored. You can mentally access this space at any time, and can get a complete mental inventory of everything stored inside it at any time. Time doesn't pass for anything stored in this space, and qualities like arrangement and temperature are preserved. Whenever you wish, you can retrieve an object from the space, and it appears as it was when you stored it, and in any orientation you wish, so long as it's touching you as it comes out (e.g. it comes out of the space in your palm, at your fingertip, on top of your head, touching your ankle, etc.). If you attempt to retrieve an object in an orientation that would make it intersect with anything solid, the retrieval attempt fails.
7. Invisibility - You can, at any time, choose to switch between being visible and being invisible. This does not affect the way light interacts with you, but instead makes it so that anyone perceiving you will contextualize you as not being there, and never having been there recently. The fact that you are walking around, talking, and interacting with the world around them does not change that you are not there to them. Light still reflects off of you and hits their eyes, but they will simply be unaware of the fact that someone walked into the gas station two minutes ago and is standing in front of them right now. Because the you are not there at that moment, most suspicious activities do not register to anyone perceiving you, because you aren't present to them at that moment, and people that are not present aren't able to do things.
8. Healing - When you touch an organism, you are able to heal it of any given perceived malady, affliction, or harmful effect. This relies on the perception of the one receiving the healing, not on the perception of you, the healer. Cancer, aging, alzheimer's, even relatively "minor" afflictions like male pattern baldness or a mild tendency towards pimples. There's no specific limit, so long as the receiver perceives it to be bad or harmful. This also can heal congenital disorders. Specific afflictions can be targeted, so a "full heal" isn't always necessary. If you want to heal someone of a spinal disorder, but they were also raised Catholic and perceive their sexual desires to be inherently harmful and sinful and in need of removal, you as the healer can choose to only heal the former and not the latter, if you are uncomfortable with that. If somebody wishes to have their hearing damage healed, but they are also a paraplegic and consider that to be an important part of their person-hood that shouldn't be changed, it's possible to target specifically the hearing damage and not the paralysis. This ability is also able to affect mental afflictions, chemical imbalances, and the like. This will change the receiver's mind to be in line with whatever they consider to be "healthy," relative to their perceived affliction. It is not possible to apply healing without the desire of the receiver. Verbal consent is not required, only conscious desire for the affliction to be remedied. It's supernatural bullshit, so there's no gray areas. If they would have said yes to an explicit question of consent, you're able to do it even without verbal consent. If they would have said no, then you aren't able. This is specifically to allow emergency life-saving healing, in the case of someone being unable to explicitly verbally consent. Morally dubious, but generally very helpful. Also, so long as you and nobody you care about are killed instantly (or killed too far away for you to heal in time), you and everyone you care about is immortal for as long as any individual desires.
9. Mind-Reading - You are able to non-consensually probe the mind of anyone you can directly see (television screens do not count, there must be direct sight-line between you and the target). You can see any memories they have, though the clarity and veracity of these memories is context-dependent. You can glean their immediate surface thoughts, and you can perceive through their subjective experience. You aren't immediately made aware of their deepest most subconscious desires, but you can analyze and infer from their thoughts and memories to deduce such things. Unless you're skilled in self-reflection and psychology, it won't be easy to immediately understand their entire person-hood. This may be morally dubious at best, but it can be useful for vigilantism and the like, depending on your moral allowance for such things.
10. Skill Retention - Your brain just works better when it comes to getting better at mundane skills. You are not supernaturally more capable than a normal human, you are just able to rapidly get better at things within normal human limits. Skills come easier to you, and not just things like "playing the piano" or "throwing objects" or something. You also find it easier to improve with critical thinking skills, emotional awareness, general kinesthetic coordination, and other such things. Additionally, you retain these skills far better than a normal person can. You don't easily "get rusty" with any sort of skill unless you go entirely unpracticed for decades. You can learn how to perform advanced acrobatics, go unpracticed for 15 years, then pick it back up at almost the exact same level of technical skill. Some tasks require more than just skill and mental capacity, like sports, and you're granted no special ability to get more physically capable. However, this ability does make it significantly easier to learn how to keep yourself disciplined and stick to a routine, allowing you to become more physically capable anyways. You are the most average superhero ever.
11. Clairsentience - You are able to create a supernatural, intangible "camera" whenever you like. You can perceive sounds and sights through this camera, even if you are physically deaf or blind. Your brain functioning is changed so you're able to adequately process two simultaneous sets of sensory input without biologically blue-screening. You can move the camera around as you please, with no range limit, and it's able to move at speeds up to 0.99c (99% of light speed). You can spy on anything, anywhere, whenever you want. Spy on billionaires, spy on political backroom deals, spy on your asshole neighbor to steal their Dropout password.
12. Animal Speech - You can intuitively communicate with and understand any and all animals. Animals that are solitary and lack much social capacity like tigers, polar bears, and some shark species will mostly make for boring and/or antagonistic conversation, though they'll still be able to transmit and receive basic emotions and concepts (territory, fear, food, bright, dark, baby, sex). More social animals, like many canines and felines, will be far better conversation. They still don't have the complex language capacity of a human, but they'll be more amiable even if they aren't generally able to handle more complex concepts. Very intelligent and social animals like crows, orcas, or elephants will likely be mostly comparable to a full human person in terms of conversation, if not functionally the same. They have generally better language capacity than many other animals, and complex social intelligence.
