#is more focused on how his intelligence is understood than some other readers’
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Incredible Hulk (1968) Annual #10
#while I don’t deny that Bruce and the Hulk’s relationship is more complicated than two completely seperate people who happen to share a body#and I’m not strictly opposed to stories having moments where a certain action of the Hulk’s is attributed to Bruce influencing him#I disliked it back when it was the norm to frame it as the Hulk is a straightforward monster#and anything good he did was because of the man buried deep inside briefly coming out#in part because that’s frankly boring as it makes the Hulk a non-character with very limited interiority#I prefer it when Bruce's influence on the Hulk is limited to knowledge#like that the Hulk did something because he subconsciously remembered something relevant about how radiation works#and I like it better that Bruce and the Hulk have their own different ethos and understanding of right and wrong#I'm thinking of this one scene in The Rampaging Hulk where Bruce sees a child being abused and tries to ignore it#because he doesn't want to get upset and turn into the Hulk#but when he does and the Hulk sees that he immediately intervenes in the situation#but also there's that the Hulk has certain opinions about how fighting is supposed to work#like he judges people for primarily using weapons that fire from a distance rather than physically fighting up close#and I'm sure that Bruce doesn't care about things like that#this story is taking that the approach that the Hulk’s ability to reason is solely limited to Bruce’s influence#so that when they’re seperated the Hulk isn’t capable of reasoning at all#which is not how the Hulk was portrayed when the two of them were separated previously#and which I’m attributing to Bruce’s biased perspective on the Hulk rather than the reality of the situation#I’m not sure how to word this right but I think my understanding of the Hulk’s problems#is more focused on how his intelligence is understood than some other readers’#like I’m not that convinced of the importance of the Hulk’s appearance and that he’s the strongest there is#while they’re not not contributing factors I do think that the Hulk is devalued because he’s not intelligent#that trying to kill him or ‘cure’ Bruce of them are seen as viable solutions to the problem of the Hulk#because he’s essentially not worth saving#and in turn that it’s particularly tragic that this happened to Bruce because he matters so much as an intelligent person#marvel#bruce banner#my posts#comic panels
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storm-angel989 · 4 months
Drugs 'n Memories (Valentino x Reader x Vox's Daughter)
Valentino’s limo pulled up outside the run down house. Flashes of his own teenagerhood raced through his mind. Part of him couldn’t blame his niece for wanting to have a little fun, to let off steam- especially when she had just aced her final exams last week. But as he and her father monitored the cameras that kept a watchful eye over every inch of the Pride ring, as well as the vitals on her tracker, their concern level grew. Anger pulsed through both of them as they watched a much older demon slip something into reader's cup. Valentino recognized the drug instantly. Nothing that would kill her, but it would definitely multiply the effects of the alcohol she was currently consuming. 
Vox’s reaction was instantaneous. On his feet, slamming the keyboard, his typical hot headed, kill them all reaction. Valentino, on the other hand, understood the scene. And more importantly, he knew how to counteract the drugs that were now rushing through her veins. 
“I’ll handle it, amicito,” he replied coolly. “You stay here and monitor the situation. I’ll bring her home. After all, she’s my niñita as well.” 
And so as he stepped out of the limo, the familiar spring to summer scent engulfed him. He smiled to himself as memories of his own teenagerhood remerged. Memory lane wasn’t a path he often allowed himself to venture down- he much preferred his life in hell to his life as a human. But still, there were some parts of his humanity that bubbled up from time to time, memories he couldn’t simply erase. 
Unlike his sweet niece, the younger Valentino, couldn’t have given less of a shit about grades. Not that he wasn’t intelligent, but brilliance isn’t defined solely on what happens in the classroom, and at seventeen, Valentino had bigger things to handle. Fucking, fighting, drugs- those were the three things he focused on. And rightly so, because when broken down, those three things translated into pleasure, protection and money. 
It was about this same time- the end of the school year, post exams. Excitement buzzed in the air as most looked forward to summer break, time on the beach. Valentino, on the other hand, had business to attend to. No matter the season, he was always incredibly busy, a master at the art of supply and demand. So when one of his competitors approached him in the hallway, there was no hesitation. His girlfriend at the time, his sweet reader, jumped in front of him and before Valenitno could react, his competitors first met reader’s face. 
Her reaction wasn’t expected. To every inch of Valentino’s bad boy reputation, reader was anything but. Straight A student, head of the student council, on the fast track to a law degree. And perhaps most importantly, had just earned herself her black belt. 
The hallway filled with deafening silence. Valentino smirked and crossed his arms, more than content to watch. He knew what was coming. In one swift move, he watched Reader take down his competitor, leaving him nothing but a moaning and crying pathetic excuse for a human being. 
Being hauled to the principal's office, no cameras to be had, it was Reader’s word against his competitors. Valentino listened as Reader vehemently denied Valentino’s involvement. And of course, the powers that be would believe her against him- she wasn’t exactly the type to be in trouble, while both Valentino and the other boy had suspension sheets a mile long.  Not that being suspended, or even expelled would honestly matter to him, but there was something sexy about watching his latest fuck defend him vehemently. Later on that night, in the backseat of his car, he made sure to show her just how much he appreciated her defense. 
Their relationship lasted the rest of the school year, and when he returned in the fall, she had been accepted to university a year early. Valentino never saw her again- not that he expected to. Nor did he care all that much. It was a long time after all. Besides, the little slut probably ended up in heaven. As he walked up the pathway to the house, he pushed back those thoughts, those memories. The past was in the past, and he needed to focus on the situation at hand. 
He swung open the door and watched the teenagers scatter like roaches. He made his way through the house as though he owned it, glancing every so often at the tracker to ensure his niece's location. Around him, teenage demons began to whisper as they scurried out of his way. 
Oh shit, is that Val?
What is Valentino doing here? 
I heard he’s related to someone here.
Maybe he’s here to scout?
Wait, isn’t Vox’s daughter here? 
You think that’s her uncle? 
He enjoyed their fear. Relished in it, actually. Perhaps if they made the connection between her and exactly what family she came from, they would think twice before pulling her into events like these. 
“Uncle Val?” His niece's voice squeaked from across the living room. She stared at him in shell shocked, deer in the headlights eyes. “What are you doing here?” 
“It’s time to go home now, niñita,” he said evenly as he strode up to her, plucked the red solo cup from her hand and casually tossed its contents over the demon who spiked it. “Come, before those drugs in your tummy hit.”
She looked at him in anger and he saw, not for the first time, a flash of himself in her defiance. How funny it was that although she wasn’t his biologically, she had streaks of him built into her personality as though she was. 
“Uncle Valentino, I am staying here with my friends and there is nothing you can do about it,” she put her hands on her hips and glared. “And for your information, I’m not doing drugs, it's just a little vodka.”
“You forgot the cardinal rule of going out, bebita princessa. Always watch your cup,” he replied calmly as he lifted her up and tossed her over his shoulder with ease. “I’ve already had a long day, do us both a favor and don’t make it longer.”
The usual grumbles, the screams, the cries and the I hate yous spewed from her mouth. But no one dared to interfere. They knew the consequences if they stepped between Valentino and his family. He brought her inside the limo and checked his watch. 
“Uncle Val, I don’t feel so good.”
Her head rolled to his shoulders and he laid her down on his lap. His timing was impeccable, right down to the exact second. 
“I know. And you’re not going to. Shit’s gotta work its way out of your system.” He said as he rolled her to her side and twisted open a bottle of water as he pressed two black capsules to her lips. “Swallow these. Drink this. It won’t make the feeling go away, but it will absorb whatever’s left in your belly.”
She shakily obeyed and he gently held her steady as the limo brought them closer to home. 
“Puke if you’ve got to, wouldn’t be the first time you got sick on me,” he said lightly as he held a plastic bag just below her mouth. “Better to get it all out than hold it in.”
She let out a groan. “Uncle Val? Did you ever…get into trouble when you were a kid?” she asked. 
He chuckled and looked down at her. “Trouble? That’s hardly the word for it, bebita.”
She was quiet for a moment and he gently tucked back a stray strand of hair. 
“Is Daddy gonna be mad?”
Valentino shook his head. “I think you Dad is just going to be happy I got to you in time. You need to be more careful, ninita. Especially if you’re going to misbehave so far out of town.” He stroked her back as he spoke. “Rape happens. It could have happened to you tonight, and you’re lucky- very lucky, I happened to be in the area and could get to you in time. Otherwise…” He paused and looked down at her, “I don’t want to ever see you in that situation, conejito. It would never be your fault, but you must be cautious. Not everyone is the kind soul you are.” He adjusted her ever so slightly. “Close your eyes. It’s going to be awhile before we make it home.” 
“Uncle Val?”
“Yes, cariño?” 
“Thanks for looking out for me. I’m sorry I yelled.”
He sighed, “bebita, I’m just glad you're safe. Save the apologies for your dad.”
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 18 - Enola Holmes
Sherlock Holmes x Reader 
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It was a game between them, even if they had never talked about it.
Ever since he'd met her during an investigation that she'd helped him solve, impressing him with her intelligence and thinking skills, Sherlock Holmes and Y/N Y/L/N were seeing each other regularly.
There had been some rumours about their relation, since it was not proper for a young lady to find herself so often alone in a man's house, to walk down the street with him and accompany him on dangerous adventures, but none of them were paying attention, too busy having fun together.
For his part, Sherlock liked to test the intellectual capacities of his young friend. Y/N did her best to surprise him. To say or do something that he did not know or that he could not guess thanks to his science of deduction.
Until now, if they had counted the points, which they were not doing, Sherlock won largely, because despite all her goodwill, Y/N did not always find the solution to the questions, riddles and investigations he gave to her, and she absolutely never managed to take him by surprise.
           "You'll never guess who I saw this morning."
           "My sister." he answered without looking up from his newspaper.
           "... Possible. But you'll never guess what happened."
           "You had a chat, she offered you to work with her on a case, you followed your prime suspect to find out it couldn't be him as he was going to his mistress, only to find out the culprit was obviously the butler."
           "... You are not funny." she mumbled, sulking as she sat across from him. "Anyway. Anything new ?"
           "Can't you guess ?"
           "I repeat, you are not funny."
Trying to hide his smirk, Sherlock told her about his new investigation, eager to get her opinion. Of course, he already had an idea of ​​who had committed the crime, why and how, he wanted to see her think. Unlike most people, she knew how to use her brain, although she still needed a little practice. It was pleasant to see her face light up and her eyes sparkle when she found the solution.
It had nothing to do with romantic feelings though.
Not at all.
Sherlock often repeated it to himself when he took her arm not to lose her in the crowd, when he was composing a fiddle tune for her, or when he was worried that she was not arriving on time at a meeting.
A simple meeting between friends and work colleagues, of course.
Sometimes he suspected that Y/N loved him more than just a friend. But it embarrassed her and he didn't want to embarrass her.
After all, even though he came from a rather noble family and with money, he was not the eldest son, and he had a very particular way of life. Not really the ideal husband. She had seen him in many situations that would have scared off intelligent men and women.
If Y/N hadn't left yet, it was because he offered her a freedom that she didn't have as a woman in this society.
Sherlock understood this matter quite well thanks to his sister and his mother, and although he unfortunately did not have the solution to this problem yet, he was happy to help Y/N flourish as she deserved.
           "I'm sure you already know who stole that diamond." she sighed, rolling her eyes. "I don't even see why you need an assistant."
           "I never said I needed an assistant."
           "You said I was very useful for your investigations !"
           "Not exactly. I said you help me stay focused and eliminate leads faster. You're also good at following people, acting as a witness when Lestrade isn't listening, and responding to reporters who ask too many questions."
           "... So I'm here... To be a secretary ?"
           "... Again, that's not what I said."
           "What you just said is more or less the definition of a secretary, or an idiot who spends her time with a man who uses her."
Despite all his intelligence, Sherlock Holmes was not very good at talking with his peers, even those he cared about.
Especially those he cared about.
He knew all the same that he had just hurt Y/N, her grimace and wet eyes not leaving too much room for doubt, and he stood up quickly to prevent her from leaving, grabbing her hand.
           "That's really not what I meant." he repeated apologetically.
           "You don't have to talk, I get it. I'm really stupid. I thought we had fun together, that we were equals, that we... I was stupid."
           "What ? That we what ?"
           "Oh please, Sherlock, you know that very well !"
           "No I do not know."
           "That I love you !" she exclaimed, looking at him in the eyes, beautiful and furious. "We have been working together for months, having dinner together, spending several hours in your apartment, by the fireplace, and I know very well that the great Sherlock Holmes has long guessed that it was not simply because I love adventure !"
This, he could not deny.
However, Sherlock remained silent, because not for a single second had he imagined that she loved him so much, and especially he would never have thought that she would confess her feelings to him.
It was a real surprise.
And Y/N read the shock on his face perfectly.
           "... You did not know ?"
           "I... Of course I did. Well, I was hoping. I mean, I was suspecting. I didn't have all the...."
           "You were hoping ?" she repeated, slowly approaching him, her eyes becoming sparkling again. "Sherlock ?"
He could have said nothing, lied, run away, but that would have hurt her again, even more, and he didn't want that, so Sherlock didn't move, staring at her for a long time, before biting his lip.
           "I think wedding is a totally useless and absurd thing. But if it was necessary, I'm not against it."
           "... Should I see this as a marriage proposal ?"
           "What do you think ?"
           "I think you are panicking about the situation, that you are unable to tell me that you love me too, at least not right now and not in these terms, but you want to make me understand that my feelings are shared, that I don't have to be ashamed of my confession, and that if one day my father comes screaming to your house, you will take a ring out of your pocket and get on your knees."
           "Wrong ."
           "... Wrong ?"
           "Or rather, almost wrong. The majority of your deduction is correct, proving your great quick-wittedness, and that's why I love you."
It didn't make her laugh, but Y/N smiled all the same, gently hitting on the shoulder.
They didn't talk about it again after, for many months, because it was unnecessary.
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aemondsbeloved · 2 years
hi!! I was wondering your take on aemond/aegon falling for someone with selective mutism/who goes nonverbal? <3
Words Unsaid
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pairing: Aemond Targaryen x nonverbal!reader
notes: wasn’t feeling any inspo for Aegon so I just did Aemond for these headcanons, hope that’s okay!
The opposite of his elder brother, Aemond has been an observer of the court. Aegon had loved the attention being a prince brought him but even more the loss of his eye, the children of the court circling around Aemond had unnerved him. Then, he had not understood what it appeared like when the daughters and sons of lords said honeyed words to him in hopes of the privileges that came with the friendship of a Targaryen prince, but still, he could find some distaste in their actions. Aegon might have loved it but Aemond wanted to be left alone than be surrounded by insincere people.
When he lost his eye he grew bitter. Gone was the soft spoken and intelligent, perhaps a little arrogant prince. He was a boy who trusted no one save his mother, the only one who defended him. He focused on other things, training with Ser Criston and studying with a maester in the library when he could. There would be some days where he realized he had not spoken to someone in hours. Surprisingly he did not mind the solitude nor the silence
He had never had interest in the ladies of the court nor did he seek to woo any girls. Courting was out of the question. If it were not for his pride of his heritage, his mother might have suggested becoming a maester himself.
Aemond knew he would have to court a lady eventually but he regarded it as duty, something he must do. He would be respectful towards his lady wife no matter what, but she would not receive warmth from him nor would she be sung songs or read poetry by his lips. His mother and father got on well enough to his eye was Aemond's reasoning to himself. There was no love but his mother cared for his father and his father would take no slight against his mother. He would do the same for whomever he married.
These were the things Aemond told himself, at least, but somewhere deep within himself even he wished for love. He had been able to suppress this wish for long until a young lady had arrived to court along with her father, a new member of his father's court.
He did not notice it at first, truth be told. You held yourself highly and walked about the castle as you belonged there just as any of the other ladies did. But you did not linger near the other ladies. Once or twice he saw you near Helaena but from where you sat with her he could see you writing something in a notepad. Helaena was talking away as she tended to do, though he could not discern what, but he assumed that you were writing as you listened to her. He mused you could have been a writer and were simply enjoying his sister's company.
Aemond assumed wrong. He heard whispers of you near the throne room when he passed a group of ladies. "It matters little how comely she is," a lady said snidely. "No lord would want a wife who cannot speak!" "I hear she is a simpleton," another remarked, sounding sage. "If her house was not as proud they would have sent her away long ago, not walk about the Keep for all to see."
Surprisingly himself, Aemond felt anger. His anger had been uncontrollable in the past but now he could tame it, yet hearing this slight he knew could only be about you sent him seething from where the ladies stood. To feel the need to defend someone who was at best a stranger was not something he was used to feeling.
Days that followed felt like quick sand to Aemond, slow and tedious, where he felt his eye roving wherever he was to catch a glimpse at you. It might have been days or week, maybe even months when he saw you that day in the garden, sitting down on a bench.
You say nothing but look up at him from your notebook and smile. He thinks that gesture might be worth a thousand words. When he sits next to you he says nothing for a time. He watches you as you lift your head and watch the people that walk about. Smiling he says more to himself than you, "You are an observer are you not?"
Maybe it was the way he said it, almost softly and thoughtfully that made the simple sentence sound more profound. Without pausing you pull out your leather bound notebooks and write your reply. You hand the open notebook with the words I did not have any other option but to observe written on the blank page. He hums and you seem to appreciate the reply, as silent as it was. To his surprise, you seem to not mind in the slightest as he thumbs through the pages, conversations on your part to situations just like these as well as conversations you overheard that must have intrigued you.
"I too did not have a choice," he admits quietly and you nod at him in understanding. He gestures to the side of his face covered in his eyepatch and the jagged scar. "When people see this they turn away in disgust and find me most grotesque." He laughs bitterly. The wound of the court's reaction felt terrible even now and Aemond had not been able to let slights go. "I would rather stay by myself and let them cower in fear."
He does not mean the words completely as he enjoys the way you treat him as any other person, and Aemond thinks that you know that. The space between you seems smaller when you place your hand on top of his on the bench for a minute before you take the notebook back. Writing again you show him after a minute you next words. They find me a simpleton because I cannot speak but many forget my ears are in fine condition and I hear the idiocy they often speak. We should not worry about the opinions of people of that sort.
Aemond laughs, actually laughs, because he finds you amusing. His laughter and smile at his action seem to please you as he leans back in the bench.
In the weeks that follow there is one person that notes the change in Aemond. Queen Alicent. Her son, once brooding and lonely, perhaps content in his misery, seemed to find pleasure in activities other than reading by himself and training with Ser Criston. It reaches her ear that he has been spending time with a lord's daughter who came to the court a few months prior.
comments and reblogs is always appreciated and encouraged!
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This is my first time posting a work after reading many, many, many others. Sadly, English is not my first language, I have proofread it, however, any heads up and suggestions you guys may like to add, feel free to do it. Just a few disclaimers (More will be added as the story goes): - This first chapter does not have any solid interactions nor ties to the movie itself. It is just a prologue to set the reader's character's intentions and how they mingle into the story; - This work is an alteration type of fic, so up till the third act, I'll be using the dialogue and scenes from the movie (Maybe even C+P the original script, adapting to the reader's POV, but nothing's set in stone yet);
Check part one here!
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You had only known peace. Only balance. The war you never got to see was far behind you. The remnants of the clan told stories at night, describing the battlefield in detail for the little ones. Some said war was a disgrace that eliminated great warriors, much of what once was a great and proud clan of nomads, now many sought Uturu among the Omaticaya and other Na'vi.
Being an Olangi has granted you sights like no other. Plains, mountains, graveyards, and now, reefs. At least for the time being. You knew your travelling group would take time to come back, close to a full tide cycle, as you learned to call it. The decision came easy to you. Some of the Olangi people haven't taken root, travelling in groups, and trading with tribes, and the Metkayina were no strangers. The reef became a recurring rest stop on the travels, both clan and spiritual leaders saw you grow, as you saw their children become strong and respected in your eyes.
Even when children, Tsireya's kindness and Ao'nung's demeanour mesmerized you from day one. Recently, you caught yourself more than once admiring from afar their relation to the ocean, the fauna and flora of the reef, striving to be just like them. To be one with the ocean. Getting to know more about Eywa every day. Everything was one with her, and no Na'vi was more aware of that than you. You could feel Eywa everywhere: the roots of trees, the wind blowing on your skin, the dirt you bury your feet in. The strong heartbeat of animals, the waves. It was subtle, so easy to lose if you got distracted by the commotion of daily life. But Eywa was there, every passing second, always speaking to her people.
The way of water has no beginning and no end. The sea is around and in you from before your birth and after your death.
As days passed, you got used to a routine. Waking up with the sun filtering through the weavings of the tent, you prepared satchels of food and left to explore the reefs until it was time to start your duties of the day.
— There, all done — Roxto smiled, saddling one of the riding companions for you. Helping you mount, his blue eyes focused on your hands, giving you instructions. — Keep the hand here, don't lose grip, or bond breaks.
The Ilu were intelligent, docile creatures, tamable rides, and a great help around the people of the clan. Not different from the Pale, fire horses. You could feel the strength, movement, and breathing through Tsaheylu.
It was not easy to learn, however, the guidance came naturally to you, took days to barely keep your grip underwater. At least you could stay under for long periods with Ilu. Diving was still a challenge, and Tsireya had the solution.
— Perfect, now twist, and knot. — Weaving was an activity given to you in the first days. Involved no risks, besides the eventual tangling of fingers and knives. Tsireya said the repetitious task had you in hypnotic states, a skill later indispensable the control breathing and heartbeat, good for diving.
— Very well! Stong net. Good for small fish. Want to make it bigger? — You smiled, a little restrained.
You were wise for your age, knew Eywa closely, and understood many Na'vi people's culture. However, for the first time, Metkayina treated you like a child. Of course, you were taking the first steps in knowing the way of water. Though was it really necessary to talk to you like a baby? You did not resent them, only felt out of place sometimes.
You were the same age as your friends, did they see you as less?
Eclipse was starting when you took the leaves from your satchel, unfurling them to taste the smoked Glider Fin. Being ankle-deep in the water was enough to ground you, the reef flowing inside you, like a heartbeat, flooding your body, your mind, with energy making you whole.
But something was not right. You could feel an urgency coming from the pulsing heart of Eywa like a mother worried for her child. From days in, animals around you were a little more restless, an omen for a storm of sorts. Perhaps you were imagining it? You felt left out recently, could it be only that? Missing the familiar faces, the landscape changing.
Were you longing for the land? Could not be. The sea was gradually becoming his new home, a peaceful, comforting place. It was easy to get lost in the waves, to be rocked by the Great Mother's womb.
At night the stars shone, silent and attentive. One, in particular, was large and bright, and it moved quickly across the sky.
The Olangi are guided by the sky and the stars. That new one wasn't on any of your maps or even in memory. Maybe, you thought, that was Eywa's urgent concern. The smaller, aggressive alien that took you from the ground, killed your great sacred mother. They took the energy, never intending to give it back... Sky People.
Tonowari has waved away your fears, sorrowfully telling you about the hunt of Metkayna Tulkun brothers and sisters over the horizon. Even so, that did not put you at ease. Sky People were still out there, hurting your home, preparing to kill in favour of incomprehensible reasons in your view. Much like the old tale of Tulkun, Reef people did not fight, did not kill, you learned.
Ote'we, leader and wisest of the travelling bunch told you once about how the clan served the Rider of the Last Shadow. How he'd seen brothers, sisters and his mate die before his eyes, how he passed through the eye of Eywa and came back. When the dust settled down, Toruk Makto sent bad Sky People away to their dead home, some say others stayed behind, to bring hope, and help Na'vi see them in other eyes.
You were Olangi. Nomad, proud warrior, one with the Great Mother. If the time came to it. You'd fight.
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Once again thank you for reading!
If you like it better, I'll also be posting this story on AO3, under the same title.
Check next part here!
Eywa ngahu livu.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Distance!Series Part 2: The Kiss - Will Halstead x Reader
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Trigger Warning: Mention of child death (case related)
Part One: Distance
Tagging: @daniacat​   @misscharlielulu​   @cosmic-psychickitty​   @tonio-dawson​   @brianbabygirlzvonecek​   @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff​  @ikbenplant​       @gummybabey​    @rosaliedepp​    @annieradcliff​   @mrspeacem1nusone​      @sowrongitslottie​   @readingbookelf​    @earthtolottie​   @crazy4chickennuggets​   @cixrosie​     @halsteadloversworld​   @zaidatorcuatomorgado​   @horny-and-sad27​    @oneandonlychicago​     @lxna-mikaelsxn​   @1234-angelika​   @wolfers-stuff​      @directioner5life​   @bradshawsdarlin​ @aaronhtchnrs @mysoulisasunflower @luckyladycreator2 @willhalstead-rhodes @zephyrmonkey @bluecrush129 @thespottedcreature @celilice1 @whoreforhondo
Bar Americain was a trendy, intimate bar just up the road from Bronx SVU’s precinct. The lounge you were sitting in was elegant, rich with art deco fittings. The chairs were a luxurious chocolate brown, that matched the glossy wood of four legged tables and reflected the low lighting in their shiny surfaces.
For the first time in what felt like weeks you felt yourself beginning to relax in the decadent surroundings as you took the first sip from an exquisitely made cocktail. It was quiet here tonight and you liked that, you needed somewhere you could take a moment and breathe. The past few weeks had been a whirlwind of activity and now you could finally take a second, a second to forget that you were a cop, a second to remember that you were actually a person.
“I knew you’d like this place.” Iain Reilly murmured, his cornflower blue eyes focusing on you as he lifted the glass of beer to his lips.
“It’s soothing you know?” You said, allowing your gaze to wander over the delicate designs etched into features of the room.  
“I got the sense you needed something to take your mind off everything.” He commented wryly.
“Thank you.” You spoke quietly, meeting Reilly’s intense blue stare. “I mean it, thank you for everything you’ve done for me I appreciate it. “
“I know it’s not been easy for you being here.” Reilly said earnestly. “Leaving your life behind for this case… “
He trailed off for a moment, swallowing hard as he lowered his gaze to the surface of the table.
“I know what it’s like to be lonely.” He told you, a mirthless smile tipping up at the edges of his mouth. “You can’t talk about this job with other people, you can’t tell them about the horrible things you see, how much it breaks you down inside...”
You understood what he was saying. Over the years you had worked in Intelligence you had seen some deplorable things, things that no human being should do to another, especially not to children. There were days where you simply felt numb, that shutting down every single one of your emotions was the only way you could get through the day without losing your shit.
Then Will stepped into your life.
He had been a breath of fresh air. Empathetic, compassionate and fun, he was all you ever could have wanted in a person, everything you could have dreamed of. You had never thought a man like him could exist and the fact he did…
It wasn’t lost on you how incredibly lucky you were.  Despite your differences, you somehow made it work. Will always made it seem effortless, he could read you like a book, pre-empting your needs long before you’d even begun to consider them yourself. He was the person that kept you anchored when you felt like you were coming apart at the seams. He was the one that made everything seem like it was going to be ok.
You missed his presence in your life more than anything. You hadn’t felt whole since you’d left Chicago and you knew that was your fault. When they’d offered you the chance to work this case you had jumped at it. Will had understood, he had seen first hand what Mika’s death had done to you. He had cradled you in his lap that night, your face buried in his firm chest, hands grasping his  shirt as you sobbed your heart out, mourning the child that no one else seemed to give a damn about.
You couldn’t sleep after that, knowing The Broker was out there, especially after they had found the New York version of the website.
When Will called him your white whale, and he wasn’t wrong…
He didn’t try to change your mind when you told him that you were staying a few more weeks. He knew you better than you knew yourself most days and he had known that this was something you needed to do even if it made the two of you miserable for the foreseeable future.
The bell rang for last call, snapping you out of your thoughts and causing you to glance at the intricate, silver watch Will had given you for your first wedding anniversary.
“I didn’t realise it was so late.” You uttered, draining the last of your cocktail as Reilly followed suited with his own drink.
There was an early briefing in the morning, one you couldn’t afford to turn up to groggy and hungover. Reilly was already holding out your coat for your as you gathered up your phone and handbag, placing it upon the surface of the table.
You gave him a grateful smile as Reilly helped you into your long, charcoal grey coat, his hands smoothing over your shoulders as you turned to face him. He was standing too close; you heard the rustle of fabric as your clothes brushed and you tilted your head up to say something.
His lips were on yours before you had the chance to speak.
It was wrong, you felt that with every fibre of your being.
Reilly wasn’t Will. When you were with Will you could feel the love in his kisses, you could feel the tenderness he had for you when his fingers ghosted along your skin.  
“You don’t have to be alone tonight.” Reilly whispered against your mouth.
You pulled away from Reilly violently, tearing yourself from his arms, the back of your hand wiping across your lips vehemently. He stepped forward, reaching out to grab your arm.
“Don’t.” you barked, the tone of your voice glacial, stopping Reilly dead in his tracks. “Just don’t…”
You snatched up your handbag, throwing it over your shoulder before exiting the bar and plunging into the depths of the night.
Big Fan of Will! Get added to his tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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amielbjacobs · 1 year
I've gotten two reviews of my manuscript which say they struggled to understand my protagonist's character/motivations - this is two out of like nine reviews, but I never know how much to weight negative feedback. I don't necessarily think that it's only my mental illness which leads me to think some people are too polite to give constructive criticism; it's a hard thing to do. And it doesn't help that some people have heard me go on and on about Wallace's character and how I feel about him - that is to say, they have information about Wallace that isn't in the book.
Well, of the two reviews saying this, one of them really did not like the book, and it seemed to me that they stopped saying "I don't understand Wallace" at about the same time they started saying "FUCK Wallace," the latter of which suggests that they do understand his character. (Wallace sucks.)
As for the other, she hasn't finished reading the book yet, so maybe she'll come to understand him a little better further in the book? She did specifically say she understood Mirsky better than Wallace. And I think that Mirsky understands himself better than Wallace understands himself, which makes it easier to make him understandable to the reader.
This isn't the first time I've gotten criticism of this nature, and the last character who got this response was fairly similar to Wallace - an intelligence officer who wants to see himself as a hero but finds himself lying to everyone in the process. Both times, I really thought I had a lot of scenes like, focusing on the core of the character and what he thinks, underneath his various facades. I'm not sure how to address this in a re-write either - I feel like Wallace's actual actions are consistent with the kind of person he is, so I don't know what to add there that wouldn't fall into telling-not-showing? I think the second reader, the one who hasn't finished yet, would tell me that I should make things simpler so that I don't have to add more explanation, but I'm hesitant to simplify character motivations. I like complex character motivations.
I should probably ask more follow-up questions of the first reader but I am still trying to pick up the pieces of my ego sufficient to do so.
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honeysuckle - smut - fezco x fem!reader
Summary: you and fez have had a long distance relationship for about a year and a half and you finally decide to meet up after all that time and things get steamy. what happens now?
word count: 4.5k
warnings: smut, smoking, swearing, plenty of kissing, the reader receiving oral, doggystyle, a bit of hair-pulling, kinda tame really.
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you had been in a sort of long-distance relationship with fez for about a year and a half, you met online surprisingly but you lived another town over from east highland, it's kind of far especially on a train there and back. usually, fez wouldn't pursue a long-distance relationship, especially one that started off as strictly business and shipping off products to someone in the next town over but you were paying a pretty hefty fee for his "products".
you didn't use the products, just mostly sold them yourself to people who were paying good money for them but over time, you both began to grow closer to one another. a strong bond was built up over that year and you guys only began a romantic relationship a few months ago, but one thing fez appreciated about your relationship being long-distance is that the risk of you being hurt was low. you both shared pieces and pictures of each other's lives despite fez thinking there wasn't much to share at least anything he was proud of. but you were happy to hear about his life, his past, to hear about ashtray and his family. he's never met someone so intelligent and sweet, he could listen to you until the end of time, and listening to you ramble about life, bills, or whatever the fuck in a way reminded him of normality. but you have been talking about visiting him for the weekend for the longest time ever and you finally had enough money to do so, he was incredibly excited to see you but also so nervous. you've never been to east highland and meeting him in person made you nervous, what could happen? what if he didn't look like his pictures? what if he didn't like how you looked in your pictures? a lot of nervous thoughts flooded your brain but in between all that there was so much excitement and joy being able to finally see each other after all this time. not to mention, the topic of sex has crossed your mind more than you care to admit, fez wasn't ever really too focused on sex and it wasn't something he was looking forward to when you came to visit for the weekend.
you both have a bit of experience to a degree but nothing heavy. when he first saw you at the train station, picking you up, he thought you were so stunning and he didn't waste time in opening his arms to you, his hug felt like a thick warm blanket wrapped around you. he was so awkward but sweet but also chill, not to mention you also had met ashtray on the car ride to his place. ash had come off as standoffish and a bit cold but in a way you understood that he probably was still coming to terms with you both dating and all. he came off as quite mature for his age, not to mention not at all what you expected but there the entire evening fez was so sweet, he didn't push you into affection and honestly was so chill and fun to be around, he put you at ease and you loved it. now here you were, laying in fez's bed at around 11 at night, watching some documentary about nature, it was something fez enjoyed especially when it was hard to sleep. he had this secret fondness for hearing the birds chirping, singing, and humming. or watching seals glide along the waves of the ocean, it was something that oddly made him feel at peace and that calmed him. he had a cigarette between his fingers, lit of course and it's some funky brand you've never touched before and his arm is wrapped around your shoulders and it's calm. only the hums and voices from the flat screen could be heard and it was ... unique in a way that letting the world do its thing and just watching it happen was something so intimate with fez.