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An independent United Nations investigation concluded Wednesday that Israel had committed crimes against humanity during the war in Gaza, including the crime of "extermination". "The crimes against humanity of extermination; murder; gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys; forcible transfer; and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment were committed," the Commission of Inquiry (COI) said in a report, due to be presented to the UN Human Rights Council next week. The findings were from two parallel reports, one focusing on the 7 October Hamas-led attack and another on Israel's war on Gaza, published by the COI, which has an unusually broad mandate to collect evidence and identify perpetrators of international crimes committed in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. The reports, which cover the conflict through to end-December, found that both Israel and Palestinian armed group committed war crimes including torture; murder or wilful killing; outrages upon personal dignity; and inhuman or cruel treatment. Israel also committed additional war crimes including starvation as a method of warfare, it said, saying Israel not only failed to provide essential supplies like food, water, shelter and medicine to Palestinians but "acted to prevent the supply of those necessities by anyone else". Some of the war crimes such as murder also constituted crimes against humanity by Israel, the COI statement said, using a term reserved for the most serious international crimes knowingly committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against civilians. "The immense numbers of civilian casualties in Gaza and widespread destruction of civilian objects and infrastructure were the inevitable result of a strategy undertaken with intent to cause maximum damage, disregarding the principles of distinction, proportionality and adequate precautions," the COI statement said. Israel does not cooperate with the commission, which it says has an anti-Israel bias. The COI says Israel obstructs its work and prevented investigators from accessing both Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.
12 June 2024
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bloodyshadow1 · 5 months
I know the bad kids are weeping, especially gorgug, about how Arthur's hologram/illusion told them all their studying and hard work was pointless, but that doesn't mean it was. Look, the purpose of an education is to gain knowledge and grow. Sure modern education as a whole has corrupted the idea of school and education, but that doesn't mean it's pointless.
Despite how hard it is, the bad kids have flourished this year, it's terrible that they were put through that, but it doesn't mean their hard work was in vain. This isn't a post about how pain or adversity makes you strong, because fuck that. But life isn't easy, there are challenges that you have to endure to get what you want.
Sure, they could have taken the last stand early in the year and if they succeeded, they would have had an easy year, especially compared to the year they had. But if they had taken it, whose to say they would have succeeded. After the night yorb fight, they were level 8 or 9, they are currently 13 but I assume 14 after that last combat. that's 4 to 5 levels they gained since the start of junior year. And that's what levels are supposed to represent, experience. Exp is supposed to show what your character has been through as they go through life learning and growing, it's not a notch on your belt of all the things you've killed to gain power.
If the bad kids tried the last stand at the start of the year, they would have been creamed. Yes, they weren't as stressed, but they also hadn't grown as much and would have been slaughtered. Fig didn't have her paladin levels that did massive damage this fight, Adaine and Kristen wouldn't have access to 6th and 7th level spells, Fabian would only have 3 as opposed to his 7 levels in bard or the confidence to be maximum legend, Gorgug wouldn't have had his homebrewed subclass and pioneered at Aguefort, Riz wouldn't have his higher level spells and abilities that would have meant no haste which meant no double sneak attacks that helped them so much this fight.
This is what sets them apart from people like the Ratgrinders. Because as much as the Ratgrinders seem to hate them for being 'favored' by the school, the Bad kids have earned every scar and bruise, every stress token, every spell slot and point of HP to get to where they were today. They beat the deadly challenge in a way that no one has done before and they got a 100% on the questions, not a single one of them went down, the proctor was barely hurt. There will always be people who take the easy way out that doesn't mean the path you forded was wrong
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reality-detective · 6 months
Was the Baltimore Bridge attacked? 👇
The Baltimore bridge collapse was an “absolutely brilliant strategic attack” on US critical infrastructure - most likely cyber - & our intel agencies know it. In information warfare terms, they just divided the US along the Mason Dixon line exactly like the Civil War.
Second busiest strategic roadway in the nation for hazardous material now down for 4-5 years - which is how long they say it will take to recover. The bridge was built specifically to move hazardous material - fuel, diesel, propane gas, nitrogen, highly flammable materials, chemicals and oversized cargo that cannot fit in the tunnels - that supply chain now crippled.
Make no mistake: this was an extraordinary attack in terms of planning, timing & execution.
The two critical components on that bridge are the two load-bearing pylons on each end, closest to the shore. They are bigger, thicker and deeper than anything else. These are the anchor points and they knew that hitting either one one of them would be a fatal wound to the integrity of the bridge.
Half a mile of bridge went in the river - likely you will have to build a new one. Also caused so much damage to the structural integrity of the bottom concrete part that you cannot see & won’t know until they take the wreckage apart. Structural destruction is likely absolutely.
Attack perfectly targeted.
“They have figured out how to bring us down. As long as you stay away from the teeth of the US military, you can pick the US apart. We are an arrogant and ignorantly - lethal combination. Obama said they would fundamentally change America and they did. We are in a free-fall ride on a roller coaster right now - no brakes - just picking up speed.”
The footage shows the cargo ship never got in the approach lane in the channel. You have to be in the channel before you get into that turn. Location was precise/deliberate: They chose a bend in the river where you have to slow down and commit yourself - once you are committed in that area there is not enough room to maneuver.
Should have had a harbor pilot to pilot the boat. You are not supposed to traverse any obstacles without the harbor pilot.
They chose a full moon so they would have maximum tidal shift - rise and fall. Brisk flow in that river on a normal day & have had a lot of rain recently so water was already moving along at a good pace.
Hit it with enough kinetic energy to knock the load-bearing pylon out from under the highway - which fatally weakens the span and then 50 percent of the bridge fell into the water.
All these factors when you look at it  - this is how you teach people how to do this type of attack and there are so few people left in the system who know this. We have a Junior varsity team on the field.
Tremendous navigational obstruction. Huge logistical nightmare to clean this up. The number of dead is tragic but not the whole measure of the attack.
That kind of bridge is constantly under repair - always at night because there is so much traffic and they cannot obstruct that during the day. So concern is for repair guys who were on foot (out of their vehicles) working who may now be in the water - 48 degrees at most at this time of year.
When you choke off Baltimore you have cut the main north-south hazardous corridor (I-95) in half. Now everyone has to go around the city - or go somewhere else.
To move some of that cargo through the tunnel you may be able to get a permit but those are slow to get and require an escort system that is expensive and has to be done at night.
For every $100 dollars that goes into the city, $12 comes from shipping. Believe this will cripple the city of Baltimore at a time when they do not have the resources to recover.
- Lara Logan
The traffic issue was mentioned in this 👇 post
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Maybe we have to dig deeper into this Bridge collapse further. Could it be a deeper issue? What's in those shipping containers? Who owns the ship?
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Is it for this 👆
It has been 3 years and 3 days since the Evergreen blocked the Suez Canal. Does the number 33 mean anything?
Was this a "Black Swan Event?"
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I'm just asking questions? 🤔
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rockdwarftv · 6 months
So, you wanna play a Pokémon TTRPG
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But you don't have the time to manage 1K entries in a book? Well, I'm working on the thing for you! PokéD6.
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Now that I've show you my character sheet concept, let me break down some of the things on it. The biggest thing anyone will notice right away is the lack any numbered stats. This system converts existing BSTs (Base Stat Totals) into a 6 point grade. Above, each black diamond (✦) represents one point of that stat's grade. And any pre-existing pokemon can have it's BST quickly converted by simply dividing any given stat's total by 36 and rounding up, to a max of 6! Each grade also has an associated number of dice, which are always equal to the grade itself, and an associated modifier. A stat's modifier is equal to it's grade plus it's IVs. IVs, represented by the hollow diamonds (✧), have also been simplified down into a single dice roll per stat. So, whenever you capture a new pokemon, roll 6d6. Like with stat grades, each diamond represents the IVs value. IVs cap out at 3.
But, you may find yourself asking, what do Stat Dice and Stat Modifiers even do?
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Currently, they're for combat! While the attack itself determines how much damage it can do, the pokemon's stats determine if the attack hits, it's minimum damage, how hard they are to hit, and even how much they can reduce the damage! When attacking, say with a Physical Move, the attacking pokemon rolls 1d6 + their ATK Modifiers against the defending pokemon's DEF Modifier + 3. If the attack hits, roll the move's Power and add any bonuses given. Such as Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) or type effectiveness. The defending pokemon rolls their DEF Dice, subtracting their result from the Power roll.
Power has now been converted into d6s, to find a pre-existing move's Power divide it's power by 25 and round up! With the exception of very high damaging moves, most moves deal 1d6 to 6d6 damage.
So a move like Tackle deals 2d6 damage.
I could go on, but for now I want to leave this here and just see what people think! I've enjoyed working on it and am pretty close to being able to do a simple beta of it. So, have a copy of the pdf and lemme know what you think!
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EDIT (4/20/24): Yo what if I just suddenly dropped even more rules in this post? Yea? Yea! So here's how trainers work!
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Trainers are divided into four Careers; Field Researcher, League Challenger, Contest Coordinator and Pokemon Breeder! These careers determine starting gear, recommend a set of skills (more on those later!!!), and determine how the player can make money. Field Researchers are basically the intern equivalent of a Professor's Aide! They go out, encounter as many new pokemon as possible, and get paid a weekly salary! They can even earn bonuses for finding odd pokemon, such as ones with unusual movesets~! League Challengers are pokemon trainers like in the games! Beat gyms, get badges, take on the champion. Easy as! They get paid based on the trainers they defeat, which can be picked up at a PokeCenter or just given to them immediately. Contest Coordinators focus on training pokemon for Gen 3 style'd Contests! They make money by winning contests, with each rank paying out higher rewards! And lastly, Pokemon Breeders! Like the name says, they make their money by breeding and raising pokemon at the requests of the Pokemon League or other trainers. The more specific the request, the more money they earn for it!
Trainers also have skills! These work a lot like Stat Grades, but they don't have an associated modifier. When making a trainer, a player picks 6 skills out of 12. Players then have 18 points to distribute however they want into those 6 skills, up to a maximum of 5. The other skills are left at 1. The skills available are: Archeology, Cheering, Climbing, Cooking, Fishing, Foraging, Knowledge, Nursing, Riding, Sneaking, Spotting and Swimming!
I'm currently working on reformatting the doc so enjoy the new tidbits for now! See you again when I've finished the doc!
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liturgicode-virus · 2 months
List of Invade Options
DUSK WING I: Neurospike
Shrike Code: Take 2 heat when attacking (until the end of their next turn) Mirage: Treats character you choose as invisible (until the end of their next turn)
MOURNING CLOAK II: Hunter Logic Suite
Stalk Prey: Treats you as invisible (until you take damage from them, one target at a time) Terrify: Impaired and can't voluntary move closer to you (until the end of their next turn)
GOBLIN I: H0R_OS System Upgrade I
Puppet System: Moves maximum speed in a direction of your choice (provokes reactions and engagement as normal, involuntary but doesn’t count as knockback, pushing, or pulling) Eject Power Cores: Jammed (until the end of their next turn, 1/scene per character) adjacent characters take 2 energy damage
GOBLIN III: H0R_OS System Upgrade III
Dimensional Emblems: Create three constructs surrounding the target, passing through a construct deals 2 heat (They last until they are passed through, the scene's end, you take this action again, are deleted as a free action, or an adjacent character destroys them with a quick action systems check) Celestial Shackles: Mark a space the target currently occupies. As a free action during your turn, if they no longer occupy the space, you can teleport them back, or as close as possible (lasts until used, the scene's end, or fixed with quick action systems check)
Beckon: You take 1d6+2 AP energy damage and swap places with your target (target must be a mech of the same size or larger, or this action fails. Characters can only be swapped to spaces they could normally stand or move on) Summon: All characters within range 3 of your target are pulled adjacent to them, or as close as possible.