"i know we've talked about how you like documentaries but you ever know why? like what do you find so interesting about them, i mean a lot of people find them ... boring as hell." you inquire with a question, your words are light on your tongue and your eyes turn towards him, there's this slight smirk at the edge of your lips that he just really fucking liked. "fuck ... i mean ... i just really like 'em and you know seeing nature ... the ocean and shit ... can't really explain it though ..." he responds in a hum, a short chuckle leaving his lips after his response, you can't stop the short laugh the exits your lips at his response. turning to you with a goofy and shy smile stretched across his lips, he can't stop smiling like a fucking dope when you smile at him too. "the fuck's so funny to you, huh?" he raises his eyebrows, another light laugh is pried from your lips at his reaction. "i don't know, fez ... just really didn't expect someone so ... hard to be into fuckin' animal documentaries and shit ..." you tease him, a nervous laugh slips from his throat at your words as he licks his lips, trying to think of an answer that doesn't make him sound so damn goofy. "i mean ... fuck ... we all gotta multiple sides to us, don't we?" he answers, his words slurred and his eyes slighted squinted, playfully rolling your eyes at him, a short chuckle leaves your lips along with a smile.
"okay, okay ... so you're sensitive ...?" you chuckle, his expression shifts into a mixture of confusion and pure amusement. shortly after the statement left your lips you could hear Ash just let out an audible laugh, maybe a snicker at your statement. the echoes of his television could be heard through the walls, he was occupied playing one of the newest games that came out. "sensitive? ... i mean ... shit, ma ... you make it sound kinda bad ..." he answers, the cigarette meeting his lips once more as he takes a heavy puff of the nicotine stick, his eyelashes heavy and long and with a sluggish stare on him but when his eyes met you. a whole another story, his eyes dart around the room, watches your expressions and he seems so immersed in making sure you're comfortable and happy. "it's only bad if i don't like sensitive guys ... which you're in luck, i love them." you tease, shifting closer into his embrace and you rest your head upon his chest and his the beat to his heart goes faster and he can't stop the habit of licking his lips and he's never really felt something like this. "yeah ... you lucky you cute otherwise ... i wouldn't really take kindly to that ..." he takes another puff of the cigarette, letting the smoke escape his lips with a slow breath, his hand rests upon your back and he's just looking into your eyes like your the only thing he wants to stare at for the rest of his days.
"awe, just for me ...? i guess i should be honored, huh?" you tease with a playful expression on your face, a snort leaves his nostrils, such a tease. "yeah, maybe ... hey, um ... you wanna hit this?" he offers, lit cigarette in between his fingers as he waits for an answer.
"i mean ... eh, fuck it ... got only one damn life, might as well live it," you mumble to yourself, taking the cigarette from his hands and taking a short puff before you found yourself coughing at the taste in your lungs. "no pressure, tho. you don't gotta smoke if you ain't feel like it, (y/n) ..." he says as you hand it back to him, he takes a long drag of the cigarette before dragging his tongue along his bottom lip.
"yeah, i know but still you know it's really considerate of you, fez ..." you manage to say, his brand of cigarettes wasn't your type and honestly a bit too strong for your taste but you wouldn't deny the man looked damn good with a cigarette.
"also ... have you ever had a girlfriend?" you ask, the question somewhat lingered in your mind, you might've expected him to have many girlfriends or something, but you still felt you should ask.
"oh, yeah tell her ..." you could hear ash exclaim in the other room, teasing fez once again. rolling his eyes, a heavy sigh exits his lips as he takes another quick puff of his cigarette.
"i mean ... does it really matter, bruh? ... but i don't really date around much, ya know? i try to stay focused on the business and ashtray, you know?" he answers, a heavy breath exiting his lips as puts out his cigarette in the nearby ashtray, the aroma full of smoke and the scent of ash thickly coating the air.
"i guess i understand ... but what made you decide to date me then?" you ask, raising your eyebrows at the man beside you, scratching at his beard, he begins to stumble upon his words. "i ... um ... i guess it's kinda just ... things changed ya know, i got to know you, (y/n) and shit things changed. ... you changed things and never really met someone who made me feel like you do, (y/n) ..." he answers, his words slurred but his words carry weight to them and he notices how a familiar smile stretches across your face and your cheeks begin to flush at his words. butterflies begin to flood your stomach and his words just made your mind go blank and your nerves go berserk.
a chuckle leaves his lips before he licks them, there's a half smile upon his lips as he can't stop thinking about how cute you look, especially your flushed cheeks but then his eyes drift down to your lips. you hadn't even kissed yet and he'd be lying if he hadn't thought about it. about the smoothness of your lips, moving, gliding along his, and how you'd moan against his lips, he knows he probably shouldn't have these thoughts. you take a slow yet sharp breath in, turning your gaze to him, you lean in towards his lips and his breath stops and it's like everything is still, quiet. your lips lightly press against his, your eyes close and you gently kiss him, savoring the sensations that it gave you and how your heart went berserk.  the world went still, pale for a moment before it began to erupt with color and the world begins to spin again, and momentarily after you pull away. licking his lips, his cheeks begin to flush with heat, and a giggle slips from his lips and his eyes continue to gaze into yours with great fondness that made your heart swell with joy. a smile stretches across your lips once more, "sorry ... i guess i should've asked ..." it comes out in a whisper, it's light and soft on your tongue and it's like something is tugging at your eyes when you can't stop yourself from glancing at his lips once again.
"why you being all sorry and everything ...? i mean ... you know it was ... nice ..." he murmurs, a short chuckle leaving his lips at the idea of you apologizing for kissing him, he probably would've never made the move on his own. "i don't ... i ... ugh, fuck ... i really should've asked you ..." you say in an awkward laugh, covering your face with your hands as your cheeks flush with heat. gently moving your hands away from your face, he chuckles and grins at you with your hands in his. leaning in quickly, he steals a kiss from your lips, earning a short moan from your lips and he squeezes your hands in his as the kiss quickly deepens. instead of the stillness that remained when the kiss first happened, everything feels like it's fast-forwarding like time is moving quicker than you can anticipate. your heart is pounding, rushing in your chest and your body becomes vulnerable to his touch, his hands wrap around your waist and yours clutch the thick and soft fabric of his sweater. his lips are smooth and light against yours with movements as such, a short groan is pried from his lips as he continues to kiss you, falling prey to the sensations that plague him. your lips disconnect, heavy rushed breaths exit your parted lips and your eyes flutter open, your cheeks are flushed, pupils dilated, and he's never found you to be so damn stunning like this.
"come on, don't make me beg ..." you purr, your words low and suggestive as a smile begins to stretch across your lips, his lips crash back onto yours passionately, stealing a moan from your lips as arousal stirs inside of you. your hands are wrapped around his neck, your head rests upon the pillows and he's on top of you, his lips are smooth and there's this smokey aftertaste that clings to his lips and his tongue. there's a deep moan that echoes through your ears, his lips moving to your jaw, collarbone, and neck as he leaves soft kisses against your smooth skin. your hands wrap around his head, your heart racing in your chest, your body flushes and radiates with warmth, and your mind is slowly being consumed by the idea, no the fact that he was going to be only yours. pulling him in swiftly for another heated kiss, his tongue parts your lips, and your tongues dance sensually together, passionately and desperately, moaning against your lips, kissing your lips is an addiction. your shirt is already halfway off of your head, it's launched across the room, and as your lips part, his eyes explore your exposed skin, the dark lacey bra that hugs your frame perfectly. "you look so pretty, angel ..." he whispers, you giggle at his words before you notice his expression shift into that of realization, the quick realization he's probably still awake.
"what's wrong ...?" the question slips from your lips softly. "nothing, ma ... but we gonna have to be real quiet because of you know ..." he answers, his eyes glancing over at the wall dividing his and ash's room. it takes a moment before you remember that he is more than likely still awake, a heavy sigh exits your lips before fez's words catch your attention. "i hope that don't ... scare you." he whispers, inching closer to you with plans to continue what was happening mere moments ago, pulling you in his direction by your legs, there's a darkness in his azure eyes and one that intrigued you. taking one of your legs in his hands, his hands lightly trailed from your ankle to your thigh, there's a half-grin curling upon your lips before he begins to leave light kisses against your ankles. "mmh ... you know got really fuckin' sexy legs, baby ...?" he purrs, leaving another gentle kiss upon your smooth skin, but there's a need, an ache for something to fill you, to feel him stretch your walls, to be fucked. "come on, fez ... i w- need you ... i need you to ... fuck me? ... think you can do that, baby?" you purr, your words are dripping in arousal and lust, licking his lips before biting his bottom lip, he wants to take his time with you, he wants to make love to you, tenderly and sweetly but he wishes to hear you cry out his name like a prayer. to pull on your pretty hair. can he?
instead of answering, he flips you over swiftly onto your stomach, your face plants into the pillow and his body presses into you, clutching the sheets enveloped around the bed, his hips slowly drag into your ass. prying a groan from your lips, he presses himself against the ragged fabric of your jeans, lightly grinding his hips back and forth, whispered curses beneath his breath at the sensations that traveled through his body. the sensations are heavy and are enough to nearly make him gasp at the electric ecstasy that threatens to consume him entirely, biting his lip, he needs those jeans off, he needs to be in between those thighs. "wait, you're taking off my pants ... no more foreplay ... yay ..." you say in a sarcastic whisper, as your pants are already halfway off your legs, rolling his eyes at your words, a sharp gasp is pried from your lips. his hand lands a light smack against your ass, making you writhe on the bed as the stinging sensation ripples through your body, the sensation leaving an impact. "so impatient, baby ..." he murmurs, his eyes meeting the sight of your ass in a pair of somewhat tight underwear, licking his lips once more. there's a thin line between him ripping off your underwear and pounding into that tight cunt of yours and between him trying to build up to what's to come. roughly pulling your underwear down, he throws it onto the floor, he begins to leave wet kisses along your hips and back, hearing a low chuckle from your lips, he grins against your smooth and tender skin.
"fuck, you so fine, angel ... can't believe you're mine ..." he purrs, his words low and soft as you can hear another piece of clothing fall to the floor, your thighs are wet with the juices of your arousal and your entire body is tingling. "show me then, fez ... fuck me like i'm the hottest girl you've ever laid eyes on ..." you purr, your words dripping in arousal and need as you turn around to meet his hungry gaze, a devious grin stretches across his lips, his ocean blue eyes are clouded with great lust and hunger that's as vast as the ocean which is entirely endless. rolling his eyes, he swiftly crawls down in between your thighs, leaving short and impatient kisses against your thighs, his hot breath against your skin nearly set your lust ablaze. a sharp and heavy groan is pried from your lips at the new and sudden warmth that enveloped your clit, your hands clutch the sheets beneath you as ecstasy ripples through your body in heated waves. his tongue moves in slow and heavy strokes, entangling your body in its hot web of euphoria that leaves you gasping, begging, pleading for more and more.
"shit ... oh, fez ... that's really ... oh, fuck ..." the words are replaced with heavy breaths and short moans that are pried from your lips when he takes your clit in between his lips and lightly sucks on it for a moment. "shush ... gotta be quiet, baby ..." he says in a breath, his hands gripping your thighs as he quickly gets back to work, his tongue moving in swift and light movements now, that nearly steals all the air out of your body. "fuck ...! fez ... oh, fez ..." the words come out in heavy breaths, slapping your hand over your mouth, your eyes shut tightly as ecstasy floods your being, leaving your body aching and begging for more. moaning at the taste of your juices, two of his fingers slip inside your soaked cunt, his fingers move in and out roughly, pressing into your sweet spot. your heavy breaths and moans become muffled against your hand as you drown in the pleasure, your body flushed with heat, throbbing with need and he's loving every second of it. your moans are like a harmony that he never wants to end, a harmony that rings through his mind as well as his ears, moving away he suddenly flips you onto your stomach once more. a gasp is pried from your lips once more, you position yourself on your knees whilst your chest remains pressed against the bed. you can hear your heartbeat in your ears, ringing, and your body shudders with need, then the echo of the clinging of his belt buckle rings clearer than anything. you wait a few moments longer, you hear another article of clothing gets thrown to the floor before he's behind you, his hands travel across your back as he touches your smooth skin. he's so fucking lucky.
"mmh, baby ... tell me how much you want me ..." he whispers, grinding your teeth against your bottom lip, you swore your stomach was full of so many butterflies. "fez ... fuck, please ... i need you inside me so badly." you whisper, your cheeks flushed with warmth, spreading your legs a bit wider, all you need is him and him alone and you could die so very happy. a devilish smirk curls upon his lips, taking in a sharp breath, he runs the head of his thick throbbing cock in between the lips of your cunt, the sudden wetness and heat tore a groan from his lips at the way his body reacted to it. burying your teeth into your bottom lip, any day now before you can hear him curse to himself, moving away from you, you could've hollered out in frustration. "oh my fucki- ... what are you doing?" you question, your face twisting into that of irritation. moving over to the nightstand, he grabs a condom, abruptly shutting the drawer as he quickly bites open the wrapper. your face squints at the sound of the latex being wrapped around fez's cock, you sigh for a moment before you're briefly pushed further into the pillow, his hands are on your hips and he presses his cock in between your soaked folds. thank fucking god ...
driving his hips slowly into you, a shaky moan is pried from his lips upon the electricity that shoots through his body at your tight silky walls, biting his bottom lip, he presses his hand into your back. a heavy moan exits your lips as he stretches your walls and fills you in a way that no toy could, clutching the sheets beneath you, your eyes flutter close as he lightly drags his hips in and out of you, prying heavy ragged breaths from your lips. "fuck, angel ... you real tight ..." the murmurs in a short and rushed breath, slowly dragging his hips in and out of your tight soaked cunt, he swore he could drown in the foreign sensations. slow ragged breaths exited your lips as sharp electric sensations traveled through your body, your nerves sensitive to all of fez's movements. harshly snapping his hips into you a few times, he found himself nearly whimpering at the heavy sensations that shot through him. a sharp moan is pried from your lips at the angle he hits your sweet spot, striking that bundle of nerves drove you closer and closer to the edge which was closer than you anticipated. heat begins to bubble and boil in the pit of your stomach along with a knot that forms in the pit of your stomach. "oh, fuck ... fez, that's so fucking good ... fuck ...." the words spill from your lips in heavy ragged breaths as his hips move at a slightly quicker pace, his heavy breaths are more audible and you try not to make note of the obscene wet sounds that bounces off the walls. "fuck, get your face in the pillow, baby ..." he murmurs, his words slurred and quick as he grabs a fistful of your hair, giving your hair a nice tug as he snaps his hips into your soaked cunt. your face plants into the space-colored pillow, eyes shut tightly as his name falls from your lips, again and again, muffled into the soft pillow. all you could focus on was the swift snaps of his hips inside of you, his thick cock throbbing and moving inside of you, the echoes of skin smacking against skin began to flood your ears along with the ecstasy. licking his lips, he doesn't want to ever stop, he doesn't want to think about stopping for one moment, he wants to drown in the bliss, he wants this moment to never stop even if it is just for one moment.
"ugh, fuck ... mmh, goddamn you tight." he grunts in a heavy breath, fingers digging into your flesh, he throws his hips upwards at an angle that had you nearly screaming into your pillow at how he played with those sensitive nerves inside of you. your lips are dripping in your spit, heavy breaths into the pillow, and your body jerks as a reaction to each of his movements. "faster ... please ... oh, fuck ..." you manage to say, your words are muffled and almost incoherent, then his hips snap even faster into you, the obscene echoes of skin slapping against skin floods your ears and your heart is pounding, your breaths are caught, stuck in your throat. so intensely, truthfully, and madly in the moment, in the euphoria, in the ecstasy that floods through you all at once, reaching your boiling point and the knot that is in the pit of your stomach becomes so tight it threatens to come undone. his eyes flutter closed, heavy breaths fill his lungs, his heart thumping with each moment, and his body trembles against yours, threatening to combust at everything that is happening at once. then all the air in his lungs disappears, fades away, and a curse rolls off his tongue thickly as there's this euphoria that bursts inside of him, it's thick and heavy, sweeping him up in its mess, it's beautifully blissful mess. he spills over, hunched over on top of you as his heart is racing, sprinting in his chest and not in a way that he's gonna die of a heart attack but in a way that keeps him awake, alive, the aftermath of it hanging and clinging to him. snapping his hips a few more times and your cries into the pillow echo through the room, your entire body but mostly your thighs are trembling as the knot comes undone and you boil over into sweet ecstasy.
the echoes of heavy ragged breaths fill the room as fez gets off of you, his body dripping in sweat and he gets up off of the bed, his light footsteps ringing clear to you before the thick echo of the condom landing in the trashcan fills your ears. a heavy sigh exits his lips as he turns back towards the bed, his body clumsily hits the bed and he lands on his stomach. his eyelashes heavy over his eyes and all he can think of is sleep. turning to meet his face, his eyes are closed and his expression can only be described as one of being at peace, tranquil. smiling to yourself, you scoot closer to kiss his forehead, eyes still infatuated with his face, a long exhale leaves your nostrils before you move to lie on your back. "i love you ..." the words just leave your lips in a whisper, staring at the ceiling always helped you fall asleep faster, with thoughts of mostly fezco on your mind, your eyes quickly grew heavy and you fell asleep.
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lees-choice · 3 years
sleep is for the dead
Pairing: Poly!Todobakudeku x Quirkless!Reader, Deku x reader
Summary: Often, when you begin work on a new piece of equipment, you enter a state of mania that prevents you from focusing on anything other than your work. Your boyfriends try their best to get you to sleep.
Warning(s): Fluff, Aged UP
Also, like any of my works, the reader is female and black unless stated otherwise <3
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"Oh fuck me!"