Smite: You take 1d6 AP energy damage, target must pass a systems save or become stunned (until the end of their next turn, 1/scene per character) Sear: You take 1d6 AP energy damage, deals 2 heat (6 max) for each other character of at least size 1 that is adjacent to them
MINOTAUR I: Viral Logic Suite
Logic Bomb: Characters of your choice within burst 2 of the target must pass a systems save or become slowed (until they end a turn not adjacent to any character) Banish: Take 2 heat (6 max) for every space they voluntarily move (until the end of their next turn)
MINOTAUR II: Metafold Carver
Ophidian Trek: Teleported 1d6+1 spaces directly toward you, or as close as possible (If this effect would move them to a space otherwise occupied the teleport fails) Fold Space: Disappears from the battlefield (until the start of their next turn) They return to the same space, or a space as close as possible of their choice
GERYON III: Ashes to Ashes
Sunrise: Automatically fails all checks to clear Burn and cannot have Resistance or Immunity to Burn (fixed with quick action systems check) Sunset: Clears all Burn, and takes Heat equal to the amount of Burn cleared
KOBOLD III: Purifying Code (A character can only be affected by one Purifying Code option at a time and are aware of their effects)
Flaw_Plus: At the end of their next turn, if they "are not" adjacent to another character or piece of terrain of Size 1+, the virus catalyzes and they take 1d6+2 AP explosive damage. (Once catalyzed, the effect ends) Flaw_Minus: At the end of their next turn, if they "are" adjacent to another character or piece of terrain of Size 1+, the virus catalyzes and they take 1d6+2 AP explosive damage. (Once catalyzed, the effect ends)
KOBOLD III: Immolate
Eject Slag: Burst 2 area around them, not affecting the space they occupy, becomes difficult terrain. Anyone starting a turn in the affected area or entering it for the first time, take 2 Heat and 1 Burn, unless they pass an engineering save (lasts until the end of your next turn) Molten Puncture: Take 2 Burn (6 max) for every space they voluntarily move (until the end of their next turn)
TUKHACHEVSKY III: Maskirovka Suite
Iron Curtain: For line of sight, treat all terrains and objects as being height 10 (until the end of their next turn) Perestroika: Cannot benefit from soft or hard cover, and cannot become hidden or invisible (until the end of the round)
CHOMOLUNGMA: Advanced Intrusion Package
Balance Control Lockout: Push target 2 spaces in any direction, knocked Prone, if already Prone, become Immobilized (until the end of their next turn, this immobilize works 1/scene per character) System Crusher: Take 2 heat, if this Invade exceeds their Heat Cap, take 4 burn as well (1/scene per character)
Fragment Signal: Impaired and slowed (until the end of their next turn)
Hacker II:
Jam Cockpit: Jams the target's cockpit (fixed with full action engineering check) Disable Life Support: +1 difficulty on all saves (fixed with quick action systems check) Hack./Slash: Target can't benefit from or take tech actions (fixed with quick action systems check, or a Shut Down)
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thr0wnawayy · 1 month
So I was looking at the 'Get It Done Chargebolt' Fight and realized how bullshit it is.
Your telling me the MLA. A militia ideological group with numerous connections, a major one being Denerat (A Tech Company!) cannot give one of it's higher ranking members anything more than a taser!
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(god, this is so forced.)
His quirk (Ampivolt) seems to work by taking electricity from any source and releasing it back out from his body, much stronger than it once was. (No, I did not read the wiki when writing this)
His body acts like a power amplifier, taking the watts absorbed and imparting some of it's own energy into it before sending it back out.
In a fair scenario (not manipulated by Hori and his bullshit), our elektromaniac here should have won out.
So, in a bid to do the MLA one better, I present to you my own contraption:
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(Not my best. I made it on my cell while on the move, also yes that's the Denerat logo)
I've effectively strapped a car battery to this guy's back.
It's outer chasis made of a lightweight non conductive mesh, as to not drag him down. The battery stays locked inside, needing to be opened to charge beforehand.
The gloves are attached to gold wires to ensure maximum output and lifespan (as gold doesn't tarnish) and are wrapped in a sturdy carbon mesh. The gloves themselves act as tasers for both long ranged and short ranged attacks, having holes in the front and back to allow for combos and continous fire.
You may point to the Tesla coils that sit on either the sides of the battery's chasis and wonder what their purpose is?
Simple, destruction. They also ensure that the battery doesn't overload.
When the battery has reached it's max capacity, it will send some of that energy to the coils and these in turn transfer it to the single spike located at the end of each coil.
The spike on the end acts as a reverse lightning rod. sending the excess electricity outwards in a devastating attack that destroys anything in it's path.
Both coils are positioned outwards as to not harm the user as well as to ensure the electricity does not arch between the coils.
The battery then uses advanced tech in it's chasis to reabsorb some of the linering electricity floating in the air and recycles it back into the battery.
I don't show it here but the backside (facing the users back) of the chassis is a very plush material, as to not leave the user in discomfort. It is also where the straps are hidden.
Test Drive (Or Denki's cooked, literally)
Ok we have the equipment, we have the MLA soldier. Now what?.
Well we speculate of course!
We know from OFA and the USJ Nomu that absorption and accumulation quirks usually have some upper limit.
We've also seen Denki fall victim to his own quirk numerous times (and quite severely at that), so it's not much of a stretch to say he could be burned by his own quirk.
Let's say Denki gets hit with Count Shock-ula while he's wearing the battery.
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Above is the amount of electricity he normally expells when using his taser. Even now it could probably cause severe nerve damage or even death.
To save on length, we already know this man is a trained soldier, likely has been his whole life.
Given this, his fighting prowess and strategic mind should lend to him getting the upper hand in his fight with Denki, one of 1A's lowest ranking students in both academic and physical.
He hits Denki with a clean shot, maintaining a constant transfer of energy.
Even even as his muscles spasm and clench, Denki thinks he has the upper hand as does Jirou.
But now the battery is there providing a constant supply of electricity and Denki can only keep up so much, as Shock-ula's quirk does it's magic and increases the output.
Exposition Time:
Presuming that Denki's stockpile is located at his center of gravity, we can say that the focal point of the overload will start here.
The inside of human bodies typically sit at an average of 98.0 Fahrenheit or 36.64 Celsius, about the same as a 50w light bulb.
The maximum amount of heat a human can take before they begins to burn is around 140°F (60°C).
The human body temp can flare up to as high as 106°F (41°C) when in extremely stressful situations (though this is more in the regards of certain anxiety disorders)
As Denki's stockpile begins reaching it's limits, he begins to stress slightly. He can begin to feel the effects of his body temperature climbing and his growing panick isn't helping.
Jirou may try and interfere, but is either hit when the tesla coils expell the excess energy being absorbed or she is unable to approach all together as electrical currents surround the two electricity weilders.
Either way this only contributes to Denki's stress. He begins feeling the heat build in his abdomen, just above his bellybutton. Soon his insides feels like the inside of a hotspring.
Any attempts to sweat are foiled by his own electricity's heat evaporating it as soon as it forms on his skin. His body has no real way to cool down.
The MLA member may feel guilt in killing a child, but chooses to look at the bigger picture and what's at stake if he fails. He tries not to dwell too hard.
A long, aching moment passes by.
Denki is actually burning now, his intellect increases with each passing second and with it comes the ability to truly comprehend the situation he is in.
Denki's blood feels like it's boiling as he struggles to shut his eyes, fearing they may melt out of their sockets. His head is pounding and his stomach is rolling with intense nausea, a sign of severe heatstroke.
Yet the heat continues.
Blood vessels burst in his nose, lungs and eyes as the heart goes overtime, the kidneys have long stopped functioning and by this point Denki can't even think coherently.
A few moments later.
His organs and muscle fibers are now becoming covered with burn scars, he can smell himself burning and is finally then that Denki passes out. Perhaps for the last time.
So, pretty grim huh.
Had MHA been darker (and more thematically consistent) this could have been a possible scenario.
It really makes you wonder what the fuck the heroes were thinking sending teenagers to fight in an active war zone.
Really makes me question the competency of both UA and 1A's respective parents because lord almighty...
Sending them to raid the base of the biggest crime organization in the country is already bad, as mentioned in my Jaku Disaster Post, not knowing what your doing is even worse.
This isn't the first time we've seen this either, remember the Shie Hisakai?
Yeah they pulled that shit too, despite knowing the entire base was a death trap but I'll leave that dissection for later posting.
It's not just Midnight who could have died, we could have been looking at roughly 10-13 members of 1A being dead (Not counting Bakugo) and that's just off the top of my head.
You know if Hori wanted to add shock value, rather than pulling shit out of thin air he could've just tossed some excess weight by utilizing his threats properly.
Really his over reliance on surface level "shock"* value in the later seasons, doesn't exactly put me in high hopes that his horror Manga will do well.
(*Retconning Rei's family, AFO's constant returns, Stars and Stripes, The Mech suit, Vestiges, etc etc)
If Hori wants to write horror, he needs to reapproach how he writes. Simple as that.
Note: To the person that sent me the AFO ask. My apologies for not answering, I accidentally wiped it by mistake when trying to post, please feel free to resend the question to my inbox and I will glady give you an answer.
That was a wild one, so have a quick-sketch gag based off an MLA AU that's been floating around my notes for your troubles.
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Hero’s Cookbook
Wondrous item, uncommon ___ In the front of this well-worn book is a magical incantation. Reciting the incantation reveals that it’s a song to cook to, and follows a catchy melody. The rest of the book is filled with various persons’ handwritten recipes and scrawled notes, which all include some form of meat from a creature they’d slain. You can refer to the book’s writings to gain a +3 bonus to any check made using cook’s utensils. Alternatively, you can recite the incantation while you cook a recipe from the book. The resulting dish must include meat from either an aberration, beast, dragon, or monstrosity. It takes 1 hour to cook a dish, which creates a number of rations equal to four times the number of pounds of meat you cooked (to a maximum of rations). If the cooked creature had a challenge rating of 1 or more, a creature that eats one of the rations in full gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made against creatures of the cooked one’s type for 8 hours or until the next time it eats a ration. If a ration isn’t eaten within 24 hours, it loses this effect. Once this property of the book has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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rainee-da · 5 months
Hello how's your day!! I wanna request fluff for the Walkis (the six critters) if that's okay... Thank you very much!!!!
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🍀 Lay Down in Their Lap [2]
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CHARACTER ❥ Lévis Rosequartz 🧲 / Charles Contini 📞 / Galuf Gargaron 👅 / Kenny Clark 🧊 / Malcolm Curtis 🪲 / Lovie Rosequartz ⚡
W A R N I N G ⚠️ R-15 for suggestive themes on some / BIG SPOILER for anime watchers!!!! / might be too OOC for you.
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L É V I S R O S E Q U A R T Z 🧲
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Scarlet red creeped from his neck up to his face. He stares at you with a bewildered look, unable to comprehend your 'ridiculous' request.
"H-huh?! Y-you want t-to... s-sleep... my l-lap... are you insane?! Stop acting like an idiot!" he shrieked as he scooted back to the edge of the bench.
He tried. He swears to the mightiest God or Goddess up there that he tried his absolute best to stay firm. He tried to kept a stern posture while you're looking at him like a kicked puppy.
After all, laying on people's lap in broad daylight on school ground is too lovey-dovey! too scandalous!
What would everyone think?! What would his FATHER think?!
But his resolution dwindling as rapidly as it could when you asked him again. This time fully utilizing those puppy-eyes to its maximum capacity.
"F-Fine! Just do whatever you want!" he snapped with an angry tone as he finally scooted closer and slumped his back against the bench, grabbing his abandoned book and flipping it to random page.
His mind is gearing at a rapid pace as he tried to calm his nerves, his damaged eyes now started to feel itchy. That's fine though, just act as if you didn't care and all would be fine, right?
The rumble in his mind shatters when he finally felt that soft pressure against thighs. He, embarrassingly, lets out a high-pitched low screech and he almost bang his nape to the bench.
"I-Idiot! Stop moving around so much!" he barked weakly as he squirmed in his seat, while you simply nuzzle onto his thighs. Uncaring of his outward misery.
He swears to God you'll make him die from heart attack one of these days…
He gulped, face scarlet red and teeth gritting as he stares down at your peaceful expression. His brain fixated onto your facial features, silently making it his new fixation.
His hand moves to move the strand that is in the way of your face. And his index finger accidentally brush against your lips...
Why is it moist? Can he try it-
Your face will ended up being littered with a bunch of tiny shred of paper. Because the man above you is apparently too nervous and ending up grinding down on his book with his teeth.
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C H A R L E S C O N T I N I 📞
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"Y-yes? Sure, sure... of course, Mama... W-what? My voice? O-oh, I'm just cold... It's winter a-after all.. Yes, yes, of course I'm using the b-blank...kkket.... you gave me... Really, I'm fine!"