The yell you let out was more than enough to shake all three of your boyfriends awake.
"Is she still awake?" Izuku asked, reaching his hand out to where you would usually lay beside him, the sheets cold to the touch.
"That idiot," grumbled Katsuki, from where he lay tucked into Shoto's side.
"I'll go get her," the split-haired man offered but was quickly cut off by his explosive partner.
"No, I'm too comfortable. Deku, go drag her ass to bed," Katsuki demanded, closing his eyes and cuddling closer to Shoto.
Izuku pulled himself out of bed, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he made his way to your workspace.
You were currently working at your desk, tinkering away at a small circuit board on the table. A new pro-hero had entrusted your agency in making her gear, and being the dedicated (somewhat obsessed) inventor you were, you had begun work on some possible additions to her costume almost immediately.
Her quirk was super-speed, the hero being able to move at speeds that allowed her to travel through time, although that application was still being worked out. Your goal was to build a device that the hero could wear that would allow her to track when she was going through time and exactly how fast she was going, to better help with control of her quirk. You had already redone her costume to a material that was frictionless, but you were having a hard time programming the carbon-14 detector you were making for her.
You wanted to be able to pinpoint her exact location in space-time by reading the components of the atmosphere, but getting the applicators to work was a bit difficult considering you couldn't test it very efficiently (and of course designing something to work in and manipulate four dimensions was difficult, no matter how much you understood about events and light-cones).
"Maybe if I lower the sensitivity of the rea-"
"I've really rubbed off on you, huh?"
You turned slightly at Izuku's voice, giving him a hum in response before focusing back on the circuit in your hands, continuing your wiring.
"It's a little late, don't you think bubs?" Izuku tried, coming up behind you to peek at what you were doing. Sure, he was pretty intelligent, but your intellect far outmatched anyone he knew, even Yaoyorozu. He caught a glimpse of the many boards you had run through, blueprints littered around without much of a second thought, and an algorithm running on the laptop before you.
"Time?" "3:10"
"I can go a few more hours, I'll get a coffee before work,"
"Baby doll..." his words came out as a whine and you prepared to block out the words he was going to say. Izuku had always been nothing short of adorable, and it was hard to have to say no to him.
You focused back on the wires you were connecting, intent on continuing your work when you felt a head tuck itself into the crook of your neck. Izuku began to place kisses to the skin there, before whispering against your skin.
"You need to get some sleep,"
"Sleep is for the dead," came your response, causing Izuku to groan.
"You've got to stop saying that lovely," he said into your neck. "Your work isn't going to walk away if you go rest your eyes. In fact, I bet some rest will help you figure everything out."
You let a sigh escape your lips because he was right, and you did not want to admit it. But your own body betrayed you when a yawn ripped through you, making Izuku smirk up at you.
"Bed time, c'mon," He said, grabbing the tools from your hand and laying them against your desk. He pulled your chair back and helped you too your feet. Your hands found his hips as he lead you back to the bedroom. Once inside, he helps you out of your clothes, throwing one of his shirts over your head. You fall onto the bed next to Katsuki, who immediately reaches out to grasp your hip.
"Idiot," he grumbled, making you laugh lightly.
"You shouldn't stay up this late love," Shoto said lightly, giving you a small smile.
"I'll try not to," You replied, although everyone in the room knew you were lying. Izuku slipped onto the bed beside you, hand meeting Katsuki's on your hip, and tucking his head into the crook of your neck.
"Love you guys," he mumbled, eyes shutting as he began to drift back to sleep.
He was met with three hums in response, all he needed to know his feelings were recriprocated.
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tuiccim · 4 years
Arrangements and Relationships
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader & Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 2.8K     Warnings: Major Angst, Fluff
A/N: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club​​ Drunk Drabbles / Divider by @whimsicalrogers​
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You sat on your bed in tears. It was as you danced with Steve that night at Tony’s party that you had watched over his shoulder as Bucky had left with another woman. Technically, he had every right. The two of you weren't a couple. You had been sleeping together for seven months and you were desperately in love with him, but he had told you many times he didn’t want a relationship. He never told you why, but he insisted that what was going on between the two of you stay casual. You had agreed but, stupidly, you had fallen for him and watching him take another woman to his bed hurt. You knew he probably had before but he had never done it in front of you. 
So, here you sat, heartbroken and berating yourself. You made up your mind as the tears fell. Your relationship with Bucky is over. You can’t do it anymore. It was too painful to be in love with someone who didn’t love you back. You got in the shower to wash away the night and the evidence of your tears. Taking a long look at yourself in the mirror, you square your shoulders and remind yourself that you’re an Avenger, a strong woman, and better than how he’s treating you. With those things in your mind, you head towards your bed to find Bucky stretched out on it waiting for you. 
Bucky gives you a sexy grin, “Hi Doll.”
“What are you doing here?” You say, shocked. 
Bucky smirks and stands up, “I wanted to see you.”
“You wanted to fuck me.” You cross your arms. 
Bucky pauses for a second but then makes his way over to you, “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to do this anymore, Bucky.”
“I didn’t sleep with her, Doll.” Bucky shrugs. 
“Because you backed out or she did?” You raise your eyebrow. 
“Exactly. I can’t do this anymore.”
“Why not? Because I thought about sleeping with someone else?” Bucky mocks.
“Because I love you and…” you shake your head at the stupidity of admitting that, “And I’m nothing but a fuck to you.”
“That’s not true. You’re my friend and my teammate. But you knew, you knew when we started this I didn’t want a relationship.” Bucky says. 
“I did. I went into this eyes wide open but it hurts too much now. Like you said, this isn’t a relationship, it’s not like I’m breaking up with you. It's an arrangement, and I'm ending it.”
“Doll, come on, this is ridiculous. Nothing happened!” Bucky grouses. 
“Bucky,” you take a deep breath, “I’m not mad. I’m hurt but that’s not your fault. I’m not blaming you, but I can’t. I can’t do this to myself anymore. I deserve better. I want to be with someone who loves me and you have made it very clear that you don’t. And that you won’t. So, it’s time for this to end. Okay?” 
“I don’t want to end this.” Bucky says. 
Your heart leaps for a moment before you force yourself to pull it back, “Why?”
“I thought we were having a good time.” Bucky says. 
“We were but I’m not anymore.” The exasperation comes out in your tone. 
“Why not? It’s not like you don’t come multiple times when we fuck.” Bucky seethes. 
“Because I don’t want someone who just wants to fuck me and leave.” You shout. Bucky looks at you angrily and you force yourself to take a calming breath. “Look, I want a relationship and you don’t. I want to be with someone who wants to stay the whole night and talk about our day and… and… and love me. Really love me” You walk to your door and open it, “Goodbye, Bucky.”
Bucky walks to the door but, before going out, he looks at you, really looks at you, and he sees the hurt he’s caused. It hurts his heart a little knowing he caused it. He never wanted to hurt you and in a way he did love you. “Can… can I kiss you one last time?” He asks quietly. You lick your lips and nod. He brings his hands up to your neck and caresses your jaw before bringing his lips to yours. He kisses you deeply and you kiss him back putting all the emotion and love you felt for him into it. When he pulls back he looks at you tenderly and whispers, “Bye, Doll.”
You close the door behind him and slide to the floor, “Bye, Love.” You whisper before the sobs wrack your body. 
The first couple of months were rough. Especially when Bucky started dating or, more accurately, sleeping around. It wasn’t uncommon for him to have two or three different dates a week. Then he began dating one of the lab techs named Cara. At first, it ate at you. He hadn’t wanted a relationship but suddenly he was in one. It was after you got to know Cara a little bit that you realized how sweet she was. She was intelligent, kind, and gentle. It was impossible to dislike her and you found a small part of yourself hoping that Bucky had found what he needed. 
It was at that point you realized you had gotten over Bucky. It had taken months, but you understood, finally, that you couldn’t give each other what you needed. You had spent the time focused on work, missions and training. Steve had begun to look to you for tactical planning and mission reports. You were working more closely with him and training together daily. You became his second for missions more often than not and eventually that bled into your personal lives. The two of you began to lean on each other. You were there for him when Sharon broke their relationship off to take a job in Europe and he brought popcorn and old movies when your dates didn’t work out. He had become your best friend and confidante. You had even admitted to him what happened between you and Bucky. He had comforted you and never once judged you. You were happy and everything (except your love life) was going well. 
Well, everything was going well until your latest mission. It had just been you and Steve on this one. You were in the middle of nowhere Minnesota, in below freezing weather, chasing down a Hydra operative. Unfortunately, the idiot decided to off himself with cyanide once cornered. You had rolled your eyes as he had hissed his final words, “Hail Hydra.”
“Original,” you mock him. 
“Damnit.” Steve says from behind you. 
“Language, Cap.” You joked at him. He had a worse mouth than just about anyone, but you never liked to pass a chance to poke fun at him. 
“Stupid motherfucker!” Steve shouts.
“You better be talking about him.” You needle Steve, who rolls his eyes at your smirk. “Let’s head back to the truck.”
“Race you?” Steve grins. 
You playfully kick him in the butt while laughing. He can outrun you easily and knows it. 
“Hey!” Steve laughs and puts you in a loose headlock. You put your arms around his waist and hug him to you quickly. 
“Yeah, it’s a good thing you can outrun me cause I could totally kick your ass.” 
“Haha. Get in the truck, psycho.” Steve’s nickname for you makes you roll your eyes. 
“Sure thing, nutcake.” You throw back at him. 
It’s late in the afternoon and you head to one of the local motels as your exfil wasn’t scheduled until the next day. Surprisingly,  the parking lot is nearly full. Steve comes out from the office and drives the truck to one of the few remaining parking spots.
“Apparently, there’s an ice fishing tournament and everything is booked up. There, uh, was a cancellation, so we got the only room available.” Steve says. 
“Okay.” You shrug wondering why Steve is acting so squirrely. Grabbing your backpack, you jump out of the truck and follow Steve to the door. You notice a little plaque next to the door reading Honeymoon Suite in swirling letters. You let out a bark of a laugh. “So, the only room left was the honeymoon suite? Oh, man, I can’t wait to see this.”
Steve tries to hide his blush but you could see it a mile away, “Yeah. Sorry.”
“Hurry up. I’m freezing.”
“Yeah, sorry.” Steve says again and pushes the door open. He lets you enter first and you take in the room as you throw your bag on the beige loveseat near the entrance. The room is actually nicer than you expected. The king sized bed is covered in a dark green comforter and white sheets. The walls are painted a serene cream color. There’s a heart shaped jacuzzi tub in one corner of the room which makes you giggle. Thankfully, there is also a shower in the bathroom. A large television takes up most of the room on the dresser against one wall. 
“This isn’t too bad. Did they say what time the diner closes?” You ask. 
“Nine. Why don’t I go pick us up some food and you can get a shower?” Steve offers.
“That would be amazing.”
“Burger and fries?”
“Yes. And um…” you hedge.
“Pie?” Steve smirks. 
“You know my weakness for diner pie.” You say with your hand over your heart. 
Steve grins at you, “Go take a shower.”
“You’re the best, Rogers!” You shout as you grab your bag and shut the bathroom door. 
A few hours later you’re stretched out on the bed while Steve lounges on the loveseat. You had found the movie Ever After on the television and had forced him to watch the retelling of Cinderella with you while you both scarfed down burgers and pie. 
“Mmmm, happy endings. I love them!” You say as you stretch your muscles from sitting in one position too long. “Did it bore you to death?”
“No, it was cute. I liked it.” Steve yawns. 
“Ready to hit the hay?” You get up to brush your teeth. 
“Yeah. I’ll sleep on the couch.” Steve says.
“Steve. That couch is too small for me to even sleep on. You’ll sleep in the bed. It’ll be fine.” 
“You sure?” 
“It’s not like we haven’t laid in bed and watched movies together before. Not a big deal to sleep in the same one.” You roll your eyes. 
When you're done in the bathroom, you and Steve switch places and you curl up on one side of the bed. Steve glances at you nervously as he gets in the bed next to you and lays on his back stiffly. You stop yourself from giggling, but your smile can’t be contained. 
“What?” Steve breaks a small smile when he looks over at you. 
“You scared I’m gonna attack you are something? Steal your virtue?” You release the giggle you’ve been holding in. 
“No.” Steve rolls to face you. “I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“You don’t, Stevie. I think I’m more comfortable with you than I’ve ever been with anyone.”
“I’m glad.”
“Me, too,” you whisper as you lean over to kiss his cheek but Steve turns his head and your lips meet unexpectedly. You pull back quickly and stare at him in shock. You look into his big blue eyes and realize why none of your dates ever seem to work out. None of them are Steve. None of them can compare in the slightest to the man now staring at you with his feelings written all over his face. “Steve?”
“I love you.” He says firmly, leaving no room for doubt. You do the only thing you can, you kiss him. His mouth melds to your and he pulls you against him. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you open to him and he explores your mouth with his tongue. 
When Steve pulls back he sees the tears in your eyes but you smile at him, “I love you, too, Stevie.”
A few weeks had passed since that fateful night with Steve. While you hadn’t announced you were dating, you didn’t hide it either. Everyone knew and you were excited for Tony’s party tonight. Steve and you would be making your first official appearance as a couple. You had just put the finishing touches on your ensemble when Steve knocked. 
“Come on in, Love. I’m ready.” You turn towards the door excited to see Steve’s reaction to your dress only to find Bucky standing there. “Oh. Sorry, I was expecting Steve.”
“You look gorgeous, doll.” Bucky says quietly as he shuts the door. 
“Thanks. I’m sure Cara will look beautiful as always.” You smile nervously. 
“We broke up.” 
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Yeah. Last week.” Bucky shrugs. 
“I’m sorry to hear that. Are you okay?” You ask.
“Yeah. She, uh, she said I wasn’t in love with her. She said I wasn’t over you.”
“Why would she say that? We were never a couple.” You stare at Bucky in confusion.
“I told her about us. About how we were before.”
“Oh, but-”
“And she was right, Doll. I’m not over you. I miss you so much. I’m so sorry about before. I was scared and I didn't know how to handle it. I love you. I love you so much. Please tell me it’s not too late.” Bucky looks at you desperately. 
“Bucky… I, I don’t. I’m sorry, I don’t feel that way about you. I love Steve. I’m happier than I’ve ever been because of him.”
“Doll, you could be happy with me. Please. I know I messed up. I know I hurt you, but I love you. Please-”
“Bucky! No. Stop this. I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you, but I don’t love you anymore. I’m so sorry to hurt you, but Steve is the love of my life. Nothing and no one could ever compel me to give him up.” You say firmly. 
Bucky’s face hardens suddenly, “Then I’m sorry, too, but I’m going to have to tell him about us. Doubt he’ll still want you when he finds out he’s getting sloppy seconds.”
You look at Bucky sadly, knowing he’s lashing out because he’s hurt. “That should tell you how little you really know me or ever knew me if you really think I went into this relationship without him knowing. He knows about our history, Bucky, and he loves me anyway.”
“My best friend? Of everyone, it had to be him?” Bucky’s voice cracks. 
“We didn’t plan it, Bucky. We were colleagues and then friends and then… we fell in love. And we’re happy. I want that for you too, Bucky, but it’s not with me. We weren’t meant to be.” You smile to yourself, “I never knew I could love someone as much as I love Steve. I hope you can find that.” You hug Bucky tightly. “You’re a good man, Bucky. You’ll find someone. Someone you’ll love more than you ever thought you could.”
Bucky hugs you tightly to him but lets go when you pull back. You smile at him sadly and he nods before walking towards the door. He turns back with his hand on the knob, “If he hurts you, I’ll kill him.” 
You smile and nod your head as Bucky opens the door. He stops short face to face with Steve, who is standing on your threshold. The two men stare at each other for a moment before Steve holds his hand out. Bucky shakes Steve’s hand and nods, “Be good to her.”
“I will be. Always.” Steve says. He closes the door after Bucky leaves. 
“Hey Love.” You smile at him and start to move towards him when he holds a hand up to stop you. Your stomach drops at the gesture. 
“Stop there. Now turn for me.” Steve’s mouth quirks as he says it. You do a slow turn to show off your dress. “Gorgeous. Come here, sweetheart.” He envelopes you in his arms and you breathe deeply of his scent. 
“How much did you hear?” 
“Pretty much all of it I think.” Steve pulls back to look at you, “You’re the love of my life, too.”
“I love you. More than I ever knew I could love someone.”
“Wanna skip the party and spend the night in bed?” Steve bobs his eyebrows at you making you giggle. 
“Yes, but Tony would probably bust up in here and drag us to the party half-dressed,” you laugh. “Let’s go make our appearance, dance a little, and then you can bring me back here and show me exactly how much you love me.”
“Mmm, I like your plan.” Steve grins as he kisses you. 