The one and only Charles Contini is, in fact, not fine. His face is currently match that of a boiling hot kettle.
His body trembles, hand almost dropping his phone as he attempts (but failed) to gave you his meanest death-glare.
But you didn't care. You just swing your head on his thigh mischievously then get your head back inside his shirt, doing whatever you want.
His other hand desperately yanked the fabric of your clothes, teeth gritting and in the break of speaking to his mother on the phone he mouthed to you a word 'please', his lips is now visibly trembling.
You, somehow had managed to make him hate talking to his mother right at this moment.
"Y-yeah yeah... Mama, I reallly think I gotta-Hhhah... Y-yeah really, I'm fine... I swear I'm fine! N-now Igottagobyeeee-" click, finally the torture is over.
He exhales loudly as he plopped his body on the bed. He rolled his body to the side, forcefully ripping you out of his lap. He mumbles, "You're unbelieveable," as he rubbed his face with his palm.
You though, didn't care. You simply take a peek to his face with a smug look on your face, clearly satisfied. Fueling his irritation more.
Out of nowhere though, the tables has turned. He startling you by moving so fast and now you're pinned down on the bed, with him on top of you.
He smirked at you, tilting his head to the side. He looks so menacing... and hot.
"Mama said that I shouldn't play rough with others... but," he purrs quietly as his hand roamed to your sides, and his other hands pick up the strand of your hair and brings it to his mouth, giving it a peck.
His head leans closer, breath brushing againts the skin of your neck and he let out a low chuckle. Your reaction is simply too adorable.
"... I think a punishment is due, don't you think?"
Don't be weird lol he just tickled your sides lmaoooo of course I'm not insinuating anything hahahahhahaa-
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G A L U F G A R G A R O N 👅
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"I-is this okay? Are you comfortable?" he stutters nervously, both of his hand hovers awkwardly over your relaxes figure on his lap, not knowing where to put it.
On your hair? What if he accidentally yank it? On your stomach? What if he pushed on it too hard? On your chest? Uh-
He snapped out of his turmoil when you mentioned that his shaking hand is currently sweating a river, and it's dripping down on you.
"Huh?! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to please don't hate me-" please guide this poor lad. He never done this with anyone ever before. He's seriously gonna combust into acid mess!
His jitter and stutter earning him a few sore spot in his tongue due to him accidentally biting into it when trying to talk or move. It's a wonder that he managed to NOT bite it off.
His breath hitches when you grabbed his hand gently and guide it to rest flat on your hair, telling him to try playing with it as a start. THIS IS THE START?!
He swears if he accidentally hurt you he'll yank his limb off.
As the time passed by though, he started to calmed down as his mind focused on each strand of your hair. A faint blush tinted his cheek and by the time you realized it, he's in the middle of braiding your hair into a tiny parts. All the time checking your facial expression for any sign of discomfort.
His eyes rounded into what seemed like a doe-eye and his face relaxed, the corner of his mouth is quirked upwards into a small smile. He seems happy... until-
"WHAT'CHA LOOKING AT?!" He suddenly barked with eyes glaring to the side. Panicked, your head follows his direction and you saw his gang standing over there with face full of variation of expression.
Before you managed to speak your mind, your boyfriend's voice boomed across the place as he barked the word "SCRAM", making those group of teens scramble away into obscurity, almost stumbling onto each other.
"They're so noisy, I swear to God..." he mumble quietly, his eyes trailing back to meet your surprised expression. He avert his eyes shyly and he's back to his previous mode, stumbling over his word.
"I-I'm sorry, you must be surprised right?" he stated meekly as his hand silently encouraging you to lay back on his lap. "It's just my friends, they're being noisy as per usual. I hope I didn't scare you..."
Honestly, the duality of this man is mind-boggling.
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K E N N Y C L A R K 🧊
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"Calm down, no one's gonna now," he said nonchalantly, patting your hair without looking at you as his hand flipped through the pages of his module.
The both of you are in the library right now, and as it should be; nobody should be flirting in the library. Getting caught holding hands in itself will earn the culprit an one-day ban from accessing the library.
But did your boyfriend care? Of course not.
Because if he cares you wouldn't be in this situation right now; head pressed down onto his lap with one hand while he busying himself, studying for finals.
He reasoned that your love is his 'battery', therefore you should be 'charging him'. Whatever that means.
Sometimes he'll look down on his lap to check on you. He'll pinch on your cheek to make you look at him and he'll blow you a kiss. With a face devoid of any emotions.
Though his face seems stoic, he's actually secretly gushing inside his mind. He swears that that your misery flustered face is so adorable! That blushing cheek, wavering eyes... it brings warm to his chest.
All of that gushy-mushy inside his mind, while you're nervously checking around the room. Afraid to find the librarian striding in without any time for you to react.
The both of you have been banned from the library for far too many times. And finals week is not the ideal time for that to happen.
Noticing your distress, he closed his eyes and sighed softly. His hand relaxed and he stopped putting pressure onto your head. Giving you a chance to finally scrambled out of his lap and act normal!
But that's too boring for him.
That's why now he wrapped his hand around your shoulder and pulling you closer. Effectively making you lean on his shoulder.
But that's not enough for him, no! so he uses his hand to tilted your head upwards, making you face him while he leans closer to rubbed the tip of his nose to yours. Enjoying the reaction he earned from you.
"Rest assured, my angel," he mumbled quietly, intentionally breathing through his mouth so it would brush onto your lips. "After all, our love is always stealthy, it will flies under the radar." yikes
You might be hallucinating but you swear that you saw a glimpes of his lips quirked upwards slightly as he leans closer slowly, tilting his head, almost touching your lips...
On a positive note, if you get a bad grades for final, you're free to blame him now! Yay!
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M A L C O L M C U R T I S 🪲
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"Are you bored, my dear?" his voice is calm and soothing as he push the strand of hair that is in your face to the side, his other hand is brushing through the back of your hair gently.
He look to the side and stares at his fishing equipment that he put up by the edge of the river. It's been an hour and no fish has taken the bait yet.
He's not surprised though. Fishing is a long, waiting game after all. Especially if one decides to not use a lure. For him though, that's what makes it even more satisfying if he managed to catch one.
You lay on the grass with your head on his lap. Moaning and groaning about 'stupid fish not knowing what a fine cuisine is'. A low chuckles escapes his mouth, muffled by the tube in his mouth.
"Well, it's indeed taking longer than usual for fish to take my bait. I'm experimenting with the new bug after all," and that made you pouted. Something that he adores the most.
He's always hesitant to bring you with him fishing, knowing that you'll not be entertained. But for some reasons you always insisting on coming along, and every time his lap always ended up as your pillow.
Not that he minded though. You seemed relaxed and content as you nuzzle onto his thigh. And that's all he wanted, for you to be comfortable around him.
Not many people can bear to look at his... face. People often stated that 'it's the face that can only be loved by his mother'.
Not you though... you seems to think that his face is ethereal, as if he's one of Michelangelo's masterpiece. He never knew why you seems to think that way... but it warms his heart.
You suddenly shrieked, almost making him jump to defensive position and activate his magic. He frantically look to the side and his eyes widened when his fishing rod had finally started to twitch.
He moves away as you woke up from his lap and quickly keep a hold to the fishing rod, slowly reeling it in and strategically stopped to not startle anything that is currently taking his bait.
Meanwhile his heart thump against his chest, hearing you yelling encouragements to him as if you're a cheerleader.
And... voila! It's a baby catfish.
He stares at the wiggling little fish at the end of of his rod with a deadpanned expression, while you currently laughing your ass off.
He looks towards your direction, and he was stunned in silence as he stares at your amused face. It was simply... beautiful.
He knew his hobby is boring for you. But if it can make you laugh like this... he hopes you'll never get bored coming along with him.
He feels serene, at peace, all because of you.
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L O V I E R O S E Q U A R T Z ⚡
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"Oh, Hi... sorry, but Lévis is not here" he greets you with a soft voice as you come to his room, closing the book he's been reading and giving you his full attention as you walked to his bed.
His eyes widened in surprised when you, as usual, told him that you're here to hang out with him. A faint blushes painted his cheek as he let out a sweet laugh, "Oh, of course! please, come sit by me. I was starting to get bored myself."
He never gets used to you visiting him for some reasons. Even after a year of him being sick and losing his magic, he never did.
After being bedridden, it's rare for him to met people other than Lévis. His father never even consider him exist anymore, deeming him to be a defective product.
Maybe the last time he met his father was more than half a year ago? when he dragged him to this room?
All of that didn't surprised him though, he was just happy that his brother didn't meet the same fate as him. He believes all of this happen as a karma for never tried to stand up for his brother.
For you to stick around and visiting him every other weekend though, just to hang out with him and nothing else, is never failed to surprised him. I mean, why? he was weak now, everybody leaves, why won't you?
He giggles as he scoots a bit to give you space. As per usual, you'll get on his bed and put your head on his lap. Hugging his thin thigh in a koala grip as if it's your lifeline.
The pressure was a bit too tight, but it was fully welcomed. The extra warmth from your body is radiating and creeping to his heart, warming the negative thoughts away.
"How was school? anything interesting?" he questioned while brushing his hand to your hair, and his sweet smile never fades as he listens to your story. His eyes radiating with adoration as he stares down at you.
For him, your story was always interesting. Even if all you gonna talk in your entire visit is only about the shitty new cafeteria menu you had on school, it was all very interesting for him.
If you mentioned about his smile towards you, he'll giggle and cup your cheeks before giving your lips a small peck, "It's because I love you so much. You're so cute!"
Any reactions you gave him after that will earned you more peck for him. Don't scoot away from his lap though, he'll be sad! and he'll use his entire energy if he should to drag you back to his lap.
In his weakened state, all whom stay by his side other than Lévis is only you. For him, you're the breathe of fresh air in this cramped, lavish space.
Your existence stuck in his mind, and it's what keeps him going through the day as he dealt with the illness in his body.
As he pressed his forehead on top of yours, he mutters a soft 'thank you' before sighing, enjoying your presence by his side.
He'll trade everything in the world, for you to stay by his side... forever.
By the way, Lévis is currently outside of his room the entire time, holding a tray of food, wondering if he should go in and become a cockblock or not.
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I'm currently as good as a constipated bull right now And THANK YOUUUUU SM BOO I'M HAPPY THAT YOU LIKE MY WRITING! 😭😭😭 UEEEEEEEEEEEE-
Since you didn't specify what type of scenario you would want me to write, I used this prompt to write for them. If this is not what you mean, feel free to send another request!!!
I put Lovie in as a curve ball because I'm curious on how I myself would interpret a character that only appeared in the few panels. But unexpectedly Malcolm ended up being the hardest one. I paused writing for a day just because of him lol.
Anyway, thank you @doughnuts-eater for your request! Sorry it takes too long for me to write! I hope you and everyone else will enjoy this one too! 🍀
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dungeon-strugglers · 2 months
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Iron Maiden  Armor (plate), legendary (requires attunement) 
The interior of this suit of iron armor is lined with brutal spikes. Donning the armor is an excruciating procedure that binds it to your body by piercing your flesh. Your hit point maximum is reduced by a number equal to your character level. Roll a d100. If the number rolled is greater than your new hit point maximum, you immediately die and the attunement fails.
The armor suspends your lifeforce while you are imprisoned within it, and grows in power as your blood is spilled, feeding off of your agony to fuel its magic. While wearing the armor you gain the following benefits:
You have a +1 bonus to AC.
You are immune to exhaustion and the frightened condition.
Death Howl. When damage drops you to 0 hit points, you can emanate a psychic wail of agony and drop to 1 hit point instead. Each creature of your choice within 60 feet of you that can hear you must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or take psychic damage equal to the damage you took. Once this property has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.
While wearing the armor and you have fewer than half of your maximum hit points (rounded down), you gain the following benefits:
The AC bonus increases to +2.