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yurimother · 4 years
LGBTQ Light Novel Review — I'm in Love with the Villainess
A stunningly profound, entertaining, and queer title that eclipses other isekai and Yuri series
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There are few titles the general public seems to be as excited about as Inori and Hanagata's I'm in Love with the Villainess, as it has been sitting at or near the top of Amazon's LGBT Manga list for months and Twitter is consistently abuzz with the latest news on this isekai Yuri series. I was somewhat more skeptical, as I have had relatively poor experiences with isekai and fantasy Yuri. Still, my excitement went through the room, and I eagerly boarded the "hype train" upon the cover reveal for the third volume. Yuri families, where two women raise children together, are one of my greatest desires and something I rarely see portrayed in the genre. However, I still had mostly low expectations for the series going into the first volume. I looked forward to some light meandering comedy and typical boring trope-filled isekai shenanigans. However, I'm in Love with the Villainess more than exceeded my expectations. No, even this statement is far too moderate to describe how utterly stunned and blown away I was by Inori's creation. I'm in Love with the Villainess is completely shattering and easily one of the greatest light novels I have ever read. Thus, I have no choice to award a perfect 10/10 score, my first ever for a light novel.
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After waking up in the world of her favorite otome game, Revolution, protagonist Rae is ecstatic to be faced to face with Claire Francois, the game's villainous rival. However, Rae never played Revolution for the thrill of romancing any of the three attractive young princes. She was always in love with Claire. She attends the academy and studies magic in the fantasy world alongside Claire, the princes, and various other supporting characters. Using her skills from the modern world and her encyclopedic knowledge of Revolution, Rae manipulates the situation to be close to Claire, becoming her maid, and garnering status and money along the way. As an inevitable conflict looms closer, Rea begins to enact plans to protect herself and Claire, many of which are not fully understood or explained until the finale fantastically reveals the reasons for her actions. There is a natural and steady pace to the narrative that awards readers’  predictions and attention to detail.
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I'm in Love with the Villainess has some excellent supporting characters, all of whom have unique personalities, histories, and abilities, some of which are revealed by Rae's exposition and others naturally throughout the novel. However, the stars of the show are the central couple, Rae and Claire. Claire is an elite aristocrat and extremely bratty. She often sneers at commoners and makes her disdain of Rae very clear from early on. On paper, she sounds like the perfect villain and someone all readers would despise. However, Rae's utter devotion and infatuation with Claire is so sincere that we cannot help but be pulled in and adore Claire and all her tantrums. Rae is a delight herself, continually flirting and poking fun at Claire, which gets her verbally berated, much to her masochistic pleasure. However, she is also exceptionally cunning and intelligent, and some of the light novel's greatest joys are listening to her analyze a situation or watching one of her plans fall into place.
“Ah, I’m… Well, it doesn’t matter. I mean, it’s irrelevant to cuteness—because, Miss Claire, you are cute.” “Huh?!” She pulled away. It was perfect—such a pure reaction. “Miss Claire, you hate me, right?” “Of course!” “That’s fine. Please keep teasing me. I love it.”
The beginning of the book does not immediately clue one into its brilliance. Sure, Claire and Rea get some great one-liners as they bully each other, and the scenarios are authentic and fun, but it is nothing shattering. I was feeling pretty relaxed and having a lot of fun with the characters, their relationship, and the various slice-of-life style scenarios they encountered until one section, I remember the exact page, 81, as it stopped me dead in my tracks. I was flabbergasted and briefly frozen before shooting up out of bed, shouting expletives as I ran to my office to immediately record what I had just experienced. It all begins with the line, "Hey, Rae. Are you what they call gay?" What followed was one of the most thoughtful, condensed, informative, and nuanced discussions of gay and queer identity (both terms used in this scene) I have ever seen in Yuri. Everything from representation in media, the perceptions of and prejudices against gay people, and the role gender plays in romance for bisexual and gay people are analyzed. Its commentary is succinct yet so respectful and forthright that it could have only come from genuine experience, thus selling the book and its characters so much more.
"Queer people were still overwhelmingly closeted in this world, which was rife with prejudice and nurtured little understanding. As I noted, the queer people depicted in the story were either the sex fiends Claire imagined or the free-loving sort Lene had in mind. Diversity and acceptance were a long way off.”
Thus, Inori's writing's beauty exposed itself, and the book opened itself up to a delightful cycle. The narrative masterfully integrates isekai slice-of-life hijinks, like running a cross-dressing café or battling a giant slime with nuanced and challenging moments that dissect complicated topics. The latter mainly consists of a growing rift between the aristocracy and common people, mirroring real-world wealth gap issues, but the novel also touch on matters such as unequal prison sentencing and segregation. Every scene helped further the complexity of the characters and their relationships or else built onto the world of Revolution. Speaking of which, I'm in Love with the Villainess has some of the best worldbuilding ever seen in a light novel.
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Initially, brief exposition establishes much of the world, which is adequate if not exciting. I will mark up to a casualty of the light novel's serialized nature, as it must present readers its setting immediately. However, Inori does not stop here. Through the narrative, new elements are established, such as a magic system and the kingdom's politics. Rea notes and describes how the world, while clearly based on medieval Europe, has many modern Japanese attributes, as Japanese game developers created it. Her pointing out the intersection of the two is fascinating. Furthermore, A great deal of time is spent establishing characters and organizations all have their own wants, agendas, and methods, many of which are not even directly involved with the story. Instead, they act as a background and help further contextualize others. For example, the Church publicly appears to lean towards supporting the commoners in their efforts for equality but has its own agenda of superseding the nobility. While they play little role in Rea and Claire’s adventure, they are one of numerous factors contributing to the unrest of the lower class. All these additions are interesting, and it never feels like the story or characters suffer for their inclusion, quite the opposite.
“The Bauer Kingdom had started a step behind other countries when it came to magical research. They dominated the surrounding countries in military strength, and this had made them complacent, leading them to underestimate the value of new magic technology until the best researchers had all been enticed to other countries. Even after the king came up with his magic-focused meritocratic policy, Bauer lagged behind.”
I can only make complaints by scraping the very bottom of the barrel. Hanagata's beautiful art is too infrequent to add much to the light novel, and many scenes crying for illustrations are left to the readers' imagination. However, Inori so wonderful writes the story that one hardly cares and can easily picture every moment with delight. Besides, the manga adaption will nullify this issue. Where I cannot complain at all is the spectacular translation by Jenn Yamazaki and Nibedita Sen, one of Seven Seas best (which is high praise considering the competition). Sure, I was slightly disappointed at first to see the adaptation left off honorifics, but the more I thought about the setting, the more sense it made. I am sure people much smarter than I gave the issue much more consideration, and I am happy with their decisions.
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I'm in Love with the Villainess left me reeling with how pleasurable and powerful it was. The story and characters are such a joy, and I cannot wait to see Rea and Claire bully each other again in the next volume. Astounding worldbuilding and powerful, thought-provoking politics surround their antics and the high stakes plot. Every moment of their journey will enthrall readers as they squeal with glee at its hilarious set pieces or are shocked by its commentary of society's most significant challenges. Inori has created one of the most delightful, heartfelt, complex, profound, and genuinely queer light novel series ever. If you only read one thing I recommend this year, let it be I'm in Love with the Villainess.
Ratings: Story — 9 Characters — 10 Art — 5 LGBTQ — 10 Sexual Content — 2 Final — 10
Review copy provided by Seven Seas Entertainment
Purchase I’m in Love with the Villainess in digitally (9/23) and in print (11/10) today: https://amzn.to/32NEyG1
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❉ 139 Dreams (Honenuki Juzou) Monopoly
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Friendship, fluff, comedy, romance
Word Count: 3,402
Pairing: Reader x Juzou
World: Boku no Hero Academia
Author's Note: Okay, so, I received this request in my email and wanted to give it a go. I know you didn't ask for 139 Dreams specifically, so I hope you'll forgive me for seizing my chance to up my count on that set haha Also, does UA have chemistry class? Proooobably not, but it does now *shrug. I know nothing about chemistry or chemicals so I totally pulled it out of my ass, but this is the route that felt right. I hope you enjoy it and thanks again for reaching out =D Um, also I kind of feel that this turned into more of a Monoma fic?? I don't know what happened I'm sorry *sobs
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚: ⋆.:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
Your tongue poked out from the corner of your lips as you concentrated on measuring the colorful liquid into glass tubes. The chemicals you were using could be quite dangerous if not handled properly, so you were completely focused on the task at hand. So focused, in fact, that you were not paying any attention to what was happening around you. More importantly, you weren't sparing a single glance in the direction of your lab partner.
Being paired up with Monoma Neito was not your first choice. Or your second. Or your third. Or... well, you'd much rather be paired with Bakugou from class A. That's not to say Monoma was bad at chemistry; on the contrary, he is quite an intelligent individual and tended to pick up on lessons right away which should make him a wonderful partner to have... if only he had any other personality than his own.
"Hahaha! I bet class A doesn't even know what elephant toothpaste is!" Monoma's voice was loud as he hoped to breach the wall that separated the two classes who were both taking chemistry at the same time. "How sad for them! I'm sure they will all fail unlike us! Those ruffians have no brains to speak of at all! Hahaha!"
Most of class B had more or less learned to ignore his attempts at riling up the other class, but some sent him annoyed or startled looks since his yell had come out of nowhere. Kendou, who had spilled the sugar she was holding at his sudden exclamation, started to scold him but was quickly cut off. To no one's surprise, an equally loud reply from the other side of the wall shook the class despite being muffled.
"What did you say, you damn reject?! I'll come over there and kick your ass!"
"Hahaha! I'd like to see you try, you pea-brained ruffian!"
"Dude, stop." Juzou sent him an exasperated look from across the room. "One of these days -"
The door slammed open with such force that it embedded itself into the wall. Bakugou came stomping into the room, his usual murderous scowl on his face as his blood-red eyes searched for the cause of his annoyance.
Monoma may hold himself in high regard, but even he understood that he wouldn't have an easy time of going one-on-one with Bakugou Katsuki, so when the blonde's murderous gaze landed on him, he instinctively took a step back, bumping into you. You had just been inspecting one of the chemicals as you were unsure which one the experiment called for and when he bumped into you, the glass vial tilted, the green liquid spilling onto the surface of the table and into the beaker that sat off to the side. He didn't seem to realize what had just happened, but you instantly felt dread pool inside of your chest as the chemicals started to react, boiling rapidly.
"Get down!" you cried out before you ducked beneath the table. No one had enough time to react before the mixture exploded, sending green-colored slime over the entire room. It coated the students, earning screams and yells of protest and worry.
Bakugou laughed and even covered in slime, his presence was still intimidating. "Ha! Who's the loser now, reject?!"
Monoma's eye twitched in annoyance as slime dripped down from his hair, splatting onto the floor. He turned around just as you peeked out from under the desk, a scowl on his face and his hand on his hip. "Y/N! What are you doing? Are you trying to make us look like fools in front of them?!"
You scoffed, standing up straight. "Pretty sure you've already done that, Monoma-kun."
"I'm not the one who messed up a simple experiment!"
"You bumped into me! Maybe if you had been helping me instead of trying to prove that you're better than class A, this wouldn't have happened!"
"Don't blame your mistakes on other people!"
Before the argument could escalate, Vlad entered the room, his eyes narrowed as they swept over the mess. "What the hell is going on here?!"
The room went silent, no one wanting to incur the wrath of their sensei. You gulped, hand slowly beginning to rise but a quick glare from Monoma made you drop it again.
"Who is responsible for this?" Vlad questioned, his arms folded over his chest. You wanted to own up to your mistake, but you also didn't want to get into trouble. On top of that, you would be partnered with Monoma for the rest of the year and the two of you already didn't see eye to eye. If you admitted the mistake and got both of you into trouble, surely things would only get worse.
So you remained silent, a frown on your lips as you met Juzou's worried gaze. It was comforting to you.
"No one is going to own up to it? Fine. Kendou, who is responsible for this?"
"Uhm..." The class rep was torn. She was good friends with you and she didn't feel right about throwing you under the bus, especially when you weren't fully to blame for the mess. Her eyes flickered to yours and you nodded, letting her know it was okay. "It was me -"
"It was that reject there," Bakugou huffed, jerking his head toward Monoma who sent him a glare in return.
Vlad quirked a brow at the blonde. "Why are you here?"
He shrugged in response, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"Go back to class, Bakugou."
Clicking his tongue, he turned to leave the room but not before sending one last look toward Monoma. Once he was gone, Vlad sighed, running a hand down his face as if to compose himself but he navigated through the slime on the floor, coming to a stop beside your table.
"Monoma. Y/N. What happened?"
You and Monoma exchanged a look, trying to gauge what the other might say but since neither of you were even close to the same wavelength, it was impossible to tell. To combat this, both of you made a decision - to speak before the other one could. "You see, what had happened was -" "I turned away for one moment and -"
"Enough!" He scowled, cutting both of you off. "I don't care which one of you is at fault, both of you will remain after class to clean up this mess until every inch of slime is gone."
"What?!" Both of you cried at the same time, each with desperation because you both had plans that afternoon. It was the weekend and Monoma fully intended to see the premiere of Firestarter at the cinema. On the other hand, you had planned on spending some well-earned time alone with your boyfriend at the massage parlor. "But, sensei -!"
"No buts! You made this mess now you can clean it up. The rest of you, clear out and get cleaned up."
The other students did as they were ordered, sending the two of you pitying looks as they exited the room behind Vlad. Juzou stayed behind despite being covered in slime, giving you a half-hearted smile. He was bummed that the weekend plans had been ruined, but he was also upset that you had gotten into trouble because of Monoma - again.
"I'll help you clean up," Juzou told you softly, sliding his hand into your own.
You smiled at how sweet he was and shook your head, trying to ignore the feeling of slime against your fingers. "No, you shouldn't have to suffer because of us. Go on and get cleaned up so you're not late for the massage appointment."
His brow furrowed at your words. "Are you sure? We're supposed to go together as a couple..."
"Positive. It took us ages to get an appointment with Wu-sensei and we paid in advance. It's better for one of us to enjoy it than neither of us!"
"But -" He had really been looking forward to going with you. Despite his love of massages, he didn't like the idea of doing something alone that he had planned on sharing with you. It just felt wrong.
"Please?" You gave him a pleading look. "I'll feel better knowing you're enjoying it, at least!
He hesitated a moment before giving in, beginning to lean toward you to rest his forehead against yours as he always did before leaving you, but then he remembered the slime and decided against it, choosing to give your hand a squeeze instead. "I'll see you soon."
"Uh-huh." You watched him leave before deflating with a groan, leaning your hands on the table. "This sucks."
Monoma huffed. "How do you not have an ounce of slime on you?"
"Because I ducked."
"You hid, you coward."
"I made a strategic retreat. There's a difference."
"You left your partner behind to die."
"You're still breathing, unfortunately."
You looked around the room with a frown. You couldn't find a single surface not covered in slime. It was even dripping from the ceiling. How had such a tiny amount of liquid produced such an unbelievable amount of slime? It seemed impossible. And so did you being able to clean this mess up before night fell. "Let's just try to get this over with as quickly as possible."
He clicked his tongue in annoyance but followed you over to the cabinet at the back where a bunch of cleaning supplies were stored. You pulled on some rubber gloves and got to work on the table closest to you. Monoma was beside you, but facing in the opposite direction so he could clean the table behind you. The slime was surprisingly sticky and it took some real scrubbing before it finally dislodged itself from the wood. Nearly ten minutes of scrubbing later and the first surface in the room was clean. You felt proud of yourself for a solid ten seconds before you realized that you hadn't even made a dent in the mess.
Slime dripped from the ceiling, falling onto Monoma's head. He cried out in frustration before shaking his head, sending slime flying in all directions, including the table you had just spent all that time on. "Monoma, you jerk!"
"What did you call me?" he scowled at you over his shoulder, flinging a handful of slime at you. "We wouldn't be in this mess if not for you."
"Me? It's your fault, not mine!"
Several tense moments passed by, the silence thick as the two of you glared at one another. Finally, he suggested, "Let's make a bet."
Now that caught you off guard. "What?"
He threw the rag down onto the table, sending more slime flying before he pointed his index finger at you. "I challenge you to a game of wit and brevity. Whoever loses has to clean this up by themselves."
You quirked a brow at him. Had the slime dislodged what few brain cells he had left? But... the thought of winning and getting to spend the afternoon with Juzou instead of cleaning kept you from straight out refusing. You had to be careful, though. Monoma was tricky at the best of times and, while you were no idiot, he was still smarter than you. "What game are you talking about here?"
"The game of champions, of course." He ran his hand through his hair, cringing at the feeling of slime squished between his fingers. Your eyes followed him as he approached one of the counters at the back of the room, tugging the door open and kneeling down so he could reach into the back. Your curiosity rose as you watched, waiting for him to extract whatever he was searching for. He kept it hidden from you until he was standing straight again, a smirk on his lips. "Behold!"
You nearly hit the ground when he held the box up proudly. "Monopoly?! That is what you call a game of 'wit and brevity'? That's the longest game in history!"
"Don't be dramatic." He rolled his eyes before motioning toward the desk. "Hurry and clean it off so we can play."
"Now hold on a damn minute. I never agreed to your little deal."
"Ho~?" A smirk came to his lips, his blue eyes shimmering with mischief. "So you either have no faith in yourself, which is not a quality for a hero to have mind you, or you just don't actually want to spend time with Honenuki. I wonder which it is, hm~?"
"Just what are you implying?" You scowled, arms folded over your chest.
"Implying? Nothing. Just making an observation." Monoma was a man that knew just what buttons to push in order to get under someone's skin and it was especially effective against someone he saw every day. He had you; hook, line, and sinker.
"Oh, you're on, pretty boy!"
His smirk widened the tiniest bit as you got to work scrubbing the table, fully intent to kick his ass the old-fashioned way - by buying all of the properties and outfitting them with hotels to make him pull his hair out every time he had to roll!
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚: ⋆.:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
Juzou frowned as he finished up the last class for the day, stepping out into the chilly afternoon. The sun was slowly beginning to sink across the horizon, setting the sky ablaze with orange and red. The massage appointment was scheduled for an hour from now, which is about how long it would take for him to get to the other side of the city in the rush hour traffic. He remembered your words clearly and he had agreed to honor your request, but he found himself hesitating. What was the point of getting a massage from the famous Wu-sensei if you weren't there to share the experience with him? And if anyone needed to relax, he knew it was you. Having to clean up the mess was one thing, but having to do so with Monoma?
He turned on his heel, speed walking back into the school building and toward the chemistry classroom. Hours had passed since the incident, surely the two of you had made a decent chunk of progress. He could help you finish the job and then the two of you could rush over to see Wu-sensei, begging for forgiveness because of your lateness. He was sure she would forgive the two of you and then you could experience a well-earned reward. He felt hopeful as he slid the classroom door open, but it quickly faded as his eyes scanned the room.
Not an ounce of slime had been removed. What the hell had the two of you been doing? His eyes fell to the back of the room when he heard you releasing a string of frustrated curses. There at the back of the room sat you and Monoma, facing each other with a monopoly board on the table between you. Judging from the stacks of cards on either side and the frustration on your face, he guessed the two of you had been at it for a while.
"What will you do, Y/N?" Monoma's smirk was irritating you. "If you roll anything but a two or a five, you land on my property and I don't think you have enough to pay me!"
"Shut your face, already!" You huffed, shaking the dice in your hand. "I have plenty to pay, thanks, and there's no way I'm gonna land on them!" 'Please, lady fate, smile on me!' You took a deep breath as the dice slipped from your hand, landing on the board as if in slow motion, twirling and spinning a few times before coming to a stop.
"Hahahaha! It's a six, that's my railroad! You owe me two hundred!"
"T-Two hundred?! That's ridiculous!"
"Those are the rules~ Surely, you can pay?"
"O-Of course I can!" You couldn't. You only had fifty dollars left and had already mortgaged all of your properties but two of the orange ones. 'Okay, Y/N. Both of these properties can be mortgaged for 90 dollars. That's 180, so I just need to give him 20, leaving me with 30 bucks and no properties. But... I'm close to reaching go. If I can just pass by those damned blue properties, I can get my 200 and buy back one of my properties. I'm still in this!' "I will mortgage my two properties. You owe me 30 dollars back!"
"Hmph." Monoma returned your change to you, feeling annoyed. This game had already gone on far too long for his liking, he was sure his movie had begun already, and yet you refused to accept your fate! What were you going to do with a measly 30 dollars?
He took his turn, landing on a chance card that awarded him 50 from the bank. He reveled in your annoyed expression before his eyes fell to the board and his lips twitched up again. If you rolled a two or a four, you'd land on his blue properties. Each one held two houses each, bringing the rent up to 500 and 600 respectably. With no properties left to your name, there was no way you could wiggle yourself out of this one! The probability of you rolling a two was 1 in 36, while the chance of rolling a four was 6 in 36.
Just who would lady luck shine upon in this decisive moment?
You nearly jumped out of your chair when you felt hands resting on your shoulders.
"I didn't mean to scare you, honey."
"Juzou!" You leaned your head back to look up at him. "You should be at the massage parlor!"
He offered you a sheepish look, giving your shoulders a gentle squeeze. "Sorry, I just couldn't go without you. I came back to help." He glanced around the still destroyed room and it was your turn to offer a sheepish look, rubbing the back of your head.
"W-Well... you see, what happened was -"
"You can still help," Monoma interrupted smugly. "When Y/N loses and has to clean the room alone."
Realization flashed across Juzou's face. So that's what happened. Why wasn't he surprised that Monoma had pulled something like this? He wanted to scold the blonde, but you had made your decision. All he could do now was support you and help you overcome whatever outcome you received. "I believe in you, Y/N."
You smiled brightly and nodded, clutching the dice tightly in your hand. "Let's go~!" The dice tumbled from your hand, jumping across the board. The first die fell - it was a one. You held your breath as the second die continued to spin. 'Please don't be a one or three! Please, please, please!' You folded your hands together, leaning forward as it started to lose its momentum. It hovered between one and five before slowly tilting toward five. "Yes!" But in a sick twist of fate, it suddenly fell backward, landing on one. "No!"
"Ahahahaha! You lost, just as I said you would!" Monoma shot up, not even bothering to collect your pitiful 30 before he started toward the door, offering you a wave over his shoulder. "Have fun, love birds!"
The door slammed shut, leaving the two of you in silence, broken by your frustrated groan, your face landing on the board. Your words were muffled, but he managed to make them out. "I have brought shame to my family..."
"You did your best, honey." Juzou leaned down to wrap his arms around your shoulders. "I'm proud of you."
"Really?" You looked up at him with glassy eyes, prompting him to hug you tighter.
"I'm always proud of you because you give it your all no matter what you're doing. That's why I fell in love with you."
You smiled despite your misery, your heart skipping a beat. "Thank you, Juzou. Sorry I ruined our date."
"Don't be sorry. The whole point of a date is to spend time together, right? Well," he stood up, motioning toward the room with a smile. "We're going to be spending quite a few hours together. Haha."
You knew he was right. It didn't matter what you were doing as long as you were doing it together. With renewed vigor, you shot out of your chair, pressing a kiss to his cheek as thanks. "Right, let's get to work, then!"
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚: ⋆.:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
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benedictscanvas · 3 years
sage-coloured glasses - spencer reid x reader
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: This is just a barrel of soft cardigans thrown in your face, with just the smallest mention of nightmares
A/N: This is technically a 2nd part to ‘a shared heart’, but there are only vague mentions of it and this can easily be read on its own. I simply wanted some soft Spence in his natural habitat and I hope this can be of some comfort to you too, if you’re in need of it <3
His hair was oh-so-soft underneath your fingertips but the thought felt forbidden. You hadn’t expected him to have soft hair. It always looked soft, yes, the small, unruly strands that he regularly curled behind his ear looked like the fluffy hair of a man who felt most at home in a library and wore cardigans. But in the line of work you were in, you were used to things having hard edges and sharp corners.
Not Spencer’s hair. It delivered on its visual promise as you slowly wove your fingers through the strands and tattooed the memory of them into your skin, let it sink into your very bones. When his head had hit your lap on your flight back home with a murmured question of permission, it had been like a magnet. Your hand was in his hair before you even gave him your answer, but it was an answer in itself.
“‘Course, Spence.”
A reassurance. His only response was a grateful hum as he tucked his legs up onto the sofa and you shuffled to make as much room for him as you could. You were slightly falling off the end of the sofa, getting cramp in your toes as you put your weight into your left foot to keep yourself in place. The armrest was digging into your hip and it should have been uncomfortable.
And yet, it wasn’t. Not when you lightly scritch-scratched at his scalp and he turned further into you, the curve of his nose pressing into your knee. Comfort wrapped itself around you like a warm blanket and you could only hope he was swathed in it too.
“Sleep,” you mumbled a few moments later, “I’ll wake you when we land.”
Silence. A rustle of fabric as he brought his arm up from his side, graced your knee with a feather-light squeeze then let his hand rest against your knee, right by his nose. A relieved exhale.
Twenty minutes passed. His breaths were deep and even, bordering on a snore every once in a while. Your fingers hadn’t stilled their dance through his hair, although they had slowed down in time with the rise and fall of his chest. Your neck ached and your heart did too.
Emily crept over with some paperwork after another ten. You reached over and took it with a nod and a smile, grateful that she kept silent too as she returned to her seat next to Derek. There was a little nudging and whispering as she sat back down, Dave turning in his seat to glance back at the two of you sporting a smirk that spoke volumes. No matter, as long as Spencer’s shoulder kept digging into your thigh for the rest of eternity.
It was tricky to complete the paperwork over his head without anything to lean on except your own hand. Another worthwhile sacrifice. Cases like this one were difficult for everyone. It was the type of case that set up camp in your mind in preparation for the nightmares that it would guest star in for the weeks to come. When you relayed that analogy to Spencer a few months ago, he’d laughed. Only someone who understood the feeling could laugh like that.
“Sorry I crashed on you,” Spencer spoke up just as you were forging his signature on a document that you’d all have to sign in time. He’d done it for you before, an unspoken agreement to save each other time.
(it was similar to the unspoken agreement to care when no one else had the time to, or the silent pact to share ‘good morning’ muffins whenever they were available, or the wordless understanding that he was your person and you were his)
You glanced down at him and were surprised to see that he’d rolled to lie on his back, just to stare up at you. Your hand was, embarrassingly, still carding through his hair each time you placed your pen between your teeth to read something through and you couldn’t imagine the angle he was staring from was your most flattering. Still, his eyes sparkled under the overhead aeroplane lights, which you wouldn’t have thought possible. It was likely a matter of perspective.
“Don’t be,” you waved him away, focusing your attention back on the paper in your hand before you gave it all away. Your hand fell limp in his hair, if only because you were too stubborn to remove it. Removing it now, after all, would only be an obvious admission of something you had been failing to hide for months now, “I’ve been told I have a comfy lap.”
“By whom?”
“Cats, mostly.”
He huffed a small laugh that travelled right the way up your spine.
“Cats are intelligent,” he mused quietly, resting his hands on his stomach, one on top of the other. A grounding technique that made you blink, “You can’t be comfortable though, doing paperwork like this.”
“What can I say? I’m a generous person.”
He hummed in lieu of an answer, but you could tell he felt guilty for the position he’d put you in. If only he could see that you were practically hanging off the seat, see the ridge that the armrest was definitely imprinting into your side, then he’d really feel guilty, but of course, that was the last thing you wanted him to feel.
(of course, there was also a part of you that dreamt of apologies whispered into your skin, of fingers skimming over fabric, of delicate kisses pressed to your hip-bone. of a guilt that melts away with each murmured confession of adoration. of a blissful atonement for a sin you’d already forgiven)
“Honestly, Spence, you’re fine. I would’ve moved you if I was uncomfortable.”
And you would have moved by now if you really felt that bad, you thought to yourself, relishing in the fact that he hadn’t moved yet, that you could still feel his gaze on your chin as you pretended to skim over the words on the page, once, twice, once again.
“You want me to take over paperwork duty?”
“I told you to sleep,” you said instead, “Why aren’t you sleeping?”
“I did sleep, for at least 30 minutes, which we both know is good for my standards.”
His rebuttal was punctuated by his hands both reaching up, making grabbing motions towards the stack of papers you were pouring through. Knowing how much faster he would be at getting through whatever was left, you heaved the pile into his hands with a sigh and watched as he held them up in front of his face and began reading, blocking your view of him entirely. It was impossible not to feel cheated.
When he reached a section he had to write in, he held his hand up for a pen. You gave him one from your jacket pocket rather than the one that had been in your mouth, knowing that he would be grateful if he knew. When he’d finished scribbling, you’d take the pen back from him, lean your head against the headrest until the cycle repeated. Occasionally he shuffled his head in your lap and your hand would slide a little further into his hair, but nothing was said. You took it as a cue to stay right where you were.
As expected, he finished the paperwork far sooner than you would have done. When he reached behind his head to put it on the table next to you, you took it from him before he could pull a muscle in his shoulder and he muttered his thanks. Now you could see him again, it was difficult to fight off a smile. Maybe the paperwork in the way had been more beneficial than you thought.
Briefly, you wondered how many of your signatures he’d forged in the documents he’d gone through, wondered how much better he was at forgery than you, but you didn’t check the paperwork in case he thought you were checking his work was up to par.
“You just saved me an hour’s work,” you sighed happily, “My angel once again.”
It was a nickname that had stuck around. From the time he’d shared his muffin around a month ago, you couldn’t shake the sentiment off. Not only had you grown closer - bolder - in that time, you’d also adjusted your language accordingly. Angel made a regular appearance, if only to bring the dusty pink to his cheeks that you treasured.
“It’s nothing, you know that,” he insisted, that very same pink blooming up his neck as you basked in the glow, “Besides, you’d done half already.”
He was being ridiculously kind, because you’d be surprised if you’d made it a third of the way through. There was no use arguing it, because compliments were far from Spencer’s strong suit and you’d already got the upper hand using the word angel. Better to agree to disagree.
“Thank you anyway,” you decided would be a good compromise, and from the smile on his face as he stared up at you, it seemed he agreed. It was funny that agreeing to disagree with Spencer mostly just felt like being on the same book, same page, same line. Unfortunately, you couldn’t quite tell exactly which word he’d gotten to, because if you did, you might have kissed him a long time ago.
(and goodness had you thought about it enough times)
When he abruptly sat up from his place in your lap, you suppressed your whine of disapproval as best you could, but there was still a small noise of disappointment that you couldn’t contain. He smiled at the sound, face the right way up now with lines and grooves in all the right places, around his eyes, his mouth, his cheeks. Smile lines are notoriously pretty on people whose smiles are the highlight of your very existence.
“I’m not as comfy as you thought, hm?” you teased, mainly to prevent him from seeing any of the hurt shining in your eyes. He saw it anyway.
“Nope,” he said easily, already sliding all the way over to the other side of the sofa, each inch of distance deepening your frown, “Now I, on the other hand, have it on far better authority that I provide a comfortable lap experience.”
“And whose authority would that be?”
“Henry, of course, and I know you trust his judgement above all others. Come on.”
He actually patted his lap and the swooping of your chest was enough to make you slightly lightheaded.
“Are you sure?”
He gave you a withering look that gave you no choice but to scoot over towards him. Lying down, you mirrored his previous position as your head came to tentatively rest in the little dip between his thighs, as near to his knees as you could get without becoming uncomfortable. He was unspeakably warm and it seeped into your very soul.
“You’re not that comfy.”
A lie. Blatant to both parties as you snuggled into him a little more, allowing his leg to take the weight of your neck. Before you knew it, his hand was resting in your hair too and even though you knew it wasn’t as soft as his, you hoped it was enough. It didn’t move, save for the sporadic slow sweep of his thumb through the strands, but it didn’t matter. He was always more than enough, after all.
“Sleep. I’ll wake you when we land.”
His words were an exact repeat of your own. There was no chance of a long sleep, not with your nerve endings flaring at each and every point of contact between the two of you, but there was also no use arguing. Rest, in place of sleep, was better than nothing. You smiled up at him one last time before closing your eyes, drifting into a half-slumber that consisted mostly of vague musings about the individual notes of his cologne.
Occasionally, when you simply couldn’t help yourself, you’d open one eye, maybe even two, and peek up at him. He looked ethereal, even from this angle. It was likely a matter of perspective.
(it just so happened that spencer thought you looked positively celestial from all twenty seven of the angles he had painstakingly catalogued into his memory. that was likely a matter of perspective too)
if you made it this far, thank you for reading! i’m not currently tagging people, since i was away for a while and i don’t want to tag people who are no longer interested - if you would like to be tagged in my fics from now on, send in an ask and i can add you to a main taglist or a character-specific one <3
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thatbangtanbloom · 3 years
unspoken | bts [1]
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teaser | [1]
characters: kim namjoon, kim seokjin, min yoongi, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook, reader
pairings: ot7 x fem! reader
categories: angst, fluff, smut
genre: idol!bts, idol!reader (maybe obsessive!bts??? yandere!bts???)
warnings: reader has her life TOGETHER (???appears to anyway), jungkook being sad about reader giving others (mostly tae) attention, make out on the couch, sex on the couch, all the boys kinda obsessive behavior mentioned at the end?, bts members are possessive (mostly jk!!), (uhhh may be slight yandere themes? no violence to)
a/n: this follows immediately after the teaser, so it mostly focuses on jungkook!!! other members will be introduced in the next chapters
It wasn’t like you weren’t used to holding things together. You had been trained for years to be a top idol. Five: those were the years you spent bringing your lyricism to perfection, years dedicated to personality training for variety shows and publicity conferences, years conjured up in between vocal training sessions and dance practices to make you every bit of a fourth generation idol that you could manage. As the leader of one of the the top girl groups in Korea, you had grown used to taking constructive criticism and turning it into perfect moves. You leveraged commercial film deals with ease as you opted for optimal screen time for each of your members easily. You easily quelled squabbles between the four other members in your group over bouts of jealousy and short term argument. For years, you trained as a lone gem to bring both men and women to your knees alike with the mere turn of your wrist or seductive smile. You were trained for everything.
What you were not trained for were your seven boyfriends. The seven of them did not hold a single provision in your years of training nor was there any booklet for explaining how to juggle their varying needs and degrees of affection they desired from you. None of them has been forecasted as an event in your already packed schedule between V-Lives, fan meetings, press conferences, or music shows when collecting win after win. You still managed your best.