Bloody Vigor. Once on each of your turns, when you hit with an attack or deal damage with a spell, you can deal an extra 2d8 damage to one of the targets. If the target is a creature, you gain temporary hit points equal to the extra damage dealt.
While wearing the armor and you have fewer than one quarter of your maximum hit points (rounded down), you gain the following benefits:
The AC bonus increases to +3.
The extra damage from Bloody Vigor increases to 4d8.
Curse. The armor cannot be removed unless this curse is broken via the remove curse or wish spell. If the armor is removed, the magic that sustained your mangled body ends. You immediately drop to 0 hit points and you have disadvantage on death saving throws for the next 1d6 days.
For the Knights of The Crimson Tears, being elected Warden is no privilege. It is a duty-bound service on their honor that, one day, they may be called upon to don the Iron Maiden. If duty calls for the Warden to fulfill their agonizing promise, no evil may escape once the armor weeps for its wielder. - 🖌🎨 Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for almost 200 magic items (wow!), printable item cards and card packs, beautiful creature art and stat blocks, and setting pdfs with narrative hooks and unique lore!🧙‍♂️ Thank you so much for your support! 💖
📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.
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magicalink · 10 months
Broken Beyond Repair
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Content: Angst? Hurt/comfort? Some sad and painful thoughts Wanderer has at night when the past haunts him and he feels that it has completely ruined his present and future. Slight comfort and hope towards the ending? I dunno what this is, some sudden idea that attacked me at night and I decided to give it a shot. Not proofread.
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That's how Wanderer felt. That's how he saw himself. Because no matter how good things could be in the present or future, the damage the past had inflicted upon him had shattred him, twisted him in ways that prevented him from ever finding peace. From ever being free from pain.
He turned and tossed in bed. In your bed. He was incapable of sleeping. Tons of thoughts flooded his mind.
Because now he had what he had always wanted, right? He had a goddess that considered him her son. And he had a human who loved him, who considered him her equal.
Yes, he had Nahida. He had you. He finally had what he had always wanted. To be accepted, to be loved, to be a part of something, to have a family.
But he felt that it was too late. Even if now he had everything he had ever longed for, the traumatic suffering from the past had left him too broken to ever be able to truly enjoy it.
There were too many losses, too many heartbreaks, too many sins he didn't have the right to regret.
Many times he wished he had chosen not to recover his memories, to live a peaceful life, free from sorrow, able to enjoy what he wanted the most had he ever come across it. But he knew he didn't deserve it. And besides...
It wouldn't even be worth it if he wasn't by your side.
He looked besides him. You were laying at the other side of the bed, wandered far from where you had been cuddling him when you first turned off the lights. You were sound asleep, he could hear your breathing.
He had no doubt. He didn't deserve to live a peaceful life without the memories of what had happened and of what he had done. But he had more than he deserved. He had Nahida, and he had you. He didn't deserve to have you there by his side after how much he had harmed you and your kind. Yet there you were, always for him.
Whenever he cried in his sleep, because he was broken beyond repair and the cracks would bust open when he was most vulnerable, you were there to cradle him, to lull him, to wipe his tears and kiss his wounds, his scars, both the physical and the emotional ones.
You were always there. That's the reason why he even bothered sleeping when he didn't even have the need. He would lay there in bed with you, sharing the utmost intimacy and vulnerability, because it was the last thing that brought happiness and peace to his broken being. He felt it was the pinnacle of human connection, the maximum declaration that you were now a couple, a family, a family that could not be separated. It didn't matter that he was a puppet, that he was not human, that he had no heart. When he laid in bed with you, it was a shoutout to the world, but mostly to himself, that he was your lover, your companion, your only man.
So he laid in bed night after night by your side, treasuring the chances he had to do it when you weren't away in your many endless travels. It made him happy, but he could never fully enjoyed because he was twisted, marked by sorrow, broken beyond repair.
He hated how far you had wandered from him. Maybe you should have a smaller bed. He wanted you closer, but he always waited for you to make the first move. A move you wouldn't make because you were in a deep slumber, unaware of his rumiation of his endless pain.
But he couldn't take it anymore, if he was far from you those cracks that were the proof of his brokenness would bust open any moment and he didn't want to cry while awake. The pain he felt that night was so deep, it made him so desperate, it was the kind of pain and anxiety that wouldn't even let him cry, just sink into en endless spiral of rumiation and mourning and self loathing.
So he made the first move, and coyly approached your side under the sheets, sighing sadly. He was weak, he was dumb, he didn't deserve you, and he didn't deserve you even more taking into account that he wasn't even able to fully enjoy you because he was broken beyond repa...
He yelped and blushed when you instantly wrapped your arms and legs around him as soon as yoy felt his body touching yours. Even if you were sound asleep, you cuddled him, held him tight against your chest, mumbling incoherences in your sleep as your body moved by itself to hug him, as if it knew his by heart. As if your body recognized his as its other missing half, as if you were made for ine another.
He felt butterflies in his stomack, a wild ticking where his heart should be, and it reminded him how good it felt to be by your side. How happy it made him. Even if a broken being like him could never be completely happy and completely in peace, having you by his side were his only moments of piece and happiness on the hell he was forced to inhabit.
It was worth it. Being by your side was worth everything. Laying in bed with you was worth everything. Beinf the one you held close even if you were asleep was worth everything.
Because even if he was broken beyond repair, being by your side gave him enough comfort, enough enjoyment, even if it was interrupted by the torment of his past, enough reason to continue living.
He snuggled you back and kissed the top of your head, careful not to wake you. All he wanted was to be with you. It made him happy. As happy as he could be with his nonexistant broken heart. If he was broken beyind repair and complete peace and happiness were unattainable, then so be it. Having this moments with you brought him enough solace and joy, even if it was fragile, even if it was interrupted, because he knew you always soothed him back with your sweet words and hugs, with the firm yet gentle grip with which you held him, and with the way you kissed him and caressed him.
He was broken beyond repair, and so were you, but you both held each other's pieces together every single day. And during the night, it was the moment when you kissed the cracks and made sure none of you would crumble. And if you did, it would be in each other's arms where you would be taken care of and shown love until you could stand back on your feet again.
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