When you were not preparing for a new album, learning a new dance routine, or writing new lyrics, your time was divided up amongst the seven of them. You often accompanied Seokjin as he played Maple Story with you settled into his lap with a giggle whenever he complained about the new skins. Or, you could be found sitting in the studio with Yoongi drinking iced americanos (a drink you detested more than the monthly evaluations you had as a trainee) working on lyrics together with your fingers entwined together. With Hoseok, you spent the bulk of your time dancing to your hearts content or pressed against one another in ways that would appear amoral if not for the spoken seductions he would whisper to you. Namjoon’s own commitment to giving you an endless list of recommendations as you laid in his arms, conversing about the black ink on white pages with full hearts. Jimin often meant being cuddled under heaps of blankets as you watched animal videos together and played with his hair when you were not reassuring him of how well he had done the day before. Taehyung meant practicing the scripts together for the dramas you would audition for and splashing each other to your hearts content as you washed the dishes of the dorm after Seokjin cooked. And lastly, being with Jungkook meant impromptu video shoots all the time; the boy wanting to remember every moment he spent with you as though it would be his last.
You may not had been the most organized, but you did know how to cherish each of your boys just as you did the other valuable people and aspirations within your life. While not meticulous, things almost always went to plan for you when you worked hard enough… but even that meant that surprises (especially the pleasant surprises) could make all the difference.
So it was given when you woke up at five in the morning the next day to find Jungkook sitting rigidly on the sofa, you had an inkling of how your day would go with this very uncommon occurence. The youngest of your boyfriends often opted for staying up only when playing video games or producing new tracks for his highly anticipated mixtape, but you saw nothing in hand but his phone.
“You’re awake.” You comment as you lean over the couch to press your lips gently against his temple. All the tension in his body seems to leave when his arms snake around your waist to send you plummeting into his lap.
Jungkook had always been rather fond of using his strength against you.
“You were with hyung again, last night.” He stares more so as a statement rather than a question. It had been one of those days when things felt a bit too overwhelming and Taehyung had sensed it before you. It was not intentional you found yourself being coddled by the raven haired man, but it seemed to be happening more and more as contract recertification was coming and the girls growing increasingly antsy about future concepts.
You can hear the displeasure in Jungkook’s voice. “Is something wrong?” You ask as you sit up in his lap to touch his cheek.
“You’re always with him.” Jungkook whispers with a frown settling on his lips. “You know he’s not your only boyfriend, right? There’s me... and the others..”
You bite the inside of your lip as you think about the delicate balance of your relationship with the seven of them. Their feelings weren’t as easy as dodging invasive questions in a press conference or could be corrected after a quick meeting with producers. Perhaps you were not as prepared as you thought. You just wanted to hold it together again.
“I know you’re my boyfriend too, Kook.” You say as you snake your arms around his shoulders. “You know that I love you all equally, right?”
Scoffing, Jungkook pouts. “You say that,”
“Jungkook.” You frown deeper as you press your forehead against his. “I mean it. I love you all the same! Each of you have your own charms that make me realize why I wanted to be with you in the first place. I love you just as much as I love Taehyung and I love Taehyung just as much as I love Seokjin. And I love Seokjin as much as I love Nam-“
“야.. 야... I gathered that much. You could have stopped with loving me.” Jungkook jokes, making the familiar flutter of your stomach return. You were happy he understood. “I’m not letting you off the hook that easily.”
“You’re not?” You muse with a raise of your brow.
“Mmm.” Jungkook replies as his hands grip both of your hips to pull you closer before pressing you flushed against his chest. “I can think of ways for you to make it up to me, baby girl.” He is no less subtle as his hands run up along your sides and settle over your breast. He opts for teasing the right one first, circling the sensitive bud between his index finger and thumb. “I can think of a very good way for you to make it up to me.”
He lifts up your white shirt and tugs down the cup of your bra to place an open-mouthed kiss onto your right breast and then your left with a long sigh. “So. so..so fucking pretty and all for me,” His words send vibrations along your skin. He reluctantly pulls back, watching your shirt fall back over your frame and rubs the small of your back gingerly. “I always want you, you know that, right?”
“If you want me, you know you already have me.” You quip prior to kissing along his jawline. He was a sucker for kisses there- he always had been. The thought of your kisses alone could have him cupping the base of his cock and edging himself for release when he thinks about your soft lips on his jaw, his neck, his lips, his cock.
Nevertheless, you scoff at his words. He always amused you when he pulled out that nickname in particular, but you couldn’t deny that it combined with the taunting look in his eyes did provoke some part of you. “I have to get back to the dorms before the girls wake up, Jungkook.”
“I’ll drive you.” He offers with a smile as devilish as Lucifer himself. Jeon Jungkook was equal parts crafty as he was intelligent.
“As enticing as it is to do that and we both know how badly I do want you,” you preface as you toy with the golden chain that dangles around Jungkook’s neck. He had known you were far too fond of it. “That will draw attention.. they’ll recognize your car.” You frown in attempts to reasoning with him. He doesn’t back down though; he never does when it comes to you.
“We can figure things out,” He whispers as he begins to kiss along you neck slowly. The sensation of his lips are gentle in comparison to the way his hips rut against your own. “Just wanna be inside you.. it’s been so long.”
The youngest of your boyfriends always had a bit of an appetite. During award shows, he often was the first to come find you in some miraculous show of stealth. Even during concerts when BigHit would hold its annual New Years Eve Live, he would linger backstage to catch a glimpse of you. You have dated him long enough to know the subtlety was not his forte. Now was no different.
You tug lightly at the ends of his hair to make him look at you. It is instinctual; the moan falling from his lips as his grip on your hip tightens. It does not stop either as he expertly rolls his hips against your spread ones.
“Wanna feel your tight pussy around my thick cock,” He rasps into your ear as his right hand slights down your hip to your ass and cups it. His hands are a stark contrast to how his lips kiss your skin like a brush on the canvas. He wants all of you. He wants to feel a part of you in the deepest way. “Please? I need you so badly, baby.” He whispers as his member presses more in between your thighs, just over your clothed sex.
You let out a curse from his wandering hands. “You really know how to provoke me, huh?” You shake your head in amusement as you pin Jungkook down onto the couch. He follows easily - he’s always been a good boy whenever you’re around you.
“You shouldn’t hold back. You know I like it rough, YN-ah.” He presses his tongue against the side of his cheek. It’s always been a tell of his when he can barely hold it together - can barely hold back from wanting to feel all of you. “No teasing either.” He’s always been eager to test you, eager to see how much you would let him get away with.
You straddle his hips with practiced ease while untying his gray sweatpants, “You’ve always talked too much.” You halfheartedly remark as you tug down the taut fabric down his tanned thick thighs.
“You love it when I talk,” He quips back. He’s smug as his hand reaches out to stroke your cheek gingerly. He watches you with nothing but admiration and lust in his eyes. He’s always enjoyed how you take control, but that does not mean that he is not one to challenge you. What was the fun in fully submitting when you could make him? “But you like it so much more when my head is between your pretty thighs, don’t you? You like the way my tongue thrusts into your tight pussy until you’re on the brink of cumming?”
You give a noncommittal hum as every so often, his thumb presses down over the denim of your jeans to your clit to intensify the flex of his thigh. He’s always loved this view of you hovering over him, moaning from the slightest action he gives you and wanting more until it drives you over the edge. He knows you could quite possibly cum just from this alone, but Jeon Jungkook has always been a generous man.
With this in mind, he takes advantage of your hips lingering over his right thigh after shifting to toss his sweatpants to the side to press his flexed thigh against you and sends you flush against his chest with a smirk. He likes seeing the contorted look of frustration on your look from the sudden change of pace and he only raises a brow. “What’s wrong, baby? Did you think I would give in easily?”
“Oh, Jungkook,” You give a breathy sigh as your eyes meet his own full blown ones. He’s always had gorgeous chocolate brown eyes; the usual galaxy colored in them eclipsed by something far darker. Before you can reprimand him, he presses down harder onto your hips until you straddle his thigh and flexes his thigh once more. The sensation makes you sensitive, especially when he manages to brush your clit with the slightest action.
What a brat, he was.
You don’t hold back the moan that escapes from the back of your throat. He is more keen to feel all of you when your hands fall to his chest to try to regain your posture, but Jungkook finds it more endearing the way you still grind against his flexed thigh like a fucked out kitten.
He knows that he could cum simply from hearing your moans alone, but you’ve taught him well at holding out. He watches the way your hips press harder against his own thigh, wanting to feel all of him despite the two layers of clothing that separate him from you.
He takes initiative to unbutton the top of your jeans before rolling them down your thighs. He is speedy as his arm grips your waist to press you against his chest and they soon join the puddle of his own jeans on the floor. He has always been insatiable when it comes to you, often eager to drop to his knees and eat you out until the sunrise, and a burning sensation in your stomach tells you that this time won’t be any different.
“What was that about needing to get back to your dorms?” He asks with smirk on his face as he turns your chin to look at him. His words are accusatory, acting as though you were not riding his thigh to fruition. “I can think of a better way to do this, though.”
“So can I,” You reply after finally getting over the initial high of him teasing you.
“Mmm,” Jungkook whispers without another word. Normally shy around others, he never could quite control himself around you. He had no intention on doing so either, especially not when you were half clothed in front of him and he had gotten the taste of you he had wanted, but still, Jeon Jungkook remained insatiable. “I have a request.”
“A request?” You repeat back to him with a tilt of your head. You can tell that he is the temptation incarnate as his hands begin to cup your sex and slowly his middle and index finger begin to tease your wet folds through your panties.
Nodding, he indents his sense with a tug at your panties to send them down your thighs. “Mmm. A request-“ He says before once more rolling on top of you and pinning you down into the couch. He never did get tired of manhandling you-the way your body fell limp under his just with the swiftness of his moves was more than enough to have his cock grow harder to be inside of you, but he would wait. He would be good until you told him not to be.
“And that is…” You find it hard to keep up the conversation, especially when Jungkook drops to his elbows to carefully cup both of your hips and draw you nearer to him. Your pussy grows wetter just from the way his index finger continues to brush over your clit before swiping down your slit to get a bit of your essence and he licks his fingers.
He does not answer you, only opting to connect his lips against your aching cunt without warning. Soft like petals, his lips kiss your clit ever so slightly prior to him moving closer to you like a man starved to begin to send stripes of love against your cunt with his tongue. The first of them has you bucking your hips to entrance his face between your thighs, but the rest nearly have you twitching for more. Perhaps you were a bit more worked up then you anticipated.
Your hands immediately find chase in his hair, wanting to remember each thrust into your tight pussy from Jungkook’s thick tongue. He is careful to savor each drop of your essence that begins to paint his jaw with love. He honestly thinks he can grow drunk from the amazing taste that dribbles from you.
“Fuck, you taste so good.” He rasps against your cunt, only adding to the vibrations of your tight pussy. “I just wanna stay between your thighs forever.” His licks are ultimately calculated, but every now and then he grows lost in your essence as his nose begins to bump against your clit every so often. The added sensation has you nearly stuttering out his name. “Fuck, I really want to be inside this tight pussy. You like the way I eat your pussy, don’t you?”
You are keenly aware of Jungkook’s love of praise and you ultimately have no problem giving it to him as you choke out on your moans, “That feels so good, Kook-fuck- baby boy, knows how to eat pussy well, doesn’t he?“
“Fuck, I almost just from hearing that,” He rasps out, making you realize how he grinds against the cushion of the couch at the same cadence of you bucking your hips. He’s so fucked out at this point, barely able to hold it together when he can feel how tightly your walls clench around his wet tongue. It turns him on to no end and he can only think of how tightly you would fit around him. “You know,” He pulls back slowly, but his fingers still return to scissor inside your wet cunt as he leans forward on his knees to hover over you. “You know you could have all of us to yourselves, right? For a whole week… no distractions,” He curls his fingers inside of you, making you moan louder in pleasure from how good it feels. “It’s been a long time since you’ve felt Yoongi-hyung’s tongue inside of your pretty pussy, huh?”
The thought of Yoongi alone make you tighten your hips a bit more and you nod. Yet, you still question, where is he going with this?
“I’ve been thinking.. well,” He stops rubbing your clit for a moment to make sure you have his full attention before adding another finger. Before he can continue, he finds himself growing more lustful for the essence that pools at your hips and returns his mouth onto your wet cunt with a sigh of relief. He’s in euphoria with each moan that escapes your mouth. “You taste so fucking sweet “-and we want to go on a trip. The eight of us. You’ve got break and so do we coming up. I’m sure we could fit things together, right?”
Fitting things together - all you can think about is how perfect Jungkook would fit inside of you if he weren’t eating you out right now, but you are not one to complain. You are more than happy to spend time with the boys, “Of course… I would love tha-“ You suck in a deep breath to mask the moan when Jungkook finds your g-spot without much need to look. He memorized you like the back of his hand.
“Mmm, I can tell you’re close.” He smirks as he slaps your ass. The added pain as you wiggling your hips for more friction against his tongue, but he likes seeing you like this. Completely at his mercy and every whim to treat you as he pleases. You who seemingly always held things together, crumbling right in front of him as a slobbering mess as he eats you out. It was so hot.
“Shit-“ You rasp out as you feel the familiar twinge in your stomach. Your walls only tighten more around Jungkook’s fingers as he speeds up the pace to watch the way your face contours into pleasure. Your back arches when he curls his fingers inside of you for a third time and unknowingly to you, Jungkook finds his own release chasing after yours when his cock throbs more in pleasure. “I’m so close Jungkook-“
“Me too, baby, fuck,.” He whispers as he increases the thrust of his fingers inside of you to match the thrust of his own hips to bring you both to your eyes. His thighs flex as the familiar tension in his stomach bubbles up and he wants to cum all over you. God, he wants to lick every drop of your cum from your body as it mixes with his own.
Without another word, your high comes crashing down as your eyes shut closed and your hips buckle one last time around Jungkook’s fingers. You call out out his name before realizing it and tightly encapsulate his fingers between your thighs as you lazily ride out your high.
Jungkook does not fair any better as he uses his free hand to cup the base of his cock and pump the aching desire that begins to consume him. Seeing you cum is more than enough to have his stomach tense one last time before white ribbons paint your stomach, making him grunt in pleasure from how sexy you are and the intensity of the orgasm that he had just experienced.
He collapses on top of you, sighing into the crook of your neck as he nuzzles his face affectionately into your own. Despite the ache in your core somewhat subsiding, Jungkook still grinds his softening cock against your thigh for the last of his high, “Fuck.. that was so good.”
“You did well,” you reassure him as you pant up and down. You turn your face to press a kiss against his lips and smile. “I’m also excited for this trip you guys are planning.”
Jungkook blinks as he thinks about the trip and nods shyly. He leans more into your touch, wanting to feel all of you as he snakes his arms around his waist to hold you close. “I am too… I just really want to be with you, but the others also want it too…”
“I want to be with them too. I love you and them, you know?” You whisper quietly into his ear while gingerly stroking his cheek.
“I love you too,” Jungkook whispers against your skin while leaving butterfly kisses along your shoulder. “But.. can I ask you something else?”
You nod, “Mmm?”
“Please don’t spend so much time with Taehyung,” Jungkook whispers as he finds himself growing more demure. HE doesn’t want to see your reaction; the way your features furrow into confusion at the request in fear of you rejecting him. “I’m not saying to avoid him.. but .. but please try to be with me a lot, too.. I. I worry you’ll stop loving me… or won’t think of me.. and forget me.” He felt incredibly vulnerable in front of you, especially now when he has done his best to give it all to you, but it still makes him nervous.
“Jungkook,” Your features soften at his words and you gingerly stroke his cheek. “I think of you so much. You know that right? I love you a lot and will do better since it worries you. You mean just as much to me as everyone else does.” You smile warmly, “So don’t worry about it… okay?”
Your words provide him some solace, so Jungkook shyly agrees, “Okay..” He whispers, but his grip on your hand doesn’t let go. Nevermind that he was your boyfriend, along with his six haunts who you loved equally just as you loved him. He could sense the growing tension between the seven of them as they all tried to vy for your attention.
He knew of Jimin’s own interest of whisking you away from everyone with his pretty eye smile and wanting to teach you contemporary dances so you could see the way that Jimin would lead you away. Hell, even Jimin had suggested that he would be eager to take you away from everyone if he had the chance. Namjoon was no better, only thinking of the sparkle I your eyes as he suggested a new book to you, a new concept that ultimately left you in awe of him to where you would ideally follow him and never move away.
Seokjin had made it clear of his own intents to have you and you alone when he suggested taking you back home to meet his family and see the traditional way of doing things in Korea; the smile his parents would give from finding someone so prim and proper like you. Though appearing aloof, Yoongi had his own stake in luring you into his own embrace through words of eloquence, rhymes to make your heart dizzy, and a tongue to course you into things unimaginable. Hoseok’s own methodology of spoiling you to no end with attention and suggested dancing was the first part of many to guide you into his charms; the others focusing on learning every bit of you until the end for him to ruin.
Taehyung had been the most bold of it - eagerly molding himself to be whatever you wanted under the guise of practicing monologues and scenes from his favorite movies. Too keenly aware, Jungkook could recognize how very much their own behaviors were no different from his own as he laid in wake to catch you alone and make you his at every opportunity he could with a voice like a siren and bright galaxy eyes that made you want to give him anything he asked for. He had to be keenly aware of this when it would be so easy to let go with six others wanting your attention alone.
To make you let go. And he would be damned if would let you go, either. If he couldn’t have you, no one else would be able to either.
- - - -
Don't be a silent reader! how do you think the relationship is going to go now that you know a bit more about the relationship dynamic?
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victorianoruben · 3 years
Unstoppable Desire
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Pairing: Ruvik X F!Reader
Warning: Masturbation, Dirty Imaginations
Summary: Ruben caught himself of having fantasies of Y/N and him in his head which lead him to an unknown feeling.
Words: 1,600
Note: Beta-read by @bruhvik​
"You can be such a lovely person, Ruben, you just haven’t realized it yet"
This made him shake his head with a chuckle, "Oh (Y/N), I don't know if you're either blind or just in love with a monster, my dear."
When he saw her reaching her arms out for him, offering a hug, he widened his eyes in surprise. But who would he be if it weren’t for accepting this offer
Ruben graved for affection and acceptance all his life. It had been years since he felt so close to someone, his sister. When she brushed her warm hand over his naked back which just got free of his bandages, he took a deep breath, leaning into her touch completely; enjoying this moment.
He felt his heartbeat starting to rise rapidly. This feeling wasn't familiar for him.
"Relax, it's okey. Stop judging your appearance all over again", she looked up at him when she let him go of their hug. How she expected, he looked in another direction with squinted eyes. She bit her bottom lip and it made her sigh, "No - no, I know that expression! I know what's going on in your mind again. Listen to me just for once!"
The scarred man rolled his eyes and felt his cheeks starting to heat up when looking at her. Oh how much he hated how submissive, innocent and shy he may look there. This isn't his personality and nature. He pressed his lips a bit together and finally glanced over her.
"I know it's because of your scars again. That you might think I would find you ugly and hide this opinion. I still have no freaking idea how you would come up with that thought again. How many times do I need to prove you the opposite of it? Your scars can tell the story by  themselves and they make your personality and view so much stronger. You're unique in your own way! When I first met you, I already was fascinated by your presence ... and I thought", she took a breath with a smirk, "Phew, that guy is so sexy, damn! And I-"
Ruben shrugged out of his daydream and rubbed his forehead while groaning. By sliding down his blanket, he noticed sweat drops on his body. It felt like he was just sitting in a whirlpool or sauna.
He was such a dumb fool. What was he even thinking? Despite the fact that Y/N would never just spit out so many compliments and fall into his arms so suddenly. She wasn't that type of person, way too stubborn as well. Also, he  wasn’t the person who would melt so quickly for a woman. There was just one girl whom he fully trusted and who understood him: Laura. Any girl could just try to get him around her fingers and he wouldn't allow that. But when he remembered the time he spent together with Y/N, he kind of felt safe and calm in her presence. Not at their first meeting but after some small-talks, her offer to help him, he started to trust her a bit more. He hated to admit but she actually brightened his day sometimes. She had such a caring heart when it came to ’his’ patients or listening to Ruben whenever he had a bad day, raging about mistakes in the machine. But he still didn't tell her his full past yet. It was still way too private to just tell her all the informations. Deep down in his heart, he was always looking forward to the next day to meet her in his laboratory. It never seemed like his appearance bothered her or that she judged him ... well except at their first meeting when she saw his experiments.  Neither of them could have imagined becoming 'friends' one day ....
Ruben tried to relax again and close his eyes but the thoughts and daydreams hit him like a brick. In front of him, he saw her admirable body and imagined the smell of her favorite perfume.
He leaned his head back on his bed and moved his hands over his chest, down to his stomach,  to the area where he didn't have any burns. At least he was able to feel a bit but the building heat in him was way stronger anyways. The thought of her fingers stroking slightly over his skin was enough for him.
"You really want me to prove it, don't you?", she whispered in his ear, "I know that you have something in your mind right now. Tell me ... what do you want to do with me really?"
She kissed him gently and slowly on his rough lips while traveling with her fingers over his chest.
"I've never seen you so nervous before, Ruben. This intelligent scientist really does have a soft heart deep down but he doesn't like to admit it. But he also hates to get submissive all out of a sudden, am I right?
What has gotten into you?"
When he caught himself letting out a quiet but noticeable moan, he opened his eyes.
How could he be so sensitive already?
Was he graving that badly to get touched and admired?
But that didn't matter to him for that moment anymore, the wave of heat was starting to take control over him.
He imagined how he’d quickly bend her into the bed to show his true nature. His ego  wouldn’t allow to represent him like a whiney puppy graving for her attention.
"Oh my dear, be careful, you seem of not knowing what's going on in my mind. You really thought I would literally cry and beg for you to touch me? Just because I haven’t touched anyone yet? You've thought that, haven’t you?", he sounded like he was almost out of breath just due to his adrenaline.
He stroked her thighs playfully, his grip went more firm after seconds. Ruben watched her closing her eyes in pleasure with an opened mouth.
"I asked you something, sunflower!", he  moved dangerously to her private parts.
" - I'm sorry - No, I didn’t think that. Really!", she almost whimpered desperately because of getting touched.
Ruben felt how his distressed pants got more and more thight. He rarely had the need of pleasuring himself if at all. This time he couldn't hold himself back., He slowly stroked himself, hand disappearing in his pants, taking his rough textured pen*s out of it. He gave it a few strokes on the shaft; one of the only parts left on his body which weren't totally numb. Oh, and how sensitive he was there!
"You're lying to me", he shook his head in amusement and drew circles over your now exposed panties, "You really dare to lie to me though you know that I can read expressions almost perfectly?"
"I - I just wanted to make you feel good and -"
He bent down to her and gave her a kiss on her lips with a chuckle, "Oh, I know that very well."
Ruben stroke up from the base of his cock, which was covered with some veins, with a tighter grip down to his tip. When he focused on the soft tip, he went a bit gentle and teased it with one finger.
His imagination skipped a bit forward, leaving out the foreplay.
„Are you sure you wanna do this now, princess?", he stared down at her in a missionary pose. He already lined up his cock to her entrance and teased her hole with it.
"With you, absolutely! Just stop the tease now, ... please!", she took a deep breath and looked at him when he entered her slowly.
He took his average sized member entirely in his hand, pretending like it would be in her slit. Ruben pumped it with smooth movements and he let out some moans here and there.
He was alone in his huge mansion anyways. The full moon did shine straight through his window down to his bed as if he  was in spotlight. Everything was playing around him and about his pleasure right now.
Ruben was fully concentrating on pictures of a naked Y/N, whom he owned in his act. How she would praise his name all over again, filling him with deep kisses , changing positions to experiment of getting deeper.
By speeding up the pace and tightening his grip, he felt how something was building up in his lower regions.
He breathleassy slipped out her name by accident (which he would be truly ashamed of later).
To reach his orgasm, he played with his tip, this time using his other hand. It didn't take him much to release his seed on his pants. It was more than he ever released before, during his previous sessions where he didn't have any naughty fantasies about a specific person.
The afterwave took his sharp eyesight for a while. He couldn’t control his breath, nor his awareness. It didn’t take him much to pass out. He did build way too much adrenaline which his body couldn’t handle very well. He was literally on his limits with his body. Being so exhausted, he didn’t have the time to think and reflect on his sinful thoughts. So, with shaking hands, he slipped out of his dirty pants and threw it on the floor before closing his eyes to fall asleep immediately
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Green with Envy
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Spencer gets green with envy over something reader can’t control angering reader- hot and heavy makeup sex ensues.
A/N: hey guys 🥺 this is my sixth fic for my 1250 follower celebration and this is a day late- thank you to everyone who was super nice and considerate about me pushing this off till today- I was having a super hard time emotionally last night and I needed some time to myself. Again thanks so so much- this is based off of a combination of this request and this request for jealous Spencer. Also part two to Dr. Jekyll will be out tonight or tomorrow depending on if I can finish it- still a little bit behind schedule from me pushing this off last night. Thanks for reading 🥺
Warnings: 18+, Someone’s harassing reader at work, Spencer is a jerk at first I promise he apologizes, Unprotected sex, Oral sex (F receiving)
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.1k
“Could you go and check case evidence? And bring the detective with you.” Hotch had approached me, giving me orders for the next step to take in the team’s investigation. I accepted them with no discernible dissent in my voice towards Hotch, even though I would have rather stayed with Spencer working on the geographical profile. Especially since the detective had not taken my subtle hints of turning him down when he flirted with me. Unfortunately like many of these instances it was just easier to keep my mouth shut rather than cause problems with the police department we were liaising with. Though I still did know if I’d I had told Hotch he would’ve understood and changed it with a drop of a hat. it was still just easier to not say anything and power through the case, however sad and disappointing it was.
The detective had been hot on my heels ever since we had touched down here. At first it had been endearing and I just carefully let him down, saying a simple no to coffee.
I was sure he got the impression that if he ‘convinced me’ more he’d get me to say yes. I hadn’t told him until later that I had a boyfriend because it hadn’t been his business. I had only told him with a snippy tone in frustration when he would not let up. Unfortunately for me again he seemed to take it as a sign of ‘playing hard to get’ and did not stop his pursuits. I should probably tell Hotch about it before I punch him in the nose.
I was frustrated and annoyed, plus basically every other negative feeling in the book. I just wanted to be alone, or with Spencer.
When I finally got time to slip out of the room for a breather I scampered my way over to where my boyfriend was as he always gave me some sort of solace.
Unfortunately, it seems like the universe was against me this week.
Spencer’s eyes usually held not one ounce of anger, especially not towards me. When he flashed me a glare I got a little angry myself. What had I done to face the wrath of the genius? His demeanor towards me wasn’t doing anything to squash my bad feelings as it normally did, right now it was just fueling the flames.
I decided to just ask him upfront after a third glare was flashed in my direction instead of dancing around the issue any more, we did have a job to do, “Hey- Spencer, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” His tone was clipped and sharp, sharp enough that it felt like it could cut me.I wouldn’t have been that surprised if it did. It was obvious that ‘nothing’ was not true, there was obviously something going on.
I decided to ask again just to be sure, though there was definitely a possibility I was going to be snapped at again, “Are you sure?”
The harsh glare I was given was more piercing than the previous ones, cutting me deep.
“Yes, I’m sure!” Was whispered shouted at me along with the glare. It took every fiber of my being not to snap his head off even harsher than what he had done to me. Blinking back tears I got up and stormed off, completely done with the day- with this case. I just wanted to put this case behind me, putting it in the files to never be thought about by me again.
When we got to the hotel, after we were finished for the day, there was an eerie silence that fell over us. The silence only held for a moment as we stared at each other. I wasn’t going to speak before he was and if it wasn’t an apology I didn’t know if I had the energy left in me to say anything back.
I had ended up telling Hotch what had been going on with the detective, it had become too much for it to be reasonable to brush off (though in a perfect world brushing off someone like that wouldn’t be a reality but that’s just a daydream of mine I guess)
I stood at the other side of the room for a minute waiting to see if he’d say anything or if we’d be dancing around each other like this for the rest of the night.
He ran his hands through his hair a few times, looking like he was trying to collect his thoughts and sat down on one of the beds in the room. I wondered also if I’d be slipping into the second untouched bed by the window tonight.
“I-I’m so sorry.” My only response at first was a slight hum from the back of my throat while I processed my own thoughts. He seemed sincere, I wanted to believe he was sincere that is.
“Sorry for what?” On the ride back to the hotel, once my irritation towards his attitude had somewhat satiated in the cool silence of the car, I had figured out what he had been bothered by. Spencer wasn’t all that hard to read once I got to know him. However, I wasn’t going to provide the reason for it, I still wanted to hear the reasoning from his own mouth.
“I was envious- jealous of you and the detective today.”
“You were envious?” Being green with envy wasn’t something that Spencer had ever expressed in our relationship before. Being envious- or jealous as most people would call it could be something to be played with in a relationship. It’s an emotion to be delicately handled otherwise the relationship could be filled with possessiveness and aggression.
Spencer was for sure out of line earlier today, he was certainly right when he said I’m sorry.
But, since he had said sorry and that I could tell he was sincere, maybe there was still a chance to play with the delicate emotion in a way that would not crack the foundation. Plus the added fact that I didn’t need to ask for an apology was comforting. There was no need for a fight when the person at fault admitted it. And, in time I’m sure when our relationship has had more time to build a larger foundation, those feelings of envy would not be so easily provoked— unless of course if it was time to play with those delicate emotions.
“Y-yeah, I was getting mad that I wasn’t the one that you were with today. A-and- I also didn’t like that the detective wouldn’t stop flirting with you…” His stuttered apology wasn’t what I was totally paying attention to, though don’t get me wrong I did appreciate it. What I was focused on was how much I wanted to claim him, to show him how much I was just as much as he was mine.
“Well, I’m glad you apologized, I accept it and I understand where you were coming from- plus the case hasn’t been easy on any of us. Just don’t ever do something like that again, please.” Spencer’s shoulders slumped from a sigh and an added nod, relaxing from my words after being tense with anxiety. Sauntering over to him after I had accepted his apology with one plan in mind made my panties wet with anticipation. When I straddled his lap his eyes blew wide, not expecting these turn of events. I grabbed the back of his hair, not too harshly, just enough to get a firm grip to tilt his hair back while I spoke into the shell of his ear, “And, now I’d like to show you how much I belong to you— and it’s just as much as you belong to me.”
Instead of getting an intelligible response from Spencer all I got was a moan, not that I was complaining. While I captured his lips in a breathless kiss I began to grind my hips down onto him in slow circles, giving him a taste of what’s to come.
He surrendered to my dominance in the kiss almost immediately, letting me guide him in any way I wanted him to go. As I rocked my hips over the bulge in his slacks I could feel it grow harder underneath me, I couldn’t wait to free it from its confines. I made sure to mark up his neck with as many hickies that made me satisfied- plus I let him give a few to me as well.
His submission underneath me wasn’t something that I was unused to. This time seemed to be a little different however.
I couldn’t place my finger on what exactly was different, maybe it was that we were so desperate for each other that the clothes practically melted off- which was a lot quicker than how we normally took our pace.
“Can I show you how good I can be for you, Miss?” His eyes were wide and begging, there was no way I could refuse a face like that.
That was how I ended up riding his face, with no hesitation in sight from him. All he wanted to do was to please and he was greedy for it. Even after I had started to pull up off of him after I had already had a shattering orgasm he pulled his hands down onto my hips to have me writhing on top of him im overstimulation. I could’ve punished him for it, but it felt too good to punish.
I was going to make sure he was ready too, possibly by taking him into my mouth for a bit, which I loved to do. However, his little whimpered out pleads about how much he wanted to feel me were just as hard to ignore as the previous pleas. It was hard to say no to a face that looked so pretty when he begged.
I sunk down on him slowly, at least letting myself relish in that feeling for a bit before Spencer would undoubtedly coax me into a faster pace because of how desperate he was. My own desperation wasn’t too far behind to be honest.
When I took him down fully to the hilt I only let myself feel the weight of him inside me for a moment before I started to roll my hips to create a rhythm. The pace I created was just as everything else up until this point had been, desperate.
While I bounced on him I had become unsatisfied with the amount of marks I had left on him before, diving into his neck to pepper them with hickies not really considering the fact that we had to go to work tomorrow. At least he still had that concealer he bought when we first started dating.
Seems that Spencer could not seem to think of it either as in between my ravishing of his neck and upper chest he’d also been getting in his fair share of marks. His were more centered at my chest, he’d been making sure my boobs were not neglected.
My second orgasm washed over me when Spencer brought up his fingers to rub my clit in quick circles. When my pace began to stutter in their movements as I rode myself through my orgasm while trying to help Spencer reach his, his hands came up to my hips to help aid me. Once my pleasure had partially abated I began to focus on his.
“Come on, sweet boy, you’ve shown me how good you are, now I want you to cum for me.”
His eyes rolled back into his head at my words, close to falling off the edge. I grabbed both of his hands interlinking them together and pinned them to the bed to help push him towards his release. A high pitched whine came up from his throat and he fell over the edge, cumming inside me.
We stayed together like that for a bit while we were both coming down from our highs. For a while there was only silence between us as we basked in each other's presence until I decided to make a joke.
“Are you no longer green with envy?” I simpered a bit at him, teasing him just a little as I started to even out my breath some whileI also traced all the marks I had left on him. I was teasing him about the events of today, but I’m reality that horrible detective was far from my mind- it was just Spencer and I. I’d have to see later while looking in the mirror what marks he had also left on me to claim me just as much as I had done to him.
His nose scrunched up at me and he giggled, his giggles were my favorite sound. When I first heard it I knew I would become addicted to pulling little giggles out of him as often as I could. In an uncharacteristic comeback through giggles Spencer then said, “No you kinda fucked it out of me.”
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
Sub Spencer: @thatsonezesty13 @pastathighs @virtualpeanutartisanjudge @calm-and-doctor
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